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Rotary International, the world’s
first service club organization,
is made up of 33,000 clubs in
more than 200 countries and

geographical areas. Its members
form a global network of busi-
ness, professional, and commu-
nity leaders who volunteer their
time and talents to serve their
communities and the world.
   Rotary’s motto, Service
Above Self, exemplifies the hu-
manitarian spirit of the organi-
zation’s more than 1.2 million

“Rotary lets you give
 something back, in the
 knowledge that you belong
 to the largest family of
     — Deanna Ann Duguid,

   Strong fellowship among
Rotarians and meaningful
community and international
service projects characterize
Rotary worldwide.
   Rotary enjoys a rich and
sometimes complex tradition
and organizational structure,
with many programs that can
be confusing to new and even
not-so-new members. The
following pages offer a basic
Rotary education — the fun-

damental knowledge that will
make every member better in-
formed about Rotary and proud
to be a Rotarian.

                                    Now online at
Chicago attorney Paul Harris
                                 the organization                                   Brazil, India, Japan, Korea, and Switzerland.
                                                                                    The office for RI in Great Britain and Ireland
organizes first Rotary meeting   of Rotary                                          (RIBI), located in England, serves clubs and
on 23 February, leading to
formation of the Rotary Club     Rotary is essentially a grassroots organization,   districts in that region. The Secretariat’s chief
of Chicago.                      with most of its service efforts being carried     operating officer is the RI general secretary,
                                 out at the club level. The district and inter-     who heads a 740-member staff working to
                                 national structure is designed to support the      serve Rotarians worldwide.
Rotary Club of Chicago
helps to organize installation   clubs and help them provide more service in
of public toilets, one of the    their local communities and abroad.
club’s first acts of community
service.                         Clubs Rotarians are members of Rotary              Benefits and
                                 clubs, which belong to the global association      Responsibilities of
1910-11                          Rotary International (RI). Each club elects
Paul Harris elected first
                                 its own officers and enjoys considerable
                                                                                    Club Membership
president of National                                                            The club is the cornerstone of Rotary, where
Association of Rotary Clubs at   autonomy within the framework of Rotary’s
the first convention.            constitution and bylaws.                        the most meaningful work is carried out. All
                                                                                 effective Rotary clubs are responsible for four
1911-13                          Districts Clubs are grouped into 531 RI dis-    key elements: sustaining or increasing their
Clubs formed in Canada,          tricts, each led by a district governor, who is membership base, participating in service
Great Britain, and Ireland;      an officer of RI. The district administration,
organization name changes to                                                     projects that benefit their own community
International Association of     including assistant governors and various       and those in other countries, supporting
Rotary Clubs.                    committees, guides and supports the clubs.      The Rotary Foundation of RI financially and
                                 RI Board The 19-member RI Board of Direc- through program participation, and devel-
Club chartered in Cuba, the      tors, which includes the RI president and       oping leaders capable of serving in Rotary
first non-English-speaking       president-elect, meets quarterly to establish   beyond the club level.
Rotary country.                  policies. Traditionally, the RI president, who     What Rotarians get out of Rotary de-
                                 is elected annually, develops a theme and       pends largely on what they put into it. Many
President Arch Klumph            service emphases for the year.                  membership requirements are designed to
proposes establishing an
                                 The Secretariat Rotary                                                help members more fully
endowment fund, precursor of
                                 International is head-           “The more I learn about              participate in and enjoy
The Rotary Foundation.
                                 quartered in the Chicago                                              their Rotary experience.
                                                                Rotary, the more I love
                                 suburb of Evanston,                                                      Service All Rotary clubs
                                 Illinois, USA, with seven      Rotary.”                                  share a key mission:
                                 international offices in       — Michael P Slevnik, USA
                                                                            .                             to serve their commu-
1942-43                          Argentina, Australia,                                                    nity and those in need
Rotary conference in London
on education and cultural
exchange sets stage for

Forty-nine Rotarians help
draft the UN Charter.

Founder Paul Harris dies
in Chicago; outpouring of
funds from Rotarians used to
establish fellowship program.

First 18 Rotary Fellows
study abroad, a precursor of
Ambassadorial Scholars.
“Thanks to one persistent
   Rotarian who did not
   know the meaning of
   ‘Thank you, but no,’ I am
   now a member of the
   Rotary family.”
     — Sylvia Byers, Australia

