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| Module 3: E3 Activity on “Informational and Statistical Visuals”.
IDT 560: Visual Literacy
By: Arturo Pelayo.


         Redesign the form you created for Module 2, now include criteria on Visual Tools as well as Visual Actions (CARP).

  II.    Use the new form to critique a poorly designed chart, graph, table, diagram, or illustration.

  III.   Redesign the item you choose to critique.

  IV.    Write a short paragraph outlining the improvements.

  • Creation of an introductory documentation page for future reference and incorporation of Best Practices.

  • Creation of a Document Version History Page to detail the changes of the E2 Form and the E3. (Satisfies Instruction I).

  • The 3rd page of this document includes the “E2” form.

  • The 4th & 5th pages represent the new “E3” form.

  • When printed, the document can be easily laminated, as each side of the form would remain on the same sheet of


  • The 4th page will be the CARP side & the 5th page will include the criteria on Visual tools. (Satisfies Instruction II).

  • The 6th page includes the “old” illustration evaluated in E2.

  • The 7th page includes the redesigned illustration. (Satisfies Instruction III).

  • The 8th & 9th pages include an E3 template. (Satisfies Instruction I).

  • The 10th page includes a paragraph with discussion of improvements.
Documentation of changes to form (document version history):

         Change                 E2                         E3                                           Reason?

 Font type used.     Helvetica, size 11.       Euphemia UCAS, size 12.     The Integration of mild serifs enhances the visual appeal of the
                                                                           document while also providing better readability and less eye

                                                                           Risk:   This is not a standard font of MS Word.
                                                                           Mitigation:    Provide a PDF file.
 Page Formatting     US Letter (landscape).    US Legal (landscape).       Provides better readability and uniform density of text presented.

