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Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 3
First section: violations against students: ................................................................................................. 4
First chapter: murdered students .......................................................................................................... 4
Second chapter: Detainees students...................................................................................................... 5
Third chapter: Violations against detainees' students in detention places:................................................. 6
Second section: Break into campus and the assaults that occurred in it.....................................................19
First chapter: break into campus ..........................................................................................................19
second chapter: Violations and assaults inside campus...........................................................................21
Third chapter: Arbitrary dismissal from colleges and university dormitories .............................................23
Third section: Referring to military trails .................................................................................................28
Freedom Seekers Monitor putting in your hands this report which contains the efforts summary of an integrated
team in all over the country during the last semester, to reveal the violations carried out by ruling authorities in
Egypt against students.
This report addresses the violations against student during the first semester of the academic year 2014-2015
or since mid-October 2014 until the end of January 2015.
The report addresses the university student's class in Egypt and whatever violations they suffered from whether
it was from university administration or security authorities.
The report has relied in his information on the monitoring units, which followed the Monitor in each university
in Egypt and on the documentary forms in the Monitor website, which fills by those who violations occurred to
them or by their relatives and then we ascertained of it.
In this report, we present the summary of that process, which lasted over an entire semester to come out in this
way hoping that this work would have a role in helping the rights owners to get their human rights and respect
Freedom Seekers Monitor
Free student … free country
First section: violations against students:
First chapter: murdered students
Security forces killed 3 students during the first semester of the academic year "2014-2015" in detention places
or during dispersing student demonstrations against the ruling authorities, in the violation of laws, international
and local conventions which is a flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The following are details of killings of students during this semester…
1- Omar Shiref:
Omar was a student in Alexandria university , he died in 21th of October 2014 after his injury in the head with
bird shot during disperse a demonstration by security forces in Theory Colleges Complex at Alexandria University
on October,14 .
After the assault on him he still injured of brain hemorrhage, skull fracture and lost his right eye until he passed
away on October 21. After that security forces took his body and his burial permit from his family under the
pretext that Police forces will bury him in his native in Monufia.
2- Mohammed Ramadan Yahea:
Mohammed, 19, was a second-year student at Ain Shams University, he was arrested outside his university in
November 2014, he was taken to Hadiaa Al-Qoba police station where he was tortured and given electric shocks
in different parts of his body which injured him with drop in blood circulation led to his death on November 16,
2014. His family received his body and buried him in his hometown.
3-Muhammed Hamed :
Hamed was a third-year student in the Faculty of Medicine of Al-Azhar University, he died of gunshot wound at
heart during disperse a demonstration in 10th of Ramadan city, Sharqia by security forces.
Second chapter: Detainees students
593 student were arrested during the first semester of the academic year " 2014-2015" mostly belongs to
Egyptian universities and institutes , "164" of them were arrested from their homes ," 268" arrested inside the
campus and "116 " students were released while the rest of the students still in detention .
The accusations against students by investigation devices were a variety of incitement of violence,
demonstration in campus without prior authorization and joining to a group was founded of breaching the law
calls for suspension of the constitution and insulting the army and police.
Number of
Number of
University's nameNum.
Al-Azhar university
Alexandria university
Suez university
Zagazig university
Cairo university
Tanta university
Damnhor university
Banha university
Fayoum university
Menofia university
Mansura university
Minya university
Ain Shams university
Damietta university
Higher institutes
Aswan university
Assuit university
Helwan university
Kafr Elshikh university
Sohag university
Bani Suif university
Private universities
Bor Said university
Sinai university
Unknown universities
Third chapter: Violations against detainees' students in detention places:
Firstly, enforced disappearance:
Security forces did not only satisfied with random arrests and outrages upon students inside and outside
campus, but proceeded to commit a crime of enforced disappearance against number of students for varying
periods of time in what considered as a flagrant violation of all texts of laws and international covenants , which
criminalizes such an act, starting of the International Covenant of Rights and Freedoms to the international
document to criminalize enforced disappearance in addition to the Texts of the Egyptian Constitution.
Egyptian security authorities commit this crime against at least 50 students during the first semester of the
academic year "2014-2015"
other informationAppearance timeDisappearance timeAge and studyStudent's nameN.
Human rights
confirmed that he
was tortured
during his
detention in
Mansura police
He was presented
to prosecutors in
November 2014
and was accused
of several charges
Dawn on October 20 ,
and his location
remained unknown for
20 days
Faculty of
commerce, Al-
Mnsura university
Al-Mo'taz Bellah
He was accused
of many charges
including killing of
police officer
He was arrested in
December 9, from an
ambush in his way back
from Fayom
Third year , Faculty
of Sharia and Law
They were
accused of
financing from
abroad and
burning police
cars, torture and
beatings marks
were clear on
their faces.
They showed up
on Nov.3 in a
video on interior
Facebook page.
They were all arrested
from their homes on
November 1, 2014
20 years old, forth
year , Faculty of
Commerce , Bor
Saide university
1-Eslam Abd El-
Aziz Mahmod
21 years old
2- Hanzla Ahmed
Ahmed Elmahy
21 years old ,
Faculty of Arts,
Damietta University
3-Anas Abdo
21 years old ,
Faculty of Sharia and
Law , Al-Azhar
University , Tfahna
El-Ashraf section
4-Essa Saleh
Ahmed Abd El-
18 years old.
5-Moaaz Elsaid
Taha Hassan
They were
accused of
several charges
including forming
terrorist cell and
the attempted of
bombing Security
Directorate and
they were
referred to
military trials
They appeared in
Nasr City
prosecutors on
December 15,
They were present in
the Tenth
Neighborhood in Nasr
City and the last
contact with them was
in 7.30 P.M on
December 3 ,2014
The first year in
Faculty of Science ,
New Cairo Academy
1-Ebrahim Reda
4 Second year in
Pharmacy college
Forth year in the
Faculty of
Engineering , Al-
Azhar university
He was accused
of many charges
with others
explosive devices
and possession of
materials ,
clothes , military
He appeared on
October 17 , in a
photo published
by interior
facebook page
with several
citizens and
October 11 from an
apartment in Giza
He graduated from
Faculty of Dentistry,
Minya University in
the academic year "
Ahmed Farag
badges and
Following his
seemed on his
face signs of
torture, he was
accused of
possessing a bird
shot gun and
empty gaseous
water bottles
and authorities
said he confessed
of burning many
of the
installations with
Appeared on
January 4,2015
He disappeared on
December 27,2014
Faculty of science ,
Mogahed Magdy6
Secondly, torture
Torture in police stations, prisons or security directorates has become a steady approach of the Egyptian security
forces during their dealings with detainees or with those who had arrested.
And among the victims of torture, was a large number of Egyptian university students, where every detention
case has a form of torture either they were arrested from homes, campus or streets.
The following are examples of students who being tortured in Egyptian detentions locations:
1-Ahmed Al-Sharqawy
Ahmed is a student at Helwan University, he sent a letter on October 25, 2014 telling what happened with him
since his detention from the campus on October 19, 2014 by university administrative security, he was forced
under torture and threat to confess of possessing weapons and fireworks and that he put it in the room of
former faculty dean, "Syed Shahab", The detainee from over a year ago in the case known in the media as " The
Great Escape"
Ahmed said in his letter the circumstances of his detention and said that him and one of his colleagues was
tortured and threatened with sexual assault, in a clear disregard of human rights and the international
conventions and local laws by the security services which force the detainees to admit certain charges under
torture and threats.
A message from Al Motaaz Bellah Ghanem, second year student at the Faculty of Commerce, Mansura
University, has been published in January 9, which narrated in it what happened with him since his detention
three months before the publication date of this message, that he had been tortured to force him to admit the
murder of advisor Mahmoud El Said AlMerly's son, the advisor in Cairo Court of Appeal, and to admit that some
other detainees participated with him in these crimes.
Al Motaaz, confirmed that he remained silent for the past three months because the officers threatened him
with his family if he told anyone about what happened to him, but when they forced him to admit that other
detainees participated with him in crimes, he decided to talk.
2- Mohammed Saied Mostafa "Abo Obida":
He is second year student at the Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University, he was arrested in front of Zagazig Central
Security camp then He was transferred to State Security where he was tortured to admit the charges addressed
to him, Mohammed now in the Central Security Camp in Zagazig.
3- Mogahed Magdy:
Mogahed appears in January 4, 2015 with torture marks on his face
Mogahed, student in Science College, disappeared from his house in December 27, 2014 and has been tortured
in Fourth Floor Slaughterhouse of Alexandria Security Directorate.
Thirdly: patients in prisons
The most prominent violations occurred in prisons against students was what happened on November22, to
Osama Omar Makram , first year student in Department of Production, Faculty of Engineering, Shebin El Koom
University , which his health deteriorated two weeks before this date , and when his condition worsened , he
was transferred to University Hospital on November 22 and there it was discovered that the appendix burst
inside his abdomen and caused pus , nevertheless security forces insisted on returning him to prison on the
same day.
Fourthly: assaults in prisons and detention places:
The violations against students continued even after arresting them and refer them to investigation in
prosecution and courts, which Freedom Seekers Center monitoring a number of violations inside prisons.
We will clarify it in the following table:
A detainee student in Borg Al Arab Prison sent a
message to the Monitor which listed the story of
detainees strike in prison including students to object
to prison mistreatment.
