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Remarkably targeted marketing.

Beyond the “Click”:
The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising

The challenge

In B2B marketing, the ultimate objective of any campaign is
to generate the most qualified leads possible, convert these
leads into new opportunities that fill the sales pipeline, and then
turn these opportunities into customers and repeat business.
However, many marketers are still unsure of how to fully
leverage online display advertising as a B2B marketing channel,
and how to measure success in ways that validate display ads
as concrete contributors to sales and revenue.

      To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
Beyond the “Click”:                                                                 Remarkably targeted marketing.
                               The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising

Many marketers have succumbed to the “click” as the                           influences the B2B purchasing process from start
main metric by which they should measure success in                           to finish. Display ads begin to influence prospects’
display advertising. (With the average click-through rate                     decision making from the point at which they become
for display ads at 0.1%1, it’s no wonder that marketers                       aware of a product or service to even after they have
question how to best leverage this channel.) For those                        purchased, when they require the reassurance that they
that do start down the path of using the click as their                       have made the right choice.
primary success metric, many end up frustrated when a
high click-through rate does not necessarily result in the                    Moreover, display ads have been proven to significantly
most qualified leads, complicating things even further.                       increase lift and conversions when combined with other
Finally, because the B2B sales cycle is often long and
                                                                              marketing channels including search. Here’s a real-
complex, and involves numerous individuals in the
                                                                              world example from Forrester Research:
decision-making process, B2B marketers may wonder
how to best use display ads to generate qualified
                                                                                   “A national wireless network provider was
opportunities and increase revenue. How should one
                                                                                   attempting to quantify the impact of advertising
approach ad targeting considering the B2B buying
                                                                                   on sales of phones and wireless plans.
process? And what are the most important success
                                                                                   Previously, the company used a last-click model,
                                                                                   where search received the majority of credit
                                                                                   for sales. It found that users who clicked on
How display advertising impacts B2B
                                                                                   search ads, who were also exposed to display
                                                                                   advertising, were 56% more likely to purchase.
Without question, display advertising impacts the B2B
                                                                                   This increase in lift revealed the importance of
sales cycle, and when companies use it effectively,
                                                                                   display advertising, even though previously it
they can achieve incredible results. In fact, display
                                                                                   had received no credit for these sales.”2
advertising is one of the only marketing channels
that can influence B2B buyers at every step of the
buying process. While other marketing channels such
as search and email are most useful for targeting
prospects in later stages of the sales cycle (e.g.
during the vendor evaluation stage) display advertising

    “The Bottom Line Is Online Ads Work for Branding and Sales,” Laurie Sullivan, MediaPostNews, July 31, 2009.
    “A Framework for Multicampaign Attribution Measurement,” John Lovett, Forrester Research, February 19, 2009.

                To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
Beyond the “Click”:                                                        Remarkably targeted marketing.
                            The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising

The goal of this guide is to help B2B marketers achieve            advertising to the B2B sales cycle through tactics that
similar success by better understanding the role of                drive real results, you’ll learn how to effectively utilize
display advertising in generating highly qualified leads           and measure the channel to make the greatest impact
and revenue. And by applying the power of display                  on your company’s bottom line.

A Quick Look at the Evolution of Online Advertising

Banner Ads                        Keyword Advertising              Contextual Advertising              Cookie-based Targeted
In the beginning, banner ads      In response to the lower         Online ads were placed next to      Advertising
were supposed to provide          number of actual conversions     related content (e.g. an ad for     Web sites have the ability to
concrete value to companies       resulting from high volumes of   a credit card next to an article    attach a trackable piece of text
based on the sheer number         impressions, the pay-per-click   on the increased purchasing         or a “cookie” to identify the
of impressions or Web users       model developed, in which        power of college graduates) in      time spent on sites, specific
exposed to the ad.                companies bid on keywords        an effort to provide even greater   sites visited, and more to
                                  or phrases for which their       relevancy.                          enable targeting based on
                                  prospects are searching.                                             demographic, behavioral,
                                  Companies pay only for the                                           geographic, and other types of
                                  clicks that result from                                              information.
                                  these searches.

             To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
Beyond the “Click”:                                                Remarkably targeted marketing.
                        The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising

The unique role of advertising in the B2B world

Before we dive into metrics and tactics, it will be helpful to
understand the role of display advertising in the B2B world.
When we think of online advertising, we most often think of its
role in the context of consumer purchases. Given the unique
characteristics of the B2B buying process, however, display
advertising plays a unique role in B2B sales.

