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UX Strategy and
The Questions
Tony Quiroz
Senior CX Strategist, GoDaddy
May 8, 2019
Photo by Anne Madsen CC BY
Tony Quiroz (“Key-Rose”)
● 20+ years
● Now = Senior Strategist, CX at GoDaddy
● IXDA Phoenix, 2015-2018
master plan, grand design, game plan, plan of action, plan, policy, proposed action, scheme,
blueprint, program, procedure, approach, schedule
Boiling UX strategy down to a single, exclusive definition
kind of defeats the whole purpose of the concept.”
- Motivate Design, 10/15/18
Strategy as Foundation
The Five Planes of UX, from:
“The Elements of User Experience” by Jessie James Garrett
The Five Planes of UX, from: “The Elements of User Experience” by Jessie James Garrett
➔ Sensory Design
➔ Information Design
➔ Interaction Design, Information Architecture
➔ Functional Specifications, Content Requirements
➔ User Needs, Product Objectives
Game plan for a winning design.
A good UX Strategy is built on:
● Business needs
● User needs
● Success metrics
● Empathy
● Context (dynamics, flow, journeys)
● Winning ideas / insights
Today’s talk:
● Magic formula for getting started (“The Questions”)
● Explore UX Strategy through examples
● Pitfalls
● Open Q&A
What it’s not:
● Documentation, Briefs, Stories
● Research methods
● Design process (including magic combo of UX, Content, and SEO)
● Process / implementation plans
● Org, Roles
Seed. Lightning bolt. Clarity. Ah-ha.
Magic formula: The Questions
The Questions:
1. What are we doing? Business goals. The Ask. Value prop.
2. Who for? Customer. Context. Needs.
3. How will success be measured? Metrics. Value to business; customer.
(Revenue, Impact to Care, NPS)
Activity Part 1 - (5 mins)
Draw a boat.
Activity Part 2 - (5 mins)
Draw a boat w/The Questions.
The Questions:
1. What are we doing?
2. Who for?
3. How will success be measured?
→ Ferrying people from Kirkland to Seattle
→ Daily commuters
→ Reduce traffic on I-5
The questions give you purpose:
● Business goals
● Customers
● What = Success
Oh, but we’d never just start designing
something in the real world...
Real-world example:
“I need a button.”
Click Me
Customer Scenario: IT Security Suite
Job runs in the cloud every night to gather log files from 100,000+ endpoints
spread out around the U.S. Some log files aren’t making it up to the server. IT
Staff called Support and asked for a button to be added to the endpoint UI so
they can remote into the machine, press the button, and send the missing files.
Engineering immediately goes to
work on the solution...
“Can you UX this for us?”
Engineering meant:
“Where should we put the button?”
“What should it say?”
When in doubt:
1. What are we doing?
2. Who for?
3. How will success be measured?
Literally 100s of machines
were failing...
Dig a little deeper..
● Didn’t need all the data that was being sent up
● Job requested logs from all endpoints simultaneously
● Agent UI actually hidden on the endpoints
UX Strategy for “The Button”
● Customer basically just needs the feature to work as we intended.
● Must be low impact, low overhead to IT and end users.
● Compliance is #1.
● Edge case needs to be handled.
➔ Concentrate on making the feature work as intended and handle the edge case.
Another solution:
1. Downsize log files to just the essential data
2. Stagger jobs
3. Button in the CLOUD vs. endpoint
Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.”
- Charles Eames
Button = Need?
Pitfall #1 is to just start designing something
without understanding the need.
Design Thinking is
framework to
Design Thinking Process
Designers complain about being left out of
business conversations...
Journey Mapping Story
“Hey, we want you to do a journey map for us…”
“Hey, we want you to do a journey map for us…”
“Cool, what are you doing?”
“Who’s your customer?”
“What’s a primary use case? A slam dunk opportunity?”
“Got any revenue goals? What’re the metrics?”
Project #1
Tons of complaints and
returns for a key service.
Haven’t done our
segmentation yet.
Haven’t calculated the
impact yet.
