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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 1nha
- Vigie Hebdomadaire -
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 2nha
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 3nha
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 4nha
Quitbit, un briquet connecté pour suivre sa consommation
Quitbit est un briquet connecté qui permet de suivre et de mieux contrôler sa consommation de cigarettes pour aboutir
progressivement à un sevrage tabagique en douceur.
Depuis des années, le tabac est responsable de nombreux décès
des solutions ont vu le jour à l’image des patchs, des cigarettes
light, des chewing gums à la nicotine ou plus récemment de la
cigarette électronique. D’ailleurs, cette dernière est maintenant
connectée à notre smartphone pour suivre en temps réel sa
consommation. En matière de cigarettes connectées, citons
notamment Smokio ou encore MyVaps. Cependant, un nouvel
acteur fait son entrée sur le marché grâce à une idée originale
: un briquet connecté. Au lieu de connecter la cigarette,
Quitbit connecte l’accessoire indispensable à tous les fumeurs
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 5nha
Skylock Is the Bike Lock of the Future, and It’s Awesome
Bike locks, while incredibly necessary, are way behind the times. Even the best of them will break under brute force, and
then where are you? Bikeless and alone. The new Skylock, from ex-Boeing and Jawbone engineers, is about to leapfrog
the competition and bring bike protection into the 21st century. It looks amazing.
Skylock has Bluetooth 4.0 in it. Just like keyless unlock-
ing systems you’ve seen on cars, you can do the same
thing for you bike. Via Skylock’s smartphone app, you
can press a button to unlock the lock. Or set it up to
have proximity detection, so as soon as you get right
up next to it, it unlocks. If your phone dies, you can still
unlock it via a combination (pattern) lock on the lock
In addition to being as strong as any U-lock on the
market (or so it claims), Skylock has built-in acceler-
ometers and Wi-Fi. It works like this: When you lock up
your bike, you can connect the lock to a nearby Wi-Fi
network. If someone starts messing with your bike, the
accelerometers will detect it, and it will send a push
notification to your phone via the app, so you can run
out and thwart any evil-doers. You can adjust the sen-
sitivity, too, so it’s not disturbed by a single, accidental
Obviously, if there isn’t a nearby network you can connect to
you’re out of luck (it works over Bluetooth, too, but you’d have to
be within 30 feet of it), but this is still an awesome feature.
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 6nha
Niwa, armoire hydroponique connectée pour faire pousser à l’intérieur
-Connected Objects
Niwa est une armoire hydroponique connectée en bluetooth à un smartphone pour permettre à n’importe qui de faire
pousser des plantes à l’intérieur.
Le jardin attire les objets connectés comme des mouches. Après des dispositifs d’arrosage connecté comme Droplet, et des
capteurs de quantified self pour nos amis les plantes (Flower Power ou Koubachi notamment) voici qu’une startup a pensé à
nos amis ayant la main verte mais vivant en appartement. Pourquoi ne pas faire pousser à l’intérieur. On parle de cannabis
tomates évidemment. Niwa est une homebox, ou armoire hydroponique, permettant de cultiver n’importe quelle plante à
l’intérieur. N’importe quelle plante on vous dit…
Evidemment, on ne vois aucune raison à ce stade de vous par-
ler de MyDx, un scanner pour mesurer la qualité du cannabis.
Evidemment. Rappelons que, la culture et la possession de
cannabis sont interdits par la loi en France. C’est mal (bis).
Niwa est un système tout-en-un combinant un bac de terre,
un dispositif d’irrigation contrôlé pour vos plantes et un sys-
tème d’éclairage maitrisé. L’armoire Niwa est équipée d’une
batterie de capteurs et d’actionneurs permettant à tout à cha-
cun d’automatiser un jardinage d’intérieur et prendre soin de
vos cultures au quotidien… là vous souriez, car des idées inter-
dites germent dans votre esprit… attendez la suite!
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 7nha
Tempo, le thermometre connecté de BlueMaestro
Tempo est un thermomètre connecté à une application mobile permettant d’envoyer un suivi des températures
relevées par Bleutooth.
Le suivi de la température inspire aux sociétés innovantes de nombreux objets connectés, comme des thermostats
connectés pour la domotique ou des thermomètres pour la santé connectée comme l’un des accessoires Bleep Bleeps.
BlueMaestro, créateur de la tétine connectée Pacifi, a mis au point un tel thermomètre permettant d’effectuer un relevé
de température régulier afin d’en suivre l’évolution.
