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First Aid Kit
Assistant professor
Department of Radiation and Imaging Technology
NIMS University, Jaipur Rajasthan
 First aid refers to the initial assistance or treatment given to someone who has been injured or suddenly taken ill before
professional medical help arrives. Its primary goals are to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote
 First aid can involve various techniques, such as applying bandages, administering CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation),
controlling bleeding, immobilizing injuries, and providing emotional support to the affected individual.
 The provision of first aid is often crucial in emergencies, accidents, natural disasters, and everyday situations where immediate
medical attention is not readily available. It's important for individuals to have basic knowledge of first aid techniques to
effectively respond to medical emergencies and potentially save lives.
 Preserving life: The immediate priority in any first aid situation is to assess and stabilize the individual's condition to
prevent further harm and ensure their survival.
 Preventing the condition from worsening: First aid aims to prevent the worsening of injuries or illnesses by providing
appropriate interventions and support.
 Promoting recovery: First aid actions should support the individual's recovery process, whether by reducing pain,
preventing infection, or assisting in the restoration of normal bodily functions.
 Providing reassurance and comfort: Offering psychological support and reassurance to the injured or ill person can help
alleviate anxiety and distress, contributing to their overall well-being.
 Ensuring the safety of the rescuer and bystanders: It's essential to assess the situation for potential hazards and take
measures to ensure the safety of everyone involved, including the first aider and any bystanders.
Golden rules for first aid
 Assess the Situation: Before providing any aid, assess the scene for potential hazards to yourself and others. Ensure the
area is safe for both you and the injured person.
 Protect Yourself: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves or face masks to protect yourself
from bodily fluids and potential infections.
 Check for Responsiveness: Determine if the person is conscious and responsive by gently shaking and speaking to them.
If there is no response, call for emergency medical assistance immediately.
 Call for Help: If the situation is serious or beyond your level of training, call emergency services (e.g., 911) for
professional medical assistance. Don't delay in seeking help.
 Control Bleeding: If there is bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or bandage. Elevate the
injured limb if possible and continue applying pressure until medical help arrives.
 Maintain Airway and Breathing: Ensure the person's airway is clear and that they are breathing normally. If
not, administer CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) if trained to do so.
 Stabilize Injuries: Immobilize any suspected fractures or spinal injuries to prevent further damage. Use
splints or improvised materials to support injured limbs.
 Monitor Vital Signs: Continuously monitor the injured person's vital signs such as pulse, breathing, and
consciousness level while waiting for medical assistance.
 Provide Comfort and Reassurance: Stay calm and provide comfort and reassurance to the injured person.
Let them know that help is on the way and that you are there to assist them.
 Do No Further Harm: Avoid doing anything that could potentially cause more harm to the person. Follow
established first aid procedures and protocols.
 Assess the situation for safety hazards before approaching the injured person.
 Call emergency services if necessary, especially for serious injuries such as severe bleeding, unconsciousness, or
difficulty breathing.
 Stay calm and reassure the injured person.
 Protect yourself by using gloves or other protective gear if available to avoid exposure to bodily fluids.
 Control any bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or bandage.
 Keep the injured person comfortable and warm, but avoid moving them unnecessarily, especially if there is a suspicion of
spinal injury.
 Follow the ABCs: Check the person's airway, breathing, and circulation.
 Perform CPR if necessary and if you are trained to do so.
 Administer basic first aid treatments such as cleaning and dressing wounds, applying ice packs for swelling, and elevating
injured limbs if appropriate.
 Continuously monitor the injured person's condition and be prepared to adjust your actions accordingly.
o Panic or become overwhelmed by the situation.
o Move an injured person unless absolutely necessary, especially if you suspect a head, neck, or spine injury.
o Administer first aid beyond your level of training or expertise.
o Remove any objects lodged in a wound.
o Give the person anything to eat or drink if they are unconscious or have difficulty swallowing.
o Apply heat to a burn or severe injury, as it may worsen the damage.
o Touch someone who has been electrocuted until you are sure the power is off.
o Ignore your own safety in attempting to help others. Always ensure the scene is safe for you to provide assistance
Action plan
1. Assessment of the Situation:
 Quickly assess the scene for any potential dangers to yourself, bystanders, or the victim. Ensure your safety and that
of others before proceeding.
2. Assess the Victim:
1. Check the victim for responsiveness by gently tapping and shouting, "Are you okay?" If there's no response, proceed
with caution.
