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Perspective   Klaus Hölbling
              Olaf Acker
              Florian Gröne

Not Your Typical
Marketing Campaign
The Next Wave
of Technology-
Driven Marketing
Contact Information

Vienna                     Chicago
Klaus Hölbling             Mike Cooke
Partner                    Partner
+43-1-518-22-907           +1-312-578-4639

Frankfurt                  New York
Olaf Acker                 Jeff Tucker
Principal                  Partner
+49-69-97167-453           +1-212-551-6653

Berlin                     Beirut
Florian Gröne              Ramez Shehadi
Senior Associate           Partner
+49-30-88705-844           +961-1-336433

                                                     Booz & Company
EXECUTIVE        In a world overrun with marketing messages, the next wave
                 of marketing technology will cut through the clutter, building
                 automated marketing campaigns that address your customers’
                 wants and needs individually. The result: greater customer
                 intimacy, improved loyalty, and higher revenues. Moving
                 quickly will gain real competitive advantage for you, so start
                 planning for the future now. Here’s how.

                 You’re in the middle of a business      generation marketing IT: the new
                 trip. You’ve left your cell phone       wave of technology-driven marketing.
                 charger at home, your phone’s battery
                 is dead, and a big client is calling    Here’s how it works. While your
                 you in two hours. So you make           phone is charging, the sales agent
                 your way to your mobile operator’       enters your phone number into the
                 nearest retail outlet to buy a new      sales terminal, activating the customer
                 charger, and maybe a battery too.       relationship software maintained on a
                 You walk in, hoping to complete this    global network. Its purpose is to help
                 tedious errand quickly. Much to your    the clerk recognize your individual
                 surprise, you walk out 20 minutes       needs and predispositions, and to
                 later with a complete travel kit,       offer you products likely to interest
                 including a spare charger, a battery,   you. While you wait, the program
                 and a three-month trial subscription    brings up your record and identifies
                 to the mobile company’s basic e-mail    you as a high-value client, who makes
                 and Internet service package. How       a lot of phone calls and occasionally
                 did that happen? Chalk it up to next-   runs over your monthly allotment.

Booz & Company                                                                                1
You also do a lot of text messaging,        in the information he or she receives     marketing technology architectures,
regularly check your account online,        from the computer. It tells the sales     with three primary goals in mind. The
receive your bills via e-mail, and have     agent precisely what to offer you,        first goal is the ability to instantly
an up-to-date, multimedia-ready             based on the statistical likelihood       collect data from a variety of
phone.                                      that you (or people like you) will be     channels—including retail outlets, the
                                            interested in the product or service.     Web, or and the call center—and then
The system analyzes this information        Under the circumstances, how can          to distribute relevant information
for a few seconds and then, based on        you refuse? You’re surprised and          back to those channels. The second
pre-calculated scores, the campaign         delighted by the travel kit, which in     is the capacity to compile and
engine determines that you’re likely        turn makes you feel more loyal to the     generate a coherent view of every
to be an early adopter: the sort of         company. Like many “high-value”           customer, taking into account his or
person who is willing to try new            users of the online trial, you will       her histories and preferences. And the
technologies. In addition, the loyalty      probably end up keeping the e-mail        third goal is the creation of business
generated by the free travel kit should     service, at the non-discount price, for   rules that will govern every customer
makes it less likely that you would         many years to come.                       interaction, including which messages
switch to a competitor, increasing                                                    to send and which deals to offer.
your expected “high-roller” lifetime        None of those decisions—or the            That’s a tall order, and the only way
value to the company by a significant       business results that followed—would      to get there is to make sure CIOs
percentage. The system leads the            have been possible without the help       work closely with marketers to lay
agent, step by step, to make you a          of the next generation of marketing       out the overall marketing strategy,
series of offers. A natural talent for      technology. These new forms of            and then to translate it into the
salesmanship may play a part in the         information technology require a          processes and rules that will play out
agent’s success, but the real secret lies   transformation of current direct          at every point of contact.

These new forms of information technology
require a transformation of current direct
marketing technology architectures.

