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CLIENT ANALYSIS……………………………………….…………………………….5
SITUATION ANALYSIS…………………..…………………………………………..18
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………….24
This campaign was completed by four public relations students at Auburn
University to provide the opportunity to receive hands-on experience in a real-
world realm of public relations. The goal of this project is to utilize our public
relations knowledge to develop an awareness campaign for Autosport Body
Works’ new sector, Vinyl Guys. After multiple semesters of learning all the
elements of a public relations campaign, this was our first opportunity to put it all
together for a real company. It was done in preparation for working with clients,
as most of our group will be graduating in May 2018.
Autosport BodyWorks is an auto repair shop that has serviced the Lee County
area and various surrounding areas since 1979. Autosport is already widely
known in the area for their great customer service, excellent car repairs and
extensive involvement in the community. Autosport’s main reason for pursuing
this campaign proposal is to create awareness for their new sector, Vinyl Guys.
They want a campaign that will inform the general public and local business
owners of their newly added vinyl wrapping services. Vinyl Guys’ main
campaign initiative is to create awareness for all the various uses for vinyl
wrapping from cars, to storefront windows, to banners and much more. They
want a solid public relations plan in place to successfully launch their vinyl wraps
in the correct market with the highest level of need.
Through research and a widely spread survey, we generated a large number of
positive responses from local businesses and customers. We researched
competitors marketing strategies and realized Vinyl Guys’ will have a high
competitive advantage entering the market with a previously thought out
campaign. No other vinyl wrapping company entered the market with an
awareness campaign which is the main reason Vinyl Guys’ wants to pursue this
program. The main challenge in this industry is people not knowing all the
capabilities and uses for their product, which our campaign will help correct.
Our campaign involves a variety of tactics, including social media blasts and
more traditional methods. It includes social media, print media, community
partnerships and more. These strategies and tactics were built around the goal
that Vinyl Guys set: to increase overall community awareness and engagement
within the business sectors that need it most. Our research allowed us to pinpoint
these business sectors with the greatest degree of need for vinyl wrap services,
and our campaign is targeted for those people.
Autosport BodyWorks is an auto repair shop that has serviced the
Auburn/Opelika and surrounding areas since 1979. They began by repairing
primarily Ford Mustangs and the occasional Jaguar, but after a hail storm,
everything changed. There was a need for repair shops and an influx of
customers with all types of automobiles. All of a sudden, Autosport became a
leading repair shop in the Lee County area. 	
To this day, Autosport remains one of the top auto repair shops in the area. They
have been voted “Best Body Shop” of Lee County numerous times. Over the
years, they have serviced some of Auburn’s most well-known families, but they
pay close attention to any customer that walks through their doors. They keep to
their motto of conducting better, faster repairs.
Autosport now offers far more services than simple repairs with a much larger
audience than just car owners in need of repairs. This is where we come in. Our
goal is to help Autosport get the word out to commercial businesses in the Lee
County area about Autosport’s new vinyl wrapping services. In order to do this
to the client’s standard, we must first analyze Autosport from an internal and
external perspective.
Vinyl Guys is a new sector under Autosport. They have not been announced to
the public as a separate sector as of now, but they plan to make their debut
through this campaign.
Although they fall under Autosport, Vinyl Guys will be their own separate entity.
The Autosport team will be working for Vinyl Guys as well, and the company
intends to maintain the same community presence that Autosport does. They
intend to become the leading supplier for vinyl services in the Lee County area.
Provided are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Autosport.
Each section has been divided into subsections (political, social, economic and
technological) to give our team a full understanding of the client and how to
best service them with this campaign.
POLITICAL: In terms of political strengths, Autosport has primarily one.
First, they are not an insurance-preferred repair shop. This essentially
means that when someone goes through their insurance provider to
receive repairs on their automobile, the insurance companies will not send
them to Autosport. Although this may seem like a weakness, it is in fact a
strength. It means that Autosport does not have any restraints put on them
by insurance companies. They are able to make repairs the proper way,
without using recycled parts or other shortcuts. This ensures that the person
needing the repair is receiving the best and safest outcome. Autosport
has even been nominated as Lee County’s “Best Body Shop” because of
their impeccable repairs.
SOCIAL: Socially, Autosport excels. Each member of their team is
extremely well connected within the Lee County area, and the shop itself
is widely well-known simply because of its long-standing presence in the
community. Additionally, Autosport takes immense pride in its impeccable
customer service. By catering to each customer and their specific needs
in a quick, friendly manner, Autosport has established an extremely
positive reputation. However, it is not just their professionalism that sets
them apart from other competitors. Autosport is involved in a variety of
CSR activities. They maintain the notion that they must serve the
community that serves them. They purchase only locally, fundraise for
local sports teams and high schools, participate in cleanup initiatives,
partner with AT&T to prevent texting and driving, and mentor local youth
on their bright futures. They will even pick you up and drop you off at your
home if you need repairs done on your car and cannot drive to the shop
yourself. Essentially, Autosport is the kind of company people want to do
business with. This is again made evident by the fact that multiple times
Autosport has been nominated as Lee County’s “Best Body Shop.”
ECONOMIC: Autosport’s economic strengths lie in the fact that they
take a vested interest in their business. This occurred in 2009 when they
revamped the company by reinvesting in their personnel, community,
equipment and facilities. This was not just an interest-based investment,
but an economic investment as well. In doing so, Autosport created a
unique repair experience for years to come. The team makes sure to
invest in the things that need it, thus making sure they can provide the
best repairs for the best price.
TECHNOLOGICAL: Technologically, Autosport also has a multitude of
strengths. Autosport makes sure they have the equipment and
technology to repair not only automobiles, but also RVs, boats, personal
water crafts, motorcycles, airplanes, wheelchairs, and more. the team at
Autosport, including all of their personnel, go through extensive training to
perform the best repairs. They have all also undergone recent training to
be able to apply vinyl wraps to any surface. Autosport also makes good
use of their website, showcasing their work, answering frequently asked
questions, and offering a tour of their shop. Additionally, as Autosport’s
clientele expands, so do they. In 2012 after 33 years in the same location,
Autosport moved to a remodeled facility. This helped to allow them to
create unique processes, including their drive-thru repair laneSM services.
Finally, in terms of technological strengths, Autosport has a staff that is
quick to adapt and is willing to get their hands dirty. This has set them
apart as an auto repair shop in the area. They enjoy bringing new services
to the community and work through difficulties with an optimistic, can-do
Not insurance-preferred
“Best Body Shop”
Well-connected team within
Long-standing presence
Impeccable customer service
CSR activities
Reinvestment in equipment
Best repairs for the fairest price
Have equipment to repair more
than just cars
All personnel trained
Good use of website
Moved locations to adapt to new
Drive-thru repair laneSM
Team that is willing to adapt and
work hard
POLITICAL: While not being insurance-preferred is a strength, it is also a
weakness. It means that insurance providers will not recognize Autosport
as somewhere to receive repairs from. This can impact the number of
people willing to go to Autosport, especially customers who need the
insurance companies to help pay for repairs.
SOCIAL: Because Autosport does as well as it does socially, there are few
weaknesses here. The main weaknesses are a lack of awareness and a
negative notion about auto repairs in general. The Lee County community
is unaware of all of the services that Autosport offers, including its new
vinyl wrapping services. One particular reason for this lack of awareness is
that customers who only go through insurance companies to find repairs
may not hear about Autosport. This stems from an overall lack of
education in terms of where to receive auto repairs. Most people do not
know much about proper auto repairs, despite the amount of information
out there on the subject. The vast majority of people will take the easy
route and choose the repair shop their insurance provider instructs them
to choose. More reasoning behind this is addressed further in the threats
section. This particular weakness is what our team has placed primary
focus on within this campaign. The second weakness is the overall
negative perception of auto repair shops. Auto repair shops are often
known for deceptive practices. They guarantee safe repairs, but they do
not deliver on such promises. This notion has spread, and can impact the
way people view Autosport.
ECONOMIC: Autosport does not conform to insurance pricing, and
thereby does not use recycled or refurbished parts. This means that their
repairs can be more expensive than other competitors in the area. People
might be unwilling to pay these prices, despite the unique service they
receive at Autosport. It also costs a great deal to operate the equipment
Autosport needs. This inflation in equipment costs can cause Autosport to
have to charge customers more, creating a vicious cycle.
TECHNOLOGICAL: The primary technological weakness is their lack of
social media presence. In a fast-moving, ever-connected world, it is
crucial to be present on social media networks. This cannot be
emphasized enough. While Autosport does have an Instagram account, it
has not been updated since December 2015. They are more present on
Facebook, but their posts do not inspire two-way communication with
customers. All in all, social media practices need to be improved if
Autosport wants to stand out amongst the competition.
Not insurance-preferred
Lack of awareness
Lack of education
Negative connotation regarding
auto repairs
Significantly higher prices
Cost of equipment/inflation
Lack of social media presence
POLITICAL: Politically, there are likely certifications that Autosport could
obtain that would place them one step ahead of competitors. One
example capitalizes on their already established initiative to produce
environmentally friendly repairs. Autosport already makes an effort to
keep Lee County clean. Receiving certification or any type of recognition
for being the “cleanest auto repair shop in Auburn/Opelika” would help
them immensely, especially in a world that is becoming more
environmentally conscious.
SOCIAL: As was aforementioned, most people lack education regarding
auto repair shops and auto repairs in general. They do not know how to
tell if they have received the safest repair or if they have been cheated
out of their money and well-being. Part of Autosport’s motto is that they
provide honest information about auto repairs to their customers and the
community. Continuing the practice of honesty within this industry will help
to increase their social reputation. They could even go so far as to hold
information sessions regarding the auto repair industry, including
terminology, what to look for when you want the safest repair, how to
read an estimate, and the like.
ECONOMIC: Because there is little to be done as far as pricing goes
simply because of the fact that suppliers determine the cost of goods and
equipment, it is hard to determine economic opportunities within this
industry. The primary economic opportunity our team identified was
hosting promotions. This would give customers an incentive to use
Autosport when they need auto repairs by offering them cheaper repairs.
We are not sure of how this would work exactly, or if it would even be a
possibility, but it is something to consider.
TECHNOLOGICAL: Technological opportunities center around
equipment revamps and social media presence. Instituting a drive-thru
repair service already sets Autosport apart, however there are ways to
improve it. Purchasing the equipment needed to conduct repairs better
than current standards and faster than ever could help Autosport.
Additionally, expanding their social media presence is crucial, as was
discussed previously. This could include increasing presence on platforms
like Pinterest to showcase the work they do. Separating car, motorcycle,
boat, RV, etc. repairs into boards and then linking it to their website could
help people better understand their processes.
Education programs
New equipment (i.e. drive-thru
Social media (i.e. Pinterest)
POLITICAL: In terms of politics, Autosport could face a variety of threats.
First of all, any federal, state or local legislation or mandates that can
prevent the use of resources to conduct proper repairs could pose as a
significant threat for Autosport. This can in turn lead to modification
prevention, meaning that certain legislations could prevent Autosport
from altering their processes too drastically. Although most auto repair
shops in the area would be subject to the same regulations and rules, it
could set Autosport back in terms of competition because of their already
high prices and lack of insurance preference.
SOCIAL: Socially, there is one primary threat: millennials. Consumer
desires and needs have changed in recent years. Millennials choose to
travel by alternative methods. This means that there are less cars on the
roads, and therefore, there are less cars that needs to be repaired. A
consumer interest shift can happen for a variety of reasons. This particular
shift has been occurring because of a focus on bettering the
environment. While this is not a negative, it could impact how people
view automobiles and their desire to drive them. Another threat is the
potential for other auto repair shops in the area to establish a solid
reputation in the community. At this point, Autosport shines above the rest.
However, as their popularity grows it will not be shocking if others follow
ECONOMIC: Because Autosport has higher prices for their services, their
main threat is competitive pricing, particularly when comparing Autosport
pricing to insurance-preferred shops. This involves the interference of
insurance companies within the realm of auto repair shops. For example, if
someone needed repairs on their car, and Autosport quoted them $5,000,
and insurance agent with no prior experience repairing cars might quote
$2,000. This leaves consumers with a difficult decision on whether to pay
out-of-pocket for proper repairs, or pay the lower amount and receive
recycled parts. In an area where poverty is an issue, most people will
choose the lower price, thus impacting Autosport in a negative way by
causing the consumer to go with a different auto repair shop.
TECHNOLOGICAL: Repairing cars is not always an eco-friendly practice.
The equipment used can significantly impact the environment. While
Autosport attempts to work as green as possible, there will always be
somewhat of a gap that is out of their control. As people become more
environmentally-conscious, Autosport faces a threat.
Legislations/mandates against
using resources
Modification prevention
Millennials/shift in consumer
Competitive pricing
Insurance Interference
Below are the opportunities and threats that face Vinyl Guys as it makes
its debut. We have not included strengths or weaknesses because Vinyl
Guys will not have either until they become established in the community.
POLITICAL: Thus far, there are only a few competitors for Vinyl Guys in
the area. Because of this, it would be easy for Vinyl Guys to obtain some
kind of recognition on a local level that would set them above the
already limited competition.
SOCIAL: Partnering with local businesses that Autosport is already
involved with or even the university serves as a great opportunity. Our
ideas for these partnerships are described more in the execution section
(page 25) of our plan. Additionally, purchasing as much as possible from
local establishments will help to place Vinyl Guys above the rest. Other
opportunities include participating in CSR activities around Lee County
and engaging with consumers on social media to help establish a
reputation. These opportunities are especially crucial to pay attention to
as Vinyl Guys begins its work. While providing solid work is important,
people will not work with a company that does not engage with their
customers. However, there is a demand for vinyl wraps. People are turning
to vinyl wrapping as an easy, affordable alternative to paint. This
campaign’s tactics are primarily centered around these opportunities.
ECONOMIC: Similar to Autosport, it is difficult to fluctuate in price
because of suppliers. This does not mean that Vinyl Guys cannot hold
promotions, especially as they first enter the market. It will close the gap
between Vinyl Guys and their already established competitors. They can
also offer the same services, like wrapping birthday signs, that their
competitors already offer at a lower price point. Finally, they can promote
that vinyl wraps are a more affordable alternative to paint. This will cause
an increase in sales.
