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Visa Interview Questions:US Student Visa Interview Questions and Answers TIPS
The way you answer the questions posed by the visa officer will determine whether or not you
will be granted the F-1 student visa. Therefore, you must prepare well in advance for the visa
interview questions.
The interview is taken by a visa officer who will ask you a range of questions to ensure that
your sole reason for obtaining the student visa is to study abroad. The officer can
also ask a few unrelated questions to know your real interests and objectives.
Types of Questions Asked in a US Student Visa Interview
 Your choice of University
 Your academic background
 Your financial details
 Your future career plans
 Your family ties
Questions about Your University
One of the most commonvisa interview questions and answers for students, the visa officer will
be interested to know why you wish to study in the US and not in India. They can ask you about
the number of universities you have applied to, including the number of admits and rejects. Be
prepared to answer questions about the university where you wish to study. Talk about your
reason for selecting it, university location, course details, names of professors, the start and end
date of the program etc. They may also want to know what prompted you to select a particular
course and how this course will benefit you.
Questions about Your Academic Background
The visa officer will ask you questions about your academic background such as details on your
undergraduate studies. They may also ask you to furnish your degree transcripts, test scores
of GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS to ascertain your academic capabilities. In case you have work
experience, then you may also have to show your certificate of work experience.
Questions about Financial Resources
The visa officer will ask student visa questions to ascertain whether you have the
requisite financial resources for the US, which is essential for obtaining an F-1 student visa. You
will be required to provide details regarding how you plan to fund your education, loandetails if
any, who is paying for your education, sponsor’s occupation, annual income of sponsor, your
relation to the sponsor, scholarship details etc. You will also be asked to furnish requisite
documents to prove that your sponsor can fund your education which includes pass book, bank
statements and income tax returns. Enquiries will be made about your accommodation in the
US, your total cost of living for the duration and whether you have sufficient financial resources
to meet various expenses such as food, housing, transportation, health insurance, and other
relevant overheads.
The acceptance of your Visa is highly dependent on your financial
ability to meet the cost of your education. Regardless of your
acceptance rate, if the Visa Officer feels you cannot cover the cost of
your education he will not issue the Visa. The cost of education
comprises of tuition, living expenses, living expenses, food costs,
health insurance and any other basic related expenses.
Even after submitting all relevant documents you can expect several
questions in this regard. Some sample questions are:
Ques 1. Whom are you being sponsored by?
Ans 1. The only way to finance your education would be by either
Scholarship or Sponsorship. If you have a scholarship then specify
from whom and for what amount with all relevant details. If
sponsorship – then all details must be mentioned, such as name,
relation etc. Once it is established that your parents are sponsoring
your education the following further questions will be raised.
Ques 2. What is the profession followed by your father/mother –
what do they do?
Ans 2. The financial capability of the sponsors will be established by
the Income Tax Returns, Bank statements and property papers being
submitted. You should be able to specify their job and profession in a
concise but clear way. Such as “My father is a businessman who is in
the space of chemical trading for 20 years now”, Or “My mother is a
Chartered Accountant working with Deloitte and Company in the
capacity of Senior Manager.”
Ques 2. What is the profession followed by your father/mother –
what do they do?
Ans 2. The financial capability of the sponsors will be established by
the Income Tax Returns, Bank statements and property papers being
submitted. You should be able to specify their job and profession in a
concise but clear way. Such as “My father is a businessman who is in
the space of chemical trading for 20 years now”, Or “My mother is a
Chartered Accountant working with Deloitte and Company in the
capacity of Senior Manager.”
Questions Regarding Your Future Career Plans
The visa officer may ask visa interview questions regarding your plans after graduation. Your
answer must clearly convey your intentions of returning to your home country once your course
is completed. The visa officer, through the student visa questions and answers, wants to
determine whether you have strong ties to your home country or any motivation that inspires
you to return to India.
Questions about Your Family
Visa officers can pose questions about your family members, your father’s occupation, sibling’s
education, whether you have any relatives staying in the US or any family member who is
currently studying at the university you plan to study at.
General Questions
The interviewer may inquire whether you have been to the US before. He may ask you to share
details about your past achievements or your plans for the term break. He may also ask you to
give reasons as to why he should give you the visa and what will be your plan of action if the visa
application is rejected.
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Sample Visa Interview Questions
Let us now move forward to help you with some sample embassy interview questions and
answers pertaining to an F-1 US student visa. These visa interview questions and answers for
students are very basic, and generic, and will definitely come in handy for your US student visa
interview preparation!