Long and complex sales cycles benefit                       As prospects progress along the buying cycle from
from awareness and branding                                 the awareness to the consideration stage, display ads
In general, the B2B buying process is longer and more       continue to keep the company’s product or service
complex than the typical consumer purchasing process.       top of mind, helping to increase both brand recall (the
As such, display ads can help by increasing awareness       ability to remember a brand when given a specific
and brand saturation for prospects at all stages of the     category or product type) and brand recognition (the
sales cycle.                                                ability to recognize a brand when the specific name or
                                                            category is mentioned).
While each B2B company may have its own version of
the “sales funnel,” the top of the funnel is the point at
which prospects become aware of a company’s brand
and/or its products and services. Display ads contribute
greatly to this initial stage of awareness—when targeted
appropriately, they can generate a tremendous amount
of highly qualified leads. Display ads can also help
to communicate core messages about the company,
product, or service, helping educate prospects before
they engage with sales.

            To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
Beyond the “Click”:                                                                          Remarkably targeted marketing.
                              The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising

The Impact of Display Advertising on the B2B Sales Funnel




                                                                      (Interest / Consideration)





                                                                            Social Media







                                                 Display advertising influences every stage of the sales funnel and also
                                                           strengthens the impact of other marketing channels.

Display ads help reduce feelings of risk                                                accolades, or other forms of third-party validation, B2B
in large B2B investments                                                                companies strengthen their brand and credibility, and
Because B2B purchases are typically more expensive                                      provide the reassurance necessary to address the
and have large-scale effects on organizations, the B2B                                  risk factor.
buyer can often be overwhelmed with feelings of risk
before making a purchasing decision. According to                                       Business demographics matter with
search marketing firm Enquiro, “B2B buying is all about                                 multiple individuals on the “buying
minimizing fear by eliminating risk.”3 This is one reason                               committee”
why B2B transactions require companies to build strong                                  B2B purchases are likely to affect multiple departments
relationships with prospects before they                                                within an organization. As such, there are going to be
become customers.                                                                       multiple influencers and perhaps even more than one
                                                                                        decision maker involved in the sales process. While
In addition to the more traditional methods of building                                 advertisers have used demographic ad targeting for
trust in customer relationships, B2B companies can                                      some time now, it is only recently that B2B companies
also use their display advertising campaigns to reduce                                  have been able to leverage ad targeting based on
the feelings of risk in the buying process. By using                                    highly detailed business demographics to address
display ads that feature customer testimonials, industry                                their specific requirements for identifying their ideal

    “Mapping the Buyersphere,” Enquiro Research, Fall 2009.

                To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
Beyond the “Click”:                                                         Remarkably targeted marketing.
                              The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising

prospects. According to Tom Grant, research analyst                       than $40K annually).5 While this demographic may be
at Forrester Research, “Context matters. Factors like                     a target for some, most B2B decision-makers tend to
company size, country, and role have more of an effect                    be C-level executives that are more seasoned in their
than many people realize.”4 By identifying the business                   careers and earning six-figure salaries. The impact of
demographics of as many individuals as possible on                        this research is two-fold: the click-through rate can be
the buying committee and understanding their various                      a misleading success metric in B2B display advertising,
motives and mindsets, B2B companies can then use                          and it is more important than ever to target the right
display advertising to target these individuals in highly                 business demographic in order to reduce wasted
relevant ways.                                                            marketing spend.

Furthermore, a recent study indicates that the Internet
population that is most likely to click on an ad is
predominantly younger and lower income (earning less

                                    Display Advertising Success Story: Making Customer
                                    Segmentation Count
                                    Hoover’s, one of the leading sources of proprietary business information, took a
                                    routine customer segmentation exercise and used its findings to increase its ROI in
                                    display advertising. After determining the demographics of business professionals
                                    who represented their best target customers, the company applied this information
                                    to its targeted display advertising efforts.

                                    In just two months, Hoover’s increased the ROI of its display advertising
                                    campaigns by an average of 225%.

    “How Demographics Matter In B2B Tech Adoption,” Tom Grant, Forrester Blogs, March 11, 2010.
    “Natural Born Clickers,” comScore, 2008.

                To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
Beyond the “Click”:                                                    Remarkably targeted marketing.
                       The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising

Eight Ways to Use Display Advertising More Effectively in B2B Marketing
Now that we’ve explored the ways that display advertising can impact the B2B buying process, it’s time to discuss
the real-world tactics that all B2B marketers can use to maximize the display advertising channel in their
marketing mix.

