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Rotary Club of Parramatta City

                                COMMUNITY NETWORKER
                                      ROTARY CLUB OF PARRAMATTA CITY                                                24/02/13

                        MEETING      25/02/13                                        NORMAL + CALIBRI, 10.5 PT

                        February is World Understanding Month 
Apology from Our Pres for being late, But Secretary Joy Started the meeting on 
International Toast: 
    Rotary club of Punjab (where Vandana’s Father was a member), and India. 
                                                                                      From a simple beginning in 1968 has
                                                                                      grown a strong international service
                                                                                      club for young men and women (ages
                                                                                      18-30) who have undertaken a
                                                                                      commitment to serve their
                                                                                      communities, be it at local and/or
                                                                                      international levels.
                              Joy welcomed our visiting Rotarian Tim Klar  
                                                                                      Sponsored and supported by their
                              Secretary of Shelter box Australia.                     local Rotary club, members of
                                                                                      Rotaract seek to develop friendships
                                                                                      and professional contacts that will
                                                                                      enable them to address the physical
                                                                                      and social needs of their communities.
                                                                                      At the same time members develop
                                                                                      their own personal skills and
                                                                                      knowledge. As part of an international
                                                                                      network of Rotaract clubs, members
                                                                                      have the opportunity of reaching well
Guest Speaker Kerry Boyce, Parramatta Men's Shed                                      beyond the local scene through
                                                                                      projects, contacts and conferences.
                                                                                      It is the responsibility of the district
                                                                                      governor of Rotary to nominate a
     MEMBERSHIP                                                                       District Rotary Rotaract chairman and
   PP Barry Antees went to pre‐pets the constitution was approved for new             committee persons to organize new
                                                                                      Rotaract clubs, increase the flow of
District 9675                                                                         communication between Rotary and
                                                                                      Rotaract and to plan district-wide
   Barry needs the numbers for Saturday’s dinner celebrating 108 years of             training for Rotaract club officers.

Rotary.  To be held at the “House of Ginger” Indian restaurant.                       There are three types of activities
                                                                                      within the Rotaract program that all
                                                                                      clubs undertake in varying degrees:
   POLICEMAN OF THE YEAR                                                              professional development, leadership
         John Surian still attempting to sort out a suitable date with the police     development and service project
                                                                                      Clubs take on a similar structural
                                                                                      administrative base to that of the
   Pres Johnny: We have been asked to nominate  a youth to the Hiroshima              Rotary model with a District Rotaract
Peace Forum 15th ato 20th May applicants must be beween 18 and 30 years old           Representative being elected on an
                                                                                      annual basis to provide co-ordination,
not a Rotarian.                                                                       training and liaison.
                                                                                      Rotaract meetings are held bi-monthly.
                                                                                      It is strongly recommended that there
                                                                                      should be a Rotary presence at each
                                                                                      of these meetings, attendance being
                                                                                      classed as a "make-up" for the visiting
Rotary Club of Parramatta City

             • 2nd March – PETS; 
             • 14th April ‐ District Assembly; for all incoming board members. 
                 •   Charity Golf day Australian Rotary Health- 1st March 
                 •   5 nominations have been forwarded to Rotary Notable Women Award committee; 
                 •   District Governor – fundraising for Children’s Hospital Legacy project; 


          Kerry Boyce

          Talking points:

        • Men’s Shed

   Kerry was instrumental in starting the Men’ Shed in Northmead July 12. With 77 members and 30 people
on the waiting list. There are about 6 or 7 sheds in the Parramatta area and they are also all full which means
we need more sheds.

  Kerry has applied to Parramatta council for a grant to start a new shed which is called Parramatta District
Men’s Shed. Thewre is a very good venue for this shed in Fleet Street behind Parramatta leagues club.

   The shed will use 3 classrooms which cannot be used for anything else because it has Asbestos in the

   The men’s sheds have only been going for 20 years started in SA and grew very slowly arrived in Sydney
in 1998 in Lane Cove in the basement of a hospital’s car park and they were allocated one car space.

