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Department Of Kaumarbhritya
Presented By : VanshVardhan Bhagora
Enrollment No: 1910400143
Guided By : Dr. Kavita Ugale
Collage Name : Aarihant Ayurvedic Medical Collage & Research Institute
* General Concepts Of Bala ( Immunity):
* 'व्याधिक्षमत्वं नाम व्याधिबलधिरोधित्वं व्याियुत्पादप्रधिबन्धकत्वम् इधि ' ।
( 28: 7; Charaka )
* Defenition of Vyaadhi - Kshamatva ( Immunity) Comprises Of Two
1) ' व्याध्युत्पादप्रधिबन्धकत्वम्' ।
• Resistance to formation of diseases and Resistance to causative
factors of diseases.
2) ' व्याधिबलधिरोधित्वम्' ।
• Capacity to prevents the spread of diseases in the body, and Capacity
of body of blocking the diseases in its primary stage called as immunity.
• A person, Who is dependent on the Hitahara or beneficial diet,
does not develop the disease. There are many causes such as non-
beneficial food, abnormal changes of Kala( seasons), Pragyapradha (
Wilful transgression of proper understanding ) and unaccustomed
and unsuitable contact of sound, sight, touch, smell and taste are
responsible for producing diseases in spite of persons are indulged in
beneficial diets. ( Ch.Su. 28/7 )
• Vyadhisaha means preventing the onset of the disease.
• Ayurveda presents the concepts of Vyadhikshamatva ( Immunity)
along with the fundamental concepts related to the nutrition as well
as the Dhatu Parinama. Essence of all Dhatus ( Tissues) produces
Ojas. Vyadhi means disease. While the Kshamatva means Immunity
against an infection or specific antigens.
• Vyadhikshamatva is the power of resistance i.e. Bala ( Strength
). In other words, Vyadhikshamatva is nothing but it is the
resistance against the disease producing capacity i.e. Immunity
against the manifested disease, and other variety, Which
prevents the manifestation of the diseases.
व्याधिक्षमत्वं व्याधिबलधिरोिीत्वं व्याध्युत्पाद प्रधि बन्धकत्वधमधि यािि् । ।
( च. सू .
८/७ चक्रपाधि)
• Strength of vyadhikshamatva provides stability and growth of
muscles; Facilitate to perform all activities without any hindrance,
Clarity of voice, Shining of color ( hue) / complexion. Bala (
Strength or Immunity) provides ability in external ( work control at
spinal level) and Internal ( work control at brains level) sense
organs to perform their own functions.
*ित्र बलेन स्थिरोपधचिमांसिा सिवश्रेष्ठा स्वप्रधिघाि : स्वरििवप्रसादो
बाह्यानामाभ्यन्तरािां च करिानामात्म कायवप्रधिपधिभॅिधि ।।
( सु. सू. १५/२० )
• Due to some conditions or due to certain fectors even
unwholesome food does not cause disease immediately. All
unwholesome food articles are not equally harmful; All Doshas are
not equally powerful and all individuals are not capable to resist
the diseases-
• नधि सिावण्यपथ्याधन िुल्यदोषाधि, न च सिे दोषास्तुल्य बला ।
न च सिावधि शरीराधि व्याधिक्षमत्वे समिावधन भिस्न्त ।। ( च. सू.
• As per Charaka Samhita ( Ch.S. Sh.2/46 ), The following individuals
are found free from the diseases, who are-
1) Consuming Wholesome Diet
2) Using The Wholesome Behaviour
3) Free From The Sensual Pleasures
4) Donating Something Regularly
5) Impartial In Judgement
6) Truth Spoken
7) Endowed With Nature Of Forgiveness
8) Devoted To Serve The Apta- Purusha
* " नरो धििािारधििारसेिी समीक्ष्यकारी धिषयेष्वसक्त ।
दािा सम :सत्यपर : क्षमािानाप्तोसेिी च भित्यरोग : ।।" ( च. शा.
• Charaka has described that an individual does not fall victim of
disease viz-
i. Possessing Excellent Intellect
ii. Acts & Speech are leading to ultimate bliss
iii. Independent Thinking Or Excellent Faculties
iv. Clarity In Understanding
v. Engaged In Spiritual Activites
vi. Doing Continuous Yogic Practices.
• Ojas is considered as Bala ( Strength ) , And It is considered to suppress
the abnormal Dosha-
" रसादीनां शुक्रान्तानां िािुना यि् परं िेजस्ति् खल्वोजस्तदेि बलधमत्युच्यिे ।
( सु. सू. १५/ २०)
• " बलं ह्यालं निग्रहाय दोषाणाम् ।" ( च. नच. ३/१६७) .i.e oja is capable to prevent
and cure the. diseases. Oja is food of Rajanichara( Microbes). Human
body is not suitable diet to them( Rajanichara).
" ओजोशनानां रजनीचरिामािारिेिोनवशरीरधमष्ठम् "।। ( च. शा.२/९)
• i.e. In microbial infection, Ojas is also affected and results in kshaya (
• Prakrita Kapha( Natural Kapha) is known as Bala( Strength) Or Ojas, When
it ( Prakrita Kapha/ Oja) becomes denatured & abnormal( Vikrit)
Is also known as Mala or Vikrita .
" प्राकिस्तु बल: श्लेष्मा मल : धिक
ृ िो मल उच्यिे।
स चेिौज : स्मृि: काये स च पाप्मोपधदश्यिे ।। " ( च. सू. १७/११५)
Importance Of Vyadhikshamatva:
'स्वथिस्य स्वाथियरक्षिम् आिुरस्य धिकारप्रशमनं च'। ( च. सू.३०/२६)
• Conservation of health and to cure diseases is the principle of
Ayurveda. If people belonging to same socio- economical background
are exposed to same type of environment, or If such people are
exposed to water or air pollution, Then some of them will suffer
from respiratory disorders, Some of them will suffer from gastro-
intestinal disorders, When some people will not be affected at all
and they will be able to maintain their health status.
• And Ayurveda emphasises on the people having good immunity and
people who have poor immunity or people who lacks immunity. We
must know the factors responsible for good immunity and those who
lack immunity.
• Following factors maintain Vyadhikshamatva ( Immunity):
• Uttam Dhatusarata
• Normal Functioning of Srotatas
• Normal Functioning of Agni
• Ojas And Kapha Dosha
• Balanced state of Doshas, Dhatus And Malas
• Kapha constitution is less prone to diseases.
• Causative factors of Vyadhi will not be able to attack healthy
* All the factors mentioned above leads to good body strength.
' समदोष: समाधिश्च समिािुमलधक्रय: ।
प्रसान्नात्मेस्ियमना: स्वथि इत्यधभिीयिे ।। '( च. सू.२८/७)
• Dhatusarata, Balanced state of doshas, Health of srotatas and
agni must be mentained with proper diet and regimen to
maintain immunity.
• But inspite of proper diet and regimen, some people get affected
by causative factors of diseases, and suffer from various disorders.
* What are the factors which lower Vyadhikshamatva ?:
' शरीराधि च अधिथिूलाधन अधिक
ृ शाधन अधनधिष्टमांसशोधिि अस्थिधन
दुबॅलाधन असात्मय आिार उपधचिाधन अल्पिाराधि अल्पसत्वाधन च भिस्न्त
अव्याधिसिाधन धिपरीिाधन पुनः व्याधिसिाधन' । ( च. सू. २८/७)
• Immunosuppresent factors according to Ayurvedic concepts are-
1. Obesity
2. Emaciation
3. Unhealthy condition of Mamsa, Rakta & Asthi Dhatu
4. Weakness
5. Wrong Diet, Fasting, Malnourishment
6. Unsuitable Mind
• The immunosuppresant factors affect doshas, dhatus, Srotatas
and agnis, lower the immunity of body, and such people cannot
withstand causative factors of diseases and suffer from various
disorders frequently.
• BalaVriddhikara Bhava ( Factors Essential For Good Physical
Stamina) :
' बलिृस्िकरास्तु इमे भािा भिस्न्त। िद्दिा- बलिि् पुरुषे जन्म,
बलित्पुरुषे काले च, सुखश्च कालयोग: , बीजक्षेत्रगुिसम्पच्च, आिारसम्पि्
च, शरीरसम्पि् च, सात्मयसम्पि् च, सत्वसम्पि् च, स्वभािसंधसस्िश्च,
यौिनं च, कमव च, संिषवश्चेधि।' ( च. िा. ६/१३)
* The factors increasing the Bala of an individual include :
I. Born in a place where all individuals posses good bala
(balavat purushe dese janma).
II. Born at time wherein all individuals are bestowed with
bala (balavat purushe kaale ) i.e in visarga kaala.
III. The season being in its best state i.e. free from heena, mithya,
atiyoga of kaala ( sukhascha kaala yoga).
IV. The beeja ( sukra) and the kshetra( garbhaasaya) possessing the
best attributes ( beeja kshetra guna sampat ).
V. Well nourishing diet ( aahaara- sampat ).
VI. Well- built body ( sareera- sampat ).
VII. Getting habituated to only congenial things ( saatmya- sampat).
VIII. Good mental make- up ( satva sampat ).
IX. All the deeds in previous birth and this birth being in the
righteous manner ( swabhaava samsiddhi).
X. The state of youthfulness( yauvana).
XI. Practising vyaayaama etc. to promote strength ( karma).
XII. Mental pleasure ( samharsha).
* The following processes have been said to be possessing the
ability to boost the immunity of a child in paediatric practice.
1. Praasam
2. Rakshaakarma
3. Mantram
4. Lehanam
5. Karna Vedham
For Healthy Infants in
preventive & promotive
For diseased infants in
curative aspects eg.
Vacha for mookatvam
Before Garbhodaka
After Garbhodaka
Before Establishment
Of Lactation
After Establishment
Of Lactation
Praashana e.g.
Vacha, Brahmi
Praashana Phala Praashana Anna Praashana
 Praasa before vamana
• Drugs
* ऐस्िब्रािमीिचाशंखपुष्पीकल्क
ं घृिं मिु ।। (A.H.U.1/8)
a. Aindri
b. Brahmi
c. Vacha
* िरेिुमात्रं मेिायुबवलािवमधभमस्ििम् । (A.H.U.1/8)
• Attainment Of Intellect, Longevity & Strength are the aims of
c. Praasa after vamana( Before establishment of lactation)
• Praasa given after vamana, before the establishment of
lactation, aims are speeding up the meconium and also act as
a compensatory food to colostrum to meet the nutritional
requirements of the baby for the baby for the first three days
or upto the effective establishment of lactation.
• After delivery, The Siraas, located in relation to the heart (
seat of rasadhatu- stanya is an upadhatu of rasa) get dilated. So
the production of breast milk starts only on the third or
fourth day.
• Hence on the first day, the baby should be made to lick the
mixture of honey and ghee mixed with ananta(Gold) fortified
with sacred mantras, three times a day.
• On the second and third days, the baby should be given ghee
prepared with Lakshamana. After wards, the baby, which was
hitherto prevented from sucking the breast, should be made to
lick one panitala of navanita followed by drinking of breast-
milk, Two- times of the day.
• प्रिमे धदिसे िस्माि् धत्रकालं मिुसधपवषी ।
अनन्तधमधश्रिे मिपाधििे प्राशयेि धशशुम् ।।
धिधिये लक्ष्मिाधसिं िृिीये च घृिं िि: ।
प्राध ् नधषिस्तनस्यास्य िि् पाधििलसस्ििम् ।।
स्तन्यानुपानं िौ कालौ निनीिं प्रयोजयेि् । (A.H.U.1/12-14)
d. Praasa after establishment of lactation:
• Mainly three types of praasana are explained, of which the
foremost is suvarnapraasa. The very first chapter of sutrasthana
of available Kashyapa Samhita explain suvarnapraasa with due
• Suvarnapraasa is the procedure by which swarna along with
some herbal drugs is administered to a neonate for gaining
positive qualities of life.
 SuvarnapraasanaVidhi:
* धिघृष्य िौिे दृषाधद प्रा ् मुखी लघुनाडम्बुना ।
आमथ्य मिुसधपवभ्यां लेियेि् कनक
ं धशशुम् ।। (K.S.Su.18/26)
• Keeping face towards east, gold should be rubbed on a clean
stone with a little quantity of water, Churned with Honey and
Ghrita and given to the child.
 Hemaadipraasana:
* िेम श्वेििचा क
ु ष्ठमक
व पुष्पी सकाञ्चना ।
िेम मत्स्याक्षक: शंख क
ै डयव: कनक
ं िचा ।।
चत्वार एिे पादोक्ता: प्राशा मिुघृिप्लुिा ।
िषव लीढा िपुमेिाबलििवकरा: शुभा ।।(A.H.U.1/47-48)
• Four Groups of drugs mentioned by each quarter verse;
Consumed with Honey & Ghee, For a period of one year
bestows good body Growth, Intelligence, Strength, Colour and
1. Hema, SwetaVacha & Kustha
2. Arkapushpi & Kaanchana
3. Hema, Matsyaakshaka & Shankha
4. Kaidarya, Kanaka & Vacha
 Benefits/ Effect Of Rasayana:
* सुििव प्राशनं ह्येिन्मेिाधिबलििवनम् ।
आयुष्यं मङ्गलं पुण्यं िृष्यं िियव ग्रिापिम् ।।
मासाि् परममेिािी व्याधिधभनव च िृष्यिे ।
षधड्भमावसै: श्रुििर: सुििव प्राशनाद्भिेि् ।। (K.S.Su.18/27-28)
• Feeding Of Gold Increases Intellect, Digestive & Metabolic
Power, Strength And Gives Long Life.
• It is considered as Auspicious, Virtuous, Aphordisiac, Increases
Complexion And Eliminates Grahas.
• By Feeding the gold for one month, The child becomes
extremely Intelligent and is protected from diseases.
• By Using it for 6 months, The child is able to retain for a
long time what ever he hears.
• All the following claims are attributed to the therapeutic
efficacy of the suvarna.
*स्वादुहृद्यं बृंििीयं रसायनं दोषपत्रयापिं
शीिं चक्षुष्यं धिषशोिनं च। (S.S.Su.46/326)
• भूिािेशप्रशास्न्तकरं .... मेध्यं
............. मेिाबुस्िकरम् । (RajNighantu)
 Discussion:
• The use of elemental gold and different compounds like
swarnabhasma sidha makara dhwajam etc in Ayurvedic classics
and in some Ethnopractices, Reveals the Vrishya, Rasayana &
Medhya property of gold.
• We do not have sufficient convincing research data to prove
this property of gold in front of the scientific community.
Modern science believes that elemental gold as well as
majority of its compounds are not absorbed from the GI
Tract. It is the need of the hour to have a long term
perspective multi centered research to test whether the
claims of Ayurveda Acharyas were True or Not. If proven,
The mode of action should be traced out.
• Administration of gold compounds in the form of injections
are being used in different diseases in allopathic practice.
DMARD (Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs) is one such
examples. Chrysotherapy is the term used for the treatment of
diseases with gold.
• Mostly used and absorbable forms of gold are Aurothioglucose
and gold sodium thiomallete.
* रक्षस्- Evil
घ्न- Kill
• General Protective & Curative Measures mentioned in various
contexts like operative procedures in Salyatantra, Acute
neonatal disorders (Grahabadha), Unmada and Apasmara &
Swasthavritta can be included under the term Rakshoghna
• The Concepts of Graham & Bhoota are closely linked with
Hindu Mythology. In Modern View, This can be compared with
impacts on health due to Unknown Causes, Infections Or
Psychiatrics disorders. The Rakshoghnavidhi once again reveals
the scientific senses of our ancient scholars regarding the
nosocominal infections.
• The aims of Rakshoghnakarmas are:
1) Protection from Grahabadha
2) Prevention Of Mental Disorders
3) Prevention Of Infections In Post- Natal Period
4) Curative Function
5) Reduction Of Intensity Of Manifested Diseases.
 Rakshakarmas dealt in Kaumarabhritya can be summorized as
• The place should be surrounded by branches of Adani, Khadira,
Pilu & Parushaka. The seeds of Mustard, Linseed, Rice and
Kanakantika Should be scattered all over.
• Oblations should be performed regularly.
• A wooden pestle should be kept oblique at the entrance of
the house.
• A pottali containing Vacha, Kustha, Hingu, Mustard, Garlic and
Other drugs should be kept at the entrance and worn by the
baby and mother.
• Brahmana expert in Arthava Veda should do enhancement Of
• Mani prepared from horn of live rhinoceros and other animals
should be tied to the body of the baby.
* जीित्खङ्गाधदश्रृङ्गोत्थान् सदा बाल: शुभान् मिीन् । ( A.H.U. 1/26)
• Dhoopana of the Kumaragara should be done with Guggulu,
Agaru etc.
• A Non- Obedient Child Should not be threatened or frightened
since this will cause Grahabadha.
* त्रासयेन्नाधििेयं िं त्रस्तं गृह्णास्न्त धि ग्रि: ।।(A.H.U.1/41)
3. Mantram
◙ Chanting Mantras helps children have calm minds & remind
them of who they are. They get connected to holiness and
learn about their divine self as well. Once children
understand spiritually, they would not fall into any kind of
bad habit.
◙ Mantras can have positive effects on the Growth &
Development of children. Mantras can remove the negative
energy & negative effect in the body and mind.
◙ Benefits Of Mantras as follows:
† Bolsters Memmory Power
† Helps In Shaping Cognitive Abilities In A Child
† Acts as an Immunity Booster
† Strengthens Positive Thinking
† Helps Lower Heart Rate & Improves Blood Circulation
† Ensures Proper Functioning Of Heart & Lungs
† Assists In Stress And Anger Management
† Bolsters Of Memory Powers: Enchanting Mantras Involves
repeated chanting of the same lines or verse and it’s one of
the very useful benefits as the exercise of repetition helps
to Improve & Strengthen a child’s memory. In Addition,
Chanting mantras helps in keeping the mind vigilant and
sharpens the memory.
† Helps In Shaping Cognitive Abilities In A Child: When a
young mind practices chanting mantras, It helps them in
Shaping and Sharpening their intellectual abilities. Chanting
Mantras is characterized by a synchronized process of
rhythmic deep breathing.
• Since the amount of oxygen required by the brain to function
properly is more as compared to any other organ in the body,
the process introduces an additional supply of oxygen that
helps in improving concentration and shaping the mental
intellect of the child.
† Acts as an Immunity Booster: Chanting mantras is considered
as a natural way of boosting the immunity system of a child.
The pressure builds on the tongue while repeated chanting of
the mantras slips the vocal cord and adjoining parts of the
brain along with proper breathing exercises, which helps to
naturally boost the immune system.
† Strengthens Positive Thinking: Studies have identify that the
process of chanting produces thought- energy waves that, In
turn energize the brain & develop positive vibrations in a
child. These powerful vibrations gradually overpower all other
negative vibrations, Eventually calming the brain and channelizing
positive energy received in a variety of ways.
• Making One’s child learn chanting mantras in his/her developing
years, Not only has mental health benefits but also affects the
physical health of a child positively. In Short, Chanting mantras
is considered to be the most natural psychosomatic route to
ensure physical wellness in a child.
† Helps Lower Heart Rate & Improves Blood Circulation :
• Regularly Chanting mantras helps children by lowering their
blood pressure and heart rate leading them to stay Stress- Free
& Healthy. It regulates and gives a boost to your child’s blood
circulation and helps in a getting rid of the harmful toxins
present in the body.
† Ensures Proper Functioning Of Hearts & Lungs:
• One Important benefit of chanting mantras for kids is, While
Chanting Mantras, The Breathing process of a child slows down,
As a result of which they can take deep breaths and hold onto
it for a few seconds. The process regulates and enhances the
proper functioning of the lungs and Keeps the heart healthy,
Thereby aiding a healthy body.
† Assists In Stress And Anger Management:
• Learning And Chanting Mantras also helps in Efficiently
Reducing & Managing Stress Levels In a child. Furthermore, It
Lowers Blood Pressure, Normalizes The Heartbeat, And Maintains
Brain Vibration & Adrenaline Levels. A child who regularly
chants mantras Empowers Himself/ Herself to overcome Stress
and Anger issues which indeed are beneficial in later years of
the children.
* Isolation Of The Child :
 Even in the present day practice of contemporary medical
sciences, The first line of treatment in acute infective
disorders ( Especially in Contagious & Epidemic) is isolation.
Same is also mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics with some
extra- precautionary methods as they were aware of the
severity of the conditions. This explanations clearly suggest
the prevent is better than c ure.
† Graha- Rogi should be kept in a separate room to prevent
spread of infection and entry into the room is restricted.
† Room cleaned Twice Or Thrice Daily- Sterlization.
† Burning Fire Sprinkled with water- To keep away Micro/
Macro- Organisms.
† A lamp should be lit with the Mustard Oil in it which
keeps the room illuminated and remove the mositure.
† Ash prepared with Flowers, Seeds & Leaves Of Yava, Tila,
Sarshapa will be Spread/ Sprinkled in the room owing its Anti-
Infective Properties.
† Baby should be given Lepas externally- To prevent the
spread of infection through the bite of mosquitoes and to
overcome the bad small.
* Rules For The Attendents:-
• Attender is one, Who looks after the patient. Only
attender is allowed inside the isolated room where infected
patient has been kept. So hygienic status of the attender
will also play a vital role in controlling the infection.
• Unhygienic attender may spread the infection or may be a
carrier. So strict rules have been imposed to the attender
a. Should not indulge in Unethical Activities, Should have God
b. No Consumption Of Wine, Meat & Other Ahitakara Aharas.
c. No Indulgence In Sexual Activities.
d. Should take bath daily with Sugandha Dravya followed by
Lepa of the same.
* Roll Of Daiva - Vyapashraya Chikitsa In Graha Rogas:
 In the beginning itself, Vagabhatta explains that both Daiva-
Vyapashraya & Vyukti- Vyapashraya Chikitsas are required to
treat the Graha- Rogas. Our Acharyas explains the role of
Daiva- Vyapashrya in treated the disturbed Manas.
* Daiva- Vyapashraya - In Pshycological & Psychosomatic
† Daiva- Vyapashraya Chikitsa is explained as the mainstay of
treatment in Graha- Roga.
