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Clone the Kiosk API repository.
% git clone
Usable APIs at Scale
With Protocol Buffers and gRPC
Tim Burks, Joe Bolinger, Andrew Gunsch
APIStrat 2018
We’re talking about Networked APIs
From the Google Cloud APIs Design Guide:
Networked APIs
Application Programming Interfaces that operate across a network of
computers. They communicate using network protocols including HTTP, and
are frequently produced by different organizations than the ones that
consume them.
We’re (mostly) talking about RPC APIs.
10 billion+
API calls
every second
October 4, 2000
CL 23852 by jeff
ProtocolBuffer, a class for encoding hierarchical data in a compact
binary form. Initially to be used for sending raw posting list data
out from the qserver to clients that want to do their own scoring.
Co-designed and Rev. by Sanjay
Protocol Buffers is a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism
for serializing structured data.
“Protocol Buffers” means several things
1. A serialization mechanism
2. An interface description language
3. A methodology
Protocol Buffer Serialization
A message is just a stream of bytes
[field_number<<3 + wire_type] [length if necessary][data]...
$ hexdump /tmp/request.bin
0000000 0a 05 68 65 6c 6c 6f
0a is “0000 1010”, so
field_number = 1 and wire_type = 2
Protocol Buffer IDL
message EchoMessage {
string text = 1;
// other fields...
Protocol Buffer Methodology
% protoc echo.proto --go_out=.
# This runs the Protocol Buffer Compiler
# (
# with a plugin called protoc-gen-go
# The plugin generates a Go source file that implements
# the data structures defined in echo.proto and code
# for reading and writing them as serialized bytes.
Try it!
package main
import (
echo "./generated"
func main() {
document := echo.EchoMessage{Text:"hello"}
bytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&document)
fmt.Printf("%+vn", bytes)
Open-Source messaging system based on Google’s internal API architecture.
Used for code and documentation generation, API management, and support
services for APIs and microservices running at very large scale.
gRPC is owned by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
gRPC Adoption
Microservices: in data centres
Streaming telemetry from network devices
Client Server communication/Internal APIs
Mobile Apps
Transport Mechanism
Client → Server
Server → Client
End of
Status & Trailing
MsgMsg Msg
Cross-Language Interoperability
A sample application: the Kiosk API
Describing the API
// Describes a hardware device that can display signs.
message Kiosk {
string id = 1; // unique id
string device_name = 2; // name of device hardware
ScreenSize size = 3; // screen size
LatLng location = 4; // kiosk location
Timestamp create_time = 5;
Describing the API
// Represents the size of a screen in pixels.
message ScreenSize {
int32 width = 1; // screen width
int32 height = 2; // screen height
Describing the API
// Describes a digital sign.
// Signs can include text, images, or both.
message Sign {
string id = 1; // unique id
string text = 2; // text to display
bytes image = 3; // image to display
Timestamp create_time = 4;
Describing the API: RPCs
● GetSignForKiosk
● GetSignsForKiosk
● Create
● List
● Get
● Delete
● SetSignForKiosks
● Create
● List
● Get
● Delete
called from
called from
on kiosks
Describing the API: RPCs
service Display {
rpc CreateKiosk(Kiosk) returns (Kiosk) {}
rpc ListKiosks(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ListKiosksResponse) {}
rpc GetKiosk(GetKioskRequest) returns (Kiosk) {}
rpc DeleteKiosk(DeleteKioskRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
rpc CreateSign(Sign) returns (Sign) {}
rpc ListSigns(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ListSignsResponse) {}
rpc GetSign(GetSignRequest) returns (Sign) {}
rpc DeleteSign(DeleteSignRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
rpc SetSignIdForKioskIds(SetSignIdForKioskIdsRequest)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
rpc GetSignIdForKioskId(GetSignIdForKioskIdRequest)
returns (GetSignIdResponse) {}
rpc GetSignIdsForKioskId(GetSignIdForKioskIdRequest)
returns (stream GetSignIdResponse) {}
Google API Design Guide
API Design Guide
• Resource oriented design
• Resources are named entities
• Methods attached to resources
• Standard: List, Get, Create, Update, Delete
• Custom: async, batch, media, streaming
API Standardization
• Types: google.protobuf, google.type
• Interfaces: google.longrunning, google.watcher
• Fields: region_code, display_name, labels
• Naming: create_time, node_count
• Repo: file and directory structure
Generate Kiosk Glue Code
git clone
go get
go get
mkdir -p generated
protoc kiosk.proto 
-I api-common-protos 
-I . 
