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More Waxman On-Line
                                January 4 2012
14 hours ago
John Large

   •   Sarah Tyrrell
       Please join and support

       For the Love of Mila
       This weekend I will be uploading all the documents as a web page so that we can link FB
       directly to the page. If ya'll see other people wanting to stop the exploitation out here on
       FB, please direct them to JOIN us
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       LikeUnlike • • Reshare • December 30, 2011 at 10:05pm •

       3 people like this.

       John Large This website is a VIRUS created by WAXMAN, do not fall into this trap,
       WAXMAN is a predator/stalker trying to shift focus from the truth, Mila belongs with
       her Mother, Tender Years Doctrine rules, her Father can have involvement and spend
       time with her, but not Custody. She's a little girl and deserves to be with her Mother. Any
       true Father knows that. Bite the bullet Igor, like the rest of us DADS do, you'll have
       plenty of time with her when she's more grown up !
       December 30, 2011 at 10:26pm • LikeUnlike • 1

       Michael Waxman Mr. Large: The Tender Years Doctrine was rejected years ago. It may
       be true that most women have more nurturing instincts then most men, but each case
       needs to be considered from the child's best interest perspective. And I can assure you
       that I have never seen a more patient, loving, supportive, gentle father than Igor Malenko.
       I should know because I have four wonderful kids and I am a good dad myself, who
       changed almost as many diapers as mom, did bath-time and bed time and read books till I
       fell asleep and got the kid's elbow in my tummy, "wake up daddy and finish the book!!" I
       have no interest in stalking anyone. That sounds exhausting, dangerous and stupid.
       December 30, 2011 at 10:55pm • LikeUnlike • 2

       John Large To see more about the TRUTH, check out Hardy Girls, Healthy Women on
       FB, and scroll down to Dec 15th, the slide show "It only takes a Girl", a beautiful
       youtube presentation and then ask yourself after seeing that video and looking at the
       comments, WHY is Hardy Girls, Healthy Women silent on promoting Mila from being a

"Hardy girl" with her Mom, so she can become a "Healthy Woman". In particular, the
slide with the Grandmother, the Mother, and the Daughter. In Mila's case, Mila is the one
missing. As a Dad myself, I knew in my heart that my children belonged with their
Momma when they were young. And because I loved them so much, I wasn't selfish to
try to rip them from their Momma's arms, I agreed to allow them to live with her after our
Divorce. That's what a Loving Father does for his kids. It's a "Law of Nature" that
Maternal Bonds RULE, not a "Law of the Court" no matter how Corrupt the Courts can
be, as in this case. The only exploitation here is of the Courts - ripping a Child from her
Mother's arms. Help Mila get back into her Mother's arms, so the cycle of abuse stops,
like the "It takes a Girl" video advocates, Invest in the Future, Make a Change, Save a
Life, it only takes a Girl, a little girl - Mila. Speak up, use your VOICE !!!
December 30, 2011 at 11:03pm • LikeUnlike • 2

Michael Waxman I do feel sad, Mr. Large, for your children. It sounds like you have
willfully taken a step back, out of their lives while they are small, thinking that you will
have plenty of time later to catch up. You and they will never get that time back, those
formative years when a strong bond with their father might have helped them develop
self-confidence and motivation. I disagree that fathers need to be in the background. The
more love kids can get, the better. I have never been able to get enough of, or get close
enough to, my kids, even while painfully letting them go, letting them grow up to become
independent. I think I shall always look back on my child-raising years, which are almost
over, as the most amazing, inspiring, miraculous, funny years of my life.
December 30, 2011 at 11:04pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Dawn Henderson Mr. Large, as a mother, guess what? I would want my child in the
environment where she was happy, secure, thrived, was safe and free from emotional
abuse and coercion. That would be exactly where she is right now - with her father. I
would think that as a father,be appalled by the fact this woman has posted nude photos on
the web of her child, has made it very apparent where she lives and has made her a target
for every troll on the web seeking a - what Lori has made Mila out to be, and is not - a
groomed child just waiting for her. As an abuse survivor, if you would ever like to know
exactly why Lori's videos prove that the only abuse that has occurred is that which her
other perpetuates upon her at every opportunity, please feel free to contact me.
December 30, 2011 at 11:16pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Dawn Henderson Oh, btw, Waxman didn't create the website and
exercises not involvement in it. The creators are MOTHER's and child abuse advocates
that have been the target of Lori's twisted lies as well. Since you are cheering for Lori, do
you also then advocate her & Juan wishing harm to other people's children? THAT is
what you are endorsing!
December 30, 2011 at 11:18pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Corrine Morehead It mothers boyfriends and mothers themselves makin their babies
dissappear and killing them too. So to say its always better to go to mom simply because
of the bond they should have is scary!
December 30, 2011 at 11:20pm • LikeUnlike

John Large Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Lawyers are great at putting a spin on things, I never said
I took a step back out of their lives and was in the background, I changed diapers, read
books, walked them to school, helped them with their homework, played on the
playground, went to school functions, and the list goes on and on Brother, but Momma
kept Custody and I didn't fight that. My kids got love from both Parents, no doubt. And
they are filled with self-confidence and motivation. Tender Years Doctrine may be
rejected in your mind, but it's the "Law of Nature", not a "Law of the Court", and any
compassionate Father understands that - there was a favorite Christmas video my kids
and I would watch, The Year Without a Santa Claus, do you know the one with the Miser
brothers (Heat Miser and Snow Miser) ? Do you remember who straightened it out ?
MOTHER NATURE, yes, she was called upon by Mrs.Claus to settle the dispute, The
"Law of Nature", you don't mess with Mother Nature and a Mother's bond when children
are little. I stayed involved diligently with my kids growing up, but they lived with
Momma, and I didn't fight that because as much as they loved me, Mom came first, it's
just the way it is - Natural Maternal Bond, she carried them for 9 months, I didn't, you
didn't, Igor didn't. Mothers give them a different kind of Love that we can't. We are their
strength, but Mom is their Light.
December 30, 2011 at 11:51pm • LikeUnlike • 2

John Large and you jumping on my comments proves my point of your stalking nature
and a need to control every aspect of this. I expected a comment from Sarah, or someone
else, not you ! but here you are, why don't you stay out of the social media on these issues
and let the public decide what seems proper, and stick tp practicing Law. this is supposed
to be a forum for the public to comment on, and your rapid fire comments just has to
make me believe that you are behind this new sway away from Saving Mila. She belongs
with her Mom, and when you try to rip a child from a Mother's arms......well, makes me
wonder what your motives are ? Dad to Dad, did you take your kids from their Mother ?
Saturday at 12:07am • LikeUnlike • 2

John Large Dawn and Corrine, do you have children ? Married or Divorced ? and if
Divorced, who do your kids live with ? Nuff said
Saturday at 12:15am • LikeUnlike • 1

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) John, you cannot tell people on this page where
they should stick too.. Sorry we here try to be civil and fight against child abuse. And
everyone can state their opinion here. I blocked certain people becasuse i will not let
them use this page to ruin this child. Your comments are rude and I suggest you read true
facts and testimonies
Saturday at 12:16am • LikeUnlike

Corrine Morehead I am happily married but I d know that if my mindcracked and I left
my adoring husband he would fight tooth and nail for these kids especially if I was
putting horrible words in their mouths and treating others in ways that are not condusive
to being a good parent. Co parenting should never entail a mother turning the child
against the father I would not do that and I would not wish harm on others children either.

Saturday at 12:29am • LikeUnlike • 3

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) It doesnt matter married, divorced, have children or
not... Common sence is the key...
Saturday at 12:40am • LikeUnlike • 1

Michael Waxman Mr. Large, man to man, my kids' mother and I have shared the kids
50/50, and we have found a way to develop/maintain a great friendship with each other.
My kids know that while we can't live together, we love and respect each other. Does that
answer your question? I tried to do what was best for my kids.
Saturday at 12:41am • LikeUnlike • 1

John Large Well it seems that is exactly what they are trying to do by using your page to
steer people in one direction or another. Accusing me of wishing harm on children and
endorsing it ? where did i say that. Never said anything about endorsing mothers or
mothers boyfriends making baby's disappear either. That is rude. and completely
innaccurate ! The issues on your page are quite controversial and evoke a lot of emotion,
apparently on both sides of the coin. If you don't want people to express there opinions
about a certain forum like this issue, then don't allow them to use your page. Peraps yopu
should direct both parties to take their battle elsewhere as it would appear both sides are
attempting to do that, unless you are taking sides and only want one side of the story
projected ? My battle is the same as yours, fight child abuse, sometimes the lines are not
so clear in a Custody battle, and in this case perhaps you should take the lead and tell us
all what the true facts and testimonies are so that we can have a productive discussion and
end the abuse of Mila, whoever is responsible for it, because a lot of mud is being slung
from both sides, and a lot of things don't make sense to me, and I'd like to understand.
what I've seen so far is very disturbing.
Saturday at 12:46am • LikeUnlike • 2

Corrine Morehead I didnt say u wish harm on anyones child but i said" I "would not do
that and Lori's page coowner Juan did so please make sure you read the post b4 you
Saturday at 12:50am • LikeUnlike

Corrine Morehead I was speaking about what a mother should not do or have done. Are

you a mother No so how in the world could you take that as me accusing you of
Saturday at 12:52am • LikeUnlike

Corrine Morehead Seriously I state an argument of how a mother is not always the best
guardian and you try to make it an accusation.How?
Saturday at 12:59am • LikeUnlike • 1

John Large Yuo said that is what I'm endorsing, and I am certainly NOT. Read what you
Saturday at 1:00am • LikeUnlike • 1

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) John Large, I posted a link with documents you can
download. I think there will be answers to your questions...after I posted link to
Obdusman report saving mila page tried to close this page down, asking their supporters
to report this page, accusing as of harassment. They play dirty little games and this is not
how the truth has to be told. You should read court documents and testimonies so you
could form an opinion on this case from official facts.
Saturday at 1:07am • LikeUnlike • 2

John Large Custody disputes are ugly, no doubt about it. Both sides make mistakes. I
have enough insight to know that alot of the time decisions are made by the Court in
favor of who has the better Attorney, who has more $$, whther the Judge likes you or not,
whether one side can make the other look bad, or whether one side can push the other
side's buttons and create havoc. Certainly that seems to be the case for little Ayla, also in
your state. that is when tragedies happen. It is truly unfortunate when such tragedies
occur, and that case is not clear yet whether Mom or Dad had anything to do with it ,or if
a complete stranger took her. I pray for her safe return. I also know that Attorney's can
add fuel to the fire and make a reasonable Parent do something they wouldn't normally
do. I don't claim to have all the answers but it is CLEAR, that the children are the ones
who suffer. I wish that I could wave a magic wand and make it all stop and bring Peace to
these children's lives and encourage Parents to suck it up and just get along for the sake
of their kids so they can live a happy and normal life. I Pray for this every day. EVERY
DAY ! So kids can just be kids and be happy.
Saturday at 1:20am • LikeUnlike

Corrine Morehead The words "endorsing" are no where on there what I said is your idea
that a supposed bond is a reason to leave a baby with a parent I am suggesting that it must
be more than a bond and mental stability of the parent must be considered. Not only the
bond. That in no way said "endorsing" What you are is supporting a woman and her
cohorts that are very much so accusing people of heinous thing and wishing harm on
children and even harming children For God Sake man she had nude pics of her small
child online for everyone to see. That is abuse and she is endorsing that. If you arent then

why are you supporting her because of a bond?
Saturday at 1:26am • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups i have not posted about this because I respect
WACA.......but pedophile do get custody look at this

Judge Elliott gave child custody to pedophile
There is a crisis in our nation's family courts, where judges rule against of
domestic violence and their children and give custody to abusers and pe...See More
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Saturday at 1:29am • LikeUnlike • 1

John Large How do I access that link, on my wall ?
Saturday at 1:29am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups all I know is the father right have made up
false facts and fake Science to help pedophile get custody ..... and for the record I have
my son, his father almost killed him....his father broke 11 bone in his body when he was
only 6 weeks old .....and the people said I was wrong to end his right he should have
Saturday at 1:32am • LikeUnlike

John Large You have a Great page and it brings a tremendous awareness of the truly
significant issues that affect chidrens lives. I wish the abuse would stop and I wish I
could do more to stop it...
Saturday at 1:34am • LikeUnlike • 2

Corrine Morehead This isn't my state I am in NM and I am just a mom who hates to see a
child be exploited for personal gain an attention. I believed Lori at first but something
didnt add up. When I questioned the why she waited so long to get her daughter checked
I was expecting a logical explanation to make me understand but instead I was
immediately blocked from commenting and Juan and Lori accused me of calling the child
a liar. Tyen Lori proceeded to state I was the lawyers ex wife. I have never been to
Maine. With all of this I did my own research not on her website and found so much that
pointed to Lori lying. So as I said you are correct divorce should never involve harming
the child by either party.
Saturday at 1:35am • LikeUnlike • 2

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I do feel all children should have both parent,
unless he has abuse his wife or child ....... I know most FR would like you think that a

father has the right to control his family even when it hurt the child....
Saturday at 1:37am • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @waca I do highly respect you....and I thank
you for the work you are doing
Saturday at 1:39am • LikeUnlike • 2

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) Here is the link, John
Saturday at 1:46am • LikeUnlike

Corrine Morehead No Truth a father should not Control the family and neither should the
mother it should be a joint effort and not a life threatening occurrance. a single mother or
father can do a better job of caring for a child then two parents where one is abusive.
Thats the problem women staying with abusive men so they are a part of the childs life is
not ok and women using heinous unsubstantiated claims to call attention to herself is not
right either.
Saturday at 1:48am • LikeUnlike • 1

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) Thank you, Admin of truth about extreme fathers
rights, sorry for what happened to your son, I hope he is safe now.. You post are highly
appreciated and shred a light on many important issues. Keep up the good work.
Saturday at 1:48am • LikeUnlike • 2

Corrine Morehead Yes Truth, you and W.A.C.A are spinners of a web of protection for
young children who otherwise would have none. Thank You!!!
Saturday at 1:52am • LikeUnlike • 2

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups He great the only thing is he blink one eye a
more..... but for that he is perfect.... I have ban a two women from my group because I
knew they were telling half the facts .... which was only to mislead..... i do feel the
Narcissism will kill any real refrom that need to happen..... I am the first to said that Men
are screw more by DCF/CPS.....and some women do not deserve to be mothers ...... But
all safe Haven Domestic violence home will tell you men that abuse their wife ,,,,will
fight for custody not because they love the children but to punish the wife
Saturday at 2:00am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @corrine Morehead have not posted about her
until i do reseach....It is hard for me because i am only online when my son is asleep...
Saturday at 2:12am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups sorry in mths I not posted about her
Saturday at 2:20am • LikeUnlike

John Large W.A.C.A. thank you for the link, for sure I will study it and hope to get an
informed opinion of the facts, Sorry Corrine, it was Dawn saying that I was "endorsing",
I can't type that fast and the messages were coming faster than I could type. I will keep an
open mind in the review, as I have been subjected to some false allegations of my own,
that fit the profile on the "SAID" reporting of abuse, "after the Divorce started", so I will
have an idea what to be aware of. Fortunately, I survived the one and only single
allegation with the Truth and my ex-wife never tried it again after that. It was extremely
disconcerting, and she was very angry when she didn't get her way. The Judge eventually
caught on to her tricks, but my kids remained with her, and I didn't fight it because she
would not let go of the aggression, and so for my kids sake, and some semblence of peace
in their lives (not being subjected to continuous personal attacks) I backed off and
accepted the visitation schedule so that I could remain a constant in their lives. Even still,
although I wished that I had custody and raised my kids, it would have been a brutal
battle, I guess what I'm witnessing here. My ex-wife is a good Mother to my kids and I
guess that's why I felt strongly about a Mother's Bond, but it's not always the case as I'm
Saturday at 2:24am • LikeUnlike

Dawn Henderson Truth, and this is what we are saying. Some people fail to remember
that in the course of the end of any relationship that the children are the first and primary
concern. Mila is being used as a weapon against her father. Mr Large, despite the
concerns of the forensic psychologist, the court DID award primary custody of Mila.
However, as was predicted by the psychologist, Lori never even attempted to coparent.
She moved hours away, provided no school updates, filed several protection orders,
subjected Mila to numerous gynecological exams, AND 18 seperate ER visits during
which Mila was drug tested and each and every time - with the exception of a mystery
sample that Lori provided in absence of Mila - no drugs were detected, no signs of abuse
were detected. Such constant misuse of your authority as a parent is as destructive,
emotionally, as being beaten OR molested. This little girl has been through far to much
and now to have highly invasive photos and videos of herself on tge web???? Each day
that Lori continues to use Mila to draw attenetion to herself, she is intentionally
endangering her child. John, let me ask you this as a father. What would you do if your
ex-wife put naked, spread eagle photos if YOUR child on the web?
Saturday at 2:34am • LikeUnlike • 2

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I never saw naked pictures of the baby.....that
is porn you can have that taken down...... but I do know Mr Waxman did Tell the world
that she has NPD..... which was wrong ...... at this point I do not trust either one of the

Saturday at 3:02am • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups that was a copy and paste...... but this part if
true in against the law for him...
Saturday at 3:19am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups She has been diagnosed with a very severed
narcissistic personality disorder
Saturday at 3:20am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and here another reason
Saturday at 3:23am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups

Narcissism No Longer a Psychiatric Disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder, characterized by an inflated sense of self-im...portance
and the need for constant attention, has been eliminated from the latest manual of mental
disorders.See More
Expand Preview
Saturday at 3:23am • LikeUnlike

Corrine Morehead She apparently did take pictures down...eventually. I will not state
anyone has any disorders but I will comment on what I know for a fact and the horrible
things that have been said to me all for asking simple questions to begin with. You are
right do all the research. don't trust me, the lawyer, Dawn or even Sarah only trust the
facts and please do not take the facts from Lori's site. Google Igor Malenko and a public
court record will show in the search. This will give you a lot of info from the courts side
not hers or his. I don't want to push my opinion on you I want people to see the truth for
themselves. I will however defend myself from her malicious attacks and will state that I
do not believe for one second that Igor has hurt his child in any way.
Saturday at 3:24am • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups outside the part about Igor because I need to
look him up,,,, thank you .... good night ... but most of the mistrust is at Mr Waxman....
he has said a fews thing that put up red flag with me
Saturday at 3:30am • LikeUnlike • 2

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups look at the post about the judge.....
Saturday at 3:39am • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups
n=2011 ME 15&s=ME&d=46433
<!--//<![CDATA[ var m3_u =
tp://'); var m3_r =
Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used)
document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr...See More
Expand Preview
Saturday at 4:06am • LikeUnlike

