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Igor Malenko's Emails in 2011

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 8:13 AM
Subject: RE: Missing Mila

My position is still the same- Mila needs a healthy mother that will not subject her to any unnecessary
medical examination of her private parts each time she goes back to see her mother (YOU), a mother
that would not have her tested unnecessary for drugs(FOR DRUGS!), a mother that would stop
manufacturing horrendous and disgusting false accusation, a mother that would think how all of these
sick games will affect her future (because it will all be there on the internet, all of the garbage you and
your friends cooked up!), a mother that would STOP telling her to recite FALSE things that never
happened and that could only be product of your mind, of someone that is willing to do anything to have
me permanently removed from her life, by being accused of being a pedophile, drugging her, rapping her
and all of the sick sick things you are so heavily invested in manufacturing! When you can be that
mother, I will certainly love for Mila to have you in her life as much as possible.

But until then I will have to ask you to see her supervised-if you missed her that much and cared about
her you would consider doing that. All the money and time you spent on all this garbage so far could
have covered many many visits with Mila. It is obviously more important to pay Pickering for harassing
people and manufacturing anything you could use to discredit me and destroy me then to see Mila.

We checked yesterday to see if there was email from you for Mila as you indicated - there was none.
Today none. No phone calls ever, no responses to her calls ever. She sent you cards-no thank you Mila
for the cards. You indicated "care" packages - we have received none so far and the only packages you
sent before were few toys at school back in early spring. Child support-none for months now. Not even a
question whether she has or lacks anything, clothing etc. In case you care-she does not. She would love
to have a normal mother, one that would stop doing to her what you have been doing all this time. Try

If you will send an e-mail to her I will read it to Mila and write the response with her together. She will be
able to do this alone soon-she is very proficient with the PC. We will send pictures again either today or
tomorrow-as soon as we download them.

Subject: Missing Mila
Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 17:43:20 -0400


Thank you for the pictures.

I too miss Mila very much; as I have told you many, many times.
Mila needs her mother.

I would appreciate it very much if I could spend the time with her as
ordered by Judge Moskowitz.

Please let me know if you will permit this to happen.
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From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 11:53 AM

I’ll send more later on today..I am having trouble resizing them right now.

Mila is doing well, she has grown up a lot. She eats well, lots of new healthy things. She swim a
lot and she is out in the park, the beach and the playground every day. She has/meets lots of kids
and enjoys playing with them. She is ready for school again. Although she still likes staying
home with the dogs and having a chance to walk and play with them in the park and the beach
more then school, she needs being among friends at school again. She is very much into dancing,
she can catch rhythm very well and has some really cool moves. She loves the Circus Smircus
and she would love to attend their summer camp. She still loves all animals and now plays an
imaginary game where she lives in Australia and takes care various animals. She them comes
here in Maine to visit and get more animals to take with her back in Australia. She strums the
guitar regularly and soon she will be ready for real lessons. We are working on the biking skills,
and hopefully by the end of the summer she will be able to bike without supporting wheels. She
has developed good taste for choosing her clothing and likes matching them. Reading and
writing are going very well and she loves science and nature programs a lot. She always busy as
you know and enjoys learning everything.

She misses you and I am really hoping you can move in a another direction asap. It is really a
shame that you rather do everything to convince people that I am a pedophile and a drug abuser,
that I drug Mila and sexually abuse her, then bring her for all kinds of abusive unnecessary
examinations to prove these not existing crazy things, then stop the nonsense and just be a
mother to her that she needs. I am truly sad about this.

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Igor Malenko []
Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 11:09 AM
To: 'Lori Handrahan'
Subject: RE:

I read the email to her and she asked me to write back for her –

Hi mama,

I read the email with papa-thank you! I miss you and I love you and I sent cards to Sorrento.
Here are few pictures from me- Hope to see you soon! Love you!


Also, it really is up to you to make this easier once for all for Mila-YOU need to STOP spending
all your time finding more people and resources to back up false accusation and create havoc in
our lives, especially in Mila’s. It is due to your horrendous behavior that we are where we are
now. You rather subject Mila to all kinds of terrible unnecessary examinations and ramp up the
half of the country to achieve exactly what you have tried from the beginning- remove me from
her life. Instead of just being her mom and accepting she needs both parents. I feel sad about the
situation, very sad for Mila, but you have gone way too far with your abusive behavior towards
her and I am not going to allow you to subject her to more of the unnecessary examinations of
her private parts and tell her that I have done inappropriate things to her, while trying very hard
to deport me or put me in jail for nothing-for loving my child and being her dad. Do you realize
what you are doing to her? You create a horrible situation from nonexistent problems, things you
decide to invent and sell to people as truth, things that will devastate her when she grows up and
learns more about them. What are you thinking??Really? And how is all of this you are trying so
hard to achieve more important that being with your child??? You like more to play a victim in
your self-designed game of lies then simply be a mom to her. You spend all the money and time
on creating lies and selling them to everyone that is willing to buy them, instead of being Mila’s
mother? How sad is that and what would it take for you to stop?

I will protect Mila from the things you have repeatedly put her trough- only you can stop this,
since you created it and are invested heavily in making it real. I want Mila to have a mom that is
there for her all the time, just as I want her to have a father that is there all the time. I have
always wanted this and never done anything to prevent you from being her mother. But, you
don’t want the same and you want me out of her life and you will do anything for it-
ANYTHING! It is really up to you to find a way to stop this, to stop emotionally and physically
abusing Mila, because what you do to her is simply that! I have been asking you to move to a
better direction for a very very long time now. Instead you spend all your time to destroy me and
everyone else that is not buying your stories and put Mila through hell. It blows my mind that
you rather not see Mila and play a victim than stop what you are doing-your game is more
important to you than Mila. This shows over and over again that you will never understand what
a child needs more then everything in the world.
I have absolutely no hope that you will ever stop doing what you are doing and start simply
being a mother that Mila needs. I would love to be wrong about this.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 5:47 PM
To: 'igor malenko'


I would keep asking if I can see Mila, I miss her terribly and I can’t imagine how
difficult it must be for Mila to be without her mother for nearly 5 months, almost a
half a year, a very long time in a 4 year’s life; however, I understand it is your
position that you will not let me see Mila unsupervised until a court hearing with
Judge Moskowitz.

I will start emailing Mila every morning to say hello. I hope you will read these
emails to her. I will also start, again, sending cards and care packages as I was
doing every day until the protection order, which was dismissed, was in place.

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From: igor malenko []
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 12:39 PM
Subject: RE:

My position on the visitation is still the same as before. Everything else will be addressed at the hearing
on the 15th of August.

Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 11:14:18 -0400

I take this to indicate you are still refusing to allow Mila to be with me, per
the court order.

If you could please answer the questions I have been asking for several

Are still employed at IDEXX?
The full name of your current live-in girlfriend?
Who provides child care for Mila?
Why Mila was taken out of pre-school?
Did you enroll Mila in any summer camps or activities?

Thank you.

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 8:33 AM
Subject: RE: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation?


We need to have a discussion about the elephant in the room -- you disparaging me to Mila, making false
claims about me, coaching Mila to say false things into a recording device, and you bringing Mila in for
unnecessary medical examinations and drug tests. These are the reasons that I have decided to prevent
you from having unsupervised contact with Mila. This is physical and emotional abuse.

You may feel great about how yesterday went for you, but Judge Moskowitz has not yet seen the
evidence of the elephant in the room, which he will see at the next hearing.

I don't want Mila separated from her mother. I want Mila and you to have a healthy relationship. But
that cannot happen if everytime you are with her, you and the people around you are saying bad things
about me, tormenting our lives with false abuse claims and dragging Mila in for unnecessary medical
examinations and drug tests.

You have never once discussed this issue with me. It is not going away just because we no longer have
a PFH Order against you.

If you refuse to have this discussion, then I will continue to offer you only supervised visits with Mila.

Subject: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation?
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:15:00 -0400


May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? If so, what time and where.

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From: igor malenko []
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 8:33 AM
Subject: RE: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation?


We need to have a discussion about the elephant in the room -- you disparaging me to Mila, making false
claims about me, coaching Mila to say false things into a recording device, and you bringing Mila in for
unnecessary medical examinations and drug tests. These are the reasons that I have decided to prevent
you from having unsupervised contact with Mila. This is physical and emotional abuse.

You may feel great about how yesterday went for you, but Judge Moskowitz has not yet seen the
evidence of the elephant in the room, which he will see at the next hearing.

I don't want Mila separated from her mother. I want Mila and you to have a healthy relationship. But
that cannot happen if everytime you are with her, you and the people around you are saying bad things
about me, tormenting our lives with false abuse claims and dragging Mila in for unnecessary medical
examinations and drug tests.

You have never once discussed this issue with me. It is not going away just because we no longer have
a PFH Order against you.

If you refuse to have this discussion, then I will continue to offer you only supervised visits with Mila.

Subject: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation?
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:15:00 -0400

May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? If so, what time and where.

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From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 2:12 PM
Subject: RE: summer vacation schedule I will pick Mila up today around 4 at your home or Scratch
Importance: High

Michael has spoken with Mark Dalton from DHHS (Rebecca Austin's boss) and he has learned that
DHHS is unsubstantiating your latest, false claims about me, and that DHHS supports me using my
decision-making authority to deny you any unsupervised visitation. Mr. Dalton called you but you have
refused to speak with him or call him back. At our suggestion, he will be reaching out to you to offer
visitation with Mila over the weekend, supervised by DHHS. It is very sad that Mila has not seen you or
heard your voice or had any communication with you in over a month. I don't understand why you aren't
making an effort to let her know you love her and are thinking about her. In any case, no one here
supports you and your efforts to drag Mila away from me. No one. If you want to see her, then please
call Mark Dalton back and arrange it. I am sure she would love to see you. I am also sure she is very
happy for not having to go trough more of your abusive practices.

Subject: FW: summer vacation schedule I will pick Mila up today around 4 at your home or Scratch
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 06:35:08 -0400


As you know Mila’s summer vacation time with me starting last Friday on 10
June. You have been refusing to abide by the schedule.

“Friday 10 June I would like Mila to stay with me for a two week period starting
10 June Friday until 26 June Sunday. Then on July 8 Friday I would Mila to stay
with me again until Sunday July 24th.” This was a month’s notice, as I am required
to do by the latest court order.
I have 21 make-up days now from the time you have been withholding her which
puts us at 2 August which is when I will return Mila to you. Mila and I plan to
spend her summer vacation in Sorrento.

I will pick Mila up today, around 4:00pm, at your house or at Scratch Bakery, as
you prefer.

Please indicate if you plan to allow this visit to occur.

From: Malenko, Igor []
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 2:45 PM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: RE: summer vacation schedule

You are absolutely correct about your assumption that I would need you to follow the one month
notification period concerning any vacations with Mila according the court order you are citing. That is
when a vacation would be a possibility, meaning after the court here in Maine decides whether or not you
would be allowed to spend any time with Mila unsupervised in the future.

That same court order is the one you violated several times in the past weeks and that same order
obligates you to pay child support you are refusing to pay for almost two months now.

You seem to have your priorities wrong and seem to have funds to do many things and none of them
includes paying child support that pays for Mila’s school.

That same court order gave me the PR status based on your refusal and inability to co-parent and it also
pointed out that I have the ultimate decision authority when we cannot agree on the important and
essential issues concerning Mila and her well being.

You don't seem to understand the consequences of your recent decisions. You have made false claims of
abuse to DHHS. You have coached our daughter to say false, bad things about her papa. You have
brought our child into the Maine Coast Memorial Hospital and other medical providers, repeatedly, in
order to obtain unnecessary examinations and drug tests. You have extracted and frozen Mila's urine for
future drug tests and apparently kept her excrements around for the same purpose.

You have publicly accused me of being a methamphetamine user and drug addict.

You have take Mila across state lines and refused to return her, in violation of the Court Orders and state
and federal law. You kept her on an undisclosed location, without allowing us to have any contact
throughout all the time you kept Mila with you and violated the court order that gives you 3 weekends
per month (one in two months in DC if you live there!). You kept her without any approval from my side
or prior knowledge since April the 22nd and returned her yesterday (drop her off at her school without
any notice to me) after I contacted the FBI.

You have refused to accept service of process and you have played a foolish game, probably with
the assistance of Pickering and your ex-husband Patrick.
I am not ever relinquishing our daughter to you again without a Court Order telling me to do so. I am
the PR parent and I have ultimate decision making authority. I believe that every day Mila is with you,
she is suffering emotional abuse as well as physical abuse, in that she is being prodded and probed and
tested for conditions that do not exist.

If you want to see Mila again, you will have to come to the Maine courts and explain yourself to Judge

If you decide to stop at Mila’s school without any prior notice to me and try to remove Mila from her
school on the days other than you are allowed to have her, I can ASSURE YOU that the police will be
with you in a matter of minutes. Everyone that is aiding you in these attempts to take Mila away from
her home and from me unlawfully, will be held accountable – that includes your ex-husband Patrick and
your private investigator Pickering.

I am looking forward in seeing you in court, here in Maine. Also, looking forward in hearing you and your
ex-husband Patrick explain the scheme thoroughly. I am glad I kept the records of his involvement in our
life and this case from the beginning. I am sure you both still believe what you have told me long time
ago that “justice is something for poor people”.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 1:04 PM
To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor
Subject: summer vacation schedule


Per the order, I need to notify you of my two, two week periods with Mila during
the summer. I am doing so now.

Friday 10 June I would like Mila to stay with me for a two week period starting 10
June Friday until 26 June Sunday. Then on July 8 Friday I would Mila to stay with
me again until Sunday July 24th.

If you agree, I would prefer to do the first two week period from Friday 20 May
until Sunday 5 June but I assume that you will make me provide the court ordered
one month notification period and will not allow this.

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From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 8:11 AM
Subject: RE: summer vacation schedule I will pick Mila up today around 4 at your home or Scratch
Importance: High

You are not welcome here and if you show up, the following will occur: -- the police will arrive and you will
be served, finally, with the Motion to Modify and the Motion for Contempt, and you will then be removed
from my property with a summons for criminal trespass.

No unsupervised visits will occur with Mila until the court addresses this issue-I have been very clear
about this. You need to accept service and show up in court.

Stop e-mailing me directly and send anything further to my attorney - Michael Waxman.
Subject: FW: summer vacation schedule I will pick Mila up today around 4 at your home or Scratch
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 06:35:08 -0400


As you know Mila’s summer vacation time with me starting last Friday on 10
June. You have been refusing to abide by the schedule.

“Friday 10 June I would like Mila to stay with me for a two week period starting
10 June Friday until 26 June Sunday. Then on July 8 Friday I would Mila to stay
with me again until Sunday July 24th.” This was a month’s notice, as I am required
to do by the latest court order.

I have 21 make-up days now from the time you have been withholding her which
puts us at 2 August which is when I will return Mila to you. Mila and I plan to
spend her summer vacation in Sorrento.

I will pick Mila up today, around 4:00pm, at your house or at Scratch Bakery, as
you prefer.

Please indicate if you plan to allow this visit to occur.

From: Malenko, Igor []
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 2:45 PM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: RE: summer vacation schedule
You are absolutely correct about your assumption that I would need you to follow the one month
notification period concerning any vacations with Mila according the court order you are citing. That is
when a vacation would be a possibility, meaning after the court here in Maine decides whether or not you
would be allowed to spend any time with Mila unsupervised in the future.

That same court order is the one you violated several times in the past weeks and that same order
obligates you to pay child support you are refusing to pay for almost two months now.

You seem to have your priorities wrong and seem to have funds to do many things and none of them
includes paying child support that pays for Mila’s school.

That same court order gave me the PR status based on your refusal and inability to co-parent and it also
pointed out that I have the ultimate decision authority when we cannot agree on the important and
essential issues concerning Mila and her well being.

You don't seem to understand the consequences of your recent decisions. You have made false claims of
abuse to DHHS. You have coached our daughter to say false, bad things about her papa. You have
brought our child into the Maine Coast Memorial Hospital and other medical providers, repeatedly, in
order to obtain unnecessary examinations and drug tests. You have extracted and frozen Mila's urine for
future drug tests and apparently kept her excrements around for the same purpose.