The student confirmed in his message that he started
his hunger strike on November 11 , with 150 other
detainees who refused receiving their prison food and
since November 7 , 2014 , as they started in anew
boycott of prison canteen and cafeteria on November
10, 2014, he stressed that this number is growing daily
and pointed out that some of Prisons Department
officials visited political detainees wards on November
14 , as they ordered to inspect it and investigate with
the strike leaders and the instigators of it , and
ordered them to break this strike , they threaten the
detainees , cursed and assaulted them , even some of
riot police wielding tear gas bombs and other weapons
against detainees .
Borg Al Arab
Monitor got another message from a group of Al-Azhar
University students who were arrested on December
10, 2013 from the University Dormitory in the case
No. 6959 of 2013 , and they are :
* Ahmed Abdel-Alones Zidane Taha, first year student
at the Faculty of Arabic Language Department of
History and Civilization.
* Suleiman Hamdi Suleiman Salem, first year student
at the Faculty of Medicine.
* Omar Mahmoud Mohammed Abu Zaid, a student at
the Faculty of Commerce.
* Ahmed Abdul Latif El Sayed, second year student at
the Faculty of Engineering.
* Mohamed Alaa El Sayed Mohammed, first year
student at the Faculty of Education.
* Ahmad Jamal Ahmed Shawki Ahmed Hanafi Desouqy,
first year student at the Faculty of Science.
* Ahmed El Amir Mohammed Mahmoud, second year
student, Faculty of Engineering.
* Ali Mohamed Ahmed Abu Al Naga, third year student
at the Faculty of Medicine.
* Mohammed Makhlouf Allam Ali, a student at the
Faculty of Arabic Language.
* Abdul Rahman Ahmed Abdou Atta, a fourth-year
student, Faculty of Languages and Translation.
* Saif al-Islam Atif Ahmed Ali, a student at the Faculty
of Arabic Language.
* Abdullah Ahmad Mahmoud Abbas Hamid, a student
at the Faculty of Arabic Language.
* Mohammed Abdul Aziz Ismail Sayed, a student at the
Faculty of Arabic Language.
* Salama Samir Salama Abdel Mawla, first year student
at the Faculty of Arabic Language Department of the
history and civilization.
* Ahmed Abdel Ahamid Osman Ahmed, first year
student at Faculty of Commerce.
* Mohammed Abdullah Ahmed Attia second year
student at the Faculty of Commerce.
* Sabri Adel El Saeed Sayed Ahmed, second year
student at the Faculty of Engineering.
The detainees surprise by Special Interior forces
entering their cells , forced them to stand up and turn
their faces against the wall when they holding sticks
for those who disobey the order or delayed in
implementing it , and then took them out of their cells
, received them outside the cell with what is called
"reception party", which means beating detainees on
the face and kicking them all over their bodies, after
that they stole everything in the cell even winter
clothes and food.
Abu Zaabal
Assiut University students , detainees in Assiut First
Department , started indefinite hunger strike in protest
against the violations they have suffered from ,which
represented in assault and torture two students,
burning and throwing off their textbooks , depriving
them of Qur'ans, taking their personal belongings ,
Imprisoned with criminal , refusing entry of breakfast
for fasting ones and mistreating detainees' relatives
during the visit .
Assiut first
Detainees Students sent a message, titled "We're in
trouble". ,demanded Burg Al Arab officials and Prison
Service to stop the persecution of the students and
allow them all possible means that preserve their
rights, especially the performance of the examinations.
As explaining the abuses they suffered from by the
prison administration, demanding human rights
organizations and activists interested in public affairs,
human rights and freedoms for solidarity with them in
their demands. Saying In their leaked letter: " Burg Al
Arab cells crowded with large numbers of students
from various faculties of Alexandria University,
whether practical or theoretical colleges in a
significant increase from the previous academic year,
and these students are suffering more than others
detainees in Burg Al Arab Prison , that cells are
overcrowded , lack of duration of the visit and
exercise period, the poor quality of the food provided
to them , the large number of inspections cells and the
introduction of a large number of them in solitary
confinement, where they are tortured and insulted.
Burg Al Arab
Fifthly: prevent detained students from performing their exams
There had been a complete intransigent from Egyptian universities administrations at the first semester in
allowing detainees students to perform their first semester exams in prison, which threatening their future,As
Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Syed Abdul Khaliq, said in November, that he will not allow to any detainee
student to performance his academic year exams in prison.
* The administration of Alexandria University and the Interior Ministry started to apply Dr. Abdul Khaliq's
statements, as the administrations of Arts and Commerce faculties, at the end of last month, refused to
complete the exam procedures of students detained in Bab Sharq police department, Alexandria.
The two colleges' administrations refused to send any exam committees to examine detainees students inside
Bab Sharq Department, claiming that these are the instructions issued by the university administration; At the
same time, the administrations of Bab Sharq department rejected to send students to be examined in their
colleges without giving any reasons, which angered students and their families angered.
* The president of Mansoura University, Dr. Mohammed Qinawy, has issued the decision to prevent detainees'
students who studies in practical colleges from exams because they have transgressed the abstention rate
*Cairo University refused to allow the student Mustafa Ismail, a student at the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom, to
perform his exams, on the pretext that he is still pending investigation, despite the approval of department.
* In Menoufia, the College of "Theology" was very intransigent in allow detainees students to perform their
* Anas Salam, a member of the Executive Office of the Student Federation of Egypt and the detainee in Ataka
prison since October 17 ,2014 , expressed the suffering of detained students in his letter that he sent from
prison, which he demanded his natural right to perform his exams .
Salam said: "I'm a number in thousands of numbers detained in prisons and cells. I do not ask for my freedom
,the right will appear when Allah wills, the pain didn't overcome or terrifies me" , "I only ask you to help me to
perform my exams so that I can complete my life, I'm a human and if I am in the eyes of some – who don't know
me - a criminal , so everyone have to remember that Social Security is much more important than the political
security and we , youth, especially students will build this country, so help us " he added
He end his message with "Anas want to perform his exams, long as you in a country with freedom, justice and
without slogans"
And the following is a list of numbers of detained students in the Egyptian universities and the number of
students who could & couldn't perform their exams:
1- Zgazeg University:
No. of who performed
the exams
The actual number of
detainees at the
They don't have semester exams but
they have midterm exams , and their
examination procedures almost
One of them dismissed from college ,
and there were a complete intransigent
in finishing other detainees exams
procedures by college administration
that Faculty Council decided to prevent
them from perform their exams In a
defiance of university decision
One student examination procedures
have been finished while others Studying
by the credit hour system and they must
present their lecture and they postponed
the exam for this year.
Their all procedures have been finished
while others Studying by the credit hour
system so they postponed the exam for
this year
Their all procedures have been done15
All of them have practical education and
they must present to move to the next
level, so they postponed the exam
Their all procedures have been done3333Commerce
There were intransigent from college
administration after finishing their
procedures, and we going to solve it.
Their all procedures have been done1212kfaya
His case is a State Security Supreme and
there are problems in the prosecution to
finish his procedures.
his procedures have been finished12Agriculture
his procedures have been finished11Veterinary
Their all procedures have been finished1220
Zagazig -
Their all procedures have been finished77
2-Kafr El Shikh University:
No. of who
the exams
The actual number
of detainees at the
His procedures have been finished11Medicine
Their all procedures have been finished22Engineering
They all procedures have been finished33Science
His procedures have been finished11Physical Education
His procedures have been finished and the
other student passed in the first semester exam.
The procedures of 5 of them have been finished
and the other student, Ahmed Zafer, postpone
his exams this year.
Engineering – Al
3- Workers University:
One detainee student in the university and he had performed his exams.
4- Al Mnofya University
No. of who
the exams
The actual number
of detainees at the
One student procedures have been done and
the other, Yousef Belal ElGobiry , postpone his
exams this year
Their all procedures have been finished55Engineering
Their all procedures have been finished77Arts
Their all procedures have been finished99Commerce
Their all procedures have been finished44Law
Their all procedures have been finished44Computing
Their all procedures have been finished66Agriculture
5- Damnhor University
All detained students performed their exams.
6- Banha University
All detained students postponed their exams for this semester.
7- HTI:
- 7 students were able to perform their exams while 3 student couldn't because the institute administration has
disabled their procedures and they are: Amr Ngar Mohammed Ali and Mohammed Samir Abdu Ahmed, the
students in Civil Engineering department, and Ali Abu El Fadl, the Student in Makatronak Engineering
- Ahmed Ragab Ali Abdu Al Hameed, the student in Civil Engineering department, and Mohammed Hany Abdu
El Qader, the student in Mechanical Engineering Department, refused to perform their exams because of the
poor conditions of their detention.
- Asem Mohammed Abdu El Menam, the student in Computer Science Department, couldn't perform his exams
for the Public Prosecution disrupted his exams procedures.
8- Assiut University
16 students were enabled to perform their exams out of 52 detainees students, while four students postponed
their exams, in addition to 11 detainees students were dismissed from the university, and one graduate ,
whereas Monitor wasn't able to communicate with 16 other students.
9- Cairo University
Everyone has postpone his exam except the student Mustafa Ismail, who couldn't perform his exam that the
management of Dar Al Uloom College refused his request.
10- Private Universities:
The Management of Al Obor Institute of Engineering, which is located in Belbais road, Al Sharqia and owned by
Abdullah Dahshan, refused to allow the student -ahmd Tariq Abdul-Ati to perform his semester exams, despite
ending his exams procedures a month and half ago.
- Delta University: the students Mohammad Tariq and Mohammad Jamal were able to perform their exams in
Mansoura General Prison, while the students Jihad El Abbasi and Ahmed El Zinati suspended their registration
in University at their own request.