TECHNOLOGICAL: Vinyl wrap uses specific materials in its production.
Making these materials as eco-friendly as possible and then capitalizing
on the fact that Vinyl Guys is environmentally-conscious is a major
opportunity. Additionally, creating a separate website for Vinyl Guys is a
necessity as it is its own separate entity. Having it linked to the Autosport
website will be helpful, as well. Vinyl Guys should also have its own
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. Using social media
frequently to answer consumer questions and post work being done will
help to attract more attention, which serves the ultimate goal of the
Local recognition
Purchasing locally
CSR activities
Current demand
Offer the same services as
Vinyl is cheaper than paint
Eco-friendly materials
Vinyl Guys website
Social media
POLITICAL: Once again, Autosport and Vinyl Guys overlap in this section.
Mandates and legislation that prevent the use of resources that are
needed to create vinyl wraps, such as adhesives, could prove to be a
problem. This again will affect modification and could even prevent it.
SOCIAL: Desirability for vinyl wrapping in the midst of an unaware public
is the primary social threat. There is a lack of awareness within the target
audience (local businesses in Lee County) as far as the versatility of vinyl
wrapping. Because people do not know much about it, they are likely to
be uninterested in using it. Additionally, a lack of awareness regarding
Vinyl Guys as a company itself is a threat. People know of the competitors,
but they do not know of Vinyl Guys. This is why it will be crucial for Vinyl
Guys to make their debut known.
ECONOMIC: Competitive pricing is the primary economic threat for Vinyl
Guys. Although there is limited competition, it is entirely possible that their
prices will be the same as Vinyl Guys’ prices.
TECHNOLOGICAL: Vinyl wrapping is not necessarily the eco-friendliest
practice. If the technology used to create paint becomes more earth-
friendly, affordable and accessible, a threat could arise for Vinyl Guys. The
goal is to keep up with the current technologies, and always be one step
ahead. As technologies used to create paint change, find new ways to
change vinyl wraps in a similar way.
Legislations/mandates against
using resources
Modification prevention
Lack of awareness
Competitive pricing
Changes in eco-friendly paint
We are addressing the lack of knowledge Auburn/Opelika businesses have
regarding Vinyl wrapping services and its versatility. We also have the goal to
spread awareness of Autosport’s recent expansion into the vinyl wrapping
services, which will be formally introduced as Vinyl Guys as a separate sector
under the Autosport company.
Autosport Body Works has the core mission of, “Repairing cars to the best of our
ability, each and every time. No Shortcuts.” Autosport promises to be
responsible and honest with their customer’s repair costs while maintaining their
competitive pricing. They aspire to be the best in the business. Outside of their
duty to provide exceptional service, Autosport assumes their social responsibility
to take part in bettering the industry and community as a whole by being active
participants in the Lee County area.
They use their platform to educate consumers by providing up-to-date
information about the automotive repair industry to help protect their rights.
Autosport also values the Auburn/Opelika area, choosing to purchase from
neighboring businesses to support the local economy and involving themselves
in volunteer projects to improve the community.
Autosport’s vinyl wrapping services have not been officially announced to the
market yet. Since their plan for Vinyl Guys has not been made public, there are
no previous communication strategies specific to this service that can be used
as references moving forward. However, Autosport is consistently active on their
social media platforms as a way of connecting digitally with their clients. Both
their Facebook and Twitter pages are linked at the bottom of the Autosport
website, encouraging website traffic to be driven towards social media.
Their Facebook page is regularly updated and has amassed over 1,170
followers. The platform provides an easily accessible portfolio of their work, using
photo albums to share before and after shorts of their car repairs and paint jobs
as examples. In addition, they frequently share articles about the importance of
crash testing, warnings about bad repairs being done by other auto shops, safe
driving tips, signs of when cars may be in need of work, and any other helpful
car-related content they find worth sharing with their audiences. Their
consistency in posting relevant information and their consistency across
platforms has continued to help their following grow.
One of the main advantages Autosport has in the vinyl wrapping industry is that
they are coming into the industry with a well thought out public relations plan.
Other companies already established in this industry have little to no advertising
that we could find and do not focus on target marketing as much as they
should. Two competitors we focused on were SignWorld and Auburn
Reprographics & Supply (ARS).
SignWorld’s website does a relatively good job of describing the various
capabilities vinyl wrapping has to offer. At the top of the home page, they
provide links to each option they offer, with a link to easily place orders online.
Below these links, they have a photo collage of various examples of vinyl wraps,
so customers can see first-hand the work they produce.
One issue SignWorld faces is their social media presence. They have not posted
on their Twitter since 2012 and have not posted on Facebook since November
2017. Because of this, their response time to comments and reviews is slow if they
even respond at all. This puts Autosport at an advantage as they pride
themselves on their excellent customer service, and this translates to their social
Finally, SignWorld does a poor job with target marketing. They currently place all
their attention on the Auburn student community and their birthday sign
services. They do nothing to further market their other services.
ARS has a website that is designed well with their buyers in mind. They specify
how they design, print, install and produce their vinyl wraps. They also have
multiple photo collages showcasing their products. Their collages are separated
in different categories, including cars, vans, store front windows, coolers,
banners and more. However, like SignWorld, their social media is lacking. ARS
has not updated their Facebook since May 2016. They do not have any other
social media links on their website and no other forms of marketing can be
found anywhere else.
Both of these competitors offer learning opportunities for Autosport and their
branch of vinyl services, Vinyl Guys. Making sure that their website is tailored
similarly to ARS and SignWorld is key. However, maintaining a social media
presence will set Vinyl Guys apart from the competition and offer them a new
customer base that their competitors are unable to reach.
Our goal is to assess Lee County business’ awareness of vinyl wrapping services
and determine the degree of need for the area. Stakeholders in this issue
include commercial businesses in Lee County (retail, food and beverage,
healthcare, grocery, etc.) looking for an alternative to painting; opinion leaders
in the area that can bring awareness to the services via both social media and
traditional advertising; Autosport as a whole, especially the branch Vinyl Guys;
and competitors in the area who also offer vinyl wrapping as a service.
Our research was targeted toward one key public in particular: Lee County
business owners. Lee County business owners is slightly broad, but the public can
be broken down into multiple sectors. These include retailers, food and
beverage businesses, hospitality, healthcare, grocery, transportation, and the
like. The one thing all of these sectors have in common is their location in Auburn
or Opelika. We attempted to identify their current state of awareness regarding
vinyl wrapping services and their degree of need for those types of services (i.e.
would they have an interest at all in using vinyl wrapping, what would they use it
for, etc.). Our research addressed how vinyl wrapping can be used for each of
the business sectors, who was already using vinyl wrapping at their place of
business, and who would be interested in using vinyl wrapping in the future and
what they would use it for. We also identified which business sectors had the
most knowledge about vinyl wrapping and its versatility.
In order to best reach our audiences and generate the most research, we
opted to use quantitative methods via a survey. We created our survey through
Qualtrics, and in total, our survey was 13 questions. There were two screener
questions addressing whether the participant consented to the survey and if
they were a business located in Lee County. The rest of the questions included
demographic, multiple choice, ranking/scale, and open-ended questions. We
originally distributed our survey via the Opelika and Auburn Chambers of
Commerce social media platforms, but we did not obtain the level of responses
we thought were necessary to generalize. We continued to distribute the survey
via word-of-mouth to businesses in the area and by sending out email blasts
using the Chambers of Commerce’s email lists. Our survey was open from March
1, 2018 until March 8, 2018.
Based on our research results, we determined that most businesses in Lee
County are aware of what you can do with vinyl wrapping (75.85 percent),
however, of that percentage only 24.39 percent had already used vinyl
wrapping. Once presented with more information and picture examples of vinyl
wraps, the results were almost cut in half as far business interest in vinyl wrapping.
54 percent were interested in using it, while 46 percent were not. Most of those
businesses who were interested in vinyl wrapping said they would use it for wall
wrapping (24 percent), followed by car wrapping (20 percent), and then fleet,
other transportation and glass wrapping (10 percent). Those who answered “no”
to being interested in using vinyl wrap said that they have no need for it at this
time, but might be interested in the future.
According to our research, the main problems that Vinyl Guys will face is market
acceptance and overall awareness. It is beneficial, however, that Vinyl guys are
coming into a market that does not have many competitors. There are only
three other businesses in the area that offer the same kinds of services. However,
because of (1) the evolution in vinyl wrapping popularity and (2) that many
people do not consider an automotive body shop for their vinyl needs, Vinyl
Guys may struggle to gain awareness. Additionally, the few competitors, like
Auburn Reprographics & Supply, Sign World and Sign Essential all have contracts
with certain organizations and businesses in Lee County. This means that even if
Vinyl Guys offer their services at more affordable prices and rates, their novelty
may serve as a negative factor in relation to the loyalty that is established
between businesses and Vinyl Guys’ competitors. That is why it is our goal with
this campaign to ensure that Vinyl Guys becomes a well-known option for vinyl
wrapping services.
The audiences we are targeting are Lee County businesses and event
spaces that utilize visual elements in their business and would have a
desire to have those images displayed beyond digital means. This covers
a rather broad scope, so we narrowed it to audience members that have
used vinyl wrapping and companies that have not.
With this in mind, we were able to target two key opinion leaders that will
help address the awareness problem Vinyl Guys face. The portion of the
audience that have used vinyl wrapping are opinion leaders in that they
have experience with vinyl wrapping and can advocate for the services
Vinyl Guys will provide. However, these opinion leaders are also likely in
business with Vinyl Guys’ competitors. Because of this, we believe it would
be beneficial for Vinyl Guys to partner with Auburn University in some way,
simply because of their influence in the community. In the case of the
members of the audience that are inexperienced in vinyl wrapping, it will
be valuable to have a more personal connection with them to
encourage those businesses to partner with Vinyl Guys. Partnering with the
Chamber of Commerce’s in Lee County or local opinion leaders, like
Mayor Gary Fuller, could tour and speak on the work Vinyl Guys will be
For this campaign, we have two primary goals. The first is to increase Lee County
business owners’ awareness of Vinyl Guys and all of their vinyl wrapping services.
Within this goal, there are three objectives, all of which are information- and
1. To increase existing clientele awareness by 25 percent within six months
of the end of the campaign
2. To increase non-existing clientele awareness by 25 percent within six
months of the end of the campaign
3. To increase Vinyl Guys exposure as community-minded in Lee County
by 25 percent by the end of the campaign
The second goal is to identify which business segments in Lee County have a
need for vinyl wrapping services in all of its capacities, if there are any. Within
this goal there is one main objective, which is behavior-based:
1. To make $100,000 in sales by the end of 2018
These goals and objectives serve as the foundation for this campaign.
They are what has driven the decisions we have made as a team. It is our goal
as a team to accomplish these goals and meet these objectives in the time
frame we have set. Our team has come up with a variety of strategies and
tactics to complete these goals and objectives (See Execution).
To increase Lee County local business owners’ awareness of Vinyl Guys vinyl wrapping
To increase existing clientele awareness by 25 percent within six months of the end of
the campaign
TACTIC	Develop	Social	Networks	
Because Vinyl Guys is a new project, they have no social media
profiles. The first thing they will need to do is develop specific
social media accounts. We suggest Facebook, Instagram,
YouTube and Pinterest. Facebook will cater to the older
demographic and will maintain a relatively professional tone. It
will be a location for Vinyl Guys to respond to questions and
reviews, inform the public about their services, and document
their work. Instagram will be a bit more fun. While continuing the
professional tone, the photos will be more job-specific rather
than a showcase. There is more on that later. YouTube will be a
platform to post how-to videos and explanations. Finally,
Pinterest will serve as a showcase. They can have a board for
each type of vinyl wrap (car wrappings, wall wrappings, brick
wrappings, etc.). For more information, see Appendix 2.
To use social media to
create awareness of vinyl
wrapping services
To use social media to create
awareness of vinyl wrapping
TACTIC	Instagram	Takeovers	
This will involve each of the “Vinyl Guys,” or employees
of Vinyl Guys, taking over the Instagram page for the
day. There should be at least one takeover a week.
They will take their followers along throughout their day,
posting stories of the work they are completing and
going live to answer questions. At the end of the day,
they will post a picture of the finished or partially finished
work they have completed that day. For more
information, see Appendix 3.
TACTIC	YouTube	–	Vinyl	That	
This will involve a Weekly YouTube video showing all of
the different things that can be vinyl wrapped. It will
serve as a showcase, but also as an educational
opportunity. The videos can be more than showing
what can be vinyl wrapped. Additionally, it can be
showing how vinyl wrap works, how it is applied, the
benefits of using vinyl wrap over paint, etc. For more
information, see Appendix 4.
To use social media to create
awareness of vinyl wrapping
TACTIC	#Unwrapped	
By attaching the hashtag “#Unwrapped” across all
social media platforms, Vinyl Guys will remain
consistent. This will give consumers and potential
customers the ability to search one word and find all
of Vinyl Guys’ work. The hashtag will especially be
attached to photos, videos and posts that involve
breaking down the vinyl wrapping process, so as to
show how the process works. For more information,
see Appendix 5.
TACTIC	Find	the	Vinyl	Guy	
This will be a game that Vinyl Guy followers will play
that will involve Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
A man who has been vinyl wrapped will hide
somewhere in the Lee County area. Sneak peeks of
his location will be posted across all of the platforms,
especially on the Instagram story. Whoever finds him
by the end of the day will receive some kind of
wrapping service from Vinyl Guys. This will be a
randomly recurring project. It will help establish two-
way communication with consumers, and it will give
Vinyl Guys something that sets them apart from the
competition. For more information, see Appendix 6.
To use non-digital, print media to
create awareness of vinyl
wrapping services
TACTIC	Chamber	Spotlights	
The Opelika and Auburn Chambers of Commerce
will sometimes produce feature stories about
businesses in the Lee County area. One way to
make Vinyl Guys’ debut would be to have the
chambers focus on Vinyl Guys for those features. This
would include a brief story about their beginnings, a
summary of the work they do, and an interview with
the vinyl guys, as well as pictures of their work. For
more information, see Appendix 7.