	 Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 8nha
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 9nha
A Smartphone Turns These Fast Food Trays Into Tiny Soccer Fields
Decades ago McDonald’s realized that food
wasn’t the only way to draw kids into its
restaurants. Toys, playgrounds, and cartoon
characters all help the cause, and now a
Brazilian food chain called Giraffas has come
up with a clever way to lure soccer fans into
its restaurants, just in time for the 2014 FIFA
World Cup.
After downloading a free app, you can prop
your smartphone up on its side on one end
of the serving tray, allowing its front-facing
camera to detect the soccer field graphics on
the paper insert. Folded paper balls are torn off
the edge of the placemat, and can actually be
flicked at a virtual on-screen goalie, with the
whether a goal has been scored.
Article trouvé --> ici
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 10nha
BillGuard Launches Its Personal Finance App On Android And
Adds Data Breach Alerts
Personal finance startup BillGuard has been working hard over
the last several years to help its users to identify fraudulent
charges on their credit and debit cards, and also to keep track
of their spending on the web and on its iPhone app. Today it’s
expanding its reach with the launch of an Android app, and also
adding a new feature that will alert users when their cards have
been affected by a Target-style data breach.
The company, which was a Battlefield Finalist at TechCrunch
Disrupt a few years ago, launched with the goal of alerting users
to hidden fees that would appear on their bank or credit card
statements. With the introduction of its iPhone app last year, it
expanded to include so-called grey charges — i.e., recurring fees
that users might have agreed to but forgotten about.
Last fall, it added tools to help its users track their spending and
compare outflows in different categories on a month-over-
month basis to give them a better idea of where their money is
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 11nha
Never Forget a Photoshop Shortcut Again With This Interac-
tive App
To use Photoshop like a pro, you need to know your keyboard shortcuts—but with so many to remember, you can easily
feel more rookie than ever. This interactive app should help you out, by telling you in a jiffy which keys will help you get
to work.
Application Shortcut Mapper was created by Waldo Bronchart, and it’s an interactive web app designed to be “a visual shortcuts
explorer for popular applications.” So far, it caters for Photoshop, Lightroom and Blender. The keyboard layout is shown as it
would be when you open the program, telling you what keys will help you out. But it gets better: press another key, like Shift
or Space, and the display changes to tell you what each key will now do. It’s all color-coded, too, so you know which key brings
about what change when you’ve chased down a particular keyboard rabbit hole.
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 12nha
Foursquare’s Swarm And The Rise Of The Invisible App
Swarm is a new app from Foursquare out today that chisels off the check-in and proximity features of the main app and
places them in a sparse, focus-driven new home. The app is nicely done, though it will be of most use to those in dense
urban areas with lots of friends.
The underlying mechanics of Swarm are what’s really interesting
here — and more importantly what it says about the next
generation of apps you’ll be using on your smartphone.
and the symptoms are all over the map. From a deeper, more
thoughtful approach to push notifications to the breaking apart
of large, unwieldy apps into smaller more focused components.
The shift we’re seeing will be the third strata of user interaction
since the iPhone popularized the mobile app in a major way.
The initial offerings for the iPhone and then Android devices
adhered fairly closely to the ‘information appliance’ model. Using
software, you transformed your phone into a mostly mono-
purpose device just like it said on the tin. Now it’s a phone. Now
it’s a calculator. Now it’s a messaging tool.
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 13nha
Tapsule Lets You Create Time Capsules Of Photos, Video And
Text On Your iPhone
A new mobile application called Tapsule, launching today, combines group messaging with photo and video-sharing.
The concept is not that dissimilar from a number of other photo-
sharing apps on the market, like Albumatic, Eversnap, Cluster,
Bonfyre, and those dedicated to collecting photos and other
media from big events, like parties or weddings, for example.
However, in Tapsule’s case, the idea is less about organizing
photos into albums, and more about creating what founder
Jeff Jackel describes as “collaborative media,” where a group
of friends comes together to create stories which others can
find and follow through Tapsule, or by viewing the posts as
they’re shared more broadly across social media platforms, like
Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
“I’ve always had a firm belief that, when anyone sees a piece of
social content, what they really care about is the story behind it.
Finding that story requires the ability to go deeper,” says Jackel.