Some of the highly asked embassy interview questions and answers for student visa are:
1. Tell us something about your study program at your university in your home
 How to answer: You should know how to introduce your major and concentration.
Expand the talk by mentioning your study program’s objectives, core courses, your
favourite universities in the US etc. You canchoose one of the core courses, which you
are good at, to talk more about.
2. What have you learned from your studies?
 How to answer: You can answer this question from two perspectives. Academically,
you have learned a lot from courses such as research methods, which serve as the
fundamentals for your future study in Germany. In terms of personal
development, you have become a lot more confident and independent. These
traits would help you navigate through your new studying and living
environment in the US.
3. In which ways will you improve your language skills?
 How to answer: This seemingly simple-to-answer question requires a more tactful
response. You are supposed to talk about your language learning methods
and how effective they are.
4. Why did you choose THIS university and HOW did you find it?
 How to answer: Please visit the university’s official website to learn about its
history and academic settings.
 You can also checkthe institution’s exchange and internship programs. It would be a
plus point to combine this information with your plan in the US.
 Ans 1.
 Reply should communicate your excitement for going to this particular University.
 Be able to speak specifically ofyour choice and benefits to you from the university’s ranking,
faculty, facilities, programs, affiliations, alumni profile etc.
 It should convey you would have liked to go to this university – no matter which country it
were located in. For this you can read up on the famous professors with details books and
famous research papers published by them,accolades and awards they have won. You can also
find out about notable and well known alumni to be able to speak of them specifically.
5. Which other universities have you also applied for? (both accepted/rejected)
 How to answer: Be honest! But it is also important to show the interviewers that you
are satisfied with the present university and you cannot wait to be enrolled.
 Ans 3.
 The Visa Officer will be gauging your response and will be able to cross check and determine
if you have lied. So even if the reply to this question is not complementary to yourself.
 For example, you received an acceptance from only 1 ofthe 4 universitiesyou applied to, you
must still state this truthfully. Higher caliber universities acceptances do have higher visa
acceptances as well.
Alie caught is an instant rejection of visa. You may couch your answer in polite words. Such as “I was
accepted at one ofthe four universities I applied it.All four were as per my specific requirements of
the course I intend to pursue and I am fortunate to have been accepted at this university as this was
one ofmy top choices.”
6. Why do you want to study in the US, and not in other foreign countries?
 How to answer: You can answer this question in two ways: the first – you cantell the
interviewers who or which stories inspire you to go to US. The second – study-related
facts such as free tuition fees, strong research in some specific areas, e.g. automobile,
mechanical engineering, etc.
Ques 2.Why don't you do this course in your country?
 Ans 2. This is an important question.
 Speak about the difference in quality of education, course structure as well as differences in
facilities and faculty. Often the course with the different subjects you wish to pursue is not
available in VN and create a compelling argument to the Visa Officer.
4. Where did you complete your schooling from or bachelors
Ans 4. The Visa Officer will ask you to mention the name of the
university or college that you have studied in prior to seeking
admission in USA. If your university has a high ranking feature and is
recognized you can mention that to build your academic credentials.
Your answer should be to the point and not elaborate, conveying that
you are proud of the past but are keen to embrace the future.
Other questions you can expect in this category may be:
 What will your degree specialization be?
 What will be your major?
 How many colleges did you apply to?
 What were your test scores (Scores across GRE, GMAT, SAT,
 What was your previous GPA?
 Who is your current employer? What do you do?
 Why are you planning to continue your education and not start
 How will this study program be related to your past work
experience or studies completed earlier?
 Why not study in India?
 Why did you choose USA? Why not any other country such as
United Kingdom, Canada or Australia?
 Have you been to the US before?
 How will you cope up with the educational and cultural
differences in the US?
7. Where will you work after finishing your studies in US?
How to answer: It also depends on your future career plan, but we recommend showing your
interest in going back to your home country. Don’t make them feel like your purpose to go to the
US is to stay there and get a long-term visa later. Remain focused on the study and research
field, and also professional skills while answering.
8. Are you going to work while studying?
How to answer: Please avoid mentioning that you will concentrate on working during your
studies! The purpose of your visa is to “study” in the US.
9. How well do you know the US?
How to answer: Name some famous Americansightseeing destinations and historical sites
such as museums, national parks, etc. If you don’t have much knowledge about the US, you can
watch some documentary films as well.
