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Subject: Lecturas y Videos 
Group: 1 
Stephania Hernández Soto a01169483 
Alger Torres Martínez A01169155 
Shari Andrea Montañez Murillo A01165676 
Theme/Topic: Art 
Set of Exercise 1 
Instructions: Circle the correct answer 
1. Painting is: 
a. The practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface. 
b. The practice of changing expressing your ideas with movement 
c. Trying to reach an objective with sound 
2. __________ is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present 
the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific 
a. Music 
b. Photography 
c. Theatre 
3. Cinematography is the art or science of motion picture photography. It is the 
technique of film photography, including both the _______ and ________ of the 
a. Melody, harmony 
b. Shooting, development 
c. Shooting, articulation 
4. _________ is a transmissive optical device which affects the focusing of a light 
beam through refraction. 
a. Lens 
b. Filters 
c. Camera movement 
5. ________ is an art form whose medium is sound 
a. Sculpture 
b. Dance 
c. Music 
6. According to Barthes, the definition of literature is: 
a. the practice of writing 
b. the practice of reading 
c. the practice of understanding
Title of the video: Constitution as Art: Graffiti artist covers Moscow walls with law articles 
Source: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" 
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 
Length: 5 Min 
Level: high intermediate 
Topic: Art 
Brief summary: this video talks about an artist that is payed by the government to paint 
the walls of Moscow with some articles of the constitution, his very gifted and his work is 
nowadays known all over the world. 
Link to the exercise: 
Title of the Reading 20 (and more) museums you should know. 
Source The Art Wolf online art magazine by: G. Fernández 
Length 22 short paragraphs 
Level Intermediate 
Topic Art 
Brief summary This article talks about the best museums in the 
world and mentions their importance. 
Link to the reading 
1. Which museum in Vienna houses an important collection of antiquities and an 
outstanding collection of European painting? 
2. Which museum in Florence has the most important collection of Italian 
Renaissance painting? 
3. Which museum houses the immense and outstanding Art collection of 
the Catholic Church? 
4. Which museum houses the world's best collection of modern and 
contemporary Art? 
5. Which museum has the most complete collection of Egyptian Art in the 
Subject: Lecturas y Videos 
Group: 1 
Stephania Hernández Soto a01169483 
Alger Torres Martínez A01169155 
Shari Andrea Montañez Murillo A01165676 
Theme/Topic: Life Stages 
Set of Exercise 2 
A preemie 
= a preemie is baby that is born ‘prematurely’ – before it has completely developed in the mother’s 
womb. Generally it takes 37 weeks/9 months for a baby to fully develop, so if a baby is born before 
37 weeks/9 months, it’s considered a preemie. 
A newborn 
= a baby that was just born; this term is usually used for the first 4 weeks of life. 
An infant / a baby 
= the first year of life (from birth to 1 year old); an infant is a baby who has not started talking or 
walking yet and who needs constant care. 
A toddler 
= a child who is learning to walk; the 2nd year of life (generally between 12 months and 2 or 3 years 
A child 
there is no set age definition of ‘a child’; ‘childhood’ can be both the time before someone becomes 
a teenager and the time before someone become an adult . Most of the time, it refers to someone 
younger than a teenager. 
Pre-teen / tween 
= around 10–12 years old; a child who has not yet reached the ‘teenage’ years. Tween’ is short for 
‘in between’! 
A teenager 
= someone who is 13–19 years old (any number with ‘teen’ in it!) 
An adolescent 
= a formal term for the teenage years; someone who is becoming an adult.
A young adult 
this is hard to define! Generally someone becomes an ‘adult’ at the age of 18, but nowadays people 
are taking longer to mature into the adult years! A young adult could be anyone over the age of 18 
but before ‘middle age.’ Most of the time a young adult is someone between the ages of 18 and 24. 
Middle-aged / over the hill (adjectives) 
since people are living longer, ‘middle age’ is changing. Generally, ‘middle–aged’ is the term for 
someone in the middle of their life, around 40–50 years old. “Over the hill” is a humorous 
(sometimes insulting) way of saying someone is old! 
A senior citizen 
= a polite way of saying ‘an old person’! The age at which someone becomes a ‘senior citizen’ can 
vary from country to country: it could be 55 years old, or it could be 65 years old! 
