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The Cost Control of
Health Benefits:
A Beginner’s Guide
to Analytics
by Ginger Campbell

This is the era of analytics. Decision-making based on a thorough
analysis of facts and figures is replacing intuitive “by-the-gut” prac-
tices. Healthcare payers, with their abundance of data and urgent
need to control costs, are in a perfect position to embrace analytical

This paper serves as a guide to analytics for third party administrators,
plan sponsors, hospitals, and other organizations seeking to contain
healthcare costs. It explains the rise of analytics and its acceptance
by the healthcare industry. With the rapidly changing healthcare
environment and emerging analytic trends, a plan for launching an
analytical initiative is prescribed.
Table of Contents

          The Era of Analytics: A Brief History                                           3

          The Natural Expansion of Analytics to Healthcare                                3

          Controlling Costs for Healthcare Payers                                         4

          A Full-Support Solution: nFORM Health Benefits Analytics                        5
          Conclusion                                                                      6

          Works Cited                                                                     7

The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 2         May 2012      BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.
The Era of Analytics: A Brief History                                  COMPARISON OF
                                                                         REPORTING AND ANALYTICS

    Analytics refers to the practice of creating action-
                                                                                 Reporting          Analytics
    able information through the sophisticated analysis
    of data. Analytics and reporting are different but             Primary use   To provide data    To provide insight
    analytics do involve an element of reporting. The
    difference is that reporting provides retrospective,                         To convert         To convert data
    flat statistics while analytics are forward-looking and                      information into   into knowledge
    multi-dimensional. The extra dimensions provide
                                                                                 data [6]           [6]
    advantages such as drill-down capabilities, trend
    tracking, enhanced data correlation, and budget
    forecasting.                                                   Examples      Standard           Statistical
                                                                                 reports, graphs,   analysis,
    The rise in analytics began around 2003. During                              alerts             extrapolation,
    this time, technology-based organizations such                                                  predictive
    as Google, Amazon, and Netflix were dominating
    markets by using complex analytical systems. How-
    ever, it soon became apparent that analytics had
    applications in other industries. Sports teams such as         Provides       Past              Future
    the Boston Red Sox began recruiting top-line statis-           quantifiable performance         probabilities
    ticians to develop a myriad of ways to judge player            description of
    performance. A prominent casino reaped millions
    of dollars’ worth of customer retention by analyzing
                                                                   Answers       What happened Why is this
    minute data points, such as the number of smiles its
    employees gave in certain intervals of time [5]. The           questions:    on what date? happening?
    list of creative uses for analytics is virtually limitless
    and the outcomes are rather impressive.                                      How many           What if this
                                                                                 times did it       keeps
    In markets where new competitive ground is scarce,                           happen?            happening?
    analytic breakthroughs are acting as springboards
    for forward-thinking organizations. Now, analytical
                                                                                 Where did it       What will
    practices are expanding to the healthcare industry.
    Experts predicted that healthcare analytics would                            happen?            happen next?
    see a large increase in 2011 and 2012, and so far the                                           Are any
    prediction has proved to be true [3].                                                           opportunities
       The Natural Expansion of Analytics to
                                                                 prominent nonprofit research group, indicates that
    The rise of analytics comes at a fortunate time for the      the average annual premium for family coverage in-
    health benefits industry. Healthcare costs are ex-           creased 9 percent in 2011, to an average of $15,073.
    ploding out of control and cost containment is criti-        This is almost double the cost of family coverage in
    cal. A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a       2001, when premiums averaged $7,061 [11].

The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 3               May 2012                    BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.
The complications causing this instability will likely    improvements over existing medications. Pharma-
    affect the market for some time. One sustaining           ceuticals like Nexium and Clarinex are products of
    cause of the rise in healthcare costs is the aging        this kind[9]. Expensive “specialty drugs” make up
    population. The “baby boom” generation (those born        most of the new drugs on the market, and will likely
    between 1946 and 1964) is arriving at old age. By         account for roughly two-thirds of the projected in-
    2020, the number of Americans older than 65 will          crease in drug spending between 2010 and 2013[7].
    rise by more than 19 million to a total of 54 million
    [8]. Because older adults consume a disproportion-        Many factors are affecting the market, but these are
    ately high amount of medical services, the demand         the most significant and prolonged among them.
    for medical treatment is expected to increase over        Unfortunately, experts are not forecasting the stabili-
    subsequent years.                                         zation of healthcare costs in the near future.

