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UX Trends 2018

January 2018
For those who know us, Zorraquino is a design and digital strategy consultancy,
specialist in branding, user experience and the development of integral solutions
for the digital business.
In 2017 we presented our first report on trends in user experience.
Over the last year the sector has not ceased to evolve, for this reason we believe that
this report will be extremely enriching for all those who believe and appreciate the
relevance of this discipline.
In the report you will find the latest trends we foresee will guide the user experience in
I hope you find it interesting and that it provides you with ideas for your projects.
Miguel Zorraquino
User experience
User experience is working on the perception and experience users and
clients have of your product or service, through interaction with digital points
of contact.
In other words, it is a key aspect in branding, digital marketing and digital
User experience always requires a muilti-disciplinary team that brings together
areas such as: design, psychology, technology, business, marketing and
Humanised design in an increasingly more automated world
Trend 1
Human technology
In spite of technological developments, it is increasingly clear that the relation which
the user seeks with a product is the same as they expect with another person.
Human need, "face to face" relation, human emotions such as naturalness and
transparency, which create security, and which mark the relation with the brand from
the first moment.
These touches of humanisation in a digital experience could materialise in short
animations, micro-interactions or, also in the intervention of artificial intelligence in
offering quasi-human dialogues that resolve specific needs.
Human and participative treatment which increases attention, connection and
empathy, and improves user satisfaction.
Trend 1. Humanisation
In short
• Personalisation: to capture greater user attention.
• Naturalness, transparency, security. Less friction.
• Micro-interractions: short animations that improve the experience and enrich the
• Chats: to go shopping as if you were in a shop face to face.
• Upsurge in the design of conversational products.
• Voice assistants in private life: more fluid, friendly treatment, integrated into millions
of homes, cars, …
• “The best interface is no interface.”
Trend 1. Humanisation
It notifies you if you have been selected in a group, thus allowing interaction on each message
Allows personalisation of emojis
Robot Pepper
First humanoid robot that can communicate and interpret human emotions
“When the point of contact between the product
and the people becomes a point of friction, then
the industrial designer has failed. On the other
hand, if people are made safer, more
comfortable, more eager to purchase, more
efficient - or just plain happier - by contact with
the product, then the designer has succeeded.”

Henry Dreyfuss, autor de Designing for People
Trend 1. Humanisation
Moving on from from NLP (Natural Language
Processing), which understands the question and
is capable of responding, to NLU (Natural
Language Understanding) in which AI
"understands" the user, and a much closer
experience to real conversation between two
people is obtained

Chatbots in Facebook
Trend 1. Humanisation
Therapeutic chatbot
Your personal trainer and friend
“Crew stories” in Snapchat they humanised interaction and increased views by 800%
Learn languages talking, a similar experience to having a teacher
• Medical service from the cellphone.
• Something as intimate and personal as attending the doctor requires a good user
• Oscar has revolutionised the health sector in the US.
• Values: technology and transparency.
• The majority of the clients millennials young (25 to 36 years).
• Chat con “advisors” professional with access to your record.
• Consult medical specialists via video conferences.
• They have opened a physical clinic in NY.
Trend 1. Humanisation
A new style of medical insurance that is simple, intuitive and human
Contract scriptwriters to make your new assistant more human
Contract scriptwriters to make your new assistant more human
“It is ironic that where the race to automate
everything seemed to obviate the human factor,
technology is now being used to personalize
and humanize service.”
Catherine Chetwynd, autor de Reconteur
Trend 1. Humanisation
To think
• Humanisation continues to be key in design. The aim: eradicate any kind of
"friction" derived from technology so that interactions are as similar to human
interaction as possible.
• In this sense, psychology plays a key role in the UX design, the designer is not only a
technician, but someone who understands the user and offers him/her much more
human experiences.
• The great investment of companies in AI to improve user attention continues to
generate debate about the future of humans in the automated world. Seeing the speed
of adaption to AI last year....where are the limits?
Trend 1. Humanisation
10 UX Design Predictions for 2018
15 Big Trends That Will Influence Marketing in 2018
UX Design Trends for 2017: Dictated by the Future
18 Designers Predict UI/UX Trends for 2018
Trend 1. Humanisation
Facebook Messenger gets reactions for individual messages and 

@ notifications
Apple presents the app Animoji to personalise emojis with your face
The robot Pepper signs in for Lopesan
Meet the WoeBot, the chatbot therapist who cares how you feel (for $39)
Trend 1. Humanisation
Most Advanced Chatbot Apps Powered by Artificial Intellect
Lufthansa Intros Consumers To Crew Via Snapchat
How we designed Oscar 2.0
Trend 1. Humanisation
The individual as the challenge
Trend 2
We personalise experiences
In 2015, Gartner predicted that "by 2018, organisations that have fully invested in all
types of personalisation will outsell companies that have not by 20%".
Having arrived at that date, we see that the prediction was not wrong.
Something that is the linchpin of all sales attempts, but which technology makes
increasingly more certain, with more intimate and emotional, useful and practical
consumer experiences, that allow the user to save time and reduce the
consumption of irrelevant content, developed thanks to data analysis, artificial
intelligence, machine learning...
The reality is that consumers, in the present day, expect personalised treatment and
that brands are ahead of their needs in exchange for submitting their details.
Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
Facts about personalisation
74 %
Are frustrated when a web page shows them content,
offers, adverts, promotions, etc. that seem to have
nothing to do with their interests.
67 %
Would leave the page if they were asked for a donation
for the political party they least like.
57 %
Would leave the page if they were married and were
shown an advert for a dating service.

50 %
Would leave the page if they were shown a
recommendation for underwear for the opposite sex.
Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
In short
• Individualised experiences, relevant for each user.
• Content adapted to each person: “age responsive design”, suggestions,
recommendations, promotions, etc.
• Big Data: artificial intelligence and automatic learning.
• Time saving (the most valuable): anticipation.
• 50% of consumers expect that by 2020 the brand understands them and is ahead of
their needs. Salesforce Report.
• Sailthru Rank Top Retail Personalization Index: Sephora, JustFav y Watmart.
• Multi-channel personalisation, built using data from each point of contact with the
Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
or discounts
Personalized in-store or
online shopping experience
Product recommendations
that match their needs
Millennials Gen Xers Baby Boomers/Traditionalists
Salesforce study
Users give their data for getting personalized experiencies
Leader in retail personalization in 2017
Personalization process for showing all the adapted contents
Shows experiences adapted to the user
Promotions depending on the weather, cold or hot
Offers personalised products such as this brush with app to control the health of your hair
Engagement through message personalisation
The King of the suggestions presents the contents with the most attractive way for each profile
To think
• Research continues in order to get to know the users better and offer an increasingly
more personalised brand experience.
• Users demand more "hyper-personalisation" so it is likely that investment in these
strategies will continue to rise and reach a new record this year, 2018.
• Pending the launching of the General Data Protection Regulations of the EU which
will regulate data collection techniques as these could be essential for realigning
Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
10 UX Design Predictions for 2018
Keep Your Eye on These 9 UX Design Trends in 2018
Top 5 Trends for Customer Experience in 2018
Estudio de Salesforce
Walk a Fine Line with Personal Mobile Offers
Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
Online Consumers Fed Up With Irrelevant Content on Favorite Websites,
According to Janrain Study
Retail Personalization Index
15 Smart Ecommerce Personalization Examples That Boost Sales
Sephora leads the way in personalization
Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
Content Marketing Personalization: 4 Brands’ Winning Tactics
Artwork Personalization at Netflix
Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
A more
emotional interface
From function to emotion
Trend 3
From thought to emotion
The Design Feeling trend comes as a response to Design Thinking, design
theories based on logic, strategy and reasoning and offering responses that
benefit the end user.
It is clear in the 2018 trends that reasoning looses weight against emotions.
More creative and emotive design is predominating against analytic and
Lately a more monotonous design had taken hold, perhaps too "rational",
"generic", "cold" and “technological". The Design Feeling is inspired by passion
and seeks to differentiate itself through emotion.
Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
In short
• Return to what is natural and intuitive.
• Put humanity back into design.
• "Think less and feel more".
• Feel problems, don't analyse them. To give a response to the user that satisfies the
usage experience another way.
• Pillars of this trend: impulse, spontaneity, desire, passion, feeling, imagination and
• Represents creativity at its core
• The premise of this movement:: "Design is not a process. It is an art.”
Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
Homogeneous design
We come from a more homogeneous and functional design
Functional design
We come from a more homogeneous and functional design
“Design is not a process. It’s an art.”
Chase Buckley, UX expert en Medium
Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
Reactions that contribute digital emotion
YouTube Kids
An interface adapted to the users
CityMapper app
With a lot of personality
Interfaces created for an event; a simple, interactive and amusing experience
Design to thrill
• Offer a pleasant, attractive and amusing experience.
• Significant experience: that creates an emotion.
• That users connect emotionally with the design of a web page, app, product....will
make them return, remember it, recommend it and love it.
• Building loyalty through the design of emotional experiences, that give a meaning to
the user.
• Design increasingly more focused on the human being, the development will be
guided by the search for this emotion, leaving a footprint.
Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
Diseño emocional
UX pyramid

