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                             New Horizons
                       The Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc.
                           PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 !            District 9455!       ABN: 99 602 195 617

 Volume 3, Issue 33	                                                                                                             14th - 20th March 2011

From the President          Last Week’s Meeting       This Week’s Meeting     District Conference          Club Forum              A New RAWCS Project
From       the   Club       Did you miss last         Find out what is        Are you attending the        Is this in your diary   Find out about this
President.                  week’s     meeting?       happening this week.    District Conference this     yet?                    amazing project in
Page 1                      Find    out    what       Page 2                  month?                       Page 2                  PNG.
                            happened                                          Page 4                                               Page 2
                            Page 2

                                            in their clubs, ideas
Letter from the                             about a whole range of
                                            things, a lot of contacts
President                                   at the district level for
                                            things from PR through
I have just returned from                   to specific projects, and
spending the weekend in                     a full bag of resource
Yanchep for the President                   materials.
Elects   Training   Seminar
(PETS), attending in the                    During      PETS,    the
capacity of an incoming                     President Elect also
Assistant District Governor                 meets their Assistant
(AG).                                       Governor, and starts
                                            working      through   a
I personally felt this year's               planning guide to gauge
PETS was better than last                   where the club is now
year's in the respect that                  and what your goals are
throughout the course of the                for the year ahead.
weekend, every club was
asked to talk for a couple of               Although our club did
minutes about its “signature                not have a President
project”. It was a great                    Elect present at the
opportunity to hear about                   training seminar, these
what other clubs are doing or               resources     are     still    Photo (L-R): Marilyn Krawitz and Piri Altraide from Rotaract Club of Perth
have done that worked well.                 available, with plenty of
The projects discussed varied               people willing to give one-         years to successfully serve a            for the other board positions
substantially,   with    some               on-one training to someone          year is President! All that is           as well, and your district
clubs talking about projects                willing to take on the role.        required is a little bit of time         leadership, including our
in their local community,                                                       to plan for the year ahead.              District     Governor        and
projects overseas, fundraising              I've mentioned in the past the      With a good team at the                  Assistant Governor for next
events, and in one case a                   story of the current President      board level to assist, and               year, are only too pleased to
social event. I talked about                of the Rotary Club of Darling       committed club members, it               provide whatever support
our Magnifying Microscopes                  Range, Ben Wholagan, who            is possible for anyone to have           you need.
project.                                    took on the role of Club            a     successful      year    as
                                            President at just 19 years of       President, even if their Rotary          I look forward to discussing
Incoming    Presidents   are                age, having joined Rotary           knowledge at the beginning               this in more depth at our club
provided with an overview                   some months earlier. In this        of the year is relatively small.         forum this coming weekend
of the Rotary's 5 Avenues of                year's crop of Presidents                                                    (March 20th). Please come
Service    (Club     Service,               Elect, one from Karratha only       So please... do consider                 ready to discuss how to make
Community          Service,                 joined Rotary in the past 6         taking on a leadership role in           2011-12 a fantastic year for
International       Service,                months, and many other              our club in the new year. I              our club.
Vocational Service and New                  incoming Presidents have            have a heap of resources to
Generations), feedback from                 only been in Rotary for a few       hand out, a big bag of                   Yours in Rotary,
other Rotarians about what                  years. It is NOT necessary to       goodies provided at PETS,                Simone
has worked or hasn't worked                 have been in Rotary for many        not just for the President but

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
N    E    W    H     O   R   I   Z    O    N    S

