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Research   Roman Friedrich
           Matthew Le Merle
           Florian Gröne
           Alex Koster

Measuring Industry
Leaders and Laggards
in the Digital Economy
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Beirut                            London/Düsseldorf                  Shanghai
Bahjat El-Darwiche                Dr. Michael Peterson               Andrew Cainey
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Berlin                            New York                           Sydney
Dr. Florian Gröne                 Philip Minasian                    Vanessa Wallace
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+49-30-88705-844                  +1-212-551-6098                    +61-2-9321-1906  

Delhi                             Paris                              Zurich
Ashish Sharma                     Pierre Péladeau                    Alex Koster
Principal                         Partner                            Principal
+91-124-4998705                   +33-1-44-34-3074                   +41-43-268-2133  

Dubai                             San Francisco
Karim Sabbagh                     Matthew Le Merle
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Dr. Roman Friedrich               Ivan de Souza
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Birger Maekelburger and Florian Stürmer also contributed to this Research.

                                                                                                        Booz & Company
EXECUTIVE        The pace of digitization is picking up rapidly, as consumers,
                 companies, and entire industries become increasingly con-
                 nected at home, in the office, and on the go. It is already obvi-
                 ous, however, that the speed at which digitization is taking
                 place varies a great deal from industry to industry. And these
                 differences can already be felt in how quickly certain indus-
                 tries are capturing value as digitization grows in importance.

                 To gain a better understanding of the relative degree to which
                 digitization is transforming different industries, we have cre-
                 ated the Industry Digitization Index, consisting of the four
                 factors involved in the digitization effort: input, processing,
                 output, and underlying infrastructure. At the top of the list is
                 the financial services and insurance sector, which should come
                 as no surprise, given its purely informational products and
                 services, and its long-standing effort to automate both back-
                 office and customer-facing transactions. At the bottom are
                 such industries as hospitality and real estate, both of which
                 have made great strides in digitizing their contacts with cus-
                 tomers but still struggle to automate supplier and construction
                 management in a highly fragmented environment.

                 The race to capture value in the age of digitization is not yet
                 over, however. All industries can benefit by investing in the
                 input, processing, and output capabilities needed to extend
                 their digital footprints throughout their business ecosystems.

Booz & Company                                                                     1
THE WORLD       Broadband connectivity, wireless
                mobility, cloud computing,
                                                          Governments, too, can gather and
                                                          disseminate information quickly—for
IS DIGITIZING   e-commerce, social media, sensors—        purposes both good and bad—making
                they’re all coming together to            their operations, in the best cases,
                transform the world as we know it:        more transparent and their dealings
                how we work, play, consume, interact,     with their populations more efficient.
                stay in touch. We call this process
                “digitization”: the pervasive adoption    The process of digitization is taking
                of a wide variety of digital, real-       place on a global scale, and the
                time, and networked technologies,         benefits for companies on the leading
                products, and services that will enable   edge of the trend—greater customer
                people, companies, governments,           insight and reach, higher productivity,
                and even machines to stay connected       and the creation of new business
                and communicate with one another,         models—are already being realized.
                gathering, analyzing, and exchanging      However, those benefits are not yet
                massive amounts of information on all     evenly distributed among different
                kinds of activities—and the economic      nations, markets, or industries. In
                and societal impacts those activities     previous studies we have investigated
                will have.                                the causes behind this transformation
                                                          and the benefits to be reaped (see
                People at home, in the office, and on     “Resources,” page 13). In this
                the go can now find a vast wealth of      study, we analyze which industries
                information on just about everything,     are leading the pack in digitizing
                and exchange, rate, and review that       themselves, along with the supply,
                information for all to see. In turn,      demand, and industry-level aspects of
                companies are collecting detailed         digitization that are driving industry
                information on consumers and              leadership and differentiation. To
                their behavior—not just their Web-        that end, we have created what we
                browsing preferences but also their       call the Industry Digitization Index,
                location—and even their friends           a core component of a body of
                and their behavior, and using that        global research we are conducting
                information to target marketing           to understand the digitization trend
                efforts more effectively and to           and its effect on national economies,
                design better products and services.      industry sectors, and society at large.

                The benefits for companies on the
                leading edge of the digitization trend
                are already being realized.

2                                                                                Booz & Company
DIGITAL                                   industry use to orchestrate their        differentiated data becomes available
                                          internal value chain as well as          for other geographies. Despite this
CAPABILITIES                              interactions within their industry       limitation, we believe that the index
                                          ecosystems, including strategic          provides a comprehensive picture
                                          partners, financial institutions,        of the current state of digitization
                                          or government bodies. The third          and why some industries are already
                                          consists of the industry outputs for     gaining traction while others are not.
The primary goal of the index is          which digitization enables more
straightforward: to understand better     efficient delivery of products and       The information provided by
which industries in which markets         services, including distribution,        Eurostat includes data on the
are adopting, and benefiting from,        electronic commerce, and the             relative sophistication of the digital
digitization first, and which are         like. And the fourth concerns the        infrastructures to be found in
lagging. A further goal is to gain        foundational infrastructure that         companies across the 27 national
insight into the specific technological   underpins it all, since without          markets of the E.U., as well as
factors that are enabling certain         the underlying connectivity and          data on digital inputs, internal
markets and industries to move            computing capabilities, digitization     processes, and outputs. Compiling
forward more quickly. To do this,         would be impossible.                     and weighing these four dimensions
we wanted to get a complete picture                                                allowed us to create the overall
of how these markets and industries       The most complete and reliable           index of digitization, by market and
use technology. This picture              source of such data we have found        industry, and to understand better
includes four separate but tightly        comes from Eurostat, the E.U.’s          where certain markets and industries
interconnected dimensions: The first      central statistics agency. To our        are leading or lagging. Thus, the
is the way in which transactions          knowledge, no other country or           financial services and insurance
into an industry are enabled by           region currently has a comparable        sector has an index of 53, which
digitization (through electronic          public source of such data; therefore,   means that, on a scale of 1 to 100,
procurement or inbound supply chain       we have restricted the scope of          the sector scored an average of 53
logistics, for example). The second       the index to the European Union.         for the four factors contributing to
involves the digital platforms and        Ultimately, we plan to extend            digitization (see “Methodology,”
tools that companies in a particular      the index further as sufficiently        page 13).