To think
• In spite of the fact that technology is recognised as something cold and inhuman,
nowadays so omnipresent in our lives, it tends towards the humanisation of design
and experiences.
• Technological development means that products are increasingly less cold, nowadays
immersive and interactive experiences are aimed at connecting emotionally with the
• Technological development means that products are increasingly less cold,
nowadays immersive and interactive experiences are aimed at connecting emotionally
with the user.
Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
The State of UX in 2018
Design for Emotion
Design Outside the Lines
Facebook reactions inundate the comments
Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
Mood as interface
Adapt to the mood of the user
Trend 4
Interpret emotions
Although it seems like science fiction or a chapter from Black Mirror, the possibility
that a device adjusts itself or even anticipates each user depending on their mood is
real and may change the way we view technology.
The concept “Mood as interface” (MAI) represents the last frontier in user personalised
interface design. Through biometric technology, facial identification and Neural
Networks development a personalised experience depending on the mood and
emotions of each user can be offered.
It is one more stage in UX, from appealing to the senses it moves on to studying
thoughts and delving into people`s minds.
Trend 4. Mood as interface
In short
• More personalisation: Content control like never before..
• The content adapts to how one feels at any moment.
• Biometric technology: EEG (electroencephalograph).
• Scanning brain waves which transmit moods.
• Big Data: Data analysis to determine the UX according to the feelings of the user.
• Design of different interfaces to adapt to each one.
• Great possibilities for e-commerce: colours and fashion look-books, food deliveries,
entertainment platforms, ...
Trend 4. Mood as interface
Life is Good
With the action “Power of Optimism” it brings water with positive thoughts
API Google
Video and image analysis
Emotion Research Lab
Human resources undertake tests in an interview simulation with real candidates
They carry out an interview with facial recognition
App that analyses the user experience according to the mood at any given time
Analyses mood to undertake patterns and establish new habits
Acura Mood Roads
• Presented at the Sundance Film Festival in 2017.
• VR experience of sensory driving.
• BrainWave Technology: collects emotional, cognitive and physical data.
• Movement simulator with 3D biometric sensors.
• EEG sensor headset from the company Emotiv.
• Creates different routes, landscape, colour and music according to the driver's mood
• Serene, relaxed, astonished, intrigued, thrilled, …
• No two routes are the same; no two moods are the same.
Trend 4. Mood as interface
Acura mood roads
Journey controlled by your mood
Acura mood roads
Journey controlled by your mood
Neural Networks
• Systems modelled according to the human brain.
• Structured according to data perceived by our searches, distribution of likes in
Facebook or Instagram.
• They create patterns of behaviour and subtly personalise the browsing.
• Machine Learning inspired by how our brain works..
• Facebook used them in 2014 in a controversial experiment with 689,003 users.
Facebook manipulated the timeline news of each user in accordance with a study of
their emotions to provoke some moods or others.
Trend 4. Mood as interface
Experiment on users timeline according to their mood
To think
• Design according to mood, and adapted to emotional states, is another step towards
personalisation; something that has always been done intuitively but which the
technology now facilitates adapting to the life of the user at any given moment.
• At the same time, doubts are raised about the capacity of technology to accurately
read emotions and also about the power we want to give machines, and whether we
want to allow them to know how we feel.
• In any case, it offers great possibilities for personalisation in e-commerce, products,
colours… depending on ones mood.
Trend 4. Mood as interface
The Future is Imminent: 9 Design Trends for 2018
UX Tends for 2018
Can an Interface Express a Mood?
Moodie: A Mood Sharing App
Trend 4. Mood as interface
Life Is Good, the Apparel Brand, Built a Machine Powered by Happy Thoughts
Sundance Film Festival Attendees Can Enjoy Acura “Mood Roads” 

VR Experience
Controversy Over Facebook Emotional Manipulation Study Grows As Timeline
Becomes More Clear
Trend 4. Mood as interface

for optimisation
Design for impatient people
Trend 5
Quicker browsing
Time saving design continues to be an outstanding trend in 2018 as it is an
important part of UX.
It seeks to create intuitive browsing experiences that reduces friction, saves time and
allows the user to achieve their aim in a limited number of steps.
It is essential to understand what the user expects of each app or web page and use
the appropriate elements to design a product that is consumed, in a more
personalised, simpler and quicker manner.
Other elements that help the user to save time are voice aids or biometric
Trend 5. Design for optimisation
In short
• Simple designs but not too simple.
• Browsing and main content at first glance.
• Increasingly less time is spent on deciding whether you remain on a web page or not
(3 seconds if it doesn't load).
• Intuitive, efficient and optimised designs.
• Orient or guide the user during the route, anticipating their needs.
• Both for smartphone and desktop.
• The masters Uber, Virgin América and Airbnb.
Trend 5. Design for optimisation
Most interesting information in view, highlighting how to become a driver
Virgin America
Main information at one single glance
Simple, clear form and in the main position
How to gain time in your series by skipping the intros
Elements of design
• Minimalist browsing, few steps.
• Buttons, links, questionnaires, ... clear and appealing.
• Visually rich content, images to capture attention.
• Information presented simply and attractively
• Do not saturate with content, animations, graphs or tables.
• Boost action.
• Linear design, see the different sections of the web page by scrolling.
• Progress bar, reading time info.
• Personalised suggestions (like Amazon does).
Trend 5. Design for optimisation
Intuitive app for making lists and reminders
Burger King
Voice assistant to save time
No more passwords
• Biometric authentication or password-free identification.
• It has come to stay.
• Fast and easy process.
• Security guarantees: increasingly more reliable.
• Facilitates day-to-day life: allows user to access and pay without having to remember
• Simplifies the steps when making a purchase or doing a transaction.
• Invisible design.
• Many options. The main ones: fingerprint, voice, retina and face.
Trend 5. Design for optimisation
Use of passwords on Internet
61 %
Of consumers use the same
password on various webpages.
54 %
Of consumers have only five
passwords or less.
44 %
Of consumers change their
password once a year or less.
Trend 5. Design for optimisation
Iphone X
Facial identification
Passwords, keys, cards saved in the palm of your hand
Payment Request API
Allows you to automatically include payment details which any payment gateway requests
To think
• Apart from questions about design, you mustn't forget that time saving design is
linked to download time, which can also be addressed when undertaking design.
• In addition, you mustn't forget that barrier-free design is costly and requires constant
adaptation: testing, A/B testing, capacity to learn and change, etc.
• The evolution of voice assistants can transform the way to browse, making it easier
and making relations with the machines quicker and more intuitive.
• Biometric authentication adds user distrust to its already great potential, something
which needs to be borne in mind.
Trend 5. Design for optimisation
10 UX Design Predictions for 2018
UX Design Trends for 2017: Dictated by the Future
The Future is Imminent: 9 Design Trends for 2018
The Time-Saving Design Trend and How to Use It
Trend 5. Design for optimisation
Netflix’s 'Skip Intro' Button Makes TV Ever More Like an App
Consumer Survey: Password Habits
Trend 5. Design for optimisation
enriched UI
Much more than a pretty face
Trend 6
“UX is a lot more than buttons and wireframs.
The stuff that seems obvious is only the tip of the
iceberg, and the stuff that matters most is
completely invisible. In fact, design is only one of
the 5 main ingredients of UX: psychology, usability,
design, copywriting, analysis.”
Joel Marsch, author of UX for Beginners &
Trend 6. More enriched UI
UI which generates positive experience
We have already seen the scope in which design adapts to the user saving time,
accompanies them during their browse on the web page and guides them without
making them feel they are loosing control.
All this occurs provided you are in an environment that generates trust, empathy,
attracts your attention and you makes you want to stay.
Designers generate this atmosphere through different elements. Elements that
create aesthetic effects that please and surprise the user. Degradations, illustrations,
short animations, asymmetries, typography and colours will mark design in 2018.
Trend 6. More enriched UI
In short
• Movement, animation: serve to capture user attention better, highlight some
information provided you do this to a reasonable extent.
• Video: the king of consumed content. Quality of production, reproduction, ephemeral
videos, video conferencing, ...
• Well used typographies and colours help improve the UX as well as contributing
trade branding.
• Colour: preference for plain colours, one or two, "minimal" tendency.
• Degradations: 2018 tendency, between colours, with transparencies, …
Trend 6. More enriched UI
Sediment background
Animated background
Logo and animation of loaders
Femme Fatale Studio
Sophisticated and simplified
They celebrate the success of an action
Micro-interaction on saving your suggested password
Interactive palette
Much more than flat UI
• Adaptive design vs. responsive design: Design adapted to the characteristics of
each format.
• Illustrations: offer personality and difference vs. image banks that are colder and more
• Asymmetry and brutalism inspired by free form: they break from static design to
attract attention.
• Inversive image, a simple image, large and that represents the brand.
• Borderless, limitless screen: iPhone X.
Trend 6. More enriched UI
Nurture Digital
Active Theory
Launchit Schanemielke
Data Visualization
Interactive data visualisation will become increasingly more prominent
Noto by Google
• Google and Monotype have developed a universal typography: Noto.
• 800 languages.
• 110.000 characters.
• With the aim of eliminating the "tofu problem".
• Tofu: white rectangles that appear when a typography is not recognised.
• These rectangles negatively influence the UX.
Trend 6. More enriched UI
The problem in the web pages
To think
• Try, try and try.
• Fashions come and go, and for a time they may work and empathise with the user.
• Continuity in testing helps to see the decline in a fashion.
• Moderation in the use of elements, do not saturate the user.
Trend 6. More enriched UI
Top Web Design Trends to Watch in 2018
Design trends UX / UI for 2018
9 UI and UX Trends of 2018 - Going Beyond Web and App
9 Cutting-Edge Web Design Trends for 2018
The Evolution from Invisible Design Towards the Invisible Interface
Trend 6. More enriched UI
The micro interacciones in web design
Adobe Just Built The Prettiest UI Ever
More than 800 languages in a single typeface: creating Noto for Google
Trend 6. More enriched UI
Sensory feedback
Game of the senses
Trend 7
Use of emotional responses
Synaesthesia is the "joint assimilation or interference of various types of sensations of
different senses in one same perceptive act". A person who suffers from
synaesthesia, for example, hears colours, sees sounds and perceives taste sensations
by touching an object with a determined texture.
Multi-sensory experiences have become one of the UX design trends for 2018. Not
only for immersive experiences, as in a VR session, but for the daily use of devices or
activities: personalised, emotional experiences also affect exterior senses.
As in the case of Facebook which studies how to communicate with the human brain
through a language of vibrations, or the studies of the brain of people with
Trend 7. Sensory feedback
In short
• Synthesis: union of two senses by association.
• Research investment to improve the user experience of synthetic people including
synthetic comments to products or multi sensory interfaces.
• Haptic Feedback continues to be the trend, divide vibration on doing an action,
receiving a message as a warning, …
• Neural Network: design in harmony with the brain, emotions …
• Facebook researches in this direction to determine a language o vibrations.
Trend 7. Sensory feedback
The Feelies
London Company creases a Multi sensorial VR experiences
Shynesthesia glasses
It deforms the senses
Differents smells when you receive an email, like or the alarm
It can manage different fragrances of your home from the application
• “Building 8” the secret research laboratory of Facebook.
• Currently working on “developing technology for brain-powered smartphones”.
• A technology that will enable us to write by thinking or communicate via the
vibrations of our skin.
• Presented at F8, the developers conference held in April 2017: still in its infancy, but
more developed than expected.
• It will allow unprecedented interaction with devices.
Trend 7. Sensory feedback
“Building 8”
Regina Dugan presents the new cerebral technology of Facebook
“Through a series o electrodes, the company
hopes its neural technology can reduce language
to vibrations that can be read by users’ skin. So
far, this ability to “hear” with patterns of simulation
on the skin also seems much closer to a real
consumer technology.”
Regina Dugan, VP engineering and head of Building 8, Facebook
Trend 7. Sensory feedback
Rumble Stripes
• Audible lines on the road that alert you if you exit the lane.
• Concept applied to UX design to:
• Attract the attention of tired or inattentive users.
• As a wake-up call in on-going websites or apps like IG, Pinterest, and prevent
• Warn of dangers or possible scams.
• Correct behaviour.
• Vibration alerts to tell you to continue in your lane.
Trend 7. Sensory feedback
For attract the attention of the user
To think
• UX focuses on the senses, on provoking a sensitive reaction.
• Something that still seems like science fiction but which could be here soon, given
the investment being undertaken by large digital media (especially Facebook).
• The possibilities are also great on a small scale; exploring ways of linking the different
senses to the design consumption experience.
• Smell and touch may be the senses that most complement the design experience,
which need to be conceived as multi-sensory. But it also wants to get into your
thoughts. Just how invasive could it get to be?
• For the present it is not something we are going to see, but it will strengthen
communication through skin vibration and UX design for people with synaesthesia as
the large multinationals are doing.
Trend 7. Sensory feedback
10 UX Design Predictions for 2018
UX Tends for 2018
The Top 10 User Experience Design Trends for 2018
Synesthesia Glasses
Trend 7. Sensory feedback
At F8, Facebook Debuts a New Platform: The Human Brain
The Future is Imminent: 9 Design Trends for 2018
Trend 7. Sensory feedback
Year of
augmented reality
Improving reality
Trend 8
The real experience
“AR will change everything” stated the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, last year. AR
expansion is happening very quickly and is very generalised. Great names like
Facebook and Apple are promoting this development. Furthermore, the
integration of special lenses in new smartphone is the key to the democratisation
of their use.
In this new panorama the brands have great opportunities to create more
intense digital experiences, simulating a better world in the layers of the real
one. Experiences with more immersive interactions that give added value to the
Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
In short
• After the success of Pokemon Go and the Snapchat filters, the use of AR has
normalised, and has not ceased to evolve.
• Expected AR market of $57,000 m in 2021.
• The “virtual FOMO” begins to propagate in AR: you don't want to miss the novelties
emerging in the sector.
• ARKit for iPhone and social networks: designed to democratise the use of
Augmented Reality.
• Another way of connecting virtual with real.
• Don't isolate yourself from an environment like VR, its application is related to the
Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
Healthcare, Education
& Government
$ 9
$ 8
$ 6
$ 4
$ 3
$ 2
$ 1
$ 1
$ 3
$ 3
$ 3
$ 2
$ 3
$ 4
$ 4
$ 4
$ 4
$ 21
$ 18
$ 14
$ 9
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
The opportunity
Augmented Reality is poised to become the next major
visual computing platform.
Combined software and hardware sales are expected
to exceed $20 billion by 2022
Ar will change
the word
2021 2022
$ 2
$ 2
$ 1
$ 1
$ 1
$ 1
$ 1
$ 1
Goldman Sach
Projected investment in AR
The potential of VR & AR applications
Prediction of opportunities
The Diverse Potential of VR & AR Applications
Predicted market size of VR/AR software for different use cases in 2025*
Enterprise and public sector
$16.1b $5.1b $11.6b
Lives events
Video entertainment
Real estate
“VR will be big, but AR will be bigger

