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Where did you buy those shoes
I bought them at that store
When did you get them
I got them last week
How much did they cost
They cost twenty dollars
How long did it take you to get to the store
It took twenty minutes
How did you get there
I took the bus
Do you know how to get to the library
No, I don’t . I am sorry
How about the school do you know how to get there
Yes, you can take the fifty_fourth bus
Does it take long to get to the school
No, it doesn’t
How long does it take
It takes about fifteen minutes
where do I catch the bus
The bus stop is on the corner
Who is she
2she is my friend
3-where does she live
4-she lives in New York
5-what does she do
6- she work as a cashier
7-does she go to school?
8- Yes,she does.
9-What time does she go to school?
10-She goes to school at 10 in the morning.
1-Where are your books ?
2-ttHere are on the desk
3- how many books do you have
4- I have three books.
5-Do you have a notebook?
6-No,it’s at home
7-What do you write with ?
8- I use a pen .
9-How do you carry your books?
10- I use a backpack.
1-What day is today?
2-It’s Tuesday.
3-What day was yesterday?
4- It was Monday.
5-What did you do last weekend?
6-I went to work ,and I went shopping.
7-What are you going to do next weekend?
8-I am going to go to work
9-DO you work every weekend
10-Yes I do.
1-Where is the library?
2-There is a library down the street.
3-Are there any grocery stores nearby?
4-Yes, there are three different stores you can go to.
5-Is the bank still open?
6-No,it closed at five.
7-What’s that building across the street?
8-That a post office.
9-Do you need to send a letter ?
-10Yes, I do .i also need stamps.
1-What do you do every day?
2-I go to work, and I go to school.
3-What do you do at work?
4-I prepare food for customers.
5-What are you doing right now?
6-I am studying English online.
7-How do you do that?
8-I listen to my teacher, and I write what he says.
9-Are you learning a lot of new things?
10-Yes, I am.
1-What is that?
2-It’s a hot water bottle.
3-What is for?
4-It’s for my stomach.
5-Why do you need it?
6- My stomach hurts.
7- Why does your stomach hurt?
8- I think I have the flu.
9-How did you get the flu?
10-I don’t know.
perhaps I got it from someone from at school?
1-Do you have a cell phone?
2-Yes, I do.
3-Where is it?
4-It’s in my pocket.
5-Can I borrow it?
6-Sure. Here you go.
7-How do I turn this on?
8-Push the button on the top of the phone.
9- Then what I do?
10-Slid that little bar down.
1-How many students are there in the classroom?
2-There are fifteen students.
3-How much food is there in the refrigerator?
4- There is not very much.
5-How many bananas are there in the bowl?
6-There is only one.
7-How many customers are there in the store?
8-There aren’t any customers.
9-How much time does it take to drive to Chicago?
10-It takes about seven hours.
1-Whose jacket is this ?
2-It’s Paul’s jacket.
3-Whose books are these?
4-Ther’re the students’ books.
5-Whose laptop over there on the table?
6- I am not sure who belongs to.
7-Who is sitting there ?
8-A young woman was sitting there, but she is not there now.
9-Is there her purse on the chair?
10-Yes, that’s hers.
1-Do you know what time it is?
2- Sure. It’s a quarter past one.
3-What’s the date today?
4-It’s January eighteenth.
5-What day is day?
6-It’s Tuesday
7-When was our last test?
8-It was two weeks ago.
9-Are you going to have many more tests?
10-Yes, we are going to have a test next Wednesday.
1-What did you do yesterday?
2-I rode my bike to the park.
3-What did you do at the park?
4-I met some friends, and we played soccer.
5-Did you have any problem getting a field?
6-No, all the soccer fields were empty.
7-How was the weather?
8-It rained a little bit, but the air temperature was nice.
9- How long did you play?
10-Our game lasted for just an hour.
1-Does she like her new hairstyle?
2-Yes, she does.
3-Is she happy with her new job?
4-Yes, she is.
5-Does he want to go shopping with you?
6-No, he doesn’t.
7-Is he going shopping with you?
8-No, he isn’t.
9-Are you learning American English online
10-Yes, I am.
11-Do you want to learn English online?
12-Yes, I do.
1-How many people showed up at the event?
2-Not that many people showed up.
3-How much milk is left in the refrigerator.
4-There is not that much left.
-8How many pizzas are you ordering for the party?
6-We are probably going to need at least ten pizzas.
7-How much pizzas did you eat at the party.
8- I didn’t eat very much because I wasn’t hungry.
9-How many items are there on the dictation exercise.
10- There are ten this is the last one.
1-How much time will it take to get to the next town?
2-It won’t take that long.
3-How far is it to the next exit?
4-It’s just a few miles.
5-Can we stop to get something to eat?
6-Okey, we’ll stop to get some gas and some food.
7-What is the speed limit in the highway?
8-It’s 70 miles per hour.
9-How much did it cost to fill up the tank?
10-It cost about fifty dollars.
1-Where did you buy these pickles?
2-I bought them at the grocery store.
3-How much did the milk cost?
4-It cost five dollars for two gallons.
5-How much did the grocery bill come to?
6-It came to 109.87.
7-Did you use any coupons?
8-Yes, the coupons saved us almost ten dollars.
9-How long did it take to get through?
10-It took about five minutes.
1-What are you going to do tomorrow?
2-I am going to look for some new shoes.
3-Where are you going to go?
4-Iam probably going to misis.
5-When will you get back home?
6-I’ll get back in the afternoon.
7-Are you going to finish the work that you started?
6- Yes? I will probably finish it in the evening.
9- What time will you go to bed?
10-I probably go to bed at about ten o’clock.
1-What do you think about this class?
2-I like it.
3-How do you like your stake.
4-I like it well done.
5-How did you like the movie?
6-I like the acting, but it was a little confusing.
7- What was California like?
8-The weather was great, but everything was expensive.
9-Why do you like to learn English.
10-I like the way it sounds.
1-What does he need to do today?
2- He needs to go to the drugstore to get some medicine.
3-What did he do last weekend?
4-He went to the library to get some books.
5-What do you hope to do in the future?
6- I hope to become an engineer.
7-Why does she like to play the guitar?
8-She likes the way it sounds, and it help her to relax.
9-What kind of music does she like to listen to?
10-She likes to listen to pop music and rock.
1-Is this my pen or yours?
2-I think it’s mine.
3-What happened to Bill?
4-He hurt himself as he was cutting a piece of meat with a
5-Who is making all that nose?
6- It’s the kids next door. They don’t know how to control
7- Who made this cake?
8-My daughter made it all by herself.
9-I think someone gave me the wrong coat. whose coat is this?
10-It’s his. Yours is on the chair.
1-How much is this car?
2-It’s 6,900
3-How much did they pay for their house?
4- They paid a little over 200,000.
5-Wht does the bill come to?
