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Week 5 - Discussion 1
Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and
you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates.
Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and
the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum
Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on
how your discussion will be evaluated.
Path-Goal Styles
Based on your responses to the 13.2 Path-Goal Styles
Questionnaire, identify your path-goal styles of leadership.
Explain how your use of each path-goal style relates to other
styles of leadership.
Guided Response: Review several of your peers’ posts and
identify the leadership style that you can relate to. Respond to
at least two of your peers and recommend path-goal styles of
leadership to extend their thinking. Challenge your peers by
asking a question that may cause them to reevaluate their choice
of path-goal leadership styles.
13.2 Path–Goal Styles Questionnaire
1. To identify your path–goal styles of leadership
To examine how your use of each style relates to other styles of
For each of the statements below, circle the number that indicat
es the frequency with which you engage in the expressedbehavi
Give your immediate impressions. There are no right or wrong a
1. Sum the responses on items 1, 5, and 9 (directive leadership).
Sum the responses on items 2, 6, and 10 (supportive leadership).
Sum the responses on items 3, 7, and 11 (participative leadershi
4. Sum the responses on items 4, 8, and 12 (achievement-
oriented leadership).
Total Scores
· Directive leadership: ______________________
· Supportive leadership: ____________________
· Participative leadership: __________________
· Achievement-oriented leadership: __________
Scoring Interpretation
This questionnaire is designed to measure four types of path–
goal leadership: directive, supportive, participative, andachieve
oriented. By comparing your scores on each of the four styles, y
ou can determine which style is your strongest andwhich is your
weakest. For example, if your scores were directive leadership
= 21, supportive leadership = 10, participativeleadership = 19, a
nd achievement-
oriented leadership = 7, your strengths would be directive and p
articipative leadership, andyour weaknesses would be supportiv
e and achievement-
oriented leadership. While this questionnaire measures your do
minantstyles, it also indicates the styles you may want to streng
then or improve.
· If your score is 13–15, you are in the high range.
· If your score is 6–12, you are in the moderate range.
· If your score is 3–5, you are in the low range.
Improve Your Leadership Skills
If you have the interactive eBook version of this text, log in to a
ccess the interactive leadership assessment. After completing th
ischapter’s questionnaire, you will receive individualized feedb
ack and practical sugsgestions for further strengthening yourlea
dership based on your responses in this questionnaire.
BUS 206 Milestone Two Template
***NOTE FROM BABYDOLL: This doesn’t address whether or
not Sam and the chain store meet the four elements of a
contract: agreement, consideration, contractual capacity, and a
legal object. It discussed contracts, quasi-contracts, and
promissory estoppel but doesn’t apply it to the cases. I have
added the pieces I came up with for the document. The first
element of agreement exists because Sam and the chain store
had a verbal acknowledgement that Sam would ship 1,000 units.
The second element of consideration is one-sided. Sam
acknowledged what he would give, but there is not any info in
the case that suggests what he will get in return for the 1,000
units. The third element of contractual capacity exists because
Sam is of legal age and is mentally capable of engaging in a
contract. The fourth element of a legal object does not exist in
this scenario.
For a contract to be considered varied it should have the
following elements#; offer, acceptance, intention to create a
legal relationship, certainty and finally the capacity to
accomplish it. From my analysis of the cases, the tenant
informed the landlord that he was working on an invention. The
silence from the landlord meant that he had no problem with
that, therefore there was an offer, acceptance, and an intention
to build a lawful relationship (Mohamed, 2014). To finalize the
contract both the parties are of age, therefore, have the capacity
to enter an agreement. Therefore the agreement meets the
standards of a contract.
A quasi-contract is an agreement that is created by the courts
and follows the legal terms but the involved parties do not
totally concur with its terms. Such agreements are created to
save the courts the trouble of solving contract disputes. When
the court legalizes an act it is difficult to take it back there
whenever there is disagreement.
There are cases of a promissory estoppel (Hadfield, & Bozovic,
2016). The term refers to a contract that is anchored on informal
promises. When a promisor makes a promise to the promisee as
it was the case between Sam Stevens and the national chain
store respectively, then the promisor is punishable by the law if
he does not fulfill the promise within the agreed period.