Booz & Company                                                                                                          3
LEADERS AND                                              highest-spending industry in terms
                                                         of information and communica-
                                                                                                        sector’s lead in digitization comes as
                                                                                                        no surprise: Our previous analysis
LAGGARDS                                                 tions technology (ICT) investments,            of the digitization trend found that
                                                         first digitizing key transaction               information-intensive industries
                                                         processes like electronic transfer             will naturally spend more to main-
                                                         of funds, securities trading and               tain their competitive advantage,
                                                         clearing, and interbank settlement.            and thus will be affected first.
                                                         More recently, it has worked to
At the highest level, the top                            further digitize the front office,           •	 Computers and electronics: The
three sectors in terms of industry                       moving from traditional retail and              various elements of this sector have
digitization are financial services and                  call center activities to fully online          evolved complex ecosystems whose
insurance, computers and electronics,                    processes by which virtually every              supply chains have been divided
and media and telecommunications                         aspect of retail and home banking               among multiple specialized players.
(see Exhibit 1).                                         is digitized, and developing smart              The electronics sector, for example,
                                                         ATMs and online banking solutions               consists of a tiered production
•	 Financial services and insurance:                     to boost convenience and service                system that includes product design
   This sector has long been the                         delivery efficiency. The financial              and integration players like Apple,

Exhibit 1
The Industry Digitization Index


                                                 0   5      10      15      20         25     30        35      40      45       50    55

        Financial Services & Insurance
               Computers & Electronics
         Media & Telecommunications
                Equipment & Machinery
                             Trade & Retail
                    Basic Manufacturing
    Business & Administrative Services
              Transportation & Logistics
                        Consumer Goods
         Real Estate, Rental & Leasing
                    Hotels & Restaurants
                                                             Leading        Midfield        Lagging            Index average

Source: Eurostat; Booz & Company analysis

4                                                                                                                              Booz & Company
chip and component makers like             which employees at Google and           by the way they do business; the often
  Samsung and Intel, and assembly            elsewhere work and collaborate.         lower affinity for digital technology
  firms such as Flextronics. In the                                                  among their labor pools; and their
  search for ever greater efficiency       These were the industries that            fragmented nature. Taken together,
  and specialization, digital process-     piloted and perfected technologies        these characteristics ultimately reduce
  ing is essential to orchestrate and      like electronic data interchange, and     these industries’ appeal to digital
  control these complex value chains,      where, more recently, machine-to-         suppliers—but by the same token
  from electronic procurement to           machine (M2M) communications,             suggest that digitization offers the
  paperless supply chains and trans-       smart tags, and mobility are              potential for these sectors to make
  port logistics to digital factories.     providing the next level of efficiency,   great strides in pushing efficiency and
                                           transparency, and flexibility. Global     customer convenience.
•	 Media and telecommunications:           companies such as Dell have long
   This sector, which includes IT ser-     focused on digitizing their end-to-end    Hospitality, for example, is a huge
   vices firms, telecom operators, and     supply chains, tying customer demand      industry that has already seen
   Internet companies, both supplies       in real time with custom business         great strides in digitization, though
   and uses the means of digitization.     streams through digital tools. Now,       primarily on the reservations front.
   As such, its leadership position is     Apple, the world’s largest consumer       Social media has the potential to
   not surprising—companies in the         electronics company, is leading the       further this process significantly;
   sector are the closest to the source    pack at combining bricks and mortar       indeed, a variety of digital service
   of digitization in terms of the         with real-time, cloud-based sales         offerings will increasingly become
   creation and use of infrastructure      and service.                              a differentiator along with service,
   and enabling technologies, digital                                                location, and price. Construction,
   service integration capabilities, and   Down at the bottom of the list,           too, will likely see strides in how
   the like. Here, examples include        on the other hand, are the labor-         workforces are managed, through
   Cisco Systems, a leader in the          intensive, old-economy sectors like       the automation of hitherto manual
   digitization of its internal opera-     hotels and restaurants (hospitality),     processes. And though real estate is
   tions, and Google, which not only       construction, and real estate, rental,    already largely online on the sales
   has succeeded in playing a visible      and leasing. The position of each of      front, the identification, development,
   role in the everyday digital life of    these can be explained by the relative    and management of the construction
   billions of consumers, but also is      simplicity of their value chains; the     of specific projects remains a highly
   pushing Web-based apps and cloud        high degree of hands-on, on-site,         fragmented, analog process.
   technologies to digitize the way in     “personal touch” interaction required

                                           Digitization offers the potential for
                                           old-economy sectors to make great
                                           strides in pushing efficiency and
                                           customer convenience.

Booz & Company                                                                                                             5
BUILDING                                                    Not only is there a distinctly wide
                                                            gap between the digital haves and
                                                                                                                       zation are moving ahead quickly,
                                                                                                                       while progress among many of the
MOMENTUM                                                    have-nots, but that gap appears to                         laggards remains relatively slow (see
                                                            be growing. The leaders in digiti-                         Exhibit 2).

Exhibit 2
Industry Digitization Index Change, 2010–11


                                                  0              1                2                  3             4            5              6

        Financial Services & Insurance                                                                                                             Dynamically
                Equipment & Machinery
                    Basic Manufacturing
             Transportation & Logistics
                        Consumer Goods
         Media & Telecommunications
    Business & Administrative Services
                             Trade & Retail
         Real Estate, Rental & Leasing
               Computers & Electronics
                    Hotels & Restaurants                                                                                                            momentum

                                                                     Leading              Midfield       Lagging

Note: Chemicals and basic manufacturing figures for 2010 are based on expert estimates.                                             Leading
Source: Eurostat; Booz & Company analysis

6                                                                                                                                                  Booz & Company
•	 Financial services and insur-            advantage of consumer interest         •	 Meanwhile, real estate, business
   ance, the leader in digitization, is     in social media and other digital         and administrative services, and
   also the most dynamic sector; its        technologies.                             hospitality are making little head-
   digitization index grew by more                                                    way in their efforts to digitize—
   than five index points between         •	 Industries in the middle of the          despite their direct connection
   2009 and 2011. Industry play-             pack, such as utilities, consumer        to the consumer. Fragmented
   ers continue to invest heavily in         goods, and transportation and            demand and an inherent lack of
   new digital capabilities—most             logistics, are also gaining momen-       digital skills have kept suppliers
   recently, big data analytics, mobile      tum, a clear sign that technolo-         from aggressively pursuing these
   payments, social media, and               gies such as smart tags, M2M             sectors. Unless conditions change,
   lean “bank-in-a-box” concepts.            communications, and remote               these industries will continue
   American Express, for example,            metering have reached sufficient         to lag.
   has developed a company-wide              levels of technical maturity and
   digital strategy designed to lever-       cost-efficiency. Moreover, new        These results suggest that as
   age its digital assets and capabili-      regulatory regimes have pushed        digitization progresses, a profound
   ties to drive future growth. To that      some of these sectors into adopting   shift of importance, and ultimately
   end, the company plans to capture         new technologies more quickly;        value, will occur among these
   and analyze large amounts of data         the utilities sector, for example,    industries. Consumers themselves
   from both customers and mer-              has seen the further liberalization   will likely continue to find more
   chants to improve segmentation,           of energy markets and a push for      value in fully digitized industries—
   aid merchants in their marketing          smart meters, while transportation    consider the shift in status from cars
   efforts, and ultimately generate          continues to make investments         to smartphones, especially among
   more precisely targeted offers to         in digitally enabled new infra-       young consumers. And increasingly,
   cardholders and participating             structure and has achieved overall    those industries that are digitizing
   merchants. As part of this effort,        efficiency gains as a result of       fastest will start seeing the highest
   the company is also expanding its         open-skies agreements and other       growth rates.
   partnerships with other compa-            regulations.
   nies such as Facebook to take

                                          Increasingly, those industries that are
                                          digitizing fastest will start seeing the
                                          highest growth rates.