6-It’s comes to 73.65.
7-What do you think this gold necklace is worth?
8-It’s probably worth a little over 2000
9-What is the salary for that position?
10-The strating salary is about 50 granda a year
1-How long have you lived in the United States.
2-I have lived here for three years.
3-Has she ever been to New York?
4-No, She has not. She will be there for the first time next
5-Why haven’t you call them yet?
6-I haven’t had any time.
7-How much work have they finished?
8-They have only finished half of it.
9-Has he studied English for a long time?
10-No, he hasn’t. He is only been on it for about a year.
1-How have you been?
2-Okay. How about you?
3-Not too bad. How is your new job?
4-I like it. It’s been really
5-Are you hungry? Have you had lunch yet?
6-No, I haven’t. Let’s grab something to eat.
7-Do you want to try going to diner down the street?
8-What kind of food do they have?
9-They have sandwiches .they are famous for hamburgers
10-That’s good. I haven’t had a hamburger in a long time.
1-Which city is warmer, New York or Boston?
2-New York is warmer than Boston.
3-What are some other differences between these two cities?
4-New York is much bigger than Boston.
5-Which city is more expensive?
6-Overall, the cost of living in New York is higher.
7-Which of these of two cites do you prefer?
8- I prefer Boston because there are more colleges there.
9-Why do so many people choose to live in New York over
10-Many people think that New York more exciting than
1-What is your favorite sport?
2-I like baseball the most.
3-Why do you like baseball so much?
4-I think it’s the most interesting sport there is.
5- Which state do you like vacation in the most?
6-My favorite place for a vacation is Florida.
7-Why do you like it more than other places.
8-It has the best weather all year around.
9-Wich state has the worst weather?
10-It rains a lot in the state of Washington, and often cloudy
there, but some people like that.
1-What were you doing last night?
2-I was working.
3-What were your friends doing?
4-They were out watching a movie.
5-Who were you talking to just now?
6-I was talking to a friend of mine who got an accident last
7-What was the reason for the accident?
8-The person who hit him wasn’t paying attention to the road.
9-What was he doing?
10-He was talking on his cell phone.
1-Where can I go to get some help with my taxes?
2-You can go to an accounant.
3-Shoud we wait for the bus to arrive or should we just walk?
4-We should wait for the bus.
5-Do you think our teacher will give us any homework today?
6-He might.
7-May I call you later?
8- Yes, you may.
9-Why didn’t you answer the phone?
10-I couldn’t hear it.
1-Why do you have to go to the doctor?
2-I have to go to the doctor because my stomach really hurts.
3-Is she able to drive to work?
4-Yes, she is.
5-What are you going to do later today?
6-I am probably going to go to the gym.
7-Don’t you have to call to make reservations?
8- No it’s not necessary.
9-Willl you be able come over for visit later?
10-Yes, I should be able to.
1-What have you been doing all day?
2-I have been reading and studying.
3-How long has he been living in the United States?
4-He has been living in the United States for six years.
5-How long has she been working on her present job?
6-She has been working on her job for about two years.
7-Why have they been coming to class late?
8-They have been comeing to class late because they don’t
have a car, and they have to take the bus.
9-Have you been taking your medicine?
10-Yes, I have. I take it every day.
1-Did your friends have a good time snowmobiling.
2-Yes, they had never gone snowboarding before, but they
really enjoyed themselves.
3-Did Bob like the caviar?
4-Yes, he had never eaten that before last night, but he liked it
5-Whet did Martha think abut the movie?
6-She said that she had never seen a move that was so
7-Why did not Bill retire at 65?
8- He hadn’t saved enough money.
9-How long had they been seeing each other before everyone
knew about their relationship
10-They had seeing each other for about six months before
their coworkers fond out.
1-What does the map say?
2-The map says we need to take a right at the next exit.
3-What did the doctor say?
4-He said that I needed to lose some weight.
5-What did the teacher say?
6-He said that his students needed to come to school on time.
7-What did the newspaper say about today’s weather?
8-It said it was going to rain.
9-What will your mother say about your grades?
10-She will probably say I have to study harder.
1-How old is she?
2-What is her name?
3-Where is the school?
4-How far away is the school?
5-What time is it?
6-How many people are there?
7-How much is it?
8-Who is he?
9-How long are they?
10-When is the party?
1-Where does she live?
2-How many books do you have?
3-when does the movie start?
4-what does he do?
5-Why do they wake up early?
6-How much money do they need ?
7-How many people do you know here?
8-Who do you call where is a problem?
9-How long does the pasta take to cook?
10-When do they finish work?
1-How was the movie?
2-What was his name?
3-How many students were there in class?
4-what time was the movie over?
5-How long was the class?
6-Where was the fire?
7-Why were you late?
8-Who were you with last night?
9-How much was it?
10-when was she in New York?
1-What did she have for lunch?
2-How long did the test take?
3-Where did you put the chicken?
4-When did they come to the United States?
5-How many gallons of milk did you buy?
6-Who did he call?
7-How much money did the ticket cost?
8-Why did you come to the United States?
9-Where did the mail carrier put the mail?
10-What did you do yesterday?
1-What time will the movie end?
2-Where will we look for jobs?
3-How many people will be at the party?
4-How much will it cost to get my the car fixed?
5-When will you call her?
6-How long will it last?
7-When will she graduate?
8-What time will they be here?
9-Where will you be tomorrow?
10-When will they finish?
1-What is he eating?
2-When is she coming over?
3-How are you feeling?
4-How much are you paying for rent a month?
5-Why is he laughing?
6-Where are they living?
7-What are you reading?
8-What is she doing?
9-Who are you living with?
10-How many people are they sitting at the table?
1-When is she going to be there?
2-Where is she going to go?
3-How are you going to get to work?
4-Why is he going to be late?
5-How much are they going to pay for their furniture?
6-Where is he going to live?
7-Who are you going to go out with tonight?
8-What is he going to do?
9-What time is the movie going to start?
10-When are they going to finish the project?
1-Where were you living last year?
2-How many hours was she working every week?
3-How long was I sleeping?
4-Why was the teacher getting angry?
5-Who was he talking to?
6-What were they selling?
7-How were you felling yesterday?
8-How much money were they paying you?
9-What was I talking about?
10-How was the car running in this morning?
1-Have you ever been to the United States?
2-Have they eaten lunch yet?
3-Has he ever had a mango before?
4-Has she ever seen that movie?
5-Has it rained in the last week?
6-Have we paid the rent yet?
7-Have I ever met her?
8-Has the newspaper come yet?
9-Have you ever played golf?
10-Have the apples ripened yet?
1-What has he been doing all day?
2-Where have you been working?
3-Were has she been living?
4-How long has Jose been studying English?
5-Why have they been going to the doctor?
6-How much have you been paying for rent?
7-What kind of car has she been driving?