 1     Target the business demographics of your typical buying committee.
       As mentioned earlier, there will most likely be a group of individuals or a buying committee involved in the
       purchasing of your B2B product or service. Before investing in any display advertising, talk to your sales
       team to better understand the business demographics of as many individuals as possible on the buying
       committee. By advertising only to the business demographic segments that are likely to buy your product
       or service, you will experience greater conversions, fewer wasted impressions, and increased ROI for your
       advertising budget.

 2     Analyze your customer database and work with sales to better understand your
       target business demographic.
       You’re probably already familiar with some of the basic business demographic attributes on which you
       can target your ads, including company size and industry. However, also be sure to consider attributes
       such as business function and seniority within your targeted organizations. To help understand how these
       characteristics may play into your sales process, take an informal audit of your current customer database
       and see if you can spot any trends in the type of people involved in your new business deals.
       Also, encourage your sales team to record detailed notes on the individuals involved in their opportunities.
       For example, is there a difference in the seniority of the person that initiated the sales conversation (e.g.
       senior manager) versus the person who ultimately signed off on the purchase order (e.g. CEO)? Once you
       start tracking this sort of information, you’ll be able to improve the targeting and relevancy of your display
       ads going forward.

           To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
Beyond the “Click”:                                                Remarkably targeted marketing.
                       The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising

3   Think beyond the “click” when establishing your success metrics for
    display advertising.
    While it’s tempting to rely on the click as the go-to metric for display advertising, times have changed and
    technology has enabled us to discover that click-throughs don’t necessarily indicate success. As discussed
    earlier, for B2B purchases in which business demographics are often the strongest indicators of purchasing
    intent, even a low volume of click-throughs may result in hotter leads. This is because the more targeted
    your advertising, the fewer random “clickers” it is likely to attract, leaving you with only the most
    qualified leads.

    In addition to measuring impressions and clicks, incorporate metrics such as Share of Voice (SOV),
    Frequency, and Gross Rating Point (GRP) in your reports.

        Share of Voice (SOV)
        A measure of the number of unique individuals reached in your target divided by the total
        population available in your target across an entire network. (SOV is also often defined as “Reach”).
        NOTE: Share of Voice is even more meaningful if you can measure it across your target business
        demographic segment(s).

        Share of Voice = Uniques (sample population)/Uniques available (total population)

        The number of times your ad is exposed to a group of unique individuals.

        Frequency = Impressions/Uniques

        Gross Rating Point (GRP)
        A measure of the influence opportunity of a campaign

        Gross Rating Point = Reach x Frequency

       To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
Beyond the “Click”:                                                                Remarkably targeted marketing.
                               The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising

    4      Let ROI be your guiding principle.
           Whether you invest in display advertising, search, email, or any other marketing channel, remember that
           what ultimately matters is your return on investment.

           Return on Investment (ROI) = (Profit/Investment) x 100

           Regardless of which success metrics you focus on, ROI always means that you’re earning more from your
           marketing than you’re spending. In general, you can increase your display advertising ROI by knowing
           who your audience is and wasting no impressions on anyone else. Additionally, it is important to track the
           improvement that display advertising delivers to your other marketing channels to measure the overall ROI
           of a display advertising campaign.

    5      Use display advertising to support your other marketing channels.
           While it’s easy to think of your marketing channels as separate silos, avoiding this mindset will help you
           achieve even greater lift with every marketing campaign you execute. It’s been proven that combining
           display with search marketing efforts dramatically increases conversion. In recent research, comScore
           found that “search alone produces an 82% lift in sales from visitors exposed to ads, compared to…119%
           when search and display are combined.”6 The key is providing your prospects with the most relevant online
           experience possible, and display ads can play a huge role by reinforcing your marketing and messaging in
           other channels.

    6      Experiment with different creative, and test, test, test.
           It’s important to go into your display advertising campaigns without assumptions, and that includes
           assuming that all creative is created equal. You’d be surprised how copy, images, and even the size of your
           display ads can make a difference in your conversion rates. Be sure to approach your campaigns with an
           open mind, create multiple versions of creative, and continuously test and optimize your ads as you go
           along to achieve the best results.

    “The Bottom Line Is Online Ads Work for Branding and Sales,” Laurie Sullivan, MediaPostNews, July 31, 2009.

                To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
Beyond the “Click”:                                                  Remarkably targeted marketing.
                   The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising

7   Display is more than promotion—it’s communication.
    More often than not, in B2B marketing, it’s more important to communicate your core messages than it is to
    be clever with your tagline. Identify two to three core messages for the product or service you’re advertising,
    and try to incorporate the same language in your advertising campaigns (taking space limitations into
    account, of course). In doing so, your display ads will create a lasting impression on your prospects while
    communicating your competitive advantage.