Booz & Company                                                                                                              7
INVESTMENT                                          Europe have put in place the key build-
                                                    ing blocks of broadband, wireless, and
                                                                                                 The results are less encouraging at the
                                                                                                 processing dimension, indicating the
PRIORITIES                                          computing infrastructure; according to       existence of a substantial gap between
                                                    the index, industries vary by no more        the base infrastructure needed for
                                                    than 10 points in their degree of infra-     standard office communication and
                                                    structure digitization. This is clearly a    daily office work and actually putting
                                                    reflection of the maturity of a great deal   that infrastructure to work in the form
                                                    of the underlying technology, the imme-      of differentiated digital processing
Our analysis of different industries also           diate benefits to be reaped in promot-       capabilities for driving business process
allowed us to “look under the hood” to              ing the enabling role of infrastructure,     efficiency and effectiveness. The process
examine in greater detail where compa-              and, thanks in part to Moore’s Law, the      dimension is a good predictor of the
nies in particular industries are pushing           relatively low costs involved.               degree of digitization in a particular
the digitization envelope in each of the                                                         industry, since this dimension captures
four elements of digitization—input,                At the input level, companies in many        the essence of the respective industry’s
processing, output, and infrastructure—             industries are beginning to put together     core value chain, while the other three
and where they still have work to do.               paperless supply chains to speed up the      dimensions primarily enable these pro-
                                                    acquisition of raw materials, although       cesses, or provide the interfaces needed
And though the results vary by indus-               insular digital environments in dif-         to interact with suppliers and custom-
try, it is fair to say that for the most            ferent industries still slow down this       ers. As such, the processing dimension
part, virtually every industry has made             process. Companies in customer-facing        shows very strong variances among
strides in building the digital infra-              industries like financial services, trade    industries.
structure it needs, but even the most               and retail, and consumer goods are
forward-looking companies have not                  having greater success in digitizing their   Perhaps the most surprising finding
yet reached the stage of true digitally             supply-side relationships for a simple,      involves the difficulty companies in
enabled, real-time, connected design,               structural reason: Being downstream          every industry still have in the output
supply, build, sell, and service capabil-           players, they are further removed from       dimension, despite most consum-
ities—the real long-term aspiration of              the non-digital world of raw materials       ers’ familiarity with processes such
many corporate players (see Exhibit 3).             as the ultimate input factor, but rather     as e-commerce. The data suggests
                                                    interact with other service or manu-         that in most cases, bricks and mortar
According to the Eurostat data, more                facturing players that are active in the     may still be far more important than
than 70 percent of companies in                     supply side further upstream.                clicks; moreover, there is a great deal

Exhibit 3
Overall Degree of Digitization Across Business Process Dimensions

            Input                                           31.4

      Processing                                            30.5

          Output                             19.5

    Infrastructure                                                                                                          90.1

                     0          10          20         30          40        50          60        70         80          90        100

Source: Eurostat; Booz & Company analysis

8                                                                                                                         Booz & Company
of variance between the leaders and the                At the sector level, the differences                                     procurement and logistics, network and
laggards in this area. This may be due                 among the four dimensions stand out                                      IT equipment sourcing, and ordering
in part to the phenomenon that by now,                 even more vividly (see Exhibit 4). For                                   and warehouse management needed
large corporations have all engaged in                 instance, financial services and insur-                                  to efficiently build and maintain
e-commerce activities in some shape or                 ance, the overall leader in digitization,                                their networks and service produc-
form, while small and medium-sized                     is particularly strong with respect to                                   tion infrastructure. At the same time,
enterprises often tend to be more tradi-               underlying infrastructure, transaction                                   many operators face challenges in the
tional in the sales channels they use. We              processing both internally and with                                      output dimension, where their efforts
are still far from a true multichannel                 external partners, and the digitization                                  to improve the e-commerce and overall
customer-facing capability that would                  of output processes such as interfaces                                   digital customer experience is not yet
allow customers to move seamlessly                     among banks, stock exchanges, clearing                                   on par with leaders in this discipline.
from online channels to physical shops                 and settlement parties, and regulatory
to call centers.                                       institutions. Clearly, the essentially                                   As noted, however, most industries
                                                       digital nature of financial products,                                    continue to face difficulties in the
By and large, however, companies in                    services, and information lends itself to                                output dimension. Even trade and retail
most industries tend to be more fully                  digitization.                                                            and consumer goods, surprisingly, do
digitized the closer to the customer they                                                                                       not perform better than the average in
are. Many industries, especially those                 On the other hand, the computers and                                     this area. Despite their well-publicized
that deal in physical goods, still oper-               electronics industry, though it out-                                     efforts in the digital realm, these sectors
ate in an essentially analog mode in                   performs the industry average index                                      continue to be dominated by bricks-
working with suppliers, whereas those                  across all dimensions, is stronger on                                    and-mortar players that are moving
dealing primarily in information and                   the input side than the output. And                                      toward a Web-centric, digital model
services have moved forward quickly                    many telecom operators have created                                      only gradually.
in digitizing their output contact with                impressively optimized inbound supply
their customers.                                       chains involving handset and device

Exhibit 4
Industry-Level Digitization Index Across Business Process Dimensions


                                                     Input              Processing                            Output                  Infrastructure                 Overall
                   Dimension Average                  31.4                 30.5                                19.5                         90.1                      43.3

      Financial Services & Insurance                     3                                        15                            15                    7                               10
             Computers & Electronics                             14                           12                       6                              6                               9
        Media & Telecommunications                               17                       6                            5                              7                               9
                              Automotive                     5                                9                            10                     2                               6
              Equipment & Machinery                          5                            6                        0                              4                           4
                           Trade & Retail                    5                        3                            1                          0                           2
                               Chemicals       -5                                     3                            0                              2                       0
                  Basic Manufacturing           -3                                0                                1                          1                           0
                                   Utilities    -4                           -2                          -7                                       4                  -2
 Business & Administrative Services                     1               -8                               -7                                   1                  -3
            Transportation & Logistics         -7                       -6                                    -2                         -4                     -4
                      Consumer Goods -10                                    -5                                -1                       -8                       -6
       Real Estate, Rental & Leasing           -6                     -10                              -12                                    0                 -6
                            Construction       -7                     -10                                -9                             -4                  -8
                  Hotels & Restaurants         -6                 -15                                         -2                -18                       -11