                                                                           Risk:   The evaluator may not have legal-sized paper when
                                                                                   printing the document.
                                                                           Mitigation: Provide a notice to the user.
 Graphics            A clock was used as a     For CARP side there are
                     metaphor instead of an    no changes. For Visual      Keeping consistency in the presentation and adding visual cues
                     ordinary itemization of   Tools, a similar metaphor   for variables aids the learner in identifying them.
                     variables                 is used
 Chart titles        Not present               On the top left corner in   For easy identification, form titles of “visual tools” and “visual
                                               black background.           actions” where added with appropriate figure/ground relationship.
★✩✩✩✩                                   ★★✩✩✩                               ★★★✩✩                           ★★★★✩                        ★★★★★
                            Lame                               Disappointing                           So-So                          Marginal                      Unified
              The material lacks any guidance       The material devalues the credibility   The material meets the           The material is “OK” but     The material enhances
               for the user to discern what it is    of the sponsoring agencies.             needs. But does not show         has no “added value”.        the appeal of the event &
1 glance       he/she is looking at.                                                         quality.                                                      sponsors.
              The objective of the document         “Farewell Reception” is the main        Text Headings and visuals        Its seamless to understand   Best practices are
               cannot be discerned visually or       purpose of the document, yet it is      allow the user to identify the   the interface, minor         followed and Image
  purpose      through writing.                      the last line written.                  use of the material.             details lost.                Strategies are respected.
              The choice of colors and              Overall there is cohesion between       Content relationships are        Variations on the design     The material is appealing
               graphics is overpowering, hard        the fonts, graphics and output          distracting to the purpose of    elements are minimal.        to the eye and is “a
  contrast     to read and disruptive.               media used.                             the material.                                                 scrapbook keeper”.
              Content is over or under sized,       Relationship across elements is         Graphics and text seem to        Minor problems with          The sizes are pleasing to
               pixilated. Illogical.                 distorted.                              belong on the same space.        text/graphics                the eye.
      scale                                                                                                                   relationships.
              The spacing of text is inconsistent   Text grouping does not match            It is easy to discern sections   Some elements slightly       Has perfect cohesion of
               from one page to the next. No         physical or invisible margins of        from one another.                “off the rule of thirds” .   relationships.
alignment      hierarchy.                            graphics.
              The material lacks order,             The graphic/text-to-space ratio is      There are some “dead             The product has balance,     The material has appeal.
               structure and cannot have             not cohesive. Font variation is         spots” (blank areas make         cohesion and is              (Fibonacci harmony).
 harmony       appeal or value of any kind.          disrupting.                             imbalance).                      appealing.
              The material has absolute lack of     Changes in text/graphic lacks           The material is boring as it     Content neither              The material has a
               varied graphics / text framing.       uniformity and prevent learner from     does not provoke interest.       overwhelms nor under         cohesive & sound theme.
repetition                                           making connections.                                                      powers the material.
              Material does not provide             Content is scattered, hard to find.     The content is present but       The content may be
               content to fulfill purpose.                                                   other factors undermine its      polished by replacing        The material is “Visually
    content                                                                                  presence.                        words/graphics.              Literate”.
              Spacing of graphics and text is       The figure/ground relationships are     Content “stands on its           Content has cohesion         Material has a natural
               tight. No emphasis on                 missing. No visual independence.        own”, but looses grouping.       and a level of harmony.      visual flow and order.
proximity      relationships.
              The material seems to need an         The material lacks uniformity; it has   The material has a structure     The material can be
               Instruction Manual to be              no interface that can be seamlessly     yet time still needs to be       “read” although some         The material is “Visually
       logic   read/understood.                      followed.                               invested to understand it.       Headings are missing.        Literate”.
                                     The material has 18 out of 50 possible “stars”, it is almost Disappointing, but pretty well in the Lame category.
★✩✩✩✩                              ★★✩✩✩                               ★★★✩✩                           ★★★★✩                   ★★★★★
                        Lame                           Disappointing                         So-So                          Marginal                 Unified
              The material is extremely      After a significant loss of time, the   The material meets the        The material is “OK” but   The material enhances
              hard to read and lacks         user understands the purpose of         needs. But does not show      has no “added value”.      the appeal of the event
             any guidance for the user      the provided medium.                    quality and shows no                                     & sponsors.
              to discern what it is he/she                                           emphasis on
              is looking at.                                                         relationships.
              The objective of the           There is no cohesion in the design      Visuals and text have         The rule of thirds is      Form and function are
              document cannot be             whatsoever. The relationships,          minimal appeal and            implicit in the design,    clear in the design. The
              discerned visually or          hierarchy and scale are                 relationship to one           yet there are              material has a cohesive
             through writing. It does not   evidently disproportioned. The          another. The design is        distractions on the        & sound theme.
              provoke interest.              message is lost.                        distracting and “looks        composition.
              There are too many colors      Color palette does not work in          Color relationships are       There are variations on    The material has
              which overpower the            harmony with the document as a          distracting to the purpose    the contrast of the use    appeal and is legible.
             document and make it           whole. It deprives the learner          of the material.              of colors.
              hard to read and               from making connections.
              There is an imbalance on       Relationship across figure and          Objects are not               There are aspects of       Figure and ground
              the figure and ground          ground is not cohesive. It is           appealing and do not          the figure/ground          relationships are
              relationships. Figure has      distorted. There are many “dead         ground properly onto          rations that are still     mastered. There is
             been reversed. The             spots” (blank areas make                their intended use and        conflicting with one       consistency in design
              material lacks consistency     imbalance).                             hierarchy.                    another. This creates      and relationships are
              in ratios of graphics and                                                                            distracting design.        intuitive.
              The spacing of text is         Text kerning and alignment do           There are gaps between        Background contrast is     There is consistency on
              inconsistent from one          not have harmony to graphics.           graphics and text,            minimal and color          fonts, colors, graphics
             page to the next. Too          Space is misused and                    anchoring is not              palette is appropriate.    and background art.
              many fonts. Too Heavy.         overpowering.                           mastered.                                                Savvy.

                                                               The material has 7 out of 25 possible “stars”, it is Lame.
Original graphic:


Redesigned graphic:
★✩✩✩✩                                   ★★✩✩✩                               ★★★✩✩                           ★★★★✩                        ★★★★★
                           Lame                               Disappointing                           So-So                          Marginal                      Unified
             The material lacks any guidance       The material devalues the credibility   The material meets the           The material is “OK” but     The material enhances
              for the user to discern what it is    of the sponsoring agencies.             needs. But does not show         has no “added value”.        the appeal of the event &
1st glance    he/she is looking at.                                                         quality.                                                      sponsors.
             The objective of the document         “Farewell Reception” is the main        Text Headings and visuals        Its seamless to understand   Best practices are
              cannot be discerned visually or       purpose of the document, yet it is      allow the user to identify the   the interface, minor         followed and Image
  purpose     through writing.                      the last line written.                  use of the material.             details lost.                Strategies are respected.
             The choice of colors and              Overall there is cohesion between       Content relationships are        Variations on the design     The material is appealing
              graphics is overpowering, hard        the fonts, graphics and output          distracting to the purpose of    elements are minimal.        to the eye and is “a
  contrast    to read and disruptive.               media used.                             the material.                                                 scrapbook keeper”.
             Content is over or under sized,       Relationship across elements is         Graphics and text seem to        Minor problems with          The sizes are pleasing to
              pixilated. Illogical.                 distorted.                              belong on the same space.        text/graphics                the eye.
      scale                                                                                                                  relationships.
             The spacing of text is inconsistent   Text grouping does not match            It is easy to discern sections   Some elements slightly       Has perfect cohesion of
              from one page to the next. No         physical or invisible margins of        from one another.                “off the rule of thirds” .   relationships.
alignment     hierarchy.                            graphics.
             The material lacks order,             The graphic/text-to-space ratio is      There are some “dead             The product has balance,     The material has appeal.
              structure and cannot have             not cohesive. Font variation is         spots” (blank areas make         cohesion and is              (Fibonacci harmony).
 harmony      appeal or value of any kind.          disrupting.                             imbalance).                      appealing.
             The material has absolute lack of     Changes in text/graphic lacks           The material is boring as it     Content neither              The material has a
              varied graphics / text framing.       uniformity and prevent learner from     does not provoke interest.       overwhelms nor under         cohesive & sound theme.
repetition                                          making connections.                                                      powers the material.
             Material does not provide             Content is scattered, hard to find.     The content is present but       The content may be
              content to fulfill purpose.                                                   other factors undermine its      polished by replacing        The material is “Visually
   content                                                                                  presence.                        words/graphics.              Literate”.
             Spacing of graphics and text is       The figure/ground relationships are     Content “stands on its           Content has cohesion         Material has a natural
              tight. No emphasis on                 missing. No visual independence.        own”, but looses grouping.       and a level of harmony.      visual flow and order.
proximity     relationships.
             The material seems to need an         The material lacks uniformity; it has   The material has a structure     The material can be
              Instruction Manual to be              no interface that can be seamlessly     yet time still needs to be       “read” although some         The material is “Visually
      logic   read/understood.                      followed.                               invested to understand it.       Headings are missing.        Literate”.

              Write a review here:
★✩✩✩✩                              ★★✩✩✩                               ★★★✩✩                       ★★★★✩                      ★★★★★
                        Lame                           Disappointing                         So-So                       Marginal                   Unified
              The material is extremely      After a significant loss of time, the   The material meets the       The material is “OK” but   The material enhances
              hard to read and lacks         user understands the purpose of         needs. But does not show     has no “added value”.      the appeal of the event
             any guidance for the user      the provided medium.                    quality and shows no                                    & sponsors.
              to discern what it is he/she                                           emphasis on
              is looking at.                                                         relationships.
              The objective of the           There is no cohesion in the design      Visuals and text have        The rule of thirds is      Form and function are
              document cannot be             whatsoever. The relationships,          minimal appeal and           implicit in the design,    clear in the design. The
              discerned visually or          hierarchy and scale are                 relationship to one          yet there are              material has a cohesive
             through writing. It does not   evidently disproportioned. The          another. The design is       distractions on the        & sound theme.
              provoke interest.              message is lost.                        distracting and “looks       composition.
              There are too many colors      Color palette does not work in          Color relationships are      There are variations on    The material has
              which overpower the            harmony with the document as a          distracting to the purpose   the contrast of the use    appeal and is legible.
             document and make it           whole. It deprives the learner          of the material.             of colors.
              hard to read and               from making connections.
              There is an imbalance on       Relationship across figure and          Objects are not              There are aspects of       Figure and ground
              the figure and ground          ground is not cohesive. It is           appealing and do not         the figure/ground          relationships are
              relationships. Figure has      distorted. There are many “dead         ground properly onto         rations that are still     mastered. There is
             been reversed. The             spots” (blank areas make                their intended use and       conflicting with one       consistency in design
              material lacks consistency     imbalance).                             hierarchy.                   another. This creates      and relationships are
              in ratios of graphics and                                                                           distracting design.        intuitive.
              The spacing of text is         Text kerning and alignment do           There are gaps between       Background contrast is     There is consistency on
              inconsistent from one          not have harmony to graphics.           graphics and text,           minimal and color          fonts, colors, graphics
             page to the next. Too          Space is misused and                    anchoring is not             palette is appropriate.    and background art.
              many fonts. Too Heavy.         overpowering.                           mastered.                                               Savvy.