    Another reason for the ongoing increase in health-
    care costs is changing legislation. The Patient Protec-    Controlling Costs for Healthcare Payers
    tion and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) signed into law
    by President Obama in 2010 will take full effect in       In unfavorable market conditions, analytical report-
    2014. However, important provisions became effec-         ing tools open new doors for healthcare payers.
                                                              Traditional uses for analytics include budget fore-
    tive in 2010 and others continue to roll out. The leg-
                                                              casting, rate setting, and identifying individuals for
    islation affects large and small companies differently,
                                                              chronic-care management. However, because of the
    but in general it places higher demands on employ-
                                                              capability and the opportunity analytic reporting
    ers that provide health benefits to their employees.
                                                              provides, the number of applications continues to
    Lastly, advances in medical technology are increas-
    ing healthcare expenditures. Typically, technological     New approaches to using analytics include financial
    developments lead to lower prices, but for medical        and clinical algorithms, which allow healthcare orga-
    advances this is not always the case. For example,        nizations to implement advanced methods to iden-
    some new procedures allow for treatment of pre-           tify, manage, and measure risk within a population.
    viously untreatable conditions. Other scientific          The analyses detect correlations between multiple
    breakthroughs have created expensive but effec-           related data sets. Once an outlier is located, it can
    tive treatments for terminal diseases such as heart       be drilled down upon and fully investigated. Con-
    disease and HIV. Demand is extremely high for new         trast this streamlined process with how employers
    treatments, which inflates healthcare prices [10].        struggle to receive claims data from plan administra-
                                                              tors. Without access to this information, employers
    The rapid development of new pharmaceuticals              have little choice but to base decisions on what has
    contributes to the rise in healthcare costs as well.      happened as opposed to what is likely to happen as
    The government awards pharmaceutical companies            predicted by forward-looking analytics.
    with patents that create monopolies on new drugs.
    This helps the businesses offset the immense cost of      With full exposure to claims data, many organiza-
    drug development and generate profits[10]. How-           tions use analytical auditing tools to shrink health-
    ever, it also leads to consumers paying much more         care and pharmacy costs. With auditing capabilities,
    for a drug than what it costs to manufacture. On a        companies get a better picture of their plan and can
    macroeconomic scale, this is not cost-efficient past      renegotiate with their carriers for better pricing. Also,
    a certain point. Current regulation also incentivizes     employers that internally monitor carriers can verify
    companies to develop drugs that make only small           that pharmacy discounts are truly being applied.

The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 4            May 2012                     BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.
Analytics play a large role in making plan partici-       case, it is beneficial to ask a series of questions
    pants accountable for their own health. Employers         before committing to an analytics solution:
    can hone in on which intervention programs are
    needed and which members have care gaps, then               Ten Questions to Consider When

    adjust health coverage accordingly. Plan participants
    who choose not to participate in these programs or         Shopping for an Analytics Platform
    refuse to comply with recommended treatment may            1. Is the platform suitable for someone with limited time?
    find themselves paying more for their employer-
    sponsored plan.                                             2. How will my organization learn to use this?
                                                                3. Is this something that needs to be constantly monitored or does
    Chief financial officers and other executives use               it feature automated processes?
    analytics to empower cost centers, especially human
    resource departments, so that they affect revenues.         4. How committed is the platform’s provider in helping my
    Where health plans are concerned, HR normally                   organization learn their product?
    works between the company and the employee. For
                                                                5. Is it simple enough to be used by the less technically-minded
    this reason, HR specialists tend to manage plans in a
    way that is not equally beneficial to both the em-              people, yet sophisticated enough to produce valuable information?
    ployees and the company, making plans more costly           6. How long will it take my organization to learn to use this?
    than they need to be. With analytical applications,
    HR departments operate with bottom-line costs in            7. Will a basic understanding of office software help in learning this
    mind and manage plans more equitably.                           platform?
                                                                8. What in-depth features are included?
    Occasionally, an analytical initiative will innovate
    and affect processes in such a way that it creates          9. Is the data easy to export out of the system?
    great change within an organization. “Breakthrough          10. What upfront technology investment will be needed to use this
    applications” are those analytic platforms that are
    engineered to accomplish positive transformations.
    This terminology originated in a 2011 white paper
    by Bloor Research, a European healthcare IT and            A Full-Support Solution: nFORM Health
    consulting firm. The most effective breakthrough           Benefits Analytics
    applications 1) deliver personalized, accessible infor-
    mation 2) have comprehensive access to data and           Clearly, the application of analytics to health-bene-
    3) and drive informed action [2]. Many new analytic       fits management is a rapidly growing practice. How-
    platforms provide these results.
                                                              ever, steep learning curves can be detrimental to
    Analytics have created a new frontier of cost contain-    the success of analytical initiatives. An ideal analytics
    ment for healthcare payers. However, there are some       solution will have a strong answer for this problem.
    barriers to success in this process. Because analytic
    platforms are powerful tools with breakthrough            nFORM Health Benefits Analytics addresses the
    capabilities, they take time to master. Unfortunately,    learning curve by providing clients with training and
    excessively high learning curves can cause organi-
                                                              ongoing consultation. nFORM personnel help clients
    zations to let their investment fall by the wayside.
    Analytics providers will address this issue if they are   gather reporting information and install automated
    dedicated to client success. To verify that this is the   features, such as report generation and alert setting.