We’ll get back to you.
Project #2
NPS is really low for our
top spending customers.
We know they spend
Better NPS. Haven’t put
$$$ to the opportunity yet.
We’ll get back to you.
Project #3
Huge opportunity to make
millions in business X.
Haven’t nailed down the
scenarios yet.
Literally millions of dollars to
me made.
We’ll get back to you.
Temptation may be to take it negatively…
“That @#$#% PM.”
“Those %$#^ Developers.”
“&#$% PO.”
Partner up with PM / POs and other
team members on strategy.
Content. SEO. SEM. Local. Analytics. QA. Engineering. Architecture. Sales. etc.
Project #1 (PWS)
UX Strategy for PWS Journey Mapping
● Team needed to build customer knowledge.
● Nobody could articulate full process. (30+ people on the original invite = big clue.)
● Improving delivery time is #1.
● “That’s how we’ve always done it” heard a lot in workshop prep.
➔ Key on empathy and make customer journey visible to expose experience woes.
63% increase in site builds over
next six months; +5 NPS
Moving the project forward and delivering results
gets you into the business conversations.
Pitfall #2 is Us vs. Them and/or going it alone.
Am I talking to the
right person?
It’s a lot like detective work.”
- Karen Schmidt, Senior UX Researcher, GoDaddy
Growing our antennae.
Example #1 - (Cloud-based IT Security Suite)
What are we designing?
“A button to pull log files to the server.”
- Jon, Software Architect
Good to go?
Was the button really the need?
● Business goals
● Problems to solve
● User
● Context
Example #2 - (AntiVirus Software)
Who for?
“This release is for all new and existing customers.”
- David, Product Manager
Good to go?
So your target customer is everyone in the world?
● Segmentation
● Target customer / best opportunity
● Data points
● Personas
● Empathy
Example #3 - (SMB Domains, Hosting, Websites, Email)
How will success be measured?
“Customer love.”
- Cam, Chief Brand Officer
Good to go?
Awesome. But what is customer love?
● Metrics
● Benchmarking data
● Analytics
● Industry standards
Pitfall #3 is not digging deeper, pushing back.
The Questions, Part 1 is about putting yourself
in the driver’s seat to get what you need to
build an effective UX strategy.
The Questions:
1. What are we doing? Business goals. The Ask. Value prop.
2. Who for? Customer. Context. Needs.
3. How will success be measured? Metrics. Value to business; customer.
(Revenue, Impact to Care, NPS)
Beginnings of your UX Strategy:
● Business objectives, customer needs
● Who to talk to
● Data available; data you’ll need to go get (research)
● Benchmarking current state
● Path to insights
The Questions, Part 2 is about finding
the customer insights.
The Questions, Part 2:
What are we doing?
Who for?
How measured?
What matters?
Possible barriers?
Get right?
Sympathy vs. Empathy
The Questions, Part 2:
1. What matters? Customer context. Priorities. (Empathy!)
2. Possible barriers? Journey / Pain Points. Influencers. Flows.
3. What do we have to get right? MOT. Value to business, customer.
Jared Spool and the $300M Button
I’m not here to be in a relationship. I just want to buy something.”
- Customer
eCommerce website purchase flow:
Log in / Create Account
* Required
The team saw the form as enabling repeat customers to purchase faster.
First-time purchasers wouldn’t mind the extra effort of registering because,
after all, they will come back for more and they’ll appreciate the expediency in
subsequent purchases. Everybody wins, right?”
| January 14, 2009 |
I’m not here to be in a relationship.
I just want to buy something.”
| January 14, 2009 |
● Retailer only wants my info to market to me
● Retailer is going to sell my info to other ppl
● Forgot username
● Forgot password
● Reset password
● Create a 2nd account to avoid resetting username / password
The designers fixed the problem simply. They took away the Register button. In its place, they put a Continue
button with a simple message: “You do not need to create an account to make purchases on our site. Simply click
Continue to proceed to checkout. To make your future purchases even faster, you can create an account during
The results: The number of customers purchasing went up by 45%. The extra purchases resulted in an extra
$15 million the first month. For the first year, the site saw an additional $300,000,000.”
| January 14, 2009 |
Was making it easier to buy things on
return visits what mattered?