   Even though the Shed is called Men’s shed it is not restricted to men only. At Northmead they have a
designated day for females as their interests would be different.

   The maximum advisable number of members to a Shed would be approx 60 people. The opening of the
shed is dependent on how many supervisors they have. As the supervisors are also mentors.


    February 2013 
25 Mr James Bird,  Mercy Ships 
    March 2013 
2   Pets for incoming Presidents 
4   Les Miller.  Critical illness  a living insurance 
11   Fran Killoway The Frasil technology 
Rotary Club of Parramatta City

15‐17 District Conference 

18    Dr Mualla Akinci McManus Lyme Disease 

25   Susanne Gallant Parramatta Rotary Club. 

   April 2013 
1 Easter Monday NO MEETING
Lyndsey Macnaught RYLA Candidate

Apologies to Joy Gillette on 8837 1900 before 9.30am Monday morning. 
The latest time for apologies to be made is 9.30am on Monday as that is the time Joy has to advise the hotel of 
The Club is required to pay for the number of lunches ordered. Invoices for the cost of a meal will be sent to members  
at 2.30pm on Monday by Keith  if you do not apologise for non attendance by 9.30am. 

                                    PP Stephen Burfield 8 years ago, 28    of February you decided to join us at 
                                Parramatta City Rotary and you have been a very active member of the club and 
                                contributed a great deal Thank You . 

                                                 Happy Anniversary

On a more serious note
Carolyn, a rich blonde, buys a new automatic Jaguar XKR Sport. 
She drives the car perfectly well during the day, but at night, the car just won't move at all. 
After trying to drive the car at night for a week (but without any luck), she furiously calls the 
Jaguar dealers and they send out a technician to her. 
The technician examines the car and finds nothing wrong with it. So he turns to the blonde 
and asks: "Ma'am, are you sure you are using the right gears?" 
Full of anger, the blonde replies: "You fool, you idiot, how on earth you could ask such a 
question? I'm not stupid you know! Of course I am using the right gears; I use D during the 
day and N at night." 
Rotary Club of Parramatta City

                                       LIVINGSTONE SCHOOL SPONSORS NEWS 1301

   Dear Livingstone School sponsors and supporters,

   Welcome to the first News for 2013. This year will be a very exciting one for Livingstone School. For the first time,
half of the school [Nursery to Grade 2] are situated at the new school site, whilst the other half [Grades 3-5] are still
meeting in Bimal’s house. There are now 180 students at Livingstone School, about 40 more than LAMB School. The
larger than expected intake has meant that, until more classrooms are built, the school will be split.

   A huge thank you to all of you who have continued your sponsorship for another year. Without your support, the
school would not exist. We raised just enough money to pay all of the teachers’ salaries, cover the Education and
Health funds, as well as pay for breakfast for all of the children.

   It was wonderful to catch up with all of the Livingstone School teachers and students, and get to know the new
ones, during our recent time in Bangladesh. Observing teachers teaching their best ever lessons make these visits
worthwhile in themselves. We are reminded, daily, that none of these children would be at school if it wasn’t for
those of you who have journeyed with us. I can’t wait to get back in less than eight months time.

   Ten children from the Chaklahat Hindu village started at Livingstone School this month. Two are in the Nursery
class, and eight in Pre-school. They are the first from their village to attend school for the whole 300 years that the
village has existed. Special donations from people have paid for the clothing, transport, breakfast and education
fees for nine of them, as well as paying for a separate teacher to visit the school for 3.5 days each week in order to
teach those children too old to be in the same class as 3-5 year olds. This will also mean that they don’t get quite so
jealous of the 10 chosen by the village to attend Livingstone School. We will keep you up to date with how the 10
settle into the school and how they start to progress.