The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 5             May 2012                            BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.
After the platform is implemented, consultants work        recognize the existence of a learning curve. Expert
    with users to uncover the “gems” in the data that are      consultation and ongoing guidance are effective at
    instrumental in controlling costs. These consultants       overcoming this obstacle. Platforms that offer abun-
    remain committed to helping clients overcome               dant personnel support should be strongly consid-
    stumbling blocks and progress in their mission.            ered when choosing an analytics solution.

    For many analytic platforms, it is necessary that users
    learn a whole new computer skillset. The difficulty is
    comparable to using a program like Excel for the first
    time. To avoid putting users through this, nFORM
    functions similarly to common office software. Data
    is arranged in cells and rows that can be easily ma-
    nipulated and exported to spreadsheets or PDF. This
    layout is familiar to most people and allows them to
    transfer existing skills to new applications.
                                                                 nFORM is a cloud-based solution that
    Overall, a good goal to have when shopping for an            includes ongoing consultation.
    analytical solution is a manageable, capable platform
    that provides lots of support. nFORM Health Benefits
    Analytics is based on this idea and represents market
    leadership in usability.

    For a full list of nFORM features or to learn more
    about the platform, visit www.nformanalytics.
    com on the Web, or call (800) 486-8283 ext. 5304.
    Live demos are available.


    The inspiring companies and individuals responsible
    for the rise of analytics have changed the business
    landscape. Existing data records can now breathe
    new life into business practices with transformative

    The advent of analytics could not come at a better
    time for the data-rich health benefits industry. Likely,
    healthcare costs will continue to rise due to persis-
    tent, large-scale trends affecting the market. With
    analytical tools, healthcare payers have the means
    available to bring costs back down.

    Organizations seeking an analytical solution should

The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 6             May 2012                    BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.
Works Cited

   1.   Abelson, Reed. “Health Insurance Costs Rising Sharply This Year, Study Shows.” The New York Times.
          Sept 28, 2011. Page A1.

   2.   Bloor Research. “Building Breakthrough Applications.” Prepared by Philip Howard. London, Oct 2011.
          White paper. Page 1.

   3.   Davenport, Thomas. “Analytical Integration in Healthcare.” Web. Jan 2012.

   4.   Davenport, Thomas. “Are You Ready to Re-engineer Your Decision Making?” MIT Sloan Management
          Review. Oct 1, 2010. Volume 52, Number 1, pages 1-6.

   5.   Davenport, Thomas H., and Jeanne G. Harris. 2007. “Competing on Analytics: The
          New Science of Winning.” Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

   6.   Desa, Manish. “Reporting Vs Analytics”. My Business Analytics. Mar 29, 2011. Web. Accessed Feb 20, 2012.

   7.   Medco. “2011 Drug Trend Report.” Web. 2011. Volume 13.

   8.   National Center for Health Workforce Analysis, Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and
          Services Administration. “The Impact of the Aging Population on the Health Workforce in the United
          States: Summary of Key Findings.” Center for Health Workforce Studies, School of Public Health,
          University at Albany. Web. Mar 2006.

   9.   Porter, Eduardo. “Do New Drugs Always Have to Cost So Much?” The New York Times. Web. Nov 2004.

   10. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. “How Changes in Medical Technology Affect Health Care Costs.”
         Snapshots: Healthcare Costs. Web. Mar 2007.

