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What Is Direct-Store Delivery (DSD)? What Are Its Benefits?
Tithi Agarwal 5 min September 22, 2023
Direct Store Delivery (DSD) is the perfect method for manufacturers and retailers looking to shorten the supply chain cost and dura on. Here’s how it works-
With online shopping becoming a second nature for consumers, retailers must work harder to keep up with the race. This is causing them to lean towards the direct store delivery
format. It allows them to cater to consumer demands more efficiently and speedily.
Wait a second – we get everything you are talking about, but what is direct store delivery (DSD) that you are talking about?
DSD is an interes ng and beneficial form of supply chain and logis cs for retailers to keep their grip on the market.
Scroll down to sa sfy your curiosity buds.
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What is Direct Store Delivery (DSD)?
Direct store delivery (DSD) is a distribu on model usually adopted by retailers. Under this model, manufacturers/suppliers deliver directly to retailers instead of sending the goods
from warehouses or distribu on centres.
It is helping businesses to reduce labour costs, warehouse maintenance and wholesale retail distribu on channel costs. Direct store deliveries are a boon for retailers selling
perishable items with ght delivery and consump on windows. This model works best for pharmacy stores, convenience stores, gas sta ons, and food and beverage produc on.
Seven of the top ten largest grocery categories (by unit sales volume) are managed through DSD processes (Beer, Carbonated Beverages, Fresh Produce, Milk, Salty Snacks,
Bread and Baked Snacks, Frozen).
What is the Process of DSD?
DSD process involves retailers placing orders directly with sellers or suppliers. A er receiving orders electronically or through telephonic means, retailers start picking and packing
order for further dispatching it. The process of the DSD model is such that it saves me, eliminates the need for middlemen and gets the product delivered quickly while also
ensuring that they are fresh.
Here are the simple steps for how the order is generally processed from the supplier’s end, managed, and transported un l it reaches the retailer’s doorstep.
1. Order Placed/Generation: The very first step is the retailer store owner placing the order directly with the manufacturer or supplier. Order for the product can be placed over call,
electronic ordering systems or in-person visits by the sales representatives.
2. Product Preparation: On receiving the order, the manufacturer/ supplier at once gets to prepare the products for a ready and quick dispatch. This involves preparing and packing
3. Loading up the Trucks: The order is loaded in the trucks, usually, reefers, as the model is best used for time and temperature-sensitive products such as medicines, food, beverages, etc.
4. Routing and Scheduling: The delivery route is optimised to ensure timely and efficient delivery to multiple retail stores. The schedule considers factors like delivery windows, traffic
conditions, and the specific requirements of each store.
5. Delivery: The delivery trucks transport the products directly to the retail stores. Usually, the delivery personnel are in charge of unloading the order.
6. Merchandising: In many cases, the delivery personnel also play a role in merchandising the products. This involves restocking shelves, arranging displays, and ensuring that the products
are presented attractively to customers.
7. Inventory Management: The delivery personnel may also handle inventory management tasks, such as conducting stock counts, verifying order accuracy, and managing product returns
or exchanges.
8. Invoicing and Payment: Payment processing is typically handled electronically, with invoices generated based on delivered products. Retail stores are then responsible for settling their
accounts with the manufacturer or supplier.
9. Communication and Feedback: Communication between the manufacturer or supplier and the retail store is essential. Any product quality, delivery, or inventory level issues must be
addressed promptly.
10. Data Collection and Analysis: Data related to sales, inventory levels, and customer preferences may be collected and analysed to improve the efficiency of the DSD process and better
meet customer demand.
Benefits of Direct Store Delivery
The DSD retail model is widely used as a primary distribu on model for retailers in the case of fast-moving consumer goods and perishable items.
Enables Quick Time to Market
Since there is no requirement for a middleman in the DSD distribu on model, there is a significant reduc on in overall me to market, allowing suppliers to deliver products faster.
Effective Handling of Perishable Goods
Perishable items such as fresh produce, vegetables, flowers, and poultry items need careful handling and cold chain monitoring In the DSD model, merchandise is packed and
dispatched directly, thereby minimising the risk of damage to fragile consumer products.
Boosts Seasonal Selling
Many retail businesses earn addi onal revenue by selling flowers and teddies on Valen ne’s Day (basically saviour for last-minute lovers). Direct store Deliveries are immensely
profitable during these fes ve seasons when the demand for such goods is high, and there is limited me for such manufacturers to make them available in the market.
Minimises Supply Chain Costs and Duration
With the DSD retail model, businesses can reduce storage and labour costs by skipping the secondary distribu on channel and warehousing. And since there are no middlemen, the
orders are directly given to retailers. Reducing the lengthy process of retailers contac ng the middlemen and then they cracking a deal with the manufacturers.
As businesses can directly deliver goods to retail markets, there is no added cost, such as the fee paid to wholesale distributors to manage goods.
Builds Stronger Manufacturer and Retailer Relationships
The direct store delivery method connects a brand directly to the retailer, building a be er rela onship with the end market player. Since the manufacturer is selling and connec ng
with the retailers directly, it is giving them regular market insights- like insights on demand, reviews of the consumers and trends and pa erns.
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This is Where TrackoBit comes in
TrackoBit offers state-of-the-art logis cs technology to manufacturers involved in direct store deliveries. It op mises the DSD supply chain with solu ons like automated route
planning and op misa on, cold chain monitoring, fleet management and real- me visibility.
Delivery Route Planning and Optimisation
Manufacturers can automate the route planning process using TrackoBit’s automated route management solu on The so ware op mises and suggests the most efficient route. That
will help ensure the delivery is on me, reduce fuel consump on and win the retailers’ sa sfac on level. (Quick deliveries will also help retailers win their customers’ hearts in
Real-Time Visibility and Tracking
Suppliers and manufacturers are ge ng complete visibility of their fleet driver performance. They have complete insights into the vehicle’s health and get no fica ons whenever the
drivers deviate from the op mised path. This helps to deflect delays or damages.