                                  member         of
Last Week's                       another     GSE
                                  Team in the
Meeting                           District at the
                                  same time as
As it was Word Rotaract           the one from
Week (during the week             our      District.
which includes March 13th,        They are now
the day the first Rotaract         married      and
Club was chartered) we had        live in Linz,
two young ladies from the         Austria, where
Rotaract Club of Perth,           Oliver, a master
Marilyn Krawitz and Piri          goldsmith, has
Altraide tell us about the        a      jewellery
activities of the Rotaract Club   shop in the old
of Perth over the past year.      town. Angela
An impressive list of projects    is back in Perth
was shared, several of which      for a family
may be of interest to our         wedding and
members to get involved           to catch up
with also. The Rotaractors        with friends.
also told us of some of their                               Photo (L-R): Daniel Forsdyke and Angela Aghow Puhringer - GSE Alumni
fundraising activities, and
the upcoming “Sandgroper          This                                push during CHOGM to                      ‘District Governor’s Group
Tour”, where they will be                                             promote     the     PolioPlus             Representative (this position
hosting and providing tours       Week's                              Program as they have                      is now known as Assistant
for up to 8 Rotaractors from                                          provided US$355 million                   Governor) and Paul Harris
other countries in April.         Meeting                             dollars towards Rotary’s                  Fellow.    Jim already has
                                                                      Polio Plus Program.       As              several friends in our club
One of their key points that is                                       many governments around                   and his experience will be
                                  Bill Hassell has lined up a
worth underscoring is that                                            the world have already                    invaluable. His wife Meryl is
                                  fascinating   speaker    this
while they had a very large                                           contributed      substantial              a former Rotarian and we
                                  week. Geoff Hourn will give
array of projects, not every                                          funds, they are keen to                   look forward to Meryl
                                  a presentation entitled “Life
member         of    the  club                                        encourage the Australian                  attending    one    of    our
                                  of a UN Warlord”, during
participated in every project.                                        Government to come up with                meetings when she is able.
                                  which he will give an insight
There were a few projects on                                          money to complete the job of
                                  into Afghanistan from an
their     list     that   they                                        wiping out the disease.                   Jim’s    classification   is
                                  Australian         military
commented that neither of                                                                                       Business Succession.    His
them were quite sure what                                             Ken Collins is the Rotary                 e m a i l              i s
was involved as they hadn't                                           Foundation Coordinator for      
participated in them; they        Club Forum                          the      Gates       PolioPlus
                                                                      Challenge and as CHOGM
                                                                                                                Telephone numbers are (W)
                                                                                                                1300 960 373 (M) 0418 939
selected projects that suited
their       interests     and                                         will be in Perth he is liaising           042
                                  If you haven't done so
availability. A full, varied                                          with the Global Poverty
                                  already, please make sure
program of hands on,                                                  Project. Exciting things are in           He     will    be  ‘officially’
                                  Sunday 20th March is in your
fundraising,      and    social                                       the early formative stages,               welcomed back into Rotary
                                  diary for our very important
events gave everyone and                                              hopefully      resulting      in          in a couple of weeks.
                                  Club Forum.
opportunity to feel included                                          substantial      funds       for
                                                                      PolioPlus and our Cub will
in something.                     The venue is 20 Loneragan
                                  St, Nedlands. Please be there
                                                                      be given the opportunity of               A New
                                                                      being involved with at least
We      had     a     second
presentation, from Angela
                                  for a 10 am start.
                                                                      one of the events.                        RAWCS Project
Aghow      Puhringer     and
Daniel Forsdyke, who were         Speaker for                         Welcome New                               Those of you who attended
Group Study Exchange (GSE)                                                                                      the Dr Ken Collins Address
Team Members to District          March 23rd                          Member!                                   last year will remember
                                                                                                                Maryanne      Tokome-Amu,
3300, Malaysia in December
2005 to January 2006. They                                                                                      who spoke about how her
                                  Michael Sheldrick, who is
gave      an     abbreviated                                          It is with much pleasure that             Rotary       Foundation
                                  associated     with   Global
presentation on their trip to                                         Jim Gould is welcomed into                Ambassadorial Scholarship
                                  Poverty Project, is coming
Malaysia, including where                                             the     Rotary    Club     of             impacted on her life. She
                                  along to tell members what is
each of their team members                                            Freshwater Bay.                           also told us about the
                                  being planned to promote
are now expounding the                                                                                          medical clinic she was
                                  the Gates Challenge /
virtues of this outstanding                                           Jim brings with him a wealth              establishing in her home
                                  PolioPlus program during
program of the Rotary                                                 of Rotary experience. First               village of Wapenamanda in
                                  the week of CHOGM in
Foundation.                                                           joining in his 20s, he has been           Enga Province in Papua New
                                  Perth this October.
                                                                      a member of the Rotary                    Guinea.
While in Malaysia, Angela                                             Clubs in Geraldton as well as
                                  The Bill and Melinda Gates
met Oliver from Austria, a                                            Nedlands.      He is a Past               A number of clubs indicated
                                  Foundation have initiated the
                                                                      President, has twice been a               they would like to support

                                                                                                       Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
N     E   W        H    O     R   I   Z    O   N    S

                                                                                                                         Simone was one of the 4
                                                                                                                         “experts” who presented during
                                                                                                                         the first webinar on February 2nd.