TACTIC	News	Releases/Pitch	
Sending out news releases and media pitch letters to
local TV, radio and print news media will help spread
awareness of Vinyl Guys to the audience that may
not necessarily pay as much attention to social
media. The news releases and media pitches will
contain information regarding who Vinyl Guys is and
what they do. This will inspire the local media to
cover the story. For more information, see Appendix
TACTIC	Newspaper	Inserts	
Inside local newspapers, a reader can find inserts for
companies containing a brief summary of what the
business is and contact information. Vinyl Guys will
produce these inserts to be placed in the daily
papers around Lee County. For more information,
see Appendix 9.
TACTIC	Information	Brochure	
The Opelika and Auburn Chambers of Commerce
will sometimes produce feature stories about
businesses in the Lee County area. One way to
make Vinyl Guys’ debut would be to have the
chambers focus on Vinyl Guys for those features. This
would include a brief story about their beginnings, a
summary of the work they do, and an interview with
the vinyl guys, as well as pictures of their work. For
more information, see Appendix 10.
To use non-digital, print media to
create awareness of vinyl
wrapping services
To increase non-existing clientele awareness by 25 percent within six months of the end
of the campaign
STRATEGY	1.2.1		
To create partnerships with
businesses in the Lee County
TACTIC	Murals	
This will involve partnering with local artists. The artists
will compete to create a mural that will be vinyl
wrapped on the side of Vinyl Guys. The local
community will vote on which mural is the winner
either by attending the judging or by way of social
media. This will be a fun way to get the community
involved in Vinyl Guys and to establish relationships.
For more information, see Appendix 11.
TACTIC	Competition	
Local businesses will have the opportunity to
compete for vinyl wrapping services. These
businesses will submit designs to Vinyl Guys for
whatever they may need vinyl wrapped. Vinyl Guys
will then allow the community via social media to
vote on a winner. This winner will receive a free vinyl
wrap and will be featured on Vinyl Guys social
media platforms. For more information, see
Appendix 12.
Increase Vinyl Guys exposure as community-minded in the community by 25 percent by
the end of the campaign
STRATEGY	1.3.1		
Create opportunities for
community involvement
TACTIC	Wrap	bike	helmets	for	safety	
Including a philanthropic mission is critical. Because Autosport is
already so immersed within the community, it will not be too
difficult to bring Vinyl Guys alongside. Having an event where
families can bring their children to have their bike helmets vinyl
wrapping in support of bike safety. It will be a fun event for the
community. Vinyl Guys can also pair with James Bros Bikes in
downtown Auburn to generate awareness for the new
philanthropy. The event will continue via social media. The people
who vinyl wrapped their helmets will be encouraged to post
photos on social media with the hashtag #WrappedSafe. For
more information, see Appendix 13.
TACTIC	#UnwrapOurCommunity		
This hashtag will encompass a multitude of
corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in Lee
County. Whenever Vinyl Guys participates in a CSR
activity, be it helping to pick up trash from the sides
of roads or helping with recycling methods within
the community. The volunteers and staff involved
will be encouraged to use the hashtag
#UnwrapOurCommunity on their social media to
promote the work Vinyl Guys will be doing within
Lee County and the surrounding areas. This will be
something Vinyl Guys does as their own CSR
initiative. For more information, see Appendix 14.
TACTIC	Autosport	Partnership		
Autosport is already involved in a variety of CSR
activities. Because Vinyl Guys is a branch of
Autosport, it will be an easy transition to add them
to the already existing CSR programs. Autosport
has a strong relationship with the community and is
known for their customer service, so involving Vinyl
Guys will give them the same respect from the
community. This will be separate from Vinyl Guys’
#UnwrapOurCommunity initiative. For more
information, see Appendix 15.
Create opportunities for
community involvement
To identify which segments in Lee County have a need for vinyl wrapping services in all
of its capacities, if there are any
To make $100,000 in sales in 2018
STRATEGY	2.1.1		
To use the research conducted
to determine which business
segments would be interested in
vinyl wrapping services and how
to reach them
TACTIC	Run	Crosstabs	
By running crosstabs on the survey our team has
conducted, the segments that are most interested
in vinyl wrapping will become clear. Once those
are determined, Vinyl Guys will be able to move
forward with advertising specifically for those
segments so as to meet the objective of $100,000
in sales in 2018. For more information, see Appendix
Advertise specifically for those
segments that are interested in
vinyl wrapping
TACTIC	Fliers	
This will involve designing fliers that are specific to
businesses in the area that responded well to the
survey. These fliers will be distributed to those
businesses in the area and will include information
specific to how vinyl wrapping can work for them.
For example, if it is a restaurant, the discussion can
be targeted more toward wall vinyl wraps and
special event wrapping. If it is the university, the
flier can cover more of sports and special events.
For more information, see Appendix 17.
STRATEGY	2.1.2	(Cont.)	
Advertise specifically for those
segments that are interested in
vinyl wrapping
TACTIC	Trade	Show	Event	
This event will allow Vinyl Guys to showcase their
work to Lee County business owners in all of its
capacities. Vinyl Guys will be able to advocate for
themselves and their work while at the same time,
providing valuable information about a service
people in the area might now know much about.
This event will have the primary goals of increasing
awareness regarding vinyl wrapping services, as
well as increasing Vinyl Guys’ clientele base.
Ultimately, through the relationships formed at this
event, the overall objective of an increase in sales
should be met. For more information, see Appendix
STRATEGY	2.1.2	(Cont.)	
Advertise specifically for those
segments that are interested in
vinyl wrapping
TACTIC	“Vinyl	Tastings”	
At restaurants with a full-service bar, it is critical that
the managers have drink tastings. This involves
having suppliers come in and bring different drinks
for the managers to sample. Vinyl Guys could use
this same concept depending on the target
segment. If a segment is interested in vinyl
wrapping services, but they are not totally
convinced of its benefits, Vinyl Guys can bring in
sample works and demonstrate why their services
should be considered. This face-to-face interaction
with business owners will help to convince those
businesses of Vinyl Guys’ dedication and hard-
work, and it could inspire them to suggest Vinyl
Guys to other businesses in the area. Some people
have to see the work in person before they will
request the service. For more information, see
Appendix 19.
In order to measure our team’s goals and objectives, both quantitative and qualitative
research will be conducted. Because awareness is Vinyl Guys’ number one goal, the
evaluation of the campaign must take place in multiple phases to help determine if our
tactics are successful in reaching that goal and if any changes need to be made
during the course of the campaign.
We believe the best way to determine whether the campaign has met its goals of
increasing awareness in Lee County and identifying business sectors with a need for
vinyl wrap will be through a series of follow-up survey. The surveys will take place May
23-27 (directly after Vinyl Guys makes its grand opening), Aug. 15-17, and Oct. 22-28.
Having these ongoing evaluations will help Vinyl Guys make improvements to the
campaign and will allow our team to gauge how the community feels about Vinyl
Guys. In turn, we will be able to gather information for future goals for Vinyl Guys
following the end of the campaign.
Along with questions similar to our initial survey, these follow-up surveys will include
questions on topics like –
• Whether Lee County businesses have heard of Vinyl Guys
• Whether Lee County businesses have used Vinyl Guys as their vinyl wrap
• What motivated Lee County businesses to use Vinyl Guys as their vinyl
wrap provider
• Have they used places like SignWorld or ARS Vinyl Production for previous
vinyl wrap needs
• What can Vinyl Guys do to further improve their services and/or
These surveys should be distributed via email to current customers and non-existing
clientele on the email list of the Opelika and Auburn Chambers of Commerce. Email will
be used because that is how our team distributed our initial survey. It was successful in
reaching the target demographic we were looking for. Lee County business owners
have more flexibility in answering email surveys than if the surveys were to be
conducted over the phone or in person. We believe that the results of the surveys will
be far more thought-out and accurate is delivered this way, as people are more likely
to respond when it is on their terms.
Once the survey results are compiled and analyzed, qualitative research will be
conducted. Those who responded to the survey will be randomly selected and invited
to participate in more in-depth interviews and focus groups. These will take place within
the two days after the surveys have been closed. By conducting interviews, Vinyl Guys
will be able to determine which parts of the campaign are working the best and will
receive more detailed information as far as where improvement is needed. The focus
groups will give Vinyl Guys an opportunity to share new ideas with a group of already
invested people to determine if the improvements will be successful. These interviews
and focus groups will be conducted at Vinyl Guys headquarters to make it easier to
showcase new product ideas. Ideally, at least 10 interviews will be conducted and five
focus groups, each with 10 participants.
The same kinds of questions will be asked of these participants, but more in-depth
answers will be requested. The interviews and focus groups will be less structured and
more free-flowing according to how people respond. For example, if someone says
they prefer to use SignWorld products over Vinyl Guys, the interviewer will be instructed
to ask why.
Aside from conducting further research throughout the campaign, our team will also
monitor how well our social media tactics are performing. This will be done by a team
dedicated to constant monitoring. They will evaluate increase or decrease in followers
and the level of engagement and participation between Vinyl Guys and their followers.
Aspects other than number of followers measured on Vinyl Guys’ Facebook, YouTube,
Pinterest and Instagram will include:
• Number of comments, posts and views
• Number of shares, pins and likes
• Number of mentions and tagged photos
These can all be measured using the analytics provided by each platform. Additionally,
Google Analytics can be used to evaluate how many times people in Lee County have
searched for Vinyl Guys, vinyl wrap, or other competitors.
All of these evaluation methods will contribute to obtaining measurable results for this
The research conducted for Vinyl Guys provided extensive information about the
general need for vinyl wrapping services and overall awareness of vinyl wrap versatility.
This allowed us to analyze which business sectors in the Auburn/Opelika area need to
be given more information regarding vinyl wrapping or have a need for vinyl wrap
services. The survey was generalizable for the area because of the number of results
obtained (69) and the number of different types of businesses represented.
A vast majority of respondents reported having heard of vinyl wrap (78.85 percent).
However, only 24.39 percent of those people had ever used vinyl wrap. When the
survey participants were presented with more information regarding versatility and
picture examples of vinyl wrapping, 54 percent of respondents said they would be
interested in using vinyl wrap in the future. Those who answered “yes” when asked if
they would be interesting in using vinyl wrap were then asked what they would likely use
it for. The answers were varied, however, 12 participants said they would use it for wall
wrapping and 10 would use it for car wraps. Those who answered “no” they would not
be interested in vinyl wrap were then asked to explain why. The responses were varied,
and can be found in Appendix 1. Finally, respondents were asked to rank where they
found most information on new products and services. The majority reported internet
research and word-of-mouth.
Through this research, our team was able to conclude that if businesses in Lee County
are provided with more information about vinyl wrapping versatility, there is a significant
need in the community for this kind of service. More information regarding which
business sectors have the most need is provided in Appendix 16.
Despite the fact that Lee County businesses have in fact heard of vinyl wrapping
services, many still need to be educated in its versatility. This information can help our
client with future endeavors following the end of the campaign. Our team has come
up with a list of recommendations for Vinyl Guys that fall outside of this campaign’s
strategies and tactics. These recommendations are up to the discretion of our client
and will be used after the campaign has ended.
In order to continue increasing awareness of vinyl wrapping, we recommend that Vinyl
Guys hold information sessions following the completion of the campaign. These
sessions should be open to the public, but specific invitations to Auburn/Opelika
business owners should be sent out. The information provided in these sessions should
include aspects of vinyl wrap like what it can be used for, design options, the
application process, and pricing information. Because of the target demographic (Lee
County business owners), these sessions should be relatively informal. They should also
be specific to who is in attendance. For example, if it is primarily restaurant owners in
the audience, the information provided should be targeted to the kinds of vinyl wrap a
restaurant might need. This will mean that the Vinyl Guys team will need to become
familiar with the businesses in the area so as to provide the most specific information
and make those in attendance feel like their businesses are important to Vinyl Guys.
Once the campaign is complete, it will be crucial to maintain a consistent social media
presence. This will help continue to increase awareness of Vinyl Guys and their services.
Including social media strategies like customer highlights, in which a loyal customer is
featured on the Vinyl Guys’ Instagram page, will help to inspire brand loyalty.
Additionally, it will further close the gap between Vinyl Guys and its competitors.
We also recommend including sign design and wrapping as a Vinyl Guys service. This
will inspire a significant increase in clientele. Many college students need signs made for
21st birthdays, Camp War Eagle, Panhellenic recruitment, etc. Including this in Vinyl
Guys’ repertoire and advertising it will bring in a new customer base.
Implementing a 24-hour help line for customers in crisis is also something to consider. This
will increase the accessibility of Vinyl Guys in the public eye, further improving their
reputation as a company who cares. Customers can contact this help line if their vinyl
wrap is damaged, or even if they have some late-night design ideas.
Once Vinyl Guys has become more established in the Lee County area, we suggest
creating a Vinyl Guys app for iOS and Android products. This app will be a place for
businesses to design the kind of vinyl wrap they want. What would set it apart would be
an augmented reality aspect, meaning the user could test the vinyl product out in real
time. The user could then place their order directly from the app. This could be a fun
and effective way for businesses to work with Vinyl Guys.
Finally, we recommend creating and maintaining an aesthetically-pleasing website for
Vinyl Guys as a separate entity from Autosport. Our research showed the SignWorld and
ARS had websites that were overall boring and lacking in information. Vinyl wraps
provide an opportunity for creativity. It is fitting that a vinyl wrap service’s website is as
creative as the service itself. Additionally, providing essential information in an easily
accessible way is crucial. Autosport’s website does a fantastic job of this and should
serve as a kind of template for Vinyl Guys to follow.
Overall, we recommend keeping the name Vinyl Guys in the public eye. Whether that
be in a digital format (social media presence or television advertising), a print format
(information brochures and newspaper advertising), or by word-of-mouth, the goal is to
continue increasing Vinyl Guys exposure and awareness.