Cold Chain Monitoring
Since the DSD model deals with perishable and temperature-sensi ve products, they have to be typically delivered at a controlled temperature. TrackoBit can greatly help in this
case as it has cold chain monitoring so ware that sends out alerts to suppliers and manufacturers in case of temperature fluctua ons.
Summing Up!
The DSD model is helping retailers beat the online shopping compe on. It is beneficial for retailers and manufacturers as they no longer have to maintain a warehouse or pay
labourers. Not to forget, you get to win over your customer’s sa sfac on and wallets.
TrackoBit might be the key to successfully implemen ng the DSD model as it can help ensure that the products reach the retailers on me and maintain the freshness of the produce.
Get your demo here now
Tithi Agarwal
Tithi Agarwal is a Jr. content writer at TrackoBit. She enjoys writing blogs which are knowledgeable yet fun to read. And when she is not
typing away to glory she has her nose buried in books.
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Fleet Management Software for Trucks: Guide 2023
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Ultimate Guide to Driving Behavior Monitoring In Your Fleet
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Assessing the Benefits of Route Planning Systems for Various Industries
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and so on.
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Understanding Through Flexible Route Management Solutions
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Everyone wants what is best for their business.
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Is Dashcam Integration the Next Big Step for Your Fleet Business?
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dashcams integration with your fleet management system!
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“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” – John F. Kennedy
How to Maintain Vehicle Safety With Fleet Management Software?
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How TrackoBit Improves Modern-day Farming
An agricultural farm is dependent on vehicles. Regardless, most people don’t associate agriculture with fleet management and restrict the latter to FMCG, logistics, etc.
What Are Geofences in GPS Tracking Software?
The purpose of your GPS tracking software is to keep real-time watch on your vehicles, right?
Why Every Drop Counts in Fuel Management for the Mining Industry
Did you know that mining trucks can consume about 350 liters of diesel per hour? That is about 150 times higher fuel consumption than an average sedan!
What is Fuel Monitoring In GPS Tracking Software?
Fuel feeds the fleet to function but also makes cash flow out of the manager’s hands.
Optimizing the Milk Supply Chain From Farm to Fridge
Have you ever opened a carton of milk and were sure that it had gone bad? Milk can either be highly nutritious or a carrier of stomach infections, depending on the condition it reaches your
How Do GPS Tracking Software Work?
The modern fleet management software offers a myriad of features to boost fleet efficiency. However, none of those features would have existed without the plain old GPS tracking
Manage Data From GPS Tracking Software With Insightful Reports
Is your fleet management software collecting data but your profits are not increasing? The problem may lie in how you’re dealing with that data you’ve been collecting.
What is Telematics? An Introduction to Smart Vehicle Tracking
We all know that humans are social animals and work best when connected. But, did you know that vehicles can be pretty interactive too?
Union Budget 2022: What it Means for Indian Logistics and Telematics
Did you know? India spends 13-14% of its GDP on the logistics sector, which is the highest in the world while developed economies such as the USA and Germany use 6-7% of their GDP.
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Table of Contents
What is Direct Store Delivery (DSD)?
What is the Process of DSD?
Benefits of Direct Store Delivery
This is Where TrackoBit comes in
Summing Up!
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Nandita Gupta
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Nandita Gupta
 18 October 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 16 October 2023
Nandita Gupta
 13 October 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 6 October 2023
Nandita Gupta
 5 October 2023
Nandita Gupta
 4 October 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 4 October 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 29 September 2023
Diksha Bhandari
 28 September 2023
Nandita Gupta
 25 September 2023
Nandita Gupta
 21 September 2023
Yashita Sinha
 20 September 2023
Nandita Gupta
 19 September 2023
Nandita Gupta
 8 September 2023
Nandita Gupta
 1 September 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 31 August 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 25 August 2023
Yashita Sinha
 24 August 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 18 August 2023
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 17 August 2023
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 16 August 2023
Nandita Gupta
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Ayushi Nagalia
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 24 July 2023
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Tithi Agarwal
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 13 July 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 7 July 2023
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 6 July 2023
Diksha Bhandari
 4 July 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 3 July 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 27 June 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 26 June 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 23 June 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 21 June 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 19 June 2023
Diksha Bhandari
 14 June 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 8 June 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 2 June 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 1 June 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 26 May 2023
Diksha Bhandari
 25 May 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 23 May 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 18 May 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 17 May 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 17 May 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 16 May 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 15 May 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 12 May 2023
Diksha Bhandari
 10 May 2023
Diksha Bhandari
 9 May 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 5 May 2023
Drishti Dua
 4 May 2023
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 3 May 2023
Drishti Dua
 3 May 2023
Drishti Dua
 2 May 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 28 April 2023
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 21 April 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 19 April 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 18 April 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 17 April 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 12 April 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 11 April 2023
Drishti Dua
 7 April 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 6 April 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 31 March 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 29 March 2023
Drishti Dua
 28 March 2023
Drishti Dua
 27 March 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 22 March 2023
Drishti Dua
 21 March 2023
Drishti Dua
 20 March 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 17 March 2023
Diksha Bhandari
 7 March 2023
Tithi Agarwal
 3 March 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 28 February 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 24 February 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 20 February 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 16 February 2023
Drishti Dua
 13 February 2023
Drishti Dua
 7 February 2023
Diksha Bhandari
 2 February 2023
Drishti Dua
 30 January 2023
Drishti Dua
 24 January 2023
Diksha Bhandari
 17 January 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 10 January 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 6 January 2023
Ayushi Nagalia
 13 December 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 9 December 2022
Drishti Dua
 2 December 2022
Drishti Dua
 29 November 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 18 November 2022
Drishti Dua
 16 November 2022
Drishti Dua
 14 November 2022
Diksha Bhandari
 8 November 2022
Drishti Dua
 4 November 2022
Drishti Dua
 1 November 2022
Drishti Dua
 21 October 2022
Drishti Dua
 10 October 2022
Drishti Dua
 3 October 2022
Drishti Dua
 30 September 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 21 September 2022
Drishti Dua
 16 September 2022
Drishti Dua
 12 September 2022
Drishti Dua
 29 August 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 25 August 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 22 August 2022
Drishti Dua
 18 August 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 8 August 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 1 August 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 25 July 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 11 July 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 5 July 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 28 June 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 10 June 2022
Diksha Bhandari
 6 June 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 1 June 2022
Diksha Bhandari
 26 May 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 20 May 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 17 May 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 12 May 2022
Diksha Bhandari
 10 May 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 5 April 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 28 March 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 21 March 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 14 March 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 1 March 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 22 February 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 18 February 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 15 February 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 7 February 2022
How Data From Fleet Management Software Affects Fleet Value
In the coming years, data is the new oil that can lift countries and businesses to the greatest heights. However, while adding value to the business, data strengthens other assets too.