                                                                                                                         Recordings of the webinars are
                                                                                                                         available to watch at your leisure
                                                                                                                         from the Rotarians on Social
                                                                                                                         Networks Fellowship at http://

                                                                                                                         Waist Disposal
                                                                                                                         Looking at the trend of the BMI
                                                                                                                         Competition so far from Oct 2009
                                                                                                                         to Feb 2011, I think you have all
                                                                                                                         done a fabulous job with your
                                                                                                                         clubs and peers, as the trend has
                                                                                                                         been a consistent decline in
                                                                                                                         weight, although the decline has
                                                                                                                         become less steep more recently,
                                                                                                                         but at least it is not going up!

                                                                                                                         The leaderboard came up pretty
                                                                                                                         close and the awards for the
                                        Photo: Maryanne Tokome-Amu (right)
                                                                                                                         winning club and the three
Maryanne in her work and I                 tax deductible.                         place at Christ Church Grammar        runner ups will be given in the
am pleased to advise that her                                                      School this Thursday, 17th            combined District Conference on
‘Wapenamanda Centre for                    Kind regards,                           March. This meeting has been          Sunday 27th of March at 11:20am
Primary Health Care’ has been              Ken Collins                             pushed back a week due to an          and we only have 5 minutes, so
registered with RAWCS as                                                           Interschool Swimming Carnival.        please do not miss it.
project number WR005-2011.
                                           Burundi Peace                           Hamish Mackie is going to look    We     are   happy    to     keep
For those not at the address I                                                     after Interact. Other volunteers  monitoring the BMI Competition
met Maryanne in 1986 when                  Choir                                   are sought to assist Hamish in a  beyond the conference date for
she, as a nursing aide, was                                                        mentoring capacity.               clubs who wish to continue as it
responsible for the health care            The Burundi Peace Choir will be                                           has proved an important motive
of 10,000 refugees in eight                performing at Kulcha, above the                                           for people to keep controlling
separate camps along the West              Dome cafe at 13 South Terrace,          Volunteer Grant                   their weight. We can set another
Irian border. I was extremely              Fremantle on Saturday, 2nd April                                          milestone/goal for clubs to work
impressed by her dedication                at 8.00pm                               At the last Board meeting it was towards. Please let me know
and professionalism despite                                                        agreed that money the Club had what you think?
her meagre training and was                Tickets are $10 pre purchase and        received from the Volunteer
pleased to be able to assist her           for members, or $12 at the door.        Grant would be used to purchase The ‘Waist’ Disposal Challenge is
in     obtaining    a    Rotary            Visit for             a marquee, three trestle tables, now on facebook and Ben
Foundation       Ambassadorial             more information.                       six chairs and a digital camera. Andrew (The WDC star loser)
Scholarship to undertake a                                                         Already purchased from the will be the Champion of the
Bachelor of Nursing Degree in              The Burundi Peace Choir was a           grant money is a laptop and PA facebook page. So please join in
Adelaide. She completed the                standout at Kulcha’s Global             system. These items, together and ask your members to join in
three year course in one year,             Voice     multicultural       choral    with the storage cupboard, a to keep the good work alive
passing with honours. She                  concert last year. It is great to see   screen and projector has enabled ( and search
later returned to Adelaide with            the assistance given by our club        our club to operate more for: ‘Waist’ Disposal Challenge).
an AUSAID Scholarship to                   to give this choir a start, by          professionally.
complete her masters.                      coordinating funds for a CD and                                           I   have    just   applied     for
                                           engaging Max Kay’s help in                                                Healthway funding to run the
She is now establishing a                  getting them on Telethon and the        Social Media                      Level 3 of the WDC - the
medical centre in her remote               Oz Concert, has allowed them to                                           Lifestyle Coaching. If we are
village some distance from Mt              achieve what they set out to. A         Webinars                          successful we start early next
Hagen.                                     great project indeed.                                                     year as we would not hear from
                                                                                   In February, Rotary International Healthway till October this year.
Any financial assistance you                                                        organised 2 webinars each with 4
can provide through RAWCS                  Interact Club                           different panelists to discuss how    The interest for the WDC has
would be greatly appreciated.                                                      to use social media effectively for   gone national. There are two
Contributions          from                The second meeting of our               Rotary purposes, including how        large districts in Victoria and one
individuals or businesses are              provisial Interact Club will take       to get started. Our own President     in Queensland who are ready to
                                                                                                                         start, and I am looking for