11- Suez University
All university detainees' students were able to perform their exams.
12- Mansura University:
* 3 students were not able to perform their exams because the end lawyers didn't end their procedures that
allowed them to perform exams, and these students are: Mohammed Abdul Hamid, Faculty of Engineering, Yosr
Magd and Abdullah al-Tantawi, students at Faculty of Law.
* Moaz Abdul Bari and Noor El Adeen Al Nagar, the students at Faculty of Engineering and detainees in Damietta,
were not able to perform their exams because of the intransigence of the police department administration.
* Esraa Maher, student at Faculty of Science, wasn't able to perform 3 subjects exams where the first two
subjects she didn't perform them, because her procedures hasn't finished , and when she went to examine the
third subject college took her back on the pretext that the procedures didn't finish.
* Criminal oversight administration refused to extract some of student's, Heba QIshta and Yahya Akal who both
studying in English Division at Faculty of Commerce, permits which allow them to perform their exams, and Akl
wasn't able to perform two subjects' exams.
* Abed Sunbati, student at Faculty of Commerce, was not able to perform his exams and this is because his case
in Damietta.
* Student Mustafa Mahmoud didn't perform his exam in the first subject. As well as the student Abdullah
Borham, a student at the Faculty Veterinary Medicine, didn't perform the exam in two subjects. Mohamed
Shaaban, student at the Faculty of Commerce, was examined only one subject. Student Ahmed Wahsh didn't
perform his exam on Monday, January 12, 2015 because he was forcibly disappeared.
The following is a list of details of the students who performed or not performed their exams
The detainees student from first to third year were performed their examsHuman Medicine
All detainees students performed their exams Except for two students,
Mohammed Ezzat and Ahmed Shawqi , that their registration were
All detainees' students performed their exams.Veterinary Medicine
All detainees students performed only their final exams.Dentistry
All detainees' students will not perform their practical exams which mean
their failure.
All detainees' students performed their exams.Law
All detainees' students perform their exams.Commerce
All detainees students perform their examsArts
All detainees students their registration were Suspended
Most of detainees students their registration were Suspended, and few
performed their exams
Administration refuses to allow detainees students to perform their
All detainees students perform their examsEngineering
13-Qena University
The prison administration refused to transfer Ahmed Jaber Abu Huraira Mohammed and Ahmed Ashraf, the
students at the Faculty of Engineering at Al-Zhar University and the detainees in Qena, to college to perform
their exams.
14- Sohag University
*10 detainees students were performed their exams.
* The student, Eslam Abd El Naser, postponed his exams for this semester.
* A committee of the university went to prison to test the student Mohammed El Sayed Abd El Motagly ,the
detainee in Sohag security teams prison and the first student at Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, but
they didn't find him in prison because he was the in the prosecutor for investigations on Sunday, 01/04/2015 ,
he was imprisoned 15 days under pending investigation and deprived of the exam.
15- Al-Azhar University
All detainees students in Mansura college that following Al-Azhar University were performed their exams
except the student Mohammed Riad Al Hsanin.
Second section: Break into campus and the assaults that occurred in it
First chapter: break into campus
Egyptian Security authorities has carried out nearly 46 storming into Egyptian universities campus during the
first semester of the academic year 2014-2015 , Al Azhar university had been stormed 14 times , while
Mansura , Monufia , Alexandria , Ain Shams universities had been stormed 4 times for each of them . Five
break-ins occurred in Minya University, three in Zgazig and Fayoum Universities, two in Cairo and Assut
Universities and one break-in in Bani Suif, Tanta Universities and in City of Culture and Science.
The table below shows the details of some of break-ins carried out by security forces on some universities:
DetailsBreak-in dateUniversity's name
Security forces stormed Zagazig University
from the interval gateway between the
faculties of pharmacy and medicine
supported by the administrative security
and a group of thugs to deal with a
limited march hosted by number of
students in the College of Medicine to
leave some of the injured and arrested
several students and then security forces
moved into to reach College of Pharmacy
and arrested a number of students
arbitrary for no reason and infringe on
students who were nearby with electric
batons and sticks
October, 15Zgazig University
Security forces stormed Mansoura
University for the first time from over
gateway of the university gates to start a
campaign of mass arrests among the
students, supported by some thugs who
were carrying sticks and help security
forces in attacking and arrested students.
Mansoura University Security forces supported with army
troops – for the first time - broke into
Mansoura University for another time
while students were trying to prepare to
start a demonstration condemning the
arrest of their colleagues and to reject
the current regime and the control of
security on the university. Security forces
arrested a number of students who were
around the demonstration randomly. As
the administrative security arrested two
students and detained them inside the
administrative building and assault them
then hand them over to the security
forces, in addition to one of thugs
reporting that a student was taking
shoots with her phone so she have been
arrested, were students, whose numbers
swelled to 7, were brought before a
prosecutor on charges of possession a
Kufic and cold weapons.
Security forces stormed the Cairo
University, attacked a student march and
arrested a number of students and their
were number of security men in civilian
clothes carrying firearms.
On OctoberCairo University
Security forces stormed Minya University,
fired tear gas and bird shoots randomly
they also arrested a number of students
October , 26Minya University
Security forces stormed Fayoum
University, fired tear gas and bird shoots
heavily and randomly, arrested the
students of "Egyptian dream family ",
that’s following the students of popular
trend, randomly during their exit from the
university, also arrested secretary of the
Central Library at Fayoum University, and
charged them all on various offenses
including belonging to a terrorist group
and resisting arrest.
November,19Fayoum University
second chapter: Violations and assaults inside campus
Police forces and administrative security for some universities occurred more than 74 violations and assaults
against university students during the first semester of the academic year 2014-2015.
The following table shows the number of attacks that have occurred in some universities:
No. of violationsUniversity's name
10Al Azhar University
8Zagazig University
7Alexandria University
6Assut University
5Al Mansura University
3Cairo University
3Bani Suif University
3Ganob Al Wady University
3New Cairo Academy
2Fayoum University
2El Mnofya University
2Tanta University
Damnhor University
2Higher Institutes
1Ain Shams University
1Sohag University
1Misr University for Science and Technology
1Kafr El Shikh University
1Al Shruoq University
In the following table are examples for police forces attacks on students in some Egyptian universities:
Details of assaultDateUniversity's name
The police and army forces on October 14, 2014
surrounded Assiut University on all gates, cut off mobile
and internet services, administrative security and Falcon
Company guards attacked students with hoses and sticks
making a great injuries in them and detained 6 of students
in the administrative building that they all were deported
to Assiut first section after releasing the girls.
October,14Assut University
Clashes and injuries occurred after an attack by some
thugs on students march ,police surrounded the gates of
the academy, caused casualties among the students and
arrested some of them
October,21New Cairo Academy
Administrative security attacked students with sticks, police
dogs and cold weapons during the inspection
Misr University for
Science and
Administrative security and Falcon Company guards
attacked a student named Abdul Rahman Shoaib, while
they beat him on the head till he bled even then he was
dragged until he was handed over to the security forces, as
well security forces attacked a number of other students
and handed them over to the security forces.
October,30Mansura University
Security director of the Faculty of Law at Tanta University
attacked students with live ammunition nearby the
Engineering Complex
November,3Tanta University
Security forces attacked a student demonstration in the
Tenth of Ramadan Institute, causing several injuries among
students, including 3 injury with birdshot, and one injury in
the foot with live shots, as one of the students was
Tenth of Ramadan
Dean of the Faculty of Science attacked a number of partly
striking students in college square in Shatby, where he tried
to run them over with his car , students shouted against
him then the Administrative Security attacked them with
sticks and insults and threatened them with prosecution.
November,22Alexandria University
Third chapter: Arbitrary dismissal from colleges and university dormitories
Deans and heads of various universities participated in the violations against the Egyptian university students
during the first semester in the academic year 2014-2015 , and that by issuing dismiss decisions against students
and deprive them from completing their studies, as were many of the students who live in university dormitories
were dismissed and forced to exit after that they have lived in.
The total number of dismissed students in the first semester in the academic year 2014-2015, were 199
students, including 73 students were completely dismissed , 25 students have been dismissed for a year, 4
students have been dismissed for two years, 5 students have been dismissed for a year and a half and 4 students
were dismissed for one semester.
The most significant charges against the students, which they were dismissed because of it, were to participate
in demonstrations inside the university , breach of the instruction process, disrupt lectures, out for the student
duty , storming university buildings, causing damage in university buildings, cracking the gates of the university,
chanting against the current regime, uttering verbal obscenities against military institution, chanting slogans
against the state and insulting current President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and pretending against innocence of the
former President Hosni Mubarak.
Some of charges were strange and illogical like the charge of carrying the Qor'an , cursing college on Facebook
pages , call for riots on Facebook too , a student took his colleague from university security offices which led
to injuring of a security officer and the occurrence of damage in the office , Possession of notes written on it
"freedom for detainees " , raise Rabaa slogan, one student at the German university was dismissed because he
was detainee and finally, one of the students has been dismissed for writing an article entitled with "Demons
lives in Languages faculty building " which he criticized the Dean of the College in it .
