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Vol 19 Number 1                                  SELAMAT PAGI                                             3 July 2010

    Rotary Information                                                                   President's Message
          Every Rotarian an
          Example to Youth
                                              RCBKS at work
In 1949,the RI Board adopted the
slogan Every Rotarian an Example to
Youth as an expression of commitment          The year ahead is going to be a busy time for
to children and youth in each commu-          us for we have ongoing programmes. This
nity in which Rotary clubs exist.             follows from the REF which we have begun.
Serving young people has long been an         From the enthusiasm that we have generated
important part of the youth program.          through the project so far we have every
                                              incentive to keep the momentum going. The
Youth service projects take many forms        plan to have a session to consider the project
around the world. Rotarians sponsor           after granting 15 Education Assistance Awards
Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops,              is timely. It is the time to assess how we have
athletic teams, centers for disabled          done and how we can improve as we move
children, school safety patrols, summer       ahead with the programme. The REF Working
camps, orphanages, recreation areas,          Committee (RWC) will deliberate these
safe driving clinics, country fairs, child-   questions after granting 15 awards. We have
care centers and children's hospitals.        also scheduled a session led by Yoke Leong as chairman on 17 June to
Many clubs provide vocational counsel-        reflect upon “Why the REF matters”.
ing, establish youth employment
programs and promote use of The 4-            To take the project ahead by ourselves we will require to raise the funds if
Way Test. Increasingly, drug/alcohol          we are to grant more awards. The mentorship programme will need more
abuse prevention and AIDS awareness           volunteers both from within and from outside the club. So we need to recruit
projects are being supported by               more members in the year ahead.
                                              The better way, however, is to replicate our work through cooperation. The
In every instance, Rotarians have an          idea of working with other Rotary clubs to help them implement the
opportunity to be role models and             programme in their locality is an exciting possibility. It allows us to extend
mentors for the young people in their         the benefits of the ideas and programmes we have conceived beyond the
community. One learns to serve by             Klang Valley and does not require us to be involved hands-on. Even around
observing others. As our youths grow to       the capital city, there are far too many needy students for one club to help.
become adult leaders, it is hoped each        It is time to find partners in our programme. Already there has been interest
will acheive that same desire and spirit      to learn more about our experience.
to serve future generations.
                                              In the background we have a calendar of events to keep the club fresh and
The slogan accepted over 50 years ago         active as we have always been. I look towards involving as many of us as
is just as vital today.                       possible in fellowship events and club outings. As I have said several times
                                              before I joined the RCBKS because of its informality despite being an
                                              effective club. Or should I say for its effective projects despite being so
                                              informal and casual. I dare say that it is also the factor that drew you to the
                                              club as well. So let us work together to keep this club that way.

                                              Yours in Rotary

                                              President Poay Lim
        RI Theme 2010-11
ATTENDANCE                                                                  Member's Contribution
Visiting Rotarians from
RC Bugis Junction, Singapore:            19th Installation of Board of Directors
President Nelson Yeo
AG Kenneth Leow                          This morning installation was
Rtn Roger Ng                             designed to minimize the
Rtn Bobby Lim                            background work for the
Rtn Alfred Teo                           organizing committee and
                                         members. The simplicity of
Attendance: 60%     Fines: -             the function helped to keep
                                         the atmosphere light and
                                         upbeat. MC Graham helped
     Announcements                       us along with a string of his
                                         jokes that varied the rhythm of
                                         the programme. Our Guest-of-
                                         Honour, PDG Dr Joe Rajen-
- There will be a club assembly after    dran, represented DG KB Lim
the regular club meeting next            at the main table.
                                         We were honoured to have sister club RC Bugis Junction represented by PE
- 9 members are attending RC Bugis       Nelson and his contingent including AG Alex. From Group 7 AG Mani Raja
Junction's installation on 10 July'10.   and RC Danau Desa president Lim Poh Huu were in attendance.
The weekly meeting will be cancelled.
                                         As swan songs go, Frances had a happy tune to sing. The year had gone
- The 1st Board meeting for RY 2010/     well for the club culmi-nating in our winning the six awards on the District’s
11 is on 30 June'10. All board           Awards Night. She paid tribute to her board of directors and other members
members are reminded to be present.                                        who carried out our projects with such
                                                                           distinction. Then she brought out the
                                                                           surprise of the occasion presenting Yoke
                                                                           Leong with a PHF in recognition of his role in
    CLUB NEWS                                                              seeing the REF to its present state. Clearly
                                                                           the District has noticed our contribution to
 RCBKS welcomes Ng Ann Ann                                                 society. Among other awards the Club won
                                                                           the Best Voca-tional Service Award [for our
                                                                           Mentorship Workshop], Best Service to