8   Tailor your display advertising to match prospect needs at different stages of
    the sales cycle.
    Prospects’ needs change over the course of the B2B buying process. For example, in the awareness stage,
    people generally require more informational content as they’re learning about your company and offerings.
    However, as prospects learn more and begin to search for your product category or even your specific
    brand, these individuals will likely be more interested in learning how your product or service compares to
    your competitors’ brands.

    To meet these evolving needs, adapt your display ads accordingly. If you’re advertising on a new site for
    the first time, you will most likely encounter new prospects, so make your advertising messages more
    educational. However, if you’re combining display with search, in which prospects may be more qualified
    and farther along the sales process, use your display ads to address your competitive advantage, specific
    product features, and so on.

       To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
Beyond the “Click”:                                                  Remarkably targeted marketing.
                     The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising


Display advertising can play a tremendous role in B2B
marketing, generating qualified leads and increasing revenue
on its own, as well as in combination with other marketing
channels. Unlike other marketing channels, display ads
can positively impact the B2B sales cycle at every stage,
from awareness to evaluation to customer retention. By
understanding the unique needs of the B2B buying process,
companies can implement display advertising strategies that
increase awareness and brand saturation, promote competitive
advantage, and more effectively target the right business
demographics for greater relevancy and increased sales.

  About Bizo
  Bizo, Inc. is the world’s first targeted B2B audience targeting platform and advertising network, and
  currently reaches more than 45 million targeted business people across thousands of sites on the Web. Bizo
  has created a new approach to online B2B marketing with precise ad targeting that’s based on a prospect’s
  bizographics -- industry, functional area, seniority, size of company, education, gender, location, and more.
  This unique understanding of a person’s bizographics allows Bizo to anonymously deliver powerful ad
  targeting based on these attributes and behaviors. Bizo is privately held and based in San Francisco, CA.

