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    2010 ICFF and Salone Internazionale del Mobile
                                                     If you don’t stop and look around once in a while,
                                                     you could miss it.

                                                     - Ferris Bueller
When We Wander...
We love to wander, and we love direction. What matters to us is at the periphery and at the center.
Wanderlust is our campaign to find inspiration in everything around us, no matter how small or subtle.
We believe that if you look closely, every detail has its place, its potential. In the end, everything

Wanderlust aspires to be more than the collection of cool stuff you can typically find in your RSS feed
each morning. Rather, we curate and organize our collection into the most meaningful set of ideas,
objects, environments, and experiences. Unlike hefty powerpoint documents touting broad, often
intangible, macro trends, we start small and work our way out. Through this process, we know from
the start that the opportunities we identify will be actionable and useful to our work. Because our
Wanderings are already manifesting themselves in tangible ways, we’re inspired to adapt and reapply
them to new projects.

...We Always Come Back
We believe that small details can lead to big ideas. To find those details, Wanderlust begins it’s process
by studying trends in the most forward-thinking industries. We love the inspiration they provide and
the level of access they offer. We then extract the higher level meaning behind each of the trends
we identify. Not all patterns grow into deeply rooted trends, and not all trends impact all businesses.
However, we see all of our observations as opportunity and inspiration.

                                                      Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs                   3
We asked Kaleidoscope’s Karl Ludeman to tell
us a little more about his experiences this year at
furniture fairs in New York and Milan.

What inspired you to make this volume of

We like to go places and see things and think
about why they are that way. Hopefully we’ll inspire
ourselves and get others to think about things a little
differently. Plus, it’s fun.

How did the trends you identified change from
this year to last?

Most patterns we saw last year have continued to
hang around, evolving or changing in different ways.
One of the most interesting transitions during the
past year has been how front-and-center the DIY
movement has become. The trained and untrained
have embraced the use of everyday materials and
sought to use them in exciting new ways.

What do you hope people will take away from
looking through this document?

Looking for trends will only give you a snapshot of
right now, the immediate present. But understanding
the root causes behind a given trend can give you
insight into what drives people to choose one
experience over another.

What are the root causes for the choices today’s
consumers are making?

Anxiety and self-determination, which actually are
not mutually exclusive as they would seem, but each
driven by the other. It’s a vicious, beautiful, and
ultimately very productive cycle.
part one:

     We look to the work of designers globally
     for inspiration and understanding. From our
     observations at ICFF and Salone 2010, five key
     patterns emerge:


     What would happen if you had to design
     with only a straight edge and a pencil?


     (do it yor-’self)
     If you build it, you will have one.


     Perpetual motion.


     Want to get away? Do it from the com-
     fort of your own home.


     (le mond an-se-’en)
     Forget your worries by remembering the

     part two: applications

     Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs                 5
Direkt (di-’rekt) adj. (Direkter, Direktesten) orig. German

1. straight, linear, angular
2. broad, thin surfaces broken by subtle planar
3. simple forms with subtly disruptive details
    Better Broken
    Even the most subtle surface changes transform a forgettable piece of
    furniture into something fresh.
                                                                            Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   7
Design should never say,
“Look at me.” It should
always say, “Look at this.”
- David Craib

God is in the details.
- Mies van der Rohe

Light & Shade
Treating light and shadow as a material, designers consider the context and
environment of their work, not just the object itself.
                                                                              Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   9   10
Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   11
  DIY (d-i-y) (Do It Yourself) orig. English
  1. to make something on
     your own, with or without formal
     knowledge of process
  2. a movement to counter modern
     consumer culture’s emphasis of
     relying on others to satisfy needs
Under the Sink
These days, if you want something, it might be better to make it yourself. Like
a common sponge, what you need might be right under your sink.
                                                                                  Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   13
A thing is worth what it can do
for you, not what you choose to
pay for it.
- John Ruskin

Imagination is more important than
- Albert Einstein

                    Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   15   16
Step One and Done
Little-to-no assembly required means you can rearrange and repurpose
whenever the mood hits.
                                                                       Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   17   18

Try This at Home
Chances are you are already developing
your own solutions to life’s little problems.
Take notice of the simple work-arounds that
the people around you develop. For many
makers, the local hardware store (or the
back of a garage) has everything they need.
Changing the paradigm for high quality
furniture allows the surface treatment of raw
materials to transform from being unfinished
to finessed.

Why do kids like building blocks so much?
Because everyday they can make something
completely new. Just because we don’t have
official play-time anymore doesn’t mean that
we shouldn’t be allowed the same feeling of
invention and reinvention whenever we feel
like it.

The greatest thing about DIY culture is that
you can pretty much do anything you want.
So go ahead and do it!

Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs               19
Flytter (‘fly-ter) f (Flytte, Flyttede) orig. Danish

1. to move or to be in motion
2. giving a static object the appearance of

    Freeze Frame
    Capturing the movement of a static piece can energize the mind as you
    imagine not what it is doing now, but what it will do next.
                                                                            Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   21
Everything in the universe
is moving in respect to
everything else.
- Neil De Grasse Tyson

Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   23
It is our nature to be
in motion; complete
rest is death.
- Blaise Pascal

Creative Violence
Knowing how a surface was formed enables one to visualize the act of it being made.
These memories create value over products that don’t inspire the same images.
                                                                             Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   25
I hate to advocate violence, but
[it’s] always worked for me.

- Hunter S. Thompson

The More You Know
Knowing the story of how an object is made can change the way you look at it. Do you know
the story behind each of these objects?


                                           The holes in this were vase created by

                                           This taglieri was modeled after one
                                           that was made over decades of use,
                                           creating the perfect cutting surface.

                                           Sculpted table surfaces leave behind
                                           witness of man’s work.

                                                                                            Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs           27
Natuur (na’tyr) n. org. Dutch

1. being of, or inspired by nature
2. post modern approaches to 20th
century nature themes

    Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   29
Art New-veau
Natural imagery and post-modern design sensibilities create a self-
aware illusion of nature for those whose lives have been spent primarily
removed from it.                                                    30
Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   31
I can enjoy society in
a room;
but outdoors, nature
is company enough
for me.
- William Hazlitt
Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   33
The best time to
plant a tree was
20 years ago. The
next best time is
- Chinese Proverb   34

No Interpretation Necessary
In 2010, inspiration often takes the form of literal translation.
Examine the similarities between the piece of furniture above
and it’s likely inspiration below.

                                                                    Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs             35
Le Monde Ancien (le mon-’de an-se-’en) origin. French

1. Reference to the close of the 19th
Century, usually ascribed to the
artistic climate of world weariness
2. Having a desire to be part of
something that will last
3. Classic design archetypes redone
with modern materials and processes
The future is no more uncertain than
the present.
- Walt Whitman

                   Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   37
Antique Chic
As we search the past for peace of mind, new colors and materials
appear unexpectedly to harmonize novelty with comfort’s melody.
Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   39
When people are discontent with the
present, they begin longing for the past.
- Nigel Hollis
Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs   41   42

Out with the New
In with the Old
Artists have always referenced the past, but
the reasons for doing it today may have more
to do with an uncertain future than paying
homage. Rethinking antiques with a modern
aesthetic can help to create a surprising
sense of whimsy because you have no idea
what time period you’re in. And given
today’s climate, that might be the point.

Adults tend to be hyper-aware of things that
can harm them, but sometimes it’s good to
feel like a kid again. Remember all the best
furniture at grandma’s house? By reinventing
vintage styles correctly, designers can let
users fill in the blanks about the product’s
history. Some will retreat to a different
time while others will see something that’s
altogether new.

Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs           43
Now it’s time to put it all together. We’ve done
the deep dive during part one, and now it’s time
to step back and see how everything fits together,
where patterns overlap, and how they might affect
the world we live in and the work we do.

Trends raise our awareness of the social and
cultural changes that are constantly occurring
around us. Use the predictions and observations
in this section to discover new ways to address
consumer needs and to design new products,
services or experiences. At Kaleidoscope, we
expect Wanderlust trends to inspire action.
Built from tangible examples that can be easily
reapplied, each connection made in this section
is designed for easy access. Feel free to modify or
evolve the ideas to best fit your needs.

We’re constantly referencing our past work to see
where patterns have held steady, transformed, or
died off. The content in this section references
past editions of Wanderlust, so if you’d like a copy,
let us know.

part two:

          Our applications combine hours of observation
          and analysis over the past few years at multiple
          trade shows and events. Check out our past
          editions if you’d like to dive more deeply into the


          See how the Wanderlust observations have
          sustained, evolved, or faded over time.


          Where transportation and furniture worlds collide.


     51   Predictions for how trends impact key industries.

          CALL TO ACTION

          What are you waiting for?

          Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs                    45
2009                                                                              2010
ICFF, Salone                                                                      ICFF, Salone, NAIAS


                                                                                         le MONDE ANCIEN



BACK TO BAUHAUS                                                                          STRONG, SILENT

SUPPLY AND DESIGN                       6



CONCRETE JUNGLE                                                                          RETROSEXUAL

                                                See a trend here you’re not familiar with? Let us know
                                                and we’ll send you one of our previous editions.

Tracking Trends                                     1   Light continues to be a source of experimentation in design far beyond the lighting
                                                        category. Affordable and effective lighting technologies enhance the animated, moving
                                                        objects that make up Flytter.