How Our Fleet Management Software’s Notifications and Alerts Help Managers
Using a fleet management software might be the best decision you can take to make your fleet more functional.
How Fleet Management Software Helps Improve Driver Behaviour
Fuel drives a vehicle, right? So, if your vehicle gets good quality and quantity of fuel and maintenance, it should be good to go, right?
How Will 5G Impact Vehicle Telematics?
The future of telematics lies in interconnectivity and cross-networking. So yes, if you’re wondering Will 5G Impact Vehicle Telematics – it will! 5G will completely transform how vehicles
and telematics systems will operate in the future!
Discover the Anatomy of Electric Vehicle Fleet Management System
Electric mobility is the way forward. Climate change is the biggest concern today that every country, sector, and community is fighting hand in glove.
Choosing the Right Fleet Management Software: Everything You Need to Know
Fleet management systems have grown immensely in recent years. So much so that you will need sophisticated software to collect, manage, and effectively use all possible data.
Cold-Chain Supply for Better Vaccination Transportation
We are aware of the importance of everyone getting vaccinated against Covid-19 and that about 32.3% Indians are fully vaccinated till now.
Using Driver Behavior Analysis For Higher Fleet Efficiency
Do you know what the number one thing is that causes maximum fuel wastage? Inappropriate and rash driving!
How Our Clients are Improving Client Relations and Promoting Business
We all know customer satisfaction is key to a successful business, universally. Fleet business is no different. It is essential to keep the channel of communication active with them all the
How EV is Revolutionizing the Future of Transportation
Over the last couple of years, there has been a constant discussion on Electronic Vehicles at various national and international forums.
SIM-based Tracking is Helping Businesses Boost Efficiency and Profits
Technology is our superpower. It has answers to most of our problems. We are here to discuss one such problem with a foolproof solution. Ever wondered why SIM-based Tracking is gaining
popularity in the Fleet Management business
10 MUST-HAVE Features in a GPS Tracking System
The hunt for a good GPS Tracking solution may turn out to be overwhelming yet confusing. There are so many options to choose from.
Route Planning Solutions can Work Wonders for Fleet Management Business
The transport and logistics business is dependent on drivers for the execution and completion of trips.
How ‘Service and Maintenance’ by TrackoBit is Transforming Fleet Management Business
There are many GPS Tracking software out there. How to decide which is best for us? With the advent of technology, now the use of GPS is not just limited to tracking.
How GPS Tracking Software helps you Reduce Carbon Footprints
It will not be wrong to call the Logistics and Transport industry the lifeline of our society. It includes the sourcing of goods, manufacturing, inventory, transportation, warehousing and much
The Next-Gen GPS Tracking Software with Multiple Channels of Communication
It takes much more than a few hours of the day and a huge bank balance to run big fleets. Managing a fleet is like raising kids that demands time, effort and a little TLC.
Four Must-have Features in Fleet Management Software to Ensure Complete Vehicle Security
Telematics has revolutionized the Transport and Logistics Industries to the core. Gone are the days when only tracking the vehicle was seen as a groundbreaking move for vehicle security.
How Fleet Owners Prevent Fuel Wastage and Reduce Fuel Costs
How often does it happen to you that the actual fuel expense exceeds the cost that you estimated? Do you feel diesel takes the biggest bite from the monthly budget of your fleet? And
rising fuel prices making things worse?
Why GPS Tracking is Important in Fleet Business to Stay Ahead of the Curve
Technology is evolving at a lightning-fast speed. GPS Tracking itself has grown by leaps and bounds in the last couple of years.
What Is Video Telematics | How Does Video Telematics Work
With technology, the practical application of tech is also growing across industries. Video telematics is the by-product of evolving fleet management software.
What is Fleet Management Software? – Everything You Need to Know
Fleet Management is one of the most task-oriented industries that require micromanagement to the T. Fleet Management software has simplified the job to a significant extent so that
Fleet managers can invest their time in cerebral tasks.
What is GPS Tracking Software – Comprehensive Guide 2023
What is GPS Tracking Software? We’ve crafted a consolidated guide for your perusal. Check it out to know everything and anything about GPS Tracking systems.
Stay Updated on tech, telematics and mobility. Don't miss out on the latest in the industry.