Recommended: What is the Difference between J1 and F1 Student Visa?
Tips to Ace Your Visa Interview
US Embassy interview questions and answers for student visa should not be taken lightly at all.
The visa interview questions for students, will after all pave your way to your dream study
destination. Here are a few tips to help you perform your best, and ace all the US embassy
interview questions and answers:
 Be punctual: Being late for your study visa interview is a surefire way for it to go
poorly. The Embassy might refuse your entry if you’re late.
 Dress well: Wear something you’re comfortable in, but you still want to dress to
impress. Your physical appearance should reflect how serious you are about the
 Come prepared: Double- and triple-check that you have all the documents included in
the study visa requirements.
 Answer straightforwardly: When asked a question, be specific with your answer. If
you don’t know the answer to a question, simply say so.
 Be confident: Throughout the student visa process, remain confident in yourself and
your abilities.
 Be patient: The US student visa process takes about 3-6 weeks on average, but it could
take as long as 6-12 weeks.
Suggested: What is the 241 B Rejection?
Before you go for your visa interview, try practising these common student visa questions and
answers. Moreover, be calm, confident and honest while answering. If you prepare for the
interview keeping these questions in mind, then your interview session is definitely going to be a
smooth and easy affair! Ifyou need further guidance on visa interview questions for students,
you can even connect with our Yocket Counsellors!
Frequently Asked Questions about Student Visa Questions and Answers
Ques. How to answer US visa questions?
Ans. Do thorough research on US universities, culture, cost of living, etc. moreover,
you should be clear with your intent of studying in the US.
Ques. Why this university visa interview questions?
 Ans. Please visit the university’s official website to learn about its history and academic
settings. You canalso check the institution’s exchange and internship programs. It would
be a plus point to combine this information with your plan in the US.
Ques. Why THIS COURSE course visa interview questions?
Ans. For these visa interview questions and answers, you should know how to introduce your
major and concentration.
 Expand the talk by mentioning your study program’s objectives, core courses,
your favourite universities in the US etc.
 You can choose one of the core courses, which you are good at, to talk more about.
Ques. Why should you be granted a student visa answer?
 Ans. You can answer this question in two ways:
 the first – you can tell the interviewers who or which stories inspire you to go to the US.
 The second – study-related facts such as free tuition fees, strong research in some
specific areas, and how the US student visa will benefit you in terms of ROI, and your
future plans.
Ques. Why second masters visa interview questions?
 Ans. You can answer this question by mentioning how the second masters will benefit
you in the long run, you can also talk about how a second masters from the US will
increase your overall opportunities around the globe.
Questions about your future plans are the trickiest, as they are not
rooted in any factual information that has already happened and is
more dependent on your plans and intentions.
Even after submitting all relevant documents you can expect several
questions in this regard. Some sample questions are:
Some sample questions that the Visa Officer may ask you:
Ques 1. How do you intend to manage healthcare and other
expenses you will incur?
Ans 1. Healthcare particularly is extremely expensive in USA for the
uninsured. Obtaining a comprehensive health insurance or indicating
your research and intention to obtain one – shows you have thought
through your expenses and potential expenses once you get to the
Ques 2. Have you been to the USA before?
Ans 2. Answer accurately if you have been or not and the reasons for
the visit. You can always convey to the Visa Officer that you would
like to visit as a tourist even if you hadn’t chosen to study there.
Ques 3. What are your plans post-graduation? What job or career
do u have in mind?
Ans 3. The Visa Officer is trying to ascertain your career options and
intentions. They want to know that you intend to return home after
your education in USA. They are looking for small statements or
responses that may convey that you actually intend to stay back in the
US. If this happens then the Visa will definitely be denied. You may
mention your family, property, business, even parts that you have in
your home country that you would be wanting to get back to.
Ques 4. Will you be coming back home in your vacations?
Ans 4. The answer to this question should be yes. It shows your strong
connections to your roots in your home country that pull you back. It
would also highlight that your intention to go to the US is just for
pursuing education and not earning money through an internship or
other opportunities.
Ques 5. Do you have relatives or friends in the US?
Ans 5. Your answer needs to include your immediate family - and this
must be answered honestly. Questions regarding your relatives may
also include: What are your siblings doing in USA? Are they working
there? Would you also consider working in the USA? Is your spouse
planning to get an F2 visa? Does anyone in your family have a student
visa? etc.
Ques 6. Why should you be given a Student Visa?
