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                                  “Service to the Line, On the Line, On Time”

Vol. 12, No. 5                           U.S. Army Watervliet Arsenal, Watervliet, NY                                     May 31, 2012

                     What just happened?

                                                                                                          Photo from 2/11 FA and Wikipedia
 Vietnam-era M107, 175mm self-propelled howitzer, left, had a range of 34 km and a weight of 62,400 pounds. Fast forward to the M777,
 155mm towed howitzer that is in use today in Afghanistan, and the range increases to 40 km and the weight is only 9,300 pounds.

                      By John B. Snyder                               health during their careers.
                                                                          This relationship began for many in the 1970s at a
                                                                      place called Moway House, at Ft. Sill, Okla., where
    The Watervliet Arsenal’s young warriors have a lifespan           artillerymen called for fire as young lieutenants and
of about 30 seconds, but what a wonderful life they will              enlisted Soldiers.
have. If their forefathers could speak, they would tell                   Those were very tough, challenging times in the 1970s
the world about all the places they have served, from the             as austere budgets and troop downsizing affected the cul-
islands of the South Pacific to the deserts of North Africa to        ture, as well as the morale of the force. Although jungle
the mountains of Afghanistan.                                         warfare might have been the tactics of the day given where
    But don’t feel sorry for these short-lived hardened               the artillery had been for most of the 1960s and early
fighters because they have been well appreciated by                   1970s, the focus for the artillery was redirected toward
artillerymen from the time of their conception until the end          fighting a conventional army, such as a Soviet-type of
of their fatigued life. In fact, seasoned artillerymen who            force.
have recently retired may have spent more time with these
                                                                          To match such a formable force, the U.S. Army
Arsenal warriors than they have with their own families,
as they fed them, cleaned them, and nursed them back to                         Story continues on page 3, see Artillery
Page 2                                                       Salvo                                                   May 31, 2012

    This is a great time of the year. The frigid days of
winter are over and dog days of summer have yet to ar-
rive. Everywhere around us, there seems to be a new
sense of energy as we break out of our cocoons and dust           possible implications to the Arsenal.
off our lawn mowers and place our patio furniture back                Suffice it for me to say, stay the course and don’t get
onto our decks. There is a new sense of energy at the             wrapped up in the “what ifs” that you may take away
Arsenal, too. Have you seen it?                                   from those stories. There is a lot that could happen be-
    We are doing things today that we could not have              tween now and the election in November. But let’s help
imagined five years ago. Take a look at our production            ourselves by continuing to weed out inefficiencies so that
where cannon production was once supreme to now                   the Arsenal continues to be a value to the American tax-
where mortar sustainment is our top production line.              payer.
    If you walk through Building 20, you will see very                As good as you are, try to become better at what you
visible results from our 6S efforts. Whether the im-              do each day you come to work. And, above all else, be
provements, such as in Building 20, come from 6S,                 a team player. Regardless of your specialty, we are all
LEAN, Value Engineering, or from the Army Suggestion              working toward the same goal; we want to be the Depart-
Program, really doesn’t matter as long as we are making           ment of Defense’s manufacture of choice for cannons,
progress to make our workplace safer and more efficient.          mortars, and all associated material. In the short term, we
    In regards to community engagement, we have gone              can do this by improving our efficiencies in light-weight
from virtually no community engagements five years                mortar production, as a way to increase our market share
ago to now conducting nearly 60 community events                  for mortar systems.
this year. Just this month, we have supported Honor-A-                As more of you are now out driving motorcycles,
Veteran ceremonies in Albany and Rensselaer Counties,             boating, swimming, and barbecuing, please be safe. We
a career day at the Cohoes Middle School, participated            are manned at a point where the loss of any one individu-
in the New York Senate’s Veterans Hall of Fame activi-            al has a significant effect on our mission. Please don’t be
ties, marched in the Village of Green Island and the City         that one. Be safe this summer and get SWARMED!
of Watervliet Memorial Day Parades, and hosted several
senior level managers from GE’s Schenectady Plant.
    There are also new discussions in the local and na-                                 Mark F. Migaleddi
tional news media about the future implications of a                                      Commanding
declining defense budget. Trust me in that we are ob-                                    Manufacturer 6
serving and assessing those articles everyday to glean

Commander, Col. Mark F. Migaleddi           The Arsenal Salvo is an authorized monthly publication for members of the Department
Public Affairs Officer, John B. Snyder   of Defense. Contents of the Salvo are not necessarily the official views of, or an endorse-
Editor, John B. Snyder                   ment by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or
Photographer: John B. Snyder
                                         the Watervliet Arsenal.
Arsenal Facebook Page @                     News may be submitted for publication by sending articles to Public Affairs Officer,
                                         1 Buffington Street, Bldg. 10, Watervliet, NY 12189, or stop by office #102, Bldg. 10,                   Watervliet Arsenal. The editor may also be reached at (518) 266-5055 or by e-mail:
                                The editor reserves the right to edit all information submitted
                                         for publication.
Page 3                                                           Salvo                                                  May 31, 2012

