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 [Teacher Page]

                       A WebQuest for 9th Grade Biology
                                 Designed by

                                   JC Page

    Credits       Based on a template from The WebQuest Page
Student Page
 [Teacher Page]

     Title        Simply put, you will be separated into groups of 4 to 5 and build a
 Introduction     community. This community will take place in the Medieval Era.
                  The clincher of this particular assignment, is that this will be the only
                  information that you will be provided. You as the class will be the
                  designers and executors of your own assignments.

                  Please be aware, that I will be testing your designs, questioning your
                  information, and walking around. This assignment will be ongoing
                  through several weeks, as I will be forcing you to adapt, rethink, and
                  revise your projects. As the semester goes on, you will learn the
                  purpose of your project and draw comparisons and conclusions based
                  off of your projects.

Student Page
 [Teacher Page]

     Task         In order to understand what it is that makes a medieval
                  community thrive, you must do some research. What do
                  these communities need? How do they endure? How do they
                  adapt? You will need to answer these questions, and come
                  up with several of your own to begin your community.

                  Once complete, every member of your group should be
                  assigned a role. It will be up to you as to what these roles
                  are. (Hint: What roles are played in today’s society to help
                  the community thrive and survive?) I will be around to give
                  you hints, but you are ultimately responsible for your
                  assignments of role.

                  I regret to inform you however, that you will be leading
                  your own project which will be ongoing. I will be stopping to
                  grade your progress based off of thoroughness of research,
                  your ability to adapt, and revise your projects.
Student Page
 [Teacher Page]
                  To start your project, you must begin your research on medieval communities.
                       Before you research, ask yourselves some fundamental questions on how these
                       societies survived? Where do they get their funds, their food, their
                  1.   Come up with a series of questions that will help inform you of medieval
                       society. Try to make predictions about how your society will work.
                  2.   Once you have enough information, you will assign roles to each member of
                       your group, who will be responsible for one part of your project.
   Process        3.   Once you have researched what it takes for a medieval community to survive,
                       and assigned your roles, you will have to ask me to review your work before
                       being OK’d for the next step.
                  4.   The next step will be given verbally by me once you have been briefed.

                  Please keep in mind that a great deal of the information gathering and project
                       building will be your responsibility. The outcome will be your own, and the
                       grading will be based not off of how well you do, but on how thorough you
                       are, and how you adapt your projects as the semester progresses.

                  I encourage you to visit the following websites:

Student Page
 [Teacher Page]

                                        Beginning                  Developing                 Accomplished                 Exemplary           Score
     Title                                  1                          2                           3                           4

 Introduction     Information     Information taken from     Accurate information        Accurate information        Accurate information
                  Gathering       only one source and/or     taken from a couple of      taken from a couple of      taken from several
                                  information not            sources but not             sources in a systematic     sources in a
     Task                         accurate.                  systematically.             manner. .                   systematic manner.

  Evaluation      Data            Data not taken carefully   Data taken once in a        Data taken twice in a       Data taken several
                  Collection      OR not taken in a          careful, reliable manner.   careful, reliable manner.   times in a careful,

  Conclusion                      reliable manner.                                       .                           reliable manner.

                  Plan            Plan does not show         Plan provides clear         Plan is neat with clear     Plan is neat with clear
                                  measurements clearly       measurements and            measurements and            measurements and
                                  or is otherwise            labeling for most           labeling for most           labeling for all
                                  inadequately labeled.      components                  components..                components.