John Large I did not see any naked, spread eagle photos, perhaps they were removed, but
to answer your question, Dawn, I would be furious. 18 trips to the ER seems extreme,
multiple OB/GYN visits seems extreme unlesss she believed something convinced her to
do such, It seems no one has disputed the initial video of Mila talking to the cat or doll or
whatever it was, and surely would give a Mother alarm to be vigilant. I've read the
Divorce decree and it is quite damning against Lori, yet I know how Judges can be
bought and paid for. Some of the stuff I've read like emails and such from Waxman to her
and/or her employer surely raised a red flag with me, as it seems above and beyond the
normal scope of representation, especially considering his Pro Bono work. As I said
before, NO Lawyer works for free, maybe a one shot rep at a Magistrate for a speeding
ticket, but this rep must have cost well over $20,000 easily. As for the PO's, they are
commonly used as weapons in Divorce and Custody disputes to gain an upper hand. Yet
when you have States like Georgia (where Senator Schaffer tried to expose CPS and
wound up dead) that are very Corrupted with Court-sanctioned protected sexual abuse,
it's easy to understand extreme behaviors to protect the child, even if it means multiple
trips to the hospital. If a Parent truly believes something is wrong and their concerns are
dismissed (for perhaps politcal or prejudicial reasons), what does a Parent do ? When it
becomes so convulated like this, your right, Truth, it's hard to know who IS really telling
the truth. She originally had custody, but because of expressing concerns, that were
apparently ignored, she went off in a tirade. Was she right? Was she wrong? What to do ?
That's when the mistakes on both sides start. tit for tat. How do we stop it before it begins
? I guess that is where the Court should have a determined, no BS tolerated approach
from the start, a way to address either Parent's concerns of ANY type of ABUSE by, say
two independant examiners. Then accept the findings for what they are and Pray that no
future problems arise. Problem is, some Lawyers add fuel to the fire, usually to pad their
pockets, but in Waxman's case, I find it impossible to believe that he would do this all for
free. so, it doesn't cost Igor a dime and Lori is sponged of every dime. Fuel to the fire.
Why isn't she able to have a regular visitation schedule ? Is it because she can't hire a

Lawyer ? Is she so prejudiced now in Court that NO Judge will accomodate her in any
way ? Does Igor have so much control now that he's calling all the shots because
Waxman has rule of the nest in the Courtroom ? Perhaps both Parents need to attend,
complete, and pass some type of Co-Parenting classes to learn how to get along, and I
don't mean a one-shot visit. I suggest a 6 month minimum, perhaps, with NO Lawyers
involved until the course is completed and a recommendation is made to the Court. But is
there such a thing ? Not in Pennsylvania, it doesn't exist. It should start there when a
Divorce starts, not with two Lawyers ready for battle filling their client with high hopes
of total success, fuel to the fire, padded pockets, and resultant children suffering, because
of being used as pawns. Too many questions that aren't simply answered by reading the
Court documents. Look at how many times CPS has failed in protecting children. What a
mess. What a complete mess ! Something must be done, not just for this case, but across
the Country. Just look at the epidemic of Evil happening to our children. This is my
limited insight from what I have read here, what I have personally experienced, and what
I see happening across our Nation. We need to protect our children, and we need to come
together on this to help them have a happy childhood, and a promise for a bright future.
Very challenging, but we must work together to help them !!!
Saturday at 4:59am • LikeUnlike • 3

Sarah Tyrrell Indeed Mr. Large,. Just to make you aware, the reason unsupervised
visitation was stopped was because of Lori constant invasive examinations,ER visits and
Lori's coaching of Mila. Lori refused to attend ANY supervised visits with Mila from the
10th May to now..Her reason? She did not want to attend as this may make her seem
accepting of the supervision which would go against her in court??!Such nonsense!! If it
were your daughter and you were convinced she'd been abused would you cease all
contact with her? Not even call her on the phone?? Leave the state where she is
apparently being abused?..Of course not. Supervised visitation has now been
withdrawn(she wasn't using it anyway)due to the irrational claims being put forth by Lori
about everyone involved in the case and how when she get's Mila,she'll run away with
her to Africa etc..She is clearly a very unbalanced,unhinged lady.As a mother myself, I
would not allow Lori to babysit ,never mind have full custody of Mila. All Lori has to do
is seek help for her own issues then drop the drama and be prepared to co parent
effectively with Igor. I am not happy about taking up a lot of this page with this debate,
but we really have no choice, we are trying to inform people who are wasting their good
intentions on Lori's "cause" and not Mila's. We have all been blocked and accused of all
sorts of ridiculous things for daring to disagree. I particularly feel bad for Malenko and
Waxman, they have stuck together from the start to do what's best for Mila and people
are too blinded by Loris malicious campaign to appreciate that.Is the world so selfish a
place now in your eyes that Waxmans willingness to work for free is immediately met
with suspicion?
Saturday at 9:24am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups South Portland Police Beat: Feb. 25 | The - Similar

You +1'd this publicly. Undo
Feb 25, 2010 – 2/16 at 6 p.m. Igor Malenko, 37, was summonsed on Preble Street by
Officer Kenneth Cronin on a charge of theft by unauthorized taking. ...
Saturday at 10:40am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups now I Know not to trust Mr Waxman .....I
found in the court papers that two Expert said that Igor should not be Unsupervised
....because There a moderate level that the father did sexual abuse his child and post it it is gone off the
Saturday at 10:52am • LikeUnlike • 2

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and Lori was not in court the Day he won
....that was in the paper it is gone
Saturday at 10:53am • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I wonder who put in the comment about the
guy that was kick in the head by Igor Malenko that it is not important because she knew
and still marry him......and she is crazy..... no one said anything about the real abuse to
this old man
Saturday at 11:09am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups for the record I am with opsafe kid....mths ago
if I saw a naked child on a web page it would have been reported
Saturday at 11:13am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups

Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories
Trailer for a PBS documentary about women who lose their children to abusive fathers.
Expand Preview
Saturday at 11:16am • LikeUnlike

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) Only me can moderate comments and I didn't
delete anything. You comment with morelaw link is posted 7 hours ago and is in this
tread. And it was not moderate level of abuse, please.. it was about level of evidence....
read all court documents - i provided the link above.
Saturday at 11:51am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups no you delete was on the
Saturday at 11:59am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups sorry for the did not delete
was posted in now it is gone
Saturday at 12:00pm • LikeUnlike • 1

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A)
n=2011 this one? it is in your post above...
Saturday at 12:01pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups it was the court finding ....16 and 19 in the
finding now it is gone
Saturday at 12:01pm • LikeUnlike

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) may be you posted it not here, I didn;t delete
anything, what's the point?
Saturday at 12:03pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and two expert did think that there was abuse
to the child but Lori was not in court that Day.....
Saturday at 12:03pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups which is the day he got custody
Saturday at 12:05pm • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell You're not reading everything thoroughly Truth
Saturday at 12:06pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups the only link I see is her web page......WACA
did you see the naked pictures
Saturday at 12:06pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I would trust you..... but if Mr Waxman has
nothing to hide why did he remove it!!!

Saturday at 12:08pm • LikeUnlike

Michael Waxman Hey Truth, I don't remove anything, and I think you are confused about
the evidence. Frankly, the first document you ought to read should be the second
Ombudsman report, from 2011. That gives an excellent summary of what this case has
been. You seem very committed to viewing this case through the prism of Handrahan's
perspective, which may may you feel paranoid. Nobody here is attacking anyone or
hiding evidence. That is how Handrahan and her cohorts roll. Not here. Do you have a
question for me? Would you like me to explain something? Feel free to ask away, either
here on by email. My email address is:
Saturday at 12:15pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I have a law suit here in CT because the
OmBudsman Office here support letting a man in getting away with breaking a 6 week
old baby skull....and if you think i am a liar ..... go to CHRO and look it up..... then go
PSOW they try to get a bill pass because of the crime that was allow against my son......
so most people, and that is NPR PBS 20/20 will tell you the Ombudman report only
design to protect the state from a lawsuit...... and as a Lawyer telling the world about her
NPD was a low blow and Illegal .......
Saturday at 12:24pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups oh by the way they said I was a bad mother
because the decon at the church who sexaul assauted me over 30 years ago was the
reason..... and never let the Criminal courts get the second MRI letting the man get away
with breaking my son skull .....unlike Lori most people supported me, but the
OmBudsman Office
Saturday at 12:32pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups one more thing because he was some young
he did not have any bruises and i had to push the issuse son Doctor said there was
nothing wrong then Waterbury Hospital said nothing was wrong..... and was not until a
beg them to look harder that found 11 fractures bones ..... and then I called the police
Saturday at 12:44pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups sorry my son is up from his NAP....I will be
on later
Saturday at 12:50pm • LikeUnlike

Michael Waxman Truth, I am very sorry to hear of the ordeal you have been through.
Truly. But your case is not the Mila Malenko case. And I don't know what you are talking

about when you claim that stating the truth -- that Handrhan has been diagnosed as
suffering from a severe case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- is somehow illegal.
You are incorrect. And knowing of that diagnosis EXPLAINS her entire site. This
diagnosis is public knowledge, since it was testified to in court and published in public
Saturday at 1:08pm • LikeUnlike

Michael Waxman Handrahan has had MORE than her fair chance of presenting her case.
She has employed in excess of 10 different attorneys, including some of the best and
most expensive in the State. There is no conspiracy against her. She is her own worst
enemy, as her site doggedly demonstrates. She is truly the most selfish, angry and
malicious person I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. Mila deserves a loving,
healthy momma. All she needs to do is back away from the computer screen, seek out
some help, and make an authentice effort to coparent this lovely child with the father. But
she would rather attack everyone and manipulate people like you in order to bask in
attention and adulation. Classic symptoms of NPD -- no empathy and need for attention
and adoration. Just the facts.
Saturday at 1:16pm • LikeUnlike

Michael Waxman Truth, I see that you are asking Handrahan to give you the case in
which she was not present and the Court found no abuse. That is the Protection from
Abuse case she fileda against Igor. You can find that the site under the
Other Relevant Findings heading. It is entitled supremecourt.pdf. And Handrhan CHOSE
not to attend the final hearing on her PFA case against Igor. Can you imagine being a
momma who fervently believes some monster is sexually abusing her little girl, and you
don't attend the hearing to testify, to look him in the eyes and call him out??? Of course
not. That is because Handrahan KNEW that her claims were false. There is NO OTHER
Saturday at 1:26pm • LikeUnlike

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) just curious Truth.. If you would ask her on the
page why she waited for two weeks to report sexual abuse and took her child naked
covered in sand o ER? Of course there will be vaginal trauma from seating naked
restrained in a car seat. Ask her to explain how her daughter got the bruise (hematoma) as
she calls it, on her forehead on Sunday if Friday she was picked up from daycare without
it - confirmed fact by daycare workers)and all the time girl was in her custody? I am
curiuos how fast your questions will be deleted and you will be blocked from that page...
And answering your question about If I saw personally naked picture, I will say that no, I
didn't. But there are many people who saw them and commented on this page about it.
What I know that when I posted Obdusman report they tried to destroy WACA page and
I have proof of it.
Saturday at 2:53pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I never talk to her before Mr Waxman took
the info off that page.... and I do know that DSM 5 will not have NPD and that most of
the mental health worker overseas find that here in US our people are being over DRUG
because we have lobby who try to get lower standard to steal from medicare.... remember
the story that 20 20 did about children in foster care ..... how about Mr Waxman post
it....the hearing finding that i am talking about..... they just posted 10 pages on my group,
and I not going to hunt for it....... rights now I think the child should be taken from them
both and Mr Waxman is no better then her because he is posting all over the net too.....
plus his groupies are jumping down any one that ask or said anything about looking to
find the truth.... look at the page posted on this tread anyone that support her is crazy....
the other EXPLANATION? maybe was did she not get paper work.... i did see Igor is
friends with Mike Nowacki, maybe the same games his wife did to him they did her ....So
I do not know .... and To WACA it was because they(saving Mila) attack you that I
started thinking something may be wrong.... and out of respect to your page I did support
her..... because I saw you took a strong stand not to support her...... but I am not going to
get the truth from either of them....... so the thing that i am sure of ,,,,,,,is Mr waxman
hand are dirty in this mess too..... if he has nothing to hide posted it..... because it did not
said court did not find there not abuse said two expert said there was abuse that Igor
is part of ....but the court gave him custody.......and she was not there
Saturday at 6:09pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups sorry for the typo.... I did not ...out of respect
Saturday at 6:14pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups good night and Happy New Year....... i hope
Mr Waxman posted it
Saturday at 6:15pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups
Hello,.. Mr Waxman has posted on child abuse group about your case ..... I told them I
would do some research and I found in the paper work that said you were
not in court and that two expert said he should be not alone with the child....... now can
you please post that on my group and then I will repost it there ....
LikeUnlike • • 7 hours ago • Saving Mila likes this..

Saving Mila Yep. Just did. Let me know if you want me to post more. I didn't want to
flood your page--we have got much more evidence--of Mila's trafficking by Waxman,
DHHS and Maine courts....
5 hours ago • LikeUnlike. Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I would like (1) the
report from the last hearing ..... the one she was not at..... (2) why was she not there....(3)
and why did she not take her child for 2 days to the hopital and THE BABY was cover

with sand and naked .....(4) please go WACA and tell them you are sorry I do not want
the people helping her "if what she said is true to hurt the cause"........ because alot of
women has lost custody to pedophile and Mr Waxman is dirty down to the cord and we
will kill any chance to stop this abuse if we do treat the good people like WACA like
dirt I know the Obudman report is crap..... anyone who has any dealing with family
court know that but WACA did not know that and I am going to find some things about
that and give it to them...(5) i am going to cut and paste this to WACA.... let us all try to
get the bottom of this.......thank you....

Saving Mila
The truth about Lori and Mila
Expand Preview
Saturday at 6:48pm • LikeUnlike

John Large Waxman, I thoroughlly read the Supreme Juducial Court, Board of Overseers
of the Bar vs. YOU. It does not exonerate your actions, in fact, it finds you in Violation
of Unprofessional Conduct of M. Bar. 3.1; 3.2(f)(4); 3.6(c) and M.R. Prof. Conduct 8.4
(d) and (e). Of course as expected how Lawyers cover for each other, the Panel finds only
"minor" misconduct, and dismisses it with a "warning to Attorney Michael J. Waxman to
refrain from such misconduct in the future, and such dismissal with a warning is not
Discipline, and will be treated as Confidential". (LOL). Fuel on the fire. that's how Kids
for Cash (Conahan and Ciavarella) got away with it for years in Pa. COVER-UP. Slap on
the wrist for you, just like the admitted slapping around of Lori by your client and
admitted by him in the RO Court. I read the transcript. But an agreement to an RO
without an admission of Guilt? Clever ! Just like Jerry Sandusky's Lawyer did when he
waived the Prelim Hrg, so he wouldn't have to face the sex-abuse allegations from at least
8 victims, and so your client wouldn't face deportation. Because you know the admitted
domestic violence (not once either) and the theft charges would come out. Why does he
have to steal when your services are free ? Pseudoephidrine (in cough syrup) is used for
makin meth, that's why most Pharmacy's require ID for that purchase. Fired by the
YMCA swimming program for aggressive behavior ? Swimming coach, huh ? A
grooming technique (like Sandusky) typical of pedophiles, not that I have any proof he is.
If your so confident of your client's Innocence, please explain why you would stoop to
such unethical practices of attack. If a pro se litigant would have done what you did, he'd
be arrested for harassment and intimidation. But your an officer of the Court, so you slide
with a reprimand. It says "your too personally involved, ready to use you vast family
fortune to crush Lori, and too personally interested in Mila". Very bizarre. That's right,
she hired some of the best Lawyers to help her and they BELIEVED in her. And she
fought to protect her daughter. Not one , but 3 reports of suspected physical and sexual
abuse, that were silenced, and a "right" to see DHHS files sealed by the AG, why ? Is that
how the Justice system works - he who has the Gold makes the rules. Wonder how it
would have went if your client had to pay for you out of his own pocket like Lori did ?
Well, easy answer, you explained that in the review. He would have been Deported for
his Criminal activity. Bruises on Mila's arm, cheek, forehead and no explanation. Very
suspicious, especially since the allegations of Domestic Violence occurred well before

the Divorce started, and continued after. Look at the video from Truth. That guy had
everybody fooled, even the Judge admitted she was dooped. First rule in Law school -
when you have NO Defense, Abuse the Plaintiff, so after your client Abused Lori and
Mila, you added insult to injury. He admitted to severe physical abuse as a kid by his
Father, suffers from PTSD, and that's why he's a ticking time-bomb, or do I have that
wrong too. children of sexual abuse either disappear or are murdered before they reach
the age of 10, because that's when they start talking to friends. Let's pray that doesn't
happen to Mila !!! How will you feel then ? ZEALOUS ???
Saturday at 7:27pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Michael Waxman Mr. Large, you are clearly incapable of simply reading a document and
understanding it. Remarkable. I was NOT found by Justice Alexander to have violated
ANY ethical rules. I am not "dirty," but clearly your mind is. It is clear to me that facts
and evidence provide not even the slightest hurdle to you and the Handrahan followers.
You will always find some shadow, something sinister, no matter how clear the evidence.
EVERY SINGLE COURT who has seen Handrahan or heard her case has decided
against her. Not because I have bribed the judges, either. That is a ludicrous claim. And
NOT ONE medical provider has made a report of suspected abuse to DHHS. If the
physical harm you claim and Handrahan claims were present, they would have been
REQUIRED BY LAW to make those reports to DHHS. Look, you can fill whatever
emptiness you have in your life by buying into conspiracy theories if you want. It is a free
country. But usually, things are much simpler than conspiracy theorists want to believe.
Mila is safe and happy and loved by a nurturing, gentle father. Handrahan wants to
destroy Igor at any cost, including the emotional and physical health of her child. That is
the entire case. Have a great New Year. I won't be wasting my time writing you anymore.