† Ayurveda believes in a Global Approach, So treatment of
mind is equally important to correct a physical illness.
† Faith- Therapy which add Confidence, Hope & Positive
attitude regarding good progress of the disease actually
corrects the Mindset & Treatment becomes more easier.
† Purva- Roopa of Graha- Roga is Jwara and Main Lakshana of
Jwara is Santapa.
† Santapa can affect both the body and the mind.
† Disturbed Mind, Loss Of Interest/Hope, Glani are the symptoms
of Mana- Santapa in Jwara. Which can be corrected by Daiva-
Vyapasharya Chikitsa.
† Daiva- Vyapasharya is a AdravyaBhoota Chikitsa ( Treatment
devoid of medicnes) which helps to correct the disturbed
† Every disorder is a Psycho- Somatic Disorder ( As Evidenced By
Present Day Practice) Hence, Daiva- Vyapashraya Chikitsa should
be employed in each & every case.
† Stress is Major Triggering Factor & This helps to Mitigate
The Stress, Leading To Correction Of Functional Disturbance.
† Faith is an essential quality of a patient ( निषग्वश्य ) which
will be enhanced by this method.
† It has been clearly told that Manas is responsible for
Happiness & Sorrow. ( मि एव मिुष्याणां कारणं बन्ध मोक्षयो: ). Hence,
Daiva- Vyapashraya should be employed by different methods
to stablise the mind.
* Mantra Chikitsa:
∞ Mantra Chikitsa has been included as an essential component
of Daiva- Vyapashraya Chikitsa.
∞ But Mantra Chiktsa has been wrongly understood as chanting
of certain Mantras with certain religious intensions and is
related with the god.
∞ Mantras are meant for keeping the mind in a positive
attitude and to remove the negativity of the mind.
∞ In real sense the Mantras means- Mananath Anena Ithi
Mantra ( मननाि् मि: ). i.e., Those facts which are needed to
be understood & implemented in routine health care practices.
∞ Only the Vedic Hymns are considered as Real Mantras which
explains the ultimate truth of this Universe & Life. Mantras
never explains about a particular God, Rather explains Omni
Potent, Omni Present ultimate force which regulate this
universe. It makes us to understand our Role, Morality, Rights,
Duties, Life Style, Life Duration, Healthy Practices, Purpose,
Limitation Of Freedom, In maintaining the homeostasis of this
∞ It helps to attain Self- Realization & Once limitations to
mankind & Helps us to understand our role in maintaining the
Bio- Diversity & Eco-System of the universe.
∞ Only Vedic Hymns are considered as Mantras, Rest Of Hymns
are called as Slokas.
∞ When it is told that patient should be given Mantra Chikitsa
it means that he needs to be made realized about certain
truths of this universe and life inorder to remove the
confusion in his mind, To clear off negativity of the mind, To
get rid of myths and misconceptions in his mind.
∞ Removing the confusion lead to formation of true thinking
capacity and production of right ideas leads to clear vision & a
positive mindset with faith.
∞ Thus positive thinking Manas is very important upon which
Yukti Vyapashraya Chikitsa works.
∞ Hence, The Mantra Chikitsa is a form of counselling the
patient & make him realize the true facts of health.
∞ Word Swadthi Vachana means, Prayers for the welfare of the
person, which again serves the same purposes.
* Roll Of Mantra Chikitsa:
† Roll Of Mantras & Swasthi- Vachana in psychological disorders
is well understood, As they are part of Daiva- Vyapashraya
† Mantra Chikitsa explained under Daiva- Vyapashraya Chikitsa
is also aimed to Boost Self- Confidence & To Create a
Positive Mindset.
† Mantras when chanted to rythmic way creates sound waves
of different wavelengths and amplitudes which are able to
modulate the electromagnetic wave patterns of the brain.
† Further, Belief & Faith plays a vital role in attitude. Mantra
& Swasthi- Vachana creates a positive environment upon which
Yukti- Vyapashraya ( Medicine) will work.
† Further, Chanting Of Mantras has got certain benefits in the
treatment procedure and even helpful for the physicians.
† Usually, The physician who is also supposed to be the priest
in those days, used to chant the mantras with its meaning
known to him.
† Different Mantras are chanted for different Grahas. The
Mantras contain details of Individual Grahas, Its Greatness,
Its Method Of Worship, Clinical Symptoms & Details Of
† On Chanting these Mantras physician used to get revised
with the subject concerned and this is also helps them in
† Further, The Vedic Mantras are considered as the best music
of those days.
† Samaveda has especially given more importance to the
musical chanting. When the Vedic Mantras are chanted in a
systemic way, It is believed that, They stimulates & modulates
the electromagnetic waves in the brain.
† Further, The role of music therapy in treatments is a hot
topic now a days ( In Stress Disorders, Malignancies).
* Manidharana:
1. This procedure can be considered as a part of “ Raksha Karma”.
2. Newborn should be tied with certain Amulets
3. Horns of certain living animal like Horse, Deer, Ox, Rhinoceros, Ram etc. Are
made into lockets and worn around the neck.
4. Certain Medhya drugs like Aindri(एिी) & Jeevaneeya( जीिनीय ) drugs like
Jeevaka, Rishabhaka( ऋषभक) etc. are tied into a Pottali & Tied around the
neck of the baby.
5. Priest who knows the Atharveda (अिवििेद ) should tie these Manis( मधि ) to
the child.
6. Vagabhatta says certain Medhya drugs like Vacha to tied on the Hand,
Wrist, Neck etc.
7. Positive effects of this procedure is due to Prabhava( प्रभाि ).
* ManiDharana:
• रत्ोंपरत्ा: िज्रं धिद्रुम- मौकस्क्तक
े मरकिं िैड
ू यवगोमेदू क
े ।
माधिक्यं िररनीलपुष्पदृपदौ रत्ाधन नाम्ना नि: ।।
यान्यन्यान अधप सस्न्त काधनधचधदि त्रैलोक्यसधम्न स्फ
ु टम ।
नाम्नािान्युपरत्ामुपगिान्याहु: परीक्षाक
ृ ि:।। ( रस. पिधि)
• मिीना िारिीयानां कमव यधिधििात्मकम्।
ृ िं। िेषां प्रभािोडधचन्त्य उच्यिे ।।( च. सू. अ. २६/७०)
• िस्ताभ्यां ग्रीिया मूिवनां धिशेषात्सििं िचाम्।
आयुवमेिास्मृधिस्वाथियंकरी। रक्षोधभरक्षीधिम् ।।( अ. सू. च. १/२७-२८)
• मियश्च िारिीया: क
ु मारस्य खङ्गरूरूगियिृषभािां जीििामेि दधक्षिेभ्यो
गृधििाधन स्यु: ऐियाद्दाश्चौषोियो जीिकषवभको च याधन चान्यनधप ब्राह्मिा:
( च. शा.८/६२)
• माधिक्यं मुक्ताफलधिद्रुमाधि िाक्ष्यश्चपुष्पम धबंदुर च नीलम ।
ं चाि धिदुरकम च क्रमेि रत्ाधन निग्रिािाम् ।।( R.R.S.4/5)
* Ratna & Navagraha:
Ratna Navagraha
Manikya Surya Graha
Mukta Chandra Graha
Pravala Mangala Graha
Tarksya Budha Graha
Pusparaga Guru Graha
Hiraka Shukra Graha
Nila Shani Graha
Gomeda Rahu Graha
Vaidurya Ketu Graha
1. Ruby Endows Longevity & Success.
2. Pearl brings the Life Of Prosperity & Luxury.
3. Coral imparts Courage.
4. Emerald Gemstone endows Strength & Security to the wearer.
5. Yellow Sapphire is a stone that improves the Financial Status
6. Diamond endows the wearer the Power, Wealth & Success over enemies.
7. Blue Sapphire Gemstone Signifies Love & Wealth
8. Garnet is for Health & Longevity
9. Cat’s Eye Protects from Disease & Danger.
* Ratna Yoni( Origin Of Ratna):
• According To Origin Ratna Of 3 Types.
1) Pathiva(From Earth) E.G. Heera, Manikya etc.
2) Jangama(From Animal) E.G. Pravala, Moti
3) Vanaspatika(From Plant) E.G. Trinkanta
• Ratnas are normally very hard and these are having quality of reflection
so that these are very bright. Heera has quality of total internal reflection
so that it is very bright. Different gems have different colours so these look
very beautiful. Brightness can also be attributed to gems by means of
cutting and rubbing in specific manner. Environmental factors like Humidity,
Air etc. Do not have major effect on these so that these become in
original conditions for a long time.
* Uses Of Ratnas:
• रसे रसायने दाने िारिे देििाचवने।
सुरक्ष्याधन सुजाधिनी रत्ायुक्ताधन धसिये ।। (R.R.S. 4/7)
i. Rasa Karma ( Jarana Purpose Khechari Jarana)
ii. Rasayana Karma ( Rejunivation Purpose)
iii. Daana ( To Donate)
iv. Dharana ( For Bearing Purpose)
v. Devta Archana ( Worshiping Of God)
* Ratna Dharana Benefit:
a) Avoid untoward effects of Suryadi Navagraha
b) Provides Deergha Ayu. Aarogya & Saubhagya
c) Provides Bhagyaanukula & Vashikarana Siddhi
d) Pacifies Doshas from Amangla Chayya evam Eshita Vayu & Dhula &
Provides Utasaha & Dhairya
e) Ends Daridrata & Bhootadi.
* Use Of Ratna Dharana:
• िन्यं मङ्ग
ं ल्यमायुष्यं काम्यं पुधष्टबलप्रदम् ।
िषविं काम्यमोजस्यं रत्ाभरििारिम ।। ( राजधनघंटु)
 Wearing of Gems & Ornaments adds to the Prosperity, Auspicious,
Longevity, Grace, Prevents dangers from Evil Spirits
 It is Pleasant & Charming.
 Ruby:
• Ruby represents the sun.
• Because the sun is the source of all energy & it sits at the center of
the solar system as the King of Planets, This gem must also be in the
center of the piece.
• It’s associated with Improved Leadership, Independence & Focus. It also
protects you from Negative Energy, Psychic Attack, and The draining of your
• Often called ‘Ratna Raj’ or the ‘King Of Jewels’, Ruby is associated with
sun, The ruling lord of Leo.
• This deep red gem, Which may vary in shades from Dark Scarlet To Pink &
Even orange is said to boost Vital & Spiritual Energies. Ruby is Blood- Red
Colored Gemstone. Ruby is said to give its wearer a large power boost.
• It protects the Heart and Enhances Vitality as well.
• Civil service Aspirants, Political Leaders, Pioneers, Enterprenuers & Those
intending to make a breakthrough in their respective field are often
advised to Ruby for Success.
 Pearl:
• The Moon/ Pearl govern the mind and matters of the psyche. That might
explain why there are so many full moon stories out there.
• Wearing Pearl can Improve Your Mental & Emotional Stability & Increase a
Sense Of Contentment. They’ re used to Encourage Purity, Loyalty, Faith &
Personal Integrity. There also seems to be a connection between pearl and
the feminine energy.
• Pearl Or Moti is the most legendary & coveted of all gemstones and is
associated with Moon, The ruler of Cancer & Bestower of Emotional Stability
& Creativity. Pearls come in a number of colours ranging from Milky White
to Blue To Pink, Silver White & Even Black.
• Pearl is recommended to those associated with the Creative Arts. It brings
Emotional Stability in the wearer & Cures a number of Mental Ailments as
• Pearl is also said to cure Fluid Imbalances & Urinary Tract Ailments,
Promote Harmonious Association & Bring New Friends.
 Coral:
• Mars represents Strength within the Zodiac.
• Wearing Red Coral give you More Courage, More Energy & Greater
Understanding. In Addition, It’s also known to help you achieve victory in
your pursuits. Part of that is likely the Protect against Negative Influences
that comes with working with Ocean Energies.
• Moonga Or Red Coral is the gemstone associated with the fiery planet Mars,
Which is the ruler of Aries & Scorpio.
• The Semi- Precious gem comes in Bright Red Or Flaming Orange Colour and
is said to Boost Courage & Promote Fearlessness. Moonga brings Self-
Confidence & Negates the effect of “Mangalika Dosha” by bringing a
compatible spouse.
• It is also worn to Cure Piles Related Ailments, Menstrual Irregularities and For
Bringing Stability in Career and Professional Advancement.
• Military Officers, Security Personnels & Those in the police services are
advised to wear a Coral. However, Corals with Black speaks or Other Markings
should not be worn.
 Emerald:
• Mercury represents Strength within the zodiac.
• It rules the Speech of an Individual( Think Mercury Retrograde). Wearing it
can improve each of these qualities within your life as well as enhance your
• Emerald is associated with Mercury, Which is the ruling planet of Gemini &
Virgo. This gem comes in various shades of Green, Ranging from a Light
Liquid Green to a Dark & Dense hue.
• Emerald is said to bestow its wearer with Great Intellectual Capabilities,
Increase Oratorical Skills & Concentration. It is also said to cure Chronic
Digestive Ailment as well.
• People is the Entertainment & Creative Industry as well as sports persons
are commonly advised to don this green gem for Success & Luck.
 Yellow Sapphire:
• Jupiter governs Knowledge & Is related to Goodness.
• The Yellow Sapphire in the Navaratna can help you find Wisdom &
Compassion with yourself. Moreover, It has a strong connection to matters of
Wealth & Overall Good Fortune & A Lesser connection to Positive Mood &
Outlook. Women tend to more strongly affected by it.
• The Yellow Sapphire Or Pukhraj is associated with Jupiter, The ruler planet
of Sagittarius & Pisces. This gem is Light Yellow, Golden Yellow Or Honey-
Toned in color and is said to flood one’s life will all sorts of auspicious
occurrences & good luck.
• The Yellow Sapphire is said to Bring Wealth, Promotions, Elevation Of Socio-
Economic status besides promoting love between partners.
• It is also effective in curing thyroid related ailments & Insomnia besides
increasing the spiritually inclination of a person.
 Diamond:
• Venus is the planet of Beautiful & Luxurious Things, & Thus connected to
• That makes it very fitting that it’s represented by the iconic diamond. The
diamond in the piece is there to increase the Luxuries, Pleasures & Wealth in
your life. It’s of specific importance that this gem is Pure & Unblemished.
• The most precious of all the gemstones, Diamond is worn to please Venus-
The Lord Of Taurus & Libra. A hard, crystal clear stone, It is one of the
most effective gemstones and is said to bestows the wearer with Riches,
Success & Luxury.
• Diamond is also said to cure Diabetes, Stomach Ailments & Bless one with
Longevity, Martial Bliss & Professional Success.
• However, One should always consult an astrologer to find out its
compatibility with your zodiac sign before wearing a Diamond.
 Blue Sapphire:
• Saturn is known as the Karmic planet and is connected to hardship.
• If this sounds like a force you want to be on the right side of, that’s
because it is. The Blue Sapphire in the Navaratna is there to help you gain
Maturity, Tolerance & Humility. All very handy is helping you avoid hardship.
The sapphire also promotes longevity.
• According to the Hindu Mythology, Blue Sapphire should be worn by those
who wish to propitiate Saturn Or ‘Shani’. The Mightiest & Fearful of all the
• Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn & Aquarius. The lustrous gem is
Dark Blue & Deep Blue in color, With hues ranging from a Light Lilac to a
Bright & Brilliant Blue.
• Neelam Or Blue Sapphire is one of the Most Protective & Fastest acting
stones and is effective in curing Depression, Lethargy, Navigating Roadblocks &
Warding Of The Evil Eye.
• However, This stone may produce Negative Effects if it doesn’t go along
your zodiac sign.
 Hessonite:
• Rahu is not actually a planet, but one of the nodes of the moon.
• Rahu governs Self Awareness & is known as a harmful celestial body.
Wearing Hessonite neutralizes the negative energy inherent in Rahu. It is
strongly associated with relief from Mental- Emotional Difficulties such as
Depression & Strong Anxiety.
• Hessonite Or Gomedh is a stone commonly recommended for the propitiation
of the node Rahu. It is often Dark Brown but also found in shades of
Deep Yellow, Dark Red & Dark Orange.
• Being a Powerful Gemstone, It is said to shield the wearer from
Adversities, Addictions such as Drug and Alcohol Abuse & Gambling.
• Besides, It is said to Cure Skin Diseases, Psoriasis & Different Forms of
Psychoses. The Gomedh also promises victory over one’s enemies.
 Cat’s Eye:
• Ketu is the other lunar node and is associated with Discrimination,
• The Cat’s Eye Gemstone in the Navaratna helps to provide clarity of
thought. It also improve one’s vision in the Metaphorical Sense & Encourage
Spiritual Awakening.
• Cats Eye, Commonly called Lahsunia, is stone commonly used for the
propitiation of Ketu. The stone is called Cat’s Eye due to its striking
resemblance to a Cat’s Eye.
• It exudes shades off White, Grey, Yellowish Green, Yellow & Green and Helps
the wearer disperse the negative results of Karma. It makes one deeply
interested in spiritual matters, the occult sciences and Enlightenment or
* Comments:
1. Originally this method was practiced by Buddhist People & As Vagabhatta
(वागिट्ट) is a follower of Buddhism, He mentioned the same with great
2. These Amulets will have both Medical & Spiritual effects.
3. It is also believed that they protect the child from Drishti Dosha Concept
of Drasthti Dosha ( दृनिदोष) is mentioned in Kashyapa with Tantrik
Influence). i.e., Those who look with Bad Intention/ Thinking with crooked
mindedness may cause disease to the child.
4. Amulets prepared by many drugs may continuously outburst (वचा ) strong
smell of rays of certain wavelength when sunlight falls on it( Gems)
ensuring protective effect to the baby.
5. Traditionally practiced with religious sense.
6. There may be certain pressure effect on localized point.
7. Gems treatment is well explained in classic, But in the present context,
No specific gems has been mentioned apart from Animals & Herbal
* Ousadhi Dharana- A Buddhist Method:
1. This method is a special method for the treatment of the Graha Rogas.
2. It depends on a simple principle that strong aromatic smell acts as a dis-
infective agent.
3. Out bursting of strong aromatic smell round the clock from the body
easily prevents communication of the diseases by droplet or through air
born infection.
4. In this case, The Pottali which is made out of Medhya & Other Anti-
Infective aromatic drugs which are dominant in Katu, Tikta & Kashaya Rasas
have been tied around the neck of child.
5. Idea is to ensure that, It outbursts the strong aromatic smell round the
6. This may be also the easy way of keeping the emergency drugs round
the clock for timely use.
7. Basically, Such practice of tying the thread around the neck is seen among
the Buddhist.
8. As Vagabhatta has been influenced by Buddhism, he mentioned this method.
* Method:
i. A drug called Aparajita is used.
ii. Mainly effective against Evil Spirits.
iii. A drug named Aparajita is triturated and done Mardana with Gorochana
iv. Then it is tied into Pottali with other drugs like Lakshmana, Sahadevi,
Indrayana, Nagadanti, Katambara, Markati, Brihati in the broad leaves of
v. This is then tied around the neck of the child.
vi. Traditional Practice of tying a holy thread around the wrist is existing
even today.
* Bali:
• Bali has been mentioned among the methods of Daiva- Vyapashraya Chilitsa.
In Graha rogas with reference to Balichikitsa, We find many reference aimed
towards individual Grahas.
• Word Bali has been extensively used in Indian Literature & Religious books.
We find different understanding is general public regarding Bali. People think
Bali is involved in just killing the Animals, As a ritual of satisfying the God
& Evil Spirits. Traditionally, Offering Vegetable Or Non- Vegetable Bali is quite
common; Although people don’t know the exact intention. This tradition and
religious practice have been inculcated in the Indian Culture & The same
knowledge has been passed from generations to generations with addition
of myths regarding Bali.
• Word Bali has been also mentioned in Ayurvedic Medical Books. In case of
Graha Rogas, While describing Daiva Vyapashraya Chikitsa, It has been
extensively used as treatment modality.
 Bali should be considered as a method of mass- disinfection or community
disinfection adopted by Ayurveda.
 This is a method employed to control or prevent the rapidly spreading
infection is the locality or community.
 Micro- Organisms which are very virulent in the society spreads the disease
from person to person. This is true in communicable or in other mode of
 Normal tendency of micro- organisms is, Its movement towards the host. In
search of host and habitat it may access into human or animal bodies by
overcoming resistance offered by the host. Same is also called as Positive
 Offering Bali in those places, Where maximum contamination is predicted
due to movement of crowd, like cross- roads, temple, city, near tree and in
areas with less movements and dark areas like crematorium etc. Provides a
chance to check the spread of infective micro- organisms.
 Commonly used Bali material like meat of different animals, necrosed
materials, blood of different animals provide an alternative artificial host &
habitat for the growth of micro-organisms. By positive chemotaxis, All the
micro- organisms scattered in the locality gets accumulated over the Bali
material and finds a non- resisting host easily ( Living organisms encounter
resistance to its entry).
• Non- Vegetarian Bali materials easily Undergo Necrosis, Putrefaction with bad
smell on exposure to open air & provides a alternative artificial host and
habitat for the growth of micro-organisms without resistance. This active like
a culture medium for the growth of organisms. Agar Medium, NNS medium
which are used now-a-days are also prepared by Blood, Meat, Fecal Material,
Necrosed Material of different animals.
• Certain Vegetarian foods are also used to offer Bali like Boiled Rice, Wheat
Preparation, Milk, Curd, Payasa, Green Gram etc. Which, On exposure to air,
Undergoes Fermentation as they are rich in carbohydrates. Fermenting media
is favorable for growth of microbes & Microbes of the surrounding area is
attracted towards it. Hence, local area is disinfected or cleared off from micro-
organisms. More importantly, its further spread is restricted.
• Different Microbes have different host tendencies and habitats, Similarly for
different Graha Rogas Different Bali materials has been offered.
• Bali material should allowed to be kept open for certain days in particular
area and there after suggested to be discarded in a remote, safe area,
situated out of city, so that infectious materials may not come in contact
with basic needs of the people like Air, Water, Milk etc.
• Special sites are being mentioned for giving Bali in individual Graha Rogas
which may point out certain prevalent areas of micro- organisms.
• So, Concept of Bali explained in Ayurveda is completely scientific and is
aimed to prevent infection in the community or among the masses.