Artillery cont.                                                       ing about 1,000 rounds a day in comparison.
                                                                         Swage Autofrettage. The hydraulic autofrettage pro-
                                                                      cedure used in the early 1970s was an expensive, difficult,
Field Artillery had to revamp its gun systems, or what the            slow, and sometimes dangerous procedure where pressur-
Watervliet Arsenal affectionately calls its “warriors.”               ized hydraulic fluid, on the order of 100,000 psi or greater,
    The Army closed out the 1960s with a wide variety of ar- was pumped into the bore of the tube to apply compressive
tillery delivery systems such as the 175mm M107 howitzer; residual stress at the bore.
the 155mm M126 self-propelled howitzer; the 8-inch M110                  The autofrettage process imparts a deformation to the
howitzer; the 105mm M137 lightweight towed howitzer;                  bore of a cannon tube in order to increase the ballistic pres-
and the 105mm M103 self-propelled howitzer.                           sure sustaining capability of the tube. In other words, the
    The Watervliet Arsenal,                                           tube that has been autofrettaged will be capable of with-
working hand-in-hand with                                                                                   standing a higher internal
the Army’s Benét Labora-                                                                                    ballistic pressure than its
tories, was instrumental in                                                                                 non-autofrettaged coun-
the research, design, pro-                                                                                  terpart without going to a
totype development, and                                                                                     thicker tube wall.
the production of the tubes                                                                                     The swage autofret-
and various assembly parts                                                                                  tage process developed
for each of these warriors.                                                                                 and implemented in the
They were truly state-                                                                                      late 1970s by contrast, is
of-the-art at the time and                                                                                  a significantly less expen-
initially offered a superla-                                                                                sive, easier, faster, and
tive response to any Soviet                                                                                 safer process that produces
artillery systems.                                                                                          much more controllable
                                                                                   Photo by John B. Snyder
    But in a place where       The rotary forge process dramatically improved the Arsenal’s ability to rap- results and is much better
achieving the standard is      idly respond to an urgent need. Here, a preform tube is heated to nearly     suited to high production
not good enough, Benét and     2,000 degrees and is being readied to enter the mandrel for shaping.         rates. In the swage auto-
Arsenal technicians knew they had to do better.                                                             frettage process, a preci-
    The first 1970s major weapon modernization program at sion high-strength mandrel is pushed through an undersized
the Arsenal involved the production of a 105mm main gun               bore of the tube to permanently enlarge the bore prior to
for the upgraded M60A1 tank. In 1973, the Arsenal manu-               final machining. By varying the relative size of the cannon
factured 150 complete guns. But by 1977, the Arsenal was              bore, the entire length of the tube can be autofrettaged to
manufacturing more than 1,800 guns a year.                            different amounts in a single pass of the mandrel. Because
    Although there was tremendous growth of the tank gun              no special end seals, high pressure pumps and lines, or ex-
program in the 1970s, it paled in comparison to what the              pensive external restraining fixtures are required, the swage
Arsenal was doing for the field artillery. The Arsenal lever- autofrettage process has been greatly simplified, as well as
aged its state-of-the-art technology to not only improve its          made the process safer for the machinist.
processes, but also to increase the range and tube life for              Rotary Forge. Prior to the 1980s, cannon tube forgings
artillery systems.                                                    were obtained from commercial forging houses as conven-
    Simulation Testing. What is taken for granted today               tional tube forgings, that is in a near shape and length to the
was a technological marvel of the time — simulation test-             actual finished cannon tube. The conventional forging thus
ing. With simulated testing, the Arsenal could take tubes             obtained was unique to a specific cannon tube design and
and breech rings to the end of their fatigue life, without            configuration, was heat treated, and ready for machining.
leaving the Arsenal. A fatigue life is the number of rounds           The initial procurement of conventional tube forgings could
that a tube or breech can be fired before it reaches cata-            take up to 18 months or more and the ability of commercial
strophic failure.                                                     forging houses to supply large quantities of tube forgings in
    This type of fatigue simulation testing has saved millions a rapid time frame to support production requirements was
of dollars in development test costs, as well as dramatically problematic.
reducing the time required to fatigue test a tube or breech              In the late 1970s, the Arsenal sought to create an in-
from months to weeks. Typically, live firings of a single             house capability to produce tube forgings by using new
tube at a proving ground can be accomplished in about a               rotary forging equipment. The rotary forge provides the
week, with 100 rounds being fired a day. Laboratory hy-
draulic-fatigue cycling at the Arsenal is capable of simulat-                       Story continues on page 4, see Artillery
Page 4                                                       Salvo                                                    May 31, 2012

Artillery cont.
capabilities to forge cannon tubes on essentially a moment’s
notice, to almost any external shape and configuration re-
quired for any cannon, and is capable of very high produc-
tion rates.
    The rotary forging process starts with a very generic
short, thick walled, hollow-cylindrical steel shape that is
typically about 10-feet in length. This raw material, or pre-
form as it is commonly called, can be used to produce can-
non tube forgings for different cannons, and is therefore not
unique to a particular design.
    In the rotary forging process, a preform is heated to near-
ly 2,000 degrees to soften the steel and then rotated over a
mandrel and advanced horizontally under hammers to shape
the hot forging to near finished tube geometry. This forging                                         Photo provided by Arsenal Museum
is then moved through associated heat treatment furnaces           Photo of cannon production in the Historic Big Gun Shop during
for quenching (rapid cooling) and toughening to desired            the Vietnam War. Inset photo is the Big Gun Shop exterior.
mechanical strength property requirements. All of these           replacement design was increased at least ten-fold from
processes are computer controlled.                                the original design, and in service failure was eliminated.
    Higher Strength Steel. In general, the higher the             Although this system is no longer in service with the U.S.
strength of the gun steel used in a particular cannon design,     military, it continues to provide safe and effective fire power
the lighter the cannon can be. Also, higher strength mate-        to NATO allies.
rial allows the cannon to be fired at greater pressures for           There have been a significant amount of improvements
improved performance and range. As with most things in            through the last 30 to 40 years, far too many to list in this
life, nothing comes for free. As the strength of gun steel        article. Despite all the improvements, however, the Arsenal
is increased, resistance to fatigue failure and cracking un-      warriors still only have a lifespan of about 30 seconds.
der high pressure decreases. Put another way, as strength,            Why only 30 seconds?
pressure, and performance increase, cannon life decreases,            If one adds up the total time it takes to safely fire rounds
sometimes dramatically.                                           through a tube before the gun experiences a degradation
    In order to achieve acceptable fatigue resistance, the ma-    to its mission, the total time is less than 30 seconds. For
jority of artillery cannon designs up to the 1970s used gun       example, a LW155mm tube has a safe fatigue life of about
steel at strength levels of about 160,000 psi yield strength.     2,600 full-charged rounds. The time to fire just one round is
Some of the “newer” cannon designs in this era, such as           about 0.01 seconds. Multiply that by 2,600 and you come
the original 175mm M113 Gun on the M107 Self-Propelled            up with less than 30 seconds.
System, experimented with what were considered very high              As more seasoned artillerymen ready themselves for re-
strength steels for the time with gun steel strength levels       tirement, they will probably reflect on the memorable times
about 180,000 psi yield strength.                                 they served alongside an Arsenal warrior in such places as
    Unfortunately, what was to later become the science           Grenada, Panama, Iraq, and Afghanistan. They may think
of fracture mechanics and related fatigue failure was not         about how much they have changed during their career, as
well understood or appreciated at this time, and the origi-       well as how much the artillery delivery system has changed
nal 175mm M113 Gun experienced premature catastrophic             since their first call for fire at Ft. Sill’s Moway House. And
brittle fracture at a very low round count. Investigation of      as senior artillerymen turn over their duties to the next gen-
these in-service failures greatly advanced the understanding      eration of artillerymen, they should know that work contin-
of fracture mechanics and the relationship between strength       ues at the Watervliet Arsenal to improve the life expectancy
and fatigue resistance in gun steels, essentially making          of the Arsenal warrior for the next cohort of artillerymen
Benét Lab scientists and engineers the world recognized           that will pick up the unit’s colors — maybe to 35 seconds.
experts in fracture mechanics of high strength pressure ves-
    In a very short period of time, the original M113 Gun
                                                                  Special thanks to Benét Labs’ Robert Mysliwiec and Ste-
was significantly redesigned to lower the strength levels
of the material, while using the new autofrettage process         phen Van Dyke-Restifo for their technical assistance in
to make up for the loss of strength. The fatigue life of this     drafting this article.
Page 5                                                         Salvo                                                   May 31, 2012