Saturday at 7:46pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Michael Waxman And Truth? You do not speak of truth at all. You have an agenda,
borne of your own terrible experience. You automatically conclude that the Ombudsman
in THIS case must be incompetent because you claim the one in YOUR case was. That is
not a sound logical leap. And as for your speculation that Handrahan did not attend the
PFA hearing because she did not "get notification?" Incorrect. She later testified that she
did not come because she might have had a hard time finding a baby sitter. She failed to
show, she testfied because it was "inconvenient." Interesting. If I believed my child were
being sexually abused by the other parent, I would move heaven and earth to be at that
hearing. Wild horses could not drag me away. Again, however, like Mr. Large, you
would rather indulge in speculation, than review and consider the actual facts and
evidence in this case. I don't know how to respond to willful ignorance. I do not believe it
is bliss, and arguing with you is like smashing my head against a wall. I am all done.
Have a great life. I need to get back to my meeting with my Jewish friends about how to
take over the world's financial systems, after which we shall forge additional "evidence"
of Obama's citizenship.
Saturday at 7:52pm • LikeUnlike • 1

John Large Google: Board of Overseers of the Bar vs. Waxman, dated January 8, 2010,
RE: GFC 09-365, is that document fake ? Or do you think I made it up ? 2nd Paragraph
clearly states your Violation of Professional Conduct and a "warning to refrain from such
misconduct in the future". It goes on to say that the Board will dismiss with said warning,
but it's not cosidered discipline. In the real world when you break the rules, people ARE
subject to Discipline, but in the Good 'Ole Boys Bar Club, it's just a slap on the wrist.
Perhaps you don't want the rest of the World to see how the Dismissal was Qualified -
violation of Professional Conduct and a Warning to refrain from such misconduct in the
future, or have I misinterpreted that somehow ?????
Saturday at 10:53pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Michael Waxman Read the decision from the actual trial that was produced by that
meritless complaint, my good friend. Funny, in your preceding post you claimed to have
"thoroughly read" the case. If that is what you call a "thorough reading" then pardon me
for not being terribly impressed with your reading comprehension.
Saturday at 11:59pm • LikeUnlike • 1

John Large I specifcally said that I read the Boeard of Overseer of the Bar vs. YOU, and
it wasn't an exonerated, complete dismissal as you would want the World to believe. You
were reprimanded for Unprofessional Conduct. slap on the wrist, eh... then again, anyone
who knows how the Court system works - KNOWS it's CROOKED ! Where would Mila
be if your client had to pay for this, and didn't have your PRO BONO rep ? Deported and
with her Mother !!! Did you and your friends figure out how to take over the World's
financial system ? Was that Judge one of your so-called "friends" ?????? I'd bet on it.
EVIL DEEDS, CROOKED and distasteful ! That's why there are so many hateful
Lawyer jokes that you so despise. I just have one word For ya Brother --KARMA !!!!!
Sunday at 9:40am • LikeUnlike • 1

Michael Waxman Happy New Year, Mr. Large. I won't be debating you this year. I'd
rather give myself paper cuts. But I shall simply correct your misimpression, and then
enjoy the rest of the day with my children and ex-wife (and her husband). In your
"research" you stopped too soon. The merit less grievances filed by Handrahan, were
finally heard in a full, two day trial -- which by the way, Handrahan did NOT attend. The
culmination of that trial was a 65 page decision by Maine Supreme Court Justice Donald
Alexander, completely exonerating me of the 14 separate ethical violations she and the
Board accused me of. I shall try to provide the link here, but if that fails, just go the
Maine Judicial Branch page, go to Opinions, choose Bar Decisions, and look at 2010.
You will find it. You may deliver a correction and an apology to me at any time today.
Sunday at 10:16am • LikeUnlike • 1

Corrine Morehead HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
Sunday at 1:07pm • LikeUnlike • 3

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups shame on you Mr. Waxman, you have a
agenda too...... your job is not for the child it is for Igor..... If you were 100% for the child
Igor could sue you......second for the Obudman report there now are report from CA to
CT about why the kids in foster care are being over drug....and there is one from the bad
lands about how they onlytake baby and how they take them at a higher rate then other
part of the state..... (2) you knew why she did not go to court that day but you told half
the truth to mislead then said not having someone to take of the child is a inconvenient.....
(3) casey anthony the court found her not guilty....OJ got his kids in his custody war
too .......(4) two expert said he more likely did sexaul abuse the girl....(5) you are a victim
blaming, spin master, you have posted on your law firm page about this case and other
lawyer pages so you point the finger she is wrong to have her page and you are doing the
same thing ...... and the best part Lori posted on my page about ER picture that she took it
down are the reason everyone know about the pictures because it had been posted
and you tell everyone they are still there ......(6) you do remind me of the jewsih lawyers
in westchester who said after a friend of his killed his wife and his two children.... i could
have supported him if he only killed his wife.....
Sunday at 1:49pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups

‘Beaten’ daddy finally snapped
“He did a monstrous thing.”
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Sunday at 1:51pm • LikeUnlike

Michael Waxman Truth, you are a cynic and a conspiracy theorist. Enjoy living life in
blackness and anger. I choose the path of happiness. But if you care to expand your
horizons a bit, why don't you read my recently published article in the Maine Bar Journal
entitled Children's Voices, Fathers' Hearts: Cahallenges Faced in Implementing the Best
Interest Standard. You will see that I AM representing BOTH Igor AND Mila.
Sunday at 1:54pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and if that is true .... that is very wrong..... and
forget to call me a chick here .....
Sunday at 2:39pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups the little girl should have had her own lawyer
that care only about her and no one else
Sunday at 2:41pm • UnlikeLike • 2

Michael Waxman Truth, the child DID have a representative -- a guardian ad litem
named Elizabeth Stout. She had no choice but to withdraw from the case after Handrahan
slandered her after the divorce at a legislative hearing in Augusta Maine. Before and after
that Handrahan tried to have her fired, and also did her best to torpedo Ms. Stout's
attempt to become a Family Law Magistrate. This is what Handrahan does when you
cross her . . . she attacks you with as much malice and force as she can. And please,
before you announce your conclusions, just try and find out if you are correct. I CAN and
DO represent both Igor and his child. Let me explain -- a child has TWO natural
guardians, mom and dad. Those guardians have the obligation of speaking for their child
until the child is a legal adult. Thus, Igor speaks for his child, especially since he is the
custodial parent with ultimate decision-making authority, and I represent Igor. By the
transitive law of inequality (that was some geometry humor, by the way), I represent Igor
AND Mila. Some states do require that children have a separate legal representative.
Maine is not one of those states. This is what I do for work. I know what I am talking
about. I am sure that you have areas in which you feel competent and confident. But,
clearly, the law is not one of them.
Sunday at 4:56pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups It is still wrong that you can do both.....the
child need a lawyer that care about her rights and not Igor..... what ever you said if two
people are fighting for one child that child should have someone who fight for
her.....nothing you can said will ever make this right.....
Sunday at 5:51pm • UnlikeLike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and for the record you are not any better, read
some of the crazy things you wrote about jewish people and Obama..... I try to be fair but
you have been very rude and Unprofessional ......
Sunday at 5:58pm • UnlikeLike • 2

Michael Waxman Truth, I could tell you that I have a small skin tag on my left under
arm, and you would absolutely call me a liar. You are not interested in the facts or
evidence. You like to be told a story by a distraught mother which gives you the
opportunity to portray yourself as some kind of crusader swooping in to help a poor little
girl. I honestly am sorry you have been through a devastating ordeal. But your experience
has nothing to do with this case. And frankly, NONE of this cyber blogging has anything
to do with the case either. If Handrahan truly wanted custody of her child, her lawyer
would be in court demanding a hearing. She is not doing that because she knows that

Exhibit A in the hearing is going to be the bile, the lunacy which Handrahan is spewing
on these threads, bile which may persuade a court to involuntarily commit her to a mental
institution. She needs help . . . but not from her followers on the internet. She needs
professional help so that she can be a loving and safe mommy to her little girl.
Sunday at 6:00pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I never called you a liar ...what I said is you
are rude and tell half truth to spin what you think peoplle need to get what you
Sunday at 6:02pm • UnlikeLike • 2

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups And if she was 100% wrong you would have
a writ of mandamus to have her arrested
Sunday at 6:05pm • UnlikeLike • 1

Dawn Henderson Truth - Below please find the link to the official DSM 5 website, where
it denotes the criteria for a finding of Narcissistic personality disorder. Please, before you
make absolute claims that a diagnosis does not exist, do your research.
Sunday at 6:09pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Dawn Henderson Note: I do not represent Igor. I AM FIGHTING FOR MILA and her
right not to be used as a tool to inflict harm, to be endangered because her mother cares
not about protecting her from predators but only about drawing attention to herself, AND
MOST ESPECIALLY the right of the child not to have her nude photos posted on the
web for her own personal gain. I HAVE seen those pictures. Those pictures HAVE been
reported. Mila absolutely DOES need protection but not from who you think. Do as
WACA suggests. As the questions that need to be asked on Lori's facebook site. Then be
prepared for what she does - it is ugly.
Sunday at 6:11pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Michael Waxman Truth, a "writ of mandamus" has NO application to this case,
especially since the Courts have all done the right thing. Seriously, take your energy,
your passion, and channel it into reading the documents on the site. You
are being manipulated by a very sick woman, and you are assisting her in exploiting a
child. You are doing the exact opposite of what you claim to be focused on doing.
Sunday at 6:30pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups ...Proposed Revision....of NPD for the DSM what you just post,,,,,, just like a Proposed Revision was put into the DSM 2 took

out being gay as a mental illness
Sunday at 7:24pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups the DSM 5 is coming in may 2013......and
they are taking out NPD because only crackpot use it......
Sunday at 7:27pm • UnlikeLike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups

DSM-5: The Future Manual
<body> Information about the development process of DSM-5 can be found here.
Expand Preview
Sunday at 7:27pm • LikeUnlike

Corrine Morehead Sad is they say a video of a child you cant see telling in a happy mood
a stuffed cat something is proof and if she on video told the world what her mother was
saying and those weren't her words not just on paper they still wouldnt believe her. That
is who I believe. Not waxman Not Igor Not experts or psychologists I believe a little girl
who said that was stuff her MOMMY told her to say!!!!
Sunday at 7:30pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Dawn Henderson Amen Corrine, Amen.
Sunday at 7:32pm • LikeUnlike

Corrine Morehead And why didnt Lori answer your question of why she waited to take
the baby to the hospital or why she moved 8hrs away when her baby supposedly in grave
danger?Truth,she did not answer those questions she went off about SAND!!!
Sunday at 7:33pm • LikeUnlike • 2

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Latin, We comand.] A writ or order that is
issued from a court of superior jurisdiction that commands an inferior tribunal,
corporation, Municipal Corporation, or individual to perform, or refrain from performing,
a particular act, the performance or omission of which is required by law as an obligation.

A writ or order of mandamus is an extraordinary court order because it is made without
the benefit of full judicial process, or before a case has concluded. It may be issued by a
court at any time that it is appropriate, but it is usually issued in a case that has already


writ of mandamus
Definition of writ of mandamus in the Legal Dictionary by
Expand Preview
Sunday at 7:46pm • UnlikeLike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups maybe i am wrong as Mr Waxman has
pointed out I am only a chick
Sunday at 7:47pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and all us silly little broken chick are unable
to think for ourself
Sunday at 7:49pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @ Dawn if you only care about the child why
have you not said anything about the child not having her own lawyer...... someone who
only care about her rights ....and tell Igor, Mr waxman and Lorri to stop the war
Sunday at 7:57pm • UnlikeLike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @ Corrine I agree the sand stuff is silly....
Sunday at 8:05pm • LikeUnlike

Dawn Henderson Truth - Mila was originally represented by a Guardian Ad Litem. That
is how many states handle representation for the child themselves during a
divorce/custody case. The GAL expressed her concerns about Lori's ability to effectively
parent Mila and engage in an effective co-parenting relationship that would be in the best
interests of the child. Her predictions proved correct. If I had the money, I would hire
Mila her own attorney - to stop her mother from using her image, name and location on
the web which is clearly not in the best interest of the child.
Sunday at 8:43pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Dawn Henderson PS Igor has not engaged in any of this. He knows it is happening. His
only focus is on raising his daughter and it shows. Mr. Waxman is doing his best to
protect Igor AND Mila. He is very vocal in his defense of both, but he has never - that I
have seen - personally attacked Lori, such as she has himself and everyone that dares to
stand up for MILA. In case you have not been out to the site, as clearly

you have not read all the court documents (I know the life of a mom and how busy it can
be), pay attention to what we are saying out there. We are fighting for Mila (yes, those
are her pictures -- from the back only, not disclosing her identity) -- primarily to have any
mention of Mila's name, pictures and location removed from the web - once and for all.
This little girl does not deserve what is happening to her. No, i Do not mean sexual abuse.
I quite obviously do not believe that is happening (and coming from a sexual abuse
survivor's standpoint that should count for A LOT). I mean the harm that will come to her
one day when she sees what her mother has used her to do....the harm that has been done
with the coaching...but even more so, the harm that can very well come to her at the
hands of a predator when her other leads them to her front door.
Sunday at 8:51pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups most state give a child a Guardian Ad Litem
in high Conflict cases....and i do not belive Mr Waxman about Lori with theGuardian Ad
Litem ..... here in Ct ...there is Supreme Court case with Dan Gross, so I know that they
have immunity for almost anything they how can a woman who everyone think
is crazy have so much power over a lawyer for a child unless there is more to the story....
and I am not going to ask because I do not want 100 post on my group.... that does not
answer why you not think it wrong that the baby has no lawyer now.....
Sunday at 9:08pm • UnlikeLike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups it would be free from the state ....
Sunday at 9:15pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups you should read this before you knock my
group and who we are ....
Father's Rights Groups: Beware Their Real Agenda
Father's Rights Groups: Beware Their Real Agenda
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Sunday at 9:34pm • LikeUnlike

Corrine Morehead No one can Lori wont allow it. She makes thier lofe miserable and
why would they need to if someone who has the backbone to deal with her can legally do
it and will.
Sunday at 9:39pm • LikeUnlike

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) Truth, nobody called you chick.. I am sorry, I can't
find it... but "cynic" - is a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human
actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view.
Sunday at 9:40pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @ WACA go the the group and see what they
    are posting about what is said..........copy and paste .....Michael Waxman The problem
    with Large and also the Truth chick is that they have endured some kind of very difficult
    situation in their own lives, which animates their passion for Lori.
    Sunday at 9:46pm • UnlikeLike • 2

    Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups that is as sexist as you can be
    Sunday at 9:48pm • LikeUnlike

    Corrine Morehead I've been called a chick its just slang here in U.S for girl, woman,
    female. Nothing is meant by it in fact me as a female may have been the one to say chick
    first. Its not really what the point of all this is about is it?
    Sunday at 9:58pm • LikeUnlike • 1

    Truth about
•   extreme Father Right’s groups in the same way as a man is called a pig
    Sunday at 10:02pm • UnlikeLike • 1

    War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) I agree, it is not the point       and according to
    urban dictionary it is non-offensive..
    Sunday at 10:04pm • LikeUnlike

    Corrine Morehead I get called a chick all the time Well inthe point of all of it tonight mila
    is safely with her daddy and i need to feed , my girls, so this chick is getting off fb. gn all
    and Sleep wel mila.
    Sunday at 10:09pm • LikeUnlike • 1

    Michael Waxman I meant no offense at all. I call my friends, sisters and mom "chick."
    Sunday at 10:15pm • LikeUnlike

    Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I dare you call a judge it.... and you will get
    the point
    Sunday at 10:19pm • UnlikeLike • 1

    Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Is your mother part Of DAR greenwich like
my mother .....if so i will ask her......
Sunday at 10:25pm • LikeUnlike

Dawn Henderson Truth - Honestly, you are going to use the word "chick" as the basis for
judging a person and hence his standing in this case? The issue at hand is Mila, and Mila
only. You have not tangled with Lori, you do not know the misery she intentionally tries
to bring. Let me explain, in response to my one comment on her page, which was quite
innocent, along the lines of "Why did you wait to take Mila to the doctors" during a
period of time when I was doing the research of ALL information out there, I was
viciously attacked. First, Lori accused me of being some nurse. I still don't know who she
is talking about. Then Juan put up a picture of me claiming that I was a criminal from
Florida. Then Lori called me a child trafficker. Then one of them actually said I was
Waxman. After that they THOUGHT they were publishing my phone number and asked
people start calling to harass me. Lori and Juan have posted Sarah's information asking
that people harass her. Juan made an implied threat towards corrine's children. I think it is
clear that WACA is one of the largest child advocacy sites on the web. Lori has attacked
them, because they have come out in defense of MILA and her right not to be subjected
to what her mother is doing. There are more petitions than I can count out there,
supporting child abuse issues with my signature and the moderator's of WACA's
signatures out there. I have been a fighting against child abuse my entire life. Do you
think any of us decided lightly and uninformatively to take a stand against Lori? NO, we
did not. We decided to take a very determined stand WITH MILA! Please, again, ask
Lori to provide the medical reports from Mila's 15 visits to the hospital and to indicate on
those where sexual abuse has been sustained. She won't do it, because there has NEVER
been medical proof of it. Spurnwick states a moderate risk because the child said so. This
is standard for so many "old school" places. Isn't it far more important what the child
herself has said now that she is old enough to differentiate between a story and real life, a
truth and a lie "My mommy said it happened, but I know it didn't." Ask Lori exactly
WHY she is not willing to do third party visitation with Mila? Don't let her give you
some lame answer like "because I shouldn't have to." IF this were YOUR child, and you
were not coaching her, were not subjecting her to unneeded and frightening exams, and
you believed she wasn't beingn harmed, wouldn't you see her and speak to her ANY
WAY AND ANY TIME YOU COULD? Would you MOVE a day's drive away from the
child you believed was being sexually assaulted by the father? Use rationality, not your
emotions. Because once you objectively look at all the facts, your emotions will dictate
that you need to do whatever it takes to save MILA from further exploitation by her
Sunday at 10:38pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I took your side because of WACA ,,,,,but
then you attack my group, who I am and alot of what Mr Waxman said is just so
wrong...... that why i think Mr Waxman is no better then Lori....and I do need a 100 post
on my group that prove that both sides are acting very foul....this is not black and
white ....this is just very wrong all of it....and I hope someone read all these post and give

the baby a laywer that tell you all to grow up and end this war ....
Sunday at 10:50pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Kimm Moon seriously.... if I suspected my child's father of molestation and sex abuse on
my child i would not be able to engage in effective co=parenting either. I pray for this
Sunday at 10:52pm • UnlikeLike • 2

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I just wish all the people would stop using her
name, I think it is unfair to the little girl to post all this on the web .....this take her choice
Sunday at 11:08pm • LikeUnlike • 2

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and I feel she need a lawyer who care about
her.... not mr waxman
Sunday at 11:09pm • UnlikeLike • 2

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and I do feel Lori is wrong to post her
Name ..... I do feel she is should fight for her child ..... and i hope she go to bar and tell
them about Mr Waxman posting on these group too
Sunday at 11:13pm • UnlikeLike • 2