8-How long has it been raining?
9-How has your mother been feeling?
10-Who have you been talking to?
1-When will you be leaving?
2-How much will they be paying for rent?
3-Where will he be working?
4-What time will you be checking out?
5-What will we be having for dinner?
6-Where will they be sitting during the performance?
7-What will you be doing this weekend?
8-Which doctor will she be seeing?
9-When will you be going to sleep?
10-Who will be watching your children while you go see a
1-When can I leave?
2-Who can help me?
3-Where can he park his car?
4-How much can she pay for rent?
5-Why can’t he go to work today?
6-Where can I find a newspaper?
7-How can you explain how he could be so mean?
8-Which one can I have?
9-When can the students leave the classroom?
10-Who can we call to report the accident?
1-When is the mail delivered?
2-It’s delivered in the early afternoon.
3-Who delivers the mail?
4-The mail carrier delivers it.
5-Where is this bread made?
6-It’s made in the bakery over onYork Avenue.
7-Who make the bread?
8-The baker makes it.
9-Are these documents signed.
10-Yes, they are signed and ready to go.
1-When was the newspaper delivered?
2-It was delivered sometimes before at 6 o’clock this morning.
3-How were these cookies made?
4-The cookies were made from a recipe an a bag of chocolate
5-I woke up late toady. Was the alarm clock set?
6-Yes, it was.
7-What time was the alarm clock set for?
8-It was set for five thirty.
9-Where the children fed before they left for school?
10-Yes, they were given a big breakfast.
1-Is your car being fixed today?
2-Yes, it’s being fixed right now.
3-Where is the football game being played?
4-It’s being played in Dallas.
5-What are the student’s doing right now?
6-They are being tasted.
7-Why can not we go into our hotel room?
8-We can not go in because it’s being cleaned right now.
9-Are you being helped?
10-Yes, someone is helping me, thank you.
1-What time will the movie be shown?
2-It will be shown just after 7.
3-What time will dinner be served?
4-It will be served at 6.
5-Will the manager of the store be replaced?
6Yes, he will be replaced in the end of the month.
7-How will all this work ever be done in time?
8-It will be done quickly if we all work together.
9-When will their engagement be announced?
10-Their engagement and wedding date will be announced
next week.
1-How did you get this project done so quickly?
2-A lot of people worked together on it.
3-Did you finally get your kitchen painted?
4-Yes, we painted it last weekend.
5-What happened to the company you work for?
6-It got taken over by a larger company.
6-Do you still play your guitar.
8-Yes, but it doesn’t get played very often these days because
I am so busy.
9-Will you get paid this weekend?
10-No, I got paid last weekend.
1-What are you supposed to do at work today?
2-I am supposed to set up some tables and chairs.
3-Are not you supposed to pick somebody up later?
4-Yes, I am supposed to pick my friend up from the airport.
5-What was he supposed to do with all that stuff?
6-He was supposed to throw it out.
7-Which assignment were the students supposed to finish?
8-There were supposed to read all of Lessons Two and Three.
9-I forgot what I was supposed to do.
10-You were supposed to go to post office to pick up a
1-Have they finished fixing the streets yet?
2-No, all that work should have been finished a few days ago.
3-Why didn’t the students do well on the test?
4-I am not sure. Perhaps they should have been given more
5-Where are all the plates and glasses?
6-I don’t know they must have been taken to the kitchen.
7-Where is all the leftover pizza?
8-It might have been eaten.
9-Why does she look so shaken up?
10-She is upset because she could have been killed in that
1-What are the workers at that company so mad about?
2-It’s Friday and they didn’t get paid. They want to get paid
on time.
3-Why did you call the plumber?
4-This faucet needs to be fixed as soon as possible.
5-Why it’s a good idea to wear a seatbelt while driving?
6-You should wear a seatbelt if you want avoid being hurt or
killed in an accident.
7-Why did she get so upset at her supervisor?
8-She got upset because she cannot stand yelled at.
9-What is on your list?
10-This is a list of all the things that have to be done this
1-He has a cup a coffee every morning.
2-He dose not have any coffee in the afternoon.
3-Do you have coffee in the morning?
4- Do you know the answer to question?
5-We keep our dog in the backyard. She lives in a doghouse.
6-We do not let her inside the house because she is too big.
7-He takes the bus to work every day even in winter.
8-Do you take the bus?
9-She tells her employees what to do.
10-Her employees never what to do.
11-He cuts himself whenever he cooks.
12-I really cut myself.
13-He dose not run very fast because he elderly.
14-She gets grocery on Saturdays.
15-When do you get o grocery?
16-Come in.
17-He is lost. He needs some help.
18-I want a new car, but is not necessary.
19-put kitchen in the refrigerator.
20-Do not put the freezer. I need to use it soon.
21-How often do you see a doctor?
22-She uses mputer at work.
23-They go camping when it is worm outside.
24-They do not go camping when it is cold.
25-He look for information about stock market every morning.
26-She doeser laundry on Saturday.
27-She does not do it during the week because she goes to
28-He gives his co-workers a ride to work every morning.
29-He makes lot of money at his job.
30-The sign say the subway is over here.
31-This man play guitar in the subway to make extra money.
32-She seems upset.
33-He is heavy.
34-He in not is weight.
35-I sent a lot of email to my students.
above across against around at behind beside
1. My friends and I have decided to drive __across_ the United States, from New
York to San Francisco.
2. If you want me to pick you up, you'll have to tell me where you're
3. Please go get my ladder. It's leaning _____against__ the side of the house.
4. There's an eagle sitting way ______above ur heads in that tree.
5. Teresa and Mavin like to walk ____sdowntown Minneapolis and go to the shops
on Nicollet Avenue.
6. We have to work faster. We're falling ____________ schedule.
7. There was a lot of dust _______________ the couch, so we moved it away from
the wall.
8. I insist that my dog walk ______________ me when I take her for a walk (not in
front of me and not behind me).
9. Are your parents ______________ home right now?
10. Dave said he's going to vote _______________ that candidate because he
disagrees with him on many issues.
11. Do you think it would be difficult to swim _______________ the lake, from
this side to the other side?
12. I'll be hanging _______________ my apartment all day today if you want to
stop by.
13. The police officer's heroics were ______________ and beyond the call of duty.
14. Joe and Todd couldn't see the movie very well because they were sitting
______________ a big guy wearing a tall hat.
15. Are you for or ______________ nuclear energy to replace the burning of fossil
16. She has a very hard time getting her ideas _______________ to other people.
17. Tony always wears a cross _______________ his neck.
18. Please use the napkin that's _______________ your plate.
19. _______________ exactly 10 p.m. the fireworks are going to start.
20. Who was _______________ the wheel when the accident occurred?
1-Why does he look so upset?
2-He is upset because his boss is angry at him.
3-Why is yelling at someone on the fhone?
