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Website User Friendliness Study
Travel Portal

                   Website User
                Friendliness Study

                Travel Portal Report
                    Jan-Mar ‘08
Website User Friendliness Study

                     © copyright JuxtConsult
Travel Portal
Website User Friendliness Study

                 Table of content
                 Introduction ........................................................................ 1
                 Methodology ........................................................................ 2
                 Category Websites Tested ...................................................... 10

                 Website User Friendliness Aggregate Scores- Overall...................... 12
                 Website User Friendliness Sub Parameter Scores - Overall ............... 13
                 Website User Friendliness Perceptual Map – Overall ....................... 16
                 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Overall .................. 16
                 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Overall .................. 17
                 Rating Dispersions by Individual Attributes .................................. 19
                 Relative Importance of the Individual Criteria.............................. 30
                 Website User Friendliness Aggregate Scores - Website Users Only ...... 31
                 Website User Friendliness Sub Parameter Scores - Website Users Only 32
                 Website User Friendliness Perceptual Map – Website Users Only ........ 34
                 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Website Users Only ... 34
                 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Website Users Only ... 35
                 Rating Dispersions by Individual Attributes .................................. 37
                 Relative Importance of the Individual Criteria.............................. 54
                 Website User Friendliness Aggregate Scores - Website Non Users Only 55
                 Website User Friendliness Sub Parameter Scores - Website Non Users
                 Only ................................................................................. 56
                 Website User Friendliness Perceptual Map – Website Non Users Only .. 58
                 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Website Non Users Only
                 ....................................................................................... 58
                 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Website Non Users Only
                 ....................................................................................... 59
                 Rating Dispersions by Individual Attributes .................................. 60
                 Relative Importance of the Individual Criteria.............................. 71
                 Demographic Profile ............................................................. 73
                 Socio Economic Profile .......................................................... 77
                 Economic Profile.................................................................. 79
                 Net Usage Dynamics.............................................................. 81
                 WUF Index Ranking of Websites by User Segments......................... 82

                 Sample Sizes....................................................................... 89
Travel Portal
Website User Friendliness Study

                 Internet users rarely bother to complain about the poor quality or
                 experience of a website. They just ‘switch’ to an alternative website.

                 Yet most websites do little to track their user’s experience and
                 perceptions about their websites on various critical parameters - be it
                 the appeal of their user interface, ease of navigation and task
                 completion, or the satisfaction derived from the actual usage

                 To precisely fill this gap JuxtConsult has introduced its ‘Website User
                 Friendliness’ syndicated study. The study helps the online players
                 measure, quantify and benchmark the ‘user friendliness’ and ‘usage
                 satisfaction’ of their website vis-à-vis the key competing websites.

                 The study is unique in its methodology as it takes the concept of
                 ‘usability testing’ of a website online – it makes the users use a website
                 and give the feedback on its usage experience in ‘live’ online
                 environment. The user feedback is real time and based on actual usage
                 of the website.

                 In order to define and measure what really makes a website ‘user-
                 friendly’, we looked at a simple and interesting parallel of what makes
                 a person seem ‘friendly’. In human interaction, we identify someone as
                 ‘friendly’ only when that person firstly ‘looks’ friendly to us and then
                 ‘behaves’ friendly towards us. When it comes to our interaction with
                 websites, our expectations and behaviors are no different. We identify
                 or treat a website as ‘friendly’ only when it both looks pleasant and
                 acceptable to us and is easy and convenient to use. That is,

                 A User friendly website    Looks friendly + Behaves friendly

                 To ‘look’ friendly, a website must be identifiable, appealing, relevant,
                 and pleasant in its appearance. On the other hand, to ‘behave’ friendly
                 a website must enable the task a user has come to perform on the
                 website in a convenient, smooth, orderly and satisfactory manner.

                 Accordingly, this study interprets, evaluates, measures and reports the
                 ‘user-friendliness’ of a website taking into account both in its look
                 factors as well as its usability factors.

Travel Portal

                The JuxtConsult ‘Website User Friendliness’ Model
                Any comprehensive measure of ‘user-friendliness’ of a website must
                cover all key aspects that determine its ‘user-interface’ (looking
                friendly) as well as its ‘usage experience’ (behaving friendly). At a
                broad level, we at JuxtConsult defined these key aspects as follows:

                 User Interface (look friendly)     Usage Experience (behave friendly)

                       Visually appealing                      Easy to access

                     Distinctly identifiable        Easy to locate relevant information

                      Organized interface             Easy to comprehend information

                       Relevant content             Easy to navigate and conduct a task

                   Better quality of content       Offer relevant and adequate solutions

                                                  Facilitate satisfactory completion of task

                                                         Consistent in performance

                                                      Highly interactive and responsive

                In order to identify the precise and measurable attributes under each of
                these aspects, we carefully mapped the typical flow of the ‘interaction’
                a user usually has with a website. In doing so we identified 6 typical
                stages of interaction a user has with a website (and therefore, 6 critical
                aspects that need to be measured to arrive at any comprehensive
                evaluation of ‘user-friendliness’ of a website):

                   The user accesses the website (Accessibility)

                   Finds the website appealing (Likeability)

                   Finds the content relevant (Relatability)

                   Is able to smoothly navigate on the website (Navigability)

                   Finds the website responsive when needs assistance/help

                   Is able to complete the task/purpose for which he/she visited the
                   website in the first place (Task accomplishment)

                Digging a little deeper in these 6 critical areas we identified 19
                individual ‘generic’ parameters that required to be measured to make
                the model a fairly comprehensive one. The parameters related to ‘e-
                commerce’ or ‘transactions’ were not included in the ‘generic model’

Website User Friendliness Study

                      per se (to retain its universality), but have been considered separately
                      as the ‘seventh’ critical aspect of measuring user friendliness of the ‘e-
                      commerce’ websites.

                      The following graphics outline the precise ‘website user friendliness’
                      measuring and rating schema based on the 19 ‘generic’ parameters
                      used in the JuxtConsult model and in bringing out these reports:

                           The Model
The Website – User         The User Friendliness Criteria                                  The Measures
Interaction Points
                                                                                           Browser compatibility

    Accessibility                                                                          Download time
                                      Is the website easy to access?
                                                                                           Distinctiveness (branding)
                                                                                           Layout and interface
                                                                                           Aesthetics (color, text, graphics)
     Likeability                           Does it look appealing?
                                                                                           Identification with the website

                                                                                           Ease of comprehension
                                                                                           Relevance/Adequacy of content
     Relatability                  Is the content relevant and distinct?
                                                                                           Content distinctiveness (quality)
                                                                                           Ease of locating task info
                                                                                           Ease of conducting the tasks
    Navigability                             Is it easy to use?                            Inter-page consistency in design
                                                                              Task Flow
                                                                                           and flow

                                                                                           Navigational cues and helps
                                                                                           Error rate / error recovery
    Interactivity               Is it able to assist the user when needed?
                                                                                           Contacability (and responsiveness)
                                                                                           Sense of security in using the site
                                                                                           Level of task completion (success)
Task Accomplishment                                                                        Timeliness of task completion
                                   Is the user able to accomplish the task?
                                                                              Solution     Adequacy of task compl. (satisfaction)

Travel Portal

     User Friendliness Measuring Schema
                             3. Distinctive in identity (branding)
                             4. Presentation of content (layout)           10. Ease of locating task info
                             5. Aesthetics (color, text, graphics)         11. Ease of conducting the task
                             6. User identification with the site          12. Navigation flow between pages           16. Timeliness of task completion
                             7. Ease of comprehension                      13. Navigational cues and helps             17. Quality of usage experience
1. Browser Compatibility     8. Relevance of content                       14. Error recovery                          18. Perceived sense of security in usage
2. Download Time             9. Relative quality of content                15. Customer responsiveness                 19. Brand preference creation

                             Site is likeable and relevant
Site is easily accessible                                            Site is easy to use with hassle-free navigation      Site delivers task accomplishment

                              Design Appeal
Ease of Access                                                                 Ease of Usage                               Usage Satisfaction
                                   Appeal Index
  Accessibility Index                                                             Navigability Index                             Satisfaction Index

                                                                                       User Friendly Experience
      User Friendly Interface
         User Friendly Interface Index (UFEX)                                              User Friendly Experience Index (UZEX)

                                                Website User Friendliness
                                            Category Level Website User Friendliness Index (WUF)

Website User Friendliness Study

                 As shown in the schema, the 19 individual ‘generic’ parameters that
                 determine the overall user friendliness of a website have been
                 clustered together into 4 ‘sub index’ measuring the ‘accessibility’,
                 ‘appeal’, ‘navigability’ and ‘usage satisfaction’ index of a website.
                 Hereafter these are combined to arrive at two higher level ‘user
                 interface’ and ‘user experience’ Index and eventually into the overall
                 ‘website user friendliness’ (WUF) index of a website.

                 The model thereby allows various websites in a category/vertical to be
                 evaluated, compared, benchmarked and ranked on various aspects of
                 their ‘user-friendliness’ in an objective manner (based on the index
                 score derived from actual ‘ratings’ of these websites by their existing
                 and potential users).