2                                                                                                           Booz & Company
IN MARKETING,                           Consider how much more value your
                                        visit to the shop generated for the
                                                                                     rules-based software engines, and
                                                                                     tailored to a “segment of one”—that
KNOWLEDGE                               phone company than a traditional             individual business traveler standing
IS POWER                                marketing campaign would have.
                                        Before that visit, you might have
                                                                                     in the shop with a dead phone, for
                                                                                     instance, or any one of hundreds of
                                        received dozens of generic mailings,         other people with different attitudes
                                        at great expense, from the phone             and needs—making the right offer to
                                        company. None of them illuminated            the right consumer at the right time
                                        your individual needs and interests.         (see Exhibit 1).
                                        And you probably threw them all
                                        away with hardly a glance.                   Next-generation campaign systems
                                                                                     will give marketers the ability to
                                        What are those traditional marketing         integrate data into their calculations
                                        campaigns missing? They lack the             from all touch points—the Web, the
                                        analytical rigor, driven by information      phone, the physical retail outlet—
                                        technology, that might allow the             through which they interact with
                                        company to establish a better                their customers and learn about them.
                                        dialogue with its customers. The next        With that knowledge, marketers
                                        generation of marketing campaigns            can also design flexible, real-time
                                        can go beyond today’s rough efforts          “inbound” campaigns that listen
                                        at customer segmentation, using              actively and respond to customer
                                        IT to gather much more refined               behavior and preferences. Should a
                                        perspectives on customers and their          customer complain about a product in
                                        behavior. Messages and offers can            an e-mail or during a customer service
                                        be generated through dynamic,                call, for instance, the business rules

Exhibit 1
The Next-Gen Campaigning Equation


  • Products bought                         •  ontact reason (such as product
                                              C                                            •  ositively surprise clients with tailored

                                    +                                                =
  • Usage patterns                            inquiry or complaint)                          offers and superior customer service
  • Past complaints                         •  ustomer touch point (e.g. location
                                              C                                            •  nsure that offers make economic
  • Client lifetime value                     and type of store                              sense, customer by customer
  • Recent client interactions              •  eal-time transaction data
                                            •  ther information gathered during
                                              client interaction

Source: Booz  Company

Booz  Company                                                                                                                            3
programmed into the IT system might       including an accurate portrait of the
determine that he or she should be        bank’s profits from each customer, on
sent an offer for a product upgrade.      a monthly basis. The bank now uses
In effect, this type of IT system         that portrait to segment customers,
maintains an ongoing conversation         based on both their present and
with customers, reacting to every         potential future value to the bank. For
customer action and learning more         any given customer, a bank teller can
and more through each contact.            bring up a screen containing detailed
                                          information about that person, his
A large UK-based bank set itself the      or her overall value to the bank,
goal of achieving better customer         and the types of offer they are likely
insight in rethinking its marketing IT.   to consider seriously. Much of this
After the implementation of a new         information is based on “propensity
design, the bank was able to gather       analysis”—what this customer is
transactional data and customer           likely to buy, based on how similar
information across its entire product     customers have behaved. The results
line, from mortgages to credit cards      so far have been strong, and the
to savings accounts. That information     bank is now widely recognized as the
enabled the system to generate            most effective cross-seller of financial
a single view of each customer,           products in the U.K.

                                          In effect, this type of IT system
                                          maintains an ongoing conversation
                                          with customers, reacting to every
                                          customer action and learning more
                                          and more through each contact.

4                                                                                    Booz  Company
DESIGNING                                                      Next-generation direct marketing
                                                               demands a front-to-back rethink of
                                                                                                                                                        of the customer data. Using the new
                                                                                                                                                        architecture, all of those channels
A NEXT-                                                        the overall IT architecture, with the                                                    now connect to a central integrated
GENERATION                                                     ultimate goal of better understanding
                                                               the customer. Exhibit 2 lays out the
                                                                                                                                                        engine. This engine, available
                                                                                                                                                        throughout the network, mediates
ARCHITECTURE                                                   essential differences between the old                                                    between channels and the customer
                                                               architecture and the new. In the past,                                                   data and back-end processing. The
                                                               each channel would feed customer                                                         central campaign engine also contains
                                                               information individually into the                                                        the business rules that govern every
                                                               back-end customer relationship                                                           interaction with every customer.
                                                               management (CRM) and enterprise
                                                               resource planning (ERP) systems that                                                     Key to the success of the architecture
                                                               processed transactions and held much                                                     is the creation of a flexible model of

Exhibit 2
Past- vs. Next-Generation Direct Marketing IT Architectures

                        TYPICAL MARKETING-IT SYSTEM OF THE PAST                                               NEXT-GENERATION MARKETING SYSTEM DESIGN

                                        Marketeer                                                                                                            Marketeer