4-She is very annoyed that there is a big error on her on
5-Why does she want quit the job?
6-She wants to quit because she always bored at work.
7-What is he so happy about?
8- He is exited because he just graduated from college.
9- Why does he look like that?
10-He is frustrated because he can not find a job.
1-How does he feel?
2-He feels full after a big meal.
3- What is wrong with him?
4-he is sleepy because he stayed up all night studying.
5-How do they feel?
6- They both feel nervous because they are getting married.
7- How does she feel about herself?
8- He proud about herself because she drew a beautiful
9- What’s wrong with him?
10-He is shocked because his favourite team just lost the
1-Why was he so eager to get out the office?
2-It was the Friday and he could not wait for the weekend to
3-What made him so hungry?
4-She skipped breakfast, and now she is starving.
5-What made him so hungry?
6-Warking outside in the hot sun made him very thirsty.
7- Why was she so afraid of the mouse?
8-Just about any small creature gives her a creeps.
9-What did he do that was so brave?
10-He showed an amazing a amount of courage in comabat.
1-We want go camping this summer.
2-He wants to get in a boat and go fishing on a lake.
3- My neighbor is going to go golfing this afternoon, and he
wants me to come along.
4-My kids went swimming at the lake last weekend.
5-Have you ever gone wind surfing
6- Have you ever gone skiing?
7-I4 fun to go skating in the winter.
8- When the weather is warmer, many kids go skateboarding
through their neighbourhood.
9-You see a lot of people go jogging for exercise.
10- Would you like to go for a new pair of shoes?
1-How does she gets to work?
2-She takes the train to get to work every morning.
3-How does her husband get to work?
4-Her husband drives, but he would take the train if he could.
5-Why you are going to bed early?
6-I am going to go to bed early tonight because I have to wake
up early tomorrow.
7-What do you have to do before you leave for work?
8-Before I leave for work, I have to make sure the front door
is locked.
9-Where is the bus stop?
10-The bus stop is on the corner just past the grocery store.
1-He plays the violin beautifully, but he still needs to practice
every day.
2-If you want to be successful, you have to make sacrifices.
3-If at first you do not succeed, try, try again.
4-Becoming successful, requires a commitment to excellence.
5-You have to set goals if you want to become successful.
6-She could accomplish just about anything if she had more
7-Everyone respected him because of his many achievements.
8-A lack of self discipline was responsible for his failure.
9-They attributed their success to hard work and perseverance.
10-She never intended to be a rich and famous, but she enjoys
the benefit of her success.
1-We do not know what to do about this problem.
2-The teacher is having a hard time trying to figure out a
3-This problem is an interesting challenge; it is also an
opportunity for us.
4-A team has been assembled to work on a new plan.
5-At the root of problem is a failure communicate affectively.
6-The issues involves are all related.
7-Without good oversight, new problems could arise very
8-An interest in avoiding disaster is behind the impetus to
9-If we all put our heads together, will be able to get this done.
10-In the end, everyone pulled together and everything turned
out alright.
orange level dictation exercise
1- Why do not go out for lunch?
3- There is no place to buy lunch at work, so everyday I
bring my lunch with me.
5- What do you do before you leave the office?
7- Before I leave the office, I make sure all my work is
9- What do you do with your paycheck?
11- After my check is deposited, I transform some of the
money to saving.
13- What do you do with your extra money?
15- I go out whenever I have extra money to spend.
17- Do you have to work tomorrow?
10-Tomorrow is Monday, but I do not have to work because
it is a holiday.
1- There is a steeple on top of the church.
2- A cross is on top of the steeple.
3- A surfer rides his surfboard on top of the water.
4- The camping trip ended early on account of the rain.
5- He was sent to fight in Afghanistan on account of his
skill in martial arts.
6- He could not go to work on account of a head injury.
7- The movie theater had to shut down on account of a lack
8- She had to quit her job on account of her pregnancy.
9- She was asked to resign from her job on account tattoos.
10-She had to retire from her job on account of her age.
1-This is a beautiful place to spend a vacation outside the city.
2-The tourists are walking around the temple.
3-He tries to get outside the office whenever possible.
4-Same kids left their bikes outside of the store.
5-They are outside their house.
6-This light is left on outside at night.
7-He is outside in the hot sun.
8-They like to cook outside in the summer.
9-She likes to be outside in the winter.
10-The outside of a peach is fuzzy and a little thick; the inside
is sweet and juicy.
1-The cow jumped over the moon.
2-A rainbow appeared over the horizon when the sun came
3-The firefighter ran over to the burning house to save the
people inside.
4-I love the sound of water running over rocks in a stream.
5-She put sun block all over her boyfriend’s back.
6- The smoke over the house indicates that someone is inside.
7-Their dream is to sail all over the world.
8-Have you ever cooked over a campfire?
1-I have some questions for my doctor regarding some pain in
my lower back.
2-The president of the company held a meeting regarding the
progress the company over the last year.
3-Vince is talking to someone on the phone regarding a new
business opportunity.
4-Alyson got an email and some twitter updates regarding a
party this Friday.
5-There is some very interesting and new information
regarding baby formula.
6-There was a story in the newspapers today regarding tax
7-The news story regarding the death of Osama bin Laden was
very unexpected.
1- The cat is hiding underneath a chair.
2- They are sitting underneath an umbrella.
3- She has protected from the sun underneath an umbrella.
4-These gazelles are staying cool underneath a shady tree.
5-The sand underneath his feet soft.
7-The fire underneath the beef is perfect for a barbeque.
8-He remains anonymous underneath his sunglasses.
9-It is hard to tell if that is a man or women underneath all
that make-up.
1- They took a walk past the park, but they did not go there.
2- He drove his car past the mountains on his way to the
3- If you go past the store, could you please stop and get
some tomatoes.
4- It is five minutes past 11:00
5- It is way past his bedtime, but he wants to stay up and
watch TV.
6- She has to work past midnight tonight.
7- Your mind will stay fresh past the age of 70 if you keep
learning new things.
8- It is not a good idea to drink or use milk that is past the
expiration date.
9- The main objective in soccer is to get the ball past your
opponents and into the net.
1-Standing upon a skateboard requires a lot of balance.
2-A sailboat floats upon the water and moves when the wind is
3-There is a crown upon his head.
4-She has a big smile upon her face.
5-Many companies require employees to punch a time clock
upon arriving at work in the morning.
6-Upon arriving at airport, he was arrested by the police for
trying to smuggle drugs into the country.
7-The Christmas season is upon us once again.
8-He got down upon his knees and prayed when he learned
there was the chance he might lose his job.
9-She depending upon his husband to help her more around
the house before and after the baby arrives.