Our team has created a potential logo option for Vinyl Guys to use
as they make their debut. This logo combines a vintage look with a
modern service, something we feel will capture the attention
SignWorld website:
ARS Vinyl Production website:
Autosport website:
SURVEY & SURVEY RESULTS……………………………………………………………………….…..46
DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL NETWORKS………………………………………………….………...55
INSTAGRAM TAKEOVERS………………………………………………………………….…….…….58
VINYL THAT WITH VINYL GUYS………………………………………………………………..………59
FIND THE VINYL GUY………………………………………………………………………………..….63
CHAMBER SPOTLIGHT……………………………………………………………………..…………..64
NEWS RELEASE/MEDIA PITCH……………………………………………………..………………….65
DAILY NEWSPAPER INSERT…………………………………………………..………………………..67
INFORMATION BROCHURE…………………………………………………..……………………….68
WRAP BIKE HELMETS FOR SAFETY……………………………………………………………………72
AUTOSPORT PARTNERSHIP……………………………………………………………………………75
CROSS TABS……………………………………………………………………………….…………….76
TRADE SHOW EVENT…………………………………………………………………………………...81
VINYL TASTINGS…………………………………………………………………………………………84
CONTACT LIST…………………………………………………………………………………………..89
WEBSITE URL……………………………………………………………………………………………..90
A.1 Survey and Survey Results
The following is a copy of our team’s survey questions, as well as the responses
and picture diagrams of the results.
Q1 - Do you consent to participating in our survey?
Figure 1
Table 1
Q2 – Do you work for or own a business in Lee County?
Figure 2
Table 2
Q3 – What is your business?
Table 3
Q4 – Please select the type of business you conduct.
Figure 3
Table 4
Q5 – Have you ever heard of vinyl wrapping?
Figure 4
Table 5
Q6 – You answered yes, that you have heard of vinyl wrapping. Have you ever
used vinyl wrapping?
Figure 5
Table 6
Q7 – After reading the information, would you be interested in using vinyl wrap
at your place of business?
Figure 6
Table 7
Q8 – You answered yes. Please describe what you would use it for.
Figure 7
Table 8
Table 9
Q9 – You answered no. Please explain why.
Table 10
Q10 - Where do you turn when searching for new products and services? Rank
the following, 1 being the least likely to use and 6 being the most likely to use.
Table 11
Table 12
Q11 – What are other methods you use when searching for new products?
Table 13
Our team has provided sample Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest
pages to serve as templates for Vinyl Guys.
Below is a sample announcement for an Instagram Takeover by one of the Vinyl
Guys. It includes a call-to-action for followers to watch the Vinyl Guys Instagram
story to see the work they will be doing during the takeover and to watch when
Shey goes live.
Below is a sample script for a weekly YouTube video with the title “Vinyl That with
Vinyl Guys.” The video will be between one to two minutes in order to keep the
attention span of viewers. This particular video will be all about the things you
can vinyl wrap.
SPEAKER 1: How’s it going, everyone! We are
SPEAKER 1: And we are here today to shine a little light on what vinyl wrap is,
and how it can be used.
SPEAKER 2: walks to stand next to speaker 1 Now we know what you’re thinking
– this sounds boring! But it really isn’t. It’s incredible the versatility of this product.
SPEAKER 3: joins the other two speakers at the front of the car but before we start
getting ahead of ourselves, let’s talk a little more about what vinyl wrap is.
SPEAKER 3: Vinyl wrap is essentially a giant decal that goes directly over paint. It
can be used on any surface.
SPEAKER 4: That’s right! Glass, brick, flooring – vinyl wrap can do it all!
SPEAKER 3: The best part about it is that it doesn’t ruin the paint on the surface
below it!
SPEAKER 4: Should we just show them what we mean?
SPEAKER 4: So, as you can see, we have partially wrapped this car. pulls part of
the wrap off of the car
SPEAKER 1: See? No damage!
SPEAKER 2: So, now that you know a little more about vinyl wrap, let’s talk about
what it can be used for.
SPEAKER 3: You can place vinyl wrap on literally anything, and here at Vinyl
Guys, we do it all!
SPEAKER 4: Let’s take a look.
SCENE SHIFT: Speaker 1 in front of a vinyl wrapped boat
SPEAKER 1: It can be used on a boat!
SCENE SHIFT: Speaker 2 in front of a vinyl wrapped wall
SPEAKER 2: It can be used on a wall!
SCENE SHIFT: Speaker 3 on a vinyl wrapped floor
SPEAKER 3: A floor!
SCENE SHIFT: Speaker 4 in front of a vinyl wrapped fleet
SPEAKER 4: A fleet!
SCENE SHIFT: All Vinyl Guys standing in front of a vinyl wrapped brick mural
ALL TOGETHER: It can be used on anything!
SPEAKER 1: These are just a few of the many examples out there.
SPEAKER 2: Subscribe to our channel, and you’ll get to see some of the wild
things we can vinyl wrap.
SPEAKER 3: And we do wrap so wild things!
SPEAKER 4: Comment below with suggestions on what we should wrap next!
ALL TOGETHER: We’ll see you next time on Vinyl That with Vinyl Guys! wave to the
Below are sample posts with the hashtag, #Unwrapped.
Below is a sample post on Instagram involving the Find the Vinyl Guy
competition. The post gives a hint to help followers find the literal vinyl wrapped
Below is a sample Chamber of Commerce feature for Vinyl Guys.
Below is a sample news release and media pitch copy for local networks
regarding Vinyl Guys.
Hello ______,
I hope this letter finds you well. To get straight to the point, I am writing to
you in hopes of obtaining coverage on a new business venture my PR team and
I are involved with. There is so much changing in Lee County recently, and I think
that your audience will be interested in hearing about the positive changes that
will be made by this business.
Vinyl Guys will be opening their doors May 1 to the Auburn/Opelika area.
They will be a full-service vinyl wrap business, offering wraps for vehicles, boats,
walls, floors, fleets, etc. You name it, they can wrap it. This is a business that
should not go overlooked, especially considering there are only two other
competitors in the immediate area.
I hope this grand opening is one you will consider reporting on. I would
love to get you an advanced copy of our press release regarding the new
business. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please contact me with any
questions you may have.
Emily Bird
PR Representative, Vinyl Guys
Below is an example of an insert for daily newspapers in Lee County.
Below is a sample brochure that will be placed in various racks across Lee
Below is a sample post for Vinyl Guys’ followers to vote on during the mural
Below is a sample post regarding a potential winner of the vinyl wrap
Below is a checklist for this philanthropy event.
Purpose: Offer a fun philanthropy event for the Auburn/Opelika area to
encourage bike safety
• Auburn/Opelika Business Owners – specifically James Bros Bikes
• Local Media (television, local newspapers, radio) – cover event for those
who cannot be in attendance
• Guest Speakers – those who have been victim of injury due to not wearing
a helmet
• University Personnel and Aubie – for morale
• Auburn/Opelika Families – for a fun day wrapping helmets
Number: As close to 100 as possible. The event itself will be “come-and-go” as
you please, in terms of attendance. Thus, it will be easier to have more people in
attendance as it fits their individual schedules.
Style: Informal, no dress code, come-as-you-are
Venue: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Auburn park – It provides an open space for tables to be
set up where people can stand to wrap their helmets. It also has enough room
for children to play, as well as a playground
Food: Tables of snacks in buffet style (i.e. trail mix, goldfish, etc.)
Drinks: Coolers with Coke products and waters
Music: Pre-recorded CD/Spotify playlist – family appropriate
Furniture and Décor: Large balloon arch welcoming people in; multiple tables
set up with vinyl wrap materials on them; people will be instructed to bring their
own folding chairs or picnic blankets
Budget: Will use volunteers from Chamber, etc. to help cater and set the event
• Food - $300
• Drinks - $600
• Venue – $20/hour = $60
• Tables – $250
• Serving Plates/Bowls – $50
• Balloon Arch - $50
• Wrapping Materials - $1,000
• Total: $2,310
Planning: Because this is a come-and-go event, there is no distinct schedule.
There will be continuous speakers and wrapping.
Suppliers: Vinyl Guys will provide the wrapping materials, The Event Group will
provide tables
Staffing: Volunteer-based, Vinyl Guy employees
Security: Will be minimal, contracted through The Event Group
Licenses and Permissions: The venue has their own licensing, but applications will
be filled out through the City of Auburn
Agreements: Established with the City of Auburn
Other Considerations: Volunteers will setup and break down
Below is a sample Instagram post using the hashtag, #UnwrapOurCommunity.
This particular post involves a roadside trash removal service that the Vinyl Guys
are volunteering at.
Below is a sample Instagram post regarding Vinyl Guys partnering with Autosport
on their CSR endeavors, specifically, the Boy Scouts.
Our team has run cross tabs on the survey results we obtained in order to
determine which segment has the highest level of need in Lee County.
This cross tab shows the type of business being surveyed in relation to whether
they have heard of vinyl wrap before. While retail had one of the highest results
(10), other had more. Our team further examined this and were able to
determine what types of businesses responded “yes” but chose “other.” They
are the following:
• Outdoor services
• Sales
• Newspaper
• Cater and venue space
• Sales
• Gym
• Property management
• Construction
• Self-storage
• Sod
• Landscape construction/service
• Landscape & lawn maintenance
• Service
• Sales and promotion
• Hospitality
• Waste management
• Self-storage
• Construction
• Student housing
• Property management
• Real estate
• Service
• Nonprofit
• Moving company
The five business who responded “no” are the businesses Vinyl Guys should
target when attempting to spread initial awareness about vinyl wrapping
services. These are:
• Education
• Real Estate
• Utility
• Children’s fitness center
• Career and branding consultant
This table shows the number of businesses who said they had heard of vinyl
wrapping in relation to their use of it. Of the 41 total responses, 31 participants
who had heard of vinyl wrapping had not used it.
Because a majority of the questions in the survey were open-ended, they
cannot be placed in a cross tabs table. For that reason, it is difficult to determine
exactly what business segments have a need for vinyl wrapping services.
However, based on the kinds of businesses that responded to the survey, our
team believes that Vinyl Guys should focus on restaurants and fleets to begin
with. We were able to come to this conclusion after analyzing the data and
seeing that those who responded that they would use vinyl wrap for walls and
cars. This is a good place to start. More research needs to be done in this area.
Below are two sample fliers – one for a restaurant and one for the university.
Below is a checklist for the trade show event, as well as a sample social media
Purpose: Spread awareness of new vinyl wrapping services offered by Vinyl Guys
• Auburn/Opelika Business Owners – to educate them on vinyl services
attempt to form client relationships
• Local Media (television, local newspapers, radio) – cover event for those
who cannot be in attendance
• Current Clients – advocate for the work they have received/ for their own
• University Personnel – offer services for the university
Number: As close to 100 as possible. The event itself will be “come-and-go” as
you please, in terms of attendance. Thus, it will be easier to have more people in
attendance as it fits their individual schedules.
Style: Informal, no dress code, come-as-you-are; more of a mini-trade show
Venue: 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Bottling Plant – There is a bar inside the location. There is
plenty of space to fit all demonstration materials, including multiple cars to show
vinyl services. It would need to be indoors to show vinyl wraps on floors, walls,
etc. The Bottling Plant is a member of the Chamber, so they are more likely to
allow us to hold the event.
Food: Finger buffet to be refilled throughout the course of the day
Drinks: Free drinks – alcoholic and non-alcoholic; “drink tokens” given on arrival
with a two-drink maximum
**Vinyl wraps will be placed on all wine and beer bottles**
Music: Pre-recorded CD/Spotify playlist – classic rock/chill vibe
Furniture and Décor: Large booth with information pamphlets, etc.; tables for
food buffet; 20 high-top tables each with no chairs; a large wall vinyl wrapped
to look like an outdoor patio area with outdoor wicker furniture for extra seating
Budget: Will use volunteers from Chamber, etc. to help cater and set the event
• Food - $300
• Drinks (including a bartender) - $600
• Venue – $300
• Tables – $250
• AV/Lighting – $600
• Linens – $50
• Serving Plates/Bowls – $50
• Brick Wall - $100
• Total: $2,250
Planning: Because this is a come-and-go event, there is no distinct schedule.
There will be continuous demonstrations.
Suppliers: Autosport will provide the cars, The Event Group will provide tables
and speakers and lighting
Staffing: Volunteer-based, Vinyl Guy employees
Security: Will be minimal, contracted through The Event Group
Licenses and Permissions: The venue has their own licensing
Agreements: Established with The Bottling Company
Other Considerations: Volunteers will setup and break down
Below is a sample vinyl tasting procedure. It is the most ideal circumstance, and
may vary by client.
Vinyl Guys enters a restaurant with a cart containing vinyl wrap materials. They
introduce themselves to the managers and get right to work. Vinyl Guys is able
to show the managers that the wrap can be placed on any wall in the
restaurant, on the wine bottles, and on the floors. The restaurant managers are
interested and ask the team about pricing. They are able to work out a price
and the Vinyl Guys team helps the managers design the vinyl wrap on the spot.
They set a date for Vinyl Guys to come and place the vinyl wrap.
This is a sample calendar for a six-month campaign.
We have created a sample budget for the tactics included in this campaign.
This is subject to change upon evaluation.
334.745.4861 /
334.821.0555 /
334.705.5380 /
Check out our website to learn more about our team and this client.

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Vinyl Guys

  • 2. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………..3 OVERVIEW/EXECUTIVE SUMMARY………………..………………………………4 CLIENT ANALYSIS……………………………………….…………………………….5 SITUATION ANALYSIS…………………..…………………………………………..18 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………….24 EXECUTION………………….………………………………………………………..25 MEASURABLE RESULTS/EVALUATION…………………….……………………..37 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS……….……………………………40 LOGO………………………………………..…………………………………………43 REFERENCES………………………………………..………………………………..44
  • 3. 3 INTRODUCTION This campaign was completed by four public relations students at Auburn University to provide the opportunity to receive hands-on experience in a real- world realm of public relations. The goal of this project is to utilize our public relations knowledge to develop an awareness campaign for Autosport Body Works’ new sector, Vinyl Guys. After multiple semesters of learning all the elements of a public relations campaign, this was our first opportunity to put it all together for a real company. It was done in preparation for working with clients, as most of our group will be graduating in May 2018.