You have publicly accused me of being a methamphetamine user and drug addict.

You have take Mila across state lines and refused to return her, in violation of the Court Orders and state
and federal law. You kept her on an undisclosed location, without allowing us to have any contact
throughout all the time you kept Mila with you and violated the court order that gives you 3 weekends
per month (one in two months in DC if you live there!). You kept her without any approval from my side
or prior knowledge since April the 22nd and returned her yesterday (drop her off at her school without
any notice to me) after I contacted the FBI.

You have refused to accept service of process and you have played a foolish game, probably with
the assistance of Pickering and your ex-husband Patrick.

I am not ever relinquishing our daughter to you again without a Court Order telling me to do so. I am
the PR parent and I have ultimate decision making authority. I believe that every day Mila is with you,
she is suffering emotional abuse as well as physical abuse, in that she is being prodded and probed and
tested for conditions that do not exist.

If you want to see Mila again, you will have to come to the Maine courts and explain yourself to Judge

If you decide to stop at Mila’s school without any prior notice to me and try to remove Mila from her
school on the days other than you are allowed to have her, I can ASSURE YOU that the police will be
with you in a matter of minutes. Everyone that is aiding you in these attempts to take Mila away from
her home and from me unlawfully, will be held accountable – that includes your ex-husband Patrick and
your private investigator Pickering.

I am looking forward in seeing you in court, here in Maine. Also, looking forward in hearing you and your
ex-husband Patrick explain the scheme thoroughly. I am glad I kept the records of his involvement in our
life and this case from the beginning. I am sure you both still believe what you have told me long time
ago that “justice is something for poor people”.
From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 1:04 PM
To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor
Subject: summer vacation schedule


Per the order, I need to notify you of my two, two week periods with Mila during
the summer. I am doing so now.

Friday 10 June I would like Mila to stay with me for a two week period starting 10
June Friday until 26 June Sunday. Then on July 8 Friday I would Mila to stay with
me again until Sunday July 24th.

If you agree, I would prefer to do the first two week period from Friday 20 May
until Sunday 5 June but I assume that you will make me provide the court ordered
one month notification period and will not allow this.

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From: igor malenko []
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 10:10 AM
Subject: RE: Mila is not in school where is Mila?

Mila is fine and she is with me. Stop harrassing me and following me around-I will contact the
police again about both of you and Pickering lingering around my house and following us.

I will block your email on both my e-mail addresses as of now and I will block your phone calls
as well. If you need anything concerning Mila you have to go through Michael Waxman. He is
my attorney and you can let him know when would you like to call Mila (you never do it
anyway) and I will make it available for you to talk to her.

I will send you a weekly update on Mila to your Sorrento address and if anything needs to be
communicated in addition to this, Michael will send it to you in an e-mail or a letter.

I will again ask you to accept service so we can get in court and move forward.
Subject: Mila is not in school where is Mila?
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 09:47:25 -0400


Mila is not in school. Please let me know where Mila is.

Thank you.

Lori Handrahan, Ph.D.
Sorrento Maine

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From: igor malenko []
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 4:16 PM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: Where is Mila?

She is with me- please stop sending the same message over and over. You can call her if you
care to hear her voice- she is taking a nap now.

On Jun 5, 2011, at 3:01 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:


Please let me know where Mila is.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 1:15 PM
To: 'Igor Malenko'
Subject: RE: Where is Mila?

Please let me know where Mila is.

Thank you.

From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 9:45 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: Where is Mila?

Your source is wrong and it sounds like you are following me- creepy and unwanted. I will
report it to the police, just as I reported your harassment last Friday.

On Jun 5, 2011, at 4:02, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:


Where is Mila?

Looks like you left home with her sometime on Friday night and haven’t returned.

Please let me know where Mila is and how she is doing.

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From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 9:45 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: Where is Mila?

Your source is wrong and it sounds like you are following me- creepy and unwanted. I will
report it to the police, just as I reported your harassment last Friday.

On Jun 5, 2011, at 4:02, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:


Where is Mila?

Looks like you left home with her sometime on Friday night and haven’t returned.

Please let me know where Mila is and how she is doing.

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From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:29 AM
Subject: FW:

If you show up, you will deal with the police -
Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:25:45 -0400


I’m not sure why you sound so angry. I am simply trying to be with Mila
for my weekend visit.

I am also trying to co-parent with you in the most positive way. If there
are some medical records that concern you, please share these so we can
discuss them.
Thank you.

I’ll come by the house later to pick Mila up. I miss her very much.

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:17 AM
Subject: RE:





Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:11:42 -0400


So you are refusing to allow Mila to be with me this weekend?

Also, I have no idea what pictures you are talking about, that you
mentioned in an earlier email.

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:06 AM
Subject: RE:

It is not ok and I will not respond any longer - I made it clear that I am not going to allow you to pick
Mila up anywhere until we GET IN COURT!!!

I will contact the police now and if you show up you will deal with them. You are absolutely
not welcome on the property where we live and I am tired of being harassed by you!

Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:00:31 -0400


If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume it is fine for me to pick Mila up at
noon at your house, and I will see you then.

Very much looking forward to seeing Mila.

All best,

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 8:27 AM
Subject: RE:

You will not pick Mila up anywhere until we get in court!

If you come over or send me another e-mail that you are attempting to come over to my place, I will
contact the police and file a PFH right away. Stop harassing me immediately. If you need to communicate
about anything, do it trough Michael, my attorney.

Mila will not be at school, she will be with me.

Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 08:21:20 -0400


So shall I pick Mila up at your house today or will she be at school?
From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 7:46 AM
Subject: RE:

My answer is the same as last week and the week before. Only after meeting in court to address the
issues you have and still are creating we can discuss how and when the visits are going to take place.

If you linger around my house. I will file a PFH right away. If your private investigator does the same, I
will file a PFH against both of you.

I have seen the pictures of some of the visits with Mila to the hospitals and her being examined over and
over again because of your continuous false claims. You are not going to do that to Mila ever again. That
is why I am not going to allow the visits to take place until the judge has a chance to hear all of this. You
have no idea how disturbing that all is for Mila. She is afraid to tell you to stop, but she does say this
here and in front of other people that will confirm it in court. She is not willing to hear it any longer or
have you bring her to yet another examination of her private parts or yet another drug testing. When you
are ready to be a normal mother to her, it would be a great gift to her.

Are you going to accept service so we can get in court as soon as possible?

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:09:44 -0400


Will I be able to pick Mila up at school tomorrow for her weekend with me?
Or should I come to your house?

We can also meet at the Bakery at Willard Square.

Please let me know. Thank you.

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Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:17 AM
Subject: RE:




Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:11:42 -0400


So you are refusing to allow Mila to be with me this weekend?

Also, I have no idea what pictures you are talking about, that you
mentioned in an earlier email.

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:06 AM
Subject: RE:

It is not ok and I will not respond any longer - I made it clear that I am not going to allow you to pick
Mila up anywhere until we GET IN COURT!!!

I will contact the police now and if you show up you will deal with them. You are absolutely
not welcome on the property where we live and I am tired of being harassed by you!

Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:00:31 -0400


If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume it is fine for me to pick Mila up at
noon at your house, and I will see you then.

Very much looking forward to seeing Mila.

All best,
From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 8:27 AM
Subject: RE:

You will not pick Mila up anywhere until we get in court!

If you come over or send me another e-mail that you are attempting to come over to my place, I will
contact the police and file a PFH right away. Stop harassing me immediately. If you need to communicate
about anything, do it trough Michael, my attorney.

Mila will not be at school, she will be with me.

Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 08:21:20 -0400


So shall I pick Mila up at your house today or will she be at school?

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 7:46 AM
Subject: RE:

My answer is the same as last week and the week before. Only after meeting in court to address the
issues you have and still are creating we can discuss how and when the visits are going to take place.

If you linger around my house. I will file a PFH right away. If your private investigator does the same, I
will file a PFH against both of you.

I have seen the pictures of some of the visits with Mila to the hospitals and her being examined over and
over again because of your continuous false claims. You are not going to do that to Mila ever again. That
is why I am not going to allow the visits to take place until the judge has a chance to hear all of this. You
have no idea how disturbing that all is for Mila. She is afraid to tell you to stop, but she does say this
here and in front of other people that will confirm it in court. She is not willing to hear it any longer or
have you bring her to yet another examination of her private parts or yet another drug testing. When you
are ready to be a normal mother to her, it would be a great gift to her.

Are you going to accept service so we can get in court as soon as possible?

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:09:44 -0400

Will I be able to pick Mila up at school tomorrow for her weekend with me?
Or should I come to your house?

We can also meet at the Bakery at Willard Square.

Please let me know. Thank you.

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Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:06 AM
Subject: RE:

It is not ok and I will not respond any longer - I made it clear that I am not going to allow you to pick
Mila up anywhere until we GET IN COURT!!!

I will contact the police now and if you show up you will deal with them. You are absolutely
not welcome on the property where we live and I am tired of being harassed by you!

Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:00:31 -0400


If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume it is fine for me to pick Mila up at
noon at your house, and I will see you then.

Very much looking forward to seeing Mila.

All best,

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 8:27 AM
Subject: RE:
You will not pick Mila up anywhere until we get in court!

If you come over or send me another e-mail that you are attempting to come over to my place, I will
contact the police and file a PFH right away. Stop harassing me immediately. If you need to communicate
about anything, do it trough Michael, my attorney.

Mila will not be at school, she will be with me.

Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 08:21:20 -0400


So shall I pick Mila up at your house today or will she be at school?

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 7:46 AM
Subject: RE:

My answer is the same as last week and the week before. Only after meeting in court to address the
issues you have and still are creating we can discuss how and when the visits are going to take place.

If you linger around my house. I will file a PFH right away. If your private investigator does the same, I
will file a PFH against both of you.

I have seen the pictures of some of the visits with Mila to the hospitals and her being examined over and
over again because of your continuous false claims. You are not going to do that to Mila ever again. That
is why I am not going to allow the visits to take place until the judge has a chance to hear all of this. You
have no idea how disturbing that all is for Mila. She is afraid to tell you to stop, but she does say this
here and in front of other people that will confirm it in court. She is not willing to hear it any longer or
have you bring her to yet another examination of her private parts or yet another drug testing. When you
are ready to be a normal mother to her, it would be a great gift to her.

Are you going to accept service so we can get in court as soon as possible?

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:09:44 -0400


Will I be able to pick Mila up at school tomorrow for her weekend with me?
Or should I come to your house?
We can also meet at the Bakery at Willard Square.

Please let me know. Thank you.

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 2012.0.1890 / Virus Database: 2108/4690 - Release Date: 12/19/11

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 8:27 AM
Subject: RE:

You will not pick Mila up anywhere until we get in court!

If you come over or send me another e-mail that you are attempting to come over to my place, I will
contact the police and file a PFH right away. Stop harassing me immediately. If you need to communicate
about anything, do it trough Michael, my attorney.

Mila will not be at school, she will be with me.

Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 08:21:20 -0400


So shall I pick Mila up at your house today or will she be at school?

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 7:46 AM
Subject: RE:

My answer is the same as last week and the week before. Only after meeting in court to address the
issues you have and still are creating we can discuss how and when the visits are going to take place.

If you linger around my house. I will file a PFH right away. If your private investigator does the same, I
will file a PFH against both of you.

I have seen the pictures of some of the visits with Mila to the hospitals and her being examined over and
over again because of your continuous false claims. You are not going to do that to Mila ever again. That
is why I am not going to allow the visits to take place until the judge has a chance to hear all of this. You
have no idea how disturbing that all is for Mila. She is afraid to tell you to stop, but she does say this
here and in front of other people that will confirm it in court. She is not willing to hear it any longer or
have you bring her to yet another examination of her private parts or yet another drug testing. When you
are ready to be a normal mother to her, it would be a great gift to her.

Are you going to accept service so we can get in court as soon as possible?

Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:09:44 -0400


Will I be able to pick Mila up at school tomorrow for her weekend with me?
Or should I come to your house?

We can also meet at the Bakery at Willard Square.

Please let me know. Thank you.

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Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 7:46 AM
Subject: RE:

My answer is the same as last week and the week before. Only after meeting in court to address the
issues you have and still are creating we can discuss how and when the visits are going to take place.

If you linger around my house. I will file a PFH right away. If your private investigator does the same, I
will file a PFH against both of you.

I have seen the pictures of some of the visits with Mila to the hospitals and her being examined over and
over again because of your continuous false claims. You are not going to do that to Mila ever again. That
is why I am not going to allow the visits to take place until the judge has a chance to hear all of this. You
have no idea how disturbing that all is for Mila. She is afraid to tell you to stop, but she does say this
here and in front of other people that will confirm it in court. She is not willing to hear it any longer or
have you bring her to yet another examination of her private parts or yet another drug testing. When you
are ready to be a normal mother to her, it would be a great gift to her.

Are you going to accept service so we can get in court as soon as possible?
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:09:44 -0400


Will I be able to pick Mila up at school tomorrow for her weekend with me? Or
should I come to your house?

We can also meet at the Bakery at Willard Square.

Please let me know. Thank you.

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 9:35 AM
Subject: RE:

She is with me, I am not working today - I will not be able to read e-mails any longer until later today-

Subject: RE:
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 09:32:35 -0400


I didn’t realize you were in a legal position to block Mila’s time with me
while we have joint custody.

I ask you again—when will I see Mila?

Is she is school today or home with you?

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 9:17 AM
Subject: RE:

She is with me, she is well and happy -

Did you file papers and will you accept service, so we can move on and try to resolve the issues? I am
not allowing the visits to take place until the judges order - I have serious concerns about Mila's well
being and you have been timely and properly informed about this- trough me and trough my attorney
Michael Waxman. Feel free to contact him for anything further concerning Mila and the legal process
around the current situation.

If you try to linger around our house or try to follow me or let your private investigator do this, I will file
PFH immediately. I have already informed the police about your previous attempts and I will be in touch
with them asap if you are in my or Mila's vicinity and linger or follow us. I have also told my landlord to
call the police in case you you or your investigator ignore me and linger on and around the property,
whether we are home or not.

We need to get in court asap if you want this to get resolved just as I do.

Mila is ok, she had two shots on Wednesday, DtaP and IPV. On one spot, the DtaP there was a bit of
redness and swelling yesterday, at the other no reaction. We called the doctor and she reassured us that
it was a common minor reaction that should be gone within few days. I will keep you up to date on her
well being and overall progress. I have scheduled a regular visit with our primary doctor to follow up on
the rest of the schedule. I will inform you timely about everything. I also have pictures from Mila's
ballet performance that you missed but said you were attending. I will send them to you. I will not be on
the internet until later this afternoon or evening.

Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 08:30:40 -0400


When will I see Mila? Where is she?

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Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 9:17 AM
Subject: RE:

She is with me, she is well and happy -
Did you file papers and will you accept service, so we can move on and try to resolve the issues? I am
not allowing the visits to take place until the judges order - I have serious concerns about Mila's well
being and you have been timely and properly informed about this- trough me and trough my attorney
Michael Waxman. Feel free to contact him for anything further concerning Mila and the legal process
around the current situation.

If you try to linger around our house or try to follow me or let your private investigator do this, I will file
PFH immediately. I have already informed the police about your previous attempts and I will be in touch
with them asap if you are in my or Mila's vicinity and linger or follow us. I have also told my landlord to
call the police in case you you or your investigator ignore me and linger on and around the property,
whether we are home or not.

We need to get in court asap if you want this to get resolved just as I do.

Mila is ok, she had two shots on Wednesday, DtaP and IPV. On one spot, the DtaP there was a bit of
redness and swelling yesterday, at the other no reaction. We called the doctor and she reassured us that
it was a common minor reaction that should be gone within few days. I will keep you up to date on her
well being and overall progress. I have scheduled a regular visit with our primary doctor to follow up on
the rest of the schedule. I will inform you timely about everything. I also have pictures from Mila's
ballet performance that you missed but said you were attending. I will send them to you. I will not be on
the internet until later this afternoon or evening.

Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 08:30:40 -0400


When will I see Mila? Where is she?

