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What Is Gap Year Essay
What is Gap Year? Gap year, which is also called as prep–year, foundation year, and so on. Gap
year, just like the word itself, it always takes a year (usually more) for people to put down what they
are doing right now and go on vacation or just do something they would be in love with. When
people mentioned gap year, it is always about the year between them graduated from high school
and before they start having their college life. The things they are going to do in the gap year will
usually be totally different from what they are doing in their normal life. Typically, gap year is
travelling around the world. However, nowadays, gap year can be quite different from each other.
Some of us may go on a vacation; some may do some internship; Some may just do some volunteer
work. Thus, whatever you do, except like usual, for about 12 months, then you have had a gap year.
Why we are going to take a Gap Year? "Why we are going to take a Gap Year?" This is the most
common question that people asked before they are going to have a gap year. Some of them even
have no idea why they have had a gap year. There are lots of reasons for people taking a gap year;
some people think gap year is just a time for fun, for them to completely relax themselves, but some
of people think that gap year is a great time for them to know the ... Show more content on ...
Though, to have a Gap Year have so many benefits, it still has disadvantages, and some of the
disadvantages cannot be avoided. To have a gap year, with no doubt, you will lose about one year
studying in school or working at a workplace. When you go to college, you will one year older than
your classmates. Also, gap year is not free. When you go on vacation in the gap year, you need to
spend money on plane tickets, on hotel, on meal and a lot of stuffs. If you do not have a good plan.
Run out of money could be the result; it could be the most embarrassed experience you have in your
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The Gap Year
The Gap Year As a senior in high school did you ever stress about your future? Making plans for
college? A way to relieve stress could be to take a gap year. The life of the average senior consist of
planning for college, by taking a year off you can manage and make money, relieve some stress and
it gives you the opportunity to travel before settling down before college. This is not uncommon to a
lot of senior graduates. They see it as a way to relax and mentally prepare themselves for the future.
The Gap Year is a year that high school graduates take off before beginning college. The reason this
time is usually taken off is for either traveling, work, study, volunteering, research or other reasons
prior to beginning college. It is ... Show more content on ...
This is staying that people who take a gap year tend to have a better attitude towards college when it
begins. They have a clear mindset on what they want to do since they had time to research on what
they want to major in. She also begins to talk about how this would look very good in your future
resumes. Businesses like people who have been internationally active and experienced! Even
colleges like people who have experienced different cultures.
Not too many people have the opportunity to take a gap year. Doing a gap year takes a lot if
planning. If you're deciding to do a gap year that includes travel and research then you would have
to be able to fund the expenses. On top of funding traveling expenses you have to also manage your
college funds and set them aside or make the money while doing these trips. This is why not too
many people take a gap year and when some of them do they end up not going back to college after
the year is up because they've either spent their college money funding other activities while trying
to experience while they can.
Colleges are beginning to fund up and coming students while they are involved in a gap year. They
believe that students of all income brackets can benefit from "The Gap Year". Although The Gap
Year (More Colleges Funding). This is a good thing because as I said, not many students can afford
to travel or do whatever they
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Gap Year Advantages
Gaining experience is essential which lead one to improve in daily life and professional life. A gap
year is a new phenomenon which is recently very popular among young people. In the past, people
would not be able to take a gap year, and they had to continue their study non–stope in order to
obtain their desired degree. Having a gap in between their study would cause significant damage to
a future profession, but nowadays the tradition of studying straight forwards is abolished, and no
one considers a gap year as a problem. Many schools and colleagues offer the gap year to their
student and encourage them to take a year off of school. Martha Merrill said once "It's reached the
point where a lot of us in admissions are talking about ways to get students to just kind of relax
[between high school and college]. A gap year can have many advantages such as, determination of
future profession, appreciation of higher education and accelerating maturity.
A gap year can be significantly help students to determine their future job. Having a dream job is
common among students who are ambitious and willing to work hard to gain what they deserve. But
reality and dream are far away of each other. The wrong perception of dream job can lead to a
disaster. A year is a sufficient time for a student to research on their dream job by talking with
people who work in that field or surfacing on the internet and gathering information. For instance,
one of my friend who wanted to become an
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Taking A Gap Year
The paper throws some light on the history of the gap year and how the concept of gap year came
into existence. The advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year have also been discussed and
it has been established that the output of a gap year differs for every person. This is because every
person goes through a different experience. Some light on the gap year industry has also been shed
and it has been established that the gap year industry needs to be regulated. Considering the
increasing popularity of gap years, it has been concluded that a gap year must be well planned in
order to have the most fruitful results and effectively use the time during the gap year
(122 words)
A gap year can be broadly defined as taking a year off from formal education / work such as after
graduating high school and before going to a university / college. Just like every other thing in the
world, different people have different views about taking a gap year. According to some people, a
gap year is a good option and it is good to have a year off, while others disagree with taking a gap
year. The truth is that a gap year can prove to be beneficial or useless depending on the person and
the situation. A lot of studies have been conducted so far regarding the advantages and
disadvantages of taking a gap year. After throwing ... Show more content on ...
Hugh Jackman who is one of the most popular actors of today took a gap year in 1987 and taught
some school kids in England. Similarly, the famous writer Joanne K. Rowling who wrote a
masterpiece in the form of Harry Potter took a gap year and taught English as a second language in
Portugal. It was during that time that she started working on her manuscript for Harry Potter.
However, many argue that example of a few people cannot justify that a gap year is beneficial
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Taking A Gap Year Essay
Take the gap year Every year there are millions of students who graduate high school and the
majority will go to college. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Of the 3.0
million youth age 16 to 24 who graduated from high school between January and October 2015,
about 2.1 million (69.2 percent) were enrolled in college in October." ("College" par 3.) The other
nine hundred thousand students will either delay college or have decided to never enter college.
Taking time off between your high school graduation and the start of college, or during college, is
considered a gap year. This time off can be structured, such as traveling for volunteering. On the
other hand, it can be unstructured, such as leisurely activities. Some of the most prestigious colleges
in the United States encourage taking a gap year, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Cornell.
"For nearly 40 years, Harvard has recommended this option, indeed proposing it in the letter of
admission." (Fitzsimmons et al. Par. 21). There are a great deal of benefits to students delaying the
start of college and taking a gap year. One of those valuable benefits is the ability of gaining life
experience. When taking a gap year, the student may have the ability to travel outside their normal
life. Traveling gives an individual a new insight and perspective into the world. According to Bob
Clagett, the director of college counseling at St. Stephen 's Episcopal School, "students who 've
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Gap Year Disadvantages
Though there are many advantages to taking a gap year, there are just as many disadvantages.
People may find themselves unwilling to go back to school, they may lose opportunities for
scholarships, or they might not have enough money to support the activities they replace school
with. Even their social life could be affected. With all of these negative aspects one may ask, why
would anyone risk taking a gap year?
Living in the unstructured world, outside of the predictible environment education defines students
to for twelve years, can be a bit of a culture shock. This could make students reluctant to go back to
a strict schedule after experiencing a new independence. Cheung Hiu Ling brings up the point that,
"You have to accept the changes in the education system and the foundation you built before"
(Advantages and Disadvantages), in reference to going back to college after a gap year. This is a
very insightful quote as the "foundation" of ones educational life can become altered over time spent
in a non educational environment. Students may start to take on a new perspective of education as a
whole during their gap year. This time in young people's lives can be very mentally transformative,
and to ask someone who has found a new independance to go back into the educational system
could be futile.
According to Knoll, "students who take gap years often end up wasting that time and falling further
behind their peers, which can lead to frustration and stress for both the student and their family" (A
Gap Year). Some students may have a certain idea of what their gap year will be like, but they do
not put the necessary effort into preparing for it. Being unprepared can be discouraging if the student
realizes it too late, and ultimately it could cause the student to "waste" their gap year. It can also be
discouraging to see peers continuing with their educational lives, while one may feel anxiety
towards whether or not they made the right desicion. This can be very problematic for some students
mental health. Viner states, "Around one–third of college–aged American students reported
experiencing depression ... and almost half experienced overwhelming anxiety" (Mental Health
Impact). This expresses that there is
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A New Alternative Market Of Tourism Essay
Volunteer tourism– also known as "Voluntourism"– is part of a new alternative market of tourism. It
consists of tourists taking part in volunteer oppportunities while they go on vacation, usually in a
developing country. (Hanson Pastran 2014) While this sounds like a positive idea, and it can be, it is
important to consider the efficacy (or lack thereof) of voluntourism, and the fact that it could
potentially perpetuate more harm than good. It can be hard to believe that a concept like
voluntourism– that was supposedly built on the premises of helping people– could be a negative
concept. It isn't always negative, it can in fact be beneficial when it is done in a correct manner.
However, in this paper I will be arguing that despite some of the cases in which voluntourism has
proven to be effective and beneficial, there are numerous ways in which it can be not only
ineffective– but also harmful. The harm is not caused through the physical volunteer work itself, but
instead through the negative stereotypes of the Global South that are perpetuated by the agencies
that organize these volunteer trips, as well as the neocolonialist tendencies that are displayed by
those volunteer agencies– by Me to We in particular. The neocolonialism is evident through not only
the actions of the organizers of the trips, but also through the marketing for Me to We. By
perpetuating these kinds of messages in their advertising, harm is done to the impressionable youth
that are exposed to this. The
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Examples Of Ethos Pathos Logos
In trying to persuade my skeptical parents that a "gap year" will be beneficial, I will have to
establish ethos and appeal to pathos and logos in order to convince them to approve of a "gap year."
To establish ethos, I'd discuss my status as a current student in the high school system, which
provides credibility as I have the experience and personal knowledge of the scholastic system to
form a trustworthy argument. My appeal to logos would be the use of famous and successful figures
of society who took a "gap year" between high school and college. I'd also research statistics on the
grade point averages of college students who took a gap year and compare them to those who went
straight from high school to college. Lastly, I'd appeal to pathos by addressing the mental and
physical strain high school has taken on me and how a gap year will allow not only a de–stress
period but also time to explore who I am and the world around me, which will cause my parents to
empathize with my scholastic experience.
In presenting a proposition for healthier food choices in the cafeteria, I will have to ... Show more
content on ...
To establish ethos I'd discuss my knowledge of cars and my experience of being a member of this
family in order to demonstrate my understanding of the family's needs and expectations. My appeal
to logos would be a detailed description of the car, exploitation of the connections between my
family's needs and the car's characteristics, and customer reviews of the vehicle. I'd appeal to pathos
by addressing the difficulties of not having a car and appeal to their desires of not having to waste
their time in driving me to numerous locations per day, and I'd also mention the surge of
independence I'd feel if I were to have a vehicle to drive myself to school or other
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Essay on Gap Year vs Going Straight to College
Taking a gap year might be a personal consideration but in the end, is it really worth it? A gap year
is when students take a year off after high school and don't go straight to college. During the gap
year, people usually travel, works, or do something to promote their time off from education. Not
many people consider taking a gap year no matter how effective it might be. A gap year allows one
to be independent. It allows people to learn about themselves and what they want to do in their life.
Gap year allows one to add to their resume. You can see the world and get new life experiences,
which is an untradeable prize. On the other hand, going straight to college can have its advantages.
Going right into college can give one a head start ... Show more content on ...
However, gap year is not as fantastic as it might seem. Gap year can make a student lose their flow
of things. They will not be so willing to study as they don't want to go back to the stress and rigor of
academic life. It takes the student away from classroom experience. Gap year means that the student
will lose a year of learning, of education. It makes you fall further behind your peers; this can put
you at a disadvantage particularly if one is going to med school or law school. Additionally some
gap years can be expensive especially if one is traveling. This could make college harder to afford.
All in all gap year has its pros and cons, but it's in the will of the student to say how fit it is for them.
Many students take this approach: they go straight to college; a lot consider this the safe approach. A
large number of students then are about the same age and have the same understanding of life and
where they might want to take it. Going to college after high school can help students finish their
education and career earlier than others. Students will be in the mode to study and learn. College
offers training toward a career, as well as a great education. Plus, studying abroad is available if a
student feels as if they need to travel. Nevertheless there are a couple of disadvantages of going
straight to college. You won't be able to discover the world, discover yourself.