                  Modification    Little evidence of         Some evidence of            Clear evidence of           Clear evidence of
                  /Testing        troubleshooting, testing   troubleshooting, testing    troubleshooting, testing    troubleshooting,
                                  or refinement.             and refinements.            and refinements.            testing, and
                                                                                                                     refinements based on
                                                                                                                     data or scientific

                  Infrastructur   There is no                The infrastructure has      Infrastructure has a        Infrastructure has
                  e               infrastructure, or the     an unclear purpose for a    clear purpose which can     clear and precise
                                  infrastructure has no      medieval society.           aid in the survival of a    purpose which aid in
                                  purpose and cannot be                                  medieval society            the survival of a
                                  reasonably used to aid                                                             medieval society.
                                  in the survival of a
    Credits                       medieval society.
Student Page
 [Teacher Page]
                  Now that you have done some research, assigned your roles,
     Title        and have begun your planning, it will be time for you to get
 Introduction     your assignments from your teacher. Make sure that you
                  keep your data organized, and to strive to find other sources
                  of information to help improve your project.
  Evaluation      As you continue on your project, you will learn more about
 Conclusion       what your project is about, and where it is leading.

                  Please keep in mind, that this project will be mostly student

Student Page
 [Teacher Page]

                  Thank you to those who did the research on the websites that are provided on the Process
     Title        page and for displaying that information online for us to read.
     Task         -
   Process        -
  Evaluation      -
  Conclusion      -
                  All photos provided by: JC Page

                  The WebQuest Page , The WebQuest Slideshare Group

[Student Page]
Teacher Page
                  A WebQuest for 9-10th Grade (Put Subject Here)
 Introduction                     Designed by:
   Learners                         JC Page
Teacher Script

    Credits       Based on a template from The WebQuest Page
[Student Page]
Teacher Page

 Introduction     The idea itself came from JC Page in a methods class, where he was inspired to
                  create an inquiry lab. Although the idea was formed in 2007, there was no solid
   Learners       implementation of the idea until Webquest came along.

  Standards       This is a half lecture, half lab experimental project for students to essentially create
                  for themselves. This lab is an inquiry lab aimed at teaching cellular biology in a
   Process        unique way without allowing the students to know what they are learning until it is
                  too late.
                  It is a bit sneaky, but I feel that the students will be able to draw analogies from what
  Evaluation      they are doing to cellular biology, which are much harder to forget than a standard
                  lab and/or lecture.
Teacher Script

[Student Page]
Teacher Page
                  This particular lab can be expanded or collapsed for any grades between 7th and
     Title        10th grade biology. In fact, it is likely that if a teacher is clever enough, this lab can
                  be used all the way to 12th grade. Therefore, depending on the teacher’s ability to
                  draw analogies and their ability to lead students to certain pieces of information, one
   Learners       can make this lab extremely successful.

  Standards       What the learners need to know prior to this lab is truly dependent on the grade level
                  you begin with. Assuming the learner has no prior experience with the cell at all,
   Process        then we will assume 7th grade, and thus they require no experience anyway. The
                  entire idea is for the students to build upon teamwork, observations, adaptation, and
  Resources       creativity. Once they begin to form a picture of what their work is analogous to, they
                  will begin to learn the material.
Teacher Script

[Student Page]
Teacher Page
                  Contrary to the simple nature of the project, the education has more depth than just
     Title        cellular biology. They will learn how science works, hypothesis, failure in science, re-
 Introduction     testing, evolving their ideas, peer criticism, critical thinking, and re-evaluation of their
                  work in order to improve upon it.
                  Science Standards Addressed:
                         Standard 1: Grades 6-12; All benchmarks for 6-8;
                         Benchmarks 1,2,4,5 and 6 for 9-12.
  Resources              Standard 3: Grades 6-8; Benchmarks 1-3, 5-6;
  Evaluation             Grades 9-12; Benchmarks 2-4, 9-10, 18.
Teacher Script           Standard 5: Grades 6-8; Benchmarks 2,4, and 5;
  Conclusion             Grades 9-12; Benchmarks 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

                         As a teacher, you should be familiar with these
                         standards particularly for this project. The
                         interweaving standards truly show a high amount of
                         critical thinking and evaluation skills pertaining to
                         how science itself works. If you lead them to learn,
                         re-evaluate, constructively criticize, hypothesize,
                         and re-test, then the student’s final product should
                         be an example of how science works.
[Student Page]
Teacher Page
                  If you would like to see the process, just scroll up to view the student version, for I
     Title        disallowed further information on that page.
                  However, here the process is far more complicated. The students will be in the dark
   Learners       about what lesson they are learning. I want them to form a medieval community
                  after doing initial research and observations, assigning roles, making a plan and
  Standards       putting that plan into action.