Elderly (adjective) 
= a polite way of saying that someone is very old! 
Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word of the glossary 
1. My son is just a ____________, he was born a year ago and he needs constant 
2. Every single friend I have has 14 or 15 years old, they are all __________. 
3. My baby was born before expected, he only lasted 7 months in my womb, so he is 
a __________ 
4. My sister began to work when she was a ___________, she was 23 years old. 
5. I’m a teacher and I’m proud that all my students are _____________ and they are 
becoming adults. 
6. He is learning how to walk and talk, he is a _____________ 
Title of the video: A look at life's changing stages 
Source: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" 
frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 
Length: 3:26 Min 
Level: intermediate
Topic: Life stages 
Brief summary: this video tales about some stages that the nowadays people passed 
before and after getting older and having to retire from their jobs. 
Link to the exercise: 
Title of the Reading The Human Life Cycle Stages 
Source The Human Life Cycle Stages 
by: Jody Braverman 
Length 6 paragraphs 
Level Intermediate 
Topic Life Stages 
Brief summary This article explains each of the life stages. 
Link to the reading 
1. What is the difference between the ancient Greece and today’s life cycle? 
2. Which are the life stages that this article suggests? 
3. When does “Birth” take place? 
4. During this time, the child learns how to walk, talk and be more self-sufficient, 
how is this called? 
5. Why does the article say that adulthood is a significant time?
Subject: Lecturas y Videos 
Group: 1 
Stephania Hernández Soto a01169483 
Alger Torres Martínez A01169155 
Shari Andrea Montañez Murillo A01165676 
Theme/Topic: Technology 
Set of Exercise 3 
Instructions: Unscramble the letters to form a word and give sense to the sentece 
1. My brother is a cetpohelih he is always buying the newest devices in the market, 
even when he doesn’t need them. ______________ 
2. Everybody is using electronic devices in this era, I would say we are living the 
mocretup gea. _______________ 
3. Many of the 3rd age people have problems with technology and usually they don’t 
use them, maybe many of them are eboophonecth. _______________ 
4. Technological detgga make our lives easier and they have many users that have 
them because you can kill time with them. ______________ 
5. I grew up with mobile devices and computers, I have the advantage that I’m a 
latgiid tanvei and my parents don’t. _______________ 
Title of the video: The Future Starts Now - 2012 edition 
Source: <iframe width="560" height="315" 
src="//" frameborder="0" 
Length: 4.39 Min 
Level: intermediate 
Topic: Technology
Brief summary: this video explains the necessity and practice use of the ICT's in our life's 
in order to learn new things in different ways without getting bored and with something that 
it is constantly used by our generation. 
Link to the exercise: 
Title of the Reading How Technology has Changed our Lives in the 
last Five Years 
Source The Center of Technology, 2014 
Length 5 paragraphs 
Level Intermediate 
Topic Technology 
Brief summary This article talks about the ultimate advances 
of technology during the last 5 years. 
Link to the reading 
1. What computer advances has changed within the last five years according to the article?
2. What does technology have improved in communication? 
3. What does the cars have nowadays for the convenience and safety of drivers and their 
4. What does technology in computer forensics has done? 
5. What does the article mentions about cleaning up efforts of nuclear issues? 
Subject: Lecturas y Videos
Group: 1 
Stephania Hernández Soto a01169483 
Alger Torres Martínez A01169155 
Shari Andrea Montañez Murillo A01165676 
Theme/Topic: Changes 
Set of Exercise 4 
Instructions: Find the words and fill in the blanks 
W E D T H E M O M E R T A G I R B G A S 
E S F L V A V T T D P I D L T H S C L A 
R D H A F A H Y Y R F R M A Q E T Y I P 
Y G F M D D I I L U D E O E D F O T A Y 
O B D B S F L I E O D S T G U I P W N U 
J J V E S G E N R P E D E D R L E T A U 
V Y H U F J S N E T D L V R Q E R P M E 
D O G L J B Z O A W V O T E U E S O A S 
A U N E G C E V R E B L M D E D U S N F 
F I I V F S P A L B J V D G S U I I A H 
H N G I D G I T O I O P L H A B O R G K 
K J N E W H L I F T R E O W D L T F U J 
K I A T R J I O W T E A O E I E E W C E 
Y O H I I K B N G H T S O T L F D E H T 
F P C E I E D R K J L E E A A A R D I I 
V A P H U R F R T K E P P E T D F G T U 
H S O J Y I H D A S R A R A A G G G B O 
I E T R E V O L U T I O N I Z E D B A P 
T R W M G T M G R E K V E P O W R E D N 
Y T E D F V T O A R H E C N E U L F N I 
U U R I S O V B D T J K A A S D E F G K 
1. ____________ is one of the most important aspects in order to be successful in life 