UX Strategy for “The $300 Button”
● Forcing customers to sign in obviously not having the intended effect.
● Some users may see the benefit of having an account.
● Revenue is #1.
● Don’t want to lose trust.
➔ Provide an option to make a purchase without having to create account / log in.
The Questions, part 2:
1. What matters? Revenue. Speed. Privacy.
2. Possible barriers? Forcing ppl to sign in. Log in. Losing trust.
3. What do we have to get right? Easy based on user’s POV, not ours.
Pitfall #4 is putting what WE want / think above
and beyond what the customer wants / thinks.
The $700M Landing Page
Since you already did all this journey work, could you take a look at a landing
page for us?”
- Joe, Dime Community Bank
Dime Money Market
● 2.25% CVR (below average)
● $1M deposits in 6 months
1. What matters? Rate. Everything above the fold.
2. Possible barriers? Scrolling. TMI.
3. What do we have to get right? Simplify.
Customer Journey told us:
1. What mattered
2. Possible barriers
3. Get right
UX Strategy for “The $700 Landing Page”
● Most people don’t really know what a Money Market is...
● People are distrustful of banks (fees, fly-by-night, etc.)
● Educating customer is #1. Rate is important, too.
● Primarily researching on mobile.
➔ Educate customer, champion 150-year heritage, and remove all other sales barriers.
p.s. Don’t worry about scrolling.
Redesigned LP:
1. 13.5% CVR vs. 2.5%
2. $700M in deposits vs. $1M
Was having everything above the fold
what mattered?
Pitfall #5 is relying on generalities about what
works in design and experience.
One-click from homepage. Nobody scrolls. Nobody reads. Etc.
Wrap up.
The same thing can be said about UX that is said about Quality:
You can’t just add it in at the end.”
- Tony Quiroz
| September 19, 2013
… to here.
From here...
In reality, you gotta “UX it” however it comes.
To build the Strategy layer, ask the
What are we doing?
Who for?
How measured?
What matters?
Possible barriers?
Get right?
Beginnings of your UX Strategy:
● Business objectives, customer needs
● Who to talk to
● Data available; data you’ll need to go get (research)
● Benchmarking current state
● Path to insights
Customer insights:
● Customer priorities
● Empathy
● Barriers
● What you have to get right in the experience
● Start designing without understanding the needs.
● Us vs. Them and/or going it alone. (Strategy is a team sport.)
● Not digging deeper, pushing back.
● Putting what we want/think above what the user wants/thinks.
● Relying on generalities about what works in design.
“Can you UX this for me?”
CX Humor
Thank you!
Tony Quiroz - Senior CX Strategist, GoDaddy
Paul Bryan, UX Matters
The seven UX strategy ingredients I discuss in this article are as follows:
1. business strategy
2. competitive benchmarking
3. Web analytics
4. behavioral segmentation, or personas, and usage scenarios
5. interaction modeling
6. prioritization of new features and functionality
7. social / mobile / local ”
Motivate Design
A good UX strategy, then, is an approach, a framework, a philosophy, and a methodology all at once. It
combines service design, lean UX, and disruptive design principles to create amazing ideas that change
everyday user experiences and redefine the way people relate to brands. The process of getting to these
solutions can be difficult, with provocative questions and radical new ways of thinking creating tension and
conflict along the way, but the end results of this continuously iterative UX process ultimately have the
power to positively transform people’s lives. ”
Dávid Pásztor, UX Studio
Every once in a while you should step
out of the day-to-day treadmill of product
development, take a deep breath, and
look at the bigger picture. Today we
introduce the UX Strategy Canvas which
will help you do just that. ”
Designing for Product Strategy , O’Reilly
These are the four tenets that make up my
framework. I have seen them in play every
day since my first discovery phase. It’s not
enough to understand your marketplace if
you don’t talk directly to your customers. It’s
not enough to validate that your product
works if you’re not creating something
unique. Good enough just isn’t good
enough, and just identifying these tenets
won’t be enough to get your team flying.”