In the first case, Sam is seen to have breached the contract as
follows; he is just a tenant, the main purpose of being a tenant
is for residential purpose. He did not rent a workshop,
therefore, he was wrong turning a residential home into a
workshop (Horowitz, 2014). On the other side, he is justified
because any tenant has the freedom to do anything within his
house so long as he does not cause any discomfort to the
neighbors. In this case, we have no case of any neighbor
complaining about the security devise therefore he was right.
The landlord does not have the right to evict Sam. The landlord
should have provided enough evidence that there were
complaints from other tenants. You cannot send off your tenant
basing on your assumption, they also have their rights
(Horowitz, 2014). In addition to that when Sam was occupying
the building he informed the landlord of his plans of innovating
a security device. If he was against it he could have stopped the
process immediately.
In summary the key defences Sam may use if the landlord tries
to evict him include; he informed the landlord of his plans
earlier enough, the innovation was there to safeguard his
property and those of other tenants, other tenants had not
complained about the security device, and all tenants have
freedom to do anything in their houses so long as they do not
damage the building in the process.
Mohamed, S. I. (2014). Breached Lease Can Be Torn Up: When
Tenant or Landlord May Cancel a Contract.
Horowitz, H. (2014). Liability of Landlord in Tort for Injuries
Suffered on Leased Premises--Proposed Statutory Change. St.
John's Law Review, 6(1), 11.
Hadfield, G. K., & Bozovic, I. (2016). Scaffolding: Using
Formal Contracts to Support Informal Relations in Support of
Innovation. Wis. L. Rev., 981.
BUS 206 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: Business law impacts our everyday lives, both
personally and professionally. Businesses enter contracts,
manufacture goods, sell services and
products, and engage in employment and labor practices—
activities that must all adhere to certain laws and regulations.
Recognizing and evaluating legal issues
is a fundamental skill that will help you navigate commercial
relationships and avoid potential problems in the business
Prompt: Imagine yourself as a paralegal working in a law office
that has been tasked with reviewing three current cases. You
will review the case studies and
compose a short report for each, applying your legal knowledge
and understanding of the types of business organizations. In
each of the three reports, you will
focus on areas of law covered in this course. Case Study Two
concentrates on contracts and landlord-tenant law.
Case Study Two: Sam Stevens lives in an apartment building
where he has been working on his new invention, a machine that
plays the sound of a barking dog
to scare off potential intruders. A national chain store that sells
safety products wants to sell Sam’s product exclusively.
Although Sam and the chain store never
signed a contract, Sam verbally told a store manager several
months ago that he would ship 1,000 units.
Sam comes home from work one day and finds two letters in his
mailbox. One is an eviction notice from his landlord, Quinn,
telling him he has to be out of the
apartment in 30 days because his barking device has been
bothering the other tenants. It also states that Sam was not
allowed to conduct a business from his
apartment. Sam is angry because he specifically told Quinn that
he was working on a new invention, and Quinn had wished him
luck. The second letter is from
the chain store, demanding that Sam deliver the promised 1,000
units immediately.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
A. Analyze the elements of this case to determine whether a
valid contract exists between Sam and the chain store. Support
your response by identifying
the elements of a valid contract in your analysis.
B. Assume there is not a valid contract between Sam and the
chain store. Analyze the elements of a quasi-contract and a
promissory estoppel to determine
whether the chain store would prevail on a claim of either. Why
or why not? Include support for your analysis.
C. Identify the rights and obligations of both the landlord and
tenant under a standard residential lease agreement.
D. Based upon those rights and obligations, does Sam’s landlord
have grounds to evict? Why or why not?
E. Further, what defenses might Sam raise to an eviction action?
Support your response.
Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be a one- to
two-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times
New Roman font, and one-inch
margins. Citations should be formatted according to APA style.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in
Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade
Center. For more information,
review these instructions.
Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs
Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Case Study Two:
Valid Contract
Meets “Proficient” criteria, and
analysis is well qualified with
concrete examples and is well
supported and plausible
Analyzes the elements of the case
to determine whether a valid
contract exists between Sam and
the chain store and supports
response by identifying the
elements of a valid contract
Analyzes the elements of the case
to determine whether a valid
contract exists between Sam and
the chain store, but analysis is
incorrect or does not support
response by identifying the
elements of a valid contract
Does not analyze the elements of
the case to determine whether a
valid contract exists between Sam
and the chain store
Case Study Two:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
cites scholarly research to
substantiate claims
Analyzes the elements of a quasi-
contract and a promissory
estoppel to determine whether
the chain store would prevail on a
claim of either, logically explains
why or why not, and includes
support for analysis
Analyzes the elements of a quasi-
contract and a promissory
estoppel to determine whether
the chain store would prevail on a
claim of either and explains why
or why not, but the explanation is
cursory and/or illogical or does
not include support for analysis
Does not analyze the elements of
a quasi-contract and a promissory
estoppel to determine whether
the chain store would prevail on a
claim of either
Case Study Two:
Rights and
Meets “Proficient” criteria and is
accurate in effectively discussing
nuanced rights and obligations in
the relationship between the
landlord and tenant
Correctly determines the rights
and obligations of both the
landlord and tenant under a
standard residential lease
Determines the rights and
obligations of the landlord or the
tenant under a standard
residential lease agreement (but
not both) or is incorrect in which
rights and obligations apply
Does not determine the rights
and obligations of both the
landlord and tenant under a
standard residential lease
Case Study Two:
Grounds to Evict
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides a thorough, step-by-step
analysis with specific supporting
evidence applied to each element
of the relevant legal test
Correctly determines whether
Sam’s landlord has grounds to
evict based upon the previously
stated rights and obligations
Determines whether Sam’s
landlord has grounds to evict but
does not base determination on
the previously stated rights and
obligations or is incorrect in
Does not determine whether
Sam’s landlord has grounds to
Case Study Two:
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
cites scholarly research to
substantiate determination
Accurately determines what
defenses Sam might raise to an
eviction action and effectively
supports the response
Determines what defenses Sam
might raise to an eviction action
but is not accurate in
determination or support is
Does not determine what
defenses Sam might raise to an
eviction action
Articulation of
Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and organization
and is presented in a professional
and easy to read format
Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of
Earned Total 100%
BUS 206 Milestone Two Template
To simplify completing this milestone, use this template to help
you write your essay. You may use each heading as a starter
sentence and then discuss the legal issues presented in the case
study using the following guide, if you choose. Be sure to
explain and elaborate on how each term applies to the story. Be
sure to incorporate the facts of the case into your explanation
and analysis.
Remember that the document you submit should follow the
formatting guidelines described in the Milestone Two
Guidelines and Rubric document.
A. Various elements must be present to prove that a valid
contract exists between Sam and the chain store.
· The four elements to a contract are _____________. (Chapter
· The first element of _____________ would be deemed to exist
if [describe facts that are or should be present].
· The second element of _____________ would be deemed to
exist if [describe facts that are or should be present].
· The third element of _____________ would be deemed to exist
if [describe facts that are or should be present].
· The fourth element of _____________ would be deemed to
exist if [describe facts that are or should be present].
· If the elements of a contract did exist between these parties,
there could still be some possible reasons why a contract might
not be valid based on facts not present in the scenario. For
example, if Sam was a minor at the time he made the agreement
with the chain store, the contract would not be valid because
_____________. List some other reasons and elaborate on why
a contract might be invalid.
· Discuss and explain any other information you deem relevant
to this answer.
(Chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16)
B. Even if there is not a valid legal contract between Sam and
the chain store, there may still be a quasi-contract (Chapter 13)
or elements of what is called a promissory estoppel. (Chapter
· A quasi-contract is defined as_____________. In this case, a
quasi-contract may exist if the following facts are true:
_____________. (Chapter 13)
· A promissory estoppel is defined as _____________. This
principle might apply to this case if _____________. (Chapters
13 and 16)
· Discuss and explain any other information you deem relevant
to this answer.
C. The rights and obligations of both the landlord and tenant
depend upon the term of their contract. Such a contract may be
verbal or in writing under a standard residential lease
agreement. (Chapters 13 and 50)
· Some facts that may support that Sam is in breach of that
contract are _____________.
· Some facts that may support that Sam is not in breach of that
contract are _____________. (Chapters 16, 17, and 50)
· Discuss and explain any other information you deem relevant
to this answer.
D. Based upon those rights and obligations, Sam’s landlord
has/does not have grounds to evict because _____________.
· Elaborate and explain.