                                                    2   Light technologies, in particular LEDs, have become more accessible and affordable.
                                                        By applying light in unexpected features on cars, furniture, and other objects, designers
                                                        bring their products to life in new ways.
Some patterns sustain over long periods of time,
some die off quickly, and others morph into         3   Trends in sustainability continue into the auto show, with an emphasis on the short term.
                                                        Hybrid and eco-friendly production cars indicate the urgency with which manufacturers
new ideas. Constantly refining our point of view,       are trying to provide solutions.
our observations are tracked over time. Along
each path, markers indicate key influencers and     4   An evolution of 2009’s Supply & Design, Natuur adjusts the trend’s path slightly,
                                                        incorporating realistic nature imagery and objects in a more serious tone.
motivators for each trend.

                                                        Tired of last year’s pure form of rationality, the Direkt style of modern design
                                                        incorporates subtle, idiosyncratic details to hold one’s attention, while not straying for
                                                        classic Bauhaus roots.

                                                        While not immediately obvious, there is a connection between Concrete Jungle
                                                        and Cyborg through the expressed importance of original, natural ingredients and

                                                        While transparency remains important across products and brands, there has been
                                                        a shift away from knowing a product’s lifecycle towards using a more pure, unaltered
                                                        product in the first place.

                                                        Nature remains a popular form of inspiration, with each year bringing new
                                                        interpretations and variations on the theme.

                                                                                               Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs                      47

Reverse Abstraction
A Blend of Natuur & Cyborg

Once filled to the brim with abstract metaphors intended to evoke emotions           It seems that the more our world advances technologically, the more it
and strengthen strong bonds with users, the design world is moving away              attempts to incorporate natural forms and signals. Last year, we identified
from poetry and moving towards prose. Gone are the gestures of plants and            the furniture trend Concrete Jungle, which introduces elements of nature
other living things in favor of the real thing. Coat racks aren’t inspired by tree   into our uncompromisingly modern world. This year’s trend emerges out
branches; they literally look like them. Cars feature leafy fabrics, lamps, and      of many of the same reactions. Some consumers cope with the pace of
interfaces. Taxidermy, perhaps the ultimate expression of literalism, appears        technology and urbanity by surrounding themselves with reminders that
to be everywhere.                                                                    simpler lifestyles still exist. Others thrive on the pressures of modern life,
                                                                                     using Reverse Abstraction as a humorous, ironic way to show self-awareness.


Differentiation is in the Details
A Blend of Direkt & Strong/Silent

Aware of their role in encouraging rapid consumption, Design’s internal         For the mass consumer, access to everything is enabling people to be
struggle with this power has often resulted in products that are more simple,   more discerning. Teens in Oklahoma can now easily track denim trends in
austere, long-lasting, and well-crafted. While this point of view remained      happening Osaka. Overloaded with information, people learn how to filter
uninteresting to many businesses, evolving consumer sophistication              out pushy messaging and visual noise. Economic troubles force higher
indicates a shift in priorities. Products with simple impressions and refined   end shoppers to be more restrained as well, since their mass counterparts
silhouettes in both automotive and furniture categories indicate a newfound     disapprove of any outward expression of wealth or advantage. Regardless of
interest in attracting consumers through curious simplicity. Once they’ve       class or status, everyone desires indulgences, so they head off in search of
begun to interact with a product, consumers find these products filled with     something more subtle.
interesting details to delight them.

                                                                                                          Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs                 49

Mash to the Future
A Blend of Le Monde Ancien & Retrosexual

The postmodern design world constantly references its own history               The current approach is like firing a shotgun loaded with design cues from
for inspiration. In the past years, one key decade or design movement           myriad eras and movements. We’ve seen mash culture in music and fashion
triumphantly reemerges for a short time to rule over it’s tradeshow. However,   for years, and now more mass-produced objects have adopted the trend.
we’re now seeing an explosion of experimentation with historical design.        Entire cultures are now built around the pieces and parts of past generations.
Everything from Victorian to Vuvuzela is appearing in the furniture world,      It’s important to remember that the vintage and retro themes are not
while the automotive industry leans on redesigns of successful models from      always about an escape for modernity, not about nostalgia. This trend is for
four different decades. Strangely enough, all these designs coexist pretty      innovators looking forward, as they use their unprecedented access to style
nicely, feeling less and less like nostalgia. Building on the Mash Aesthetics   to find new solutions to new problems.
trend from 2009, our post-post-modern reality relies on the juxtaposition of
once opposing elements for new sources of innovation.

Simpler Times
                                                             Can you tell which products are vintage and which ones are new? (We can’t either.)