2. Check the victim's airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs).
• Airway: Ensure the airway is clear. If not, gently tilt the head back and lift the chin to open the airway.
• Breathing: Look, listen, and feel for breathing. If the victim is not breathing, begin CPR (Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation) immediately.
• Circulation: Check for signs of circulation, such as a pulse. If absent and the victim is unresponsive, begin
 Activate Emergency Medical Services (EMS):
 If the situation is serious or you're unsure of what to do, call emergency services (911 or your local emergency
number) immediately. Provide clear and concise information about the situation and the victim's condition.
 Provide Basic First Aid:
 Attend to any life-threatening conditions first (e.g., severe bleeding, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing).
 Control bleeding by applying pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or bandage.
 If the victim is conscious, provide reassurance and keep them calm.
 If the victim is experiencing difficulty breathing, administer rescue breaths if trained to do so.
 If the victim is responsive and able to swallow, provide small sips of water if available.
 Monitor the Victim:
 Continuously monitor the victim's condition until help arrives.
 Be prepared to adjust your actions based on changes in the victim's condition.
 Provide Comfort and Support:
 Offer comfort and reassurance to the victim and any bystanders.
 Keep the victim warm and comfortable while awaiting medical assistance.
 Document and Report:
 Record any pertinent information about the incident, including the victim's condition, actions taken, and any witness
 Provide a detailed report to emergency responders upon their arrival.
 Follow Up:
 Follow up with medical professionals or emergency responders as necessary.
 Provide any additional information requested by medical personnel.
Assessing skill of first aider
 Knowledge: Evaluate the first aider's understanding of basic first aid principles, including CPR, wound care, fracture
stabilization, and handling medical emergencies such as allergic reactions or seizures. Ask questions to assess their grasp
of these concepts.
 Training and Certification: Consider the level of formal training and certification the first aider has received.
Certification from reputable organizations such as the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association indicates a
certain level of competency.
 Practical Skills: Observe the first aider's ability to perform common first aid techniques accurately and efficiently. This
includes tasks such as applying bandages, administering CPR, using an automated external defibrillator (AED), and
managing choking incidents.
 Decision-making under pressure: Assess how the first aider responds to simulated emergency situations. Evaluate their
ability to prioritize actions, remain calm, and make quick but informed decisions when faced with a medical crisis.
 Communication: Evaluate the first aider's communication skills, including their ability to effectively communicate with
the injured person, bystanders, and emergency medical services. Clear communication is crucial for obtaining necessary
information and providing reassurance.
 Equipment Management: Assess the first aider's proficiency in using first aid equipment and supplies, such as bandages,
splints, and AEDs. Ensure they know how to locate and properly use these tools in emergency situations.
 Continuing Education: Inquire about the first aider's commitment to ongoing education and training in first aid. Keeping
up-to-date with the latest guidelines and techniques demonstrates a dedication to improving skills and staying prepared for
 Feedback and Evaluation: Provide constructive feedback based on your assessment of the first aider's performance.
Highlight areas of strength and areas for improvement, and encourage continued learning and practice.
Responsibilities of first aider
 Assessment: Assess the situation to determine the nature and severity of the injury or illness.
 Safety: Ensure the safety of the injured person, oneself, and any bystanders. Remove any immediate dangers if possible.
 Call for Help: If necessary, call emergency services (e.g., 911) or instruct someone else to do so.
 Provide First Aid: Administer appropriate first aid treatment according to the nature of the injury or illness. This may
include CPR, controlling bleeding, immobilizing fractures, treating shock, etc.
 Monitor Vital Signs: Monitor the person's vital signs (such as breathing, pulse, and consciousness) and provide necessary
 Comfort and Reassurance: Provide comfort and reassurance to the injured or ill person, keeping them calm and
 Maintain Confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of the individual's medical information.
 Documenting: Record details of the incident, the care provided, and any observations made. This may be important for
follow-up medical care.
 Communication: Communicate effectively with emergency medical services personnel when they arrive, providing them
with relevant information about the situation and the care provided.
 Follow-Up: Follow up with the injured or ill person as appropriate, ensuring they receive further medical attention if
 Maintain First Aid Kit: Ensure that the first aid kit is well-maintained and stocked with necessary supplies.
 Training and Education: Keep skills and knowledge up-to-date through regular training and education in first aid
techniques and protocols.