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Ayushi Nagalia
 4 February 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 27 January 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 17 January 2022
Ayushi Nagalia
 21 December 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 15 December 2021
Ayushi Nagalia
 30 November 2021
Ayushi Nagalia
 6 October 2021
Ayushi Nagalia
 17 September 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 6 August 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 26 July 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 12 July 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 5 July 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 18 June 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 12 June 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 4 June 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 10 May 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 29 April 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 23 April 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 14 April 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 30 March 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 23 March 2021
Diksha Bhandari
 13 March 2021
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Logisticsand Transport Construction and Mining
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WasteManagement Public Transport
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TrackoBit Solutions
FleetManagementSoftware Advanced Driver AssistanceSystem
GPSFleetTracking Solutions SalesTeam Location Tracking
RoutePlanning Software Driver Behaviour Monitoring
RouteDistanceCalculator GPSTracking Software
Driver Monitoring System Fuel Monitoring System
TruckManagementSoftware AssetTracking Solutions
SIM Based Tracking Cold Chain Monitoring
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  • 1. What Is Direct-Store Delivery (DSD)? What Are Its Benefits? Tithi Agarwal 5 min September 22, 2023 Direct Store Delivery (DSD) is the perfect method for manufacturers and retailers looking to shorten the supply chain cost and dura on. Here’s how it works- With online shopping becoming a second nature for consumers, retailers must work harder to keep up with the race. This is causing them to lean towards the direct store delivery format. It allows them to cater to consumer demands more efficiently and speedily. Wait a second – we get everything you are talking about, but what is direct store delivery (DSD) that you are talking about? DSD is an interes ng and beneficial form of supply chain and logis cs for retailers to keep their grip on the market. Scroll down to sa sfy your curiosity buds. Also Read – What is a Traveling Salesman Problem What is Direct Store Delivery (DSD)? Direct store delivery (DSD) is a distribu on model usually adopted by retailers. Under this model, manufacturers/suppliers deliver directly to retailers instead of sending the goods from warehouses or distribu on centres. It is helping businesses to reduce labour costs, warehouse maintenance and wholesale retail distribu on channel costs. Direct store deliveries are a boon for retailers selling perishable items with ght delivery and consump on windows. This model works best for pharmacy stores, convenience stores, gas sta ons, and food and beverage produc on. Seven of the top ten largest grocery categories (by unit sales volume) are managed through DSD processes (Beer, Carbonated Beverages, Fresh Produce, Milk, Salty Snacks, Bread and Baked Snacks, Frozen). What is the Process of DSD? DSD process involves retailers placing orders directly with sellers or suppliers. A er receiving orders electronically or through telephonic means, retailers start picking and packing order for further dispatching it. The process of the DSD model is such that it saves me, eliminates the need for middlemen and gets the product delivered quickly while also ensuring that they are fresh. Here are the simple steps for how the order is generally processed from the supplier’s end, managed, and transported un l it reaches the retailer’s doorstep. 1. Order Placed/Generation: The very first step is the retailer store owner placing the order directly with the manufacturer or supplier. Order for the product can be placed over call, electronic ordering systems or in-person visits by the sales representatives. 2. Product Preparation: On receiving the order, the manufacturer/ supplier at once gets to prepare the products for a ready and quick dispatch. This involves preparing and packing 3. Loading up the Trucks: The order is loaded in the trucks, usually, reefers, as the model is best used for time and temperature-sensitive products such as medicines, food, beverages, etc. 4. Routing and Scheduling: The delivery route is optimised to ensure timely and efficient delivery to multiple retail stores. The schedule considers factors like delivery windows, traffic conditions, and the specific requirements of each store. 5. Delivery: The delivery trucks transport the products directly to the retail stores. Usually, the delivery personnel are in charge of unloading the order. 6. Merchandising: In many cases, the delivery personnel also play a role in merchandising the products. This involves restocking shelves, arranging displays, and ensuring that the products are presented attractively to customers. 7. Inventory Management: The delivery personnel may also handle inventory management tasks, such as conducting stock counts, verifying order accuracy, and managing product returns or exchanges. 8. Invoicing and Payment: Payment processing is typically handled electronically, with invoices generated based on delivered products. Retail stores are then responsible for settling their accounts with the manufacturer or supplier. 9. Communication and Feedback: Communication between the manufacturer or supplier and the retail store is essential. Any product quality, delivery, or inventory level issues must be addressed promptly. 10. Data Collection and Analysis: Data related to sales, inventory levels, and customer preferences may be collected and analysed to improve the efficiency of the DSD process and better meet customer demand. Benefits of Direct Store Delivery The DSD retail model is widely used as a primary distribu on model for retailers in the case of fast-moving consumer goods and perishable items. Enables Quick Time to Market Since there is no requirement for a middleman in the DSD distribu on model, there is a significant reduc on in overall me to market, allowing suppliers to deliver products faster. Effective Handling of Perishable Goods Perishable items such as fresh produce, vegetables, flowers, and poultry items need careful handling and cold chain monitoring In the DSD model, merchandise is packed and dispatched directly, thereby minimising the risk of damage to fragile consumer products. Boosts Seasonal Selling Many retail businesses earn addi onal revenue by selling flowers and teddies on Valen ne’s Day (basically saviour for last-minute lovers). Direct store Deliveries are immensely profitable during these fes ve seasons when the demand for such goods is high, and there is