Dog days of summer come early
                     By John B. Snyder                               minutes or hours," Dyer said.
                                                                         As a quick demonstration, Dorn threw his car
                                                                     keys into a grassy area out of the view of Dyer's dog.
    More validation the Watervliet Arsenal is becom- When Dyer released his dog, the dog sniffed up and
ing more important to the community was achieved                     down a 20' area and found the keys in seconds.
on May 16 when nearly 30 regional law enforcement                         Many of us could use that type of dog at home to
K-9 teams converged on the Arsenal to standardize                    find our misplaced keys.
their tactics, techniques, and procedures in hopes of                     This is the second time the Albany Police Depart-
better protecting lives.                                             ment has used the Watervliet Arsenal as a training
    The daylong exercise brought together K-9 teams resource and according to Arsenal Security Training
and trainers from such places as New London,                         Officer, Lt. Roy Barringer, this won't be the last.
Conn., Pittsfield, Mass., as well as from several New                     "This is a great opportunity for the Arsenal in that
York communities, and was coordinated by the Al-                     having a regional training exercise not only builds
bany Police Department.                                              great relationships with those who may be called
    From a distance,                                                                                         upon to help support
those floppy-eared,                                                                                          the Arsenal in a time
man's best friends                                                                                           of crisis, but we also
seemed lovable. But                                                                                          get great training even
step too close and a                                                                                         though we don't have
dose of reality im-                                                                                          K-9 teams," Barringer
mediately set in. This                                                                                       said.
was no stroll in the                                                                                            "It is very important
park with one's house-                                                                                       that we know how K-9
hold pet, nor should                                                                                         teams operate when
it be. Those dog han-                                                                                        conducting a search or
dling teams are often                                                                                        an apprehension," Bar-
thrust into harms way                                                                                        ringer said. "The last
to apprehend fleeing                                                                                         thing that we want is to
fugitives or to seek out                                                             Photo by John B. Snyder do is to impede the dog
bombs and we should         Master K-9 Trainer Bill Nott, the tactical K-9 instructor and police sergeant    team or worse yet, get
want them to be intimi- for the Newlocal K-9 teams. police department, is providing hands-on
                            training to
                                        London, Conn.,
                                                                                                             someone hurt because
dating.                                                                                                      we don't know a K-9
    Steve Dorn, from the Albany Police K-9 unit and team's techniques and tactics."
who was one of the primary coordinators for the                          At the end of the day, there had to be a definition
training, said "It is important that we conduct this                 of success.
type of regional training once a quarter because there                    To Dorn, the definition of success was that they,
have been several occasions when we have had to                      dogs and their handlers, were leaving better trained
provide, as well as receive, K-9 support from local                  than when they had arrived.
and state police units."                                                  To the dogs, the definition of success was the
    "Today's training focused on such topics as build- receipt of a "jute" toy.
ing and vehicle searches, apprehension, narcotics de-                     "To the dogs, this is all a game," Dyer said. "They
tection, and gunfire neutralization," Dorn said. "But                do what they do because they know if they are suc-
probably the toughest area to train was on tracking." cessful, they will receive a toy."
    Brian Dyer, from the Albany K-9 team, said that                       But what the dogs and their handlers do is certain-
for a dog tracking is not an exact science.                          ly not a game. Just after Dyer had finished his com-
    "Dogs follow the human scent and depending on ments, he showed a photo of a gun that his dog, Red,
the weather and the terrain, the scent may only last                 had discovered during an apprehension in early May.
Page 6                                                 Salvo                                           May 31, 2012

                 Arsenal builds cannons,
                    community spirit
                                                By John B. Snyder

     For nearly 200 years, the Watervliet Arsenal has       to our former and current military, it would be an
  been building things and it was no different this         understatement to say that the Arsenal does not
  past Memorial Day. What the Arsenal workforce             get some additional value from these community
  built, however, cannot be measured in dollars or          events. Each time the Arsenal rolls out the gate in
  cents, but in community spirit.                           support to the community, someone new is touched
     What started out as a core working group of            by the Arsenal’s messaging. Sometimes that
  about five folks several months ago, turned into          someone is an elected official and sometimes they
  more than 100 volunteers by the time the Arsenal          are a child who will never forget what they had just
  rolled out for the City of Watervliet’s Memorial          experienced.
  Day parade on May 28.                                         And so, here the Arsenal is three years later and
     After many years of little, if any community en-       has found itself in such great demand by the com-
  gagements, the Arsenal started to aggressively re-        munity that it now cannot support all requests. Just
  engage the community in 2009. In the small com-           in the past seven days, the Arsenal has supported
  munity of 10,000 that borders the Arsenal called          a major community event with the New York state
  Watervliet, the Arsenal ‘s spirit began to flow out of    Senate, a Memorial Day Parade for the Village of
  the fence line ever so slowly back into streets, busi-    Green Island and finally, the Memorial Day Parade
  nesses, and into the homes of New York’s Capital          for the City of Watervliet.
  District.                                                   This week, the remaining pieces of equipment
     And just like the ebb and flow of the ocean tide,      were just removed from the last float and the plan-
  the flow of the Arsenal’s spirit came back into the       ning now begins for the City of Albany Veterans’
  fence line after every community event and moti-          Day Parade in November. Every day, the Arsenal
  vated the workforce to support the next community         builds something quite valuable — sometimes it
  event with even more.                                     is a gun for an Abrams Tank and sometimes it is
     Although the key objectives for each commu-            the spirit of a child who has seen something great
  nity engagement is to pay proper respect and honor        called the Watervliet Arsenal.

                                               Photos by John B. Snyder
Page 7        Salvo                  May 31, 2012

  Outside the
fence line in May

                      Photos by John B. Snyder
Page 8                                                 Salvo                                                  May 31, 2012