                                          New Generation Award [Youth
                                         Leadership Training Camp] and Best
                                         Community Service Award – merit [REF
                                         - A Better Start, A Better Life].

                                         Frances on behalf of the club presented
                                         Yoke Leong with what he has termed “a
                                         very meaningful recognition”. In return
                                         Yoke Leong presented her a Beatle              Interactors & Teacher Advisors
                                         T-shirt. The incoming president in focusing membership development and
 We had the pleasure of witnessing       retention quipped that members should talk to strangers about Rotary as the
 the induction of Ng Ann Ann at our      casual conversation is an effective recruitment method.
 regular meeting on 19 June 2010.
 Ann holds the classification            The Guest-of-Honour, Dr Joe, was gracious in his recognition of our club’s
 Financial Services - Credit Card        achievement over the last Rotary year. He paid a glowing tribute to Frances
 Management,                             for her leadership. To remind him of the occasion the club presented him with
                                         our REF T-shirt.
 We wish Ann a long and fulfilling
                                         A large cake was wheeled
 membership with RCBKS,
                                         out to celebrate the
                                         Anniversary of the club. And
                                         another Rotary year was

                                         Thanks to the Organising
                                         Committee under PE Steve,
                                         our guests and members for
                                         making it an enjoyable
                                         morning... by Pres Poay Lim
Today's Programme                                             NEXT CHANGE
                              Club Assembly                                     10 July(Sat)
                                                                                No meeting

                                                                                17 July(Sat) 7.30am
                                                                                Speaker: PP Yoke Leong
                                            Member's Contribution               Topic: Why REF matters

kidzcare                                                                        24 July(Sat) 7.30am
                                                                                Speaker: Tbc
What did I do on the evening of 28 June 2010?
Definitely not watching the Netherlands/Slovakia
World Cup game. Instead I had the privilege, along                                 CALENDER of EVENTS
with our newest Rotarian, Ann Ann, to attend the
launching of Kidzcare and a concert entitled “Giving
Every Child A Chance”, at Dewan Filharmonik                                     RC Bugis Junction Installation
                                                                                Date: 10 July 2010
Petronas . The event was organized by Kidzcare,
with various sponsors including the Rotary Clubs
                                                                                Interact Club Installation/IU Day
of Bandar Utama and Titiwangsa.                                                 Date: 31 July 2010
                                                                                Venue: KDU, Bandar Utama
This is a concert with a difference – the key highlights are performances by
autistic children. Mention the word “autistic” and what is the image that       Rotary Foundation Seminar
comes to you? In my limited exposure to the National Autistic Association of    Date: 1 August 2010
Malaysia (NASOM), I will usually visualize children with short attention        Venue: De Villa Residence, Ampang
span, hyper active and some may have repetitive behaviours.                     Host club: RC KL Di-Raja
Can you imagine 25 autistic children coming together to perform in a concert    District Governor's Official Visit
which requires vocal and musical co-ordination and not to mention the           Date: 28 August 2010
discipline to pay attention and stand still for long periods? The composer,
Brian John Yim, a young achiever, worked with these children over a period      President's Fellowship
of 6 months to earn their trust and train them to sing. The children gave a     Date: 25 September 2010
rendition of “Show me the way”, a song specially composed for them (by
Brian) and 2 other inspiring numbers. The solo performed by Umar Hasfizal,      76th District 3300 Conference
a 12-year old autistic child had the audience enthralled. His voice is pure     Date: 10 - 12 December 2010
and he handled the difficult songs “You raise me up” and “I have a              Venue: Concorde Hotel, KL
dream” so beautifully. Clarence Kang is a music genius; after a mere 2          Host club: RC Pudu
years of lessons he was handling the grand piano very smoothly; as if he
has been playing all of his tender years.