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  • 2. 4- I have three books. 5-Do you have a notebook? 6-No,it’s at home 7-What do you write with ? 8- I use a pen . 9-How do you carry your books? 10- I use a backpack. 1-What day is today? 2-It’s Tuesday. 3-What day was yesterday? 4- It was Monday. 5-What did you do last weekend? 6-I went to work ,and I went shopping. 7-What are you going to do next weekend? 8-I am going to go to work 9-DO you work every weekend 10-Yes I do. 1-Where is the library? 2-There is a library down the street. 3-Are there any grocery stores nearby? 4-Yes, there are three different stores you can go to. 5-Is the bank still open? 6-No,it closed at five. 7-What’s that building across the street? 8-That a post office. 9-Do you need to send a letter ? -10Yes, I do .i also need stamps.
  • 3. 1-What do you do every day? 2-I go to work, and I go to school. 3-What do you do at work? 4-I prepare food for customers. 5-What are you doing right now? 6-I am studying English online. 7-How do you do that? 8-I listen to my teacher, and I write what he says. 9-Are you learning a lot of new things? 10-Yes, I am. 1-What is that? 2-It’s a hot water bottle. 3-What is for? 4-It’s for my stomach. 5-Why do you need it? 6- My stomach hurts.
  • 4. 7- Why does your stomach hurt? 8- I think I have the flu. 9-How did you get the flu? 10-I don’t know. perhaps I got it from someone from at school? 1-Do you have a cell phone? 2-Yes, I do. 3-Where is it? 4-It’s in my pocket. 5-Can I borrow it? 6-Sure. Here you go. 7-How do I turn this on? 8-Push the button on the top of the phone. 9- Then what I do? 10-Slid that little bar down.
  • 5. 1-How many students are there in the classroom? 2-There are fifteen students. 3-How much food is there in the refrigerator? 4- There is not very much. 5-How many bananas are there in the bowl? 6-There is only one. 7-How many customers are there in the store? 8-There aren’t any customers. 9-How much time does it take to drive to Chicago? 10-It takes about seven hours. 1-Whose jacket is this ? 2-It’s Paul’s jacket. 3-Whose books are these? 4-Ther’re the students’ books. 5-Whose laptop over there on the table? 6- I am not sure who belongs to.
  • 6. 7-Who is sitting there ? 8-A young woman was sitting there, but she is not there now. 9-Is there her purse on the chair? 10-Yes, that’s hers. 1-Do you know what time it is? 2- Sure. It’s a quarter past one. 3-What’s the date today? 4-It’s January eighteenth. 5-What day is day? 6-It’s Tuesday 7-When was our last test? 8-It was two weeks ago. 9-Are you going to have many more tests? 10-Yes, we are going to have a test next Wednesday.
  • 7. 1-What did you do yesterday? 2-I rode my bike to the park. 3-What did you do at the park? 4-I met some friends, and we played soccer. 5-Did you have any problem getting a field? 6-No, all the soccer fields were empty. 7-How was the weather? 8-It rained a little bit, but the air temperature was nice. 9- How long did you play? 10-Our game lasted for just an hour. 1-Does she like her new hairstyle? 2-Yes, she does. 3-Is she happy with her new job? 4-Yes, she is. 5-Does he want to go shopping with you?
  • 8. 6-No, he doesn’t. 7-Is he going shopping with you? 8-No, he isn’t. 9-Are you learning American English online 10-Yes, I am. 11-Do you want to learn English online? 12-Yes, I do. 1-How many people showed up at the event? 2-Not that many people showed up. 3-How much milk is left in the refrigerator. 4-There is not that much left. -8How many pizzas are you ordering for the party? 6-We are probably going to need at least ten pizzas. 7-How much pizzas did you eat at the party. 8- I didn’t eat very much because I wasn’t hungry. 9-How many items are there on the dictation exercise.
  • 9. 10- There are ten this is the last one. 1-How much time will it take to get to the next town? 2-It won’t take that long. 3-How far is it to the next exit? 4-It’s just a few miles. 5-Can we stop to get something to eat? 6-Okey, we’ll stop to get some gas and some food. 7-What is the speed limit in the highway? 8-It’s 70 miles per hour. 9-How much did it cost to fill up the tank? 10-It cost about fifty dollars.
  • 10. 1-Where did you buy these pickles? 2-I bought them at the grocery store. 3-How much did the milk cost? 4-It cost five dollars for two gallons. 5-How much did the grocery bill come to? 6-It came to 109.87. 7-Did you use any coupons? 8-Yes, the coupons saved us almost ten dollars. 9-How long did it take to get through? 10-It took about five minutes. f 11 Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 1-What are you going to do tomorrow? 2-I am going to look for some new shoes. 3-Where are you going to go? 4-Iam probably going to misis. 5-When will you get back home?
  • 11. 6-I’ll get back in the afternoon. 7-Are you going to finish the work that you started? 6- Yes? I will probably finish it in the evening. 9- What time will you go to bed? 10-I probably go to bed at about ten o’clock. Gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg 1-What do you think about this class? 2-I like it. 3-How do you like your stake. 4-I like it well done. 5-How did you like the movie? 6-I like the acting, but it was a little confusing. 7- What was California like? 8-The weather was great, but everything was expensive. 9-Why do you like to learn English.
  • 12. 10-I like the way it sounds. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1-What does he need to do today? 2- He needs to go to the drugstore to get some medicine. 3-What did he do last weekend? 4-He went to the library to get some books. 5-What do you hope to do in the future? 6- I hope to become an engineer. 7-Why does she like to play the guitar? 8-She likes the way it sounds, and it help her to relax. 9-What kind of music does she like to listen to? 10-She likes to listen to pop music and rock. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1-Is this my pen or yours? 2-I think it’s mine. 3-What happened to Bill?
  • 13. 4-He hurt himself as he was cutting a piece of meat with a knife. 5-Who is making all that nose? 6- It’s the kids next door. They don’t know how to control themselves. 7- Who made this cake? 8-My daughter made it all by herself. 9-I think someone gave me the wrong coat. whose coat is this? 10-It’s his. Yours is on the chair. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 1-How much is this car? 2-It’s 6,900 3-How much did they pay for their house? 4- They paid a little over 200,000. 5-Wht does the bill come to? 6-It’s comes to 73.65. 7-What do you think this gold necklace is worth? 8-It’s probably worth a little over 2000
  • 14. 9-What is the salary for that position? 10-The strating salary is about 50 granda a year Aaaaaaaa 1-How long have you lived in the United States. 2-I have lived here for three years. 3-Has she ever been to New York? 4-No, She has not. She will be there for the first time next month. 5-Why haven’t you call them yet? 6-I haven’t had any time. 7-How much work have they finished? 8-They have only finished half of it. 9-Has he studied English for a long time? 10-No, he hasn’t. He is only been on it for about a year.
