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SEO Report, Jul 24, 2017
78 / 100
39 / 51
11 / 51
1 / 51
SEO Report for
 The meta title tag is missing from your page. A missing or poor title tag (that does not target
important keywords or phrases) will make it difficult for your page to rank well in search engines.
In order to pass this test you must include a <title> tag in your page header (<head> section):
<title>This is the title of my page</title>
You can't have more than one <title> element in your page and if you skip this tag, the document
will not validate as HTML.
The title tag is one of the most important factors when it comes to successful search engine
optimization for your page. It is located within the section above the descriptions and keyword
tags. The title tag is what is displayed on the search engines result page (SERP) and it provides a
summary about your website. Use the most relevant keyword in your title tag and keep the length
around 10 to 60 characters. There is no penalty for longer title tags, the end of the tag will simply
be ignored by the search engines.
 The meta description of your page has a length of 95 characters. Most search engines will truncate
meta descriptions to 160 characters.
 Vegas Slots Online. Hit it Rich, Play Casino Games. Slots Casino Online - Real Money Slots
Vegas Slots Online. Hit it Rich, Play Casino Games. Slots Casino Online - Real Money
Slots 777.
Meta Title
Meta Description
Google Search
Results Preview
Page 1
 There is likely no optimal keyword density (search engine algorithms have evolved beyond
keyword density metrics as a significant ranking factor). It can be useful, however, to note which
keywords appear most often on your page and if they reflect the intended topic of your page. More
importantly, the keywords on your page should appear within natural sounding and grammatically
correct copy.
 casino - 38 times
 online - 29 times
 vegas - 24 times
 slots - 21 times
 money - 12 times
 Your most common keywords are not appearing in one or more of the meta-tags above. Your
primary keywords should appear in your meta-tags to help identify the topic of your webpage to
search engines.
 Keyword(s) not included in Title tag
 Keyword(s) included in Meta-Description tag
First of all, you must make sure that your page is using the title and meta-description tags.
Second, you must adjust these tags content in order to include some of the primary keywords
displayed above.
 accept accountarray aspect available avoid away banking begin best
bettingbonus bonusescanada cards cash casinocasinos
change cheat clicks comforts computer connect convenient couple create credit
current date deposit distance doesn't don't easier easy enjoy enjoyable
enjoying ensuring error excitement fair fantastic favorite gambling games
gaming help home inclusion internetjackpot just like listed live machines
makemakes making master matter moneyoffer offers office
onlineopportunity options page people personal place play
player's players playing probably promotions purpose reached real
recognized right rogue safe simply site sitesslot slotstime variety
vegasvisa welcome wire withdrawal withdrawals
 This URL is currently ranked in the top 20 organic Google listings for the search terms below:
 real vegas slots online
 real vegas mobile casino
 real vegas casino online
 real vegas online casino
 real vegas casino
 There are no indexed competitors for your domain!
Most Common
Keywords Test
Keyword Usage
Keywords Cloud
Related Keywords
Page 2
 Your page contains H1 headings. Their contents are listed below:
 Vegas Slots, where to play Casino Online real money
 Your page contains H2 headings. Their contents are listed below:
 Vegas Slots Online
 Vegas Slots
 Congratulations! Your site uses a "robots.txt" file:
 Congratulations! We've found 1 sitemap file for your website:
 Congratulations! We have checked 13 links on this web page and none of them are broken.
 Congratulations! All links from your webpage are SEO friendly.
 Your webpage has 6 'img' tags and all of them contain the required 'alt' attribute.
 Your webpage is using 20 inline CSS styles!
It is a good practice to move all the inline CSS rules into an external file in order to make your
page "lighter" in weight and decrease the code to text ratio.
check the HTML code of your page and identify all style attributes
for each style attribute found you must properly move all declarations in the external CSS file
and remove the style attribute
For example:
<!--this HTML code with inline CSS rule:-->
<p style="color:red; font-size: 12px">some text here</p>
<!--would became:-->
<p>some text here</p>
<!--and the rule added into your CSS file:-->
p{color:red; font-size: 12px}
 Congratulations! Your page does not use HTML deprecated tags.
 Congratulations! Your website is using the latest version of Google Analytics.
 Congratulations! Your website appears to have a favicon.