2. Electronic devices___________ our lives. 
3. Medicine has made an enormous ____________ in illnesses that killed people a 
long time ago. 
4. __________ the way you see things, can open you a lot of doors in this life. 
5. Our friends and family have a lot of ___________ in our lives, principally in our 
Title of the video: Global trends: The world is changing faster than at any time in human 
Source: <iframe width="560" height="315" 
src="//" frameborder="0" 
Length: 3 Min
Level: High Intermediate 
Topic: Changes 
Brief summary: in this video, we are going to be able to know some important and 
interesting facts about some changes that the whole world had already experiment or is 
going to have if the human activities continue as they are nowadays. 
Link to the exercise: 
Title of the Reading How to Handle Changes in your Life 
Source WikiHow to do anything, How to handle 
changes in your life by: Jeff, Salma W. 
Length 12 paragraphs 
Level Intermediate 
Topic Changes 
Brief summary This article shows 11 steps to be positive to 
Link to the reading 
1. Which are the 11 steps that this article suggests? 
2. Which is the best compliment you can give anyone according to the article? 
3. What is the difference between having a positive or a negative attitude towards challenge 
4. How changes should be seen? 
5. Why does the article say that education is a form of brainwashing?
Subject: Lecturas y Videos 
Group: 1 
Stephania Hernández Soto a01169483 
Alger Torres Martínez A01169155 
Shari Andrea Montañez Murillo A01165676 
Theme/Topic: Gender 
Set of Exercise 5 
CEO: the president or boss of a company 
Contraceptive: drug, method or object that prevents a woman form getting a baby 
Take leave: stop work in in order to care for a baby 
GDP: all the products and services that a country produces in one year 
Employ: to give someone work 
Discriminate against: to treat a person or a group of people in an unfair way 
Advantage: the good side of something 
Fulfillment: being happy or satisfied because you have everything you need 
Instructions: Match the words with the correct image 
Discriminate against 
Take leave 
Title of the video: The Global Gender Gap Report 2014 
Source: <iframe width="560" height="315" 
src="//" frameborder="0" 
Length: 3 Min 
Level: high intermediate 
Topic: Gender 
Brief summary: This video wants to give a little bit of information about the gender gaps 
for women and men in terms of education, economy, politics and health. 
Link to the exercise:
Title of the Reading Gender Roles and Differences 
Source Boundless. “Gender Roles and Differences.” Boundless 
Psychology. Boundless, 14 Nov. 2014. Retrieved 18 Nov. 2014 
Length 7 Paragraphs 
Level Intermediate 
Topic Gender 
Brief summary This article talks about the differences between gender roles 
and how do people acquire them. 
Link to the reading 
1. What does the term gender role refers to? 
2. How do role-learning starts? 
3. When does children get aware of gender roles? 
4. In American culture what is the difference between masculine and feminine roles? 
5. What are the four major agents where gender socialization occurs?
Vocabulary Answer Key 
Answer Key Art 
1. A 
2. C 
3. B 
4. A 
5. C 
6. A 
Answer Key Life Stages 
1. Baby 
2. Teenagers 
3. Preemie 
4. Young adult 
5. Adolescent 
6. Toddler 
Answer Key Technology 
1. Technophile 
2. The computer age 
3. Technophobe 
4. Gadget 
5. Digital native 
Answer Key Changes 
1. Innovation 
2. Revolutionized 
3. Progress 
4. Changing 
5. Influence 
Answer Key Gender 
1. E 
2. D 
3. A 
4. B 
5. F 
6. C
Reading Key: 
Unit 1: ART 
1. The Kunsthistorisches 
2. The Uffizi 
3. The Vatican Museums 
4. The Museum of Modern Art 
5. The Cairo Museum 
1. In ancient Greece, the human life cycle was mapped in seven-year periods. Today, 
most people recognize the human life cycle as having four or five distinct stages 
shared by all humans. 