and take longer.”
Digi-Capital Report Q4 2017
Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
• Augmented Reality enhances reality.
• More intense inter-actions with the user.
• Infinite possibilities for retail: try products without really trying them, clothes, make-
up, furniture, food, ...
• Measure spaces, routes, ... facilitate the life of the user in day-to-day questions.
• Commitment also in the construction, health, financial sector.
• Of course: entertainment.
• Give detailled presentation of product with additional information that other media
cannot cater for.
Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
New Lense filters in 3D
Augmented Reality of Apple in iPhone and iPad
Fitness AR
Visualise your training and choose the route
AR Measure Kit
Measure spaces or objects
Augmented reality
Visualise the appearance of the menu before sorting it.
MTV Awards
2017 Campaign included an AR action
2017 Campaign included an AR action
App for trying products before buying them
Tequila Patrón
Invites you to visit a Mexican hacienda and talk about tequila
Ikea App
Places the furniture in your living room to see what it looks like
Mixed Reality Studio to create holograms
CES 2018
• “It’s spring for AR—and winter for VR”.
• VR: immersive, virtual, not real, technological accessories (helmet).
• AR: in the real, social world, simply using your smartphone, entertainment, everyday
problem solving, (IKEA, measurements, testing, shopping, ...).
• MR y XR: Mixed Reality and Extended Reality are the new angles.
• Role of brands: branded content in AR produces more engagement than in VR.
• AR partners and advertisers are defining the advertising formats to include in these
virtual worlds.
Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
“The biggest barrier to the growth of AR and VR
has been that the technology environment that the
everyday consumer lives in and is native to doesn't
support it. ...Two years from now we're going to be
talking about 5G from a mobile computing
perspective. ...The average consumer will be
using a device where they can interact with AR
at a speed that's seamless to their experience.”

Will Wiseman, chief strategy officer of media agency PHD
Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
To think
• Facebook and Apple's commitment to AR generalising its use, opens up new
possibilities for the brands.
• It has gone from a temporary fashion to become something which all brands offer
and all consumers expect.
• Mark Zuckerberg announced at the F8 that soon all screens will have built-in lenses to
experience AR.
• It is expected that next year the strategies to promote ROI of these applications in AR
will be specified.
• Will the AR apps continue to drain the cellphone battery?
Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
10 UX Design Predictions For 2018
9 UI and UX Trends of 2018 - Going beyond web and app
How Brands Are Using AR to Engage Consumers and Measure Results
Top 5 Augmented Reality Trends 2018
Mixed Reality Will Help Business Cash in on Both AR and VR
Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
Virtual & Augmented Reality: The Next Big Computing Platform?
Snapchat’s Amazing New Filters Drop Digital Stuff Into Your Real World
Fitness AR uses Strava and ARKit to share your workouts in augmented reality
MTV Is Using Snapchat, Holograms and Augmented Reality to Drive Tune-Ins for
the VMAs
Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
Patrón’s Snazzy New AR App Lets You Visit a Hacienda and Chat With 

a Bartender
The Top Examples of AR in Retail
Inside Microsoft's new mixed reality capture studio
Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
as storyteller
Hooked on your story
Trend 9
“Stories are how we remember.
We tend to forget bullet points.”
Robert McKee
Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
Design by telling a story
Stories have always been one of the most effective ways to connect with people,
and to generate both attention and memory.
A good story, that entertains and surprises, attracts and convinces the user. If, in
addition, it becomes the principal character of tales related to the product, it will be
easier to capture the user's attention and have direct interaction with them.
This is why narration is increasingly more prominent in UX. Because stories are not
only told with words but also with design, interactions, points of contact...through the
whole relation- and shopping itinerary. Multi-channel and multi-format stories, clear,
interesting and human.
Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
In short
• Each interface tells a story in which the user is protagonist.
• Designer as storyteller cooperation between designers and writers has created the
"UX Writing".
• Importance of the message to be communicated without distractions or extra
elements. The minimalist tendency supports the narration eliminating unnecessary
elements, blank spaces.
• Reinforcement of the visual hierarchy to understand the content.
• Design that builds on quality content: useful, attractive, adapted to the recipient, etc.
Content is king.
• The upsurge in "conversational interfaces" also promotes the growth in UX writing
and brand narrative.
Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
“Content is the reason search
began in the first place.”
Lee Odden, CEO at TopRank Marketing
Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
“Browsing a well-crafted interface