   Unlike 2010 and 2011, the Christmas Gift List for 2012 just didn’t work out this year. Although the greatest need of
the school, by far, was for three additional small classrooms, only one donation was received, compared to the 25
or so from December 2011. I think you are telling me either that 2012 was especially tough one financially, or that
you much prefer to give towards some piece of equipment, with which you and your children can better identify,
rather than towards something larger.

   Not all was lost however. Two close friends of ours, Alison and Scott Hogan, who were married late last year,
decided to ask for donations to Livingstone School in lieu of wedding gifts for themselves. Together with the one
Christmas Fund donation received, the total has meant that one extra classroom has started to be built. It will be
known as “The Alison and Scott Room”. When it is finished, a photo of them and information about how the room
came into being will be permanently fixed to one wall of the classroom.
   The dream to set up Livingstone School as the first bilingual Senior school in Bangladesh is still on track. Initially, it
would only cater for LAMB School students once they have completed Year 10, but, eventually would cater for
Year 11 students from both schools. Many students and parents from LAMB Project are really hoping the dream
becomes a reality as soon as possible. It has the potential to keep many senior Bangladeshi and expat staff at
LAMB Project, and stop the flow of students leaving LAMB School for inferior education, but one that will take them
beyond Year 10.

   Now is the time to start sending your sponsorship money for 2013. With two additional full-time and two part-time
teachers joining the staff this year, and with salary increases for cost of living and longer school time etc., there is a
need for about 17 additional sponsors for 2013. We have three of these already, 14 to go. Several sponsors who
indicated that they would initially sponsor for one year have decided that they will continue for at least another
Rotary Club of Parramatta City

    year. No one has withdrawn their sponsorship at this point of time. Thank you so much for this. We are the only
    financial sponsor for the staff salaries, so it’s us who keep the school going. A few people have requested the bank
    details again, so it’s attached. I’ve attached the update of the original form that you received with all of the
    details, just for your information, just in case you may know of someone who could become one of the 14
    remaining new sponsors needed.
       To those who wanted reminders of their next payment due, here it is. Thank you to those who transfer money
    electronically and reference their name on the transfer, as this make it easier to keep track of money coming in.
       Thank you, once again, to all of you who share this venture with us. Both Jill and I are so encouraged by your
    involvement. It gives us such a boost to know you are there with us.

       With much love,
       Ian Cochrane.
       February, 2013.

                                         These are the photos Just before. 
Rotary Calenndar
   .               February                                    March                                April                            May                                June
   .       World Understanding Month                       Literacy Month                      Magazine Month         Getting ready for changeover month        Rotary Fellowship month

Sun                                                                                                                                                        1
Mon                                                                                      1 Easter Monday NO MEETING                                        3
Tues                                                                                     2                                                                 4
Wed                                                                                      3                            1                                    5
Thu                                                                                      4                            2                                    6
Fri    1                                    1 Rotary Health Fund Golf Day                5                            3                                    7
Sat    2 Blacktown Rotary Trivia Night      2                                            6                            4                                    8
Sun    3                                    3                                            7 Daylight savings Ends      5                                    9
                                            4 Les Miller                                 8 Lyndsey Macnaught
Mon    4 Glenn Gardner   Polio Australia       Critical Illness A Living Insurance          RYLA Candidate            6                                    10 Queen's Birthday NO MEETING
Tues   5                                    5                                            9                            7                                    11
Wed    6                                    6                                            10                           8                                    12
Thu    7                                    7                                            11                           9                                    13
Fri    8                                    8                                            12                           10                                   14
Sat    9                                    9                                            13                           11                                   15
Sun    10                                   10 World Rotaract week                       14 District Assembly         12 Mothers Day                       16
                                                                                                                      13 ARH PhD scholars evening
Mon    11 Sandra Carvajal Good Return       11 Fran Killoway The Frasil technology       15                               No Lunch Meeting                 17
Tues   12                                   12                                           16                           14                                   18
Wed    13                                   13                                           17                           15                                   19
Thu    14                                   14                                           18                           16                                   20
Fri    15 Holroyd Rotary Trivia night       15                                           19                           17                                   21
Sat    16                                   16                                           20                           18                                   22
Sun    17                                   17                                           21                           19 ARH PARRA - AMBLE                 23
       18 Kerry Boyce Parramatta
Mon       Men's Shed                          18 Dr Mualla Akinci McManus Lyme Disease   22                           20                                   24
Tues   19                                     19                                         23                           21                                   25
Wed    20                                     20                                         24                           22                                   26
Thu    21                                     21                                         25 Anzac Day                 23                                   27
Fri    22                                     22                                         26                           24                                   28
Sat    23 World understanding and peace Day R 23                                         27                           25                                   29
Sun    24                                     24                                         28                           26 Red shield appeal                 30