Root trend: Retrosexual

While the furniture and auto worlds look to the past for inspiration, new         Designers can also look to the past for innovative ideas that will help
opportunities emerge in everyday consumer products through many of                products stand out at retail. Old school ideas applied to modern times, often
the same motivations. In a chaotic world, consumers respond to vintage            resurrected through technological advancements, have the potential to form
and retro themed packaging as it reminds them of a simpler (and higher            something groundbreaking.
quality) time in their life. Brands use their heritage to reconnect with jaded
consumers and provide peace of mind. By reverting to a simple message,
many products cut through marketing hype and get to the core of consumer

                                                                                                               Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs              51

Root trend: Natuur

The more technology advances, the more people yearn to reconnect                 Glossy black plastic is becoming antiquated, soon to be replaced with forms,
with the natural world. Bioelectronics is an emerging field, particularly in     textures, and colors that remind the consumer that nature provides the best
healthcare, but we see it’s application across all consumer electronics. Form    color palette. Authenticity will be a key to success in this approach; a revival
following function, these electronics tend to mimic their inspiration found      of beige-colored plastics won’t make the cut.
in nature. We see this explicitly in furniture and automobiles, and we expect
to see this trend continue to creep into more aspects of our lives. The          Image: kennymatic | Flickr
natural symbols are not a rejection of technology, it is technology and nature
existing in paradoxical harmony.


The Car You Build Yourself
Root trend: DIY

People have always enjoyed customizing their cars. Whether they apply       has helped their service businesses, they may also be missing out on an
a few crudely-placed stickers to the back windshield or replace every       important return to do-it-yourself resourcefulness.
mechanical component with chrome-plated aftermarket parts, it seems like
everyone wants to make the products they own more personal.                 Imagine if anyone could assemble a car without instructions. While proposals
                                                                            like this require a lot of investment, the auto industry aches for change.
While customization grows in categories like footwear and consumer          What if automakers created a plug and play system that allowed consumers
electronics, major automakers have yet to fully capitalize on this trend.   to replace parts as easily as plugging a socket into the wall? Allowing
Despite some efforts in this area, cars have become increasingly more       consumers better and more intuitive access to their vehicles makes them
complicated to repair or refine. Most automobiles cover up most of the      more aware of the help they need to make their car perform at its very best.
working parts under the hood, discouraging self-maintenance. While this
                                                                                                      Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs                53

Direkt Health
Root trend: Direkt

Not surprisingly, many healthcare product providers must prioritize other        The Direkt trend will help emerging healthcare businesses jump the
aspects of their business before design. The resulting products have             curve. On products, the clean, uninterrupted surfaces will emphasize the
historically been difficult to use and intimidating for patients. Leveraging     technology beneath while comforting patients through it’s modern appeal.
design as a tool to improve recovery times and quality of care, the healthcare   Especially with capital equipment, applying the Direkt aesthetic will help
industry’s perspective on design is shifting. Once technology optimizes          products that need to retain a classic aesthetic for extended periods of time.
certain processes and procedures, design becomes the key tool for                In environments, the modern-but-idiosyncratic aesthetic reminds patients
businesses to differentiate their offering.                                      of their homes and aids recovery. Doctors will choose the tool that seems
                                                                                 precise, durable, and free of excessive styling.

Trends should raise your awareness of the social and cultural changes happening around you. More
importantly, they should inspire you to act. Use these trends to discover new ways to address consumer
needs through new products, interactions, or experiences.

If You Don’t Use It, You’ll Lose It
Our call to action

At Kaleidoscope, we like trends that inspire ideas, but we love trends that inspire action. With each
new project, we assess the cultural landscape to identify trends and brands that are a good match. A
trend may represent an opportunity to express your brand in a new way. However, sometimes it is more
authentic for a brand to be part of an anti-trend.

To fully understand each opportunity, we immerse ourselves in the trend. We gain empathy by
designing and interacting with a space that represents our target. Most importantly, we don’t stop after
we’ve achieved awareness. We generate tangible directions for how our insights will inform our current
and future work.

The final step is to inspire teams, seeking both excitement and investment in an idea. Through visionary
concept work, designers envision trends through the lens of a specific product or brand. Concepts can
be quick cardboard models, life-like prototypes, or outlandish pieces solely for inspiration. Regardless,
this step of creation is absolutely essential in making your ideas succeed. Good luck and have fun!

                                                     Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs                  55
Thank You
We hope you enjoyed this book and found our observations valuable. If you have questions about
Wanderlust, please contact us. We look forward to collaborating with you to bring these trends to life.