is like reading a great story.”
Fabricio Teixeira & Ciao Braga 

UX Design Collective
Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
New professional profiles
New needs for this trend
Protagonist of the story
• Emotional stories to attract attention.
• Less than 10 seconds to get hooked to the story.
• Classic structure of introduction, core and ending.
• Images that accompany the story and contribute something. Visual elements create
• Offer small surprises or rewards throughout the story.
• Protagonist user can also be in video-game version, quiz version etc.
• Inter-activity to know the user better. More fluid experience.
• Brand value key to the story.
Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
“Design creates stories, and stories create
memorable experiences, and great experiences
have this innate ability to change the way in which
we view our world.”
Christian Saylor, UX Designer at Universal Mind
Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
Airbnb and Pixar
UX design comes from understanding the user We take one more step towards better narrated stories
Costa Experience
Brand story narrated through storytelling
Jordy Alblas
This designer wants to hear a story to create an experience
A closer reality
It makes you protagonist creating a story about your product
Google Maps
Transforms into Pacman on April Fools’ Day
Task organiser that makes you overcome tests like in a video-game with rewards
To think
• Stories that generate more entertaining, amusing experiences that create a positive
connection, but which are more difficult to elaborate and control. Furthermore, UX
writers are not in abundance.
• Conversely, the stories and web conversations generate more interaction, which
leads to the compilation of interesting personal information to design the relation with
• UX writing, in addition, offers many possibilities to engage the consumer; the stories
allow the client to become the protagonist, with the positive effect this has on the
Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
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Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
A Visit To Airbnb
Google Maps morphs into Ms. Pac-Man for April Fools’ Day
Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
OmniChannel and cooperation between brands
Trend 10
Digital teams up with reality
The user experience is not something that is limited to the digital environment, but it
is present in day-to-day life (voice assistants, IoT, retail, ...).
The connection between the physical and digital enables the creation of much more
immersive and emotional experiences. OmniChannel strategies and brand
cooperation offer more dynamism and fluidity; they are more attractive for the user and
more beneficial for the brands.
Designing these experiences you build brand image. Coherence and cooperation
between teams results in a positive connection with the user.
Trend 10. Connected experiences
In short
• OmniChannel, design a route that offers fluidity between channels.
• The user decides what device to continue on without losing information or time:
context or brand environment.
• Transition without creating friction.
• Integrating the physical and digital. Importance to physical spaces. Evolution of
retail and experiential shops.
• Importance of physical presence: Amazon Go, Deliveroo, Alibaba.
• Brand cooperation to improve the user experience: Nike and Apple, Uber and Spotify,
Go Pro and Red Bull, …
Trend 10. Connected experiences
Great example of fluidity between channels
Apple Chicago
New shop as a place of encounter and social life
App that allows you to order and pay before arriving at the establishment
The doctor goes to your house in a booth that he/she drives alone and examines you
Teams up with Citymapper
Amazon Go
Is now reality
IMDb & Amazon
A strategic alliance
Physical shop for online shopping
TripAdvisor & Deliveroo
An alliance that works
EasyJet & Booking
Offers for flight and hotel
Ford & Tinder
Organised a Carpool-Karaoke like a blind-date with a Mustang
KFC & Nasa
Surprising collaboration
• Play Station and Burguer King.
• Action launched in Spain to "change the rules of the game"
• For members of Play Station Plus.
• First online home delivered food service through video-games.
• Without exiting the game you can place an order.
• Participation of 9 professional gamers.
• Notoriety and dissemination of home delivery and increase in subscriptions.
Trend 10. Connected experiences
Burguer King & Play Station
Home delivery without exiting the video game
To think
• Despite the predominance of digital reality in our lives, it is difficult to think of an
experience that is exclusively online.
• User experience design tends to combine the physical world and the digital to
create more totalising experiences.
• Integration here becomes the key word, the same as inter-departmental work:
considering that all the angles and realities of a brand affect the user experience.
• Integration not only considers what is virtual and physical, but also explores
collaborations between brands that cater for user needs more thoroughly. Another
aspect in the design of experiences.
Trend 10. Connected experiences
10 UX Design Predictions for 2018
The State of UX in 2018
The 12 Most Innovative UX Experiments of the Year
Its Time for Immersive Brand Experiences
5 Examples Brilliant Brand Collaborations
5 Inspiring Companies Doing Omni-Channel Right
Trend 10. Connected experiences
What the new Apple shop shows about how retail is changing
Who Needs A Hospital, When This Self-Driving Doctor Comes To You?
Five great examples of integrated brand partnerships online
In London Zara opens a physical shop only for "online" shopping
Trend 10. Connected experiences
Tinder Users ‘Swipe Right’ For Blind Dates In A Mustang
KFC Flying Chicken Sandwich Bankrolling World View Balloon Test Flight
Burger King Is Launching a Video Game Food Delivery Service in Spain. We
Went There to Test It
Trend 10. Connected experiences
Atomic Design
Design as an organism
Trend 11
New web design
Formulated a few years ago by Brad Frost, and reinforced with the publication of the
book by the same name (Atomic Design) in 2016, it depicts a web design
philosophy (and graphic design) aimed at facilitating the systematic creation of a
design piece, quicker, more consistently and more robust.
The philosophy of Atomic Design goes through dissections, design in its most basic
elements - atoms, molecules, organisms, templates and pages - to then recompose
them, as the case and the need may be, nearly automatically, and create final results
of undisputed consistency, developed quickly and with little effort.
Trend 11. Atomic design
In short
• A design philosophy created by Brad Frost.
• Fundamentally disseminated through his blog and his book Atomic Design (2016).
• He classifies design elements into five typologies: atoms, molecules, organisms,
templates and pages.
• To build design systems based on developing possible combinations between them.
• The aim: easier, quicker, more consistent design.
• Modelled on the physical: all the materials made up of atoms.
• He seeks to design systems of design, more than collections of templates.
Trend 11. Atomic design
Brad Frost
Creator of the concept of Atomic Design
Atomic Design
Creator of the concept
Atomic Design
Synthesis of the concept
Design Sytems
Design systems based on Atomic Design
Atomic Design
More tools
Increasingly more and better design tools
“A lot has been said about creating design
systems, and much of it focuses on establishing
foundations for color; typography, grids, texture
and the like. This type of thinking is certainly
important, but I’m slightly less interested in these
aspects of design because ultimately they are and
will always be subjective. Lately, I’ve been more
interested in what our interfaces are
comprised of and how we can construct
design systems in a more methodical way.”

Brad Frost, author de Atomic Design
Tendencia 12. Atomic design
Google Material
Icon recourses
Design based on cards
Google Material
Design based on cards, icons and geometric elements
Design Systems
Design System
To think
• The need for quick designs and, at the same time quality, makes one think of the
need to adopt systems based on the philosophy of Atomic Design.
• Atomic Design offers, above all, two functionalities especially sought after by brands
of today, and that are seldom found together: quality and speed.
• A design method that can permit large-scale production without losing out on
quality or surpassing the budget.
• Conversely, it could involve greater initial investment, in time and money, which some
brands may not be willing to assume.
Tendencia 11. Atomic design
Atomic Design - Goodreads
10 reasons you should be using Atomic Design
Atomic Design - Brad Frost
Why use atomic design?
Tendencia 11. Atomic design
50 Creative Card UI Designs
Tendencia 11. Atomic design
Only the essential
The trend that does not die: 

“Reduce in a reasoned manner"
Trend 12
Less is much more
The world in 2018 is converting us into synthetic consumers: who seek maximum
content, with minimum expression. Users of web pages and simple, functional,
attractive and essentialist experiences.
Design with less elements, simplified and effective. The philosophy "less is more"
does not only apply to aesthetics: nowadays it is a necessary solution for many brands
faced with saturation of information, the quantity of images and stimuli that reach
consumers daily.
A trend that started with Bauhaus in 1919 and took off in the 1960`s with the
minimalist artistic movement, and which currently continues to evolve.
Trend 12. Only the essential
In short
• Simple, clean, essentialist design: attracts and provokes less rejection.
• Tranquility and elegance as opposed to disarray.
• Released from all that is superficial: leaving only what contributes something to the
• Aimed at eliminating distractions.
• "You don't need more space. You need fewer things" (Joshua Becker in the book
The More of Less).
• Quicker loading, as a complement to simplified design.
• Compatible between screen sizes.
• Inspired by Japanese design, the Bauhaus school and the minimalist artistic
movement of the 1960's.
Trend 12. Only the essential
Dieter Rams
Functional and simple
Good design is innovative
Good design makes a product useful
Good design is aesthetic
Good design makes a product comprehensible
Good design is discreet
Good design is honest
Good design is longlasting
Good design addresses all the details
Good design is environmentally responsible
Good design is the least possible design

Dieter Rams, the 10 principles of good design
Trend 12. Only the essential
Dieter Rams
Functional and simple
Principal information at the top of the page
Again as a great example
App prototype
The Light Phone
More minimal elements
• Typography, large fonts and bold.
• Bright flat colours. Monochrome widely used.
• Contrasts to direct attention, for example between text and background.
• Photo or illustration, simple and clean, without many elements that break the design
of the web page.
• One point of attention per screen, clear message, no distractions.
• Surprise with the first view, at the top of the screen.
• Menus clearly visible, not hidden.
• Simplified, intuitive browsing and optimisation of content.
• If there are animations they should be subtle and essential. Functional.
Trend 12. Only the essential
Airmax de Nike
Designed by
“Giving site content and components room to
breathe greatly improves a user’s experience.
Strategically placed white space can significantly
help content digestion and alleviate distractions.
Removing unnecessary elements provides a
cleaner, more focused experience. Gone are the
days of gratuitous animations and hefty navigation
menus. Is it absolutely necessary? 

If not, remove it.”

James McCarthy, web developer, UX designer and entrepreneur
Trend 12. Only the essential
To think
• Minimalist design helps the user experience provided it is not just something
aesthetic. It is not about cleaning the page but removing everything that distracts, so
that things are better understood.
• In this sense, the white space is not conceived as wasted space but an element to be
• In addition, with the demand for loading speed of web pages, these designs are
gaining popularity for offering a simplified quicker option and that weighs less.
Trend 12. Only the essential
Top Web Design Trends to Watch in 2018
Functional Minimalsm for Web Design
The State of UX in 2018
Keep Your Eye on these 9 UX Design Trends in 2018
Trend 12. Only the essential
Dieter Rams 10 Principles of “Good Design”“good-design”
Air Max ’17
Trend 12. Only the essential
We are a business and strategy consulting firm, a digital agency, a design
studio and a development company that focuses on research, design,
technology and marketing. Our projects are always based on agile design
methodologies as a a key element in business strategy and innovation.

Find out more about us:
Photo of our facilities in Bilbao
Gustavo Fernández Balbuena 11, 4º