              Write a review here:

Discussion of Improvements:

One of the primary aspects that caught my attention on the original graphic was the misuse of repetition
of an outdated graphic (the world map) that was also too small as an original image that was imported to
the document in the first place.

The use of the original purple globe map tried to emphasize the “internationality” aspect of the event,
however it was too empowering and off scale in relation to the text and other bodies in the document. It
broke all margins and was visually too heavy to be at the top of the document. Such distraction caused
the text to seem out of place and the font type used with such strong serifs was inappropriate as it seemed
that the text was “in a hurry”.

The front cover did not have a clear message of the event. The new design is bold and objective. It
employs a large graphic with sufficient alpha transparency to make it recede on to the background and
anchor the weight of a borderless design. The sponsoring agencies’ logos where also removed as the
integration of so many graphics receded from chunking into high density stacking.

The new design looks and feels 30 years younger. It is bold, innovative and enhances the image of the
agencies involved.

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Visual Tools & Visual Actions: Graphic Design Work.

  • 1. | Module 3: E3 Activity on “Informational and Statistical Visuals”. IDT 560: Visual Literacy By: Arturo Pelayo. Instructions: Redesign the form you created for Module 2, now include criteria on Visual Tools as well as Visual Actions (CARP). I. II. Use the new form to critique a poorly designed chart, graph, table, diagram, or illustration. III. Redesign the item you choose to critique. IV. Write a short paragraph outlining the improvements.
  • 2. Procedure: • Creation of an introductory documentation page for future reference and incorporation of Best Practices. • Creation of a Document Version History Page to detail the changes of the E2 Form and the E3. (Satisfies Instruction I). • The 3rd page of this document includes the “E2” form. • The 4th & 5th pages represent the new “E3” form. • When printed, the document can be easily laminated, as each side of the form would remain on the same sheet of paper. • The 4th page will be the CARP side & the 5th page will include the criteria on Visual tools. (Satisfies Instruction II). • The 6th page includes the “old” illustration evaluated in E2. • The 7th page includes the redesigned illustration. (Satisfies Instruction III). • The 8th & 9th pages include an E3 template. (Satisfies Instruction I). • The 10th page includes a paragraph with discussion of improvements.
  • 3. Documentation of changes to form (document version history): Change E2 E3 Reason? Font type used. Helvetica, size 11. Euphemia UCAS, size 12. The Integration of mild serifs enhances the visual appeal of the document while also providing better readability and less eye strain. Risk: This is not a standard font of MS Word. Mitigation: Provide a PDF file. Page Formatting US Letter (landscape). US Legal (landscape). Provides better readability and uniform density of text presented. Risk: The evaluator may not have legal-sized paper when printing the document. Mitigation: Provide a notice to the user. Graphics A clock was used as a For CARP side there are metaphor instead of an no changes. For Visual Keeping consistency in the presentation and adding visual cues ordinary itemization of Tools, a similar metaphor for variables aids the learner in identifying them. variables is used Chart titles Not present On the top left corner in For easy identification, form titles of “visual tools” and “visual black background. actions” where added with appropriate figure/ground relationship.
  • 4. ★✩✩✩✩ ★★✩✩✩ ★★★✩✩ ★★★★✩ ★★★★★ visual Lame Disappointing So-So Marginal Unified actions  The material lacks any guidance The material devalues the credibility The material meets the The material is “OK” but The material enhances for the user to discern what it is of the sponsoring agencies. needs. But does not show has no “added value”. the appeal of the event & st 1 glance he/she is looking at. quality. sponsors.  The objective of the document “Farewell Reception” is the main Text Headings and visuals Its seamless to understand Best practices are cannot be discerned visually or purpose of the document, yet it is allow the user to identify the the interface, minor followed and Image purpose through writing. the last line written. use of the material. details lost. Strategies are respected.  The choice of colors and Overall there is cohesion between Content relationships are Variations on the design The material is appealing graphics is overpowering, hard the fonts, graphics and output distracting to the purpose of elements are minimal. to the eye and is “a contrast to read and disruptive. media used. the material. scrapbook keeper”.  Content is over or under sized, Relationship across elements is Graphics and text seem to Minor problems with The sizes are pleasing to pixilated. Illogical. distorted. belong on the same space. text/graphics the eye. scale relationships.  The spacing of text is inconsistent Text grouping does not match It is easy to discern sections Some elements slightly Has perfect cohesion of from one page to the next. No physical or invisible margins of from one another. “off the rule of thirds” . relationships. alignment hierarchy. graphics.  