War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) Truth, your group was never under attack from our
side, I respect what you are doing.. I researched this case for months, Before I made my
decision. Her claims, her "proof" , her actions convinced me that she is the one who is
lying. If not Mr.Waxman, Innocent man would be accused of a crime, deported just
because he decided to divorce the woman who was trying to treat him as mentally ill..
And as it was written in one of the documents, bar decision, I believe, that such a
commitment to the case in pro-Bono cases is what is expected from a lawyer. It is black
or white when we speak about child sexual abuse. Because it can be true or fabricated.
Sorry for my misspells I am typing from my iPad....and it is frustrating.... When I read
court document it is not just decision, there are plenty of examples and facts and
supportive documents that will show you where the truth is.. I agree that little girls name
should be erased from www and her well being is the most important thing in this case.
Sunday at 11:31pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups they took all the post off about my group
should be called against all father rights .....and how we are mindless fool..... I told Lori
she should not attack you and ask her to said sorry .... i do feel both side are being
harmful this child ..... do you remember Elizabeth Smart people said she would have been

better off found dead ..... people treat child sex Survivors like damage garabge ......the
Stigma for the victim is just so hard on teenager ..... and which all these post someone
going to google her name and think she is damage garbage which is what break my heart
for this little girl.....
Yesterday at 12:00am • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell Kimm, research the case yourself.
Yesterday at 7:53am • LikeUnlike

Sammie Jones I'm sickened that you did not post the sister site... The one with all the
proof. You know, legal documents from reputable doctors and nurses that are concerned
about Mila being abused.
Yesterday at 8:35am • LikeUnlike • 1

Sarah Tyrrell So the legal documents we have are not reputable??
Yesterday at 8:36am • LikeUnlike

Sammie Jones Be careful, Waxman may threaten to use his "family fortune" to keep you
child away from you. It's only a matter of time, Waxman. Your bullying and threats
cannot continue indefinitely. What kind of lawyer get personally involved to the point
that they smear themselves to look as bad to the general public as you do right now? It
blows me away that YOU are crusading against Lori more than Igor is. Oh, and making
your own visitation rules when a judge has not ordered it is illegal. This case is another
example of he who has the money having control. You know you've violated the BAR
thousands of times. The only reason you are allowed to even be a lawyer is because you
have a powerful family. I hope the people put you where you belong (in jail) soon. We
the people will not tolerate abuses of power like this man does. It will end.
Yesterday at 8:42am • UnlikeLike • 2

Sarah Tyrrell And that site is not our sister site, it is full of defamatory statements and
lies. Sammie, it is frustrating that you obviously have not bothered to read anything other
than what is on Lori's blog.
Yesterday at 8:43am • LikeUnlike

Sammie Jones Go ahead, guys, look at what Waxman is REALLY doing. This other site
he has created is a lie. He has also contacted many of Lori's supporters and requested
gossip to smear her. He is a horrible person, and honestly, I have wondered what his
extreme interest in Mila is. He has a restraining order against her once. He wasn't allowed
to come near her.
Yesterday at 8:44am • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell It's only a matter of time before Waxman uses his family fortune to keep
my child from me? Do you not realise how crazy that sounds? If you insist on believing
Lori at any cost and want to speak for her, you're doing her and her fake cause no favours
making ridiculous comments like that.
Yesterday at 8:48am • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell Stop giving Waxman credit for our hard work!!! : ) He did NOT create any
Yesterday at 8:49am • LikeUnlike

Sammie Jones In fulfilling his or her primary duties to the client, a lawyer must be ever
conscious of the
broader duty to the legal system and how it is perceived by the public. Effective
does not require antagonistic or obnoxious behavior. Such behavior interferes with
and degrades the profession. Lawyers should conform to the standard of professionalism
judges, fellow attorneys, clients, and the public may rightfully expect. Honor, respect,
and courtesy are the hallmarks of professional behavior. With that in mind, the Maine
Bar Association has established the following guidelines. These are grounded in the
that historically have been adhered to by Maine’s finest lawyers. They should assist all
in the pursuit of their common objective of representing their clients in a civil and
Yesterday at 8:54am • UnlikeLike • 2

Sammie Jones This portion of the Maine State Bars Association Guidelines for
Professional Courtesy were put in to specifically addess Waxman's behavior. Since the
BAR is having such a difficult time violating him (there is plenty of evidence, they just
can't seem to get a specific possibly bribed judge to convict him), they are addressing it
this way.
Yesterday at 8:56am • UnlikeLike • 2

Sarah Tyrrell you deleted your own post? SO you obviously know how crazy it sounds?
Yesterday at 8:57am • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell That is nonsense Sammie....I have one question for you..Have you read
ANY of the legal documents, ombudsman reports,DHSS findings etc on the website? Or
have you just read Handrahans blog?
Yesterday at 8:58am • LikeUnlike

Michael Waxman Sarah, facts and evidence mean nothing to Handrahan and her
followers. Despite the demonstrable truth, they will continue to believe and trumpet that
1) Michael Waxman launched the site, 2) I am spending my family's
money on this case (at the same time I am a pro bono attorney), 3) judge Moskowitz,
Justice Alexander, DHHS, the office of the Ombudsman, Igor and I are selling children
into a pedophile ring, and that 4) the entire state of Maine has a vendetta against Lori
Handrahan. Asking them for ONE fact, ONE piece of evidence supporting ANY of these
claims will get you nowhere. They don't need facts when Lori Handrahan TELLS them
these claims are true.
Yesterday at 9:07am • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I never had a chance to read her blog, but I do
know if you care about the little girl these records would be seal.....and your follower are
so blind they said anything not to get this little girl her own lawyer ....and I hope one that
is not a sexist
Yesterday at 10:56am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and I will said it again Casey Anthony by
facts and court of law got away with killing her child.....and Florida DCF ombudsman did
said they did not see anything that was wrong too.....
Yesterday at 11:02am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Mr Waxman you deleted the post about the
two experts from I will said it again you are as bad as Lori
Yesterday at 11:07am • LikeUnlike

Michael Waxman Truth, I am amazed by the level of ignorance of which you proudly
BOAST!! You have not read the evidence? Yet you have the temerity to come on here
and blog away as if you are the revealer of truth??? THIS CASE IS NOT YOUR
CASE!!!! You cannot simply cut and paste YOUR facts or Casey Anthony's facts onto
this one. And it very telling that you do not speak from a place of truth . . . you actually
have to fasten upon my use of the word "chick" as damning evidence that I am a sexist?
Are you serious? "Chick" is a funny, playful word, like "guys and dolls." Do you have a
sense of humor at all? I have a daughter, ex wife, sisters and female friends who think I

am a pretty cool cat and who don't lose their mind when I use a term like "chick." Take a
deep breath. And then, PLEASE take the time to read the Ombudsman Report. I would be
happy to share it with you. I'll do just that right now, as a matter of fact.
Yesterday at 11:13am • LikeUnlike

Michael Waxman Nope, your site does not permit me to add content. And you don't
bother disclosing your actual name. Well, if you'd like to see the best document
explaining this case, then go to and read the Ombudsman Report from
Septemter 22, 2011. I KNOW that you abhor the Ombudsman in YOUR case. I get it. But
this is a completely different case. Ombudsman are just human beings. Some are good
and some are bad. The one in the Handrahan case took great pains to read and understand
ALL the evidence.
Yesterday at 11:22am • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell In fairness Truth,it is Loris followers who are being blinded. We are not
Waxmans "followers", we are like minded individuals who are united in our common
goal to support Mila and have Loris exploitative site removed from the web.
Yesterday at 11:26am • LikeUnlike

Michael Waxman I did not delete ANYTHING, Truth. And if you would simply read the
Ombudsman Report, you will learn about the various experts Handrahan refers to and
why the Courts, DHHS, and the Ombudsman did not find their opinions credible.
Yesterday at 11:30am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Nice victim blaming i am now damage
for that reason anything i said about this has to be wrong...... chick is at the level of
disrepect as if I called you BOY... now Take a deep breath, I am not a stepford wife that
fall down and think you are a god because you pass the bar.... the big fact is you and lori
should not be posted any report of this case on the should all be sealed.......and
If you care about her the little girl you would being filing a motion to stop this but you
are on the web acting like ego Maniac with your follower who use the dumbest Excuses
on why this child does not have her own lawyer .....
Yesterday at 11:32am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups come on Penn st did not find the victim
mother credidble 9 years ago ...I an not going to read any court paper ....I do feel you are
no better the Lori.... that none of it should be on the web..... and you being the lawyer is
worst because you should know better
Yesterday at 11:45am • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell You are not going to read any court papers??? Well then your thoughts and
opinions cannot be relevant i'm afraid.
Yesterday at 11:57am • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups anyone can post on my group...... so that was
a nice try to get my name..... but I care for my two children to post my name and hurt my
16 yeay old and later my 2 year old....
Yesterday at 1:42pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups wow Sarah you are posting that you only care
about the Little girl and that Lori is so wrong to post about this....but it is okay for you
and your group to take this little girl private life away from her...... I do not have the right
to read them and I respect this child and will not join this witch hunt that care more about
grow up ego, then what you are doing this child that one day someone will have a friend
or boyfriend google her name and find this crap...... you should all be ashame of what you
are doing to this little girl are no better then Lori
Yesterday at 1:52pm • LikeUnlike

Dawn Henderson Sammie Jones, your groundless and uneducated rants only perpetuate
what we have continually said about Lori's followers being blind and biased. You have
completed ZERO RESEARCH. You have read only the reports Lori has PAID for --
some of which even involve urine that her own cannot prove came from the child. You
have failed to recognize that not one of the 15 -- FIFTEEN -- medical reports, all exams
not only of her request but where she wanted the done -- find NO EVIDENCE OF
ABUSE. You have failed to read a single OFFICIAL DOCUMENT -- court reports,
DHHS findings, Ombudsman findings, etc. You are blathering on, and only reciting
Lori's ficticious and malicious claims. So, let me clear up a couple of thing really fast. 1) is NOT a sister site, as you call it, to lori's site. That would imply we
support Lori - a thought that make me ill. 2) is NOT Michael Waxman's
site. It is mine, It is Sarah's. 3) An attorney vehemently defending his client against
malicious allegations and his client's child from the abuse - emotional and physical (yes,
constant subjection to unnecessary, invasive medical exams is physically abusive) is not
corrupt, it is ADMIRABLE. Since you seem to want to have a discourse on this matter,
please answer the following questions for me: 1) Why has Lori not published any of the
official court records, DHHS findings, Ombusdman reports, Overseer of the Bar Reports,
modified custody orders, the 15 medical records mentioned above on HERE SITE? 2)
How do you justify placing nude, spread eagle pictures of a child on the www by HER
OWN MOTHER? 3) Why did Lori wait 3 days after an alleged physical assault of her
child to take the ER? 4) Why did Lori drop Mila off, directly after a gyn exam to her
father, not wearing underpants? 5) Why does Lori, Juan and Willow attack people on
their site, delete their posts (which makes them look like they are just to themselves) and
then claim they do not do this? 6) Why exactly is it that when Mila was old enough to
distinguish between a story and reality that she said "I know my Papa didn't do it, my

mommy told me to say he did? and 7) Why does the daycare report a well adjustd, happy

little girl in her father's care but anxious near her mother? Let me know
Yesterday at 1:57pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Sarah Tyrrell No I think her mother took her private life away when she posted NAKED
PICTURES of her on the web exposing her genitals and anus. The whole point of OUR
website is to have Mila removed from the web. note how we don't put any pictures of her
face or even use her surname. This is what we want and when we achieve that,our site
will also come down.Truth-- this is like banging my head off a brick wall. I am done
talking to you about this.
Yesterday at 2:02pm • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell Sammie, your steadfast ignorance exasperates me.
Yesterday at 2:04pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and once again now that pic are not on the site
..... world still and will alway know..... how would you like if I post that someone posted
naked pic of you ...... this need to be in court with the child having her own lawyer and
Lori can not do anything about that
Yesterday at 2:08pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups really how would you like all these people
telling the world their are naked pictures of you......
Yesterday at 2:09pm • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell Truth!! You're annoyed with me for commenting about the photos, yet you
support Lori and she PUT THEM ON THE WEB..Seriously. It's been nice talking you,
let's agree to disagree.. You can continue to support Lori, I, on the other hand will not
stop campaigning for Mila until the site is down. Happy New Year.
Yesterday at 2:11pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups My first name is Kimberly...... you do need to
keep calling me truth
Yesterday at 2:12pm • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups not sorry for the typo
Yesterday at 2:12pm • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell Happy New Year to you and your's Kimberly.
Yesterday at 2:14pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Dawn Henderson There are still sexually suggestive videos and comments about her on
the web - placed there by her own mother. We will keep fighting until Mila is no longer a
victim of her mother and there is no information on the web that will lead a predator to
her front door.
Yesterday at 2:15pm • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups that why I think someone should get the little
girl a lawyer and get them off..... and go to my group you will see, I have told this to lori
that she need to stop saying her name and posting that take privite life of this child
away..... i Think she is wrong to post anything that people know is about her child.....but
if she belive that her child is being hurt then fight for her but she has no right to harm the
child in the fight
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and that goes for Mr Waxman
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups ....cut and paste......from my group.....Lori
Handrahan Just a question--are you blaming me? Stigma Mila will have from both her
mother and Mr. Waxman? Are you comparing me with Waxman?
Yesterday at 3:30am •
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups it was her following that got the pic off her
site..... and she has alot of follower because there are alot of women who have lost there
children to abuse of DV or to a pedophile .... people belive her because they know what
goes on in family court and DCF/CPS
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I think starting a war with people like them is
just sad.... i do not support Cherly Monrone here in CT....she has been fighting and
posting her son picture all over the web for 5 years...if you read his facebook page all he
talk about is how he want to die......
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell I have no idea what you are talking about kimberly.

23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups cut one paste what lori posted on my
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups sorry for typo my son is awake the typo are
from dealing with him and posting to you......
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups he will hit key and I playing with him with his
cars .....sorry for trying to multi task
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups the second one is how people in her group
told her to take down the pictures.....go read the post
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Dawn Henderson Hey Kimberly, nice to meet you. I understand what you are saying
about her followers. I have said straight along that the people supporting are either having
a need of their own filled or have felt/been abused by the court system. But, the reality is,
you have to look at EVERYTHING on a case by case basis. And in this particular case,
Mila is not being abused by the system, but protected by it correctly. But let's just take
whether or not Mila is being abused out of the conversation for a moment. Is there ever a
reason substantial enough to post sexually suggestive material, along with nude pictures
(I can only give you my word on this. To publish them or ask that they be published
again would be committing child pornography in my opinion), her full name, her father's
full name, and her location? It cannot be justified. Remember, while I will argue until the
end of time that there is substantial proof Igor is a good father that has not committed
abuse, and that Lori needs some serious psyhological help if she can ever parent
effectively -- I have screamed this often. MY PURPOSE, SARAH's PURPOSE,
CORRINE's PURPOSE, WACA's PURPOSE, etc is to have any and all reference to
Mila's name, image, location removed from the internet FOREVER. I do not want her to
be that little boy that just wants to die
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups here is someone like lori...... but 5 years later
and her son want to kill himself.....
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Cheryl Martone
My sons life is not being promoted properly by his father is why I started "WeCareAbout
JustinMartone" FB page
Share • December 28, 2011 at 4:14pm • Kathleen Dunn likes this..

Cheryl Martone please request friend there so u can keep up as to what the tyrants are
doing to him. I will be posting all the court proceedings so others can learn from it.
December 28, 2011 at 4:21pm.
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Dawn Henderson Sarah Tyrrell apparently a mother in CT has done something similar in
re: to her son, and now that her son is old enough to see it and understand it, the damage
has be irreperable. Kimberly, we are not starting a war, we are taking a stand and saying
END THIS for Mila's sake.
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups this 16 year old has been in the middle of hell
for 5 he talk about killing himself and he pull a knife on his mother ....
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups yes but stop using her name and posting
things that you know will hurt later
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups if Mr waxman care about the little girl he
should file that this all should be remove and all the record seal
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell We don't use her full name or any images of her Kimberly. Lori does. Get
on to her about it. You will then be insulted and blocked.
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Dawn Henderson Kimberly, I only use the name Mila. I do NOT post her full identifying
information when I speak with people, nor do I disclose her location. The pictures on my
site are all from the back, you will never see her face. Is there somewhere that I have
referenced her full name?
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Dawn Henderson Sarah, I don't know if the claims are true or false, only that he has now
seen what he has become on the web, based on what Kimberly stated, and is now very
angry and suicidal...which is what I have said straight along I don't want waiting for Mila.