Six ways to clean up, become more efficient
                    By Mark Ripley

    Maybe you have heard of 6S before or better yet,
you have had the ultimate experience by being on
a 6S event team. But whether you have been here
three months or 30 years, you will hear different
explanations of what 6S is. This is my interpretation.
    First, what 6S is not. It is not a clean-up
campaign — well it kind of is. It is not about getting                                             Before Photo
rid of all your stuff — well it kind of is that, too.                                               Building 20
OK, I can’t say what it is not because 6S covers                           Photos provided by Mark Ripley
just about everything you do during the course of a
    So, what is 6S? It is an excellent starting point for
future improvement efforts because the 6S process
will reduce or eliminate much of the variability in
your workspace. Your team will address workflow
impediments such as running out of supplies, trying
to find the resources to complete the task, or how to
mitigate potential safety hazards.
    The bottom line is that the 6S process provides                                      After Photo
workers and leaders with the tools to bring order to                                     Building 20
their workspaces by reducing much of the clutter
and obstacles to improving team performance. And
the process works whether it is on the production              You may have already figured out that 6S is really
floor or in an administrative office.                          six “s” words. Here they are, in order:
                                                                     Safety: Throughout the entire process, safety is
      During 6S events, we all must remember
                                                                     number one.
the old LEAN saying; “don’t do anything to me
without me.” The teams should be made up mostly                     Sort: Clearly distinguish between what is
of employees from the area. They will be the ones                   necessary in an area and what is not – then get
using the new, improved process. And they are most                  rid of what is “not.”
likely to have great ideas how to make the process
better.                                                             Straighten: Organize the remaining items so
     A 6S event is a lot of hard work – both mental                 they are easy to find, use and put away.
and physical. Your reward, however, is more than
a hearty handshake and a pat on the back from the                   Shine: Clean (and inspect…and fix!)
commander; it’s a work area that you can be proud                   everything in an area.
of for a long time. The process also is a team builder
because everyone on the team receives some benefit                  Standardize: The fifth “s” word ensures
                                                                    that Safety, Sort, Straighten and Shine are
of working through the process.
  But you don’t need to wait for the formal process
to begin before you may use many of the 6S tools.                   Sustain: This sixth (and final, I promise) “s”
Take initiative by looking at your desk or work area                word is based on the idea that nobody can
and see if you can improve safety, sort, straighten,                reach perfection in one attempt – keep trying.
shine, standardize or sustain. I bet you can.
Page 9                                             Salvo                                         May 31, 2012

                                        CPAC Corner
     Did You Know?
     The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is changing the way federal government agencies
     maintain and access official personnel folders (OPF). Personnel offices across the nation are
     changing from a paper-based personnel records system to an electronic official personnel folder

     Your OPF is your official file which documents all important events related to your career within
     the federal sector.
                                                               If you have any questions,
     What does eOPF mean to Army (Appropriated and
     Nonappropriated Fund)?                                      contact the CPAC office
     The eOPF is designed to electronically store,
     manage, and distribute OPF documents. Employ-                      266-4058.
     ees will be able to access their individual records
     online. All current paper OPF documents are being uploaded into the web-enabled eOPF. eOPF
     stores all OPF documents as Portable Document Format (PDF) files, complete with data describ-
     ing the folder and its contents. The schedule for eOPF deployment is pending but we are expect-
     ing the Northeast region to be deployed within the next few months. As soon as we have a date
     when employees can access their own OFP's, we will communicate the information immediately.

Page 10                                                          Salvo                                                   May 31, 2012

Arsenal museum marks
 its 25th anniversary
                                  By Mark Koziol
                                  Arsenal Museum

Twenty-five years ago
on May 22, 1987, a ded-
ication ceremony took
place at the Watervliet
Arsenal Cast Iron Build-
ing to mark the “of-
ficial” opening of the
Arsenal Museum.

Despite this grand open-
ing, the museum actu-
ally began operations in                                                                              Photos provided by Arsenal Museum
1968 when the Arsenal Left: Dignitaries, historicthe Arsenal Museum May 22, 1987. William Bradford, left,history welcome the20th
                            public to the opening of
                                                      re-enactors representing many eras in American military
                                                                                                              shows off an early
Historical Committee of century drill press.
volunteers was founded
and operated by many arsenal                    •	 A 24-pound British cannon,                  •	 16-inch naval gun tube
people such as James Murray,                         made in 1718, and used by                      used on the World War II-
Hank Maloy, Chet Crell, and John                     Gen. Howe’s Army dur-                          era battleships.
Kacharian.                                           ing the Battle of Saratoga
                                                     (1777) in a failed attempt                •	 M40 106mm Recoilless
Their years of dedicated work in                     to seize control of Albany                     Rifle, used in the Vietnam
assembling at the Cast Iron Build-                   and the Hudson Rivers.                         War.
ing a collection of historic artifacts               The bronze cannon was one
and constructing exhibitions led                                                               •	 M224 60mm Lightweight
                                                     of many weapons surren-
to a museum that operated in the                                                                    Mortar, used in the Gulf
                                                     dered by the British Gen.
1970s on an appointment only ba-                     Burgoyne to the Colonists                      War and the recent wars in
sis. In order to improve its opera-                  on October 17, 1777.                           Afghanistan and Iraq.
tions, museum officials in the early
1980s hired museum professional                 •	 A 12-pound cannon, made                     •	 M109 Paladian Self-Pro-
William Bradford as curator. His                     in 1760, used by the Brit-                     pelled Howitzer’s 155mm
task was to organize and create a                    ish to defend Fort George                      Gun tube, used since the
more formal museum operation                         in Canada, located at the                      Vietnam War until the pres-
as well as create a professional                     western end of Lake On-                        ent.
exhibition gallery. The completed                    tario. During the War of
                                                                                              The museum is currently closed
project opened to the public sev-                    1812, the American forces
eral years later in 1987.                                                                  due to the installation of a fire sup-
                                                     attacked and captured Fort
                                                                                           pressant system. Reopening is
                                                     George on May 27, 1813.
    Each artifact on display has                                                           currently planned for early July.
a fascinating story to tell. Two               Examples of several weapons                 For up-to-date information, please
interesting and historic weapons            systems made at the Watervliet Ar- check the museum’s web page
on exhibit that were not made in            senal and on exhibit at the museum at:
Watervliet include:                         include:                                       seum.php
Page 11                                                                             Salvo                                                                  May 31, 2012

           Safety office stung due to
                lack of a name
          During the May town hall meeting, the commander praised the safety office for their
          coming up with a new safety slogan. Not soon after the words of praise left the com-
          mander’s lips, did the commander come up with another challenge ─ name the bee.

          Nominations can be emailed to Maj. Donald Freer through June 15th. Then the
          Command Group and Safety Office will select the overall winner and two runner-
          ups. All three will receive gift items from the Safety Store. The winners will be publi-
          cized in the June SALVO.

                                               Watervliet Arsenal Safety Office
                      VLI        AR



                                               Safety Checks and Area Inspections

                                                                                    S   Signs, labels and barricades in place
                                                                                        - Ensure all safety/emergency signs and barricades are posted
                                                                                        and readable

                                                                                W       Wear PPE properly
                                                                                        - Ensure all building inhabitants are wearing required PPE

                                                                                A       Administrative controls
                                                                                        - Ensure all safety labels, placards, and JSAs are posted and

                                                                                R       Risk free walking / working surfaces
                                                                                        - Ensure proper housekeeping and keep working areas clean and
                                                                                        hazard free

                                                                                M Machine guarding
                                                                                        - Machine guards and engineering controls are in place and

                                                                                    E   Energy hazard controls
                                                                                        - Ensure all Lock-Out/Tag-Out procedures & policies are in place
                                                                                        and followed

                                                                                D       Disposal of chemicals
                                                                                        - Ensure chemicals are properly labeled, stored, and disposed of
Page 12                                Salvo                               May 31, 2012

   Arsenal Appreciation Night with the ValleyCats
                      Saturday, 18 August SA
                 egin                       VE
          l es B           at 7 p.m.           THE
    et Sa!                                         D                         ATE
Tick Now

      Contact                                                        Contact
    John Snyder                                                    John Snyder
    at 266-5055                                                    at 266-5055
          or                                                             or
    in Room 102                                                    in Room 102
     Building 10                                                    Building 10
    for tickets!!!                                                 for tickets!!!