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Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 10:10 AM
Subject: RE:

My e-mails have been very clear - nothing ambiguous in there. If you do not read them, I will not reply
any longer. It is clear where I stand on everything concerning Mila and you need to respond accordingly.
I need to see the medical documents you are referring to asap-we have an appointment for tomorrow
afternoon. Do not make it more inconvenient for Mila and her vaccine schedule-if you have a record that
there was a DTaP administered properly and according the standards for it, show it. Don't play with this
Read the e-mails and read my responses. Reply to the issues I am addressing and we can move
further, otherwise I will get in court with or without you. It is better if you show your self and explain
your actions.

I am not playing around Mila's well being any longer. You had a chance to behave like a normal parent
and you chose otherwise-now let's get in court and solve it. It is only you that is slowing things down.

I will respond to e-mails concerning Mila's well being and concerning issues around court. I will not play
along with your games.
Subject: RE:
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 09:38:28 -0400


Are you refusing to allow Mila to be picked up this Friday for her weekend with

From: Malenko, Igor []
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 9:25 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Subject: RE:

You have not been clear about what she has and has not and have refused to consider any of them
unless it was suitable for you to take her abroad !

The medical records show no DtaP – send me the records today! No e-mails, but the actual records!

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 9:22 AM
To: Malenko, Igor; 'igor malenko'
Subject: RE:


Are you refusing to allow Mila to be picked up on Friday to spend the weekend
with me?

BTW, she has had tenus, dtap, as you are aware. I sent you emails about these
shots when we received them at Ellsworth hospital.

From: Malenko, Igor []
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 9:12 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Subject: RE:
You need to accept service and show up in court so we can resolve the issues pending!

Just because we are a week further doesn’t mean that all the important things disappeared or anything

Stop hiding and accept service so we can move further and depending on that we can see what the
schedule will be, whether or not you can see Mila unsupervised, how often, etc. Then we can talk about
vacations and other things.

You need to pay child support so we can pay Mila’s school bills. You are not paying for over two months
now-it is almost 10 weeks that you are behind.

You need to make your official address and employment status known in order to proceed transparently
to resolve the issues that have arisen due to your latest actions. Do not expect that I will put all of this
aside and expose Mila to more of your emotional harassment and games. Enough of that!

Mila is doing well, she is happy and healthy. She has no wish to hear more of the things you have been
forcing her to hear and say, together with your ex Patrick and the Sorrento friends. She loves you but
you need to stop. A vacation in DC and bunch of toys are not going to make all of that disappear or make
it acceptable for her. As I said - enough is enough!

We have a doctor’s visit scheduled for tomorrow for her vaccination schedule. She might receive her first
vaccine tomorrow if everything is ok – it will be the DtaP. Mila has no vaccines and no protection to any
of the infectious diseases she might get exposed to, certainly with you frequently taking her on an
airplane and with her being at school. I am not taking any risks when it comes to her health and so far
you were successful in pushing this very important issue away. Mila’s health is nr.1 priority. Her well
being too. Either get on board and be the parent she needs or play your games elsewhere.

If you have interest in more information either write about that in an e-mail or call at our home to talk to
her. Again, accept service and show up in court so we can move forward. Pay child support instead of
private investigators. Show some responsibility and stop pretending everything is ok.

You are not making her life easier this way, but we will make it anyway and do well-I will do anything for
her to have a normal life. Just because you choose to be destructive doesn’t mean we will follow you or
let you pull us with you.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 8:29 AM
To: 'igor malenko'; Malenko, Igor


I see Mila’s school will be closed the 4th Week of June until 3rd Week of
August. What are your plans for Mila during this summer holiday?

I plan to pick Mila up this Friday at school, as per the court judgment for
my weekend visit with Mila. Will you attempt to block this again?
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Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 2:13 PM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: RE: RE: RE:

If you or any of your companions show up at the house I will file a PFA against you- stop
harassing me. Mila stays here until we meet in court and it is decided that you are fit to

On May 20, 2011, at 1:36 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:


That is fine. What time shall I pick Mila up at your house? Or shall we meet at
Whole Foods?

From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 9:10 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: RE: RE:

Mila is with me and she is where she lives- in her home here. "undisclosed" locations are the one
you have been keeping her for the 3 weeks.

Accept service or file papers so we can see get in court sooner and resolve the latest problems
you created. Stop playing games with Mila's wellbeing.
Read the court's decision again!

On May 20, 2011, at 8:38, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:


So you are keeping Mila in an undisclosed location on the day I am legally allowed
to pick her up for my weekend visits?

I’m just wondering, did someone make you judge? Or it is you are so sure
Moskowitz is in your pocket you can do as you please, the court order be damned?

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 4:02 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Kathy Rogers; Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: RE:

Mila will skip school today - I have the day off.

On May 19, 2011, at 1:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:

Dear Kathy,

What is your position? Will you prevent me from picking her up from school on
I refuse to put Mila, and the other children at the pre-school, in the position of
witnessing any kind of stressful transfer, raised voices, or even the mildest of

I fear picking Mila up at school, what should be normal routine activity, but given
the slander and lies you have been willing to say about me—a woman and mother
you do not even know—I do fear that you would do Mr. Waxman’s and Igor’s
bidding and create an altercation at the school in front of my daughter and other

I need to know your position before I pick Mila up in order to avoid anything
negative occurring in front of Mila or the other children.

Thank you for letting me know your position.

From: Malenko, Igor []
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:44 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc:; Kathy Rogers;
Subject: RE:

I will make sure that you can be served the court papers as soon as you show up there-regardless
of the time or the day. I will alert the police and the DHHS as well.
If you want to proceed resolving what you have created, you need to accept service and stop
hiding around avoiding to get served. Eventually we can proceed without you accepting it

Or you can file papers in court yourself. I have explained my position in my e-mail last week and
Michael has done this as well. Michael will accept service of anything you and your ex-husband
Patrick are planning to file.

Mila has again mentioned several times about your continuing to disparage me, telling her that I
am a “bad father” and a “bad person” and scaring her by telling her that “you will put me in jail”
and also she mentioned that your ex-husband Patrick was saying this as well. You also keep
trying to force her to say that I have abused her sexually or otherwise or acted inappropriately in
any way.

I look forward in seeing you both in court and hearing you explain your scams. If any of you
decides to show up at Mila’s school today or tomorrow, you will get served. If you decide to take
Mila away again without my permission, I will place an Amber alert and have you arrested.

You took Mila and kept her for three weeks, without being allowed this. There is no pre-school
vacation you refer to and there is no “make-up” time. You had Mila more than you were allowed
and if you want this to get resolved sooner rather than loosing time on playing games, you need
to accept service and/or file your papers in court. I am not going to permit Mila to be exposed
again to your continuous emotional abuse.

Also, you have not paid child support for two months now, while you spend the money on
private investigators and other things that you give priority over Mila’s school. DHHS will be in
touch with you about the child support as well.

I would wait on any vacation planning until we get in court first. I would save the money you
have for vacation for the child support you are not paying, if I were you.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:17 PM
To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor

Will you oppose my court ordered time with Mila this weekend? I plan to pick her
up at school on Friday and return her on Sunday—per my normal visit time.

I would like confirmation on the summer vacation and 5 days of make-up time

No virus found in this message.
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Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11

From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 9:10 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: RE: RE:

Mila is with me and she is where she lives- in her home here. "undisclosed" locations are the one
you have been keeping her for the 3 weeks.

Accept service or file papers so we can see get in court sooner and resolve the latest problems
you created. Stop playing games with Mila's wellbeing.

Read the court's decision again!

On May 20, 2011, at 8:38, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:

So you are keeping Mila in an undisclosed location on the day I am legally allowed
to pick her up for my weekend visits?

I’m just wondering, did someone make you judge? Or it is you are so sure
Moskowitz is in your pocket you can do as you please, the court order be damned?

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 4:02 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Kathy Rogers; Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: RE:

Mila will skip school today - I have the day off.

On May 19, 2011, at 1:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:

Dear Kathy,

What is your position? Will you prevent me from picking her up from school on

I refuse to put Mila, and the other children at the pre-school, in the position of
witnessing any kind of stressful transfer, raised voices, or even the mildest of

I fear picking Mila up at school, what should be normal routine activity, but given
the slander and lies you have been willing to say about me—a woman and mother
you do not even know—I do fear that you would do Mr. Waxman’s and Igor’s
bidding and create an altercation at the school in front of my daughter and other
I need to know your position before I pick Mila up in order to avoid anything
negative occurring in front of Mila or the other children.

Thank you for letting me know your position.

From: Malenko, Igor []
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:44 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc:; Kathy Rogers;
Subject: RE:

I will make sure that you can be served the court papers as soon as you show up there-regardless
of the time or the day. I will alert the police and the DHHS as well.

If you want to proceed resolving what you have created, you need to accept service and stop
hiding around avoiding to get served. Eventually we can proceed without you accepting it

Or you can file papers in court yourself. I have explained my position in my e-mail last week and
Michael has done this as well. Michael will accept service of anything you and your ex-husband
Patrick are planning to file.

Mila has again mentioned several times about your continuing to disparage me, telling her that I
am a “bad father” and a “bad person” and scaring her by telling her that “you will put me in jail”
and also she mentioned that your ex-husband Patrick was saying this as well. You also keep
trying to force her to say that I have abused her sexually or otherwise or acted inappropriately in
any way.
I look forward in seeing you both in court and hearing you explain your scams. If any of you
decides to show up at Mila’s school today or tomorrow, you will get served. If you decide to take
Mila away again without my permission, I will place an Amber alert and have you arrested.

You took Mila and kept her for three weeks, without being allowed this. There is no pre-school
vacation you refer to and there is no “make-up” time. You had Mila more than you were allowed
and if you want this to get resolved sooner rather than loosing time on playing games, you need
to accept service and/or file your papers in court. I am not going to permit Mila to be exposed
again to your continuous emotional abuse.

Also, you have not paid child support for two months now, while you spend the money on
private investigators and other things that you give priority over Mila’s school. DHHS will be in
touch with you about the child support as well.

I would wait on any vacation planning until we get in court first. I would save the money you
have for vacation for the child support you are not paying, if I were you.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:17 PM
To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor


Will you oppose my court ordered time with Mila this weekend? I plan to pick her
up at school on Friday and return her on Sunday—per my normal visit time.

I would like confirmation on the summer vacation and 5 days of make-up time
No virus found in this message.
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Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 4:02 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Kathy Rogers; Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: RE:

Mila will skip school today - I have the day off.

On May 19, 2011, at 1:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:

Dear Kathy,

What is your position? Will you prevent me from picking her up from school on

I refuse to put Mila, and the other children at the pre-school, in the position of
witnessing any kind of stressful transfer, raised voices, or even the mildest of

I fear picking Mila up at school, what should be normal routine activity, but given
the slander and lies you have been willing to say about me—a woman and mother
you do not even know—I do fear that you would do Mr. Waxman’s and Igor’s
bidding and create an altercation at the school in front of my daughter and other

I need to know your position before I pick Mila up in order to avoid anything
negative occurring in front of Mila or the other children.
Thank you for letting me know your position.

From: Malenko, Igor []
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:44 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc:; Kathy Rogers;
Subject: RE:

I will make sure that you can be served the court papers as soon as you show up there-regardless
of the time or the day. I will alert the police and the DHHS as well.

If you want to proceed resolving what you have created, you need to accept service and stop
hiding around avoiding to get served. Eventually we can proceed without you accepting it

Or you can file papers in court yourself. I have explained my position in my e-mail last week and
Michael has done this as well. Michael will accept service of anything you and your ex-husband
Patrick are planning to file.

Mila has again mentioned several times about your continuing to disparage me, telling her that I
am a “bad father” and a “bad person” and scaring her by telling her that “you will put me in jail”
and also she mentioned that your ex-husband Patrick was saying this as well. You also keep
trying to force her to say that I have abused her sexually or otherwise or acted inappropriately in
any way.

I look forward in seeing you both in court and hearing you explain your scams. If any of you
decides to show up at Mila’s school today or tomorrow, you will get served. If you decide to take
Mila away again without my permission, I will place an Amber alert and have you arrested.
You took Mila and kept her for three weeks, without being allowed this. There is no pre-school
vacation you refer to and there is no “make-up” time. You had Mila more than you were allowed
and if you want this to get resolved sooner rather than loosing time on playing games, you need
to accept service and/or file your papers in court. I am not going to permit Mila to be exposed
again to your continuous emotional abuse.

Also, you have not paid child support for two months now, while you spend the money on
private investigators and other things that you give priority over Mila’s school. DHHS will be in
touch with you about the child support as well.

I would wait on any vacation planning until we get in court first. I would save the money you
have for vacation for the child support you are not paying, if I were you.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:17 PM
To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor


Will you oppose my court ordered time with Mila this weekend? I plan to pick her
up at school on Friday and return her on Sunday—per my normal visit time.

I would like confirmation on the summer vacation and 5 days of make-up time
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From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 7:30 PM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: RE:

The ballet school is on the 517 Forest ave. In Portland (

Mila's class(pre-ballet) starts at 3.45pm, but she usually is there around 3.30pm in order to
change her attire and have her hair tied neatly in the back. It goes until 4.30pm and it is the last
session, peek week, where parents and family are invited(usually we wait in the hall) to see the
demonstration. She missed several classes in the last weeks but she will have fun nevertheless.

I am not sure what your travel plans are for tomorrow, but if you want to go there with Mila I
will see her there. We only need to arrange something for her attire to be with her on time. I can
either drop it somewhere earlier or bring it along. Having it earlier is better.

Concerning Mila's school and your wish to be the more often, I think that it is very good for Mila
to have both parents around as often as possible- so I welcome it. I also need to remind you that
the school is not paid already several weeks and it is becoming awkward. You need to contribute
the child support so the bill can be paid.

I am a bit confused about your certain ability to be here in Maine, after clearly stating that you
were living in DC, which was again after you clearly stated in your Motion to Modify just two
months ago, where you stated that you lived no longer in DC but was back in Maine. I do not
really care that much what the real situation is except that it is good for Mila that both parents
are going to be close and she can see us both often.

On May 9, 2011, at 5:06 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:


Since tomorrow is Mila’s ballet final I would like to attend.
Please let me know the location and name of the place so Mila can have her mother
there too.

I have told Mila I will be there.

Also I plan to start coming to her school, like you do, daily, to spend time with her.

From: Malenko, Igor []
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 3:19 PM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: FW:

One more thing – if it appears that you are owed time after we are able to properly address the
whole issue, I will have no problem with that. Right now, I believe you are wrong that you are
owed any time. Moreover, you have failed to reason and you made your decisions yourself or
with help from others, who I do not believe are giving you appropriate advice. But it your
responsibility at the end. You can’t keep doing this.

From: Malenko, Igor
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 3:09 PM
To: 'Lori Handrahan'
Cc: 'Mjwaxy'
Subject: RE:

I do not- your calculations are wrong and I have no intent of discussing this over e-mail under
these circumstances any longer. You seem to think that whatever you decide or enters your mind
is the order of the day. There is no “make-up” time and there is no “pre-school vacation”, just
because you decide to make it appear in the court order. You did what you did and you will have
to take the responsibility for this. I am expecting this to be addressed in court, since there is no
other way of dealing with you. You missed two weekends in April, no 24 days, and you missed
them because you filled false abuse accusations again. It was Mila that was reluctant of having to
hear more of that and I have obligations to protect her from those things. She has expressed
herself clearly about that on several different occasions. You need to stop causing problems and
blaming others for them. You can’t decide unilaterally that there is April vacation and that you
are owed that time. It does not work that way.

You have disturbed Mila’s life and created huge problems as usual. I am use to it, but frankly I
reached my limit about trying to make you understand that this is only going to affect you
negatively and most importantly Mila’s life and future. You seem to be not able to realize that
your actions do have consequences and that this game you are playing with other people personal
and professional lives is just no longer acceptable. Mila’s school needs to be paid (you had also
fail to pay the JCA in the past), you are refusing to contribute anything to her school costs for
almost two months now. Mila has missed several ballet lessons and would miss her final
performance tomorrow. She looked forward to this, but somehow everything she has or does
here, she is not able to enjoy without having to go through all this terrible things you are putting
us trough over and over again. She loves you, but you are not able to understand what she truly
needs from you. You got to realize this and spend your time on better things.