                 Additional ‘Shopping Index’ for E-Commerce Category
                 For websites which come under the e-commerce categories, offering
                 online transactions, an additional ‘seventh’ group of user friendliness
                 parameters have been added to the model. This set of critical measure
                 has been classified as ‘Shopping Friendliness Index’ of the e-commerce

                 The shopping friendliness of an e-commerce website has been
                 measured as a cumulative effect of the usage experience it delivers
                 while a user ‘transacts’ on the website, takes ‘delivery’ of the
                 product/service bought online and the satisfaction with the ‘refund’ in
                 case a cancellation is made and refund sought.

                 The following graphics outline the additional ‘shopping user
                 friendliness’ index measuring and rating schema used in the JuxtConsult
                 model for the e-commerce category websites:

Travel Portal

 Shopping Friendliness Measuring Schema

  1. Successful transaction completion
  2. Ease of transacting
                                                                                                 9. Display/ease of locating refund policy
  3. Comprehension of charges and prices
                                                                                                 10. Comprehension of refund policy
  4. Adequacy of payment options                   7. Timeliness of product/service delivery
                                                                                                 11. Timeliness of refunds
  5. Sense of security while transacting           8. Appropriateness of delivery as per
                                                                                                 12. Adequacy of refund amount
  6. Promptness of transaction confirmation           specification

  Transacting on the site is easy,                      Delivery of product/service is              Refund process is well understood
  smooth and secure                                     efficient and adequate                      and smooth

                                                     Delivery Experience
Transaction Experience                                                                              Refund Experience
                                                           Delivery Friendliness Index
   Transaction Friendliness Index                                                                      Refund Friendliness Index

                                          Shopping Friendliness Index
                                         Category Level Shopping User Friendliness Index (SUF)

                                 As shown in the schema, the 12 individual parameters that determine
                                 the overall ‘shopping friendliness’ of an e-commerce website have been
                                 clustered together into 3 ‘sub index’ measuring the ‘transaction’,
                                 ‘delivery’ and ‘refund’ usage experience of a website. Hereafter, these
                                 three sub indices are combined to arrive at the overall ‘shopping user
                                 friendliness’ (SUF) index of an e-commerce website.

                                 In case of e-commerce websites, the overall ‘website user friendliness’
                                 (WUF) index is calculated and reported after incorporating the
                                 ‘shopping user friendliness’ (SUF) index parameters as well. That is, the
                                 WUF index of the e-commerce websites is calculated based on 31
                                 parameters and not just on 19 ‘generic’ parameters.

Website User Friendliness Study

                 The Online Survey
                 To test and get the e-commerce websites rated on these 19 generic
                 parameters and the 12 additional e-commerce related parameters by
                 their existing and potential users, an online survey methodology based
                 on ‘live’ usage and rating of websites was used.

                 The online survey was conducted using JuxtConsult’s own online user
                 panel ( as well as using a ‘survey ad campaign’ on
                 Google Ad Sense (contextual search ads).

                 The online survey was conducted using an e-questionnaire segmented
                 into three sections. The first section had a ‘screener questionnaire’
                 that was used to identify the ‘users’ of an online category, and of the
                 various websites being tested within that category. Then the identified
                 ‘users’ and ‘non-users’ (taken as potential users) of the various
                 websites were taken to the respective websites for ‘live’ usage. This
                 was done by providing the ‘URL links’ of these websites within the

                 Half the respondents (of both existing and potential users of the
                 website) were asked to surf the ‘homepage’ and the other half to
                 ‘complete a simple assigned task’ on the website1. This split was done
                 to keep the length of the ‘live’ usage sessions within reasonable time
                 limit, so that including the feedback-giving time (questionnaire filling),
                 the whole session does not become too long for the respondent. In this
                 way we tried to minimize the impact of any possible ‘response fatigue’
                 in the survey to the extent it is possible to do so in such surveys.

                 To ensure a statistically healthy representation and calculation of the
                 ratings (and indices) for each website in the study, a minimum sample
                 quota of 120 ‘reported response’ per website was fixed. This is the
                 sample size on which the user friendliness index calculations are based.

                 However, because of a break up of ‘live’ usage between the ‘only
                 homepage surfing’ and ‘only an assigned task completion’, each
                 respondent gave only ‘part’ rating of the website. This meant that in
                 practice we would have to take 2 respondents (one of homepage and
                 one of task) to compete one rating of a website as per the JuxtConsult
                 Model. Accordingly, in sample collection, the quota per website was
                 doubled to 240 respondents per website. The eventual break up of the
                 samples as ‘set’ per website and between its existing users and non-
                 users (potential users) was as follows:

                  The tasks that the respondents of the Travel category were asked to perform
                 were – 1) search for an air ticket from Delhi to Jaipur, 2) search for a 3-star
                 hotel in Jaipur, and 3) search for a tour package from Delhi to Rajasthan.

Travel Portal

                Table 1: Sample size by websites
                Sample Base                   Users     Non-users    Total
                Makemytrip       Home page         60         60      120
                                      Task         60         60      120
                Yatra            Home page         60         60      120
                                      Task         60         60      120
                Cleartrip        Home page         60         60      120
                                      Task         60         60      120
                Travelguru       Home page         60         60      120
                                      Task         60         60      120
                                 Home page         60         60      120
                                      Task         60         60      120
                Total Category                  600          600     1,200

                Further to ensure that we report only those responses that are based on
                actual, and to an extent, sincere ‘live’ usage of the website, firstly the
                time taken to check/use the website was measured (from the time of
                clicking the URL link on the questionnaire to the time of answering the
                first feedback question). Thereafter, we decided to exclude from
                reporting those respondents who took less than 3 minutes to ‘surf the
                homepage’ and less than 5 minutes to ‘complete the assigned task’ on
                the website.

                For the 19 individual ‘generic’ parameters, except for browser
                compatibility, the ratings for the rest 18 parameters were taken
                directly from the respondents. For rating on browser compatibility,
                websites were tested internally at JuxtConsult by its own technical
                team on various popular internet browsers and then rated accordingly.
                The browsers on which the website opening was tested were – Internet
                Explorer, Firefox, Netscape and Opera.

                For the rest 18 ‘generic’ parameters where users’ gave the ratings
                directly, all ratings were taken on a ‘5 point qualitative scale’. For
                each parameter, respondents were asked to choose one of the five
                statements given as ‘options’. The five statements ranged from the
                most positive statement about that attribute on that website to the
                most negative statement about that attribute on that website.

                Of these 18 parameters, only one parameter’s response was taken from
                the respondents ‘past usage’ of the website (therefore asked only to
                the ‘users’). This parameter was customer responsiveness (measured as
                timeliness and appropriates of response to any query they may have
                made on the website in the past). On all the other 17 parameters the
                respondents were asked to give their ratings basis the ‘live’ usage
                experience and in real time.

                On the other hand, for all the 12 individual parameters on the
                ‘shopping friendliness’ index the feedback was taken from the
                respondents based on their ‘past usage’ of the website (therefore asked
                only to the ‘users’). This was done largely because it was completely
                impractical to ask the respondents to transact online ‘live’, nor was it
                possible to capture the ‘delivery’ and ‘refund’ feedback from them on

Website User Friendliness Study

                 the ‘live’ basis. For these 12 ‘shopping related’ parameters again users’
                 gave the ratings directly, and all ratings were taken on a ‘5 point
                 qualitative scale’.

                 Eventually, all Index numbers (whether WUF or SUF) were calculated
                 and derived from the individual parameter level rating, with each level
                 index having its own calculated scale (depending on the number of
                 individual parameters included under that index). The sample bases of
                 various websites were equalized while calculating their website user
                 friendliness and shopping friendliness index to ensure that there are no
                 sample size biases in the reported findings.

                 In the online questionnaires, a response format of ‘clicking’ a single or
                 multiple options among the various given options was used for most
                 questions. Wherever relevant, it was also possible for a respondent to
                 answer ‘none’, ‘not applicable’ or ‘any other’. To enlist complete and
                 sincere responses, an incentive of a significant cash prize was also
                 announced to be given to one randomly selected respondent at the end
                 of the survey.

                 The questionnaire were pre-tested and timed to take approximately 15-
                 20 minutes for a respondent to complete depending on the speed of
                 comprehension and answering of the questions. The questionnaire was
                 structured and designed to reduce the level of ‘respondent fatigue’ to
                 an extent that was practically possible.

                 Over 1,430 unduplicated and clean responses were collected from the
                 online survey for the 5 websites being tested under the Travel Portal
                 category (in about 3 weeks of time for which the survey was ‘live’
                 online). After further cleaning of the data for the actual time spent on
                 surfing the homepage/completing the task on the websites 1,309
                 responses were finally found to be valid and used in creating this

                 The valid and usable data was then made representative of the entire
                 online urban Indian population by using appropriate 'demographic
                 multipliers’ using highly authentic Govt. of India population statistics.
                 The weights used were derived from the JuxtConsult’s India Online
                 2007 study and are based on 3 highly relevant demographic parameters
                 – SEC, town class and region.

                 The end result is that the findings of this report possibly represent the
                 ‘voice’ of over 24 million online urban Indians. Further, the findings
                 represent and effectively cover internet users from all SEC groups, all
                 age groups above 12 years, all income groups and all types of town
                 classes (right down to 20,000 population size level towns)2 .

                   For more details on the demographic and socio-economic profile of the
                 respondents see the ‘Respondent Profile’ section of this report.