   Our own Suzanne Delaney will sing the National Anthem

 •	 The Arsenal has coordinated with the Tri-City ValleyCats baseball organi-
    zation for the 4th Annual Arsenal Appreciation Night.
 •	 Game is on Saturday, 18 August, at 7 p.m. (Fireworks Night)
 •	 Department of the Army Civilians and Arsenal family members may pur-
    chase a "Reserved Box" ticket for only $5.50 (42% discount). These are
    better	seats	than	what	we	had	in	the	past	(Section	230).		And,	for	the	first	
    time, if you want to save a few bucks, you may purchase Grandstand
    tickets for only $4 (38% discount). Yes, a price for everyone.
 •	 Even though we have better seats, All Arsenal Military Veterans will still
    receive a free ticket.
 •	 You may also purchase a reduced meal voucher for only $3.50 This
    voucher is good for one hot dog, small soda, and bag of chips.

 •	 For	tickets	and	information,	contact	John	Snyder,	room	102,	Bldg.	10.

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Watervliet Arsenal's Newsletter: Salvo 31 May 2012

  • 1. S ALVO “Service to the Line, On the Line, On Time” Vol. 12, No. 5 U.S. Army Watervliet Arsenal, Watervliet, NY May 31, 2012 What just happened? Photo from 2/11 FA and Wikipedia Vietnam-era M107, 175mm self-propelled howitzer, left, had a range of 34 km and a weight of 62,400 pounds. Fast forward to the M777, 155mm towed howitzer that is in use today in Afghanistan, and the range increases to 40 km and the weight is only 9,300 pounds. By John B. Snyder health during their careers. This relationship began for many in the 1970s at a place called Moway House, at Ft. Sill, Okla., where The Watervliet Arsenal’s young warriors have a lifespan artillerymen called for fire as young lieutenants and of about 30 seconds, but what a wonderful life they will enlisted Soldiers. have. If their forefathers could speak, they would tell Those were very tough, challenging times in the 1970s the world about all the places they have served, from the as austere budgets and troop downsizing affected the cul- islands of the South Pacific to the deserts of North Africa to ture, as well as the morale of the force. Although jungle the mountains of Afghanistan. warfare might have been the tactics of the day given where But don’t feel sorry for these short-lived hardened the artillery had been for most of the 1960s and early fighters because they have been well appreciated by 1970s, the focus for the artillery was redirected toward artillerymen from the time of their conception until the end fighting a conventional army, such as a Soviet-type of of their fatigued life. In fact, seasoned artillerymen who force. have recently retired may have spent more time with these To match such a formable force, the U.S. Army Arsenal warriors than they have with their own families, as they fed them, cleaned them, and nursed them back to Story continues on page 3, see Artillery
  • 2. Page 2 Salvo May 31, 2012 Commander’s Corner This is a great time of the year. The frigid days of winter are over and dog days of summer have yet to ar- rive. Everywhere around us, there seems to be a new sense of energy as we break out of our cocoons and dust possible implications to the Arsenal. off our lawn mowers and place our patio furniture back Suffice it for me to say, stay the course and don’t get onto our decks. There is a new sense of energy at the wrapped up in the “what ifs” that you may take away Arsenal, too. Have you seen it? from those stories. There is a lot that could happen be- We are doing things today that we could not have tween now and the election in November. But let’s help imagined five years ago. Take a look at our production ourselves by continuing to weed out inefficiencies so that where cannon production was once supreme to now the Arsenal continues to be a value to the American tax- where mortar sustainment is our top production line. payer. If you walk through Building 20, you will see very As good as you are, try to become better at what you visible results from our 6S efforts. Whether the im- do each day you come to work. And, above all else, be provements, such as in Building 20, come from 6S, a team player. Regardless of your specialty, we are all LEAN, Value Engineering, or from the Army Suggestion working toward the same goal; we want to be the Depart- Program, really doesn’t matter as long as we are making ment of Defense’s manufacture of choice for cannons, progress to make our workplace safer and more efficient. mortars, and all associated material. In the short term, we In regards to community engagement, we have gone can do this by improving our efficiencies in light-weight from virtually no community engagements five years mortar production, as a way to increase our market share ago to now conducting nearly 60 community events for mortar systems. this year. Just this month, we have supported Honor-A- As more of you are now out driving motorcycles, Veteran ceremonies in Albany and Rensselaer Counties, boating, swimming, and barbecuing, please be safe. We a career day at the Cohoes Middle School, participated are manned at a point where the loss of any one individu- in the New York Senate’s Veterans Hall of Fame activi- al has a significant effect on our mission. Please don’t be ties, marched in the Village of Green Island and the City that one. Be safe this summer and get SWARMED! of Watervliet Memorial Day Parades, and hosted several senior level managers from GE’s Schenectady Plant. There are also new discussions in the local and na- Mark F. Migaleddi tional news media about the future implications of a Commanding declining defense budget. Trust me in that we are ob- Manufacturer 6 serving and assessing those articles everyday to glean Commander, Col. Mark F. Migaleddi The Arsenal Salvo is an authorized monthly publication for members of the Department Public Affairs Officer, John B. Snyder of Defense. Contents of the Salvo are not necessarily the official views of, or an endorse- Editor, John B. Snyder ment by the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Army, or Photographer: John B. Snyder the Watervliet Arsenal. Arsenal Facebook Page @ News may be submitted for publication by sending articles to Public Affairs Officer, 1 Buffington Street, Bldg. 10, Watervliet, NY 12189, or stop by office #102, Bldg. 10, Watervliet Arsenal. The editor may also be reached at (518) 266-5055 or by e-mail: The editor reserves the right to edit all information submitted for publication.
  • 3. Page 3 Salvo May 31, 2012 Artillery cont. ing about 1,000 rounds a day in comparison. Swage Autofrettage. The hydraulic autofrettage pro- cedure used in the early 1970s was an expensive, difficult, Field Artillery had to revamp its gun systems, or what the slow, and sometimes dangerous procedure where pressur- Watervliet Arsenal affectionately calls its “warriors.” ized hydraulic fluid, on the order of 100,000 psi or greater, The Army closed out the 1960s with a wide variety of ar- was pumped into the bore of the tube to apply compressive tillery delivery systems such as the 175mm M107 howitzer; residual stress at the bore. the 155mm M126 self-propelled howitzer; the 8-inch M110 The autofrettage process imparts a deformation to the howitzer; the 105mm M137 lightweight towed howitzer; bore of a cannon tube in order to increase the ballistic pres- and the 105mm M103 self-propelled howitzer. sure sustaining capability of the tube. In other words, the The Watervliet Arsenal, tube that has been autofrettaged will be capable of with- working hand-in-hand with standing a higher internal the Army’s Benét Labora- ballistic pressure than its tories, was instrumental in non-autofrettaged coun- the research, design, pro- terpart without going to a totype development, and thicker tube wall. the production of the tubes The swage