   Process        My goal is to steer them to creating a castle community. This project is ongoing
                  throughout cell biology. If a student, for example, does not build a castle, but a
  Resources       quaint little town, I will add in an attack of my own which will force the students to
                  respond and revise their town to add protection.
  Evaluation                      - Please note, that whatever you do in an event such as this, that it
                  should be analogous to cellular biology. The example above would be a bacterial or
Teacher Script    viral attack on a cell with no protection. This would devastate a living organism, but
  Conclusion      evolution drives us to adapt to changing conditions, which is exactly my goal for my
                  students. If they can evolve a cell that includes components such as the nucleus,
                  Golgi complex, mitochondria, the phospholipid bi-layer, RER, SER, vacuoles,
                  lysosomes, integral proteins, and various membrane-bound proteins, then their
                  lesson will be complete and will end in a class discussion. Hopefully the students will
                  lead themselves in this conversation and draw comparisons and conclusions from
                  their efforts.

                  My idea is to use Lego's, so that students can physically build their communities.
                  These aren’t cheap, but can be purchased in bulk at the Lego store or online.
                  Variations could include cheaper materials such as popsicle sticks, toothpicks (be
                  careful since some students get rowdy), Styrofoam cups and plates, plastic utensils
                  etc. Other variations could include online programs that do the building for you.

[Student Page]
Teacher Page
                  I suggest you have the following to do this lab:
                         •Any good biology book containing evolution, cellular biology, genetics, and cancer
 Introduction            (mutations)
                         •Enough Lego's and/or supplies for at least 5 groups of 5.
   Learners              •Imagination and patience
                         •You may need school permissions for websites involved
  Standards              •You do not need video/audio material as of yet. It is possible to incorporate video
                         once the students know what the assignment is all about.
   Process               •Make sure to include in your lesson a plan to guide students to where they need to
  Resources              go without giving them the answers and how to test their societies in ways relevant
                         to cellular biology.
  Evaluation                     •Try to steer them towards evolution, the immune system, genetics etc. This
                                 is a great opener into other topics.
Teacher Script
  Conclusion      -

                  The human resources needed are minimal. The students will build their projects, and you
                      will overlook them while they are out of class to see what you can do to encourage
                      them to improve (via a “viral” attack , AKA a military invasion)
                  The other primary human resource is the students themselves. They are truly the key to
    Credits           this entire project.
[Student Page]
Teacher Page

     Title        The rubric is truly for the student’s guidance. You will know if the project
                  is successful during the final conversations about what the students
 Introduction     have done.

                  It is successful if:
  Standards       -They made connections to the scientific method
                  -They made connections to cellular biology
   Process        -They used critical thinking skills in order to improve on their
  Resources       weaknesses as well as have the foresight to avoid complications
                  -They responded appropriately to failure and/or peer criticism
  Evaluation      -They have been able to react to stimulus from the teacher in order to
                  keep their project going.
Teacher Script
                  -They can draw inter-science conclusions using a wide variety of
                  knowledge (this is more for the 9-12 grades)
  Conclusion      -They can use the knowledge gleaned from this project to predict the
                  outcome of more complicated topics.
                  -They can draw connections between their project and evolution,
                  genetics, cellular biology, macrobiology, the immune system, and