Travel Portal

                Category Websites
                 Travelguru (

                 Cleartrip (

                 Indiatimes Travel (

                 Yatra (

                 Makemytrip (

Website User Friendliness Study


Travel Portal

                Website User
                Aggregate Scores-
                Table 2: Website user friendliness index (WUF) - overall

                Brands              WUF Index    Relative Index
                Cleartrip                10.4             100%
                Makemytrip                8.9              85%
                Yatra                     8.2              79%
                Travelguru                7.6              74%
                Indiatimes Travel         7.0              67%
                Base: 1,309

                Table 3: User friendly interface index (UFEX) - overall

                Brands              UFEX Index    Relative Index
                Cleartrip                  4.7             100%
                Makemytrip                 4.4              94%
                Yatra                      3.9              85%
                Travelguru                 3.8              82%
                Indiatimes Travel          3.7              79%
                Base: 1,309

                Table 4: User Friendly usage experience index (UZEX) - overall

                Brands              UZEX Index    Relative Index
                Cleartrip                  3.7             100%
                Makemytrip                 3.1              85%
                Travelguru                 3.1              85%
                Yatra                      3.1              84%
                Indiatimes Travel          2.7              72%
                Base: 1,309

                Table 5: Shopping friendliness index - overall

                Brands              SUF Index    Relative Index
                Yatra                     2.7            100%
                Cleartrip                 2.8             79%
                Indiatimes Travel         1.8             67%
                Makemytrip                1.7             61%
                Travelguru                1.6             58%
                Base: 701

Website User Friendliness Study

                 Website User
                 Friendliness Sub
                 Parameter Scores -
                 Table 6: Accessibility index (overall)

                 Brands              Accessibility Index   Relative Index
                 Cleartrip                           2.9              100%
                 Makemytrip                          2.4              93%
                 Yatra                               2.2              85%
                 Travelguru                          2.2              84%
                 Indiatimes Travel                   2.1              80%
                 Base: 1,309

                 Table 7: Appeal index (overall)

                 Brands              Appeal Index    Relative Index
                 Cleartrip                     2.1           100%
                 Makemytrip                    2.0             95%
                 Yatra                         1.8             84%
                 Travelguru                    1.7             80%
                 Indiatimes Travel             1.6             78%
                 Base: 1,309

Travel Portal

                Table 8: Shopping friendliness index (overall)
                Brands                     SUF Index     Relative Index
                Yatra                             1.7              100%
                Cleartrip                         1.5               86%
                Travelguru                        1.0               57%
                Indiatimes Travel                 0.9               50%
                Makemytrip                        0.8               48%

                Base: 379

                Table 9: Navigability index (overall)

                Brands              Navigability Index   Relative Index
                Cleartrip                          1.4           100%
                Travelguru                         1.3            89%
                Yatra                              1.1            75%
                Makemytrip                         1.0            73%
                Indiatimes Travel                  0.9            62%
                Base: 1,309

                Table 10: Usage satisfaction index (overall)

                Brands              Satisfaction Index   Relative Index
                Cleartrip                          2.3           100%
                Makemytrip                         2.1            93%
                Yatra                              2.0            89%
                Travelguru                         1.9            82%
                Indiatimes Travel                  1.8            78%
                Base: 1,309

Website User Friendliness Study

                 Table 11: Transaction friendliness index (overall)
                 Brands              Satisfaction Index   Relative Index
                 Yatra                             0.9             100%
                 Cleartrip                         0.7              86%
                 Travelguru                        0.5              57%
                 Indiatimes Travel                 0.4              50%
                 Makemytrip                        0.4              49%

                 Base: 379

                 Table 12: Delivery experience index (overall)
                 Brands              Satisfaction Index   Relative Index
                 Yatra                             0.9             100%
                 Cleartrip                         0.8              90%
                 Travelguru                        0.5              59%
                 Indiatimes Travel                 0.5              52%
                 Makemytrip                        0.4              50%

                 Base: 379

                 Table 13: Refund friendliness index (overall)
                 Brands              Satisfaction Index   Relative Index
                 Yatra                             0.8             100%
                 Cleartrip                         0.7              87%
                 Travelguru                        0.5              57%
                 Indiatimes Travel                 0.4              51%
                 Makemytrip                        0.4              47%

                 Base: 379

Travel Portal

                             Website User
                             Perceptual Map –
                                                Ease of Usage





                                                                   Delivery Experience
                -.0                                                                           Refund Experience
                                                              Transaction Experience
                -.1                        Ease of Access
                                             Usage Satisfaction
                                          Design Appeal

                                               Indiatimes Travel
                -.3            Makemytrip

                      -.6           -.4        -.2          -.0           .2             .4        .6         .8


Website User Friendliness Study

                         Average Ratings on
                         the Individual
                         Parameters - Overall
                         Table 14: Summary table - overall

 Ratings (on a 5 point qualitative scale)      Travelguru    Cleartrip   Indiatimes Travel   Yatra   Makemytrip
 Browser Compatibility                                5.0         5.0                  5.0     5.0          5.0
 Download Time                                        4.6         4.3                  4.4     4.3          4.2
 Accessibility Index                                 2.2          2.6                 2.1     2.2           2.4
 Distinctive in identity (branding)                   3.4         3.2                  3.2     3.1          3.3
 Presentation layout of the home page                 3.4         3.2                  3.2     3.1          3.3
 Presentation layout of the task page                 4.1         4.2                  4.3     4.2          4.5
 Aesthetics of text on the homepage                   2.6         2.9                  2.7     2.7          2.7
 Aesthetics of graphics on the homepage               3.4         3.6                  3.1     3.2          3.5
 User identification with the site                    3.9         3.8                  4.1     4.0          3.9
 Ease of comprehension                                4.1         4.5                  4.3     4.1          4.2
 Relevance of content                                 4.2         4.1                  4.0     4.3          4.2
 Relative quality of content                          4.3         4.5                  4.2     4.3          4.2
 Appeal Index                                        1.7          2.1                 1.6     1.7           2.0
 Ease of locating task info                           4.2         4.7                  4.2     4.3          4.1
 Ease of conducting the task                          4.2         4.4                  4.0     4.2          4.1
 Navigation flow between pages                        4.4         4.2                  4.2     4.4          4.2
 Navigational cues and helps                          2.7         2.4                  2.4     2.9          2.8
 Error recovery                                       4.6         4.3                  4.2     4.7          4.1
 Appropriateness of response to queries               4.7         4.8                  4.4     4.6          4.7
 Timeliness of response to queries                    4.4         4.6                  4.3     4.5          4.5
 Satisfaction with query resolution                   4.5         4.7                  4.2     4.5          4.3
 Navigability Index                                  1.3          1.4                 0.9     1.1           1.0
 Timeliness of task completion                        3.8         4.1                  3.9     4.3          4.1
 Quality of the usage experience                      4.1         3.7                  4.0     4.3          4.0
 Perceived sense of security during usage             4.2         4.2                  4.1     4.4          4.3
 Creation of brand preference                         4.4         4.3                  4.3     4.6          4.3
 Satisfaction Index                                  1.9          2.3                 1.8     2.0           2.1
 Successful transaction completion                    3.6         3.9                  3.9     4.4          4.6
 Ease of transacting                                  4.2         3.8                  4.3     4.3          4.5
 Comprehension of charges and prices                  4.1         3.7                  4.2     4.6          4.6
 Adequacy of payment options                          4.2         3.8                  4.4     4.7          4.4
 Sense of security while transacting                  4.2         3.8                  4.1     4.6          4.5
 Promptness of transaction confirmation               4.4         4.2                  4.3     4.7          4.5
 Transaction Experience                              0.5          0.7                 0.4     0.9           0.4

Travel Portal

 Ratings (on a 5 point qualitative scale)           Travelguru   Cleartrip    Indiatimes Travel   Yatra   Makemytrip
 Timeliness of product/service delivery             4.3          4.1         4.3                  4.4     4.4
 Appropriateness of delivery as per specification   4.4          4.0         4.4                  4.6     4.7
 Delivery Experience                                0.5          0.8         0.5                  0.9     0.4
 Display/ease of locating refund policy             3.9          4.2         4.0                  4.2     4.3
 Comprehension of refund policy                     3.9          3.6         4.1                  4.5     4.3
 Timeliness of refunds                              4.2          3.6         4.5                  4.7     4.6
 Adequacy of refund amount                          4.0          3.7         4.0                  4.6     3.6
 Refund Experience                                  0.5          0.7         0.4                  0.8     0.4
 UFEX Index                                         3.8          4.7         3.7                  3.9     4.4
 UZEX Index                                         3.1          3.7         2.7                  3.1     3.1
 Shopping Index                                     1.0          1.5         0.9                  1.7     0.8
 WUF Index                                          8.2          10.4        7.0                  7.6     8.9

                         Base: 1,309

                         Note – Individual ratings are based on a 5 point qualitative scale. For each
                         parameter respondents were asked to choose 1 out of the 5 mentioned
                         statements, which ranged from the most positive statement to the most
                         negative statement.
                         Index numbers are derived numbers from the ratings, with each level index
                         having its own calculated scale and not adhering to any standard numeric scale.