The following table shows some dismiss cases and the intransigence of the administration that the students
suffered from in this semester:
Dismissal causesDismissed studentsDismissal dateUniversity's name
Because of demonstrate that
Academy had reduced them to achieve
and discipline boards , that's came after
a Students Against coup's
demonstration in Shorouq Academy
3 studentsOctober,16Shoroq Academy
Because he was accused of illogical
charges and that is took his colleague
from university security offices which
led to injuring the security officer and
the occurrence of damage in the office,
It is worth mentioning that the
dismissal decision was issued after the
student was arrested from his home
on September , 7 , 2014
Mohammed Abdou
Mohammed Abd El
Zagazig University
– Pharmacy
University sent a letter from the dean
of the Faculty of Science, University of
Menoufia, to threaten them with final
dismissal Because their participation in
the demonstrations despite they were
not at the university in these dates.
-Mahmoud Amer
-Mahomd Abd El Ftah
-Ahmed Muhammad
October 2014Mnofya University
Because of their participation in the
student demonstrations on campus.
-Islam Mohammed
Khalil, a second year
student at the Faculty
of Commerce
Mohammed Sayed
Hashim first year
student at the Faculty
of Commerce
Mahmoud Nasser
Amin, first year
student at the Faculty
of Law
- Ali Jamal
Muhammad Ali,
second year student
at the Faculty of Arts
- Ali Kamal Ali Abdul
Hamid, first year
student at the Faculty
of Law
- Hisham Faraj Fadl
Abu Fakhra, first year
Bani Suif
student at the Faculty
of Commerce.
He has dismissed from the university
dormitory and was forced to leave after
the investigation with him because he
was receiving new students as a part of
his job as a Union member and he was
charged with distributing religious
Mohamed Shawky
Mohamed Ibrahim, a
student at the Faculty
of Commerce and a
member of University
Students Union in
They all were permanently dismissed
for their involvement in student
demonstrations on October 12
-Medhat Abdul Aziz
Abdul Rahman , a
second year student
at the College of Darul
-Mohammed Nabil
Abdel Alaim, the third
student at the Faculty
of Dar Al Uloom
-Asmaa Mohammed
Abdel Aal, a third year
at the Faculty of Dar
Al Uloom.
-Mahmoud Hamid
Almeselhi a graduate
in 2014 from the
Faculty of Science and
head of the Student
Union of the Faculty
of Science
-Rami pole Tawab, a
graduate in 2014 from
the Faculty of Science
-Yasser Mohamed
Gad Gad, a graduate
in 2014 from the
Faculty of Science
- Musab Mahmoud
Abdul Khaliq, third
October ,2014Cairo University
year student at the
Faculty of Science
- Mahmoud Fadlallah
request, third year
student at the Faculty
of Arts
- Ali Taha Mohammed
Hassan, second year
student at the Faculty
of Commerce.
They were dismissed on charges of
demonstrate against the current
regime after being accused of
demonstrate and chanting slogans
against the university administration
and security men.
13 students at the
Faculty of Veterinary
Students have been converted to a
disciplinary board without giving
6 studentsNovember,14
Zagazig University
Faculty of Specific
The university dismissed them for a
Said Renad second
year student at the
Faculty of Commerce
English Division,
Mohammed Khudair
fourth year student in
the Faculty of
Commerce English
They were dismissed for 15 days, for
prejudice to the conduct of the process
of study.
Three studentsNovember,18
Higher Institute of
Engineering and
Technology, Kafr
He was prevented from recording
postgraduate studies for three years for
his involvement in a student
demonstration at the university in
November 18, 2014.
The former Chairman
of Students Union at
the Faculty of Law,
Mansura University.
The Faculty of Law
at the University of
12 Student at the
College of Sciences.
They have been dismissed for a full
year, on charges of belonging to a
panded group, rioting and participating
in demonstrations against the regime
-Khalid Juma Ali, a
student in the third
year at Media
- Mahmoud Said al-
Baghdadi, a student in
the second year in IT
- Mohamed
Mahmoud Jaballah, a
student in the second
year IT department
- Mohamed Lotfy
Abdul Latif, a student
in the second year in
IT department
- Mohammed Atwa, a
student in the third
year in IT department
- Ammar Ali, a student
in the third year in IT
- Abdulrahman Saeed
a third year student at
the Department of
- Maaz Abdullah
Barmawi, a student in
the first band to
inform the
- Hasnaa Walid, a
student in the third
year at the computer
Faculty of Specific
Education at the
University of
- Sara Saber, a
student in the fourth
year at the
Department of
Third section: Referring to military trails
The Egyptian President is now in power, Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi extending the competence of military courts,
after he issued a presidential decree, last October, that allows the Army to protect and secure public facilities
and vital state with the police and to refer the attackers to military courts, which led to increased the number
of civilians who referred to military courts especially students.
The decision to expand the terms of reference of military courts contrary to international and Egyptian law ,
and this was confirmed by the Egyptian Constitution that "the punishment is personal, and " there is no crime
and no punishment except upon law ", which requires identification of crimes and punishments clearly which
commensurate with the generality and abstraction of legal basis , which the Egyptian legislator transgressed
in the martial law, as its texts came vague and non-specific to physical act for many of the crimes stipulated.
It also violates the decision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, which provided in Article VII
of it that: "All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the
law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against
any incitement to such discrimination.", where the referral to military justice considered a discrimination
against civilians.
The first semester has witnessed a rise in the number of students referred to military trials, in numbers, during
the past two months, close to 99 students, 74 of them were tried in their presence, and 25 in absentia.
The following table shows the number of students referred to military courts in some universities: -
University Number of students
Al-Azhar University 18
Zgazig University 8
Mansura University 30 students and 2 professors
Alexandria University 3
Mnofya University 12
Private Universities 5
Institutes 1
Port Said 1
Tanta 2
Kafr El-Sheikh 3
Cairo 1
Some Examples of referral of students in various universities to military trials:
1- Mansura University:
* 30 students and 2 professors in it have been referred to military trials in 6 cases 3 of it on January,5,2015 , in
case No. 7530 of 2014 first Mansoura misdemeanor, which includes 6 students, who were detainees in the case
Known in the media as April,16 case as they randomly arrested on that day during leaving the university ,4
students and one professor ,in the faculty of Science, were referred to military trial at the same day in another
case as they randomly arrested on that day from campus on October,30,2014 and they were accused of
belonging to a terrorist organization "the Muslim Brotherhood", doing acts of violence and riots within the
university and destroy administrative frontispiece.
- 8 other students were referred to military trial on January,5,2015 in case No. 10753 of 2014 first Mansura
misdemeanor as they were accused of demonstrating in the street, including 2 students at Private University
and one professor in the Faculty of Science too.
- 2 students one of them studying at Mansura University and the other studying at private university were
referred to military trial on January,1 .
- 6 other students were referred to military trail on December,25 in case No. 14241 of 2014 first Mansoura
misdemeanor on charges of possession of burning material , destruction the gate of Faculty of Pharmacy ,
attacking installations, demonstrations and riots.
- 6 other students including female student were arrested on October,25 and referred to military trails on
January,1,2015 on charges of rioting , demonstrations, bullying and possessing Molotov.
2- Al- Azhar University:
- 3 students accused in case No.7617 of 2014 by east of Cairo military prosecutors , were referred to military
trial while 5 other , on last November, were referred to military trails where the Cairo Criminal Court issued a
decision to refer these students to the military judiciary on charges of burning the Control of Engineering Faculty
at the University of Al-Azhar, under the pretext of lack of jurisdiction as Public Prosecution had accused them of
several charges, including: gathering, rioting, the threat of using violence , force review , carrying Molotov
cocktails and prevent the staff of Al-Azhar University from doing their work.
- Public Prosecution has referred two postgraduate students at Al-Azhar University and one student at Al-Sharif
Institute for Engineering who accused in case No.5362 of 2014 to military trial on charges of Cutting Kafr El-
Sheikh Railway Iron , as well as the student , Ahmed Salah Ahmed Abdo Morgan,23, who accused in case
No.11030 of 2014 on charges of bombing Kafr El-Shikh court .
- 6 students at Al-Azhar University – Zgazig were referred to military trial on December 2014 in case No.16654
of 2014 second Zagazig misdemeanor in addition to 6 students at Zgazig University at the same case on charges
of the attack on the headquarters of the police ,assaulting security guards , cutting roads off and demonstrations

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14 أغسطس , بعد مرور عامين سلسلة من الانتهاكات والعدالة غائبة 14 أغسطس , بعد مرور عامين سلسلة من الانتهاكات والعدالة غائبة
14 أغسطس , بعد مرور عامين سلسلة من الانتهاكات والعدالة غائبة
14 أغسطس , بعد مرور عامين سلسلة من الانتهاكات والعدالة غائبة
14 أغسطس , بعد مرور عامين  سلسلة من الانتهاكات والعدالة غائبة14 أغسطس , بعد مرور عامين  سلسلة من الانتهاكات والعدالة غائبة
14 أغسطس , بعد مرور عامين سلسلة من الانتهاكات والعدالة غائبة
التقرير السنوي للانتهاكات بحق طلاب الجامعات المصرية عن العام الدراسي 2014-2015
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الانتهاكات بحق طلاب الجامعات المصرية شهر مايو لعام 2015
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مرصد طلاب حرية | تقرير عن الانتهاكات بحق الطالبات بالجامعات المصرية خلال الفص...
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مرصد طلاب حرية | الانتهاكات بحق الطلاب خلال الترم الاول من العام الدراسي 2014...
مرصد طلاب حرية | الانتهاكات بحق الطلاب خلال الترم الاول من العام الدراسي 2014...مرصد طلاب حرية | الانتهاكات بحق الطلاب خلال الترم الاول من العام الدراسي 2014...
مرصد طلاب حرية | الانتهاكات بحق الطلاب خلال الترم الاول من العام الدراسي 2014...