         To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505

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ARBOinteractive Polska
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2011.03 Grzegorz Sławatyński - Rynek reklamy behawiorlanej w Polsce i na Świecie
ARBOinteractive Polska
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2011.03 Tomasz Teodorczyk - POZNAJ SWÓJ TARGET! Nowatorskie metody poszukiwan...2011.03 Tomasz Teodorczyk - POZNAJ SWÓJ TARGET! Nowatorskie metody poszukiwan...
2011.03 Tomasz Teodorczyk - POZNAJ SWÓJ TARGET! Nowatorskie metody poszukiwan...
ARBOinteractive Polska
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2011.03 Stephan Noller - Moving from Performance Marketing to Branding Optimi...2011.03 Stephan Noller - Moving from Performance Marketing to Branding Optimi...
2011.03 Stephan Noller - Moving from Performance Marketing to Branding Optimi...
ARBOinteractive Polska
2011.03 Malgorzata Wilinska - Aspekty prawne reklamy behawioralnej
2011.03 Malgorzata Wilinska - Aspekty prawne reklamy behawioralnej2011.03 Malgorzata Wilinska - Aspekty prawne reklamy behawioralnej
2011.03 Malgorzata Wilinska - Aspekty prawne reklamy behawioralnej
ARBOinteractive Polska
2011.03 Ewa Sadowska - Jak stworzyć skuteczny profil behawioralny
2011.03 Ewa Sadowska - Jak stworzyć skuteczny profil behawioralny2011.03 Ewa Sadowska - Jak stworzyć skuteczny profil behawioralny
2011.03 Ewa Sadowska - Jak stworzyć skuteczny profil behawioralny
ARBOinteractive Polska
2011.03 Adam Dyba, Daniel Kondzior - Retargeting dynamiczny czyli jak wyłowić...
2011.03 Adam Dyba, Daniel Kondzior - Retargeting dynamiczny czyli jak wyłowić...2011.03 Adam Dyba, Daniel Kondzior - Retargeting dynamiczny czyli jak wyłowić...
2011.03 Adam Dyba, Daniel Kondzior - Retargeting dynamiczny czyli jak wyłowić...
ARBOinteractive Polska
2011.02 Erwin Wilczyński – Facebook Anno Domini 2010. Co się działo?
2011.02 Erwin Wilczyński – Facebook Anno Domini 2010. Co się działo?2011.02 Erwin Wilczyński – Facebook Anno Domini 2010. Co się działo?
2011.02 Erwin Wilczyński – Facebook Anno Domini 2010. Co się działo?
ARBOinteractive Polska
2011.02 Tomasz Broda - Co zawiodło a co działało na FB. Z perspektywy firmy, ...
2011.02 Tomasz Broda - Co zawiodło a co działało na FB. Z perspektywy firmy, ...2011.02 Tomasz Broda - Co zawiodło a co działało na FB. Z perspektywy firmy, ...
2011.02 Tomasz Broda - Co zawiodło a co działało na FB. Z perspektywy firmy, ...
ARBOinteractive Polska
2011.02 Tomasz Rzepniewski - Taktyka najlepszą strategią
2011.02 Tomasz Rzepniewski - Taktyka najlepszą strategią2011.02 Tomasz Rzepniewski - Taktyka najlepszą strategią
2011.02 Tomasz Rzepniewski - Taktyka najlepszą strategią
ARBOinteractive Polska
2011.02 Kornel Kulisiewicz - W jaki sposób narzędzia mogą wspierać Facebookow...
2011.02 Kornel Kulisiewicz - W jaki sposób narzędzia mogą wspierać Facebookow...2011.02 Kornel Kulisiewicz - W jaki sposób narzędzia mogą wspierać Facebookow...
2011.02 Kornel Kulisiewicz - W jaki sposób narzędzia mogą wspierać Facebookow...
ARBOinteractive Polska
2011.02 Jarosław Bielecki – Aplikacje Facebook, czyli „apps” and downs 2010 r.
2011.02 Jarosław Bielecki – Aplikacje Facebook, czyli „apps” and downs 2010 r.2011.02 Jarosław Bielecki – Aplikacje Facebook, czyli „apps” and downs 2010 r.
2011.02 Jarosław Bielecki – Aplikacje Facebook, czyli „apps” and downs 2010 r.
ARBOinteractive Polska
2011.02 Paweł Karaś, Michał Łukasiewicz – Rok 2010 – Najciekawsze kampanie or...
2011.02 Paweł Karaś, Michał Łukasiewicz – Rok 2010 – Najciekawsze kampanie or...2011.02 Paweł Karaś, Michał Łukasiewicz – Rok 2010 – Najciekawsze kampanie or...
2011.02 Paweł Karaś, Michał Łukasiewicz – Rok 2010 – Najciekawsze kampanie or...
ARBOinteractive Polska
2011.02 Mark Cowan – Facebook best practices and strategies
2011.02 Mark Cowan – Facebook best practices and strategies2011.02 Mark Cowan – Facebook best practices and strategies
2011.02 Mark Cowan – Facebook best practices and strategies
ARBOinteractive Polska
2010.12 Raport marketing w wyszukiwarkach - raport
2010.12 Raport marketing w wyszukiwarkach - raport Interaktywnie.com2010.12 Raport marketing w wyszukiwarkach - raport
2010.12 Raport marketing w wyszukiwarkach - raport
ARBOinteractive Polska
2010.12 Raport Internet Software House - raport
2010.12 Raport Internet Software House - raport Interaktywnie.com2010.12 Raport Internet Software House - raport
2010.12 Raport Internet Software House - raport
ARBOinteractive Polska
2010.11 Raport e-mail marketing - raport
2010.11 Raport e-mail marketing - raport Interaktywnie.com2010.11 Raport e-mail marketing - raport
2010.11 Raport e-mail marketing - raport
ARBOinteractive Polska
2010.11 Raport e-commerce - raport
2010.11 Raport e-commerce - raport Interaktywnie.com2010.11 Raport e-commerce - raport
2010.11 Raport e-commerce - raport
ARBOinteractive Polska

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2011.05.25 Raport strategiczny IAB Polska INTERNET 2010
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2011.05.25 Raport strategiczny IAB Polska INTERNET 2010
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2010.09 Beyond the Click - the B2B Marketer's Guide to Display Advertising