                               Data Data
            Front-End        Warehouse   Data Data                                                 Front-End                                                 Marketing
                                       Warehouse    Data
            Channels/                       Warehouse               Back-End                       Channels/                                                 Workbench                             Back-End
           Touch Points                                             Systems                       Touch Points                                                                                     Systems
                                 Channel Silo A1
                                                       Middle-        Data                                                                                                                          Data
             Mail/Fax                                   ware        Warehouse                       Mail/Fax                                                  Inbound                             Warehouse
                                 Channel Silo A2
                                                                                                                    Channel Abstraction  Integration

                                                                    Enterprise                                                                                                                     Enterprise
              Voice              Channel Silo B         Data        Resource                         Voice                                                   Outbound                              Resource
                                                                                                                                                                           Data Abstraction/EAI

                                                        Mart        Planning                                                                                                                       Planning


                                                                    Customer                                                                                 Integrated                            Customer
              Retail                                   Dash-                                         Retail


                                  Channel Silo C       board       Relationship                                                                             Campaigning                           Relationship
                                                                   Management                                                                               Architecture                          Management

                                                                      Service                                                                                Analytics                             Service
              Web                     Channel Silo D                                                  Web                                                     Reporting
                                                                     Platforms                                                                                                                     Platforms

           E-channels                 Channel Silo E                    ...                       E-Channels                                                 Resource                                  ...

Source: Booz  Company

Booz  Company                                                                                                                                                                                                    5
the metadata that controls customer        marketers to design cross-channel           through mass mailings, rather than
information. This gives marketers          campaigns that can rapidly shift            understanding customers’ behavior and
the ability to tap into any number of      direction from one combination of           buying patterns. Its call center agents
customer data warehouses, without          channels to the next.                       had no access to truly useful customer
the time and effort required to inte-                                                  information other than raw monthly
grate all that information into a single   The system is designed to support           bills, and its marketers had no faith in
database. This model also allows           all critical processes and workflows        the concept of predictive analytics.
every channel to tap into the same         required by each campaign, from
collection of customer information.        campaign planning and the build-            A re-architecture of the company’s
The single most critical innovation,       ing of the rules engines to campaign        direct marketing technology provided
however, lies in doing away with the       execution and the orchestration of          a new marketing portal to its customer
typical siloed, channel-specific archi-    multiple campaigns—even monitoring          service agents, which gives them up-
tecture on which most current direct       and reporting dynamically on the sys-       to-date information on customers and
marketing and campaigning technol-         tem’s success. Business users benefit       their phone usage habits. Agents now
ogy depends. No customer-centric           further through increased usability:        have instant access to predictions of
marketing effort can be truly success-     Users can create “dashboards” to aid        customer behavior, and more than 50
ful if the technology is still organized   in interacting with customers, manag-       rule models are dynamically updated
around interaction channels, rather        ing campaign workflows, monitoring          as new transactions are entered. Agents
than those all-important customers         a campaign’s progress, and assessing        are instantly given offers to make to
who naturally interact with the busi-      its performance.                            each customer (“Would you like to
ness through multiple channels.                                                        try our MP3 download package?”), a
                                           A large European mobile carrier, with       message to convey (“By receiving your
The new architecture also provides         more than 10 million customers,             bill via e-mail, you can do something
unprecedented flexibility. Because the     almost 4,000 call center agents, and 2      for the environment!”), and a ques-
system is increasingly integrated into     million monthly visitors to its Web site,   tion to ask (“Would you mind sharing
a suite of marketing tools, campaigns      was struggling to build the capabil-        your e-mail address?”). The results
can be designed and executed without       ity to accurately target its marketing      have been impressive: The offer-to-sale
needing to be tied to individual chan-     campaigns in this way. Prior to its         conversion rate is now greater than
nels . All the business rules required     shift to next-generation campaigning,       75 percent, while both customers and
by each channel are captured and           the company’s marketing efforts had         agents report significantly higher satis-
integrated by the system, allowing         been oriented around selling products       faction with the new system.