Website User Friendliness Study

                 Rating Dispersions by
                 Individual Attributes
                 Chart 1: Download time (overall)

                   JFM '08
                                                                                                         Extremely slow
                                  1%            0%                          1%
                     100%               1%                                         0%       7%
                                  8%                 13%              6%                         1%
                                                1%            8%                           12%
                                                                                                         Fairly slow
                      75%                                     15%
                                                                           23%             32%

                      50%                                                                                Neither fast nor
                                  69%                         67%
                                               60%                         54%
                      25%                                                                  49%
                                                                                                         Reasonably fast

                                                                                                         Adequately fast
                               Travelguru    Cleartrip     Indiatimes      Yatra        Makemytrip

                 Base: 652

                 Chart 2: Distinctive in identity (overall)

                     JFM '08
                                                                                                      Didn't no tice the lo go
                                                2%                          3%
                     100%                                     4%                                      at all
                                  11%                                              4%
                                                                    8%                           7%
                                                              7%                           7%
                                  10%                                      24%
                                                4%                                                    I had to search fo r the
                                                                                                      lo go
                                               23%                                         27%
                      50%                                                                             I spo tted it but o nly
                                                                                                      after a while

                                               55%                                         52%
                      25%         49%                         46%
                                                                           38%                        It was pro minent and I
                                                                                                      spo tted it easily

                                                                                                      It was the first thing
                               Travelguru    Cleartrip     Indiatimes      Yatra        Makemytrip
                                                                                                      that I no ticed o n the
                                                             Travel                                   page

                 Base: 652

Travel Portal

                Chart 3: Presentation of the home page (overall)

                   JFM '08                                                                       Extremely haphazard
                                0%            0%           0%          1%             1%
                   100%                                                                          and badly presented
                                      3%                         2%                         1%
                                                   8%                         9%
                                10%                        16%
                                                                                                 Fairly disorganized and
                                                                                                 ill presented
                    50%                                                               40%        Just average in
                                                                                                 organization and
                    25%                                    45%
                                                                                                 Fairly well organized
                                34%                                                   30%        and presented

                                                                                                 Extremely well
                             Travelguru    Cleartrip    Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip
                                                                                                 organized and neatly
                                                          Travel                                 presented

                Base: 652

                Chart 4: Presentation of the task page (overall)

                   JFM '08
                                                                                                  Extremely untidy
                                1% 1%         1%                                      1%
                   100%                                                8%                   1%
                                                   4%                                 7%          and cluttered
                                                           12%         6%
                                28%          21%
                                                                                                  Fairly untidy
                                             54%                      53%
                    25%                                                                           Fairly well

                     0%                                                                           Very well
                             Travelguru    Cleartrip    Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip

                Base: 652

Website User Friendliness Study

                 Chart 5: Aesthetics of text (overall)

                   JFM '08
                    100%                                             1%
                                                          4%                   5%
                                 5%                                                      It has too little
                                                                                         content and looks
                                                          27%       32%

                                                                                         It has too much
                                             91%                                         text and looks
                                                                               77%       cluttered
                                 69%                      69%       67%

                                                                                         It has just the
                                                                                         right amount of
                                                                                         text and looks
                              Travelguru   Cleartrip   Indiatimes   Yatra   Makemytrip

                 Base: 652

                 Chart 6: Aesthetics of graphics (overall)

                    JFM '08
                    100%                     3%
                                 4%                                  4%        5%
                                                          17%                             Too few
                                 16%                                           16%

                                                                                          Too many
                                             75%                               70%

                                                                                          Highly relevant
                                                                                          and engaging

                              Travelguru   Cleartrip   Indiatimes   Yatra   Makemytrip

                 Base: 668

Travel Portal

                Chart 7: User identification with the site (overall)

                   JFM '08
                                                           1%                         0%          Its just opposite of my
                   100%         8%           10%                 5%                               style and personality
                                                                              6%            16%
                                      2%                   11%
                                11%                                   16%
                    75%                                                               22%         I find it difficult to
                                                                                                  relate to it
                                                           46%        31%
                    50%                      31%
                                                                                                  I can live with it

                                                                      43%             39%
                                             33%                                                  I can relate to it to
                                                                                                  some extent
                                                                                                  It matches my style
                             Travelguru    Cleartrip    Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip
                                                                                                  and personality
                                                          Travel                                  completely

                Base: 652

                Chart 8: Ease of comprehension (overall)

                   JFM '08
                                              0%                                      1%
                                2%                         2%
                   100%                                                6%                          Extremely
                                                 3%              3%                         9%
                                      9%                                      4%
                                                           9%                                      difficult
                                7%                                                    10%
                                                                                                   Quite difficult
                                                                      37%             32%
                                                                                                   Neither easy nor
                    25%                                                               49%
                                37%                                                                Reasonably easy

                             Travelguru    Cleartrip    Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip      Extremely easy

                Base: 652

Website User Friendliness Study

                 Chart 9: Relevance of content (overall)

                    JFM '08
                                 0%            0% 1%                   2%
                    100%                                   5%                         5%
                                       3%                                     0%                  Almost irrelevant
                                                                 4%   14%
                                              27%          13%
                     75%                                                                          Low relevance
                     50%                                                                          Averagely
                     25%                                              48%                         Fairly relevant
                                 37%                       35%

                      0%                                                                          Highly relevant
                              Travelguru    Cleartrip   Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip

                 Base: 652

                 Chart 10: Relative quality of content (overall)

                    JFM '08
                                               0%          0%          1%             1%         Significantly inferior
                    100%                                                                    1%
                                                  1%             2%           3%
                                       3%                                                        than the other
                                 13%                                  15%             22%
                     75%                                                                         Somewhat inferior
                                                                                                 than the other
                                 36%                                  32%                        websites
                                                           29%                        37%
                     50%                                                                         Same as offered by
                                                                                                 the other websites

                     25%                                              49%
                                 48%                       47%
                                                                                      40%        Somewhat better than
                                                                                                 the other websites

                                                                                                 Significantly better
                              Travelguru    Cleartrip   Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip    than the other

                 Base: 652

Travel Portal

                Chart 11: Ease of locating task info (overall)

                   JFM '08
                                2%            1%                       3%
                   100%                                                                7%
                                              3% 0%
                                      3%                                                          difficult
                                                                 4%           8%
                                                           12%         6%
                                21%          23%
                                                                                                  Fairly difficult
                                                           31%                        18%

                    50%                                                                           Neither easy nor
                                                                      59%             55%
                    25%                                    50%
                                                                                                  Fairly easy

                                                                                                  Very easy
                             Travelguru    Cleartrip    Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip

                Base: 658

                Chart 12: Ease of conducting the task info (overall)

                   JFM '08
                                                                                                 Faced lots of difficulty
                                1%            1%                                      1%
                   100%               1%                               9%
                                                   3%                                       9%
                                22%                                    7%             15%
                                                                                                 Faced some difficulty
                                             25%                                                 but was able to
                                                                                      25%        complete the task
                                                                                                 Neither easy nor
                    25%         47%                        45%
                                                                                                 Fairly easy with only
                                                                                                 some minor irritants

                                                                                                 Extremely easy and
                             Travelguru    Cleartrip    Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip

                Base: 658

Website User Friendliness Study

                 Chart 13: Navigation flow between pages (overall)

                    JFM '08                                                                               Relevant page
                                  1% 1%         1%            2%             2%             2%
                    100%                                                                                  did not open at
                                                                      2%                           2%
                                  8%                                               9%
                                               10%                           4%             18%
                                                                                                          Faced lot of
                                               43%            27%
                                                                                                          Neither freely
                                                                                                          nor with
                                                                            68%                           difficulty
                     25%         47%                          48%                                         More or less

                              Travelguru     Cleartrip     Indiatimes      Yatra        Makemytrip        freely

                 Base: 658

                 Chart 14: Navigation cues and helps (overall)

                    JFM '08
                                                                                                        Had very few relevant
                                 25%                                       29%             33%
                                               47%           46%
                     75%                                                                                Had a fair bit of
                                                                                                        relevant instructions
                                       29%                                                        15%
                     50%                                                                                Almost did not have
                                                     11%            14%
                                                                                                        any relevant
                                                                           55%                          instructions
                     25%         44%           38%                                                      Had most of the
                                                                                                        relevant instructions
                                 1%            4%             8%                           7%
                                                              3%                           2%
                                 1%            1%
                                                                                                        Had all the relevant
                              Travelguru     Cleartrip     Indiatimes      Yatra        Makemytrip

                 Base: 658

Travel Portal

                Chart 15: Error recovery (overall)

                   JFM '08                                                                            Couldn't resolve and
                                  1%              2%                        3%
                   100%           2% 1%                                                               failed to complete the
                                                     1%                     1% 2%
                                                  7%                                                  task
                                                                13%        15%
                                                                                                      Resolved with great
                                                  45%                                      17%

                    50%                                                                               Encountered but
                                                                                                      resolved with website
                                                                                                      help instructions
                                  63%                                                      58%
                    25%                                         49%
                                                                                                      Encountered error but
                                                                                                      resolved on my own

                                                                                                      Did not encounter any
                             Travelguru      Cleartrip       Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip    error at all

                Base: 658

                Chart 16: Appropriateness of the response (overall)

                   JFM '08
                                  3%                                                        3%
                                                                0% 0%                                 There was no
                   100%                                                            0%
                                                        1%                  1%
                                                                6%                          1% 1%
                                        3%   2%                                                       response at all
                                  7%                                                       16%
                    75%                                                                               Received only auto-
                                                                46%                                   reply, nothing