Source: Eurostat; Booz & Company analysis

Booz & Company                                                                                                                                                                             9
THE          The process of digitization is differ-
             entiated not just along sector lines,
                                                       given the complexity of their legacy
                                                       production environments.
GEOGRAPHIC   but along geographic lines as well.
DIVIDE       Europe demonstrates these distinc-
             tions clearly. In general, the farther
                                                       These distinctions should come as no
                                                       surprise, given the well-established
             north and west a country is located,      link between the extent of digitiza-
             the more advanced it is in terms of       tion in any particular country and its
             digitization, and this is true not just   per capita gross domestic product.
             in overall terms but on the industry      The fact that this relationship also
             level as well. Germany, the U.K., and     holds true on the sector level—
             the Benelux and Nordic countries          Germany’s financial services sector is
             are the most digitized in Europe,         more advanced digitally than Italy’s,
             and they lead eastern and south-          for example—only confirms the
             ern Europe in all but one industry.       effect that country-level characteris-
             Southern Europe is close behind,          tics such as governmental policy and
             while eastern Europe clearly lags (see    the availability of investment capital
             Exhibit 5).                               have on promoting digitization.
                                                       Moreover, the relationship between
             On an industry basis, the gaps            digitization and wealth creates a
             among regions tend to be largest in       virtuous circle: The availability of
             the old-economy non-service sectors,      investment funds enables digitiza-
             such as basic manufacturing and           tion, and more digitization supports
             chemicals. These industries typically     higher levels of GDP growth, making
             require significantly higher levels of    more money available for invest-
             investment in order to digitize than      ment. Every government would be
             do service sectors, and the digitiza-     wise to try to encourage this positive
             tion process itself is more difficult,    spiral in its economy.

10                                                                           Booz & Company
Exhibit 5
Geographic Distribution of Industry Digitization in Europe


                  Financial Services & Insurance
                         Computers & Electronics
                   Media & Telecommunications
                          Equipment & Machinery
                                       Trade & Retail
                               Basic Manufacturing
            Business & Administrative Services
                        Transportation & Logistics
                                  Consumer Goods
                   Real Estate, Rental & Leasing
                              Hotels & Restaurants

                                                         10         15         20         25          30         40         45         50         55         60

                                                                  Central/Northern Europe                   Southern Europe                       Eastern Europe

Note: Central/Northern Europe: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and United Kingdom. Southern Europe:
Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, and Turkey. Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.
Source: Eurostat; Booz & Company analysis

Booz & Company                                                                                                                                                               11
BUILD          The real value of the digitization
               index is the insight it provides into the
                                                             be taking in the future. So they
                                                             overspend on infrastructure and
CAPABILITIES   risks and rewards for digital leaders         underspend on intelligent process
NOW            and laggards alike, on both the sector
               and the country levels, in an increas-
                                                             automation and better digital
                                                             output mechanisms.
               ingly digital future:
                                                           •	 ICT companies should place their
               •	 Sectors already leading the race to         bets on supporting the industries
                  digitize, such as financial services        that are digitizing fastest, as those
                  and insurance and computers and             are the ones spending the most
                  electronics, have a unique oppor-           money to further the digitization
                  tunity to build sustainably advan-          process.
                  taged positions.
                                                           •	 All national governments need to
               •	 Lagging industries, including real          set their digital agendas to take into
                  estate and hospitality, are at risk of      account the importance of digiti-
                  missing out on the digital revolu-          zation—solidifying their current
                  tion, and becoming less relevant            strengths, remedying their current
                  in the minds of consumers. If this          shortcomings, and investing further
                  trend continues, these industries           to compensate for “GDP bias.”
                  will likely also begin to lag in their
                  ability to capture their fair share of   As the process of digitization evolves
                  consumer revenues in the future.         and matures, monitoring how it is
                  It is therefore critical that they       affecting different industries and
                  reassess the value of digitization in    countries will be critical. Our Industry
                  their industries and speed up their      Digitization Index is designed to do
                  digitization efforts.                    just that. Tracking these changes is the
                                                           only way to understand where prog-
               •	 Too many companies in every              ress is being made, and thus where it
                  industry fail to understand the          needs to be supported further.
                  direction that digitization will

               As the process of digitization evolves,
               monitoring how it is affecting different
               industries and countries will be critical.

12                                                                                  Booz & Company
                                                                                       About the Authors
“The Next Wave of Digitization: Setting Your Direction, Building Your Capabilities,”
by Roman Friedrich, Matthew Le Merle, Michael Peterson, and Alex Koster                Dr. Roman Friedrich is a partner with
(Booz & Company, 2011).                Booz & Company based in Düsseldorf and
Digitization.pdf                                                                       Stockholm. He leads the firm’s communi-
                                                                                       cations, media, and technology practice
“The Rise of Generation C: Implications for the World of 2020,” by Roman               in Europe, and specializes in the strategic
Friedrich, Matthew Le Merle, Michael Peterson, and Alex Koster                         transformation of these industries in the
(Booz & Company, 2010).                 context of digitization.
                                                                                       Matthew Le Merle is a partner with
“Value Shifts in the Telecom, Media, and Technology Industries,” by Pierre             Booz & Company based in San Francisco.
Péladeau, Roman Friedrich, Timo Benzin, and Frédéric Sarrat (Booz & Company,           He works with leading technology, media,
2011).                   and consumer companies, focusing on
Technology.pdf                                                                         strategy, corporate development, marketing
                                                                                       and sales, organization, operations, and

                                                                                       Dr. Florian Gröne is a principal with
                                                                                       Booz & Company based in Berlin and
                                                                                       heads up the firm’s CRM Center of
                                                                                       Excellence in Europe. He works with
  METHODOLOGY                                                                          telecom, media, and consumer players on
                                                                                       building world-class front-office processes
  The Industry Digitization Index is derived from a wealth of data gathered by         and information technology capabilities on
  Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical agency, under its 2011–15 information     their path to digitization.
  society benchmarking framework. Among other dimensions, the program
  captures data on how many companies (of the total number of companies                Alex Koster is a principal with
  with 10 or more employees) use or have deployed various elements of digital          Booz & Company based in Zurich. He
  infrastructure, tools, platforms, and management capabilities and policies.          focuses on strategy, revenue growth, and
                                                                                       business model transformation opportu-
  In creating the index, we began by dividing the data into four separate factors,     nities across technology, telecom, and
  each of which is defined by several sub-factors and components. The four             Internet companies, and advises these
  dimensions summarize the following underlying data points:                           companies on their route toward a digitized
  • Digital input: The extent of digital processes in the procurement stage of the
    business, including data points regarding the use of computer networks as
    well as electronic transmissions suitable for automatic order processing.