23 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups but if you google her whole name all this will
come up
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell      It's a dirty game these parents play. Just to hurt each other. No
consideration for the children they made. Make's me so mad.
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Dawn Henderson Kimberly, Waxman HAS filed and is working on that. It is not
mentioned often simply because the case has not been heard yet, so there is no
documentation to accompany this.
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups yes and it hard to see what right and what is
wrong..... i do think Igor should take a DV case.... and Lori need help in dealing with this
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Dawn Henderson Sarah Tyrrell - I think you want to quantify that to mean some parents.
Igor has not once spoken about this on the web. His concentration is on raising Mila and
hoping people will put a stop to Mila's exploitation.
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and the help is with a mental health worker
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and I do give that to Igor he is a very good
freind to Mr Waxman ....and never ask him to stop
23 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @sarah do you know some lawyer are turning
some of these cases as wars.....look up Father rights lawyer they will tell a person to go
file a false compiant just to get back at the person
22 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Corrine Morehead Kimberly lori said WACA is a front for pedophile ring and juan said
he wished my child be with a molester/abuser. Yet u tell Lori you believe her. Do u
believe this about WACA! Or what juan wishes upon my one year old and four yr old
daughters. I personally know what being around someone diagnosed with NPD. it is real
and playing her game is dangerous. If you follow along with her you will get harmed by
22 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1

Dawn Henderson Kimberly, yes, I agree, Lori needs to get help with a mental health
worker. It would be ideal for Mila to have two healthy parents in her life that are looking
out ONLY for her interests and well being. As for the extreme right groups, I have seen it
from both sides - mothers and fathers - and it sickens me. Anyone who promotes
exploiting their child should have no access, whatsoever to that child, until they get the
mental health services they need! Corrine Morehead yes they have said this about WACA
which is not only absurd, but unforgiveable. WACA works every day to bring child abuse
to light and to educate people on how to fight for justice for these children!
22 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I said 3 post before that she need help.....and
she is attacking everone who try to talk to her....I do see that.... but that is PTSD not
NPD..... and she Believe what she said is true.....
22 hours ago • UnlikeLike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups ask yourself if you believe that your child was
being hurt crazy would you go
22 hours ago • UnlikeLike • 1

Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and i did tell them to said sorry to WACA.....
22 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell I know Dawn. I kind of meant every parent who makes false claims.
22 hours ago • LikeUnlike

Sarah Tyrrell Kimberly I would go CRAZY..I would not move to a different state..I
would not cut off all contact with my child...I would not expose her genitals on the
web...Do these REALLY seem like the actions of a normal, sane mother?
22 hours ago • LikeUnlike