autofret- and various assembly parts tage process developed for each of these warriors. and implemented in the They were truly state- late 1970s by contrast, is of-the-art at the time and a significantly less expen- initially offered a superla- sive, easier, faster, and tive response to any Soviet safer process that produces artillery systems. much more controllable Photo by John B. Snyder But in a place where The rotary forge process dramatically improved the Arsenal’s ability to rap- results and is much better achieving the standard is idly respond to an urgent need. Here, a preform tube is heated to nearly suited to high production not good enough, Benét and 2,000 degrees and is being readied to enter the mandrel for shaping. rates. In the swage auto- Arsenal technicians knew they had to do better. frettage process, a preci- The first 1970s major weapon modernization program at sion high-strength mandrel is pushed through an undersized the Arsenal involved the production of a 105mm main gun bore of the tube to permanently enlarge the bore prior to for the upgraded M60A1 tank. In 1973, the Arsenal manu- final machining. By varying the relative size of the cannon factured 150 complete guns. But by 1977, the Arsenal was bore, the entire length of the tube can be autofrettaged to manufacturing more than 1,800 guns a year. different amounts in a single pass of the mandrel. Because Although there was tremendous growth of the tank gun no special end seals, high pressure pumps and lines, or ex- program in the 1970s, it paled in comparison to what the pensive external restraining fixtures are required, the swage Arsenal was doing for the field artillery. The Arsenal lever- autofrettage process has been greatly simplified, as well as aged its state-of-the-art technology to not only improve its made the process safer for the machinist. processes, but also to increase the range and tube life for Rotary Forge. Prior to the 1980s, cannon tube forgings artillery systems. were obtained from commercial forging houses as conven- Simulation Testing. What is taken for granted today tional tube forgings, that is in a near shape and length to the was a technological marvel of the time — simulation test- actual finished cannon tube. The conventional forging thus ing. With simulated testing, the Arsenal could take tubes obtained was unique to a specific cannon tube design and and breech rings to the end of their fatigue life, without configuration, was heat treated, and ready for machining. leaving the Arsenal. A fatigue life is the number of rounds The initial procurement of conventional tube forgings could that a tube or breech can be fired before it reaches cata- take up to 18 months or more and the ability of commercial strophic failure. forging houses to supply large quantities of tube forgings in This type of fatigue simulation testing has saved millions a rapid time frame to support production requirements was of dollars in development test costs, as well as dramatically problematic. reducing the time required to fatigue test a tube or breech In the late 1970s, the Arsenal sought to create an in- from months to weeks. Typically, live firings of a single house capability to produce tube forgings by using new tube at a proving ground can be accomplished in about a rotary forging equipment. The rotary forge provides the week, with 100 rounds being fired a day. Laboratory hy- draulic-fatigue cycling at the Arsenal is capable of simulat- Story continues on page 4, see Artillery
  • 4. Page 4 Salvo May 31, 2012 Artillery cont. capabilities to forge cannon tubes on essentially a moment’s notice, to almost any external shape and configuration re- quired for any cannon, and is capable of very high produc- tion rates. The rotary forging process starts with a very generic short, thick walled, hollow-cylindrical steel shape that is typically about 10-feet in length. This raw material, or pre- form as it is commonly called, can be used to produce can- non tube forgings for different cannons, and is therefore not unique to a particular design. In the rotary forging process, a preform is heated to near- ly 2,000 degrees to soften the steel and then rotated over a mandrel and advanced horizontally under hammers to shape the hot forging to near finished tube geometry. This forging Photo provided by Arsenal Museum is then moved through associated heat treatment furnaces Photo of cannon production in the Historic Big Gun Shop during for quenching (rapid cooling) and toughening to desired the Vietnam War. Inset photo is the Big Gun Shop exterior. mechanical strength property requirements. All of these replacement design was increased at least ten-fold from processes are computer controlled. the original design, and in service failure was eliminated. Higher Strength Steel. In general, the higher the Although this system is no longer in service with the U.S. strength of the gun steel used in a particular cannon design, military, it continues to provide safe and effective fire power the lighter the cannon can be. Also, higher strength mate- to NATO allies. rial allows the cannon to be fired at greater pressures for There have been a significant amount of improvements improved performance and range. As with most things in through the last 30 to 40 years, far too many to list in this life, nothing comes for free. As the strength of gun steel article. Despite all the improvements, however, the Arsenal is increased, resistance to fatigue failure and cracking un- warriors still only have a lifespan of about 30 seconds. der high pressure decreases. Put another way, as strength, Why only 30 seconds? pressure, and performance increase, cannon life decreases, If one adds up the total time it takes to safely fire rounds sometimes dramatically. through a tube before the gun experiences a degradation In order to achieve acceptable fatigue resistance, the ma- to its mission, the total time is less than 30 seconds. For jority of artillery cannon designs up to the 1970s used gun example, a LW155mm tube has a safe fatigue life of about steel at strength levels of about 160,000 psi yield strength. 2,600 full-charged rounds. The time to fire just one round is Some of the “newer” cannon designs in this era, such as about 0.01 seconds. Multiply that by 2,600 and you come the original 175mm M113 Gun on the M107 Self-Propelled up with less than 30 seconds. System, experimented with what were considered very high As more seasoned artillerymen ready themselves for re- strength steels for the time with gun steel strength levels tirement, they will probably reflect on the memorable times about 180,000 psi yield strength. they served alongside an Arsenal warrior in such places as Unfortunately, what was to later become the science Grenada, Panama, Iraq, and Afghanistan. They may think of fracture mechanics and related fatigue failure was not about how much they have changed during their career, as well understood or appreciated at this time, and the origi- well as how much the artillery delivery system has changed nal 175mm M113 Gun experienced premature catastrophic since their first call for fire at Ft. Sill’s Moway House. And brittle fracture at a very low round count. Investigation of as senior artillerymen turn over their duties to the next gen- these in-service failures greatly advanced the understanding eration of artillerymen, they should know that work contin- of fracture mechanics and the relationship between strength ues at the Watervliet Arsenal to improve the life expectancy and fatigue resistance in gun steels, essentially making of the Arsenal warrior for the next cohort of artillerymen Benét Lab scientists and engineers the world recognized that will pick up the unit’s colors — maybe to 35 seconds. experts in fracture mechanics of high strength pressure ves- sels. In a very short period of time, the original M113 Gun Special thanks to Benét Labs’ Robert Mysliwiec and Ste- was significantly redesigned to lower the strength levels of the material, while using the new autofrettage process phen Van Dyke-Restifo for their technical assistance in to make up for the loss of strength. The fatigue life of this drafting this article.