2. Birth, Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood. 
3. Birth takes place between fertilization and 40 weeks following fertilization, at which 
point the baby is fully formed and ready to exit the mother's uterus and enter the 
4. Toddler 
5. Because it is when the life cycle is initiated again by the conception and birth of the 
adult's own children. 
1. They have become even smaller and somehow more powerful and faster than ever 
2. Options have literally exploded in the instant avenues of text and video based chat 
as well as the near instantaneous method of email. 
3. Standard GPS and emergency call features 
4. It has opened up the world of police investigations; as personal computers, cell 
phones, and other portable electronic devices can now be searched in an effort to 
reliable solve crimes that seem to have little other evidence. 
5. That robots are being sent in to clean up the mess, measure radioactivity levels, 
and stream live video feeds for scientists to monitor. 
Unit 4: CHANGES 
1. Understand that changes will always happen, expect to enjoy some changes, 
realize that some changes are going to be very unexpected, some changes will 
be a challenge, grow with the changes, accept it as a new chapter in your life, 
the key to accepting change is to have an open mind and to accept everything 
as it presents itself, If you belong to a subculture, sect, etc. that other people 
have difficulty in accepting, try to put forth your arguments in a coherent 
manner, be tolerant of others, change requires that you accept certain things 
with which you might not be familiar at present but with which you can become 
comfortable once you are exposed to it learn about it and perhaps even 
participate in it, a good maxim to keep in mind is the old hippie saying. 
2. To say: Teach me, please 
3. If you approach it to fear, you will jump at every sound and soon become a 
nervous wreck. If you look forward to it as an adventure, you are certain to win
in the end, even if you do make some mistakes in the beginning. 
4. As a new chapter in life: a fresh opportunity to gain knowledge or experience in 
some new area, or a chance to discover new people, new places and new 
5. It points learners in a certain direction and teaches them doubtful skills from 
one perspective only. 
Unit 5: Gender 
1. It refers to society´s concept of how men and women are expected to act and 
2. With socialization at birth. 
3. By the age of two or three. 
4. Masculine roles are associated with strength, aggression and dominance, while 
feminine roles are usually associated with passivity, nurturing and subordination. 
5. Family, education, peer groups, and mass media.

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Vocabulary, Reading and Videos

  • 1. Subject: Lecturas y Videos Group: 1 Members: Stephania Hernández Soto a01169483 Alger Torres Martínez A01169155 Shari Andrea Montañez Murillo A01165676 Theme/Topic: Art Set of Exercise 1 Vocabulary Instructions: Circle the correct answer 1. Painting is: a. The practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium to a surface. b. The practice of changing expressing your ideas with movement c. Trying to reach an objective with sound 2. __________ is a collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place. a. Music b. Photography c. Theatre 3. Cinematography is the art or science of motion picture photography. It is the technique of film photography, including both the _______ and ________ of the film. a. Melody, harmony b. Shooting, development c. Shooting, articulation 4. _________ is a transmissive optical device which affects the focusing of a light beam through refraction. a. Lens b. Filters c. Camera movement 5. ________ is an art form whose medium is sound a. Sculpture b. Dance c. Music 6. According to Barthes, the definition of literature is: a. the practice of writing b. the practice of reading c. the practice of understanding
  • 2. Video Title of the video: Constitution as Art: Graffiti artist covers Moscow walls with law articles Source: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Length: 5 Min Level: high intermediate Topic: Art Brief summary: this video talks about an artist that is payed by the government to paint the walls of Moscow with some articles of the constitution, his very gifted and his work is nowadays known all over the world. Link to the exercise: Reading Title of the Reading 20 (and more) museums you should know. Source The Art Wolf online art magazine by: G. Fernández Length 22 short paragraphs Level Intermediate Topic Art Brief summary This article talks about the best museums in the world and mentions their importance. Link to the reading EXERCISE ……
  • 3. 1. Which museum in Vienna houses an important collection of antiquities and an outstanding collection of European painting? 2. Which museum in Florence has the most important collection of Italian Renaissance painting? 3. Which museum houses the immense and outstanding Art collection of the Catholic Church? 4. Which museum houses the world's best collection of modern and contemporary Art? 5. Which museum has the most complete collection of Egyptian Art in the world?