Defining your UX strategy involves planning your requirements around user goals and
stakeholder business strategies. According to Tim Loo at Foolproof, strong UX strategy
will include the following:
● The status of your user experience as it stands
● A vision of how you wish to improve your UX
● Your anticipated gains from improving your UX
● A list of the metrics you’ll use to measure the ROI of your UX activities
● A plan of your team’s workflow ”
Jared Spool,
UX Strategy
In its simplest form, we can think of our strategy as moving our users from frustration to
delight. But to do that, in any project, there's a lot of questions we need answers to
● What do you need to build?
● How do you best allocate resources?
● What can you say no to?
● How do you tell if you've done a good job?
● What makes you different from your competitors?
● Where should you innovate?
● How much will this cost us? ”
UX Strategy for Lumension (Button Story)
● Three best-in-class IT solutions, all on different platforms with different UIs.
● One suite to rule them all and compete with the big guys.
● Bringing customers along and growing what they use is #1.
● Must be extensible to n-number of future solutions.
➔ Key on top tasks; card sort to find common IA (workflow-based nav); MS Office-style
UX patterns; centralized views + modular management; many ways to succeed.

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UX Strategy and The Questions; UX in AZ Meetup, May 2019

  • 1. UX Strategy and The Questions Tony Quiroz Senior CX Strategist, GoDaddy May 8, 2019 Photo by Anne Madsen CC BY
  • 2. Tony Quiroz (“Key-Rose”) ● 20+ years ● FED, IA, UXE, UXD, VP,UX, VP,CX, GAD ● Now = Senior Strategist, CX at GoDaddy ● IXDA Phoenix, 2015-2018 2
  • 3. 3 Strategy synonyms: master plan, grand design, game plan, plan of action, plan, policy, proposed action, scheme, blueprint, program, procedure, approach, schedule
  • 4. 4 Boiling UX strategy down to a single, exclusive definition kind of defeats the whole purpose of the concept.” - Motivate Design, 10/15/18 “
  • 5. 5 Strategy as Foundation The Five Planes of UX, from: “The Elements of User Experience” by Jessie James Garrett
  • 6. 6 The Five Planes of UX, from: “The Elements of User Experience” by Jessie James Garrett ➔ Sensory Design ➔ Information Design ➔ Interaction Design, Information Architecture ➔ Functional Specifications, Content Requirements ➔ User Needs, Product Objectives
  • 7. 7 Game plan for a winning design.
  • 8. 8 A good UX Strategy is built on: ● Business needs ● User needs ● Success metrics ● Empathy ● Context (dynamics, flow, journeys) ● Winning ideas / insights
  • 9. 9 Today’s talk: ● Magic formula for getting started (“The Questions”) ● Explore UX Strategy through examples ● Pitfalls ● Open Q&A
  • 10. 10 What it’s not: ● Documentation, Briefs, Stories ● Research methods ● Design process (including magic combo of UX, Content, and SEO) ● Process / implementation plans ● Org, Roles
  • 11. 11 Seed. Lightning bolt. Clarity. Ah-ha.
  • 13. The Questions: 1. What are we doing? Business goals. The Ask. Value prop. 2. Who for? Customer. Context. Needs. 3. How will success be measured? Metrics. Value to business; customer. 13 (Revenue, Impact to Care, NPS)
  • 14. 14 Activity Part 1 - (5 mins) Draw a boat.
  • 15. 15 Activity Part 2 - (5 mins) Draw a boat w/The Questions.
  • 16. The Questions: 1. What are we doing? 2. Who for? 3. How will success be measured? 16 → Ferrying people from Kirkland to Seattle → Daily commuters → Reduce traffic on I-5
  • 17. 17
  • 18. 18
  • 19. 19 The questions give you purpose: ● Business goals ● Customers ● What = Success
  • 20. 20 Oh, but we’d never just start designing something in the real world...