[Student Page]
     Teacher Page
                                            The wonderful thing about inquiry labs is the small amount of time it takes
           Title            to set up the project. The drawback to inquiry labs is that you must be at least as
       Introduction         creative as your students, and you will be a participant in your own plans. The following
                            will be a step-by-step setup on how to initiate the Kingdom project, but please be
         Learners           aware, these can be easily changed and altered to create a less creative, student-run
                            lab, but that also means you must provide more resources and guidance yourself.
         Standards                          **READ THROUGH THE WEBQUEST AS YOU GO THROUGH THE
          Process                           Title Page: The first thing you’ll tell them is that they will be creating a
                            medieval society. Expect some confusion from the students, and expect the infamous
        Resources           “why” question from them. It will be at this point you will face the most challenging part;
                            What NOT to tell your students:
        Evaluation                          - Tell them that this project will become clearer to them as it progresses
                            rather than why they are doing it.
      Teacher Script                        - Tell them that this is a student-run creative process that will be guided,
      Teacher Script:       rather than administered by, the teacher.
                                            - Make sure you make no hints of science during this process. Your job is
              Page 2        to guide them to the science, not show it to them.
                                            - You will lead them to the introduction section after this part.
Teacher Script: Continued                   Introduction: The introduction is actually stated succinctly. Just follow
                            that format.
                                            - Expect to hear questions like, “What does this have to do with science,”
        Conclusion          and ,”What’s the point?,” and many other skeptical questions. They will occur. Instead,
                            try to direct their energy to their curiosity as to why they are doing it.

                            *If the students skepticism exceeds their curiosity, mention that they will be
                            building these societies with Lego’s, and feed them bits of information to get
                            their curiosity going.
                                          - Lead them to the Task link after this.
                                                                                          Teacher Script: Page 2
[Student Page]
Teacher Page
                                  Task: The task is simply what they will have to do. Just go over the
     Title        directions with them and answer the typical questions that will come up. You want to
 Introduction     guide them to make a village, a town whatever. If they come up with castles, which
                  is the final product, fine, but try to lead them towards something smaller in scale so
   Learners       that you may test their adaptability later on in the process.

  Standards       The Title-Task pages are extremely important. Take as much time as
                  necessary for the students to understand that they will be doing this on their
   Process        own and to expect drawbacks. Answer their questions, guide them, and make
                  sure to leave just enough time left in the class for them to actually follow the
  Resources       process.
  Evaluation                     Process: The process page contains their resources, a few
                  examples, and how they should begin their research. Make sure you have
Teacher Script    permissions to the websites provided. Quickly cover their steps and let them get to
  Conclusion      work. Their questions will likely be more private, so walk around the room offering
                                 - There is a hitch on this step: Once students have gathered their
                  information, they are to come to YOU for guidance, and to receive their next steps. It
                  is here that they leave the computer and begin the planning process to actually build
                  their society. You will have to explain that they will be provided with the building
                  blocks of their society, and that they must follow the process they created while
                  doing so. Keep an eye on students to help keep them focused on the project!

                  Lead them to the rubric and conclusion pages after discussing the process,
                  and before letting them get to work.

                                  Rubric: I do not like the idea of using a specific rubric for this project
                  until their projects are underway and they are beginning to understand. However,
                  you can edit it to make it more vague, or use the one provided. It is up to you if you
    Credits       wish to discuss it. My advice however, is to avoid discussing the infrastructure
                  section.                                                   Teacher Script: Continued
[Student Page]
Teacher Page
                                Conclusion: This is the page where they should get the idea of how
     Title        they must continue their project. Their final questions will likely be revolved around
 Introduction     their assignment rather than their skepticism. This is where you let them go, and
                  start the guidance and seeding process.
  Standards       This page is linked to the Process segment off of the Teacher Page

Teacher Script

[Student Page]
Teacher Page
                  This project is intended to teach teamwork, peer criticism, the scientific method, how
     Title        to respond to stimuli, ability to adapt, the ability to troubleshoot, and about core
 Introduction     knowledge such as cell biology, evolution, genetics, and the immune system.