If you bring Mila back home in Maine tomorrow, it will be a good decision. I will let her school
know this, although as I said they need to get paid and we have not received any money from

If you do not bring Mila back I will start a criminal case today and we will have to go through
any possible legal venue to make you understand that Mila needs to be back home here in Maine.
I hope you will make the right choice.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 2:39 PM
To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor


I am stunned you would call the FBI over my spending my make-up time with
Mila in DC.
Since you have created such a fuss I have tickets back to Maine and will return
Mila tomorrow to her school.

You still owe me 4 days of make-up time. When will I be able to use this time? I
would like to use it next week and pick her up next Tuesday from school. Do you

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From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 7:52 AM
To: 'Lori Handrahan'
Subject: RE: RE:

I will report you for parental kidnaping and taking Mila outside of State lines without my permission or
knowledge. I have no idea where my child is for weeks now and you refused to provide me the address
continuously. I will report Pickering and others for helping you to achieve this and manipulate the legal

You have no rights to keep Mila for any of the time you did in the past weeks, especially not when you
make that decision unilaterally. You are in no position to make any demands and you have chosen to
continuously violate the court orders. You filed yet another false accusation with DHHS and you refuse
to return Mila and pay child support.

The FBI will issue a warrant and arrest you. I was trying to avoid this until now, especially since yesterday
was mother’s day, but no longer. If you end up losing your rights to Mila it will all be your responsibility.
I urge you and your private investigator to stop breaking the law and return Mila asap.
From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 7:16 AM
To: 'igor malenko';
Subject: RE: RE:


I’m not sure why you are meeting a federal agent at 9:00 am. I haven’t kidnapped
Mila—you have been informed, almost daily, of her activities and whereabouts.

But if you are meeting a federal agent please do tell them to call me on my cell
207-812-0191 I would certainly welcome a discussion with a federal agent and
have some things to share about your background that I have recently learned.

This weekend is the second weekend—you are correct. I was mistaken. In that case
I will return Mila this Friday, at the end of my make-up time, to her school
sometime during the day.

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 6:13 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: RE:

You need to return Mila and avoid making this worse. We will discus the rest afterwards
appropriately not under these conditions. If I do not receive a message confirming that Mila will
be back today with exact time and place I will proceed with the FBI and make sure she is back
home. It will not work in your benefit and it will be your responsibility completely. I am planing
to meet with the fed.agent at 9 am. If I do not receive the response within one hour I will assume
that that is how you choose to proceed.

On May 9, 2011, at 2:25 AM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:


I will return Mila tomorrow if you and I can make an agreement on the week of
makeup time you owe me. Will you give this to me next week?

From: igor malenko []
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:38 PM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re:

Next weekend is the second weekend-

If you fail to bring Mila back tomorrow I will contact the FBI on top of filing papers in court
again- you are making it worse for your self, but also for Mila, with each new decision you are
taking. You need to bring Mila back here by tomorrow. You also have to pay child support. You
are violating court orders over and over again.

On May 8, 2011, at 3:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:


I just received the court document you and Mr. Waxman filed this week—the court
sent me a copy of the denied attempt to take Mila away from me, her mother. How
could do this to your only child? A little girl who loves and needs her mother. I
still have 5 days of make-up time and given this document you tried to get
approved I am very concerned you will not honor the make-up time and even more
concerned that when I do return Mila you simply will keep her again like you did
the last 24 days.

I am willing to return Mila this week if you promise the five days of make-up time
to me next week. Otherwise, I will enjoy my make-up time with Mila while I can
and return her this coming Sunday at 7:00 pm at Scratch Bakery in S. Portland. I
had every intention of returning Mila today but when I saw this court document I
have a real fear that you will again, ignore the court order, and keep her from me
for another 24 days or longer this time. So feel I must take the time with her when
I can.

I have never and will never ignore a court order so once I am finished my last 5
days of make-up time this week I will have to return Mila to you this Sunday—
even if I am afraid I will never see her again.
Otherwise, Mila is having a great time. She is eating up a storm—has a huge
appetite and eating all the time. Last night we saw Rio in 3D. Mila loved it. I will
scan and send the tickets to you in case you are scrap-booking for Mila. Mila made
me chocolate raspberries and strawberries for mother’s day and picked roses for
me. We went to a flower garden fair yesterday and she played in the bounce toys
and had balloons made and had a great time. Today we have been at the
playground most of the afternoon and she is making many wonderful friends here.
A mother and little girl already invited us for a play-date tonight after dinner.

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From: igor malenko []
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 6:13 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re: RE:

You need to return Mila and avoid making this worse. We will discus the rest afterwards
appropriately not under these conditions. If I do not receive a message confirming that Mila will
be back today with exact time and place I will proceed with the FBI and make sure she is back
home. It will not work in your benefit and it will be your responsibility completely. I am planing
to meet with the fed.agent at 9 am. If I do not receive the response within one hour I will assume
that that is how you choose to proceed.

On May 9, 2011, at 2:25 AM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:


I will return Mila tomorrow if you and I can make an agreement on the week of
makeup time you owe me. Will you give this to me next week?
From: igor malenko []
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:38 PM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re:

Next weekend is the second weekend-

If you fail to bring Mila back tomorrow I will contact the FBI on top of filing papers in court
again- you are making it worse for your self, but also for Mila, with each new decision you are
taking. You need to bring Mila back here by tomorrow. You also have to pay child support. You
are violating court orders over and over again.

On May 8, 2011, at 3:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:


I just received the court document you and Mr. Waxman filed this week—the court
sent me a copy of the denied attempt to take Mila away from me, her mother. How
could do this to your only child? A little girl who loves and needs her mother. I
still have 5 days of make-up time and given this document you tried to get
approved I am very concerned you will not honor the make-up time and even more
concerned that when I do return Mila you simply will keep her again like you did
the last 24 days.

I am willing to return Mila this week if you promise the five days of make-up time
to me next week. Otherwise, I will enjoy my make-up time with Mila while I can
and return her this coming Sunday at 7:00 pm at Scratch Bakery in S. Portland. I
had every intention of returning Mila today but when I saw this court document I
have a real fear that you will again, ignore the court order, and keep her from me
for another 24 days or longer this time. So feel I must take the time with her when
I can.
I have never and will never ignore a court order so once I am finished my last 5
days of make-up time this week I will have to return Mila to you this Sunday—
even if I am afraid I will never see her again.

Otherwise, Mila is having a great time. She is eating up a storm—has a huge
appetite and eating all the time. Last night we saw Rio in 3D. Mila loved it. I will
scan and send the tickets to you in case you are scrap-booking for Mila. Mila made
me chocolate raspberries and strawberries for mother’s day and picked roses for
me. We went to a flower garden fair yesterday and she played in the bounce toys
and had balloons made and had a great time. Today we have been at the
playground most of the afternoon and she is making many wonderful friends here.
A mother and little girl already invited us for a play-date tonight after dinner.

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From: igor malenko []
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:38 PM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Re:

Next weekend is the second weekend-
If you fail to bring Mila back tomorrow I will contact the FBI on top of filing papers in court
again- you are making it worse for your self, but also for Mila, with each new decision you are
taking. You need to bring Mila back here by tomorrow. You also have to pay child support. You
are violating court orders over and over again.

On May 8, 2011, at 3:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:

I just received the court document you and Mr. Waxman filed this week—the court
sent me a copy of the denied attempt to take Mila away from me, her mother. How
could do this to your only child? A little girl who loves and needs her mother. I
still have 5 days of make-up time and given this document you tried to get
approved I am very concerned you will not honor the make-up time and even more
concerned that when I do return Mila you simply will keep her again like you did
the last 24 days.

I am willing to return Mila this week if you promise the five days of make-up time
to me next week. Otherwise, I will enjoy my make-up time with Mila while I can
and return her this coming Sunday at 7:00 pm at Scratch Bakery in S. Portland. I
had every intention of returning Mila today but when I saw this court document I
have a real fear that you will again, ignore the court order, and keep her from me
for another 24 days or longer this time. So feel I must take the time with her when
I can.

I have never and will never ignore a court order so once I am finished my last 5
days of make-up time this week I will have to return Mila to you this Sunday—
even if I am afraid I will never see her again.

Otherwise, Mila is having a great time. She is eating up a storm—has a huge
appetite and eating all the time. Last night we saw Rio in 3D. Mila loved it. I will
scan and send the tickets to you in case you are scrap-booking for Mila. Mila made
me chocolate raspberries and strawberries for mother’s day and picked roses for
me. We went to a flower garden fair yesterday and she played in the bounce toys
and had balloons made and had a great time. Today we have been at the
playground most of the afternoon and she is making many wonderful friends here.
A mother and little girl already invited us for a play-date tonight after dinner.
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From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 9:53 PM
Subject: FW: please inform your lawyer I have blocked his emails

From: Mjwaxy []
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: please inform your lawyer I have blocked his emails


Please inform Dr. Handrahan that until she engages an attorney, I have no choice but to contact her


-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Malenko <>
Sent: Wed, May 4, 2011 8:14 pm
Subject: FW: please inform your lawyer I have blocked his emails

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 7:59 PM
Subject: please inform your lawyer I have blocked his emails


As of yesterday, I have blocked all emails from Mr. Waxman and will no longer be
able to receive any. They go straight to junk mail and are deleted without my
knowledge that they have ever arrived.

Please inform your lawyer.
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From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 6:48 PM
To: 'Lori Handrahan'
Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo

No one lives here full time. My friend postponed her visit due to your recent behavior – no one
likes to have to deal with your disgusting games. Unfortunately for me (and Mila) for the next
14-15 years we are stuck with it. Unless you get some help.

I would like to know how Mila is doing (she was sick the last time you mentioned her name and
I never heard back about that) and what time you are bringing her to school tomorrow-I need to
send Kathy an e-mail and prepare Mila’s food and clothes for the day. Instead of spending time
on other not important things try responding to these issues.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 4:11 PM
To: 'Igor Malenko'; 'Malenko, Igor'
Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo


How about you telling me the full name of your girlfriend, you claim a childhood
friend from Macedonia, who is now living full time with Mila at your home?

From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 3:48 PM
To: 'Lori Handrahan'
Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo

I have none of those addresses and those places mean nothing to me, neither your ambiguous
description of “friends”. I simply asked a very normal question and you are omitting the answer
by sending me this e-mail.
The appropriate answer is an address and tel. number where I can reach my child, since you are
not answering any of my calls. What am I supposed to do with Glover Park, Lutherville and
Manhattan? Or perhaps you assume that anyone in those places would know who you are? Well,
I’ll just call anyone in those places and ask to talk to Mila. I ‘ll say that she is with you-they all
know who you are, I am sure.
Great, thanks for the info.

Please bring Mila at school tomorrow and try to guess what time you will be there with her-and
let me know what that guess is going to be! Or simply tell me when you are bringing Mila to
school, so we can go on organizing our lives.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 3:10 PM
To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko'
Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo

Forgot to answer your question—in DC we are in Glover Park, in Maryland we are
in Lutherville, in NYC if we go we would be in Manhattan. All the addresses of
my friends that I am sure you already have on file.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 1:45 PM
To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko'
Subject: Mila at the zoo


I tried to send you pictures from Mila at the zoo but they don’t seem to be going
through. I’ll give these to you with the ER report when I see you tomorrow.

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From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 3:48 PM
To: 'Lori Handrahan'
Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo

I have none of those addresses and those places mean nothing to me, neither your ambiguous
description of “friends”. I simply asked a very normal question and you are omitting the answer
by sending me this e-mail.
The appropriate answer is an address and tel. number where I can reach my child, since you are
not answering any of my calls. What am I supposed to do with Glover Park, Lutherville and
Manhattan? Or perhaps you assume that anyone in those places would know who you are? Well,
I’ll just call anyone in those places and ask to talk to Mila. I ‘ll say that she is with you-they all
know who you are, I am sure.
Great, thanks for the info.

Please bring Mila at school tomorrow and try to guess what time you will be there with her-and
let me know what that guess is going to be! Or simply tell me when you are bringing Mila to
school, so we can go on organizing our lives.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 3:10 PM
To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko'
Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo

Forgot to answer your question—in DC we are in Glover Park, in Maryland we are
in Lutherville, in NYC if we go we would be in Manhattan. All the addresses of
my friends that I am sure you already have on file.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 1:45 PM
To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko'
Subject: Mila at the zoo


I tried to send you pictures from Mila at the zoo but they don’t seem to be going
through. I’ll give these to you with the ER report when I see you tomorrow.

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From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 3:01 PM
To: 'Lori Handrahan'
Subject: RE:

Please bring Mila to her school tomorrow and leave the medical records behind. I will pick Mila
up at school.
I need to know when is Mila going to be there in order to inform Kathy and the teachers and also
to bring appropriate amount of clothes and food for Mila in the morning.

Also, since you are 5 weeks behind on CHILD SUPPORT (entering the 6th), feel free to write
Kathy at the school a check for 3 weeks(incl. the coming one, $645) and subtract that from the
amount owed, which is still expected to be paid.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 11:46 AM
To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko'
Subject: RE:


Please let me know what would be better for your schedule. I can drop her at
school Monday afternoon or we can meet at 7:00 pm on Monday at Scratch

Once you let me know what you prefer I will book my ticket. We are visiting
friends in Maryland and maybe take the train to New York city and fly from there.

Call anytime time. Sorry we haven’t been taking many calls because first Mila was
sick and then I got the stomach bug and have been vomiting all night.

From: Malenko, Igor []
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 10:47 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy

I called yesterday and again no response. I left a message and I will like to talk to Mila asap. I
would like to know how she feels and I would like to know when exactly you are returning her in
Maine (as in day and time of flight arival).

You have not given any address in DC where my child is supposedly staying since you took her
there, nor have you informed me when you actually flew with Mila over there. I am still waiting
for this information as well.

Also, all the records generated from the ER visit or any other visit to any medical provider that
you have taken Mila to for any kind of testing since you picked her up last Friday should be
forwarded to me asap. The bill from this ER visit will obviously be yours. Anything in excess of
250$ annually is yours.
When can I expect to talk to Mila and when can we expect you to pay child support for the past 5

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From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:00 AM
To: 'Lori Handrahan'
Subject: RE: Returning Mila next Monday at preschool

I do not agree to any of that – I would like Mila to be back today.

I am going to take legal steps to prevent you from doing this.

From: Lori Handrahan []
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 8:29 AM
To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko'
Subject: Returning Mila next Monday at preschool


Since I haven’t seen Mila for 24 days, due to your refusal to maintain the visit
schedule, I am taking some of my make-up time with Mila now.

My calculations you owe me three weekends, Friday-Sunday or 9 days.

When I returned her next Monday that will count for 8 of the 9 make-up days.

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From: Igor Malenko []
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 7:16 AM
To: Lori Handrahan
Cc: Mjwaxy
Subject: Fwd: Friday

Also, you are 5 weeks behind on the child support- how do you think Mila's school is being
payed? You need to do your part.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Igor Malenko <>
Date: April 22, 2011 5:54:45 AM CDT
To: Lori Handrahan <>
Cc: Mjwaxy <>
Subject: Re: Friday

The "undisclosed" location sounds as creepy as everything else you produced so far.

Mila's reply to being picked up this week is no different from last week or the week before that -
"mama needs to make a promise that she will not talk bad" and " did she make the promise
papa?". .
Unless you do, I will not say to her that you did. I want Mila to have her mother in her life,but
you got to stop forcing her to say things that are not true and frighten her with "getting rid of me"

I am planing to bring Mila at school today and even if you pick her up without making the
promise she needs to hear, I expect her to stay in Maine and return on Sunday.

The DHHS is aware of the situation and so is the police. You have to stop using Mila for your
selfish goals - she truly is unhappy about this and it is absolutely unacceptable. You got to
understand this or you will alienate her and hurt her again and again. She needs both her parents
in her life but only in a healthy way.

I need to hear back from you about returning Mila this Sunday before attempting to pick her up
today. If you choose to behave as so far I will choose to protect my child from your behavior.