28002 MADRID
Tel. (+34) 91 179 34 82
Twitter LinkedIn Instagram Newsletter
Marqués del Puerto 6, 1º

48009 BILBAO
Tel. (+34) 94 415 73 79

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UX Trends 2018 Report

  • 2. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Prologue For those who know us, Zorraquino is a design and digital strategy consultancy, specialist in branding, user experience and the development of integral solutions for the digital business. In 2017 we presented our first report on trends in user experience. Over the last year the sector has not ceased to evolve, for this reason we believe that this report will be extremely enriching for all those who believe and appreciate the relevance of this discipline. In the report you will find the latest trends we foresee will guide the user experience in 2018. I hope you find it interesting and that it provides you with ideas for your projects. Miguel Zorraquino 2
  • 3. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 User experience User experience is working on the perception and experience users and clients have of your product or service, through interaction with digital points of contact. In other words, it is a key aspect in branding, digital marketing and digital transformation. User experience always requires a muilti-disciplinary team that brings together areas such as: design, psychology, technology, business, marketing and communication. 3
  • 4. Humanisation Humanised design in an increasingly more automated world Trend 1 4 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 5. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Human technology In spite of technological developments, it is increasingly clear that the relation which the user seeks with a product is the same as they expect with another person. Human need, "face to face" relation, human emotions such as naturalness and transparency, which create security, and which mark the relation with the brand from the first moment. These touches of humanisation in a digital experience could materialise in short animations, micro-interactions or, also in the intervention of artificial intelligence in offering quasi-human dialogues that resolve specific needs. Human and participative treatment which increases attention, connection and empathy, and improves user satisfaction. 5 Trend 1. Humanisation
  • 6. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • Personalisation: to capture greater user attention. • Naturalness, transparency, security. Less friction. • Micro-interractions: short animations that improve the experience and enrich the connection. • Chats: to go shopping as if you were in a shop face to face. • Upsurge in the design of conversational products. • Voice assistants in private life: more fluid, friendly treatment, integrated into millions of homes, cars, … • “The best interface is no interface.” 6 Trend 1. Humanisation
  • 7. Facebook It notifies you if you have been selected in a group, thus allowing interaction on each message 7
  • 9. Robot Pepper First humanoid robot that can communicate and interpret human emotions
  • 10. “When the point of contact between the product and the people becomes a point of friction, then the industrial designer has failed. On the other hand, if people are made safer, more comfortable, more eager to purchase, more efficient - or just plain happier - by contact with the product, then the designer has succeeded.” 
 Henry Dreyfuss, autor de Designing for People 10 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 1. Humanisation
  • 11. Moving on from from NLP (Natural Language Processing), which understands the question and is capable of responding, to NLU (Natural Language Understanding) in which AI "understands" the user, and a much closer experience to real conversation between two people is obtained 
 Chatbots in Facebook 11 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 1. Humanisation
  • 13. Lark Your personal trainer and friend 13
  • 14. Lufthansa “Crew stories” in Snapchat they humanised interaction and increased views by 800% 14
  • 15. Duolingo Learn languages talking, a similar experience to having a teacher
  • 16. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Oscar • Medical service from the cellphone. • Something as intimate and personal as attending the doctor requires a good user experience. • Oscar has revolutionised the health sector in the US. • Values: technology and transparency. • The majority of the clients millennials young (25 to 36 years). • Chat con “advisors” professional with access to your record. • Consult medical specialists via video conferences. • They have opened a physical clinic in NY. 16 Trend 1. Humanisation
  • 17. Oscar 17 A new style of medical insurance that is simple, intuitive and human
  • 18. Oscar Contract scriptwriters to make your new assistant more human 18
  • 19. Google Contract scriptwriters to make your new assistant more human
  • 20. “It is ironic that where the race to automate everything seemed to obviate the human factor, technology is now being used to personalize and humanize service.” Catherine Chetwynd, autor de Reconteur 20 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 1. Humanisation
  • 21. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • Humanisation continues to be key in design. The aim: eradicate any kind of "friction" derived from technology so that interactions are as similar to human interaction as possible. • In this sense, psychology plays a key role in the UX design, the designer is not only a technician, but someone who understands the user and offers him/her much more human experiences. • The great investment of companies in AI to improve user attention continues to generate debate about the future of humans in the automated world. Seeing the speed of adaption to AI last year....where are the limits? 21 Trend 1. Humanisation
  • 22. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References 10 UX Design Predictions for 2018 15 Big Trends That Will Influence Marketing in 2018 UX Design Trends for 2017: Dictated by the Future 18 Designers Predict UI/UX Trends for 2018 22 Trend 1. Humanisation
  • 23. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Facebook Messenger gets reactions for individual messages and 
 @ notifications Apple presents the app Animoji to personalise emojis with your face The robot Pepper signs in for Lopesan Meet the WoeBot, the chatbot therapist who cares how you feel (for $39) feel-for-39-963783235526 23 Trend 1. Humanisation
  • 24. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Most Advanced Chatbot Apps Powered by Artificial Intellect Lufthansa Intros Consumers To Crew Via Snapchat via-snapchat.html How we designed Oscar 2.0 24 Trend 1. Humanisation
  • 25. Intelligent personalisation The individual as the challenge Trend 2 25 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 26. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 We personalise experiences In 2015, Gartner predicted that "by 2018, organisations that have fully invested in all types of personalisation will outsell companies that have not by 20%". Having arrived at that date, we see that the prediction was not wrong. Something that is the linchpin of all sales attempts, but which technology makes increasingly more certain, with more intimate and emotional, useful and practical consumer experiences, that allow the user to save time and reduce the consumption of irrelevant content, developed thanks to data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning... The reality is that consumers, in the present day, expect personalised treatment and that brands are ahead of their needs in exchange for submitting their details. 26 Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
  • 27. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Facts about personalisation 74 % Are frustrated when a web page shows them content, offers, adverts, promotions, etc. that seem to have nothing to do with their interests. 67 % Would leave the page if they were asked for a donation for the political party they least like. 57 % Would leave the page if they were married and were shown an advert for a dating service.
 50 % Would leave the page if they were shown a recommendation for underwear for the opposite sex. 27 Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
  • 28. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • Individualised experiences, relevant for each user. • Content adapted to each person: “age responsive design”, suggestions, recommendations, promotions, etc. • Big Data: artificial intelligence and automatic learning. • Time saving (the most valuable): anticipation. • 50% of consumers expect that by 2020 the brand understands them and is ahead of their needs. Salesforce Report. • Sailthru Rank Top Retail Personalization Index: Sephora, JustFav y Watmart. • Multi-channel personalisation, built using data from each point of contact with the consumer. 28 Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
  • 29. or discounts Personalized in-store or online shopping experience Product recommendations that match their needs 63% 46% 58% 61% 41% 52% 58% 42% 52% Millennials Gen Xers Baby Boomers/Traditionalists Salesforce study Users give their data for getting personalized experiencies
  • 30. Sephora Leader in retail personalization in 2017
  • 31. JustFab Personalization process for showing all the adapted contents
  • 33. Very Promotions depending on the weather, cold or hot
  • 34. L’oreal Offers personalised products such as this brush with app to control the health of your hair
  • 36. Netflix The King of the suggestions presents the contents with the most attractive way for each profile
  • 37. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • Research continues in order to get to know the users better and offer an increasingly more personalised brand experience. • Users demand more "hyper-personalisation" so it is likely that investment in these strategies will continue to rise and reach a new record this year, 2018. • Pending the launching of the General Data Protection Regulations of the EU which will regulate data collection techniques as these could be essential for realigning strategies. 37 Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
  • 38. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References 10 UX Design Predictions for 2018 Keep Your Eye on These 9 UX Design Trends in 2018 Top 5 Trends for Customer Experience in 2018 Estudio de Salesforce Walk a Fine Line with Personal Mobile Offers 38 Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
  • 39. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Online Consumers Fed Up With Irrelevant Content on Favorite Websites, According to Janrain Study content-favorite-websites-according Retail Personalization Index 15 Smart Ecommerce Personalization Examples That Boost Sales Sephora leads the way in personalization 39 Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
  • 40. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Content Marketing Personalization: 4 Brands’ Winning Tactics Artwork Personalization at Netflix 40 Trend 2. Intelligent personalisation
  • 41. A more emotional interface From function to emotion Trend 3 41 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 42. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 From thought to emotion The Design Feeling trend comes as a response to Design Thinking, design theories based on logic, strategy and reasoning and offering responses that benefit the end user. It is clear in the 2018 trends that reasoning looses weight against emotions. More creative and emotive design is predominating against analytic and logical. Lately a more monotonous design had taken hold, perhaps too "rational", "generic", "cold" and “technological". The Design Feeling is inspired by passion and seeks to differentiate itself through emotion. 42 Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
  • 43. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • Return to what is natural and intuitive. • Put humanity back into design. • "Think less and feel more". • Feel problems, don't analyse them. To give a response to the user that satisfies the usage experience another way. • Pillars of this trend: impulse, spontaneity, desire, passion, feeling, imagination and indulgence. • Represents creativity at its core • The premise of this movement:: "Design is not a process. It is an art.” 43 Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
  • 44. Homogeneous design We come from a more homogeneous and functional design
  • 45. Functional design We come from a more homogeneous and functional design 45
  • 46. “Design is not a process. It’s an art.” Chase Buckley, UX expert en Medium 46 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
  • 48. YouTube Kids An interface adapted to the users
  • 49. CityMapper app With a lot of personality 49
  • 50. Google Interfaces created for an event; a simple, interactive and amusing experience
  • 51. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Design to thrill • Offer a pleasant, attractive and amusing experience. • Significant experience: that creates an emotion. • That users connect emotionally with the design of a web page, app, product....will make them return, remember it, recommend it and love it. • Building loyalty through the design of emotional experiences, that give a meaning to the user. • Design increasingly more focused on the human being, the development will be guided by the search for this emotion, leaving a footprint. 51 Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
  • 53. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • In spite of the fact that technology is recognised as something cold and inhuman, nowadays so omnipresent in our lives, it tends towards the humanisation of design and experiences. • Technological development means that products are increasingly less cold, nowadays immersive and interactive experiences are aimed at connecting emotionally with the user. • Technological development means that products are increasingly less cold, nowadays immersive and interactive experiences are aimed at connecting emotionally with the user. 53 Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