تقرير مرصد طلاب حريه بشأن الانتهاكات ضد الطالبات في اول شهر من العام الدراسي ...
تقرير مرصد طلاب حريه بشأن الانتهاكات ضد الطالبات في اول شهر من العام الدراسي ...تقرير مرصد طلاب حريه بشأن الانتهاكات ضد الطالبات في اول شهر من العام الدراسي ...
تقرير مرصد طلاب حريه بشأن الانتهاكات ضد الطالبات في اول شهر من العام الدراسي ...
تقرير مرصد طلاب حريه بشأن الانتهاكات التى تعرض لها الطلاب خلال الأسبوع الثال...
 تقرير مرصد طلاب حريه بشأن الانتهاكات التى تعرض لها الطلاب خلال الأسبوع الثال... تقرير مرصد طلاب حريه بشأن الانتهاكات التى تعرض لها الطلاب خلال الأسبوع الثال...
تقرير مرصد طلاب حريه بشأن الانتهاكات التى تعرض لها الطلاب خلال الأسبوع الثال...
تقرير مرصد طلاب حريه بشأن الانتهاكات بحق الطلاب علي مدار الاسبوع الاول من الع...
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تقرير مرصد طلاب حريه بشأن الانتهاكات بحق الطلاب علي مدار الاسبوع الاول من الع...
تقرير مرصد طلاب حرية عن حالات التعذيب للطلاب خلال شهر سبتمر 2014
تقرير مرصد طلاب حرية عن حالات التعذيب للطلاب خلال شهر سبتمر 2014تقرير مرصد طلاب حرية عن حالات التعذيب للطلاب خلال شهر سبتمر 2014
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Violation Against Students In ُEgypt In the first semester of the academic year 2014 -2015

  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 Contents Introduction........................................................................................................................................... 3 First section: violations against students: ................................................................................................. 4 First chapter: murdered students .......................................................................................................... 4 Second chapter: Detainees students...................................................................................................... 5 Third chapter: Violations against detainees' students in detention places:................................................. 6 Second section: Break into campus and the assaults that occurred in it.....................................................19 First chapter: break into campus ..........................................................................................................19 second chapter: Violations and assaults inside campus...........................................................................21 Third chapter: Arbitrary dismissal from colleges and university dormitories .............................................23 Third section: Referring to military trails .................................................................................................28
  • 3. 3 Introduction Freedom Seekers Monitor putting in your hands this report which contains the efforts summary of an integrated team in all over the country during the last semester, to reveal the violations carried out by ruling authorities in Egypt against students. This report addresses the violations against student during the first semester of the academic year 2014-2015 or since mid-October 2014 until the end of January 2015. The report addresses the university student's class in Egypt and whatever violations they suffered from whether it was from university administration or security authorities. The report has relied in his information on the monitoring units, which followed the Monitor in each university in Egypt and on the documentary forms in the Monitor website, which fills by those who violations occurred to them or by their relatives and then we ascertained of it. In this report, we present the summary of that process, which lasted over an entire semester to come out in this way hoping that this work would have a role in helping the rights owners to get their human rights and respect it. Freedom Seekers Monitor Free student … free country
  • 4. 4 First section: violations against students: First chapter: murdered students Security forces killed 3 students during the first semester of the academic year "2014-2015" in detention places or during dispersing student demonstrations against the ruling authorities, in the violation of laws, international and local conventions which is a flagrant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The following are details of killings of students during this semester… 1- Omar Shiref: Omar was a student in Alexandria university , he died in 21th of October 2014 after his injury in the head with bird shot during disperse a demonstration by security forces in Theory Colleges Complex at Alexandria University on October,14 . After the assault on him he still injured of brain hemorrhage, skull fracture and lost his right eye until he passed away on October 21. After that security forces took his body and his burial permit from his family under the pretext that Police forces will bury him in his native in Monufia. 2- Mohammed Ramadan Yahea: Mohammed, 19, was a second-year student at Ain Shams University, he was arrested outside his university in November 2014, he was taken to Hadiaa Al-Qoba police station where he was tortured and given electric shocks in different parts of his body which injured him with drop in blood circulation led to his death on November 16, 2014. His family received his body and buried him in his hometown. 3-Muhammed Hamed : Hamed was a third-year student in the Faculty of Medicine of Al-Azhar University, he died of gunshot wound at heart during disperse a demonstration in 10th of Ramadan city, Sharqia by security forces.
  • 5. 5 Second chapter: Detainees students 593 student were arrested during the first semester of the academic year " 2014-2015" mostly belongs to Egyptian universities and institutes , "164" of them were arrested from their homes ," 268" arrested inside the campus and "116 " students were released while the rest of the students still in detention . The accusations against students by investigation devices were a variety of incitement of violence, demonstration in campus without prior authorization and joining to a group was founded of breaching the law calls for suspension of the constitution and insulting the army and police. Number of released Number of detainees University's nameNum. 21 9 1 - 12 2 2 5 3 14 5 16 3 - 2 3 6 1 2 135 67 6 26 31 12 16 11 20 26 53 24 17 12 12 5 39 22 10 Al-Azhar university Alexandria university Suez university Zagazig university Cairo university Tanta university Damnhor university Banha university Fayoum university Menofia university Mansura university Minya university Ain Shams university Damietta university Higher institutes Aswan university Assuit university Helwan university Kafr Elshikh university 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
  • 6. 6 8 - 1 - - - 17 4 13 3 3 2 Sohag university Bani Suif university Private universities Bor Said university Sinai university Unknown universities 20 21 22 23 24 25 Third chapter: Violations against detainees' students in detention places: Firstly, enforced disappearance: Security forces did not only satisfied with random arrests and outrages upon students inside and outside campus, but proceeded to commit a crime of enforced disappearance against number of students for varying periods of time in what considered as a flagrant violation of all texts of laws and international covenants , which criminalizes such an act, starting of the International Covenant of Rights and Freedoms to the international document to criminalize enforced disappearance in addition to the Texts of the Egyptian Constitution. Egyptian security authorities commit this crime against at least 50 students during the first semester of the academic year "2014-2015" other informationAppearance timeDisappearance timeAge and studyStudent's nameN. Human rights sources confirmed that he was tortured during his detention in Mansura police station He was presented to prosecutors in November 2014 and was accused of several charges Dawn on October 20 , and his location remained unknown for 20 days Faculty of commerce, Al- Mnsura university Al-Mo'taz Bellah Ghanem 1 He was accused of many charges including killing of police officer He was arrested in December 9, from an ambush in his way back from Fayom Third year , Faculty of Sharia and Law Abd-Elrhman Farahat 2
  • 7. 7 They were accused of receiving financing from abroad and burning police cars, torture and beatings marks were clear on their faces. They showed up on Nov.3 in a video on interior ministry Facebook page. They were all arrested from their homes on November 1, 2014 20 years old, forth year , Faculty of Commerce , Bor Saide university 1-Eslam Abd El- Aziz Mahmod 3 21 years old 2- Hanzla Ahmed Ahmed Elmahy 21 years old , Faculty of Arts, Damietta University 3-Anas Abdo Mohammed Mohammed 21 years old , Faculty of Sharia and Law , Al-Azhar University , Tfahna El-Ashraf section 4-Essa Saleh Ahmed Abd El- Raziq 18 years old. 5-Moaaz Elsaid Taha Hassan They were accused of several charges including forming terrorist cell and the attempted of bombing Security Directorate and they were referred to military trials They appeared in Nasr City prosecutors on December 15, 2014 They were present in the Tenth Neighborhood in Nasr City and the last contact with them was in 7.30 P.M on December 3 ,2014 The first year in Faculty of Science , New Cairo Academy 1-Ebrahim Reda Elaasal 4 Second year in Pharmacy college 2-Ahmed Mohammed Salama Forth year in the Faculty of Engineering , Al- Azhar university 3-Mohammed Hasanin Mohammed He was accused of many charges with others including detonate explosive devices and possession of explosive materials , clothes , military He appeared on October 17 , in a photo published by interior ministry's facebook page with several citizens and students October 11 from an apartment in Giza He graduated from Faculty of Dentistry, Minya University in the academic year " 2013-2014" Ahmed Farag 5
  • 8. 8 badges and laptops Following his appearance seemed on his face signs of torture, he was accused of possessing a bird shot gun and empty gaseous water bottles and authorities said he confessed of burning many of the installations with others Appeared on January 4,2015 He disappeared on December 27,2014 Faculty of science , Alexandria University Mogahed Magdy6 Secondly, torture ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ Torture in police stations, prisons or security directorates has become a steady approach of the Egyptian security forces during their dealings with detainees or with those who had arrested. And among the victims of torture, was a large number of Egyptian university students, where every detention case has a form of torture either they were arrested from homes, campus or streets. The following are examples of students who being tortured in Egyptian detentions locations: 1-Ahmed Al-Sharqawy Ahmed is a student at Helwan University, he sent a letter on October 25, 2014 telling what happened with him since his detention from the campus on October 19, 2014 by university administrative security, he was forced under torture and threat to confess of possessing weapons and fireworks and that he put it in the room of former faculty dean, "Syed Shahab", The detainee from over a year ago in the case known in the media as " The Great Escape" Ahmed said in his letter the circumstances of his detention and said that him and one of his colleagues was tortured and threatened with sexual assault, in a clear disregard of human rights and the international
  • 9. 9 conventions and local laws by the security services which force the detainees to admit certain charges under torture and threats. A message from Al Motaaz Bellah Ghanem, second year student at the Faculty of Commerce, Mansura University, has been published in January 9, which narrated in it what happened with him since his detention three months before the publication date of this message, that he had been tortured to force him to admit the murder of advisor Mahmoud El Said AlMerly's son, the advisor in Cairo Court of Appeal, and to admit that some other detainees participated with him in these crimes. Al Motaaz, confirmed that he remained silent for the past three months because the officers threatened him with his family if he told anyone about what happened to him, but when they forced him to admit that other detainees participated with him in crimes, he decided to talk. 2- Mohammed Saied Mostafa "Abo Obida": He is second year student at the Faculty of Arts, Zagazig University, he was arrested in front of Zagazig Central Security camp then He was transferred to State Security where he was tortured to admit the charges addressed to him, Mohammed now in the Central Security Camp in Zagazig. 3- Mogahed Magdy: Mogahed appears in January 4, 2015 with torture marks on his face Mogahed, student in Science College, disappeared from his house in December 27, 2014 and has been tortured in Fourth Floor Slaughterhouse of Alexandria Security Directorate. ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ Thirdly: patients in prisons The most prominent violations occurred in prisons against students was what happened on November22, to Osama Omar Makram , first year student in Department of Production, Faculty of Engineering, Shebin El Koom University , which his health deteriorated two weeks before this date , and when his condition worsened , he was transferred to University Hospital on November 22 and there it was discovered that the appendix burst inside his abdomen and caused pus , nevertheless security forces insisted on returning him to prison on the same day. ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ Fourthly: assaults in prisons and detention places: The violations against students continued even after arresting them and refer them to investigation in prosecution and courts, which Freedom Seekers Center monitoring a number of violations inside prisons. We will clarify it in the following table:
  • 10. 11 Details Detention place Date A detainee student in Borg Al Arab Prison sent a message to the Monitor which listed the story of detainees strike in prison including students to object to prison mistreatment. The student confirmed in his message that he started his hunger strike on November 11 , with 150 other detainees who refused receiving their prison food and since November 7 , 2014 , as they started in anew boycott of prison canteen and cafeteria on November 10, 2014, he stressed that this number is growing daily and pointed out that some of Prisons Department officials visited political detainees wards on November 14 , as they ordered to inspect it and investigate with the strike leaders and the instigators of it , and ordered them to break this strike , they threaten the detainees , cursed and assaulted them , even some of riot police wielding tear gas bombs and other weapons against detainees . Borg Al Arab prison November 15 Monitor got another message from a group of Al-Azhar University students who were arrested on December 10, 2013 from the University Dormitory in the case No. 6959 of 2013 , and they are : * Ahmed Abdel-Alones Zidane Taha, first year student at the Faculty of Arabic Language Department of History and Civilization. * Suleiman Hamdi Suleiman Salem, first year student at the Faculty of Medicine. * Omar Mahmoud Mohammed Abu Zaid, a student at the Faculty of Commerce. * Ahmed Abdul Latif El Sayed, second year student at the Faculty of Engineering. * Mohamed Alaa El Sayed Mohammed, first year student at the Faculty of Education. * Ahmad Jamal Ahmed Shawki Ahmed Hanafi Desouqy, first year student at the Faculty of Science. November 26
  • 11. 11 * Ahmed El Amir Mohammed Mahmoud, second year student, Faculty of Engineering. * Ali Mohamed Ahmed Abu Al Naga, third year student at the Faculty of Medicine. * Mohammed Makhlouf Allam Ali, a student at the Faculty of Arabic Language. * Abdul Rahman Ahmed Abdou Atta, a fourth-year student, Faculty of Languages and Translation. * Saif al-Islam Atif Ahmed Ali, a student at the Faculty of Arabic Language. * Abdullah Ahmad Mahmoud Abbas Hamid, a student at the Faculty of Arabic Language. * Mohammed Abdul Aziz Ismail Sayed, a student at the Faculty of Arabic Language. * Salama Samir Salama Abdel Mawla, first year student at the Faculty of Arabic Language Department of the history and civilization. * Ahmed Abdel Ahamid Osman Ahmed, first year student at Faculty of Commerce. * Mohammed Abdullah Ahmed Attia second year student at the Faculty of Commerce. * Sabri Adel El Saeed Sayed Ahmed, second year student at the Faculty of Engineering. The detainees surprise by Special Interior forces entering their cells , forced them to stand up and turn their faces against the wall when they holding sticks for those who disobey the order or delayed in implementing it , and then took them out of their cells , received them outside the cell with what is called "reception party", which means beating detainees on the face and kicking them all over their bodies, after that they stole everything in the cell even winter clothes and food. Abu Zaabal prison December 7
  • 12. 12 Assiut University students , detainees in Assiut First Department , started indefinite hunger strike in protest against the violations they have suffered from ,which represented in assault and torture two students, burning and throwing off their textbooks , depriving them of Qur'ans, taking their personal belongings , Imprisoned with criminal , refusing entry of breakfast for fasting ones and mistreating detainees' relatives during the visit . Assiut first Department December 19 Detainees Students sent a message, titled "We're in trouble". ,demanded Burg Al Arab officials and Prison Service to stop the persecution of the students and allow them all possible means that preserve their rights, especially the performance of the examinations. As explaining the abuses they suffered from by the prison administration, demanding human rights organizations and activists interested in public affairs, human rights and freedoms for solidarity with them in their demands. Saying In their leaked letter: " Burg Al Arab cells crowded with large numbers of students from various faculties of Alexandria University, whether practical or theoretical colleges in a significant increase from the previous academic year, and these students are suffering more than others detainees in Burg Al Arab Prison , that cells are overcrowded , lack of duration of the visit and exercise period, the poor quality of the food provided to them , the large number of inspections cells and the introduction of a large number of them in solitary confinement, where they are tortured and insulted. Burg Al Arab Prison December 19 ‫ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ Fifthly: prevent detained students from performing their exams There had been a complete intransigent from Egyptian universities administrations at the first semester in allowing detainees students to perform their first semester exams in prison, which threatening their future,As Minister of Higher Education, Dr. Syed Abdul Khaliq, said in November, that he will not allow to any detainee student to performance his academic year exams in prison. * The administration of Alexandria University and the Interior Ministry started to apply Dr. Abdul Khaliq's statements, as the administrations of Arts and Commerce faculties, at the end of last month, refused to complete the exam procedures of students detained in Bab Sharq police department, Alexandria.
  • 13. 13 The two colleges' administrations refused to send any exam committees to examine detainees students inside Bab Sharq Department, claiming that these are the instructions issued by the university administration; At the same time, the administrations of Bab Sharq department rejected to send students to be examined in their colleges without giving any reasons, which angered students and their families angered. * The president of Mansoura University, Dr. Mohammed Qinawy, has issued the decision to prevent detainees' students who studies in practical colleges from exams because they have transgressed the abstention rate allowed. *Cairo University refused to allow the student Mustafa Ismail, a student at the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom, to perform his exams, on the pretext that he is still pending investigation, despite the approval of department. * In Menoufia, the College of "Theology" was very intransigent in allow detainees students to perform their examinations. * Anas Salam, a member of the Executive Office of the Student Federation of Egypt and the detainee in Ataka prison since October 17 ,2014 , expressed the suffering of detained students in his letter that he sent from prison, which he demanded his natural right to perform his exams . Salam said: "I'm a number in thousands of numbers detained in prisons and cells. I do not ask for my freedom ,the right will appear when Allah wills, the pain didn't overcome or terrifies me" , "I only ask you to help me to perform my exams so that I can complete my life, I'm a human and if I am in the eyes of some – who don't know me - a criminal , so everyone have to remember that Social Security is much more important than the political security and we , youth, especially students will build this country, so help us " he added He end his message with "Anas want to perform his exams, long as you in a country with freedom, justice and without slogans" And the following is a list of numbers of detained students in the Egyptian universities and the number of students who could & couldn't perform their exams: 1- Zgazeg University: Notes No. of who performed the exams The actual number of detainees at the college College They don't have semester exams but they have midterm exams , and their examination procedures almost finished 33Medicine One of them dismissed from college , and there were a complete intransigent in finishing other detainees exams procedures by college administration that Faculty Council decided to prevent 362-Pharmacy
  • 14. 14 them from perform their exams In a defiance of university decision One student examination procedures have been finished while others Studying by the credit hour system and they must present their lecture and they postponed the exam for this year. 111Science Their all procedures have been finished while others Studying by the credit hour system so they postponed the exam for this year 3340Engineering Their all procedures have been done15 17 Arts All of them have practical education and they must present to move to the next level, so they postponed the exam ‫ــ‬6Education Their all procedures have been done3333Commerce There were intransigent from college administration after finishing their procedures, and we going to solve it. 69Law Their all procedures have been done1212kfaya His case is a State Security Supreme and there are problems in the prosecution to finish his procedures. 15Computing his procedures have been finished12Agriculture his procedures have been finished11Veterinary Their all procedures have been finished1220 Zagazig - Azhar Their all procedures have been finished77 Daydamon- Azhar
  • 15. 15 2-Kafr El Shikh University: notes No. of who performed the exams The actual number of detainees at the college College His procedures have been finished11Medicine Their all procedures have been finished22Engineering They all procedures have been finished33Science His procedures have been finished11Physical Education His procedures have been finished and the other student passed in the first semester exam. 12Commerce The procedures of 5 of them have been finished and the other student, Ahmed Zafer, postpone his exams this year. 66 Engineering – Al Azhar 3- Workers University: One detainee student in the university and he had performed his exams. 4- Al Mnofya University Notes No. of who performed the exams The actual number of detainees at the college College One student procedures have been done and the other, Yousef Belal ElGobiry , postpone his exams this year 22Science Their all procedures have been finished55Engineering Their all procedures have been finished77Arts Theology
  • 16. 16 Their all procedures have been finished99Commerce Their all procedures have been finished44Law Their all procedures have been finished44Computing Their all procedures have been finished66Agriculture 5- Damnhor University All detained students performed their exams. 6- Banha University All detained students postponed their exams for this semester. 7- HTI: - 7 students were able to perform their exams while 3 student couldn't because the institute administration has disabled their procedures and they are: Amr Ngar Mohammed Ali and Mohammed Samir Abdu Ahmed, the students in Civil Engineering department, and Ali Abu El Fadl, the Student in Makatronak Engineering Department. - Ahmed Ragab Ali Abdu Al Hameed, the student in Civil Engineering department, and Mohammed Hany Abdu El Qader, the student in Mechanical Engineering Department, refused to perform their exams because of the poor conditions of their detention. - Asem Mohammed Abdu El Menam, the student in Computer Science Department, couldn't perform his exams for the Public Prosecution disrupted his exams procedures. 8- Assiut University 16 students were enabled to perform their exams out of 52 detainees students, while four students postponed their exams, in addition to 11 detainees students were dismissed from the university, and one graduate , whereas Monitor wasn't able to communicate with 16 other students. 9- Cairo University Everyone has postpone his exam except the student Mustafa Ismail, who couldn't perform his exam that the management of Dar Al Uloom College refused his request. 10- Private Universities: The Management of Al Obor Institute of Engineering, which is located in Belbais road, Al Sharqia and owned by Abdullah Dahshan, refused to allow the student -ahmd Tariq Abdul-Ati to perform his semester exams, despite ending his exams procedures a month and half ago.