E. Some defenses Sam might raise if his landlord tries to evict
him include _____________ because_____________.
· Elaborate and explain for each reason offered. Discuss and
explain any other information you deem relevant to this answer.
(Chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16)

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  • 1. Week 5 - Discussion 1 Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated. Path-Goal Styles Based on your responses to the 13.2 Path-Goal Styles Questionnaire, identify your path-goal styles of leadership. Explain how your use of each path-goal style relates to other styles of leadership. Guided Response: Review several of your peers’ posts and identify the leadership style that you can relate to. Respond to at least two of your peers and recommend path-goal styles of leadership to extend their thinking. Challenge your peers by asking a question that may cause them to reevaluate their choice of path-goal leadership styles. 13.2 Path–Goal Styles Questionnaire Purpose 1. To identify your path–goal styles of leadership 2. To examine how your use of each style relates to other styles of leadership Directions 1. For each of the statements below, circle the number that indicat es the frequency with which you engage in the expressedbehavi or. 2. Give your immediate impressions. There are no right or wrong a nswers. Scoring
  • 2. 1. Sum the responses on items 1, 5, and 9 (directive leadership). 2. Sum the responses on items 2, 6, and 10 (supportive leadership). 3. Sum the responses on items 3, 7, and 11 (participative leadershi p). 4. Sum the responses on items 4, 8, and 12 (achievement- oriented leadership). Total Scores · Directive leadership: ______________________ · Supportive leadership: ____________________ · Participative leadership: __________________ · Achievement-oriented leadership: __________ Scoring Interpretation This questionnaire is designed to measure four types of path– goal leadership: directive, supportive, participative, andachieve ment- oriented. By comparing your scores on each of the four styles, y ou can determine which style is your strongest andwhich is your weakest. For example, if your scores were directive leadership = 21, supportive leadership = 10, participativeleadership = 19, a nd achievement- oriented leadership = 7, your strengths would be directive and p articipative leadership, andyour weaknesses would be supportiv e and achievement- oriented leadership. While this questionnaire measures your do minantstyles, it also indicates the styles you may want to streng then or improve. · If your score is 13–15, you are in the high range. · If your score is 6–12, you are in the moderate range. · If your score is 3–5, you are in the low range. Improve Your Leadership Skills If you have the interactive eBook version of this text, log in to a ccess the interactive leadership assessment. After completing th ischapter’s questionnaire, you will receive individualized feedb ack and practical sugsgestions for further strengthening yourlea
  • 3. dership based on your responses in this questionnaire. BUS 206 Milestone Two Template ***NOTE FROM BABYDOLL: This doesn’t address whether or not Sam and the chain store meet the four elements of a contract: agreement, consideration, contractual capacity, and a legal object. It discussed contracts, quasi-contracts, and promissory estoppel but doesn’t apply it to the cases. I have added the pieces I came up with for the document. The first element of agreement exists because Sam and the chain store had a verbal acknowledgement that Sam would ship 1,000 units. The second element of consideration is one-sided. Sam acknowledged what he would give, but there is not any info in the case that suggests what he will get in return for the 1,000 units. The third element of contractual capacity exists because Sam is of legal age and is mentally capable of engaging in a contract. The fourth element of a legal object does not exist in this scenario. Contracts For a contract to be considered varied it should have the following elements#; offer, acceptance, intention to create a legal relationship, certainty and finally the capacity to accomplish it. From my analysis of the cases, the tenant informed the landlord that he was working on an invention. The silence from the landlord meant that he had no problem with that, therefore there was an offer, acceptance, and an intention to build a lawful relationship (Mohamed, 2014). To finalize the contract both the parties are of age, therefore, have the capacity to enter an agreement. Therefore the agreement meets the standards of a contract. A quasi-contract is an agreement that is created by the courts
  • 4. and follows the legal terms but the involved parties do not totally concur with its terms. Such agreements are created to save the courts the trouble of solving contract disputes. When the court legalizes an act it is difficult to take it back there whenever there is disagreement. There are cases of a promissory estoppel (Hadfield, & Bozovic, 2016). The term refers to a contract that is anchored on informal promises. When a promisor makes a promise to the promisee as it was the case between Sam Stevens and the national chain store respectively, then the promisor is punishable by the law if he does not fulfill the promise within the agreed period. In the first case, Sam is seen to have breached the contract as follows; he is just a tenant, the main purpose of being a tenant is for residential purpose. He did not rent a workshop, therefore, he was wrong turning a residential home into a workshop (Horowitz, 2014). On the other side, he is justified because any tenant has the freedom to do anything within his house so long as he does not cause any discomfort to the neighbors. In this case, we have no case of any neighbor complaining about the security devise therefore he was right. The landlord does not have the right to evict Sam. The landlord should have provided enough evidence that there were complaints from other tenants. You cannot send off your tenant basing on your assumption, they also have their rights (Horowitz, 2014). In addition to that when Sam was occupying the building he informed the landlord of his plans of innovating a security device. If he was against it he could have stopped the process immediately. In summary the key defences Sam may use if the landlord tries to evict him include; he informed the landlord of his plans earlier enough, the innovation was there to safeguard his property and those of other tenants, other tenants had not complained about the security device, and all tenants have freedom to do anything in their houses so long as they do not damage the building in the process.