  • 1. Remarkably targeted marketing. Beyond the “Click”: The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising The challenge In B2B marketing, the ultimate objective of any campaign is to generate the most qualified leads possible, convert these leads into new opportunities that fill the sales pipeline, and then turn these opportunities into customers and repeat business. However, many marketers are still unsure of how to fully leverage online display advertising as a B2B marketing channel, and how to measure success in ways that validate display ads as concrete contributors to sales and revenue. To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
  • 2. Beyond the “Click”: Remarkably targeted marketing. The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising Many marketers have succumbed to the “click” as the influences the B2B purchasing process from start main metric by which they should measure success in to finish. Display ads begin to influence prospects’ display advertising. (With the average click-through rate decision making from the point at which they become for display ads at 0.1%1, it’s no wonder that marketers aware of a product or service to even after they have question how to best leverage this channel.) For those purchased, when they require the reassurance that they that do start down the path of using the click as their have made the right choice. primary success metric, many end up frustrated when a high click-through rate does not necessarily result in the Moreover, display ads have been proven to significantly most qualified leads, complicating things even further. increase lift and conversions when combined with other Finally, because the B2B sales cycle is often long and marketing channels including search. Here’s a real- complex, and involves numerous individuals in the world example from Forrester Research: decision-making process, B2B marketers may wonder how to best use display ads to generate qualified “A national wireless network provider was opportunities and increase revenue. How should one attempting to quantify the impact of advertising approach ad targeting considering the B2B buying on sales of phones and wireless plans. process? And what are the most important success Previously, the company used a last-click model, metrics? where search received the majority of credit for sales. It found that users who clicked on How display advertising impacts B2B search ads, who were also exposed to display purchases advertising, were 56% more likely to purchase. Without question, display advertising impacts the B2B This increase in lift revealed the importance of sales cycle, and when companies use it effectively, display advertising, even though previously it they can achieve incredible results. In fact, display had received no credit for these sales.”2 advertising is one of the only marketing channels that can influence B2B buyers at every step of the buying process. While other marketing channels such as search and email are most useful for targeting prospects in later stages of the sales cycle (e.g. during the vendor evaluation stage) display advertising 1 “The Bottom Line Is Online Ads Work for Branding and Sales,” Laurie Sullivan, MediaPostNews, July 31, 2009. 2 “A Framework for Multicampaign Attribution Measurement,” John Lovett, Forrester Research, February 19, 2009. To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
  • 3. Beyond the “Click”: Remarkably targeted marketing. The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising The goal of this guide is to help B2B marketers achieve advertising to the B2B sales cycle through tactics that similar success by better understanding the role of drive real results, you’ll learn how to effectively utilize display advertising in generating highly qualified leads and measure the channel to make the greatest impact and revenue. And by applying the power of display on your company’s bottom line. A Quick Look at the Evolution of Online Advertising Banner Ads Keyword Advertising Contextual Advertising Cookie-based Targeted In the beginning, banner ads In response to the lower Online ads were placed next to Advertising were supposed to provide number of actual conversions related content (e.g. an ad for Web sites have the ability to concrete value to companies resulting from high volumes of a credit card next to an article attach a trackable piece of text based on the sheer number impressions, the pay-per-click on the increased purchasing or a “cookie” to identify the of impressions or Web users model developed, in which power of college graduates) in time spent on sites, specific exposed to the ad. companies bid on keywords an effort to provide even greater sites visited, and more to or phrases for which their relevancy. enable targeting based on prospects are searching. demographic, behavioral, Companies pay only for the geographic, and other types of clicks that result from information. these searches. To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
  • 4. Beyond the “Click”: Remarkably targeted marketing. The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising The unique role of advertising in the B2B world Before we dive into metrics and tactics, it will be helpful to understand the role of display advertising in the B2B world. When we think of online advertising, we most often think of its role in the context of consumer purchases. Given the unique characteristics of the B2B buying process, however, display advertising plays a unique role in B2B sales. Long and complex sales cycles benefit As prospects progress along the buying cycle from from awareness and branding the awareness to the consideration stage, display ads In general, the B2B buying process is longer and more continue to keep the company’s product or service complex than the typical consumer purchasing process. top of mind, helping to increase both brand recall (the As such, display ads can help by increasing awareness ability to remember a brand when given a specific and brand saturation for prospects at all stages of the category or product type) and brand recognition (the sales cycle. ability to recognize a brand when the specific name or category is mentioned). While each B2B company may have its own version of the “sales funnel,” the top of the funnel is the point at which prospects become aware of a company’s brand and/or its products and services. Display ads contribute greatly to this initial stage of awareness—when targeted appropriately, they can generate a tremendous amount of highly qualified leads. Display ads can also help to communicate core messages about the company, product, or service, helping educate prospects before they engage with sales. To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