  • 15. 1-How have you been? 2-Okay. How about you? 3-Not too bad. How is your new job? 4-I like it. It’s been really Interesting. 5-Are you hungry? Have you had lunch yet? 6-No, I haven’t. Let’s grab something to eat. 7-Do you want to try going to diner down the street? 8-What kind of food do they have? 9-They have sandwiches .they are famous for hamburgers 10-That’s good. I haven’t had a hamburger in a long time. 1-Which city is warmer, New York or Boston? 2-New York is warmer than Boston. 3-What are some other differences between these two cities? 4-New York is much bigger than Boston. 5-Which city is more expensive? 6-Overall, the cost of living in New York is higher.
  • 16. 7-Which of these of two cites do you prefer? 8- I prefer Boston because there are more colleges there. 9-Why do so many people choose to live in New York over Boston. 10-Many people think that New York more exciting than Boston. 1-What is your favorite sport? 2-I like baseball the most. 3-Why do you like baseball so much? 4-I think it’s the most interesting sport there is. 5- Which state do you like vacation in the most? 6-My favorite place for a vacation is Florida. 7-Why do you like it more than other places. 8-It has the best weather all year around. 9-Wich state has the worst weather? 10-It rains a lot in the state of Washington, and often cloudy there, but some people like that.
  • 17. 1-What were you doing last night? 2-I was working. 3-What were your friends doing? 4-They were out watching a movie. 5-Who were you talking to just now? 6-I was talking to a friend of mine who got an accident last night. 7-What was the reason for the accident? 8-The person who hit him wasn’t paying attention to the road. 9-What was he doing? 10-He was talking on his cell phone. Ffffffffffffffffffff 1-Where can I go to get some help with my taxes? 2-You can go to an accounant. 3-Shoud we wait for the bus to arrive or should we just walk?
  • 18. 4-We should wait for the bus. 5-Do you think our teacher will give us any homework today? 6-He might. 7-May I call you later? 8- Yes, you may. 9-Why didn’t you answer the phone? 10-I couldn’t hear it. Ggggggggggggggggggggggg 1-Why do you have to go to the doctor? 2-I have to go to the doctor because my stomach really hurts. 3-Is she able to drive to work? 4-Yes, she is. 5-What are you going to do later today? 6-I am probably going to go to the gym. 7-Don’t you have to call to make reservations? 8- No it’s not necessary.
  • 19. 9-Willl you be able come over for visit later? 10-Yes, I should be able to. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1-What have you been doing all day? 2-I have been reading and studying. 3-How long has he been living in the United States? 4-He has been living in the United States for six years. 5-How long has she been working on her present job? 6-She has been working on her job for about two years. 7-Why have they been coming to class late? 8-They have been comeing to class late because they don’t have a car, and they have to take the bus. 9-Have you been taking your medicine? 10-Yes, I have. I take it every day. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1-Did your friends have a good time snowmobiling.
  • 20. 2-Yes, they had never gone snowboarding before, but they really enjoyed themselves. 3-Did Bob like the caviar? 4-Yes, he had never eaten that before last night, but he liked it 5-Whet did Martha think abut the movie? 6-She said that she had never seen a move that was so exciting. 7-Why did not Bill retire at 65? 8- He hadn’t saved enough money. 9-How long had they been seeing each other before everyone knew about their relationship 10-They had seeing each other for about six months before their coworkers fond out. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ 1-What does the map say? 2-The map says we need to take a right at the next exit. 3-What did the doctor say? 4-He said that I needed to lose some weight. 5-What did the teacher say?
  • 21. 6-He said that his students needed to come to school on time. 7-What did the newspaper say about today’s weather? 8-It said it was going to rain. 9-What will your mother say about your grades? 10-She will probably say I have to study harder. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1-How old is she? 2-What is her name? 3-Where is the school? 4-How far away is the school? 5-What time is it? 6-How many people are there?
  • 22. 7-How much is it? 8-Who is he? 9-How long are they? 10-When is the party?
  • 23. 1-Where does she live? 2-How many books do you have? 3-when does the movie start? 4-what does he do? 5-Why do they wake up early? 6-How much money do they need ? 7-How many people do you know here? 8-Who do you call where is a problem? 9-How long does the pasta take to cook? 10-When do they finish work?
  • 24. 1-How was the movie? 2-What was his name? 3-How many students were there in class? 4-what time was the movie over? 5-How long was the class? 6-Where was the fire? 7-Why were you late? 8-Who were you with last night? 9-How much was it? 10-when was she in New York? 1-What did she have for lunch? 2-How long did the test take? 3-Where did you put the chicken? 4-When did they come to the United States?
  • 25. 5-How many gallons of milk did you buy? 6-Who did he call? 7-How much money did the ticket cost? 8-Why did you come to the United States? 9-Where did the mail carrier put the mail? 10-What did you do yesterday? 1- 1-
  • 26. 1-What time will the movie end? 2-Where will we look for jobs? 3-How many people will be at the party? 4-How much will it cost to get my the car fixed? 5-When will you call her? 6-How long will it last? 7-When will she graduate? 8-What time will they be here? 9-Where will you be tomorrow? 10-When will they finish? 1-What is he eating? 2-When is she coming over? 3-How are you feeling? 4-How much are you paying for rent a month?
  • 27. 5-Why is he laughing? 6-Where are they living? 7-What are you reading? 8-What is she doing? 9-Who are you living with? 10-How many people are they sitting at the table? 1-When is she going to be there? 2-Where is she going to go? 3-How are you going to get to work? 4-Why is he going to be late? 5-How much are they going to pay for their furniture? 6-Where is he going to live? 7-Who are you going to go out with tonight?
  • 28. 8-What is he going to do? 9-What time is the movie going to start? 10-When are they going to finish the project? 1-Where were you living last year? 2-How many hours was she working every week? 3-How long was I sleeping? 4-Why was the teacher getting angry? 5-Who was he talking to? 6-What were they selling? 7-How were you felling yesterday? 8-How much money were they paying you? 9-What was I talking about? 10-How was the car running in this morning?
  • 29. 1-Have you ever been to the United States? 2-Have they eaten lunch yet? 3-Has he ever had a mango before? 4-Has she ever seen that movie? 5-Has it rained in the last week? 6-Have we paid the rent yet? 7-Have I ever met her? 8-Has the newspaper come yet? 9-Have you ever played golf? 10-Have the apples ripened yet? 1-What has he been doing all day? 2-Where have you been working? 3-Were has she been living? 4-How long has Jose been studying English?
  • 30. 5-Why have they been going to the doctor? 6-How much have you been paying for rent? 7-What kind of car has she been driving? 8-How long has it been raining? 9-How has your mother been feeling? 10-Who have you been talking to? 1-When will you be leaving? 2-How much will they be paying for rent? 3-Where will he be working? 4-What time will you be checking out? 5-What will we be having for dinner? 6-Where will they be sitting during the performance? 7-What will you be doing this weekend? 8-Which doctor will she be seeing? 9-When will you be going to sleep?