6                                                                                                              Booz  Company
THE PATH TO      Success in next-generation campaign-
                 ing depends on how you design the
                                                                   involves a refinement of three general
                                                                   campaigning requirements: planning,
THE NEXT         new system and incorporate it into                analytics and execution. The first
GENERATION       your company. Each step of the way
                 will require the willingness to rethink
                                                                   stage, which many large companies
                                                                   have already built, provides the
                 your overall marketing strategy, the              essential ability to design specific
                 tactical processes by which you plan              campaigns, analyze and segment
                 and carry out each campaign, and                  customers based on their behavior,
                 the IT tools you need. You must                   and create outbound campaigns.
                 develop the skills required to design             Exhibit 3 lays out the order in which
                 and execute analytic campaigns and,               these capabilities might be developed.
                 of course, you will need to build the
                 technologies to enable those cam-                 At the same time, it’s critical to
                 paigns. Most important, from begin-               remember that next-generation
                 ning to end, the CIO and the CMO                  campaign systems demand significant
                 must work together as partners to                 changes to marketing practices and
                 design, build, and test the necessary             processes, and they don’t come cheap.
                 infrastructure, and to expand it, step            CIOs and CMOs must think carefully
                 by step, throughout your company.                 about their company’s real needs as
                                                                   they plan and design the system, and
                 Sequence is critical. Think of the                then evaluate the technology and
                 capabilities you’ve decided to build              software products on offer to see how
                 as a set of building blocks that must             closely they meet those needs. A lot of
                 be put together in a certain order.               money can be saved by being realistic
                 These capabilities should be built in             about your company’s requirements,
                 multiple stages, with each subsequent             and not overbuying.
                 stage dependent on the success of
                 the preceding stage, and all sharing              For example, is having the ability to
                 in the final victory. Each stage                  process new inbound information in

                 Exhibit 3
                 Campaign Capability Building Blocks

                                       Customer        Recurring
                    Campaign-        segmentation      outbound
                   specific plans      behavior                        Stage 1

                     Campaign         Rule-based
                      portfolio        decision                         Stage 2
                       plan            making

                     Campaign          Real-time,
                      portfolio         iterative                       Stage 3
                    optimization    decision making

                      Planning            Analytics   Execution

                 Source: Booz  Company

Booz  Company                                                                                             7
real time, as soon as it is received,    The more complex the requirements,         ware as a service and service-oriented
really necessary? Or might it be suf-    naturally, the more support and auto-      architectures make integrating the
ficient to use pre-calculated, batch-    mation you’ll want.                        various elements of a best-of-breed
processed responses that correspond                                                 architecture significantly easier.
to real-time customer input? Truly       The decisions you make about trade-
dynamic real-time capabilities are       offs between wants and needs will          Whichever path you decide to follow,
relatively expensive to build, and       also affect how you choose your            the time to think systematically about
companies need to consider care-         vendors. Should you buy a marketing        your marketing technology is now.
fully whether the difference between     suite or should you take a more open,      Building the means to gather and
instantly updated customer profiles      best-of-breed approach? Many of the        analyze your customer data and then
and hourly or daily updates, for         so-called suites came about as the         put it to work in clearly defined cam-
instance, will make a significant dif-   result of vendors buying or merging        paigns is no easy task. But you can be
ference in their overall success.        with other vendors. Too often, such        sure that your competitors are already
                                         suites still suffer from poor integra-     at it, or at least thinking about the
Similar trade-offs should be taken       tion of their various modules, and         problem. To keep a step or two ahead
into account when considering the        that can cause problems in areas such      of them, start working toward the
degree to which you want the system      as the creation of working metadata        kind of marketing campaigns that
to support the marketing organiza-       models that pull data from various         would really drive growth, and the
tion’s workflow, and to what extent      databases. That’s why some compa-          IT systems and tools you’ll need to
you want those processes to be auto-     nies may prefer to follow a best-of-       drive those campaigns. Build a plan
mated. These decisions will be based,    breed approach, buying modules as          for achieving those goals quickly. And
in turn, on the size of the marketing    needed, and integrating them into a        rally your marketing and IT troops
organization, the complexity of your     preexisting campaign-management            to action now. The fast mover in the
campaigns, and the number of differ-     system, for instance. This approach is     race to next-generation marketing
ent channels you expect will need to     also beginning to look more and more       will gain a huge competitive advan-
be integrated into the overall system.   attractive as technologies such as soft-   tage. Don’t be left behind.

                                         From beginning to end, the CIO and the
                                         CMO must work together as partners
                                         to design, build, and test the necessary
                                         infrastructure, and to expand it, step by
                                         step, throughout your company.