throughout the world. By participating
in club service projects, members learn
about their club’s involvement in local
and international projects and can vol-
unteer their time and talents where they
are most needed.
Membership recruitment and
retention To keep clubs strong, every
Rotarian must share the responsibil-
ity of bringing new people into Rotary.
Even new members can bring guests to           Rotary policy requires members         Rotary’s mission expanded, the Object
meetings or invite them to participate      to attend at least 50 percent of club     of Rotary provides a succinct definition
in a service project. The value of Rotary   meetings in each half of the year. If     of the organization’s purpose as well as
speaks for itself, and the best way to      members miss their own club’s meet-       the club member’s responsibilities.
spark the interest of potential members     ing, they’re encouraged to expand their   The Object of Rotary is to encourage
is by letting them experience fellowship    Rotary horizons by attending make-        and foster the ideal of service as a basis
and service firsthand.                      up meetings at any Rotary club in the     of worthy enterprise and, in particular,
    Keeping members interested in           world — a practice that guarantees        to encourage and foster:
Rotary is another responsibility. Good      Rotarians a warm welcome in commu-
club fellowship and early involvement       nities around the globe. Find meeting       FIRST The development of
in service projects are two of the best     places and times in the Official Direc-     acquaintance as an opportunity for
ways to sustain the club’s membership.      tory or through the Club Locator at         service;
    The ideal composition of a Rotary                             SECOND High ethical standards
club reflects the community’s demo-            Rotarians can also make up meet-         in business and professions; the
graphics, including professions, gender,    ings by participating in a club service     recognition of the worthiness
age, and ethnicity. Such diversity          project or by attending a club board        of all useful occupations; and
enriches every aspect of the club’s fel-    meeting, a Rotaract or Interact club        the dignifying of each Rotarian’s
lowship and service.                        meeting, or an online meeting at one of     occupation as an opportunity to serve
Attendance Attending club meetings          several Rotary e-clubs.                     society;
allows members to enjoy their club’s
                                                                                        THIRD The application of the ideal
fellowship, enrich their professional and   Rotary’s Guiding                            of service in each Rotarian’s personal,
personal knowledge, and meet other
business leaders in their community.
                                            Principles                                  business, and community life;
Club meeting times vary to accommo-         Throughout Rotary’s history, several
                                                                                        FOURTH The advancement
date members’ family and professional       basic principles have been developed to
                                                                                        of international understanding,
commitments. Some clubs meet during         guide Rotarians in achieving the ideal
                                                                                        goodwill, and peace through a
the traditional time of the lunch hour,     of service and high ethical standards.
                                                                                        world fellowship of business and
while others meet in the early morning,     Object of Rotary First formulated in        professional persons united in the
after work, or in the evening.              1910 and adapted through the years as       ideal of service.
1962-63                                                                                 	 lub Service focuses on strengthening
First Interact club formed in
Melbourne, Florida, USA.
                                                                                         fellowship and ensuring the effective
World Community Service                                                                  functioning of the club.
program launched.
                                                                                        	 ocational Service encourages
1965-66                                                                                  Rotarians to serve others through their
Special Grants (now Matching                                                             vocations and to practice high ethical
Grants) and Group Study
Exchange programs begin.
                                                                                        	 ommunity Service covers the projects
First Rotaract club
                                                                                         and activities the club undertakes to
formed in Charlotte,                                                                     improve life in its community.
North Carolina, USA.
                                                                                        	nternational Service encompasses
1978-79                                                                                   actions taken to expand Rotary’s
Health, Hunger and                                                                        humanitarian reach around the globe
Humanity (3-H)
                                                                                          and to promote world understanding
Grants begin.
                                                                                          and peace.
1979-80                           Classification principle By assigning each
Foundation grant to immunize
                                  member a classification based on his or her
six million Philippine children
against polio sets stage for      business or profession, this system ensures         RI Programs
PolioPlus.                        that the club’s membership reflects the busi-       RI’s programs and service opportunities
                                  ness and professional composition of its            are designed to help Rotarians meet needs
1984-85                                                                               in their own communities and reach out to
Rotary launches PolioPlus
                                  community. The number of members holding
program and campaigns             a particular classification is limited according    assist people in need worldwide.
to raise US$120 million to        to the size of the club. The goal is professional   Interact Rotary clubs organize and sponsor
immunize all the children of
                                  diversity, which enlivens the club’s social         this service organization for youth ages 14-18;
the world.
                                  atmosphere and provides a rich resource of          more than 11,800 clubs in 162 countries and
                                  occupational expertise to carry out service         geographical areas.
                                  projects and provide club leadership.
                                                                                      Rotaract Rotary clubs organize and sponsor
                                  Avenues of Service Based on the Object of           this leadership, professional development,
                                  Rotary, the Avenues of Service are Rotary’s         and service organization for young adults ages
1987-88                           philosophical cornerstone and the foundation        18-30; more than 7,100 clubs in 163 countries
Through the PolioPlus             on which club activity is based:                    and geographical areas.