  • 17. 17 - Delta University: the students Mohammad Tariq and Mohammad Jamal were able to perform their exams in Mansoura General Prison, while the students Jihad El Abbasi and Ahmed El Zinati suspended their registration in University at their own request. 11- Suez University All university detainees' students were able to perform their exams. 12- Mansura University: * 3 students were not able to perform their exams because the end lawyers didn't end their procedures that allowed them to perform exams, and these students are: Mohammed Abdul Hamid, Faculty of Engineering, Yosr Magd and Abdullah al-Tantawi, students at Faculty of Law. * Moaz Abdul Bari and Noor El Adeen Al Nagar, the students at Faculty of Engineering and detainees in Damietta, were not able to perform their exams because of the intransigence of the police department administration. * Esraa Maher, student at Faculty of Science, wasn't able to perform 3 subjects exams where the first two subjects she didn't perform them, because her procedures hasn't finished , and when she went to examine the third subject college took her back on the pretext that the procedures didn't finish. * Criminal oversight administration refused to extract some of student's, Heba QIshta and Yahya Akal who both studying in English Division at Faculty of Commerce, permits which allow them to perform their exams, and Akl wasn't able to perform two subjects' exams. * Abed Sunbati, student at Faculty of Commerce, was not able to perform his exams and this is because his case in Damietta. * Student Mustafa Mahmoud didn't perform his exam in the first subject. As well as the student Abdullah Borham, a student at the Faculty Veterinary Medicine, didn't perform the exam in two subjects. Mohamed Shaaban, student at the Faculty of Commerce, was examined only one subject. Student Ahmed Wahsh didn't perform his exam on Monday, January 12, 2015 because he was forcibly disappeared. The following is a list of details of the students who performed or not performed their exams DetailsCollege The detainees student from first to third year were performed their examsHuman Medicine All detainees students performed their exams Except for two students, Mohammed Ezzat and Ahmed Shawqi , that their registration were Suspended Pharmacy All detainees' students performed their exams.Veterinary Medicine All detainees students performed only their final exams.Dentistry
  • 18. 18 All detainees' students will not perform their practical exams which mean their failure. Nursing All detainees' students performed their exams.Law All detainees' students perform their exams.Commerce All detainees students perform their examsArts All detainees students their registration were Suspended Education Most of detainees students their registration were Suspended, and few performed their exams Science Administration refuses to allow detainees students to perform their exams Computing All detainees students perform their examsEngineering 13-Qena University The prison administration refused to transfer Ahmed Jaber Abu Huraira Mohammed and Ahmed Ashraf, the students at the Faculty of Engineering at Al-Zhar University and the detainees in Qena, to college to perform their exams. 14- Sohag University *10 detainees students were performed their exams. * The student, Eslam Abd El Naser, postponed his exams for this semester. * A committee of the university went to prison to test the student Mohammed El Sayed Abd El Motagly ,the detainee in Sohag security teams prison and the first student at Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, but they didn't find him in prison because he was the in the prosecutor for investigations on Sunday, 01/04/2015 , he was imprisoned 15 days under pending investigation and deprived of the exam. 15- Al-Azhar University All detainees students in Mansura college that following Al-Azhar University were performed their exams except the student Mohammed Riad Al Hsanin.
  • 19. 19 Second section: Break into campus and the assaults that occurred in it First chapter: break into campus Egyptian Security authorities has carried out nearly 46 storming into Egyptian universities campus during the first semester of the academic year 2014-2015 , Al Azhar university had been stormed 14 times , while Mansura , Monufia , Alexandria , Ain Shams universities had been stormed 4 times for each of them . Five break-ins occurred in Minya University, three in Zgazig and Fayoum Universities, two in Cairo and Assut Universities and one break-in in Bani Suif, Tanta Universities and in City of Culture and Science. The table below shows the details of some of break-ins carried out by security forces on some universities: DetailsBreak-in dateUniversity's name Security forces stormed Zagazig University from the interval gateway between the faculties of pharmacy and medicine supported by the administrative security and a group of thugs to deal with a limited march hosted by number of students in the College of Medicine to leave some of the injured and arrested several students and then security forces moved into to reach College of Pharmacy and arrested a number of students arbitrary for no reason and infringe on students who were nearby with electric batons and sticks October, 15Zgazig University Security forces stormed Mansoura University for the first time from over gateway of the university gates to start a campaign of mass arrests among the students, supported by some thugs who were carrying sticks and help security forces in attacking and arrested students. October,19 Mansoura University Security forces supported with army troops – for the first time - broke into Mansoura University for another time while students were trying to prepare to start a demonstration condemning the arrest of their colleagues and to reject the current regime and the control of security on the university. Security forces arrested a number of students who were October,28
  • 20. 21 around the demonstration randomly. As the administrative security arrested two students and detained them inside the administrative building and assault them then hand them over to the security forces, in addition to one of thugs reporting that a student was taking shoots with her phone so she have been arrested, were students, whose numbers swelled to 7, were brought before a prosecutor on charges of possession a Kufic and cold weapons. Security forces stormed the Cairo University, attacked a student march and arrested a number of students and their were number of security men in civilian clothes carrying firearms. On OctoberCairo University Security forces stormed Minya University, fired tear gas and bird shoots randomly they also arrested a number of students indiscriminately. October , 26Minya University Security forces stormed Fayoum University, fired tear gas and bird shoots heavily and randomly, arrested the students of "Egyptian dream family ", that’s following the students of popular trend, randomly during their exit from the university, also arrested secretary of the Central Library at Fayoum University, and charged them all on various offenses including belonging to a terrorist group and resisting arrest. November,19Fayoum University
  • 21. 21 second chapter: Violations and assaults inside campus Police forces and administrative security for some universities occurred more than 74 violations and assaults against university students during the first semester of the academic year 2014-2015. The following table shows the number of attacks that have occurred in some universities: No. of violationsUniversity's name 10Al Azhar University 8Zagazig University 7Alexandria University 6Assut University 5Al Mansura University 3Cairo University 3Bani Suif University 3Ganob Al Wady University 3New Cairo Academy 2Fayoum University 2El Mnofya University 2Tanta University 2 Damnhor University 2Higher Institutes 1Ain Shams University 1Sohag University
  • 22. 22 1Misr University for Science and Technology 1Kafr El Shikh University 1Al Shruoq University In the following table are examples for police forces attacks on students in some Egyptian universities: Details of assaultDateUniversity's name The police and army forces on October 14, 2014 surrounded Assiut University on all gates, cut off mobile and internet services, administrative security and Falcon Company guards attacked students with hoses and sticks making a great injuries in them and detained 6 of students in the administrative building that they all were deported to Assiut first section after releasing the girls. October,14Assut University Clashes and injuries occurred after an attack by some thugs on students march ,police surrounded the gates of the academy, caused casualties among the students and arrested some of them October,21New Cairo Academy Administrative security attacked students with sticks, police dogs and cold weapons during the inspection October,26 Misr University for Science and Technology Administrative security and Falcon Company guards attacked a student named Abdul Rahman Shoaib, while they beat him on the head till he bled even then he was dragged until he was handed over to the security forces, as well security forces attacked a number of other students and handed them over to the security forces. October,30Mansura University Security director of the Faculty of Law at Tanta University attacked students with live ammunition nearby the Engineering Complex November,3Tanta University Security forces attacked a student demonstration in the Tenth of Ramadan Institute, causing several injuries among students, including 3 injury with birdshot, and one injury in the foot with live shots, as one of the students was arrested. November,9 Tenth of Ramadan Institute