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Gap Inc. Essay
As a citizen of America you have definitely seen a store owned by Gap Inc. such as stores like Old
Navy, Gap, Banana Republic, Etc. These stores represent an ionic and proud American store since
1969 which has multiplied since they opened their first store in San Francisco. This marked the first
of many stores that would open and take over America. Gap became an icon as it started to multiply
as larger variety stores came about. Such stores as Old Navy taking over the lower budget gap
clothing to Gap as a middle budget and on to Banana Republic which serves as a high profile high
budget Gap Inc. store. Gap Inc. To the eyes of Don and Doris Fisher opening the first store was
more than just selling jeans; it was to serve the people and to ... Show more content on ...
This so called thing now has become a fashion statement as "Women will always be on an endless
quest for that great pair of jeans because the denim industry keeps evolving and growing"
( This is an example of the same situation that Don and Doris had to undergo and now
42 years later it's still an issue. After all these years now they are the leading international specialty
retailer with five different brands. Behind the 3000 stores and 5 different brands come 134,000
employees. That is four times the population of Lichtenstein which is a small country in the Swiss
Alps. Such a large work force dedicated to the making of apparel brands really stands out in the
fashion industry and with this many designers, managers, sales associates, and other leading roles
Gap Inc. stands to make a difference in the way people dress. They are so forward in their attempt to
change the way of fashion that they have opened up new stores in new countries such as Italy,
China, and Australia, thus bringing once a pair of jeans to a multitude of different apparel items.
These new countries that have Gap Inc. stores popping up shows Gap Inc.'s progressive movement
by saying that "190 store openings worldwide are planned, with about 10 in China, including
Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong, and another 10 in Italy, including one in Rome. Gap plans to
double the number of franchise stores to 400 by 2015." (
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Gap Year Essay
Outline: Description Advantages Disadvantages Organizations Testimonials Tips Description Gap
year is an experiential semester, usually takes place between the end of the high school year and the
start of the college life, to help the students to deepen their knowledge on the world from various
kinds of aspects. Therefore several key points about the history of Gap year a) Gap Year is initially
started in UK in 1970s. b) The purpose for gap year at that time is to widen the students' horizon by
allowing them to travel internationally c) Gap year came to the US in 1980s and soon spread around
the world d) Now, students can do anything they want, at any place, during any time in the gap year.
e) However, most of the students choose ... Show more content on ...
Research possible information on university websites or formal gap year websites to find useful
information. Read journal articles and find out the place you may enjoy and learn from the most.
Spend some time to plan and prepare: Since a normal gap year would take students 7–8 months to
experience life. Gap year students should also spend some time to enact their schedule and the goals
they want to achieve during the gap year. Be prepared for the budget: Don't try to save all your
money for a large trip. Calculate out the cost for your year is important for you to keep track of your
own finance and always stay organized. Remember, you can also take your gap year at home!
Always open–minded: The purpose for the students to take a gap year is for enlarging the horizon,
widening their knowledge or gaining useful social skills. Don't be afraid to show your abilities and
catch the opportunities. Enjoy the day: After ensuring your plan, start your gap year and enjoy your
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What Is A Gap Year Essay
Many students feel a large amount of pressure and stress from school and the workload that comes
with it. The U.S. is strict when it comes to going to college; often you are expected to go right out of
high school, but what if we were not as strict and more lenient. People in England or Australia wait
a whole year after high school to go to college, this is called a gap year. Gap years are very
beneficial and helpful for students, however every great idea has its flaws.
A gap year is, of course, a year, where students after high school in some cases explore some part of
the world or a culture, with most kids exploring their interests or figuring out who they are and what
they want to do in life. Many colleges in the U.K. are far more likely ... Show more content on ...
If you can higher your education the better, and learn what your passion in life is. I'm not saying this
is for everyone because of financial differences, but if possible, do it. The cons may seem daunting,
and they are, but if you plan it right and have an idea of what you want it only can make it better.
"What is a Gap Year?" Top Universities, 14 Aug. 2017,–gap–
Sherifi, Macca. "What is a Gap Year?", 23 Nov. 2011,–is–a–gap–year.
Williams, George. "The Gap Year: Good Idea or Bad for Your Teen?" US News, 22 July 2016,–finance/articles/2016–07–22/the–gap–year–good–idea–or–
"Gap Year Association." Universities in Support of Gap Years | Universities with Gap Year Deferral
Policies &Laquo Gap Year Association,–colleges.php.
Flavin, Brianna. "Rasmussen College." Rasmussen College – Regionally Accredited College Online
and on Campus,–life/blogs/college–life/taking–a–gap–year/.
Stephens, Brittney. "The Inspiring Ways Will, Kate, and Harry Spent Their College Gap
Years."POPSUGAR Celebrity, 3 June 2017,
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Are Gap Years a Good Idea?
Are Gap Years A Good Idea? When you think about graduating high school, it is almost ingrained in
your brain that college is the next step. You think, "Who doesn't have a college degree?" And where
in life am I going to get without one. But school is not for everybody. A lot of kids, including me,
just go to college because it seems like the right path. Kids who have no idea what they want to do,
think "well a college degree could be useful," well why would you want to go do something, when
you have no idea why you're even doing it. Well, there may be another option. There is a British
tradition, which is called a gap year. Defined by Cambridge Dictionaries Online as "a year between
leaving school and starting university which is ... Show more content on ...
A Student dropping out provides lower statistics for good colleges, not because the college is doing
a bad job but because kids just are not ready. Why should a person go to college when they are just
not ready for it? If the dropout rate is high why not let a student defer their application until they are
ready? This is how the British gap year works, a student applies to colleges their senior year of high
school, like a normal fall applicant would. Once accepted, the student then defers their application
and the university gives them an amount of time off. When this time is over, they start in the next
semester. Most British colleges offer this to students, and a lot of colleges actually encourage it to
students who think they are not ready to handle the college life. I think the U.S. should do this to,
only because it is working so well in Britain. The gap year is proven to be a helpful and great
experience for students. If it wasn't why would universities encourage it? Students come back from
these trips or years off with a new found want to learn and a refreshed mind. After going to school
for four year, it is definitely hard to be excited to do the same thing for another four years. But with
a gap year, you're doing something else for a year, so when you come back you are in learning
mode. Another argument someone who is against gap years may make is that they are expensive,
especially if you are looking to travel.
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Essay On Gap Year
Johana Paulino
Mrs. Schnorr
English II Honors– 3A
08 May 2017
"Gap Year: Yes or No?"
It's your last year of high school, the year to sit back and relax. After 12 years of hard work, your
senior year should be the easiest and least stressing year. Turns out, senior year can be one of the
most stressful years, this is the year when you plan out your future! That 's why every decision
matters. Therefore, students should take a year off before entering college. They are many benefits
to taking a gap year. It recharges your academic battery, offers amazing opportunities, and it helps
you discover your true passion.
To begin, contrary to popular belief, taking a gap year does not discourage students from pursuing a
higher education. Most ... Show more content on ...
Many gap year students specifically take a break from school to visit or live in another region of the
world. Exploring different cultures, learning new things, and having fun are one of the many
benefits that traveling comes with. Many people taking a gap year use this time to learn another
language in a different country. The experience can also inspire new interests that can influence your
choice of profession. Ninety percent of gap year students reported to have developed a greater
understanding of other countries, cultures and peoples.
In addition, this experience can benefit you in other ways too. Gap years can acquire you with many
experiences that can spark up your resume. According to a survey conducted by YouGov in 2011,
53% of HR professionals agreed that a constructive gap year makes a job application stand out.
Employers often view those who decide to take a gap year as more employable because of the skills
that they acquire abroad. In a sense, they are more prepared to enter the working world than those
without the experience.
Furthermore, many senior students still don 't know what they want to be when they grow up. Not
knowing what major you want to pursue may mean you need to explore options in the world prior to
beginning your college career. A gap year allows you to follow your interests and discover what you
truly enjoy. In a study shown by AGA, 77 % of "gappers" believed that taking a gap year has greatly
impacted their career
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Accountancy Is An Important Statement In The Modern Age
Accountancy is a vital element in this modern era as it applies to the society. It is a term that is often
used for businesses only but actually can be seen everywhere – from small stores to restaurants,
schools , hospitals, individual's own personal day–to–day life.
Throughout my IGCSEs I have developed a comprehensive understanding of accounting concepts
such as its principles, liquidity management, preparation of financial statements and the importance
of validation and control. Because of my keen interest in accounting, I decided to continue study the
subject at A–level. What I didn't realize by this decision was the depth of knowledge I was going to
gain and how every single concept will become applicable to the real world. I spent most ... Show
more content on ...
I have taken part in multiple sports during school and because of my great passion in all kind of
sports; my coaches have always had high expectations from me and demanded for perfection. I
remember times when I haven't been upto their mark but what I learned is that loosing teaches
lesson that winning cant and I strongly believe that learning is an essential element in life and sports
nurtures this gift. However, participating in various sports seeped into my personal life in a way that
it made me realize the importance of responsibility and
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Gap Year Research Paper
For as long as I can remember, I have been constantly brainwashed that the right thing to do after
graduating high school is to go straight to a college or university and study to someday obtain my
dream job. I never once gave it a second thought until my senior year of high school, where I
realized that instead of feeling excited to graduate, I was filled with an intense fear of moving on to
college. Due to this fear, I scrambled to discover what career I wanted to pursue, hoping that by
having a direction, I might feel more comfortable attending college. Unfortunately, of all the
professions that I told myself I wanted, none made me feel any more at ease. After this realization, I
explored the option of taking a gap year, an option that had ... Show more content on ...
I began looking for what positive outcomes could come from taking a gap year. While researching, I
was able to uncover several sources that discussed not only statistics on how gap years have
positively influenced people, but also personal anecdotes from people who actually took a gap year
to travel. However, I realized that none of my sources, even the personal stories, explored any
disadvantages or challenges that came along with taking time off from school. Coming to this
realization made me curious as to why gap years have become such a negative term to people
around me, and wonder where they got that notion from? While I can think of more than a few
reasons as to why one might not want to take a gap year, I found it extremely difficult to find any
source that argued against taking a gap year, let alone one from somebody who has taken one
themselves. I looked specifically for financial, academic, and professional deterrents. The only
deterrent I was able to find that actually followed through from my sources was financial issues, and
it showed that the biggest reason why people today choose not to take gap years is due to the
amount of money it costs to
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Gap Year Benefits
Shortly before graduating from high school, I realized that taking the traditional route and going
immediately to a university as all my friends and peers were was not what I wanted to do. While I
have always wanted to expand my knowledge and further my education I decided that what would
be extremely beneficial to my life would be to take a gap year. Wanting to do something to better
myself and the country that I live in, so I joined the AmeriCorps. Starting October 11, 2016 I am a
member of the National Civilian Community Corps(NCCC) and will be until July 14, 2017. The
NCCC is a ten month government service program for young adults ages 18–24. Currently serving
in the southwest region, the possible states to serve in are Colorado, Kansas, ... Show more content
on ...
This is a completely opposite project from our first round, we are finally living in society again, no
longer out in the woods everyday(which I admittedly miss), and are working with people 24/7.
Working in a school is also very emotionally taxing, however, seeing the immediate gratification of
a kid finally understanding what you are teaching or running up and hugging you because they
passed all their classes and were so proud of themselves makes it all worth it. Although I spend my
day teaching, I am shown something very important by a child everyday. The kids I work with show
such love and care for their friends, cousins, little brothers or sisters, and teachers that it astounds
me. They make me reevaluate what is truly important in my life and make me immensely grateful
for the family I had and for growing up in such an amazing place that I did. It amazes me that even
with so little people will be so giving and I believe that these kids represent the best in humanity,
although at times they frustrate me watching them grow and learn has been more beneficial than I
ever thought it could
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Taking a Gap Year
A life without bills, kids, a significant other, or any worries sounds too good to be true. It may be
hard to realize with the stress of college and future plans, but seniors graduating high school have
the advantage to live this life if they want. High school seniors have many decsions to make before
they graduate. They have to decide if they are going to college, what college they are going to, what
career they may want to pursue, how to pay for everything ahead of them, and many more.
Sometimes this will get too overwhelming for them and cause them to not want to go to college
right away. They plan on going to college after a year on their own trying "experience life" before
starting college. People call this taking a "gap year". Taking a gap year is a personal decision that
takes commitment. People take gap years for many reasons, but they will regret their decision
because gap years usually turn out bad or not the way the students want them to.