<h1> Headings
<h2> Headings
Robots.txt Test
Sitemap Test
Broken Links Test
SEO Friendly URL
Image Alt Test
Inline CSS Test
Deprecated HTML
Google Analytics
Favicon Test
Page 3
 Your domain has 342 total backlinks from 47 referring domains. Some most recently found
backlinks for your domain are listed below:
 Checked on Jun 30, 2017:
 Checked on Jun 30, 2017:
 Checked on Jun 30, 2017:
 Checked on Jun 30, 2017:
 Checked on Jun 30, 2017:
 We found one JavaScript error on your web page!
 Uncaught TypeError: window.addEvent is not a function
Source file:
casino-online-real-money.html at line: 5, column: 81
If your site has JavaScript errors it might not work properly, which can lead to improper or
incomplete loading of content. It's hard to advise how to fix JavaScript errors since there are many
different types, but here are some tips:
- First of all, you have to locate the source of errors;
- If you are using JS plugins or other third party code, you must carefully read the documentation;
- Syntax errors (a typo or missing character) are easy to fix;
 Your website is not connected with social media using the API's provided by Facebook, Google +,
Twitter, Pinterest, or using
In order to pass this test you must connect your website with at least one major social network. To
do that, you must insert into your page some social networks plugins: Facebook Like Button,
Facebook Share Button, Facebook Comments, Twitter Button, Google +1 Button, Pinterest Button
or AddThis Widget
 Congratulations! The size of your web page's HTML is 4.74 Kb and is under the average web
page's HTML size of 33 Kb.
Faster loading websites result in a better user experience, higher conversion rates, and generally
better search engine rankings.
 Congratulations! Your page is successfully compressed using gzip compression on your code.
Your HTML is compressed from 17.04 Kb to 4.74 Kb (72 % size savings). This helps ensure a
faster loading web page and improved user experience.
 Your site loading time is around 2.478 seconds and this is under the average loading speed
which is 5 seconds.
 Your page has more than 20 http requests, which can slow down page loading. You can try
reducing http requests through various methods such as using text instead of images, using css
sprites, using data URIs instead of images, or combining several external files together into one.
HTML Pages: 8; CSS Files: 3; Scripts: 9; Images: 14; Flash Files: 0;
Backlinks Checker
JS Error Checker
Social Media Check
HTML Page Size
Site Loading Speed
Page Objects
Page 4
 Congratulations, you have a caching mechanism on your website. Caching helps speed page
loading times as well as reduces server load.
 Congratulations! Your website does not include flash objects (an outdated technology that was
sometimes used to deliver rich multimedia content). Flash content does not work well on mobile
devices, and is difficult for crawlers to interpret.
 Congratulations! Your webpage use 'Expires' header for your images and the browsers will
display these images from the cache.
 Some of your website's JavaScript files are not minified!
In order to pass this test you must minify all of your external JavaScript files. For this task you can
use an online JS minifier like YUI Compressor, Closure Compiler or JSMin.
 Congratulations! Your website's CSS files are minified!
 Congratulations, your page does not use nested tables. This speeds up page loading time and
optimizes the user experience.
 Congratulations! Your webpage does not use frames.
 Congratulations! Your website has a doctype declaration:
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
 Congratulations! Your URL doesn't have any redirects (which could potentially cause site
indexation issues and site loading delays).
money.html and
play-casino-online-real-money.html resolve to the same URL.
Page Cache Test
(Server Side
Flash Test
Image Expires Tag
JS Minification Test
CSS Minification
Nested Tables Test
Frameset Test
Doctype Test
URL Redirects
Page 5
 Your site's IP does not redirect to your site's domain name. This may cause duplicate
content problems if a search engine indexes your site under both its IP and domain name.
Please note that fixing any IP canonicalization issues requires a dedicated IP address (which may
be more difficult to obtain on a shared hosting plan). While IP canonicalization issues in
themselves are likely benign in the scheme of search engine rankings, investing in a dedicated IP
can be beneficial for other ranking reasons well, such as site security (avoiding being labelled as
a malware website by association with other malicious websites who might share your IP) and
when implementing SSL (older browsers mostly on Windows XP may require a unique IP to work
In order to pass this test you must consider using a 301 re-write rule in your .htaccess file so that
your site's IP points to your domain name. If your site is running on apache server, you could put
these lines in your .htaccess after RewriteEngine on line:
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
Note that you must properly format the first line using your IP (replace X characters with proper
digits from your IP) and the second line using your domain name.