  • 21. Real-world example: 21 “I need a button.” Click Me
  • 22. Customer Scenario: IT Security Suite Job runs in the cloud every night to gather log files from 100,000+ endpoints spread out around the U.S. Some log files aren’t making it up to the server. IT Staff called Support and asked for a button to be added to the endpoint UI so they can remote into the machine, press the button, and send the missing files. 22
  • 23. Engineering immediately goes to work on the solution... 23
  • 24. “Can you UX this for us?” 24 Engineering meant: “Where should we put the button?” “What should it say?”
  • 25. When in doubt: 1. What are we doing? 2. Who for? 3. How will success be measured? 25
  • 27. Dig a little deeper.. ● Didn’t need all the data that was being sent up ● Job requested logs from all endpoints simultaneously ● Agent UI actually hidden on the endpoints 27
  • 28. UX Strategy for “The Button” ● Customer basically just needs the feature to work as we intended. ● Must be low impact, low overhead to IT and end users. ● Compliance is #1. ● Edge case needs to be handled. ➔ Concentrate on making the feature work as intended and handle the edge case. 28
  • 29. Another solution: 1. Downsize log files to just the essential data 2. Stagger jobs 3. Button in the CLOUD vs. endpoint 29
  • 30. 30
  • 31. 31 Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design.” - Charles Eames “
  • 33. Pitfall #1 is to just start designing something without understanding the need. 33
  • 35. 35
  • 37. 37 Designers complain about being left out of business conversations...
  • 39. 39 “Hey, we want you to do a journey map for us…”
  • 40. 40 “Hey, we want you to do a journey map for us…” “Cool, what are you doing?” “Who’s your customer?” “What’s a primary use case? A slam dunk opportunity?” “Got any revenue goals? What’re the metrics?”
  • 41. 41 Project #1 Tons of complaints and returns for a key service. Haven’t done our segmentation yet. Haven’t calculated the impact yet. We’ll get back to you. Project #2 NPS is really low for our top spending customers. We know they spend more... Better NPS. Haven’t put $$$ to the opportunity yet. We’ll get back to you. Project #3 Huge opportunity to make millions in business X. Haven’t nailed down the scenarios yet. Literally millions of dollars to me made. We’ll get back to you.
  • 42. 42 Temptation may be to take it negatively… “That @#$#% PM.” “Those %$#^ Developers.” “&#$% PO.”
  • 43. 43 Partner up with PM / POs and other team members on strategy. Content. SEO. SEM. Local. Analytics. QA. Engineering. Architecture. Sales. etc.
  • 45. UX Strategy for PWS Journey Mapping ● Team needed to build customer knowledge. ● Nobody could articulate full process. (30+ people on the original invite = big clue.) ● Improving delivery time is #1. ● “That’s how we’ve always done it” heard a lot in workshop prep. ➔ Key on empathy and make customer journey visible to expose experience woes. 45
  • 46. 46
  • 47. 47 63% increase in site builds over next six months; +5 NPS
  • 48. 48 Moving the project forward and delivering results gets you into the business conversations.
  • 49. Pitfall #2 is Us vs. Them and/or going it alone. 49
  • 50. 50 Am I talking to the right person?