On Apr 21, 2011, at 6:33 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote:

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Small fraction of igor malenko emails in 2011
Small fraction of igor malenko emails in 2011
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Small fraction of igor malenko emails in 2011

  • 1. Igor Malenko's Emails in 2011 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 8:13 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Missing Mila My position is still the same- Mila needs a healthy mother that will not subject her to any unnecessary medical examination of her private parts each time she goes back to see her mother (YOU), a mother that would not have her tested unnecessary for drugs(FOR DRUGS!), a mother that would stop manufacturing horrendous and disgusting false accusation, a mother that would think how all of these sick games will affect her future (because it will all be there on the internet, all of the garbage you and your friends cooked up!), a mother that would STOP telling her to recite FALSE things that never happened and that could only be product of your mind, of someone that is willing to do anything to have me permanently removed from her life, by being accused of being a pedophile, drugging her, rapping her and all of the sick sick things you are so heavily invested in manufacturing! When you can be that mother, I will certainly love for Mila to have you in her life as much as possible. But until then I will have to ask you to see her supervised-if you missed her that much and cared about her you would consider doing that. All the money and time you spent on all this garbage so far could have covered many many visits with Mila. It is obviously more important to pay Pickering for harassing people and manufacturing anything you could use to discredit me and destroy me then to see Mila. We checked yesterday to see if there was email from you for Mila as you indicated - there was none. Today none. No phone calls ever, no responses to her calls ever. She sent you cards-no thank you Mila for the cards. You indicated "care" packages - we have received none so far and the only packages you sent before were few toys at school back in early spring. Child support-none for months now. Not even a question whether she has or lacks anything, clothing etc. In case you care-she does not. She would love to have a normal mother, one that would stop doing to her what you have been doing all this time. Try that. If you will send an e-mail to her I will read it to Mila and write the response with her together. She will be able to do this alone soon-she is very proficient with the PC. We will send pictures again either today or tomorrow-as soon as we download them. From: To:; Subject: Missing Mila Date: Sun, 14 Aug 2011 17:43:20 -0400 Igor, Thank you for the pictures. I too miss Mila very much; as I have told you many, many times.
  • 2. Mila needs her mother. I would appreciate it very much if I could spend the time with her as ordered by Judge Moskowitz. Please let me know if you will permit this to happen. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 11:53 AM To: Cc: Subject: I’ll send more later on today..I am having trouble resizing them right now. Mila is doing well, she has grown up a lot. She eats well, lots of new healthy things. She swim a lot and she is out in the park, the beach and the playground every day. She has/meets lots of kids and enjoys playing with them. She is ready for school again. Although she still likes staying home with the dogs and having a chance to walk and play with them in the park and the beach more then school, she needs being among friends at school again. She is very much into dancing, she can catch rhythm very well and has some really cool moves. She loves the Circus Smircus and she would love to attend their summer camp. She still loves all animals and now plays an imaginary game where she lives in Australia and takes care various animals. She them comes here in Maine to visit and get more animals to take with her back in Australia. She strums the guitar regularly and soon she will be ready for real lessons. We are working on the biking skills, and hopefully by the end of the summer she will be able to bike without supporting wheels. She has developed good taste for choosing her clothing and likes matching them. Reading and writing are going very well and she loves science and nature programs a lot. She always busy as you know and enjoys learning everything. She misses you and I am really hoping you can move in a another direction asap. It is really a shame that you rather do everything to convince people that I am a pedophile and a drug abuser, that I drug Mila and sexually abuse her, then bring her for all kinds of abusive unnecessary examinations to prove these not existing crazy things, then stop the nonsense and just be a mother to her that she needs. I am truly sad about this. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11
  • 3. Igor Malenko [] Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 11:09 AM To: 'Lori Handrahan' Subject: RE: I read the email to her and she asked me to write back for her – Hi mama, I read the email with papa-thank you! I miss you and I love you and I sent cards to Sorrento. Here are few pictures from me- Hope to see you soon! Love you! Mila Also, it really is up to you to make this easier once for all for Mila-YOU need to STOP spending all your time finding more people and resources to back up false accusation and create havoc in our lives, especially in Mila’s. It is due to your horrendous behavior that we are where we are now. You rather subject Mila to all kinds of terrible unnecessary examinations and ramp up the half of the country to achieve exactly what you have tried from the beginning- remove me from her life. Instead of just being her mom and accepting she needs both parents. I feel sad about the situation, very sad for Mila, but you have gone way too far with your abusive behavior towards her and I am not going to allow you to subject her to more of the unnecessary examinations of her private parts and tell her that I have done inappropriate things to her, while trying very hard to deport me or put me in jail for nothing-for loving my child and being her dad. Do you realize what you are doing to her? You create a horrible situation from nonexistent problems, things you decide to invent and sell to people as truth, things that will devastate her when she grows up and learns more about them. What are you thinking??Really? And how is all of this you are trying so hard to achieve more important that being with your child??? You like more to play a victim in your self-designed game of lies then simply be a mom to her. You spend all the money and time on creating lies and selling them to everyone that is willing to buy them, instead of being Mila’s mother? How sad is that and what would it take for you to stop? I will protect Mila from the things you have repeatedly put her trough- only you can stop this, since you created it and are invested heavily in making it real. I want Mila to have a mom that is there for her all the time, just as I want her to have a father that is there all the time. I have always wanted this and never done anything to prevent you from being her mother. But, you don’t want the same and you want me out of her life and you will do anything for it- ANYTHING! It is really up to you to find a way to stop this, to stop emotionally and physically abusing Mila, because what you do to her is simply that! I have been asking you to move to a better direction for a very very long time now. Instead you spend all your time to destroy me and everyone else that is not buying your stories and put Mila through hell. It blows my mind that you rather not see Mila and play a victim than stop what you are doing-your game is more important to you than Mila. This shows over and over again that you will never understand what a child needs more then everything in the world.
  • 4. I have absolutely no hope that you will ever stop doing what you are doing and start simply being a mother that Mila needs. I would love to be wrong about this. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 5:47 PM To: 'igor malenko' Subject: Igor, I would keep asking if I can see Mila, I miss her terribly and I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for Mila to be without her mother for nearly 5 months, almost a half a year, a very long time in a 4 year’s life; however, I understand it is your position that you will not let me see Mila unsupervised until a court hearing with Judge Moskowitz. I will start emailing Mila every morning to say hello. I hope you will read these emails to her. I will also start, again, sending cards and care packages as I was doing every day until the protection order, which was dismissed, was in place. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 12:39 PM To: Cc: Subject: RE: My position on the visitation is still the same as before. Everything else will be addressed at the hearing on the 15th of August. From: To: Subject: Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2011 11:14:18 -0400 Igor,
  • 5. I take this to indicate you are still refusing to allow Mila to be with me, per the court order. If you could please answer the questions I have been asking for several months: Are still employed at IDEXX? The full name of your current live-in girlfriend? Who provides child care for Mila? Why Mila was taken out of pre-school? Did you enroll Mila in any summer camps or activities? Thank you. From: igor malenko [] Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 8:33 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? Lori, We need to have a discussion about the elephant in the room -- you disparaging me to Mila, making false claims about me, coaching Mila to say false things into a recording device, and you bringing Mila in for unnecessary medical examinations and drug tests. These are the reasons that I have decided to prevent you from having unsupervised contact with Mila. This is physical and emotional abuse. You may feel great about how yesterday went for you, but Judge Moskowitz has not yet seen the evidence of the elephant in the room, which he will see at the next hearing. I don't want Mila separated from her mother. I want Mila and you to have a healthy relationship. But that cannot happen if everytime you are with her, you and the people around you are saying bad things about me, tormenting our lives with false abuse claims and dragging Mila in for unnecessary medical examinations and drug tests. You have never once discussed this issue with me. It is not going away just because we no longer have a PFH Order against you. If you refuse to have this discussion, then I will continue to offer you only supervised visits with Mila. From: To:;
  • 6. Subject: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:15:00 -0400 Igor, May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? If so, what time and where. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 8:33 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? Lori, We need to have a discussion about the elephant in the room -- you disparaging me to Mila, making false claims about me, coaching Mila to say false things into a recording device, and you bringing Mila in for unnecessary medical examinations and drug tests. These are the reasons that I have decided to prevent you from having unsupervised contact with Mila. This is physical and emotional abuse. You may feel great about how yesterday went for you, but Judge Moskowitz has not yet seen the evidence of the elephant in the room, which he will see at the next hearing. I don't want Mila separated from her mother. I want Mila and you to have a healthy relationship. But that cannot happen if everytime you are with her, you and the people around you are saying bad things about me, tormenting our lives with false abuse claims and dragging Mila in for unnecessary medical examinations and drug tests. You have never once discussed this issue with me. It is not going away just because we no longer have a PFH Order against you. If you refuse to have this discussion, then I will continue to offer you only supervised visits with Mila. From: To:; Subject: May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:15:00 -0400
  • 7. Igor, May I pick-up Mila on Friday for visitation? If so, what time and where. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 2:12 PM To: Cc: Subject: RE: summer vacation schedule I will pick Mila up today around 4 at your home or Scratch Bakery Importance: High Lori, Michael has spoken with Mark Dalton from DHHS (Rebecca Austin's boss) and he has learned that DHHS is unsubstantiating your latest, false claims about me, and that DHHS supports me using my decision-making authority to deny you any unsupervised visitation. Mr. Dalton called you but you have refused to speak with him or call him back. At our suggestion, he will be reaching out to you to offer visitation with Mila over the weekend, supervised by DHHS. It is very sad that Mila has not seen you or heard your voice or had any communication with you in over a month. I don't understand why you aren't making an effort to let her know you love her and are thinking about her. In any case, no one here supports you and your efforts to drag Mila away from me. No one. If you want to see her, then please call Mark Dalton back and arrange it. I am sure she would love to see you. I am also sure she is very happy for not having to go trough more of your abusive practices. From: To: Subject: FW: summer vacation schedule I will pick Mila up today around 4 at your home or Scratch Bakery Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 06:35:08 -0400 Igor, As you know Mila’s summer vacation time with me starting last Friday on 10 June. You have been refusing to abide by the schedule. “Friday 10 June I would like Mila to stay with me for a two week period starting 10 June Friday until 26 June Sunday. Then on July 8 Friday I would Mila to stay with me again until Sunday July 24th.” This was a month’s notice, as I am required to do by the latest court order.
  • 8. I have 21 make-up days now from the time you have been withholding her which puts us at 2 August which is when I will return Mila to you. Mila and I plan to spend her summer vacation in Sorrento. I will pick Mila up today, around 4:00pm, at your house or at Scratch Bakery, as you prefer. Please indicate if you plan to allow this visit to occur. From: Malenko, Igor [] Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 2:45 PM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: RE: summer vacation schedule You are absolutely correct about your assumption that I would need you to follow the one month notification period concerning any vacations with Mila according the court order you are citing. That is when a vacation would be a possibility, meaning after the court here in Maine decides whether or not you would be allowed to spend any time with Mila unsupervised in the future. That same court order is the one you violated several times in the past weeks and that same order obligates you to pay child support you are refusing to pay for almost two months now. You seem to have your priorities wrong and seem to have funds to do many things and none of them includes paying child support that pays for Mila’s school. That same court order gave me the PR status based on your refusal and inability to co-parent and it also pointed out that I have the ultimate decision authority when we cannot agree on the important and essential issues concerning Mila and her well being. You don't seem to understand the consequences of your recent decisions. You have made false claims of abuse to DHHS. You have coached our daughter to say false, bad things about her papa. You have brought our child into the Maine Coast Memorial Hospital and other medical providers, repeatedly, in order to obtain unnecessary examinations and drug tests. You have extracted and frozen Mila's urine for future drug tests and apparently kept her excrements around for the same purpose. You have publicly accused me of being a methamphetamine user and drug addict. You have take Mila across state lines and refused to return her, in violation of the Court Orders and state and federal law. You kept her on an undisclosed location, without allowing us to have any contact throughout all the time you kept Mila with you and violated the court order that gives you 3 weekends per month (one in two months in DC if you live there!). You kept her without any approval from my side or prior knowledge since April the 22nd and returned her yesterday (drop her off at her school without any notice to me) after I contacted the FBI. You have refused to accept service of process and you have played a foolish game, probably with the assistance of Pickering and your ex-husband Patrick.
  • 9. I am not ever relinquishing our daughter to you again without a Court Order telling me to do so. I am the PR parent and I have ultimate decision making authority. I believe that every day Mila is with you, she is suffering emotional abuse as well as physical abuse, in that she is being prodded and probed and tested for conditions that do not exist. If you want to see Mila again, you will have to come to the Maine courts and explain yourself to Judge Moskowitz. If you decide to stop at Mila’s school without any prior notice to me and try to remove Mila from her school on the days other than you are allowed to have her, I can ASSURE YOU that the police will be with you in a matter of minutes. Everyone that is aiding you in these attempts to take Mila away from her home and from me unlawfully, will be held accountable – that includes your ex-husband Patrick and your private investigator Pickering. I am looking forward in seeing you in court, here in Maine. Also, looking forward in hearing you and your ex-husband Patrick explain the scheme thoroughly. I am glad I kept the records of his involvement in our life and this case from the beginning. I am sure you both still believe what you have told me long time ago that “justice is something for poor people”. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 1:04 PM To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor Subject: summer vacation schedule Igor, Per the order, I need to notify you of my two, two week periods with Mila during the summer. I am doing so now. Friday 10 June I would like Mila to stay with me for a two week period starting 10 June Friday until 26 June Sunday. Then on July 8 Friday I would Mila to stay with me again until Sunday July 24th. If you agree, I would prefer to do the first two week period from Friday 20 May until Sunday 5 June but I assume that you will make me provide the court ordered one month notification period and will not allow this. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 8:11 AM To: Cc:;;;
  • 10.; Subject: RE: summer vacation schedule I will pick Mila up today around 4 at your home or Scratch Bakery Importance: High You are not welcome here and if you show up, the following will occur: -- the police will arrive and you will be served, finally, with the Motion to Modify and the Motion for Contempt, and you will then be removed from my property with a summons for criminal trespass. No unsupervised visits will occur with Mila until the court addresses this issue-I have been very clear about this. You need to accept service and show up in court. Stop e-mailing me directly and send anything further to my attorney - Michael Waxman. From: To: Subject: FW: summer vacation schedule I will pick Mila up today around 4 at your home or Scratch Bakery Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 06:35:08 -0400 Igor, As you know Mila’s summer vacation time with me starting last Friday on 10 June. You have been refusing to abide by the schedule. “Friday 10 June I would like Mila to stay with me for a two week period starting 10 June Friday until 26 June Sunday. Then on July 8 Friday I would Mila to stay with me again until Sunday July 24th.” This was a month’s notice, as I am required to do by the latest court order. I have 21 make-up days now from the time you have been withholding her which puts us at 2 August which is when I will return Mila to you. Mila and I plan to spend her summer vacation in Sorrento. I will pick Mila up today, around 4:00pm, at your house or at Scratch Bakery, as you prefer. Please indicate if you plan to allow this visit to occur. From: Malenko, Igor [] Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 2:45 PM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: RE: summer vacation schedule
  • 11. You are absolutely correct about your assumption that I would need you to follow the one month notification period concerning any vacations with Mila according the court order you are citing. That is when a vacation would be a possibility, meaning after the court here in Maine decides whether or not you would be allowed to spend any time with Mila unsupervised in the future. That same court order is the one you violated several times in the past weeks and that same order obligates you to pay child support you are refusing to pay for almost two months now. You seem to have your priorities wrong and seem to have funds to do many things and none of them includes paying child support that pays for Mila’s school. That same court order gave me the PR status based on your refusal and inability to co-parent and it also pointed out that I have the ultimate decision authority when we cannot agree on the important and essential issues concerning Mila and her well being. You don't seem to understand the consequences of your recent decisions. You have made false claims of abuse to DHHS. You have coached our daughter to say false, bad things about her papa. You have brought our child into the Maine Coast Memorial Hospital and other medical providers, repeatedly, in order to obtain unnecessary examinations and drug tests. You have extracted and frozen Mila's urine for future drug tests and apparently kept her excrements around for the same purpose. You have publicly accused me of being a methamphetamine user and drug addict. You have take Mila across state lines and refused to return her, in violation of the Court Orders and state and federal law. You kept her on an undisclosed location, without allowing us to have any contact throughout all the time you kept Mila with you and violated the court order that gives you 3 weekends per month (one in two months in DC if you live there!). You kept her without any approval from my side or prior knowledge since April the 22nd and returned her yesterday (drop her off at her school without any notice to me) after I contacted the FBI. You have refused to accept service of process and you have played a foolish game, probably with the assistance of Pickering and your ex-husband Patrick. I am not ever relinquishing our daughter to you again without a Court Order telling me to do so. I am the PR parent and I have ultimate decision making authority. I believe that every day Mila is with you, she is suffering emotional abuse as well as physical abuse, in that she is being prodded and probed and tested for conditions that do not exist. If you want to see Mila again, you will have to come to the Maine courts and explain yourself to Judge Moskowitz. If you decide to stop at Mila’s school without any prior notice to me and try to remove Mila from her school on the days other than you are allowed to have her, I can ASSURE YOU that the police will be with you in a matter of minutes. Everyone that is aiding you in these attempts to take Mila away from her home and from me unlawfully, will be held accountable – that includes your ex-husband Patrick and your private investigator Pickering. I am looking forward in seeing you in court, here in Maine. Also, looking forward in hearing you and your ex-husband Patrick explain the scheme thoroughly. I am glad I kept the records of his involvement in our life and this case from the beginning. I am sure you both still believe what you have told me long time ago that “justice is something for poor people”.