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 14nha
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 15nha
Team Collaboration And Closing Efficiency Gaps In Responsive Design
-Smashing Magazine
Responsive design ushers in complexities that require a more involved design and implementation process. Because of
this, the effort has piled up on the front end. Working in silos, where you talk to each other only occasionally or during
scheduled meetings, has too many unknowns. Let’s look at how these new challenges create opportunities to work
together better.
We have to kill the mentality that there is an assembly line of workers waiting for it to be their turn, and instead embrace
more focused collaboration across the project’s entire team.
Four or five years ago, before responsive design was a
“thing,” I was asked to make a comprehensive checklist that
our team could follow when building any website. Inevitably,
an unexpected task or two would come up, along with a
tightrope of a deadline, and we never looked at that checklist
during the build. These days, the thought of making a step-
by-step checklist for a responsive design build sounds like a
cruel joke.
I’ve been on a small team building a large media website
over the last year. It did not take long after the project kicked
off to realize that our design team’s best work is done in
tandem. We’d solve small problems, create momentum and
then solve bigger problems.
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 16nha
Let It Go: Say Farewell To These 5 Web Design Trends
-Forbes Tech
Trends come and go, especially in the fast-paced world of web design. Yet sometimes we hold onto old trends for too
long when we should really be letting go and moving on.
As technology evolves, it’s easy to fall into the trap of repeating old patterns. The web design industry is constantly
moving forward. Holding on to old trends can only weigh you down, putting you behind the competition.
Here are five design trends it’s time to bid adieu and the new design elements taking their place:
Goodbye: Mobile Versions of Websites
Instead of building mobile-switched sites (i.e., many innovative designers and developers are now
focusing on responsive design. It’s not enough to detect devices and switch users anymore. Mobile users are looking for
a more fully integrated experience.
With 55% of Internet usage in the U.S. coming through mobile devices, the best shops are doing mobile-first design and
treating desktop and laptop design as secondary. Responsive design allows the layout to adjust based on the contextual
experience of users. This means site designs need to be built so they respond to the width of the device, regardless of the
gadget type. In more extreme cases, functionality itself can even switch, providing an even more contextually optimized
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 17nha
Agency Survival Kit : Site web de la semaine
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 18nha
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 19nha
The startup emerged at a time when the industry was questioning whether or not
Facebook commerce, or “f-commerce,” as some had abbreviated it, was actually
worthwhile. Soldsie, which first launched in May 2012, found that Facebook
commerce could work, when it wasn’t just some other tab for users to click into,
but could instead leverage the social activities already taking place across these
retailers’, sellers’ and businesses’ Facebook profile pages.
On Facebook, sellers were sharing photos of their items for sale, which fans would
then comment on, like and re-share. Soldsie then added another layer to that ongoing
activity – allowing visitors to comment “SOLD” in order to make a purchase.
Consumers would only have to register one time with the Soldsie application, which
allowed the business to access their personal data, including their email address. On
the backend, Soldsie provides an interface for managing the invoicing process, with
tools for tracking sales, invoices, inventory and more.
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Soldsie, The Service That Lets You Shop Via Facebook And
Instagram Comments, Raises $4 Million
Soldsie, an e-commerce service enabling businesses to sell directly to their Facebook fans and Instagram followers
through the comments section, has raised $4 million in Series A funding from First Round Capital, the company is
announcing this morning. Others participating investors include SoftTechVC, Lerer Ventures, Correlation Ventures,
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 20nha
Omnichannel Commerce: Inside In-Store Tech
According to Deloitte digital tech influences 36% of in-
store retail sales, expected to hit 50% by the end of this
year. Research commissioned by Google on mobile use
•	 84% of shoppers that own a smartphone use their
device to help shop while in a store
•	 Almost half of smartphone shoppers use their device
for 15 minutes or more per in-store visit
•	 82% of shoppers use search engines when browsing
product information in-store
•	 1 in 3 shoppers use smartphones to find information
instead of asking store employees
•	 Shoppers who use mobile in-store have 25%-50%
higher basket size (depending on product category)
•	 Deloitte reports shoppers would rather use their own
device or an unmanned digital kiosk than interact with
a human.
	 Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 21nha
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 22nha
Mark Zuckerberg célèbre son 30e anniversaire
Infographie trouvée --> ici
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 23nha
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 24nha
PDC Markets Smart Tablet RFID Reader
The tablet will enable hotels, resorts and amusement parks to read a visitor’s RFID wristband in order to provide
access or services based on the ID encoded to that band’s passive tag.