campaign, Rotarians raise
US$247 million. First women                                                           Rotary Community Corps (RCC) Rotary
join Rotary.
                                                                                      clubs organize and sponsor these groups of
1988-89                             The Four-Way Test                                 non-Rotarians who work to improve their
Rotary returns to Hungary           Followed by Rotarians worldwide in their          communities; more than 6,500 RCCs in 76
and Poland.                         business and professional lives, The              countries and geographical areas.
                                    Four-Way Test was created by Rotarian
1994-95                             Herbert J. Taylor in 1932. It has since           Rotary Fellowships and Rotarian Action
Western Hemisphere declared         been translated into more than 100                Groups Rotary Fellowships (groups geared
polio-free.                                                                           to vocational and recreational interests) and
                                    languages and is used by organizations
                                    and individuals throughout the world.             Rotarian Action Groups (focused on hu-
Rotary Centers for                                                                    manitarian service activities) compose Global
                                    Of the things we think, say or do
International Studies in                                                              Networking Groups, which are open to all
peace and conflict resolution       1) Is it the TRUTH?                               Rotarians, spouses of Rotarians, and Rotarac-
                                    2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?                   tors; more than 70 groups.
                                    3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER              Rotary Friendship Exchange Rotarian teams
                                       FRIENDSHIPS?                                   or individuals, who may be accompanied by
                                    4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to                       their families, make reciprocal visits to other
                                       all concerned?                                 countries, staying in each other’s homes and
                                                                                      learning about different cultures firsthand.
Rotary Volunteers Rotarians and other                                                 Group Study Exchange is a short-
skilled professionals are provided op-        “The Rotary Foundation                  term cultural and vocational exchange
portunities to offer their services and        is the cement that binds               program between districts in different
experience to local and international                                                 countries for non-Rotarian profession-
humanitarian projects.                         every one of us together.”             als ages 25-40.
Rotary Youth Exchange Clubs and                        — Calum Thomson,
districts send and host students ages                            Scotland             Humanitarian Grants Program
15-19 who travel abroad for cultural
                                                                                      Humanitarian grants enable Rotarians
exchanges of one week to a full year;
                                                                                      to increase their support of internation-
about 8,000 a year.                           	 ermanent Fund, an endowment
                                               	                                      al service projects that provide water
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards                 from which only a portion of the       wells, medical care, literacy classes, and
(RYLA) Clubs and districts sponsor             earnings are spent in support of       other essentials to people in need. Ro-
seminars to encourage and recognize            Foundation programs, ensuring          tarian participation is key to the success
leadership abilities of youth and young        the long-term viability of the         of these projects.
adults ages 14-30.                             Foundation
                                                                                      Matching Grants assist Rotary clubs
World Community Service (WCS)                 	 olioPlus Fund, which supports
                                               	                                      and districts in carrying out humanitar-
Rotary clubs and districts from two            Rotary’s goal of a polio-free world    ian projects with clubs and districts in
different countries form partnerships to                                              other countries.
                                            Every dollar contributed to the Founda-
implement community service projects.
                                            tion funds the humanitarian, edu-         District Simplified Grants enable
ProjectLINK at is a
                                            cational, and cultural programs and       districts to support service activities or
searchable database of club and district
                                            program operations. Clubs and districts   humanitarian endeavors that benefit
community service projects in need
                                            apply for and receive Foundation grants   local or international communities.
of volunteers, funding, and donated
                                            to carry out many worthy
goods, featuring descriptions of projects
                                            projects worldwide. The Every
seeking an international partner and
                                            Rotarian, Every Year initiative,
examples of successful completed
                                            designed to encourage world-
                                            wide annual per capita giving
                                            of $100 or more, supports
                                            vital Foundation programs.
the Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation of RI is a not-       Educational Programs
for-profit corporation whose mission        These programs promote
is to enable Rotarians to advance world     international understanding
understanding, goodwill, and peace          by bringing together people
through the improvement of health, the      from different countries and
support of education, and the allevia-      cultures.
tion of poverty.                            Ambassadorial Scholarships,
                                            an international program for
Financial Support                           university-level studies, sends
In the year ended 30 June 2008, The Ro-     about 800 students each year
tary Foundation received contributions      to serve as ambassadors of
totaling US$245.7 million and spent         goodwill while abroad.
$227.5 million in support of humanitar-
                                            Rotary World Peace Fellow-
ian and educational programs imple-
                                            ships are awarded to individu-
mented by clubs and districts and global
                                            als for study in master’s degree
polio eradication activities. Contribu-
                                            and professional certificate
tions go into one of three main funds:
                                            programs at one of the seven
  	 nnual Programs Fund, which
   	                                        Rotary Centers for Interna-
   provides grants and awards               tional Studies in peace and
   through Foundation programs              conflict resolution.
Western Pacific region
declared polio-free.