Ans 6. You need to make a concise summary of your case and put
your best points forward. Emphasis on your excitement for the quality
of education you will receive and your ultimate goal to come home to
your roots.

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VIS embassy2.docx

  • 1. Visa Interview Questions:US Student Visa Interview Questions and Answers TIPS The way you answer the questions posed by the visa officer will determine whether or not you will be granted the F-1 student visa. Therefore, you must prepare well in advance for the visa interview questions. The interview is taken by a visa officer who will ask you a range of questions to ensure that your sole reason for obtaining the student visa is to study abroad. The officer can also ask a few unrelated questions to know your real interests and objectives. Types of Questions Asked in a US Student Visa Interview  Your choice of University  Your academic background  Your financial details  Your future career plans  Your family ties Questions about Your University One of the most commonvisa interview questions and answers for students, the visa officer will be interested to know why you wish to study in the US and not in India. They can ask you about the number of universities you have applied to, including the number of admits and rejects. Be prepared to answer questions about the university where you wish to study. Talk about your reason for selecting it, university location, course details, names of professors, the start and end date of the program etc. They may also want to know what prompted you to select a particular course and how this course will benefit you. Questions about Your Academic Background The visa officer will ask you questions about your academic background such as details on your undergraduate studies. They may also ask you to furnish your degree transcripts, test scores of GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS to ascertain your academic capabilities. In case you have work experience, then you may also have to show your certificate of work experience. Questions about Financial Resources The visa officer will ask student visa questions to ascertain whether you have the requisite financial resources for the US, which is essential for obtaining an F-1 student visa. You will be required to provide details regarding how you plan to fund your education, loandetails if any, who is paying for your education, sponsor’s occupation, annual income of sponsor, your relation to the sponsor, scholarship details etc. You will also be asked to furnish requisite documents to prove that your sponsor can fund your education which includes pass book, bank
  • 2. statements and income tax returns. Enquiries will be made about your accommodation in the US, your total cost of living for the duration and whether you have sufficient financial resources to meet various expenses such as food, housing, transportation, health insurance, and other relevant overheads. The acceptance of your Visa is highly dependent on your financial ability to meet the cost of your education. Regardless of your acceptance rate, if the Visa Officer feels you cannot cover the cost of your education he will not issue the Visa. The cost of education comprises of tuition, living expenses, living expenses, food costs, health insurance and any other basic related expenses. Even after submitting all relevant documents you can expect several questions in this regard. Some sample questions are: Ques 1. Whom are you being sponsored by? Ans 1. The only way to finance your education would be by either Scholarship or Sponsorship. If you have a scholarship then specify from whom and for what amount with all relevant details. If sponsorship – then all details must be mentioned, such as name, relation etc. Once it is established that your parents are sponsoring your education the following further questions will be raised. Ques 2. What is the profession followed by your father/mother – what do they do? Ans 2. The financial capability of the sponsors will be established by the Income Tax Returns, Bank statements and property papers being submitted. You should be able to specify their job and profession in a concise but clear way. Such as “My father is a businessman who is in the space of chemical trading for 20 years now”, Or “My mother is a
  • 3. Chartered Accountant working with Deloitte and Company in the capacity of Senior Manager.” Ques 2. What is the profession followed by your father/mother – what do they do? Ans 2. The financial capability of the sponsors will be established by the Income Tax Returns, Bank statements and property papers being submitted. You should be able to specify their job and profession in a concise but clear way. Such as “My father is a businessman who is in the space of chemical trading for 20 years now”, Or “My mother is a Chartered Accountant working with Deloitte and Company in the capacity of Senior Manager.” Questions Regarding Your Future Career Plans The visa officer may ask visa interview questions regarding your plans after graduation. Your answer must clearly convey your intentions of returning to your home country once your course is completed. The visa officer, through the student visa questions and answers, wants to determine whether you have strong ties to your home country or any motivation that inspires you to return to India. Questions about Your Family Visa officers can pose questions about your family members, your father’s occupation, sibling’s education, whether you have any relatives staying in the US or any family member who is currently studying at the university you plan to study at. General Questions The interviewer may inquire whether you have been to the US before. He may ask you to share details about your past achievements or your plans for the term break. He may also ask you to give reasons as to why he should give you the visa and what will be your plan of action if the visa application is rejected. Suggested: How to Plan Financially for Your US Student Visa?