   11. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. “U.S. Healthcare Costs.” Prepared by Adara Beamesderfer and
         Usha Ranji. Web. Feb 2012.

                                                           For a full list of nFORM features or to learn more
                                                           about the platform, visit
                                                           or call (800) 486-8283 ext. 5304.

   BancorpSouth Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of BancorpSouth, Inc., a financial holding company headquartered in Tupelo, Mis-
   sissippi, with $13 billion in assets. BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc., a division of BancorpSouth Bank, employs more than 500
   insurance and risk management agents. The organization is annually ranked as one of the nation’s largest brokers by Business Insurance
   magazine and serves clients across the globe through its Worldwide Broker Network.

The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 7                       May 2012                         BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.

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White Paper

  • 1. The Cost Control of Health Benefits: A Beginner’s Guide to Analytics by Ginger Campbell This is the era of analytics. Decision-making based on a thorough analysis of facts and figures is replacing intuitive “by-the-gut” prac- tices. Healthcare payers, with their abundance of data and urgent need to control costs, are in a perfect position to embrace analytical initiatives. This paper serves as a guide to analytics for third party administrators, plan sponsors, hospitals, and other organizations seeking to contain healthcare costs. It explains the rise of analytics and its acceptance by the healthcare industry. With the rapidly changing healthcare environment and emerging analytic trends, a plan for launching an analytical initiative is prescribed.
  • 2. Table of Contents The Era of Analytics: A Brief History 3 The Natural Expansion of Analytics to Healthcare 3 Controlling Costs for Healthcare Payers 4 A Full-Support Solution: nFORM Health Benefits Analytics 5 Conclusion 6 Works Cited 7 The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 2 May 2012 BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.
  • 3. The Era of Analytics: A Brief History COMPARISON OF REPORTING AND ANALYTICS Analytics refers to the practice of creating action- Reporting Analytics able information through the sophisticated analysis of data. Analytics and reporting are different but Primary use To provide data To provide insight analytics do involve an element of reporting. The difference is that reporting provides retrospective, To convert To convert data flat statistics while analytics are forward-looking and information into into knowledge multi-dimensional. The extra dimensions provide data [6] [6] advantages such as drill-down capabilities, trend tracking, enhanced data correlation, and budget forecasting. Examples Standard Statistical reports, graphs, analysis, The rise in analytics began around 2003. During alerts extrapolation, this time, technology-based organizations such predictive as Google, Amazon, and Netflix were dominating modeling markets by using complex analytical systems. How- ever, it soon became apparent that analytics had applications in other industries. Sports teams such as Provides Past Future the Boston Red Sox began recruiting top-line statis- quantifiable performance probabilities ticians to develop a myriad of ways to judge player description of performance. A prominent casino reaped millions of dollars’ worth of customer retention by analyzing Answers What happened Why is this minute data points, such as the number of smiles its employees gave in certain intervals of time [5]. The questions: on what date? happening? list of creative uses for analytics is virtually limitless and the outcomes are rather impressive. How many What if this times did it keeps In markets where new competitive ground is scarce, happen? happening? analytic breakthroughs are acting as springboards for forward-thinking organizations. Now, analytical Where did it What will practices are expanding to the healthcare industry. Experts predicted that healthcare analytics would happen? happen next? see a large increase in 2011 and 2012, and so far the Are any prediction has proved to be true [3]. opportunities present? The Natural Expansion of Analytics to Healthcare prominent nonprofit research group, indicates that The rise of analytics comes at a fortunate time for the the average annual premium for family coverage in- health benefits industry. Healthcare costs are ex- creased 9 percent in 2011, to an average of $15,073. ploding out of control and cost containment is criti- This is almost double the cost of family coverage in cal. A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a 2001, when premiums averaged $7,061 [11]. The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 3 May 2012 BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.