  • 12. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 1:04 PM To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor Subject: summer vacation schedule Igor, Per the order, I need to notify you of my two, two week periods with Mila during the summer. I am doing so now. Friday 10 June I would like Mila to stay with me for a two week period starting 10 June Friday until 26 June Sunday. Then on July 8 Friday I would Mila to stay with me again until Sunday July 24th. If you agree, I would prefer to do the first two week period from Friday 20 May until Sunday 5 June but I assume that you will make me provide the court ordered one month notification period and will not allow this. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Monday, June 06, 2011 10:10 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: Mila is not in school where is Mila? Mila is fine and she is with me. Stop harrassing me and following me around-I will contact the police again about both of you and Pickering lingering around my house and following us. I will block your email on both my e-mail addresses as of now and I will block your phone calls as well. If you need anything concerning Mila you have to go through Michael Waxman. He is my attorney and you can let him know when would you like to call Mila (you never do it anyway) and I will make it available for you to talk to her. I will send you a weekly update on Mila to your Sorrento address and if anything needs to be communicated in addition to this, Michael will send it to you in an e-mail or a letter. I will again ask you to accept service so we can get in court and move forward.
  • 13. From: To:; Subject: Mila is not in school where is Mila? Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 09:47:25 -0400 Igor, Mila is not in school. Please let me know where Mila is. Thank you. Lori Handrahan, Ph.D. Sorrento Maine +1-207-812-0191 No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 4:16 PM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: Where is Mila? She is with me- please stop sending the same message over and over. You can call her if you care to hear her voice- she is taking a nap now. On Jun 5, 2011, at 3:01 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor, Please let me know where Mila is. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 1:15 PM To: 'Igor Malenko' Subject: RE: Where is Mila?
  • 14. Igor, Please let me know where Mila is. Thank you. From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 9:45 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: Where is Mila? Your source is wrong and it sounds like you are following me- creepy and unwanted. I will report it to the police, just as I reported your harassment last Friday. On Jun 5, 2011, at 4:02, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor, Where is Mila? Looks like you left home with her sometime on Friday night and haven’t returned. Please let me know where Mila is and how she is doing. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11
  • 15. From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 9:45 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: Where is Mila? Your source is wrong and it sounds like you are following me- creepy and unwanted. I will report it to the police, just as I reported your harassment last Friday. On Jun 5, 2011, at 4:02, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor, Where is Mila? Looks like you left home with her sometime on Friday night and haven’t returned. Please let me know where Mila is and how she is doing. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:29 AM To: Cc: Subject: FW: If you show up, you will deal with the police -
  • 16. From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:25:45 -0400 Igor, I’m not sure why you sound so angry. I am simply trying to be with Mila for my weekend visit. I am also trying to co-parent with you in the most positive way. If there are some medical records that concern you, please share these so we can discuss them. Thank you. I’ll come by the house later to pick Mila up. I miss her very much. From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:17 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: I AM REFUSING AND I WILL REFUSE IN THE FUTURE UNTIL WE GET IN COURT! I WILL FILE A PFH IF YOU KEEP HARASSING ME OR SHOW UP AT MY HOUSE! STOP HARASSING ME! YOU WILL SEE THE PICTURES AND THE JUDGE WILL TOO! From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:11:42 -0400 Igor, So you are refusing to allow Mila to be with me this weekend? Also, I have no idea what pictures you are talking about, that you mentioned in an earlier email. From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:06 AM
  • 17. To: Cc: Subject: RE: It is not ok and I will not respond any longer - I made it clear that I am not going to allow you to pick Mila up anywhere until we GET IN COURT!!! I will contact the police now and if you show up you will deal with them. You are absolutely not welcome on the property where we live and I am tired of being harassed by you! From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:00:31 -0400 Igor, If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume it is fine for me to pick Mila up at noon at your house, and I will see you then. Very much looking forward to seeing Mila. All best, From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 8:27 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: You will not pick Mila up anywhere until we get in court! If you come over or send me another e-mail that you are attempting to come over to my place, I will contact the police and file a PFH right away. Stop harassing me immediately. If you need to communicate about anything, do it trough Michael, my attorney. Mila will not be at school, she will be with me. From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 08:21:20 -0400 Igor, So shall I pick Mila up at your house today or will she be at school?
  • 18. From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 7:46 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: My answer is the same as last week and the week before. Only after meeting in court to address the issues you have and still are creating we can discuss how and when the visits are going to take place. If you linger around my house. I will file a PFH right away. If your private investigator does the same, I will file a PFH against both of you. I have seen the pictures of some of the visits with Mila to the hospitals and her being examined over and over again because of your continuous false claims. You are not going to do that to Mila ever again. That is why I am not going to allow the visits to take place until the judge has a chance to hear all of this. You have no idea how disturbing that all is for Mila. She is afraid to tell you to stop, but she does say this here and in front of other people that will confirm it in court. She is not willing to hear it any longer or have you bring her to yet another examination of her private parts or yet another drug testing. When you are ready to be a normal mother to her, it would be a great gift to her. Are you going to accept service so we can get in court as soon as possible? From: To:; Subject: Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:09:44 -0400 Igor, Will I be able to pick Mila up at school tomorrow for her weekend with me? Or should I come to your house? We can also meet at the Bakery at Willard Square. Please let me know. Thank you. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:17 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: I AM REFUSING AND I WILL REFUSE IN THE FUTURE UNTIL WE GET IN COURT!
  • 19. I WILL FILE A PFH IF YOU KEEP HARASSING ME OR SHOW UP AT MY HOUSE! STOP HARASSING ME! YOU WILL SEE THE PICTURES AND THE JUDGE WILL TOO! From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:11:42 -0400 Igor, So you are refusing to allow Mila to be with me this weekend? Also, I have no idea what pictures you are talking about, that you mentioned in an earlier email. From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:06 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: It is not ok and I will not respond any longer - I made it clear that I am not going to allow you to pick Mila up anywhere until we GET IN COURT!!! I will contact the police now and if you show up you will deal with them. You are absolutely not welcome on the property where we live and I am tired of being harassed by you! From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:00:31 -0400 Igor, If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume it is fine for me to pick Mila up at noon at your house, and I will see you then. Very much looking forward to seeing Mila. All best,
  • 20. From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 8:27 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: You will not pick Mila up anywhere until we get in court! If you come over or send me another e-mail that you are attempting to come over to my place, I will contact the police and file a PFH right away. Stop harassing me immediately. If you need to communicate about anything, do it trough Michael, my attorney. Mila will not be at school, she will be with me. From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 08:21:20 -0400 Igor, So shall I pick Mila up at your house today or will she be at school? From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 7:46 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: My answer is the same as last week and the week before. Only after meeting in court to address the issues you have and still are creating we can discuss how and when the visits are going to take place. If you linger around my house. I will file a PFH right away. If your private investigator does the same, I will file a PFH against both of you. I have seen the pictures of some of the visits with Mila to the hospitals and her being examined over and over again because of your continuous false claims. You are not going to do that to Mila ever again. That is why I am not going to allow the visits to take place until the judge has a chance to hear all of this. You have no idea how disturbing that all is for Mila. She is afraid to tell you to stop, but she does say this here and in front of other people that will confirm it in court. She is not willing to hear it any longer or have you bring her to yet another examination of her private parts or yet another drug testing. When you are ready to be a normal mother to her, it would be a great gift to her. Are you going to accept service so we can get in court as soon as possible? From: To:; Subject: Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:09:44 -0400 Igor,
  • 21. Will I be able to pick Mila up at school tomorrow for her weekend with me? Or should I come to your house? We can also meet at the Bakery at Willard Square. Please let me know. Thank you. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 9:06 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: It is not ok and I will not respond any longer - I made it clear that I am not going to allow you to pick Mila up anywhere until we GET IN COURT!!! I will contact the police now and if you show up you will deal with them. You are absolutely not welcome on the property where we live and I am tired of being harassed by you! From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 09:00:31 -0400 Igor, If I don’t hear back from you, I’ll assume it is fine for me to pick Mila up at noon at your house, and I will see you then. Very much looking forward to seeing Mila. All best, From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 8:27 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE:
  • 22. You will not pick Mila up anywhere until we get in court! If you come over or send me another e-mail that you are attempting to come over to my place, I will contact the police and file a PFH right away. Stop harassing me immediately. If you need to communicate about anything, do it trough Michael, my attorney. Mila will not be at school, she will be with me. From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 08:21:20 -0400 Igor, So shall I pick Mila up at your house today or will she be at school? From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 7:46 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: My answer is the same as last week and the week before. Only after meeting in court to address the issues you have and still are creating we can discuss how and when the visits are going to take place. If you linger around my house. I will file a PFH right away. If your private investigator does the same, I will file a PFH against both of you. I have seen the pictures of some of the visits with Mila to the hospitals and her being examined over and over again because of your continuous false claims. You are not going to do that to Mila ever again. That is why I am not going to allow the visits to take place until the judge has a chance to hear all of this. You have no idea how disturbing that all is for Mila. She is afraid to tell you to stop, but she does say this here and in front of other people that will confirm it in court. She is not willing to hear it any longer or have you bring her to yet another examination of her private parts or yet another drug testing. When you are ready to be a normal mother to her, it would be a great gift to her. Are you going to accept service so we can get in court as soon as possible? From: To:; Subject: Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:09:44 -0400 Igor, Will I be able to pick Mila up at school tomorrow for her weekend with me? Or should I come to your house?
  • 23. We can also meet at the Bakery at Willard Square. Please let me know. Thank you. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1890 / Virus Database: 2108/4690 - Release Date: 12/19/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 8:27 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: You will not pick Mila up anywhere until we get in court! If you come over or send me another e-mail that you are attempting to come over to my place, I will contact the police and file a PFH right away. Stop harassing me immediately. If you need to communicate about anything, do it trough Michael, my attorney. Mila will not be at school, she will be with me. From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 08:21:20 -0400 Igor, So shall I pick Mila up at your house today or will she be at school? From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 7:46 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: My answer is the same as last week and the week before. Only after meeting in court to address the issues you have and still are creating we can discuss how and when the visits are going to take place. If you linger around my house. I will file a PFH right away. If your private investigator does the same, I will file a PFH against both of you. I have seen the pictures of some of the visits with Mila to the hospitals and her being examined over and over again because of your continuous false claims. You are not going to do that to Mila ever again. That is why I am not going to allow the visits to take place until the judge has a chance to hear all of this. You have no idea how disturbing that all is for Mila. She is afraid to tell you to stop, but she does say this
  • 24. here and in front of other people that will confirm it in court. She is not willing to hear it any longer or have you bring her to yet another examination of her private parts or yet another drug testing. When you are ready to be a normal mother to her, it would be a great gift to her. Are you going to accept service so we can get in court as soon as possible? From: To:; Subject: Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:09:44 -0400 Igor, Will I be able to pick Mila up at school tomorrow for her weekend with me? Or should I come to your house? We can also meet at the Bakery at Willard Square. Please let me know. Thank you. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, June 03, 2011 7:46 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: My answer is the same as last week and the week before. Only after meeting in court to address the issues you have and still are creating we can discuss how and when the visits are going to take place. If you linger around my house. I will file a PFH right away. If your private investigator does the same, I will file a PFH against both of you. I have seen the pictures of some of the visits with Mila to the hospitals and her being examined over and over again because of your continuous false claims. You are not going to do that to Mila ever again. That is why I am not going to allow the visits to take place until the judge has a chance to hear all of this. You have no idea how disturbing that all is for Mila. She is afraid to tell you to stop, but she does say this here and in front of other people that will confirm it in court. She is not willing to hear it any longer or have you bring her to yet another examination of her private parts or yet another drug testing. When you are ready to be a normal mother to her, it would be a great gift to her. Are you going to accept service so we can get in court as soon as possible?
  • 25. From: To:; Subject: Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2011 17:09:44 -0400 Igor, Will I be able to pick Mila up at school tomorrow for her weekend with me? Or should I come to your house? We can also meet at the Bakery at Willard Square. Please let me know. Thank you. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 9:35 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: She is with me, I am not working today - I will not be able to read e-mails any longer until later today- From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 09:32:35 -0400 Igor, I didn’t realize you were in a legal position to block Mila’s time with me while we have joint custody. I ask you again—when will I see Mila? Is she is school today or home with you? From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 9:17 AM To:
  • 26. Cc: Subject: RE: She is with me, she is well and happy - Did you file papers and will you accept service, so we can move on and try to resolve the issues? I am not allowing the visits to take place until the judges order - I have serious concerns about Mila's well being and you have been timely and properly informed about this- trough me and trough my attorney Michael Waxman. Feel free to contact him for anything further concerning Mila and the legal process around the current situation. If you try to linger around our house or try to follow me or let your private investigator do this, I will file PFH immediately. I have already informed the police about your previous attempts and I will be in touch with them asap if you are in my or Mila's vicinity and linger or follow us. I have also told my landlord to call the police in case you you or your investigator ignore me and linger on and around the property, whether we are home or not. We need to get in court asap if you want this to get resolved just as I do. Mila is ok, she had two shots on Wednesday, DtaP and IPV. On one spot, the DtaP there was a bit of redness and swelling yesterday, at the other no reaction. We called the doctor and she reassured us that it was a common minor reaction that should be gone within few days. I will keep you up to date on her well being and overall progress. I have scheduled a regular visit with our primary doctor to follow up on the rest of the schedule. I will inform you timely about everything. I also have pictures from Mila's ballet performance that you missed but said you were attending. I will send them to you. I will not be on the internet until later this afternoon or evening. From: To:; Subject: Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 08:30:40 -0400 Igor, When will I see Mila? Where is she? No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 9:17 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: She is with me, she is well and happy -