  • 5. Beyond the “Click”: Remarkably targeted marketing. The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising The Impact of Display Advertising on the B2B Sales Funnel Prospects (Awareness) Leads g Di in sp (Interest / Consideration) is la rt y ve Ad Ad ve Social Media y rt la is sp Search in Di g Email Customers (Decision) Display advertising influences every stage of the sales funnel and also strengthens the impact of other marketing channels. Display ads help reduce feelings of risk accolades, or other forms of third-party validation, B2B in large B2B investments companies strengthen their brand and credibility, and Because B2B purchases are typically more expensive provide the reassurance necessary to address the and have large-scale effects on organizations, the B2B risk factor. buyer can often be overwhelmed with feelings of risk before making a purchasing decision. According to Business demographics matter with search marketing firm Enquiro, “B2B buying is all about multiple individuals on the “buying minimizing fear by eliminating risk.”3 This is one reason committee” why B2B transactions require companies to build strong B2B purchases are likely to affect multiple departments relationships with prospects before they within an organization. As such, there are going to be become customers. multiple influencers and perhaps even more than one decision maker involved in the sales process. While In addition to the more traditional methods of building advertisers have used demographic ad targeting for trust in customer relationships, B2B companies can some time now, it is only recently that B2B companies also use their display advertising campaigns to reduce have been able to leverage ad targeting based on the feelings of risk in the buying process. By using highly detailed business demographics to address display ads that feature customer testimonials, industry their specific requirements for identifying their ideal 3 “Mapping the Buyersphere,” Enquiro Research, Fall 2009. To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
  • 6. Beyond the “Click”: Remarkably targeted marketing. The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising prospects. According to Tom Grant, research analyst than $40K annually).5 While this demographic may be at Forrester Research, “Context matters. Factors like a target for some, most B2B decision-makers tend to company size, country, and role have more of an effect be C-level executives that are more seasoned in their than many people realize.”4 By identifying the business careers and earning six-figure salaries. The impact of demographics of as many individuals as possible on this research is two-fold: the click-through rate can be the buying committee and understanding their various a misleading success metric in B2B display advertising, motives and mindsets, B2B companies can then use and it is more important than ever to target the right display advertising to target these individuals in highly business demographic in order to reduce wasted relevant ways. marketing spend. Furthermore, a recent study indicates that the Internet population that is most likely to click on an ad is predominantly younger and lower income (earning less Display Advertising Success Story: Making Customer Segmentation Count Hoover’s, one of the leading sources of proprietary business information, took a routine customer segmentation exercise and used its findings to increase its ROI in display advertising. After determining the demographics of business professionals who represented their best target customers, the company applied this information to its targeted display advertising efforts. In just two months, Hoover’s increased the ROI of its display advertising campaigns by an average of 225%. 4 “How Demographics Matter In B2B Tech Adoption,” Tom Grant, Forrester Blogs, March 11, 2010. 5 “Natural Born Clickers,” comScore, 2008. To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
  • 7. Beyond the “Click”: Remarkably targeted marketing. The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising Eight Ways to Use Display Advertising More Effectively in B2B Marketing Now that we’ve explored the ways that display advertising can impact the B2B buying process, it’s time to discuss the real-world tactics that all B2B marketers can use to maximize the display advertising channel in their marketing mix. 1 Target the business demographics of your typical buying committee. As mentioned earlier, there will most likely be a group of individuals or a buying committee involved in the purchasing of your B2B product or service. Before investing in any display advertising, talk to your sales team to better understand the business demographics of as many individuals as possible on the buying committee. By advertising only to the business demographic segments that are likely to buy your product or service, you will experience greater conversions, fewer wasted impressions, and increased ROI for your advertising budget. 2 Analyze your customer database and work with sales to better understand your target business demographic. You’re probably already familiar with some of the basic business demographic attributes on which you can target your ads, including company size and industry. However, also be sure to consider attributes such as business function and seniority within your targeted organizations. To help understand how these characteristics may play into your sales process, take an informal audit of your current customer database and see if you can spot any trends in the type of people involved in your new business deals. Also, encourage your sales team to record detailed notes on the individuals involved in their opportunities. For example, is there a difference in the seniority of the person that initiated the sales conversation (e.g. senior manager) versus the person who ultimately signed off on the purchase order (e.g. CEO)? Once you start tracking this sort of information, you’ll be able to improve the targeting and relevancy of your display ads going forward. To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