 D - Danger: Before providing any aid, make sure the area is safe for both the victim and yourself. Assess for any potential
dangers such as traffic, fire, electrical hazards, or collapsing structures. If the scene is not safe, do not approach until it is
safe to do so.
 R - Response: Check the victim's level of consciousness by calling out to them ("Can you hear me?") and gently shaking
their shoulders. If there is no response, proceed to the next step.
 A - Airway: Ensure that the victim's airway is clear and open. This involves tilting the head back slightly and lifting the
chin to open the airway. If the victim is breathing normally, place them in the recovery position. If the victim is not
breathing or struggling to breathe, perform basic airway management techniques such as the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver
or jaw thrust maneuver.
 B - Breathing: Once the airway is open, check for breathing. Look, listen, and feel for signs of normal breathing (chest
rising and falling, air movement, and sounds of breathing). If the victim is not breathing, start rescue breathing (mouth-to-
mouth resuscitation) or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if necessary.
 C - Circulation: Check for signs of circulation such as a pulse. You can check the carotid pulse in the neck for adults and
children, or the brachial pulse in infants. If there is no pulse, begin chest compressions immediately as part of CPR. If
there is a pulse but the victim is not breathing, continue rescue breathing.
Nose Bleeding
 Stay calm and reassure the person experiencing the nosebleed.
 Make sure the person sits down and leans forward slightly to prevent blood from flowing down their throat.
 Pinch the soft part of the nose, just below the bridge, with thumb and index finger and hold for at least 10 minutes. This
helps to apply pressure and stop the bleeding.
 Apply a cold compress or ice pack to the bridge of the nose to help constrict blood vessels and reduce bleeding.
 Encourage the person to breathe through their mouth to avoid swallowing blood and minimize the risk of nausea.
 Once bleeding has stopped, advise the person not to blow their nose forcefully for at least a few hours to prevent
 If bleeding persists after 20 minutes of continuous pressure, seek medical help.
 Tilt the head back. This can cause blood to flow down the throat, leading to nausea, choking, or breathing difficulties.
 Stuff the nostrils with tissue or cotton. This can increase pressure and make the bleeding worse.
 Allow the person to lean back or lie down flat, as this may also lead to blood flowing down the throat.
 Pick or blow the nose vigorously, as this can dislodge clots and prolong bleeding.
 Panic or become overly anxious, as it can increase the person's stress levels and exacerbate the situation.
 Assess the severity of the burn: Determine if it's a first-degree, second-degree, or third-degree burn. Seek medical
attention immediately for second- and third-degree burns or burns larger than a small coin.
 Remove the source of the burn: If it's safe to do so, remove the person from the source of the burn, such as fire or hot
 Cool the burn: Run cool (not cold) water over the burn for 10-20 minutes to help reduce pain and swelling. You can also
use a clean, damp cloth if running water isn't available.
 Cover the burn: Once cooled, loosely cover the burn with a sterile, non-adhesive bandage or clean cloth to protect it
from infection.
 Provide pain relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate pain. Follow the
dosage instructions carefully.
 Seek medical attention: For severe burns, or if you're unsure about the severity, seek medical attention immediately.
Signs of severe burns include blistering, charred skin, difficulty breathing, or burns to the face, hands, feet, groin, or
major joints.
 Do not apply ice: Ice can further damage the skin and worsen the burn. Use cool water instead.
 Do not pop blisters: Popping blisters increases the risk of infection. Leave them intact and allow them to heal on their
 Do not apply butter or oil: These can trap heat and bacteria, leading to infection. Stick to cool water and a sterile
 Do not wrap burns too tightly: Avoid wrapping burns with tight bandages, as this can restrict blood flow and cause
further damage.
 Do not break blisters: Breaking blisters increases the risk of infection and delays healing. Let them heal naturally.
 Do not remove clothing stuck to the burn: If clothing is stuck to the burn, leave it in place. Removing it can cause
further damage and increase pain.
Heart attack
 Call for emergency medical assistance: Immediately call emergency services (e.g., 911) to ensure that professional
medical help is on the way.
 Stay calm: Keep yourself composed and reassure the person experiencing the heart attack. Remaining calm can help the
person feel more at ease.
 Help the person rest: Assist the individual into a comfortable position, preferably lying down with their head slightly
elevated. This helps ease strain on the heart.