  • 31. 10-Who will be watching your children while you go see a movie? 1-When can I leave? 2-Who can help me? 3-Where can he park his car? 4-How much can she pay for rent? 5-Why can’t he go to work today? 6-Where can I find a newspaper? 7-How can you explain how he could be so mean? 8-Which one can I have? 9-When can the students leave the classroom? 10-Who can we call to report the accident?
  • 32. 1-When is the mail delivered? 2-It’s delivered in the early afternoon. 3-Who delivers the mail? 4-The mail carrier delivers it. 5-Where is this bread made? 6-It’s made in the bakery over onYork Avenue. 7-Who make the bread? 8-The baker makes it. 9-Are these documents signed. 10-Yes, they are signed and ready to go. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1-When was the newspaper delivered? 2-It was delivered sometimes before at 6 o’clock this morning. 3-How were these cookies made? 4-The cookies were made from a recipe an a bag of chocolate chips. 5-I woke up late toady. Was the alarm clock set?
  • 33. 6-Yes, it was. 7-What time was the alarm clock set for? 8-It was set for five thirty. 9-Where the children fed before they left for school? 10-Yes, they were given a big breakfast. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1-Is your car being fixed today? 2-Yes, it’s being fixed right now. 3-Where is the football game being played? 4-It’s being played in Dallas. 5-What are the student’s doing right now? 6-They are being tasted. 7-Why can not we go into our hotel room? 8-We can not go in because it’s being cleaned right now. 9-Are you being helped? 10-Yes, someone is helping me, thank you.
  • 34. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1-What time will the movie be shown? 2-It will be shown just after 7. 3-What time will dinner be served? 4-It will be served at 6. 5-Will the manager of the store be replaced? 6Yes, he will be replaced in the end of the month. 7-How will all this work ever be done in time? 8-It will be done quickly if we all work together. 9-When will their engagement be announced? 10-Their engagement and wedding date will be announced next week. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 1-How did you get this project done so quickly? 2-A lot of people worked together on it. 3-Did you finally get your kitchen painted?
  • 35. 4-Yes, we painted it last weekend. 5-What happened to the company you work for? 6-It got taken over by a larger company. 6-Do you still play your guitar. 8-Yes, but it doesn’t get played very often these days because I am so busy. 9-Will you get paid this weekend? 10-No, I got paid last weekend. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1-What are you supposed to do at work today? 2-I am supposed to set up some tables and chairs. 3-Are not you supposed to pick somebody up later? 4-Yes, I am supposed to pick my friend up from the airport. 5-What was he supposed to do with all that stuff? 6-He was supposed to throw it out. 7-Which assignment were the students supposed to finish?
  • 36. 8-There were supposed to read all of Lessons Two and Three. 9-I forgot what I was supposed to do. 10-You were supposed to go to post office to pick up a package. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1-Have they finished fixing the streets yet? 2-No, all that work should have been finished a few days ago. 3-Why didn’t the students do well on the test? 4-I am not sure. Perhaps they should have been given more time. 5-Where are all the plates and glasses? 6-I don’t know they must have been taken to the kitchen. 7-Where is all the leftover pizza? 8-It might have been eaten. 9-Why does she look so shaken up?
  • 37. 10-She is upset because she could have been killed in that accident. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 1-What are the workers at that company so mad about? 2-It’s Friday and they didn’t get paid. They want to get paid on time. 3-Why did you call the plumber? 4-This faucet needs to be fixed as soon as possible. 5-Why it’s a good idea to wear a seatbelt while driving? 6-You should wear a seatbelt if you want avoid being hurt or killed in an accident. 7-Why did she get so upset at her supervisor? 8-She got upset because she cannot stand yelled at. 9-What is on your list? 10-This is a list of all the things that have to be done this weekend.
  • 38. 1-He has a cup a coffee every morning. 2-He dose not have any coffee in the afternoon. 3-Do you have coffee in the morning? 4- Do you know the answer to question? 5-We keep our dog in the backyard. She lives in a doghouse. 6-We do not let her inside the house because she is too big. 7-He takes the bus to work every day even in winter. 8-Do you take the bus? 9-She tells her employees what to do. 10-Her employees never what to do. 11-He cuts himself whenever he cooks. 12-I really cut myself. 13-He dose not run very fast because he elderly. 14-She gets grocery on Saturdays. 15-When do you get o grocery? 16-Come in.
  • 39. 17-He is lost. He needs some help. 18-I want a new car, but is not necessary. 19-put kitchen in the refrigerator. 20-Do not put the freezer. I need to use it soon. 21-How often do you see a doctor? 22-She uses mputer at work. 23-They go camping when it is worm outside. 24-They do not go camping when it is cold. 25-He look for information about stock market every morning. 26-She doeser laundry on Saturday. 27-She does not do it during the week because she goes to work. 28-He gives his co-workers a ride to work every morning. 29-He makes lot of money at his job. 30-The sign say the subway is over here. 31-This man play guitar in the subway to make extra money.
  • 40. 32-She seems upset. 33-He is heavy. 34-He in not is weight. 35-I sent a lot of email to my students. above across against around at behind beside 1. My friends and I have decided to drive __across_ the United States, from New York to San Francisco. 2. If you want me to pick you up, you'll have to tell me where you're ___at_________. 3. Please go get my ladder. It's leaning _____against__ the side of the house. 4. There's an eagle sitting way ______above ur heads in that tree. 5. Teresa and Mavin like to walk ____sdowntown Minneapolis and go to the shops on Nicollet Avenue. 6. We have to work faster. We're falling ____________ schedule. 7. There was a lot of dust _______________ the couch, so we moved it away from the wall. 8. I insist that my dog walk ______________ me when I take her for a walk (not in front of me and not behind me). 9. Are your parents ______________ home right now? 10. Dave said he's going to vote _______________ that candidate because he disagrees with him on many issues.
  • 41. 11. Do you think it would be difficult to swim _______________ the lake, from this side to the other side? 12. I'll be hanging _______________ my apartment all day today if you want to stop by. 13. The police officer's heroics were ______________ and beyond the call of duty. 14. Joe and Todd couldn't see the movie very well because they were sitting ______________ a big guy wearing a tall hat. 15. Are you for or ______________ nuclear energy to replace the burning of fossil fuels? 16. She has a very hard time getting her ideas _______________ to other people. 17. Tony always wears a cross _______________ his neck. 18. Please use the napkin that's _______________ your plate. 19. _______________ exactly 10 p.m. the fireworks are going to start. 20. Who was _______________ the wheel when the accident occurred?
  • 42. 1-Why does he look so upset? 2-He is upset because his boss is angry at him. 3-Why is yelling at someone on the fhone? 4-She is very annoyed that there is a big error on her on invoiced. 5-Why does she want quit the job? 6-She wants to quit because she always bored at work. 7-What is he so happy about? 8- He is exited because he just graduated from college. 9- Why does he look like that? 10-He is frustrated because he can not find a job. BbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB B 1-How does he feel? 2-He feels full after a big meal. 3- What is wrong with him?