                                                                                                      They responded but
                                  84%                                                      79%        did not resolve the
                                                                           64%                        query
                    25%                                         48%
                                                                                                      Query was resolved
                                                                                                      only partially
                                                                                                      Query was resolved
                             Travelguru      Cleartrip       Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip

                Base: 247

Website User Friendliness Study

                 Chart 17: Timeliness of response (overall)

                    JFM '08                                                                        Did not receive
                                                           1%            0%
                    100%         5%                                             3%      7%         any response at
                                               2% 3%
                                 4% 0%                                   5%                   1%
                                                                                        1%         all
                                              20%                                       17%
                                                                                                   Fairly late

                     50%                                                                           Neither
                                                                                                   promptly nor
                                 60%                       56%
                                                                                                   More or less in

                                                                                                   Very promptly
                              Travelguru    Cleartrip   Indiatimes      Yatra        Makemytrip

                 Base: 247

                 Chart 18: Satisfaction with response (overall)

                    JFM '08
                                              1%           0%           0% 0%
                    100%                                                                5%
                                              5% 1%              1%
                                       5%                                                     0%   dissatisfied
                                                           22%                          17%
                                 22%                                                               Moderately
                     50%                                                                           Neither satisfied
                                                                                                   not dissatisfied
                                 68%                                    64%             61%
                     25%                                   47%
                                                                                                   Highly satisfied
                              Travelguru    Cleartrip   Indiatimes      Yatra        Makemytrip

                 Base: 247

Travel Portal

                Chart 19: Timeliness of task completion (overall)

                   JFM '08
                                               1%                       1%
                                1%                                                      2%
                   100%                                     7%                 5%                 Took significantly
                                                    9%                                            longer than expected
                                      19%                         9%   19%
                                              13%                                      23%
                                                                                                  Took somewhat more
                                                                                                  time than expected
                                              37%           30%
                                                                                                  Completed in as much
                                                                                                  time as expected
                    25%                                                                50%
                                43%                         42%
                                                                                                  Completed marginally
                                                                                                  faster than expected
                                                                                                  Completed a lot faster
                             Travelguru     Cleartrip    Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip
                                                                                                  than expected

                Base: 658

                Chart 20: Quality of usage experience (overall)

                   JFM '08
                                1% 0%                                                  2%
                   100%                                     4%                                    Downright painful
                                              14%                                            7%
                                30%                         23%
                    75%                                                                           Fairly
                                                                                                  troublesome and
                                25%                                                    46%
                                              36%           39%                                   Just about

                                                                       54%                        Fairly pleasant
                    25%         44%
                                              36%                                                 and satisfactory
                                                            33%                        33%

                                                                                                  pleasant and
                             Travelguru     Cleartrip    Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip

                Base: 658

Website User Friendliness Study

                 Chart 21: Perceived sense of security in usage (overall)

                    JFM '08
                                  1% 0%       0%                       1%              3%
                    100%                                                      1%
                                                   3%                                       1%
                                                                 2%                              insecure
                                 15%                                                  13%
                                             16%           14%
                                                                                                 Fairly insecure
                                                                                                 Not sure if I can
                                                                                                 trust the website

                                                                       53%                       Fairly secure
                     25%                                                              49%

                      0%                                                                         Absolutely secure

                              Travelguru   Cleartrip    Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip

                 Base: 1,309

                 Chart 22: Brand preference creation (overall)

                    JFM '08
                                              0%                       2%
                                 3%                        3%                         4%         Very unlikely to
                                    2%                                        3%
                                                                 1%                         2%
                                                   9%                  5%
                                 6%                                                              visit it
                     75%                                                                         Fairly unlikely to
                                 31%         22%                                      26%
                                                           26%                                   visit it

                     50%                                                                         Not sure, may or
                                                                                                 may not visit it
                                 59%                                                  57%
                     25%                                                                         Somewhat likely
                                                                                                 to visit it

                                                                                                 Very likely to
                              Travelguru   Cleartrip    Indiatimes    Yatra        Makemytrip    visit it

                 Base: 1,309

Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report
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Website User Friendliness Q1 Travel Report