  • 4. The complications causing this instability will likely improvements over existing medications. Pharma- affect the market for some time. One sustaining ceuticals like Nexium and Clarinex are products of cause of the rise in healthcare costs is the aging this kind[9]. Expensive “specialty drugs” make up population. The “baby boom” generation (those born most of the new drugs on the market, and will likely between 1946 and 1964) is arriving at old age. By account for roughly two-thirds of the projected in- 2020, the number of Americans older than 65 will crease in drug spending between 2010 and 2013[7]. rise by more than 19 million to a total of 54 million [8]. Because older adults consume a disproportion- Many factors are affecting the market, but these are ately high amount of medical services, the demand the most significant and prolonged among them. for medical treatment is expected to increase over Unfortunately, experts are not forecasting the stabili- subsequent years. zation of healthcare costs in the near future. Another reason for the ongoing increase in health- care costs is changing legislation. The Patient Protec- Controlling Costs for Healthcare Payers tion and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) signed into law by President Obama in 2010 will take full effect in In unfavorable market conditions, analytical report- 2014. However, important provisions became effec- ing tools open new doors for healthcare payers. Traditional uses for analytics include budget fore- tive in 2010 and others continue to roll out. The leg- casting, rate setting, and identifying individuals for islation affects large and small companies differently, chronic-care management. However, because of the but in general it places higher demands on employ- capability and the opportunity analytic reporting ers that provide health benefits to their employees. provides, the number of applications continues to grow. Lastly, advances in medical technology are increas- ing healthcare expenditures. Typically, technological New approaches to using analytics include financial developments lead to lower prices, but for medical and clinical algorithms, which allow healthcare orga- advances this is not always the case. For example, nizations to implement advanced methods to iden- some new procedures allow for treatment of pre- tify, manage, and measure risk within a population. viously untreatable conditions. Other scientific The analyses detect correlations between multiple breakthroughs have created expensive but effec- related data sets. Once an outlier is located, it can tive treatments for terminal diseases such as heart be drilled down upon and fully investigated. Con- disease and HIV. Demand is extremely high for new trast this streamlined process with how employers treatments, which inflates healthcare prices [10]. struggle to receive claims data from plan administra- tors. Without access to this information, employers The rapid development of new pharmaceuticals have little choice but to base decisions on what has contributes to the rise in healthcare costs as well. happened as opposed to what is likely to happen as The government awards pharmaceutical companies predicted by forward-looking analytics. with patents that create monopolies on new drugs. This helps the businesses offset the immense cost of With full exposure to claims data, many organiza- drug development and generate profits[10]. How- tions use analytical auditing tools to shrink health- ever, it also leads to consumers paying much more care and pharmacy costs. With auditing capabilities, for a drug than what it costs to manufacture. On a companies get a better picture of their plan and can macroeconomic scale, this is not cost-efficient past renegotiate with their carriers for better pricing. Also, a certain point. Current regulation also incentivizes employers that internally monitor carriers can verify companies to develop drugs that make only small that pharmacy discounts are truly being applied. The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 4 May 2012 BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.
  • 5. Analytics play a large role in making plan partici- case, it is beneficial to ask a series of questions pants accountable for their own health. Employers before committing to an analytics solution: can hone in on which intervention programs are needed and which members have care gaps, then Ten Questions to Consider When ? adjust health coverage accordingly. Plan participants who choose not to participate in these programs or Shopping for an Analytics Platform refuse to comply with recommended treatment may 1. Is the platform suitable for someone with limited time? find themselves paying more for their employer- sponsored plan. 2. How will my organization learn to use this? 3. Is this something that needs to be constantly monitored or does Chief financial officers and other executives use it feature automated processes? analytics to empower cost centers, especially human resource departments, so that they affect revenues. 4. How committed is the platform’s provider in helping my Where health plans are concerned, HR normally organization learn their product? works between the company and the employee. For 5. Is it simple enough to be used by the less technically-minded this reason, HR specialists tend to manage plans in a way that is not equally beneficial to both the em- people, yet sophisticated enough to produce valuable information? ployees and the company, making plans more costly 6. How long will it take my organization to learn to use this? than they need to be. With analytical applications, HR departments operate with bottom-line costs in 7. Will a basic understanding of office software help in learning this mind and manage plans more equitably. platform? 