• Many a times of Bali looks like a simple method of disinfection or
clearing the area from micro- organisms where gathering of crowd is
expected more. In Indian Culture, Especially in Hindu religious book Bali is
especially mentioned here before starting any holy function or opening of
a newly constructed home, Before any Auspicious Festival, Functions etc.
Traditional Practice of offering Bali on days of fortnight is also in practice.
* Homa:
 In Rajyakshama Homa is advised.
 In Abhishapa & Abhichara Jwara Home is advised
 Homa is a sanskrit word used here synonymously with Yajna.
 Indian originated people worshiped Pancha Maha Bhoota viz. Wind(Vayu), Fire(Agni),
Water(Varuna) etc. Out of the Agni is one of 3 Superme Deities of the Rig Veda.
Agni is known to be the son of Angiras & The grandson of Sandila. His wife is
Swaha & Has 3 sons- Pavaka, Pavana & Suchi. All the offerings to the deities are
through the fire. i.e. Homa/ Havana
 Physically the Agni combust all those are in it. The Homa is performed with a
particular Hymns & Wood Produced. The Homa is Aesthetic Therapy mentioned in
Ayurveda. The Therapy is a collection of Sound & Smoke, For the people who
have no belief in god also yield the result in the same way. Home therapy is not
based on a belief system.
 Astro- Medicine includes the Homa Therapy as one of the practices of healing
along with Gem Therapy, Radio Therapy, Offerings etc. Ayurveda told circadian
rhythm of sunrise & sunset, Tridosha, Environment, Selected Herb ( According to
disease & planet) will make the positive attitude and healing. Homa Therapy
makes the Bio-Energetic equilibrium Dosha, Dhatu, Mala & Mans, said as balanced
 Agnihotra performed in a copper pyramid, captures the revitalizing, regenerating
and subtle energies from the sun during sunrise and sunset. The Homa Therapy
also performed in the same way, But added with the Herbs smeared with Ghee/
Honey/ Medicated Oil. This can be performed as individual or even in the group.
There is no restriction of time to perform.
* Prayaschitam:
 Prayaschitam is atonement of Sins
 It is the process of indulging in spiritual disciplines, duties or worship in
order to wash off one’s sins completely after taking full responsibility and
through repentance(ie paschattaap) for the sins committed in past birth,
rarely in the present birth.
* Upavasa:
 Fasting in Sanskrit is called Upavasa. Upa means “ Near” + Vaasa means “ To
Stay”. Upavaasa.
 Meaning the attainment of close mental proximity with the Lord.
* What has Upavaasa to do with food ?
 The more you indulge the Senses, The more they make their demands.
Fasting helps us to cultivate control over our sense, sublimate our desires &
Guide our minds to be poised and at peace.
 Fasting should not make us weak, irritable or create an urge to indulge
later. This happens when there is noble goal behind fasting.
 The Bhagvad- Gita urges us to eat appropriately- neither too less nor too
much- Yuktaahara and to eat simple, purity & healthy food ( A Sattvika Diet)
even when not fasting.
* Swastayana:
 According To Kashyapa Swastivachanam= Kalyana
 General Phrases used as Swastyana are, Ayushman Bhava, Mangalani
Bhavanthu etc.
 Swastayana= Shanti Mantra
 Hearing these words are Punya & Mangala Prada.
* Pranipata:
 Sharirika, Mansika, Vachika- Namaskara- Guru, Dwija, Deva- Pranipata
 By Pranama there will be Dukha Shamana
* Upahara:
 Derived from Upa & Hriyathi:
• Upa- Near
• Hriyathi- To Give Or Guide
 In Sheeta Pootana Graha Bheda Varuni, Madya, Rudhira Upahara should be
given to Sheeta Pootana Devi.
 By giving upahara there will be Happiness to mind it acts as Tarpana and
Prevent diseases.
* Yatragamana:
 Nagna Pada Gamnanam
 Change in the external environment
 Pressure Point In The Sole
* Niyama(Observance):
• शौच संिोष िप: स्वाध्याययेश्वर प्रधििानाधन धनयमा: । ( प. यो. सू. २/३२)
• िप: संिोष आस्स्तक़्यं दानमीश्वरपूजनम ।
धसिांििाकयश्रििं धिमिी च िपो हुिम ।।
धनयमा दश संप्रोक्ता योगशास्रधिशारदै: ।। ( ि. यो. प्र. १/१८)
 Niyama means Observations. Under the heading Niyama, Patanjali suggests
certain Good Habits, Which help the development of total personality.
 There are 5 Niyamas namely according to Patanjali
1. Shaucha- Cleanliness
2. Santosha- Contentment
3. Tapa- Penance
4. Swadhyaya- Self Study
5. Ishvarapranidhana- Dedicating to God.
• According to Hatha Yoga Pradipika described 10 types:
1. Tapa- Penance
2. Santosha- Contentment
3. Astikya- Belief In God
4. Dana- Charity
5. Eshwara- Poojana- Worship Of God
6. Sidhantavakysharvana- Hearing Discourse on the principles of religion
7. Hri- To be ashamed of doing undesirable acts
8. Mati- Intellect
9. Japa- Chanting Mantras
10. Huta- Scarifies the sensual experience for spiritual experince.
* Shaucha(Cleanliness):
• शौचात्सिाड्गजुगुप्ता परैरसंसगव। ( प. यो. सू. २/४०)
 Shaucha refer to observance of Cleanliness in Physical, Mental & Social
Aspects of life. Cleanliness Of The Body, The Clothing, The residences etc. is
Bahya Shuddhi i.e. External Cleanliness. Utilization of Clean Food & Clean
Behavior with BahyaShuddhi. On the other hand purification of the Antah-
Karana by depleting emotions like Raga, Dvesha etc.
 With the help of Japa, Tapa, Clean Thoughts & Friendship etc. is considered
Abhyantara Shauch & Internal Cleanliness.
 Hata Yoga described for Bahya Saucha many process for cleaning body,
brushing the teeth etc.
* Santosha(Contentment):
• सन्तोषदनुत्तम: सुखलाभ:। ( यो. सू. २/४२)
 Santosha is the second niyama. Santosha means remaining contented with
whatever Facilities & Circumstances, One is put to continuing duties and
remaining contented with whatever rewards comes forth. Contentment gives
a superlative happiness.
* Tapas (Penance):
• कायेस्ियधसस्िधसस्िक्षयाि िपस: ।( यो. सू. २/४३)
 Penance produces Purity Of Body & Indriya, Mana Shuddhi etc. Tapas is a
practice of body & mind to perfect them.
 It is of 3 types:
1. Sharirik Tapas- Brahmacharya, Ahimsa
2. Vachika Tapas- Devta Sankirtana, Satyavachana
3. Mansika Tapas- Atmanigraha, Samatva Of Manas
• Penance is related with body i.e. Celibacy, Non- Violence, Speech. i.e. Praying
God, Truth & Penance of mind i.e. Control Over Self & Balance Of Mind.
* Swadhyaya( Study Of Scriptures Or Self- Study):
• स्वाध्यायधदष्ट देििासं प्रयोग: । ( यो.सू. २/४४)
 A regular time is to be devoted for the study of scripture texts.
Swadhayaya has stated that Japa is Swadhyaya. It includes both Swara &
Mana. Chanting ‘Omkara’ & Reading Spiritual Texts are means for Salvation. A
person can unite himself with desired god.
* IshwaraPranidhana:
• समाधिधसस्िरीश्वरप्रधििानाि । ( यो. सू. २/४५)
 All deeds performed without any expectation of fruits & devoid to god.
Complete belief in god i.e. without his desire even grass can not move. Heart
filled without attachment etc. Feeling, Speaking Truth, Non- Violence etc good
deeds are desired for worshipping god. Dedicating to divinity or surrender to
the god is an important methods to attain the highest state of existence.
This path of yoga is called Bhakti Yoga.
* Dana(Charity):
• न्यायाधजविं िनं श्रान्ते श्रिया िेधदक जने ।
अन्यिा यदप्रदीयन्ते िद्दानं प्रोच्यिे मया: ।।
 Money earned with Honestly, If given with devotion should be given to those,
Who are in need & Brahmins is known as Dana.
* Siddhanta Shravana( Listening To Vedanatas):
* सत्यज्ञानंमंनंि च परानिं परं ध्रुिम् ।
प्रत्यधगत्यिगन्त्त्वयं िेदान्तं श्रििं बुिा।।
 Knowledge is Eternal, Provides Ultimate Happiness, Which is obtained by
listening to the Vedantas, By the intellegent person.
* Hri(Shyness):
• िेदलौधककमागेषु क
ु स्त्सिं कमव यद्भिेि ।
िस्स्मन भिधि या लञ्जा धि सैधििे प्रकीधिि : ।।
 Shyness towards Bad Deeds mentioned in Vedas & Worldly paths is called as
* Belief In God (आस्स्तक़्यं)
• श्रीिे समाविे च धिश्वासों यत्तदास्स्तक्यमुच्यिे ।
 Belief in Sri literature & Gods is called as Astikya
• िैधदक
े षु च सिेषु श्रिाया सा मधिभविेि ।
गुरूिा चोपाधदष्टेधप ित्र समबन्ध िधजवि : ।।
 If one has respect towards Elders, Precepators & Vedas is called as Mati.
* Japa ( Chanting Mantras):
• िेदोक्तेनैिमागेि मिाभ्यासो जप: स्मृि: ।।
 Japa has 3 types Upansu Japa , Vachika Japa & Mansika Japa. In Mansika Japa
are also two types without Dhyana & with Dhyana. While doing Japa of
particular Mantra, Omkara etc and reading spiritual texts are means salvation.
Person can unite himself with desired god. Chanting Of Mantras as mentioned
in vedas is known as Japa.
* Vyuktivyapashraya:
• Fumes & Prognosis:
 Flowers which are red in colour, Guggulu, Wooden sticks of Khadira,
Chandana, Ashwatha, Palasha etc. Are used along with Ghrita to offer Havis
in the Homa. Vagabhatta mentioned a special homa called
Agnidanda(अधिदण्ड). Which also helps in diagnosing the disease.
 Special Type Of Homa is done to assess the prognosis of Graha Rogas.
Many medicinal holy drugs are used as materials in the Homa & Colour of
the fumes are observed. Depending on the colour of the fumes. The
prognosis will be made.
1. Patient is made to sit infront of Homa while fire is burning.
2. In Graha Rogas, Body outbursts different abnormal smells from the body
surface, Which when comes in contact with the fire may give different
colors to fumes.
3. Expiratory air of a Graha- Rogi may contain certain abnormal metabolic
toxic compounds, Which on contact with the fire gives different colors to
the fumes.
4. Further, Agni has been told as the destroyer of all Krimis(Bacteria, Virus) in
* Bath To a Child:
 In infective conditions, Usually bathing is contraindicated as we usually
practice in our day today life. But bathing with medicated lukewarm water
can be advised.
 Medicated lukewarm bathing water helps to remove bad smell & gives
freshness to the patient. This also removes the fair chance of getting
contamination of the skin by the accumulation of unhygienic substances.
1) Lukewarm water- Medicated water( Bala, Nimbi, Agnimantha, Paribhadra,
Jambu, Shyonaka, Varuna, Apamarga, Patola, Sigru, Kappitha & Karanja ).
2) Bathing should be done with drugs having Kashaya Rasa & Antiseptic
3) Bathing with drugs producing Aromatic Smell & Fragrant Materials.
4) Vagabhatta mentioned a special type of bath to both the child and for the
Dhatri by name snapana.
* Use Of Ghrita:
• Ghrita has got its own importance among medicines and also in Hindu
Religious activities. Pharmacologically, Ghrita preparations help the chemical
constituents to dissolves in lipid media and facilitating its easy absorption.
Further, In Hindu Religious activities, Ghrita is commonly used as burning
media for many drugs(Homa, Havana). It is Pitta Anila Hara and increases the
Rasa, Shukra, Swara, Varna and The Ojus. It is also Nirvapana, Mridukara,
Tridosha Hara when given after the Samskara. It has got its role in increasing
the Dhi, Dhriti & Smriti.
• Purana Ghrita ( More than 10 years)- As potency of the Ghrita preparation
enhances with increase in time. Ghrita is also Shubhakara, Tri-Dosha Hara,
Graha Dosha Hara ( As explained in Unmada and Apasmarahara Chikitsa by
( In Chronic Disorders- Ghrita preparations are prescribed in Ayurveda, Eg-
* Fumigation:
 This is very useful method mentioned for prevention of Graha Rogas.
Fumigation involves burning of medicinal drugs followed by inhalation of
fumes. This can be performed inside the room of the patient individually. The
chemical contents present in the solid of drugs are converted into a gaseous
form after burning it in a Ghee medium.
 While Burning, Chemical Constituents present in the drug are converted into
oxide form. These oxides readily mixes with the environmental air and is
inhaled by the patient. Rapid absorption of oxides through the mucosa of
the respiratory tract gives immediate effects.
 This method is in no way different from the present day method of
inhalational therapy. In this method, the drugs are converted into small
uniform minute particles, Then again into Vapour or Gaseous Form and
Inhaled. As mucous membrane is highly vascular, Immediate effects will be
seen with the small doses of the drug.
 Dhoopana has got some advantages over the modern inhalational therapy. In
Inhalation Skill, Hand- Lung Coordination is must for success of the treatment,
Along with child education regarding inhalation. But, Dhoopana is totally non-
invasive passive proedure.
 Procedure Of Dhoopana is a natural noninvasive method of inhalation of air,
which contains fumes (oxides) of medicinal property. This doesn’t need
education to the child, as the whole room will be filled with fumes of
Dhoopana and the child undergoes compulsory breathing. Hence, Chances of
error is minimum in comparison to modern inhalational therapy. Different
degrees of Dhoopana like mild, moderate drugs can be given considering the
strength of the child ( Irritative drugs are better avoided). Dhoopana can also
be given locally by using a Nalika(Tube) fixed at the Nostrils, Where fumes
will pass through a liquid medium.
 Main disadvantage of Dhoopana is that it is Unreachable and Non Attractive
to the Public, When compared to Inhalers & Nebulizers. Exposing already a
sick child to a smoky environment cause Asphyxia with further complications.
 The drugs used for this method is also specific like skin of a Panther, Tiger
, Lion, Slough of a snake. Skin of these animals contain certain Minerals &
Aromatic elements which produces a strong odour.
 Ghrita which is prepared with Puti Karanja, Bhallataka, Ajmoda, Kustha &
Leaves of Sarshapa, Nimba, Roots Of Ashwakura, Vacha Bhurja Patra should
be used.
 Dhoopana is not a standardized method in comparison to the present day
inhalational therapy.
* Role Of Dhoopana, Dhumapana, Homa in the prevention of
infective disorders( Graha Rogas):
1. Dhoompana(िूमपान) is a procedure, Where drugs with Anti- Infective,
Disinfectant, Antiseptic Properties & Nature like Katu, Tikta, Kashaya Rasa with
Ushna, Tikshna, Slakshana, Sukshma qualities are made into a Wick and
Burnt, and the fumes are inhaled to yield beneficial effect individually.
2. Dhoopana(िूपन) is also similar method, But the drugs are burnt inside a
closed room in a Ghee media, So that fumes will spread in the room.
Individuals sitting in the room will be compelled to breath in air mixed
with oxides and thus gets benefitted. Meanwhile, all belongings of the
patient as well as the room in total gets a sterilizing effect.
3. Homa(िोम) and Havana (ििन) are also similar methods of burning the
medicinal drugs in an open area of Home/Village/ City in a lipid media,
Where fumes spread all over the House, Village and City. Thus, Air gets
purified by Medicinal Fumes & Environmental Pathogens are cleared off
along with their individual effects.
4. Benefits Of Dhoopana is Highly Individualistic, While Dhopana is for the
sterilization of individual, room and belongings, Whereas Homa- Havana is for
the community or mass disinfection.
* Comments:
a. Burning the medicinal drugs in ghee media coverts those solid medicinal
drugs containing anti- infective property and strong aromatic smell, into a
gaseous medium with liberation of oxides in the fumes.
b. Oxides are readily absorbed by respiratory mucosa on inhalation.
c. Same oxides clears the micro- organisms in the room and that of the
d. Present day we use fogging methods for prevention of infection which is
of similar kind.
e. Most of the Dhoopana kalpas explained by Kashyapa are for Graha Roga
Nashana. If we assume that Graha are Micro- Organisms, Then its natural
anti- infective property together with sterilization benefits of Dhoopana
are therefore justified.
* Fumigation Procedure( िूपन )
• Dhoopana is a special procedure explained in Kashyapa Samhita by
dedicating a separate chapter in Kalpa Sthana
• Kashyapa has explained multidimensional utility of Dhoopana by showing
some special interest in it as it is non- invasive and is also easy to
implement in the children.
• Drugs are made to burn in Ghrita, Taila Or Any Other kind of lipid medium.
• On burning, Chemical Contents of the drug used, Gets converted into an
oxide form. Hence, A chemical which is present in a solid and in an inactive
form gets converted into an active gaseous form.
• By this way, Oxides present in the gaseous form are freely available in the
environmental air. This air can be collected and inhaled to yield certain
beneficial effects individually in cases of acute respiratory tract disorders like
• Meanwhile, Oxides freely available in the air clean the air from its
impurities. It may be used as a method for the sterilization of rooms and
belongings of the patients.
• Drugs which were present in a solid form gets converted into a gaseous
form, Which can be easily absorbed from the mucus membrane of the
respiratory tract rapidly through to yield beneficial effects.
• Similar principle is also employed in the present day inhalation therapy(
Puffs, Spacer Nebulization). Always a drug in gaseous form rapidly gets
absorbed through the respiratory mucosa to give an instant effect.
• Drugs commonly used in this procedure have Katu, Tikta, Kashya Rasa as
well as Ushna, Tikshana, Vishahara, Rakshoghna qualities.
• The drugs have strong aromatic smell with Antibacterial, Antimicrobial,
Antiseptic, Disinfectant, Bacteriocidal & Bacteriostatic Actions.
• Ayurveda uses the same procedure of Dhoopana for inducing sedative and
dis-infective actions in this method, as its action is very rapid.
• Dhoopana if it is modified and is being made handy in the present day
Ayurvedic practice then it can be made very useful in childhood disorders as
it is non- invasive.
• Kashyapa explain such 40 Dhoopa preparations for the benefit of children.
 Common drugs used:- क
ु ष्ठ, पूधिकरंज, अंबर(कापावस), िचा, धिंगु, सषवपलेप, अजमोदा,
घृि, मेशश्रृंडग (Horn), Nails Of Horse, Elephant(िाधज, क
ुं जर), कधि (Kani), शल्यक(
 क
ु मारनाम िूप :- For enhancing the Growth Or Development of the child.
 Contents :- घृि, सजवरस, क
ृ ष्णा ( सौिीरांजन), भल्लािक, धशलाजिु, िररिािे, लाक्षा,
सषवप, पुष्पमासजवक, धिडड्ग, िगर, िेजपत्र, िा, धिंगु, नेत्रबाला
 ग्रिरोगनाशक िूप:- To treat Graha Rogas and Apasmara ( ग्रिरोगा & अपस्मार)
घृि+ सपवधनमोंिि,गृध्रकौधशकाधिद् + िचा+ धिंड्गु
 मािेश्वर िूप :- Treatment Of Graha Rogas
घृि+ गुग्गुलु+ धबल्व+ देिदारु+ सरल( नमेरु)
 आिेय िूप (Especially for kids of Brahmins):- Immersing the hairs of the tail
portion of cow with Ghrita. This is good for all disorders and indicated for
the sons of Brahmins
 Hairs of Horse, Ass, Camel, Mixed with Risbhaka(ऋषभक) & Nails of चिुष्पाद
प्राधि is are used. This is believed to be good in भूि,प्रेि,धपशाचा, स्क
ं द
 रक्षोघ्न िूप: घृि+ श्वेिसषवप, मिु, मेषश्रृंङ्ग,अजदुग्ध, खरमूत्र,खरबाल or रोम with सोम( कपूवर
or रक्तचंदन), रक्षोघ्न िूप (प्रेि) पूिनाग्रि. घृि, श्वेिसषवप, धि ् गु, देिलाली, अक्षि, सपवत्वक
 धभक्षुसंघाटी ( Old Cloth Of Buddhist Monk) :- Are used to give which is called
found to be good in many conditions.
 दशांङ्गिूप(अपस्मार, ग्रि, उपग्रि नाशक) :- घृि+ श्वेिसषवप, क
ु ष्ठ, भल्लािक,िचा,बस्तलोम,
िगर, भोजपत्र are गुग्गुलु used for िूपन . This is good for ग्रि, उपग्रि, अपस्मार
 मोििूप:- घृि+ धसिािवक,श्वेिा, चोरक, फलंकश, शूकरी ( िारािक
ं द), जटामांसी
 िारुििूप:- सरलधनयावस, लाक्षा, पक्ष्मक, चंदन, देिदारु, िुलसी, शाल- िूपन. शक
ु धन, रेििी,
पुण्डरीक, कफरोगा
 चिुराधङ्गकिूप:- घृि, मज्जा, िसा, लाक्षा is indicated in child with अल्पदोष, क
ृ श,
बालक, ग्रिरोगा
 पुरीषनंदकिूप:- घृि+ िचा, िरसु(ि सं) धिट् , लोम, चमव पुरीष of different birds
 कििूप:- घृि, धटप्पिी, व्रीधििृषा, कधप, लोम, त्वक, िचा, सषवप, क
ु ष्ठ, माला . ग्रिरोग. This
is good in Graharogas
 श्रीिूप:- घृि+ सपवत्वक+ धिल, सर, श्वेिसषवप. Those who desires for wealth, have
to follow it.
 ग्रिघ्निूप:- Fecal material of Dog, Urine Of Dogs, Hairs( Feathers)Of Peacock
िचा,घृि, सषवप
 पुण्यकारक िूप:- घृि+ दंि Of Elephant,Hairs Of अज & िृषभ,Horns Of Cows are
used to give Dhoopana . This is meant for पुण्यथिा
 धशशुकिूप:- घृि, थिौिेयक, जटामांसी, िगर, पररपेलि, िीबेर, शिपुष्पा, िररिाल, मन:
धशला, मुस्त, िरेिुक, एला,This िूप is called as धशशुकिूप,Which is good for all
Graharogas. This is used in form of िूप अनुिूप,प्रधििूप
 ब्राह्मयिूप:- घृि+ धसिािवक, लाजा, क
ु श, सिदेिी+ equal quantities of all Brahmya
is taken.