  • Digital processing: The degree to which processes are integrated, both
    internally and with external partners. The internal integration sub-factors
    include data points regarding the existence and use of digital technologies
    such as enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management,
    as well as data points regarding the use and purpose of internal information
    sharing with different organizational functions like accounting, inventory
    management, and production and services management. External integration
    comprises such activities as electronic data interchange, including the
    electronic transmission of data with business partners, public authorities,
    and financial institutions, as well as activities like supply chain management,
    which includes the use of electronic data transmissions to and from business
    partners both upstream and downstream.

  • Digital output: The importance of digital processes in the sales function,
    including the use of computer networks as well as electronic transmission of
    data suitable for automatic sales processing.

  • Infrastructure: The sophistication of the underlying IT technology, focusing
    on the presence and use of computers and computer networks (wired and
    wireless) as well as the presence and type of connection to the Internet,
    including the use of fixed and mobile broadband or other fixed connections,
    such as cable or leased lines.

  Then, by logically aggregating the results of the data collected for each factor
  within each industry, we were able to construct both the overall index and a
  deeper understanding of the progress each industry has made in each of the
  four factors.

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Booz & Company is a leading global management
consulting firm, helping the world’s top businesses,
governments, and organizations. Our founder,
Edwin Booz, defined the profession when he estab-
lished the first management consulting firm in 1914.

Today, with more than 3,300 people in 60 offices
around the world, we bring foresight and knowledge,
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Measuring Industry Digitization: Leaders and Laggards in the Digital Economy