  • 5. References Mohamed, S. I. (2014). Breached Lease Can Be Torn Up: When Tenant or Landlord May Cancel a Contract. Horowitz, H. (2014). Liability of Landlord in Tort for Injuries Suffered on Leased Premises--Proposed Statutory Change. St. John's Law Review, 6(1), 11. Hadfield, G. K., & Bozovic, I. (2016). Scaffolding: Using Formal Contracts to Support Informal Relations in Support of Innovation. Wis. L. Rev., 981. BUS 206 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview: Business law impacts our everyday lives, both personally and professionally. Businesses enter contracts, manufacture goods, sell services and products, and engage in employment and labor practices— activities that must all adhere to certain laws and regulations. Recognizing and evaluating legal issues is a fundamental skill that will help you navigate commercial relationships and avoid potential problems in the business world. Prompt: Imagine yourself as a paralegal working in a law office that has been tasked with reviewing three current cases. You will review the case studies and
  • 6. compose a short report for each, applying your legal knowledge and understanding of the types of business organizations. In each of the three reports, you will focus on areas of law covered in this course. Case Study Two concentrates on contracts and landlord-tenant law. Case Study Two: Sam Stevens lives in an apartment building where he has been working on his new invention, a machine that plays the sound of a barking dog to scare off potential intruders. A national chain store that sells safety products wants to sell Sam’s product exclusively. Although Sam and the chain store never signed a contract, Sam verbally told a store manager several months ago that he would ship 1,000 units. Sam comes home from work one day and finds two letters in his mailbox. One is an eviction notice from his landlord, Quinn, telling him he has to be out of the apartment in 30 days because his barking device has been bothering the other tenants. It also states that Sam was not allowed to conduct a business from his apartment. Sam is angry because he specifically told Quinn that he was working on a new invention, and Quinn had wished him luck. The second letter is from the chain store, demanding that Sam deliver the promised 1,000 units immediately. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: A. Analyze the elements of this case to determine whether a valid contract exists between Sam and the chain store. Support your response by identifying the elements of a valid contract in your analysis. B. Assume there is not a valid contract between Sam and the
  • 7. chain store. Analyze the elements of a quasi-contract and a promissory estoppel to determine whether the chain store would prevail on a claim of either. Why or why not? Include support for your analysis. C. Identify the rights and obligations of both the landlord and tenant under a standard residential lease agreement. D. Based upon those rights and obligations, does Sam’s landlord have grounds to evict? Why or why not? E. Further, what defenses might Sam raise to an eviction action? Support your response. Guidelines for Submission: Your submission should be a one- to two-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Citations should be formatted according to APA style. Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions. http://snhu- ic_feedback_instructions_student.pdf Rubric Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value Case Study Two: Valid Contract
  • 8. Meets “Proficient” criteria, and analysis is well qualified with concrete examples and is well supported and plausible Analyzes the elements of the case to determine whether a valid contract exists between Sam and the chain store and supports response by identifying the elements of a valid contract Analyzes the elements of the case to determine whether a valid contract exists between Sam and the chain store, but analysis is incorrect or does not support response by identifying the elements of a valid contract Does not analyze the elements of the case to determine whether a valid contract exists between Sam and the chain store 18 Case Study Two: Quasi-Contract Meets “Proficient” criteria and cites scholarly research to substantiate claims Analyzes the elements of a quasi-
  • 9. contract and a promissory estoppel to determine whether the chain store would prevail on a claim of either, logically explains why or why not, and includes support for analysis Analyzes the elements of a quasi- contract and a promissory estoppel to determine whether the chain store would prevail on a claim of either and explains why or why not, but the explanation is cursory and/or illogical or does not include support for analysis Does not analyze the elements of a quasi-contract and a promissory estoppel to determine whether the chain store would prevail on a claim of either 18 Case Study Two: Rights and Obligations Meets “Proficient” criteria and is accurate in effectively discussing nuanced rights and obligations in the relationship between the landlord and tenant Correctly determines the rights and obligations of both the