  • 27. Did you file papers and will you accept service, so we can move on and try to resolve the issues? I am not allowing the visits to take place until the judges order - I have serious concerns about Mila's well being and you have been timely and properly informed about this- trough me and trough my attorney Michael Waxman. Feel free to contact him for anything further concerning Mila and the legal process around the current situation. If you try to linger around our house or try to follow me or let your private investigator do this, I will file PFH immediately. I have already informed the police about your previous attempts and I will be in touch with them asap if you are in my or Mila's vicinity and linger or follow us. I have also told my landlord to call the police in case you you or your investigator ignore me and linger on and around the property, whether we are home or not. We need to get in court asap if you want this to get resolved just as I do. Mila is ok, she had two shots on Wednesday, DtaP and IPV. On one spot, the DtaP there was a bit of redness and swelling yesterday, at the other no reaction. We called the doctor and she reassured us that it was a common minor reaction that should be gone within few days. I will keep you up to date on her well being and overall progress. I have scheduled a regular visit with our primary doctor to follow up on the rest of the schedule. I will inform you timely about everything. I also have pictures from Mila's ballet performance that you missed but said you were attending. I will send them to you. I will not be on the internet until later this afternoon or evening. From: To:; Subject: Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 08:30:40 -0400 Igor, When will I see Mila? Where is she? No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 10:10 AM To: Cc: Subject: RE: My e-mails have been very clear - nothing ambiguous in there. If you do not read them, I will not reply any longer. It is clear where I stand on everything concerning Mila and you need to respond accordingly. I need to see the medical documents you are referring to asap-we have an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. Do not make it more inconvenient for Mila and her vaccine schedule-if you have a record that there was a DTaP administered properly and according the standards for it, show it. Don't play with this issue.
  • 28. Read the e-mails and read my responses. Reply to the issues I am addressing and we can move further, otherwise I will get in court with or without you. It is better if you show your self and explain your actions. I am not playing around Mila's well being any longer. You had a chance to behave like a normal parent and you chose otherwise-now let's get in court and solve it. It is only you that is slowing things down. I will respond to e-mails concerning Mila's well being and concerning issues around court. I will not play along with your games. From: To:; Subject: RE: Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 09:38:28 -0400 Igor, Are you refusing to allow Mila to be picked up this Friday for her weekend with me? From: Malenko, Igor [] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 9:25 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Subject: RE: You have not been clear about what she has and has not and have refused to consider any of them unless it was suitable for you to take her abroad ! The medical records show no DtaP – send me the records today! No e-mails, but the actual records! From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 9:22 AM To: Malenko, Igor; 'igor malenko' Subject: RE: Igor, Are you refusing to allow Mila to be picked up on Friday to spend the weekend with me? BTW, she has had tenus, dtap, as you are aware. I sent you emails about these shots when we received them at Ellsworth hospital. From: Malenko, Igor [] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 9:12 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Subject: RE:
  • 29. You need to accept service and show up in court so we can resolve the issues pending! Just because we are a week further doesn’t mean that all the important things disappeared or anything changed. Stop hiding and accept service so we can move further and depending on that we can see what the schedule will be, whether or not you can see Mila unsupervised, how often, etc. Then we can talk about vacations and other things. You need to pay child support so we can pay Mila’s school bills. You are not paying for over two months now-it is almost 10 weeks that you are behind. You need to make your official address and employment status known in order to proceed transparently to resolve the issues that have arisen due to your latest actions. Do not expect that I will put all of this aside and expose Mila to more of your emotional harassment and games. Enough of that! Mila is doing well, she is happy and healthy. She has no wish to hear more of the things you have been forcing her to hear and say, together with your ex Patrick and the Sorrento friends. She loves you but you need to stop. A vacation in DC and bunch of toys are not going to make all of that disappear or make it acceptable for her. As I said - enough is enough! We have a doctor’s visit scheduled for tomorrow for her vaccination schedule. She might receive her first vaccine tomorrow if everything is ok – it will be the DtaP. Mila has no vaccines and no protection to any of the infectious diseases she might get exposed to, certainly with you frequently taking her on an airplane and with her being at school. I am not taking any risks when it comes to her health and so far you were successful in pushing this very important issue away. Mila’s health is nr.1 priority. Her well being too. Either get on board and be the parent she needs or play your games elsewhere. If you have interest in more information either write about that in an e-mail or call at our home to talk to her. Again, accept service and show up in court so we can move forward. Pay child support instead of private investigators. Show some responsibility and stop pretending everything is ok. You are not making her life easier this way, but we will make it anyway and do well-I will do anything for her to have a normal life. Just because you choose to be destructive doesn’t mean we will follow you or let you pull us with you. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 8:29 AM To: 'igor malenko'; Malenko, Igor Subject: Igor, I see Mila’s school will be closed the 4th Week of June until 3rd Week of August. What are your plans for Mila during this summer holiday? I plan to pick Mila up this Friday at school, as per the court judgment for my weekend visit with Mila. Will you attempt to block this again?
  • 30. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 2:13 PM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: RE: RE: RE: If you or any of your companions show up at the house I will file a PFA against you- stop harassing me. Mila stays here until we meet in court and it is decided that you are fit to coparent- On May 20, 2011, at 1:36 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor, That is fine. What time shall I pick Mila up at your house? Or shall we meet at Whole Foods? From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 9:10 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: RE: RE: Mila is with me and she is where she lives- in her home here. "undisclosed" locations are the one you have been keeping her for the 3 weeks. Accept service or file papers so we can see get in court sooner and resolve the latest problems you created. Stop playing games with Mila's wellbeing.
  • 31. Read the court's decision again! On May 20, 2011, at 8:38, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor, So you are keeping Mila in an undisclosed location on the day I am legally allowed to pick her up for my weekend visits? I’m just wondering, did someone make you judge? Or it is you are so sure Moskowitz is in your pocket you can do as you please, the court order be damned? From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 4:02 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Kathy Rogers; Mjwaxy Subject: Re: RE: Mila will skip school today - I have the day off. On May 19, 2011, at 1:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Dear Kathy, What is your position? Will you prevent me from picking her up from school on Friday?
  • 32. I refuse to put Mila, and the other children at the pre-school, in the position of witnessing any kind of stressful transfer, raised voices, or even the mildest of arguments. I fear picking Mila up at school, what should be normal routine activity, but given the slander and lies you have been willing to say about me—a woman and mother you do not even know—I do fear that you would do Mr. Waxman’s and Igor’s bidding and create an altercation at the school in front of my daughter and other children. I need to know your position before I pick Mila up in order to avoid anything negative occurring in front of Mila or the other children. Thank you for letting me know your position. From: Malenko, Igor [] Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:44 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc:; Kathy Rogers; Subject: RE: I will make sure that you can be served the court papers as soon as you show up there-regardless of the time or the day. I will alert the police and the DHHS as well.
  • 33. If you want to proceed resolving what you have created, you need to accept service and stop hiding around avoiding to get served. Eventually we can proceed without you accepting it anyway. Or you can file papers in court yourself. I have explained my position in my e-mail last week and Michael has done this as well. Michael will accept service of anything you and your ex-husband Patrick are planning to file. Mila has again mentioned several times about your continuing to disparage me, telling her that I am a “bad father” and a “bad person” and scaring her by telling her that “you will put me in jail” and also she mentioned that your ex-husband Patrick was saying this as well. You also keep trying to force her to say that I have abused her sexually or otherwise or acted inappropriately in any way. I look forward in seeing you both in court and hearing you explain your scams. If any of you decides to show up at Mila’s school today or tomorrow, you will get served. If you decide to take Mila away again without my permission, I will place an Amber alert and have you arrested. You took Mila and kept her for three weeks, without being allowed this. There is no pre-school vacation you refer to and there is no “make-up” time. You had Mila more than you were allowed and if you want this to get resolved sooner rather than loosing time on playing games, you need to accept service and/or file your papers in court. I am not going to permit Mila to be exposed again to your continuous emotional abuse. Also, you have not paid child support for two months now, while you spend the money on private investigators and other things that you give priority over Mila’s school. DHHS will be in touch with you about the child support as well. I would wait on any vacation planning until we get in court first. I would save the money you have for vacation for the child support you are not paying, if I were you. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:17 PM To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor Subject:
  • 34. Igor, Will you oppose my court ordered time with Mila this weekend? I plan to pick her up at school on Friday and return her on Sunday—per my normal visit time. I would like confirmation on the summer vacation and 5 days of make-up time please. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 9:10 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: RE: RE: Mila is with me and she is where she lives- in her home here. "undisclosed" locations are the one you have been keeping her for the 3 weeks. Accept service or file papers so we can see get in court sooner and resolve the latest problems you created. Stop playing games with Mila's wellbeing. Read the court's decision again! On May 20, 2011, at 8:38, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor,
  • 35. So you are keeping Mila in an undisclosed location on the day I am legally allowed to pick her up for my weekend visits? I’m just wondering, did someone make you judge? Or it is you are so sure Moskowitz is in your pocket you can do as you please, the court order be damned? From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 4:02 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Kathy Rogers; Mjwaxy Subject: Re: RE: Mila will skip school today - I have the day off. On May 19, 2011, at 1:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Dear Kathy, What is your position? Will you prevent me from picking her up from school on Friday? I refuse to put Mila, and the other children at the pre-school, in the position of witnessing any kind of stressful transfer, raised voices, or even the mildest of arguments. I fear picking Mila up at school, what should be normal routine activity, but given the slander and lies you have been willing to say about me—a woman and mother you do not even know—I do fear that you would do Mr. Waxman’s and Igor’s bidding and create an altercation at the school in front of my daughter and other children.
  • 36. I need to know your position before I pick Mila up in order to avoid anything negative occurring in front of Mila or the other children. Thank you for letting me know your position. From: Malenko, Igor [] Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:44 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc:; Kathy Rogers; Subject: RE: I will make sure that you can be served the court papers as soon as you show up there-regardless of the time or the day. I will alert the police and the DHHS as well. If you want to proceed resolving what you have created, you need to accept service and stop hiding around avoiding to get served. Eventually we can proceed without you accepting it anyway. Or you can file papers in court yourself. I have explained my position in my e-mail last week and Michael has done this as well. Michael will accept service of anything you and your ex-husband Patrick are planning to file. Mila has again mentioned several times about your continuing to disparage me, telling her that I am a “bad father” and a “bad person” and scaring her by telling her that “you will put me in jail” and also she mentioned that your ex-husband Patrick was saying this as well. You also keep trying to force her to say that I have abused her sexually or otherwise or acted inappropriately in any way.
  • 37. I look forward in seeing you both in court and hearing you explain your scams. If any of you decides to show up at Mila’s school today or tomorrow, you will get served. If you decide to take Mila away again without my permission, I will place an Amber alert and have you arrested. You took Mila and kept her for three weeks, without being allowed this. There is no pre-school vacation you refer to and there is no “make-up” time. You had Mila more than you were allowed and if you want this to get resolved sooner rather than loosing time on playing games, you need to accept service and/or file your papers in court. I am not going to permit Mila to be exposed again to your continuous emotional abuse. Also, you have not paid child support for two months now, while you spend the money on private investigators and other things that you give priority over Mila’s school. DHHS will be in touch with you about the child support as well. I would wait on any vacation planning until we get in court first. I would save the money you have for vacation for the child support you are not paying, if I were you. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:17 PM To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor Subject: Igor, Will you oppose my court ordered time with Mila this weekend? I plan to pick her up at school on Friday and return her on Sunday—per my normal visit time. I would like confirmation on the summer vacation and 5 days of make-up time please.
  • 38. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 4:02 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Kathy Rogers; Mjwaxy Subject: Re: RE: Mila will skip school today - I have the day off. On May 19, 2011, at 1:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Dear Kathy, What is your position? Will you prevent me from picking her up from school on Friday? I refuse to put Mila, and the other children at the pre-school, in the position of witnessing any kind of stressful transfer, raised voices, or even the mildest of arguments. I fear picking Mila up at school, what should be normal routine activity, but given the slander and lies you have been willing to say about me—a woman and mother you do not even know—I do fear that you would do Mr. Waxman’s and Igor’s bidding and create an altercation at the school in front of my daughter and other children. I need to know your position before I pick Mila up in order to avoid anything negative occurring in front of Mila or the other children.
  • 39. Thank you for letting me know your position. From: Malenko, Igor [] Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 10:44 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc:; Kathy Rogers; Subject: RE: I will make sure that you can be served the court papers as soon as you show up there-regardless of the time or the day. I will alert the police and the DHHS as well. If you want to proceed resolving what you have created, you need to accept service and stop hiding around avoiding to get served. Eventually we can proceed without you accepting it anyway. Or you can file papers in court yourself. I have explained my position in my e-mail last week and Michael has done this as well. Michael will accept service of anything you and your ex-husband Patrick are planning to file. Mila has again mentioned several times about your continuing to disparage me, telling her that I am a “bad father” and a “bad person” and scaring her by telling her that “you will put me in jail” and also she mentioned that your ex-husband Patrick was saying this as well. You also keep trying to force her to say that I have abused her sexually or otherwise or acted inappropriately in any way. I look forward in seeing you both in court and hearing you explain your scams. If any of you decides to show up at Mila’s school today or tomorrow, you will get served. If you decide to take Mila away again without my permission, I will place an Amber alert and have you arrested.
  • 40. You took Mila and kept her for three weeks, without being allowed this. There is no pre-school vacation you refer to and there is no “make-up” time. You had Mila more than you were allowed and if you want this to get resolved sooner rather than loosing time on playing games, you need to accept service and/or file your papers in court. I am not going to permit Mila to be exposed again to your continuous emotional abuse. Also, you have not paid child support for two months now, while you spend the money on private investigators and other things that you give priority over Mila’s school. DHHS will be in touch with you about the child support as well. I would wait on any vacation planning until we get in court first. I would save the money you have for vacation for the child support you are not paying, if I were you. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 4:17 PM To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor Subject: Igor, Will you oppose my court ordered time with Mila this weekend? I plan to pick her up at school on Friday and return her on Sunday—per my normal visit time. I would like confirmation on the summer vacation and 5 days of make-up time please.
  • 41. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 7:30 PM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: RE: The ballet school is on the 517 Forest ave. In Portland ( Mila's class(pre-ballet) starts at 3.45pm, but she usually is there around 3.30pm in order to change her attire and have her hair tied neatly in the back. It goes until 4.30pm and it is the last session, peek week, where parents and family are invited(usually we wait in the hall) to see the demonstration. She missed several classes in the last weeks but she will have fun nevertheless. I am not sure what your travel plans are for tomorrow, but if you want to go there with Mila I will see her there. We only need to arrange something for her attire to be with her on time. I can either drop it somewhere earlier or bring it along. Having it earlier is better. Concerning Mila's school and your wish to be the more often, I think that it is very good for Mila to have both parents around as often as possible- so I welcome it. I also need to remind you that the school is not paid already several weeks and it is becoming awkward. You need to contribute the child support so the bill can be paid. I am a bit confused about your certain ability to be here in Maine, after clearly stating that you were living in DC, which was again after you clearly stated in your Motion to Modify just two months ago, where you stated that you lived no longer in DC but was back in Maine. I do not really care that much what the real situation is except that it is good for Mila that both parents are going to be close and she can see us both often. On May 9, 2011, at 5:06 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor, Since tomorrow is Mila’s ballet final I would like to attend.
  • 42. Please let me know the location and name of the place so Mila can have her mother there too. I have told Mila I will be there. Also I plan to start coming to her school, like you do, daily, to spend time with her. From: Malenko, Igor [] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 3:19 PM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: FW: One more thing – if it appears that you are owed time after we are able to properly address the whole issue, I will have no problem with that. Right now, I believe you are wrong that you are owed any time. Moreover, you have failed to reason and you made your decisions yourself or with help from others, who I do not believe are giving you appropriate advice. But it your responsibility at the end. You can’t keep doing this. From: Malenko, Igor Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 3:09 PM To: 'Lori Handrahan' Cc: 'Mjwaxy' Subject: RE: I do not- your calculations are wrong and I have no intent of discussing this over e-mail under these circumstances any longer. You seem to think that whatever you decide or enters your mind is the order of the day. There is no “make-up” time and there is no “pre-school vacation”, just because you decide to make it appear in the court order. You did what you did and you will have to take the responsibility for this. I am expecting this to be addressed in court, since there is no other way of dealing with you. You missed two weekends in April, no 24 days, and you missed them because you filled false abuse accusations again. It was Mila that was reluctant of having to hear more of that and I have obligations to protect her from those things. She has expressed herself clearly about that on several different occasions. You need to stop causing problems and