 Your website is not using https, a secure communication protocol. Even for sites that do not collect
sensitive customer information, search engines suggest that switching to https is an increasingly
good idea and may help improve rankings. Note: if your site relies primarily on adsense income,
be aware that using https may be detrimental to ad earnings.
If your website needs a secured authentication or an encrypted transfer of data, you need to install
an SSL certificate in order to provide a secure connection over HTTPS protocol. HERE is a "step
by step" guide to purchase and install an SSL certificate.
 This site is not currently listed as suspicious (no malware or phishing activity found).
 Congratulations, your server signature is off.
 Congratulations! Your server has disabled directory browsing.
 Your server appears to allow access from User-agent Libwww-perl. Botnet scripts that
automatically look for vulnerabilities in your software are sometimes identified as User-Agent
libwww-perl. By blocking access from libwww-perl you can eliminate many simpler attacks. Read
more on blocking Libwww-perl access and improving your website's security.
In order to pass this test you must block the libwww-perl user-agent in your .htaccess file.
If your site is running on apache server, you could put these lines in your .htaccess after
RewriteEngine on line:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} libwww-perl.*
RewriteRule .* ? [F,L]
IP Canonicalization
Safe Browsing Test
Server Signature
Directory Browsing
Libwww-perl Access
Page 6
 Congratulations! Your webpage does not include email addresses in plaintext.
 Your website is not using media queries. You should consider using this technique in order to
implement responsive design functionalities.
Media queries allow you to style elements for specific devices (smartphones, tablets, desktop
computers) by using attributes like width, height, resolution, aspect ratio, orientation or color. By
using media queries, presentations can be tailored to a specific range of output devices without
changing the content itself.
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 960px)"
href="480-960.css" />
<!-- OR -->
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 960px) {
#header {
display: none;
An @media rule specifies the target media types of a set of statements. In the example above, we
are specifying the media type screen. The max-width and min-width features are telling the
browser that at any screen size larger than 480px, but smaller than 960px, hide any elements with
Plaintext Emails
Media Query
Responsive Test
Mobile Snapshot
Page 7
 Congratulations! Your website is using HTML Microdata specifications in order to markup
structured data.
 Type: Organization
 Properties:
name: Vegas Casino Online. Real Money Casino Games, Play Vegas Slots Online.
sameAs: [object Object]
 Type: Organization
 Properties:
name: Casino Games, Vegas Slots Casino. Play Slot Machines Online
sameAs: [object Object]
 Type: Organization
 Properties:
name: Real Money Slots for players from US. Online Casino Fun
sameAs: [object Object]
 Type: Organization
 Properties:
name: Vegas Slots. Real Money Casino Online
sameAs: [object Object]
 Your webpage does not use the noindex meta tag. This means that your webpage will be read
and indexed by search engines.
 Your page does not use the canonical link tag.
Microdata Schema
Noindex Checker
Canonical Tag
Page 8
 Your webpage is using the nofollow meta tag. You are advised to use this tag carefully since
search engines will not crawl all links from your webpage.
 <a title="Casino Games" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span
style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><img
src="/images/stories/US.Flag.jpg" alt="vegas slots" width="250" height="125" /></span></a>
 <a title="Casino Games" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span
style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><strong><span
style="font-size: 14pt;">Create My Casino Account</span></strong></span></a>
 <a title="Vegas Slots" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img
style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="/images/stories/777.slots.jpg"
alt="777 slots" width="671" height="212" /></span></span></span></strong><span
style="font-size: 18pt;"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times;">Las Vegas Casino
 <a title="Vegas Slots Online" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">
<span style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><img
src="/images/stories/US.Flag.jpg" alt="vegas slots" width="250" height="125" /></span></a>
 <a title="Vegas Slots Online" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">
<span style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><strong>
<span style="font-size: 14pt;">Casino Account</span></strong></span></a>
 <a title="Casino Online Australia" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">
<span style="font-family: times new roman,times; color: #993366; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>
</strong><strong><span title="Casino Games">Create My Account</span></strong></span>
 <a title="Casino Online" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span
style="font-family: times new roman,times; color: #993366; font-size: 14pt;"><strong><span
title="Casino Games"> </span></strong><strong><span title="Casino Games">Canada
Casino Account</span></strong></span></a>
 <a title="Vegas Casino" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span
style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><img
src="/images/stories/UK.Flag.jpg" alt="slot machines" width="250" height="125" /></span>
 <a title="Vegas Casino" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span
style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><strong><span
style="font-size: 14pt;">UK Casino Account</span></strong><br /></span></a>
If you want search engines to crawl all the outgoing links on your webpage you must remove the
nofollow meta tag.