RFID Journal
and related products, has begun marketing a tablet reader
known as the Smart Tablet, designed to allow users to
capture the ID numbers encoded to high-frequency
(HF) 13.56 MHz passive RFID tags at such locations as
resorts, hotels and water parks, thereby enabling faster
check-in, payments or other services. The tablet, which
PDC debuted last month at the RFID Journal LIVE! 2014
conference and exhibition, acts in the same way as a kiosk
with a built-in reader, but enables a company’s staff to
be mobile and thereby go directly to people wearing the
RFID bracelets, rather than requiring them to seek out a
kiosk. PDC partnered with software company Kioware,
which provides the tablet’s software for capturing and
interpreting read data. The tablet can then forward the
collected data to a back-end server via a Wi-Fi connection
or GPRS. The device could also store that information and
upload it to the server at a later time.
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 25nha
TD Canada Trust launches NFC mobile payments with support
from all three major carriers
-NFC World
TD Canada Trust, the retail banking arm of the Toronto-
Dominion Bank, has become the first in Canada to offer
an NFC mobile payment solution that is supported by the
country’s three major wireless networks: Bell, Rogers and
The new TD Mobile Payment feature has been integrated
into the bank’s existing mobile banking application, used
by more than two million customers, and will enable
consumers with compatible NFC phones to make
payments of up to C$50 at any Visa PayWave terminal.
The service can be used with the BlackBerry 9900,
Samsung Galaxy S III, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung
Galaxy S4 Mini, Samsung Galaxy Note 2/3, Samsung
Galaxy S5 and HTC One, with additional NFC phones to
be supported in future releases.
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16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 26nha
et à la semaine prochaine!
16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 27nha
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PO Box 508, Toronto (ON) M5J 2S1
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Vigie Piranha, Volume 7

  • 1. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 1nha - Vigie Hebdomadaire -
  • 3. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 3nha objetsconnectés
  • 4. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 4nha Quitbit, un briquet connecté pour suivre sa consommation tabagique - Quitbit est un briquet connecté qui permet de suivre et de mieux contrôler sa consommation de cigarettes pour aboutir progressivement à un sevrage tabagique en douceur. Connected-Objects Depuis des années, le tabac est responsable de nombreux décès danslemonde.Pourpallierceproblèmeettraitercetteaddiction, des solutions ont vu le jour à l’image des patchs, des cigarettes light, des chewing gums à la nicotine ou plus récemment de la cigarette électronique. D’ailleurs, cette dernière est maintenant connectée à notre smartphone pour suivre en temps réel sa consommation. En matière de cigarettes connectées, citons notamment Smokio ou encore MyVaps. Cependant, un nouvel acteur fait son entrée sur le marché grâce à une idée originale : un briquet connecté. Au lieu de connecter la cigarette, Quitbit connecte l’accessoire indispensable à tous les fumeurs traditionnels. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 5. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 5nha Skylock Is the Bike Lock of the Future, and It’s Awesome -Gizmodo Bike locks, while incredibly necessary, are way behind the times. Even the best of them will break under brute force, and then where are you? Bikeless and alone. The new Skylock, from ex-Boeing and Jawbone engineers, is about to leapfrog the competition and bring bike protection into the 21st century. It looks amazing. Skylock has Bluetooth 4.0 in it. Just like keyless unlock- ing systems you’ve seen on cars, you can do the same thing for you bike. Via Skylock’s smartphone app, you can press a button to unlock the lock. Or set it up to have proximity detection, so as soon as you get right up next to it, it unlocks. If your phone dies, you can still unlock it via a combination (pattern) lock on the lock itself. In addition to being as strong as any U-lock on the market (or so it claims), Skylock has built-in acceler- ometers and Wi-Fi. It works like this: When you lock up your bike, you can connect the lock to a nearby Wi-Fi network. If someone starts messing with your bike, the accelerometers will detect it, and it will send a push notification to your phone via the app, so you can run out and thwart any evil-doers. You can adjust the sen- sitivity, too, so it’s not disturbed by a single, accidental jostle. Obviously, if there isn’t a nearby network you can connect to you’re out of luck (it works over Bluetooth, too, but you’d have to be within 30 feet of it), but this is still an awesome feature. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 6. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 6nha Niwa, armoire hydroponique connectée pour faire pousser à l’intérieur -Connected Objects Niwa est une armoire hydroponique connectée en bluetooth à un smartphone pour permettre à n’importe qui de faire pousser des plantes à l’intérieur. Le jardin attire les objets connectés comme des mouches. Après des dispositifs d’arrosage connecté comme Droplet, et des capteurs de quantified self pour nos amis les plantes (Flower Power ou Koubachi notamment) voici qu’une startup a pensé à nos amis ayant la main verte mais vivant en appartement. Pourquoi ne pas faire pousser à l’intérieur. On parle de cannabis tomates évidemment. Niwa est une homebox, ou armoire hydroponique, permettant de cultiver n’importe quelle plante à l’intérieur. N’importe quelle plante on vous dit… Evidemment, on ne vois aucune raison à ce stade de vous par- ler de MyDx, un scanner pour mesurer la qualité du cannabis. Evidemment. Rappelons que, la culture et la possession de cannabis sont interdits par la loi en France. C’est mal (bis). Niwa est un système tout-en-un combinant un bac de terre, un dispositif d’irrigation contrôlé pour vos plantes et un sys- tème d’éclairage maitrisé. L’armoire Niwa est équipée d’une batterie de capteurs et d’actionneurs permettant à tout à cha- cun d’automatiser un jardinage d’intérieur et prendre soin de vos cultures au quotidien… là vous souriez, car des idées inter- dites germent dans votre esprit… attendez la suite! Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 7. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 7nha Tempo, le thermometre connecté de BlueMaestro Tempo est un thermomètre connecté à une application mobile permettant d’envoyer un suivi des températures relevées par Bleutooth. Le suivi de la température inspire aux sociétés innovantes de nombreux objets connectés, comme des thermostats connectés pour la domotique ou des thermomètres pour la santé connectée comme l’un des accessoires Bleep Bleeps. BlueMaestro, créateur de la tétine connectée Pacifi, a mis au point un tel thermomètre permettant d’effectuer un relevé de température régulier afin d’en suivre l’évolution. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 8. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 8nha aPPLICATIONS
  • 9. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 9nha A Smartphone Turns These Fast Food Trays Into Tiny Soccer Fields -Gizmodo Decades ago McDonald’s realized that food wasn’t the only way to draw kids into its restaurants. Toys, playgrounds, and cartoon characters all help the cause, and now a Brazilian food chain called Giraffas has come up with a clever way to lure soccer fans into its restaurants, just in time for the 2014 FIFA World Cup. After downloading a free app, you can prop your smartphone up on its side on one end of the serving tray, allowing its front-facing camera to detect the soccer field graphics on the paper insert. Folded paper balls are torn off the edge of the placemat, and can actually be flicked at a virtual on-screen goalie, with the cameradetectingtheirmotionanddetermining whether a goal has been scored. Article trouvé --> ici
  • 10. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 10nha BillGuard Launches Its Personal Finance App On Android And Adds Data Breach Alerts -TechCrunch Personal finance startup BillGuard has been working hard over the last several years to help its users to identify fraudulent charges on their credit and debit cards, and also to keep track of their spending on the web and on its iPhone app. Today it’s expanding its reach with the launch of an Android app, and also adding a new feature that will alert users when their cards have been affected by a Target-style data breach. The company, which was a Battlefield Finalist at TechCrunch Disrupt a few years ago, launched with the goal of alerting users to hidden fees that would appear on their bank or credit card statements. With the introduction of its iPhone app last year, it expanded to include so-called grey charges — i.e., recurring fees that users might have agreed to but forgotten about. Last fall, it added tools to help its users track their spending and compare outflows in different categories on a month-over- month basis to give them a better idea of where their money is going. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 11. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 11nha Never Forget a Photoshop Shortcut Again With This Interac- tive App - To use Photoshop like a pro, you need to know your keyboard shortcuts—but with so many to remember, you can easily feel more rookie than ever. This interactive app should help you out, by telling you in a jiffy which keys will help you get to work. Gizmodo Application Shortcut Mapper was created by Waldo Bronchart, and it’s an interactive web app designed to be “a visual shortcuts explorer for popular applications.” So far, it caters for Photoshop, Lightroom and Blender. The keyboard layout is shown as it would be when you open the program, telling you what keys will help you out. But it gets better: press another key, like Shift or Space, and the display changes to tell you what each key will now do. It’s all color-coded, too, so you know which key brings about what change when you’ve chased down a particular keyboard rabbit hole. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 12. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 12nha Foursquare’s Swarm And The Rise Of The Invisible App - Swarm is a new app from Foursquare out today that chisels off the check-in and proximity features of the main app and places them in a sparse, focus-driven new home. The app is nicely done, though it will be of most use to those in dense urban areas with lots of friends. TechCrunch The underlying mechanics of Swarm are what’s really interesting here — and more importantly what it says about the next generation of apps you’ll be using on your smartphone. There’safundamentalshiftinthewaythatweuseappsunderway, and the symptoms are all over the map. From a deeper, more thoughtful approach to push notifications to the breaking apart of large, unwieldy apps into smaller more focused components. The shift we’re seeing will be the third strata of user interaction since the iPhone popularized the mobile app in a major way. The initial offerings for the iPhone and then Android devices adhered fairly closely to the ‘information appliance’ model. Using software, you transformed your phone into a mostly mono- purpose device just like it said on the tin. Now it’s a phone. Now it’s a calculator. Now it’s a messaging tool. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 13. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 13nha Tapsule Lets You Create Time Capsules Of Photos, Video And Text On Your iPhone - A new mobile application called Tapsule, launching today, combines group messaging with photo and video-sharing. TechCrunch The concept is not that dissimilar from a number of other photo- sharing apps on the market, like Albumatic, Eversnap, Cluster, Bonfyre, and those dedicated to collecting photos and other media from big events, like parties or weddings, for example. However, in Tapsule’s case, the idea is less about organizing photos into albums, and more about creating what founder Jeff Jackel describes as “collaborative media,” where a group of friends comes together to create stories which others can find and follow through Tapsule, or by viewing the posts as they’re shared more broadly across social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. “I’ve always had a firm belief that, when anyone sees a piece of social content, what they really care about is the story behind it. Finding that story requires the ability to go deeper,” says Jackel. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 14. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 14nha dESIGN
  • 15. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 15nha Team Collaboration And Closing Efficiency Gaps In Responsive Design -Smashing Magazine Responsive design ushers in complexities that require a more involved design and implementation process. Because of this, the effort has piled up on the front end. Working in silos, where you talk to each other only occasionally or during scheduled meetings, has too many unknowns. Let’s look at how these new challenges create opportunities to work together better. We have to kill the mentality that there is an assembly line of workers waiting for it to be their turn, and instead embrace more focused collaboration across the project’s entire team. Four or five years ago, before responsive design was a “thing,” I was asked to make a comprehensive checklist that our team could follow when building any website. Inevitably, an unexpected task or two would come up, along with a tightrope of a deadline, and we never looked at that checklist during the build. These days, the thought of making a step- by-step checklist for a responsive design build sounds like a cruel joke. I’ve been on a small team building a large media website over the last year. It did not take long after the project kicked off to realize that our design team’s best work is done in tandem. We’d solve small problems, create momentum and then solve bigger problems. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 16. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 16nha Let It Go: Say Farewell To These 5 Web Design Trends -Forbes Tech Trends come and go, especially in the fast-paced world of web design. Yet sometimes we hold onto old trends for too long when we should really be letting go and moving on. As technology evolves, it’s easy to fall into the trap of repeating old patterns. The web design industry is constantly moving forward. Holding on to old trends can only weigh you down, putting you behind the competition. Here are five design trends it’s time to bid adieu and the new design elements taking their place: Goodbye: Mobile Versions of Websites Instead of building mobile-switched sites (i.e., many innovative designers and developers are now focusing on responsive design. It’s not enough to detect devices and switch users anymore. Mobile users are looking for a more fully integrated experience. With 55% of Internet usage in the U.S. coming through mobile devices, the best shops are doing mobile-first design and treating desktop and laptop design as secondary. Responsive design allows the layout to adjust based on the contextual experience of users. This means site designs need to be built so they respond to the width of the device, regardless of the gadget type. In more extreme cases, functionality itself can even switch, providing an even more contextually optimized experience. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 17. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 17nha Agency Survival Kit : Site web de la semaine
  • 18. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 18nha Magasinsconnectés