  • 43. blaming others for them. You can’t decide unilaterally that there is April vacation and that you are owed that time. It does not work that way. You have disturbed Mila’s life and created huge problems as usual. I am use to it, but frankly I reached my limit about trying to make you understand that this is only going to affect you negatively and most importantly Mila’s life and future. You seem to be not able to realize that your actions do have consequences and that this game you are playing with other people personal and professional lives is just no longer acceptable. Mila’s school needs to be paid (you had also fail to pay the JCA in the past), you are refusing to contribute anything to her school costs for almost two months now. Mila has missed several ballet lessons and would miss her final performance tomorrow. She looked forward to this, but somehow everything she has or does here, she is not able to enjoy without having to go through all this terrible things you are putting us trough over and over again. She loves you, but you are not able to understand what she truly needs from you. You got to realize this and spend your time on better things. If you bring Mila back home in Maine tomorrow, it will be a good decision. I will let her school know this, although as I said they need to get paid and we have not received any money from you. If you do not bring Mila back I will start a criminal case today and we will have to go through any possible legal venue to make you understand that Mila needs to be back home here in Maine. I hope you will make the right choice. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 2:39 PM To: 'Igor Malenko'; Malenko, Igor Subject: Igor, I am stunned you would call the FBI over my spending my make-up time with Mila in DC.
  • 44. Since you have created such a fuss I have tickets back to Maine and will return Mila tomorrow to her school. You still owe me 4 days of make-up time. When will I be able to use this time? I would like to use it next week and pick her up next Tuesday from school. Do you agree? No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 7:52 AM To: 'Lori Handrahan' Cc: Subject: RE: RE: I will report you for parental kidnaping and taking Mila outside of State lines without my permission or knowledge. I have no idea where my child is for weeks now and you refused to provide me the address continuously. I will report Pickering and others for helping you to achieve this and manipulate the legal system. You have no rights to keep Mila for any of the time you did in the past weeks, especially not when you make that decision unilaterally. You are in no position to make any demands and you have chosen to continuously violate the court orders. You filed yet another false accusation with DHHS and you refuse to return Mila and pay child support. The FBI will issue a warrant and arrest you. I was trying to avoid this until now, especially since yesterday was mother’s day, but no longer. If you end up losing your rights to Mila it will all be your responsibility. I urge you and your private investigator to stop breaking the law and return Mila asap.
  • 45. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 7:16 AM To: 'igor malenko'; Subject: RE: RE: Igor, I’m not sure why you are meeting a federal agent at 9:00 am. I haven’t kidnapped Mila—you have been informed, almost daily, of her activities and whereabouts. But if you are meeting a federal agent please do tell them to call me on my cell 207-812-0191 I would certainly welcome a discussion with a federal agent and have some things to share about your background that I have recently learned. This weekend is the second weekend—you are correct. I was mistaken. In that case I will return Mila this Friday, at the end of my make-up time, to her school sometime during the day. From: igor malenko [] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 6:13 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: RE: You need to return Mila and avoid making this worse. We will discus the rest afterwards appropriately not under these conditions. If I do not receive a message confirming that Mila will be back today with exact time and place I will proceed with the FBI and make sure she is back home. It will not work in your benefit and it will be your responsibility completely. I am planing to meet with the fed.agent at 9 am. If I do not receive the response within one hour I will assume that that is how you choose to proceed. On May 9, 2011, at 2:25 AM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor, I will return Mila tomorrow if you and I can make an agreement on the week of makeup time you owe me. Will you give this to me next week? From: igor malenko [] Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:38 PM To: Lori Handrahan
  • 46. Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: Next weekend is the second weekend- If you fail to bring Mila back tomorrow I will contact the FBI on top of filing papers in court again- you are making it worse for your self, but also for Mila, with each new decision you are taking. You need to bring Mila back here by tomorrow. You also have to pay child support. You are violating court orders over and over again. On May 8, 2011, at 3:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor, I just received the court document you and Mr. Waxman filed this week—the court sent me a copy of the denied attempt to take Mila away from me, her mother. How could do this to your only child? A little girl who loves and needs her mother. I still have 5 days of make-up time and given this document you tried to get approved I am very concerned you will not honor the make-up time and even more concerned that when I do return Mila you simply will keep her again like you did the last 24 days. I am willing to return Mila this week if you promise the five days of make-up time to me next week. Otherwise, I will enjoy my make-up time with Mila while I can and return her this coming Sunday at 7:00 pm at Scratch Bakery in S. Portland. I had every intention of returning Mila today but when I saw this court document I have a real fear that you will again, ignore the court order, and keep her from me for another 24 days or longer this time. So feel I must take the time with her when I can. I have never and will never ignore a court order so once I am finished my last 5 days of make-up time this week I will have to return Mila to you this Sunday— even if I am afraid I will never see her again.
  • 47. Otherwise, Mila is having a great time. She is eating up a storm—has a huge appetite and eating all the time. Last night we saw Rio in 3D. Mila loved it. I will scan and send the tickets to you in case you are scrap-booking for Mila. Mila made me chocolate raspberries and strawberries for mother’s day and picked roses for me. We went to a flower garden fair yesterday and she played in the bounce toys and had balloons made and had a great time. Today we have been at the playground most of the afternoon and she is making many wonderful friends here. A mother and little girl already invited us for a play-date tonight after dinner. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 6:13 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: RE: You need to return Mila and avoid making this worse. We will discus the rest afterwards appropriately not under these conditions. If I do not receive a message confirming that Mila will be back today with exact time and place I will proceed with the FBI and make sure she is back home. It will not work in your benefit and it will be your responsibility completely. I am planing to meet with the fed.agent at 9 am. If I do not receive the response within one hour I will assume that that is how you choose to proceed. On May 9, 2011, at 2:25 AM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor, I will return Mila tomorrow if you and I can make an agreement on the week of makeup time you owe me. Will you give this to me next week?
  • 48. From: igor malenko [] Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:38 PM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: Next weekend is the second weekend- If you fail to bring Mila back tomorrow I will contact the FBI on top of filing papers in court again- you are making it worse for your self, but also for Mila, with each new decision you are taking. You need to bring Mila back here by tomorrow. You also have to pay child support. You are violating court orders over and over again. On May 8, 2011, at 3:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor, I just received the court document you and Mr. Waxman filed this week—the court sent me a copy of the denied attempt to take Mila away from me, her mother. How could do this to your only child? A little girl who loves and needs her mother. I still have 5 days of make-up time and given this document you tried to get approved I am very concerned you will not honor the make-up time and even more concerned that when I do return Mila you simply will keep her again like you did the last 24 days. I am willing to return Mila this week if you promise the five days of make-up time to me next week. Otherwise, I will enjoy my make-up time with Mila while I can and return her this coming Sunday at 7:00 pm at Scratch Bakery in S. Portland. I had every intention of returning Mila today but when I saw this court document I have a real fear that you will again, ignore the court order, and keep her from me for another 24 days or longer this time. So feel I must take the time with her when I can.
  • 49. I have never and will never ignore a court order so once I am finished my last 5 days of make-up time this week I will have to return Mila to you this Sunday— even if I am afraid I will never see her again. Otherwise, Mila is having a great time. She is eating up a storm—has a huge appetite and eating all the time. Last night we saw Rio in 3D. Mila loved it. I will scan and send the tickets to you in case you are scrap-booking for Mila. Mila made me chocolate raspberries and strawberries for mother’s day and picked roses for me. We went to a flower garden fair yesterday and she played in the bounce toys and had balloons made and had a great time. Today we have been at the playground most of the afternoon and she is making many wonderful friends here. A mother and little girl already invited us for a play-date tonight after dinner. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: igor malenko [] Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 4:38 PM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Re: Next weekend is the second weekend- If you fail to bring Mila back tomorrow I will contact the FBI on top of filing papers in court again- you are making it worse for your self, but also for Mila, with each new decision you are taking. You need to bring Mila back here by tomorrow. You also have to pay child support. You are violating court orders over and over again. On May 8, 2011, at 3:27 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor,
  • 50. I just received the court document you and Mr. Waxman filed this week—the court sent me a copy of the denied attempt to take Mila away from me, her mother. How could do this to your only child? A little girl who loves and needs her mother. I still have 5 days of make-up time and given this document you tried to get approved I am very concerned you will not honor the make-up time and even more concerned that when I do return Mila you simply will keep her again like you did the last 24 days. I am willing to return Mila this week if you promise the five days of make-up time to me next week. Otherwise, I will enjoy my make-up time with Mila while I can and return her this coming Sunday at 7:00 pm at Scratch Bakery in S. Portland. I had every intention of returning Mila today but when I saw this court document I have a real fear that you will again, ignore the court order, and keep her from me for another 24 days or longer this time. So feel I must take the time with her when I can. I have never and will never ignore a court order so once I am finished my last 5 days of make-up time this week I will have to return Mila to you this Sunday— even if I am afraid I will never see her again. Otherwise, Mila is having a great time. She is eating up a storm—has a huge appetite and eating all the time. Last night we saw Rio in 3D. Mila loved it. I will scan and send the tickets to you in case you are scrap-booking for Mila. Mila made me chocolate raspberries and strawberries for mother’s day and picked roses for me. We went to a flower garden fair yesterday and she played in the bounce toys and had balloons made and had a great time. Today we have been at the playground most of the afternoon and she is making many wonderful friends here. A mother and little girl already invited us for a play-date tonight after dinner.
  • 51. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 9:53 PM To: Subject: FW: please inform your lawyer I have blocked his emails From: Mjwaxy [] Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 8:29 PM To: Subject: Re: please inform your lawyer I have blocked his emails Igor: Please inform Dr. Handrahan that until she engages an attorney, I have no choice but to contact her directly. Michael -----Original Message----- From: Igor Malenko <> To: Sent: Wed, May 4, 2011 8:14 pm Subject: FW: please inform your lawyer I have blocked his emails From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 7:59 PM To:; Subject: please inform your lawyer I have blocked his emails Igor, As of yesterday, I have blocked all emails from Mr. Waxman and will no longer be able to receive any. They go straight to junk mail and are deleted without my knowledge that they have ever arrived. Please inform your lawyer.
  • 52. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 6:48 PM To: 'Lori Handrahan' Cc: Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo No one lives here full time. My friend postponed her visit due to your recent behavior – no one likes to have to deal with your disgusting games. Unfortunately for me (and Mila) for the next 14-15 years we are stuck with it. Unless you get some help. I would like to know how Mila is doing (she was sick the last time you mentioned her name and I never heard back about that) and what time you are bringing her to school tomorrow-I need to send Kathy an e-mail and prepare Mila’s food and clothes for the day. Instead of spending time on other not important things try responding to these issues. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 4:11 PM To: 'Igor Malenko'; 'Malenko, Igor' Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo Igor, How about you telling me the full name of your girlfriend, you claim a childhood friend from Macedonia, who is now living full time with Mila at your home? From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 3:48 PM To: 'Lori Handrahan' Cc: Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo I have none of those addresses and those places mean nothing to me, neither your ambiguous description of “friends”. I simply asked a very normal question and you are omitting the answer by sending me this e-mail. The appropriate answer is an address and tel. number where I can reach my child, since you are not answering any of my calls. What am I supposed to do with Glover Park, Lutherville and Manhattan? Or perhaps you assume that anyone in those places would know who you are? Well,
  • 53. I’ll just call anyone in those places and ask to talk to Mila. I ‘ll say that she is with you-they all know who you are, I am sure. Great, thanks for the info. Please bring Mila at school tomorrow and try to guess what time you will be there with her-and let me know what that guess is going to be! Or simply tell me when you are bringing Mila to school, so we can go on organizing our lives. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 3:10 PM To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko' Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo Forgot to answer your question—in DC we are in Glover Park, in Maryland we are in Lutherville, in NYC if we go we would be in Manhattan. All the addresses of my friends that I am sure you already have on file. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 1:45 PM To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko' Subject: Mila at the zoo Igor, I tried to send you pictures from Mila at the zoo but they don’t seem to be going through. I’ll give these to you with the ER report when I see you tomorrow. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 3:48 PM To: 'Lori Handrahan' Cc: Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo I have none of those addresses and those places mean nothing to me, neither your ambiguous description of “friends”. I simply asked a very normal question and you are omitting the answer by sending me this e-mail. The appropriate answer is an address and tel. number where I can reach my child, since you are not answering any of my calls. What am I supposed to do with Glover Park, Lutherville and
  • 54. Manhattan? Or perhaps you assume that anyone in those places would know who you are? Well, I’ll just call anyone in those places and ask to talk to Mila. I ‘ll say that she is with you-they all know who you are, I am sure. Great, thanks for the info. Please bring Mila at school tomorrow and try to guess what time you will be there with her-and let me know what that guess is going to be! Or simply tell me when you are bringing Mila to school, so we can go on organizing our lives. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 3:10 PM To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko' Subject: RE: Mila at the zoo Forgot to answer your question—in DC we are in Glover Park, in Maryland we are in Lutherville, in NYC if we go we would be in Manhattan. All the addresses of my friends that I am sure you already have on file. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 1:45 PM To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko' Subject: Mila at the zoo Igor, I tried to send you pictures from Mila at the zoo but they don’t seem to be going through. I’ll give these to you with the ER report when I see you tomorrow. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 3:01 PM To: 'Lori Handrahan' Cc: Subject: RE: Please bring Mila to her school tomorrow and leave the medical records behind. I will pick Mila up at school.
  • 55. I need to know when is Mila going to be there in order to inform Kathy and the teachers and also to bring appropriate amount of clothes and food for Mila in the morning. Also, since you are 5 weeks behind on CHILD SUPPORT (entering the 6th), feel free to write Kathy at the school a check for 3 weeks(incl. the coming one, $645) and subtract that from the amount owed, which is still expected to be paid. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 11:46 AM To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko' Subject: RE: Igor, Please let me know what would be better for your schedule. I can drop her at school Monday afternoon or we can meet at 7:00 pm on Monday at Scratch Bakery. Once you let me know what you prefer I will book my ticket. We are visiting friends in Maryland and maybe take the train to New York city and fly from there. Call anytime time. Sorry we haven’t been taking many calls because first Mila was sick and then I got the stomach bug and have been vomiting all night. From: Malenko, Igor [] Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 10:47 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: I called yesterday and again no response. I left a message and I will like to talk to Mila asap. I would like to know how she feels and I would like to know when exactly you are returning her in Maine (as in day and time of flight arival). You have not given any address in DC where my child is supposedly staying since you took her there, nor have you informed me when you actually flew with Mila over there. I am still waiting for this information as well. Also, all the records generated from the ER visit or any other visit to any medical provider that you have taken Mila to for any kind of testing since you picked her up last Friday should be forwarded to me asap. The bill from this ER visit will obviously be yours. Anything in excess of 250$ annually is yours.
  • 56. When can I expect to talk to Mila and when can we expect you to pay child support for the past 5 weeks? No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11 From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:00 AM To: 'Lori Handrahan' Cc:; Subject: RE: Returning Mila next Monday at preschool I do not agree to any of that – I would like Mila to be back today. I am going to take legal steps to prevent you from doing this. From: Lori Handrahan [] Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 8:29 AM To: 'Malenko, Igor'; 'Igor Malenko' Subject: Returning Mila next Monday at preschool Igor, Since I haven’t seen Mila for 24 days, due to your refusal to maintain the visit schedule, I am taking some of my make-up time with Mila now. My calculations you owe me three weekends, Friday-Sunday or 9 days. When I returned her next Monday that will count for 8 of the 9 make-up days. No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2012.0.1901 / Virus Database: 2109/4704 - Release Date: 12/26/11
  • 57. From: Igor Malenko [] Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 7:16 AM To: Lori Handrahan Cc: Mjwaxy Subject: Fwd: Friday Also, you are 5 weeks behind on the child support- how do you think Mila's school is being payed? You need to do your part. Begin forwarded message: From: Igor Malenko <> Date: April 22, 2011 5:54:45 AM CDT To: Lori Handrahan <> Cc: Mjwaxy <> Subject: Re: Friday The "undisclosed" location sounds as creepy as everything else you produced so far. Mila's reply to being picked up this week is no different from last week or the week before that - "mama needs to make a promise that she will not talk bad" and " did she make the promise papa?". . Unless you do, I will not say to her that you did. I want Mila to have her mother in her life,but you got to stop forcing her to say things that are not true and frighten her with "getting rid of me" . I am planing to bring Mila at school today and even if you pick her up without making the promise she needs to hear, I expect her to stay in Maine and return on Sunday. The DHHS is aware of the situation and so is the police. You have to stop using Mila for your selfish goals - she truly is unhappy about this and it is absolutely unacceptable. You got to understand this or you will alienate her and hurt her again and again. She needs both her parents in her life but only in a healthy way. I need to hear back from you about returning Mila this Sunday before attempting to pick her up today. If you choose to behave as so far I will choose to protect my child from your behavior. On Apr 21, 2011, at 6:33 PM, "Lori Handrahan" <> wrote: Igor,