  • 2. Travel Portal Website User Friendliness Study Travel Portal Report Jan-Mar ‘08
  • 3. Website User Friendliness Study © copyright JuxtConsult
  • 5. Website User Friendliness Study Table of content Introduction ........................................................................ 1 Methodology ........................................................................ 2 Category Websites Tested ...................................................... 10 Findings: Website User Friendliness Aggregate Scores- Overall...................... 12 Website User Friendliness Sub Parameter Scores - Overall ............... 13 Website User Friendliness Perceptual Map – Overall ....................... 16 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Overall .................. 16 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Overall .................. 17 Rating Dispersions by Individual Attributes .................................. 19 Relative Importance of the Individual Criteria.............................. 30 Website User Friendliness Aggregate Scores - Website Users Only ...... 31 Website User Friendliness Sub Parameter Scores - Website Users Only 32 Website User Friendliness Perceptual Map – Website Users Only ........ 34 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Website Users Only ... 34 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Website Users Only ... 35 Rating Dispersions by Individual Attributes .................................. 37 Relative Importance of the Individual Criteria.............................. 54 Website User Friendliness Aggregate Scores - Website Non Users Only 55 Website User Friendliness Sub Parameter Scores - Website Non Users Only ................................................................................. 56 Website User Friendliness Perceptual Map – Website Non Users Only .. 58 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Website Non Users Only ....................................................................................... 58 Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Website Non Users Only ....................................................................................... 59 Rating Dispersions by Individual Attributes .................................. 60 Relative Importance of the Individual Criteria.............................. 71 Demographic Profile ............................................................. 73 Socio Economic Profile .......................................................... 77 Economic Profile.................................................................. 79 Net Usage Dynamics.............................................................. 81 WUF Index Ranking of Websites by User Segments......................... 82 Sample Sizes....................................................................... 89
  • 7. Website User Friendliness Study Introduction Internet users rarely bother to complain about the poor quality or experience of a website. They just ‘switch’ to an alternative website. Yet most websites do little to track their user’s experience and perceptions about their websites on various critical parameters - be it the appeal of their user interface, ease of navigation and task completion, or the satisfaction derived from the actual usage experience. To precisely fill this gap JuxtConsult has introduced its ‘Website User Friendliness’ syndicated study. The study helps the online players measure, quantify and benchmark the ‘user friendliness’ and ‘usage satisfaction’ of their website vis-à-vis the key competing websites. The study is unique in its methodology as it takes the concept of ‘usability testing’ of a website online – it makes the users use a website and give the feedback on its usage experience in ‘live’ online environment. The user feedback is real time and based on actual usage of the website. In order to define and measure what really makes a website ‘user- friendly’, we looked at a simple and interesting parallel of what makes a person seem ‘friendly’. In human interaction, we identify someone as ‘friendly’ only when that person firstly ‘looks’ friendly to us and then ‘behaves’ friendly towards us. When it comes to our interaction with websites, our expectations and behaviors are no different. We identify or treat a website as ‘friendly’ only when it both looks pleasant and acceptable to us and is easy and convenient to use. That is, A User friendly website Looks friendly + Behaves friendly To ‘look’ friendly, a website must be identifiable, appealing, relevant, and pleasant in its appearance. On the other hand, to ‘behave’ friendly a website must enable the task a user has come to perform on the website in a convenient, smooth, orderly and satisfactory manner. Accordingly, this study interprets, evaluates, measures and reports the ‘user-friendliness’ of a website taking into account both in its look factors as well as its usability factors. 1
  • 8. Travel Portal Methodology The JuxtConsult ‘Website User Friendliness’ Model Any comprehensive measure of ‘user-friendliness’ of a website must cover all key aspects that determine its ‘user-interface’ (looking friendly) as well as its ‘usage experience’ (behaving friendly). At a broad level, we at JuxtConsult defined these key aspects as follows: User Interface (look friendly) Usage Experience (behave friendly) Visually appealing Easy to access Distinctly identifiable Easy to locate relevant information Organized interface Easy to comprehend information Relevant content Easy to navigate and conduct a task Better quality of content Offer relevant and adequate solutions Facilitate satisfactory completion of task Consistent in performance Highly interactive and responsive In order to identify the precise and measurable attributes under each of these aspects, we carefully mapped the typical flow of the ‘interaction’ a user usually has with a website. In doing so we identified 6 typical stages of interaction a user has with a website (and therefore, 6 critical aspects that need to be measured to arrive at any comprehensive evaluation of ‘user-friendliness’ of a website): The user accesses the website (Accessibility) Finds the website appealing (Likeability) Finds the content relevant (Relatability) Is able to smoothly navigate on the website (Navigability) Finds the website responsive when needs assistance/help (Interactivity) Is able to complete the task/purpose for which he/she visited the website in the first place (Task accomplishment) Digging a little deeper in these 6 critical areas we identified 19 individual ‘generic’ parameters that required to be measured to make the model a fairly comprehensive one. The parameters related to ‘e- commerce’ or ‘transactions’ were not included in the ‘generic model’ 2
  • 9. Website User Friendliness Study per se (to retain its universality), but have been considered separately as the ‘seventh’ critical aspect of measuring user friendliness of the ‘e- commerce’ websites. The following graphics outline the precise ‘website user friendliness’ measuring and rating schema based on the 19 ‘generic’ parameters used in the JuxtConsult model and in bringing out these reports: © The Model The Website – User The User Friendliness Criteria The Measures Interaction Points Browser compatibility Accessibility Download time Is the website easy to access? Technical Distinctiveness (branding) Layout and interface Aesthetics (color, text, graphics) Likeability Does it look appealing? Identification with the website Design Ease of comprehension Relevance/Adequacy of content Relatability Is the content relevant and distinct? Content distinctiveness (quality) Content Ease of locating task info Ease of conducting the tasks Navigability Is it easy to use? Inter-page consistency in design Task Flow and flow Navigational cues and helps Error rate / error recovery Interactivity Is it able to assist the user when needed? Contacability (and responsiveness) Assistance Sense of security in using the site Level of task completion (success) Task Accomplishment Timeliness of task completion Is the user able to accomplish the task? Solution Adequacy of task compl. (satisfaction) 3
  • 10. Travel Portal © User Friendliness Measuring Schema 3. Distinctive in identity (branding) 4. Presentation of content (layout) 10. Ease of locating task info 5. Aesthetics (color, text, graphics) 11. Ease of conducting the task 6. User identification with the site 12. Navigation flow between pages 16. Timeliness of task completion 7. Ease of comprehension 13. Navigational cues and helps 17. Quality of usage experience 1. Browser Compatibility 8. Relevance of content 14. Error recovery 18. Perceived sense of security in usage 2. Download Time 9. Relative quality of content 15. Customer responsiveness 19. Brand preference creation Site is likeable and relevant Site is easily accessible Site is easy to use with hassle-free navigation Site delivers task accomplishment Design Appeal Ease of Access Ease of Usage Usage Satisfaction Appeal Index Accessibility Index Navigability Index Satisfaction Index User Friendly Experience User Friendly Interface User Friendly Interface Index (UFEX) User Friendly Experience Index (UZEX) Website User Friendliness Category Level Website User Friendliness Index (WUF) 4
  • 11. Website User Friendliness Study As shown in the schema, the 19 individual ‘generic’ parameters that determine the overall user friendliness of a website have been clustered together into 4 ‘sub index’ measuring the ‘accessibility’, ‘appeal’, ‘navigability’ and ‘usage satisfaction’ index of a website. Hereafter these are combined to arrive at two higher level ‘user interface’ and ‘user experience’ Index and eventually into the overall ‘website user friendliness’ (WUF) index of a website. The model thereby allows various websites in a category/vertical to be evaluated, compared, benchmarked and ranked on various aspects of their ‘user-friendliness’ in an objective manner (based on the index score derived from actual ‘ratings’ of these websites by their existing and potential users). Additional ‘Shopping Index’ for E-Commerce Category Websites For websites which come under the e-commerce categories, offering online transactions, an additional ‘seventh’ group of user friendliness parameters have been added to the model. This set of critical measure has been classified as ‘Shopping Friendliness Index’ of the e-commerce websites. The shopping friendliness of an e-commerce website has been measured as a cumulative effect of the usage experience it delivers while a user ‘transacts’ on the website, takes ‘delivery’ of the product/service bought online and the satisfaction with the ‘refund’ in case a cancellation is made and refund sought. The following graphics outline the additional ‘shopping user friendliness’ index measuring and rating schema used in the JuxtConsult model for the e-commerce category websites: 5
  • 12. Travel Portal © Shopping Friendliness Measuring Schema 1. Successful transaction completion 2. Ease of transacting 9. Display/ease of locating refund policy 3. Comprehension of charges and prices 10. Comprehension of refund policy 4. Adequacy of payment options 7. Timeliness of product/service delivery 11. Timeliness of refunds 5. Sense of security while transacting 8. Appropriateness of delivery as per 12. Adequacy of refund amount 6. Promptness of transaction confirmation specification Transacting on the site is easy, Delivery of product/service is Refund process is well understood smooth and secure efficient and adequate and smooth Delivery Experience Transaction Experience Refund Experience Delivery Friendliness Index Transaction Friendliness Index Refund Friendliness Index Shopping Friendliness Index Category Level Shopping User Friendliness Index (SUF) As shown in the schema, the 12 individual parameters that determine the overall ‘shopping friendliness’ of an e-commerce website have been clustered together into 3 ‘sub index’ measuring the ‘transaction’, ‘delivery’ and ‘refund’ usage experience of a website. Hereafter, these three sub indices are combined to arrive at the overall ‘shopping user friendliness’ (SUF) index of an e-commerce website. In case of e-commerce websites, the overall ‘website user friendliness’ (WUF) index is calculated and reported after incorporating the ‘shopping user friendliness’ (SUF) index parameters as well. That is, the WUF index of the e-commerce websites is calculated based on 31 parameters and not just on 19 ‘generic’ parameters. 6