limited me for such manufacturers to make them available in the market. Minimises Supply Chain Costs and Duration With the DSD retail model, businesses can reduce storage and labour costs by skipping the secondary distribu on channel and warehousing. And since there are no middlemen, the orders are directly given to retailers. Reducing the lengthy process of retailers contac ng the middlemen and then they cracking a deal with the manufacturers. As businesses can directly deliver goods to retail markets, there is no added cost, such as the fee paid to wholesale distributors to manage goods. Builds Stronger Manufacturer and Retailer Relationships The direct store delivery method connects a brand directly to the retailer, building a be er rela onship with the end market player. Since the manufacturer is selling and connec ng with the retailers directly, it is giving them regular market insights- like insights on demand, reviews of the consumers and trends and pa erns. Also Read – What is PUDO? How Does PickUp and Drop-Off Loca on Work? This is Where TrackoBit comes in TrackoBit offers state-of-the-art logis cs technology to manufacturers involved in direct store deliveries. It op mises the DSD supply chain with solu ons like automated route planning and op misa on, cold chain monitoring, fleet management and real- me visibility. Delivery Route Planning and Optimisation Manufacturers can automate the route planning process using TrackoBit’s automated route management solu on The so ware op mises and suggests the most efficient route. That will help ensure the delivery is on me, reduce fuel consump on and win the retailers’ sa sfac on level. (Quick deliveries will also help retailers win their customers’ hearts in return.) Real-Time Visibility and Tracking Suppliers and manufacturers are ge ng complete visibility of their fleet driver performance. They have complete insights into the vehicle’s health and get no fica ons whenever the drivers deviate from the op mised path. This helps to deflect delays or damages. Cold Chain Monitoring Since the DSD model deals with perishable and temperature-sensi ve products, they have to be typically delivered at a controlled temperature. TrackoBit can greatly help in this case as it has cold chain monitoring so ware that sends out alerts to suppliers and manufacturers in case of temperature fluctua ons. Summing Up! The DSD model is helping retailers beat the online shopping compe on. It is beneficial for retailers and manufacturers as they no longer have to maintain a warehouse or pay labourers. Not to forget, you get to win over your customer’s sa sfac on and wallets. TrackoBit might be the key to successfully implemen ng the DSD model as it can help ensure that the products reach the retailers on me and maintain the freshness of the produce. Get your demo here now . Tithi Agarwal Tithi Agarwal is a Jr. content writer at TrackoBit. She enjoys writing blogs which are knowledgeable yet fun to read. And when she is not typing away to glory she has her nose buried in books. Author Showcase All Blog Post Search Here... Search Related Blog Implementing Real-time Tracking For Fleet Management Looking for ways to improve and optimise your fleet operations? Then real time tracking in combination with fleet management software is the real deal as it provides visibility into every aspect of the fleets. Top 5 Supply Chain Technologies Boosting eCommerce Industry Read which top 5 supply chain technologies are worth adopting for eCommerce brands like yours in 2023 to increase efficiency, resiliency, and responsiveness. Top 6 Green Fleet Technologies for Sustainable EV Fleet Explore which 6 technologies for a sustainable EV fleet to expect next for a carbon-neutral nation. How sustainable EV Fleet management is the need of the hour! What is Real-Time GPS Tracking? Real time GPS tracking is vital for businesses that have on-the-field employees, remote assets and vehicles. 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It will help you increase productivity, efficiency, profitability, and visibility. Fuel Savings Are Critical For Small Business Survival Fuel prices have risen and are on their way to reaching an explosive high in the near future. In such a situation, small businesses find it difficult to cope with the pressure of operational costs. Can Fleet Management Systems Reduce Theft In Fleet Business? Theft, be it of any kind is never a good look for fleet businesses. This is why fleet management systems include features and solutions to tackle this issue in the most effective ways possible. Is It Time To Switch Your Fleet Management Software? In the fast-paced Industry 4.0 revolution, technology gets obsolete very swiftly. This blog will show you when it’s time to say goodbye to your existing Fleet Management Software and choose to run your operations with a better system. 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Fleet Management Industry Trends in 2023 – Learn More The year 2023 is going to be one of innovations and development for the fleet management industry. This is why it is important to look at the upcoming industry trends and plan accordingly. Fleet Management Software for Trucks: Guide 2023 Let’s find out how top fleet management software work in truck fleets with an advanced tech stack and sophisticated solutions in hand. How Regular Maintenance Affects Vehicle Performance Fleet maintenance can be beneficial for both, the fleet business and the environment alike. This is why the fleet management system helps companies ensure that their fleets are in good shape. Ultimate Guide to Driving Behavior Monitoring In Your Fleet Driver Behaviour Monitoring with Fleet Management Software is a multi-faceted procedure benefitting not just driving, but overall fleet safety, sustainability, and performance! Assessing the Benefits of Route Planning Systems for Various Industries Route Planning System can help the logistics, waste management, state safety, mining and FMCG industries. They can help mitigate challenges like delayed trips, lacking communication and so on. Why You Should Always Opt For Custom Fleet Management Software Understanding Through Flexible Route Management Solutions How to Track Vehicles Without GPS? There are ways fleet businesses can track their vehicles in the absence of GPS devices. They can use SIM-based tracking that uses cellular networks to monitor a vehicle’s journey. 