• This is used in all disorders of ब्राह्मि, क्षधत्रय, िैश्य
a. घृि+ गोखुर, िसुका, िररद्रा, पररपेलि(जलमुस्ता)िचा, भारङ्गी
b. घृि+ पद्मक, उशीर, िालक, नागक
े सर, रस(गिवरस)- are given in प्रधििूप which is
good in all disorders.
c. घृि+ लोम कधप, क
ु क्क
ु टाण्ड, िचा,यि, श्वेिसषवप- प्रधििूप
d. अररष्ट िूप, घृि+ धनम्बू पत्र, मूल, पुष्प, फल,त्वक, अररष्ट धनम्ब
e. घृि+ धनम्बू पत्र+ खरमूत्र, जिु (लाक्षा)+ िचा, सषवप-given as िूप, & प्रधििूप
 अपस्मार नाशक िूप:- घृि+ धनम्बपत्र+ िुलसी, लाक्षा, सजवरस, अक्षि(Rice) मांस &
ृ ि
 सिवरोगिरिूप:- घृि+ धनम्ब+ िुलसी, गो, मधिष- अजक
े श
 गििूप:- घृि + अक्षि+ जाधिपुष्प+ मिु+ धसिािवक+ िचा. This will cure all भूि & Pain
 स्वधस्रकिूप:- घृि+ शल्लकी+ जाधिपुष्प+ धशरीषपुष्प+ देिदरु घृि+ गुग्गुलु घृि+ देिदारु, घृि+
कालगुरु ( क
ृ ष्णा अगरु) िूपs good for ग्रिरोग, घृि+ सषवप, घृि+ सार, पुष्प,फल,त्वक of
 गृििूप:- गुग्गुलु+ घृि+ दशांङ्ग िूप contents
* Benefits Of Dhoopana:
• एिैबावलान समापन्ननररष्टा गारमेि च ।
िस्रशय्यासनाद्यं च बालानां िूपयेि धभषक
् ।। ( का. क. िूपकल्प)
• Living Area, Clothings, Beddings, Personal Belongings, Cots & Chairs( ग्रि,
िस्र,शय्या, आसन ) can be fumigated to maintain aseptic measures.
* Prequisites Of Dhoopana:
1. Physician after following fasting by taking bath and chanting Mantras
become sanctified( पधित्र ) with positive mind should get up early in the
morning on the day of Pushya Star ( पुष्य नक्षत्र) & should collect drugs of
Dhoopana materials ( िूपन द्रव्य ) from Agneya & North Direction(आिेय
उिरधदशा ).
2. Four ladies (कन्या) who are pure by body and mind should pound the given
drugs, collect it in an air tight box safely for timely use.
3. After doing Dhoopana(िूपन ), Once again repeating the same after a
certain time interval is called Prati Dhoopana( प्रधििूपन) which removes the
causes of the disease from its root itself.
4. For convenience, The process of Dhoopana is divided as Dhoopa, Prati-
Dhoopa & Anu Dhoopa (िूप,प्रधििूप & अनुिूप ).
* Origin Of Dhoopana Procedure:-
• When the sages and their were conducting Yajna & Yaga( यज्ञ & याग ) for the
benefit of the mankind, They were troubled by Devils (राक्षस). The sages
seeked the help of Agni Devata (अधि देििा )to get rid of them. Then, Agni
gifted Dhoopana Kalpas to sages to get rid of Rakshasa, Bhutas, Asuras (राक्षस,
भूि, असुर), also advised them to use it for the Growing Kids, Dhatri (िात्री), and
mother to get rid of common neonatal & infantile problems. Word Rakshasa,
Bhutas, Asuras can be used for invisible living entities in the universe, Which
gives Himsa(Pain, Torture) to human beings. It may be co-related with the
micro- organisms. Hence, to get rid of them, Dhoopana, A method of
sterilization has been gifted by Agni.
• There after, Sages popularized this procedure for the benefits of the
mankind. Jangama & Sthavara (जाङ्गम थिािर) are the 2 Ashrayas(आश्रय) of
Dhoopa(िूप). While giving Dhoopana(िूपन )a specific Mantra should be
chanted. These Mantras narrate different Devatas(देििा) to be worshipped
during Dhoopana(िूपन) for yielding certain positive benefits. Nakshatras should
be worshipped during fumigation for pleasing them.
* Different Devatas to Which Dhoopana is offered with benefits:
• अधि- छि
• ब्रह्म - पृथ्वी देििा
• धशिा- अंिररक्ष
• िसु - धदक
• रुद्र- धदशापधि
• आधदत्य- जलदेििा
• मारुि- धशिा
• साध्यदेििा- धमत्र, सधििा, आधदत्य
• ऋभु सोम(चंद्र)
• धिश्वे देि नक्षत्र- उिमसंिानािव
• सिेदेि नक्षत्र- उत्तममना
• ऋभुदेििा- पुण्यकमव
• प्रजापधि- संिानािव
• अधश्वनी देििा- बला, आयुष्य, आरोग्य
• मािुदेििा- स्नेि
• शाखादेििा- यौिन
• क
ु मारदेििा- क
ु मारिस्या
• धिशाखा- मध्य आयु
• नैगमेष- धचरंधजिी
• ऋधष - ब्रह्मिचवस
• नधद- उत्तम जल
• िनस्पधि - उत्तम व्रि
* Comments On Dhoopana Procedure With Respect to Present Day
1. This is the method of fumigation as per Ayurveda.
2. Drugs used are Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Bacteriostatic, Bacteriocidal &
Disinfectant in nature.
3. The drugs used are also having strong aromatic smell which acts as very
good antiseptic agent
4. Primary aim is to fumigate the child’ s living area & other belongings of
the child used in daily routine,
5. Use of certain animal products like Skin of Snake, Fecal Material of
certain animals & birds has been mentioned in Dhoopana. Use of such
materials looks like outdated explanation in the present day practice. Such
explanation also receives a lot of critics from other contemporary medical
science regarding its utility and justification. But dried stool is derived of
bad smell and rich in urea, uric-acid, nitrogen, ammonia & when the same is
burnt, there is release of some chemicals with oxides, Which may yield
beneficial effects.
6. This also explains the concept of inhalation therapy in Ayurveda. Same
Dhoopa( िूप ) can be collected in tube (नाडी ) & when inhaled will have
nebulization like effect. Otherwise, Dhoopa is spread in the room & the
child is made to sit & breath- in the same air with medicinal contents.
* Sattvavajaya Chikitsa:
• The word Sattvavajaya - Sattva & Avajaya
• The word Sattva refers to being Existence, Excellence.
• The word Avajaya means Overcoming, Victory.
• The word Sattvajaya refers to Self- Command, Strength Of Mind.
• Acharya Charaka, Who introduce Sattvajaya Chikitsa for mental disorders,
Which is non- pharmacolohical approach equivalent to modern Psychotherapy.
* Aim Of Sattvavajaya Chikitsa:
• The Aim Of Satvavajaya Chikitsa is to enhance the Sattva Guna in order
to correct the imbalanced state of Rajas & Tamas.
• It is defined as a method of controlling or restraining the mind from
unwholesome Arthas.
• A look at the above definition shows 3 words they are:
1) Ahita
2) Artha
3) Mano Nigraha
 While describing the principles of treatment charaka prescribes the
following methods of treatment of mental diseases.
• मानसो ज्ञानधिज्ञानिैयवस्मृधिसमाधिधभ ।( C. Su. 1/58)
• Jnanam- Spiritual Knowledge
 Vijnanam- Scriptual Knowledge
 Dhairya- Patience
 Smruti- Memory
 Samadhi- Meditation.
• There by all the measures included under Satvavajaya i.e. Jnanam, Vijnanam,
Dhairya, Smriti, Harshana, Ashwasana, helps-
 Individual to discriminate between thoughts & actions
 To divert mind and makes the patients to involve with commitment in
other or next activity
 To regulate thought process and retaining of ideas.
 They intiate Bhakti Or Regard Or Strengthen his belief in god.
* Scope Of Sattvavajaya:
• Chintya- By regulating the thoughts process
• Vicharya- By replacing the ideas
• Uhya- By chaanneling the presumptions
• Dhyeya- By Polishing the Objectives.
• Sankalpa- By Proper Guidance & Advise for taking right decision.
* Conclusion:
• Psychosis is a known disorder since ancient time.
• A Stable & Harmonious Equilibrium between Man & His Environment is
needed to reduce man’s more productive & satisfying life.
• It is a non- pharmacological approach for treating the mental disorders. It
is based on Jnana, Vijnanam etc.
• By Ayurvedic line of treatment with Sattvavajaya one can able to treat
mental diseases effectively.
* Effective Interview Should Be Framed Under The Following Headings:
* Time:
1. Fix the total time of interview (30-45 mins). New Patient Or Stronger ones
may need some more time.
2. Physician & Patient should develop a rapport that facilitates exploration of
psychological & social information
3. Depending on Sensitivity & Sessions, Importance of matter, Time fixed may
be changed.
* Setting
1. Privacy is very important, but in case of a child patient, very often this
point is overlooked. They are managed with less respect & sensitivity
compared to adults.
2. Interviews in Closed Cubical, Unsheltered areas may not be much fruitful.
3. Room or Background should be devoid of visual & sound disturbances
4. Privacy should be created where child personally feels secure.
* Goals:
1. Most common problem is, examiner is not able to attain goal.
2. Sometimes, To Attain Goal, More than one interview is required.
3. Results also depends on Status, Emotion Or Condition of the patient.
4. Physician should learn from the past experiences to attain goal.
5. Physician should Set , Define & State Priorities.
* Communication:
1. Major Goal is exchange of information.
2. When patients are children, Exchanges occur between Doctor & Parents.
3. Social Interaction has got 2 parts, 1. Content, 2. Process
4. Content is the massage while process is the manner through which content
is exchanged with in relationships.
5. Content is nothing but the words exchanged between communicating
parties. Content is Message Or Communication.
6. Process includes Non- Verbal aspects like Tone Of Voice, Rate Of Speech,
Inflection Of Words, Phrases, Facial Expressions, Head Movements, Hand
Gestures, Body Postures, Movement Of All Communicative meaning.
7. Children always respond well to nonverbal communication than verbal
8. Sometime child may not respond as it upset by Loudness Of Voice Of The
Physician, So take softly with Low, Caring, Sympathetic & In a Mild Way.
9. Unfamiliar Office, Unfamiliar Persons, Physical Pain, Mental Confusion,
Separation By Parents, Uncertainty, Can lead to poor responses from a child.
10. Children should be previously educated regarding future procedures. What
doctor will ask, What is happening now, What will happens, Sufficient
Assurance & Confidence should be ensured.
* Rules While Talking With a Child:
1. Don’t Talk to children in a Condensing Manner.
2. Don’t Convey Or Say Child that Their Feelings, Concerns, Ideas are
3. Don’t Laugh at children , or cut jokes with children unnecessarily they
intend to be Humorous.
4. Don’t Try always to be Funny, children knows the difference between
Doctors & Jokers.
5. Never tease children unless you know them very well, Otherwise, They can
tease you back.
6. Wispering with a child gives better response. They feel more Personal,
Private & Reassuring. So they don’t want that every body hear their
7. We can use Writing, Drawing etc. At the time of interview to attract the
8. Never discuss the Present Problem, Treatment, Need Of Hospitilisation
etc., with the child olderchild.
9. Don’t treat them as your adult patients. They have Fear, Negativism,
Reluctance etc., which has to be handled.
*Psycho- Social Problems:
 Psycho- Social problems in a child may develop due to-
1. Disturbances in Feeling (Depression Or Anxiety)
2. Disturbances in Body Function ( Psycho- Somatic Diseases)
3. Disturbances in Behavior ( Conduct Disturbance, Passive Aggression)
4. Disturbances in Performance ( Learning Problems).
 Disturbances may be in all the above or in any one.
 Psycho- Social Problems may be also due to Physical & Emotional Stress as
Birth Defects, Physical Injury, Child Abuse, Neglect, Inadequate Child Rating
Practice, Chronic Illness etc.
 Psycho- Social Problems are Multifactorial in origin.
 It also depends on Temperament, Development Level, Nature, Duration Of
Stress, Past Experiences, Coping & Adaptive Behavior.
 Children may react suddenly to Traumatic Events & Keeps their Feeling,
Anxiety, Fear, Dormant for longer periods.
 Infants & Toddlers react to stressful situations by alternation in their
normal physiological functions. Sleep Disturbances, Feeding Problems, Anger,
Fear, Temper- Tantrum, Passing of Urine.
 When Effective Surgeries are planned, Child should be encouraged as a
Brave-Boy, Good -Girl, Powerful Boy etc.
 Create an environment that a child can freely talk regarding his feeling
like Anger, Fear, Anxiety, Happy Mood, Confusion etc.
 School going boy when he is not able to adjust to their work load given
in his school, or for other personal problems they change their
interpersonal relationship with Friends, Teachers & Family members along
with altered (impaired) school performance.
 Parents are frequently concerned whether the particular behavior of their
kid is normal or not.
• Some symptomatic action shows that the kids are normally behaving. Eg.
Temper- Tantrum in a toddler may be showing negativism which is quite
normal. But Temper- Tantrum in a 6 year old boy on slight provocation may
show some psychological disturbances.
 Method to judge that behavior is due to developmental variation or due to
disturbance is by following points:
1. Age
2. Intensity
3. Frequency
4. Number Of Symptoms
5. Functions Impairment
* Retro- Check:
 Change in behavior may be certain stress factors. If you minimize/ remove
stress child may behave normally. Parents can check back these stress
factors by removing them.
I. Stress in School (Home- Work, Tuitions, Project, Long Distance)
II. Stress in Home
III. Mal Adjustment with Friends/ Teachers/ Family Members.
IV. Mental Injuries
V. Fear factor T.V.( Day to day induces)
VI. Disturbed Family, Parents Conflicts
VII. Lack Of Care, Support, Love, Sympathy by parents.
VIII. Unfilled Wishes
IX. Lack Of Play Or Physical Exercise.
* Psychiatric Considerations Of The CNS:
 Psychiatric difficulties may follow illness involving the central nervous
system. Infection, Injury, Toxicity, Degeneration, Metabolic, Idiopathic Illness of
CNS may produce psychiatric symptoms.
 Brain Injury increases the risk of both Intellectual Impairment & Psychiatric
Disorders.( Especially When Injury is severe) social disinbihition is common in
brain dysfunction.
 Psychiatric Illness follows after Brain Injury, Illness Or Epilepsy in many
children. Mentally related kids also have High Prevalence Of Psychiatric
 Prematurity, Birth Complications, Neonatal Complications, Increase Risk Of
Hyperactivity Impulsivity, Difficulties In Socialization, Poor Control Over
Emotions, Anger etc.
 Substance Abuse Disorders In Pregnancy may lead to Psychiatric Illness.
Placental Problems Preterm, LBW due to substance abuse may be a cause of
brain injury. Cocaine induced Cerebral Infraction, Microcephaly, Development
Delay, Behavioral & Learning Problems.
 Meningitis affecting below 3-4 years have a long lasting effect on the
Personality & Behavioral in survived cases.
 Most Important Factor where in a child adjusts itself to a chronic de-
formating organic condition is the ability of the parents to adjust and
 Certain Stimulant drugs may improve the child’s ability to Perform in the
school, Smoothing Of Emotional Control & Facilitate Social Interactions.
* Psychosomatic Illness:
• Psychological Factors which affects the somatic functions is the hallmark
of Psychosomatic disorders.
• There are 3 categories of Psycho- Somatic Disorders:-
a. Psycho- Physiologic Disorders
b. Somato- Form Disorders
c. Factitious Disorders.
a) Psycho- Physiological Disorders:
1. Psychological conditions affects the physical conditions of the body.
2. Psychological reactions to any external or internal stimuli affect the
physical conditions, with definite pathophysiological changes
* Somatoform:
1. Somatic Complaints Or Dysfunctions those that are under conscious
control & for which there is no any demonstrable cause.
2. This includes body Dysmorphic Disorders, Conversation Disorders, Hypo-
Chondriasis , Somatilization Disorder, Somatoform Pain Disorders.
* Factitious Disorders:
• Presents with Somatic & Psychological Symptoms which can be controlled
consciously. Symptoms are Self- Controlled, Self Induce for the purpose of
secondary gain.
• Proxy Syndrome is one such example.
* Conversation Disorder:
1. Alternation/ Loss Of Physical Function without any Demonstrable Organic
2. Usually, Present in Adolescents & Adults also.
3. These disorders start Suddenly, Triggered by an Environmental Event &
Stopped Abrupty after a short duration.
4. Voluntary Muscles & Special Organs of sense (Sense Organs) usually are
5. This may take many forms like Hysterical Blindness, Paralysis, Diplopia, Gait
Disturbances, Pseudoseizures.
6. Physical Examination fail to detect any abnormalities.
7. History may be quite useful.
* Hypochondriasis:
1. Pre- Occupation with fear of having some serious illness.
2. He uses multiple somatic complaints to express the inner feeling tension.
3. This provide alternate routes of discharge of Physiological & Emotional
4. Recurrent Abdominal Pain(2-4%), Headaches(1-2%) are most common.
* Proxy Syndrome:
1. Parents induce physical symptoms in their children.
2. This is a type of child abuse. Some time ends in a death
3. Warning Observations.
1) Persistent Or Recurrent Illness that can’t be explained.
2) Investigations suggest Normal Health of the child.
3) Doctor says that he has never seen such cases.
4) Symptoms do not occur when parents are away.
5) Primary Care Taker refuses to leave the child for a short time also.
6) Poorly Tolerated Treatments.
7) Very Rare Disorders,
8) Primary Care Taker doesn’t seems to be as worried as Nurse Or Doctors.
9) Clinical Response to treatment is not there.
10) Advise for Admission, Advance Investigation, Primary Care Taker Refuses.
11) Best Treatment is separate primary care taker from the child.
12) Then reassure the child.
* Psychophysiological Disorders:
1) More Of Insidious onset that from Somato- Form Disorders.
2) Chronic Anxiety produces functional abnormalities in the autonomic
nervous system which further leads to structural changes.
3) Eczema, Bronchial Asthama, Ulcerative Colitis, Peptic Ulcers etc., are some of
the examples.
*General Principal Of Treatment Of Psychosomatic Disorders:
i. Symptoms of affected children are not within their conscious control.
Their problems should not be considering as acting their & their
problems are real.
ii. Psychiatric Assessment & Counseling should be arranged in the early
part. Because if you arrange the same after all expensive investigations
done, If investigations are normal also parents come to conclusion that
their child has a problem for which the ‘real cause’ has not been found.
So, first go for a psychological assessment to remove this false
iii. Parents should be educated regarding Child Behavior, Realize &
Understand Emotions of the child and should be sympathetic towards
them. Insecurity which is causing problem has to be realized.
iv. Psycho- Therapy for the child, counseling for the parents should be done.
v. Child & Family should be helped to live as normal as possible to Avoid
Unwanted Stress. Stress can be minimized/ removed by early returning to
school after Illness, Participation Of Recreational Activities, Normal Peer
4. Lehanam :
• Meaning of Lehana is the act of Licking, Tasting Or Lapping
with the tongue ( Dictionary – M. Monier Willaims). According to
Sharangadhara, when extract, decoction etc of drugs are made
dense with the help of mild fire and which can be licked by
tongue, the prepared drug is known as Rasa- Kriya or Leha
Kalpana ( Sh.S. Madhyama Khanda 8/ 1).
* सुखखं दु:खं धि बलानां दृश्यिे लेिनाश्रयम् । ( Ka.Sa.Su. 18/4)
• Lord Kashyapa has shown the importance of electuaries in
caring of the children with specific indications and
contraindications, When giving the answer of question of his
novoice. According to him, pleasure and unhappiness, both are
dependent on the Lehana ( electuaries).
• The concept of Lehana, given by Kashayapa, is different any
other author. Sushruta has described four gold containing
preparations for the newborn children, but commentator Dalhana
has the opinion that these should be given to 1-12 years old
children (S.S.Sh.10/68-70, Dalhana Commentary).
• The purpose of these Lehana is to enhance body Growth,
Intellect, Immunity and Understanding.
• The primary purpose of the recipes mentioned by the
Kashyapa is to fulfill the nutritional requirements ( probably
micronutrients and energy providing substance) of infants and
result in enhancing the intellect. In other words these Lehana
are supplementary foods for infants which fulfill the indication
criteria and complements required micronutrients and energy
providing substance- fat ( Butter- Oil) and responsible to
optimize the Growth, Intellect, Immunity and Understanding of
• For this purpose specific preparations have been given.
* Dosage Schedule ( For Lehana):
• Principle for the dosage determination in accordance to the
age of the baby is not clearly mentioned in Lehanadhyaya for
Kashyapa Samhita.
• Dose can be increased on monthly basis as the baby grows.
Kashyapa has not mentioned the dose for any drug or
compound but the dose of schedule has been described in
chapter of Lehana, Therefore , the description of dosage
schedule should be considered in reference to Lehana (
electuaries) and for the lehana compounds where no specific
dose is mentioned for the children.
• According to Kashyapa, drug ( Lehana) should be given or
prescribed to the newborn child in quantity equal to Vidanga
fruit with honey and butter oil (sarpi). This dose should be
increased every month as the baby grows but not more than
the Amalaka fruit.
* Indication For Lehana:
• The following are the conditions in which Lehana ( electuaries)
should be given to the children –
 No Production of breast milk in mother or Dhatri ( wet nurse).
 Production of breast milk in small amount i.e. not sufficient for
the infants.
 Prasuta ( Parturient Mother) or wet nurse having vitiated
breast milk.
 Mother having birth of a baby with difficulty or baby
delivered abnormally ( Difficult/ Prolonged Labor).
 Mother suffering from acute disease ( Severe disease).