Katie Buchmann

                                                     This presentation is a collection of past and present work by designers
                                                     around the world and does not intend to solely represent work by

                                                     Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs                                          57
The refusal to rest content, the willingness to risk excess
on behalf of one’s obsessions, is what distinguishes artists
from entertainers, and what makes some artist adventurers
on behalf of us all.

- John Updike


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Wanderlust Furniture 2010

  • 1. anderlust 2010 ICFF and Salone Internazionale del Mobile If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. - Ferris Bueller
  • 2. When We Wander... We love to wander, and we love direction. What matters to us is at the periphery and at the center. Wanderlust is our campaign to find inspiration in everything around us, no matter how small or subtle. We believe that if you look closely, every detail has its place, its potential. In the end, everything matters. Wanderlust aspires to be more than the collection of cool stuff you can typically find in your RSS feed each morning. Rather, we curate and organize our collection into the most meaningful set of ideas, objects, environments, and experiences. Unlike hefty powerpoint documents touting broad, often intangible, macro trends, we start small and work our way out. Through this process, we know from the start that the opportunities we identify will be actionable and useful to our work. Because our Wanderings are already manifesting themselves in tangible ways, we’re inspired to adapt and reapply them to new projects. 2
  • 3. ...We Always Come Back We believe that small details can lead to big ideas. To find those details, Wanderlust begins it’s process by studying trends in the most forward-thinking industries. We love the inspiration they provide and the level of access they offer. We then extract the higher level meaning behind each of the trends we identify. Not all patterns grow into deeply rooted trends, and not all trends impact all businesses. However, we see all of our observations as opportunity and inspiration. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 3
  • 4. We asked Kaleidoscope’s Karl Ludeman to tell us a little more about his experiences this year at furniture fairs in New York and Milan. What inspired you to make this volume of Wanderlust? We like to go places and see things and think about why they are that way. Hopefully we’ll inspire ourselves and get others to think about things a little differently. Plus, it’s fun. How did the trends you identified change from this year to last? Most patterns we saw last year have continued to hang around, evolving or changing in different ways. One of the most interesting transitions during the past year has been how front-and-center the DIY movement has become. The trained and untrained have embraced the use of everyday materials and sought to use them in exciting new ways. What do you hope people will take away from looking through this document? Looking for trends will only give you a snapshot of right now, the immediate present. But understanding the root causes behind a given trend can give you insight into what drives people to choose one experience over another. What are the root causes for the choices today’s consumers are making? Anxiety and self-determination, which actually are not mutually exclusive as they would seem, but each driven by the other. It’s a vicious, beautiful, and ultimately very productive cycle.
  • 5. part one: wanderings We look to the work of designers globally for inspiration and understanding. From our observations at ICFF and Salone 2010, five key patterns emerge: DIREKT 6 (di-’rekt) What would happen if you had to design with only a straight edge and a pencil? DIY 12 (do it yor-’self) If you build it, you will have one. FLYTTER 20 (fly’ter) Perpetual motion. NATUUR 28 (na’tyr) Want to get away? Do it from the com- fort of your own home. LE MONDE ANCIEN 36 (le mond an-se-’en) Forget your worries by remembering the past. part two: applications Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 5
  • 6. DIREKT Direkt (di-’rekt) adj. (Direkter, Direktesten) orig. German 1. straight, linear, angular 2. broad, thin surfaces broken by subtle planar shifts 3. simple forms with subtly disruptive details
  • 7. T Better Broken Even the most subtle surface changes transform a forgettable piece of furniture into something fresh. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 7
  • 8. Design should never say, “Look at me.” It should always say, “Look at this.” - David Craib 8
  • 9. God is in the details. - Mies van der Rohe Light & Shade Treating light and shadow as a material, designers consider the context and environment of their work, not just the object itself. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 9
  • 12. DIY DIY (d-i-y) (Do It Yourself) orig. English 1. to make something on your own, with or without formal knowledge of process 2. a movement to counter modern consumer culture’s emphasis of relying on others to satisfy needs
  • 13. Under the Sink These days, if you want something, it might be better to make it yourself. Like a common sponge, what you need might be right under your sink. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 13
  • 14. A thing is worth what it can do for you, not what you choose to pay for it. - John Ruskin 14
  • 15. Imagination is more important than knowledge. - Albert Einstein Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 15
  • 17. Step One and Done Little-to-no assembly required means you can rearrange and repurpose whenever the mood hits. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 17