   Learners       The interlacing connectivity of this project makes it a strong and worthy effort that
                  can tie in several areas of Biology without the students realizing what they’ve
  Standards       learned until it’s too late. By the time they figured out they were actually learning
                  something, they will already have the knowledge and the analogies needed to keep
   Process        this information.

  Resources       Furthermore, the number of scientific standards this project encompasses truly
                  shows the versatility and value of a project such as this. If done correctly, your
  Evaluation      students should be able to draw several conclusions, and even hypothesize about
                  future subjects in biology.
Teacher Script
 Conclusion       Good luck!

[Student Page]
Teacher Page
                  The only sources used were the websites, to which I extend my thanks for publicly putting
     Title        up their research and efforts for us to share.
   Learners       -
  Standards       -
   Process        -
  Resources       -
  Evaluation      -
Teacher Script    The WebQuest Page and The WebQuest Slideshare Group


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  • 1. Student Page [Teacher Page] A WebQuest for 9th Grade Biology Title Designed by JC Page Credits Based on a template from The WebQuest Page
  • 2. Student Page [Teacher Page] Title Simply put, you will be separated into groups of 4 to 5 and build a Introduction community. This community will take place in the Medieval Era. The clincher of this particular assignment, is that this will be the only information that you will be provided. You as the class will be the designers and executors of your own assignments. Please be aware, that I will be testing your designs, questioning your information, and walking around. This assignment will be ongoing through several weeks, as I will be forcing you to adapt, rethink, and revise your projects. As the semester goes on, you will learn the purpose of your project and draw comparisons and conclusions based off of your projects. Credits
  • 3. Student Page [Teacher Page] Task In order to understand what it is that makes a medieval community thrive, you must do some research. What do these communities need? How do they endure? How do they adapt? You will need to answer these questions, and come up with several of your own to begin your community. Once complete, every member of your group should be assigned a role. It will be up to you as to what these roles are. (Hint: What roles are played in today’s society to help the community thrive and survive?) I will be around to give you hints, but you are ultimately responsible for your assignments of role. I regret to inform you however, that you will be leading your own project which will be ongoing. I will be stopping to grade your progress based off of thoroughness of research, your ability to adapt, and revise your projects. Credits
  • 4. Student Page [Teacher Page] To start your project, you must begin your research on medieval communities. Before you research, ask yourselves some fundamental questions on how these societies survived? Where do they get their funds, their food, their infrastructure? 1. Come up with a series of questions that will help inform you of medieval society. Try to make predictions about how your society will work. 2. Once you have enough information, you will assign roles to each member of your group, who will be responsible for one part of your project. Process 3. Once you have researched what it takes for a medieval community to survive, and assigned your roles, you will have to ask me to review your work before being OK’d for the next step. 4. The next step will be given verbally by me once you have been briefed. Please keep in mind that a great deal of the information gathering and project building will be your responsibility. The outcome will be your own, and the grading will be based not off of how well you do, but on how thorough you are, and how you adapt your projects as the semester progresses. I encourage you to visit the following websites: - - - - - - - - - - Credits
  • 5. Student Page [Teacher Page] Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Score Title 1 2 3 4 Introduction Information Information taken from Accurate information Accurate information Accurate information Gathering only one source and/or taken from a couple of taken from a couple of taken from several information not sources but not sources in a systematic sources in a Task accurate. systematically. manner. . systematic manner. Process Evaluation Data Data not taken carefully Data taken once in a Data taken twice in a Data taken several Collection OR not taken in a careful, reliable manner. careful, reliable manner. times in a careful, Conclusion reliable manner. . reliable manner. Plan Plan does not show Plan provides clear Plan is neat with clear Plan is neat with clear measurements clearly measurements and measurements and measurements and