 Infant suffering with Vatika or Paittika disorders but not the
Kapha disorder.
 Baby does not get satisfaction after taking milk or having
hunger cry even after frequent breast milk feeding.
 Infant has insomnia in the night and takes food ( Milk) too
 Baby passes Urine and Stool in small amount.
 Baby has voracious appetite ( due to increased digestive
 Baby has Soft Body Organs, Lean and Thin in spite of
 Baby passes stool after 3 Days.

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  • 1. Department Of Kaumarbhritya Presented By : VanshVardhan Bhagora Enrollment No: 1910400143 Guided By : Dr. Kavita Ugale Collage Name : Aarihant Ayurvedic Medical Collage & Research Institute *
  • 2. * General Concepts Of Bala ( Immunity): * 'व्याधिक्षमत्वं नाम व्याधिबलधिरोधित्वं व्याियुत्पादप्रधिबन्धकत्वम् इधि ' । ( 28: 7; Charaka ) * Defenition of Vyaadhi - Kshamatva ( Immunity) Comprises Of Two Factors: 1) ' व्याध्युत्पादप्रधिबन्धकत्वम्' । • Resistance to formation of diseases and Resistance to causative factors of diseases. 2) ' व्याधिबलधिरोधित्वम्' । • Capacity to prevents the spread of diseases in the body, and Capacity of body of blocking the diseases in its primary stage called as immunity.
  • 3. • A person, Who is dependent on the Hitahara or beneficial diet, does not develop the disease. There are many causes such as non- beneficial food, abnormal changes of Kala( seasons), Pragyapradha ( Wilful transgression of proper understanding ) and unaccustomed and unsuitable contact of sound, sight, touch, smell and taste are responsible for producing diseases in spite of persons are indulged in beneficial diets. ( Ch.Su. 28/7 ) • Vyadhisaha means preventing the onset of the disease. • Ayurveda presents the concepts of Vyadhikshamatva ( Immunity) along with the fundamental concepts related to the nutrition as well as the Dhatu Parinama. Essence of all Dhatus ( Tissues) produces Ojas. Vyadhi means disease. While the Kshamatva means Immunity against an infection or specific antigens.
  • 4. • Vyadhikshamatva is the power of resistance i.e. Bala ( Strength ). In other words, Vyadhikshamatva is nothing but it is the resistance against the disease producing capacity i.e. Immunity against the manifested disease, and other variety, Which prevents the manifestation of the diseases. व्याधिक्षमत्वं व्याधिबलधिरोिीत्वं व्याध्युत्पाद प्रधि बन्धकत्वधमधि यािि् । । ( च. सू . ८/७ चक्रपाधि) • Strength of vyadhikshamatva provides stability and growth of muscles; Facilitate to perform all activities without any hindrance, Clarity of voice, Shining of color ( hue) / complexion. Bala ( Strength or Immunity) provides ability in external ( work control at spinal level) and Internal ( work control at brains level) sense organs to perform their own functions.
  • 5. *ित्र बलेन स्थिरोपधचिमांसिा सिवश्रेष्ठा स्वप्रधिघाि : स्वरििवप्रसादो बाह्यानामाभ्यन्तरािां च करिानामात्म कायवप्रधिपधिभॅिधि ।। ( सु. सू. १५/२० ) • Due to some conditions or due to certain fectors even unwholesome food does not cause disease immediately. All unwholesome food articles are not equally harmful; All Doshas are not equally powerful and all individuals are not capable to resist the diseases- • नधि सिावण्यपथ्याधन िुल्यदोषाधि, न च सिे दोषास्तुल्य बला । न च सिावधि शरीराधि व्याधिक्षमत्वे समिावधन भिस्न्त ।। ( च. सू. २८/७) • As per Charaka Samhita ( Ch.S. Sh.2/46 ), The following individuals are found free from the diseases, who are- 1) Consuming Wholesome Diet 2) Using The Wholesome Behaviour
  • 6. 3) Free From The Sensual Pleasures 4) Donating Something Regularly 5) Impartial In Judgement 6) Truth Spoken 7) Endowed With Nature Of Forgiveness 8) Devoted To Serve The Apta- Purusha * " नरो धििािारधििारसेिी समीक्ष्यकारी धिषयेष्वसक्त । दािा सम :सत्यपर : क्षमािानाप्तोसेिी च भित्यरोग : ।।" ( च. शा. २/४६) • Charaka has described that an individual does not fall victim of disease viz- i. Possessing Excellent Intellect ii. Acts & Speech are leading to ultimate bliss iii. Independent Thinking Or Excellent Faculties
  • 7. iv. Clarity In Understanding v. Engaged In Spiritual Activites vi. Doing Continuous Yogic Practices. • Ojas is considered as Bala ( Strength ) , And It is considered to suppress the abnormal Dosha- " रसादीनां शुक्रान्तानां िािुना यि् परं िेजस्ति् खल्वोजस्तदेि बलधमत्युच्यिे । ( सु. सू. १५/ २०) • " बलं ह्यालं निग्रहाय दोषाणाम् ।" ( च. नच. ३/१६७) .i.e oja is capable to prevent and cure the. diseases. Oja is food of Rajanichara( Microbes). Human body is not suitable diet to them( Rajanichara). " ओजोशनानां रजनीचरिामािारिेिोनवशरीरधमष्ठम् "।। ( च. शा.२/९) • i.e. In microbial infection, Ojas is also affected and results in kshaya ( Decay). • Prakrita Kapha( Natural Kapha) is known as Bala( Strength) Or Ojas, When it ( Prakrita Kapha/ Oja) becomes denatured & abnormal( Vikrit)
  • 8. Is also known as Mala or Vikrita . " प्राकिस्तु बल: श्लेष्मा मल : धिक ृ िो मल उच्यिे। स चेिौज : स्मृि: काये स च पाप्मोपधदश्यिे ।। " ( च. सू. १७/११५) Importance Of Vyadhikshamatva: 'स्वथिस्य स्वाथियरक्षिम् आिुरस्य धिकारप्रशमनं च'। ( च. सू.३०/२६) • Conservation of health and to cure diseases is the principle of Ayurveda. If people belonging to same socio- economical background are exposed to same type of environment, or If such people are exposed to water or air pollution, Then some of them will suffer from respiratory disorders, Some of them will suffer from gastro- intestinal disorders, When some people will not be affected at all and they will be able to maintain their health status. • And Ayurveda emphasises on the people having good immunity and people who have poor immunity or people who lacks immunity. We must know the factors responsible for good immunity and those who lack immunity.
  • 9. • Following factors maintain Vyadhikshamatva ( Immunity): • Uttam Dhatusarata • Normal Functioning of Srotatas • Normal Functioning of Agni • Ojas And Kapha Dosha • Balanced state of Doshas, Dhatus And Malas • Kapha constitution is less prone to diseases. • Causative factors of Vyadhi will not be able to attack healthy srotats. * All the factors mentioned above leads to good body strength. ' समदोष: समाधिश्च समिािुमलधक्रय: । प्रसान्नात्मेस्ियमना: स्वथि इत्यधभिीयिे ।। '( च. सू.२८/७) • Dhatusarata, Balanced state of doshas, Health of srotatas and agni must be mentained with proper diet and regimen to maintain immunity.
  • 10. • But inspite of proper diet and regimen, some people get affected by causative factors of diseases, and suffer from various disorders. * What are the factors which lower Vyadhikshamatva ?: ' शरीराधि च अधिथिूलाधन अधिक ृ शाधन अधनधिष्टमांसशोधिि अस्थिधन दुबॅलाधन असात्मय आिार उपधचिाधन अल्पिाराधि अल्पसत्वाधन च भिस्न्त अव्याधिसिाधन धिपरीिाधन पुनः व्याधिसिाधन' । ( च. सू. २८/७) • Immunosuppresent factors according to Ayurvedic concepts are- 1. Obesity 2. Emaciation 3. Unhealthy condition of Mamsa, Rakta & Asthi Dhatu 4. Weakness 5. Wrong Diet, Fasting, Malnourishment 6. Unsuitable Mind
  • 11. • The immunosuppresant factors affect doshas, dhatus, Srotatas and agnis, lower the immunity of body, and such people cannot withstand causative factors of diseases and suffer from various disorders frequently. • BalaVriddhikara Bhava ( Factors Essential For Good Physical Stamina) : ' बलिृस्िकरास्तु इमे भािा भिस्न्त। िद्दिा- बलिि् पुरुषे जन्म, बलित्पुरुषे काले च, सुखश्च कालयोग: , बीजक्षेत्रगुिसम्पच्च, आिारसम्पि् च, शरीरसम्पि् च, सात्मयसम्पि् च, सत्वसम्पि् च, स्वभािसंधसस्िश्च, यौिनं च, कमव च, संिषवश्चेधि।' ( च. िा. ६/१३) * The factors increasing the Bala of an individual include : I. Born in a place where all individuals posses good bala (balavat purushe dese janma). II. Born at time wherein all individuals are bestowed with bala (balavat purushe kaale ) i.e in visarga kaala.
  • 12. III. The season being in its best state i.e. free from heena, mithya, atiyoga of kaala ( sukhascha kaala yoga). IV. The beeja ( sukra) and the kshetra( garbhaasaya) possessing the best attributes ( beeja kshetra guna sampat ). V. Well nourishing diet ( aahaara- sampat ). VI. Well- built body ( sareera- sampat ). VII. Getting habituated to only congenial things ( saatmya- sampat). VIII. Good mental make- up ( satva sampat ). IX. All the deeds in previous birth and this birth being in the righteous manner ( swabhaava samsiddhi).
  • 13. X. The state of youthfulness( yauvana). XI. Practising vyaayaama etc. to promote strength ( karma). XII. Mental pleasure ( samharsha). * The following processes have been said to be possessing the ability to boost the immunity of a child in paediatric practice. 1. Praasam 2. Rakshaakarma 3. Mantram 4. Lehanam 5. Karna Vedham
  • 14. 1. PRAASHANA Praasha For Healthy Infants in preventive & promotive aspects For diseased infants in curative aspects eg. Vacha for mookatvam Before Garbhodaka Vamana After Garbhodaka Vamana Before Establishment Of Lactation After Establishment Of Lactation Ousadha Praashana e.g. Vacha, Brahmi Suvarna Praashana Phala Praashana Anna Praashana
  • 15.  Praasa before vamana • Drugs * ऐस्िब्रािमीिचाशंखपुष्पीकल्क ं घृिं मिु ।। (A.H.U.1/8) a. Aindri b. Brahmi c. Vacha Aims: * िरेिुमात्रं मेिायुबवलािवमधभमस्ििम् । (A.H.U.1/8) • Attainment Of Intellect, Longevity & Strength are the aims of praasa. c. Praasa after vamana( Before establishment of lactation) • Praasa given after vamana, before the establishment of lactation, aims are speeding up the meconium and also act as a compensatory food to colostrum to meet the nutritional requirements of the baby for the baby for the first three days or upto the effective establishment of lactation.
  • 16. • After delivery, The Siraas, located in relation to the heart ( seat of rasadhatu- stanya is an upadhatu of rasa) get dilated. So the production of breast milk starts only on the third or fourth day. • Hence on the first day, the baby should be made to lick the mixture of honey and ghee mixed with ananta(Gold) fortified with sacred mantras, three times a day. • On the second and third days, the baby should be given ghee prepared with Lakshamana. After wards, the baby, which was hitherto prevented from sucking the breast, should be made to lick one panitala of navanita followed by drinking of breast- milk, Two- times of the day. • प्रिमे धदिसे िस्माि् धत्रकालं मिुसधपवषी । अनन्तधमधश्रिे मिपाधििे प्राशयेि धशशुम् ।। धिधिये लक्ष्मिाधसिं िृिीये च घृिं िि: । प्राध ् नधषिस्तनस्यास्य िि् पाधििलसस्ििम् ।। स्तन्यानुपानं िौ कालौ निनीिं प्रयोजयेि् । (A.H.U.1/12-14)
  • 17. d. Praasa after establishment of lactation: • Mainly three types of praasana are explained, of which the foremost is suvarnapraasa. The very first chapter of sutrasthana of available Kashyapa Samhita explain suvarnapraasa with due importance. • Suvarnapraasa is the procedure by which swarna along with some herbal drugs is administered to a neonate for gaining positive qualities of life.  SuvarnapraasanaVidhi: * धिघृष्य िौिे दृषाधद प्रा ् मुखी लघुनाडम्बुना । आमथ्य मिुसधपवभ्यां लेियेि् कनक ं धशशुम् ।। (K.S.Su.18/26) • Keeping face towards east, gold should be rubbed on a clean stone with a little quantity of water, Churned with Honey and Ghrita and given to the child.
  • 18.  Hemaadipraasana: * िेम श्वेििचा क ु ष्ठमक व पुष्पी सकाञ्चना । िेम मत्स्याक्षक: शंख क ै डयव: कनक ं िचा ।। चत्वार एिे पादोक्ता: प्राशा मिुघृिप्लुिा । िषव लीढा िपुमेिाबलििवकरा: शुभा ।।(A.H.U.1/47-48) • Four Groups of drugs mentioned by each quarter verse; Consumed with Honey & Ghee, For a period of one year bestows good body Growth, Intelligence, Strength, Colour and Goodness. 1. Hema, SwetaVacha & Kustha 2. Arkapushpi & Kaanchana 3. Hema, Matsyaakshaka & Shankha 4. Kaidarya, Kanaka & Vacha
  • 19.  Benefits/ Effect Of Rasayana: * सुििव प्राशनं ह्येिन्मेिाधिबलििवनम् । आयुष्यं मङ्गलं पुण्यं िृष्यं िियव ग्रिापिम् ।। मासाि् परममेिािी व्याधिधभनव च िृष्यिे । षधड्भमावसै: श्रुििर: सुििव प्राशनाद्भिेि् ।। (K.S.Su.18/27-28) • Feeding Of Gold Increases Intellect, Digestive & Metabolic Power, Strength And Gives Long Life. • It is considered as Auspicious, Virtuous, Aphordisiac, Increases Complexion And Eliminates Grahas. • By Feeding the gold for one month, The child becomes extremely Intelligent and is protected from diseases. • By Using it for 6 months, The child is able to retain for a long time what ever he hears.
  • 20. • All the following claims are attributed to the therapeutic efficacy of the suvarna. *स्वादुहृद्यं बृंििीयं रसायनं दोषपत्रयापिं शीिं चक्षुष्यं धिषशोिनं च। (S.S.Su.46/326) • भूिािेशप्रशास्न्तकरं .... मेध्यं ............. मेिाबुस्िकरम् । (RajNighantu)
  • 21.  Discussion: • The use of elemental gold and different compounds like swarnabhasma sidha makara dhwajam etc in Ayurvedic classics and in some Ethnopractices, Reveals the Vrishya, Rasayana & Medhya property of gold. • We do not have sufficient convincing research data to prove this property of gold in front of the scientific community. Modern science believes that elemental gold as well as majority of its compounds are not absorbed from the GI Tract. It is the need of the hour to have a long term perspective multi centered research to test whether the claims of Ayurveda Acharyas were True or Not. If proven, The mode of action should be traced out.
  • 22. • Administration of gold compounds in the form of injections are being used in different diseases in allopathic practice. DMARD (Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs) is one such examples. Chrysotherapy is the term used for the treatment of diseases with gold. • Mostly used and absorbable forms of gold are Aurothioglucose and gold sodium thiomallete.
  • 23. 2. RAKSHOGHNA KARMA * रक्षस्- Evil घ्न- Kill • General Protective & Curative Measures mentioned in various contexts like operative procedures in Salyatantra, Acute neonatal disorders (Grahabadha), Unmada and Apasmara & Swasthavritta can be included under the term Rakshoghna Karma. • The Concepts of Graham & Bhoota are closely linked with Hindu Mythology. In Modern View, This can be compared with impacts on health due to Unknown Causes, Infections Or Psychiatrics disorders. The Rakshoghnavidhi once again reveals the scientific senses of our ancient scholars regarding the nosocominal infections.
  • 24. • The aims of Rakshoghnakarmas are: 1) Protection from Grahabadha 2) Prevention Of Mental Disorders 3) Prevention Of Infections In Post- Natal Period 4) Curative Function 5) Reduction Of Intensity Of Manifested Diseases.  Rakshakarmas dealt in Kaumarabhritya can be summorized as below: • The place should be surrounded by branches of Adani, Khadira, Pilu & Parushaka. The seeds of Mustard, Linseed, Rice and Kanakantika Should be scattered all over. • Oblations should be performed regularly. • A wooden pestle should be kept oblique at the entrance of the house.
  • 25. • A pottali containing Vacha, Kustha, Hingu, Mustard, Garlic and Other drugs should be kept at the entrance and worn by the baby and mother. • Brahmana expert in Arthava Veda should do enhancement Of Mantras. • Mani prepared from horn of live rhinoceros and other animals should be tied to the body of the baby. * जीित्खङ्गाधदश्रृङ्गोत्थान् सदा बाल: शुभान् मिीन् । ( A.H.U. 1/26) • Dhoopana of the Kumaragara should be done with Guggulu, Agaru etc. • A Non- Obedient Child Should not be threatened or frightened since this will cause Grahabadha. * त्रासयेन्नाधििेयं िं त्रस्तं गृह्णास्न्त धि ग्रि: ।।(A.H.U.1/41)
  • 26. 3. Mantram ◙ Chanting Mantras helps children have calm minds & remind them of who they are. They get connected to holiness and learn about their divine self as well. Once children understand spiritually, they would not fall into any kind of bad habit. ◙ Mantras can have positive effects on the Growth & Development of children. Mantras can remove the negative energy & negative effect in the body and mind. ◙ Benefits Of Mantras as follows: † Bolsters Memmory Power † Helps In Shaping Cognitive Abilities In A Child † Acts as an Immunity Booster † Strengthens Positive Thinking
  • 27. † Helps Lower Heart Rate & Improves Blood Circulation † Ensures Proper Functioning Of Heart & Lungs † Assists In Stress And Anger Management † Bolsters Of Memory Powers: Enchanting Mantras Involves repeated chanting of the same lines or verse and it’s one of the very useful benefits as the exercise of repetition helps to Improve & Strengthen a child’s memory. In Addition, Chanting mantras helps in keeping the mind vigilant and sharpens the memory. † Helps In Shaping Cognitive Abilities In A Child: When a young mind practices chanting mantras, It helps them in Shaping and Sharpening their intellectual abilities. Chanting Mantras is characterized by a synchronized process of rhythmic deep breathing.
  • 28. • Since the amount of oxygen required by the brain to function properly is more as compared to any other organ in the body, the process introduces an additional supply of oxygen that helps in improving concentration and shaping the mental intellect of the child. † Acts as an Immunity Booster: Chanting mantras is considered as a natural way of boosting the immunity system of a child. The pressure builds on the tongue while repeated chanting of the mantras slips the vocal cord and adjoining parts of the brain along with proper breathing exercises, which helps to naturally boost the immune system. † Strengthens Positive Thinking: Studies have identify that the process of chanting produces thought- energy waves that, In turn energize the brain & develop positive vibrations in a child. These powerful vibrations gradually overpower all other negative vibrations, Eventually calming the brain and channelizing positive energy received in a variety of ways.
  • 29. • Making One’s child learn chanting mantras in his/her developing years, Not only has mental health benefits but also affects the physical health of a child positively. In Short, Chanting mantras is considered to be the most natural psychosomatic route to ensure physical wellness in a child. † Helps Lower Heart Rate & Improves Blood Circulation : • Regularly Chanting mantras helps children by lowering their blood pressure and heart rate leading them to stay Stress- Free & Healthy. It regulates and gives a boost to your child’s blood circulation and helps in a getting rid of the harmful toxins present in the body.
  • 30. † Ensures Proper Functioning Of Hearts & Lungs: • One Important benefit of chanting mantras for kids is, While Chanting Mantras, The Breathing process of a child slows down, As a result of which they can take deep breaths and hold onto it for a few seconds. The process regulates and enhances the proper functioning of the lungs and Keeps the heart healthy, Thereby aiding a healthy body. † Assists In Stress And Anger Management: • Learning And Chanting Mantras also helps in Efficiently Reducing & Managing Stress Levels In a child. Furthermore, It Lowers Blood Pressure, Normalizes The Heartbeat, And Maintains Brain Vibration & Adrenaline Levels. A child who regularly chants mantras Empowers Himself/ Herself to overcome Stress and Anger issues which indeed are beneficial in later years of the children.
  • 31. * Isolation Of The Child :  Even in the present day practice of contemporary medical sciences, The first line of treatment in acute infective disorders ( Especially in Contagious & Epidemic) is isolation. Same is also mentioned in the Ayurvedic classics with some extra- precautionary methods as they were aware of the severity of the conditions. This explanations clearly suggest the prevent is better than c ure. † Graha- Rogi should be kept in a separate room to prevent spread of infection and entry into the room is restricted. † Room cleaned Twice Or Thrice Daily- Sterlization. † Burning Fire Sprinkled with water- To keep away Micro/ Macro- Organisms.
  • 32. † A lamp should be lit with the Mustard Oil in it which keeps the room illuminated and remove the mositure. † Ash prepared with Flowers, Seeds & Leaves Of Yava, Tila, Sarshapa will be Spread/ Sprinkled in the room owing its Anti- Infective Properties. † Baby should be given Lepas externally- To prevent the spread of infection through the bite of mosquitoes and to overcome the bad small. * Rules For The Attendents:- • Attender is one, Who looks after the patient. Only attender is allowed inside the isolated room where infected patient has been kept. So hygienic status of the attender will also play a vital role in controlling the infection.
  • 33. • Unhygienic attender may spread the infection or may be a carrier. So strict rules have been imposed to the attender also. a. Should not indulge in Unethical Activities, Should have God Morality. b. No Consumption Of Wine, Meat & Other Ahitakara Aharas. c. No Indulgence In Sexual Activities. d. Should take bath daily with Sugandha Dravya followed by Lepa of the same.