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Waxman on line jan 4 2012

  • 1. More Waxman On-Line January 4 2012 14 hours ago John Large • Sarah Tyrrell Please join and support Mila... For the Love of Mila This weekend I will be uploading all the documents as a web page so that we can link FB directly to the page. If ya'll see other people wanting to stop the exploitation out here on FB, please direct them to JOIN us Top of Form LikeUnlike • • Reshare • December 30, 2011 at 10:05pm • 3 people like this. John Large This website is a VIRUS created by WAXMAN, do not fall into this trap, WAXMAN is a predator/stalker trying to shift focus from the truth, Mila belongs with her Mother, Tender Years Doctrine rules, her Father can have involvement and spend time with her, but not Custody. She's a little girl and deserves to be with her Mother. Any true Father knows that. Bite the bullet Igor, like the rest of us DADS do, you'll have plenty of time with her when she's more grown up ! December 30, 2011 at 10:26pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Michael Waxman Mr. Large: The Tender Years Doctrine was rejected years ago. It may be true that most women have more nurturing instincts then most men, but each case needs to be considered from the child's best interest perspective. And I can assure you that I have never seen a more patient, loving, supportive, gentle father than Igor Malenko. I should know because I have four wonderful kids and I am a good dad myself, who changed almost as many diapers as mom, did bath-time and bed time and read books till I fell asleep and got the kid's elbow in my tummy, "wake up daddy and finish the book!!" I have no interest in stalking anyone. That sounds exhausting, dangerous and stupid. December 30, 2011 at 10:55pm • LikeUnlike • 2 John Large To see more about the TRUTH, check out Hardy Girls, Healthy Women on FB, and scroll down to Dec 15th, the slide show "It only takes a Girl", a beautiful youtube presentation and then ask yourself after seeing that video and looking at the comments, WHY is Hardy Girls, Healthy Women silent on promoting Mila from being a 1
  • 2. "Hardy girl" with her Mom, so she can become a "Healthy Woman". In particular, the slide with the Grandmother, the Mother, and the Daughter. In Mila's case, Mila is the one missing. As a Dad myself, I knew in my heart that my children belonged with their Momma when they were young. And because I loved them so much, I wasn't selfish to try to rip them from their Momma's arms, I agreed to allow them to live with her after our Divorce. That's what a Loving Father does for his kids. It's a "Law of Nature" that Maternal Bonds RULE, not a "Law of the Court" no matter how Corrupt the Courts can be, as in this case. The only exploitation here is of the Courts - ripping a Child from her Mother's arms. Help Mila get back into her Mother's arms, so the cycle of abuse stops, like the "It takes a Girl" video advocates, Invest in the Future, Make a Change, Save a Life, it only takes a Girl, a little girl - Mila. Speak up, use your VOICE !!! December 30, 2011 at 11:03pm • LikeUnlike • 2 Michael Waxman I do feel sad, Mr. Large, for your children. It sounds like you have willfully taken a step back, out of their lives while they are small, thinking that you will have plenty of time later to catch up. You and they will never get that time back, those formative years when a strong bond with their father might have helped them develop self-confidence and motivation. I disagree that fathers need to be in the background. The more love kids can get, the better. I have never been able to get enough of, or get close enough to, my kids, even while painfully letting them go, letting them grow up to become independent. I think I shall always look back on my child-raising years, which are almost over, as the most amazing, inspiring, miraculous, funny years of my life. December 30, 2011 at 11:04pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Dawn Henderson Mr. Large, as a mother, guess what? I would want my child in the environment where she was happy, secure, thrived, was safe and free from emotional abuse and coercion. That would be exactly where she is right now - with her father. I would think that as a father,be appalled by the fact this woman has posted nude photos on the web of her child, has made it very apparent where she lives and has made her a target for every troll on the web seeking a - what Lori has made Mila out to be, and is not - a groomed child just waiting for her. As an abuse survivor, if you would ever like to know exactly why Lori's videos prove that the only abuse that has occurred is that which her other perpetuates upon her at every opportunity, please feel free to contact me. December 30, 2011 at 11:16pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Dawn Henderson Oh, btw, Waxman didn't create the website and exercises not involvement in it. The creators are MOTHER's and child abuse advocates that have been the target of Lori's twisted lies as well. Since you are cheering for Lori, do you also then advocate her & Juan wishing harm to other people's children? THAT is what you are endorsing! December 30, 2011 at 11:18pm • LikeUnlike • 1 2
  • 3. Corrine Morehead It mothers boyfriends and mothers themselves makin their babies dissappear and killing them too. So to say its always better to go to mom simply because of the bond they should have is scary! December 30, 2011 at 11:20pm • LikeUnlike John Large Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Lawyers are great at putting a spin on things, I never said I took a step back out of their lives and was in the background, I changed diapers, read books, walked them to school, helped them with their homework, played on the playground, went to school functions, and the list goes on and on Brother, but Momma kept Custody and I didn't fight that. My kids got love from both Parents, no doubt. And they are filled with self-confidence and motivation. Tender Years Doctrine may be rejected in your mind, but it's the "Law of Nature", not a "Law of the Court", and any compassionate Father understands that - there was a favorite Christmas video my kids and I would watch, The Year Without a Santa Claus, do you know the one with the Miser brothers (Heat Miser and Snow Miser) ? Do you remember who straightened it out ? MOTHER NATURE, yes, she was called upon by Mrs.Claus to settle the dispute, The "Law of Nature", you don't mess with Mother Nature and a Mother's bond when children are little. I stayed involved diligently with my kids growing up, but they lived with Momma, and I didn't fight that because as much as they loved me, Mom came first, it's just the way it is - Natural Maternal Bond, she carried them for 9 months, I didn't, you didn't, Igor didn't. Mothers give them a different kind of Love that we can't. We are their strength, but Mom is their Light. December 30, 2011 at 11:51pm • LikeUnlike • 2 John Large and you jumping on my comments proves my point of your stalking nature and a need to control every aspect of this. I expected a comment from Sarah, or someone else, not you ! but here you are, why don't you stay out of the social media on these issues and let the public decide what seems proper, and stick tp practicing Law. this is supposed to be a forum for the public to comment on, and your rapid fire comments just has to make me believe that you are behind this new sway away from Saving Mila. She belongs with her Mom, and when you try to rip a child from a Mother's arms......well, makes me wonder what your motives are ? Dad to Dad, did you take your kids from their Mother ? Saturday at 12:07am • LikeUnlike • 2 John Large Dawn and Corrine, do you have children ? Married or Divorced ? and if Divorced, who do your kids live with ? Nuff said Saturday at 12:15am • LikeUnlike • 1 War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) John, you cannot tell people on this page where they should stick too.. Sorry we here try to be civil and fight against child abuse. And everyone can state their opinion here. I blocked certain people becasuse i will not let them use this page to ruin this child. Your comments are rude and I suggest you read true facts and testimonies Saturday at 12:16am • LikeUnlike 3
  • 4. Corrine Morehead I am happily married but I d know that if my mindcracked and I left my adoring husband he would fight tooth and nail for these kids especially if I was putting horrible words in their mouths and treating others in ways that are not condusive to being a good parent. Co parenting should never entail a mother turning the child against the father I would not do that and I would not wish harm on others children either. Saturday at 12:29am • LikeUnlike • 3 War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) It doesnt matter married, divorced, have children or not... Common sence is the key... Saturday at 12:40am • LikeUnlike • 1 Michael Waxman Mr. Large, man to man, my kids' mother and I have shared the kids 50/50, and we have found a way to develop/maintain a great friendship with each other. My kids know that while we can't live together, we love and respect each other. Does that answer your question? I tried to do what was best for my kids. Saturday at 12:41am • LikeUnlike • 1 John Large Well it seems that is exactly what they are trying to do by using your page to steer people in one direction or another. Accusing me of wishing harm on children and endorsing it ? where did i say that. Never said anything about endorsing mothers or mothers boyfriends making baby's disappear either. That is rude. and completely innaccurate ! The issues on your page are quite controversial and evoke a lot of emotion, apparently on both sides of the coin. If you don't want people to express there opinions about a certain forum like this issue, then don't allow them to use your page. Peraps yopu should direct both parties to take their battle elsewhere as it would appear both sides are attempting to do that, unless you are taking sides and only want one side of the story projected ? My battle is the same as yours, fight child abuse, sometimes the lines are not so clear in a Custody battle, and in this case perhaps you should take the lead and tell us all what the true facts and testimonies are so that we can have a productive discussion and end the abuse of Mila, whoever is responsible for it, because a lot of mud is being slung from both sides, and a lot of things don't make sense to me, and I'd like to understand. what I've seen so far is very disturbing. Saturday at 12:46am • LikeUnlike • 2 Corrine Morehead I didnt say u wish harm on anyones child but i said" I "would not do that and Lori's page coowner Juan did so please make sure you read the post b4 you respond. Saturday at 12:50am • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead I was speaking about what a mother should not do or have done. Are 4
  • 5. you a mother No so how in the world could you take that as me accusing you of anything? Saturday at 12:52am • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead Seriously I state an argument of how a mother is not always the best guardian and you try to make it an accusation.How? Saturday at 12:59am • LikeUnlike • 1 John Large Yuo said that is what I'm endorsing, and I am certainly NOT. Read what you wrote. Saturday at 1:00am • LikeUnlike • 1 War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) John Large, I posted a link with documents you can download. I think there will be answers to your questions...after I posted link to Obdusman report saving mila page tried to close this page down, asking their supporters to report this page, accusing as of harassment. They play dirty little games and this is not how the truth has to be told. You should read court documents and testimonies so you could form an opinion on this case from official facts. Saturday at 1:07am • LikeUnlike • 2 John Large Custody disputes are ugly, no doubt about it. Both sides make mistakes. I have enough insight to know that alot of the time decisions are made by the Court in favor of who has the better Attorney, who has more $$, whther the Judge likes you or not, whether one side can make the other look bad, or whether one side can push the other side's buttons and create havoc. Certainly that seems to be the case for little Ayla, also in your state. that is when tragedies happen. It is truly unfortunate when such tragedies occur, and that case is not clear yet whether Mom or Dad had anything to do with it ,or if a complete stranger took her. I pray for her safe return. I also know that Attorney's can add fuel to the fire and make a reasonable Parent do something they wouldn't normally do. I don't claim to have all the answers but it is CLEAR, that the children are the ones who suffer. I wish that I could wave a magic wand and make it all stop and bring Peace to these children's lives and encourage Parents to suck it up and just get along for the sake of their kids so they can live a happy and normal life. I Pray for this every day. EVERY DAY ! So kids can just be kids and be happy. Saturday at 1:20am • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead The words "endorsing" are no where on there what I said is your idea that a supposed bond is a reason to leave a baby with a parent I am suggesting that it must be more than a bond and mental stability of the parent must be considered. Not only the bond. That in no way said "endorsing" What you are is supporting a woman and her cohorts that are very much so accusing people of heinous thing and wishing harm on children and even harming children For God Sake man she had nude pics of her small child online for everyone to see. That is abuse and she is endorsing that. If you arent then 5
  • 6. why are you supporting her because of a bond? Saturday at 1:26am • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups i have not posted about this because I respect WACA.......but pedophile do get custody look at this v=BsH-zndX8vc Judge Elliott gave child custody to pedophile There is a crisis in our nation's family courts, where judges rule against of domestic violence and their children and give custody to abusers and pe...See More Expand Preview Saturday at 1:29am • LikeUnlike • 1 John Large How do I access that link, on my wall ? Saturday at 1:29am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups all I know is the father right have made up false facts and fake Science to help pedophile get custody ..... and for the record I have my son, his father almost killed him....his father broke 11 bone in his body when he was only 6 weeks old .....and the people said I was wrong to end his right he should have 50/50 Saturday at 1:32am • LikeUnlike John Large You have a Great page and it brings a tremendous awareness of the truly significant issues that affect chidrens lives. I wish the abuse would stop and I wish I could do more to stop it... Saturday at 1:34am • LikeUnlike • 2 Corrine Morehead This isn't my state I am in NM and I am just a mom who hates to see a child be exploited for personal gain an attention. I believed Lori at first but something didnt add up. When I questioned the why she waited so long to get her daughter checked I was expecting a logical explanation to make me understand but instead I was immediately blocked from commenting and Juan and Lori accused me of calling the child a liar. Tyen Lori proceeded to state I was the lawyers ex wife. I have never been to Maine. With all of this I did my own research not on her website and found so much that pointed to Lori lying. So as I said you are correct divorce should never involve harming the child by either party. Saturday at 1:35am • LikeUnlike • 2 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I do feel all children should have both parent, unless he has abuse his wife or child ....... I know most FR would like you think that a 6
  • 7. father has the right to control his family even when it hurt the child.... Saturday at 1:37am • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @waca I do highly respect you....and I thank you for the work you are doing Saturday at 1:39am • LikeUnlike • 2 War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) Here is the link, John Saturday at 1:46am • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead No Truth a father should not Control the family and neither should the mother it should be a joint effort and not a life threatening occurrance. a single mother or father can do a better job of caring for a child then two parents where one is abusive. Thats the problem women staying with abusive men so they are a part of the childs life is not ok and women using heinous unsubstantiated claims to call attention to herself is not right either. Saturday at 1:48am • LikeUnlike • 1 War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) Thank you, Admin of truth about extreme fathers rights, sorry for what happened to your son, I hope he is safe now.. You post are highly appreciated and shred a light on many important issues. Keep up the good work. Saturday at 1:48am • LikeUnlike • 2 Corrine Morehead Yes Truth, you and W.A.C.A are spinners of a web of protection for young children who otherwise would have none. Thank You!!! Saturday at 1:52am • LikeUnlike • 2 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups He great the only thing is he blink one eye a more..... but for that he is perfect.... I have ban a two women from my group because I knew they were telling half the facts .... which was only to mislead..... i do feel the Narcissism will kill any real refrom that need to happen..... I am the first to said that Men are screw more by DCF/CPS.....and some women do not deserve to be mothers ...... But all safe Haven Domestic violence home will tell you men that abuse their wife ,,,,will fight for custody not because they love the children but to punish the wife Saturday at 2:00am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @corrine Morehead have not posted about her until i do reseach....It is hard for me because i am only online when my son is asleep... Saturday at 2:12am • LikeUnlike 7
  • 8. Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups sorry in mths I not posted about her Saturday at 2:20am • LikeUnlike John Large W.A.C.A. thank you for the link, for sure I will study it and hope to get an informed opinion of the facts, Sorry Corrine, it was Dawn saying that I was "endorsing", I can't type that fast and the messages were coming faster than I could type. I will keep an open mind in the review, as I have been subjected to some false allegations of my own, that fit the profile on the "SAID" reporting of abuse, "after the Divorce started", so I will have an idea what to be aware of. Fortunately, I survived the one and only single allegation with the Truth and my ex-wife never tried it again after that. It was extremely disconcerting, and she was very angry when she didn't get her way. The Judge eventually caught on to her tricks, but my kids remained with her, and I didn't fight it because she would not let go of the aggression, and so for my kids sake, and some semblence of peace in their lives (not being subjected to continuous personal attacks) I backed off and accepted the visitation schedule so that I could remain a constant in their lives. Even still, although I wished that I had custody and raised my kids, it would have been a brutal battle, I guess what I'm witnessing here. My ex-wife is a good Mother to my kids and I guess that's why I felt strongly about a Mother's Bond, but it's not always the case as I'm learning.... Saturday at 2:24am • LikeUnlike Dawn Henderson Truth, and this is what we are saying. Some people fail to remember that in the course of the end of any relationship that the children are the first and primary concern. Mila is being used as a weapon against her father. Mr Large, despite the concerns of the forensic psychologist, the court DID award primary custody of Mila. However, as was predicted by the psychologist, Lori never even attempted to coparent. She moved hours away, provided no school updates, filed several protection orders, subjected Mila to numerous gynecological exams, AND 18 seperate ER visits during which Mila was drug tested and each and every time - with the exception of a mystery sample that Lori provided in absence of Mila - no drugs were detected, no signs of abuse were detected. Such constant misuse of your authority as a parent is as destructive, emotionally, as being beaten OR molested. This little girl has been through far to much and now to have highly invasive photos and videos of herself on tge web???? Each day that Lori continues to use Mila to draw attenetion to herself, she is intentionally endangering her child. John, let me ask you this as a father. What would you do if your ex-wife put naked, spread eagle photos if YOUR child on the web? Saturday at 2:34am • LikeUnlike • 2 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I never saw naked pictures of the baby.....that is porn you can have that taken down...... but I do know Mr Waxman did Tell the world that she has NPD..... which was wrong ...... at this point I do not trust either one of the sides..... 8
  • 9. Saturday at 3:02am • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups that was a copy and paste...... but this part if true in against the law for him... Saturday at 3:19am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups She has been diagnosed with a very severed narcissistic personality disorder Saturday at 3:20am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and here another reason Saturday at 3:23am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Narcissism No Longer a Psychiatric Disorder Narcissistic personality disorder, characterized by an inflated sense of self-im...portance and the need for constant attention, has been eliminated from the latest manual of mental disorders.See More Expand Preview Saturday at 3:23am • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead She apparently did take pictures down...eventually. I will not state anyone has any disorders but I will comment on what I know for a fact and the horrible things that have been said to me all for asking simple questions to begin with. You are right do all the research. don't trust me, the lawyer, Dawn or even Sarah only trust the facts and please do not take the facts from Lori's site. Google Igor Malenko and a public court record will show in the search. This will give you a lot of info from the courts side not hers or his. I don't want to push my opinion on you I want people to see the truth for themselves. I will however defend myself from her malicious attacks and will state that I do not believe for one second that Igor has hurt his child in any way. Saturday at 3:24am • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups outside the part about Igor because I need to look him up,,,, thank you .... good night ... but most of the mistrust is at Mr Waxman.... he has said a fews thing that put up red flag with me Saturday at 3:30am • LikeUnlike • 2 9
  • 10. Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups look at the post about the judge..... Saturday at 3:39am • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups n=2011 ME 15&s=ME&d=46433 <!--//<![CDATA[ var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?'':'ht tp://'); var m3_r = Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999999); if (!document.MAX_used) document.MAX_used = ','; document.write ("<scr...See More Expand Preview Saturday at 4:06am • LikeUnlike John Large I did not see any naked, spread eagle photos, perhaps they were removed, but to answer your question, Dawn, I would be furious. 18 trips to the ER seems extreme, multiple OB/GYN visits seems extreme unlesss she believed something convinced her to do such, It seems no one has disputed the initial video of Mila talking to the cat or doll or whatever it was, and surely would give a Mother alarm to be vigilant. I've read the Divorce decree and it is quite damning against Lori, yet I know how Judges can be bought and paid for. Some of the stuff I've read like emails and such from Waxman to her and/or her employer surely raised a red flag with me, as it seems above and beyond the normal scope of representation, especially considering his Pro Bono work. As I said before, NO Lawyer works for free, maybe a one shot rep at a Magistrate for a speeding ticket, but this rep must have cost well over $20,000 easily. As for the PO's, they are commonly used as weapons in Divorce and Custody disputes to gain an upper hand. Yet when you have States like Georgia (where Senator Schaffer tried to expose CPS and wound up dead) that are very Corrupted with Court-sanctioned protected sexual abuse, it's easy to understand extreme behaviors to protect the child, even if it means multiple trips to the hospital. If a Parent truly believes something is wrong and their concerns are dismissed (for perhaps politcal or prejudicial reasons), what does a Parent do ? When it becomes so convulated like this, your right, Truth, it's hard to know who IS really telling the truth. She originally had custody, but because of expressing concerns, that were apparently ignored, she went off in a tirade. Was she right? Was she wrong? What to do ? That's when the mistakes on both sides start. tit for tat. How do we stop it before it begins ? I guess that is where the Court should have a determined, no BS tolerated approach from the start, a way to address either Parent's concerns of ANY type of ABUSE by, say two independant examiners. Then accept the findings for what they are and Pray that no future problems arise. Problem is, some Lawyers add fuel to the fire, usually to pad their pockets, but in Waxman's case, I find it impossible to believe that he would do this all for free. so, it doesn't cost Igor a dime and Lori is sponged of every dime. Fuel to the fire. Why isn't she able to have a regular visitation schedule ? Is it because she can't hire a 10
  • 11. Lawyer ? Is she so prejudiced now in Court that NO Judge will accomodate her in any way ? Does Igor have so much control now that he's calling all the shots because Waxman has rule of the nest in the Courtroom ? Perhaps both Parents need to attend, complete, and pass some type of Co-Parenting classes to learn how to get along, and I don't mean a one-shot visit. I suggest a 6 month minimum, perhaps, with NO Lawyers involved until the course is completed and a recommendation is made to the Court. But is there such a thing ? Not in Pennsylvania, it doesn't exist. It should start there when a Divorce starts, not with two Lawyers ready for battle filling their client with high hopes of total success, fuel to the fire, padded pockets, and resultant children suffering, because of being used as pawns. Too many questions that aren't simply answered by reading the Court documents. Look at how many times CPS has failed in protecting children. What a mess. What a complete mess ! Something must be done, not just for this case, but across the Country. Just look at the epidemic of Evil happening to our children. This is my limited insight from what I have read here, what I have personally experienced, and what I see happening across our Nation. We need to protect our children, and we need to come together on this to help them have a happy childhood, and a promise for a bright future. Very challenging, but we must work together to help them !!! Saturday at 4:59am • LikeUnlike • 3 Sarah Tyrrell Indeed Mr. Large,. Just to make you aware, the reason unsupervised visitation was stopped was because of Lori constant invasive examinations,ER visits and Lori's coaching of Mila. Lori refused to attend ANY supervised visits with Mila from the 10th May to now..Her reason? She did not want to attend as this may make her seem accepting of the supervision which would go against her in court??!Such nonsense!! If it were your daughter and you were convinced she'd been abused would you cease all contact with her? Not even call her on the phone?? Leave the state where she is apparently being abused?..Of course not. Supervised visitation has now been withdrawn(she wasn't using it anyway)due to the irrational claims being put forth by Lori about everyone involved in the case and how when she get's Mila,she'll run away with her to Africa etc..She is clearly a very unbalanced,unhinged lady.As a mother myself, I would not allow Lori to babysit ,never mind have full custody of Mila. All Lori has to do is seek help for her own issues then drop the drama and be prepared to co parent effectively with Igor. I am not happy about taking up a lot of this page with this debate, but we really have no choice, we are trying to inform people who are wasting their good intentions on Lori's "cause" and not Mila's. We have all been blocked and accused of all sorts of ridiculous things for daring to disagree. I particularly feel bad for Malenko and Waxman, they have stuck together from the start to do what's best for Mila and people are too blinded by Loris malicious campaign to appreciate that.Is the world so selfish a place now in your eyes that Waxmans willingness to work for free is immediately met with suspicion? Saturday at 9:24am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups South Portland Police Beat: Feb. 25 | The - Similar 11
  • 12. You +1'd this publicly. Undo Feb 25, 2010 – 2/16 at 6 p.m. Igor Malenko, 37, was summonsed on Preble Street by Officer Kenneth Cronin on a charge of theft by unauthorized taking. ... Saturday at 10:40am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups now I Know not to trust Mr Waxman .....I found in the court papers that two Expert said that Igor should not be Unsupervised ....because There a moderate level that the father did sexual abuse his child and post it it is gone off the Saturday at 10:52am • LikeUnlike • 2 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and Lori was not in court the Day he won ....that was in the paper it is gone Saturday at 10:53am • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I wonder who put in the comment about the guy that was kick in the head by Igor Malenko that it is not important because she knew and still marry him......and she is crazy..... no one said anything about the real abuse to this old man Saturday at 11:09am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups for the record I am with opsafe kid....mths ago if I saw a naked child on a web page it would have been reported Saturday at 11:13am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups v=lR4pMTwTXg0 Breaking the Silence: Children's Stories Trailer for a PBS documentary about women who lose their children to abusive fathers. Expand Preview Saturday at 11:16am • LikeUnlike War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) Only me can moderate comments and I didn't delete anything. You comment with morelaw link is posted 7 hours ago and is in this tread. And it was not moderate level of abuse, please.. it was about level of evidence.... read all court documents - i provided the link above. Saturday at 11:51am • LikeUnlike 12
  • 13. Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups no you delete was on the group Saturday at 11:59am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups sorry for the did not delete was posted in now it is gone Saturday at 12:00pm • LikeUnlike • 1 War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) n=2011 this one? it is in your post above... Saturday at 12:01pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups it was the court finding ....16 and 19 in the finding now it is gone Saturday at 12:01pm • LikeUnlike War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) may be you posted it not here, I didn;t delete anything, what's the point? Saturday at 12:03pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and two expert did think that there was abuse to the child but Lori was not in court that Day..... Saturday at 12:03pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups which is the day he got custody Saturday at 12:05pm • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell You're not reading everything thoroughly Truth Saturday at 12:06pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups the only link I see is her web page......WACA did you see the naked pictures Saturday at 12:06pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I would trust you..... but if Mr Waxman has nothing to hide why did he remove it!!! 13