Europe declared polio-free.

Rotary launches a second
polio eradication fundraising
campaign to help fill a critical
funding need. Rotarians raise
over US$129 million.

Clubs celebrate Rotary’s
centennial by launching
hundreds of community
projects and contributing
thousands of volunteer hours.

                                   Health, Hunger and Human-                                        the Rotary
                                   ity (3-H) Grants fund long-           “I have Rotary
2005-06                            term, self-help, and sustainable
Polio reduced to four                                                     to thank for my           Future Vision
                                   development projects that use
countries: Afghanistan, India,
Nigeria, and Pakistan. Polio       an integrative approach to ad-         international             Plan
cases worldwide have dropped       dress humanitarian needs.              network of                To increase efficiency and
by 99 percent since 1985.
                                                                          professionals             develop a more strategic
2006-07                            PolioPlus                                                        focus, The Rotary Founda-
The Rotary Foundation              The PolioPlus program pro-             and friends               tion Trustees adopted the
recognizes the millionth
Paul Harris Fellow.
                                   vides funding for mass immu-           as well as                Future Vision Plan. The plan’s
                                   nization campaigns as well as                                    three-year pilot will begin July
                                   support for social mobilization,
                                                                          my better                 2010 and involve about 100
Rotary receives a US$100           surveillance, and laboratories to      understanding             Rotary districts worldwide.
million grant from the Gates       help carry out the final stages        and interest for          Clubs in these districts will not
Foundation to help eradicate
polio.                             of global polio eradication. Ro-                                 participate in current Foun-
                                   tarians have raised funds that         other people’s            dation programs, which will
                                   will amount to more than $1.2          ways of living.”          be phased out by 2013. Pilot
                                   billion in support by the time                                   districts may apply for Rotary
                                   polio is eradicated and have             — Mohammed              Foundation District Grants,
                                   provided hundreds of thou-                Rezaul Karim,          which will enable them to
                                   sands of volunteer hours. Ro-               Bangladesh           carry out local and interna-
                                   tary is a spearheading partner                                   tional projects of their choice,
                                   with the World Health Organi-                                    and Rotary Foundation Global
Rotary receives a US$255
million grant for polio            zation, UNICEF, and U.S. Centers for Disease      Grants, which will support projects in the
eradication from the Gates         Control and Prevention in the initiative to       following areas of focus: peace and conflict
Foundation.                        eradicate polio worldwide. As a result of their   prevention/resolution, disease prevention
                                   efforts, two billion children under age five      and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal
                                   have received the polio vaccine, five million     and child health, basic education and literacy,
                                   people who might otherwise be paralyzed are       and economic and community development.
                                   walking today, 500,000 new cases of polio are     During the pilot phase, the Foundation will
                                   prevented each year, and the number of polio      develop strategic partnerships with a range
                                   cases has declined by 99 percent worldwide.       of organizations that share Rotary’s service
interests and will refine the plan for      ment reflecting the local culture, and
participation by all Rotary districts in    unparalleled opportunities to experi-       Did you know?
July 2013.                                  ence the true breadth of Rotary’s inter-     Rotary Foundation Ambassado-
                                            national fellowship.                          rial Scholarships is the world’s
                                                                                          largest, privately funded scholar-
Rotary’s US$200                             District conferences Rotarians are            ship program.
                                            encouraged to attend their district con-
Million Challenge                           ference, an annual motivational meet-        The Rotary Foundation has con-
Rotary’s leadership in the polio eradica-                                                 tributed more than $2.0 billion in
                                            ing that showcases club and district          program awards and operations
tion effort was recognized in 2009 with     activities. A family event, the district      since 1947.
a $255 million challenge grant from         conference mixes fellowship with learn-
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.        ing and allows Rotarians to become           Rotarians have established a
The new funds come in addition to the       more directly involved with charting
                                                                                          host of organizations dedicated
$100 million challenge grant received                                                     to various humanitarian causes,
                                            their district’s future.                      including ShelterBox, HungerPlus,
from the Gates Foundation in 2007.
                                                                                          Gift of Life, and Rotary Doctor
The first grant was spent during the                                                      Bank.
2008 calendar year on immunization          the Future
and other polio eradication activities,     Eradicating polio is the top priority for    Providing vitamin A supplements
and the second grant must be spent                                                        during polio National Immu-
                                            Rotary International, but Rotary clubs
                                                                                          nization Days has averted an
in the same way in 2009. Rotary must        worldwide will continue to address the        estimated 1.5 million childhood
raise $100 million to match each grant      critical issues of health and hunger, wa-     deaths since 1998 — testimony
for a total of $200 million by 30 June      ter management, and literacy through          to the “plus” in PolioPlus.
2012. This fundraising effort is called     local and international projects. Invit-
                                                                                         RI representatives work with
Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge.          ing more business, professional, and          many major international
Every Rotary club in the world is being     community leaders to join Rotary and          organizations, including the UN
asked to help meet the challenge by         forming new clubs in underserved parts        and several of its agencies, the
organizing a public fundraising event       of the world also remain high priorities      Organization of American States,
annually for the next three years. The      for the organization. With more than          the Council of Europe, and the
$555 million generated by the grant                                                       African Union.
                                            100 years of experience in providing
and match will be a vital catalyst to       service to communities worldwide,
help achieve Rotary’s top goal of ending    Rotary stands ready to respond to the
polio worldwide.                            needs of an ever-changing world.