 Your robots.txt file disallow the search engines access to some parts of your website. You are
advised to check carefully if the access to these resources or pages must be blocked.
 Disallow: /includes/
 Disallow: /installation/
 Disallow: /language/
 Disallow: /libraries/
 Disallow: /tmp/
 Disallow: /xmlrpc/
Nofollow Checker
Disallow Directive
Page 9
 Your DNS server is not using an SPF record. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) allows
administrators to specify which hosts are allowed to send mail from a given domain by creating a
specific SPF record or TXT record in the Domain Name System (DNS). You can find more
information about SPF records here.
An SPF record is a type of Domain Name Service (DNS) record that allows email systems to
check if the sender of a message comes from a legitimate source and refuse an email if the source
is not legitimate. Adding an SPF record is as easy as adding CNAME, MX or A records in your
DNS zone. You can find more information here.
Before creating the SPF record for your domain, it is important to have access at your domain's
DNS zone and to know what mail servers your domain is likely to use and plan how you want any
non-authorised email to be handled.
Let's say that you are planning to send emails using Google Apps and you also want to ensure
that no other mail servers are authorised. You can use an SPF record like this:
v=spf1 -all
"v=spf1" - This sets the SPF version
"" - This includes Google mail servers in your list of authorized sending
"-all" - This means that any server not previously listed is not authorized
If you are using your own VPS to send email and not any other service like Mandrill, Google Apps,
etc. then you can create an SPF record like this:
v=spf1 mx -all
Setting an SPF record for your domain can help in reducing the chances of a spammer using your
domain name in unsolicited emails. Research carefully what mail servers your domain is likely to
use and plan how you want any non-authorised email to be handled.
SPF records
Page 10

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SEO for Bloggers for EVO 2011
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  • 1. SEO Report, Jul 24, 2017 78 / 100 SEO SCORE 39 / 51 PASSED CHECKS 11 / 51 FAILED CHECKS 1 / 51 WARNINGS SEO Report for casino-online/vegas-slots-where-to-play-casino- online-real-money.html COMMON SEO ISSUES  The meta title tag is missing from your page. A missing or poor title tag (that does not target important keywords or phrases) will make it difficult for your page to rank well in search engines. HOW TO FIX META TITLE In order to pass this test you must include a <title> tag in your page header (<head> section): <head> <title>This is the title of my page</title> </head> You can't have more than one <title> element in your page and if you skip this tag, the document will not validate as HTML. The title tag is one of the most important factors when it comes to successful search engine optimization for your page. It is located within the section above the descriptions and keyword tags. The title tag is what is displayed on the search engines result page (SERP) and it provides a summary about your website. Use the most relevant keyword in your title tag and keep the length around 10 to 60 characters. There is no penalty for longer title tags, the end of the tag will simply be ignored by the search engines.  The meta description of your page has a length of 95 characters. Most search engines will truncate meta descriptions to 160 characters.  Vegas Slots Online. Hit it Rich, Play Casino Games. Slots Casino Online - Real Money Slots 777.  casino-online-real-money.html Vegas Slots Online. Hit it Rich, Play Casino Games. Slots Casino Online - Real Money Slots 777. Meta Title Meta Description Google Search Results Preview Page 1
  • 2.  There is likely no optimal keyword density (search engine algorithms have evolved beyond keyword density metrics as a significant ranking factor). It can be useful, however, to note which keywords appear most often on your page and if they reflect the intended topic of your page. More importantly, the keywords on your page should appear within natural sounding and grammatically correct copy.  casino - 38 times  online - 29 times  vegas - 24 times  slots - 21 times  money - 12 times  Your most common keywords are not appearing in one or more of the meta-tags above. Your primary keywords should appear in your meta-tags to help identify the topic of your webpage to search engines.  Keyword(s) not included in Title tag  Keyword(s) included in Meta-Description tag HOW TO FIX KEYWORD USAGE First of all, you must make sure that your page is using the title and meta-description tags. Second, you must adjust these tags content in order to include some of the primary keywords displayed above.  accept accountarray aspect available avoid away banking begin best bettingbonus bonusescanada cards cash casinocasinos change cheat clicks comforts computer connect convenient couple create credit current date deposit distance doesn't don't easier easy enjoy enjoyable enjoying ensuring error excitement fair fantastic favorite gambling games gaming help home inclusion internetjackpot just like listed live machines makemakes making master matter moneyoffer offers office onlineopportunity options page people personal place play player's players playing probably promotions purpose reached real recognized right rogue safe simply site sitesslot slotstime variety vegasvisa welcome wire withdrawal withdrawals  This URL is currently ranked in the top 20 organic Google listings for the search terms below:  real vegas slots online  real vegas mobile casino  real vegas casino online  real vegas online casino  real vegas casino  There are no indexed competitors for your domain! Most Common Keywords Test Keyword Usage Keywords Cloud Related Keywords Competitor Domains Page 2