5 Ways to Manage Fuel Consumption for Fleet Businesses A Fleet management system can help fleet businesses manage their fuel cost. It aids decision-making by presenting actionable insights. Are Nuclear Verdicts Poisoning the Trucking Industry? Imagine. You put all your savings and efforts into a business in a high-risk industry. Both profits and expenses are volatile. Everything is going well and you have managed to build a million- dollar company. What Is AIS 140 and Why is it Mandatory in India? In the last couple of years, the Indian government has taken pivotal steps toward optimising the transportation industry. The aim is to bring Indian Logistics to global standards. SIM-based Tracking vs Mobile Tracking: What is Right For You? With the growth in technology, tracking is no longer a simple affair. Earlier it was simple, invest in GPS Tracking Software and that’s it! But now there are so many options to choose from. Everyone wants what is best for their business. How Fleet Management Software Can Help Fight Hunger More than 800 million people sleep on empty stomachs around the globe. It’s more than 10% of the world’s population. Feeling privileged? Yes, we are. Here’s another interesting thing… How to Optimise Your Fleet For the Festive Season? Festivals are a time of joy, and for the logistics industry, this joy comes in the form of higher profits. But these profits are useful only if the businesses know how to preserve and maintain good operational habits. Is Dashcam Integration the Next Big Step for Your Fleet Business? Do you wish to be able to see your vehicle’s activities in real time? But how can that happen, especially when said vehicle is out of your line of sight? The answer to your prayers is simple, dashcams integration with your fleet management system! How to Prevent Your Connected Fleet From Cyberattacks The fleet business market is all about Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) these days. But overexposed automobiles with little to no security implementations are a burden more than an asset to any company. Complete Recipe to the Best Fleet Management Software Disclaimer! This recipe can change the way your fleet functions, for the better. Guide 101: How to Start a GPS Tracking Company Are you thinking about starting your own GPS tracking company? The growing numbers this industry is displaying these days are attracting several new players to this sector, looking for their big break. Don’t know where to start? TrackoBit’s Unique Dashboards Reshaping Fleet Management Systems “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” We could not agree more with Will Rogers. Hardware and TrackoBit Go Together in Fleet Management Systems The world is getting smart and so are all gadgets and devices. Technology has taken over our routines and can be seen everywhere. How Technology and Government Policies Are Endorsing Futuristic Mobility The recent passing of TATA group’s former chairman, Cyrus Mistry has given way to many rules being changed for better road safety. How Can Fleet Management System Improve Vehicle Life? When we look right at the essence of a fleet, the question arises – what makes a fleet profitable? How Can Fleet Management Software Help You Budget Your Fleets A business’ expenditure capacity is the backbone of its operations. It dictates both their qualitative and quantitative decisions. It is predicted that in the coming years, managing a fleet will be way more expensive than today. Advantages and Disadvantages of GPS Tracking Software What good is a fleet of vehicles if instead of gaining profits it incurs losses? After all, without proper GPS tracking systems and decent management, companies risk losing 55% of their productivity and profitability. Why Your Fleet Management Software Needs Customisation With a CAGR of 18.3%, the fleet management software market is rising exponentially. Businesses are beginning to realise the true potential of using technology for fleet automation and there is no going back. How To Simplify Dairy Transportation Using Fleet Management Software We have all consumed some form of perishable goods in our lifetime. Exhibiting a CAGR of 5.4%, the FMCG industry is expected to exceed USD 15 Billion by 2025 globally. What is Sales Force Automation Software? Your workforce management software is great for managers. But, does it offer sales force automation? No? Then it’s probably time to ditch it. 5 Ways in Which Your Fleet Management Software is Harming Business Profits With a CAGR of about 18.3%, demand for fleet management software is on the rise. Manual fleet management has now gone out of the window and smart managers recognize the role automation plays in sustaining their businesses in the long run. Video Telematics: The Future of Commercial Fleet Management Software “Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” – John F. Kennedy How to Maintain Vehicle Safety With Fleet Management Software? In India alone, 24.3% of accidents occur due to careless or rash driving. Moreover, there have been at least 36,177 reported cases of motor vehicle theft in the country in the last year. What is Fuel Monitoring in Fleet Management Systems? Fuel is the biggest cost in any fleet. Depending on the nature of the business, it can surpass even vehicle acquisition costs at times. It is the biggest fleet function to flow cash out of fleet managers’ hands. What is Route Planning in Logistics? Intangible resources are generally limited and oftentimes negated, yet cause a massive impact on your fleet’s bottom line. Advantages and Disadvantages of Fleet Management Software Fleet management solutions come with their own sets of advantages and disadvantages. Read this blog to know more! Fleet Management Software for Trucks and Other Commercial Vehicles Managing one car sometimes takes a toll on us when it breaks down. Now, think of a fleet owner who owns hundreds of commercial vehicles that are on the run all the time. What is Consignment and Asset Tracking? The world is getting digital. For the trucking and shipping industry, automating consignment and asset tracking with GPS tracking software is the way to fit into the future. How Temperature Monitoring Reformed the way Logistics Operates Daily-use products such as fruits, vegetables, medicine, and, dairy products require temperature monitoring to reach you in fresh form and cold-chain logistics makes it possible every single day. TrackoBit Dictionary: Fleet Management Software Terms Users Must Know Every industry has a set of jargon that nobody from the outside seems to understand. However, without that jargon working within the industry can be tricky. GPS Tracking Software V/s Fleet Management Software Are you new to the world of vehicle tracking systems? Are you wondering if there is any difference between GPS tracking software and fleet management software? What is Vehicle Tracking Software: Everything You Need to Know In a highly digitised world, working without vehicle tracking software is like running a marathon with a blindfold. You’re bound to hit roadblocks and stumble along the way! How the ADMIN App Makes Technician Management Easy and Convenient The ADMIN app is a digital space accessible to GPS operators, clients, and technicians. How TrackoBit Improves Modern-day Farming An agricultural farm is dependent on vehicles. Regardless, most people don’t associate agriculture with fleet management and restrict the latter to FMCG, logistics, etc. What Are Geofences in GPS Tracking Software? The purpose of your GPS tracking software is to keep real-time watch on your vehicles, right? Why Every Drop Counts in Fuel Management for the Mining Industry Did you know that mining trucks can consume about 350 liters of diesel per hour? That is about 150 times higher fuel consumption than an average sedan! What is Fuel Monitoring In GPS Tracking Software? Fuel feeds the fleet to function but also makes cash flow out of the manager’s hands. Optimizing