  • 4. Subject: Lecturas y Videos Group: 1 Members: Stephania Hernández Soto a01169483 Alger Torres Martínez A01169155 Shari Andrea Montañez Murillo A01165676 Theme/Topic: Life Stages Set of Exercise 2 Vocabulary Glossary A preemie = a preemie is baby that is born ‘prematurely’ – before it has completely developed in the mother’s womb. Generally it takes 37 weeks/9 months for a baby to fully develop, so if a baby is born before 37 weeks/9 months, it’s considered a preemie. A newborn = a baby that was just born; this term is usually used for the first 4 weeks of life. An infant / a baby = the first year of life (from birth to 1 year old); an infant is a baby who has not started talking or walking yet and who needs constant care. A toddler = a child who is learning to walk; the 2nd year of life (generally between 12 months and 2 or 3 years old) A child there is no set age definition of ‘a child’; ‘childhood’ can be both the time before someone becomes a teenager and the time before someone become an adult . Most of the time, it refers to someone younger than a teenager. Pre-teen / tween = around 10–12 years old; a child who has not yet reached the ‘teenage’ years. Tween’ is short for ‘in between’! A teenager = someone who is 13–19 years old (any number with ‘teen’ in it!) An adolescent = a formal term for the teenage years; someone who is becoming an adult.
  • 5. A young adult this is hard to define! Generally someone becomes an ‘adult’ at the age of 18, but nowadays people are taking longer to mature into the adult years! A young adult could be anyone over the age of 18 but before ‘middle age.’ Most of the time a young adult is someone between the ages of 18 and 24. Middle-aged / over the hill (adjectives) since people are living longer, ‘middle age’ is changing. Generally, ‘middle–aged’ is the term for someone in the middle of their life, around 40–50 years old. “Over the hill” is a humorous (sometimes insulting) way of saying someone is old! A senior citizen = a polite way of saying ‘an old person’! The age at which someone becomes a ‘senior citizen’ can vary from country to country: it could be 55 years old, or it could be 65 years old! Elderly (adjective) = a polite way of saying that someone is very old! Exercise Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word of the glossary 1. My son is just a ____________, he was born a year ago and he needs constant care 2. Every single friend I have has 14 or 15 years old, they are all __________. 3. My baby was born before expected, he only lasted 7 months in my womb, so he is a __________ 4. My sister began to work when she was a ___________, she was 23 years old. 5. I’m a teacher and I’m proud that all my students are _____________ and they are becoming adults. 6. He is learning how to walk and talk, he is a _____________ Video Title of the video: A look at life's changing stages Source: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Length: 3:26 Min Level: intermediate
  • 6. Topic: Life stages Brief summary: this video tales about some stages that the nowadays people passed before and after getting older and having to retire from their jobs. Link to the exercise: Reading Title of the Reading The Human Life Cycle Stages Source The Human Life Cycle Stages by: Jody Braverman Length 6 paragraphs Level Intermediate Topic Life Stages Brief summary This article explains each of the life stages. Link to the reading human-life-cycle-stages/ EXERCISE …..
  • 7. 1. What is the difference between the ancient Greece and today’s life cycle? 2. Which are the life stages that this article suggests? 3. When does “Birth” take place? 4. During this time, the child learns how to walk, talk and be more self-sufficient, how is this called? 5. Why does the article say that adulthood is a significant time?