  • 3.  Your page contains H1 headings. Their contents are listed below:  Vegas Slots, where to play Casino Online real money  Your page contains H2 headings. Their contents are listed below:  Vegas Slots Online  Vegas Slots  Congratulations! Your site uses a "robots.txt" file:  Congratulations! We've found 1 sitemap file for your website:   Congratulations! We have checked 13 links on this web page and none of them are broken.  Congratulations! All links from your webpage are SEO friendly.  Your webpage has 6 'img' tags and all of them contain the required 'alt' attribute.  Your webpage is using 20 inline CSS styles! HOW TO FIX INLINE CSS TEST It is a good practice to move all the inline CSS rules into an external file in order to make your page "lighter" in weight and decrease the code to text ratio. check the HTML code of your page and identify all style attributes for each style attribute found you must properly move all declarations in the external CSS file and remove the style attribute For example: <!--this HTML code with inline CSS rule:--> <p style="color:red; font-size: 12px">some text here</p> <!--would became:--> <p>some text here</p> <!--and the rule added into your CSS file:--> p{color:red; font-size: 12px}  Congratulations! Your page does not use HTML deprecated tags.  Congratulations! Your website is using the latest version of Google Analytics.  Congratulations! Your website appears to have a favicon. <h1> Headings Status <h2> Headings Status Robots.txt Test Sitemap Test Broken Links Test SEO Friendly URL Test Image Alt Test Inline CSS Test Deprecated HTML Tags Google Analytics Test Favicon Test Page 3
  • 4.  Your domain has 342 total backlinks from 47 referring domains. Some most recently found backlinks for your domain are listed below:  Checked on Jun 30, 2017:  Checked on Jun 30, 2017:  Checked on Jun 30, 2017:  Checked on Jun 30, 2017:  Checked on Jun 30, 2017:  We found one JavaScript error on your web page!  Uncaught TypeError: window.addEvent is not a function Source file: casino-online-real-money.html at line: 5, column: 81 HOW TO FIX JS ERROR CHECKER If your site has JavaScript errors it might not work properly, which can lead to improper or incomplete loading of content. It's hard to advise how to fix JavaScript errors since there are many different types, but here are some tips: - First of all, you have to locate the source of errors; - If you are using JS plugins or other third party code, you must carefully read the documentation; - Syntax errors (a typo or missing character) are easy to fix;  Your website is not connected with social media using the API's provided by Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Pinterest, or using HOW TO FIX SOCIAL MEDIA CHECK In order to pass this test you must connect your website with at least one major social network. To do that, you must insert into your page some social networks plugins: Facebook Like Button, Facebook Share Button, Facebook Comments, Twitter Button, Google +1 Button, Pinterest Button or AddThis Widget SPEED OPTIMIZATIONS  Congratulations! The size of your web page's HTML is 4.74 Kb and is under the average web page's HTML size of 33 Kb. Faster loading websites result in a better user experience, higher conversion rates, and generally better search engine rankings.  Congratulations! Your page is successfully compressed using gzip compression on your code. Your HTML is compressed from 17.04 Kb to 4.74 Kb (72 % size savings). This helps ensure a faster loading web page and improved user experience.  Your site loading time is around 2.478 seconds and this is under the average loading speed which is 5 seconds.  Your page has more than 20 http requests, which can slow down page loading. You can try reducing http requests through various methods such as using text instead of images, using css sprites, using data URIs instead of images, or combining several external files together into one. HTML Pages: 8; CSS Files: 3; Scripts: 9; Images: 14; Flash Files: 0; Backlinks Checker JS Error Checker Social Media Check HTML Page Size Test HTML Compression/GZIP Test Site Loading Speed Test Page Objects Page 4