The material lacks order, The graphic/text-to-space ratio is There are some “dead The product has balance, The material has appeal. structure and cannot have not cohesive. Font variation is spots” (blank areas make cohesion and is (Fibonacci harmony). harmony appeal or value of any kind. disrupting. imbalance). appealing.  The material has absolute lack of Changes in text/graphic lacks The material is boring as it Content neither The material has a varied graphics / text framing. uniformity and prevent learner from does not provoke interest. overwhelms nor under cohesive & sound theme. repetition making connections. powers the material.  Material does not provide Content is scattered, hard to find. The content is present but The content may be content to fulfill purpose. other factors undermine its polished by replacing The material is “Visually content presence. words/graphics. Literate”.  Spacing of graphics and text is The figure/ground relationships are Content “stands on its Content has cohesion Material has a natural tight. No emphasis on missing. No visual independence. own”, but looses grouping. and a level of harmony. visual flow and order. proximity relationships.  The material seems to need an The material lacks uniformity; it has The material has a structure The material can be Instruction Manual to be no interface that can be seamlessly yet time still needs to be “read” although some The material is “Visually logic read/understood. followed. invested to understand it. Headings are missing. Literate”.  The material has 18 out of 50 possible “stars”, it is almost Disappointing, but pretty well in the Lame category. verdict
  • 5. ★✩✩✩✩ ★★✩✩✩ ★★★✩✩ ★★★★✩ ★★★★★ visual Lame Disappointing So-So Marginal Unified tools The material is extremely After a significant loss of time, the The material meets the The material is “OK” but The material enhances hard to read and lacks user understands the purpose of needs. But does not show has no “added value”. the appeal of the event type  any guidance for the user the provided medium. quality and shows no & sponsors. to discern what it is he/she emphasis on is looking at. relationships. The objective of the There is no cohesion in the design Visuals and text have The rule of thirds is Form and function are document cannot be whatsoever. The relationships, minimal appeal and implicit in the design, clear in the design. The discerned visually or hierarchy and scale are relationship to one yet there are material has a cohesive shape  through writing. It does not evidently disproportioned. The another. The design is distractions on the & sound theme. provoke interest. message is lost. distracting and “looks composition. busy”. There are too many colors Color palette does not work in Color relationships are There are variations on The material has which overpower the harmony with the document as a distracting to the purpose the contrast of the use appeal and is legible. color  document and make it whole. It deprives the learner of the material. of colors. hard to read and from making connections. disruptive. There is an imbalance on Relationship across figure and Objects are not There are aspects of Figure and ground the figure and ground ground is not cohesive. It is appealing and do not the figure/ground relationships are relationships. Figure has distorted. There are many “dead ground properly onto rations that are still mastered. There is depth  been reversed. The spots” (blank areas make their intended use and conflicting with one consistency in design material lacks consistency imbalance). hierarchy. another. This creates and relationships are in ratios of graphics and distracting design. intuitive. text. The spacing of text is Text kerning and alignment do There are gaps between Background contrast is There is consistency on inconsistent from one not have harmony to graphics. graphics and text, minimal and color fonts, colors, graphics space  page to the next. Too Space is misused and anchoring is not palette is appropriate. and background art. many fonts. Too Heavy. overpowering. mastered. Savvy. The material has 7 out of 25 possible “stars”, it is Lame. verdict 
  • 6. Original graphic: * * * * * *
  • 8. ★✩✩✩✩ ★★✩✩✩ ★★★✩✩ ★★★★✩ ★★★★★ visual Lame Disappointing So-So Marginal Unified actions  The material lacks any guidance The material devalues the credibility The material meets the The material is “OK” but The material enhances for the user to discern what it is of the sponsoring agencies. needs. But does not show has no “added value”. the appeal of the event & 1st glance he/she is looking at. quality. sponsors.  The objective of the document “Farewell Reception” is the main Text Headings and visuals Its seamless to understand Best practices are cannot be discerned visually or purpose of the document, yet it is allow the user to identify the the interface, minor followed and Image purpose through writing. the last line written. use of the material. details lost. Strategies are respected.  The choice of colors and Overall there is cohesion between Content relationships are Variations on the design The material is appealing graphics is overpowering, hard the fonts, graphics and output distracting to the purpose of elements are minimal. to the eye and is “a contrast to read and disruptive. media used. the material. scrapbook keeper”.  Content is over or under sized, Relationship across elements is Graphics and text seem to Minor problems with The sizes are pleasing to pixilated. Illogical. distorted. belong on the same space. text/graphics the eye. scale relationships.  