  • 14. Saturday at 12:08pm • LikeUnlike Michael Waxman Hey Truth, I don't remove anything, and I think you are confused about the evidence. Frankly, the first document you ought to read should be the second Ombudsman report, from 2011. That gives an excellent summary of what this case has been. You seem very committed to viewing this case through the prism of Handrahan's perspective, which may may you feel paranoid. Nobody here is attacking anyone or hiding evidence. That is how Handrahan and her cohorts roll. Not here. Do you have a question for me? Would you like me to explain something? Feel free to ask away, either here on by email. My email address is: Saturday at 12:15pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I have a law suit here in CT because the OmBudsman Office here support letting a man in getting away with breaking a 6 week old baby skull....and if you think i am a liar ..... go to CHRO and look it up..... then go PSOW they try to get a bill pass because of the crime that was allow against my son...... so most people, and that is NPR PBS 20/20 will tell you the Ombudman report only design to protect the state from a lawsuit...... and as a Lawyer telling the world about her NPD was a low blow and Illegal ....... Saturday at 12:24pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups oh by the way they said I was a bad mother because the decon at the church who sexaul assauted me over 30 years ago was the reason..... and never let the Criminal courts get the second MRI letting the man get away with breaking my son skull .....unlike Lori most people supported me, but the OmBudsman Office Saturday at 12:32pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups one more thing because he was some young he did not have any bruises and i had to push the issuse son Doctor said there was nothing wrong then Waterbury Hospital said nothing was wrong..... and was not until a beg them to look harder that found 11 fractures bones ..... and then I called the police Saturday at 12:44pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups sorry my son is up from his NAP....I will be on later Saturday at 12:50pm • LikeUnlike Michael Waxman Truth, I am very sorry to hear of the ordeal you have been through. Truly. But your case is not the Mila Malenko case. And I don't know what you are talking 14
  • 15. about when you claim that stating the truth -- that Handrhan has been diagnosed as suffering from a severe case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- is somehow illegal. You are incorrect. And knowing of that diagnosis EXPLAINS her entire site. This diagnosis is public knowledge, since it was testified to in court and published in public decisions. Saturday at 1:08pm • LikeUnlike Michael Waxman Handrahan has had MORE than her fair chance of presenting her case. She has employed in excess of 10 different attorneys, including some of the best and most expensive in the State. There is no conspiracy against her. She is her own worst enemy, as her site doggedly demonstrates. She is truly the most selfish, angry and malicious person I have ever had the misfortune of meeting. Mila deserves a loving, healthy momma. All she needs to do is back away from the computer screen, seek out some help, and make an authentice effort to coparent this lovely child with the father. But she would rather attack everyone and manipulate people like you in order to bask in attention and adulation. Classic symptoms of NPD -- no empathy and need for attention and adoration. Just the facts. Saturday at 1:16pm • LikeUnlike Michael Waxman Truth, I see that you are asking Handrahan to give you the case in which she was not present and the Court found no abuse. That is the Protection from Abuse case she fileda against Igor. You can find that the site under the Other Relevant Findings heading. It is entitled supremecourt.pdf. And Handrhan CHOSE not to attend the final hearing on her PFA case against Igor. Can you imagine being a momma who fervently believes some monster is sexually abusing her little girl, and you don't attend the hearing to testify, to look him in the eyes and call him out??? Of course not. That is because Handrahan KNEW that her claims were false. There is NO OTHER EXPLANATION. Saturday at 1:26pm • LikeUnlike War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) just curious Truth.. If you would ask her on the page why she waited for two weeks to report sexual abuse and took her child naked covered in sand o ER? Of course there will be vaginal trauma from seating naked restrained in a car seat. Ask her to explain how her daughter got the bruise (hematoma) as she calls it, on her forehead on Sunday if Friday she was picked up from daycare without it - confirmed fact by daycare workers)and all the time girl was in her custody? I am curiuos how fast your questions will be deleted and you will be blocked from that page... And answering your question about If I saw personally naked picture, I will say that no, I didn't. But there are many people who saw them and commented on this page about it. What I know that when I posted Obdusman report they tried to destroy WACA page and I have proof of it. Saturday at 2:53pm • LikeUnlike 15
  • 16. Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I never talk to her before Mr Waxman took the info off that page.... and I do know that DSM 5 will not have NPD and that most of the mental health worker overseas find that here in US our people are being over DRUG because we have lobby who try to get lower standard to steal from medicare.... remember the story that 20 20 did about children in foster care ..... how about Mr Waxman post it....the hearing finding that i am talking about..... they just posted 10 pages on my group, and I not going to hunt for it....... rights now I think the child should be taken from them both and Mr Waxman is no better then her because he is posting all over the net too..... plus his groupies are jumping down any one that ask or said anything about looking to find the truth.... look at the page posted on this tread anyone that support her is crazy.... the other EXPLANATION? maybe was did she not get paper work.... i did see Igor is friends with Mike Nowacki, maybe the same games his wife did to him they did her ....So I do not know .... and To WACA it was because they(saving Mila) attack you that I started thinking something may be wrong.... and out of respect to your page I did support her..... because I saw you took a strong stand not to support her...... but I am not going to get the truth from either of them....... so the thing that i am sure of ,,,,,,,is Mr waxman hand are dirty in this mess too..... if he has nothing to hide posted it..... because it did not said court did not find there not abuse said two expert said there was abuse that Igor is part of ....but the court gave him custody.......and she was not there Saturday at 6:09pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups sorry for the typo.... I did not ...out of respect to WACA Saturday at 6:14pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups good night and Happy New Year....... i hope Mr Waxman posted it Saturday at 6:15pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Hello,.. Mr Waxman has posted on child abuse group about your case ..... I told them I would do some research and I found in the paper work that said you were not in court and that two expert said he should be not alone with the child....... now can you please post that on my group and then I will repost it there .... LikeUnlike • • 7 hours ago • Saving Mila likes this.. Saving Mila Yep. Just did. Let me know if you want me to post more. I didn't want to flood your page--we have got much more evidence--of Mila's trafficking by Waxman, DHHS and Maine courts.... 5 hours ago • LikeUnlike. Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I would like (1) the report from the last hearing ..... the one she was not at..... (2) why was she not there....(3) and why did she not take her child for 2 days to the hopital and THE BABY was cover 16
  • 17. with sand and naked .....(4) please go WACA and tell them you are sorry I do not want the people helping her "if what she said is true to hurt the cause"........ because alot of women has lost custody to pedophile and Mr Waxman is dirty down to the cord and we will kill any chance to stop this abuse if we do treat the good people like WACA like dirt I know the Obudman report is crap..... anyone who has any dealing with family court know that but WACA did not know that and I am going to find some things about that and give it to them...(5) i am going to cut and paste this to WACA.... let us all try to get the bottom of this.......thank you.... Saving Mila The truth about Lori and Mila Expand Preview Saturday at 6:48pm • LikeUnlike John Large Waxman, I thoroughlly read the Supreme Juducial Court, Board of Overseers of the Bar vs. YOU. It does not exonerate your actions, in fact, it finds you in Violation of Unprofessional Conduct of M. Bar. 3.1; 3.2(f)(4); 3.6(c) and M.R. Prof. Conduct 8.4 (d) and (e). Of course as expected how Lawyers cover for each other, the Panel finds only "minor" misconduct, and dismisses it with a "warning to Attorney Michael J. Waxman to refrain from such misconduct in the future, and such dismissal with a warning is not Discipline, and will be treated as Confidential". (LOL). Fuel on the fire. that's how Kids for Cash (Conahan and Ciavarella) got away with it for years in Pa. COVER-UP. Slap on the wrist for you, just like the admitted slapping around of Lori by your client and admitted by him in the RO Court. I read the transcript. But an agreement to an RO without an admission of Guilt? Clever ! Just like Jerry Sandusky's Lawyer did when he waived the Prelim Hrg, so he wouldn't have to face the sex-abuse allegations from at least 8 victims, and so your client wouldn't face deportation. Because you know the admitted domestic violence (not once either) and the theft charges would come out. Why does he have to steal when your services are free ? Pseudoephidrine (in cough syrup) is used for makin meth, that's why most Pharmacy's require ID for that purchase. Fired by the YMCA swimming program for aggressive behavior ? Swimming coach, huh ? A grooming technique (like Sandusky) typical of pedophiles, not that I have any proof he is. If your so confident of your client's Innocence, please explain why you would stoop to such unethical practices of attack. If a pro se litigant would have done what you did, he'd be arrested for harassment and intimidation. But your an officer of the Court, so you slide with a reprimand. It says "your too personally involved, ready to use you vast family fortune to crush Lori, and too personally interested in Mila". Very bizarre. That's right, she hired some of the best Lawyers to help her and they BELIEVED in her. And she fought to protect her daughter. Not one , but 3 reports of suspected physical and sexual abuse, that were silenced, and a "right" to see DHHS files sealed by the AG, why ? Is that how the Justice system works - he who has the Gold makes the rules. Wonder how it would have went if your client had to pay for you out of his own pocket like Lori did ? Well, easy answer, you explained that in the review. He would have been Deported for his Criminal activity. Bruises on Mila's arm, cheek, forehead and no explanation. Very suspicious, especially since the allegations of Domestic Violence occurred well before 17
  • 18. the Divorce started, and continued after. Look at the video from Truth. That guy had everybody fooled, even the Judge admitted she was dooped. First rule in Law school - when you have NO Defense, Abuse the Plaintiff, so after your client Abused Lori and Mila, you added insult to injury. He admitted to severe physical abuse as a kid by his Father, suffers from PTSD, and that's why he's a ticking time-bomb, or do I have that wrong too. children of sexual abuse either disappear or are murdered before they reach the age of 10, because that's when they start talking to friends. Let's pray that doesn't happen to Mila !!! How will you feel then ? ZEALOUS ??? Saturday at 7:27pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Michael Waxman Mr. Large, you are clearly incapable of simply reading a document and understanding it. Remarkable. I was NOT found by Justice Alexander to have violated ANY ethical rules. I am not "dirty," but clearly your mind is. It is clear to me that facts and evidence provide not even the slightest hurdle to you and the Handrahan followers. You will always find some shadow, something sinister, no matter how clear the evidence. EVERY SINGLE COURT who has seen Handrahan or heard her case has decided against her. Not because I have bribed the judges, either. That is a ludicrous claim. And NOT ONE medical provider has made a report of suspected abuse to DHHS. If the physical harm you claim and Handrahan claims were present, they would have been REQUIRED BY LAW to make those reports to DHHS. Look, you can fill whatever emptiness you have in your life by buying into conspiracy theories if you want. It is a free country. But usually, things are much simpler than conspiracy theorists want to believe. Mila is safe and happy and loved by a nurturing, gentle father. Handrahan wants to destroy Igor at any cost, including the emotional and physical health of her child. That is the entire case. Have a great New Year. I won't be wasting my time writing you anymore. Saturday at 7:46pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Michael Waxman And Truth? You do not speak of truth at all. You have an agenda, borne of your own terrible experience. You automatically conclude that the Ombudsman in THIS case must be incompetent because you claim the one in YOUR case was. That is not a sound logical leap. And as for your speculation that Handrahan did not attend the PFA hearing because she did not "get notification?" Incorrect. She later testified that she did not come because she might have had a hard time finding a baby sitter. She failed to show, she testfied because it was "inconvenient." Interesting. If I believed my child were being sexually abused by the other parent, I would move heaven and earth to be at that hearing. Wild horses could not drag me away. Again, however, like Mr. Large, you would rather indulge in speculation, than review and consider the actual facts and evidence in this case. I don't know how to respond to willful ignorance. I do not believe it is bliss, and arguing with you is like smashing my head against a wall. I am all done. Have a great life. I need to get back to my meeting with my Jewish friends about how to take over the world's financial systems, after which we shall forge additional "evidence" of Obama's citizenship. Saturday at 7:52pm • LikeUnlike • 1 18
  • 19. John Large Google: Board of Overseers of the Bar vs. Waxman, dated January 8, 2010, RE: GFC 09-365, is that document fake ? Or do you think I made it up ? 2nd Paragraph clearly states your Violation of Professional Conduct and a "warning to refrain from such misconduct in the future". It goes on to say that the Board will dismiss with said warning, but it's not cosidered discipline. In the real world when you break the rules, people ARE subject to Discipline, but in the Good 'Ole Boys Bar Club, it's just a slap on the wrist. Perhaps you don't want the rest of the World to see how the Dismissal was Qualified - violation of Professional Conduct and a Warning to refrain from such misconduct in the future, or have I misinterpreted that somehow ????? Saturday at 10:53pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Michael Waxman Read the decision from the actual trial that was produced by that meritless complaint, my good friend. Funny, in your preceding post you claimed to have "thoroughly read" the case. If that is what you call a "thorough reading" then pardon me for not being terribly impressed with your reading comprehension. Saturday at 11:59pm • LikeUnlike • 1 John Large I specifcally said that I read the Boeard of Overseer of the Bar vs. YOU, and it wasn't an exonerated, complete dismissal as you would want the World to believe. You were reprimanded for Unprofessional Conduct. slap on the wrist, eh... then again, anyone who knows how the Court system works - KNOWS it's CROOKED ! Where would Mila be if your client had to pay for this, and didn't have your PRO BONO rep ? Deported and with her Mother !!! Did you and your friends figure out how to take over the World's financial system ? Was that Judge one of your so-called "friends" ?????? I'd bet on it. EVIL DEEDS, CROOKED and distasteful ! That's why there are so many hateful Lawyer jokes that you so despise. I just have one word For ya Brother --KARMA !!!!! Sunday at 9:40am • LikeUnlike • 1 Michael Waxman Happy New Year, Mr. Large. I won't be debating you this year. I'd rather give myself paper cuts. But I shall simply correct your misimpression, and then enjoy the rest of the day with my children and ex-wife (and her husband). In your "research" you stopped too soon. The merit less grievances filed by Handrahan, were finally heard in a full, two day trial -- which by the way, Handrahan did NOT attend. The culmination of that trial was a 65 page decision by Maine Supreme Court Justice Donald Alexander, completely exonerating me of the 14 separate ethical violations she and the Board accused me of. I shall try to provide the link here, but if that fails, just go the Maine Judicial Branch page, go to Opinions, choose Bar Decisions, and look at 2010. You will find it. You may deliver a correction and an apology to me at any time today. nOrder.pdf Sunday at 10:16am • LikeUnlike • 1 19
  • 20. Corrine Morehead HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Sunday at 1:07pm • LikeUnlike • 3 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups shame on you Mr. Waxman, you have a agenda too...... your job is not for the child it is for Igor..... If you were 100% for the child Igor could sue you......second for the Obudman report there now are report from CA to CT about why the kids in foster care are being over drug....and there is one from the bad lands about how they onlytake baby and how they take them at a higher rate then other part of the state..... (2) you knew why she did not go to court that day but you told half the truth to mislead then said not having someone to take of the child is a inconvenient..... (3) casey anthony the court found her not guilty....OJ got his kids in his custody war too .......(4) two expert said he more likely did sexaul abuse the girl....(5) you are a victim blaming, spin master, you have posted on your law firm page about this case and other lawyer pages so you point the finger she is wrong to have her page and you are doing the same thing ...... and the best part Lori posted on my page about ER picture that she took it down are the reason everyone know about the pictures because it had been posted and you tell everyone they are still there ......(6) you do remind me of the jewsih lawyers in westchester who said after a friend of his killed his wife and his two children.... i could have supported him if he only killed his wife..... Sunday at 1:49pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups T8FeuGON ‘Beaten’ daddy finally snapped “He did a monstrous thing.” Expand Preview Sunday at 1:51pm • LikeUnlike Michael Waxman Truth, you are a cynic and a conspiracy theorist. Enjoy living life in blackness and anger. I choose the path of happiness. But if you care to expand your horizons a bit, why don't you read my recently published article in the Maine Bar Journal entitled Children's Voices, Fathers' Hearts: Cahallenges Faced in Implementing the Best Interest Standard. You will see that I AM representing BOTH Igor AND Mila. Sunday at 1:54pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and if that is true .... that is very wrong..... and forget to call me a chick here ..... Sunday at 2:39pm • LikeUnlike 20
  • 21. Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups the little girl should have had her own lawyer that care only about her and no one else Sunday at 2:41pm • UnlikeLike • 2 Michael Waxman Truth, the child DID have a representative -- a guardian ad litem named Elizabeth Stout. She had no choice but to withdraw from the case after Handrahan slandered her after the divorce at a legislative hearing in Augusta Maine. Before and after that Handrahan tried to have her fired, and also did her best to torpedo Ms. Stout's attempt to become a Family Law Magistrate. This is what Handrahan does when you cross her . . . she attacks you with as much malice and force as she can. And please, before you announce your conclusions, just try and find out if you are correct. I CAN and DO represent both Igor and his child. Let me explain -- a child has TWO natural guardians, mom and dad. Those guardians have the obligation of speaking for their child until the child is a legal adult. Thus, Igor speaks for his child, especially since he is the custodial parent with ultimate decision-making authority, and I represent Igor. By the transitive law of inequality (that was some geometry humor, by the way), I represent Igor AND Mila. Some states do require that children have a separate legal representative. Maine is not one of those states. This is what I do for work. I know what I am talking about. I am sure that you have areas in which you feel competent and confident. But, clearly, the law is not one of them. Sunday at 4:56pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups It is still wrong that you can do both.....the child need a lawyer that care about her rights and not Igor..... what ever you said if two people are fighting for one child that child should have someone who fight for her.....nothing you can said will ever make this right..... Sunday at 5:51pm • UnlikeLike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and for the record you are not any better, read some of the crazy things you wrote about jewish people and Obama..... I try to be fair but you have been very rude and Unprofessional ...... Sunday at 5:58pm • UnlikeLike • 2 Michael Waxman Truth, I could tell you that I have a small skin tag on my left under arm, and you would absolutely call me a liar. You are not interested in the facts or evidence. You like to be told a story by a distraught mother which gives you the opportunity to portray yourself as some kind of crusader swooping in to help a poor little girl. I honestly am sorry you have been through a devastating ordeal. But your experience has nothing to do with this case. And frankly, NONE of this cyber blogging has anything to do with the case either. If Handrahan truly wanted custody of her child, her lawyer would be in court demanding a hearing. She is not doing that because she knows that 21
  • 22. Exhibit A in the hearing is going to be the bile, the lunacy which Handrahan is spewing on these threads, bile which may persuade a court to involuntarily commit her to a mental institution. She needs help . . . but not from her followers on the internet. She needs professional help so that she can be a loving and safe mommy to her little girl. Sunday at 6:00pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I never called you a liar ...what I said is you are rude and tell half truth to spin what you think peoplle need to get what you want Sunday at 6:02pm • UnlikeLike • 2 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups And if she was 100% wrong you would have a writ of mandamus to have her arrested Sunday at 6:05pm • UnlikeLike • 1 Dawn Henderson Truth - Below please find the link to the official DSM 5 website, where it denotes the criteria for a finding of Narcissistic personality disorder. Please, before you make absolute claims that a diagnosis does not exist, do your research. Sunday at 6:09pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Dawn Henderson Note: I do not represent Igor. I AM FIGHTING FOR MILA and her right not to be used as a tool to inflict harm, to be endangered because her mother cares not about protecting her from predators but only about drawing attention to herself, AND MOST ESPECIALLY the right of the child not to have her nude photos posted on the web for her own personal gain. I HAVE seen those pictures. Those pictures HAVE been reported. Mila absolutely DOES need protection but not from who you think. Do as WACA suggests. As the questions that need to be asked on Lori's facebook site. Then be prepared for what she does - it is ugly. Sunday at 6:11pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Michael Waxman Truth, a "writ of mandamus" has NO application to this case, especially since the Courts have all done the right thing. Seriously, take your energy, your passion, and channel it into reading the documents on the site. You are being manipulated by a very sick woman, and you are assisting her in exploiting a child. You are doing the exact opposite of what you claim to be focused on doing. Sunday at 6:30pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups ...Proposed Revision....of NPD for the DSM what you just post,,,,,, just like a Proposed Revision was put into the DSM 2 took 22
  • 23. out being gay as a mental illness . Sunday at 7:24pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups the DSM 5 is coming in may 2013......and they are taking out NPD because only crackpot use it...... Sunday at 7:27pm • UnlikeLike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups DSM-5: The Future Manual <body> Information about the development process of DSM-5 can be found here. </body> Expand Preview Sunday at 7:27pm • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead Sad is they say a video of a child you cant see telling in a happy mood a stuffed cat something is proof and if she on video told the world what her mother was saying and those weren't her words not just on paper they still wouldnt believe her. That is who I believe. Not waxman Not Igor Not experts or psychologists I believe a little girl who said that was stuff her MOMMY told her to say!!!! Sunday at 7:30pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Dawn Henderson Amen Corrine, Amen. Sunday at 7:32pm • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead And why didnt Lori answer your question of why she waited to take the baby to the hospital or why she moved 8hrs away when her baby supposedly in grave danger?Truth,she did not answer those questions she went off about SAND!!! Sunday at 7:33pm • LikeUnlike • 2 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Latin, We comand.] A writ or order that is issued from a court of superior jurisdiction that commands an inferior tribunal, corporation, Municipal Corporation, or individual to perform, or refrain from performing, a particular act, the performance or omission of which is required by law as an obligation. A writ or order of mandamus is an extraordinary court order because it is made without the benefit of full judicial process, or before a case has concluded. It may be issued by a court at any time that it is appropriate, but it is usually issued in a case that has already 23
  • 24. begun. writ of mandamus Definition of writ of mandamus in the Legal Dictionary by Expand Preview Sunday at 7:46pm • UnlikeLike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups maybe i am wrong as Mr Waxman has pointed out I am only a chick Sunday at 7:47pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and all us silly little broken chick are unable to think for ourself Sunday at 7:49pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @ Dawn if you only care about the child why have you not said anything about the child not having her own lawyer...... someone who only care about her rights ....and tell Igor, Mr waxman and Lorri to stop the war Sunday at 7:57pm • UnlikeLike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @ Corrine I agree the sand stuff is silly.... Sunday at 8:05pm • LikeUnlike Dawn Henderson Truth - Mila was originally represented by a Guardian Ad Litem. That is how many states handle representation for the child themselves during a divorce/custody case. The GAL expressed her concerns about Lori's ability to effectively parent Mila and engage in an effective co-parenting relationship that would be in the best interests of the child. Her predictions proved correct. If I had the money, I would hire Mila her own attorney - to stop her mother from using her image, name and location on the web which is clearly not in the best interest of the child. Sunday at 8:43pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Dawn Henderson PS Igor has not engaged in any of this. He knows it is happening. His only focus is on raising his daughter and it shows. Mr. Waxman is doing his best to protect Igor AND Mila. He is very vocal in his defense of both, but he has never - that I have seen - personally attacked Lori, such as she has himself and everyone that dares to stand up for MILA. In case you have not been out to the site, as clearly 24
  • 25. you have not read all the court documents (I know the life of a mom and how busy it can be), pay attention to what we are saying out there. We are fighting for Mila (yes, those are her pictures -- from the back only, not disclosing her identity) -- primarily to have any mention of Mila's name, pictures and location removed from the web - once and for all. This little girl does not deserve what is happening to her. No, i Do not mean sexual abuse. I quite obviously do not believe that is happening (and coming from a sexual abuse survivor's standpoint that should count for A LOT). I mean the harm that will come to her one day when she sees what her mother has used her to do....the harm that has been done with the coaching...but even more so, the harm that can very well come to her at the hands of a predator when her other leads them to her front door. Sunday at 8:51pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups most state give a child a Guardian Ad Litem in high Conflict cases....and i do not belive Mr Waxman about Lori with theGuardian Ad Litem ..... here in Ct ...there is Supreme Court case with Dan Gross, so I know that they have immunity for almost anything they how can a woman who everyone think is crazy have so much power over a lawyer for a child unless there is more to the story.... and I am not going to ask because I do not want 100 post on my group.... that does not answer why you not think it wrong that the baby has no lawyer now..... Sunday at 9:08pm • UnlikeLike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups it would be free from the state .... Sunday at 9:15pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups you should read this before you knock my group and who we are .... Father's Rights Groups: Beware Their Real Agenda Father's Rights Groups: Beware Their Real Agenda Expand Preview Sunday at 9:34pm • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead No one can Lori wont allow it. She makes thier lofe miserable and why would they need to if someone who has the backbone to deal with her can legally do it and will. Sunday at 9:39pm • LikeUnlike War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) Truth, nobody called you chick.. I am sorry, I can't find it... but "cynic" - is a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view. Sunday at 9:40pm • LikeUnlike • 1 25