  • 19. DIY Don’t Try This at Home Chances are you are already developing your own solutions to life’s little problems. Take notice of the simple work-arounds that the people around you develop. For many makers, the local hardware store (or the back of a garage) has everything they need. Changing the paradigm for high quality furniture allows the surface treatment of raw materials to transform from being unfinished to finessed. Why do kids like building blocks so much? Because everyday they can make something completely new. Just because we don’t have official play-time anymore doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be allowed the same feeling of invention and reinvention whenever we feel like it. The greatest thing about DIY culture is that you can pretty much do anything you want. So go ahead and do it! Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 19
  • 20. FLYTTER Flytter (‘fly-ter) f (Flytte, Flyttede) orig. Danish 1. to move or to be in motion 2. giving a static object the appearance of motion
  • 21. R Freeze Frame Capturing the movement of a static piece can energize the mind as you imagine not what it is doing now, but what it will do next. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 21
  • 22. Everything in the universe is moving in respect to everything else. - Neil De Grasse Tyson 22
  • 24. It is our nature to be in motion; complete rest is death. - Blaise Pascal 24
  • 25. Creative Violence Knowing how a surface was formed enables one to visualize the act of it being made. These memories create value over products that don’t inspire the same images. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 25
  • 26. I hate to advocate violence, but [it’s] always worked for me. - Hunter S. Thompson 26
  • 27. The More You Know Knowing the story of how an object is made can change the way you look at it. Do you know the story behind each of these objects? STORY The holes in this were vase created by gunshots. This taglieri was modeled after one that was made over decades of use, creating the perfect cutting surface. Sculpted table surfaces leave behind witness of man’s work. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 27
  • 28. NATUUR Natuur (na’tyr) n. org. Dutch 1. being of, or inspired by nature 2. post modern approaches to 20th century nature themes
  • 29. R Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 29
  • 30. Art New-veau Natural imagery and post-modern design sensibilities create a self- aware illusion of nature for those whose lives have been spent primarily removed from it. 30
  • 32. I can enjoy society in a room; but outdoors, nature is company enough for me. - William Hazlitt 32
  • 34. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now. - Chinese Proverb 34
  • 35. COMPARE No Interpretation Necessary In 2010, inspiration often takes the form of literal translation. Examine the similarities between the piece of furniture above and it’s likely inspiration below. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 35
  • 36. MONDE LE ANCIEN Le Monde Ancien (le mon-’de an-se-’en) origin. French 1. Reference to the close of the 19th Century, usually ascribed to the artistic climate of world weariness 2. Having a desire to be part of something that will last 3. Classic design archetypes redone with modern materials and processes
  • 37. The future is no more uncertain than the present. - Walt Whitman Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 37
  • 38. Antique Chic As we search the past for peace of mind, new colors and materials appear unexpectedly to harmonize novelty with comfort’s melody. 38
  • 40. When people are discontent with the present, they begin longing for the past. - Nigel Hollis
  • 43. TIME Out with the New In with the Old Artists have always referenced the past, but the reasons for doing it today may have more to do with an uncertain future than paying homage. Rethinking antiques with a modern aesthetic can help to create a surprising sense of whimsy because you have no idea what time period you’re in. And given today’s climate, that might be the point. Adults tend to be hyper-aware of things that can harm them, but sometimes it’s good to feel like a kid again. Remember all the best furniture at grandma’s house? By reinventing vintage styles correctly, designers can let users fill in the blanks about the product’s history. Some will retreat to a different time while others will see something that’s altogether new. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 43
  • 44. Now it’s time to put it all together. We’ve done the deep dive during part one, and now it’s time to step back and see how everything fits together, where patterns overlap, and how they might affect the world we live in and the work we do. Trends raise our awareness of the social and cultural changes that are constantly occurring around us. Use the predictions and observations in this section to discover new ways to address consumer needs and to design new products, services or experiences. At Kaleidoscope, we expect Wanderlust trends to inspire action. Built from tangible examples that can be easily reapplied, each connection made in this section is designed for easy access. Feel free to modify or evolve the ideas to best fit your needs. We’re constantly referencing our past work to see where patterns have held steady, transformed, or died off. The content in this section references past editions of Wanderlust, so if you’d like a copy, let us know. 44
  • 45. part two: applications Our applications combine hours of observation and analysis over the past few years at multiple trade shows and events. Check out our past editions if you’d like to dive more deeply into the concepts. TRACKER 46 See how the Wanderlust observations have sustained, evolved, or faded over time. BLENDER 48 Where transportation and furniture worlds collide. FORECASTER 51 Predictions for how trends impact key industries. CALL TO ACTION 55 What are you waiting for? Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 45 45
  • 46. 2009 2010 ICFF, Salone ICFF, Salone, NAIAS FLYTTER 1 FOLLOW THE LIGHT le MONDE ANCIEN 2 MASH AESTHETICS CYBORG BACK TO BAUHAUS STRONG, SILENT 3 NATUUR 4 SUPPLY AND DESIGN 6 5 DIY 8 7 DIREKT CONCRETE JUNGLE RETROSEXUAL See a trend here you’re not familiar with? Let us know and we’ll send you one of our previous editions. 46