During the concert, some of the audience was touched and moved to tears.
Many of us left the concert hall convinced that Kidzcare is doing something
wonderful for these special children; to open up possibilities and expose                  Duty Roster
their potential. Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor, in her official speech
                                                                                3 July (Club Service)
applauded the use of music as a therapy for autistic children.
                                                                                Sargeant-at-arms    CY
So what does Kidzcare aspire to achieve. Mike Plascow, the Founder of           Desk Duty           Karen
Kidzcare, in his speech outlined the grand plans to build a place to cater to   Introducer             -
the needs of children afflicted by autism. Many Rotary clubs in District 3300   Thank Speaker          -
has stepped forward to be a partner in the programme to raise funds.            Fines               Frances

Not many of us are familiar with the symptoms and manifestation of autism.
In an article I read, in this modern day and age, the disorder can be           17 July (Vocational Service)
diagnosed and if intervention undertaken early enough, the therapy can help
the child towards leading a more “normal” life. All of us can do our part to    Sargeant-at-arms    Kong
                                                                                Desk Duty           Niklas
contribute generously towards making the vision of Kidzcare a reality.
                                                                                Introducer            -
                                                                                Thank Speaker         -
          Excerpt from the chorus of the song "Show me the way"                 Fines               Jeremy
                        Love is kind, love is patient
              Though you may not understand the way I feel
                But you're always there to hold my hands
            Your loving arms are there to show me the way.....                                   Visit our Blog @
                                                                                                 http:// rotaryclubbks.
 Reported by Frances Po                                                                
Board of Directors 2009/10           RCBKS
                                      19th Installation
Tan Poay Lim
77277127(O)                        Toast to Rotary International by Rtn Ee Lay

President Elect
Steve Robinson                     The Rotary International theme for 2010-11 is Building
+66818336310 (BK)                  Communities – Bridging Continents. The theme was
                                   selected with the objectives of explaining Rotary to non
Immediate Past President           Rotarians and validating our work for Rotarians.
Frances Po
21731618(O)                        To me, the work of Rotarians needs no validation.
                                   During my relatively short period in this club we have
Vice President                     collaborated on projects for communities, small and
Alvin tan                          large with the Rotary Club of Bugis Junction (Singapore)
77275822(O)                        the Rotary Club of Thingthainam (Thailand) and the
                                   Rotary Club of Chungli Chung Shin (Taiwan). Locally we
Honorary Secretary                 have worked with the Rotary Club of Shah Alam and Klang. In our club we
Ghaurry                            count amongst our members an Australian, an Englishman, residents from
23003757(O)                        other parts of the world, and one who regards himself as a global citizen.
Honorary Treasurer                 This collaboration is not new. It goes back one hundred years in August
PP Sunny Khoo                      1910, when Rotary International was brought into being with the first
22849089(O)                        convention of Rotary clubs in the world. And say: WE BUILD COMMUNITIES
                                   WE BRIDGE CONTINENTS. With this fellow Rotarians and guests please
Club Administration
PP Karen Chong                     rise and lift your glass for a toast to Rotary International.

Service Projects                   Em@il from PGD Dr Joe Rajendran
PP Graham Bennett
012-2918619                        Dear President Poay Lim,

The Rotary Foundation              Thank you very much for your kind words. I would like to share with you my
PP Jeremy Ng                       experience attending your Installation and the way I described it to other
012-2186660                        Rotarians. It was absolutely wonderful. You have a very Effective club which
                                   is very mature and have the right blend of members.I must pay tribute to
Membership Development             your previous leaders who have established the proper tradition of good
James Cheong                       innovative projects done both locally and internationally and the fine
78803333(O)                        comraderieship among your members which you have built up over the
                                   years. During my year as Governor I had introduced some of your members
New Generation                     to serve in the District and I hope this will continue because as I have
Ghaurry                            mentioned, Rotary needs Rotarians such as yours to further the cause of
23003757(O)                        our Organisation.