  • 4. 4 OVERVIEW/ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Autosport BodyWorks is an auto repair shop that has serviced the Lee County area and various surrounding areas since 1979. Autosport is already widely known in the area for their great customer service, excellent car repairs and extensive involvement in the community. Autosport’s main reason for pursuing this campaign proposal is to create awareness for their new sector, Vinyl Guys. They want a campaign that will inform the general public and local business owners of their newly added vinyl wrapping services. Vinyl Guys’ main campaign initiative is to create awareness for all the various uses for vinyl wrapping from cars, to storefront windows, to banners and much more. They want a solid public relations plan in place to successfully launch their vinyl wraps in the correct market with the highest level of need. Through research and a widely spread survey, we generated a large number of positive responses from local businesses and customers. We researched competitors marketing strategies and realized Vinyl Guys’ will have a high competitive advantage entering the market with a previously thought out campaign. No other vinyl wrapping company entered the market with an awareness campaign which is the main reason Vinyl Guys’ wants to pursue this program. The main challenge in this industry is people not knowing all the capabilities and uses for their product, which our campaign will help correct. Our campaign involves a variety of tactics, including social media blasts and more traditional methods. It includes social media, print media, community partnerships and more. These strategies and tactics were built around the goal that Vinyl Guys set: to increase overall community awareness and engagement within the business sectors that need it most. Our research allowed us to pinpoint these business sectors with the greatest degree of need for vinyl wrap services, and our campaign is targeted for those people.
  • 5. 5 CLIENT ANALYSIS COMPANY BACKGROUND – AUTOSPORT BODYWORKS Autosport BodyWorks is an auto repair shop that has serviced the Auburn/Opelika and surrounding areas since 1979. They began by repairing primarily Ford Mustangs and the occasional Jaguar, but after a hail storm, everything changed. There was a need for repair shops and an influx of customers with all types of automobiles. All of a sudden, Autosport became a leading repair shop in the Lee County area. To this day, Autosport remains one of the top auto repair shops in the area. They have been voted “Best Body Shop” of Lee County numerous times. Over the years, they have serviced some of Auburn’s most well-known families, but they pay close attention to any customer that walks through their doors. They keep to their motto of conducting better, faster repairs. Autosport now offers far more services than simple repairs with a much larger audience than just car owners in need of repairs. This is where we come in. Our goal is to help Autosport get the word out to commercial businesses in the Lee County area about Autosport’s new vinyl wrapping services. In order to do this to the client’s standard, we must first analyze Autosport from an internal and external perspective. COMPANY BACKGROUND – VINYL GUYS Vinyl Guys is a new sector under Autosport. They have not been announced to the public as a separate sector as of now, but they plan to make their debut through this campaign. Although they fall under Autosport, Vinyl Guys will be their own separate entity. The Autosport team will be working for Vinyl Guys as well, and the company
  • 6. 6 intends to maintain the same community presence that Autosport does. They intend to become the leading supplier for vinyl services in the Lee County area. SWOT ANALYSIS - AUTOSPORT Provided are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for Autosport. Each section has been divided into subsections (political, social, economic and technological) to give our team a full understanding of the client and how to best service them with this campaign. STRENGTHS: POLITICAL: In terms of political strengths, Autosport has primarily one. First, they are not an insurance-preferred repair shop. This essentially means that when someone goes through their insurance provider to receive repairs on their automobile, the insurance companies will not send them to Autosport. Although this may seem like a weakness, it is in fact a strength. It means that Autosport does not have any restraints put on them by insurance companies. They are able to make repairs the proper way, without using recycled parts or other shortcuts. This ensures that the person needing the repair is receiving the best and safest outcome. Autosport has even been nominated as Lee County’s “Best Body Shop” because of their impeccable repairs. SOCIAL: Socially, Autosport excels. Each member of their team is extremely well connected within the Lee County area, and the shop itself is widely well-known simply because of its long-standing presence in the community. Additionally, Autosport takes immense pride in its impeccable customer service. By catering to each customer and their specific needs in a quick, friendly manner, Autosport has established an extremely positive reputation. However, it is not just their professionalism that sets them apart from other competitors. Autosport is involved in a variety of CSR activities. They maintain the notion that they must serve the community that serves them. They purchase only locally, fundraise for
  • 7. 7 local sports teams and high schools, participate in cleanup initiatives, partner with AT&T to prevent texting and driving, and mentor local youth on their bright futures. They will even pick you up and drop you off at your home if you need repairs done on your car and cannot drive to the shop yourself. Essentially, Autosport is the kind of company people want to do business with. This is again made evident by the fact that multiple times Autosport has been nominated as Lee County’s “Best Body Shop.” ECONOMIC: Autosport’s economic strengths lie in the fact that they take a vested interest in their business. This occurred in 2009 when they revamped the company by reinvesting in their personnel, community, equipment and facilities. This was not just an interest-based investment, but an economic investment as well. In doing so, Autosport created a unique repair experience for years to come. The team makes sure to invest in the things that need it, thus making sure they can provide the best repairs for the best price. TECHNOLOGICAL: Technologically, Autosport also has a multitude of strengths. Autosport makes sure they have the equipment and technology to repair not only automobiles, but also RVs, boats, personal water crafts, motorcycles, airplanes, wheelchairs, and more. the team at Autosport, including all of their personnel, go through extensive training to perform the best repairs. They have all also undergone recent training to be able to apply vinyl wraps to any surface. Autosport also makes good use of their website, showcasing their work, answering frequently asked questions, and offering a tour of their shop. Additionally, as Autosport’s clientele expands, so do they. In 2012 after 33 years in the same location, Autosport moved to a remodeled facility. This helped to allow them to create unique processes, including their drive-thru repair laneSM services. Finally, in terms of technological strengths, Autosport has a staff that is quick to adapt and is willing to get their hands dirty. This has set them apart as an auto repair shop in the area. They enjoy bringing new services
  • 8. 8 to the community and work through difficulties with an optimistic, can-do attitude. POLITICAL Not insurance-preferred “Best Body Shop” SOCIAL Well-connected team within community Long-standing presence Impeccable customer service CSR activities ECONOMIC Reinvestment in equipment Best repairs for the fairest price TECHNOLOGICAL Have equipment to repair more than just cars All personnel trained Good use of website Moved locations to adapt to new needs Drive-thru repair laneSM Team that is willing to adapt and work hard
  • 9. 9 WEAKNESSES: POLITICAL: While not being insurance-preferred is a strength, it is also a weakness. It means that insurance providers will not recognize Autosport as somewhere to receive repairs from. This can impact the number of people willing to go to Autosport, especially customers who need the insurance companies to help pay for repairs. SOCIAL: Because Autosport does as well as it does socially, there are few weaknesses here. The main weaknesses are a lack of awareness and a negative notion about auto repairs in general. The Lee County community is unaware of all of the services that Autosport offers, including its new vinyl wrapping services. One particular reason for this lack of awareness is that customers who only go through insurance companies to find repairs may not hear about Autosport. This stems from an overall lack of education in terms of where to receive auto repairs. Most people do not know much about proper auto repairs, despite the amount of information out there on the subject. The vast majority of people will take the easy route and choose the repair shop their insurance provider instructs them to choose. More reasoning behind this is addressed further in the threats section. This particular weakness is what our team has placed primary focus on within this campaign. The second weakness is the overall negative perception of auto repair shops. Auto repair shops are often known for deceptive practices. They guarantee safe repairs, but they do not deliver on such promises. This notion has spread, and can impact the way people view Autosport.
  • 10. 10 ECONOMIC: Autosport does not conform to insurance pricing, and thereby does not use recycled or refurbished parts. This means that their repairs can be more expensive than other competitors in the area. People might be unwilling to pay these prices, despite the unique service they receive at Autosport. It also costs a great deal to operate the equipment Autosport needs. This inflation in equipment costs can cause Autosport to have to charge customers more, creating a vicious cycle. TECHNOLOGICAL: The primary technological weakness is their lack of social media presence. In a fast-moving, ever-connected world, it is crucial to be present on social media networks. This cannot be emphasized enough. While Autosport does have an Instagram account, it has not been updated since December 2015. They are more present on Facebook, but their posts do not inspire two-way communication with customers. All in all, social media practices need to be improved if Autosport wants to stand out amongst the competition. POLITICAL Not insurance-preferred SOCIAL Lack of awareness Lack of education Negative connotation regarding auto repairs ECONOMIC Significantly higher prices Cost of equipment/inflation TECHNOLOGICAL Lack of social media presence
  • 11. 11 OPPORTUNITIES: POLITICAL: Politically, there are likely certifications that Autosport could obtain that would place them one step ahead of competitors. One example capitalizes on their already established initiative to produce environmentally friendly repairs. Autosport already makes an effort to keep Lee County clean. Receiving certification or any type of recognition for being the “cleanest auto repair shop in Auburn/Opelika” would help them immensely, especially in a world that is becoming more environmentally conscious. SOCIAL: As was aforementioned, most people lack education regarding auto repair shops and auto repairs in general. They do not know how to tell if they have received the safest repair or if they have been cheated out of their money and well-being. Part of Autosport’s motto is that they provide honest information about auto repairs to their customers and the community. Continuing the practice of honesty within this industry will help to increase their social reputation. They could even go so far as to hold information sessions regarding the auto repair industry, including terminology, what to look for when you want the safest repair, how to read an estimate, and the like. ECONOMIC: Because there is little to be done as far as pricing goes simply because of the fact that suppliers determine the cost of goods and equipment, it is hard to determine economic opportunities within this industry. The primary economic opportunity our team identified was hosting promotions. This would give customers an incentive to use Autosport when they need auto repairs by offering them cheaper repairs. We are not sure of how this would work exactly, or if it would even be a possibility, but it is something to consider.
  • 12. 12 TECHNOLOGICAL: Technological opportunities center around equipment revamps and social media presence. Instituting a drive-thru repair service already sets Autosport apart, however there are ways to improve it. Purchasing the equipment needed to conduct repairs better than current standards and faster than ever could help Autosport. Additionally, expanding their social media presence is crucial, as was discussed previously. This could include increasing presence on platforms like Pinterest to showcase the work they do. Separating car, motorcycle, boat, RV, etc. repairs into boards and then linking it to their website could help people better understand their processes. POLITICAL Certifications/recognitions SOCIAL Education programs ECONOMIC Promotions TECHNOLOGICAL New equipment (i.e. drive-thru repair) Social media (i.e. Pinterest) THREATS: POLITICAL: In terms of politics, Autosport could face a variety of threats. First of all, any federal, state or local legislation or mandates that can prevent the use of resources to conduct proper repairs could pose as a significant threat for Autosport. This can in turn lead to modification prevention, meaning that certain legislations could prevent Autosport from altering their processes too drastically. Although most auto repair shops in the area would be subject to the same regulations and rules, it could set Autosport back in terms of competition because of their already high prices and lack of insurance preference.
  • 13. 13 SOCIAL: Socially, there is one primary threat: millennials. Consumer desires and needs have changed in recent years. Millennials choose to travel by alternative methods. This means that there are less cars on the roads, and therefore, there are less cars that needs to be repaired. A consumer interest shift can happen for a variety of reasons. This particular shift has been occurring because of a focus on bettering the environment. While this is not a negative, it could impact how people view automobiles and their desire to drive them. Another threat is the potential for other auto repair shops in the area to establish a solid reputation in the community. At this point, Autosport shines above the rest. However, as their popularity grows it will not be shocking if others follow suit. ECONOMIC: Because Autosport has higher prices for their services, their main threat is competitive pricing, particularly when comparing Autosport pricing to insurance-preferred shops. This involves the interference of insurance companies within the realm of auto repair shops. For example, if someone needed repairs on their car, and Autosport quoted them $5,000, and insurance agent with no prior experience repairing cars might quote $2,000. This leaves consumers with a difficult decision on whether to pay out-of-pocket for proper repairs, or pay the lower amount and receive recycled parts. In an area where poverty is an issue, most people will choose the lower price, thus impacting Autosport in a negative way by causing the consumer to go with a different auto repair shop. TECHNOLOGICAL: Repairing cars is not always an eco-friendly practice. The equipment used can significantly impact the environment. While Autosport attempts to work as green as possible, there will always be somewhat of a gap that is out of their control. As people become more environmentally-conscious, Autosport faces a threat.
  • 14. 14 POLITICAL Legislations/mandates against using resources Modification prevention SOCIAL Millennials/shift in consumer interest Competitors ECONOMIC Competitive pricing Insurance Interference Poverty TECHNOLOGICAL Environmentally-damaging equipment SWOT ANALYSIS - VINYL GUYS Below are the opportunities and threats that face Vinyl Guys as it makes its debut. We have not included strengths or weaknesses because Vinyl Guys will not have either until they become established in the community. OPPORTUNITIES: POLITICAL: Thus far, there are only a few competitors for Vinyl Guys in the area. Because of this, it would be easy for Vinyl Guys to obtain some kind of recognition on a local level that would set them above the already limited competition. SOCIAL: Partnering with local businesses that Autosport is already involved with or even the university serves as a great opportunity. Our ideas for these partnerships are described more in the execution section (page 25) of our plan. Additionally, purchasing as much as possible from local establishments will help to place Vinyl Guys above the rest. Other
  • 15. 15 opportunities include participating in CSR activities around Lee County and engaging with consumers on social media to help establish a reputation. These opportunities are especially crucial to pay attention to as Vinyl Guys begins its work. While providing solid work is important, people will not work with a company that does not engage with their customers. However, there is a demand for vinyl wraps. People are turning to vinyl wrapping as an easy, affordable alternative to paint. This campaign’s tactics are primarily centered around these opportunities. ECONOMIC: Similar to Autosport, it is difficult to fluctuate in price because of suppliers. This does not mean that Vinyl Guys cannot hold promotions, especially as they first enter the market. It will close the gap between Vinyl Guys and their already established competitors. They can also offer the same services, like wrapping birthday signs, that their competitors already offer at a lower price point. Finally, they can promote that vinyl wraps are a more affordable alternative to paint. This will cause an increase in sales. TECHNOLOGICAL: Vinyl wrap uses specific materials in its production. Making these materials as eco-friendly as possible and then capitalizing on the fact that Vinyl Guys is environmentally-conscious is a major opportunity. Additionally, creating a separate website for Vinyl Guys is a necessity as it is its own separate entity. Having it linked to the Autosport website will be helpful, as well. Vinyl Guys should also have its own Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. Using social media frequently to answer consumer questions and post work being done will help to attract more attention, which serves the ultimate goal of the campaign.