  • 47. Tracking Trends 1 Light continues to be a source of experimentation in design far beyond the lighting category. Affordable and effective lighting technologies enhance the animated, moving objects that make up Flytter. 2 Light technologies, in particular LEDs, have become more accessible and affordable. By applying light in unexpected features on cars, furniture, and other objects, designers bring their products to life in new ways. Some patterns sustain over long periods of time, some die off quickly, and others morph into 3 Trends in sustainability continue into the auto show, with an emphasis on the short term. Hybrid and eco-friendly production cars indicate the urgency with which manufacturers new ideas. Constantly refining our point of view, are trying to provide solutions. our observations are tracked over time. Along each path, markers indicate key influencers and 4 An evolution of 2009’s Supply & Design, Natuur adjusts the trend’s path slightly, incorporating realistic nature imagery and objects in a more serious tone. motivators for each trend. Tired of last year’s pure form of rationality, the Direkt style of modern design 5 incorporates subtle, idiosyncratic details to hold one’s attention, while not straying for classic Bauhaus roots. While not immediately obvious, there is a connection between Concrete Jungle 6 and Cyborg through the expressed importance of original, natural ingredients and components. While transparency remains important across products and brands, there has been 7 a shift away from knowing a product’s lifecycle towards using a more pure, unaltered product in the first place. Nature remains a popular form of inspiration, with each year bringing new 8 interpretations and variations on the theme. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 47
  • 48. BLENDER Reverse Abstraction A Blend of Natuur & Cyborg Once filled to the brim with abstract metaphors intended to evoke emotions It seems that the more our world advances technologically, the more it and strengthen strong bonds with users, the design world is moving away attempts to incorporate natural forms and signals. Last year, we identified from poetry and moving towards prose. Gone are the gestures of plants and the furniture trend Concrete Jungle, which introduces elements of nature other living things in favor of the real thing. Coat racks aren’t inspired by tree into our uncompromisingly modern world. This year’s trend emerges out branches; they literally look like them. Cars feature leafy fabrics, lamps, and of many of the same reactions. Some consumers cope with the pace of interfaces. Taxidermy, perhaps the ultimate expression of literalism, appears technology and urbanity by surrounding themselves with reminders that to be everywhere. simpler lifestyles still exist. Others thrive on the pressures of modern life, using Reverse Abstraction as a humorous, ironic way to show self-awareness. 48
  • 49. BLENDER Differentiation is in the Details A Blend of Direkt & Strong/Silent Aware of their role in encouraging rapid consumption, Design’s internal For the mass consumer, access to everything is enabling people to be struggle with this power has often resulted in products that are more simple, more discerning. Teens in Oklahoma can now easily track denim trends in austere, long-lasting, and well-crafted. While this point of view remained happening Osaka. Overloaded with information, people learn how to filter uninteresting to many businesses, evolving consumer sophistication out pushy messaging and visual noise. Economic troubles force higher indicates a shift in priorities. Products with simple impressions and refined end shoppers to be more restrained as well, since their mass counterparts silhouettes in both automotive and furniture categories indicate a newfound disapprove of any outward expression of wealth or advantage. Regardless of interest in attracting consumers through curious simplicity. Once they’ve class or status, everyone desires indulgences, so they head off in search of begun to interact with a product, consumers find these products filled with something more subtle. interesting details to delight them. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 49
  • 50. BLENDER Mash to the Future A Blend of Le Monde Ancien & Retrosexual The postmodern design world constantly references its own history The current approach is like firing a shotgun loaded with design cues from for inspiration. In the past years, one key decade or design movement myriad eras and movements. We’ve seen mash culture in music and fashion triumphantly reemerges for a short time to rule over it’s tradeshow. However, for years, and now more mass-produced objects have adopted the trend. we’re now seeing an explosion of experimentation with historical design. Entire cultures are now built around the pieces and parts of past generations. Everything from Victorian to Vuvuzela is appearing in the furniture world, It’s important to remember that the vintage and retro themes are not while the automotive industry leans on redesigns of successful models from always about an escape for modernity, not about nostalgia. This trend is for four different decades. Strangely enough, all these designs coexist pretty innovators looking forward, as they use their unprecedented access to style nicely, feeling less and less like nostalgia. Building on the Mash Aesthetics to find new solutions to new problems. trend from 2009, our post-post-modern reality relies on the juxtaposition of once opposing elements for new sources of innovation. 50