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
N    E    W        H     O   R   I     Z    O   N   S

sources of funding for them.           Quiz Night, to be held at the
                                       Osborne Park Community                 District                                 March is
That is all I needed to share          Centre on Saturday 7th May
with you for now and I look            at 6:30 pm for a 7:00 pm start.        Conference                               Rotary Bowel
forward to seeing you at the
conference in two weeks                Tickets cost $120 for a table of       Don't forget that the joint              Cancer
time.                                  8.                                     Districts   9455   &     9465
                                                                              Conference is at Burswood                Screening
Kind Regards                           Funds raised will support              Resort, 25-27th March 2011.
Professor Samar Aoun                   Rotary projects including the                                                   Month
                                       Rotary Cord Blood Bank,                For more information visit:
                                       Polio Plus, afterShock (a              http://                                  Kits are available from most
Western                                Rotary Community Corps                           Pharmacies for a cost of
                                       project to support people to
                                                                                                                       $8.00, which includes the
Endeavour's                            find their own route to
                                       recovery from acute grief and
                                                                                                                       testing of the specimens.
                                                                                                                       Catch Cancer before it
Quiz Night                             post traumatic stress) and
                                                                                                                       catches you.

We have been invited to get a          Please let President Simone
table together for the Rotary          know if you are interested in
Club of Western Endeavour's            attending.

     Host - Introduction & Thank You                                                    Program for March
                  Date                  Name                                          Date                               Details

             16th March        Bill Hassell                               16th March                     Geoff Hourn

             23rd March        Bronwen Tyson                              23rd March                     Mike Sheldrick - Global Poverty
             30th March        Wilma McBain
                                                                          30th March                     Marie Kormandy - Computer
                                                                                                         Assisted Literacy

      Welcoming Roster                           Board                                               Club Details
                                                 Rotary Year 2010-11
       Date                    Name                                                                  Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc.
                                                 Simone Carot Collins — President
                                                       PO Box 168,
 16th March          Paddy Ramanathan                                                                Nedlands,
                                                 Di Collins — Secretary / Vice President             Western Australia, 6909
 23rd March          Max Hipkins                       Meetings
                                                   Wednesday 5:45pm to 6:45pm
 30th March          Rob Pearce
                                                                                                     Cafe, Bethesda Hospital
 6th April           Max Hipkins                 TBA — Club Administration Director                  Queenslea Drive

New Horizons: Winner of the District 9450        Toni James — Treasurer
      Bulletin Award for 2009/10       
                                                                                                     08 9385 0471
                                                 TBA — President Elect / Projects                    Fax
Bulletin Contributions                 
                                                                                                     08 9385 0472

Contributions for the weekly bulletin are        Claire Forsdyke — International Director  
sought from members of the club.       
Why not use the bulletin to update the club                                                
on the projects your committee is working        Ken Collins — Membership Director                   freshwaterbayrotary
on or promote the clubs next fundraising
event.                                                                                               Chartered 19 December 2008
                                                 TBA — New Generations Director
Please forward articles and photos to  