  • 13. Website User Friendliness Study The Online Survey To test and get the e-commerce websites rated on these 19 generic parameters and the 12 additional e-commerce related parameters by their existing and potential users, an online survey methodology based on ‘live’ usage and rating of websites was used. The online survey was conducted using JuxtConsult’s own online user panel ( as well as using a ‘survey ad campaign’ on Google Ad Sense (contextual search ads). The online survey was conducted using an e-questionnaire segmented into three sections. The first section had a ‘screener questionnaire’ that was used to identify the ‘users’ of an online category, and of the various websites being tested within that category. Then the identified ‘users’ and ‘non-users’ (taken as potential users) of the various websites were taken to the respective websites for ‘live’ usage. This was done by providing the ‘URL links’ of these websites within the questionnaires. Half the respondents (of both existing and potential users of the website) were asked to surf the ‘homepage’ and the other half to ‘complete a simple assigned task’ on the website1. This split was done to keep the length of the ‘live’ usage sessions within reasonable time limit, so that including the feedback-giving time (questionnaire filling), the whole session does not become too long for the respondent. In this way we tried to minimize the impact of any possible ‘response fatigue’ in the survey to the extent it is possible to do so in such surveys. To ensure a statistically healthy representation and calculation of the ratings (and indices) for each website in the study, a minimum sample quota of 120 ‘reported response’ per website was fixed. This is the sample size on which the user friendliness index calculations are based. However, because of a break up of ‘live’ usage between the ‘only homepage surfing’ and ‘only an assigned task completion’, each respondent gave only ‘part’ rating of the website. This meant that in practice we would have to take 2 respondents (one of homepage and one of task) to compete one rating of a website as per the JuxtConsult Model. Accordingly, in sample collection, the quota per website was doubled to 240 respondents per website. The eventual break up of the samples as ‘set’ per website and between its existing users and non- users (potential users) was as follows: 1 The tasks that the respondents of the Travel category were asked to perform were – 1) search for an air ticket from Delhi to Jaipur, 2) search for a 3-star hotel in Jaipur, and 3) search for a tour package from Delhi to Rajasthan. 7
  • 14. Travel Portal Table 1: Sample size by websites Sample Base Users Non-users Total Makemytrip Home page 60 60 120 Task 60 60 120 Yatra Home page 60 60 120 Task 60 60 120 Cleartrip Home page 60 60 120 Task 60 60 120 Travelguru Home page 60 60 120 Task 60 60 120 Indiatimes Home page 60 60 120 Travel Task 60 60 120 Total Category 600 600 1,200 Further to ensure that we report only those responses that are based on actual, and to an extent, sincere ‘live’ usage of the website, firstly the time taken to check/use the website was measured (from the time of clicking the URL link on the questionnaire to the time of answering the first feedback question). Thereafter, we decided to exclude from reporting those respondents who took less than 3 minutes to ‘surf the homepage’ and less than 5 minutes to ‘complete the assigned task’ on the website. For the 19 individual ‘generic’ parameters, except for browser compatibility, the ratings for the rest 18 parameters were taken directly from the respondents. For rating on browser compatibility, websites were tested internally at JuxtConsult by its own technical team on various popular internet browsers and then rated accordingly. The browsers on which the website opening was tested were – Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape and Opera. For the rest 18 ‘generic’ parameters where users’ gave the ratings directly, all ratings were taken on a ‘5 point qualitative scale’. For each parameter, respondents were asked to choose one of the five statements given as ‘options’. The five statements ranged from the most positive statement about that attribute on that website to the most negative statement about that attribute on that website. Of these 18 parameters, only one parameter’s response was taken from the respondents ‘past usage’ of the website (therefore asked only to the ‘users’). This parameter was customer responsiveness (measured as timeliness and appropriates of response to any query they may have made on the website in the past). On all the other 17 parameters the respondents were asked to give their ratings basis the ‘live’ usage experience and in real time. On the other hand, for all the 12 individual parameters on the ‘shopping friendliness’ index the feedback was taken from the respondents based on their ‘past usage’ of the website (therefore asked only to the ‘users’). This was done largely because it was completely impractical to ask the respondents to transact online ‘live’, nor was it possible to capture the ‘delivery’ and ‘refund’ feedback from them on 8
  • 15. Website User Friendliness Study the ‘live’ basis. For these 12 ‘shopping related’ parameters again users’ gave the ratings directly, and all ratings were taken on a ‘5 point qualitative scale’. Eventually, all Index numbers (whether WUF or SUF) were calculated and derived from the individual parameter level rating, with each level index having its own calculated scale (depending on the number of individual parameters included under that index). The sample bases of various websites were equalized while calculating their website user friendliness and shopping friendliness index to ensure that there are no sample size biases in the reported findings. In the online questionnaires, a response format of ‘clicking’ a single or multiple options among the various given options was used for most questions. Wherever relevant, it was also possible for a respondent to answer ‘none’, ‘not applicable’ or ‘any other’. To enlist complete and sincere responses, an incentive of a significant cash prize was also announced to be given to one randomly selected respondent at the end of the survey. The questionnaire were pre-tested and timed to take approximately 15- 20 minutes for a respondent to complete depending on the speed of comprehension and answering of the questions. The questionnaire was structured and designed to reduce the level of ‘respondent fatigue’ to an extent that was practically possible. Over 1,430 unduplicated and clean responses were collected from the online survey for the 5 websites being tested under the Travel Portal category (in about 3 weeks of time for which the survey was ‘live’ online). After further cleaning of the data for the actual time spent on surfing the homepage/completing the task on the websites 1,309 responses were finally found to be valid and used in creating this report. The valid and usable data was then made representative of the entire online urban Indian population by using appropriate 'demographic multipliers’ using highly authentic Govt. of India population statistics. The weights used were derived from the JuxtConsult’s India Online 2007 study and are based on 3 highly relevant demographic parameters – SEC, town class and region. The end result is that the findings of this report possibly represent the ‘voice’ of over 24 million online urban Indians. Further, the findings represent and effectively cover internet users from all SEC groups, all age groups above 12 years, all income groups and all types of town classes (right down to 20,000 population size level towns)2 . 2 For more details on the demographic and socio-economic profile of the respondents see the ‘Respondent Profile’ section of this report. 9
  • 16. Travel Portal Category Websites Tested Travelguru ( Cleartrip ( Indiatimes Travel ( Yatra ( Makemytrip ( 10
  • 17. Website User Friendliness Study Findings 11
  • 18. Travel Portal Website User Friendliness Aggregate Scores- Overall Table 2: Website user friendliness index (WUF) - overall Brands WUF Index Relative Index Cleartrip 10.4 100% Makemytrip 8.9 85% Yatra 8.2 79% Travelguru 7.6 74% Indiatimes Travel 7.0 67% Base: 1,309 Table 3: User friendly interface index (UFEX) - overall Brands UFEX Index Relative Index Cleartrip 4.7 100% Makemytrip 4.4 94% Yatra 3.9 85% Travelguru 3.8 82% Indiatimes Travel 3.7 79% Base: 1,309 Table 4: User Friendly usage experience index (UZEX) - overall Brands UZEX Index Relative Index Cleartrip 3.7 100% Makemytrip 3.1 85% Travelguru 3.1 85% Yatra 3.1 84% Indiatimes Travel 2.7 72% Base: 1,309 Table 5: Shopping friendliness index - overall Brands SUF Index Relative Index Yatra 2.7 100% Cleartrip 2.8 79% Indiatimes Travel 1.8 67% Makemytrip 1.7 61% Travelguru 1.6 58% Base: 701 12
  • 19. Website User Friendliness Study Website User Friendliness Sub Parameter Scores - Overall Table 6: Accessibility index (overall) Brands Accessibility Index Relative Index Cleartrip 2.9 100% Makemytrip 2.4 93% Yatra 2.2 85% Travelguru 2.2 84% Indiatimes Travel 2.1 80% Base: 1,309 Table 7: Appeal index (overall) Brands Appeal Index Relative Index Cleartrip 2.1 100% Makemytrip 2.0 95% Yatra 1.8 84% Travelguru 1.7 80% Indiatimes Travel 1.6 78% Base: 1,309 13
  • 20. Travel Portal Table 8: Shopping friendliness index (overall) Brands SUF Index Relative Index Yatra 1.7 100% Cleartrip 1.5 86% Travelguru 1.0 57% Indiatimes Travel 0.9 50% Makemytrip 0.8 48% Base: 379 Table 9: Navigability index (overall) Brands Navigability Index Relative Index Cleartrip 1.4 100% Travelguru 1.3 89% Yatra 1.1 75% Makemytrip 1.0 73% Indiatimes Travel 0.9 62% Base: 1,309 Table 10: Usage satisfaction index (overall) Brands Satisfaction Index Relative Index Cleartrip 2.3 100% Makemytrip 2.1 93% Yatra 2.0 89% Travelguru 1.9 82% Indiatimes Travel 1.8 78% Base: 1,309 14
  • 21. Website User Friendliness Study Table 11: Transaction friendliness index (overall) Brands Satisfaction Index Relative Index Yatra 0.9 100% Cleartrip 0.7 86% Travelguru 0.5 57% Indiatimes Travel 0.4 50% Makemytrip 0.4 49% Base: 379 Table 12: Delivery experience index (overall) Brands Satisfaction Index Relative Index Yatra 0.9 100% Cleartrip 0.8 90% Travelguru 0.5 59% Indiatimes Travel 0.5 52% Makemytrip 0.4 50% Base: 379 Table 13: Refund friendliness index (overall) Brands Satisfaction Index Relative Index Yatra 0.8 100% Cleartrip 0.7 87% Travelguru 0.5 57% Indiatimes Travel 0.4 51% Makemytrip 0.4 47% Base: 379 15
  • 22. Travel Portal Website User Friendliness Perceptual Map – Overall .5 Ease of Usage .4 .3 Travelguru .2 .1 Cleartrip Delivery Experience -.0 Refund Experience Transaction Experience -.1 Ease of Access Usage Satisfaction Design Appeal Attribute -.2 Yatra Indiatimes Travel -.3 Makemytrip -.6 -.4 -.2 -.0 .2 .4 .6 .8 Brand 16