RE F Chairman                      I am confident that with your knowledge and the enthusiasim of your
PP Dr Yee Yoke Leong               members you will have a great year of BUILDING COMMUNITIES AND
22824602(O)                        BRIDGING CONTINENTS

Bulletin Committee                 My Very Best Wishes to you and all your members.

Karen (Production)                 In Rotary Service
Abdul/Kong (Speaker’s Programme)   Joe PDG

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Rcbks bulletin vol 19 no 1

  • 1. Vol 19 Number 1 SELAMAT PAGI 3 July 2010 Rotary Information President's Message Every Rotarian an Example to Youth RCBKS at work In 1949,the RI Board adopted the slogan Every Rotarian an Example to Youth as an expression of commitment The year ahead is going to be a busy time for to children and youth in each commu- us for we have ongoing programmes. This nity in which Rotary clubs exist. follows from the REF which we have begun. Serving young people has long been an From the enthusiasm that we have generated important part of the youth program. through the project so far we have every incentive to keep the momentum going. The Youth service projects take many forms plan to have a session to consider the project around the world. Rotarians sponsor after granting 15 Education Assistance Awards Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, is timely. It is the time to assess how we have athletic teams, centers for disabled done and how we can improve as we move children, school safety patrols, summer ahead with the programme. The REF Working camps, orphanages, recreation areas, Committee (RWC) will deliberate these safe driving clinics, country fairs, child- questions after granting 15 awards. We have care centers and children's hospitals. also scheduled a session led by Yoke Leong as chairman on 17 June to Many clubs provide vocational counsel- reflect upon “Why the REF matters”. ing, establish youth employment programs and promote use of The 4- To take the project ahead by ourselves we will require to raise the funds if Way Test. Increasingly, drug/alcohol we are to grant more awards. The mentorship programme will need more abuse prevention and AIDS awareness volunteers both from within and from outside the club. So we need to recruit projects are being supported by more members in the year ahead. Rotarians. The better way, however, is to replicate our work through cooperation. The In every instance, Rotarians have an idea of working with other Rotary clubs to help them implement the opportunity to be role models and programme in their locality is an exciting possibility. It allows us to extend mentors for the young people in their the benefits of the ideas and programmes we have conceived beyond the community. One learns to serve by Klang Valley and does not require us to be involved hands-on. Even around observing others. As our youths grow to the capital city, there are far too many needy students for one club to help. become adult leaders, it is hoped each It is time to find partners in our programme. Already there has been interest will acheive that same desire and spirit to learn more about our experience. to serve future generations. In the background we have a calendar of events to keep the club fresh and The slogan accepted over 50 years ago active as we have always been. I look towards involving as many of us as is just as vital today. possible in fellowship events and club outings. As I have said several times before I joined the RCBKS because of its informality despite being an effective club. Or should I say for its effective projects despite being so informal and casual. I dare say that it is also the factor that drew you to the club as well. So let us work together to keep this club that way. Yours in Rotary President Poay Lim RI Theme 2010-11