  • 26. Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @ WACA go the the group and see what they are posting about what is said..........copy and paste .....Michael Waxman The problem with Large and also the Truth chick is that they have endured some kind of very difficult situation in their own lives, which animates their passion for Lori. Sunday at 9:46pm • UnlikeLike • 2 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups that is as sexist as you can be Sunday at 9:48pm • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead I've been called a chick its just slang here in U.S for girl, woman, female. Nothing is meant by it in fact me as a female may have been the one to say chick first. Its not really what the point of all this is about is it? Sunday at 9:58pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about • extreme Father Right’s groups in the same way as a man is called a pig Sunday at 10:02pm • UnlikeLike • 1 War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) I agree, it is not the point and according to urban dictionary it is non-offensive.. term=chick Sunday at 10:04pm • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead I get called a chick all the time Well inthe point of all of it tonight mila is safely with her daddy and i need to feed , my girls, so this chick is getting off fb. gn all and Sleep wel mila. Sunday at 10:09pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Michael Waxman I meant no offense at all. I call my friends, sisters and mom "chick." Sunday at 10:15pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I dare you call a judge it.... and you will get the point Sunday at 10:19pm • UnlikeLike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Is your mother part Of DAR greenwich like 26
  • 27. my mother .....if so i will ask her...... Sunday at 10:25pm • LikeUnlike Dawn Henderson Truth - Honestly, you are going to use the word "chick" as the basis for judging a person and hence his standing in this case? The issue at hand is Mila, and Mila only. You have not tangled with Lori, you do not know the misery she intentionally tries to bring. Let me explain, in response to my one comment on her page, which was quite innocent, along the lines of "Why did you wait to take Mila to the doctors" during a period of time when I was doing the research of ALL information out there, I was viciously attacked. First, Lori accused me of being some nurse. I still don't know who she is talking about. Then Juan put up a picture of me claiming that I was a criminal from Florida. Then Lori called me a child trafficker. Then one of them actually said I was Waxman. After that they THOUGHT they were publishing my phone number and asked people start calling to harass me. Lori and Juan have posted Sarah's information asking that people harass her. Juan made an implied threat towards corrine's children. I think it is clear that WACA is one of the largest child advocacy sites on the web. Lori has attacked them, because they have come out in defense of MILA and her right not to be subjected to what her mother is doing. There are more petitions than I can count out there, supporting child abuse issues with my signature and the moderator's of WACA's signatures out there. I have been a fighting against child abuse my entire life. Do you think any of us decided lightly and uninformatively to take a stand against Lori? NO, we did not. We decided to take a very determined stand WITH MILA! Please, again, ask Lori to provide the medical reports from Mila's 15 visits to the hospital and to indicate on those where sexual abuse has been sustained. She won't do it, because there has NEVER been medical proof of it. Spurnwick states a moderate risk because the child said so. This is standard for so many "old school" places. Isn't it far more important what the child herself has said now that she is old enough to differentiate between a story and real life, a truth and a lie "My mommy said it happened, but I know it didn't." Ask Lori exactly WHY she is not willing to do third party visitation with Mila? Don't let her give you some lame answer like "because I shouldn't have to." IF this were YOUR child, and you were not coaching her, were not subjecting her to unneeded and frightening exams, and you believed she wasn't beingn harmed, wouldn't you see her and speak to her ANY WAY AND ANY TIME YOU COULD? Would you MOVE a day's drive away from the child you believed was being sexually assaulted by the father? Use rationality, not your emotions. Because once you objectively look at all the facts, your emotions will dictate that you need to do whatever it takes to save MILA from further exploitation by her Mother! Sunday at 10:38pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I took your side because of WACA ,,,,,but then you attack my group, who I am and alot of what Mr Waxman said is just so wrong...... that why i think Mr Waxman is no better then Lori....and I do need a 100 post on my group that prove that both sides are acting very foul....this is not black and white ....this is just very wrong all of it....and I hope someone read all these post and give 27
  • 28. the baby a laywer that tell you all to grow up and end this war .... Sunday at 10:50pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Kimm Moon seriously.... if I suspected my child's father of molestation and sex abuse on my child i would not be able to engage in effective co=parenting either. I pray for this baby. Sunday at 10:52pm • UnlikeLike • 2 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I just wish all the people would stop using her name, I think it is unfair to the little girl to post all this on the web .....this take her choice away Sunday at 11:08pm • LikeUnlike • 2 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and I feel she need a lawyer who care about her.... not mr waxman Sunday at 11:09pm • UnlikeLike • 2 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and I do feel Lori is wrong to post her Name ..... I do feel she is should fight for her child ..... and i hope she go to bar and tell them about Mr Waxman posting on these group too Sunday at 11:13pm • UnlikeLike • 2 War Against Child Abuse (W.A.C.A) Truth, your group was never under attack from our side, I respect what you are doing.. I researched this case for months, Before I made my decision. Her claims, her "proof" , her actions convinced me that she is the one who is lying. If not Mr.Waxman, Innocent man would be accused of a crime, deported just because he decided to divorce the woman who was trying to treat him as mentally ill.. And as it was written in one of the documents, bar decision, I believe, that such a commitment to the case in pro-Bono cases is what is expected from a lawyer. It is black or white when we speak about child sexual abuse. Because it can be true or fabricated. Sorry for my misspells I am typing from my iPad....and it is frustrating.... When I read court document it is not just decision, there are plenty of examples and facts and supportive documents that will show you where the truth is.. I agree that little girls name should be erased from www and her well being is the most important thing in this case. Sunday at 11:31pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups they took all the post off about my group should be called against all father rights .....and how we are mindless fool..... I told Lori she should not attack you and ask her to said sorry .... i do feel both side are being harmful this child ..... do you remember Elizabeth Smart people said she would have been 28
  • 29. better off found dead ..... people treat child sex Survivors like damage garabge ......the Stigma for the victim is just so hard on teenager ..... and which all these post someone going to google her name and think she is damage garbage which is what break my heart for this little girl..... Yesterday at 12:00am • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell Kimm, research the case yourself. Yesterday at 7:53am • LikeUnlike Sammie Jones I'm sickened that you did not post the sister site... The one with all the proof. You know, legal documents from reputable doctors and nurses that are concerned about Mila being abused. Yesterday at 8:35am • LikeUnlike • 1 Sarah Tyrrell So the legal documents we have are not reputable?? Yesterday at 8:36am • LikeUnlike Sammie Jones Be careful, Waxman may threaten to use his "family fortune" to keep you child away from you. It's only a matter of time, Waxman. Your bullying and threats cannot continue indefinitely. What kind of lawyer get personally involved to the point that they smear themselves to look as bad to the general public as you do right now? It blows me away that YOU are crusading against Lori more than Igor is. Oh, and making your own visitation rules when a judge has not ordered it is illegal. This case is another example of he who has the money having control. You know you've violated the BAR thousands of times. The only reason you are allowed to even be a lawyer is because you have a powerful family. I hope the people put you where you belong (in jail) soon. We the people will not tolerate abuses of power like this man does. It will end. Yesterday at 8:42am • UnlikeLike • 2 Sarah Tyrrell And that site is not our sister site, it is full of defamatory statements and lies. Sammie, it is frustrating that you obviously have not bothered to read anything other than what is on Lori's blog. Yesterday at 8:43am • LikeUnlike Sammie Jones Go ahead, guys, look at what Waxman is REALLY doing. This other site he has created is a lie. He has also contacted many of Lori's supporters and requested gossip to smear her. He is a horrible person, and honestly, I have wondered what his extreme interest in Mila is. He has a restraining order against her once. He wasn't allowed to come near her. Yesterday at 8:44am • LikeUnlike 29
  • 30. Sarah Tyrrell It's only a matter of time before Waxman uses his family fortune to keep my child from me? Do you not realise how crazy that sounds? If you insist on believing Lori at any cost and want to speak for her, you're doing her and her fake cause no favours making ridiculous comments like that. Yesterday at 8:48am • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell Stop giving Waxman credit for our hard work!!! : ) He did NOT create any site. Yesterday at 8:49am • LikeUnlike Sammie Jones In fulfilling his or her primary duties to the client, a lawyer must be ever conscious of the broader duty to the legal system and how it is perceived by the public. Effective representation does not require antagonistic or obnoxious behavior. Such behavior interferes with efficiency and degrades the profession. Lawyers should conform to the standard of professionalism that judges, fellow attorneys, clients, and the public may rightfully expect. Honor, respect, civility, and courtesy are the hallmarks of professional behavior. With that in mind, the Maine State Bar Association has established the following guidelines. These are grounded in the standards that historically have been adhered to by Maine’s finest lawyers. They should assist all lawyers in the pursuit of their common objective of representing their clients in a civil and effective way. Yesterday at 8:54am • UnlikeLike • 2 Sammie Jones This portion of the Maine State Bars Association Guidelines for Professional Courtesy were put in to specifically addess Waxman's behavior. Since the BAR is having such a difficult time violating him (there is plenty of evidence, they just can't seem to get a specific possibly bribed judge to convict him), they are addressing it this way. Yesterday at 8:56am • UnlikeLike • 2 Sarah Tyrrell you deleted your own post? SO you obviously know how crazy it sounds? Yesterday at 8:57am • LikeUnlike 30
  • 31. Sarah Tyrrell That is nonsense Sammie....I have one question for you..Have you read ANY of the legal documents, ombudsman reports,DHSS findings etc on the website? Or have you just read Handrahans blog? Yesterday at 8:58am • LikeUnlike Michael Waxman Sarah, facts and evidence mean nothing to Handrahan and her followers. Despite the demonstrable truth, they will continue to believe and trumpet that 1) Michael Waxman launched the site, 2) I am spending my family's money on this case (at the same time I am a pro bono attorney), 3) judge Moskowitz, Justice Alexander, DHHS, the office of the Ombudsman, Igor and I are selling children into a pedophile ring, and that 4) the entire state of Maine has a vendetta against Lori Handrahan. Asking them for ONE fact, ONE piece of evidence supporting ANY of these claims will get you nowhere. They don't need facts when Lori Handrahan TELLS them these claims are true. Yesterday at 9:07am • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I never had a chance to read her blog, but I do know if you care about the little girl these records would be seal.....and your follower are so blind they said anything not to get this little girl her own lawyer ....and I hope one that is not a sexist Yesterday at 10:56am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and I will said it again Casey Anthony by facts and court of law got away with killing her child.....and Florida DCF ombudsman did said they did not see anything that was wrong too..... Yesterday at 11:02am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Mr Waxman you deleted the post about the two experts from I will said it again you are as bad as Lori Yesterday at 11:07am • LikeUnlike Michael Waxman Truth, I am amazed by the level of ignorance of which you proudly BOAST!! You have not read the evidence? Yet you have the temerity to come on here and blog away as if you are the revealer of truth??? THIS CASE IS NOT YOUR CASE!!!! You cannot simply cut and paste YOUR facts or Casey Anthony's facts onto this one. And it very telling that you do not speak from a place of truth . . . you actually have to fasten upon my use of the word "chick" as damning evidence that I am a sexist? Are you serious? "Chick" is a funny, playful word, like "guys and dolls." Do you have a sense of humor at all? I have a daughter, ex wife, sisters and female friends who think I 31
  • 32. am a pretty cool cat and who don't lose their mind when I use a term like "chick." Take a deep breath. And then, PLEASE take the time to read the Ombudsman Report. I would be happy to share it with you. I'll do just that right now, as a matter of fact. Yesterday at 11:13am • LikeUnlike Michael Waxman Nope, your site does not permit me to add content. And you don't bother disclosing your actual name. Well, if you'd like to see the best document explaining this case, then go to and read the Ombudsman Report from Septemter 22, 2011. I KNOW that you abhor the Ombudsman in YOUR case. I get it. But this is a completely different case. Ombudsman are just human beings. Some are good and some are bad. The one in the Handrahan case took great pains to read and understand ALL the evidence. Yesterday at 11:22am • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell In fairness Truth,it is Loris followers who are being blinded. We are not Waxmans "followers", we are like minded individuals who are united in our common goal to support Mila and have Loris exploitative site removed from the web. Yesterday at 11:26am • LikeUnlike Michael Waxman I did not delete ANYTHING, Truth. And if you would simply read the Ombudsman Report, you will learn about the various experts Handrahan refers to and why the Courts, DHHS, and the Ombudsman did not find their opinions credible. Yesterday at 11:30am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Nice victim blaming i am now damage for that reason anything i said about this has to be wrong...... chick is at the level of disrepect as if I called you BOY... now Take a deep breath, I am not a stepford wife that fall down and think you are a god because you pass the bar.... the big fact is you and lori should not be posted any report of this case on the should all be sealed.......and If you care about her the little girl you would being filing a motion to stop this but you are on the web acting like ego Maniac with your follower who use the dumbest Excuses on why this child does not have her own lawyer ..... Yesterday at 11:32am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups come on Penn st did not find the victim mother credidble 9 years ago ...I an not going to read any court paper ....I do feel you are no better the Lori.... that none of it should be on the web..... and you being the lawyer is worst because you should know better Yesterday at 11:45am • LikeUnlike 32
  • 33. Sarah Tyrrell You are not going to read any court papers??? Well then your thoughts and opinions cannot be relevant i'm afraid. Yesterday at 11:57am • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups anyone can post on my group...... so that was a nice try to get my name..... but I care for my two children to post my name and hurt my 16 yeay old and later my 2 year old.... Yesterday at 1:42pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups wow Sarah you are posting that you only care about the Little girl and that Lori is so wrong to post about this....but it is okay for you and your group to take this little girl private life away from her...... I do not have the right to read them and I respect this child and will not join this witch hunt that care more about grow up ego, then what you are doing this child that one day someone will have a friend or boyfriend google her name and find this crap...... you should all be ashame of what you are doing to this little girl are no better then Lori Yesterday at 1:52pm • LikeUnlike Dawn Henderson Sammie Jones, your groundless and uneducated rants only perpetuate what we have continually said about Lori's followers being blind and biased. You have completed ZERO RESEARCH. You have read only the reports Lori has PAID for -- some of which even involve urine that her own cannot prove came from the child. You have failed to recognize that not one of the 15 -- FIFTEEN -- medical reports, all exams not only of her request but where she wanted the done -- find NO EVIDENCE OF ABUSE. You have failed to read a single OFFICIAL DOCUMENT -- court reports, DHHS findings, Ombudsman findings, etc. You are blathering on, and only reciting Lori's ficticious and malicious claims. So, let me clear up a couple of thing really fast. 1) is NOT a sister site, as you call it, to lori's site. That would imply we support Lori - a thought that make me ill. 2) is NOT Michael Waxman's site. It is mine, It is Sarah's. 3) An attorney vehemently defending his client against malicious allegations and his client's child from the abuse - emotional and physical (yes, constant subjection to unnecessary, invasive medical exams is physically abusive) is not corrupt, it is ADMIRABLE. Since you seem to want to have a discourse on this matter, please answer the following questions for me: 1) Why has Lori not published any of the official court records, DHHS findings, Ombusdman reports, Overseer of the Bar Reports, modified custody orders, the 15 medical records mentioned above on HERE SITE? 2) How do you justify placing nude, spread eagle pictures of a child on the www by HER OWN MOTHER? 3) Why did Lori wait 3 days after an alleged physical assault of her child to take the ER? 4) Why did Lori drop Mila off, directly after a gyn exam to her father, not wearing underpants? 5) Why does Lori, Juan and Willow attack people on their site, delete their posts (which makes them look like they are just to themselves) and then claim they do not do this? 6) Why exactly is it that when Mila was old enough to distinguish between a story and reality that she said "I know my Papa didn't do it, my 33
  • 34. mommy told me to say he did? and 7) Why does the daycare report a well adjustd, happy little girl in her father's care but anxious near her mother? Let me know Yesterday at 1:57pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Sarah Tyrrell No I think her mother took her private life away when she posted NAKED PICTURES of her on the web exposing her genitals and anus. The whole point of OUR website is to have Mila removed from the web. note how we don't put any pictures of her face or even use her surname. This is what we want and when we achieve that,our site will also come down.Truth-- this is like banging my head off a brick wall. I am done talking to you about this. Yesterday at 2:02pm • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell Sammie, your steadfast ignorance exasperates me. Yesterday at 2:04pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and once again now that pic are not on the site ..... world still and will alway know..... how would you like if I post that someone posted naked pic of you ...... this need to be in court with the child having her own lawyer and Lori can not do anything about that Yesterday at 2:08pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups really how would you like all these people telling the world their are naked pictures of you...... Yesterday at 2:09pm • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell Truth!! You're annoyed with me for commenting about the photos, yet you support Lori and she PUT THEM ON THE WEB..Seriously. It's been nice talking you, let's agree to disagree.. You can continue to support Lori, I, on the other hand will not stop campaigning for Mila until the site is down. Happy New Year. Yesterday at 2:11pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups My first name is Kimberly...... you do need to keep calling me truth Yesterday at 2:12pm • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups not sorry for the typo Yesterday at 2:12pm • LikeUnlike 34
  • 35. Sarah Tyrrell Happy New Year to you and your's Kimberly. Yesterday at 2:14pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Dawn Henderson There are still sexually suggestive videos and comments about her on the web - placed there by her own mother. We will keep fighting until Mila is no longer a victim of her mother and there is no information on the web that will lead a predator to her front door. Yesterday at 2:15pm • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups that why I think someone should get the little girl a lawyer and get them off..... and go to my group you will see, I have told this to lori that she need to stop saying her name and posting that take privite life of this child away..... i Think she is wrong to post anything that people know is about her child.....but if she belive that her child is being hurt then fight for her but she has no right to harm the child in the fight 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and that goes for Mr Waxman 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups ....cut and paste......from my group.....Lori Handrahan Just a question--are you blaming me? Stigma Mila will have from both her mother and Mr. Waxman? Are you comparing me with Waxman? Yesterday at 3:30am • 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups it was her following that got the pic off her site..... and she has alot of follower because there are alot of women who have lost there children to abuse of DV or to a pedophile .... people belive her because they know what goes on in family court and DCF/CPS 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I think starting a war with people like them is just sad.... i do not support Cherly Monrone here in CT....she has been fighting and posting her son picture all over the web for 5 years...if you read his facebook page all he talk about is how he want to die...... 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell I have no idea what you are talking about kimberly. 35
  • 36. 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups cut one paste what lori posted on my group 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups sorry for typo my son is awake the typo are from dealing with him and posting to you...... 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups he will hit key and I playing with him with his cars .....sorry for trying to multi task 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups the second one is how people in her group told her to take down the pictures.....go read the post 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Dawn Henderson Hey Kimberly, nice to meet you. I understand what you are saying about her followers. I have said straight along that the people supporting are either having a need of their own filled or have felt/been abused by the court system. But, the reality is, you have to look at EVERYTHING on a case by case basis. And in this particular case, Mila is not being abused by the system, but protected by it correctly. But let's just take whether or not Mila is being abused out of the conversation for a moment. Is there ever a reason substantial enough to post sexually suggestive material, along with nude pictures (I can only give you my word on this. To publish them or ask that they be published again would be committing child pornography in my opinion), her full name, her father's full name, and her location? It cannot be justified. Remember, while I will argue until the end of time that there is substantial proof Igor is a good father that has not committed abuse, and that Lori needs some serious psyhological help if she can ever parent effectively -- I have screamed this often. MY PURPOSE, SARAH's PURPOSE, CORRINE's PURPOSE, WACA's PURPOSE, etc is to have any and all reference to Mila's name, image, location removed from the internet FOREVER. I do not want her to be that little boy that just wants to die 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups here is someone like lori...... but 5 years later and her son want to kill himself..... 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike 36
  • 37. Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups Cheryl Martone My sons life is not being promoted properly by his father is why I started "WeCareAbout JustinMartone" FB page Share • December 28, 2011 at 4:14pm • Kathleen Dunn likes this.. Cheryl Martone please request friend there so u can keep up as to what the tyrants are doing to him. I will be posting all the court proceedings so others can learn from it. December 28, 2011 at 4:21pm. 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Dawn Henderson Sarah Tyrrell apparently a mother in CT has done something similar in re: to her son, and now that her son is old enough to see it and understand it, the damage has be irreperable. Kimberly, we are not starting a war, we are taking a stand and saying END THIS for Mila's sake. 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups this 16 year old has been in the middle of hell for 5 he talk about killing himself and he pull a knife on his mother .... 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups yes but stop using her name and posting things that you know will hurt later 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups if Mr waxman care about the little girl he should file that this all should be remove and all the record seal 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell We don't use her full name or any images of her Kimberly. Lori does. Get on to her about it. You will then be insulted and blocked. 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Dawn Henderson Kimberly, I only use the name Mila. I do NOT post her full identifying information when I speak with people, nor do I disclose her location. The pictures on my site are all from the back, you will never see her face. Is there somewhere that I have referenced her full name? 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike 37
  • 38. Dawn Henderson Sarah, I don't know if the claims are true or false, only that he has now seen what he has become on the web, based on what Kimberly stated, and is now very angry and suicidal...which is what I have said straight along I don't want waiting for Mila. 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups but if you google her whole name all this will come up 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell It's a dirty game these parents play. Just to hurt each other. No consideration for the children they made. Make's me so mad. 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Dawn Henderson Kimberly, Waxman HAS filed and is working on that. It is not mentioned often simply because the case has not been heard yet, so there is no documentation to accompany this. 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups yes and it hard to see what right and what is wrong..... i do think Igor should take a DV case.... and Lori need help in dealing with this 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Dawn Henderson Sarah Tyrrell - I think you want to quantify that to mean some parents. Igor has not once spoken about this on the web. His concentration is on raising Mila and hoping people will put a stop to Mila's exploitation. 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and the help is with a mental health worker 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and I do give that to Igor he is a very good freind to Mr Waxman ....and never ask him to stop 23 hours ago • LikeUnlike Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups @sarah do you know some lawyer are turning some of these cases as wars.....look up Father rights lawyer they will tell a person to go file a false compiant just to get back at the person 38
  • 39. 22 hours ago • LikeUnlike Corrine Morehead Kimberly lori said WACA is a front for pedophile ring and juan said he wished my child be with a molester/abuser. Yet u tell Lori you believe her. Do u believe this about WACA! Or what juan wishes upon my one year old and four yr old daughters. I personally know what being around someone diagnosed with NPD. it is real and playing her game is dangerous. If you follow along with her you will get harmed by her. 22 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1 Dawn Henderson Kimberly, yes, I agree, Lori needs to get help with a mental health worker. It would be ideal for Mila to have two healthy parents in her life that are looking out ONLY for her interests and well being. As for the extreme right groups, I have seen it from both sides - mothers and fathers - and it sickens me. Anyone who promotes exploiting their child should have no access, whatsoever to that child, until they get the mental health services they need! Corrine Morehead yes they have said this about WACA which is not only absurd, but unforgiveable. WACA works every day to bring child abuse to light and to educate people on how to fight for justice for these children! 22 hours ago • LikeUnlike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups I said 3 post before that she need help.....and she is attacking everone who try to talk to her....I do see that.... but that is PTSD not NPD..... and she Believe what she said is true..... 22 hours ago • UnlikeLike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups ask yourself if you believe that your child was being hurt crazy would you go 22 hours ago • UnlikeLike • 1 Truth about extreme Father Right’s groups and i did tell them to said sorry to WACA..... 22 hours ago • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell I know Dawn. I kind of meant every parent who makes false claims. 22 hours ago • LikeUnlike Sarah Tyrrell Kimberly I would go CRAZY..I would not move to a different state..I would not cut off all contact with my child...I would not expose her genitals on the web...Do these REALLY seem like the actions of a normal, sane mother? 22 hours ago • LikeUnlike 39