Vacations, meeting new people, getting a job, saving money, and moving out from a parent's house
seems like a fantasy and something that everybody would love to experience. This is what students
will do or plan to do in a gap year. A gap year helps students find out who they are and learn about
the world around them. Many students have found out it is not as great as they thought it would be.
The executive director of Dynamy Internship Year disagrees and says "While there is significant
peer pressure, parental pressure and
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Gap Year Persuasive
The Gap Year
News flash, we're all in the 10th grade right now. That means that in two years, we'll be graduating.
Now, imagine that graduation was tomorrow, do you think you'd be ready to go straight to college?
High school students all over the country take a year off before going to college. This is known as
the "Gap Year". During this time students have the time to do a variety of things before getting
serious about their education and future. This variety has stirred some controversy on whether or not
a student should be able to take a 'gap year'. As a student, I feel like EHS students should be allowed
to take a 'gap year' before going to college.
First of all, the gap year gives students a break. Most students, when they graduate are
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Gap Year Advantages
A gap year between high school and college may just be the one thing students need. It provides
students with some time off of school, and by taking a break from school, much of their stress and
pressure is relieved. There are so many ways to spend this extra year that students gain. The
possibilities are endless. It gives people time to gain new experiences. One could travel the world, or
simply adjust to a working lifestyle in their hometown. There are countless options to take
advantage of and this is simply for the people who are interested in gaining new experiences. The
gap year also provides students with some extra time to think about making any changes to the
decisions they have already took in regards to their future. They are provided with time to ponder
their future and career path. Most of all, it gives them a much–needed break from the strict schedule
of school years. For a year, they are given the freedom to do whatever they like and not worry about
studying or completing projects or handing in their essays by the deadline. There are so many clear
benefits to taking this well deserved break before you begin college. A gap year after the four most
stressful years of schooling should certainly be taken advantage of because it gives a student the
chance to have new experiences, it allows one to contemplate and finalize their career path, and
lastly it grants an opportunity for a student to be relieved from the academic burnout and take a
break from the rigid
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Advantages Of Gap Year
"I am convinced that one's college education is greatly enhanced by the maturity, experience, and
perspective a student can bring post gap year." (Fred A. Hardon). A gap year is a period, usually, one
academic year, taken by a student as a break between secondary school and higher education. The
gap year as we know it started gaining attraction in the US in the 1960s. During their gap year,
students usually travel and experience other cultures, gain work experience, learn other languages,
and volunteer. Initially, taking a gap year has not always been socially acceptable in the US,
however, it was much more acceptable in many European countries as well as Australia. In more
recent years, however, the percentage of students putting their higher education on hold to pursue
learning outside of the academic field has been increasing steadily. Although the percentage of
students who are taking a gap year is steadily increasing, in comparison to other countries we are
very much behind. According to the Gap Year Association, many students in other countries wait a
year or more after high school before attending college. For instance, more than 50 percent of
students In Norway, Denmark and Turkey take a gap year before going to college, and that is
according to the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research, and Education in Oslo,
Norway. Gap year better prepares students for college and adulthood in general. Because the
majority of students spend their gap year by
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A Gap Year: Just Say No
You're coming back from a well needed break from school and you feel invigorated and ready to
start. The first few weeks are the hardest to adjust to because your brain hasn't been used throughout
the break. The dilemma with breaks, such as summer break, is that one loses valuable information
from past academic courses that are essential to ones progress towards higher education. Imagine a
whole year without learning and then coming back to intense rigorous classes at a University.
Seniors at high schools over the nation have the opportunity of taking a year off before committing
to a college. This is known as a Gap Year; instead of directly enrolling into a University many
students feel the need to take a break before ... Show more content on ...
In an interview with Mrs. Darcy, a psychology teacher, she explained the negative side effects for
taking a Gap Year. In the interview she described some psychological issues that would occur if
taking a Gap Year, such as, "When in school or an academic surrounding you're constantly
developing at the same rate. When you return back to school after a Gap Year your brain is prune."
she also explained "Cognitive issues would be that your brain is pruning. Pruning means that your
brain takes stock of what you use and what you don't use. When taking a Gap Year your brain
continues developing in what you use and what you don't use. This limits neural connections if you
don't continue learning and using all your skills" (Darcy). A Gap Year can be fatal if not used wisely.
Going a year without math, reading, and science and coming back to school whereas everyone else's
brains are more focused on academics than someone who took a resting year. Mrs. Darcy's point
was that since the brain is still developing it is important to continue ones school and challenge one's
brain, so that it maintains using all skills. The loss of momentum in education is proven to be shown
with loss of study skills, lower grades, and less attentiveness. In a Journal called "Gap Year Takers:
Uptake, Trends, and Long Term Outcomes." by Claire Crawford and Jonathan Cribb, members of
the Department of Education, explain how a Gap Year
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Benefits Of A Gap Year Essay
As students sit impatiently at their desk in the concluding hours of their senior year, there are a
million things that rush through their mind. Most students will suddenly realize that they have no
idea what they will do after high school. A majority will answer by confidently announcing "I'm
going off to college!". Others, will turn up their nose and declare that they "will be staying home to
look for a decent job that has an opportunity for advancement because college is far too expensive."
Some will say that they are going to start looking for a long–term job; but in reality, everyone really
knows they are going to live in their parents' basement for much longer than agreed. There are
millions of possibilities of what students can do after high school and while everyone gets to make
their own decision, very few will consider the best one; a gap year.
A gap year is a period of time (typically an academic year) in which a student takes a break between
secondary school and a higher education. Taking a gap year has been encouraged in Europe and
Australia for years, whereas in the United States, the idea of taking a gap year didn't become popular
until 2010. In 2010, Australia saw a substantial increase in travel, study, and work abroad programs
by young Americans, and soon came up with a program where anyone the ages from 18–30 years
old are given the opportunity to work, travel, and study in the country for a 12–month period.
("Leisure & Travel week") In present day,
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Why A Gap Year?
Why Take A Gap Year?
The term "gap year" often refers to a time that a student takes off between completing high school
and beginning post–secondary. Although many may choose to take one during post–secondary or
even the year after completion. Often the idea of taking a gap year is something many students
ponder over, as it gives them a unique time that they can explore and look over things carefully,
without the pressures of school. So what are some of the things that a gap year gives you the
opportunity to do?
Make Decisions
There are a variety of decisions one has to make before attending post–secondary education
including: Is attending post–secondary education right for you? Do you want to go into a trade
school or a university? Which school do you want to attend? What program do you want to get into?
Is there somewhere you can start a program and then transfer to a different school?
Taking a gap year can give you adequate time to explore all your options, and figure out where your
interests lie. That way you are not changing programs a year in, once you realize that a program is
not for you.
Get a Job
Getting a job during this year could prove beneficial. For one thing it may allow you to save a bit of
money for school. As most people will tell you post secondary is expensive, so saving money even
just for books may be something you're rather thankful for when you do decide to enrol. It will also
allow you to get some work experience, which many
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Gap Year Pros
Taking a gap year after high school, what are the advantages? For over several years, the
controversy has been in the debate with no definite answer. There are pros and cons to taking a gap
year, but it all depends on what he or she may want to do later to in life and how soon students want
to begin. Are students satisfied with the major or career, he or she is going to study right after high
school? The idea of taking a gap year after high school is the best way to prepare a student for
college because they can work for an entire year to help pay for tuition, explore college options, and
get a break from the 13 years of receiving an education. Moreover, if a high school graduate takes a
gap year he or she is able to work full–time for a year and make more money to pay for college. A
full year will actually surprise students on how much they can do to put into savings, "A year of
earning money full–time can go a long way toward paying for college." (McCollum) When a student
graduates from high school, he or she will have their high school diploma so their paycheck will be
higher than one in high school. While high school students have a job it can add to the stress they
have to deal with in both areas. If a high school graduate takes off a year of school then he or she
will have the opportunity to only focus on their job specifically their roles at the company.
Additionally, with the opportunity to work full–time he or she will make more than having a part–
time job
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Gap Year Research Paper
Gap Years Leaving high school most students are expected to go straight to college but leaving the
stress behind some students are choosing to take a year off of their education. High school is full of
AP and dual credit classes for most who are college bound. These classes can created stress about
how to keep GPAs up and those who plan to go to college also have the stress of getting a high ACT
score to get into their dream school. A gap year is used as a time to experience the world and is
increasingly becoming more popular with young americans who are wanting more in life than just
education systems. Students should take a gap year because even though they may not want to
return to the stress of school students better themselves as citizens ... Show more content on ...
Students could lose momentum to continue with their education after taking a gap year (source 4).
Counselors and parents often discourage a gap year because it will delay them in their studies.
Students who return to college after a gap year will be behind their peers which can actually lead to
more stress (source 3). This is all wrong however and the critics of gap years are the reason more
american students aren't taking advantage of gap years. The American Gap Association determined
that 90% of students return to school after a gap year (source 1). Those who don't return often found
careers that they believe are the most beneficial to their lives that they don't need a degree for. Those
who do return after a gap year however feel like they are more prepared for their careers and
education (source 2). In other countries gap years are more popular than here in The United States
and the reason is students are pushed so hard through high school and the first few years of college
that it's looked down upon to take a year off. If the critics of gap years could understand what the
majority of students go through a gap year could benefit the students of the states just like it has
been helping those in other
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Gap Year Disadvantages
While beneficial to students in certain circumstances, a gap year's success ultimately depends on
background elements like socioeconomic status. Students taking a gap year must possess a
structured plan and must actively seek productive ways to explore their passions to dully utilize it to
their benefit.
Often enough, a student's background will determine his or her effectiveness in a gap year. While
students at prestigious universities like Harvard exhibit higher GPAs, one should note that for
students of low socioeconomic status taking a gap year puts them "at a sizable disadvantage
compared to peers who enter college right away" (Hoder; Figure H). The seemingly contradictory
nature of this data would imply gap years require certain conditions for success. One must factor
that places like Harvard typically have students of higher socioeconomic status due to the nature of
the school, meaning the experiences of a wealthier person in his or her gap year would differ with
the experience of a lower income student. Therefore, a gap year could yield benefits but only with
the right resources available. Lining up with this, students who take a gap year "typically come from
higher income households" (figure I). In figure C for example, the lesser degrees for gap year
students stem from using one or more gap years instead of just one year, since the previously
mentioned data implied most higher income students will take off a single gap year and not more.
Inversely, poorer students
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Gap Year In College Essay
Lauren Maurer
Mr. Worthington
AP Lang
16 January 2014
College Can Wait
Taking a gap year between high school and college is becoming a rapidly developing trend amongst
students in the United Kingdom and United States over the last decade. The extreme pressure from
the four years spent in high school leaves students drained and needing to re–energize before facing
an even more rigorous course load in college. A gap year is the perfect solution as students take
"time off with a purpose" before furthering their education. A gap year is a structured period of time
between high school and college when students take a break from formal education to increase self–
awareness, learn from different cultures, and experiment for possible careers. As defined by Andrew
Jones in his thesis paper for the University of London, a gap year is, "any period of time between 3
and 24 months which an individual takes 'out' of formal education, training or the workplace, and
where the time out sits in the context of a longer career trajectory" (Jones 8). Students spend time
away from home traveling, volunteering, interning or working in an unfamiliar area to gain new
experiences. This period is ideally a phase for students to explore the world and gain valuable life
skills and a mature understanding while transitioning into independence. Its purpose is for a student
to find out more about oneself, and clarify future career pursuits before entering college. It is a time
in which students learn
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Gap Year Essay
A gap year is a period of time where students take a break from formal education, usually the gap of
after graduating from high school and before starting university. A gap year is normally taken for
12months long. The question is; should students take a gap year before university? Well, it depends
on the individual. In my opinion, a student should take a gap year before starting university. Let's
take a look at it this way, so you are thinking on what to do with your life, pondering your options
and decide on what career will suit you best. You are done with high school so now you must
continue your education, to get a degree, to get a job and have the life you have always wanted. Do
you realize that there is another option for you after school ... Show more content on
You can go on a holiday and discover the world or you can just stay in your country or around your
neighborhood. It all depends on you because you decide how you want your gap year to be. A gap
year might be the only chance for you to be independent and gain meaningful experience. It's an
opportunity for you that you may not have again later on in your life. It can help boost your self–
confidence, along with your communication skills and your leadership skills. Other than that, it can
increase your critical thinking ability because you have become matured as you have experience
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Gap Year Research Paper
Nowadays, high school seniors have a lot of choices to make right before they graduate. They have
so many options that it can be overwhelming to make their final decision before going to college.