  • 1. Research Roman Friedrich Matthew Le Merle Florian Gröne Alex Koster Measuring Industry Digitization Leaders and Laggards in the Digital Economy
  • 2. Use your smartphone to scan the QR code on the cover of this Perspective, and you will be taken to the CMT Foresight home page on Contact Information Beirut London/Düsseldorf Shanghai Bahjat El-Darwiche Dr. Michael Peterson Andrew Cainey Partner Partner Partner +961-1-985-655 +44-20-7393-3310 +86-21-2327-9800 Berlin New York Sydney Dr. Florian Gröne Philip Minasian Vanessa Wallace Principal Principal Partner +49-30-88705-844 +1-212-551-6098 +61-2-9321-1906 Delhi Paris Zurich Ashish Sharma Pierre Péladeau Alex Koster Principal Partner Principal +91-124-4998705 +33-1-44-34-3074 +41-43-268-2133 Dubai San Francisco Karim Sabbagh Matthew Le Merle Senior Partner Partner +971-4-390-0260 +1-415-994-4320 Düsseldorf/Stockholm São Paulo Dr. Roman Friedrich Ivan de Souza Partner Senior Partner +49-211-3890-165 +55-11-5501-6368 Birger Maekelburger and Florian Stürmer also contributed to this Research. Booz & Company
  • 3. EXECUTIVE The pace of digitization is picking up rapidly, as consumers, companies, and entire industries become increasingly con- SUMMARY nected at home, in the office, and on the go. It is already obvi- ous, however, that the speed at which digitization is taking place varies a great deal from industry to industry. And these differences can already be felt in how quickly certain indus- tries are capturing value as digitization grows in importance. To gain a better understanding of the relative degree to which digitization is transforming different industries, we have cre- ated the Industry Digitization Index, consisting of the four factors involved in the digitization effort: input, processing, output, and underlying infrastructure. At the top of the list is the financial services and insurance sector, which should come as no surprise, given its purely informational products and services, and its long-standing effort to automate both back- office and customer-facing transactions. At the bottom are such industries as hospitality and real estate, both of which have made great strides in digitizing their contacts with cus- tomers but still struggle to automate supplier and construction management in a highly fragmented environment. The race to capture value in the age of digitization is not yet over, however. All industries can benefit by investing in the input, processing, and output capabilities needed to extend their digital footprints throughout their business ecosystems. Booz & Company 1
  • 4. THE WORLD Broadband connectivity, wireless mobility, cloud computing, Governments, too, can gather and disseminate information quickly—for IS DIGITIZING e-commerce, social media, sensors— purposes both good and bad—making they’re all coming together to their operations, in the best cases, transform the world as we know it: more transparent and their dealings how we work, play, consume, interact, with their populations more efficient. stay in touch. We call this process “digitization”: the pervasive adoption The process of digitization is taking of a wide variety of digital, real- place on a global scale, and the time, and networked technologies, benefits for companies on the leading products, and services that will enable edge of the trend—greater customer people, companies, governments, insight and reach, higher productivity, and even machines to stay connected and the creation of new business and communicate with one another, models—are already being realized. gathering, analyzing, and exchanging However, those benefits are not yet massive amounts of information on all evenly distributed among different kinds of activities—and the economic nations, markets, or industries. In and societal impacts those activities previous studies we have investigated will have. the causes behind this transformation and the benefits to be reaped (see People at home, in the office, and on “Resources,” page 13). In this the go can now find a vast wealth of study, we analyze which industries information on just about everything, are leading the pack in digitizing and exchange, rate, and review that themselves, along with the supply, information for all to see. In turn, demand, and industry-level aspects of companies are collecting detailed digitization that are driving industry information on consumers and leadership and differentiation. To their behavior—not just their Web- that end, we have created what we browsing preferences but also their call the Industry Digitization Index, location—and even their friends a core component of a body of and their behavior, and using that global research we are conducting information to target marketing to understand the digitization trend efforts more effectively and to and its effect on national economies, design better products and services. industry sectors, and society at large. The benefits for companies on the leading edge of the digitization trend are already being realized. 2 Booz & Company
  • 5. DIGITAL industry use to orchestrate their differentiated data becomes available internal value chain as well as for other geographies. Despite this CAPABILITIES interactions within their industry limitation, we believe that the index ecosystems, including strategic provides a comprehensive picture partners, financial institutions, of the current state of digitization or government bodies. The third and why some industries are already consists of the industry outputs for gaining traction while others are not. The primary goal of the index is which digitization enables more straightforward: to understand better efficient delivery of products and The information provided by which industries in which markets services, including distribution, Eurostat includes data on the are adopting, and benefiting from, electronic commerce, and the relative sophistication of the digital digitization first, and which are like. And the fourth concerns the infrastructures to be found in lagging. A further goal is to gain foundational infrastructure that companies across the 27 national insight into the specific technological underpins it all, since without markets of the E.U., as well as factors that are enabling certain the underlying connectivity and data on digital inputs, internal markets and industries to move computing capabilities, digitization processes, and outputs. Compiling forward more quickly. To do this, would be impossible. and weighing these four dimensions we wanted to get a complete picture allowed us to create the overall of how these markets and industries The most complete and reliable index of digitization, by market and use technology. This picture source of such data we have found industry, and to understand better includes four separate but tightly comes from Eurostat, the E.U.’s where certain markets and industries interconnected dimensions: The first central statistics agency. To our are leading or lagging. Thus, the is the way in which transactions knowledge, no other country or financial services and insurance into an industry are enabled by region currently has a comparable sector has an index of 53, which digitization (through electronic public source of such data; therefore, means that, on a scale of 1 to 100, procurement or inbound supply chain we have restricted the scope of the sector scored an average of 53 logistics, for example). The second the index to the European Union. for the four factors contributing to involves the digital platforms and Ultimately, we plan to extend digitization (see “Methodology,” tools that companies in a particular the index further as sufficiently page 13). Booz & Company 3
  • 6. LEADERS AND highest-spending industry in terms of information and communica- sector’s lead in digitization comes as no surprise: Our previous analysis LAGGARDS tions technology (ICT) investments, of the digitization trend found that first digitizing key transaction information-intensive industries processes like electronic transfer will naturally spend more to main- of funds, securities trading and tain their competitive advantage, clearing, and interbank settlement. and thus will be affected first. More recently, it has worked to At the highest level, the top further digitize the front office, • Computers and electronics: The three sectors in terms of industry moving from traditional retail and various elements of this sector have digitization are financial services and call center activities to fully online evolved complex ecosystems whose insurance, computers and electronics, processes by which virtually every supply chains have been divided and media and telecommunications aspect of retail and home banking among multiple specialized players. (see Exhibit 1). is digitized, and developing smart The electronics sector, for example, ATMs and online banking solutions consists of a tiered production • Financial services and insurance: to boost convenience and service system that includes product design This sector has long been the delivery efficiency. The financial and integration players like Apple, Exhibit 1 The Industry Digitization Index INDUSTRY DIGITIZATION INDEX (2011) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Financial Services & Insurance Computers & Electronics Media & Telecommunications Automotive Equipment & Machinery Trade & Retail Chemicals Basic Manufacturing Utilities Business & Administrative Services Transportation & Logistics Consumer Goods Real Estate, Rental & Leasing Construction Hotels & Restaurants 43.3 Leading Midfield Lagging Index average Source: Eurostat; Booz & Company analysis 4 Booz & Company