Mon    25 Mr James Bird Mercy Ships Ph9948 40 Susanne Gallant Parramatta Rotary
                                             25                                          29                           27
Tues   26                                    26                                          30                           28
Wed    27                                    27                                                                       29                                                legend
Thu    28                                    28                                                                       30                                                  Free
Fri    29                                    29 Good Friday                                                                                                            Confirmed
Sat    30                                    30 Easter Saturday                                                                                                 offered waiting response
Sun                                          31 Easter Sunday                                                                                                       No lunch meeting
                                                                                                                                                                Special important events

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Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Weekly newsletter For Rotary Club of Parramatta City 05/08/13
Weekly newsletter For Rotary Club of Parramatta City 05/08/13Weekly newsletter For Rotary Club of Parramatta City 05/08/13
Weekly newsletter For Rotary Club of Parramatta City 05/08/13
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Weekly newsletter 130812
Weekly newsletter 130812Weekly newsletter 130812
Weekly newsletter 130812
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Weekly newsletter 130805
Weekly newsletter 130805Weekly newsletter 130805
Weekly newsletter 130805
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Weekly newsletter 130729
Weekly newsletter 130729Weekly newsletter 130729
Weekly newsletter 130729
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Weekly newsletter 140113
Weekly newsletter 140113Weekly newsletter 140113
Weekly newsletter 140113
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 5 11-12
Newsletter 5 11-12Newsletter 5 11-12
Newsletter 5 11-12
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 17 9-2012
Newsletter  17 9-2012Newsletter  17 9-2012
Newsletter 17 9-2012
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 9 7-2012
Newsletter  9 7-2012Newsletter  9 7-2012
Newsletter 9 7-2012
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 27 5-2012
Newsletter  27 5-2012Newsletter  27 5-2012
Newsletter 27 5-2012
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 30 4-2012
Newsletter  30 4-2012Newsletter  30 4-2012
Newsletter 30 4-2012
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 2 4-2012
Newsletter  2 4-2012Newsletter  2 4-2012
Newsletter 2 4-2012
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 12 3-2012
Newsletter  12 3-2012Newsletter  12 3-2012
Newsletter 12 3-2012
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 20 2-2012
Newsletter  20 2-2012Newsletter  20 2-2012
Newsletter 20 2-2012
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 13 2-2012
Newsletter  13 2-2012Newsletter  13 2-2012
Newsletter 13 2-2012
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 6 2-2012
Newsletter  6 2-2012Newsletter  6 2-2012
Newsletter 6 2-2012
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 23 1-2012
Newsletter  23 1-2012Newsletter  23 1-2012
Newsletter 23 1-2012
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 19 12-2011
Newsletter  19 12-2011Newsletter  19 12-2011
Newsletter 19 12-2011
Rotary Club of Parramatta City
Newsletter 21 11-2011
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Rotary Club of Parramatta City

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Weekly newsletter For Rotary Club of Parramatta City 05/08/13Weekly newsletter For Rotary Club of Parramatta City 05/08/13
Weekly newsletter For Rotary Club of Parramatta City 05/08/13
Weekly newsletter 130812
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Weekly newsletter 130225