  • 16. 16 POLITICAL Local recognition SOCIAL Partnerships Purchasing locally CSR activities Current demand ECONOMIC Promotion Offer the same services as competitors Vinyl is cheaper than paint TECHNOLOGICAL Eco-friendly materials Vinyl Guys website Social media THREATS: POLITICAL: Once again, Autosport and Vinyl Guys overlap in this section. Mandates and legislation that prevent the use of resources that are needed to create vinyl wraps, such as adhesives, could prove to be a problem. This again will affect modification and could even prevent it. SOCIAL: Desirability for vinyl wrapping in the midst of an unaware public is the primary social threat. There is a lack of awareness within the target audience (local businesses in Lee County) as far as the versatility of vinyl wrapping. Because people do not know much about it, they are likely to be uninterested in using it. Additionally, a lack of awareness regarding Vinyl Guys as a company itself is a threat. People know of the competitors,
  • 17. 17 but they do not know of Vinyl Guys. This is why it will be crucial for Vinyl Guys to make their debut known. ECONOMIC: Competitive pricing is the primary economic threat for Vinyl Guys. Although there is limited competition, it is entirely possible that their prices will be the same as Vinyl Guys’ prices. TECHNOLOGICAL: Vinyl wrapping is not necessarily the eco-friendliest practice. If the technology used to create paint becomes more earth- friendly, affordable and accessible, a threat could arise for Vinyl Guys. The goal is to keep up with the current technologies, and always be one step ahead. As technologies used to create paint change, find new ways to change vinyl wraps in a similar way. POLITICAL Legislations/mandates against using resources Modification prevention SOCIAL Lack of awareness ECONOMIC Competitive pricing TECHNOLOGICAL Changes in eco-friendly paint processes
  • 18. 18 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS PROBLEM STATEMENT We are addressing the lack of knowledge Auburn/Opelika businesses have regarding Vinyl wrapping services and its versatility. We also have the goal to spread awareness of Autosport’s recent expansion into the vinyl wrapping services, which will be formally introduced as Vinyl Guys as a separate sector under the Autosport company. AUTOSPORT’S MISSION Autosport Body Works has the core mission of, “Repairing cars to the best of our ability, each and every time. No Shortcuts.” Autosport promises to be responsible and honest with their customer’s repair costs while maintaining their competitive pricing. They aspire to be the best in the business. Outside of their duty to provide exceptional service, Autosport assumes their social responsibility to take part in bettering the industry and community as a whole by being active participants in the Lee County area. They use their platform to educate consumers by providing up-to-date information about the automotive repair industry to help protect their rights. Autosport also values the Auburn/Opelika area, choosing to purchase from neighboring businesses to support the local economy and involving themselves in volunteer projects to improve the community. EXISTING STRATEGIES Autosport’s vinyl wrapping services have not been officially announced to the market yet. Since their plan for Vinyl Guys has not been made public, there are no previous communication strategies specific to this service that can be used as references moving forward. However, Autosport is consistently active on their social media platforms as a way of connecting digitally with their clients. Both
  • 19. 19 their Facebook and Twitter pages are linked at the bottom of the Autosport website, encouraging website traffic to be driven towards social media. Their Facebook page is regularly updated and has amassed over 1,170 followers. The platform provides an easily accessible portfolio of their work, using photo albums to share before and after shorts of their car repairs and paint jobs as examples. In addition, they frequently share articles about the importance of crash testing, warnings about bad repairs being done by other auto shops, safe driving tips, signs of when cars may be in need of work, and any other helpful car-related content they find worth sharing with their audiences. Their consistency in posting relevant information and their consistency across platforms has continued to help their following grow. PREVIOUS RESEARCH AND COMPETITOR STRATEGIES One of the main advantages Autosport has in the vinyl wrapping industry is that they are coming into the industry with a well thought out public relations plan. Other companies already established in this industry have little to no advertising that we could find and do not focus on target marketing as much as they should. Two competitors we focused on were SignWorld and Auburn Reprographics & Supply (ARS). SignWorld’s website does a relatively good job of describing the various capabilities vinyl wrapping has to offer. At the top of the home page, they provide links to each option they offer, with a link to easily place orders online. Below these links, they have a photo collage of various examples of vinyl wraps, so customers can see first-hand the work they produce. One issue SignWorld faces is their social media presence. They have not posted on their Twitter since 2012 and have not posted on Facebook since November 2017. Because of this, their response time to comments and reviews is slow if they even respond at all. This puts Autosport at an advantage as they pride
  • 20. 20 themselves on their excellent customer service, and this translates to their social media. Finally, SignWorld does a poor job with target marketing. They currently place all their attention on the Auburn student community and their birthday sign services. They do nothing to further market their other services. ARS has a website that is designed well with their buyers in mind. They specify how they design, print, install and produce their vinyl wraps. They also have multiple photo collages showcasing their products. Their collages are separated in different categories, including cars, vans, store front windows, coolers, banners and more. However, like SignWorld, their social media is lacking. ARS has not updated their Facebook since May 2016. They do not have any other social media links on their website and no other forms of marketing can be found anywhere else. Both of these competitors offer learning opportunities for Autosport and their branch of vinyl services, Vinyl Guys. Making sure that their website is tailored similarly to ARS and SignWorld is key. However, maintaining a social media presence will set Vinyl Guys apart from the competition and offer them a new customer base that their competitors are unable to reach. KEY STAKEHOLDERS AND PUBLICS Our goal is to assess Lee County business’ awareness of vinyl wrapping services and determine the degree of need for the area. Stakeholders in this issue include commercial businesses in Lee County (retail, food and beverage, healthcare, grocery, etc.) looking for an alternative to painting; opinion leaders in the area that can bring awareness to the services via both social media and traditional advertising; Autosport as a whole, especially the branch Vinyl Guys; and competitors in the area who also offer vinyl wrapping as a service.
  • 21. 21 Our research was targeted toward one key public in particular: Lee County business owners. Lee County business owners is slightly broad, but the public can be broken down into multiple sectors. These include retailers, food and beverage businesses, hospitality, healthcare, grocery, transportation, and the like. The one thing all of these sectors have in common is their location in Auburn or Opelika. We attempted to identify their current state of awareness regarding vinyl wrapping services and their degree of need for those types of services (i.e. would they have an interest at all in using vinyl wrapping, what would they use it for, etc.). Our research addressed how vinyl wrapping can be used for each of the business sectors, who was already using vinyl wrapping at their place of business, and who would be interested in using vinyl wrapping in the future and what they would use it for. We also identified which business sectors had the most knowledge about vinyl wrapping and its versatility. RESEARCH TYPE In order to best reach our audiences and generate the most research, we opted to use quantitative methods via a survey. We created our survey through Qualtrics, and in total, our survey was 13 questions. There were two screener questions addressing whether the participant consented to the survey and if they were a business located in Lee County. The rest of the questions included demographic, multiple choice, ranking/scale, and open-ended questions. We originally distributed our survey via the Opelika and Auburn Chambers of Commerce social media platforms, but we did not obtain the level of responses we thought were necessary to generalize. We continued to distribute the survey via word-of-mouth to businesses in the area and by sending out email blasts using the Chambers of Commerce’s email lists. Our survey was open from March 1, 2018 until March 8, 2018. AUDIENCE PERCEPTION OF THE ISSUE Based on our research results, we determined that most businesses in Lee County are aware of what you can do with vinyl wrapping (75.85 percent), however, of that percentage only 24.39 percent had already used vinyl
  • 22. 22 wrapping. Once presented with more information and picture examples of vinyl wraps, the results were almost cut in half as far business interest in vinyl wrapping. 54 percent were interested in using it, while 46 percent were not. Most of those businesses who were interested in vinyl wrapping said they would use it for wall wrapping (24 percent), followed by car wrapping (20 percent), and then fleet, other transportation and glass wrapping (10 percent). Those who answered “no” to being interested in using vinyl wrap said that they have no need for it at this time, but might be interested in the future. COMPETITION According to our research, the main problems that Vinyl Guys will face is market acceptance and overall awareness. It is beneficial, however, that Vinyl guys are coming into a market that does not have many competitors. There are only three other businesses in the area that offer the same kinds of services. However, because of (1) the evolution in vinyl wrapping popularity and (2) that many people do not consider an automotive body shop for their vinyl needs, Vinyl Guys may struggle to gain awareness. Additionally, the few competitors, like Auburn Reprographics & Supply, Sign World and Sign Essential all have contracts with certain organizations and businesses in Lee County. This means that even if Vinyl Guys offer their services at more affordable prices and rates, their novelty may serve as a negative factor in relation to the loyalty that is established between businesses and Vinyl Guys’ competitors. That is why it is our goal with this campaign to ensure that Vinyl Guys becomes a well-known option for vinyl wrapping services. OTHER KEY PUBLICS AND STAKEHOLDERS TO ADDRESS VINYL WRAPPING AWARENESS, PERCEPTION, AND NOVELTY The audiences we are targeting are Lee County businesses and event spaces that utilize visual elements in their business and would have a desire to have those images displayed beyond digital means. This covers
  • 23. 23 a rather broad scope, so we narrowed it to audience members that have used vinyl wrapping and companies that have not. With this in mind, we were able to target two key opinion leaders that will help address the awareness problem Vinyl Guys face. The portion of the audience that have used vinyl wrapping are opinion leaders in that they have experience with vinyl wrapping and can advocate for the services Vinyl Guys will provide. However, these opinion leaders are also likely in business with Vinyl Guys’ competitors. Because of this, we believe it would be beneficial for Vinyl Guys to partner with Auburn University in some way, simply because of their influence in the community. In the case of the members of the audience that are inexperienced in vinyl wrapping, it will be valuable to have a more personal connection with them to encourage those businesses to partner with Vinyl Guys. Partnering with the Chamber of Commerce’s in Lee County or local opinion leaders, like Mayor Gary Fuller, could tour and speak on the work Vinyl Guys will be doing.
  • 24. 24 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES For this campaign, we have two primary goals. The first is to increase Lee County business owners’ awareness of Vinyl Guys and all of their vinyl wrapping services. Within this goal, there are three objectives, all of which are information- and awareness-based: 1. To increase existing clientele awareness by 25 percent within six months of the end of the campaign 2. To increase non-existing clientele awareness by 25 percent within six months of the end of the campaign 3. To increase Vinyl Guys exposure as community-minded in Lee County by 25 percent by the end of the campaign The second goal is to identify which business segments in Lee County have a need for vinyl wrapping services in all of its capacities, if there are any. Within this goal there is one main objective, which is behavior-based: 1. To make $100,000 in sales by the end of 2018 These goals and objectives serve as the foundation for this campaign. They are what has driven the decisions we have made as a team. It is our goal as a team to accomplish these goals and meet these objectives in the time frame we have set. Our team has come up with a variety of strategies and tactics to complete these goals and objectives (See Execution).
  • 25. 25 EXECUTION GOAL 1 To increase Lee County local business owners’ awareness of Vinyl Guys vinyl wrapping services. OBJECTIVE 1.1 To increase existing clientele awareness by 25 percent within six months of the end of the campaign TACTIC Develop Social Networks Because Vinyl Guys is a new project, they have no social media profiles. The first thing they will need to do is develop specific social media accounts. We suggest Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest. Facebook will cater to the older demographic and will maintain a relatively professional tone. It will be a location for Vinyl Guys to respond to questions and reviews, inform the public about their services, and document their work. Instagram will be a bit more fun. While continuing the professional tone, the photos will be more job-specific rather than a showcase. There is more on that later. YouTube will be a platform to post how-to videos and explanations. Finally, Pinterest will serve as a showcase. They can have a board for each type of vinyl wrap (car wrappings, wall wrappings, brick wrappings, etc.). For more information, see Appendix 2. STRATEGY 1.1.1 To use social media to create awareness of vinyl wrapping services
  • 26. 26 STRATEGY 1.1.1 (CONT) To use social media to create awareness of vinyl wrapping services TACTIC Instagram Takeovers This will involve each of the “Vinyl Guys,” or employees of Vinyl Guys, taking over the Instagram page for the day. There should be at least one takeover a week. They will take their followers along throughout their day, posting stories of the work they are completing and going live to answer questions. At the end of the day, they will post a picture of the finished or partially finished work they have completed that day. For more information, see Appendix 3. TACTIC YouTube – Vinyl That This will involve a Weekly YouTube video showing all of the different things that can be vinyl wrapped. It will serve as a showcase, but also as an educational opportunity. The videos can be more than showing what can be vinyl wrapped. Additionally, it can be showing how vinyl wrap works, how it is applied, the benefits of using vinyl wrap over paint, etc. For more information, see Appendix 4.
  • 27. 27 STRATEGY 1.1.1 (CONT) To use social media to create awareness of vinyl wrapping services TACTIC #Unwrapped By attaching the hashtag “#Unwrapped” across all social media platforms, Vinyl Guys will remain consistent. This will give consumers and potential customers the ability to search one word and find all of Vinyl Guys’ work. The hashtag will especially be attached to photos, videos and posts that involve breaking down the vinyl wrapping process, so as to show how the process works. For more information, see Appendix 5. TACTIC Find the Vinyl Guy This will be a game that Vinyl Guy followers will play that will involve Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. A man who has been vinyl wrapped will hide somewhere in the Lee County area. Sneak peeks of his location will be posted across all of the platforms, especially on the Instagram story. Whoever finds him by the end of the day will receive some kind of wrapping service from Vinyl Guys. This will be a randomly recurring project. It will help establish two- way communication with consumers, and it will give Vinyl Guys something that sets them apart from the competition. For more information, see Appendix 6.
  • 28. 28 STRATEGY 1.1.2 To use non-digital, print media to create awareness of vinyl wrapping services TACTIC Chamber Spotlights The Opelika and Auburn Chambers of Commerce will sometimes produce feature stories about businesses in the Lee County area. One way to make Vinyl Guys’ debut would be to have the chambers focus on Vinyl Guys for those features. This would include a brief story about their beginnings, a summary of the work they do, and an interview with the vinyl guys, as well as pictures of their work. For more information, see Appendix 7. TACTIC News Releases/Pitch Sending out news releases and media pitch letters to local TV, radio and print news media will help spread awareness of Vinyl Guys to the audience that may not necessarily pay as much attention to social media. The news releases and media pitches will contain information regarding who Vinyl Guys is and what they do. This will inspire the local media to cover the story. For more information, see Appendix 8.