                                                                                                             Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455

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New Horizons V3 I33

  • 1. N E W H O R I Z O N S New Horizons The Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc. PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 ! District 9455! ABN: 99 602 195 617 Volume 3, Issue 33 14th - 20th March 2011 From the President Last Week’s Meeting This Week’s Meeting District Conference Club Forum A New RAWCS Project From the Club Did you miss last Find out what is Are you attending the Is this in your diary Find out about this President. week’s meeting? happening this week. District Conference this yet? amazing project in Page 1 Find out what Page 2 month? Page 2 PNG. happened Page 4 Page 2 Page 2 in their clubs, ideas Letter from the about a whole range of things, a lot of contacts President at the district level for things from PR through I have just returned from to specific projects, and spending the weekend in a full bag of resource Yanchep for the President materials. Elects Training Seminar (PETS), attending in the During PETS, the capacity of an incoming President Elect also Assistant District Governor meets their Assistant (AG). Governor, and starts working through a I personally felt this year's planning guide to gauge PETS was better than last where the club is now year's in the respect that and what your goals are throughout the course of the for the year ahead. weekend, every club was asked to talk for a couple of Although our club did minutes about its “signature not have a President project”. It was a great Elect present at the opportunity to hear about training seminar, these what other clubs are doing or resources are still Photo (L-R): Marilyn Krawitz and Piri Altraide from Rotaract Club of Perth have done that worked well. available, with plenty of The projects discussed varied people willing to give one- years to successfully serve a for the other board positions substantially, with some on-one training to someone year is President! All that is as well, and your district clubs talking about projects willing to take on the role. required is a little bit of time leadership, including our in their local community, to plan for the year ahead. District Governor and projects overseas, fundraising I've mentioned in the past the With a good team at the Assistant Governor for next events, and in one case a story of the current President board level to assist, and year, are only too pleased to social event. I talked about of the Rotary Club of Darling committed club members, it provide whatever support our Magnifying Microscopes Range, Ben Wholagan, who is possible for anyone to have you need. project. took on the role of Club a successful year as President at just 19 years of President, even if their Rotary I look forward to discussing Incoming Presidents are age, having joined Rotary knowledge at the beginning this in more depth at our club provided with an overview some months earlier. In this of the year is relatively small. forum this coming weekend of the Rotary's 5 Avenues of year's crop of Presidents (March 20th). Please come Service (Club Service, Elect, one from Karratha only So please... do consider ready to discuss how to make Community Service, joined Rotary in the past 6 taking on a leadership role in 2011-12 a fantastic year for International Service, months, and many other our club in the new year. I our club. Vocational Service and New incoming Presidents have have a heap of resources to Generations), feedback from only been in Rotary for a few hand out, a big bag of Yours in Rotary, other Rotarians about what years. It is NOT necessary to goodies provided at PETS, Simone has worked or hasn't worked have been in Rotary for many not just for the President but Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 1
  • 2. N E W H O R I Z O N S member of Last Week's another GSE Team in the Meeting District at the same time as As it was Word Rotaract the one from Week (during the week our District. which includes March 13th, They are now the day the first Rotaract married and Club was chartered) we had live in Linz, two young ladies from the Austria, where Rotaract Club of Perth, Oliver, a master Marilyn Krawitz and Piri goldsmith, has Altraide tell us about the a jewellery activities of the Rotaract Club shop in the old of Perth over the past year. town. Angela An impressive list of projects is back in Perth was shared, several of which for a family may be of interest to our wedding and members to get involved to catch up with also. The Rotaractors with friends. also told us of some of their Photo (L-R): Daniel Forsdyke and Angela Aghow Puhringer - GSE Alumni fundraising activities, and the upcoming “Sandgroper This push during CHOGM to ‘District Governor’s Group Tour”, where they will be promote the PolioPlus Representative (this position hosting and providing tours Week's Program as they have is now known as Assistant for up to 8 Rotaractors from provided US$355 million Governor) and Paul Harris other countries in