  • 34. * Roll Of Daiva - Vyapashraya Chikitsa In Graha Rogas:  In the beginning itself, Vagabhatta explains that both Daiva- Vyapashraya & Vyukti- Vyapashraya Chikitsas are required to treat the Graha- Rogas. Our Acharyas explains the role of Daiva- Vyapashrya in treated the disturbed Manas. * Daiva- Vyapashraya - In Pshycological & Psychosomatic Disorders: † Daiva- Vyapashraya Chikitsa is explained as the mainstay of treatment in Graha- Roga. † Ayurveda believes in a Global Approach, So treatment of mind is equally important to correct a physical illness. † Faith- Therapy which add Confidence, Hope & Positive attitude regarding good progress of the disease actually corrects the Mindset & Treatment becomes more easier.
  • 35. † Purva- Roopa of Graha- Roga is Jwara and Main Lakshana of Jwara is Santapa. † Santapa can affect both the body and the mind. † Disturbed Mind, Loss Of Interest/Hope, Glani are the symptoms of Mana- Santapa in Jwara. Which can be corrected by Daiva- Vyapasharya Chikitsa. † Daiva- Vyapasharya is a AdravyaBhoota Chikitsa ( Treatment devoid of medicnes) which helps to correct the disturbed mind. † Every disorder is a Psycho- Somatic Disorder ( As Evidenced By Present Day Practice) Hence, Daiva- Vyapashraya Chikitsa should be employed in each & every case.
  • 36. † Stress is Major Triggering Factor & This helps to Mitigate The Stress, Leading To Correction Of Functional Disturbance. † Faith is an essential quality of a patient ( निषग्वश्य ) which will be enhanced by this method. † It has been clearly told that Manas is responsible for Happiness & Sorrow. ( मि एव मिुष्याणां कारणं बन्ध मोक्षयो: ). Hence, Daiva- Vyapashraya should be employed by different methods to stablise the mind.
  • 37. * Mantra Chikitsa: ∞ Mantra Chikitsa has been included as an essential component of Daiva- Vyapashraya Chikitsa. ∞ But Mantra Chiktsa has been wrongly understood as chanting of certain Mantras with certain religious intensions and is related with the god. ∞ Mantras are meant for keeping the mind in a positive attitude and to remove the negativity of the mind. ∞ In real sense the Mantras means- Mananath Anena Ithi Mantra ( मननाि् मि: ). i.e., Those facts which are needed to be understood & implemented in routine health care practices. ∞ Only the Vedic Hymns are considered as Real Mantras which explains the ultimate truth of this Universe & Life. Mantras never explains about a particular God, Rather explains Omni Potent, Omni Present ultimate force which regulate this universe. It makes us to understand our Role, Morality, Rights, Duties, Life Style, Life Duration, Healthy Practices, Purpose, Limitation Of Freedom, In maintaining the homeostasis of this universe.
  • 38. ∞ It helps to attain Self- Realization & Once limitations to mankind & Helps us to understand our role in maintaining the Bio- Diversity & Eco-System of the universe. ∞ Only Vedic Hymns are considered as Mantras, Rest Of Hymns are called as Slokas. ∞ When it is told that patient should be given Mantra Chikitsa it means that he needs to be made realized about certain truths of this universe and life inorder to remove the confusion in his mind, To clear off negativity of the mind, To get rid of myths and misconceptions in his mind. ∞ Removing the confusion lead to formation of true thinking capacity and production of right ideas leads to clear vision & a positive mindset with faith. ∞ Thus positive thinking Manas is very important upon which Yukti Vyapashraya Chikitsa works. ∞ Hence, The Mantra Chikitsa is a form of counselling the patient & make him realize the true facts of health.
  • 39. ∞ Word Swadthi Vachana means, Prayers for the welfare of the person, which again serves the same purposes. * Roll Of Mantra Chikitsa: † Roll Of Mantras & Swasthi- Vachana in psychological disorders is well understood, As they are part of Daiva- Vyapashraya Chikitsa. † Mantra Chikitsa explained under Daiva- Vyapashraya Chikitsa is also aimed to Boost Self- Confidence & To Create a Positive Mindset. † Mantras when chanted to rythmic way creates sound waves of different wavelengths and amplitudes which are able to modulate the electromagnetic wave patterns of the brain.
  • 40. † Further, Belief & Faith plays a vital role in attitude. Mantra & Swasthi- Vachana creates a positive environment upon which Yukti- Vyapashraya ( Medicine) will work. † Further, Chanting Of Mantras has got certain benefits in the treatment procedure and even helpful for the physicians. † Usually, The physician who is also supposed to be the priest in those days, used to chant the mantras with its meaning known to him. † Different Mantras are chanted for different Grahas. The Mantras contain details of Individual Grahas, Its Greatness, Its Method Of Worship, Clinical Symptoms & Details Of Treatment.
  • 41. † On Chanting these Mantras physician used to get revised with the subject concerned and this is also helps them in management. † Further, The Vedic Mantras are considered as the best music of those days. † Samaveda has especially given more importance to the musical chanting. When the Vedic Mantras are chanted in a systemic way, It is believed that, They stimulates & modulates the electromagnetic waves in the brain. † Further, The role of music therapy in treatments is a hot topic now a days ( In Stress Disorders, Malignancies).
  • 42. * Manidharana: 1. This procedure can be considered as a part of “ Raksha Karma”. 2. Newborn should be tied with certain Amulets 3. Horns of certain living animal like Horse, Deer, Ox, Rhinoceros, Ram etc. Are made into lockets and worn around the neck. 4. Certain Medhya drugs like Aindri(एिी) & Jeevaneeya( जीिनीय ) drugs like Jeevaka, Rishabhaka( ऋषभक) etc. are tied into a Pottali & Tied around the neck of the baby. 5. Priest who knows the Atharveda (अिवििेद ) should tie these Manis( मधि ) to the child. 6. Vagabhatta says certain Medhya drugs like Vacha to tied on the Hand, Wrist, Neck etc. 7. Positive effects of this procedure is due to Prabhava( प्रभाि ).
  • 43. * ManiDharana: • रत्ोंपरत्ा: िज्रं धिद्रुम- मौकस्क्तक े मरकिं िैड ू यवगोमेदू क े । माधिक्यं िररनीलपुष्पदृपदौ रत्ाधन नाम्ना नि: ।। यान्यन्यान अधप सस्न्त काधनधचधदि त्रैलोक्यसधम्न स्फ ु टम । नाम्नािान्युपरत्ामुपगिान्याहु: परीक्षाक ृ ि:।। ( रस. पिधि) • मिीना िारिीयानां कमव यधिधििात्मकम्। ित्प्रभािक ृ िं। िेषां प्रभािोडधचन्त्य उच्यिे ।।( च. सू. अ. २६/७०) • िस्ताभ्यां ग्रीिया मूिवनां धिशेषात्सििं िचाम्। आयुवमेिास्मृधिस्वाथियंकरी। रक्षोधभरक्षीधिम् ।।( अ. सू. च. १/२७-२८) • मियश्च िारिीया: क ु मारस्य खङ्गरूरूगियिृषभािां जीििामेि दधक्षिेभ्यो धिषािेभ्योडग्राधि गृधििाधन स्यु: ऐियाद्दाश्चौषोियो जीिकषवभको च याधन चान्यनधप ब्राह्मिा: प्रशंषेसुिेदधिद ( च. शा.८/६२) • माधिक्यं मुक्ताफलधिद्रुमाधि िाक्ष्यश्चपुष्पम धबंदुर च नीलम । गोमेदक ं चाि धिदुरकम च क्रमेि रत्ाधन निग्रिािाम् ।।( R.R.S.4/5)
  • 44. * Ratna & Navagraha: Ratna Navagraha Manikya Surya Graha Mukta Chandra Graha Pravala Mangala Graha Tarksya Budha Graha Pusparaga Guru Graha Hiraka Shukra Graha Nila Shani Graha Gomeda Rahu Graha Vaidurya Ketu Graha
  • 45. 1. Ruby Endows Longevity & Success. 2. Pearl brings the Life Of Prosperity & Luxury. 3. Coral imparts Courage. 4. Emerald Gemstone endows Strength & Security to the wearer. 5. Yellow Sapphire is a stone that improves the Financial Status 6. Diamond endows the wearer the Power, Wealth & Success over enemies. 7. Blue Sapphire Gemstone Signifies Love & Wealth 8. Garnet is for Health & Longevity 9. Cat’s Eye Protects from Disease & Danger.
  • 46. * Ratna Yoni( Origin Of Ratna): • According To Origin Ratna Of 3 Types. 1) Pathiva(From Earth) E.G. Heera, Manikya etc. 2) Jangama(From Animal) E.G. Pravala, Moti 3) Vanaspatika(From Plant) E.G. Trinkanta • Ratnas are normally very hard and these are having quality of reflection so that these are very bright. Heera has quality of total internal reflection so that it is very bright. Different gems have different colours so these look very beautiful. Brightness can also be attributed to gems by means of cutting and rubbing in specific manner. Environmental factors like Humidity, Air etc. Do not have major effect on these so that these become in original conditions for a long time. * Uses Of Ratnas: • रसे रसायने दाने िारिे देििाचवने। सुरक्ष्याधन सुजाधिनी रत्ायुक्ताधन धसिये ।। (R.R.S. 4/7) i. Rasa Karma ( Jarana Purpose Khechari Jarana) ii. Rasayana Karma ( Rejunivation Purpose) iii. Daana ( To Donate) iv. Dharana ( For Bearing Purpose) v. Devta Archana ( Worshiping Of God)
  • 47. * Ratna Dharana Benefit: a) Avoid untoward effects of Suryadi Navagraha b) Provides Deergha Ayu. Aarogya & Saubhagya c) Provides Bhagyaanukula & Vashikarana Siddhi d) Pacifies Doshas from Amangla Chayya evam Eshita Vayu & Dhula & Provides Utasaha & Dhairya e) Ends Daridrata & Bhootadi. * Use Of Ratna Dharana: • िन्यं मङ्ग ं ल्यमायुष्यं काम्यं पुधष्टबलप्रदम् । िषविं काम्यमोजस्यं रत्ाभरििारिम ।। ( राजधनघंटु)  Wearing of Gems & Ornaments adds to the Prosperity, Auspicious, Longevity, Grace, Prevents dangers from Evil Spirits  It is Pleasant & Charming.
  • 48.  Ruby: • Ruby represents the sun. • Because the sun is the source of all energy & it sits at the center of the solar system as the King of Planets, This gem must also be in the center of the piece. • It’s associated with Improved Leadership, Independence & Focus. It also protects you from Negative Energy, Psychic Attack, and The draining of your energy. • Often called ‘Ratna Raj’ or the ‘King Of Jewels’, Ruby is associated with sun, The ruling lord of Leo. • This deep red gem, Which may vary in shades from Dark Scarlet To Pink & Even orange is said to boost Vital & Spiritual Energies. Ruby is Blood- Red Colored Gemstone. Ruby is said to give its wearer a large power boost. • It protects the Heart and Enhances Vitality as well. • Civil service Aspirants, Political Leaders, Pioneers, Enterprenuers & Those intending to make a breakthrough in their respective field are often advised to Ruby for Success.
  • 49.  Pearl: • The Moon/ Pearl govern the mind and matters of the psyche. That might explain why there are so many full moon stories out there. • Wearing Pearl can Improve Your Mental & Emotional Stability & Increase a Sense Of Contentment. They’ re used to Encourage Purity, Loyalty, Faith & Personal Integrity. There also seems to be a connection between pearl and the feminine energy. • Pearl Or Moti is the most legendary & coveted of all gemstones and is associated with Moon, The ruler of Cancer & Bestower of Emotional Stability & Creativity. Pearls come in a number of colours ranging from Milky White to Blue To Pink, Silver White & Even Black. • Pearl is recommended to those associated with the Creative Arts. It brings Emotional Stability in the wearer & Cures a number of Mental Ailments as well. • Pearl is also said to cure Fluid Imbalances & Urinary Tract Ailments, Promote Harmonious Association & Bring New Friends.
  • 50.  Coral: • Mars represents Strength within the Zodiac. • Wearing Red Coral give you More Courage, More Energy & Greater Understanding. In Addition, It’s also known to help you achieve victory in your pursuits. Part of that is likely the Protect against Negative Influences that comes with working with Ocean Energies. • Moonga Or Red Coral is the gemstone associated with the fiery planet Mars, Which is the ruler of Aries & Scorpio. • The Semi- Precious gem comes in Bright Red Or Flaming Orange Colour and is said to Boost Courage & Promote Fearlessness. Moonga brings Self- Confidence & Negates the effect of “Mangalika Dosha” by bringing a compatible spouse. • It is also worn to Cure Piles Related Ailments, Menstrual Irregularities and For Bringing Stability in Career and Professional Advancement. • Military Officers, Security Personnels & Those in the police services are advised to wear a Coral. However, Corals with Black speaks or Other Markings should not be worn.
  • 51.  Emerald: • Mercury represents Strength within the zodiac. • It rules the Speech of an Individual( Think Mercury Retrograde). Wearing it can improve each of these qualities within your life as well as enhance your memory. • Emerald is associated with Mercury, Which is the ruling planet of Gemini & Virgo. This gem comes in various shades of Green, Ranging from a Light Liquid Green to a Dark & Dense hue. • Emerald is said to bestow its wearer with Great Intellectual Capabilities, Increase Oratorical Skills & Concentration. It is also said to cure Chronic Digestive Ailment as well. • People is the Entertainment & Creative Industry as well as sports persons are commonly advised to don this green gem for Success & Luck.
  • 52.  Yellow Sapphire: • Jupiter governs Knowledge & Is related to Goodness. • The Yellow Sapphire in the Navaratna can help you find Wisdom & Compassion with yourself. Moreover, It has a strong connection to matters of Wealth & Overall Good Fortune & A Lesser connection to Positive Mood & Outlook. Women tend to more strongly affected by it. • The Yellow Sapphire Or Pukhraj is associated with Jupiter, The ruler planet of Sagittarius & Pisces. This gem is Light Yellow, Golden Yellow Or Honey- Toned in color and is said to flood one’s life will all sorts of auspicious occurrences & good luck. • The Yellow Sapphire is said to Bring Wealth, Promotions, Elevation Of Socio- Economic status besides promoting love between partners. • It is also effective in curing thyroid related ailments & Insomnia besides increasing the spiritually inclination of a person.
  • 53.  Diamond: • Venus is the planet of Beautiful & Luxurious Things, & Thus connected to opulence. • That makes it very fitting that it’s represented by the iconic diamond. The diamond in the piece is there to increase the Luxuries, Pleasures & Wealth in your life. It’s of specific importance that this gem is Pure & Unblemished. • The most precious of all the gemstones, Diamond is worn to please Venus- The Lord Of Taurus & Libra. A hard, crystal clear stone, It is one of the most effective gemstones and is said to bestows the wearer with Riches, Success & Luxury. • Diamond is also said to cure Diabetes, Stomach Ailments & Bless one with Longevity, Martial Bliss & Professional Success. • However, One should always consult an astrologer to find out its compatibility with your zodiac sign before wearing a Diamond.
  • 54.  Blue Sapphire: • Saturn is known as the Karmic planet and is connected to hardship. • If this sounds like a force you want to be on the right side of, that’s because it is. The Blue Sapphire in the Navaratna is there to help you gain Maturity, Tolerance & Humility. All very handy is helping you avoid hardship. The sapphire also promotes longevity. • According to the Hindu Mythology, Blue Sapphire should be worn by those who wish to propitiate Saturn Or ‘Shani’. The Mightiest & Fearful of all the planets. • Saturn is the ruling planet of Capricorn & Aquarius. The lustrous gem is Dark Blue & Deep Blue in color, With hues ranging from a Light Lilac to a Bright & Brilliant Blue. • Neelam Or Blue Sapphire is one of the Most Protective & Fastest acting stones and is effective in curing Depression, Lethargy, Navigating Roadblocks & Warding Of The Evil Eye. • However, This stone may produce Negative Effects if it doesn’t go along your zodiac sign.
  • 55.  Hessonite: • Rahu is not actually a planet, but one of the nodes of the moon. • Rahu governs Self Awareness & is known as a harmful celestial body. Wearing Hessonite neutralizes the negative energy inherent in Rahu. It is strongly associated with relief from Mental- Emotional Difficulties such as Depression & Strong Anxiety. • Hessonite Or Gomedh is a stone commonly recommended for the propitiation of the node Rahu. It is often Dark Brown but also found in shades of Deep Yellow, Dark Red & Dark Orange. • Being a Powerful Gemstone, It is said to shield the wearer from Adversities, Addictions such as Drug and Alcohol Abuse & Gambling. • Besides, It is said to Cure Skin Diseases, Psoriasis & Different Forms of Psychoses. The Gomedh also promises victory over one’s enemies.
  • 56.  Cat’s Eye: • Ketu is the other lunar node and is associated with Discrimination, Discernment. • The Cat’s Eye Gemstone in the Navaratna helps to provide clarity of thought. It also improve one’s vision in the Metaphorical Sense & Encourage Spiritual Awakening. • Cats Eye, Commonly called Lahsunia, is stone commonly used for the propitiation of Ketu. The stone is called Cat’s Eye due to its striking resemblance to a Cat’s Eye. • It exudes shades off White, Grey, Yellowish Green, Yellow & Green and Helps the wearer disperse the negative results of Karma. It makes one deeply interested in spiritual matters, the occult sciences and Enlightenment or Moksha.
  • 57. * Comments: 1. Originally this method was practiced by Buddhist People & As Vagabhatta (वागिट्ट) is a follower of Buddhism, He mentioned the same with great importance. 2. These Amulets will have both Medical & Spiritual effects. 3. It is also believed that they protect the child from Drishti Dosha Concept of Drasthti Dosha ( दृनिदोष) is mentioned in Kashyapa with Tantrik Influence). i.e., Those who look with Bad Intention/ Thinking with crooked mindedness may cause disease to the child. 4. Amulets prepared by many drugs may continuously outburst (वचा ) strong smell of rays of certain wavelength when sunlight falls on it( Gems) ensuring protective effect to the baby. 5. Traditionally practiced with religious sense. 6. There may be certain pressure effect on localized point. 7. Gems treatment is well explained in classic, But in the present context, No specific gems has been mentioned apart from Animals & Herbal Materials.
  • 58. * Ousadhi Dharana- A Buddhist Method: 1. This method is a special method for the treatment of the Graha Rogas. 2. It depends on a simple principle that strong aromatic smell acts as a dis- infective agent. 3. Out bursting of strong aromatic smell round the clock from the body easily prevents communication of the diseases by droplet or through air born infection. 4. In this case, The Pottali which is made out of Medhya & Other Anti- Infective aromatic drugs which are dominant in Katu, Tikta & Kashaya Rasas have been tied around the neck of child. 5. Idea is to ensure that, It outbursts the strong aromatic smell round the clock. 6. This may be also the easy way of keeping the emergency drugs round the clock for timely use. 7. Basically, Such practice of tying the thread around the neck is seen among the Buddhist. 8. As Vagabhatta has been influenced by Buddhism, he mentioned this method.
  • 59. * Method: i. A drug called Aparajita is used. ii. Mainly effective against Evil Spirits. iii. A drug named Aparajita is triturated and done Mardana with Gorochana iv. Then it is tied into Pottali with other drugs like Lakshmana, Sahadevi, Indrayana, Nagadanti, Katambara, Markati, Brihati in the broad leaves of Bhoorjapatra. v. This is then tied around the neck of the child. vi. Traditional Practice of tying a holy thread around the wrist is existing even today.
  • 60. * Bali: • Bali has been mentioned among the methods of Daiva- Vyapashraya Chilitsa. In Graha rogas with reference to Balichikitsa, We find many reference aimed towards individual Grahas. • Word Bali has been extensively used in Indian Literature & Religious books. We find different understanding is general public regarding Bali. People think Bali is involved in just killing the Animals, As a ritual of satisfying the God & Evil Spirits. Traditionally, Offering Vegetable Or Non- Vegetable Bali is quite common; Although people don’t know the exact intention. This tradition and religious practice have been inculcated in the Indian Culture & The same knowledge has been passed from generations to generations with addition of myths regarding Bali. • Word Bali has been also mentioned in Ayurvedic Medical Books. In case of Graha Rogas, While describing Daiva Vyapashraya Chikitsa, It has been extensively used as treatment modality.
  • 61.  Bali should be considered as a method of mass- disinfection or community disinfection adopted by Ayurveda.  This is a method employed to control or prevent the rapidly spreading infection is the locality or community.  Micro- Organisms which are very virulent in the society spreads the disease from person to person. This is true in communicable or in other mode of infections.  Normal tendency of micro- organisms is, Its movement towards the host. In search of host and habitat it may access into human or animal bodies by overcoming resistance offered by the host. Same is also called as Positive Chemotaxis.  Offering Bali in those places, Where maximum contamination is predicted due to movement of crowd, like cross- roads, temple, city, near tree and in areas with less movements and dark areas like crematorium etc. Provides a chance to check the spread of infective micro- organisms.  Commonly used Bali material like meat of different animals, necrosed materials, blood of different animals provide an alternative artificial host & habitat for the growth of micro-organisms. By positive chemotaxis, All the micro- organisms scattered in the locality gets accumulated over the Bali material and finds a non- resisting host easily ( Living organisms encounter resistance to its entry).
  • 62. • Non- Vegetarian Bali materials easily Undergo Necrosis, Putrefaction with bad smell on exposure to open air & provides a alternative artificial host and habitat for the growth of micro-organisms without resistance. This active like a culture medium for the growth of organisms. Agar Medium, NNS medium which are used now-a-days are also prepared by Blood, Meat, Fecal Material, Necrosed Material of different animals. • Certain Vegetarian foods are also used to offer Bali like Boiled Rice, Wheat Preparation, Milk, Curd, Payasa, Green Gram etc. Which, On exposure to air, Undergoes Fermentation as they are rich in carbohydrates. Fermenting media is favorable for growth of microbes & Microbes of the surrounding area is attracted towards it. Hence, local area is disinfected or cleared off from micro- organisms. More importantly, its further spread is restricted. • Different Microbes have different host tendencies and habitats, Similarly for different Graha Rogas Different Bali materials has been offered. • Bali material should allowed to be kept open for certain days in particular area and there after suggested to be discarded in a remote, safe area, situated out of city, so that infectious materials may not come in contact with basic needs of the people like Air, Water, Milk etc. • Special sites are being mentioned for giving Bali in individual Graha Rogas which may point out certain prevalent areas of micro- organisms.