8                                                                                                          Booz  Company
About the Authors

Klaus Hölbling is a partner       Florian Gröne is a senior asso-
with Booz  Company in            ciate with Booz  Company in
Vienna. He supports leading       Berlin. He works with telecoms,
businesses in consumer-           IT service providers, and other
oriented industries, such         IT-enabled businesses to
as telecom, high tech, and        enhance operating models and
transportation, in enhancing      technology platforms, espe-
their marketing, sales, and       cially in their marketing, sales,
customer-service capabilities.    and customer-management
He can be reached at klaus.       functions. He can be reached or             at or
+43-1-518-22-907.                 +49-30-88705-844.

Olaf Acker is a principal with
Booz  Company in Frankfurt.
He works with communications,
media, and technology com-
panies, focusing on technology
strategy to enhance their prod-
uct development, marketing,
sales, and customer care-
related capabilities. He can be
reached at olaf.acker@booz.
com or +49-69-97167-453.

Booz  Company                                                        9
The most recent list of     Worldwide        Bangkok        Madrid        Dubai           South America
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Booz  Company is a leading global management
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Our founder, Edwin Booz, defined the profession
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Not Your Typical Marketing Campaign: The Next Wave of Technology- Driven Marketing

  • 1. Perspective Klaus Hölbling Olaf Acker Florian Gröne Not Your Typical Marketing Campaign The Next Wave of Technology- Driven Marketing
  • 2. Contact Information Vienna Chicago Klaus Hölbling Mike Cooke Partner Partner +43-1-518-22-907 +1-312-578-4639 Frankfurt New York Olaf Acker Jeff Tucker Principal Partner +49-69-97167-453 +1-212-551-6653 Berlin Beirut Florian Gröne Ramez Shehadi Senior Associate Partner +49-30-88705-844 +961-1-336433 Booz & Company
  • 3. EXECUTIVE In a world overrun with marketing messages, the next wave of marketing technology will cut through the clutter, building SUMMARY automated marketing campaigns that address your customers’ wants and needs individually. The result: greater customer intimacy, improved loyalty, and higher revenues. Moving quickly will gain real competitive advantage for you, so start planning for the future now. Here’s how. You’re in the middle of a business generation marketing IT: the new trip. You’ve left your cell phone wave of technology-driven marketing. charger at home, your phone’s battery is dead, and a big client is calling Here’s how it works. While your you in two hours. So you make phone is charging, the sales agent your way to your mobile operator’ enters your phone number into the nearest retail outlet to buy a new sales terminal, activating the customer charger, and maybe a battery too. relationship software maintained on a You walk in, hoping to complete this global network. Its purpose is to help tedious errand quickly. Much to your the clerk recognize your individual surprise, you walk out 20 minutes needs and predispositions, and to later with a complete travel kit, offer you products likely to interest including a spare charger, a battery, you. While you wait, the program and a three-month trial subscription brings up your record and identifies to the mobile company’s basic e-mail you as a high-value client, who makes and Internet service package. How a lot of phone calls and occasionally did that happen? Chalk it up to next- runs over your monthly allotment. Booz & Company 1
  • 4. You also do a lot of text messaging, in the information he or she receives marketing technology architectures, regularly check your account online, from the computer. It tells the sales with three primary goals in mind. The receive your bills via e-mail, and have agent precisely what to offer you, first goal is the ability to instantly an up-to-date, multimedia-ready based on the statistical likelihood collect data from a variety of phone. that you (or people like you) will be channels—including retail outlets, the interested in the product or service. Web, or and the call center—and then The system analyzes this information Under the circumstances, how can to distribute relevant information for a few seconds and then, based on you refuse? You’re surprised and back to those channels. The second pre-calculated scores, the campaign delighted by the travel kit, which in is the capacity to compile and engine determines that you’re likely turn makes you feel more loyal to the generate a coherent view of every to be an early adopter: the sort of company. Like many “high-value” customer, taking into account his or person who is willing to try new users of the online trial, you will her histories and preferences. And the technologies. In addition, the loyalty probably end up keeping the e-mail third goal is the creation of business generated by the free travel kit should service, at the non-discount price, for rules that will govern every customer makes it less likely that you would many years to come. interaction, including which messages switch to a competitor, increasing to send and which deals to offer. your expected “high-roller” lifetime None of those decisions—or the That’s a tall order, and the only way value to the company by a significant business results that followed—would to get there is to make sure CIOs percentage. The system leads the have been possible without the help work closely with marketers to lay agent, step by step, to make you a of the next generation of marketing out the overall marketing strategy, series of offers. A natural talent for technology. These new forms of and then to translate it into the salesmanship may play a part in the information technology require a processes and rules that will play out agent’s success, but the real secret lies transformation of current direct at every point of contact. These new forms of information technology require a transformation of current direct marketing technology architectures. 2 Booz & Company