  • 54. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References The State of UX in 2018 Design for Emotion Design Outside the Lines Facebook reactions inundate the comments 54 Trend 3. A more emotional interface.
  • 55. Mood as interface Adapt to the mood of the user Trend 4 55 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 56. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Interpret emotions Although it seems like science fiction or a chapter from Black Mirror, the possibility that a device adjusts itself or even anticipates each user depending on their mood is real and may change the way we view technology. The concept “Mood as interface” (MAI) represents the last frontier in user personalised interface design. Through biometric technology, facial identification and Neural Networks development a personalised experience depending on the mood and emotions of each user can be offered. It is one more stage in UX, from appealing to the senses it moves on to studying thoughts and delving into people`s minds. 56 Trend 4. Mood as interface
  • 57. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • More personalisation: Content control like never before.. • The content adapts to how one feels at any moment. • Biometric technology: EEG (electroencephalograph). • Scanning brain waves which transmit moods. • Big Data: Data analysis to determine the UX according to the feelings of the user. • Design of different interfaces to adapt to each one. • Great possibilities for e-commerce: colours and fashion look-books, food deliveries, entertainment platforms, ... 57 Trend 4. Mood as interface
  • 58. Life is Good With the action “Power of Optimism” it brings water with positive thoughts 58
  • 59. API Google Video and image analysis
  • 60. Emotion Research Lab Human resources undertake tests in an interview simulation with real candidates 60
  • 61. Languing They carry out an interview with facial recognition 61
  • 62. Moodie App that analyses the user experience according to the mood at any given time 62
  • 63. MoodCast Analyses mood to undertake patterns and establish new habits 63
  • 64. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Acura Mood Roads • Presented at the Sundance Film Festival in 2017. • VR experience of sensory driving. • BrainWave Technology: collects emotional, cognitive and physical data. • Movement simulator with 3D biometric sensors. • EEG sensor headset from the company Emotiv. • Creates different routes, landscape, colour and music according to the driver's mood (virtual). • Serene, relaxed, astonished, intrigued, thrilled, … • No two routes are the same; no two moods are the same. 64 Trend 4. Mood as interface
  • 65. Acura mood roads Journey controlled by your mood 65
  • 66. Acura mood roads Journey controlled by your mood 66
  • 67. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Neural Networks • Systems modelled according to the human brain. • Structured according to data perceived by our searches, distribution of likes in Facebook or Instagram. • They create patterns of behaviour and subtly personalise the browsing. • Machine Learning inspired by how our brain works.. • Facebook used them in 2014 in a controversial experiment with 689,003 users. Facebook manipulated the timeline news of each user in accordance with a study of their emotions to provoke some moods or others. 67 Trend 4. Mood as interface
  • 68. Facebook Experiment on users timeline according to their mood 68
  • 69. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • Design according to mood, and adapted to emotional states, is another step towards personalisation; something that has always been done intuitively but which the technology now facilitates adapting to the life of the user at any given moment. • At the same time, doubts are raised about the capacity of technology to accurately read emotions and also about the power we want to give machines, and whether we want to allow them to know how we feel. • In any case, it offers great possibilities for personalisation in e-commerce, products, colours… depending on ones mood. 69 Trend 4. Mood as interface
  • 70. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References The Future is Imminent: 9 Design Trends for 2018 for-2018-38de77ef95c0 UX Tends for 2018 Can an Interface Express a Mood? Moodie: A Mood Sharing App 70 Trend 4. Mood as interface
  • 71. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Life Is Good, the Apparel Brand, Built a Machine Powered by Happy Thoughts powered-by-good-thoughts/ Sundance Film Festival Attendees Can Enjoy Acura “Mood Roads” 
 VR Experience festival/ Controversy Over Facebook Emotional Manipulation Study Grows As Timeline Becomes More Clear emotional-manipulation-study-grows-as-timeline-becomes-more-clear/#2d14cf5a9caa 71 Trend 4. Mood as interface
  • 72. Design 
 for optimisation Design for impatient people Trend 5 72 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 73. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Quicker browsing Time saving design continues to be an outstanding trend in 2018 as it is an important part of UX. It seeks to create intuitive browsing experiences that reduces friction, saves time and allows the user to achieve their aim in a limited number of steps. It is essential to understand what the user expects of each app or web page and use the appropriate elements to design a product that is consumed, in a more personalised, simpler and quicker manner. Other elements that help the user to save time are voice aids or biometric authentication. 73 Trend 5. Design for optimisation
  • 74. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • Simple designs but not too simple. • Browsing and main content at first glance. • Increasingly less time is spent on deciding whether you remain on a web page or not (3 seconds if it doesn't load). • Intuitive, efficient and optimised designs. • Orient or guide the user during the route, anticipating their needs. • Both for smartphone and desktop. • The masters Uber, Virgin América and Airbnb. 74 Trend 5. Design for optimisation
  • 75. Uber Most interesting information in view, highlighting how to become a driver 75
  • 76. Virgin America Main information at one single glance
  • 77. Airbnb Simple, clear form and in the main position
  • 78. Netflix How to gain time in your series by skipping the intros 78
  • 79. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Elements of design • Minimalist browsing, few steps. • Buttons, links, questionnaires, ... clear and appealing. • Visually rich content, images to capture attention. • Information presented simply and attractively • Do not saturate with content, animations, graphs or tables. • Boost action. • Linear design, see the different sections of the web page by scrolling. • Progress bar, reading time info. • Personalised suggestions (like Amazon does). 79 Trend 5. Design for optimisation
  • 80. Doo Intuitive app for making lists and reminders 80
  • 81. Burger King Voice assistant to save time 81
  • 82. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 No more passwords • Biometric authentication or password-free identification. • It has come to stay. • Fast and easy process. • Security guarantees: increasingly more reliable. • Facilitates day-to-day life: allows user to access and pay without having to remember passwords. • Simplifies the steps when making a purchase or doing a transaction. • Invisible design. • Many options. The main ones: fingerprint, voice, retina and face. 82 Trend 5. Design for optimisation
  • 83. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Use of passwords on Internet 61 % Of consumers use the same password on various webpages. 54 % Of consumers have only five passwords or less. 44 % Of consumers change their password once a year or less. 83 Trend 5. Design for optimisation
  • 85. Keyo Passwords, keys, cards saved in the palm of your hand 85
  • 86. Payment Request API Allows you to automatically include payment details which any payment gateway requests
  • 87. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • Apart from questions about design, you mustn't forget that time saving design is linked to download time, which can also be addressed when undertaking design. • In addition, you mustn't forget that barrier-free design is costly and requires constant adaptation: testing, A/B testing, capacity to learn and change, etc. • The evolution of voice assistants can transform the way to browse, making it easier and making relations with the machines quicker and more intuitive. • Biometric authentication adds user distrust to its already great potential, something which needs to be borne in mind. 87 Trend 5. Design for optimisation
  • 88. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References 10 UX Design Predictions for 2018 UX Design Trends for 2017: Dictated by the Future The Future is Imminent: 9 Design Trends for 2018 for-2018-38de77ef95c0 The Time-Saving Design Trend and How to Use It 88 Trend 5. Design for optimisation
  • 89. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Netflix’s 'Skip Intro' Button Makes TV Ever More Like an App ever-more-like-an-app/544427/ Consumer Survey: Password Habits CS_PasswordSurvey_FullReport_FINAL.pdf 89 Trend 5. Design for optimisation
  • 90. More enriched UI Much more than a pretty face Trend 6 90 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 91. “UX is a lot more than buttons and wireframs. The stuff that seems obvious is only the tip of the iceberg, and the stuff that matters most is completely invisible. In fact, design is only one of the 5 main ingredients of UX: psychology, usability, design, copywriting, analysis.” Joel Marsch, author of UX for Beginners & 91 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 6. More enriched UI
  • 92. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 UI which generates positive experience We have already seen the scope in which design adapts to the user saving time, accompanies them during their browse on the web page and guides them without making them feel they are loosing control. All this occurs provided you are in an environment that generates trust, empathy, attracts your attention and you makes you want to stay. Designers generate this atmosphere through different elements. Elements that create aesthetic effects that please and surprise the user. Degradations, illustrations, short animations, asymmetries, typography and colours will mark design in 2018. 92 Trend 6. More enriched UI
  • 93. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • Movement, animation: serve to capture user attention better, highlight some information provided you do this to a reasonable extent. • Video: the king of consumed content. Quality of production, reproduction, ephemeral videos, video conferencing, ... • Well used typographies and colours help improve the UX as well as contributing trade branding. • Colour: preference for plain colours, one or two, "minimal" tendency. • Degradations: 2018 tendency, between colours, with transparencies, … 93 Trend 6. More enriched UI
  • 96. Fubiz Logo and animation of loaders 96
  • 97. Femme Fatale Studio Sophisticated and simplified 97
  • 98. Micro-interactions They celebrate the success of an action 98
  • 99. Dropbox Micro-interaction on saving your suggested password 99
  • 101. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Much more than flat UI • Adaptive design vs. responsive design: Design adapted to the characteristics of each format. • Illustrations: offer personality and difference vs. image banks that are colder and more neutral. • Asymmetry and brutalism inspired by free form: they break from static design to attract attention. • Inversive image, a simple image, large and that represents the brand. • Borderless, limitless screen: iPhone X. 101 Trend 6. More enriched UI
  • 107. Data Visualization Interactive data visualisation will become increasingly more prominent
  • 108. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Noto by Google • Google and Monotype have developed a universal typography: Noto. • 800 languages. • 110.000 characters. • With the aim of eliminating the "tofu problem". • Tofu: white rectangles that appear when a typography is not recognised. • These rectangles negatively influence the UX. 108 Trend 6. More enriched UI
  • 109. Tofu The problem in the web pages
  • 110. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • Try, try and try. • Fashions come and go, and for a time they may work and empathise with the user. • Continuity in testing helps to see the decline in a fashion. • Moderation in the use of elements, do not saturate the user. 110 Trend 6. More enriched UI
  • 111. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Top Web Design Trends to Watch in 2018 #390b25bd2375 Design trends UX / UI for 2018 9 UI and UX Trends of 2018 - Going Beyond Web and App 9 Cutting-Edge Web Design Trends for 2018 The Evolution from Invisible Design Towards the Invisible Interface 111 Trend 6. More enriched UI
  • 112. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References The micro interacciones in web design Adobe Just Built The Prettiest UI Ever More than 800 languages in a single typeface: creating Noto for Google typeface-creating-noto-for-google/ 112 Trend 6. More enriched UI
  • 113. Sensory feedback Game of the senses Trend 7 113 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 114. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Use of emotional responses Synaesthesia is the "joint assimilation or interference of various types of sensations of different senses in one same perceptive act". A person who suffers from synaesthesia, for example, hears colours, sees sounds and perceives taste sensations by touching an object with a determined texture. Multi-sensory experiences have become one of the UX design trends for 2018. Not only for immersive experiences, as in a VR session, but for the daily use of devices or activities: personalised, emotional experiences also affect exterior senses. As in the case of Facebook which studies how to communicate with the human brain through a language of vibrations, or the studies of the brain of people with synaesthesia. 114 Trend 7. Sensory feedback