Key Meetings
Several key meetings bring Rotarians
together to share ideas, celebrate suc-
cesses, enjoy fellowship, and plan for
the future.
RI Convention The RI Convention, the
largest Rotary meeting, is held in May
or June in a different part of the Rotary
world each year. This lively, four-day
event features speeches by world and
Rotary leaders, spectacular entertain-

  “The RI Convention put the
   Rotary in this Rotarian.”
         — Eric Marcus, USA
“Rotary has taught me how an ordinary citizen from
     a small town can be a world citizen.”
                                 — Raj Ghuman, India

     “Thanks to Rotary, my efforts to make the world a
      better place are multiplied. I’m no longer alone.”
                — Fernando Aguirre Palacios, Ecuador

Find out more about Rotary and its service work at You
can read the latest news, order publications, register for the international
convention, contribute to The Rotary Foundation, and conduct other
Rotary business.
Rotary Basics continues online at See
videos, listen to audio presentations, and learn even more about what it
means to be a Rotarian.


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Rotary Basics 3 2010

  • 1. Rotary International, the world’s first service club organization, is made up of 33,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and RotaRy geographical areas. Its members form a global network of busi- ness, professional, and commu- nity leaders who volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities and the world. Rotary’s motto, Service Above Self, exemplifies the hu- manitarian spirit of the organi- zation’s more than 1.2 million members. “Rotary lets you give something back, in the knowledge that you belong to the largest family of givers.” — Deanna Ann Duguid, Indonesia Strong fellowship among Rotarians and meaningful community and international service projects characterize Rotary worldwide. Rotary enjoys a rich and sometimes complex tradition and organizational structure, with many programs that can be confusing to new and even not-so-new members. The following pages offer a basic Rotary education — the fun- BaSICS damental knowledge that will make every member better in- formed about Rotary and proud to be a Rotarian. Now online at
  • 2. 1905 Chicago attorney Paul Harris the organization Brazil, India, Japan, Korea, and Switzerland. The office for RI in Great Britain and Ireland organizes first Rotary meeting of Rotary (RIBI), located in England, serves clubs and on 23 February, leading to formation of the Rotary Club Rotary is essentially a grassroots organization, districts in that region. The Secretariat’s chief of Chicago. with most of its service efforts being carried operating officer is the RI general secretary, out at the club level. The district and inter- who heads a 740-member staff working to 1907 national structure is designed to support the serve Rotarians worldwide. Rotary Club of Chicago helps to organize installation clubs and help them provide more service in of public toilets, one of the their local communities and abroad. club’s first acts of community service. Clubs Rotarians are members of Rotary Benefits and clubs, which belong to the global association Responsibilities of 1910-11 Rotary International (RI). Each club elects Paul Harris elected first its own officers and enjoys considerable Club Membership president of National The club is the cornerstone of Rotary, where Association of Rotary Clubs at autonomy within the framework of Rotary’s the first convention. constitution and bylaws. the most meaningful work is carried out. All effective Rotary clubs are responsible for four 1911-13 Districts Clubs are grouped into 531 RI dis- key elements: sustaining or increasing their Clubs formed in Canada, tricts, each led by a district governor, who is membership base, participating in service Great Britain, and Ireland; an officer of RI. The district administration, organization name changes to projects that benefit their own community International Association of including assistant governors and various and those in other countries, supporting Rotary Clubs. committees, guides and supports the clubs. The Rotary Foundation of RI financially and RI Board The 19-member RI Board of Direc- through program participation, and devel- 1915-16 Club chartered in Cuba, the tors, which includes the RI president and oping leaders capable of serving in Rotary first non-English-speaking president-elect, meets quarterly to establish beyond the club level. Rotary country. policies. Traditionally, the RI president, who What Rotarians get out of Rotary de- 1916-17 is elected annually, develops a theme and pends largely on what they put into it. Many President Arch Klumph service emphases for the year. membership requirements are designed to proposes establishing an The Secretariat Rotary help members more fully endowment fund, precursor of International is head- “The more I learn about participate in and enjoy The Rotary Foundation. quartered in the Chicago their Rotary experience. Rotary, the more I love suburb of Evanston, Service All Rotary clubs Illinois, USA, with seven Rotary.” share a key mission: international offices in — Michael P Slevnik, USA . to serve their commu- 1942-43 Argentina, Australia, nity and those in need Rotary conference in London on education and cultural exchange sets stage for UNESCO. 1945-46 Forty-nine Rotarians help draft the UN Charter. 1946-47 Founder Paul Harris dies in Chicago; outpouring of funds from Rotarians used to establish fellowship program. 1948-49 First 18 Rotary Fellows study abroad, a precursor of Ambassadorial Scholars.