  • 5. IN MARKETING, Consider how much more value your visit to the shop generated for the rules-based software engines, and tailored to a “segment of one”—that KNOWLEDGE phone company than a traditional individual business traveler standing IS POWER marketing campaign would have. Before that visit, you might have in the shop with a dead phone, for instance, or any one of hundreds of received dozens of generic mailings, other people with different attitudes at great expense, from the phone and needs—making the right offer to company. None of them illuminated the right consumer at the right time your individual needs and interests. (see Exhibit 1). And you probably threw them all away with hardly a glance. Next-generation campaign systems will give marketers the ability to What are those traditional marketing integrate data into their calculations campaigns missing? They lack the from all touch points—the Web, the analytical rigor, driven by information phone, the physical retail outlet— technology, that might allow the through which they interact with company to establish a better their customers and learn about them. dialogue with its customers. The next With that knowledge, marketers generation of marketing campaigns can also design flexible, real-time can go beyond today’s rough efforts “inbound” campaigns that listen at customer segmentation, using actively and respond to customer IT to gather much more refined behavior and preferences. Should a perspectives on customers and their customer complain about a product in behavior. Messages and offers can an e-mail or during a customer service be generated through dynamic, call, for instance, the business rules Exhibit 1 The Next-Gen Campaigning Equation PAST DATA ABOUT THE CLIENT CURRENT DATA ABOUT THE CLIENT SUPERIOR RESPONSE TO CLIENT NEEDS • Products bought • ontact reason (such as product C • ositively surprise clients with tailored P + = • Usage patterns inquiry or complaint) offers and superior customer service • Past complaints • ustomer touch point (e.g. location C • nsure that offers make economic E • Client lifetime value and type of store sense, customer by customer • Recent client interactions • eal-time transaction data R • ther information gathered during O client interaction Source: Booz Company Booz Company 3
  • 6. programmed into the IT system might including an accurate portrait of the determine that he or she should be bank’s profits from each customer, on sent an offer for a product upgrade. a monthly basis. The bank now uses In effect, this type of IT system that portrait to segment customers, maintains an ongoing conversation based on both their present and with customers, reacting to every potential future value to the bank. For customer action and learning more any given customer, a bank teller can and more through each contact. bring up a screen containing detailed information about that person, his A large UK-based bank set itself the or her overall value to the bank, goal of achieving better customer and the types of offer they are likely insight in rethinking its marketing IT. to consider seriously. Much of this After the implementation of a new information is based on “propensity design, the bank was able to gather analysis”—what this customer is transactional data and customer likely to buy, based on how similar information across its entire product customers have behaved. The results line, from mortgages to credit cards so far have been strong, and the to savings accounts. That information bank is now widely recognized as the enabled the system to generate most effective cross-seller of financial a single view of each customer, products in the U.K. In effect, this type of IT system maintains an ongoing conversation with customers, reacting to every customer action and learning more and more through each contact. 4 Booz Company
  • 7. DESIGNING Next-generation direct marketing demands a front-to-back rethink of of the customer data. Using the new architecture, all of those channels A NEXT- the overall IT architecture, with the now connect to a central integrated GENERATION ultimate goal of better understanding the customer. Exhibit 2 lays out the engine. This engine, available throughout the network, mediates ARCHITECTURE essential differences between the old between channels and the customer architecture and the new. In the past, data and back-end processing. The each channel would feed customer central campaign engine also contains information individually into the the business rules that govern every back-end customer relationship interaction with every customer. management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems that Key to the success of the architecture processed transactions and held much is the creation of a flexible model of Exhibit 2 Past- vs. Next-Generation Direct Marketing IT Architectures TYPICAL MARKETING-IT SYSTEM OF THE PAST NEXT-GENERATION MARKETING SYSTEM DESIGN Marketeer Marketeer Data Data Front-End Warehouse Data Data Front-End Marketing Warehouse Warehouse Data Channels/ Warehouse Back-End Channels/ Workbench Back-End Warehouse Touch Points Systems Touch Points Systems Channel Silo A1 Middle- Data Data Mail/Fax ware Warehouse Mail/Fax Inbound Warehouse Channel Silo A2 Channel Abstraction Integration Enterprise Enterprise Voice Channel Silo B Data Resource Voice Outbound Resource Data Abstraction/EAI Mart Planning Planning Customer Customer Customer Integrated Customer Retail Dash- Retail IT IT Channel Silo C board Relationship Campaigning Relationship Management Architecture Management Service Analytics Service Web Channel Silo D Web Reporting Platforms Platforms Workflow E-channels Channel Silo E ... E-Channels Resource ... Management Source: Booz Company Booz Company 5