 Administer aspirin if available: If the person is not allergic to aspirin and is conscious, provide them with a low dose
(e.g., 325 mg) of aspirin to chew, as it can help to thin the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots.
 Monitor their condition: Keep a close eye on the person's vital signs such as pulse and breathing. Be prepared to
perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) if necessary.
 Loosen tight clothing: If the person is wearing tight clothing, such as a tie or belt, loosen it to ensure they can breathe
1. Don't delay seeking medical help: Time is critical during a heart attack, so avoid wasting any time in calling for
emergency assistance.
2. Don't give the person anything to eat or drink: Refrain from giving the person anything to eat or drink, as it may
interfere with potential medical treatments they may receive later.
3. Don't ignore symptoms: Even if the person doubts whether they are experiencing a heart attack, it's better to err
on the side of caution and seek medical assistance immediately.
4. Don't leave the person alone: Stay with the person experiencing the heart attack until medical help arrives. This
helps provide reassurance and ensures that you're available to take further action if necessary.
5. Don't ignore signs of cardiac arrest: If the person becomes unconscious and stops breathing, be prepared to
perform CPR if you are trained to do so.
Contents of first aid
 Adhesive bandages (assorted sizes)
 Sterile gauze pads
 Adhesive tape
 Antiseptic wipes or solution
 Antibiotic ointment or cream
 Hydrocortisone cream (for itching and rashes)
 Tweezers (for removing splinters or ticks)
 Scissors
 Disposable gloves
 Thermometer (digital)
 Thermometer (digital)
 Instant cold packs
 Pain relievers (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen)
 Antihistamines (for allergic reactions)
 CPR face mask or shield
 Elastic bandage (for sprains or strains)
 Burn gel or dressing
 Eyewash solution
 Sterile eyepads
 Safety pins
 First aid manual or instruction booklet
 Emergency contact information
 Personal medications (if applicable)
• Ruth Ann Ehrlich. 2020 Sterilisation in textbook of Patient Care in Radiology Seventh Edition, Elsevier New
• Doyle, G. R., McCutcheon, J. A. (2015). Clinical procedures for safer patient care. BCcampus.
Use of First Aid Kit for emergency critical situation.pptx

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Use of First Aid Kit for emergency critical situation.pptx

  • 1. First Aid Kit DR. GOURAV KUMAR Assistant professor Department of Radiation and Imaging Technology NIMS University, Jaipur Rajasthan
  • 2. Introduction  First aid refers to the initial assistance or treatment given to someone who has been injured or suddenly taken ill before professional medical help arrives. Its primary goals are to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promote recovery.  First aid can involve various techniques, such as applying bandages, administering CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), controlling bleeding, immobilizing injuries, and providing emotional support to the affected individual.  The provision of first aid is often crucial in emergencies, accidents, natural disasters, and everyday situations where immediate medical attention is not readily available. It's important for individuals to have basic knowledge of first aid techniques to effectively respond to medical emergencies and potentially save lives.
  • 3. Objective  Preserving life: The immediate priority in any first aid situation is to assess and stabilize the individual's condition to prevent further harm and ensure their survival.  Preventing the condition from worsening: First aid aims to prevent the worsening of injuries or illnesses by providing appropriate interventions and support.  Promoting recovery: First aid actions should support the individual's recovery process, whether by reducing pain, preventing infection, or assisting in the restoration of normal bodily functions.  Providing reassurance and comfort: Offering psychological support and reassurance to the injured or ill person can help alleviate anxiety and distress, contributing to their overall well-being.  Ensuring the safety of the rescuer and bystanders: It's essential to assess the situation for potential hazards and take measures to ensure the safety of everyone involved, including the first aider and any bystanders.
  • 4. Golden rules for first aid  Assess the Situation: Before providing any aid, assess the scene for potential hazards to yourself and others. Ensure the area is safe for both you and the injured person.  Protect Yourself: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves or face masks to protect yourself from bodily fluids and potential infections.  Check for Responsiveness: Determine if the person is conscious and responsive by gently shaking and speaking to them. If there is no response, call for emergency medical assistance immediately.  Call for Help: If the situation is serious or beyond your level of training, call emergency services (e.g., 911) for professional medical assistance. Don't delay in seeking help.  Control Bleeding: If there is bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth or bandage. Elevate the injured limb if possible and continue applying pressure until medical help arrives.