  • 8. Subject: Lecturas y Videos Group: 1 Members: Stephania Hernández Soto a01169483 Alger Torres Martínez A01169155 Shari Andrea Montañez Murillo A01165676 Theme/Topic: Technology Set of Exercise 3 Vocabulary Glossary
  • 9. Exercise Instructions: Unscramble the letters to form a word and give sense to the sentece 1. My brother is a cetpohelih he is always buying the newest devices in the market, even when he doesn’t need them. ______________ 2. Everybody is using electronic devices in this era, I would say we are living the mocretup gea. _______________ 3. Many of the 3rd age people have problems with technology and usually they don’t use them, maybe many of them are eboophonecth. _______________ 4. Technological detgga make our lives easier and they have many users that have them because you can kill time with them. ______________ 5. I grew up with mobile devices and computers, I have the advantage that I’m a latgiid tanvei and my parents don’t. _______________ Video Title of the video: The Future Starts Now - 2012 edition Source: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Length: 4.39 Min Level: intermediate Topic: Technology
  • 10. Brief summary: this video explains the necessity and practice use of the ICT's in our life's in order to learn new things in different ways without getting bored and with something that it is constantly used by our generation. Link to the exercise: Reading Title of the Reading How Technology has Changed our Lives in the last Five Years Source The Center of Technology, 2014 Length 5 paragraphs Level Intermediate Topic Technology Brief summary This article talks about the ultimate advances of technology during the last 5 years. Link to the reading EXERCISE ….. 1. What computer advances has changed within the last five years according to the article?
  • 11. 2. What does technology have improved in communication? 3. What does the cars have nowadays for the convenience and safety of drivers and their passengers? 4. What does technology in computer forensics has done? 5. What does the article mentions about cleaning up efforts of nuclear issues? Subject: Lecturas y Videos
  • 12. Group: 1 Members: Stephania Hernández Soto a01169483 Alger Torres Martínez A01169155 Shari Andrea Montañez Murillo A01165676 Theme/Topic: Changes Set of Exercise 4 Vocabulary Glossary
  • 13. Exercise Instructions: Find the words and fill in the blanks W E D T H E M O M E R T A G I R B G A S E S F L V A V T T D P I D L T H S C L A R D H A F A H Y Y R F R M A Q E T Y I P Y G F M D D I I L U D E O E D F O T A Y O B D B S F L I E O D S T G U I P W N U J J V E S G E N R P E D E D R L E T A U V Y H U F J S N E T D L V R Q E R P M E D O G L J B Z O A W V O T E U E S O A S A U N E G C E V R E B L M D E D U S N F F I I V F S P A L B J V D G S U I I A H H N G I D G I T O I O P L H A B O R G K K J N E W H L I F T R E O W D L T F U J K I A T R J I O W T E A O E I E E W C E Y O H I I K B N G H T S O T L F D E H T F P C E I E D R K J L E E A A A R D I I V A P H U R F R T K E P P E T D F G T U H S O J Y I H D A S R A R A A G G G B O I E T R E V O L U T I O N I Z E D B A P T R W M G T M G R E K V E P O W R E D N Y T E D F V T O A R H E C N E U L F N I U U R I S O V B D T J K A A S D E F G K 1. ____________ is one of the most important aspects in order to be successful in life 2. Electronic devices___________ our lives. 3. Medicine has made an enormous ____________ in illnesses that killed people a long time ago. 4. __________ the way you see things, can open you a lot of doors in this life. 5. Our friends and family have a lot of ___________ in our lives, principally in our education Video Title of the video: Global trends: The world is changing faster than at any time in human history Source: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Length: 3 Min
  • 14. Level: High Intermediate Topic: Changes Brief summary: in this video, we are going to be able to know some important and interesting facts about some changes that the whole world had already experiment or is going to have if the human activities continue as they are nowadays. Link to the exercise: Reading Title of the Reading How to Handle Changes in your Life Source WikiHow to do anything, How to handle changes in your life by: Jeff, Salma W. Length 12 paragraphs Level Intermediate Topic Changes Brief summary This article shows 11 steps to be positive to change. Link to the reading Your-Life EXERCISE …..
  • 15. 1. Which are the 11 steps that this article suggests? 2. Which is the best compliment you can give anyone according to the article? 3. What is the difference between having a positive or a negative attitude towards challenge changes? 4. How changes should be seen? 5. Why does the article say that education is a form of brainwashing?