  • 19. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 19nha The startup emerged at a time when the industry was questioning whether or not Facebook commerce, or “f-commerce,” as some had abbreviated it, was actually worthwhile. Soldsie, which first launched in May 2012, found that Facebook commerce could work, when it wasn’t just some other tab for users to click into, but could instead leverage the social activities already taking place across these retailers’, sellers’ and businesses’ Facebook profile pages. On Facebook, sellers were sharing photos of their items for sale, which fans would then comment on, like and re-share. Soldsie then added another layer to that ongoing activity – allowing visitors to comment “SOLD” in order to make a purchase. Consumers would only have to register one time with the Soldsie application, which allowed the business to access their personal data, including their email address. On the backend, Soldsie provides an interface for managing the invoicing process, with tools for tracking sales, invoices, inventory and more. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici Soldsie, The Service That Lets You Shop Via Facebook And Instagram Comments, Raises $4 Million - Soldsie, an e-commerce service enabling businesses to sell directly to their Facebook fans and Instagram followers through the comments section, has raised $4 million in Series A funding from First Round Capital, the company is announcing this morning. Others participating investors include SoftTechVC, Lerer Ventures, Correlation Ventures,
  • 20. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 20nha Omnichannel Commerce: Inside In-Store Tech - Nolongeristhephysicalchanneladistinctentityfromdigital–smartphonesandin-storetechnologysuchasinteractive signage,beacons,wearabletechandothersensor-basedtechnologiesarebringingWebcontenttotheretailexperience. According to Deloitte digital tech influences 36% of in- store retail sales, expected to hit 50% by the end of this year. Research commissioned by Google on mobile use in-storefound: • 84% of shoppers that own a smartphone use their device to help shop while in a store • Almost half of smartphone shoppers use their device for 15 minutes or more per in-store visit • 82% of shoppers use search engines when browsing product information in-store • 1 in 3 shoppers use smartphones to find information instead of asking store employees • Shoppers who use mobile in-store have 25%-50% higher basket size (depending on product category) • Deloitte reports shoppers would rather use their own device or an unmanned digital kiosk than interact with a human. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 21. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 21nha rÉSEAUXSOCIAUX
  • 22. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 22nha Mark Zuckerberg célèbre son 30e anniversaire - Infographie trouvée --> ici
  • 23. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 23nha RFID
  • 24. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 24nha PDC Markets Smart Tablet RFID Reader The tablet will enable hotels, resorts and amusement parks to read a visitor’s RFID wristband in order to provide access or services based on the ID encoded to that band’s passive tag. RFID Journal PrecisionDynamicsCorp.(PDC),aproviderofIDwristbands and related products, has begun marketing a tablet reader known as the Smart Tablet, designed to allow users to capture the ID numbers encoded to high-frequency (HF) 13.56 MHz passive RFID tags at such locations as resorts, hotels and water parks, thereby enabling faster check-in, payments or other services. The tablet, which PDC debuted last month at the RFID Journal LIVE! 2014 conference and exhibition, acts in the same way as a kiosk with a built-in reader, but enables a company’s staff to be mobile and thereby go directly to people wearing the RFID bracelets, rather than requiring them to seek out a kiosk. PDC partnered with software company Kioware, which provides the tablet’s software for capturing and interpreting read data. The tablet can then forward the collected data to a back-end server via a Wi-Fi connection or GPRS. The device could also store that information and upload it to the server at a later time. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 25. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 25nha TD Canada Trust launches NFC mobile payments with support from all three major carriers -NFC World TD Canada Trust, the retail banking arm of the Toronto- Dominion Bank, has become the first in Canada to offer an NFC mobile payment solution that is supported by the country’s three major wireless networks: Bell, Rogers and Telus. The new TD Mobile Payment feature has been integrated into the bank’s existing mobile banking application, used by more than two million customers, and will enable consumers with compatible NFC phones to make payments of up to C$50 at any Visa PayWave terminal. The service can be used with the BlackBerry 9900, Samsung Galaxy S III, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini, Samsung Galaxy Note 2/3, Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC One, with additional NFC phones to be supported in future releases. Lire le reste de l’article --> ici
  • 26. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 26nha Merci et à la semaine prochaine!
  • 27. 16 MAI 2014 - Pira- 27nha QUÉBEC 325, boul. Marais #234 Québec (QC) G1M 3R3 + 1 418 687-1330 PARIS 9, rue de Pagès 92150 Suresnes, France + 33 (0) 171 113 600 MONTRÉAL 3675, rue Saint-Dominique Montréal (QC) H2X 2X8 + 1 514 938-1330 TORONTO 161 Bay Street, 27th floor PO Box 508, Toronto (ON) M5J 2S1 + 1 418 757-0707 -