  • 51. 51 It’s a lot like detective work.” - Karen Schmidt, Senior UX Researcher, GoDaddy “
  • 53. Example #1 - (Cloud-based IT Security Suite) What are we designing? “A button to pull log files to the server.” - Jon, Software Architect 53
  • 55. Was the button really the need? ● Business goals ● Problems to solve ● User ● Context 55
  • 56. Example #2 - (AntiVirus Software) Who for? “This release is for all new and existing customers.” - David, Product Manager 56
  • 58. So your target customer is everyone in the world? ● Segmentation ● Target customer / best opportunity ● Data points ● Personas ● Empathy 58
  • 59. Example #3 - (SMB Domains, Hosting, Websites, Email) How will success be measured? “Customer love.” - Cam, Chief Brand Officer 59
  • 61. Awesome. But what is customer love? ● Metrics ● Benchmarking data ● Analytics ● Industry standards 61
  • 62. Pitfall #3 is not digging deeper, pushing back. 62
  • 63. The Questions, Part 1 is about putting yourself in the driver’s seat to get what you need to build an effective UX strategy. 63
  • 64. The Questions: 1. What are we doing? Business goals. The Ask. Value prop. 2. Who for? Customer. Context. Needs. 3. How will success be measured? Metrics. Value to business; customer. 64 (Revenue, Impact to Care, NPS)
  • 65. 65 Beginnings of your UX Strategy: ● Business objectives, customer needs ● Who to talk to ● Data available; data you’ll need to go get (research) ● Benchmarking current state ● Path to insights
  • 66. The Questions, Part 2 is about finding the customer insights. 66
  • 67. 67 The Questions, Part 2: What are we doing? Who for? How measured? --- What matters? Possible barriers? Get right?
  • 69. The Questions, Part 2: 1. What matters? Customer context. Priorities. (Empathy!) 2. Possible barriers? Journey / Pain Points. Influencers. Flows. 3. What do we have to get right? MOT. Value to business, customer. 69
  • 70. 70 Jared Spool and the $300M Button I’m not here to be in a relationship. I just want to buy something.” - Customer “
  • 71. Shop eCommerce website purchase flow: 71 Log in / Create Account * Required Purchase
  • 72. The team saw the form as enabling repeat customers to purchase faster. First-time purchasers wouldn’t mind the extra effort of registering because, after all, they will come back for more and they’ll appreciate the expediency in subsequent purchases. Everybody wins, right?” 72 “ | January 14, 2009 |
  • 73. I’m not here to be in a relationship. I just want to buy something.” 73 “ | January 14, 2009 |
  • 74. ● Retailer only wants my info to market to me ● Retailer is going to sell my info to other ppl ● Forgot username ● Forgot password ● Reset password ● Create a 2nd account to avoid resetting username / password 74
  • 75. The designers fixed the problem simply. They took away the Register button. In its place, they put a Continue button with a simple message: “You do not need to create an account to make purchases on our site. Simply click Continue to proceed to checkout. To make your future purchases even faster, you can create an account during checkout.” The results: The number of customers purchasing went up by 45%. The extra purchases resulted in an extra $15 million the first month. For the first year, the site saw an additional $300,000,000.” 75 “ | January 14, 2009 |
  • 76. 76 Was making it easier to buy things on return visits what mattered?
  • 77. UX Strategy for “The $300 Button” ● Forcing customers to sign in obviously not having the intended effect. ● Some users may see the benefit of having an account. ● Revenue is #1. ● Don’t want to lose trust. ➔ Provide an option to make a purchase without having to create account / log in. 77
  • 78. The Questions, part 2: 1. What matters? Revenue. Speed. Privacy. 2. Possible barriers? Forcing ppl to sign in. Log in. Losing trust. 3. What do we have to get right? Easy based on user’s POV, not ours. 78
  • 79. Pitfall #4 is putting what WE want / think above and beyond what the customer wants / thinks. 79
  • 80. 80 The $700M Landing Page Since you already did all this journey work, could you take a look at a landing page for us?” - Joe, Dime Community Bank “
  • 81. Dime Money Market ● 2.25% CVR (below average) ● $1M deposits in 6 months 81
  • 82. Before: 1. What matters? Rate. Everything above the fold. 2. Possible barriers? Scrolling. TMI. 3. What do we have to get right? Simplify. 82
  • 83. Customer Journey told us: 1. What mattered 2. Possible barriers 3. Get right 83
  • 84. UX Strategy for “The $700 Landing Page” ● Most people don’t really know what a Money Market is... ● People are distrustful of banks (fees, fly-by-night, etc.) ● Educating customer is #1. Rate is important, too. ● Primarily researching on mobile. ➔ Educate customer, champion 150-year heritage, and remove all other sales barriers. p.s. Don’t worry about scrolling. 84
  • 85. Redesigned LP: 1. 13.5% CVR vs. 2.5% 2. $700M in deposits vs. $1M 85
  • 86. 86 Was having everything above the fold what mattered?