  • 2. ATTENDANCE Member's Contribution Visiting Rotarians from RC Bugis Junction, Singapore: 19th Installation of Board of Directors President Nelson Yeo AG Kenneth Leow This morning installation was Rtn Roger Ng designed to minimize the Rtn Bobby Lim background work for the Rtn Alfred Teo organizing committee and members. The simplicity of Attendance: 60% Fines: - the function helped to keep the atmosphere light and upbeat. MC Graham helped Announcements us along with a string of his jokes that varied the rhythm of the programme. Our Guest-of- Honour, PDG Dr Joe Rajen- - There will be a club assembly after dran, represented DG KB Lim the regular club meeting next at the main table. Saturday. We were honoured to have sister club RC Bugis Junction represented by PE - 9 members are attending RC Bugis Nelson and his contingent including AG Alex. From Group 7 AG Mani Raja Junction's installation on 10 July'10. and RC Danau Desa president Lim Poh Huu were in attendance. The weekly meeting will be cancelled. As swan songs go, Frances had a happy tune to sing. The year had gone - The 1st Board meeting for RY 2010/ well for the club culmi-nating in our winning the six awards on the District’s 11 is on 30 June'10. All board Awards Night. She paid tribute to her board of directors and other members members are reminded to be present. who carried out our projects with such distinction. Then she brought out the surprise of the occasion presenting Yoke Leong with a PHF in recognition of his role in CLUB NEWS seeing the REF to its present state. Clearly the District has noticed our contribution to RCBKS welcomes Ng Ann Ann society. Among other awards the Club won the Best Voca-tional Service Award [for our Mentorship Workshop], Best Service to New Generation Award [Youth Leadership Training Camp] and Best Community Service Award – merit [REF - A Better Start, A Better Life]. Frances on behalf of the club presented Yoke Leong with what he has termed “a very meaningful recognition”. In return Yoke Leong presented her a Beatle Interactors & Teacher Advisors T-shirt. The incoming president in focusing membership development and We had the pleasure of witnessing retention quipped that members should talk to strangers about Rotary as the the induction of Ng Ann Ann at our casual conversation is an effective recruitment method. regular meeting on 19 June 2010. Ann holds the classification The Guest-of-Honour, Dr Joe, was gracious in his recognition of our club’s Financial Services - Credit Card achievement over the last Rotary year. He paid a glowing tribute to Frances Management, for her leadership. To remind him of the occasion the club presented him with our REF T-shirt. We wish Ann a long and fulfilling A large cake was wheeled membership with RCBKS, out to celebrate the Anniversary of the club. And another Rotary year was launched. Thanks to the Organising Committee under PE Steve, our guests and members for making it an enjoyable morning... by Pres Poay Lim
  • 3. Today's Programme NEXT CHANGE Club Assembly 10 July(Sat) No meeting 17 July(Sat) 7.30am Speaker: PP Yoke Leong Member's Contribution Topic: Why REF matters kidzcare 24 July(Sat) 7.30am Speaker: Tbc What did I do on the evening of 28 June 2010? Definitely not watching the Netherlands/Slovakia World Cup game. Instead I had the privilege, along CALENDER of EVENTS with our newest Rotarian, Ann Ann, to attend the launching of Kidzcare and a concert entitled “Giving Every Child A Chance”, at Dewan Filharmonik RC Bugis Junction Installation Date: 10 July 2010 Petronas . The event was organized by Kidzcare, with various sponsors including the Rotary Clubs Interact Club Installation/IU Day of Bandar Utama and Titiwangsa. Date: 31 July 2010 Venue: KDU, Bandar Utama This is a concert with a difference – the key highlights are performances by autistic children. Mention the word “autistic” and what is the image that Rotary Foundation Seminar comes to you? In my limited exposure to the National Autistic Association of Date: 1 August 2010 Malaysia (NASOM), I will usually visualize children with short attention Venue: De Villa Residence, Ampang span, hyper active and some may have repetitive behaviours. Host club: RC KL Di-Raja Can you imagine 25 autistic children coming together to perform in a concert District Governor's Official Visit which requires vocal and musical co-ordination and not to mention the Date: 28 August 2010 discipline to pay attention and stand still for long periods? The composer, Brian John Yim, a young achiever, worked with these children over a period President's Fellowship of 6 months to earn their trust and train them to sing. The children gave a Date: 25 September 2010 rendition of “Show me the way”, a song specially composed for them (by Brian) and 2 other inspiring numbers. The solo performed by Umar Hasfizal, 76th District 3300 Conference a 12-year old autistic child had the audience enthralled. His voice is pure Date: 10 - 12 December 2010 and he handled the difficult songs “You raise me up” and “I have a Venue: Concorde Hotel, KL dream” so beautifully. Clarence Kang is a music genius; after a mere 2 Host club: RC Pudu years of lessons he was handling the grand piano very smoothly; as if he has been playing all of his tender years. During the concert, some of the audience was touched and moved to tears. Many of us left the concert hall convinced that Kidzcare is doing something wonderful for these special children; to open up possibilities and expose Duty Roster their potential. Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor, in her official speech 3 July (Club Service) applauded the use of music as a therapy for autistic children. Sargeant-at-arms CY So what does Kidzcare aspire to achieve. Mike Plascow, the Founder of Desk Duty Karen Kidzcare, in his speech outlined the grand plans to build a place to cater to Introducer - the needs of children afflicted by autism. Many Rotary clubs in District 3300 Thank Speaker - has stepped forward to be a partner in the programme to raise funds. Fines Frances Not many of us are familiar with the symptoms and manifestation of autism. In an article I read, in this modern day and age, the disorder can be 17 July (Vocational Service) diagnosed and if intervention undertaken early enough, the therapy can help the child towards leading a more “normal” life. All of us can do our part to Sargeant-at-arms Kong Desk Duty Niklas contribute generously towards making the vision of Kidzcare a reality. Introducer - Thank Speaker - Excerpt from the chorus of the song "Show me the way" Fines Jeremy Love is kind, love is patient Though you may not understand the way I feel But you're always there to hold my hands Your loving arms are there to show me the way..... Visit our Blog @ http:// rotaryclubbks. Reported by Frances Po
  • 4. Board of Directors 2009/10 RCBKS 19th Installation President Tan Poay Lim 77277127(O) Toast to Rotary International by Rtn Ee Lay President Elect Steve Robinson The Rotary International theme for 2010-11 is Building +66818336310 (BK) Communities – Bridging Continents. The theme was selected with the objectives of explaining Rotary to non Immediate Past President Rotarians and validating our work for Rotarians. Frances Po 21731618(O) To me, the work of Rotarians needs no validation. During my relatively short period in this club we have Vice President collaborated on projects for communities, small and Alvin tan large with the Rotary Club of Bugis Junction (Singapore) 77275822(O) the Rotary Club of Thingthainam (Thailand) and the Rotary Club of Chungli Chung Shin (Taiwan). Locally we Honorary Secretary have worked with the Rotary Club of Shah Alam and Klang. In our club we Ghaurry count amongst our members an Australian, an Englishman, residents from 23003757(O) other parts of the world, and one who regards himself as a global citizen. Honorary Treasurer This collaboration is not new. It goes back one hundred years in August PP Sunny Khoo 1910, when Rotary International was brought into being with the first 22849089(O) convention of Rotary clubs in the world. And say: WE BUILD COMMUNITIES WE BRIDGE CONTINENTS. With this fellow Rotarians and guests please Club Administration PP Karen Chong rise and lift your glass for a toast to Rotary International. 012-2893380 Service Projects Em@il from PGD Dr Joe Rajendran PP Graham Bennett 012-2918619 Dear President Poay Lim, The Rotary Foundation Thank you very much for your kind words. I would like to share with you my PP Jeremy Ng experience attending your Installation and the way I described it to other 012-2186660 Rotarians. It was absolutely wonderful. You have a very Effective club which is very mature and have the right blend of members.I must pay tribute to Membership Development your previous leaders who have established the proper tradition of good James Cheong innovative projects done both locally and internationally and the fine 78803333(O) comraderieship among your members which you have built up over the years. During my year as Governor I had introduced some of your members New Generation to serve in the District and I hope this will continue because as I have Ghaurry mentioned, Rotary needs Rotarians such as yours to further the cause of 23003757(O) our Organisation. RE F Chairman I am confident that with your knowledge and the enthusiasim of your PP Dr Yee Yoke Leong members you will have a great year of BUILDING COMMUNITIES AND 22824602(O) BRIDGING CONTINENTS Bulletin Committee My Very Best Wishes to you and all your members. Karen (Production) In Rotary Service Abdul/Kong (Speaker’s Programme) Joe PDG