  • 3. “Thanks to one persistent Rotarian who did not know the meaning of ‘Thank you, but no,’ I am now a member of the Rotary family.” — Sylvia Byers, Australia throughout the world. By participating in club service projects, members learn about their club’s involvement in local and international projects and can vol- unteer their time and talents where they are most needed. Membership recruitment and retention To keep clubs strong, every Rotarian must share the responsibil- ity of bringing new people into Rotary. Even new members can bring guests to Rotary policy requires members Rotary’s mission expanded, the Object meetings or invite them to participate to attend at least 50 percent of club of Rotary provides a succinct definition in a service project. The value of Rotary meetings in each half of the year. If of the organization’s purpose as well as speaks for itself, and the best way to members miss their own club’s meet- the club member’s responsibilities. spark the interest of potential members ing, they’re encouraged to expand their The Object of Rotary is to encourage is by letting them experience fellowship Rotary horizons by attending make- and foster the ideal of service as a basis and service firsthand. up meetings at any Rotary club in the of worthy enterprise and, in particular, Keeping members interested in world — a practice that guarantees to encourage and foster: Rotary is another responsibility. Good Rotarians a warm welcome in commu- club fellowship and early involvement nities around the globe. Find meeting FIRST The development of in service projects are two of the best places and times in the Official Direc- acquaintance as an opportunity for ways to sustain the club’s membership. tory or through the Club Locator at service; The ideal composition of a Rotary SECOND High ethical standards club reflects the community’s demo- Rotarians can also make up meet- in business and professions; the graphics, including professions, gender, ings by participating in a club service recognition of the worthiness age, and ethnicity. Such diversity project or by attending a club board of all useful occupations; and enriches every aspect of the club’s fel- meeting, a Rotaract or Interact club the dignifying of each Rotarian’s lowship and service. meeting, or an online meeting at one of occupation as an opportunity to serve Attendance Attending club meetings several Rotary e-clubs. society; allows members to enjoy their club’s THIRD The application of the ideal fellowship, enrich their professional and Rotary’s Guiding of service in each Rotarian’s personal, personal knowledge, and meet other business leaders in their community. Principles business, and community life; Club meeting times vary to accommo- Throughout Rotary’s history, several FOURTH The advancement date members’ family and professional basic principles have been developed to of international understanding, commitments. Some clubs meet during guide Rotarians in achieving the ideal goodwill, and peace through a the traditional time of the lunch hour, of service and high ethical standards. world fellowship of business and while others meet in the early morning, Object of Rotary First formulated in professional persons united in the after work, or in the evening. 1910 and adapted through the years as ideal of service.
  • 4. 1962-63  lub Service focuses on strengthening C First Interact club formed in Melbourne, Florida, USA. fellowship and ensuring the effective World Community Service functioning of the club. program launched.  ocational Service encourages V 1965-66 Rotarians to serve others through their Special Grants (now Matching vocations and to practice high ethical Grants) and Group Study standards. Exchange programs begin.  ommunity Service covers the projects C 1967-68 First Rotaract club and activities the club undertakes to formed in Charlotte, improve life in its community. North Carolina, USA.  nternational Service encompasses I 1978-79 actions taken to expand Rotary’s Health, Hunger and humanitarian reach around the globe Humanity (3-H) and to promote world understanding Grants begin. and peace. 1979-80 Classification principle By assigning each Foundation grant to immunize member a classification based on his or her six million Philippine children against polio sets stage for business or profession, this system ensures RI Programs PolioPlus. that the club’s membership reflects the busi- RI’s programs and service opportunities ness and professional composition of its are designed to help Rotarians meet needs 1984-85 in their own communities and reach out to Rotary launches PolioPlus community. The number of members holding program and campaigns a particular classification is limited according assist people in need worldwide. to raise US$120 million to to the size of the club. The goal is professional Interact Rotary clubs organize and sponsor immunize all the children of diversity, which enlivens the club’s social this service organization for youth ages 14-18; the world. atmosphere and provides a rich resource of more than 11,800 clubs in 162 countries and occupational expertise to carry out service geographical areas. projects and provide club leadership. Rotaract Rotary clubs organize and sponsor Avenues of Service Based on the Object of this leadership, professional development, Rotary, the Avenues of Service are Rotary’s and service organization for young adults ages 1987-88 philosophical cornerstone and the foundation 18-30; more than 7,100 clubs in 163 countries Through the PolioPlus on which club activity is based: and geographical areas. campaign, Rotarians raise US$247 million. First women Rotary Community Corps (RCC) Rotary join Rotary. clubs organize and sponsor these groups of 1988-89 The Four-Way Test non-Rotarians who work to improve their Rotary returns to Hungary Followed by Rotarians worldwide in their communities; more than 6,500 RCCs in 76 and Poland. business and professional lives, The countries and geographical areas. Four-Way Test was created by Rotarian 1994-95 Herbert J. Taylor in 1932. It has since Rotary Fellowships and Rotarian Action Western Hemisphere declared been translated into more than 100 Groups Rotary Fellowships (groups geared polio-free. to vocational and recreational interests) and languages and is used by organizations 1998-99 and individuals throughout the world. Rotarian Action Groups (focused on hu- Rotary Centers for manitarian service activities) compose Global Of the things we think, say or do International Studies in Networking Groups, which are open to all peace and conflict resolution 1) Is it the TRUTH? Rotarians, spouses of Rotarians, and Rotarac- established. 