  • 115. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • Synthesis: union of two senses by association. • Research investment to improve the user experience of synthetic people including synthetic comments to products or multi sensory interfaces. • Haptic Feedback continues to be the trend, divide vibration on doing an action, receiving a message as a warning, … • Neural Network: design in harmony with the brain, emotions … • Facebook researches in this direction to determine a language o vibrations. 115 Trend 7. Sensory feedback
  • 116. The Feelies London Company creases a Multi sensorial VR experiences
  • 118. Scentee Differents smells when you receive an email, like or the alarm 118
  • 119. Scentee It can manage different fragrances of your home from the application 119
  • 120. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Facebook • “Building 8” the secret research laboratory of Facebook. • Currently working on “developing technology for brain-powered smartphones”. • A technology that will enable us to write by thinking or communicate via the vibrations of our skin. • Presented at F8, the developers conference held in April 2017: still in its infancy, but more developed than expected. • It will allow unprecedented interaction with devices. 120 Trend 7. Sensory feedback
  • 121. “Building 8” Regina Dugan presents the new cerebral technology of Facebook 121
  • 122. “Through a series o electrodes, the company hopes its neural technology can reduce language to vibrations that can be read by users’ skin. So far, this ability to “hear” with patterns of simulation on the skin also seems much closer to a real consumer technology.” Regina Dugan, VP engineering and head of Building 8, Facebook 122 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 7. Sensory feedback
  • 123. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Rumble Stripes • Audible lines on the road that alert you if you exit the lane. • Concept applied to UX design to: • Attract the attention of tired or inattentive users. • As a wake-up call in on-going websites or apps like IG, Pinterest, and prevent monotony. • Warn of dangers or possible scams. • Correct behaviour. • Vibration alerts to tell you to continue in your lane. 123 Trend 7. Sensory feedback
  • 124. Vibration For attract the attention of the user 124
  • 125. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • UX focuses on the senses, on provoking a sensitive reaction. • Something that still seems like science fiction but which could be here soon, given the investment being undertaken by large digital media (especially Facebook). • The possibilities are also great on a small scale; exploring ways of linking the different senses to the design consumption experience. • Smell and touch may be the senses that most complement the design experience, which need to be conceived as multi-sensory. But it also wants to get into your thoughts. Just how invasive could it get to be? • For the present it is not something we are going to see, but it will strengthen communication through skin vibration and UX design for people with synaesthesia as the large multinationals are doing. 125 Trend 7. Sensory feedback
  • 126. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References 10 UX Design Predictions for 2018 UX Tends for 2018 The Top 10 User Experience Design Trends for 2018 Synesthesia Glasses 126 Trend 7. Sensory feedback
  • 127. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References At F8, Facebook Debuts a New Platform: The Human Brain smartphone-thoughts-mind? The Future is Imminent: 9 Design Trends for 2018 for-2018-38de77ef95c0 127 Trend 7. Sensory feedback
  • 128. Year of augmented reality Improving reality Trend 8 128 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 129. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 The real experience “AR will change everything” stated the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, last year. AR expansion is happening very quickly and is very generalised. Great names like Facebook and Apple are promoting this development. Furthermore, the integration of special lenses in new smartphone is the key to the democratisation of their use. In this new panorama the brands have great opportunities to create more intense digital experiences, simulating a better world in the layers of the real one. Experiences with more immersive interactions that give added value to the consumer. 129 Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
  • 130. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • After the success of Pokemon Go and the Snapchat filters, the use of AR has normalised, and has not ceased to evolve. • Expected AR market of $57,000 m in 2021. • The “virtual FOMO” begins to propagate in AR: you don't want to miss the novelties emerging in the sector. • ARKit for iPhone and social networks: designed to democratise the use of Augmented Reality. • Another way of connecting virtual with real. • Don't isolate yourself from an environment like VR, its application is related to the context. 130 Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
  • 131. Consumer Healthcare, Education & Government Automotive Enterprise $ 9 $ 8 $ 6 $ 4 $ 3 $ 2 $ 1 $ 1 $ 3 $ 3 $ 3 $ 2 $ 3 $ 4 $ 4 $ 4 $ 4 $ 21 $ 18 $ 14 $ 9 $7 $3 $2 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 The opportunity Augmented Reality is poised to become the next major visual computing platform. Combined software and hardware sales are expected to exceed $20 billion by 2022 Ar will change the word 2021 2022 $ 2 $ 2 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 Goldman Sach Projected investment in AR
  • 132. The potential of VR & AR applications Prediction of opportunities The Diverse Potential of VR & AR Applications Predicted market size of VR/AR software for different use cases in 2025* Enterprise and public sector $16.1b $5.1b $11.6b $4.1b $3.2b $0.7b $1.4b $1.6b $2.6b $4.7b Total $35b Consumer $18.9b Videogames Lives events Video entertainment Healthcare Engineering Real estate Retail Military Education
  • 133. “VR will be big, but AR will be bigger
 and take longer.” Digi-Capital Report Q4 2017 133 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
  • 134. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Opportunities • Augmented Reality enhances reality. • More intense inter-actions with the user. • Infinite possibilities for retail: try products without really trying them, clothes, make- up, furniture, food, ... • Measure spaces, routes, ... facilitate the life of the user in day-to-day questions. • Commitment also in the construction, health, financial sector. • Of course: entertainment. • Give detailled presentation of product with additional information that other media cannot cater for. 134 Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
  • 136. ARKit Augmented Reality of Apple in iPhone and iPad
  • 137. Fitness AR Visualise your training and choose the route
  • 138. AR Measure Kit Measure spaces or objects
  • 139. Augmented reality Visualise the appearance of the menu before sorting it.
  • 140. MTV Awards 2017 Campaign included an AR action
  • 142. Sephora App for trying products before buying them
  • 143. Tequila Patrón Invites you to visit a Mexican hacienda and talk about tequila
  • 144. Ikea App Places the furniture in your living room to see what it looks like
  • 145. Microsoft Mixed Reality Studio to create holograms
  • 146. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 CES 2018 • “It’s spring for AR—and winter for VR”. • VR: immersive, virtual, not real, technological accessories (helmet). • AR: in the real, social world, simply using your smartphone, entertainment, everyday problem solving, (IKEA, measurements, testing, shopping, ...). • MR y XR: Mixed Reality and Extended Reality are the new angles. • Role of brands: branded content in AR produces more engagement than in VR. • AR partners and advertisers are defining the advertising formats to include in these virtual worlds. 146 Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
  • 147. “The biggest barrier to the growth of AR and VR has been that the technology environment that the everyday consumer lives in and is native to doesn't support it. ...Two years from now we're going to be talking about 5G from a mobile computing perspective. ...The average consumer will be using a device where they can interact with AR at a speed that's seamless to their experience.” 
 Will Wiseman, chief strategy officer of media agency PHD 147 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
  • 148. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • Facebook and Apple's commitment to AR generalising its use, opens up new possibilities for the brands. • It has gone from a temporary fashion to become something which all brands offer and all consumers expect. • Mark Zuckerberg announced at the F8 that soon all screens will have built-in lenses to experience AR. • It is expected that next year the strategies to promote ROI of these applications in AR will be specified. • Will the AR apps continue to drain the cellphone battery? 148 Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
  • 149. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References 10 UX Design Predictions For 2018 9 UI and UX Trends of 2018 - Going beyond web and app How Brands Are Using AR to Engage Consumers and Measure Results measure-results/ Top 5 Augmented Reality Trends 2018 Mixed Reality Will Help Business Cash in on Both AR and VR in-on-both-ar-and-vr/ 149 Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
  • 150. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Virtual & Augmented Reality: The Next Big Computing Platform? Snapchat’s Amazing New Filters Drop Digital Stuff Into Your Real World into-your-real-world Fitness AR uses Strava and ARKit to share your workouts in augmented reality MTV Is Using Snapchat, Holograms and Augmented Reality to Drive Tune-Ins for the VMAs drive-tune-ins-for-the-vmas/ 150 Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
  • 151. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Patrón’s Snazzy New AR App Lets You Visit a Hacienda and Chat With 
 a Bartender chat-with-a-bartender/ The Top Examples of AR in Retail Inside Microsoft's new mixed reality capture studio capture-studio 151 Trend 8. Year of augmented reality
  • 152. Designer as storyteller Hooked on your story Trend 9 152 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 153. “Stories are how we remember. We tend to forget bullet points.” Robert McKee 153 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
  • 154. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Design by telling a story Stories have always been one of the most effective ways to connect with people, and to generate both attention and memory. A good story, that entertains and surprises, attracts and convinces the user. If, in addition, it becomes the principal character of tales related to the product, it will be easier to capture the user's attention and have direct interaction with them. This is why narration is increasingly more prominent in UX. Because stories are not only told with words but also with design, interactions, points of contact...through the whole relation- and shopping itinerary. Multi-channel and multi-format stories, clear, interesting and human. 154 Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
  • 155. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • Each interface tells a story in which the user is protagonist. • Designer as storyteller cooperation between designers and writers has created the "UX Writing". • Importance of the message to be communicated without distractions or extra elements. The minimalist tendency supports the narration eliminating unnecessary elements, blank spaces. • Reinforcement of the visual hierarchy to understand the content. • Design that builds on quality content: useful, attractive, adapted to the recipient, etc. Content is king. • The upsurge in "conversational interfaces" also promotes the growth in UX writing and brand narrative. 155 Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
  • 156. “Content is the reason search began in the first place.” Lee Odden, CEO at TopRank Marketing 156 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
  • 157. “Browsing a well-crafted interface
 is like reading a great story.” Fabricio Teixeira & Ciao Braga 
 UX Design Collective 157 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
  • 158. New professional profiles New needs for this trend
  • 159. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Protagonist of the story • Emotional stories to attract attention. • Less than 10 seconds to get hooked to the story. • Classic structure of introduction, core and ending. • Images that accompany the story and contribute something. Visual elements create engagement. • Offer small surprises or rewards throughout the story. • Protagonist user can also be in video-game version, quiz version etc. • Inter-activity to know the user better. More fluid experience. • Brand value key to the story. 159 Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
  • 160. “Design creates stories, and stories create memorable experiences, and great experiences have this innate ability to change the way in which we view our world.” Christian Saylor, UX Designer at Universal Mind 160 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
  • 161. Airbnb and Pixar UX design comes from understanding the user We take one more step towards better narrated stories
  • 162. Costa Experience Brand story narrated through storytelling
  • 163. Jordy Alblas This designer wants to hear a story to create an experience
  • 165. 23andMe It makes you protagonist creating a story about your product