  • 5. Page 5 Salvo May 31, 2012 Dog days of summer come early By John B. Snyder minutes or hours," Dyer said. As a quick demonstration, Dorn threw his car keys into a grassy area out of the view of Dyer's dog. More validation the Watervliet Arsenal is becom- When Dyer released his dog, the dog sniffed up and ing more important to the community was achieved down a 20' area and found the keys in seconds. on May 16 when nearly 30 regional law enforcement Many of us could use that type of dog at home to K-9 teams converged on the Arsenal to standardize find our misplaced keys. their tactics, techniques, and procedures in hopes of This is the second time the Albany Police Depart- better protecting lives. ment has used the Watervliet Arsenal as a training The daylong exercise brought together K-9 teams resource and according to Arsenal Security Training and trainers from such places as New London, Officer, Lt. Roy Barringer, this won't be the last. Conn., Pittsfield, Mass., as well as from several New "This is a great opportunity for the Arsenal in that York communities, and was coordinated by the Al- having a regional training exercise not only builds bany Police Department. great relationships with those who may be called From a distance, upon to help support those floppy-eared, the Arsenal in a time man's best friends of crisis, but we also seemed lovable. But get great training even step too close and a though we don't have dose of reality im- K-9 teams," Barringer mediately set in. This said. was no stroll in the "It is very important park with one's house- that we know how K-9 hold pet, nor should teams operate when it be. Those dog han- conducting a search or dling teams are often an apprehension," Bar- thrust into harms way ringer said. "The last to apprehend fleeing thing that we want is to fugitives or to seek out Photo by John B. Snyder do is to impede the dog bombs and we should Master K-9 Trainer Bill Nott, the tactical K-9 instructor and police sergeant team or worse yet, get want them to be intimi- for the Newlocal K-9 teams. police department, is providing hands-on training to London, Conn., someone hurt because dating. we don't know a K-9 Steve Dorn, from the Albany Police K-9 unit and team's techniques and tactics." who was one of the primary coordinators for the At the end of the day, there had to be a definition training, said "It is important that we conduct this of success. type of regional training once a quarter because there To Dorn, the definition of success was that they, have been several occasions when we have had to dogs and their handlers, were leaving better trained provide, as well as receive, K-9 support from local than when they had arrived. and state police units." To the dogs, the definition of success was the "Today's training focused on such topics as build- receipt of a "jute" toy. ing and vehicle searches, apprehension, narcotics de- "To the dogs, this is all a game," Dyer said. "They tection, and gunfire neutralization," Dorn said. "But do what they do because they know if they are suc- probably the toughest area to train was on tracking." cessful, they will receive a toy." Brian Dyer, from the Albany K-9 team, said that But what the dogs and their handlers do is certain- for a dog tracking is not an exact science. ly not a game. Just after Dyer had finished his com- "Dogs follow the human scent and depending on ments, he showed a photo of a gun that his dog, Red, the weather and the terrain, the scent may only last had discovered during an apprehension in early May.
  • 6. Page 6 Salvo May 31, 2012 Arsenal builds cannons, community spirit By John B. Snyder For nearly 200 years, the Watervliet Arsenal has to our former and current military, it would be an been building things and it was no different this understatement to say that the Arsenal does not past Memorial Day. What the Arsenal workforce get some additional value from these community built, however, cannot be measured in dollars or events. Each time the Arsenal rolls out the gate in cents, but in community spirit. support to the community, someone new is touched What started out as a core working group of by the Arsenal’s messaging. Sometimes that about five folks several months ago, turned into someone is an elected official and sometimes they more than 100 volunteers by the time the Arsenal are a child who will never forget what they had just rolled out for the City of Watervliet’s Memorial experienced. Day parade on May 28. And so, here the Arsenal is three years later and After many years of little, if any community en- has found itself in such great demand by the com- gagements, the Arsenal started to aggressively re- munity that it now cannot support all requests. Just engage the community in 2009. In the small com- in the past seven days, the Arsenal has supported munity of 10,000 that borders the Arsenal called a major community event with the New York state Watervliet, the Arsenal ‘s spirit began to flow out of Senate, a Memorial Day Parade for the Village of the fence line ever so slowly back into streets, busi- Green Island and finally, the Memorial Day Parade nesses, and into the homes of New York’s Capital for the City of Watervliet. District. This week, the remaining pieces of equipment And just like the ebb and flow of the ocean tide, were just removed from the last float and the plan- the flow of the Arsenal’s spirit came back into the ning now begins for the City of Albany Veterans’ fence line after every community event and moti- Day Parade in November. Every day, the Arsenal vated the workforce to support the next community builds something quite valuable — sometimes it event with even more. is a gun for an Abrams Tank and sometimes it is Although the key objectives for each commu- the spirit of a child who has seen something great nity engagement is to pay proper respect and honor called the Watervliet Arsenal. Photos by John B. Snyder
  • 7. Page 7 Salvo May 31, 2012 Outside the fence line in May Photos by John B. Snyder
  • 8. Page 8 Salvo May 31, 2012 Six ways to clean up, become more efficient By Mark Ripley Maybe you have heard of 6S before or better yet, you have had the ultimate experience by being on a 6S event team. But whether you have been here three months or 30 years, you will hear different explanations of what 6S is. This is my interpretation. First, what 6S is not. It is not a clean-up campaign — well it kind of is. It is not about getting Before Photo rid of all your stuff — well it kind of is that, too. Building 20 OK, I can’t say what it is not because 6S covers Photos provided by Mark Ripley just about everything you do during the course of a workday. So, what is 6S? It is an excellent starting point for future improvement efforts because the 6S process will reduce or eliminate much of the variability in your workspace. Your team will address workflow impediments such as running out of supplies, trying to find the resources to complete the task, or how to mitigate potential safety hazards. The bottom line is that the 6S process provides After Photo workers and leaders with the tools to bring order to Building 20 their workspaces by reducing much of the clutter and obstacles to improving team performance. And the process works whether it is on the production You may have already figured out that 6S is really floor or in an administrative office. six “s” words. Here they are, in order: Safety: Throughout the entire