  • 5.  Maintain Airway and Breathing: Ensure the person's airway is clear and that they are breathing normally. If not, administer CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) if trained to do so.  Stabilize Injuries: Immobilize any suspected fractures or spinal injuries to prevent further damage. Use splints or improvised materials to support injured limbs.  Monitor Vital Signs: Continuously monitor the injured person's vital signs such as pulse, breathing, and consciousness level while waiting for medical assistance.  Provide Comfort and Reassurance: Stay calm and provide comfort and reassurance to the injured person. Let them know that help is on the way and that you are there to assist them.  Do No Further Harm: Avoid doing anything that could potentially cause more harm to the person. Follow established first aid procedures and protocols.
  • 6. Do  Assess the situation for safety hazards before approaching the injured person.  Call emergency services if necessary, especially for serious injuries such as severe bleeding, unconsciousness, or difficulty breathing.  Stay calm and reassure the injured person.  Protect yourself by using gloves or other protective gear if available to avoid exposure to bodily fluids.  Control any bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or bandage.  Keep the injured person comfortable and warm, but avoid moving them unnecessarily, especially if there is a suspicion of spinal injury.  Follow the ABCs: Check the person's airway, breathing, and circulation.  Perform CPR if necessary and if you are trained to do so.  Administer basic first aid treatments such as cleaning and dressing wounds, applying ice packs for swelling, and elevating injured limbs if appropriate.  Continuously monitor the injured person's condition and be prepared to adjust your actions accordingly.
  • 7. Don't o Panic or become overwhelmed by the situation. o Move an injured person unless absolutely necessary, especially if you suspect a head, neck, or spine injury. o Administer first aid beyond your level of training or expertise. o Remove any objects lodged in a wound. o Give the person anything to eat or drink if they are unconscious or have difficulty swallowing. o Apply heat to a burn or severe injury, as it may worsen the damage. o Touch someone who has been electrocuted until you are sure the power is off. o Ignore your own safety in attempting to help others. Always ensure the scene is safe for you to provide assistance
  • 8. Action plan 1. Assessment of the Situation:  Quickly assess the scene for any potential dangers to yourself, bystanders, or the victim. Ensure your safety and that of others before proceeding. 2. Assess the Victim: 1. Check the victim for responsiveness by gently tapping and shouting, "Are you okay?" If there's no response, proceed with caution. 2. Check the victim's airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs). • Airway: Ensure the airway is clear. If not, gently tilt the head back and lift the chin to open the airway. • Breathing: Look, listen, and feel for breathing. If the victim is not breathing, begin CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) immediately. • Circulation: Check for signs of circulation, such as a pulse. If absent and the victim is unresponsive, begin CPR.
  • 9.  Activate Emergency Medical Services (EMS):  If the situation is serious or you're unsure of what to do, call emergency services (911 or your local emergency number) immediately. Provide clear and concise information about the situation and the victim's condition.  Provide Basic First Aid:  Attend to any life-threatening conditions first (e.g., severe bleeding, unconsciousness, difficulty breathing).  Control bleeding by applying pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or bandage.  If the victim is conscious, provide reassurance and keep them calm.  If the victim is experiencing difficulty breathing, administer rescue breaths if trained to do so.  If the victim is responsive and able to swallow, provide small sips of water if available.
  • 10.  Monitor the Victim:  Continuously monitor the victim's condition until help arrives.  Be prepared to adjust your actions based on changes in the victim's condition.  Provide Comfort and Support:  Offer comfort and reassurance to the victim and any bystanders.  Keep the victim warm and comfortable while awaiting medical assistance.  Document and Report:  Record any pertinent information about the incident, including the victim's condition, actions taken, and any witness accounts.  Provide a detailed report to emergency responders upon their arrival.  Follow Up:  Follow up with medical professionals or emergency responders as necessary.  Provide any additional information requested by medical personnel.
  • 11. Assessing skill of first aider  Knowledge: Evaluate the first aider's understanding of basic first aid principles, including CPR, wound care, fracture stabilization, and handling medical emergencies such as allergic reactions or seizures. Ask questions to assess their grasp of these concepts.  Training and Certification: Consider the level of formal training and certification the first aider has received. Certification from reputable organizations such as the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association indicates a certain level of competency.  Practical Skills: Observe the first aider's ability to perform common first aid techniques accurately and efficiently. This includes tasks such as applying bandages, administering CPR, using an automated external defibrillator (AED), and managing choking incidents.