  • 29. 29 TACTIC Newspaper Inserts Inside local newspapers, a reader can find inserts for companies containing a brief summary of what the business is and contact information. Vinyl Guys will produce these inserts to be placed in the daily papers around Lee County. For more information, see Appendix 9. TACTIC Information Brochure The Opelika and Auburn Chambers of Commerce will sometimes produce feature stories about businesses in the Lee County area. One way to make Vinyl Guys’ debut would be to have the chambers focus on Vinyl Guys for those features. This would include a brief story about their beginnings, a summary of the work they do, and an interview with the vinyl guys, as well as pictures of their work. For more information, see Appendix 10. STRATEGY 1.1.2 (CONT) To use non-digital, print media to create awareness of vinyl wrapping services
  • 30. 30 OBJECTIVE 1.2 To increase non-existing clientele awareness by 25 percent within six months of the end of the campaign STRATEGY 1.2.1 To create partnerships with businesses in the Lee County area TACTIC Murals This will involve partnering with local artists. The artists will compete to create a mural that will be vinyl wrapped on the side of Vinyl Guys. The local community will vote on which mural is the winner either by attending the judging or by way of social media. This will be a fun way to get the community involved in Vinyl Guys and to establish relationships. For more information, see Appendix 11. TACTIC Competition Local businesses will have the opportunity to compete for vinyl wrapping services. These businesses will submit designs to Vinyl Guys for whatever they may need vinyl wrapped. Vinyl Guys will then allow the community via social media to vote on a winner. This winner will receive a free vinyl wrap and will be featured on Vinyl Guys social media platforms. For more information, see Appendix 12.
  • 31. 31 OBJECTIVE 1.3 Increase Vinyl Guys exposure as community-minded in the community by 25 percent by the end of the campaign STRATEGY 1.3.1 Create opportunities for community involvement TACTIC Wrap bike helmets for safety Including a philanthropic mission is critical. Because Autosport is already so immersed within the community, it will not be too difficult to bring Vinyl Guys alongside. Having an event where families can bring their children to have their bike helmets vinyl wrapping in support of bike safety. It will be a fun event for the community. Vinyl Guys can also pair with James Bros Bikes in downtown Auburn to generate awareness for the new philanthropy. The event will continue via social media. The people who vinyl wrapped their helmets will be encouraged to post photos on social media with the hashtag #WrappedSafe. For more information, see Appendix 13.
  • 32. 32 TACTIC #UnwrapOurCommunity This hashtag will encompass a multitude of corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in Lee County. Whenever Vinyl Guys participates in a CSR activity, be it helping to pick up trash from the sides of roads or helping with recycling methods within the community. The volunteers and staff involved will be encouraged to use the hashtag #UnwrapOurCommunity on their social media to promote the work Vinyl Guys will be doing within Lee County and the surrounding areas. This will be something Vinyl Guys does as their own CSR initiative. For more information, see Appendix 14. TACTIC Autosport Partnership Autosport is already involved in a variety of CSR activities. Because Vinyl Guys is a branch of Autosport, it will be an easy transition to add them to the already existing CSR programs. Autosport has a strong relationship with the community and is known for their customer service, so involving Vinyl Guys will give them the same respect from the community. This will be separate from Vinyl Guys’ #UnwrapOurCommunity initiative. For more information, see Appendix 15. STRATEGY 1.3.1 (CONT) Create opportunities for community involvement
  • 33. 33 GOAL 2 To identify which segments in Lee County have a need for vinyl wrapping services in all of its capacities, if there are any OBJECTIVE 2.1 To make $100,000 in sales in 2018 STRATEGY 2.1.1 To use the research conducted to determine which business segments would be interested in vinyl wrapping services and how to reach them TACTIC Run Crosstabs By running crosstabs on the survey our team has conducted, the segments that are most interested in vinyl wrapping will become clear. Once those are determined, Vinyl Guys will be able to move forward with advertising specifically for those segments so as to meet the objective of $100,000 in sales in 2018. For more information, see Appendix 16.
  • 34. 34 STRATEGY 2.1.2 Advertise specifically for those segments that are interested in vinyl wrapping TACTIC Fliers This will involve designing fliers that are specific to businesses in the area that responded well to the survey. These fliers will be distributed to those businesses in the area and will include information specific to how vinyl wrapping can work for them. For example, if it is a restaurant, the discussion can be targeted more toward wall vinyl wraps and special event wrapping. If it is the university, the flier can cover more of sports and special events. For more information, see Appendix 17.
  • 35. 35 STRATEGY 2.1.2 (Cont.) Advertise specifically for those segments that are interested in vinyl wrapping TACTIC Trade Show Event This event will allow Vinyl Guys to showcase their work to Lee County business owners in all of its capacities. Vinyl Guys will be able to advocate for themselves and their work while at the same time, providing valuable information about a service people in the area might now know much about. This event will have the primary goals of increasing awareness regarding vinyl wrapping services, as well as increasing Vinyl Guys’ clientele base. Ultimately, through the relationships formed at this event, the overall objective of an increase in sales should be met. For more information, see Appendix 18.
  • 36. 36 STRATEGY 2.1.2 (Cont.) Advertise specifically for those segments that are interested in vinyl wrapping TACTIC “Vinyl Tastings” At restaurants with a full-service bar, it is critical that the managers have drink tastings. This involves having suppliers come in and bring different drinks for the managers to sample. Vinyl Guys could use this same concept depending on the target segment. If a segment is interested in vinyl wrapping services, but they are not totally convinced of its benefits, Vinyl Guys can bring in sample works and demonstrate why their services should be considered. This face-to-face interaction with business owners will help to convince those businesses of Vinyl Guys’ dedication and hard- work, and it could inspire them to suggest Vinyl Guys to other businesses in the area. Some people have to see the work in person before they will request the service. For more information, see Appendix 19.
  • 37. 37 MEASUREABLE RESULTS In order to measure our team’s goals and objectives, both quantitative and qualitative research will be conducted. Because awareness is Vinyl Guys’ number one goal, the evaluation of the campaign must take place in multiple phases to help determine if our tactics are successful in reaching that goal and if any changes need to be made during the course of the campaign. We believe the best way to determine whether the campaign has met its goals of increasing awareness in Lee County and identifying business sectors with a need for vinyl wrap will be through a series of follow-up survey. The surveys will take place May 23-27 (directly after Vinyl Guys makes its grand opening), Aug. 15-17, and Oct. 22-28. Having these ongoing evaluations will help Vinyl Guys make improvements to the campaign and will allow our team to gauge how the community feels about Vinyl Guys. In turn, we will be able to gather information for future goals for Vinyl Guys following the end of the campaign. Along with questions similar to our initial survey, these follow-up surveys will include questions on topics like – • Whether Lee County businesses have heard of Vinyl Guys • Whether Lee County businesses have used Vinyl Guys as their vinyl wrap provider • What motivated Lee County businesses to use Vinyl Guys as their vinyl wrap provider • Have they used places like SignWorld or ARS Vinyl Production for previous vinyl wrap needs • What can Vinyl Guys do to further improve their services and/or advertisement
  • 38. 38 These surveys should be distributed via email to current customers and non-existing clientele on the email list of the Opelika and Auburn Chambers of Commerce. Email will be used because that is how our team distributed our initial survey. It was successful in reaching the target demographic we were looking for. Lee County business owners have more flexibility in answering email surveys than if the surveys were to be conducted over the phone or in person. We believe that the results of the surveys will be far more thought-out and accurate is delivered this way, as people are more likely to respond when it is on their terms. Once the survey results are compiled and analyzed, qualitative research will be conducted. Those who responded to the survey will be randomly selected and invited to participate in more in-depth interviews and focus groups. These will take place within the two days after the surveys have been closed. By conducting interviews, Vinyl Guys will be able to determine which parts of the campaign are working the best and will receive more detailed information as far as where improvement is needed. The focus groups will give Vinyl Guys an opportunity to share new ideas with a group of already invested people to determine if the improvements will be successful. These interviews and focus groups will be conducted at Vinyl Guys headquarters to make it easier to showcase new product ideas. Ideally, at least 10 interviews will be conducted and five focus groups, each with 10 participants. The same kinds of questions will be asked of these participants, but more in-depth answers will be requested. The interviews and focus groups will be less structured and more free-flowing according to how people respond. For example, if someone says they prefer to use SignWorld products over Vinyl Guys, the interviewer will be instructed to ask why. Aside from conducting further research throughout the campaign, our team will also monitor how well our social media tactics are performing. This will be done by a team dedicated to constant monitoring. They will evaluate increase or decrease in followers and the level of engagement and participation between Vinyl Guys and their followers. Aspects other than number of followers measured on Vinyl Guys’ Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram will include:
  • 39. 39 • Number of comments, posts and views • Number of shares, pins and likes • Number of mentions and tagged photos These can all be measured using the analytics provided by each platform. Additionally, Google Analytics can be used to evaluate how many times people in Lee County have searched for Vinyl Guys, vinyl wrap, or other competitors. All of these evaluation methods will contribute to obtaining measurable results for this campaign.
  • 40. 40 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The research conducted for Vinyl Guys provided extensive information about the general need for vinyl wrapping services and overall awareness of vinyl wrap versatility. This allowed us to analyze which business sectors in the Auburn/Opelika area need to be given more information regarding vinyl wrapping or have a need for vinyl wrap services. The survey was generalizable for the area because of the number of results obtained (69) and the number of different types of businesses represented. A vast majority of respondents reported having heard of vinyl wrap (78.85 percent). However, only 24.39 percent of those people had ever used vinyl wrap. When the survey participants were presented with more information regarding versatility and picture examples of vinyl wrapping, 54 percent of respondents said they would be interested in using vinyl wrap in the future. Those who answered “yes” when asked if they would be interesting in using vinyl wrap were then asked what they would likely use it for. The answers were varied, however, 12 participants said they would use it for wall wrapping and 10 would use it for car wraps. Those who answered “no” they would not be interested in vinyl wrap were then asked to explain why. The responses were varied, and can be found in Appendix 1. Finally, respondents were asked to rank where they found most information on new products and services. The majority reported internet research and word-of-mouth. Through this research, our team was able to conclude that if businesses in Lee County are provided with more information about vinyl wrapping versatility, there is a significant need in the community for this kind of service. More information regarding which business sectors have the most need is provided in Appendix 16. Despite the fact that Lee County businesses have in fact heard of vinyl wrapping services, many still need to be educated in its versatility. This information can help our client with future endeavors following the end of the campaign. Our team has come up with a list of recommendations for Vinyl Guys that fall outside of this campaign’s strategies and tactics. These recommendations are up to the discretion of our client and will be used after the campaign has ended.
  • 41. 41 In order to continue increasing awareness of vinyl wrapping, we recommend that Vinyl Guys hold information sessions following the completion of the campaign. These sessions should be open to the public, but specific invitations to Auburn/Opelika business owners should be sent out. The information provided in these sessions should include aspects of vinyl wrap like what it can be used for, design options, the application process, and pricing information. Because of the target demographic (Lee County business owners), these sessions should be relatively informal. They should also be specific to who is in attendance. For example, if it is primarily restaurant owners in the audience, the information provided should be targeted to the kinds of vinyl wrap a restaurant might need. This will mean that the Vinyl Guys team will need to become familiar with the businesses in the area so as to provide the most specific information and make those in attendance feel like their businesses are important to Vinyl Guys. Once the campaign is complete, it will be crucial to maintain a consistent social media presence. This will help continue to increase awareness of Vinyl Guys and their services. Including social media strategies like customer highlights, in which a loyal customer is featured on the Vinyl Guys’ Instagram page, will help to inspire brand loyalty. Additionally, it will further close the gap between Vinyl Guys and its competitors. We also recommend including sign design and wrapping as a Vinyl Guys service. This will inspire a significant increase in clientele. Many college students need signs made for 21st birthdays, Camp War Eagle, Panhellenic recruitment, etc. Including this in Vinyl Guys’ repertoire and advertising it will bring in a new customer base. Implementing a 24-hour help line for customers in crisis is also something to consider. This will increase the accessibility of Vinyl Guys in the public eye, further improving their reputation as a company who cares. Customers can contact this help line if their vinyl wrap is damaged, or even if they have some late-night design ideas. Once Vinyl Guys has become more established in the Lee County area, we suggest creating a Vinyl Guys app for iOS and Android products. This app will be a place for businesses to design the kind of vinyl wrap they want. What would set it apart would be
  • 42. 42 an augmented reality aspect, meaning the user could test the vinyl product out in real time. The user could then place their order directly from the app. This could be a fun and effective way for businesses to work with Vinyl Guys. Finally, we recommend creating and maintaining an aesthetically-pleasing website for Vinyl Guys as a separate entity from Autosport. Our research showed the SignWorld and ARS had websites that were overall boring and lacking in information. Vinyl wraps provide an opportunity for creativity. It is fitting that a vinyl wrap service’s website is as creative as the service itself. Additionally, providing essential information in an easily accessible way is crucial. Autosport’s website does a fantastic job of this and should serve as a kind of template for Vinyl Guys to follow. Overall, we recommend keeping the name Vinyl Guys in the public eye. Whether that be in a digital format (social media presence or television advertising), a print format (information brochures and newspaper advertising), or by word-of-mouth, the goal is to continue increasing Vinyl Guys exposure and awareness.
  • 43. 43 LOGO Our team has created a potential logo option for Vinyl Guys to use as they make their debut. This logo combines a vintage look with a modern service, something we feel will capture the attention customers.