  • 8. Beyond the “Click”: Remarkably targeted marketing. The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising 3 Think beyond the “click” when establishing your success metrics for display advertising. While it’s tempting to rely on the click as the go-to metric for display advertising, times have changed and technology has enabled us to discover that click-throughs don’t necessarily indicate success. As discussed earlier, for B2B purchases in which business demographics are often the strongest indicators of purchasing intent, even a low volume of click-throughs may result in hotter leads. This is because the more targeted your advertising, the fewer random “clickers” it is likely to attract, leaving you with only the most qualified leads. In addition to measuring impressions and clicks, incorporate metrics such as Share of Voice (SOV), Frequency, and Gross Rating Point (GRP) in your reports. Share of Voice (SOV) A measure of the number of unique individuals reached in your target divided by the total population available in your target across an entire network. (SOV is also often defined as “Reach”). NOTE: Share of Voice is even more meaningful if you can measure it across your target business demographic segment(s). Share of Voice = Uniques (sample population)/Uniques available (total population) Frequency The number of times your ad is exposed to a group of unique individuals. Frequency = Impressions/Uniques Gross Rating Point (GRP) A measure of the influence opportunity of a campaign Gross Rating Point = Reach x Frequency To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
  • 9. Beyond the “Click”: Remarkably targeted marketing. The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising 4 Let ROI be your guiding principle. Whether you invest in display advertising, search, email, or any other marketing channel, remember that what ultimately matters is your return on investment. Return on Investment (ROI) = (Profit/Investment) x 100 Regardless of which success metrics you focus on, ROI always means that you’re earning more from your marketing than you’re spending. In general, you can increase your display advertising ROI by knowing who your audience is and wasting no impressions on anyone else. Additionally, it is important to track the improvement that display advertising delivers to your other marketing channels to measure the overall ROI of a display advertising campaign. 5 Use display advertising to support your other marketing channels. While it’s easy to think of your marketing channels as separate silos, avoiding this mindset will help you achieve even greater lift with every marketing campaign you execute. It’s been proven that combining display with search marketing efforts dramatically increases conversion. In recent research, comScore found that “search alone produces an 82% lift in sales from visitors exposed to ads, compared to…119% when search and display are combined.”6 The key is providing your prospects with the most relevant online experience possible, and display ads can play a huge role by reinforcing your marketing and messaging in other channels. 6 Experiment with different creative, and test, test, test. It’s important to go into your display advertising campaigns without assumptions, and that includes assuming that all creative is created equal. You’d be surprised how copy, images, and even the size of your display ads can make a difference in your conversion rates. Be sure to approach your campaigns with an open mind, create multiple versions of creative, and continuously test and optimize your ads as you go along to achieve the best results. 6 “The Bottom Line Is Online Ads Work for Branding and Sales,” Laurie Sullivan, MediaPostNews, July 31, 2009. To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
  • 10. Beyond the “Click”: Remarkably targeted marketing. The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising 7 Display is more than promotion—it’s communication. More often than not, in B2B marketing, it’s more important to communicate your core messages than it is to be clever with your tagline. Identify two to three core messages for the product or service you’re advertising, and try to incorporate the same language in your advertising campaigns (taking space limitations into account, of course). In doing so, your display ads will create a lasting impression on your prospects while communicating your competitive advantage. 8 Tailor your display advertising to match prospect needs at different stages of the sales cycle. Prospects’ needs change over the course of the B2B buying process. For example, in the awareness stage, people generally require more informational content as they’re learning about your company and offerings. However, as prospects learn more and begin to search for your product category or even your specific brand, these individuals will likely be more interested in learning how your product or service compares to your competitors’ brands. To meet these evolving needs, adapt your display ads accordingly. If you’re advertising on a new site for the first time, you will most likely encounter new prospects, so make your advertising messages more educational. However, if you’re combining display with search, in which prospects may be more qualified and farther along the sales process, use your display ads to address your competitive advantage, specific product features, and so on. To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505
  • 11. Beyond the “Click”: Remarkably targeted marketing. The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Display Advertising Conclusion Display advertising can play a tremendous role in B2B marketing, generating qualified leads and increasing revenue on its own, as well as in combination with other marketing channels. Unlike other marketing channels, display ads can positively impact the B2B sales cycle at every stage, from awareness to evaluation to customer retention. By understanding the unique needs of the B2B buying process, companies can implement display advertising strategies that increase awareness and brand saturation, promote competitive advantage, and more effectively target the right business demographics for greater relevancy and increased sales. About Bizo Bizo, Inc. is the world’s first targeted B2B audience targeting platform and advertising network, and currently reaches more than 45 million targeted business people across thousands of sites on the Web. Bizo has created a new approach to online B2B marketing with precise ad targeting that’s based on a prospect’s bizographics -- industry, functional area, seniority, size of company, education, gender, location, and more. This unique understanding of a person’s bizographics allows Bizo to anonymously deliver powerful ad targeting based on these attributes and behaviors. Bizo is privately held and based in San Francisco, CA. To learn more, visit, email or call us now at 1.866.497.5505