process, safety is During 6S events, we all must remember number one. the old LEAN saying; “don’t do anything to me without me.” The teams should be made up mostly Sort: Clearly distinguish between what is of employees from the area. They will be the ones necessary in an area and what is not – then get using the new, improved process. And they are most rid of what is “not.” likely to have great ideas how to make the process better. Straighten: Organize the remaining items so A 6S event is a lot of hard work – both mental they are easy to find, use and put away. and physical. Your reward, however, is more than a hearty handshake and a pat on the back from the Shine: Clean (and inspect…and fix!) commander; it’s a work area that you can be proud everything in an area. of for a long time. The process also is a team builder because everyone on the team receives some benefit Standardize: The fifth “s” word ensures that Safety, Sort, Straighten and Shine are of working through the process. maintained. But you don’t need to wait for the formal process to begin before you may use many of the 6S tools. Sustain: This sixth (and final, I promise) “s” Take initiative by looking at your desk or work area word is based on the idea that nobody can and see if you can improve safety, sort, straighten, reach perfection in one attempt – keep trying. shine, standardize or sustain. I bet you can.
  • 9. Page 9 Salvo May 31, 2012 CPAC Corner Did You Know? The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is changing the way federal government agencies maintain and access official personnel folders (OPF). Personnel offices across the nation are changing from a paper-based personnel records system to an electronic official personnel folder (eOPF). Your OPF is your official file which documents all important events related to your career within the federal sector. If you have any questions, What does eOPF mean to Army (Appropriated and Nonappropriated Fund)? contact the CPAC office The eOPF is designed to electronically store, at manage, and distribute OPF documents. Employ- 266-4058. ees will be able to access their individual records online. All current paper OPF documents are being uploaded into the web-enabled eOPF. eOPF stores all OPF documents as Portable Document Format (PDF) files, complete with data describ- ing the folder and its contents. The schedule for eOPF deployment is pending but we are expect- ing the Northeast region to be deployed within the next few months. As soon as we have a date when employees can access their own OFP's, we will communicate the information immediately. Arsenal-Coordinated
  • 10. Page 10 Salvo May 31, 2012 Arsenal museum marks its 25th anniversary By Mark Koziol Arsenal Museum Twenty-five years ago on May 22, 1987, a ded- ication ceremony took place at the Watervliet Arsenal Cast Iron Build- ing to mark the “of- ficial” opening of the Arsenal Museum. Despite this grand open- ing, the museum actu- ally began operations in Photos provided by Arsenal Museum 1968 when the Arsenal Left: Dignitaries, historicthe Arsenal Museum May 22, 1987. William Bradford, left,history welcome the20th public to the opening of re-enactors representing many eras in American military shows off an early Historical Committee of century drill press. volunteers was founded and operated by many arsenal • A 24-pound British cannon, • 16-inch naval gun tube people such as James Murray, made in 1718, and used by used on the World War II- Hank Maloy, Chet Crell, and John Gen. Howe’s Army dur- era battleships. Kacharian. ing the Battle of Saratoga (1777) in a failed attempt • M40 106mm Recoilless Their years of dedicated work in to seize control of Albany Rifle, used in the Vietnam assembling at the Cast Iron Build- and the Hudson Rivers. War. ing a collection of historic artifacts The bronze cannon was one and constructing exhibitions led • M224 60mm Lightweight of many weapons surren- to a museum that operated in the Mortar, used in the Gulf dered by the British Gen. 1970s on an appointment only ba- Burgoyne to the Colonists War and the recent wars in sis. In order to improve its opera- on October 17, 1777. Afghanistan and Iraq. tions, museum officials in the early 1980s hired museum professional • A 12-pound cannon, made • M109 Paladian Self-Pro- William Bradford as curator. His in 1760, used by the Brit- pelled Howitzer’s 155mm task was to organize and create a ish to defend Fort George Gun tube, used since the more formal museum operation in Canada, located at the Vietnam War until the pres- as well as create a professional western end of Lake On- ent. exhibition gallery. The completed tario. During the War of The museum is currently closed project opened to the public sev- 1812, the American forces eral years later in 1987. due to the installation of a fire sup- attacked and captured Fort pressant system. Reopening is George on May 27, 1813. Each artifact on display has currently planned for early July. a fascinating story to tell. Two Examples of several weapons For up-to-date information, please interesting and historic weapons systems made at the Watervliet Ar- check the museum’s web page on exhibit that were not made in senal and on exhibit at the museum at: Watervliet include: include: seum.php
  • 11. Page 11 Salvo May 31, 2012 Safety office stung due to lack of a name During the May town hall meeting, the commander praised the safety office for their coming up with a new safety slogan. Not soon after the words of praise left the com- mander’s lips, did the commander come up with another challenge ─ name the bee. Nominations can be emailed to Maj. Donald Freer through June 15th. Then the Command Group and Safety Office will select the overall winner and two runner- ups. All three will receive gift items from the Safety Store. The winners will be publi- cized in the June SALVO. Watervliet Arsenal Safety Office ET VLI AR SE ER T NA WA L 1813 Safety Checks and Area Inspections S Signs, labels and barricades in place - Ensure all safety/emergency signs and barricades are posted and readable W Wear PPE properly - Ensure all building inhabitants are wearing required PPE A Administrative controls - Ensure all safety labels, placards, and JSAs are posted and readable R Risk free walking / working surfaces - Ensure proper housekeeping and keep working areas clean and hazard free M Machine guarding - Machine guards and engineering controls are in place and operational E Energy hazard controls - Ensure all Lock-Out/Tag-Out procedures & policies are in place and followed D Disposal of chemicals - Ensure chemicals are properly labeled, stored, and disposed of
  • 12. Page 12 Salvo May 31, 2012 Arsenal Appreciation Night with the ValleyCats Saturday, 18 August SA egin VE l es B at 7 p.m. THE et Sa! D ATE Tick Now Contact Contact John Snyder John Snyder at 266-5055 at 266-5055 or or in Room 102 in Room 102 Building 10 Building 10 for tickets!!! for tickets!!! Our own Suzanne Delaney will sing the National Anthem • The Arsenal has coordinated with the Tri-City ValleyCats baseball organi- zation for the 4th Annual Arsenal Appreciation Night. • Game is on Saturday, 18 August, at 7 p.m. (Fireworks Night) • Department of the Army Civilians and Arsenal family members may pur- chase a "Reserved Box" ticket for only $5.50 (42% discount). These are better seats than what we had in the past (Section 230). And, for the first time, if you want to save a few bucks, you may purchase Grandstand tickets for only $4 (38% discount). Yes, a price for everyone. • Even though we have better seats, All Arsenal Military Veterans will still receive a free ticket. • You may also purchase a reduced meal voucher for only $3.50 This voucher is good for one hot dog, small soda, and bag of chips. • For tickets and information, contact John Snyder, room 102, Bldg. 10.