  • 23. Website User Friendliness Study Average Ratings on the Individual Parameters - Overall Table 14: Summary table - overall Ratings (on a 5 point qualitative scale) Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Travel Yatra Makemytrip Browser Compatibility 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Download Time 4.6 4.3 4.4 4.3 4.2 Accessibility Index 2.2 2.6 2.1 2.2 2.4 Distinctive in identity (branding) 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.3 Presentation layout of the home page 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.3 Presentation layout of the task page 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.5 Aesthetics of text on the homepage 2.6 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 Aesthetics of graphics on the homepage 3.4 3.6 3.1 3.2 3.5 User identification with the site 3.9 3.8 4.1 4.0 3.9 Ease of comprehension 4.1 4.5 4.3 4.1 4.2 Relevance of content 4.2 4.1 4.0 4.3 4.2 Relative quality of content 4.3 4.5 4.2 4.3 4.2 Appeal Index 1.7 2.1 1.6 1.7 2.0 Ease of locating task info 4.2 4.7 4.2 4.3 4.1 Ease of conducting the task 4.2 4.4 4.0 4.2 4.1 Navigation flow between pages 4.4 4.2 4.2 4.4 4.2 Navigational cues and helps 2.7 2.4 2.4 2.9 2.8 Error recovery 4.6 4.3 4.2 4.7 4.1 Appropriateness of response to queries 4.7 4.8 4.4 4.6 4.7 Timeliness of response to queries 4.4 4.6 4.3 4.5 4.5 Satisfaction with query resolution 4.5 4.7 4.2 4.5 4.3 Navigability Index 1.3 1.4 0.9 1.1 1.0 Timeliness of task completion 3.8 4.1 3.9 4.3 4.1 Quality of the usage experience 4.1 3.7 4.0 4.3 4.0 Perceived sense of security during usage 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.4 4.3 Creation of brand preference 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.6 4.3 Satisfaction Index 1.9 2.3 1.8 2.0 2.1 Successful transaction completion 3.6 3.9 3.9 4.4 4.6 Ease of transacting 4.2 3.8 4.3 4.3 4.5 Comprehension of charges and prices 4.1 3.7 4.2 4.6 4.6 Adequacy of payment options 4.2 3.8 4.4 4.7 4.4 Sense of security while transacting 4.2 3.8 4.1 4.6 4.5 Promptness of transaction confirmation 4.4 4.2 4.3 4.7 4.5 Transaction Experience 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.9 0.4 17
  • 24. Travel Portal Ratings (on a 5 point qualitative scale) Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Travel Yatra Makemytrip Timeliness of product/service delivery 4.3 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.4 Appropriateness of delivery as per specification 4.4 4.0 4.4 4.6 4.7 Delivery Experience 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.9 0.4 Display/ease of locating refund policy 3.9 4.2 4.0 4.2 4.3 Comprehension of refund policy 3.9 3.6 4.1 4.5 4.3 Timeliness of refunds 4.2 3.6 4.5 4.7 4.6 Adequacy of refund amount 4.0 3.7 4.0 4.6 3.6 Refund Experience 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.4 UFEX Index 3.8 4.7 3.7 3.9 4.4 UZEX Index 3.1 3.7 2.7 3.1 3.1 Shopping Index 1.0 1.5 0.9 1.7 0.8 WUF Index 8.2 10.4 7.0 7.6 8.9 Base: 1,309 Note – Individual ratings are based on a 5 point qualitative scale. For each parameter respondents were asked to choose 1 out of the 5 mentioned statements, which ranged from the most positive statement to the most negative statement. Index numbers are derived numbers from the ratings, with each level index having its own calculated scale and not adhering to any standard numeric scale. 18
  • 25. Website User Friendliness Study Rating Dispersions by Individual Attributes Chart 1: Download time (overall) JFM '08 Extremely slow 1% 0% 1% 4% 100% 1% 0% 7% 8% 13% 6% 1% 23% 1% 8% 12% 22% Fairly slow 75% 15% 26% 23% 32% 50% Neither fast nor slow 69% 67% 60% 54% 25% 49% Reasonably fast 0% Adequately fast Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip Travel Base: 652 Chart 2: Distinctive in identity (overall) JFM '08 Didn't no tice the lo go 2% 3% 100% 4% at all 7% 11% 4% 8% 7% 17% 2% 7% 7% 10% 24% 4% I had to search fo r the 75% lo go 23% 27% 36% 28% 32% 50% I spo tted it but o nly after a while 55% 52% 25% 49% 46% 38% It was pro minent and I spo tted it easily 0% It was the first thing Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip that I no ticed o n the Travel page Base: 652 19
  • 26. Travel Portal Chart 3: Presentation of the home page (overall) JFM '08 Extremely haphazard 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% 100% and badly presented 3% 2% 1% 8% 9% 10% 16% 10% 29% 17% Fairly disorganized and 75% ill presented 27% 37% 53% 38% 50% 40% Just average in organization and presentation 54% 25% 45% Fairly well organized 36% 34% 30% and presented 0% Extremely well Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip organized and neatly Travel presented Base: 652 Chart 4: Presentation of the task page (overall) JFM '08 Extremely untidy 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 100% 8% 1% 1% 4% 7% and cluttered 0% 12% 6% 28% 21% Fairly untidy 28% 75% 33% 40% 20% 34% Averagely 50% presented 63% 54% 53% 25% Fairly well 45% 38% presented 0% Very well presented Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip Travel Base: 652 20
  • 27. Website User Friendliness Study Chart 5: Aesthetics of text (overall) JFM '08 2% 100% 1% 4% 5% 5% It has too little 7% content and looks 18% 27% 32% 26% empty 75% It has too much 50% 91% text and looks 77% cluttered 69% 69% 67% 25% It has just the right amount of 0% text and looks Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip fine Travel Base: 652 Chart 6: Aesthetics of graphics (overall) JFM '08 100% 3% 4% 4% 5% 17% Too few 14% 16% 16% 24% 75% 16% Too many 50% 75% 70% 69% 57% 54% 25% Highly relevant and engaging 0% Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip Travel Base: 668 21
  • 28. Travel Portal Chart 7: User identification with the site (overall) JFM '08 1% 0% Its just opposite of my 4% 100% 8% 10% 5% style and personality 6% 16% 2% 11% 4% 11% 16% 22% 75% 22% I find it difficult to relate to it 46% 31% 48% 24% 50% 31% I can live with it 25% 43% 39% 38% 33% I can relate to it to 32% some extent 0% It matches my style Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip and personality Travel completely Base: 652 Chart 8: Ease of comprehension (overall) JFM '08 0% 1% 2% 2% 100% 6% Extremely 3% 3% 9% 5% 9% 4% 9% difficult 6% 7% 10% 27% 75% Quite difficult 36% 37% 32% 46% 50% Neither easy nor difficult 65% 50% 25% 49% 47% 37% Reasonably easy 0% Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip Extremely easy Travel Base: 652 22
  • 29. Website User Friendliness Study Chart 9: Relevance of content (overall) JFM '08 0% 0% 1% 2% 100% 5% 5% 3% 0% Almost irrelevant 3% 4% 14% 12% 10% 27% 13% 75% Low relevance 30% 36% 47% 44% 33% 50% Averagely relevant 52% 25% 48% Fairly relevant 39% 37% 35% 0% Highly relevant Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip Travel Base: 652 Chart 10: Relative quality of content (overall) JFM '08 0% 0% 1% 1% Significantly inferior 1% 100% 1% 1% 2% 3% 3% than the other 8% websites 13% 15% 22% 22% 75% Somewhat inferior 35% than the other 36% 32% websites 29% 37% 50% Same as offered by the other websites 56% 25% 49% 48% 47% 40% Somewhat better than the other websites 0% Significantly better Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip than the other websites Travel Base: 652 23
  • 30. Travel Portal Chart 11: Ease of locating task info (overall) JFM '08 Extremely 2% 1% 3% 4% 100% 7% 3% 0% 3% difficult 4% 8% 5% 12% 6% 21% 23% 15% Fairly difficult 75% 25% 31% 18% 23% 50% Neither easy nor difficult 73% 59% 55% 52% 25% 50% Fairly easy 0% Very easy Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip Travel Base: 658 Chart 12: Ease of conducting the task info (overall) JFM '08 Faced lots of difficulty 1% 1% 1% 3% 100% 1% 9% 3% 9% 5% 3% 12% 22% 7% 15% 20% Faced some difficulty 75% 20% 25% but was able to 25% complete the task 28% 26% 50% Neither easy nor difficult 62% 58% 50% 25% 47% 45% Fairly easy with only some minor irritants 0% Extremely easy and Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip hassle-free Travel Base: 658 24
  • 31. Website User Friendliness Study Chart 13: Navigation flow between pages (overall) JFM '08 Relevant page 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 100% did not open at 2% 2% 6% 8% 9% all 10% 4% 18% 22% Faced lot of 18% 75% problems 44% 28% 43% 27% Neither freely 50% nor with 68% difficulty 50% 25% 47% 48% More or less 40% freely 0% Completely Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip freely Travel Base: 658 Chart 14: Navigation cues and helps (overall) JFM '08 Had very few relevant 100% instructions 25% 29% 33% 47% 46% 75% Had a fair bit of relevant instructions 7% 29% 15% 50% Almost did not have 11% 14% any relevant 55% instructions 44% 29% 25% 44% 38% Had most of the relevant instructions 1% 1% 4% 8% 7% 9% 3% 2% 1% 1% 0% Had all the relevant instructions Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip Travel Base: 658 25
  • 32. Travel Portal Chart 15: Error recovery (overall) JFM '08 Couldn't resolve and 1% 2% 3% 4% 100% 2% 1% failed to complete the 8% 1% 1% 2% 1% 7% task 5% 13% 15% 12% 33% Resolved with great 75% difficulty 45% 17% 33% 50% Encountered but resolved with website 79% help instructions 63% 58% 25% 49% 47% Encountered error but resolved on my own 0% Did not encounter any Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip error at all Travel Base: 658 Chart 16: Appropriateness of the response (overall) JFM '08 0% 2% 3% 3% 0% 0% There was no 100% 0% 1% 1% 6% 1% 1% 3% 2% response at all 3% 7% 7% 16% 35% 75% Received only auto- 46% reply, nothing thereafter 50% They responded but 88% 84% 79% did not resolve the 64% query 25% 48% Query was resolved only partially 0% Query was resolved Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip completely Travel Base: 247 26
  • 33. Website User Friendliness Study Chart 17: Timeliness of response (overall) JFM '08 Did not receive 1% 0% 2% 100% 5% 3% 7% any response at 5% 2% 3% 4% 0% 5% 1% 1% all 14% 20% 17% Fairly late 30% 32% 75% 25% 50% Neither promptly nor 74% 73% late 62% 60% 56% 25% More or less in time 0% Very promptly Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip Travel Base: 247 Chart 18: Satisfaction with response (overall) JFM '08 Highly 1% 0% 0% 0% 2% 100% 5% 5% 1% 1% 5% 0% dissatisfied 13% 3% 22% 17% 19% 22% Moderately 24% 75% 17% dissatisfied 30% 50% Neither satisfied not dissatisfied 74% 68% 64% 61% 25% 47% Moderately satisfied 0% Highly satisfied Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip Travel Base: 247 27
  • 34. Travel Portal Chart 19: Timeliness of task completion (overall) JFM '08 1% 1% 1% 2% 100% 7% 5% Took significantly 6% 9% longer than expected 19% 9% 19% 13% 23% 12% 75% Took somewhat more 13% 22% time than expected 20% 37% 30% 15% 50% Completed in as much time as expected 62% 25% 50% 43% 42% 40% Completed marginally faster than expected 0% Completed a lot faster Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip than expected Travel Base: 658 Chart 20: Quality of usage experience (overall) JFM '08 1% 0% 2% 3% 100% 4% Downright painful 1% 14% 7% 1% 11% 12% 30% 23% 5% 8% 75% Fairly 32% troublesome and irritating 25% 46% 36% 39% Just about 50% agreeable 54% Fairly pleasant 25% 44% 36% and satisfactory 33% 33% Extremely 0% pleasant and Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip delightful Travel Base: 658 28
  • 35. Website User Friendliness Study Chart 21: Perceived sense of security in usage (overall) JFM '08 Completely 1% 0% 0% 1% 3% 3% 100% 1% 3% 1% 2% insecure 12% 15% 13% 16% 14% Fairly insecure 75% 33% 34% 34% 41% 45% Not sure if I can 50% trust the website 53% Fairly secure 25% 49% 47% 42% 36% 0% Absolutely secure Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip Travel Base: 1,309 Chart 22: Brand preference creation (overall) JFM '08 0% 2% 3% 3% 4% Very unlikely to 100% 2% 3% 1% 2% 9% 5% 6% visit it 12% 15% 8% 19% 75% Fairly unlikely to 31% 22% 26% 26% visit it 50% Not sure, may or may not visit it 72% 61% 59% 57% 55% 25% Somewhat likely to visit it 0% Very likely to Travelguru Cleartrip Indiatimes Yatra Makemytrip visit it Travel Base: 1,309 29