  • 63. • So, Concept of Bali explained in Ayurveda is completely scientific and is aimed to prevent infection in the community or among the masses. • Many a times of Bali looks like a simple method of disinfection or clearing the area from micro- organisms where gathering of crowd is expected more. In Indian Culture, Especially in Hindu religious book Bali is especially mentioned here before starting any holy function or opening of a newly constructed home, Before any Auspicious Festival, Functions etc. Traditional Practice of offering Bali on days of fortnight is also in practice.
  • 64. * Homa:  In Rajyakshama Homa is advised.  In Abhishapa & Abhichara Jwara Home is advised  Homa is a sanskrit word used here synonymously with Yajna.  Indian originated people worshiped Pancha Maha Bhoota viz. Wind(Vayu), Fire(Agni), Water(Varuna) etc. Out of the Agni is one of 3 Superme Deities of the Rig Veda. Agni is known to be the son of Angiras & The grandson of Sandila. His wife is Swaha & Has 3 sons- Pavaka, Pavana & Suchi. All the offerings to the deities are through the fire. i.e. Homa/ Havana  Physically the Agni combust all those are in it. The Homa is performed with a particular Hymns & Wood Produced. The Homa is Aesthetic Therapy mentioned in Ayurveda. The Therapy is a collection of Sound & Smoke, For the people who have no belief in god also yield the result in the same way. Home therapy is not based on a belief system.  Astro- Medicine includes the Homa Therapy as one of the practices of healing along with Gem Therapy, Radio Therapy, Offerings etc. Ayurveda told circadian rhythm of sunrise & sunset, Tridosha, Environment, Selected Herb ( According to disease & planet) will make the positive attitude and healing. Homa Therapy makes the Bio-Energetic equilibrium Dosha, Dhatu, Mala & Mans, said as balanced health.  Agnihotra performed in a copper pyramid, captures the revitalizing, regenerating and subtle energies from the sun during sunrise and sunset. The Homa Therapy also performed in the same way, But added with the Herbs smeared with Ghee/ Honey/ Medicated Oil. This can be performed as individual or even in the group. There is no restriction of time to perform.
  • 65.
  • 66. * Prayaschitam:  Prayaschitam is atonement of Sins  It is the process of indulging in spiritual disciplines, duties or worship in order to wash off one’s sins completely after taking full responsibility and through repentance(ie paschattaap) for the sins committed in past birth, rarely in the present birth. * Upavasa:  Fasting in Sanskrit is called Upavasa. Upa means “ Near” + Vaasa means “ To Stay”. Upavaasa.  Meaning the attainment of close mental proximity with the Lord. * What has Upavaasa to do with food ?  The more you indulge the Senses, The more they make their demands. Fasting helps us to cultivate control over our sense, sublimate our desires & Guide our minds to be poised and at peace.
  • 67.  Fasting should not make us weak, irritable or create an urge to indulge later. This happens when there is noble goal behind fasting.  The Bhagvad- Gita urges us to eat appropriately- neither too less nor too much- Yuktaahara and to eat simple, purity & healthy food ( A Sattvika Diet) even when not fasting. * Swastayana:  According To Kashyapa Swastivachanam= Kalyana  General Phrases used as Swastyana are, Ayushman Bhava, Mangalani Bhavanthu etc.  Swastayana= Shanti Mantra  Hearing these words are Punya & Mangala Prada. * Pranipata:  Sharirika, Mansika, Vachika- Namaskara- Guru, Dwija, Deva- Pranipata  By Pranama there will be Dukha Shamana
  • 68. * Upahara:  Derived from Upa & Hriyathi: • Upa- Near • Hriyathi- To Give Or Guide  In Sheeta Pootana Graha Bheda Varuni, Madya, Rudhira Upahara should be given to Sheeta Pootana Devi.  By giving upahara there will be Happiness to mind it acts as Tarpana and Prevent diseases. * Yatragamana:  Nagna Pada Gamnanam  Change in the external environment  Pressure Point In The Sole
  • 69. * Niyama(Observance): • शौच संिोष िप: स्वाध्याययेश्वर प्रधििानाधन धनयमा: । ( प. यो. सू. २/३२) • िप: संिोष आस्स्तक़्यं दानमीश्वरपूजनम । धसिांििाकयश्रििं धिमिी च िपो हुिम ।। धनयमा दश संप्रोक्ता योगशास्रधिशारदै: ।। ( ि. यो. प्र. १/१८)  Niyama means Observations. Under the heading Niyama, Patanjali suggests certain Good Habits, Which help the development of total personality.  There are 5 Niyamas namely according to Patanjali 1. Shaucha- Cleanliness 2. Santosha- Contentment 3. Tapa- Penance 4. Swadhyaya- Self Study 5. Ishvarapranidhana- Dedicating to God.
  • 70. • According to Hatha Yoga Pradipika described 10 types: 1. Tapa- Penance 2. Santosha- Contentment 3. Astikya- Belief In God 4. Dana- Charity 5. Eshwara- Poojana- Worship Of God 6. Sidhantavakysharvana- Hearing Discourse on the principles of religion 7. Hri- To be ashamed of doing undesirable acts 8. Mati- Intellect 9. Japa- Chanting Mantras 10. Huta- Scarifies the sensual experience for spiritual experince. * Shaucha(Cleanliness): • शौचात्सिाड्गजुगुप्ता परैरसंसगव। ( प. यो. सू. २/४०)  Shaucha refer to observance of Cleanliness in Physical, Mental & Social Aspects of life. Cleanliness Of The Body, The Clothing, The residences etc. is Bahya Shuddhi i.e. External Cleanliness. Utilization of Clean Food & Clean Behavior with BahyaShuddhi. On the other hand purification of the Antah- Karana by depleting emotions like Raga, Dvesha etc.
  • 71.  With the help of Japa, Tapa, Clean Thoughts & Friendship etc. is considered Abhyantara Shauch & Internal Cleanliness.  Hata Yoga described for Bahya Saucha many process for cleaning body, brushing the teeth etc. * Santosha(Contentment): • सन्तोषदनुत्तम: सुखलाभ:। ( यो. सू. २/४२)  Santosha is the second niyama. Santosha means remaining contented with whatever Facilities & Circumstances, One is put to continuing duties and remaining contented with whatever rewards comes forth. Contentment gives a superlative happiness. * Tapas (Penance): • कायेस्ियधसस्िधसस्िक्षयाि िपस: ।( यो. सू. २/४३)  Penance produces Purity Of Body & Indriya, Mana Shuddhi etc. Tapas is a practice of body & mind to perfect them.  It is of 3 types: 1. Sharirik Tapas- Brahmacharya, Ahimsa 2. Vachika Tapas- Devta Sankirtana, Satyavachana 3. Mansika Tapas- Atmanigraha, Samatva Of Manas
  • 72. • Penance is related with body i.e. Celibacy, Non- Violence, Speech. i.e. Praying God, Truth & Penance of mind i.e. Control Over Self & Balance Of Mind. * Swadhyaya( Study Of Scriptures Or Self- Study): • स्वाध्यायधदष्ट देििासं प्रयोग: । ( यो.सू. २/४४)  A regular time is to be devoted for the study of scripture texts. Swadhayaya has stated that Japa is Swadhyaya. It includes both Swara & Mana. Chanting ‘Omkara’ & Reading Spiritual Texts are means for Salvation. A person can unite himself with desired god. * IshwaraPranidhana: • समाधिधसस्िरीश्वरप्रधििानाि । ( यो. सू. २/४५)  All deeds performed without any expectation of fruits & devoid to god. Complete belief in god i.e. without his desire even grass can not move. Heart filled without attachment etc. Feeling, Speaking Truth, Non- Violence etc good deeds are desired for worshipping god. Dedicating to divinity or surrender to the god is an important methods to attain the highest state of existence. This path of yoga is called Bhakti Yoga.
  • 73. * Dana(Charity): • न्यायाधजविं िनं श्रान्ते श्रिया िेधदक जने । अन्यिा यदप्रदीयन्ते िद्दानं प्रोच्यिे मया: ।।  Money earned with Honestly, If given with devotion should be given to those, Who are in need & Brahmins is known as Dana. * Siddhanta Shravana( Listening To Vedanatas): * सत्यज्ञानंमंनंि च परानिं परं ध्रुिम् । प्रत्यधगत्यिगन्त्त्वयं िेदान्तं श्रििं बुिा।।  Knowledge is Eternal, Provides Ultimate Happiness, Which is obtained by listening to the Vedantas, By the intellegent person. * Hri(Shyness): • िेदलौधककमागेषु क ु स्त्सिं कमव यद्भिेि । िस्स्मन भिधि या लञ्जा धि सैधििे प्रकीधिि : ।।  Shyness towards Bad Deeds mentioned in Vedas & Worldly paths is called as Hri.
  • 74. * Belief In God (आस्स्तक़्यं) • श्रीिे समाविे च धिश्वासों यत्तदास्स्तक्यमुच्यिे ।  Belief in Sri literature & Gods is called as Astikya *Mati: • िैधदक े षु च सिेषु श्रिाया सा मधिभविेि । गुरूिा चोपाधदष्टेधप ित्र समबन्ध िधजवि : ।।  If one has respect towards Elders, Precepators & Vedas is called as Mati. * Japa ( Chanting Mantras): • िेदोक्तेनैिमागेि मिाभ्यासो जप: स्मृि: ।।  Japa has 3 types Upansu Japa , Vachika Japa & Mansika Japa. In Mansika Japa are also two types without Dhyana & with Dhyana. While doing Japa of particular Mantra, Omkara etc and reading spiritual texts are means salvation. Person can unite himself with desired god. Chanting Of Mantras as mentioned in vedas is known as Japa.
  • 75. * Vyuktivyapashraya: • Fumes & Prognosis:  Flowers which are red in colour, Guggulu, Wooden sticks of Khadira, Chandana, Ashwatha, Palasha etc. Are used along with Ghrita to offer Havis in the Homa. Vagabhatta mentioned a special homa called Agnidanda(अधिदण्ड). Which also helps in diagnosing the disease.  Special Type Of Homa is done to assess the prognosis of Graha Rogas. Many medicinal holy drugs are used as materials in the Homa & Colour of the fumes are observed. Depending on the colour of the fumes. The prognosis will be made. 1. Patient is made to sit infront of Homa while fire is burning. 2. In Graha Rogas, Body outbursts different abnormal smells from the body surface, Which when comes in contact with the fire may give different colors to fumes. 3. Expiratory air of a Graha- Rogi may contain certain abnormal metabolic toxic compounds, Which on contact with the fire gives different colors to the fumes. 4. Further, Agni has been told as the destroyer of all Krimis(Bacteria, Virus) in Vedas.
  • 76. * Bath To a Child:  In infective conditions, Usually bathing is contraindicated as we usually practice in our day today life. But bathing with medicated lukewarm water can be advised.  Medicated lukewarm bathing water helps to remove bad smell & gives freshness to the patient. This also removes the fair chance of getting contamination of the skin by the accumulation of unhygienic substances. 1) Lukewarm water- Medicated water( Bala, Nimbi, Agnimantha, Paribhadra, Jambu, Shyonaka, Varuna, Apamarga, Patola, Sigru, Kappitha & Karanja ). 2) Bathing should be done with drugs having Kashaya Rasa & Antiseptic Properties. 3) Bathing with drugs producing Aromatic Smell & Fragrant Materials. 4) Vagabhatta mentioned a special type of bath to both the child and for the Dhatri by name snapana.
  • 77. * Use Of Ghrita: • Ghrita has got its own importance among medicines and also in Hindu Religious activities. Pharmacologically, Ghrita preparations help the chemical constituents to dissolves in lipid media and facilitating its easy absorption. Further, In Hindu Religious activities, Ghrita is commonly used as burning media for many drugs(Homa, Havana). It is Pitta Anila Hara and increases the Rasa, Shukra, Swara, Varna and The Ojus. It is also Nirvapana, Mridukara, Tridosha Hara when given after the Samskara. It has got its role in increasing the Dhi, Dhriti & Smriti. • Purana Ghrita ( More than 10 years)- As potency of the Ghrita preparation enhances with increase in time. Ghrita is also Shubhakara, Tri-Dosha Hara, Graha Dosha Hara ( As explained in Unmada and Apasmarahara Chikitsa by Charaka). ( In Chronic Disorders- Ghrita preparations are prescribed in Ayurveda, Eg- Rajyakshama).
  • 78. * Fumigation:  This is very useful method mentioned for prevention of Graha Rogas. Fumigation involves burning of medicinal drugs followed by inhalation of fumes. This can be performed inside the room of the patient individually. The chemical contents present in the solid of drugs are converted into a gaseous form after burning it in a Ghee medium.  While Burning, Chemical Constituents present in the drug are converted into oxide form. These oxides readily mixes with the environmental air and is inhaled by the patient. Rapid absorption of oxides through the mucosa of the respiratory tract gives immediate effects.  This method is in no way different from the present day method of inhalational therapy. In this method, the drugs are converted into small uniform minute particles, Then again into Vapour or Gaseous Form and Inhaled. As mucous membrane is highly vascular, Immediate effects will be seen with the small doses of the drug.  Dhoopana has got some advantages over the modern inhalational therapy. In Inhalation Skill, Hand- Lung Coordination is must for success of the treatment, Along with child education regarding inhalation. But, Dhoopana is totally non- invasive passive proedure.
  • 79.  Procedure Of Dhoopana is a natural noninvasive method of inhalation of air, which contains fumes (oxides) of medicinal property. This doesn’t need education to the child, as the whole room will be filled with fumes of Dhoopana and the child undergoes compulsory breathing. Hence, Chances of error is minimum in comparison to modern inhalational therapy. Different degrees of Dhoopana like mild, moderate drugs can be given considering the strength of the child ( Irritative drugs are better avoided). Dhoopana can also be given locally by using a Nalika(Tube) fixed at the Nostrils, Where fumes will pass through a liquid medium.  Main disadvantage of Dhoopana is that it is Unreachable and Non Attractive to the Public, When compared to Inhalers & Nebulizers. Exposing already a sick child to a smoky environment cause Asphyxia with further complications.  The drugs used for this method is also specific like skin of a Panther, Tiger , Lion, Slough of a snake. Skin of these animals contain certain Minerals & Aromatic elements which produces a strong odour.  Ghrita which is prepared with Puti Karanja, Bhallataka, Ajmoda, Kustha & Leaves of Sarshapa, Nimba, Roots Of Ashwakura, Vacha Bhurja Patra should be used.  Dhoopana is not a standardized method in comparison to the present day inhalational therapy.
  • 80. * Role Of Dhoopana, Dhumapana, Homa in the prevention of infective disorders( Graha Rogas): 1. Dhoompana(िूमपान) is a procedure, Where drugs with Anti- Infective, Disinfectant, Antiseptic Properties & Nature like Katu, Tikta, Kashaya Rasa with Ushna, Tikshna, Slakshana, Sukshma qualities are made into a Wick and Burnt, and the fumes are inhaled to yield beneficial effect individually. 2. Dhoopana(िूपन) is also similar method, But the drugs are burnt inside a closed room in a Ghee media, So that fumes will spread in the room. Individuals sitting in the room will be compelled to breath in air mixed with oxides and thus gets benefitted. Meanwhile, all belongings of the patient as well as the room in total gets a sterilizing effect. 3. Homa(िोम) and Havana (ििन) are also similar methods of burning the medicinal drugs in an open area of Home/Village/ City in a lipid media, Where fumes spread all over the House, Village and City. Thus, Air gets purified by Medicinal Fumes & Environmental Pathogens are cleared off along with their individual effects. 4. Benefits Of Dhoopana is Highly Individualistic, While Dhopana is for the sterilization of individual, room and belongings, Whereas Homa- Havana is for the community or mass disinfection.
  • 81. * Comments: a. Burning the medicinal drugs in ghee media coverts those solid medicinal drugs containing anti- infective property and strong aromatic smell, into a gaseous medium with liberation of oxides in the fumes. b. Oxides are readily absorbed by respiratory mucosa on inhalation. c. Same oxides clears the micro- organisms in the room and that of the environment. d. Present day we use fogging methods for prevention of infection which is of similar kind. e. Most of the Dhoopana kalpas explained by Kashyapa are for Graha Roga Nashana. If we assume that Graha are Micro- Organisms, Then its natural anti- infective property together with sterilization benefits of Dhoopana are therefore justified.
  • 82. * Fumigation Procedure( िूपन ) • Dhoopana is a special procedure explained in Kashyapa Samhita by dedicating a separate chapter in Kalpa Sthana • Kashyapa has explained multidimensional utility of Dhoopana by showing some special interest in it as it is non- invasive and is also easy to implement in the children. • Drugs are made to burn in Ghrita, Taila Or Any Other kind of lipid medium. • On burning, Chemical Contents of the drug used, Gets converted into an oxide form. Hence, A chemical which is present in a solid and in an inactive form gets converted into an active gaseous form. • By this way, Oxides present in the gaseous form are freely available in the environmental air. This air can be collected and inhaled to yield certain beneficial effects individually in cases of acute respiratory tract disorders like dyspnoea. • Meanwhile, Oxides freely available in the air clean the air from its impurities. It may be used as a method for the sterilization of rooms and belongings of the patients. • Drugs which were present in a solid form gets converted into a gaseous form, Which can be easily absorbed from the mucus membrane of the respiratory tract rapidly through to yield beneficial effects.
  • 83. • Similar principle is also employed in the present day inhalation therapy( Puffs, Spacer Nebulization). Always a drug in gaseous form rapidly gets absorbed through the respiratory mucosa to give an instant effect. • Drugs commonly used in this procedure have Katu, Tikta, Kashya Rasa as well as Ushna, Tikshana, Vishahara, Rakshoghna qualities. • The drugs have strong aromatic smell with Antibacterial, Antimicrobial, Antiseptic, Disinfectant, Bacteriocidal & Bacteriostatic Actions. • Ayurveda uses the same procedure of Dhoopana for inducing sedative and dis-infective actions in this method, as its action is very rapid. • Dhoopana if it is modified and is being made handy in the present day Ayurvedic practice then it can be made very useful in childhood disorders as it is non- invasive. • Kashyapa explain such 40 Dhoopa preparations for the benefit of children.  Common drugs used:- क ु ष्ठ, पूधिकरंज, अंबर(कापावस), िचा, धिंगु, सषवपलेप, अजमोदा, घृि, मेशश्रृंडग (Horn), Nails Of Horse, Elephant(िाधज, क ुं जर), कधि (Kani), शल्यक( Shalyaka)  क ु मारनाम िूप :- For enhancing the Growth Or Development of the child.  Contents :- घृि, सजवरस, क ृ ष्णा ( सौिीरांजन), भल्लािक, धशलाजिु, िररिािे, लाक्षा, सषवप, पुष्पमासजवक, धिडड्ग, िगर, िेजपत्र, िा, धिंगु, नेत्रबाला
  • 84.  ग्रिरोगनाशक िूप:- To treat Graha Rogas and Apasmara ( ग्रिरोगा & अपस्मार) घृि+ सपवधनमोंिि,गृध्रकौधशकाधिद् + िचा+ धिंड्गु  मािेश्वर िूप :- Treatment Of Graha Rogas घृि+ गुग्गुलु+ धबल्व+ देिदारु+ सरल( नमेरु)  आिेय िूप (Especially for kids of Brahmins):- Immersing the hairs of the tail portion of cow with Ghrita. This is good for all disorders and indicated for the sons of Brahmins  Hairs of Horse, Ass, Camel, Mixed with Risbhaka(ऋषभक) & Nails of चिुष्पाद प्राधि is are used. This is believed to be good in भूि,प्रेि,धपशाचा, स्क ं द कामरोगा  रक्षोघ्न िूप: घृि+ श्वेिसषवप, मिु, मेषश्रृंङ्ग,अजदुग्ध, खरमूत्र,खरबाल or रोम with सोम( कपूवर or रक्तचंदन), रक्षोघ्न िूप (प्रेि) पूिनाग्रि. घृि, श्वेिसषवप, धि ् गु, देिलाली, अक्षि, सपवत्वक  धभक्षुसंघाटी ( Old Cloth Of Buddhist Monk) :- Are used to give which is called found to be good in many conditions.  दशांङ्गिूप(अपस्मार, ग्रि, उपग्रि नाशक) :- घृि+ श्वेिसषवप, क ु ष्ठ, भल्लािक,िचा,बस्तलोम, िगर, भोजपत्र are गुग्गुलु used for िूपन . This is good for ग्रि, उपग्रि, अपस्मार  मोििूप:- घृि+ धसिािवक,श्वेिा, चोरक, फलंकश, शूकरी ( िारािक ं द), जटामांसी  िारुििूप:- सरलधनयावस, लाक्षा, पक्ष्मक, चंदन, देिदारु, िुलसी, शाल- िूपन. शक ु धन, रेििी, पुण्डरीक, कफरोगा  चिुराधङ्गकिूप:- घृि, मज्जा, िसा, लाक्षा is indicated in child with अल्पदोष, क ृ श, बालक, ग्रिरोगा
  • 85.  पुरीषनंदकिूप:- घृि+ िचा, िरसु(ि सं) धिट् , लोम, चमव पुरीष of different birds  कििूप:- घृि, धटप्पिी, व्रीधििृषा, कधप, लोम, त्वक, िचा, सषवप, क ु ष्ठ, माला . ग्रिरोग. This is good in Graharogas  श्रीिूप:- घृि+ सपवत्वक+ धिल, सर, श्वेिसषवप. Those who desires for wealth, have to follow it.  ग्रिघ्निूप:- Fecal material of Dog, Urine Of Dogs, Hairs( Feathers)Of Peacock िचा,घृि, सषवप  पुण्यकारक िूप:- घृि+ दंि Of Elephant,Hairs Of अज & िृषभ,Horns Of Cows are used to give Dhoopana . This is meant for पुण्यथिा  धशशुकिूप:- घृि, थिौिेयक, जटामांसी, िगर, पररपेलि, िीबेर, शिपुष्पा, िररिाल, मन: धशला, मुस्त, िरेिुक, एला,This िूप is called as धशशुकिूप,Which is good for all Graharogas. This is used in form of िूप अनुिूप,प्रधििूप  ब्राह्मयिूप:- घृि+ धसिािवक, लाजा, क ु श, सिदेिी+ equal quantities of all Brahmya is taken. • This is used in all disorders of ब्राह्मि, क्षधत्रय, िैश्य a. घृि+ गोखुर, िसुका, िररद्रा, पररपेलि(जलमुस्ता)िचा, भारङ्गी b. घृि+ पद्मक, उशीर, िालक, नागक े सर, रस(गिवरस)- are given in प्रधििूप which is good in all disorders. c. घृि+ लोम कधप, क ु क्क ु टाण्ड, िचा,यि, श्वेिसषवप- प्रधििूप d. अररष्ट िूप, घृि+ धनम्बू पत्र, मूल, पुष्प, फल,त्वक, अररष्ट धनम्ब e. घृि+ धनम्बू पत्र+ खरमूत्र, जिु (लाक्षा)+ िचा, सषवप-given as िूप, & प्रधििूप
  • 86.  अपस्मार नाशक िूप:- घृि+ धनम्बपत्र+ िुलसी, लाक्षा, सजवरस, अक्षि(Rice) मांस & उल्लूकशक ृ ि  सिवरोगिरिूप:- घृि+ धनम्ब+ िुलसी, गो, मधिष- अजक े श  गििूप:- घृि + अक्षि+ जाधिपुष्प+ मिु+ धसिािवक+ िचा. This will cure all भूि & Pain (रूजापि)  स्वधस्रकिूप:- घृि+ शल्लकी+ जाधिपुष्प+ धशरीषपुष्प+ देिदरु घृि+ गुग्गुलु घृि+ देिदारु, घृि+ कालगुरु ( क ृ ष्णा अगरु) िूपs good for ग्रिरोग, घृि+ सषवप, घृि+ सार, पुष्प,फल,त्वक of पंचिल्कलs  गृििूप:- गुग्गुलु+ घृि+ दशांङ्ग िूप contents * Benefits Of Dhoopana: • एिैबावलान समापन्ननररष्टा गारमेि च । िस्रशय्यासनाद्यं च बालानां िूपयेि धभषक ् ।। ( का. क. िूपकल्प) • Living Area, Clothings, Beddings, Personal Belongings, Cots & Chairs( ग्रि, िस्र,शय्या, आसन ) can be fumigated to maintain aseptic measures.