They can choose whether they want to go to college and continue their education or to find a job and
start earning their own money. It is really the first time for most students to be able to take a break
and to finally start making adult decisions that will affect their lives. While some students may be
completely prepared for college after graduating high school, it seems that taking a year off before
entering college could help the majority of students. I believe that taking a year off prior to entering
college will provide students with time to decide on an area of study, earn money ... Show more
content on ...
They will also waste less time and money on schooling because they will be sure of what they want
to do and to study before they step foot on campus. It can help students confirm that they do in fact
want to continue their education, so instead of simply continuing straight on to college and
floundering in their studies and their decisions. "Taking a gap year helps young adults clarify career
interests and goals, renew their passion for learning, and develop organizational and life skills and
become more globally aware among other things, according to Planet Gap Year" (Rindge, Brenda
4). More often than not, college students commit themselves to one are of study, realize it's not for
them, and then change their major completely about two to three times before they figure out what
they really want to do.When students are unclear of what they want to do while in college they end
up taking unnecessary student loans. Taking a year off will give students time to figure out what
they are passionate about and will help make the right decision. It also saves them money if they
decide that college is not the way they want to
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Dentist Gap Year Essay
The career that I am currently interested in researching about is Dentistry, specifically the career
path to become a general dentist. I am pursuing a bachelor of science in Kinesiology, with a minor
in Biological Sciences. This combination of courses allows me to take the prerequisites required to
apply to dental school. Before beginning the application process, I am required to take the Dental
Admission Test, a timed multiple–choice exam conducted by the American Dental Association. I am
currently in my junior year and will take the DAT in August of 2017. Performing well on the DAT is
an important factor in the dental school application process and I plan to explore the most effective,
cost efficient way to study for the test. I also plan to explore the gap year I will take before
beginning dental school, along with the financial aspects of dental school and owning a general
practice. The first part of the research I plan to conduct is what it entails to get a score that is above
average on the DAT. My GPA is below the average and I need to score a 20–21 on the DAT in order
increase my chance of acceptance. Although I am familiar with each of the sections ... Show more
content on ...
This research is precautionary given that I skip an application cycle or I am not accepted on the first
time I apply. The "gap year" is typically taken by a student as a break between secondary school and
higher education. This topic is worth researching because I want to take the most beneficial steps
within that year from school to get accepted the next cycle. I am fairly prepared to take the gap year
since the odds of getting accepted into dental school are slim for first time applicants. I have found
several sources to give me insight on the gap year, including ____________. My goal for this area
of research is to learn about my options for what I can do in the gap year, and what will benefit me
and my next application the
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The Role Of Gap Years Essay
The role of gap years to earn a higher education is a controversial idea. Many people feel it is
important to take on Europe 's natural participation in the gap year after high school. For countless
years, Europeans have practiced gap years before college to help a graduate grow. Prince William of
Europe took his beneficial gap year, helping the idea to spread to America (Kelly para. 1) British
influences have been leading America to a stronger future, and taking a gap year after high school is
now being adopted by the States. Certain students participating in the gap year enhance their
emotional and physical states before entering college. Also, some believe that taking a gap year will
influence the student to reject a higher education. On the other hand, taking a gap year after high
school can be expensive, but the experiences you receive from it are priceless. Based on these
different perspectives, I most closely agree with the fact that taking a break from school before
jumping into a higher education can help a graduate grow and find themselves.
Many people believe taking a gap year after high school will discourage a higher education because
the student is not likely to go back to school after taking a break. Due to this thought, parents of new
graduates are not openly supportive of gap years. Cases of students who take a gap year and do not
pursue a higher education are the ones thrown into the spotlight. The wide concern of students
giving up their
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The Negative Effects Of Gress Stress And Its Effects On...
Through the fast pace of today's economy and job market in the United States, students are
constantly being asked to do more in order to maintain a competitive edge. Although, obtaining such
an edge might promote a positive outcome, there are also negative responses that essentially hurt
students as individuals and the American job market as a whole. The constant government and
societal push towards measuring up to the rest of the world is essentially, harming students more
than it is promoting them.
Although stress stress isn't always a negative aspect, in extreme situations, it can prove to be very
unhealthy. The American Psychological Association has found that "Teens report that their stress
level during the school year far exceeds what they believe to be healthy..." The association also says
that "Many teens also report feeling overwhelmed (31 percent) and depressed or sad (30 percent) as
a result of stress." The stress that students are experiencing is not the problem as much as the
consequences that come from it. Depression and lack of motivation can result from too much
pressure upon students, and these negative side effects can cancel any of the positively intended
effects. From elementary school to college, the American school system is constantly striving to
keep up with that of other countries. This constant motivation can be very toxic to the entire cause at
hand. The University of La Verne took statistics of their students and found that " least 50% of
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Gap Year Is The Right Choice
Gap Year Is The Right Choice
People these days should take the gap year because it lets them have the time to find out the person
that they want to be in life. Today most students are taking the path of having a gap year because
they are very stressed throughout high school and just need a break from school for a little while.
Some students have no motivation or clue what they want to do in college so by having this gap year
it gives them the time to explore and find out what interest them. This will give them a better idea of
what they want to major in and eventually have a job in as well. Some would say that going to
college right after high school could make life a lot less problematic; however, students should
choose to take a gap year to have the most favorable outcomes after high school.
The students who take a gap year may never attend college, but some of the colleges recommend to
the students that they should take a gap year. A lot of parents are worried if their child decides they
are going to take a gap year that they will find the time off really fun and they will find other interest
and they never want to attend college. In today 's society more of the colleges across the United
States are actually saying to the students that they should take a gap year so they can become more
mature and ready for their college experience. Now in the 21st century, the "U.S. colleges and
universities accept gap years, they encourage them. Many of the country's leading
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Is A Gap Year The Way I Should Go?
Amyah Harris
Mr. Rader
English 10A, Period C
17 February 2017
Is a Gap Year the Way I Should Go? Is taking a gap year going to lead one 's education in the right
direction? Will a gap year improve academic performance? Will taking a gap year allow one to be
invested in one's future? The purpose of this essay is to give one the benefits and the doubts of both
sides. While some are in high school, there is already enough stress on one about getting into
college, having scholarships, and one's grades. Some do not have the time to think about or even
experience what one may want to do for the rest of one's life. Planning a productive gap year during
one's junior year of college or between high school and freshman year of college will give ... Show
more content on ...
All are refocused on school because during the vigorous time one spent the gap year, one may have
found an internship, or volunteer work in the career of one's interest. That is what many college
want for students that do decide to take a gap year. The college administrators also want student "to
improve upon an area of expertise or perform some kind of public service" (Shapira). This allows
them to become more skilled in one's selected area of study, because others are still learning new
important life and study skills. As a result "gap–year students at Middlebury and the University of
North Carolina maintained grade point averages between .1 and .4 points higher than their gap–free
peers" (Greenberg). Gap years are viewed as a chance effectively prepare students for a thorough,
and more significant engagement in college education. Therefore, it is contrary to the belief that it
supplies the students a break from academic focus. The students that are achieving these better
grades are working harder than peers that did not take a gap year. Henceforth, one becomes ready to
focus on one's education.
The experiences of the real world allows one to gain more knowledge about life. Susan Greenberg, a
mother worried about her newly high school graduate daughter would spend her life after high
school, did not have a gap year for her daughter in mind.
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The Benefits of a Gap Year Essay
Taking a "gap year" off between high school and university has become a popular alternative among
many adolescents. A "gap year" is a period of time, usually an academic year, when a student takes a
break from formal education and routine ("Gap Year."). This time off provides a break after many
years of formal study and is often spent travelling or working. In the past, taking a gap year resulted
in problematic return into education. Today, however, they are generally seen as positive and are
supported by Universities and employers. The idea behind a gap year is that it offers opportunities
practical experiences, which enable young people to learn more about themselves and what they
want to do in their future. While education is ... Show more content on ...
As Greg Kristof, a gap year taker and now sophomore at Harvard University, stated in the interview
that I conducted, "In America it seems that college is a huge rite of passage when actually it's a huge
investment". Differences in the US schooling system, including more travel experiences and
extracurricular activities conclude in the need for a gap year being decreased. Additionally, there's a
sense of ignorance towards gap years in the US. In is common for American high schools to provide
students with counselors and programs to help them prepare for college. In conjunction with this, AP
tests and the SATs are designed to streamline the college application process; making continuing on
to college is a natural and expected next step. Gap years are not as common in the US due to the
unfamiliarity of gap years and the different schooling system.
Fig1: A graph displaying the gap year enrollment trends in percentages from 2006.2013. Gap Year %
Enrollment Trends. Americangap. American Gap Association, n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2014.
Various disadvantages, moreover dangers, have to be taken into consideration about the gap year.
The notion of going against the social norm and/ or breaking tradition, to a higher degree in the US,
can be difficult for adolescents to overcome. As Killen notes
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Gap Year
Breanna Bowlin Joseph Kane English 1010 December 7, 2012 Beneficial Time Off For most
Americans the traditional next step after graduating high school is enrolling into college. This causes
an extreme pressure on high school graduates to continue on being a full time student whether it be
from parents, fear of losing heath care, or watching friends go away to college. Many students to fall
into the belief that quickly getting through the next four years of college to obtain a degree is the
best way to lead to the beginning of career success and the next phase of their lives. However,
dedicating oneself to a university is a task that takes extensive amounts of time with careful and
precise planning, which most high school seniors do ... Show more content on ...
The Milkround, a graduate recruitment firm, completed a survey asking 387 respondents who were
already out of college and into the workforce how they felt about their career choice. Almost 75%
reported to be satisfied or very satisfied in their jobs. Likewise, from the earlier study conducted by
Haigler it was also found to have an overwhelming report of satisfied career choices from students
who took a gap year. These studies confirm that the helpful time off to explore career options can be
appreciated and well worth it long after doing so. Although a gap year can be miraculously
beneficial to students, it is not often practiced. This may be due to the people who are not
comfortable with the thought of taking a year off, in fear that they will not
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Education Week Analysis
Go back to your senior year of high school and remember how chaotic it was; it was a constant buzz
of scrambling together transcripts and receiving acceptance letters or maybe even rejection letters.
Then comes the part where you have to make a decision about where to go and say goodbye to
friends you've known your whole life along with everything you've known, from your favorite spot
to read at home to your parents favorite place to eat, that you were always dragged to but you
secretly loved. Finally, it's all done and it's time to sit back and Start College. For some people that's
exactly what they want to do and it's perfect for them, but for others they're just doing it because it is
what's expected and they can become lost. Well instead ... Show more content on ...
One of the bigger arguments against a gap year is not going back. Parent of the students fair that a
year away from school can make them go completely against college. Being away from school may
lessen stress for students and they definitely don't want to go back to such a stressed and structured
lifestyle. Also if that person is working during their gap year and making money the idea of going to
college and putting yourself into crippling debt isn't very appealing, therefore steering them away
from returning back to school. Another issue is students will see a gap year as literal time off and
won't do anything constructive with their time. Wasting a whole year on just sitting around, eating
junk food and watching Netflix is very counterproductive. It will put you behind of your peers.
Additionally gap years can add on expensive, particularly if you traveled. Putting more financial
debt on yourself can cause greats amount of stress and make it much more difficult to dig yourself
out of (Knoll, 2012). Another issue that can arise is how much further behind you are on graduating
can put you behind overall in your career goals in life. Particularly if you are interested in pursuing a
career in math, science, or language. Jobs in these fields are fast paced and take a lot of maintaining,
so not practicing them or studying them a year can hurt your previous skills on them, making you
forget many things. Instead what is
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What Is A Gap Years Essay
A gap year was once just a privilege for the people of luxury and wealthy backgrounds, who's
mummy and daddy would send them of for the time of their lives. They would travel to poor
countries and help build houses and schools for the ones in need for a few weeks. Then spend the
rest of the year going to beaches and parties. They have changed the lives of many and had the time
of their lives.