  • 1. Rotary Club of Parramatta City COMMUNITY NETWORKER ROTARY CLUB OF PARRAMATTA CITY 24/02/13 MEETING      25/02/13  NORMAL + CALIBRI, 10.5 PT February is World Understanding Month  Apology from Our Pres for being late, But Secretary Joy Started the meeting on  time.   International Toast:  ROTARACT Rotary club of Punjab (where Vandana’s Father was a member), and India.    From a simple beginning in 1968 has   grown a strong international service club for young men and women (ages   18-30) who have undertaken a   commitment to serve their communities, be it at local and/or   international levels. Joy welcomed our visiting Rotarian Tim Klar   Sponsored and supported by their Secretary of Shelter box Australia.   local Rotary club, members of    Rotaract seek to develop friendships   and professional contacts that will enable them to address the physical   and social needs of their communities.   At the same time members develop their own personal skills and   knowledge. As part of an international   network of Rotaract clubs, members have the opportunity of reaching well Guest Speaker Kerry Boyce, Parramatta Men's Shed  beyond the local scene through projects, contacts and conferences.   It is the responsibility of the district governor of Rotary to nominate a   MEMBERSHIP  District Rotary Rotaract chairman and PP Barry Antees went to pre‐pets the constitution was approved for new  committee persons to organize new Rotaract clubs, increase the flow of District 9675   communication between Rotary and   Rotaract and to plan district-wide Barry needs the numbers for Saturday’s dinner celebrating 108 years of  training for Rotaract club officers. Rotary.  To be held at the “House of Ginger” Indian restaurant.  There are three types of activities   within the Rotaract program that all clubs undertake in varying degrees: POLICEMAN OF THE YEAR  professional development, leadership   John Surian still attempting to sort out a suitable date with the police  development and service project development. department.    Clubs take on a similar structural administrative base to that of the Pres Johnny: We have been asked to nominate  a youth to the Hiroshima  Rotary model with a District Rotaract Peace Forum 15th ato 20th May applicants must be beween 18 and 30 years old  Representative being elected on an annual basis to provide co-ordination, not a Rotarian.   training and liaison.   Rotaract meetings are held bi-monthly.   It is strongly recommended that there   should be a Rotary presence at each   of these meetings, attendance being classed as a "make-up" for the visiting   Rotarian.          
  • 2. Rotary Club of Parramatta City DISTRICT UPCOMING EVENTS    • 2nd March – PETS;    • 14th April ‐ District Assembly; for all incoming board members.    • Charity Golf day Australian Rotary Health- 1st March    • 5 nominations have been forwarded to Rotary Notable Women Award committee;    • District Governor – fundraising for Children’s Hospital Legacy project;      LAST WEEK’S GUEST SPEAKER Kerry Boyce Talking points: • Men’s Shed Kerry was instrumental in starting the Men’ Shed in Northmead July 12. With 77 members and 30 people on the waiting list. There are about 6 or 7 sheds in the Parramatta area and they are also all full which means we need more sheds. Kerry has applied to Parramatta council for a grant to start a new shed which is called Parramatta District Men’s Shed. Thewre is a very good venue for this shed in Fleet Street behind Parramatta leagues club. The shed will use 3 classrooms which cannot be used for anything else because it has Asbestos in the structure. The men’s sheds have only been going for 20 years started in SA and grew very slowly arrived in Sydney in 1998 in Lane Cove in the basement of a hospital’s car park and they were allocated one car space. Even though the Shed is called Men’s shed it is not restricted to men only. At Northmead they have a designated day for females as their interests would be different. The maximum advisable number of members to a Shed would be approx 60 people. The opening of the shed is dependent on how many supervisors they have. As the supervisors are also mentors.   CLUB CALENDAR OF EVENTS  February 2013  25 Mr James Bird,  Mercy Ships  March 2013  2   Pets for incoming Presidents  4   Les Miller.  Critical illness  a living insurance  11   Fran Killoway The Frasil technology 