  • 166. Google Maps Transforms into Pacman on April Fools’ Day
  • 167. Habitica Task organiser that makes you overcome tests like in a video-game with rewards
  • 168. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • Stories that generate more entertaining, amusing experiences that create a positive connection, but which are more difficult to elaborate and control. Furthermore, UX writers are not in abundance. • Conversely, the stories and web conversations generate more interaction, which leads to the compilation of interesting personal information to design the relation with clients. • UX writing, in addition, offers many possibilities to engage the consumer; the stories allow the client to become the protagonist, with the positive effect this has on the relation. 168 Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
  • 169. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References 10 UX Design Predictions for 2018 The State of UX in 2018 UX Design Trends for 2017: Dictated by the Future Trends for UX / UI Design for 2018 Top Web Design Trends to Watch in 2018 #390b25bd2375 169 Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
  • 170. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References A Visit To Airbnb Google Maps morphs into Ms. Pac-Man for April Fools’ Day easter-egg 170 Trend 9. Designer as storyteller
  • 171. Connected experiences OmniChannel and cooperation between brands Trend 10 171 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 172. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Digital teams up with reality The user experience is not something that is limited to the digital environment, but it is present in day-to-day life (voice assistants, IoT, retail, ...). The connection between the physical and digital enables the creation of much more immersive and emotional experiences. OmniChannel strategies and brand cooperation offer more dynamism and fluidity; they are more attractive for the user and more beneficial for the brands. Designing these experiences you build brand image. Coherence and cooperation between teams results in a positive connection with the user. 172 Trend 10. Connected experiences
  • 173. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • OmniChannel, design a route that offers fluidity between channels. • The user decides what device to continue on without losing information or time: context or brand environment. • Transition without creating friction. • Integrating the physical and digital. Importance to physical spaces. Evolution of retail and experiential shops. • Importance of physical presence: Amazon Go, Deliveroo, Alibaba. • Brand cooperation to improve the user experience: Nike and Apple, Uber and Spotify, Go Pro and Red Bull, … 173 Trend 10. Connected experiences
  • 174. Apple Great example of fluidity between channels 174
  • 175. Apple Chicago New shop as a place of encounter and social life 175
  • 176. Starbucks App that allows you to order and pay before arriving at the establishment 176
  • 177. AIM The doctor goes to your house in a booth that he/she drives alone and examines you 177
  • 178. Uber Teams up with Citymapper 178
  • 179. Amazon Go Is now reality 179
  • 180. IMDb & Amazon A strategic alliance
  • 181. Zara Physical shop for online shopping 181
  • 182. TripAdvisor & Deliveroo An alliance that works
  • 183. EasyJet & Booking Offers for flight and hotel
  • 184. Ford & Tinder Organised a Carpool-Karaoke like a blind-date with a Mustang 184
  • 185. KFC & Nasa Surprising collaboration 185
  • 186. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Burgerclan • Play Station and Burguer King. • Action launched in Spain to "change the rules of the game" • For members of Play Station Plus. • First online home delivered food service through video-games. • Without exiting the game you can place an order. • Participation of 9 professional gamers. • Notoriety and dissemination of home delivery and increase in subscriptions. 186 Trend 10. Connected experiences
  • 187. Burguer King & Play Station Home delivery without exiting the video game 187
  • 188. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • Despite the predominance of digital reality in our lives, it is difficult to think of an experience that is exclusively online. • User experience design tends to combine the physical world and the digital to create more totalising experiences. • Integration here becomes the key word, the same as inter-departmental work: considering that all the angles and realities of a brand affect the user experience. • Integration not only considers what is virtual and physical, but also explores collaborations between brands that cater for user needs more thoroughly. Another aspect in the design of experiences. 188 Trend 10. Connected experiences
  • 189. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References 10 UX Design Predictions for 2018 The State of UX in 2018 The 12 Most Innovative UX Experiments of the Year Its Time for Immersive Brand Experiences 5 Examples Brilliant Brand Collaborations 5 Inspiring Companies Doing Omni-Channel Right 189 Trend 10. Connected experiences
  • 190. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References What the new Apple shop shows about how retail is changing cambiando-retail.html Who Needs A Hospital, When This Self-Driving Doctor Comes To You? doctor-comes-to-you Five great examples of integrated brand partnerships online partnerships-online In London Zara opens a physical shop only for "online" shopping 190 Trend 10. Connected experiences
  • 191. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Tinder Users ‘Swipe Right’ For Blind Dates In A Mustang right-for-blind-dates-in-a-mustang.html KFC Flying Chicken Sandwich Bankrolling World View Balloon Test Flight Burger King Is Launching a Video Game Food Delivery Service in Spain. We Went There to Test It spain-we-went-there-to-test-it/ 191 Trend 10. Connected experiences
  • 192. Atomic Design Design as an organism Trend 11 192 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 193. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 New web design Formulated a few years ago by Brad Frost, and reinforced with the publication of the book by the same name (Atomic Design) in 2016, it depicts a web design philosophy (and graphic design) aimed at facilitating the systematic creation of a design piece, quicker, more consistently and more robust. The philosophy of Atomic Design goes through dissections, design in its most basic elements - atoms, molecules, organisms, templates and pages - to then recompose them, as the case and the need may be, nearly automatically, and create final results of undisputed consistency, developed quickly and with little effort. 193 Trend 11. Atomic design
  • 194. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • A design philosophy created by Brad Frost. • Fundamentally disseminated through his blog and his book Atomic Design (2016). • He classifies design elements into five typologies: atoms, molecules, organisms, templates and pages. • To build design systems based on developing possible combinations between them. • The aim: easier, quicker, more consistent design. • Modelled on the physical: all the materials made up of atoms. • He seeks to design systems of design, more than collections of templates. 194 Trend 11. Atomic design
  • 195. Brad Frost Creator of the concept of Atomic Design
  • 196. Atomic Design Creator of the concept
  • 198. Design Sytems Design systems based on Atomic Design
  • 200. More tools Increasingly more and better design tools
  • 201. “A lot has been said about creating design systems, and much of it focuses on establishing foundations for color; typography, grids, texture and the like. This type of thinking is certainly important, but I’m slightly less interested in these aspects of design because ultimately they are and will always be subjective. Lately, I’ve been more interested in what our interfaces are comprised of and how we can construct design systems in a more methodical way.” 
 Brad Frost, author de Atomic Design 201 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Tendencia 12. Atomic design
  • 203. Design based on cards Examples
  • 204. Google Material Design based on cards, icons and geometric elements
  • 207. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • The need for quick designs and, at the same time quality, makes one think of the need to adopt systems based on the philosophy of Atomic Design. • Atomic Design offers, above all, two functionalities especially sought after by brands of today, and that are seldom found together: quality and speed. • A design method that can permit large-scale production without losing out on quality or surpassing the budget. • Conversely, it could involve greater initial investment, in time and money, which some brands may not be willing to assume. 207 Tendencia 11. Atomic design
  • 208. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Atomic Design - Goodreads 10 reasons you should be using Atomic Design design-61620771 Atomic Design - Brad Frost Why use atomic design? 208 Tendencia 11. Atomic design
  • 209. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References 50 Creative Card UI Designs 209 Tendencia 11. Atomic design
  • 210. Only the essential The trend that does not die: 
 “Reduce in a reasoned manner" Trend 12 210 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018
  • 211. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Less is much more The world in 2018 is converting us into synthetic consumers: who seek maximum content, with minimum expression. Users of web pages and simple, functional, attractive and essentialist experiences. Design with less elements, simplified and effective. The philosophy "less is more" does not only apply to aesthetics: nowadays it is a necessary solution for many brands faced with saturation of information, the quantity of images and stimuli that reach consumers daily. A trend that started with Bauhaus in 1919 and took off in the 1960`s with the minimalist artistic movement, and which currently continues to evolve. 211 Trend 12. Only the essential
  • 212. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 In short • Simple, clean, essentialist design: attracts and provokes less rejection. • Tranquility and elegance as opposed to disarray. • Released from all that is superficial: leaving only what contributes something to the user. • Aimed at eliminating distractions. • "You don't need more space. You need fewer things" (Joshua Becker in the book The More of Less). • Quicker loading, as a complement to simplified design. • Compatible between screen sizes. • Inspired by Japanese design, the Bauhaus school and the minimalist artistic movement of the 1960's. 212 Trend 12. Only the essential
  • 214. Good design is innovative Good design makes a product useful Good design is aesthetic Good design makes a product comprehensible Good design is discreet Good design is honest Good design is longlasting Good design addresses all the details Good design is environmentally responsible Good design is the least possible design 
 Dieter Rams, the 10 principles of good design 214 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 12. Only the essential
  • 216. Apple Principal information at the top of the page
  • 217. Airbnb Again as a great example
  • 220. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 More minimal elements • Typography, large fonts and bold. • Bright flat colours. Monochrome widely used. • Contrasts to direct attention, for example between text and background. • Photo or illustration, simple and clean, without many elements that break the design of the web page. • One point of attention per screen, clear message, no distractions. • Surprise with the first view, at the top of the screen. • Menus clearly visible, not hidden. • Simplified, intuitive browsing and optimisation of content. • If there are animations they should be subtle and essential. Functional. 220 Trend 12. Only the essential
  • 221. Airmax de Nike Designed by
  • 222. “Giving site content and components room to breathe greatly improves a user’s experience. Strategically placed white space can significantly help content digestion and alleviate distractions. Removing unnecessary elements provides a cleaner, more focused experience. Gone are the days of gratuitous animations and hefty navigation menus. Is it absolutely necessary? 
 If not, remove it.” 
 James McCarthy, web developer, UX designer and entrepreneur 222 UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 Trend 12. Only the essential
  • 223. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 To think • Minimalist design helps the user experience provided it is not just something aesthetic. It is not about cleaning the page but removing everything that distracts, so that things are better understood. • In this sense, the white space is not conceived as wasted space but an element to be highlighted. • In addition, with the demand for loading speed of web pages, these designs are gaining popularity for offering a simplified quicker option and that weighs less. 223 Trend 12. Only the essential
  • 224. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Top Web Design Trends to Watch in 2018 #390b25bd2375 Functional Minimalsm for Web Design The State of UX in 2018 Keep Your Eye on these 9 UX Design Trends in 2018 224 Trend 12. Only the essential
  • 225. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 References Dieter Rams 10 Principles of “Good Design”“good-design” Air Max ’17 225 Trend 12. Only the essential
  • 226. UXTrends2018-Zorraquino-January2018 We are a business and strategy consulting firm, a digital agency, a design studio and a development company that focuses on research, design, technology and marketing. Our projects are always based on agile design methodologies as a a key element in business strategy and innovation. 
 Find out more about us: 226 ZORRAQUINO
  • 227. Zorraquino Photo of our facilities in Bilbao
  • 228. Madrid Gustavo Fernández Balbuena 11, 4º
 48009 BILBAO Tel. (+34) 94 415 73 79 ZORRAQUINO