The spacing of text is inconsistent Text grouping does not match It is easy to discern sections Some elements slightly Has perfect cohesion of from one page to the next. No physical or invisible margins of from one another. “off the rule of thirds” . relationships. alignment hierarchy. graphics.  The material lacks order, The graphic/text-to-space ratio is There are some “dead The product has balance, The material has appeal. structure and cannot have not cohesive. Font variation is spots” (blank areas make cohesion and is (Fibonacci harmony). harmony appeal or value of any kind. disrupting. imbalance). appealing.  The material has absolute lack of Changes in text/graphic lacks The material is boring as it Content neither The material has a varied graphics / text framing. uniformity and prevent learner from does not provoke interest. overwhelms nor under cohesive & sound theme. repetition making connections. powers the material.  Material does not provide Content is scattered, hard to find. The content is present but The content may be content to fulfill purpose. other factors undermine its polished by replacing The material is “Visually content presence. words/graphics. Literate”.  Spacing of graphics and text is The figure/ground relationships are Content “stands on its Content has cohesion Material has a natural tight. No emphasis on missing. No visual independence. own”, but looses grouping. and a level of harmony. visual flow and order. proximity relationships.  The material seems to need an The material lacks uniformity; it has The material has a structure The material can be Instruction Manual to be no interface that can be seamlessly yet time still needs to be “read” although some The material is “Visually logic read/understood. followed. invested to understand it. Headings are missing. Literate”. Write a review here:  verdict
  • 9. ★✩✩✩✩ ★★✩✩✩ ★★★✩✩ ★★★★✩ ★★★★★ visual Lame Disappointing So-So Marginal Unified tools The material is extremely After a significant loss of time, the The material meets the The material is “OK” but The material enhances hard to read and lacks user understands the purpose of needs. But does not show has no “added value”. the appeal of the event type  any guidance for the user the provided medium. quality and shows no & sponsors. to discern what it is he/she emphasis on is looking at. relationships. The objective of the There is no cohesion in the design Visuals and text have The rule of thirds is Form and function are document cannot be whatsoever. The relationships, minimal appeal and implicit in the design, clear in the design. The discerned visually or hierarchy and scale are relationship to one yet there are material has a cohesive shape  through writing. It does not evidently disproportioned. The another. The design is distractions on the & sound theme. provoke interest. message is lost. distracting and “looks composition. busy”. There are too many colors Color palette does not work in Color relationships are There are variations on The material has which overpower the harmony with the document as a distracting to the purpose the contrast of the use appeal and is legible. color  document and make it whole. It deprives the learner of the material. of colors. hard to read and from making connections. disruptive. There is an imbalance on Relationship across figure and Objects are not There are aspects of Figure and ground the figure and ground ground is not cohesive. It is appealing and do not the figure/ground relationships are relationships. Figure has distorted. There are many “dead ground properly onto rations that are still mastered. There is depth  been reversed. The spots” (blank areas make their intended use and conflicting with one consistency in design material lacks consistency imbalance). hierarchy. another. This creates and relationships are in ratios of graphics and distracting design. intuitive. text. The spacing of text is Text kerning and alignment do There are gaps between Background contrast is There is consistency on inconsistent from one not have harmony to graphics. graphics and text, minimal and color fonts, colors, graphics space  page to the next. Too Space is misused and anchoring is not palette is appropriate. and background art. many fonts. Too Heavy. overpowering. mastered. Savvy. Write a review here: verdict 
  • 10. Discussion of Improvements: One of the primary aspects that caught my attention on the original graphic was the misuse of repetition of an outdated graphic (the world map) that was also too small as an original image that was imported to the document in the first place. The use of the original purple globe map tried to emphasize the “internationality” aspect of the event, however it was too empowering and off scale in relation to the text and other bodies in the document. It broke all margins and was visually too heavy to be at the top of the document. Such distraction caused the text to seem out of place and the font type used with such strong serifs was inappropriate as it seemed that the text was “in a hurry”. The front cover did not have a clear message of the event. The new design is bold and objective. It employs a large graphic with sufficient alpha transparency to make it recede on to the background and anchor the weight of a borderless design. The sponsoring agencies’ logos where also removed as the integration of so many graphics receded from chunking into high density stacking. The new design looks and feels 30 years younger. It is bold, innovative and enhances the image of the agencies involved.