  • 3. Rotary Club of Parramatta City 15‐17 District Conference  18    Dr Mualla Akinci McManus Lyme Disease  25   Susanne Gallant Parramatta Rotary Club.  April 2013  1 Easter Monday NO MEETING Lyndsey Macnaught RYLA Candidate ALL APOLOGIES AND SPECIAL GUESTS    Apologies to Joy Gillette on 8837 1900 before 9.30am Monday morning.  The latest time for apologies to be made is 9.30am on Monday as that is the time Joy has to advise the hotel of  numbers.     The Club is required to pay for the number of lunches ordered. Invoices for the cost of a meal will be sent to members   at 2.30pm on Monday by Keith  if you do not apologise for non attendance by 9.30am.    CELEBRATIONS    th     PP Stephen Burfield 8 years ago, 28  of February you decided to join us at  Parramatta City Rotary and you have been a very active member of the club and  contributed a great deal Thank You .                 Happy Anniversary On a more serious note Carolyn, a rich blonde, buys a new automatic Jaguar XKR Sport.  She drives the car perfectly well during the day, but at night, the car just won't move at all.  After trying to drive the car at night for a week (but without any luck), she furiously calls the  Jaguar dealers and they send out a technician to her.  The technician examines the car and finds nothing wrong with it. So he turns to the blonde  and asks: "Ma'am, are you sure you are using the right gears?"  Full of anger, the blonde replies: "You fool, you idiot, how on earth you could ask such a  question? I'm not stupid you know! Of course I am using the right gears; I use D during the  day and N at night."         
  • 4. Rotary Club of Parramatta City   LIVINGSTONE SCHOOL SPONSORS NEWS 1301 Dear Livingstone School sponsors and supporters, Welcome to the first News for 2013. This year will be a very exciting one for Livingstone School. For the first time, half of the school [Nursery to Grade 2] are situated at the new school site, whilst the other half [Grades 3-5] are still meeting in Bimal’s house. There are now 180 students at Livingstone School, about 40 more than LAMB School. The larger than expected intake has meant that, until more classrooms are built, the school will be split. A huge thank you to all of you who have continued your sponsorship for another year. Without your support, the school would not exist. We raised just enough money to pay all of the teachers’ salaries, cover the Education and Health funds, as well as pay for breakfast for all of the children. It was wonderful to catch up with all of the Livingstone School teachers and students, and get to know the new ones, during our recent time in Bangladesh. Observing teachers teaching their best ever lessons make these visits worthwhile in themselves. We are reminded, daily, that none of these children would be at school if it wasn’t for those of you who have journeyed with us. I can’t wait to get back in less than eight months time. Ten children from the Chaklahat Hindu village started at Livingstone School this month. Two are in the Nursery class, and eight in Pre-school. They are the first from their village to attend school for the whole 300 years that the village has existed. Special donations from people have paid for the clothing, transport, breakfast and education fees for nine of them, as well as paying for a separate teacher to visit the school for 3.5 days each week in order to teach those children too old to be in the same class as 3-5 year olds. This will also mean that they don’t get quite so jealous of the 10 chosen by the village to attend Livingstone School. We will keep you up to date with how the 10 settle into the school and how they start to progress. Unlike 2010 and 2011, the Christmas Gift List for 2012 just didn’t work out this year. Although the greatest need of the school, by far, was for three additional small classrooms, only one donation was received, compared to the 25 or so from December 2011. I think you are telling me either that 2012 was especially tough one financially, or that you much prefer to give towards some piece of