  • 5.  Congratulations, you have a caching mechanism on your website. Caching helps speed page loading times as well as reduces server load.  Congratulations! Your website does not include flash objects (an outdated technology that was sometimes used to deliver rich multimedia content). Flash content does not work well on mobile devices, and is difficult for crawlers to interpret.  Congratulations! Your webpage use 'Expires' header for your images and the browsers will display these images from the cache.  Some of your website's JavaScript files are not minified!  HOW TO FIX JS MINIFICATION TEST In order to pass this test you must minify all of your external JavaScript files. For this task you can use an online JS minifier like YUI Compressor, Closure Compiler or JSMin.  Congratulations! Your website's CSS files are minified!  Congratulations, your page does not use nested tables. This speeds up page loading time and optimizes the user experience.  Congratulations! Your webpage does not use frames.  Congratulations! Your website has a doctype declaration:  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  Congratulations! Your URL doesn't have any redirects (which could potentially cause site indexation issues and site loading delays). SERVER AND SECURITY  money.html and play-casino-online-real-money.html resolve to the same URL. Page Cache Test (Server Side Caching) Flash Test Image Expires Tag Test JS Minification Test CSS Minification Test Nested Tables Test Frameset Test Doctype Test URL Redirects Checker URL Canonicalization Test Page 5
  • 6.  Your site's IP does not redirect to your site's domain name. This may cause duplicate content problems if a search engine indexes your site under both its IP and domain name. HOW TO FIX IP CANONICALIZATION TEST Please note that fixing any IP canonicalization issues requires a dedicated IP address (which may be more difficult to obtain on a shared hosting plan). While IP canonicalization issues in themselves are likely benign in the scheme of search engine rankings, investing in a dedicated IP can be beneficial for other ranking reasons well, such as site security (avoiding being labelled as a malware website by association with other malicious websites who might share your IP) and when implementing SSL (older browsers mostly on Windows XP may require a unique IP to work properly). In order to pass this test you must consider using a 301 re-write rule in your .htaccess file so that your site's IP points to your domain name. If your site is running on apache server, you could put these lines in your .htaccess after RewriteEngine on line: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] Note that you must properly format the first line using your IP (replace X characters with proper digits from your IP) and the second line using your domain name.  Your website is not using https, a secure communication protocol. Even for sites that do not collect sensitive customer information, search engines suggest that switching to https is an increasingly good idea and may help improve rankings. Note: if your site relies primarily on adsense income, be aware that using https may be detrimental to ad earnings. HOW TO FIX HTTPS TEST If your website needs a secured authentication or an encrypted transfer of data, you need to install an SSL certificate in order to provide a secure connection over HTTPS protocol. HERE is a "step by step" guide to purchase and install an SSL certificate.  This site is not currently listed as suspicious (no malware or phishing activity found).  Congratulations, your server signature is off.  Congratulations! Your server has disabled directory browsing.  Your server appears to allow access from User-agent Libwww-perl. Botnet scripts that automatically look for vulnerabilities in your software are sometimes identified as User-Agent libwww-perl. By blocking access from libwww-perl you can eliminate many simpler attacks. Read more on blocking Libwww-perl access and improving your website's security. HOW TO FIX LIBWWW-PERL ACCESS TEST In order to pass this test you must block the libwww-perl user-agent in your .htaccess file. If your site is running on apache server, you could put these lines in your .htaccess after RewriteEngine on line: RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} libwww-perl.* RewriteRule .* ? [F,L] IP Canonicalization Test HTTPS Test Safe Browsing Test Server Signature Test Directory Browsing Test Libwww-perl Access Test Page 6
  • 7.  Congratulations! Your webpage does not include email addresses in plaintext. MOBILE USABILITY  Your website is not using media queries. You should consider using this technique in order to implement responsive design functionalities. HOW TO FIX MEDIA QUERY RESPONSIVE TEST Media queries allow you to style elements for specific devices (smartphones, tablets, desktop computers) by using attributes like width, height, resolution, aspect ratio, orientation or color. By using media queries, presentations can be tailored to a specific range of output devices without changing the content itself. Example: <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 960px)" href="480-960.css" /> <!-- OR --> @media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 960px) { #header { display: none; } } An @media rule specifies the target media types of a set of statements. In the example above, we are specifying the media type screen. The max-width and min-width features are telling the browser that at any screen size larger than 480px, but smaller than 960px, hide any elements with id="header". Plaintext Emails Test Media Query Responsive Test Mobile Snapshot Page 7