  • 44. 44 REFERENCES SignWorld website: ARS Vinyl Production website: Autosport website:
  • 45. 45 APPENDIX TABLE OF CONTENTS SURVEY & SURVEY RESULTS……………………………………………………………………….…..46 DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL NETWORKS………………………………………………….………...55 INSTAGRAM TAKEOVERS………………………………………………………………….…….…….58 VINYL THAT WITH VINYL GUYS………………………………………………………………..………59 #UNWRAPPED………………………………………………………………………………….………61 FIND THE VINYL GUY………………………………………………………………………………..….63 CHAMBER SPOTLIGHT……………………………………………………………………..…………..64 NEWS RELEASE/MEDIA PITCH……………………………………………………..………………….65 DAILY NEWSPAPER INSERT…………………………………………………..………………………..67 INFORMATION BROCHURE…………………………………………………..……………………….68 MURAL……………………………………………………………………………………………………70 COMPETITION…………………………………………………………………………………………..71 WRAP BIKE HELMETS FOR SAFETY……………………………………………………………………72 #UNWRAPOURCOMMUNITY.....................................................................................................74 AUTOSPORT PARTNERSHIP……………………………………………………………………………75 CROSS TABS……………………………………………………………………………….…………….76 FLIERS……………………………………………………………………………………….…………….79 TRADE SHOW EVENT…………………………………………………………………………………...81 VINYL TASTINGS…………………………………………………………………………………………84 CALENDAR………………………………………………………………………………………………85 BUDGET…………………………………………………………………………………………………..88 CONTACT LIST…………………………………………………………………………………………..89 WEBSITE URL……………………………………………………………………………………………..90
  • 46. 46 A.1 Survey and Survey Results The following is a copy of our team’s survey questions, as well as the responses and picture diagrams of the results. Q1 - Do you consent to participating in our survey? Figure 1 Table 1 Q2 – Do you work for or own a business in Lee County? Figure 2
  • 47. 47 Table 2 Q3 – What is your business? Table 3
  • 48. 48 Q4 – Please select the type of business you conduct. Figure 3 Table 4
  • 49. 49 Q5 – Have you ever heard of vinyl wrapping? Figure 4 Table 5 Q6 – You answered yes, that you have heard of vinyl wrapping. Have you ever used vinyl wrapping? Figure 5 Table 6
  • 50. 50 Q7 – After reading the information, would you be interested in using vinyl wrap at your place of business? Figure 6 Table 7 Q8 – You answered yes. Please describe what you would use it for. Figure 7
  • 52. 52 Q9 – You answered no. Please explain why. Table 10
  • 53. 53 Q10 - Where do you turn when searching for new products and services? Rank the following, 1 being the least likely to use and 6 being the most likely to use. Table 11 Table 12
  • 54. 54 Q11 – What are other methods you use when searching for new products? Table 13
  • 55. 55 A.2 DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL NETWORKS Our team has provided sample Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Pinterest pages to serve as templates for Vinyl Guys. FACEBOOK
  • 58. 58 A.3 INSTAGRAM TAKEOVERS Below is a sample announcement for an Instagram Takeover by one of the Vinyl Guys. It includes a call-to-action for followers to watch the Vinyl Guys Instagram story to see the work they will be doing during the takeover and to watch when Shey goes live.
  • 59. 59 A.4 VINYL THAT WITH VINYL GUYS Below is a sample script for a weekly YouTube video with the title “Vinyl That with Vinyl Guys.” The video will be between one to two minutes in order to keep the attention span of viewers. This particular video will be all about the things you can vinyl wrap. VIDEO COPY SPEAKER 1: How’s it going, everyone! We are ALL SPEAKERS TOGETHER: The Vinyl Guys! SPEAKER 1: And we are here today to shine a little light on what vinyl wrap is, and how it can be used. SPEAKER 2: walks to stand next to speaker 1 Now we know what you’re thinking – this sounds boring! But it really isn’t. It’s incredible the versatility of this product. SPEAKER 3: joins the other two speakers at the front of the car but before we start getting ahead of ourselves, let’s talk a little more about what vinyl wrap is. SPEAKER 3: Vinyl wrap is essentially a giant decal that goes directly over paint. It can be used on any surface. SPEAKER 4: That’s right! Glass, brick, flooring – vinyl wrap can do it all! SPEAKER 3: The best part about it is that it doesn’t ruin the paint on the surface below it! SPEAKER 4: Should we just show them what we mean? SPEAKER 4: So, as you can see, we have partially wrapped this car. pulls part of the wrap off of the car SPEAKER 1: See? No damage!
  • 60. 60 SPEAKER 2: So, now that you know a little more about vinyl wrap, let’s talk about what it can be used for. SPEAKER 3: You can place vinyl wrap on literally anything, and here at Vinyl Guys, we do it all! SPEAKER 4: Let’s take a look. SCENE SHIFT: Speaker 1 in front of a vinyl wrapped boat SPEAKER 1: It can be used on a boat! SCENE SHIFT: Speaker 2 in front of a vinyl wrapped wall SPEAKER 2: It can be used on a wall! SCENE SHIFT: Speaker 3 on a vinyl wrapped floor SPEAKER 3: A floor! SCENE SHIFT: Speaker 4 in front of a vinyl wrapped fleet SPEAKER 4: A fleet! SCENE SHIFT: All Vinyl Guys standing in front of a vinyl wrapped brick mural ALL TOGETHER: It can be used on anything! SPEAKER 1: These are just a few of the many examples out there. SPEAKER 2: Subscribe to our channel, and you’ll get to see some of the wild things we can vinyl wrap. SPEAKER 3: And we do wrap so wild things! SPEAKER 4: Comment below with suggestions on what we should wrap next! ALL TOGETHER: We’ll see you next time on Vinyl That with Vinyl Guys! wave to the camera
  • 61. 61 A.5 #UNWRAPPED Below are sample posts with the hashtag, #Unwrapped. INSTAGRAM
  • 63. 63 A.6 FIND THE VINYL GUY Below is a sample post on Instagram involving the Find the Vinyl Guy competition. The post gives a hint to help followers find the literal vinyl wrapped man.
  • 64. 64 A.7 CHAMBER SPOTLIGHTS Below is a sample Chamber of Commerce feature for Vinyl Guys.
  • 65. 65 A.8 NEWS RELEASE/MEDIA PITCH Below is a sample news release and media pitch copy for local networks regarding Vinyl Guys.
  • 66. 66 MEDIA PITCH COPY Hello ______, I hope this letter finds you well. To get straight to the point, I am writing to you in hopes of obtaining coverage on a new business venture my PR team and I are involved with. There is so much changing in Lee County recently, and I think that your audience will be interested in hearing about the positive changes that will be made by this business. Vinyl Guys will be opening their doors May 1 to the Auburn/Opelika area. They will be a full-service vinyl wrap business, offering wraps for vehicles, boats, walls, floors, fleets, etc. You name it, they can wrap it. This is a business that should not go overlooked, especially considering there are only two other competitors in the immediate area. I hope this grand opening is one you will consider reporting on. I would love to get you an advanced copy of our press release regarding the new business. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please contact me with any questions you may have. Regards, Emily Emily Bird PR Representative, Vinyl Guys 770-500-8636
  • 67. 67 A.9 NEWSPAPER INSERTS Below is an example of an insert for daily newspapers in Lee County.
  • 68. 68 A.10 INFORMATION BROCHURE Below is a sample brochure that will be placed in various racks across Lee County. SIDE A AUTOSPORT BODYWORKS CONTACT USABOUT
  • 70. 70 A.11 MURAL Below is a sample post for Vinyl Guys’ followers to vote on during the mural competition.
  • 71. 71 A.12 COMPETITION Below is a sample post regarding a potential winner of the vinyl wrap competition.
  • 72. 72 A.13 WRAP BIKE HELMETS FOR SAFETY Below is a checklist for this philanthropy event. CHECKLIST Purpose: Offer a fun philanthropy event for the Auburn/Opelika area to encourage bike safety Guests: • Auburn/Opelika Business Owners – specifically James Bros Bikes • Local Media (television, local newspapers, radio) – cover event for those who cannot be in attendance • Guest Speakers – those who have been victim of injury due to not wearing a helmet • University Personnel and Aubie – for morale • Auburn/Opelika Families – for a fun day wrapping helmets Number: As close to 100 as possible. The event itself will be “come-and-go” as you please, in terms of attendance. Thus, it will be easier to have more people in attendance as it fits their individual schedules. Style: Informal, no dress code, come-as-you-are Venue: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Auburn park – It provides an open space for tables to be set up where people can stand to wrap their helmets. It also has enough room for children to play, as well as a playground Food: Tables of snacks in buffet style (i.e. trail mix, goldfish, etc.) Drinks: Coolers with Coke products and waters Music: Pre-recorded CD/Spotify playlist – family appropriate Furniture and Décor: Large balloon arch welcoming people in; multiple tables set up with vinyl wrap materials on them; people will be instructed to bring their own folding chairs or picnic blankets Budget: Will use volunteers from Chamber, etc. to help cater and set the event • Food - $300 • Drinks - $600
  • 73. 73 • Venue – $20/hour = $60 • Tables – $250 • Serving Plates/Bowls – $50 • Balloon Arch - $50 • Wrapping Materials - $1,000 • Total: $2,310 Planning: Because this is a come-and-go event, there is no distinct schedule. There will be continuous speakers and wrapping. Suppliers: Vinyl Guys will provide the wrapping materials, The Event Group will provide tables Staffing: Volunteer-based, Vinyl Guy employees Security: Will be minimal, contracted through The Event Group Licenses and Permissions: The venue has their own licensing, but applications will be filled out through the City of Auburn Agreements: Established with the City of Auburn Other Considerations: Volunteers will setup and break down
  • 74. 74 A.14 #UNWRAPOURCOMMUNITY Below is a sample Instagram post using the hashtag, #UnwrapOurCommunity. This particular post involves a roadside trash removal service that the Vinyl Guys are volunteering at.
  • 75. 75 A.15 AUTOSPORT PARTNERSHIP Below is a sample Instagram post regarding Vinyl Guys partnering with Autosport on their CSR endeavors, specifically, the Boy Scouts.
  • 76. 76 A.16 CROSS TABS Our team has run cross tabs on the survey results we obtained in order to determine which segment has the highest level of need in Lee County. CROSS TAB 1 This cross tab shows the type of business being surveyed in relation to whether they have heard of vinyl wrap before. While retail had one of the highest results (10), other had more. Our team further examined this and were able to determine what types of businesses responded “yes” but chose “other.” They are the following: • Outdoor services • Sales • Newspaper • Cater and venue space • Sales • Gym • Property management • Construction • Self-storage • Sod
  • 77. 77 • Landscape construction/service • Landscape & lawn maintenance • Service • Sales and promotion • Hospitality • Waste management • Self-storage • Construction • Student housing • Property management • Real estate • Service • Nonprofit • Moving company The five business who responded “no” are the businesses Vinyl Guys should target when attempting to spread initial awareness about vinyl wrapping services. These are: • Education • Real Estate • Utility • Children’s fitness center • Career and branding consultant CROSS TAB 2
  • 78. 78 This table shows the number of businesses who said they had heard of vinyl wrapping in relation to their use of it. Of the 41 total responses, 31 participants who had heard of vinyl wrapping had not used it. DATA EVALUATION Because a majority of the questions in the survey were open-ended, they cannot be placed in a cross tabs table. For that reason, it is difficult to determine exactly what business segments have a need for vinyl wrapping services. However, based on the kinds of businesses that responded to the survey, our team believes that Vinyl Guys should focus on restaurants and fleets to begin with. We were able to come to this conclusion after analyzing the data and seeing that those who responded that they would use vinyl wrap for walls and cars. This is a good place to start. More research needs to be done in this area.
  • 79. 79 A.17 FLIERS Below are two sample fliers – one for a restaurant and one for the university. RESTAURANT
  • 81. 81 A.18 TRADE SHOW Below is a checklist for the trade show event, as well as a sample social media invitation. CHECKLIST Purpose: Spread awareness of new vinyl wrapping services offered by Vinyl Guys Guests: • Auburn/Opelika Business Owners – to educate them on vinyl services attempt to form client relationships • Local Media (television, local newspapers, radio) – cover event for those who cannot be in attendance • Current Clients – advocate for the work they have received/ for their own companies • University Personnel – offer services for the university Number: As close to 100 as possible. The event itself will be “come-and-go” as you please, in terms of attendance. Thus, it will be easier to have more people in attendance as it fits their individual schedules. Style: Informal, no dress code, come-as-you-are; more of a mini-trade show Venue: 5 p.m.-8 p.m. Bottling Plant – There is a bar inside the location. There is plenty of space to fit all demonstration materials, including multiple cars to show vinyl services. It would need to be indoors to show vinyl wraps on floors, walls, etc. The Bottling Plant is a member of the Chamber, so they are more likely to allow us to hold the event. Food: Finger buffet to be refilled throughout the course of the day Drinks: Free drinks – alcoholic and non-alcoholic; “drink tokens” given on arrival with a two-drink maximum **Vinyl wraps will be placed on all wine and beer bottles** Music: Pre-recorded CD/Spotify playlist – classic rock/chill vibe
  • 82. 82 Furniture and Décor: Large booth with information pamphlets, etc.; tables for food buffet; 20 high-top tables each with no chairs; a large wall vinyl wrapped to look like an outdoor patio area with outdoor wicker furniture for extra seating Budget: Will use volunteers from Chamber, etc. to help cater and set the event • Food - $300 • Drinks (including a bartender) - $600 • Venue – $300 • Tables – $250 • AV/Lighting – $600 • Linens – $50 • Serving Plates/Bowls – $50 • Brick Wall - $100 • Total: $2,250 Planning: Because this is a come-and-go event, there is no distinct schedule. There will be continuous demonstrations. Suppliers: Autosport will provide the cars, The Event Group will provide tables and speakers and lighting Staffing: Volunteer-based, Vinyl Guy employees Security: Will be minimal, contracted through The Event Group Licenses and Permissions: The venue has their own licensing Agreements: Established with The Bottling Company Other Considerations: Volunteers will setup and break down
  • 84. 84 A.19 VINYL TASTINGS Below is a sample vinyl tasting procedure. It is the most ideal circumstance, and may vary by client. Vinyl Guys enters a restaurant with a cart containing vinyl wrap materials. They introduce themselves to the managers and get right to work. Vinyl Guys is able to show the managers that the wrap can be placed on any wall in the restaurant, on the wine bottles, and on the floors. The restaurant managers are interested and ask the team about pricing. They are able to work out a price and the Vinyl Guys team helps the managers design the vinyl wrap on the spot. They set a date for Vinyl Guys to come and place the vinyl wrap.
  • 85. 85 A.20 CALENDAR This is a sample calendar for a six-month campaign.
  • 86. 86
  • 87. 87
  • 88. 88 A.21 BUDGET We have created a sample budget for the tactics included in this campaign. This is subject to change upon evaluation.
  • 90. 90 A.23 WEBSITE URL Check out our website to learn more about our team and this client.