2) Is it FAIR to all concerned? tors; more than 70 groups. 3) Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER Rotary Friendship Exchange Rotarian teams FRIENDSHIPS? or individuals, who may be accompanied by 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to their families, make reciprocal visits to other all concerned? countries, staying in each other’s homes and learning about different cultures firsthand.
  • 5. Rotary Volunteers Rotarians and other Group Study Exchange is a short- skilled professionals are provided op- “The Rotary Foundation term cultural and vocational exchange portunities to offer their services and is the cement that binds program between districts in different experience to local and international countries for non-Rotarian profession- humanitarian projects. every one of us together.” als ages 25-40. Rotary Youth Exchange Clubs and — Calum Thomson, districts send and host students ages Scotland Humanitarian Grants Program 15-19 who travel abroad for cultural Humanitarian grants enable Rotarians exchanges of one week to a full year; to increase their support of internation- about 8,000 a year.  ermanent Fund, an endowment P al service projects that provide water Rotary Youth Leadership Awards from which only a portion of the wells, medical care, literacy classes, and (RYLA) Clubs and districts sponsor earnings are spent in support of other essentials to people in need. Ro- seminars to encourage and recognize Foundation programs, ensuring tarian participation is key to the success leadership abilities of youth and young the long-term viability of the of these projects. adults ages 14-30. Foundation Matching Grants assist Rotary clubs World Community Service (WCS)  olioPlus Fund, which supports P and districts in carrying out humanitar- Rotary clubs and districts from two Rotary’s goal of a polio-free world ian projects with clubs and districts in different countries form partnerships to other countries. Every dollar contributed to the Founda- implement community service projects. tion funds the humanitarian, edu- District Simplified Grants enable ProjectLINK at is a cational, and cultural programs and districts to support service activities or searchable database of club and district program operations. Clubs and districts humanitarian endeavors that benefit community service projects in need apply for and receive Foundation grants local or international communities. of volunteers, funding, and donated to carry out many worthy goods, featuring descriptions of projects projects worldwide. The Every seeking an international partner and Rotarian, Every Year initiative, examples of successful completed designed to encourage world- projects. wide annual per capita giving of $100 or more, supports vital Foundation programs. the Rotary Foundation The Rotary Foundation of RI is a not- Educational Programs for-profit corporation whose mission These programs promote is to enable Rotarians to advance world international understanding understanding, goodwill, and peace by bringing together people through the improvement of health, the from different countries and support of education, and the allevia- cultures. tion of poverty. Ambassadorial Scholarships, an international program for Financial Support university-level studies, sends In the year ended 30 June 2008, The Ro- about 800 students each year tary Foundation received contributions to serve as ambassadors of totaling US$245.7 million and spent goodwill while abroad. $227.5 million in support of humanitar- Rotary World Peace Fellow- ian and educational programs imple- ships are awarded to individu- mented by clubs and districts and global als for study in master’s degree polio eradication activities. Contribu- and professional certificate tions go into one of three main funds: programs at one of the seven  nnual Programs Fund, which A Rotary Centers for Interna- provides grants and awards tional Studies in peace and through Foundation programs conflict resolution.
  • 6. 2000-01 Western Pacific region declared polio-free. 2001-02 Europe declared polio-free. 2002-03 Rotary launches a second polio eradication fundraising campaign to help fill a critical funding need. Rotarians raise over US$129 million. 