Some people think that gap years are for the people of luxury and upper class as they are so
expensive that even the working class can't afford it. Take Louise Linton for example, she is a
actress who went on a gap year to volunteer in Zambia, she got a lot of backlash at the fact that she
was of upper class and posted that she was hiding from a group of "armed rebels" and she didn't
want to "think what the rebels would do to the 'skinny white Muzungu with long angel hair' if they
found me." and the only thing that got her through the ruff times was the " smiling gap–toothed
child with HIV whose greatest joy was to sit on my lap and drink from a bottle of Coca–Cola." on
twitter, Gerard Zytkow, claimed to have known ... Show more content on ...
Young people can be exhausted after years of school and hard work and just need a break. Gap years
are a chance to explore and learn new cultures, experience struggles and make life changing
decisions and meet new people. It gives the young person a year to mature and grow up as they
might have always had everything done for you. It gives them the chance to learn how to look after
themself by learning how to cook and become independent. It can also help the person come to a
conclusion on what you might want to do in life, college or university as it gives them a year to take
time to think about what they love and would maybe like to do in the future. A gap year will also
help them in the future as they might come across something while volunteering or working abroad
what they never knew they
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What Is Gap Year Essay

  • 1. What Is Gap Year Essay What is Gap Year? Gap year, which is also called as prep–year, foundation year, and so on. Gap year, just like the word itself, it always takes a year (usually more) for people to put down what they are doing right now and go on vacation or just do something they would be in love with. When people mentioned gap year, it is always about the year between them graduated from high school and before they start having their college life. The things they are going to do in the gap year will usually be totally different from what they are doing in their normal life. Typically, gap year is travelling around the world. However, nowadays, gap year can be quite different from each other. Some of us may go on a vacation; some may do some internship; Some may just do some volunteer work. Thus, whatever you do, except like usual, for about 12 months, then you have had a gap year. Why we are going to take a Gap Year? "Why we are going to take a Gap Year?" This is the most common question that people asked before they are going to have a gap year. Some of them even have no idea why they have had a gap year. There are lots of reasons for people taking a gap year; some people think gap year is just a time for fun, for them to completely relax themselves, but some of people think that gap year is a great time for them to know the ... Show more content on ... Though, to have a Gap Year have so many benefits, it still has disadvantages, and some of the disadvantages cannot be avoided. To have a gap year, with no doubt, you will lose about one year studying in school or working at a workplace. When you go to college, you will one year older than your classmates. Also, gap year is not free. When you go on vacation in the gap year, you need to spend money on plane tickets, on hotel, on meal and a lot of stuffs. If you do not have a good plan. Run out of money could be the result; it could be the most embarrassed experience you have in your ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Gap Year The Gap Year As a senior in high school did you ever stress about your future? Making plans for college? A way to relieve stress could be to take a gap year. The life of the average senior consist of planning for college, by taking a year off you can manage and make money, relieve some stress and it gives you the opportunity to travel before settling down before college. This is not uncommon to a lot of senior graduates. They see it as a way to relax and mentally prepare themselves for the future. The Gap Year is a year that high school graduates take off before beginning college. The reason this time is usually taken off is for either traveling, work, study, volunteering, research or other reasons prior to beginning college. It is ... Show more content on ... This is staying that people who take a gap year tend to have a better attitude towards college when it begins. They have a clear mindset on what they want to do since they had time to research on what they want to major in. She also begins to talk about how this would look very good in your future resumes. Businesses like people who have been internationally active and experienced! Even colleges like people who have experienced different cultures. Not too many people have the opportunity to take a gap year. Doing a gap year takes a lot if planning. If you're deciding to do a gap year that includes travel and research then you would have to be able to fund the expenses. On top of funding traveling expenses you have to also manage your college funds and set them aside or make the money while doing these trips. This is why not too many people take a gap year and when some of them do they end up not going back to college after the year is up because they've either spent their college money funding other activities while trying to experience while they can. Colleges are beginning to fund up and coming students while they are involved in a gap year. They believe that students of all income brackets can benefit from "The Gap Year". Although The Gap Year (More Colleges Funding). This is a good thing because as I said, not many students can afford to travel or do whatever they ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Gap Year Advantages Gaining experience is essential which lead one to improve in daily life and professional life. A gap year is a new phenomenon which is recently very popular among young people. In the past, people would not be able to take a gap year, and they had to continue their study non–stope in order to obtain their desired degree. Having a gap in between their study would cause significant damage to a future profession, but nowadays the tradition of studying straight forwards is abolished, and no one considers a gap year as a problem. Many schools and colleagues offer the gap year to their student and encourage them to take a year off of school. Martha Merrill said once "It's reached the point where a lot of us in admissions are talking about ways to get students to just kind of relax [between high school and college]. A gap year can have many advantages such as, determination of future profession, appreciation of higher education and accelerating maturity. A gap year can be significantly help students to determine their future job. Having a dream job is common among students who are ambitious and willing to work hard to gain what they deserve. But reality and dream are far away of each other. The wrong perception of dream job can lead to a disaster. A year is a sufficient time for a student to research on their dream job by talking with people who work in that field or surfacing on the internet and gathering information. For instance, one of my friend who wanted to become an ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Taking A Gap Year The paper throws some light on the history of the gap year and how the concept of gap year came into existence. The advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year have also been discussed and it has been established that the output of a gap year differs for every person. This is because every person goes through a different experience. Some light on the gap year industry has also been shed and it has been established that the gap year industry needs to be regulated. Considering the increasing popularity of gap years, it has been concluded that a gap year must be well planned in order to have the most fruitful results and effectively use the time during the gap year (122 words) Introduction A gap year can be broadly defined as taking a year off from formal education / work such as after graduating high school and before going to a university / college. Just like every other thing in the world, different people have different views about taking a gap year. According to some people, a gap year is a good option and it is good to have a year off, while others disagree with taking a gap year. The truth is that a gap year can prove to be beneficial or useless depending on the person and the situation. A lot of studies have been conducted so far regarding the advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year. After throwing ... Show more content on ... Hugh Jackman who is one of the most popular actors of today took a gap year in 1987 and taught some school kids in England. Similarly, the famous writer Joanne K. Rowling who wrote a masterpiece in the form of Harry Potter took a gap year and taught English as a second language in Portugal. It was during that time that she started working on her manuscript for Harry Potter. However, many argue that example of a few people cannot justify that a gap year is beneficial ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Taking A Gap Year Essay Take the gap year Every year there are millions of students who graduate high school and the majority will go to college. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Of the 3.0 million youth age 16 to 24 who graduated from high school between January and October 2015, about 2.1 million (69.2 percent) were enrolled in college in October." ("College" par 3.) The other nine hundred thousand students will either delay college or have decided to never enter college. Taking time off between your high school graduation and the start of college, or during college, is considered a gap year. This time off can be structured, such as traveling for volunteering. On the other hand, it can be unstructured, such as leisurely activities. Some of the most prestigious colleges in the United States encourage taking a gap year, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Cornell. "For nearly 40 years, Harvard has recommended this option, indeed proposing it in the letter of admission." (Fitzsimmons et al. Par. 21). There are a great deal of benefits to students delaying the start of college and taking a gap year. One of those valuable benefits is the ability of gaining life experience. When taking a gap year, the student may have the ability to travel outside their normal life. Traveling gives an individual a new insight and perspective into the world. According to Bob Clagett, the director of college counseling at St. Stephen 's Episcopal School, "students who 've ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Gap Year Disadvantages Though there are many advantages to taking a gap year, there are just as many disadvantages. People may find themselves unwilling to go back to school, they may lose opportunities for scholarships, or they might not have enough money to support the activities they replace school with. Even their social life could be affected. With all of these negative aspects one may ask, why would anyone risk taking a gap year? Living in the unstructured world, outside of the predictible environment education defines students to for twelve years, can be a bit of a culture shock. This could make students reluctant to go back to a strict schedule after experiencing a new independence. Cheung Hiu Ling brings up the point that, "You have to accept the changes in the education system and the foundation you built before" (Advantages and Disadvantages), in reference to going back to college after a gap year. This is a very insightful quote as the "foundation" of ones educational life can become altered over time spent in a non educational environment. Students may start to take on a new perspective of education as a whole during their gap year. This time in young people's lives can be very mentally transformative, and to ask someone who has found a new independance to go back into the educational system could be futile. According to Knoll, "students who take gap years often end up wasting that time and falling further behind their peers, which can lead to frustration and stress for both the student and their family" (A Gap Year). Some students may have a certain idea of what their gap year will be like, but they do not put the necessary effort into preparing for it. Being unprepared can be discouraging if the student realizes it too late, and ultimately it could cause the student to "waste" their gap year. It can also be discouraging to see peers continuing with their educational lives, while one may feel anxiety towards whether or not they made the right desicion. This can be very problematic for some students mental health. Viner states, "Around one–third of college–aged American students reported experiencing depression ... and almost half experienced overwhelming anxiety" (Mental Health Impact). This expresses that there is ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. A New Alternative Market Of Tourism Essay Volunteer tourism– also known as "Voluntourism"– is part of a new alternative market of tourism. It consists of tourists taking part in volunteer oppportunities while they go on vacation, usually in a developing country. (Hanson Pastran 2014) While this sounds like a positive idea, and it can be, it is important to consider the efficacy (or lack thereof) of voluntourism, and the fact that it could potentially perpetuate more harm than good. It can be hard to believe that a concept like voluntourism– that was supposedly built on the premises of helping people– could be a negative concept. It isn't always negative, it can in fact be beneficial when it is done in a correct manner. However, in this paper I will be arguing that despite some of the cases in which voluntourism has proven to be effective and beneficial, there are numerous ways in which it can be not only ineffective– but also harmful. The harm is not caused through the physical volunteer work itself, but instead through the negative stereotypes of the Global South that are perpetuated by the agencies that organize these volunteer trips, as well as the neocolonialist tendencies that are displayed by those volunteer agencies– by Me to We in particular. The neocolonialism is evident through not only the actions of the organizers of the trips, but also through the marketing for Me to We. By perpetuating these kinds of messages in their advertising, harm is done to the impressionable youth that are exposed to this. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Examples Of Ethos Pathos Logos In trying to persuade my skeptical parents that a "gap year" will be beneficial, I will have to establish ethos and appeal to pathos and logos in order to convince them to approve of a "gap year." To establish ethos, I'd discuss my status as a current student in the high school system, which provides credibility as I have the experience and personal knowledge of the scholastic system to form a trustworthy argument. My appeal to logos would be the use of famous and successful figures of society who took a "gap year" between high school and college. I'd also research statistics on the grade point averages of college students who took a gap year and compare them to those who went straight from high school to college. Lastly, I'd appeal to pathos by addressing the mental and physical strain high school has taken on me and how a gap year will allow not only a de–stress period but also time to explore who I am and the world around me, which will cause my parents to empathize with my scholastic experience. In presenting a proposition for healthier food choices in the cafeteria, I will have to ... Show more content on ... To establish ethos I'd discuss my knowledge of cars and my experience of being a member of this family in order to demonstrate my understanding of the family's needs and expectations. My appeal to logos would be a detailed description of the car, exploitation of the connections between my family's needs and the car's characteristics, and customer reviews of the vehicle. I'd appeal to pathos by addressing the difficulties of not having a car and appeal to their desires of not having to waste their time in driving me to numerous locations per day, and I'd also mention the surge of independence I'd feel if I were to have a vehicle to drive myself to school or other ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Essay on Gap Year vs Going Straight to College Taking a gap year might be a personal consideration but in the end, is it really worth it? A gap year is when students take a year off after high school and don't go straight to college. During the gap year, people usually travel, works, or do something to promote their time off from education. Not many people consider taking a gap year no matter how effective it might be. A gap year allows one to be independent. It allows people to learn about themselves and what they want to do in their life. Gap year allows one to add to their resume. You can see the world and get new life experiences, which is an untradeable prize. On the other hand, going straight to college can have its advantages. Going right into college can give one a head start ... Show more content on ... However, gap year is not as fantastic as it might seem. Gap year can make a student lose their flow of things. They will not be so willing to study as they don't want to go back to the stress and rigor of academic life. It takes the student away from classroom experience. Gap year means that the student will lose a year of learning, of education. It makes you fall further behind your peers; this can put you at a disadvantage particularly if one is going to med school or law school. Additionally some gap years can be expensive especially if one is traveling. This could make college harder to afford. All in all gap year has its pros and cons, but it's in the will of the student to say how fit it is for them. Many students take this approach: they go straight to college; a lot consider this the safe approach. A large number of students then are about the same age and have the same understanding of life and where they might want to take it. Going to college after high school can help students finish their education and career earlier than others. Students will be in the mode to study and learn. College offers training toward a career, as well as a great education. Plus, studying abroad is available if a student feels as if they need to travel. Nevertheless there are a couple of disadvantages of going straight to college. You won't be able to discover the world, discover yourself. ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Gap Inc. Essay As a citizen of America you have definitely seen a store owned by Gap Inc. such as stores like Old Navy, Gap, Banana Republic, Etc. These stores represent an ionic and proud American store since 1969 which has multiplied since they opened their first store in San Francisco. This marked the first of many stores that would open and take over America. Gap became an icon as it started to multiply as larger variety stores came about. Such stores as Old Navy taking over the lower budget gap clothing to Gap as a middle budget and on to Banana Republic which serves as a high profile high budget Gap Inc. store. Gap Inc. To the eyes of Don and Doris Fisher opening the first store was more than just selling jeans; it was to serve the people and to ... Show more content on ... This so called thing now has become a fashion statement as "Women will always be on an endless quest for that great pair of jeans because the denim industry keeps evolving and growing" ( This is an example of the same situation that Don and Doris had to undergo and now 42 years later it's still an issue. After all these years now they are the leading international specialty retailer with five different brands. Behind the 3000 stores and 5 different brands come 134,000 employees. That is four times the population of Lichtenstein which is a small country in the Swiss Alps. Such a large work force dedicated to the making of apparel brands really stands out in the fashion industry and with this many designers, managers, sales associates, and other leading roles Gap Inc. stands to make a difference in the way people dress. They are so forward in their attempt to change the way of fashion that they have opened up new stores in new countries such as Italy, China, and Australia, thus bringing once a pair of jeans to a multitude of different apparel items. These new countries that have Gap Inc. stores popping up shows Gap Inc.'s progressive movement by saying that "190 store openings worldwide are planned, with about 10 in China, including Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong, and another 10 in Italy, including one in Rome. Gap plans to double the number of franchise stores to 400 by 2015." ( ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Gap Year Essay Outline: Description Advantages Disadvantages Organizations Testimonials Tips Description Gap year is an experiential semester, usually takes place between the end of the high school year and the start of the college life, to help the students to deepen their knowledge on the world from various kinds of aspects. Therefore several key points about the history of Gap year a) Gap Year is initially started in UK in 1970s. b) The purpose for gap year at that time is to widen the students' horizon by allowing them to travel internationally c) Gap year came to the US in 1980s and soon spread around the world d) Now, students can do anything they want, at any place, during any time in the gap year. e) However, most of the students choose ... Show more content on ... Research possible information on university websites or formal gap year websites to find useful information. Read journal articles and find out the place you may enjoy and learn from the most. Spend some time to plan and prepare: Since a normal gap year would take students 7–8 months to experience life. Gap year students should also spend some time to enact their schedule and the goals they want to achieve during the gap year. Be prepared for the budget: Don't try to save all your money for a large trip. Calculate out the cost for your year is important for you to keep track of your own finance and always stay organized. Remember, you can also take your gap year at home! Always open–minded: The purpose for the students to take a gap year is for enlarging the horizon, widening their knowledge or gaining useful social skills. Don't be afraid to show your abilities and catch the opportunities. Enjoy the day: After ensuring your plan, start your gap year and enjoy your ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. What Is A Gap Year Essay Many students feel a large amount of pressure and stress from school and the workload that comes with it. The U.S. is strict when it comes to going to college; often you are expected to go right out of high school, but what if we were not as strict and more lenient. People in England or Australia wait a whole year after high school to go to college, this is called a gap year. Gap years are very beneficial and helpful for students, however every great idea has its flaws. A gap year is, of course, a year, where students after high school in some cases explore some part of the world or a culture, with most kids exploring their interests or figuring out who they are and what they want to do in life. Many colleges in the U.K. are far more likely ... Show more content on ... If you can higher your education the better, and learn what your passion in life is. I'm not saying this is for everyone because of financial differences, but if possible, do it. The cons may seem daunting, and they are, but if you plan it right and have an idea of what you want it only can make it better. Citation "What is a Gap Year?" Top Universities, 14 Aug. 2017,–gap– year. Sherifi, Macca. "What is a Gap Year?", 23 Nov. 2011,–is–a–gap–year. Williams, George. "The Gap Year: Good Idea or Bad for Your Teen?" US News, 22 July 2016,–finance/articles/2016–07–22/the–gap–year–good–idea–or– bad–for–your–teen. "Gap Year Association." Universities in Support of Gap Years | Universities with Gap Year Deferral Policies &Laquo Gap Year Association,–colleges.php. Flavin, Brianna. "Rasmussen College." Rasmussen College – Regionally Accredited College Online and on Campus,–life/blogs/college–life/taking–a–gap–year/. Stephens, Brittney. "The Inspiring Ways Will, Kate, and Harry Spent Their College Gap Years."POPSUGAR Celebrity, 3 June 2017, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Are Gap Years a Good Idea? Are Gap Years A Good Idea? When you think about graduating high school, it is almost ingrained in your brain that college is the next step. You think, "Who doesn't have a college degree?" And where in life am I going to get without one. But school is not for everybody. A lot of kids, including me, just go to college because it seems like the right path. Kids who have no idea what they want to do, think "well a college degree could be useful," well why would you want to go do something, when you have no idea why you're even doing it. Well, there may be another option. There is a British tradition, which is called a gap year. Defined by Cambridge Dictionaries Online as "a year between leaving school and starting university which is ... Show more content on ... A Student dropping out provides lower statistics for good colleges, not because the college is doing a bad job but because kids just are not ready. Why should a person go to college when they are just not ready for it? If the dropout rate is high why not let a student defer their application until they are ready? This is how the British gap year works, a student applies to colleges their senior year of high school, like a normal fall applicant would. Once accepted, the student then defers their application and the university gives them an amount of time off. When this time is over, they start in the next semester. Most British colleges offer this to students, and a lot of colleges actually encourage it to students who think they are not ready to handle the college life. I think the U.S. should do this to, only because it is working so well in Britain. The gap year is proven to be a helpful and great experience for students. If it wasn't why would universities encourage it? Students come back from these trips or years off with a new found want to learn and a refreshed mind. After going to school for four year, it is definitely hard to be excited to do the same thing for another four years. But with a gap year, you're doing something else for a year, so when you come back you are in learning mode. Another argument someone who is against gap years may make is that they are expensive, especially if you are looking to travel. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay On Gap Year Johana Paulino Mrs. Schnorr English II Honors– 3A 08 May 2017 "Gap Year: Yes or No?" It's your last year of high school, the year to sit back and relax. After 12 years of hard work, your senior year should be the easiest and least stressing year. Turns out, senior year can be one of the most stressful years, this is the year when you plan out your future! That 's why every decision matters. Therefore, students should take a year off before entering college. They are many benefits to taking a gap year. It recharges your academic battery, offers amazing opportunities, and it helps you discover your true passion. To begin, contrary to popular belief, taking a gap year does not discourage students from pursuing a higher education. Most ... Show more content on ... Many gap year students specifically take a break from school to visit or live in another region of the world. Exploring different cultures, learning new things, and having fun are one of the many benefits that traveling comes with. Many people taking a gap year use this time to learn another language in a different country. The experience can also inspire new interests that can influence your choice of profession. Ninety percent of gap year students reported to have developed a greater understanding of other countries, cultures and peoples. In addition, this experience can benefit you in other ways too. Gap years can acquire you with many experiences that can spark up your resume. According to a survey conducted by YouGov in 2011, 53% of HR professionals agreed that a constructive gap year makes a job application stand out. Employers often view those who decide to take a gap year as more employable because of the skills that they acquire abroad. In a sense, they are more prepared to enter the working world than those without the experience. Furthermore, many senior students still don 't know what they want to be when they grow up. Not knowing what major you want to pursue may mean you need to explore options in the world prior to beginning your college career. A gap year allows you to follow your interests and discover what you truly enjoy. In a study shown by AGA, 77 % of "gappers" believed that taking a gap year has greatly impacted their career ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Accountancy Is An Important Statement In The Modern Age Accountancy is a vital element in this modern era as it applies to the society. It is a term that is often used for businesses only but actually can be seen everywhere – from small stores to restaurants, schools , hospitals, individual's own personal day–to–day life. Throughout my IGCSEs I have developed a comprehensive understanding of accounting concepts such as its principles, liquidity management, preparation of financial statements and the importance of validation and control. Because of my keen interest in accounting, I decided to continue study the subject at A–level. What I didn't realize by this decision was the depth of knowledge I was going to gain and how every single concept will become applicable to the real world. I spent most ... Show more content on ... I have taken part in multiple sports during school and because of my great passion in all kind of sports; my coaches have always had high expectations from me and demanded for perfection. I remember times when I haven't been upto their mark but what I learned is that loosing teaches lesson that winning cant and I strongly believe that learning is an essential element in life and sports nurtures this gift. However, participating in various sports seeped into my personal life in a way that it made me realize the importance of responsibility and ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Gap Year Research Paper For as long as I can remember, I have been constantly brainwashed that the right thing to do after graduating high school is to go straight to a college or university and study to someday obtain my dream job. I never once gave it a second thought until my senior year of high school, where I realized that instead of feeling excited to graduate, I was filled with an intense fear of moving on to college. Due to this fear, I scrambled to discover what career I wanted to pursue, hoping that by having a direction, I might feel more comfortable attending college. Unfortunately, of all the professions that I told myself I wanted, none made me feel any more at ease. After this realization, I explored the option of taking a gap year, an option that had ... Show more content on ... I began looking for what positive outcomes could come from taking a gap year. While researching, I was able to uncover several sources that discussed not only statistics on how gap years have positively influenced people, but also personal anecdotes from people who actually took a gap year to travel. However, I realized that none of my sources, even the personal stories, explored any disadvantages or challenges that came along with taking time off from school. Coming to this realization made me curious as to why gap years have become such a negative term to people around me, and wonder where they got that notion from? While I can think of more than a few reasons as to why one might not want to take a gap year, I found it extremely difficult to find any source that argued against taking a gap year, let alone one from somebody who has taken one themselves. I looked specifically for financial, academic, and professional deterrents. The only deterrent I was able to find that actually followed through from my sources was financial issues, and it showed that the biggest reason why people today choose not to take gap years is due to the amount of money it costs to ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Gap Year Benefits Shortly before graduating from high school, I realized that taking the traditional route and going immediately to a university as all my friends and peers were was not what I wanted to do. While I have always wanted to expand my knowledge and further my education I decided that what would be extremely beneficial to my life would be to take a gap year. Wanting to do something to better myself and the country that I live in, so I joined the AmeriCorps. Starting October 11, 2016 I am a member of the National Civilian Community Corps(NCCC) and will be until July 14, 2017. The NCCC is a ten month government service program for young adults ages 18–24. Currently serving in the southwest region, the possible states to serve in are Colorado, Kansas, ... Show more content on ... This is a completely opposite project from our first round, we are finally living in society again, no longer out in the woods everyday(which I admittedly miss), and are working with people 24/7. Working in a school is also very emotionally taxing, however, seeing the immediate gratification of a kid finally understanding what you are teaching or running up and hugging you because they passed all their classes and were so proud of themselves makes it all worth it. Although I spend my day teaching, I am shown something very important by a child everyday. The kids I work with show such love and care for their friends, cousins, little brothers or sisters, and teachers that it astounds me. They make me reevaluate what is truly important in my life and make me immensely grateful for the family I had and for growing up in such an amazing place that I did. It amazes me that even with so little people will be so giving and I believe that these kids represent the best in humanity, although at times they frustrate me watching them grow and learn has been more beneficial than I ever thought it could ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Taking a Gap Year A life without bills, kids, a significant other, or any worries sounds too good to be true. It may be hard to realize with the stress of college and future plans, but seniors graduating high school have the advantage to live this life if they want. High school seniors have many decsions to make before they graduate. They have to decide if they are going to college, what college they are going to, what career they may want to pursue, how to pay for everything ahead of them, and many more. Sometimes this will get too overwhelming for them and cause them to not want to go to college right away. They plan on going to college after a year on their own trying "experience life" before starting college. People call this taking a "gap year". Taking a gap year is a personal decision that takes commitment. People take gap years for many reasons, but they will regret their decision because gap years usually turn out bad or not the way the students want them to. Vacations, meeting new people, getting a job, saving money, and moving out from a parent's house seems like a fantasy and something that everybody would love to experience. This is what students will do or plan to do in a gap year. A gap year helps students find out who they are and learn about the world around them. Many students have found out it is not as great as they thought it would be. The executive director of Dynamy Internship Year disagrees and says "While there is significant peer pressure, parental pressure and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Gap