  • 8. ADVANCED SEO  Congratulations! Your website is using HTML Microdata specifications in order to markup structured data.  Type: Organization  Properties: name: Vegas Casino Online. Real Money Casino Games, Play Vegas Slots Online. url: sameAs: [object Object]  Type: Organization  Properties: name: Casino Games, Vegas Slots Casino. Play Slot Machines Online url: slot-machines.html sameAs: [object Object]  Type: Organization  Properties: name: Real Money Slots for players from US. Online Casino Fun url: american-casino-bonus-for-players-from-us.html sameAs: [object Object]  Type: Organization  Properties: name: Vegas Slots. Real Money Casino Online url: online-real-money.html sameAs: [object Object]  Your webpage does not use the noindex meta tag. This means that your webpage will be read and indexed by search engines.  Your page does not use the canonical link tag. Microdata Schema Test Noindex Checker Canonical Tag Checker Page 8
  • 9.  Your webpage is using the nofollow meta tag. You are advised to use this tag carefully since search engines will not crawl all links from your webpage.  <a title="Casino Games" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><img src="/images/stories/US.Flag.jpg" alt="vegas slots" width="250" height="125" /></span></a>  <a title="Casino Games" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><strong><span style="font-size: 14pt;">Create My Casino Account</span></strong></span></a>  <a title="Vegas Slots" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="/images/stories/777.slots.jpg" alt="777 slots" width="671" height="212" /></span></span></span></strong><span style="font-size: 18pt;"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times;">Las Vegas Casino Account</span></span></strong></a>  <a title="Vegas Slots Online" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <span style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><img src="/images/stories/US.Flag.jpg" alt="vegas slots" width="250" height="125" /></span></a>  <a title="Vegas Slots Online" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <span style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><strong> <span style="font-size: 14pt;">Casino Account</span></strong></span></a>  <a title="Casino Online Australia" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <span style="font-family: times new roman,times; color: #993366; font-size: 14pt;"><strong> </strong><strong><span title="Casino Games">Create My Account</span></strong></span> </a>  <a title="Casino Online" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times; color: #993366; font-size: 14pt;"><strong><span title="Casino Games"> </span></strong><strong><span title="Casino Games">Canada Casino Account</span></strong></span></a>  <a title="Vegas Casino" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><img src="/images/stories/UK.Flag.jpg" alt="slot machines" width="250" height="125" /></span> </a>  <a title="Vegas Casino" href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="font-family: times new roman,times; font-size: 24pt; color: #993366;"><strong><span style="font-size: 14pt;">UK Casino Account</span></strong><br /></span></a> HOW TO FIX NOFOLLOW CHECKER If you want search engines to crawl all the outgoing links on your webpage you must remove the nofollow meta tag.  Your robots.txt file disallow the search engines access to some parts of your website. You are advised to check carefully if the access to these resources or pages must be blocked.  Disallow: /includes/  Disallow: /installation/  Disallow: /language/  Disallow: /libraries/  Disallow: /tmp/  Disallow: /xmlrpc/ Nofollow Checker Disallow Directive Checker Page 9
  • 10.  Your DNS server is not using an SPF record. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) allows administrators to specify which hosts are allowed to send mail from a given domain by creating a specific SPF record or TXT record in the Domain Name System (DNS). You can find more information about SPF records here. HOW TO FIX SPF RECORDS CHECKER An SPF record is a type of Domain Name Service (DNS) record that allows email systems to check if the sender of a message comes from a legitimate source and refuse an email if the source is not legitimate. Adding an SPF record is as easy as adding CNAME, MX or A records in your DNS zone. You can find more information here. Before creating the SPF record for your domain, it is important to have access at your domain's DNS zone and to know what mail servers your domain is likely to use and plan how you want any non-authorised email to be handled. Example: Let's say that you are planning to send emails using Google Apps and you also want to ensure that no other mail servers are authorised. You can use an SPF record like this: v=spf1 -all "v=spf1" - This sets the SPF version "" - This includes Google mail servers in your list of authorized sending servers "-all" - This means that any server not previously listed is not authorized If you are using your own VPS to send email and not any other service like Mandrill, Google Apps, etc. then you can create an SPF record like this: v=spf1 mx -all Note: Setting an SPF record for your domain can help in reducing the chances of a spammer using your domain name in unsolicited emails. Research carefully what mail servers your domain is likely to use and plan how you want any non-authorised email to be handled. SPF records checker Page 10