the Milk Supply Chain From Farm to Fridge Have you ever opened a carton of milk and were sure that it had gone bad? Milk can either be highly nutritious or a carrier of stomach infections, depending on the condition it reaches your gut. How Do GPS Tracking Software Work? The modern fleet management software offers a myriad of features to boost fleet efficiency. However, none of those features would have existed without the plain old GPS tracking systems. Manage Data From GPS Tracking Software With Insightful Reports Is your fleet management software collecting data but your profits are not increasing? The problem may lie in how you’re dealing with that data you’ve been collecting. What is Telematics? An Introduction to Smart Vehicle Tracking We all know that humans are social animals and work best when connected. But, did you know that vehicles can be pretty interactive too? Union Budget 2022: What it Means for Indian Logistics and Telematics Did you know? India spends 13-14% of its GDP on the logistics sector, which is the highest in the world while developed economies such as the USA and Germany use 6-7% of their GDP. Author:  Read Time:  Published:  Last Update:  Table of Contents What is Direct Store Delivery (DSD)? What is the Process of DSD? Benefits of Direct Store Delivery This is Where TrackoBit comes in Summing Up! Tithi Agarwal  26 October 2023  Nandita Gupta  25 October 2023  Nandita Gupta  18 October 2023  Tithi Agarwal  16 October 2023  Nandita Gupta  13 October 2023  Tithi Agarwal  6 October 2023  Nandita Gupta  5 October 2023  Nandita Gupta  4 October 2023  Tithi Agarwal  4 October 2023  Tithi Agarwal  29 September 2023  Diksha Bhandari  28 September 2023  Nandita Gupta  25 September 2023  Nandita Gupta  21 September 2023  Yashita Sinha  20 September 2023  Nandita Gupta  19 September 2023  Nandita Gupta  8 September 2023  Nandita Gupta  1 September 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  31 August 2023  Tithi Agarwal  25 August 2023  Yashita Sinha  24 August 2023  Tithi Agarwal  18 August 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  17 August 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  16 August 2023  Nandita Gupta  14 August 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  26 July 2023  Tithi Agarwal  25 July 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  24 July 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  19 July 2023  Tithi Agarwal  17 July 2023  Tithi Agarwal  14 July 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  13 July 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  7 July 2023  Tithi Agarwal  6 July 2023  Diksha Bhandari  4 July 2023  Tithi Agarwal  3 July 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  27 June 2023  Tithi Agarwal  26 June 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  23 June 2023  Tithi Agarwal  21 June 2023  Tithi Agarwal  19 June 2023  Diksha Bhandari  14 June 2023  Tithi Agarwal  8 June 2023  Tithi Agarwal  2 June 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  1 June 2023  Tithi Agarwal  26 May 2023  Diksha Bhandari  25 May 2023  Tithi Agarwal  23 May 2023  Tithi Agarwal  18 May 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  17 May 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  17 May 2023  Tithi Agarwal  16 May 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  15 May 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  12 May 2023  Diksha Bhandari  10 May 2023  Diksha Bhandari  9 May 2023  Tithi Agarwal  5 May 2023  Drishti Dua  4 May 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  3 May 2023  Drishti Dua  3 May 2023  Drishti Dua  2 May 2023  Tithi Agarwal  28 April 2023  Drishti Dua  21 April 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  19 April 2023  Tithi Agarwal  18 April 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  17 April 2023  Tithi Agarwal  12 April 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  11 April 2023  Drishti Dua  7 April 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  6 April 2023  Tithi Agarwal  31 March 2023  Tithi Agarwal  29 March 2023  Drishti Dua  28 March 2023  Drishti Dua  27 March 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  22 March 2023  Drishti Dua  21 March 2023  Drishti Dua  20 March 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  17 March 2023  Diksha Bhandari  7 March 2023  Tithi Agarwal  3 March 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  28 February 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  24 February 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  20 February 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  16 February 2023  Drishti Dua  13 February 2023  Drishti Dua  7 February 2023  Diksha Bhandari  2 February 2023  Drishti Dua  30 January 2023  Drishti Dua  24 January 2023  Diksha Bhandari  17 January 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  10 January 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  6 January 2023  Ayushi Nagalia  13 December 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  9 December 2022  Drishti Dua  2 December 2022  Drishti Dua  29 November 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  18 November 2022  Drishti Dua  16 November 2022  Drishti Dua  14 November 2022  Diksha Bhandari  8 November 2022  Drishti Dua  4 November 2022  Drishti Dua  1 November 2022  Drishti Dua  21 October 2022  Drishti Dua  10 October 2022  Drishti Dua  3 October 2022  Drishti Dua  30 September 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  21 September 2022  Drishti Dua  16 September 2022  Drishti Dua  12 September 2022  Drishti Dua  29 August 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  25 August 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  22 August 2022  Drishti Dua  18 August 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  8 August 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  1 August 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  25 July 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  11 July 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  5 July 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  28 June 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  10 June 2022  Diksha Bhandari  6 June 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  1 June 2022  Diksha Bhandari  26 May 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  20 May 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  17 May 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  12 May 2022  Diksha Bhandari  10 May 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  5 April 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  28 March 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  21 March 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  14 March 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  1 March 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  22 February 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  18 February 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  15 February 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  7 February 2022  