Year Persuasive The Gap Year News flash, we're all in the 10th grade right now. That means that in two years, we'll be graduating. Now, imagine that graduation was tomorrow, do you think you'd be ready to go straight to college? High school students all over the country take a year off before going to college. This is known as the "Gap Year". During this time students have the time to do a variety of things before getting serious about their education and future. This variety has stirred some controversy on whether or not a student should be able to take a 'gap year'. As a student, I feel like EHS students should be allowed to take a 'gap year' before going to college. First of all, the gap year gives students a break. Most students, when they graduate are ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Gap Year Advantages A gap year between high school and college may just be the one thing students need. It provides students with some time off of school, and by taking a break from school, much of their stress and pressure is relieved. There are so many ways to spend this extra year that students gain. The possibilities are endless. It gives people time to gain new experiences. One could travel the world, or simply adjust to a working lifestyle in their hometown. There are countless options to take advantage of and this is simply for the people who are interested in gaining new experiences. The gap year also provides students with some extra time to think about making any changes to the decisions they have already took in regards to their future. They are provided with time to ponder their future and career path. Most of all, it gives them a much–needed break from the strict schedule of school years. For a year, they are given the freedom to do whatever they like and not worry about studying or completing projects or handing in their essays by the deadline. There are so many clear benefits to taking this well deserved break before you begin college. A gap year after the four most stressful years of schooling should certainly be taken advantage of because it gives a student the chance to have new experiences, it allows one to contemplate and finalize their career path, and lastly it grants an opportunity for a student to be relieved from the academic burnout and take a break from the rigid ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Advantages Of Gap Year "I am convinced that one's college education is greatly enhanced by the maturity, experience, and perspective a student can bring post gap year." (Fred A. Hardon). A gap year is a period, usually, one academic year, taken by a student as a break between secondary school and higher education. The gap year as we know it started gaining attraction in the US in the 1960s. During their gap year, students usually travel and experience other cultures, gain work experience, learn other languages, and volunteer. Initially, taking a gap year has not always been socially acceptable in the US, however, it was much more acceptable in many European countries as well as Australia. In more recent years, however, the percentage of students putting their higher education on hold to pursue learning outside of the academic field has been increasing steadily. Although the percentage of students who are taking a gap year is steadily increasing, in comparison to other countries we are very much behind. According to the Gap Year Association, many students in other countries wait a year or more after high school before attending college. For instance, more than 50 percent of students In Norway, Denmark and Turkey take a gap year before going to college, and that is according to the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research, and Education in Oslo, Norway. Gap year better prepares students for college and adulthood in general. Because the majority of students spend their gap year by ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. A Gap Year: Just Say No You're coming back from a well needed break from school and you feel invigorated and ready to start. The first few weeks are the hardest to adjust to because your brain hasn't been used throughout the break. The dilemma with breaks, such as summer break, is that one loses valuable information from past academic courses that are essential to ones progress towards higher education. Imagine a whole year without learning and then coming back to intense rigorous classes at a University. Seniors at high schools over the nation have the opportunity of taking a year off before committing to a college. This is known as a Gap Year; instead of directly enrolling into a University many students feel the need to take a break before ... Show more content on ... In an interview with Mrs. Darcy, a psychology teacher, she explained the negative side effects for taking a Gap Year. In the interview she described some psychological issues that would occur if taking a Gap Year, such as, "When in school or an academic surrounding you're constantly developing at the same rate. When you return back to school after a Gap Year your brain is prune." she also explained "Cognitive issues would be that your brain is pruning. Pruning means that your brain takes stock of what you use and what you don't use. When taking a Gap Year your brain continues developing in what you use and what you don't use. This limits neural connections if you don't continue learning and using all your skills" (Darcy). A Gap Year can be fatal if not used wisely. Going a year without math, reading, and science and coming back to school whereas everyone else's brains are more focused on academics than someone who took a resting year. Mrs. Darcy's point was that since the brain is still developing it is important to continue ones school and challenge one's brain, so that it maintains using all skills. The loss of momentum in education is proven to be shown with loss of study skills, lower grades, and less attentiveness. In a Journal called "Gap Year Takers: Uptake, Trends, and Long Term Outcomes." by Claire Crawford and Jonathan Cribb, members of the Department of Education, explain how a Gap Year ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Benefits Of A Gap Year Essay As students sit impatiently at their desk in the concluding hours of their senior year, there are a million things that rush through their mind. Most students will suddenly realize that they have no idea what they will do after high school. A majority will answer by confidently announcing "I'm going off to college!". Others, will turn up their nose and declare that they "will be staying home to look for a decent job that has an opportunity for advancement because college is far too expensive." Some will say that they are going to start looking for a long–term job; but in reality, everyone really knows they are going to live in their parents' basement for much longer than agreed. There are millions of possibilities of what students can do after high school and while everyone gets to make their own decision, very few will consider the best one; a gap year. A gap year is a period of time (typically an academic year) in which a student takes a break between secondary school and a higher education. Taking a gap year has been encouraged in Europe and Australia for years, whereas in the United States, the idea of taking a gap year didn't become popular until 2010. In 2010, Australia saw a substantial increase in travel, study, and work abroad programs by young Americans, and soon came up with a program where anyone the ages from 18–30 years old are given the opportunity to work, travel, and study in the country for a 12–month period. ("Leisure & Travel week") In present day, ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Why A Gap Year? Why Take A Gap Year? The term "gap year" often refers to a time that a student takes off between completing high school and beginning post–secondary. Although many may choose to take one during post–secondary or even the year after completion. Often the idea of taking a gap year is something many students ponder over, as it gives them a unique time that they can explore and look over things carefully, without the pressures of school. So what are some of the things that a gap year gives you the opportunity to do? Make Decisions There are a variety of decisions one has to make before attending post–secondary education including: Is attending post–secondary education right for you? Do you want to go into a trade school or a university? Which school do you want to attend? What program do you want to get into? Is there somewhere you can start a program and then transfer to a different school? Taking a gap year can give you adequate time to explore all your options, and figure out where your interests lie. That way you are not changing programs a year in, once you realize that a program is not for you. Get a Job Getting a job during this year could prove beneficial. For one thing it may allow you to save a bit of money for school. As most people will tell you post secondary is expensive, so saving money even just for books may be something you're rather thankful for when you do decide to enrol. It will also allow you to get some work experience, which many ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Gap Year Pros Taking a gap year after high school, what are the advantages? For over several years, the controversy has been in the debate with no definite answer. There are pros and cons to taking a gap year, but it all depends on what he or she may want to do later to in life and how soon students want to begin. Are students satisfied with the major or career, he or she is going to study right after high school? The idea of taking a gap year after high school is the best way to prepare a student for college because they can work for an entire year to help pay for tuition, explore college options, and get a break from the 13 years of receiving an education. Moreover, if a high school graduate takes a gap year he or she is able to work full–time for a year and make more money to pay for college. A full year will actually surprise students on how much they can do to put into savings, "A year of earning money full–time can go a long way toward paying for college." (McCollum) When a student graduates from high school, he or she will have their high school diploma so their paycheck will be higher than one in high school. While high school students have a job it can add to the stress they have to deal with in both areas. If a high school graduate takes off a year of school then he or she will have the opportunity to only focus on their job specifically their roles at the company. Additionally, with the opportunity to work full–time he or she will make more than having a part– time job ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Gap Year Research Paper Gap Years Leaving high school most students are expected to go straight to college but leaving the stress behind some students are choosing to take a year off of their education. High school is full of AP and dual credit classes for most who are college bound. These classes can created stress about how to keep GPAs up and those who plan to go to college also have the stress of getting a high ACT score to get into their dream school. A gap year is used as a time to experience the world and is increasingly becoming more popular with young americans who are wanting more in life than just education systems. Students should take a gap year because even though they may not want to return to the stress of school students better themselves as citizens ... Show more content on ... Students could lose momentum to continue with their education after taking a gap year (source 4). Counselors and parents often discourage a gap year because it will delay them in their studies. Students who return to college after a gap year will be behind their peers which can actually lead to more stress (source 3). This is all wrong however and the critics of gap years are the reason more american students aren't taking advantage of gap years. The American Gap Association determined that 90% of students return to school after a gap year (source 1). Those who don't return often found careers that they believe are the most beneficial to their lives that they don't need a degree for. Those who do return after a gap year however feel like they are more prepared for their careers and education (source 2). In other countries gap years are more popular than here in The United States and the reason is students are pushed so hard through high school and the first few years of college that it's looked down upon to take a year off. If the critics of gap years could understand what the majority of students go through a gap year could benefit the students of the states just like it has been helping those in other ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Gap Year Disadvantages While beneficial to students in certain circumstances, a gap year's success ultimately depends on background elements like socioeconomic status. Students taking a gap year must possess a structured plan and must actively seek productive ways to explore their passions to dully utilize it to their benefit. Often enough, a student's background will determine his or her effectiveness in a gap year. While students at prestigious universities like Harvard exhibit higher GPAs, one should note that for students of low socioeconomic status taking a gap year puts them "at a sizable disadvantage compared to peers who enter college right away" (Hoder; Figure H). The seemingly contradictory nature of this data would imply gap years require certain conditions for success. One must factor that places like Harvard typically have students of higher socioeconomic status due to the nature of the school, meaning the experiences of a wealthier person in his or her gap year would differ with the experience of a lower income student. Therefore, a gap year could yield benefits but only with the right resources available. Lining up with this, students who take a gap year "typically come from higher income households" (figure I). In figure C for example, the lesser degrees for gap year students stem from using one or more gap years instead of just one year, since the previously mentioned data implied most higher income students will take off a single gap year and not more. Inversely, poorer students ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Gap Year In College Essay Lauren Maurer Mr. Worthington AP Lang 16 January 2014 College Can Wait Taking a gap year between high school and college is becoming a rapidly developing trend amongst students in the United Kingdom and United States over the last decade. The extreme pressure from the four years spent in high school leaves students drained and needing to re–energize before facing an even more rigorous course load in college. A gap year is the perfect solution as students take "time off with a purpose" before furthering their education. A gap year is a structured period of time between high school and college when students take a break from formal education to increase self– awareness, learn from different cultures, and experiment for possible careers. As defined by Andrew Jones in his thesis paper for the University of London, a gap year is, "any period of time between 3 and 24 months which an individual takes 'out' of formal education, training or the workplace, and where the time out sits in the context of a longer career trajectory" (Jones 8). Students spend time away from home traveling, volunteering, interning or working in an unfamiliar area to gain new experiences. This period is ideally a phase for students to explore the world and gain valuable life skills and a mature understanding while transitioning into independence. Its purpose is for a student to find out more about oneself, and clarify future career pursuits before entering college. It is a time in which students learn ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Gap Year Essay A gap year is a period of time where students take a break from formal education, usually the gap of after graduating from high school and before starting university. A gap year is normally taken for 12months long. The question is; should students take a gap year before university? Well, it depends on the individual. In my opinion, a student should take a gap year before starting university. Let's take a look at it this way, so you are thinking on what to do with your life, pondering your options and decide on what career will suit you best. You are done with high school so now you must continue your education, to get a degree, to get a job and have the life you have always wanted. Do you realize that there is another option for you after school ... Show more content on ... You can go on a holiday and discover the world or you can just stay in your country or around your neighborhood. It all depends on you because you decide how you want your gap year to be. A gap year might be the only chance for you to be independent and gain meaningful experience. It's an opportunity for you that you may not have again later on in your life. It can help boost your self– confidence, along with your communication skills and your leadership skills. Other than that, it can increase your critical thinking ability because you have become matured as you have experience ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Gap Year Research Paper Nowadays, high school seniors have a lot of choices to make right before they graduate. They have so many options that it can be overwhelming to make their final decision before going to college. They can choose whether they want to go to college and continue their education or to find a job and start earning their own money. It is really the first time for most students to be able to take a break and to finally start making adult decisions that will affect their lives. While some students may be completely prepared for college after graduating high school, it seems that taking a year off before entering college could help the majority of students. I believe that taking a year off prior to entering college will