  • 7. chip and component makers like which employees at Google and by the way they do business; the often Samsung and Intel, and assembly elsewhere work and collaborate. lower affinity for digital technology firms such as Flextronics. In the among their labor pools; and their search for ever greater efficiency These were the industries that fragmented nature. Taken together, and specialization, digital process- piloted and perfected technologies these characteristics ultimately reduce ing is essential to orchestrate and like electronic data interchange, and these industries’ appeal to digital control these complex value chains, where, more recently, machine-to- suppliers—but by the same token from electronic procurement to machine (M2M) communications, suggest that digitization offers the paperless supply chains and trans- smart tags, and mobility are potential for these sectors to make port logistics to digital factories. providing the next level of efficiency, great strides in pushing efficiency and transparency, and flexibility. Global customer convenience. • Media and telecommunications: companies such as Dell have long This sector, which includes IT ser- focused on digitizing their end-to-end Hospitality, for example, is a huge vices firms, telecom operators, and supply chains, tying customer demand industry that has already seen Internet companies, both supplies in real time with custom business great strides in digitization, though and uses the means of digitization. streams through digital tools. Now, primarily on the reservations front. As such, its leadership position is Apple, the world’s largest consumer Social media has the potential to not surprising—companies in the electronics company, is leading the further this process significantly; sector are the closest to the source pack at combining bricks and mortar indeed, a variety of digital service of digitization in terms of the with real-time, cloud-based sales offerings will increasingly become creation and use of infrastructure and service. a differentiator along with service, and enabling technologies, digital location, and price. Construction, service integration capabilities, and Down at the bottom of the list, too, will likely see strides in how the like. Here, examples include on the other hand, are the labor- workforces are managed, through Cisco Systems, a leader in the intensive, old-economy sectors like the automation of hitherto manual digitization of its internal opera- hotels and restaurants (hospitality), processes. And though real estate is tions, and Google, which not only construction, and real estate, rental, already largely online on the sales has succeeded in playing a visible and leasing. The position of each of front, the identification, development, role in the everyday digital life of these can be explained by the relative and management of the construction billions of consumers, but also is simplicity of their value chains; the of specific projects remains a highly pushing Web-based apps and cloud high degree of hands-on, on-site, fragmented, analog process. technologies to digitize the way in “personal touch” interaction required Digitization offers the potential for old-economy sectors to make great strides in pushing efficiency and customer convenience. Booz & Company 5
  • 8. BUILDING Not only is there a distinctly wide gap between the digital haves and zation are moving ahead quickly, while progress among many of the MOMENTUM have-nots, but that gap appears to laggards remains relatively slow (see be growing. The leaders in digiti- Exhibit 2). Exhibit 2 Industry Digitization Index Change, 2010–11 INDUSTRY DIGITIZATION INDEX CHANGE (2010–11) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Financial Services & Insurance Dynamically innovating Automotive Equipment & Machinery Basic Manufacturing Construction Chemicals Transportation & Logistics Consumer Goods Media & Telecommunications Utilities Business & Administrative Services Trade & Retail Real Estate, Rental & Leasing Computers & Electronics Lacking Hotels & Restaurants momentum Leading Midfield Lagging Note: Chemicals and basic manufacturing figures for 2010 are based on expert estimates. Leading Source: Eurostat; Booz & Company analysis Midfield Lagging 6 Booz & Company
  • 9. • Financial services and insur- advantage of consumer interest • Meanwhile, real estate, business ance, the leader in digitization, is in social media and other digital and administrative services, and also the most dynamic sector; its technologies. hospitality are making little head- digitization index grew by more way in their efforts to digitize— than five index points between • Industries in the middle of the despite their direct connection 2009 and 2011. Industry play- pack, such as utilities, consumer to the consumer. Fragmented ers continue to invest heavily in goods, and transportation and demand and an inherent lack of new digital capabilities—most logistics, are also gaining momen- digital skills have kept suppliers recently, big data analytics, mobile tum, a clear sign that technolo- from aggressively pursuing these payments, social media, and gies such as smart tags, M2M sectors. Unless conditions change, lean “bank-in-a-box” concepts. communications, and remote these industries will continue American Express, for example, metering have reached sufficient to lag. has developed a company-wide levels of technical maturity and digital strategy designed to lever- cost-efficiency. Moreover, new These results suggest that as age its digital assets and capabili- regulatory regimes have pushed digitization progresses, a profound ties to drive future growth. To that some of these sectors into adopting shift of importance, and ultimately end, the company plans to capture new technologies more quickly; value, will occur among these and analyze large amounts of data the utilities sector, for example, industries. Consumers themselves from both customers and mer- has seen the further liberalization will likely continue to find more chants to improve segmentation, of energy markets and a push for value in fully digitized industries— aid merchants in their marketing smart meters, while transportation consider the shift in status from cars efforts, and ultimately generate continues to make investments to smartphones, especially among more precisely targeted offers to in digitally enabled new infra- young consumers. And increasingly, cardholders and participating structure and has achieved overall those industries that are digitizing merchants. As part of this effort, efficiency gains as a result of fastest will start seeing the highest the company is also expanding its open-skies agreements and other growth rates. partnerships with other compa- regulations. nies such as Facebook to take Increasingly, those industries that are digitizing fastest will start seeing the highest growth rates. Booz & Company 7
  • 10. INVESTMENT Europe have put in place the key build- ing blocks of broadband, wireless, and The results are less encouraging at the processing dimension, indicating the PRIORITIES computing infrastructure; according to existence of a substantial gap between the index, industries vary by no more the base infrastructure needed for than 10 points in their degree of infra- standard office communication and structure digitization. This is clearly a daily office work and actually putting reflection of the maturity of a great deal that infrastructure to work in the form of the underlying technology, the imme- of differentiated digital processing Our analysis of different industries also diate benefits to be reaped in promot- capabilities for driving business process allowed us to “look under the hood” to ing the enabling role of infrastructure, efficiency and effectiveness. The process examine in greater detail where compa- and, thanks in part to Moore’s Law, the dimension is a good predictor of the nies in particular industries are pushing relatively low costs involved. degree of digitization in a particular the digitization envelope in each of the industry, since this dimension captures four elements of digitization—input, At the input level, companies in many the essence of the respective industry’s processing, output, and infrastructure— industries are beginning to put together core value chain, while the other three and where they still have work to do. paperless supply chains to speed up the dimensions primarily enable these pro- acquisition of raw materials, although cesses, or provide the interfaces needed And though the results vary by indus- insular digital environments in dif- to interact with suppliers and custom- try, it is fair to say that for the most ferent industries still slow down this ers. As such, the processing dimension part, virtually every industry has made process. Companies in customer-facing shows very strong variances among strides in building the digital infra- industries like financial services, trade industries. structure it needs, but even the most and retail, and consumer goods are forward-looking companies have not having greater success in digitizing their Perhaps the most surprising finding yet reached the stage of true digitally supply-side relationships for a simple, involves the difficulty companies in enabled, real-time, connected design, structural reason: Being downstream every industry still have in the output supply, build, sell, and service capabil- players, they are further removed from dimension, despite most consum- ities—the real long-term aspiration of the non-digital world of raw materials ers’ familiarity with processes such many corporate players (see Exhibit 3). as the ultimate input factor, but rather as e-commerce. The data suggests interact with other service or manu- that in most cases, bricks and mortar According to the Eurostat data, more facturing players that are active in the may still be far more important than than 70 percent of companies in supply side further upstream. clicks; moreover, there is a great deal Exhibit 3 Overall Degree of Digitization Across Business Process Dimensions Input 31.4 Processing 30.5 Output 19.5 Infrastructure 90.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Source: Eurostat; Booz & Company analysis 8 Booz & Company