  • 23. 23 Dean of the Faculty of Science attacked a number of partly striking students in college square in Shatby, where he tried to run them over with his car , students shouted against him then the Administrative Security attacked them with sticks and insults and threatened them with prosecution. November,22Alexandria University Third chapter: Arbitrary dismissal from colleges and university dormitories Deans and heads of various universities participated in the violations against the Egyptian university students during the first semester in the academic year 2014-2015 , and that by issuing dismiss decisions against students and deprive them from completing their studies, as were many of the students who live in university dormitories were dismissed and forced to exit after that they have lived in. The total number of dismissed students in the first semester in the academic year 2014-2015, were 199 students, including 73 students were completely dismissed , 25 students have been dismissed for a year, 4 students have been dismissed for two years, 5 students have been dismissed for a year and a half and 4 students were dismissed for one semester. The most significant charges against the students, which they were dismissed because of it, were to participate in demonstrations inside the university , breach of the instruction process, disrupt lectures, out for the student duty , storming university buildings, causing damage in university buildings, cracking the gates of the university, chanting against the current regime, uttering verbal obscenities against military institution, chanting slogans against the state and insulting current President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and pretending against innocence of the former President Hosni Mubarak. Some of charges were strange and illogical like the charge of carrying the Qor'an , cursing college on Facebook pages , call for riots on Facebook too , a student took his colleague from university security offices which led to injuring of a security officer and the occurrence of damage in the office , Possession of notes written on it "freedom for detainees " , raise Rabaa slogan, one student at the German university was dismissed because he was detainee and finally, one of the students has been dismissed for writing an article entitled with "Demons lives in Languages faculty building " which he criticized the Dean of the College in it . The following table shows some dismiss cases and the intransigence of the administration that the students suffered from in this semester: Dismissal causesDismissed studentsDismissal dateUniversity's name Because of demonstrate that Academy had reduced them to achieve and discipline boards , that's came after a Students Against coup's demonstration in Shorouq Academy 3 studentsOctober,16Shoroq Academy
  • 24. 24 Because he was accused of illogical charges and that is took his colleague from university security offices which led to injuring the security officer and the occurrence of damage in the office, It is worth mentioning that the dismissal decision was issued after the student was arrested from his home on September , 7 , 2014 Mohammed Abdou Mohammed Abd El Wadod Zagazig University – Pharmacy College University sent a letter from the dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Menoufia, to threaten them with final dismissal Because their participation in the demonstrations despite they were not at the university in these dates. -Mahmoud Amer Attia -Mahomd Abd El Ftah -Ahmed Muhammad Qotb October 2014Mnofya University Because of their participation in the student demonstrations on campus. -Islam Mohammed Khalil, a second year student at the Faculty of Commerce -Abdullah Mohammed Sayed Hashim first year student at the Faculty of Commerce -Mohammed Mahmoud Nasser Amin, first year student at the Faculty of Law - Ali Jamal Muhammad Ali, second year student at the Faculty of Arts - Ali Kamal Ali Abdul Hamid, first year student at the Faculty of Law - Hisham Faraj Fadl Abu Fakhra, first year Bani Suif University
  • 25. 25 student at the Faculty of Commerce. He has dismissed from the university dormitory and was forced to leave after the investigation with him because he was receiving new students as a part of his job as a Union member and he was charged with distributing religious materials. Mohamed Shawky Mohamed Ibrahim, a student at the Faculty of Commerce and a member of University Students Union in Alexandria Alexandria University They all were permanently dismissed for their involvement in student demonstrations on October 12 -Medhat Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman , a second year student at the College of Darul Uloom -Mohammed Nabil Abdel Alaim, the third student at the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom -Asmaa Mohammed Abdel Aal, a third year at the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom. -Mahmoud Hamid Almeselhi a graduate in 2014 from the Faculty of Science and head of the Student Union of the Faculty of Science -Rami pole Tawab, a graduate in 2014 from the Faculty of Science -Yasser Mohamed Gad Gad, a graduate in 2014 from the Faculty of Science - Musab Mahmoud Abdul Khaliq, third October ,2014Cairo University
  • 26. 26 year student at the Faculty of Science - Mahmoud Fadlallah request, third year student at the Faculty of Arts - Ali Taha Mohammed Hassan, second year student at the Faculty of Commerce. They were dismissed on charges of demonstrate against the current regime after being accused of demonstrate and chanting slogans against the university administration and security men. 13 students at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. November,12 Mansura University Students have been converted to a disciplinary board without giving reasons. 6 studentsNovember,14 Zagazig University Faculty of Specific Education The university dismissed them for a month Said Renad second year student at the Faculty of Commerce English Division, Mohammed Khudair fourth year student in the Faculty of Commerce English Division November,16 Damietta University They were dismissed for 15 days, for prejudice to the conduct of the process of study. Three studentsNovember,18 Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kafr El-Sheikh He was prevented from recording postgraduate studies for three years for his involvement in a student demonstration at the university in November 18, 2014. The former Chairman of Students Union at the Faculty of Law, Mansura University. November,18 The Faculty of Law at the University of Mansoura
  • 27. 27 12 Student at the College of Sciences. November,19 Alexandria University They have been dismissed for a full year, on charges of belonging to a panded group, rioting and participating in demonstrations against the regime -Khalid Juma Ali, a student in the third year at Media Department - Mahmoud Said al- Baghdadi, a student in the second year in IT department - Mohamed Mahmoud Jaballah, a student in the second year IT department - Mohamed Lotfy Abdul Latif, a student in the second year in IT department - Mohammed Atwa, a student in the third year in IT department - Ammar Ali, a student in the third year in IT department - Abdulrahman Saeed a third year student at the Department of Computer - Maaz Abdullah Barmawi, a student in the first band to inform the Department - Hasnaa Walid, a student in the third year at the computer department December,1 Faculty of Specific Education at the University of Zagazig
  • 28. 28 - Sara Saber, a student in the fourth year at the Department of Computer Third section: Referring to military trails The Egyptian President is now in power, Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi extending the competence of military courts, after he issued a presidential decree, last October, that allows the Army to protect and secure public facilities and vital state with the police and to refer the attackers to military courts, which led to increased the number of civilians who referred to military courts especially students. The decision to expand the terms of reference of military courts contrary to international and Egyptian law , and this was confirmed by the Egyptian Constitution that "the punishment is personal, and " there is no crime and no punishment except upon law ", which requires identification of crimes and punishments clearly which commensurate with the generality and abstraction of legal basis , which the Egyptian legislator transgressed in the martial law, as its texts came vague and non-specific to physical act for many of the crimes stipulated. It also violates the decision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, which provided in Article VII of it that: "All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.", where the referral to military justice considered a discrimination against civilians. The first semester has witnessed a rise in the number of students referred to military trials, in numbers, during the past two months, close to 99 students, 74 of them were tried in their presence, and 25 in absentia. The following table shows the number of students referred to military courts in some universities: - University Number of students Al-Azhar University 18 Zgazig University 8 Mansura University 30 students and 2 professors Alexandria University 3 Mnofya University 12 Private Universities 5 Institutes 1 Port Said 1 Tanta 2
  • 29. 29 Kafr El-Sheikh 3 Cairo 1 Some Examples of referral of students in various universities to military trials: 1- Mansura University: * 30 students and 2 professors in it have been referred to military trials in 6 cases 3 of it on January,5,2015 , in case No. 7530 of 2014 first Mansoura misdemeanor, which includes 6 students, who were detainees in the case Known in the media as April,16 case as they randomly arrested on that day during leaving the university ,4 students and one professor ,in the faculty of Science, were referred to military trial at the same day in another case as they randomly arrested on that day from campus on October,30,2014 and they were accused of belonging to a terrorist organization "the Muslim Brotherhood", doing acts of violence and riots within the university and destroy administrative frontispiece. - 8 other students were referred to military trial on January,5,2015 in case No. 10753 of 2014 first Mansura misdemeanor as they were accused of demonstrating in the street, including 2 students at Private University and one professor in the Faculty of Science too. - 2 students one of them studying at Mansura University and the other studying at private university were referred to military trial on January,1 . - 6 other students were referred to military trail on December,25 in case No. 14241 of 2014 first Mansoura misdemeanor on charges of possession of burning material , destruction the gate of Faculty of Pharmacy , attacking installations, demonstrations and riots. - 6 other students including female student were arrested on October,25 and referred to military trails on January,1,2015 on charges of rioting , demonstrations, bullying and possessing Molotov. 2- Al- Azhar University: - 3 students accused in case No.7617 of 2014 by east of Cairo military prosecutors , were referred to military trial while 5 other , on last November, were referred to military trails where the Cairo Criminal Court issued a decision to refer these students to the military judiciary on charges of burning the Control of Engineering Faculty at the University of Al-Azhar, under the pretext of lack of jurisdiction as Public Prosecution had accused them of several charges, including: gathering, rioting, the threat of using violence , force review , carrying Molotov cocktails and prevent the staff of Al-Azhar University from doing their work. - Public Prosecution has referred two postgraduate students at Al-Azhar University and one student at Al-Sharif Institute for Engineering who accused in case No.5362 of 2014 to military trial on charges of Cutting Kafr El- Sheikh Railway Iron , as well as the student , Ahmed Salah Ahmed Abdo Morgan,23, who accused in case No.11030 of 2014 on charges of bombing Kafr El-Shikh court .
  • 30. 31 - 6 students at Al-Azhar University – Zgazig were referred to military trial on December 2014 in case No.16654 of 2014 second Zagazig misdemeanor in addition to 6 students at Zgazig University at the same case on charges of the attack on the headquarters of the police ,assaulting security guards , cutting roads off and demonstrations .