provide students with time to decide on an area of study, earn money ... Show more content on ... They will also waste less time and money on schooling because they will be sure of what they want to do and to study before they step foot on campus. It can help students confirm that they do in fact want to continue their education, so instead of simply continuing straight on to college and floundering in their studies and their decisions. "Taking a gap year helps young adults clarify career interests and goals, renew their passion for learning, and develop organizational and life skills and become more globally aware among other things, according to Planet Gap Year" (Rindge, Brenda 4). More often than not, college students commit themselves to one are of study, realize it's not for them, and then change their major completely about two to three times before they figure out what they really want to do.When students are unclear of what they want to do while in college they end up taking unnecessary student loans. Taking a year off will give students time to figure out what they are passionate about and will help make the right decision. It also saves them money if they decide that college is not the way they want to ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Dentist Gap Year Essay The career that I am currently interested in researching about is Dentistry, specifically the career path to become a general dentist. I am pursuing a bachelor of science in Kinesiology, with a minor in Biological Sciences. This combination of courses allows me to take the prerequisites required to apply to dental school. Before beginning the application process, I am required to take the Dental Admission Test, a timed multiple–choice exam conducted by the American Dental Association. I am currently in my junior year and will take the DAT in August of 2017. Performing well on the DAT is an important factor in the dental school application process and I plan to explore the most effective, cost efficient way to study for the test. I also plan to explore the gap year I will take before beginning dental school, along with the financial aspects of dental school and owning a general practice. The first part of the research I plan to conduct is what it entails to get a score that is above average on the DAT. My GPA is below the average and I need to score a 20–21 on the DAT in order increase my chance of acceptance. Although I am familiar with each of the sections ... Show more content on ... This research is precautionary given that I skip an application cycle or I am not accepted on the first time I apply. The "gap year" is typically taken by a student as a break between secondary school and higher education. This topic is worth researching because I want to take the most beneficial steps within that year from school to get accepted the next cycle. I am fairly prepared to take the gap year since the odds of getting accepted into dental school are slim for first time applicants. I have found several sources to give me insight on the gap year, including ____________. My goal for this area of research is to learn about my options for what I can do in the gap year, and what will benefit me and my next application the ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Role Of Gap Years Essay The role of gap years to earn a higher education is a controversial idea. Many people feel it is important to take on Europe 's natural participation in the gap year after high school. For countless years, Europeans have practiced gap years before college to help a graduate grow. Prince William of Europe took his beneficial gap year, helping the idea to spread to America (Kelly para. 1) British influences have been leading America to a stronger future, and taking a gap year after high school is now being adopted by the States. Certain students participating in the gap year enhance their emotional and physical states before entering college. Also, some believe that taking a gap year will influence the student to reject a higher education. On the other hand, taking a gap year after high school can be expensive, but the experiences you receive from it are priceless. Based on these different perspectives, I most closely agree with the fact that taking a break from school before jumping into a higher education can help a graduate grow and find themselves. Many people believe taking a gap year after high school will discourage a higher education because the student is not likely to go back to school after taking a break. Due to this thought, parents of new graduates are not openly supportive of gap years. Cases of students who take a gap year and do not pursue a higher education are the ones thrown into the spotlight. The wide concern of students giving up their ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. The Negative Effects Of Gress Stress And Its Effects On... Through the fast pace of today's economy and job market in the United States, students are constantly being asked to do more in order to maintain a competitive edge. Although, obtaining such an edge might promote a positive outcome, there are also negative responses that essentially hurt students as individuals and the American job market as a whole. The constant government and societal push towards measuring up to the rest of the world is essentially, harming students more than it is promoting them. Although stress stress isn't always a negative aspect, in extreme situations, it can prove to be very unhealthy. The American Psychological Association has found that "Teens report that their stress level during the school year far exceeds what they believe to be healthy..." The association also says that "Many teens also report feeling overwhelmed (31 percent) and depressed or sad (30 percent) as a result of stress." The stress that students are experiencing is not the problem as much as the consequences that come from it. Depression and lack of motivation can result from too much pressure upon students, and these negative side effects can cancel any of the positively intended effects. From elementary school to college, the American school system is constantly striving to keep up with that of other countries. This constant motivation can be very toxic to the entire cause at hand. The University of La Verne took statistics of their students and found that " least 50% of ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Gap Year Is The Right Choice Gap Year Is The Right Choice People these days should take the gap year because it lets them have the time to find out the person that they want to be in life. Today most students are taking the path of having a gap year because they are very stressed throughout high school and just need a break from school for a little while. Some students have no motivation or clue what they want to do in college so by having this gap year it gives them the time to explore and find out what interest them. This will give them a better idea of what they want to major in and eventually have a job in as well. Some would say that going to college right after high school could make life a lot less problematic; however, students should choose to take a gap year to have the most favorable outcomes after high school. The students who take a gap year may never attend college, but some of the colleges recommend to the students that they should take a gap year. A lot of parents are worried if their child decides they are going to take a gap year that they will find the time off really fun and they will find other interest and they never want to attend college. In today 's society more of the colleges across the United States are actually saying to the students that they should take a gap year so they can become more mature and ready for their college experience. Now in the 21st century, the "U.S. colleges and universities accept gap years, they encourage them. Many of the country's leading ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Is A Gap Year The Way I Should Go? Amyah Harris Mr. Rader English 10A, Period C 17 February 2017 Is a Gap Year the Way I Should Go? Is taking a gap year going to lead one 's education in the right direction? Will a gap year improve academic performance? Will taking a gap year allow one to be invested in one's future? The purpose of this essay is to give one the benefits and the doubts of both sides. While some are in high school, there is already enough stress on one about getting into college, having scholarships, and one's grades. Some do not have the time to think about or even experience what one may want to do for the rest of one's life. Planning a productive gap year during one's junior year of college or between high school and freshman year of college will give ... Show more content on ... All are refocused on school because during the vigorous time one spent the gap year, one may have found an internship, or volunteer work in the career of one's interest. That is what many college want for students that do decide to take a gap year. The college administrators also want student "to improve upon an area of expertise or perform some kind of public service" (Shapira). This allows them to become more skilled in one's selected area of study, because others are still learning new important life and study skills. As a result "gap–year students at Middlebury and the University of North Carolina maintained grade point averages between .1 and .4 points higher than their gap–free peers" (Greenberg). Gap years are viewed as a chance effectively prepare students for a thorough, and more significant engagement in college education. Therefore, it is contrary to the belief that it supplies the students a break from academic focus. The students that are achieving these better grades are working harder than peers that did not take a gap year. Henceforth, one becomes ready to focus on one's education. The experiences of the real world allows one to gain more knowledge about life. Susan Greenberg, a mother worried about her newly high school graduate daughter would spend her life after high school, did not have a gap year for her daughter in mind. ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. The Benefits of a Gap Year Essay Taking a "gap year" off between high school and university has become a popular alternative among many adolescents. A "gap year" is a period of time, usually an academic year, when a student takes a break from formal education and routine ("Gap Year."). This time off provides a break after many years of formal study and is often spent travelling or working. In the past, taking a gap year resulted in problematic return into education. Today, however, they are generally seen as positive and are supported by Universities and employers. The idea behind a gap year is that it offers opportunities practical experiences, which enable young people to learn more about themselves and what they want to do in their future. While education is ... Show more content on ... As Greg Kristof, a gap year taker and now sophomore at Harvard University, stated in the interview that I conducted, "In America it seems that college is a huge rite of passage when actually it's a huge investment". Differences in the US schooling system, including more travel experiences and extracurricular activities conclude in the need for a gap year being decreased. Additionally, there's a sense of ignorance towards gap years in the US. In is common for American high schools to provide students with counselors and programs to help them prepare for college. In conjunction with this, AP tests and the SATs are designed to streamline the college application process; making continuing on to college is a natural and expected next step. Gap years are not as common in the US due to the unfamiliarity of gap years and the different schooling system. Fig1: A graph displaying the gap year enrollment trends in percentages from 2006.2013. Gap Year % Enrollment Trends. Americangap. American Gap Association, n.d. Web. 6 Mar. 2014. <>. Various disadvantages, moreover dangers, have to be taken into consideration about the gap year. The notion of going against the social norm and/ or breaking tradition, to a higher degree in the US, can be difficult for adolescents to overcome. As Killen notes ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Gap Year Breanna Bowlin Joseph Kane English 1010 December 7, 2012 Beneficial Time Off For most Americans the traditional next step after graduating high school is enrolling into college. This causes an extreme pressure on high school graduates to continue on being a full time student whether it be from parents, fear of losing heath care, or watching friends go away to college. Many students to fall into the belief that quickly getting through the next four years of college to obtain a degree is the best way to lead to the beginning of career success and the next phase of their lives. However, dedicating oneself to a university is a task that takes extensive amounts of time with careful and precise planning, which most high school seniors do ... Show more content on ... The Milkround, a graduate recruitment firm, completed a survey asking 387 respondents who were already out of college and into the workforce how they felt about their career choice. Almost 75% reported to be satisfied or very satisfied in their jobs. Likewise, from the earlier study conducted by Haigler it was also found to have an overwhelming report of satisfied career choices from students who took a gap year. These studies confirm that the helpful time off to explore career options can be appreciated and well worth it long after doing so. Although a gap year can be miraculously beneficial to students, it is not often practiced. This may be due to the people who are not comfortable with the thought of taking a year off, in fear that they will not ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Education Week Analysis Go back to your senior year of high school and remember how chaotic it was; it was a constant buzz of scrambling together transcripts and receiving acceptance letters or maybe even rejection letters. Then comes the part where you have to make a decision about where to go and say goodbye to friends you've known your whole life along with everything you've known, from your favorite spot to read at home to your parents favorite place to eat, that you were always dragged to but you secretly loved. Finally, it's all done and it's time to sit back and Start College. For some people that's exactly what they want to do and it's perfect for them, but for others they're just doing it because it is what's expected and they can become lost. Well instead ... Show more content on ... One of the bigger arguments against a gap year is not going back. Parent of the students fair that a year away from school can make them go completely against college. Being away from school may lessen stress for students and they definitely don't want to go back to such a stressed and structured lifestyle. Also if that person is working during their gap year and making money the idea of going to college and putting yourself into crippling debt isn't very appealing, therefore steering them away from returning back to school. Another issue is students will see a gap year as literal time off and won't do anything constructive with their time. Wasting a whole year on just sitting around, eating junk food and watching Netflix is very counterproductive. It will put you behind of your peers. Additionally gap years can add on expensive, particularly if you traveled. Putting more financial debt on yourself can cause greats amount of stress and make it much more difficult to dig yourself out of (Knoll, 2012). Another issue that can arise is how much further behind you are on graduating can put you behind overall in your career goals in life. Particularly if you are interested in pursuing a career in math, science, or language. Jobs in these fields are fast paced and take a lot of maintaining, so not practicing them or studying them a year can hurt your previous skills on them, making you forget many things. Instead what is ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. What Is A Gap Years Essay A gap year was once just a privilege for the people of luxury and wealthy backgrounds, who's mummy and daddy would send them of for the time of their lives. They would travel to poor countries and help build houses and schools for the ones in need for a few weeks. Then spend the rest of the year going to beaches and parties. They have changed the lives of many and had the time of their lives. Some people think that gap years are for the people of luxury and upper class as they are so expensive that even the working class can't afford it. Take Louise Linton for example, she is a actress who went on a gap year to volunteer in Zambia, she got a lot of backlash at the fact that she was of upper class and posted that she was hiding from a group of "armed rebels" and she didn't want to "think what the rebels would do to the 'skinny white Muzungu with long angel hair' if they found me." and the only thing that got her through the ruff times was the " smiling gap–toothed child with HIV whose greatest joy was to sit on my lap and drink from a bottle of Coca–Cola." on twitter, Gerard Zytkow, claimed to have known ... Show more content on ... Young people can be exhausted after years of school and hard work and just need a break. Gap years are a chance to explore and learn new cultures, experience struggles and make life changing decisions and meet new people. It gives the young person a year to mature and grow up as they might have always had everything done for you. It gives them the chance to learn how to look after themself by learning how to cook and become independent. It can also help the person come to a conclusion on what you might want to do in life, college or university as it gives them a year to take time to think about what they love and would maybe like to do in the future. A gap year will also help them in the future as they might come across something while volunteering or working abroad what they never knew they ... Get more on ...