  • 11. of variance between the leaders and the At the sector level, the differences procurement and logistics, network and laggards in this area. This may be due among the four dimensions stand out IT equipment sourcing, and ordering in part to the phenomenon that by now, even more vividly (see Exhibit 4). For and warehouse management needed large corporations have all engaged in instance, financial services and insur- to efficiently build and maintain e-commerce activities in some shape or ance, the overall leader in digitization, their networks and service produc- form, while small and medium-sized is particularly strong with respect to tion infrastructure. At the same time, enterprises often tend to be more tradi- underlying infrastructure, transaction many operators face challenges in the tional in the sales channels they use. We processing both internally and with output dimension, where their efforts are still far from a true multichannel external partners, and the digitization to improve the e-commerce and overall customer-facing capability that would of output processes such as interfaces digital customer experience is not yet allow customers to move seamlessly among banks, stock exchanges, clearing on par with leaders in this discipline. from online channels to physical shops and settlement parties, and regulatory to call centers. institutions. Clearly, the essentially As noted, however, most industries digital nature of financial products, continue to face difficulties in the By and large, however, companies in services, and information lends itself to output dimension. Even trade and retail most industries tend to be more fully digitization. and consumer goods, surprisingly, do digitized the closer to the customer they not perform better than the average in are. Many industries, especially those On the other hand, the computers and this area. Despite their well-publicized that deal in physical goods, still oper- electronics industry, though it out- efforts in the digital realm, these sectors ate in an essentially analog mode in performs the industry average index continue to be dominated by bricks- working with suppliers, whereas those across all dimensions, is stronger on and-mortar players that are moving dealing primarily in information and the input side than the output. And toward a Web-centric, digital model services have moved forward quickly many telecom operators have created only gradually. in digitizing their output contact with impressively optimized inbound supply their customers. chains involving handset and device Exhibit 4 Industry-Level Digitization Index Across Business Process Dimensions INDUSTRY VARIATION FROM AVERAGE FOR EACH DIMENSION Input Processing Output Infrastructure Overall Dimension Average 31.4 30.5 19.5 90.1 43.3 Financial Services & Insurance 3 15 15 7 10 Computers & Electronics 14 12 6 6 9 Media & Telecommunications 17 6 5 7 9 Automotive 5 9 10 2 6 Equipment & Machinery 5 6 0 4 4 Trade & Retail 5 3 1 0 2 Chemicals -5 3 0 2 0 Basic Manufacturing -3 0 1 1 0 Utilities -4 -2 -7 4 -2 Business & Administrative Services 1 -8 -7 1 -3 Transportation & Logistics -7 -6 -2 -4 -4 Consumer Goods -10 -5 -1 -8 -6 Real Estate, Rental & Leasing -6 -10 -12 0 -6 Construction -7 -10 -9 -4 -8 Hotels & Restaurants -6 -15 -2 -18 -11 Source: Eurostat; Booz & Company analysis Booz & Company 9
  • 12. THE The process of digitization is differ- entiated not just along sector lines, given the complexity of their legacy production environments. GEOGRAPHIC but along geographic lines as well. DIVIDE Europe demonstrates these distinc- tions clearly. In general, the farther These distinctions should come as no surprise, given the well-established north and west a country is located, link between the extent of digitiza- the more advanced it is in terms of tion in any particular country and its digitization, and this is true not just per capita gross domestic product. in overall terms but on the industry The fact that this relationship also level as well. Germany, the U.K., and holds true on the sector level— the Benelux and Nordic countries Germany’s financial services sector is are the most digitized in Europe, more advanced digitally than Italy’s, and they lead eastern and south- for example—only confirms the ern Europe in all but one industry. effect that country-level characteris- Southern Europe is close behind, tics such as governmental policy and while eastern Europe clearly lags (see the availability of investment capital Exhibit 5). have on promoting digitization. Moreover, the relationship between On an industry basis, the gaps digitization and wealth creates a among regions tend to be largest in virtuous circle: The availability of the old-economy non-service sectors, investment funds enables digitiza- such as basic manufacturing and tion, and more digitization supports chemicals. These industries typically higher levels of GDP growth, making require significantly higher levels of more money available for invest- investment in order to digitize than ment. Every government would be do service sectors, and the digitiza- wise to try to encourage this positive tion process itself is more difficult, spiral in its economy. 10 Booz & Company
  • 13. Exhibit 5 Geographic Distribution of Industry Digitization in Europe DIGITIZATION IN DIFFERENT REGIONS Financial Services & Insurance Computers & Electronics Media & Telecommunications Automotive Equipment & Machinery Trade & Retail Chemicals Basic Manufacturing Utilities Business & Administrative Services Transportation & Logistics Consumer Goods Real Estate, Rental & Leasing Construction Hotels & Restaurants 10 15 20 25 30 40 45 50 55 60 Central/Northern Europe Southern Europe Eastern Europe Note: Central/Northern Europe: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and United Kingdom. Southern Europe: Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, and Turkey. Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia. Source: Eurostat; Booz & Company analysis Booz & Company 11
  • 14. BUILD The real value of the digitization index is the insight it provides into the be taking in the future. So they overspend on infrastructure and CAPABILITIES risks and rewards for digital leaders underspend on intelligent process NOW and laggards alike, on both the sector and the country levels, in an increas- automation and better digital output mechanisms. ingly digital future: • ICT companies should place their • Sectors already leading the race to bets on supporting the industries digitize, such as financial services that are digitizing fastest, as those and insurance and computers and are the ones spending the most electronics, have a unique oppor- money to further the digitization tunity to build sustainably advan- process. taged positions. • All national governments need to • Lagging industries, including real set their digital agendas to take into estate and hospitality, are at risk of account the importance of digiti- missing out on the digital revolu- zation—solidifying their current tion, and becoming less relevant strengths, remedying their current in the minds of consumers. If this shortcomings, and investing further trend continues, these industries to compensate for “GDP bias.” will likely also begin to lag in their ability to capture their fair share of As the process of digitization evolves consumer revenues in the future. and matures, monitoring how it is It is therefore critical that they affecting different industries and reassess the value of digitization in countries will be critical. Our Industry their industries and speed up their Digitization Index is designed to do digitization efforts. just that. Tracking these changes is the only way to understand where prog- • Too many companies in every ress is being made, and thus where it industry fail to understand the needs to be supported further. direction that digitization will As the process of digitization evolves, monitoring how it is affecting different industries and countries will be critical. 12 Booz & Company
  • 15. Resources About the Authors “The Next Wave of Digitization: Setting Your Direction, Building Your Capabilities,” by Roman Friedrich, Matthew Le Merle, Michael Peterson, and Alex Koster Dr. Roman Friedrich is a partner with (Booz & Company, 2011). Booz & Company based in Düsseldorf and Digitization.pdf Stockholm. He leads the firm’s communi- cations, media, and technology practice “The Rise of Generation C: Implications for the World of 2020,” by Roman in Europe, and specializes in the strategic Friedrich, Matthew Le Merle, Michael Peterson, and Alex Koster transformation of these industries in the (Booz & Company, 2010). context of digitization. C.pdf Matthew Le Merle is a partner with “Value Shifts in the Telecom, Media, and Technology Industries,” by Pierre Booz & Company based in San Francisco. Péladeau, Roman Friedrich, Timo Benzin, and Frédéric Sarrat (Booz & Company, He works with leading technology, media, 2011). and consumer companies, focusing on Technology.pdf strategy, corporate development, marketing and sales, organization, operations, and innovation. Dr. Florian Gröne is a principal with Booz & Company based in Berlin and heads up the firm’s CRM Center of Excellence in Europe. He works with METHODOLOGY telecom, media, and consumer players on building world-class front-office processes The Industry Digitization Index is derived from a wealth of data gathered by and information technology capabilities on Eurostat, the European Union’s statistical agency, under its 2011–15 information their path to digitization. society benchmarking framework. Among other dimensions, the program captures data on how many companies (of the total number of companies Alex Koster is a principal with with 10 or more employees) use or have deployed various elements of digital Booz & Company based in Zurich. He infrastructure, tools, platforms, and management capabilities and policies. focuses on strategy, revenue growth, and business model transformation opportu- In creating the index, we began by dividing the data into four separate factors, nities across technology, telecom, and each of which is defined by several sub-factors and components. The four Internet companies, and advises these dimensions summarize the following underlying data points: companies on their route toward a digitized world. • Digital input: The extent of digital processes in the procurement stage of the business, including data points regarding the use of computer networks as well as electronic transmissions suitable for automatic order processing. • Digital processing: The degree to which processes are integrated, both internally and with external partners. The internal integration sub-factors include data points regarding the existence and use of digital technologies such as enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management, as well as data points regarding the use and purpose of internal information sharing with different organizational functions like accounting, inventory management, and production and services management. External integration comprises such activities as electronic data interchange, including the electronic transmission of data with business partners, public authorities, and financial institutions, as well as activities like supply chain management, which includes the use of electronic data transmissions to and from business partners both upstream and downstream. • Digital output: The importance of digital processes in the sales function, including the use of computer networks as well as electronic transmission of data suitable for automatic sales processing. • Infrastructure: The sophistication of the underlying IT technology, focusing on the presence and use of computers and computer networks (wired and wireless) as well as the presence and type of connection to the Internet, including the use of fixed and mobile broadband or other fixed connections, such as cable or leased lines. Then, by logically aggregating the results of the data collected for each factor within each industry, we were able to construct both the overall index and a deeper understanding of the progress each industry has made in each of the four factors. Booz & Company 13
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