2004-05 Clubs celebrate Rotary’s centennial by launching hundreds of community projects and contributing thousands of volunteer hours. Health, Hunger and Human- the Rotary ity (3-H) Grants fund long- “I have Rotary 2005-06 term, self-help, and sustainable Foundation Polio reduced to four to thank for my Future Vision development projects that use countries: Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Polio an integrative approach to ad- international Plan cases worldwide have dropped dress humanitarian needs. network of To increase efficiency and by 99 percent since 1985. professionals develop a more strategic 2006-07 PolioPlus focus, The Rotary Founda- The Rotary Foundation The PolioPlus program pro- and friends tion Trustees adopted the recognizes the millionth Paul Harris Fellow. vides funding for mass immu- as well as Future Vision Plan. The plan’s nization campaigns as well as three-year pilot will begin July support for social mobilization, my better 2010 and involve about 100 2007-08 Rotary receives a US$100 surveillance, and laboratories to understanding Rotary districts worldwide. million grant from the Gates help carry out the final stages and interest for Clubs in these districts will not Foundation to help eradicate polio. of global polio eradication. Ro- participate in current Foun- tarians have raised funds that other people’s dation programs, which will will amount to more than $1.2 ways of living.” be phased out by 2013. Pilot billion in support by the time districts may apply for Rotary polio is eradicated and have — Mohammed Foundation District Grants, provided hundreds of thou- Rezaul Karim, which will enable them to sands of volunteer hours. Ro- Bangladesh carry out local and interna- tary is a spearheading partner tional projects of their choice, 2008-09 with the World Health Organi- and Rotary Foundation Global Rotary receives a US$255 million grant for polio zation, UNICEF, and U.S. Centers for Disease Grants, which will support projects in the eradication from the Gates Control and Prevention in the initiative to following areas of focus: peace and conflict Foundation. eradicate polio worldwide. As a result of their prevention/resolution, disease prevention efforts, two billion children under age five and treatment, water and sanitation, maternal have received the polio vaccine, five million and child health, basic education and literacy, people who might otherwise be paralyzed are and economic and community development. walking today, 500,000 new cases of polio are During the pilot phase, the Foundation will prevented each year, and the number of polio develop strategic partnerships with a range cases has declined by 99 percent worldwide. of organizations that share Rotary’s service
  • 7. interests and will refine the plan for ment reflecting the local culture, and participation by all Rotary districts in unparalleled opportunities to experi- Did you know? July 2013. ence the true breadth of Rotary’s inter-  Rotary Foundation Ambassado- national fellowship. rial Scholarships is the world’s largest, privately funded scholar- Rotary’s US$200 District conferences Rotarians are ship program. encouraged to attend their district con- Million Challenge ference, an annual motivational meet-  The Rotary Foundation has con- Rotary’s leadership in the polio eradica- tributed more than $2.0 billion in ing that showcases club and district program awards and operations tion effort was recognized in 2009 with activities. A family event, the district since 1947. a $255 million challenge grant from conference mixes fellowship with learn- the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. ing and allows Rotarians to become  Rotarians have established a The new funds come in addition to the more directly involved with charting host of organizations dedicated $100 million challenge grant received to various humanitarian causes, their district’s future. including ShelterBox, HungerPlus, from the Gates Foundation in 2007. Gift of Life, and Rotary Doctor The first grant was spent during the Bank. 2008 calendar year on immunization the Future and other polio eradication activities, Eradicating polio is the top priority for  Providing vitamin A supplements and the second grant must be spent during polio National Immu- Rotary International, but Rotary clubs nization Days has averted an in the same way in 2009. Rotary must worldwide will continue to address the estimated 1.5 million childhood raise $100 million to match each grant critical issues of health and hunger, wa- deaths since 1998 — testimony for a total of $200 million by 30 June ter management, and literacy through to the “plus” in PolioPlus. 2012. This fundraising effort is called local and international projects. Invit-  RI representatives work with Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge. ing more business, professional, and many major international Every Rotary club in the world is being community leaders to join Rotary and organizations, including the UN asked to help meet the challenge by forming new clubs in underserved parts and several of its agencies, the organizing a public fundraising event of the world also remain high priorities Organization of American States, annually for the next three years. The for the organization. With more than the Council of Europe, and the $555 million generated by the grant African Union. 100 years of experience in providing and match will be a vital catalyst to service to communities worldwide, help achieve Rotary’s top goal of ending Rotary stands ready to respond to the polio worldwide. needs of an ever-changing world. Key Meetings Several key meetings bring Rotarians together to share ideas, celebrate suc- cesses, enjoy fellowship, and plan for the future. RI Convention The RI Convention, the largest Rotary meeting, is held in May or June in a different part of the Rotary world each year. This lively, four-day event features speeches by world and Rotary leaders, spectacular entertain- “The RI Convention put the Rotary in this Rotarian.” — Eric Marcus, USA
  • 8. “Rotary has taught me how an ordinary citizen from a small town can be a world citizen.” — Raj Ghuman, India “Thanks to Rotary, my efforts to make the world a better place are multiplied. I’m no longer alone.” — Fernando Aguirre Palacios, Ecuador Find out more about Rotary and its service work at You can read the latest news, order publications, register for the international convention, contribute to The Rotary Foundation, and conduct other Rotary business. Rotary Basics continues online at See videos, listen to audio presentations, and learn even more about what it means to be a Rotarian. 595-EN—(509)