April. Meeting dollars towards Rotary’s Fellow. Jim already has Polio Plus Program. As several friends in our club One of their key points that is many governments around and his experience will be Bill Hassell has lined up a worth underscoring is that the world have already invaluable. His wife Meryl is fascinating speaker this while they had a very large contributed substantial a former Rotarian and we week. Geoff Hourn will give array of projects, not every funds, they are keen to look forward to Meryl a presentation entitled “Life member of the club encourage the Australian attending one of our of a UN Warlord”, during participated in every project. Government to come up with meetings when she is able. which he will give an insight There were a few projects on money to complete the job of into Afghanistan from an their list that they wiping out the disease. Jim’s classification is Australian military commented that neither of Business Succession. His perspective. them were quite sure what Ken Collins is the Rotary e m a i l i s was involved as they hadn't Foundation Coordinator for participated in them; they Club Forum the Gates PolioPlus Challenge and as CHOGM Telephone numbers are (W) 1300 960 373 (M) 0418 939 selected projects that suited their interests and will be in Perth he is liaising 042 If you haven't done so availability. A full, varied with the Global Poverty already, please make sure program of hands on, Project. Exciting things are in He will be ‘officially’ Sunday 20th March is in your fundraising, and social the early formative stages, welcomed back into Rotary diary for our very important events gave everyone and hopefully resulting in in a couple of weeks. Club Forum. opportunity to feel included substantial funds for PolioPlus and our Cub will in something. The venue is 20 Loneragan St, Nedlands. Please be there be given the opportunity of A New being involved with at least We had a second presentation, from Angela for a 10 am start. one of the events. RAWCS Project Aghow Puhringer and Daniel Forsdyke, who were Speaker for Welcome New Those of you who attended Group Study Exchange (GSE) the Dr Ken Collins Address Team Members to District March 23rd Member! last year will remember Maryanne Tokome-Amu, 3300, Malaysia in December 2005 to January 2006. They who spoke about how her Michael Sheldrick, who is gave an abbreviated It is with much pleasure that Rotary Foundation associated with Global presentation on their trip to Jim Gould is welcomed into Ambassadorial Scholarship Poverty Project, is coming Malaysia, including where the Rotary Club of impacted on her life. She along to tell members what is each of their team members Freshwater Bay. also told us about the being planned to promote are now expounding the medical clinic she was the Gates Challenge / virtues of this outstanding Jim brings with him a wealth establishing in her home PolioPlus program during program of the Rotary of Rotary experience. First village of Wapenamanda in the week of CHOGM in Foundation. joining in his 20s, he has been Enga Province in Papua New Perth this October. a member of the Rotary Guinea. While in Malaysia, Angela Clubs in Geraldton as well as The Bill and Melinda Gates met Oliver from Austria, a Nedlands. He is a Past A number of clubs indicated Foundation have initiated the President, has twice been a they would like to support 2 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455
  • 3. N E W H O R I Z O N S Simone was one of the 4 “experts” who presented during the first webinar on February 2nd. Recordings of the webinars are available to watch at your leisure from the Rotarians on Social Networks Fellowship at http:// webinars/ Waist Disposal Challenge Looking at the trend of the BMI Competition so far from Oct 2009 to Feb 2011, I think you have all done a fabulous job with your clubs and peers, as the trend has been a consistent decline in weight, although the decline has become less steep more recently, but at least it is not going up! The leaderboard came up pretty close and the awards for the Photo: Maryanne Tokome-Amu (right) winning club and the three Maryanne in her work and I tax deductible. place at Christ Church Grammar runner ups will be given in the am pleased to advise that her School this Thursday, 17th combined District Conference on ‘Wapenamanda Centre for Kind regards, March. This meeting has been Sunday 27th of March at 11:20am Primary Health Care’ has been Ken Collins pushed back a week due to an and we only have 5 minutes, so registered with RAWCS as Interschool Swimming Carnival. please do not miss it. project number WR005-2011. Burundi Peace Hamish Mackie is going to look We are happy to keep For those not at the address I after Interact. Other volunteers monitoring the BMI Competition met Maryanne in 1986 when Choir are sought to assist Hamish in a beyond the conference date for she, as a nursing aide, was mentoring capacity. clubs who wish to continue as it responsible for the health care The Burundi Peace Choir will be has proved an important motive of 10,000 refugees in eight performing at Kulcha, above the for people to keep controlling separate camps along the West