  • 87. * Prequisites Of Dhoopana: 1. Physician after following fasting by taking bath and chanting Mantras become sanctified( पधित्र ) with positive mind should get up early in the morning on the day of Pushya Star ( पुष्य नक्षत्र) & should collect drugs of Dhoopana materials ( िूपन द्रव्य ) from Agneya & North Direction(आिेय उिरधदशा ). 2. Four ladies (कन्या) who are pure by body and mind should pound the given drugs, collect it in an air tight box safely for timely use. 3. After doing Dhoopana(िूपन ), Once again repeating the same after a certain time interval is called Prati Dhoopana( प्रधििूपन) which removes the causes of the disease from its root itself. 4. For convenience, The process of Dhoopana is divided as Dhoopa, Prati- Dhoopa & Anu Dhoopa (िूप,प्रधििूप & अनुिूप ).
  • 88. * Origin Of Dhoopana Procedure:- • When the sages and their were conducting Yajna & Yaga( यज्ञ & याग ) for the benefit of the mankind, They were troubled by Devils (राक्षस). The sages seeked the help of Agni Devata (अधि देििा )to get rid of them. Then, Agni gifted Dhoopana Kalpas to sages to get rid of Rakshasa, Bhutas, Asuras (राक्षस, भूि, असुर), also advised them to use it for the Growing Kids, Dhatri (िात्री), and mother to get rid of common neonatal & infantile problems. Word Rakshasa, Bhutas, Asuras can be used for invisible living entities in the universe, Which gives Himsa(Pain, Torture) to human beings. It may be co-related with the micro- organisms. Hence, to get rid of them, Dhoopana, A method of sterilization has been gifted by Agni. • There after, Sages popularized this procedure for the benefits of the mankind. Jangama & Sthavara (जाङ्गम थिािर) are the 2 Ashrayas(आश्रय) of Dhoopa(िूप). While giving Dhoopana(िूपन )a specific Mantra should be chanted. These Mantras narrate different Devatas(देििा) to be worshipped during Dhoopana(िूपन) for yielding certain positive benefits. Nakshatras should be worshipped during fumigation for pleasing them.
  • 89. * Different Devatas to Which Dhoopana is offered with benefits: • अधि- छि • ब्रह्म - पृथ्वी देििा • धशिा- अंिररक्ष • िसु - धदक • रुद्र- धदशापधि • आधदत्य- जलदेििा • मारुि- धशिा • साध्यदेििा- धमत्र, सधििा, आधदत्य • ऋभु सोम(चंद्र) • धिश्वे देि नक्षत्र- उिमसंिानािव • सिेदेि नक्षत्र- उत्तममना • ऋभुदेििा- पुण्यकमव • प्रजापधि- संिानािव • अधश्वनी देििा- बला, आयुष्य, आरोग्य • मािुदेििा- स्नेि • शाखादेििा- यौिन • क ु मारदेििा- क ु मारिस्या
  • 90. • धिशाखा- मध्य आयु • नैगमेष- धचरंधजिी • ऋधष - ब्रह्मिचवस • नधद- उत्तम जल • िनस्पधि - उत्तम व्रि
  • 91. * Comments On Dhoopana Procedure With Respect to Present Day Practice: 1. This is the method of fumigation as per Ayurveda. 2. Drugs used are Antiseptic, Antibacterial, Bacteriostatic, Bacteriocidal & Disinfectant in nature. 3. The drugs used are also having strong aromatic smell which acts as very good antiseptic agent 4. Primary aim is to fumigate the child’ s living area & other belongings of the child used in daily routine, 5. Use of certain animal products like Skin of Snake, Fecal Material of certain animals & birds has been mentioned in Dhoopana. Use of such materials looks like outdated explanation in the present day practice. Such explanation also receives a lot of critics from other contemporary medical science regarding its utility and justification. But dried stool is derived of bad smell and rich in urea, uric-acid, nitrogen, ammonia & when the same is burnt, there is release of some chemicals with oxides, Which may yield beneficial effects. 6. This also explains the concept of inhalation therapy in Ayurveda. Same Dhoopa( िूप ) can be collected in tube (नाडी ) & when inhaled will have nebulization like effect. Otherwise, Dhoopa is spread in the room & the child is made to sit & breath- in the same air with medicinal contents.
  • 92. * Sattvavajaya Chikitsa: • The word Sattvavajaya - Sattva & Avajaya • The word Sattva refers to being Existence, Excellence. • The word Avajaya means Overcoming, Victory. • The word Sattvajaya refers to Self- Command, Strength Of Mind. • Acharya Charaka, Who introduce Sattvajaya Chikitsa for mental disorders, Which is non- pharmacolohical approach equivalent to modern Psychotherapy. * Aim Of Sattvavajaya Chikitsa: • The Aim Of Satvavajaya Chikitsa is to enhance the Sattva Guna in order to correct the imbalanced state of Rajas & Tamas.
  • 93. • It is defined as a method of controlling or restraining the mind from unwholesome Arthas. • A look at the above definition shows 3 words they are: 1) Ahita 2) Artha 3) Mano Nigraha  While describing the principles of treatment charaka prescribes the following methods of treatment of mental diseases. • मानसो ज्ञानधिज्ञानिैयवस्मृधिसमाधिधभ ।( C. Su. 1/58) • Jnanam- Spiritual Knowledge  Vijnanam- Scriptual Knowledge  Dhairya- Patience  Smruti- Memory  Samadhi- Meditation.
  • 94. • There by all the measures included under Satvavajaya i.e. Jnanam, Vijnanam, Dhairya, Smriti, Harshana, Ashwasana, helps-  Individual to discriminate between thoughts & actions  To divert mind and makes the patients to involve with commitment in other or next activity  To regulate thought process and retaining of ideas.  They intiate Bhakti Or Regard Or Strengthen his belief in god. * Scope Of Sattvavajaya: • Chintya- By regulating the thoughts process • Vicharya- By replacing the ideas • Uhya- By chaanneling the presumptions • Dhyeya- By Polishing the Objectives. • Sankalpa- By Proper Guidance & Advise for taking right decision.
  • 95. * Conclusion: • Psychosis is a known disorder since ancient time. • A Stable & Harmonious Equilibrium between Man & His Environment is needed to reduce man’s more productive & satisfying life. • It is a non- pharmacological approach for treating the mental disorders. It is based on Jnana, Vijnanam etc. • By Ayurvedic line of treatment with Sattvavajaya one can able to treat mental diseases effectively.
  • 96. * Effective Interview Should Be Framed Under The Following Headings: * Time: 1. Fix the total time of interview (30-45 mins). New Patient Or Stronger ones may need some more time. 2. Physician & Patient should develop a rapport that facilitates exploration of psychological & social information 3. Depending on Sensitivity & Sessions, Importance of matter, Time fixed may be changed. * Setting 1. Privacy is very important, but in case of a child patient, very often this point is overlooked. They are managed with less respect & sensitivity compared to adults. 2. Interviews in Closed Cubical, Unsheltered areas may not be much fruitful. 3. Room or Background should be devoid of visual & sound disturbances 4. Privacy should be created where child personally feels secure. * Goals: 1. Most common problem is, examiner is not able to attain goal. 2. Sometimes, To Attain Goal, More than one interview is required. 3. Results also depends on Status, Emotion Or Condition of the patient. 4. Physician should learn from the past experiences to attain goal. 5. Physician should Set , Define & State Priorities.
  • 97. * Communication: 1. Major Goal is exchange of information. 2. When patients are children, Exchanges occur between Doctor & Parents. 3. Social Interaction has got 2 parts, 1. Content, 2. Process 4. Content is the massage while process is the manner through which content is exchanged with in relationships. 5. Content is nothing but the words exchanged between communicating parties. Content is Message Or Communication. 6. Process includes Non- Verbal aspects like Tone Of Voice, Rate Of Speech, Inflection Of Words, Phrases, Facial Expressions, Head Movements, Hand Gestures, Body Postures, Movement Of All Communicative meaning. 7. Children always respond well to nonverbal communication than verbal communication. 8. Sometime child may not respond as it upset by Loudness Of Voice Of The Physician, So take softly with Low, Caring, Sympathetic & In a Mild Way. 9. Unfamiliar Office, Unfamiliar Persons, Physical Pain, Mental Confusion, Separation By Parents, Uncertainty, Can lead to poor responses from a child. 10. Children should be previously educated regarding future procedures. What doctor will ask, What is happening now, What will happens, Sufficient Assurance & Confidence should be ensured.
  • 98. * Rules While Talking With a Child: 1. Don’t Talk to children in a Condensing Manner. 2. Don’t Convey Or Say Child that Their Feelings, Concerns, Ideas are children. 3. Don’t Laugh at children , or cut jokes with children unnecessarily they intend to be Humorous. 4. Don’t Try always to be Funny, children knows the difference between Doctors & Jokers. 5. Never tease children unless you know them very well, Otherwise, They can tease you back. 6. Wispering with a child gives better response. They feel more Personal, Private & Reassuring. So they don’t want that every body hear their words. 7. We can use Writing, Drawing etc. At the time of interview to attract the attention. 8. Never discuss the Present Problem, Treatment, Need Of Hospitilisation etc., with the child olderchild. 9. Don’t treat them as your adult patients. They have Fear, Negativism, Reluctance etc., which has to be handled.
  • 99. *Psycho- Social Problems:  Psycho- Social problems in a child may develop due to- 1. Disturbances in Feeling (Depression Or Anxiety) 2. Disturbances in Body Function ( Psycho- Somatic Diseases) 3. Disturbances in Behavior ( Conduct Disturbance, Passive Aggression) 4. Disturbances in Performance ( Learning Problems).  Disturbances may be in all the above or in any one.  Psycho- Social Problems may be also due to Physical & Emotional Stress as Birth Defects, Physical Injury, Child Abuse, Neglect, Inadequate Child Rating Practice, Chronic Illness etc.  Psycho- Social Problems are Multifactorial in origin.  It also depends on Temperament, Development Level, Nature, Duration Of Stress, Past Experiences, Coping & Adaptive Behavior.  Children may react suddenly to Traumatic Events & Keeps their Feeling, Anxiety, Fear, Dormant for longer periods.  Infants & Toddlers react to stressful situations by alternation in their normal physiological functions. Sleep Disturbances, Feeding Problems, Anger, Fear, Temper- Tantrum, Passing of Urine.
  • 100.  When Effective Surgeries are planned, Child should be encouraged as a Brave-Boy, Good -Girl, Powerful Boy etc.  Create an environment that a child can freely talk regarding his feeling like Anger, Fear, Anxiety, Happy Mood, Confusion etc.  School going boy when he is not able to adjust to their work load given in his school, or for other personal problems they change their interpersonal relationship with Friends, Teachers & Family members along with altered (impaired) school performance.  Parents are frequently concerned whether the particular behavior of their kid is normal or not. • Some symptomatic action shows that the kids are normally behaving. Eg. Temper- Tantrum in a toddler may be showing negativism which is quite normal. But Temper- Tantrum in a 6 year old boy on slight provocation may show some psychological disturbances.  Method to judge that behavior is due to developmental variation or due to disturbance is by following points: 1. Age 2. Intensity 3. Frequency 4. Number Of Symptoms 5. Functions Impairment
  • 101. * Retro- Check:  Change in behavior may be certain stress factors. If you minimize/ remove stress child may behave normally. Parents can check back these stress factors by removing them. I. Stress in School (Home- Work, Tuitions, Project, Long Distance) II. Stress in Home III. Mal Adjustment with Friends/ Teachers/ Family Members. IV. Mental Injuries V. Fear factor T.V.( Day to day induces) VI. Disturbed Family, Parents Conflicts VII. Lack Of Care, Support, Love, Sympathy by parents. VIII. Unfilled Wishes IX. Lack Of Play Or Physical Exercise.
  • 102. * Psychiatric Considerations Of The CNS:  Psychiatric difficulties may follow illness involving the central nervous system. Infection, Injury, Toxicity, Degeneration, Metabolic, Idiopathic Illness of CNS may produce psychiatric symptoms.  Brain Injury increases the risk of both Intellectual Impairment & Psychiatric Disorders.( Especially When Injury is severe) social disinbihition is common in brain dysfunction.  Psychiatric Illness follows after Brain Injury, Illness Or Epilepsy in many children. Mentally related kids also have High Prevalence Of Psychiatric Disorders.  Prematurity, Birth Complications, Neonatal Complications, Increase Risk Of Hyperactivity Impulsivity, Difficulties In Socialization, Poor Control Over Emotions, Anger etc.  Substance Abuse Disorders In Pregnancy may lead to Psychiatric Illness. Placental Problems Preterm, LBW due to substance abuse may be a cause of brain injury. Cocaine induced Cerebral Infraction, Microcephaly, Development Delay, Behavioral & Learning Problems.  Meningitis affecting below 3-4 years have a long lasting effect on the Personality & Behavioral in survived cases.
  • 103.  Most Important Factor where in a child adjusts itself to a chronic de- formating organic condition is the ability of the parents to adjust and cope.  Certain Stimulant drugs may improve the child’s ability to Perform in the school, Smoothing Of Emotional Control & Facilitate Social Interactions. * Psychosomatic Illness: • Psychological Factors which affects the somatic functions is the hallmark of Psychosomatic disorders. • There are 3 categories of Psycho- Somatic Disorders:- a. Psycho- Physiologic Disorders b. Somato- Form Disorders c. Factitious Disorders. a) Psycho- Physiological Disorders: 1. Psychological conditions affects the physical conditions of the body. 2. Psychological reactions to any external or internal stimuli affect the physical conditions, with definite pathophysiological changes
  • 104. * Somatoform: 1. Somatic Complaints Or Dysfunctions those that are under conscious control & for which there is no any demonstrable cause. 2. This includes body Dysmorphic Disorders, Conversation Disorders, Hypo- Chondriasis , Somatilization Disorder, Somatoform Pain Disorders. * Factitious Disorders: • Presents with Somatic & Psychological Symptoms which can be controlled consciously. Symptoms are Self- Controlled, Self Induce for the purpose of secondary gain. • Proxy Syndrome is one such example.
  • 105. * Conversation Disorder: 1. Alternation/ Loss Of Physical Function without any Demonstrable Organic Illness. 2. Usually, Present in Adolescents & Adults also. 3. These disorders start Suddenly, Triggered by an Environmental Event & Stopped Abrupty after a short duration. 4. Voluntary Muscles & Special Organs of sense (Sense Organs) usually are affected. 5. This may take many forms like Hysterical Blindness, Paralysis, Diplopia, Gait Disturbances, Pseudoseizures. 6. Physical Examination fail to detect any abnormalities. 7. History may be quite useful. * Hypochondriasis: 1. Pre- Occupation with fear of having some serious illness. 2. He uses multiple somatic complaints to express the inner feeling tension. 3. This provide alternate routes of discharge of Physiological & Emotional Tension. 4. Recurrent Abdominal Pain(2-4%), Headaches(1-2%) are most common.
  • 106. * Proxy Syndrome: 1. Parents induce physical symptoms in their children. 2. This is a type of child abuse. Some time ends in a death 3. Warning Observations. 1) Persistent Or Recurrent Illness that can’t be explained. 2) Investigations suggest Normal Health of the child. 3) Doctor says that he has never seen such cases. 4) Symptoms do not occur when parents are away. 5) Primary Care Taker refuses to leave the child for a short time also. 6) Poorly Tolerated Treatments. 7) Very Rare Disorders, 8) Primary Care Taker doesn’t seems to be as worried as Nurse Or Doctors. 9) Clinical Response to treatment is not there. 10) Advise for Admission, Advance Investigation, Primary Care Taker Refuses. 11) Best Treatment is separate primary care taker from the child. 12) Then reassure the child.
  • 107. * Psychophysiological Disorders: 1) More Of Insidious onset that from Somato- Form Disorders. 2) Chronic Anxiety produces functional abnormalities in the autonomic nervous system which further leads to structural changes. 3) Eczema, Bronchial Asthama, Ulcerative Colitis, Peptic Ulcers etc., are some of the examples. *General Principal Of Treatment Of Psychosomatic Disorders: i. Symptoms of affected children are not within their conscious control. Their problems should not be considering as acting their & their problems are real. ii. Psychiatric Assessment & Counseling should be arranged in the early part. Because if you arrange the same after all expensive investigations done, If investigations are normal also parents come to conclusion that their child has a problem for which the ‘real cause’ has not been found. So, first go for a psychological assessment to remove this false impression. iii. Parents should be educated regarding Child Behavior, Realize & Understand Emotions of the child and should be sympathetic towards them. Insecurity which is causing problem has to be realized. iv. Psycho- Therapy for the child, counseling for the parents should be done. v. Child & Family should be helped to live as normal as possible to Avoid Unwanted Stress. Stress can be minimized/ removed by early returning to school after Illness, Participation Of Recreational Activities, Normal Peer Interactions.
  • 108. 4. Lehanam : • Meaning of Lehana is the act of Licking, Tasting Or Lapping with the tongue ( Dictionary – M. Monier Willaims). According to Sharangadhara, when extract, decoction etc of drugs are made dense with the help of mild fire and which can be licked by tongue, the prepared drug is known as Rasa- Kriya or Leha Kalpana ( Sh.S. Madhyama Khanda 8/ 1). * सुखखं दु:खं धि बलानां दृश्यिे लेिनाश्रयम् । ( Ka.Sa.Su. 18/4) • Lord Kashyapa has shown the importance of electuaries in caring of the children with specific indications and contraindications, When giving the answer of question of his novoice. According to him, pleasure and unhappiness, both are dependent on the Lehana ( electuaries).
  • 109. • The concept of Lehana, given by Kashayapa, is different any other author. Sushruta has described four gold containing preparations for the newborn children, but commentator Dalhana has the opinion that these should be given to 1-12 years old children (S.S.Sh.10/68-70, Dalhana Commentary). • The purpose of these Lehana is to enhance body Growth, Intellect, Immunity and Understanding. • The primary purpose of the recipes mentioned by the Kashyapa is to fulfill the nutritional requirements ( probably micronutrients and energy providing substance) of infants and result in enhancing the intellect. In other words these Lehana are supplementary foods for infants which fulfill the indication criteria and complements required micronutrients and energy providing substance- fat ( Butter- Oil) and responsible to optimize the Growth, Intellect, Immunity and Understanding of Children.
  • 110. • For this purpose specific preparations have been given. * Dosage Schedule ( For Lehana): • Principle for the dosage determination in accordance to the age of the baby is not clearly mentioned in Lehanadhyaya for Kashyapa Samhita. • Dose can be increased on monthly basis as the baby grows. Kashyapa has not mentioned the dose for any drug or compound but the dose of schedule has been described in chapter of Lehana, Therefore , the description of dosage schedule should be considered in reference to Lehana ( electuaries) and for the lehana compounds where no specific dose is mentioned for the children.
  • 111. • According to Kashyapa, drug ( Lehana) should be given or prescribed to the newborn child in quantity equal to Vidanga fruit with honey and butter oil (sarpi). This dose should be increased every month as the baby grows but not more than the Amalaka fruit. * Indication For Lehana: • The following are the conditions in which Lehana ( electuaries) should be given to the children –  No Production of breast milk in mother or Dhatri ( wet nurse).  Production of breast milk in small amount i.e. not sufficient for the infants.  Prasuta ( Parturient Mother) or wet nurse having vitiated breast milk.  Mother having birth of a baby with difficulty or baby delivered abnormally ( Difficult/ Prolonged Labor).
  • 112.  Mother suffering from acute disease ( Severe disease).  Infant suffering with Vatika or Paittika disorders but not the Kapha disorder.  Baby does not get satisfaction after taking milk or having hunger cry even after frequent breast milk feeding.  Infant has insomnia in the night and takes food ( Milk) too much.  Baby passes Urine and Stool in small amount.  Baby has voracious appetite ( due to increased digestive power).  Baby has Soft Body Organs, Lean and Thin in spite of healthy.  Baby passes stool after 3 Days.