  • 12.  Decision-making under pressure: Assess how the first aider responds to simulated emergency situations. Evaluate their ability to prioritize actions, remain calm, and make quick but informed decisions when faced with a medical crisis.  Communication: Evaluate the first aider's communication skills, including their ability to effectively communicate with the injured person, bystanders, and emergency medical services. Clear communication is crucial for obtaining necessary information and providing reassurance.  Equipment Management: Assess the first aider's proficiency in using first aid equipment and supplies, such as bandages, splints, and AEDs. Ensure they know how to locate and properly use these tools in emergency situations.  Continuing Education: Inquire about the first aider's commitment to ongoing education and training in first aid. Keeping up-to-date with the latest guidelines and techniques demonstrates a dedication to improving skills and staying prepared for emergencies.  Feedback and Evaluation: Provide constructive feedback based on your assessment of the first aider's performance. Highlight areas of strength and areas for improvement, and encourage continued learning and practice.
  • 13. Responsibilities of first aider  Assessment: Assess the situation to determine the nature and severity of the injury or illness.  Safety: Ensure the safety of the injured person, oneself, and any bystanders. Remove any immediate dangers if possible.  Call for Help: If necessary, call emergency services (e.g., 911) or instruct someone else to do so.  Provide First Aid: Administer appropriate first aid treatment according to the nature of the injury or illness. This may include CPR, controlling bleeding, immobilizing fractures, treating shock, etc.  Monitor Vital Signs: Monitor the person's vital signs (such as breathing, pulse, and consciousness) and provide necessary support.  Comfort and Reassurance: Provide comfort and reassurance to the injured or ill person, keeping them calm and supported.
  • 14.  Maintain Confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of the individual's medical information.  Documenting: Record details of the incident, the care provided, and any observations made. This may be important for follow-up medical care.  Communication: Communicate effectively with emergency medical services personnel when they arrive, providing them with relevant information about the situation and the care provided.  Follow-Up: Follow up with the injured or ill person as appropriate, ensuring they receive further medical attention if needed.  Maintain First Aid Kit: Ensure that the first aid kit is well-maintained and stocked with necessary supplies.  Training and Education: Keep skills and knowledge up-to-date through regular training and education in first aid techniques and protocols.
  • 15. DRABC  D - Danger: Before providing any aid, make sure the area is safe for both the victim and yourself. Assess for any potential dangers such as traffic, fire, electrical hazards, or collapsing structures. If the scene is not safe, do not approach until it is safe to do so.  R - Response: Check the victim's level of consciousness by calling out to them ("Can you hear me?") and gently shaking their shoulders. If there is no response, proceed to the next step.  A - Airway: Ensure that the victim's airway is clear and open. This involves tilting the head back slightly and lifting the chin to open the airway. If the victim is breathing normally, place them in the recovery position. If the victim is not breathing or struggling to breathe, perform basic airway management techniques such as the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver or jaw thrust maneuver.
  • 16.  B - Breathing: Once the airway is open, check for breathing. Look, listen, and feel for signs of normal breathing (chest rising and falling, air movement, and sounds of breathing). If the victim is not breathing, start rescue breathing (mouth-to- mouth resuscitation) or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if necessary.  C - Circulation: Check for signs of circulation such as a pulse. You can check the carotid pulse in the neck for adults and children, or the brachial pulse in infants. If there is no pulse, begin chest compressions immediately as part of CPR. If there is a pulse but the victim is not breathing, continue rescue breathing.
  • 18. Do  Stay calm and reassure the person experiencing the nosebleed.  Make sure the person sits down and leans forward slightly to prevent blood from flowing down their throat.  Pinch the soft part of the nose, just below the bridge, with thumb and index finger and hold for at least 10 minutes. This helps to apply pressure and stop the bleeding.  Apply a cold compress or ice pack to the bridge of the nose to help constrict blood vessels and reduce bleeding.  Encourage the person to breathe through their mouth to avoid swallowing blood and minimize the risk of nausea.  Once bleeding has stopped, advise the person not to blow their nose forcefully for at least a few hours to prevent recurrence.  If bleeding persists after 20 minutes of continuous pressure, seek medical help.