  • 8. the metadata that controls customer marketers to design cross-channel through mass mailings, rather than information. This gives marketers campaigns that can rapidly shift understanding customers’ behavior and the ability to tap into any number of direction from one combination of buying patterns. Its call center agents customer data warehouses, without channels to the next. had no access to truly useful customer the time and effort required to inte- information other than raw monthly grate all that information into a single The system is designed to support bills, and its marketers had no faith in database. This model also allows all critical processes and workflows the concept of predictive analytics. every channel to tap into the same required by each campaign, from collection of customer information. campaign planning and the build- A re-architecture of the company’s The single most critical innovation, ing of the rules engines to campaign direct marketing technology provided however, lies in doing away with the execution and the orchestration of a new marketing portal to its customer typical siloed, channel-specific archi- multiple campaigns—even monitoring service agents, which gives them up- tecture on which most current direct and reporting dynamically on the sys- to-date information on customers and marketing and campaigning technol- tem’s success. Business users benefit their phone usage habits. Agents now ogy depends. No customer-centric further through increased usability: have instant access to predictions of marketing effort can be truly success- Users can create “dashboards” to aid customer behavior, and more than 50 ful if the technology is still organized in interacting with customers, manag- rule models are dynamically updated around interaction channels, rather ing campaign workflows, monitoring as new transactions are entered. Agents than those all-important customers a campaign’s progress, and assessing are instantly given offers to make to who naturally interact with the busi- its performance. each customer (“Would you like to ness through multiple channels. try our MP3 download package?”), a A large European mobile carrier, with message to convey (“By receiving your The new architecture also provides more than 10 million customers, bill via e-mail, you can do something unprecedented flexibility. Because the almost 4,000 call center agents, and 2 for the environment!”), and a ques- system is increasingly integrated into million monthly visitors to its Web site, tion to ask (“Would you mind sharing a suite of marketing tools, campaigns was struggling to build the capabil- your e-mail address?”). The results can be designed and executed without ity to accurately target its marketing have been impressive: The offer-to-sale needing to be tied to individual chan- campaigns in this way. Prior to its conversion rate is now greater than nels . All the business rules required shift to next-generation campaigning, 75 percent, while both customers and by each channel are captured and the company’s marketing efforts had agents report significantly higher satis- integrated by the system, allowing been oriented around selling products faction with the new system. 6 Booz Company
  • 9. THE PATH TO Success in next-generation campaign- ing depends on how you design the involves a refinement of three general campaigning requirements: planning, THE NEXT new system and incorporate it into analytics and execution. The first GENERATION your company. Each step of the way will require the willingness to rethink stage, which many large companies have already built, provides the your overall marketing strategy, the essential ability to design specific tactical processes by which you plan campaigns, analyze and segment and carry out each campaign, and customers based on their behavior, the IT tools you need. You must and create outbound campaigns. develop the skills required to design Exhibit 3 lays out the order in which and execute analytic campaigns and, these capabilities might be developed. of course, you will need to build the technologies to enable those cam- At the same time, it’s critical to paigns. Most important, from begin- remember that next-generation ning to end, the CIO and the CMO campaign systems demand significant must work together as partners to changes to marketing practices and design, build, and test the necessary processes, and they don’t come cheap. infrastructure, and to expand it, step CIOs and CMOs must think carefully by step, throughout your company. about their company’s real needs as they plan and design the system, and Sequence is critical. Think of the then evaluate the technology and capabilities you’ve decided to build software products on offer to see how as a set of building blocks that must closely they meet those needs. A lot of be put together in a certain order. money can be saved by being realistic These capabilities should be built in about your company’s requirements, multiple stages, with each subsequent and not overbuying. stage dependent on the success of the preceding stage, and all sharing For example, is having the ability to in the final victory. Each stage process new inbound information in Exhibit 3 Campaign Capability Building Blocks Customer Recurring Campaign- segmentation outbound specific plans behavior Stage 1 campaigns analysis Campaign Rule-based Trigered portfolio decision Stage 2 campaigns plan making Campaign Real-time, Inbound portfolio iterative Stage 3 campaigns optimization decision making Planning Analytics Execution Source: Booz Company Booz Company 7