  • 16. Subject: Lecturas y Videos Group: 1 Members: Stephania Hernández Soto a01169483 Alger Torres Martínez A01169155 Shari Andrea Montañez Murillo A01165676 Theme/Topic: Gender Set of Exercise 5 Vocabulary Glossary CEO: the president or boss of a company Contraceptive: drug, method or object that prevents a woman form getting a baby Take leave: stop work in in order to care for a baby GDP: all the products and services that a country produces in one year Employ: to give someone work Discriminate against: to treat a person or a group of people in an unfair way Advantage: the good side of something Fulfillment: being happy or satisfied because you have everything you need Exercise Instructions: Match the words with the correct image CEO a) Contraceptive b)
  • 17. Discriminate against c) Employ d) Take leave e) Fulfillment f) Video Title of the video: The Global Gender Gap Report 2014 Source: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Length: 3 Min Level: high intermediate Topic: Gender Brief summary: This video wants to give a little bit of information about the gender gaps for women and men in terms of education, economy, politics and health. Link to the exercise:
  • 18. Reading Title of the Reading Gender Roles and Differences Source Boundless. “Gender Roles and Differences.” Boundless Psychology. Boundless, 14 Nov. 2014. Retrieved 18 Nov. 2014 Length 7 Paragraphs Level Intermediate Topic Gender Brief summary This article talks about the differences between gender roles and how do people acquire them. Link to the reading textbook/gender-and-sexuality-15/introduction-to-gender- and-sexuality-75/gender-roles-and-differences-296- 12831/ EXERCISE …..
  • 19. 1. What does the term gender role refers to? 2. How do role-learning starts? 3. When does children get aware of gender roles? 4. In American culture what is the difference between masculine and feminine roles? 5. What are the four major agents where gender socialization occurs?
  • 20. Vocabulary Answer Key Answer Key Art 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A Answer Key Life Stages 1. Baby 2. Teenagers 3. Preemie 4. Young adult 5. Adolescent 6. Toddler Answer Key Technology 1. Technophile 2. The computer age 3. Technophobe 4. Gadget 5. Digital native Answer Key Changes 1. Innovation 2. Revolutionized 3. Progress 4. Changing 5. Influence Answer Key Gender 1. E 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. F 6. C
  • 21. Reading Key: Unit 1: ART 1. The Kunsthistorisches 2. The Uffizi 3. The Vatican Museums 4. The Museum of Modern Art 5. The Cairo Museum Unit 2: LIFE STAGES 1. In ancient Greece, the human life cycle was mapped in seven-year periods. Today, most people recognize the human life cycle as having four or five distinct stages shared by all humans. 2. Birth, Infancy, Childhood, Adolescence and Adulthood. 3. Birth takes place between fertilization and 40 weeks following fertilization, at which point the baby is fully formed and ready to exit the mother's uterus and enter the world. 4. Toddler 5. Because it is when the life cycle is initiated again by the conception and birth of the adult's own children. Unit 3: TECHNOLOGY 1. They have become even smaller and somehow more powerful and faster than ever before. 2. Options have literally exploded in the instant avenues of text and video based chat as well as the near instantaneous method of email. 3. Standard GPS and emergency call features 4. It has opened up the world of police investigations; as personal computers, cell phones, and other portable electronic devices can now be searched in an effort to reliable solve crimes that seem to have little other evidence. 5. That robots are being sent in to clean up the mess, measure radioactivity levels, and stream live video feeds for scientists to monitor. Unit 4: CHANGES 1. Understand that changes will always happen, expect to enjoy some changes, realize that some changes are going to be very unexpected, some changes will be a challenge, grow with the changes, accept it as a new chapter in your life, the key to accepting change is to have an open mind and to accept everything as it presents itself, If you belong to a subculture, sect, etc. that other people have difficulty in accepting, try to put forth your arguments in a coherent manner, be tolerant of others, change requires that you accept certain things with which you might not be familiar at present but with which you can become comfortable once you are exposed to it learn about it and perhaps even participate in it, a good maxim to keep in mind is the old hippie saying. 2. To say: Teach me, please 3. If you approach it to fear, you will jump at every sound and soon become a nervous wreck. If you look forward to it as an adventure, you are certain to win
  • 22. in the end, even if you do make some mistakes in the beginning. 4. As a new chapter in life: a fresh opportunity to gain knowledge or experience in some new area, or a chance to discover new people, new places and new skills. 5. It points learners in a certain direction and teaches them doubtful skills from one perspective only. Unit 5: Gender 1. It refers to society´s concept of how men and women are expected to act and behave. 2. With socialization at birth. 3. By the age of two or three. 4. Masculine roles are associated with strength, aggression and dominance, while feminine roles are usually associated with passivity, nurturing and subordination. 5. Family, education, peer groups, and mass media.