or is otherwise labeling for most labeling for most labeling for all inadequately labeled. components components.. components. Modification Little evidence of Some evidence of Clear evidence of Clear evidence of /Testing troubleshooting, testing troubleshooting, testing troubleshooting, testing troubleshooting, or refinement. and refinements. and refinements. testing, and refinements based on data or scientific principles. Infrastructur There is no The infrastructure has Infrastructure has a Infrastructure has e infrastructure, or the an unclear purpose for a clear purpose which can clear and precise infrastructure has no medieval society. aid in the survival of a purpose which aid in purpose and cannot be medieval society the survival of a reasonably used to aid medieval society. in the survival of a Credits medieval society.
  • 6. Student Page [Teacher Page] Now that you have done some research, assigned your roles, Title and have begun your planning, it will be time for you to get Introduction your assignments from your teacher. Make sure that you keep your data organized, and to strive to find other sources Task of information to help improve your project. Process Evaluation As you continue on your project, you will learn more about Conclusion what your project is about, and where it is leading. Please keep in mind, that this project will be mostly student lead. Credits
  • 7. Student Page [Teacher Page] Thank you to those who did the research on the websites that are provided on the Process Title page and for displaying that information online for us to read. Introduction Task - - Process - - Evaluation - - Conclusion - - - - All photos provided by: JC Page The WebQuest Page , The WebQuest Slideshare Group Credits
  • 8. [Student Page] Teacher Page A WebQuest for 9-10th Grade (Put Subject Here) Title Introduction Designed by: Learners JC Page Standards (303)999-5755 Process Resources Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Credits Based on a template from The WebQuest Page
  • 9. [Student Page] Teacher Page Title Introduction The idea itself came from JC Page in a methods class, where he was inspired to create an inquiry lab. Although the idea was formed in 2007, there was no solid Learners implementation of the idea until Webquest came along. Standards This is a half lecture, half lab experimental project for students to essentially create for themselves. This lab is an inquiry lab aimed at teaching cellular biology in a Process unique way without allowing the students to know what they are learning until it is too late. Resources It is a bit sneaky, but I feel that the students will be able to draw analogies from what Evaluation they are doing to cellular biology, which are much harder to forget than a standard lab and/or lecture. Teacher Script Conclusion Credits
  • 10. [Student Page] Teacher Page This particular lab can be expanded or collapsed for any grades between 7th and Title 10th grade biology. In fact, it is likely that if a teacher is clever enough, this lab can be used all the way to 12th grade. Therefore, depending on the teacher’s ability to Introduction draw analogies and their ability to lead students to certain pieces of information, one Learners can make this lab extremely successful. Standards What the learners need to know prior to this lab is truly dependent on the grade level you begin with. Assuming the learner has no prior experience with the cell at all, Process then we will assume 7th grade, and thus they require no experience anyway. The entire idea is for the students to build upon teamwork, observations, adaptation, and Resources creativity. Once they begin to form a picture of what their work is analogous to, they will begin to learn the material. Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Credits
  • 11. [Student Page] Teacher Page Contrary to the simple nature of the project, the education has more depth than just Title cellular biology. They will learn how science works, hypothesis, failure in science, re- Introduction testing, evolving their ideas, peer criticism, critical thinking, and re-evaluation of their work in order to improve upon it. Learners Science Standards Addressed: Standards Standard 1: Grades 6-12; All benchmarks for 6-8; Process Benchmarks 1,2,4,5 and 6 for 9-12. Resources Standard 3: Grades 6-8; Benchmarks 1-3, 5-6; Evaluation Grades 9-12; Benchmarks 2-4, 9-10, 18. Teacher Script Standard 5: Grades 6-8; Benchmarks 2,4, and 5; Conclusion Grades 9-12; Benchmarks 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. As a teacher, you should be familiar with these standards particularly for this project. The interweaving standards truly show a high amount of critical thinking and evaluation skills pertaining to how science itself works. If you lead them to learn, re-evaluate, constructively criticize, hypothesize, and re-test, then the student’s final product should be an example of how science works. Credits