  • 87. Pitfall #5 is relying on generalities about what works in design and experience. 87 One-click from homepage. Nobody scrolls. Nobody reads. Etc.
  • 89. The same thing can be said about UX that is said about Quality: You can’t just add it in at the end.” - Tony Quiroz 89 “ | September 19, 2013
  • 90. … to here. 90 From here...
  • 91. In reality, you gotta “UX it” however it comes. 91
  • 92. 92 To build the Strategy layer, ask the questions: What are we doing? Who for? How measured? --- What matters? Possible barriers? Get right?
  • 93. 93 Beginnings of your UX Strategy: ● Business objectives, customer needs ● Who to talk to ● Data available; data you’ll need to go get (research) ● Benchmarking current state ● Path to insights
  • 94. 94 Customer insights: ● Customer priorities ● Empathy ● Barriers ● What you have to get right in the experience
  • 95. Pitfalls: ● Start designing without understanding the needs. ● Us vs. Them and/or going it alone. (Strategy is a team sport.) ● Not digging deeper, pushing back. ● Putting what we want/think above what the user wants/thinks. ● Relying on generalities about what works in design. 95
  • 96. “Can you UX this for me?” 96
  • 98. 98 Thank you! Tony Quiroz - Senior CX Strategist, GoDaddy
  • 100. 100 Paul Bryan, UX Matters The seven UX strategy ingredients I discuss in this article are as follows: 1. business strategy 2. competitive benchmarking 3. Web analytics 4. behavioral segmentation, or personas, and usage scenarios 5. interaction modeling 6. prioritization of new features and functionality 7. social / mobile / local ” “
  • 101. “ 101 Motivate Design A good UX strategy, then, is an approach, a framework, a philosophy, and a methodology all at once. It combines service design, lean UX, and disruptive design principles to create amazing ideas that change everyday user experiences and redefine the way people relate to brands. The process of getting to these solutions can be difficult, with provocative questions and radical new ways of thinking creating tension and conflict along the way, but the end results of this continuously iterative UX process ultimately have the power to positively transform people’s lives. ”
  • 102. “ 102 Dávid Pásztor, UX Studio Every once in a while you should step out of the day-to-day treadmill of product development, take a deep breath, and look at the bigger picture. Today we introduce the UX Strategy Canvas which will help you do just that. ”
  • 103. “ 103 Designing for Product Strategy , O’Reilly These are the four tenets that make up my framework. I have seen them in play every day since my first discovery phase. It’s not enough to understand your marketplace if you don’t talk directly to your customers. It’s not enough to validate that your product works if you’re not creating something unique. Good enough just isn’t good enough, and just identifying these tenets won’t be enough to get your team flying.”
  • 104. 104 JustInMind Defining your UX strategy involves planning your requirements around user goals and stakeholder business strategies. According to Tim Loo at Foolproof, strong UX strategy will include the following: ● The status of your user experience as it stands ● A vision of how you wish to improve your UX ● Your anticipated gains from improving your UX ● A list of the metrics you’ll use to measure the ROI of your UX activities ● A plan of your team’s workflow ” “
  • 105. “ 105 Jared Spool, UX Strategy In its simplest form, we can think of our strategy as moving our users from frustration to delight. But to do that, in any project, there's a lot of questions we need answers to ● What do you need to build? ● How do you best allocate resources? ● What can you say no to? ● How do you tell if you've done a good job? ● What makes you different from your competitors? ● Where should you innovate? ● How much will this cost us? ”
  • 106. 106
  • 107. UX Strategy for Lumension (Button Story) ● Three best-in-class IT solutions, all on different platforms with different UIs. ● One suite to rule them all and compete with the big guys. ● Bringing customers along and growing what they use is #1. ● Must be extensible to n-number of future solutions. ➔ Key on top tasks; card sort to find common IA (workflow-based nav); MS Office-style UX patterns; centralized views + modular management; many ways to succeed. 107