  • 51. FORECAST Simpler Times Can you tell which products are vintage and which ones are new? (We can’t either.) Root trend: Retrosexual While the furniture and auto worlds look to the past for inspiration, new Designers can also look to the past for innovative ideas that will help opportunities emerge in everyday consumer products through many of products stand out at retail. Old school ideas applied to modern times, often the same motivations. In a chaotic world, consumers respond to vintage resurrected through technological advancements, have the potential to form and retro themed packaging as it reminds them of a simpler (and higher something groundbreaking. quality) time in their life. Brands use their heritage to reconnect with jaded consumers and provide peace of mind. By reverting to a simple message, many products cut through marketing hype and get to the core of consumer needs. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 51
  • 52. FORECAST Bioelectronic Root trend: Natuur The more technology advances, the more people yearn to reconnect Glossy black plastic is becoming antiquated, soon to be replaced with forms, with the natural world. Bioelectronics is an emerging field, particularly in textures, and colors that remind the consumer that nature provides the best healthcare, but we see it’s application across all consumer electronics. Form color palette. Authenticity will be a key to success in this approach; a revival following function, these electronics tend to mimic their inspiration found of beige-colored plastics won’t make the cut. in nature. We see this explicitly in furniture and automobiles, and we expect to see this trend continue to creep into more aspects of our lives. The Image: kennymatic | Flickr natural symbols are not a rejection of technology, it is technology and nature existing in paradoxical harmony. 52
  • 53. FORECAST The Car You Build Yourself Root trend: DIY People have always enjoyed customizing their cars. Whether they apply has helped their service businesses, they may also be missing out on an a few crudely-placed stickers to the back windshield or replace every important return to do-it-yourself resourcefulness. mechanical component with chrome-plated aftermarket parts, it seems like everyone wants to make the products they own more personal. Imagine if anyone could assemble a car without instructions. While proposals like this require a lot of investment, the auto industry aches for change. While customization grows in categories like footwear and consumer What if automakers created a plug and play system that allowed consumers electronics, major automakers have yet to fully capitalize on this trend. to replace parts as easily as plugging a socket into the wall? Allowing Despite some efforts in this area, cars have become increasingly more consumers better and more intuitive access to their vehicles makes them complicated to repair or refine. Most automobiles cover up most of the more aware of the help they need to make their car perform at its very best. working parts under the hood, discouraging self-maintenance. While this Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 53
  • 54. FORECAST Direkt Health Root trend: Direkt Not surprisingly, many healthcare product providers must prioritize other The Direkt trend will help emerging healthcare businesses jump the aspects of their business before design. The resulting products have curve. On products, the clean, uninterrupted surfaces will emphasize the historically been difficult to use and intimidating for patients. Leveraging technology beneath while comforting patients through it’s modern appeal. design as a tool to improve recovery times and quality of care, the healthcare Especially with capital equipment, applying the Direkt aesthetic will help industry’s perspective on design is shifting. Once technology optimizes products that need to retain a classic aesthetic for extended periods of time. certain processes and procedures, design becomes the key tool for In environments, the modern-but-idiosyncratic aesthetic reminds patients businesses to differentiate their offering. of their homes and aids recovery. Doctors will choose the tool that seems precise, durable, and free of excessive styling. 54
  • 55. Trends should raise your awareness of the social and cultural changes happening around you. More importantly, they should inspire you to act. Use these trends to discover new ways to address consumer needs through new products, interactions, or experiences. If You Don’t Use It, You’ll Lose It Our call to action At Kaleidoscope, we like trends that inspire ideas, but we love trends that inspire action. With each new project, we assess the cultural landscape to identify trends and brands that are a good match. A trend may represent an opportunity to express your brand in a new way. However, sometimes it is more authentic for a brand to be part of an anti-trend. To fully understand each opportunity, we immerse ourselves in the trend. We gain empathy by designing and interacting with a space that represents our target. Most importantly, we don’t stop after we’ve achieved awareness. We generate tangible directions for how our insights will inform our current and future work. The final step is to inspire teams, seeking both excitement and investment in an idea. Through visionary concept work, designers envision trends through the lens of a specific product or brand. Concepts can be quick cardboard models, life-like prototypes, or outlandish pieces solely for inspiration. Regardless, this step of creation is absolutely essential in making your ideas succeed. Good luck and have fun! Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 55
  • 56.
  • 57. Thank You We hope you enjoyed this book and found our observations valuable. If you have questions about Wanderlust, please contact us. We look forward to collaborating with you to bring these trends to life. Katie Buchmann 800.930.5793 This presentation is a collection of past and present work by designers around the world and does not intend to solely represent work by Kaleidoscope. Wanderlust: 2010 Furniture Fairs 57
  • 58. The refusal to rest content, the willingness to risk excess on behalf of one’s obsessions, is what distinguishes artists from entertainers, and what makes some artist adventurers on behalf of us all. - John Updike anderlust