  • 2. How Data From Fleet Management Software Affects Fleet Value In the coming years, data is the new oil that can lift countries and businesses to the greatest heights. However, while adding value to the business, data strengthens other assets too. How Our Fleet Management Software’s Notifications and Alerts Help Managers Using a fleet management software might be the best decision you can take to make your fleet more functional. How Fleet Management Software Helps Improve Driver Behaviour Fuel drives a vehicle, right? So, if your vehicle gets good quality and quantity of fuel and maintenance, it should be good to go, right? How Will 5G Impact Vehicle Telematics? The future of telematics lies in interconnectivity and cross-networking. So yes, if you’re wondering Will 5G Impact Vehicle Telematics – it will! 5G will completely transform how vehicles and telematics systems will operate in the future! Discover the Anatomy of Electric Vehicle Fleet Management System Electric mobility is the way forward. Climate change is the biggest concern today that every country, sector, and community is fighting hand in glove. Choosing the Right Fleet Management Software: Everything You Need to Know Fleet management systems have grown immensely in recent years. So much so that you will need sophisticated software to collect, manage, and effectively use all possible data. Cold-Chain Supply for Better Vaccination Transportation We are aware of the importance of everyone getting vaccinated against Covid-19 and that about 32.3% Indians are fully vaccinated till now. Using Driver Behavior Analysis For Higher Fleet Efficiency Do you know what the number one thing is that causes maximum fuel wastage? Inappropriate and rash driving! How Our Clients are Improving Client Relations and Promoting Business We all know customer satisfaction is key to a successful business, universally. Fleet business is no different. It is essential to keep the channel of communication active with them all the time. How EV is Revolutionizing the Future of Transportation Over the last couple of years, there has been a constant discussion on Electronic Vehicles at various national and international forums. SIM-based Tracking is Helping Businesses Boost Efficiency and Profits Technology is our superpower. It has answers to most of our problems. We are here to discuss one such problem with a foolproof solution. Ever wondered why SIM-based Tracking is gaining popularity in the Fleet Management business 10 MUST-HAVE Features in a GPS Tracking System The hunt for a good GPS Tracking solution may turn out to be overwhelming yet confusing. There are so many options to choose from. Route Planning Solutions can Work Wonders for Fleet Management Business The transport and logistics business is dependent on drivers for the execution and completion of trips. How ‘Service and Maintenance’ by TrackoBit is Transforming Fleet Management Business There are many GPS Tracking software out there. How to decide which is best for us? With the advent of technology, now the use of GPS is not just limited to tracking. How GPS Tracking Software helps you Reduce Carbon Footprints It will not be wrong to call the Logistics and Transport industry the lifeline of our society. It includes the sourcing of goods, manufacturing, inventory, transportation, warehousing and much more. The Next-Gen GPS Tracking Software with Multiple Channels of Communication It takes much more than a few hours of the day and a huge bank balance to run big fleets. Managing a fleet is like raising kids that demands time, effort and a little TLC. Four Must-have Features in Fleet Management Software to Ensure Complete Vehicle Security Telematics has revolutionized the Transport and Logistics Industries to the core. Gone are the days when only tracking the vehicle was seen as a groundbreaking move for vehicle security. How Fleet Owners Prevent Fuel Wastage and Reduce Fuel Costs How often does it happen to you that the actual fuel expense exceeds the cost that you estimated? Do you feel diesel takes the biggest bite from the monthly budget of your fleet? And rising fuel prices making things worse? Why GPS Tracking is Important in Fleet Business to Stay Ahead of the Curve Technology is evolving at a lightning-fast speed. GPS Tracking itself has grown by leaps and bounds in the last couple of years. What Is Video Telematics | How Does Video Telematics Work With technology, the practical application of tech is also growing across industries. Video telematics is the by-product of evolving fleet management software. What is Fleet Management Software? – Everything You Need to Know Fleet Management is one of the most task-oriented industries that require micromanagement to the T. Fleet Management software has simplified the job to a significant extent so that Fleet managers can invest their time in cerebral tasks. What is GPS Tracking Software – Comprehensive Guide 2023 What is GPS Tracking Software? We’ve crafted a consolidated guide for your perusal. Check it out to know everything and anything about GPS Tracking systems. Stay Updated on tech, telematics and mobility. Don't miss out on the latest in the industry. Name Email Subscribe Now Ayushi Nagalia  4 February 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  27 January 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  17 January 2022  Ayushi Nagalia  21 December 2021  Diksha Bhandari  15 December 2021  Ayushi Nagalia  30 November 2021  Ayushi Nagalia  6 October 2021  Ayushi Nagalia  17 September 2021  Diksha Bhandari  6 August 2021  Diksha Bhandari  26 July 2021  Diksha Bhandari  12 July 2021  Diksha Bhandari  5 July 2021  Diksha Bhandari  18 June 2021  Diksha Bhandari  12 June 2021  Diksha Bhandari  4 June 2021  Diksha Bhandari  10 May 2021  Diksha Bhandari  29 April 2021  Diksha Bhandari  23 April 2021  Diksha Bhandari  14 April 2021  Diksha Bhandari  30 March 2021  Diksha Bhandari  23 March 2021  Diksha Bhandari  13 March 2021  See ourglowing reviews on Industries We Track Field ForceManagement Salesand After-sales Logisticsand Transport Construction and Mining Medical and Healthcare Medical Representatives WasteManagement Public Transport Rental Vehicles Agriculture phlebotomy FMCG TrackoBit Solutions FleetManagementSoftware Advanced Driver AssistanceSystem GPSFleetTracking Solutions SalesTeam Location Tracking RoutePlanning Software Driver Behaviour Monitoring RouteDistanceCalculator GPSTracking Software Driver Monitoring System Fuel Monitoring System TruckManagementSoftware AssetTracking Solutions SIM Based Tracking Cold Chain Monitoring TelematicsSolutions Technical Support VehicleSafety TyrePressure GPSTrackers Driver App NaviLap eLock TrackoField Solutions Field EmployeesManagement Field ServiceManagement AttendanceManagement TaskManagementSoftware ExpenseManagementSoftware WorkforceManagement Order Management FreeMobileGPSLocation Tracker App Resources Blog Glossary WhitePaper Pricing Plans&Pricing Address Follow Us      Contact Us For TrackoBit For TrackoField TrackoField Privacy Policies Privacy Policy Terms of Use Refund Policy All rights reserved © 2022 InsightGeeks Solutions Pvt. 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