Dome cafe at 13 South Terrace, Volunteer Grant their weight. We can set another Irian border. I was extremely Fremantle on Saturday, 2nd April milestone/goal for clubs to work impressed by her dedication at 8.00pm At the last Board meeting it was towards. Please let me know and professionalism despite agreed that money the Club had what you think? her meagre training and was Tickets are $10 pre purchase and received from the Volunteer pleased to be able to assist her for members, or $12 at the door. Grant would be used to purchase The ‘Waist’ Disposal Challenge is in obtaining a Rotary Visit for a marquee, three trestle tables, now on facebook and Ben Foundation Ambassadorial more information. six chairs and a digital camera. Andrew (The WDC star loser) Scholarship to undertake a Already purchased from the will be the Champion of the Bachelor of Nursing Degree in The Burundi Peace Choir was a grant money is a laptop and PA facebook page. So please join in Adelaide. She completed the standout at Kulcha’s Global system. These items, together and ask your members to join in three year course in one year, Voice multicultural choral with the storage cupboard, a to keep the good work alive passing with honours. She concert last year. It is great to see screen and projector has enabled ( and search later returned to Adelaide with the assistance given by our club our club to operate more for: ‘Waist’ Disposal Challenge). an AUSAID Scholarship to to give this choir a start, by professionally. complete her masters. coordinating funds for a CD and I have just applied for engaging Max Kay’s help in Healthway funding to run the She is now establishing a getting them on Telethon and the Social Media Level 3 of the WDC - the medical centre in her remote Oz Concert, has allowed them to Lifestyle Coaching. If we are village some distance from Mt achieve what they set out to. A Webinars successful we start early next Hagen. great project indeed. year as we would not hear from In February, Rotary International Healthway till October this year. Any financial assistance you organised 2 webinars each with 4 can provide through RAWCS Interact Club different panelists to discuss how The interest for the WDC has would be greatly appreciated. to use social media effectively for gone national. There are two Contributions from The second meeting of our Rotary purposes, including how large districts in Victoria and one individuals or businesses are provisial Interact Club will take to get started. Our own President in Queensland who are ready to start, and I am looking for Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455 3
  • 4. N E W H O R I Z O N S sources of funding for them. Quiz Night, to be held at the Osborne Park Community District March is That is all I needed to share Centre on Saturday 7th May with you for now and I look at 6:30 pm for a 7:00 pm start. Conference Rotary Bowel forward to seeing you at the conference in two weeks Tickets cost $120 for a table of Don't forget that the joint Cancer time. 8. Districts 9455 & 9465 Conference is at Burswood Screening Kind Regards Funds raised will support Resort, 25-27th March 2011. Professor Samar Aoun Rotary projects including the Month Rotary Cord Blood Bank, For more information visit: Polio Plus, afterShock (a http:// Kits are available from most Western Rotary Community Corps Pharmacies for a cost of project to support people to $8.00, which includes the Endeavour's find their own route to recovery from acute grief and testing of the specimens. Catch Cancer before it Quiz Night post traumatic stress) and ShelterBox. catches you. We have been invited to get a Please let President Simone table together for the Rotary know if you are interested in Club of Western Endeavour's attending. Host - Introduction & Thank You Program for March Date Name Date Details 16th March Bill Hassell 16th March Geoff Hourn 23rd March Bronwen Tyson 23rd March Mike Sheldrick - Global Poverty Project 30th March Wilma McBain 30th March Marie Kormandy - Computer Assisted Literacy Welcoming Roster Board Club Details Rotary Year 2010-11 Date Name Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Inc. Simone Carot Collins — President PO Box 168, 16th March Paddy Ramanathan Nedlands, Di Collins — Secretary / Vice President Western Australia, 6909 23rd March Max Hipkins Meetings Wednesday 5:45pm to 6:45pm 30th March Rob Pearce Cafe, Bethesda Hospital 6th April Max Hipkins TBA — Club Administration Director Queenslea Drive Claremont Email New Horizons: Winner of the District 9450 Toni James — Treasurer Bulletin Award for 2009/10 Phone  08 9385 0471 TBA — President Elect / Projects Fax Director Bulletin Contributions 08 9385 0472 Website Contributions for the weekly bulletin are Claire Forsdyke — International Director sought from members of the club. Facebook Why not use the bulletin to update the club on the projects your committee is working Ken Collins — Membership Director freshwaterbayrotary on or promote the clubs next fundraising event. Chartered 19 December 2008 TBA — New Generations Director Please forward articles and photos to 4 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9455