  • 19. Don’t  Tilt the head back. This can cause blood to flow down the throat, leading to nausea, choking, or breathing difficulties.  Stuff the nostrils with tissue or cotton. This can increase pressure and make the bleeding worse.  Allow the person to lean back or lie down flat, as this may also lead to blood flowing down the throat.  Pick or blow the nose vigorously, as this can dislodge clots and prolong bleeding.  Panic or become overly anxious, as it can increase the person's stress levels and exacerbate the situation.
  • 20. Burns
  • 21. Do  Assess the severity of the burn: Determine if it's a first-degree, second-degree, or third-degree burn. Seek medical attention immediately for second- and third-degree burns or burns larger than a small coin.  Remove the source of the burn: If it's safe to do so, remove the person from the source of the burn, such as fire or hot liquid.  Cool the burn: Run cool (not cold) water over the burn for 10-20 minutes to help reduce pain and swelling. You can also use a clean, damp cloth if running water isn't available.  Cover the burn: Once cooled, loosely cover the burn with a sterile, non-adhesive bandage or clean cloth to protect it from infection.  Provide pain relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate pain. Follow the dosage instructions carefully.  Seek medical attention: For severe burns, or if you're unsure about the severity, seek medical attention immediately. Signs of severe burns include blistering, charred skin, difficulty breathing, or burns to the face, hands, feet, groin, or major joints.
  • 22. Don't  Do not apply ice: Ice can further damage the skin and worsen the burn. Use cool water instead.  Do not pop blisters: Popping blisters increases the risk of infection. Leave them intact and allow them to heal on their own.  Do not apply butter or oil: These can trap heat and bacteria, leading to infection. Stick to cool water and a sterile bandage.  Do not wrap burns too tightly: Avoid wrapping burns with tight bandages, as this can restrict blood flow and cause further damage.  Do not break blisters: Breaking blisters increases the risk of infection and delays healing. Let them heal naturally.  Do not remove clothing stuck to the burn: If clothing is stuck to the burn, leave it in place. Removing it can cause further damage and increase pain.
  • 24. Do  Call for emergency medical assistance: Immediately call emergency services (e.g., 911) to ensure that professional medical help is on the way.  Stay calm: Keep yourself composed and reassure the person experiencing the heart attack. Remaining calm can help the person feel more at ease.  Help the person rest: Assist the individual into a comfortable position, preferably lying down with their head slightly elevated. This helps ease strain on the heart.  Administer aspirin if available: If the person is not allergic to aspirin and is conscious, provide them with a low dose (e.g., 325 mg) of aspirin to chew, as it can help to thin the blood and reduce the risk of blood clots.  Monitor their condition: Keep a close eye on the person's vital signs such as pulse and breathing. Be prepared to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) if necessary.  Loosen tight clothing: If the person is wearing tight clothing, such as a tie or belt, loosen it to ensure they can breathe comfortably.
  • 25. Don't 1. Don't delay seeking medical help: Time is critical during a heart attack, so avoid wasting any time in calling for emergency assistance. 2. Don't give the person anything to eat or drink: Refrain from giving the person anything to eat or drink, as it may interfere with potential medical treatments they may receive later. 3. Don't ignore symptoms: Even if the person doubts whether they are experiencing a heart attack, it's better to err on the side of caution and seek medical assistance immediately. 4. Don't leave the person alone: Stay with the person experiencing the heart attack until medical help arrives. This helps provide reassurance and ensures that you're available to take further action if necessary. 5. Don't ignore signs of cardiac arrest: If the person becomes unconscious and stops breathing, be prepared to perform CPR if you are trained to do so.
  • 26. Contents of first aid  Adhesive bandages (assorted sizes)  Sterile gauze pads  Adhesive tape  Antiseptic wipes or solution  Antibiotic ointment or cream  Hydrocortisone cream (for itching and rashes)  Tweezers (for removing splinters or ticks)  Scissors  Disposable gloves  Thermometer (digital)  Thermometer (digital)  Instant cold packs
  • 27.  Pain relievers (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen)  Antihistamines (for allergic reactions)  CPR face mask or shield  Elastic bandage (for sprains or strains)  Burn gel or dressing  Eyewash solution  Sterile eyepads  Safety pins  First aid manual or instruction booklet  Emergency contact information  Personal medications (if applicable)
  • 28. Reference • Ruth Ann Ehrlich. 2020 Sterilisation in textbook of Patient Care in Radiology Seventh Edition, Elsevier New Delhi. • Doyle, G. R., McCutcheon, J. A. (2015). Clinical procedures for safer patient care. BCcampus.