  • 10. real time, as soon as it is received, The more complex the requirements, ware as a service and service-oriented really necessary? Or might it be suf- naturally, the more support and auto- architectures make integrating the ficient to use pre-calculated, batch- mation you’ll want. various elements of a best-of-breed processed responses that correspond architecture significantly easier. to real-time customer input? Truly The decisions you make about trade- dynamic real-time capabilities are offs between wants and needs will Whichever path you decide to follow, relatively expensive to build, and also affect how you choose your the time to think systematically about companies need to consider care- vendors. Should you buy a marketing your marketing technology is now. fully whether the difference between suite or should you take a more open, Building the means to gather and instantly updated customer profiles best-of-breed approach? Many of the analyze your customer data and then and hourly or daily updates, for so-called suites came about as the put it to work in clearly defined cam- instance, will make a significant dif- result of vendors buying or merging paigns is no easy task. But you can be ference in their overall success. with other vendors. Too often, such sure that your competitors are already suites still suffer from poor integra- at it, or at least thinking about the Similar trade-offs should be taken tion of their various modules, and problem. To keep a step or two ahead into account when considering the that can cause problems in areas such of them, start working toward the degree to which you want the system as the creation of working metadata kind of marketing campaigns that to support the marketing organiza- models that pull data from various would really drive growth, and the tion’s workflow, and to what extent databases. That’s why some compa- IT systems and tools you’ll need to you want those processes to be auto- nies may prefer to follow a best-of- drive those campaigns. Build a plan mated. These decisions will be based, breed approach, buying modules as for achieving those goals quickly. And in turn, on the size of the marketing needed, and integrating them into a rally your marketing and IT troops organization, the complexity of your preexisting campaign-management to action now. The fast mover in the campaigns, and the number of differ- system, for instance. This approach is race to next-generation marketing ent channels you expect will need to also beginning to look more and more will gain a huge competitive advan- be integrated into the overall system. attractive as technologies such as soft- tage. Don’t be left behind. From beginning to end, the CIO and the CMO must work together as partners to design, build, and test the necessary infrastructure, and to expand it, step by step, throughout your company. 8 Booz Company
  • 11. About the Authors Klaus Hölbling is a partner Florian Gröne is a senior asso- with Booz Company in ciate with Booz Company in Vienna. He supports leading Berlin. He works with telecoms, businesses in consumer- IT service providers, and other oriented industries, such IT-enabled businesses to as telecom, high tech, and enhance operating models and transportation, in enhancing technology platforms, espe- their marketing, sales, and cially in their marketing, sales, customer-service capabilities. and customer-management He can be reached at klaus. functions. He can be reached or at or +43-1-518-22-907. +49-30-88705-844. Olaf Acker is a principal with Booz Company in Frankfurt. He works with communications, media, and technology com- panies, focusing on technology strategy to enhance their prod- uct development, marketing, sales, and customer care- related capabilities. He can be reached at olaf.acker@booz. com or +49-69-97167-453. Booz Company 9
  • 12. The most recent list of Worldwide Bangkok Madrid Dubai South America our office addresses and Offices Brisbane Milan Riyadh Buenos Aires telephone numbers can Canberra Moscow Rio de Janeiro be found on our website, Asia Jakarta Munich North America Santiago Beijing Kuala Lumpur Oslo Atlanta São Paulo Hong Kong Melbourne Paris Chicago Mumbai Sydney Rome Cleveland Seoul Stockholm Dallas Shanghai Europe Stuttgart Detroit Taipei Amsterdam Vienna Florham Park Tokyo Berlin Warsaw Houston Copenhagen Zurich Los Angeles Australia, Dublin McLean New Zealand Düsseldorf Middle East Mexico City Southeast Asia Frankfurt Abu Dhabi New York City Adelaide Helsinki Beirut Parsippany Auckland London Cairo San Francisco Booz Company is a leading global management consulting firm, helping the world’s top businesses, governments, and organizations. Our founder, Edwin Booz, defined the profession when he established the first management consulting firm in 1914. Today, with more than 3,300 people in 58 offices around the world, we bring foresight and knowledge, deep functional expertise, and a practical approach to building capabilities and delivering real impact. We work closely with our clients to create and deliver essential advantage. For our management magazine strategy+business, visit Visit to learn more about Booz Company. Printed in USA ©2008 Booz Company Inc.