  • 10. landlord and tenant under a standard residential lease agreement Determines the rights and obligations of the landlord or the tenant under a standard residential lease agreement (but not both) or is incorrect in which rights and obligations apply Does not determine the rights and obligations of both the landlord and tenant under a standard residential lease agreement 18 Case Study Two: Grounds to Evict Meets “Proficient” criteria and provides a thorough, step-by-step analysis with specific supporting evidence applied to each element of the relevant legal test Correctly determines whether Sam’s landlord has grounds to evict based upon the previously stated rights and obligations Determines whether Sam’s landlord has grounds to evict but does not base determination on
  • 11. the previously stated rights and obligations or is incorrect in determination Does not determine whether Sam’s landlord has grounds to evict 18 Case Study Two: Defenses Meets “Proficient” criteria and cites scholarly research to substantiate determination Accurately determines what defenses Sam might raise to an eviction action and effectively supports the response Determines what defenses Sam might raise to an eviction action but is not accurate in determination or support is ineffective Does not determine what defenses Sam might raise to an eviction action 18 Articulation of Response
  • 12. Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy to read format Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Earned Total 100% BUS 206 Milestone Two Template To simplify completing this milestone, use this template to help you write your essay. You may use each heading as a starter sentence and then discuss the legal issues presented in the case study using the following guide, if you choose. Be sure to
  • 13. explain and elaborate on how each term applies to the story. Be sure to incorporate the facts of the case into your explanation and analysis. Remember that the document you submit should follow the formatting guidelines described in the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document. A. Various elements must be present to prove that a valid contract exists between Sam and the chain store. · The four elements to a contract are _____________. (Chapter 13) · The first element of _____________ would be deemed to exist if [describe facts that are or should be present]. · The second element of _____________ would be deemed to exist if [describe facts that are or should be present]. · The third element of _____________ would be deemed to exist if [describe facts that are or should be present]. · The fourth element of _____________ would be deemed to exist if [describe facts that are or should be present]. · If the elements of a contract did exist between these parties, there could still be some possible reasons why a contract might not be valid based on facts not present in the scenario. For example, if Sam was a minor at the time he made the agreement with the chain store, the contract would not be valid because _____________. List some other reasons and elaborate on why a contract might be invalid. · Discuss and explain any other information you deem relevant to this answer.
  • 14. (Chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16) B. Even if there is not a valid legal contract between Sam and the chain store, there may still be a quasi-contract (Chapter 13) or elements of what is called a promissory estoppel. (Chapter 15) · A quasi-contract is defined as_____________. In this case, a quasi-contract may exist if the following facts are true: _____________. (Chapter 13) · A promissory estoppel is defined as _____________. This principle might apply to this case if _____________. (Chapters 13 and 16) · Discuss and explain any other information you deem relevant to this answer. C. The rights and obligations of both the landlord and tenant depend upon the term of their contract. Such a contract may be verbal or in writing under a standard residential lease agreement. (Chapters 13 and 50) · Some facts that may support that Sam is in breach of that contract are _____________. · Some facts that may support that Sam is not in breach of that contract are _____________. (Chapters 16, 17, and 50) · Discuss and explain any other information you deem relevant to this answer. D. Based upon those rights and obligations, Sam’s landlord has/does not have grounds to evict because _____________.
  • 15. · Elaborate and explain. E. Some defenses Sam might raise if his landlord tries to evict him include _____________ because_____________. · Elaborate and explain for each reason offered. Discuss and explain any other information you deem relevant to this answer. (Chapters 13, 14, 15, and 16)