equipment, with which you and your children can better identify, rather than towards something larger. Not all was lost however. Two close friends of ours, Alison and Scott Hogan, who were married late last year, decided to ask for donations to Livingstone School in lieu of wedding gifts for themselves. Together with the one Christmas Fund donation received, the total has meant that one extra classroom has started to be built. It will be known as “The Alison and Scott Room”. When it is finished, a photo of them and information about how the room came into being will be permanently fixed to one wall of the classroom. The dream to set up Livingstone School as the first bilingual Senior school in Bangladesh is still on track. Initially, it would only cater for LAMB School students once they have completed Year 10, but, eventually would cater for Year 11 students from both schools. Many students and parents from LAMB Project are really hoping the dream becomes a reality as soon as possible. It has the potential to keep many senior Bangladeshi and expat staff at LAMB Project, and stop the flow of students leaving LAMB School for inferior education, but one that will take them beyond Year 10. Now is the time to start sending your sponsorship money for 2013. With two additional full-time and two part-time teachers joining the staff this year, and with salary increases for cost of living and longer school time etc., there is a need for about 17 additional sponsors for 2013. We have three of these already, 14 to go. Several sponsors who indicated that they would initially sponsor for one year have decided that they will continue for at least another
  • 5. Rotary Club of Parramatta City year. No one has withdrawn their sponsorship at this point of time. Thank you so much for this. We are the only financial sponsor for the staff salaries, so it’s us who keep the school going. A few people have requested the bank details again, so it’s attached. I’ve attached the update of the original form that you received with all of the details, just for your information, just in case you may know of someone who could become one of the 14 remaining new sponsors needed. To those who wanted reminders of their next payment due, here it is. Thank you to those who transfer money electronically and reference their name on the transfer, as this make it easier to keep track of money coming in. Thank you, once again, to all of you who share this venture with us. Both Jill and I are so encouraged by your involvement. It gives us such a boost to know you are there with us. With much love, Ian Cochrane. February, 2013.                                                                 These are the photos Just before.       
  • 6. Rotary Calenndar . February March April May June . World Understanding Month Literacy Month Magazine Month Getting ready for changeover month Rotary Fellowship month Sat Sun 1 Mon 1 Easter Monday NO MEETING 3 Tues 2 4 Wed 3 1 5 Thu 4 2 6 Fri 1 1 Rotary Health Fund Golf Day 5 3 7 Sat 2 Blacktown Rotary Trivia Night 2 6 4 8 Sun 3 3 7 Daylight savings Ends 5 9 4 Les Miller 8 Lyndsey Macnaught Mon 4 Glenn Gardner Polio Australia Critical Illness A Living Insurance RYLA Candidate 6 10 Queen's Birthday NO MEETING Tues 5 5 9 7 11 Wed 6 6 10 8 12 Thu 7 7 11 9 13 Fri 8 8 12 10 14 Sat 9 9 13 11 15 Sun 10 10 World Rotaract week 14 District Assembly 12 Mothers Day 16 13 ARH PhD scholars evening Mon 11 Sandra Carvajal Good Return 11 Fran Killoway The Frasil technology 15 No Lunch Meeting 17 Tues 12 12 16 14 18 Wed 13 13 17 15 19 Thu 14 14 18 16 20 Fri 15 Holroyd Rotary Trivia night 15 19 17 21 Sat 16 16 20 18 22 Sun 17 17 21 19 ARH PARRA - AMBLE 23 18 Kerry Boyce Parramatta Mon Men's Shed 18 Dr Mualla Akinci McManus Lyme Disease 22 20 24 Tues 19 19 23 21 25 Wed 20 20 24 22 26 Thu 21 21 25 Anzac Day 23 27 Fri 22 22 26 24 28 Sat 23 World understanding and peace Day R 23 27 25 29 Sun 24 24 28 26 Red shield appeal 30 Mon 25 Mr James Bird Mercy Ships Ph9948 40 Susanne Gallant Parramatta Rotary 25 29 27 Tues 26 26 30 28 Wed 27 27 29 legend Thu 28 28 30 Free Fri 29 29 Good Friday Confirmed Sat 30 30 Easter Saturday offered waiting response Sun 31 Easter Sunday No lunch meeting Special important events