8. What in-depth features are included? Occasionally, an analytical initiative will innovate and affect processes in such a way that it creates 9. Is the data easy to export out of the system? great change within an organization. “Breakthrough 10. What upfront technology investment will be needed to use this applications” are those analytic platforms that are platform? engineered to accomplish positive transformations. This terminology originated in a 2011 white paper by Bloor Research, a European healthcare IT and A Full-Support Solution: nFORM Health consulting firm. The most effective breakthrough Benefits Analytics applications 1) deliver personalized, accessible infor- mation 2) have comprehensive access to data and Clearly, the application of analytics to health-bene- 3) and drive informed action [2]. Many new analytic fits management is a rapidly growing practice. How- platforms provide these results. ever, steep learning curves can be detrimental to Analytics have created a new frontier of cost contain- the success of analytical initiatives. An ideal analytics ment for healthcare payers. However, there are some solution will have a strong answer for this problem. barriers to success in this process. Because analytic platforms are powerful tools with breakthrough nFORM Health Benefits Analytics addresses the capabilities, they take time to master. Unfortunately, learning curve by providing clients with training and excessively high learning curves can cause organi- ongoing consultation. nFORM personnel help clients zations to let their investment fall by the wayside. Analytics providers will address this issue if they are gather reporting information and install automated dedicated to client success. To verify that this is the features, such as report generation and alert setting. The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 5 May 2012 BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.
  • 6. After the platform is implemented, consultants work recognize the existence of a learning curve. Expert with users to uncover the “gems” in the data that are consultation and ongoing guidance are effective at instrumental in controlling costs. These consultants overcoming this obstacle. Platforms that offer abun- remain committed to helping clients overcome dant personnel support should be strongly consid- stumbling blocks and progress in their mission. ered when choosing an analytics solution. For many analytic platforms, it is necessary that users learn a whole new computer skillset. The difficulty is comparable to using a program like Excel for the first time. To avoid putting users through this, nFORM functions similarly to common office software. Data is arranged in cells and rows that can be easily ma- nipulated and exported to spreadsheets or PDF. This layout is familiar to most people and allows them to transfer existing skills to new applications. nFORM is a cloud-based solution that Overall, a good goal to have when shopping for an includes ongoing consultation. analytical solution is a manageable, capable platform that provides lots of support. nFORM Health Benefits Analytics is based on this idea and represents market leadership in usability. For a full list of nFORM features or to learn more about the platform, visit www.nformanalytics. com on the Web, or call (800) 486-8283 ext. 5304. Live demos are available. Conclusion The inspiring companies and individuals responsible for the rise of analytics have changed the business landscape. Existing data records can now breathe new life into business practices with transformative results. The advent of analytics could not come at a better time for the data-rich health benefits industry. Likely, healthcare costs will continue to rise due to persis- tent, large-scale trends affecting the market. With analytical tools, healthcare payers have the means available to bring costs back down. Organizations seeking an analytical solution should The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 6 May 2012 BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.
  • 7. Works Cited 1. Abelson, Reed. “Health Insurance Costs Rising Sharply This Year, Study Shows.” The New York Times. Sept 28, 2011. Page A1. 2. Bloor Research. “Building Breakthrough Applications.” Prepared by Philip Howard. London, Oct 2011. White paper. Page 1. 3. Davenport, Thomas. “Analytical Integration in Healthcare.” Web. Jan 2012. 4. Davenport, Thomas. “Are You Ready to Re-engineer Your Decision Making?” MIT Sloan Management Review. Oct 1, 2010. Volume 52, Number 1, pages 1-6. 5. Davenport, Thomas H., and Jeanne G. Harris. 2007. “Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning.” Boston: Harvard Business School Press. 6. Desa, Manish. “Reporting Vs Analytics”. My Business Analytics. Mar 29, 2011. Web. Accessed Feb 20, 2012. 7. Medco. “2011 Drug Trend Report.” Web. 2011. Volume 13. 8. National Center for Health Workforce Analysis, Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration. “The Impact of the Aging Population on the Health Workforce in the United States: Summary of Key Findings.” Center for Health Workforce Studies, School of Public Health, University at Albany. Web. Mar 2006. 9. Porter, Eduardo. “Do New Drugs Always Have to Cost So Much?” The New York Times. Web. Nov 2004. 10. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. “How Changes in Medical Technology Affect Health Care Costs.” Snapshots: Healthcare Costs. Web. Mar 2007. 11. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. “U.S. Healthcare Costs.” Prepared by Adara Beamesderfer and Usha Ranji. Web. Feb 2012. For a full list of nFORM features or to learn more about the platform, visit or call (800) 486-8283 ext. 5304. BancorpSouth Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of BancorpSouth, Inc., a financial holding company headquartered in Tupelo, Mis- sissippi, with $13 billion in assets. BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc., a division of BancorpSouth Bank, employs more than 500 insurance and risk management agents. The organization is annually ranked as one of the nation’s largest brokers by Business Insurance magazine and serves clients across the globe through its Worldwide Broker Network. The Cost Control of Health Benefits • Page 7 May 2012 BancorpSouth Insurance Services, Inc.