  • 43. 4-he is sleepy because he stayed up all night studying. 5-How do they feel? 6- They both feel nervous because they are getting married. 7- How does she feel about herself? 8- He proud about herself because she drew a beautiful picture. 9- What’s wrong with him? 10-He is shocked because his favourite team just lost the game. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC 1-Why was he so eager to get out the office? 2-It was the Friday and he could not wait for the weekend to begin. 3-What made him so hungry? 4-She skipped breakfast, and now she is starving. 5-What made him so hungry? 6-Warking outside in the hot sun made him very thirsty. 7- Why was she so afraid of the mouse?
  • 44. 8-Just about any small creature gives her a creeps. 9-What did he do that was so brave? 10-He showed an amazing a amount of courage in comabat. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1-We want go camping this summer. 2-He wants to get in a boat and go fishing on a lake. 3- My neighbor is going to go golfing this afternoon, and he wants me to come along. 4-My kids went swimming at the lake last weekend. 5-Have you ever gone wind surfing 6- Have you ever gone skiing? 7-I4 fun to go skating in the winter. 8- When the weather is warmer, many kids go skateboarding through their neighbourhood. 9-You see a lot of people go jogging for exercise. 10- Would you like to go for a new pair of shoes?
  • 45. 1-How does she gets to work? 2-She takes the train to get to work every morning. 3-How does her husband get to work? 4-Her husband drives, but he would take the train if he could. 5-Why you are going to bed early? 6-I am going to go to bed early tonight because I have to wake up early tomorrow. 7-What do you have to do before you leave for work? 8-Before I leave for work, I have to make sure the front door is locked. 9-Where is the bus stop?
  • 46. 10-The bus stop is on the corner just past the grocery store. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1-He plays the violin beautifully, but he still needs to practice every day. 2-If you want to be successful, you have to make sacrifices. 3-If at first you do not succeed, try, try again. 4-Becoming successful, requires a commitment to excellence. 5-You have to set goals if you want to become successful. 6-She could accomplish just about anything if she had more self-confidence. 7-Everyone respected him because of his many achievements. 8-A lack of self discipline was responsible for his failure. 9-They attributed their success to hard work and perseverance. 10-She never intended to be a rich and famous, but she enjoys the benefit of her success. CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCC
  • 47. 1-We do not know what to do about this problem. 2-The teacher is having a hard time trying to figure out a solution. 3-This problem is an interesting challenge; it is also an opportunity for us. 4-A team has been assembled to work on a new plan. 5-At the root of problem is a failure communicate affectively. 6-The issues involves are all related. 7-Without good oversight, new problems could arise very quickly. 8-An interest in avoiding disaster is behind the impetus to change. 9-If we all put our heads together, will be able to get this done. 10-In the end, everyone pulled together and everything turned out alright. orange level dictation exercise
  • 48. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1- Why do not go out for lunch? 2- 3- There is no place to buy lunch at work, so everyday I bring my lunch with me. 4- 5- What do you do before you leave the office? 6- 7- Before I leave the office, I make sure all my work is finished. 8- 9- What do you do with your paycheck? 10- 11- After my check is deposited, I transform some of the money to saving. 12- 13- What do you do with your extra money? 14- 15- I go out whenever I have extra money to spend. 16- 17- Do you have to work tomorrow? 18- 10-Tomorrow is Monday, but I do not have to work because it is a holiday.
  • 49. 1- There is a steeple on top of the church. 2- A cross is on top of the steeple. 3- A surfer rides his surfboard on top of the water. 4- The camping trip ended early on account of the rain. 5- He was sent to fight in Afghanistan on account of his skill in martial arts. 6- He could not go to work on account of a head injury. 7- The movie theater had to shut down on account of a lack business. 8- She had to quit her job on account of her pregnancy. 9- She was asked to resign from her job on account tattoos. 10-She had to retire from her job on account of her age. 1-This is a beautiful place to spend a vacation outside the city. 2-The tourists are walking around the temple. 3-He tries to get outside the office whenever possible. 4-Same kids left their bikes outside of the store. 5-They are outside their house. 6-This light is left on outside at night. 7-He is outside in the hot sun. 8-They like to cook outside in the summer. 9-She likes to be outside in the winter. 10-The outside of a peach is fuzzy and a little thick; the inside is sweet and juicy. 1-The cow jumped over the moon. 2-A rainbow appeared over the horizon when the sun came out.
  • 50. 3-The firefighter ran over to the burning house to save the people inside. 4-I love the sound of water running over rocks in a stream. 5-She put sun block all over her boyfriend’s back. 6- The smoke over the house indicates that someone is inside. 7-Their dream is to sail all over the world. 8-Have you ever cooked over a campfire? 1-I have some questions for my doctor regarding some pain in my lower back. 2-The president of the company held a meeting regarding the progress the company over the last year. 3-Vince is talking to someone on the phone regarding a new business opportunity. 4-Alyson got an email and some twitter updates regarding a party this Friday. 5-There is some very interesting and new information regarding baby formula. 6-There was a story in the newspapers today regarding tax cuts. 7-The news story regarding the death of Osama bin Laden was very unexpected. 1- The cat is hiding underneath a chair. 2- They are sitting underneath an umbrella. 3- She has protected from the sun underneath an umbrella. 4-These gazelles are staying cool underneath a shady tree. 5-The sand underneath his feet soft.
  • 51. 7-The fire underneath the beef is perfect for a barbeque. 8-He remains anonymous underneath his sunglasses. 9-It is hard to tell if that is a man or women underneath all that make-up. 1- They took a walk past the park, but they did not go there. 2- He drove his car past the mountains on his way to the ocean. 3- If you go past the store, could you please stop and get some tomatoes. 4- It is five minutes past 11:00 5- It is way past his bedtime, but he wants to stay up and watch TV. 6- She has to work past midnight tonight. 7- Your mind will stay fresh past the age of 70 if you keep learning new things. 8- It is not a good idea to drink or use milk that is past the expiration date. 9- The main objective in soccer is to get the ball past your opponents and into the net.
  • 52. 1-Standing upon a skateboard requires a lot of balance. 2-A sailboat floats upon the water and moves when the wind is blowing. 3-There is a crown upon his head. 4-She has a big smile upon her face. 5-Many companies require employees to punch a time clock upon arriving at work in the morning. 6-Upon arriving at airport, he was arrested by the police for trying to smuggle drugs into the country. 7-The Christmas season is upon us once again. 8-He got down upon his knees and prayed when he learned there was the chance he might lose his job. 9-She depending upon his husband to help her more around the house before and after the baby arrives.