  • 12. [Student Page] Teacher Page If you would like to see the process, just scroll up to view the student version, for I Title disallowed further information on that page. Introduction However, here the process is far more complicated. The students will be in the dark Learners about what lesson they are learning. I want them to form a medieval community after doing initial research and observations, assigning roles, making a plan and Standards putting that plan into action. Process My goal is to steer them to creating a castle community. This project is ongoing throughout cell biology. If a student, for example, does not build a castle, but a Resources quaint little town, I will add in an attack of my own which will force the students to respond and revise their town to add protection. Evaluation - Please note, that whatever you do in an event such as this, that it should be analogous to cellular biology. The example above would be a bacterial or Teacher Script viral attack on a cell with no protection. This would devastate a living organism, but Conclusion evolution drives us to adapt to changing conditions, which is exactly my goal for my students. If they can evolve a cell that includes components such as the nucleus, Golgi complex, mitochondria, the phospholipid bi-layer, RER, SER, vacuoles, lysosomes, integral proteins, and various membrane-bound proteins, then their lesson will be complete and will end in a class discussion. Hopefully the students will lead themselves in this conversation and draw comparisons and conclusions from their efforts. Variations My idea is to use Lego's, so that students can physically build their communities. These aren’t cheap, but can be purchased in bulk at the Lego store or online. Variations could include cheaper materials such as popsicle sticks, toothpicks (be careful since some students get rowdy), Styrofoam cups and plates, plastic utensils etc. Other variations could include online programs that do the building for you. Credits
  • 13. [Student Page] Teacher Page I suggest you have the following to do this lab: Title •Any good biology book containing evolution, cellular biology, genetics, and cancer Introduction (mutations) •Enough Lego's and/or supplies for at least 5 groups of 5. Learners •Imagination and patience •You may need school permissions for websites involved Standards •You do not need video/audio material as of yet. It is possible to incorporate video once the students know what the assignment is all about. Process •Make sure to include in your lesson a plan to guide students to where they need to Resources go without giving them the answers and how to test their societies in ways relevant to cellular biology. Evaluation •Try to steer them towards evolution, the immune system, genetics etc. This is a great opener into other topics. Teacher Script - Conclusion - - - - - - - - - The human resources needed are minimal. The students will build their projects, and you will overlook them while they are out of class to see what you can do to encourage them to improve (via a “viral” attack , AKA a military invasion) The other primary human resource is the students themselves. They are truly the key to Credits this entire project.
  • 14. [Student Page] Teacher Page Title The rubric is truly for the student’s guidance. You will know if the project is successful during the final conversations about what the students Introduction have done. It is successful if: Standards -They made connections to the scientific method -They made connections to cellular biology Process -They used critical thinking skills in order to improve on their Resources weaknesses as well as have the foresight to avoid complications -They responded appropriately to failure and/or peer criticism Evaluation -They have been able to react to stimulus from the teacher in order to keep their project going. Teacher Script -They can draw inter-science conclusions using a wide variety of knowledge (this is more for the 9-12 grades) Conclusion -They can use the knowledge gleaned from this project to predict the outcome of more complicated topics. -They can draw connections between their project and evolution, genetics, cellular biology, macrobiology, the immune system, and cancer. Credits
  • 15. [Student Page] Teacher Page The wonderful thing about inquiry labs is the small amount of time it takes Title to set up the project. The drawback to inquiry labs is that you must be at least as Introduction creative as your students, and you will be a participant in your own plans. The following will be a step-by-step setup on how to initiate the Kingdom project, but please be Learners aware, these can be easily changed and altered to create a less creative, student-run lab, but that also means you must provide more resources and guidance yourself. Standards **READ THROUGH THE WEBQUEST AS YOU GO THROUGH THE SCRIPT** Process Title Page: The first thing you’ll tell them is that they will be creating a medieval society. Expect some confusion from the students, and expect the infamous Resources “why” question from them. It will be at this point you will face the most