  • 4. Sample Visa Interview Questions Let us now move forward to help you with some sample embassy interview questions and answers pertaining to an F-1 US student visa. These visa interview questions and answers for students are very basic, and generic, and will definitely come in handy for your US student visa interview preparation! Some of the highly asked embassy interview questions and answers for student visa are: 1. Tell us something about your study program at your university in your home country.  How to answer: You should know how to introduce your major and concentration. Expand the talk by mentioning your study program’s objectives, core courses, your favourite universities in the US etc. You canchoose one of the core courses, which you are good at, to talk more about. 2. What have you learned from your studies?  How to answer: You can answer this question from two perspectives. Academically, you have learned a lot from courses such as research methods, which serve as the fundamentals for your future study in Germany. In terms of personal development, you have become a lot more confident and independent. These traits would help you navigate through your new studying and living environment in the US. 3. In which ways will you improve your language skills?  How to answer: This seemingly simple-to-answer question requires a more tactful response. You are supposed to talk about your language learning methods and how effective they are. 4. Why did you choose THIS university and HOW did you find it?  How to answer: Please visit the university’s official website to learn about its history and academic settings.  You can also checkthe institution’s exchange and internship programs. It would be a plus point to combine this information with your plan in the US.  Ans 1.  Reply should communicate your excitement for going to this particular University.  Be able to speak specifically ofyour choice and benefits to you from the university’s ranking, faculty, facilities, programs, affiliations, alumni profile etc.  It should convey you would have liked to go to this university – no matter which country it were located in. For this you can read up on the famous professors with details books and famous research papers published by them,accolades and awards they have won. You can also find out about notable and well known alumni to be able to speak of them specifically.
  • 5. 5. Which other universities have you also applied for? (both accepted/rejected)  How to answer: Be honest! But it is also important to show the interviewers that you are satisfied with the present university and you cannot wait to be enrolled.  Ans 3.  The Visa Officer will be gauging your response and will be able to cross check and determine if you have lied. So even if the reply to this question is not complementary to yourself.  For example, you received an acceptance from only 1 ofthe 4 universitiesyou applied to, you must still state this truthfully. Higher caliber universities acceptances do have higher visa acceptances as well. Alie caught is an instant rejection of visa. You may couch your answer in polite words. Such as “I was accepted at one ofthe four universities I applied it.All four were as per my specific requirements of the course I intend to pursue and I am fortunate to have been accepted at this university as this was one ofmy top choices.” 6. Why do you want to study in the US, and not in other foreign countries?  How to answer: You can answer this question in two ways: the first – you cantell the interviewers who or which stories inspire you to go to US. The second – study-related facts such as free tuition fees, strong research in some specific areas, e.g. automobile, mechanical engineering, etc. Ques 2.Why don't you do this course in your country?  Ans 2. This is an important question.  Speak about the difference in quality of education, course structure as well as differences in facilities and faculty. Often the course with the different subjects you wish to pursue is not available in VN and create a compelling argument to the Visa Officer. 4. Where did you complete your schooling from or bachelors from? Ans 4. The Visa Officer will ask you to mention the name of the university or college that you have studied in prior to seeking admission in USA. If your university has a high ranking feature and is recognized you can mention that to build your academic credentials. Your answer should be to the point and not elaborate, conveying that you are proud of the past but are keen to embrace the future. Other questions you can expect in this category may be:
  • 6.  What will your degree specialization be?  What will be your major?  How many colleges did you apply to?  What were your test scores (Scores across GRE, GMAT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS)?  What was your previous GPA?  Who is your current employer? What do you do?  Why are you planning to continue your education and not start working?  How will this study program be related to your past work experience or studies completed earlier?  Why not study in India?  Why did you choose USA? Why not any other country such as United Kingdom, Canada or Australia?  Have you been to the US before?  How will you cope up with the educational and cultural differences in the US? 7. Where will you work after finishing your studies in US? How to answer: It also depends on your future career plan, but we recommend showing your interest in going back to your home country. Don’t make them feel like your purpose to go to the US is to stay there and get a long-term visa later. Remain focused on the study and research field, and also professional skills while answering. 8. Are you going to work while studying? How to answer: Please avoid mentioning that you will concentrate on working during your studies! The purpose of your visa is to “study” in the US. 9. How well do you know the US? How to answer: Name some famous Americansightseeing destinations and historical sites such as museums, national parks, etc. If you don’t have much knowledge about the US, you can watch some documentary films as well.