challenging part; What NOT to tell your students: Evaluation - Tell them that this project will become clearer to them as it progresses rather than why they are doing it. Teacher Script - Tell them that this is a student-run creative process that will be guided, Teacher Script: rather than administered by, the teacher. - Make sure you make no hints of science during this process. Your job is Page 2 to guide them to the science, not show it to them. - You will lead them to the introduction section after this part. Teacher Script: Continued Introduction: The introduction is actually stated succinctly. Just follow that format. - Expect to hear questions like, “What does this have to do with science,” Conclusion and ,”What’s the point?,” and many other skeptical questions. They will occur. Instead, try to direct their energy to their curiosity as to why they are doing it. *If the students skepticism exceeds their curiosity, mention that they will be building these societies with Lego’s, and feed them bits of information to get their curiosity going. - Lead them to the Task link after this. Teacher Script: Page 2 Credits
  • 16. [Student Page] Teacher Page Task: The task is simply what they will have to do. Just go over the Title directions with them and answer the typical questions that will come up. You want to Introduction guide them to make a village, a town whatever. If they come up with castles, which is the final product, fine, but try to lead them towards something smaller in scale so Learners that you may test their adaptability later on in the process. Standards The Title-Task pages are extremely important. Take as much time as necessary for the students to understand that they will be doing this on their Process own and to expect drawbacks. Answer their questions, guide them, and make sure to leave just enough time left in the class for them to actually follow the Resources process. Evaluation Process: The process page contains their resources, a few examples, and how they should begin their research. Make sure you have Teacher Script permissions to the websites provided. Quickly cover their steps and let them get to Conclusion work. Their questions will likely be more private, so walk around the room offering guidance. - There is a hitch on this step: Once students have gathered their information, they are to come to YOU for guidance, and to receive their next steps. It is here that they leave the computer and begin the planning process to actually build their society. You will have to explain that they will be provided with the building blocks of their society, and that they must follow the process they created while doing so. Keep an eye on students to help keep them focused on the project! Lead them to the rubric and conclusion pages after discussing the process, and before letting them get to work. Rubric: I do not like the idea of using a specific rubric for this project until their projects are underway and they are beginning to understand. However, you can edit it to make it more vague, or use the one provided. It is up to you if you Credits wish to discuss it. My advice however, is to avoid discussing the infrastructure section. Teacher Script: Continued
  • 17. [Student Page] Teacher Page Conclusion: This is the page where they should get the idea of how Title they must continue their project. Their final questions will likely be revolved around Introduction their assignment rather than their skepticism. This is where you let them go, and start the guidance and seeding process. Learners Standards This page is linked to the Process segment off of the Teacher Page Process Resources Evaluation Teacher Script Conclusion Credits
  • 18. [Student Page] Teacher Page This project is intended to teach teamwork, peer criticism, the scientific method, how Title to respond to stimuli, ability to adapt, the ability to troubleshoot, and about core Introduction knowledge such as cell biology, evolution, genetics, and the immune system. Learners The interlacing connectivity of this project makes it a strong and worthy effort that can tie in several areas of Biology without the students realizing what they’ve Standards learned until it’s too late. By the time they figured out they were actually learning something, they will already have the knowledge and the analogies needed to keep Process this information. Resources Furthermore, the number of scientific standards this project encompasses truly shows the versatility and value of a project such as this. If done correctly, your Evaluation students should be able to draw several conclusions, and even hypothesize about future subjects in biology. Teacher Script Conclusion Good luck! Credits
  • 19. [Student Page] Teacher Page The only sources used were the websites, to which I extend my thanks for publicly putting Title up their research and efforts for us to share. Introduction - Learners - - Standards - - Process - - Resources - - Evaluation - Teacher Script The WebQuest Page and The WebQuest Slideshare Group Conclusion Credits