  • 7. Recommended: What is the Difference between J1 and F1 Student Visa? Tips to Ace Your Visa Interview US Embassy interview questions and answers for student visa should not be taken lightly at all. The visa interview questions for students, will after all pave your way to your dream study destination. Here are a few tips to help you perform your best, and ace all the US embassy interview questions and answers:  Be punctual: Being late for your study visa interview is a surefire way for it to go poorly. The Embassy might refuse your entry if you’re late.  Dress well: Wear something you’re comfortable in, but you still want to dress to impress. Your physical appearance should reflect how serious you are about the interview.  Come prepared: Double- and triple-check that you have all the documents included in the study visa requirements.  Answer straightforwardly: When asked a question, be specific with your answer. If you don’t know the answer to a question, simply say so.  Be confident: Throughout the student visa process, remain confident in yourself and your abilities.  Be patient: The US student visa process takes about 3-6 weeks on average, but it could take as long as 6-12 weeks. Suggested: What is the 241 B Rejection? Before you go for your visa interview, try practising these common student visa questions and answers. Moreover, be calm, confident and honest while answering. If you prepare for the interview keeping these questions in mind, then your interview session is definitely going to be a smooth and easy affair! Ifyou need further guidance on visa interview questions for students, you can even connect with our Yocket Counsellors! Frequently Asked Questions about Student Visa Questions and Answers Ques. How to answer US visa questions? Ans. Do thorough research on US universities, culture, cost of living, etc. moreover, you should be clear with your intent of studying in the US. Ques. Why this university visa interview questions?  Ans. Please visit the university’s official website to learn about its history and academic settings. You canalso check the institution’s exchange and internship programs. It would be a plus point to combine this information with your plan in the US.
  • 8. Ques. Why THIS COURSE course visa interview questions? Ans. For these visa interview questions and answers, you should know how to introduce your major and concentration.  Expand the talk by mentioning your study program’s objectives, core courses, your favourite universities in the US etc.  You can choose one of the core courses, which you are good at, to talk more about. Ques. Why should you be granted a student visa answer?  Ans. You can answer this question in two ways:  the first – you can tell the interviewers who or which stories inspire you to go to the US.  The second – study-related facts such as free tuition fees, strong research in some specific areas, and how the US student visa will benefit you in terms of ROI, and your future plans. Ques. Why second masters visa interview questions?  Ans. You can answer this question by mentioning how the second masters will benefit you in the long run, you can also talk about how a second masters from the US will increase your overall opportunities around the globe. QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE PLANS Questions about your future plans are the trickiest, as they are not rooted in any factual information that has already happened and is more dependent on your plans and intentions. Even after submitting all relevant documents you can expect several questions in this regard. Some sample questions are: Some sample questions that the Visa Officer may ask you:
  • 9. Ques 1. How do you intend to manage healthcare and other expenses you will incur? Ans 1. Healthcare particularly is extremely expensive in USA for the uninsured. Obtaining a comprehensive health insurance or indicating your research and intention to obtain one – shows you have thought through your expenses and potential expenses once you get to the USA. Ques 2. Have you been to the USA before? Ans 2. Answer accurately if you have been or not and the reasons for the visit. You can always convey to the Visa Officer that you would like to visit as a tourist even if you hadn’t chosen to study there. Ques 3. What are your plans post-graduation? What job or career do u have in mind? Ans 3. The Visa Officer is trying to ascertain your career options and intentions. They want to know that you intend to return home after your education in USA. They are looking for small statements or responses that may convey that you actually intend to stay back in the US. If this happens then the Visa will definitely be denied. You may mention your family, property, business, even parts that you have in your home country that you would be wanting to get back to. Ques 4. Will you be coming back home in your vacations? Ans 4. The answer to this question should be yes. It shows your strong connections to your roots in your home country that pull you back. It would also highlight that your intention to go to the US is just for
  • 10. pursuing education and not earning money through an internship or other opportunities. Ques 5. Do you have relatives or friends in the US? Ans 5. Your answer needs to include your immediate family - and this must be answered honestly. Questions regarding your relatives may also include: What are your siblings doing in USA? Are they working there? Would you also consider working in the USA? Is your spouse planning to get an F2 visa? Does anyone in your family have a student visa? etc. Ques 6. Why should you be given a Student Visa? Ans 6. You need to make a concise summary of your case and put your best points forward. Emphasis on your excitement for the quality of education you will receive and your ultimate goal to come home to your roots.