Implement Kiosk Server Interface
type DisplayClient interface {
CreateKiosk(ctx context.Context, in *Kiosk,
opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Kiosk, error)
ListKiosks(ctx context.Context, in *google_protobuf.Empty,
opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListKiosksResponse, error)
GetKiosk(ctx context.Context, in *GetKioskRequest,
opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Kiosk, error)
DeleteKiosk(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteKioskRequest,
opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*google_protobuf.Empty, error)
GetSignIdsForKioskId(ctx context.Context, in *GetSignIdForKioskIdRequest,
opts ...grpc.CallOption) (Display_GetSignIdsForKioskIdClient, error)
Try the API with a CLI
$ k
k create kiosk <name>
k list kiosks
k get kiosk <kiosk_id>
k delete kiosk <kiosk_id>
k create sign <name> [--text=<text>] [--image=<image>]
k list signs
k get sign <sign_id>
k delete sign <sign_id>
k set sign <sign_id> for kiosk <kiosk_id>
k set sign <sign_id> for all kiosks
k get sign for kiosk <kiosk_id>
k get signs for kiosk <kiosk_id>
Let’s try it.
Be sure that you have the Google Cloud SDK.
% git clone
% cd kiosk/gce
% ./ <project-id> <instance-name>
Generate and Publish API Client Libraries
“Make it easier to use Google APIs”
1. Hide implementation details from API consumers.
2. Develop API clients faster.
3. Improve API client quality (better performance, fewer bugs).
Recent API Client Work
2010 Google API Discovery Format, Automatically-generated clients
2014 Veneer (handwritten clients, measurably improved usability)
2015 Scalable Veneer/Veneer Toolkit
Centralized and monolithic code generation
7 languages
21 Cloud APIs by March 2018
2018 API Client Tools
Decentralized and standardized code generation
More languages
More APIs
Generated API Clients
Google Cloud APIs
Google Ads APIs
… other Google teams
… external API producers?
GAPIC Features and Benefits
● Usability:
○ Trivial getting-started experience
○ Flattening
○ Natural paging
○ Long-running operations
○ Sample code for every method
○ Resource name types (e.g. for /projects/{project}/topics/{topic})
● Performance:
○ Batching
● Reliability:
○ Automatic retries
Trivial Getting-Started Experience
GAPIC client:
Channel channel =
NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress(API_ENTRY, API_PORT).build();
List<ClientInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<>();
GoogleCredentials credentials =
LoggingService stub =
LoggingServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel, interceptors);
LoggingClient client = LoggingClient.create();
Automatic Retry and Flattening
GAPIC client:
LoggingService stub = ...;
// Note: this only does a simple retry, exponential backoff
// is more complex
DeleteLogRequest request = DeleteLogRequest.newBuilder()
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RETRY; i++) {
try {
} catch (RpcException e) {
if (i == MAX_RETRY) throw e;
LoggingClient client = LoggingClient.create();
Natural Pagination
GAPIC client:
LoggingService stub = ...;
ListLogsRequest request = ListLogsRequest.newBuilder()
.setParentName("projects/" + PROJECT_ID)
while (true) {
ListLogsResponse response = stub.listLogs(request);
for (Log log : response.getLogsList()) {
System.out.printf("Log: %s%n", log.getDisplayName());
String nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
if (nextPageToken != null) {
request = ListLogsRequest.newBuilder()
} else {
LoggingClient client = LoggingClient.create();
ParentNameOneOf parent =
for (Log log : client.listLogs(PARENT).iterateAll()) {
System.out.printf("Log: %s%n", log.getDisplayName());
Long-Running Operations
SpeechClient speechClient = SpeechClient.create();
OperationFuture<LongRunningRecognizeResponse> recognizeOperation =
speechClient.longRunningRecognizeAsync(config, audio);
LongRunningRecognizeResponse response = recognizeOperation.get();
● Java: OperationFuture
○ Polls the service until the LRO is done
○ Provides metadata as the LRO is in progress
○ Provides the final result
Resource Name Types
GAPIC client:
PublisherService stub = ...;
CreateTopicRequest request = CreateTopicRequest.newBuilder()
Topic response = stub.createTopic(request);
TopicAdminClient topicAdminClient = TopicAdminClient.create();
TopicName name = TopicName.create("my-project", "my-topic");
Topic response = topicAdminClient.createTopic(name);
Generated Sample Code
GAPIC Project Architecture (hosted at
WANTED: ruby, swift, rust, elixir...
(java, php, python, go,
csharp, node, ruby)
.proto files)
“Showcase” API verification
Kotlin Kiosk (Android Things)
Generate Kotlin Client
$ mkdir kotlin
$ docker run --rm 
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/protos,target=/proto 
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/kotlin,target=/generated
Manage Your Service With Endpoints
Develop, deploy and manage APIs on any Google Cloud Platform backend.
● User Authentication via JSON Web Token validation
● Logging and Monitoring
● API Keys
● Easy integration + deployment
Endpoints Architecture
GCE, GKE, Kubernetes or App Engine
Environment Instance
GCE, GKE, Kubernetes or App Engine Flexible
Environment Instance (or off-GCP)
Extensible Service
Proxy Container
API Container
Google Service
Management API
Google Cloud
Google Service
Control API
config Runtime
check & report
Metrics &
Metrics &
Generate FileDescriptorSet
protoc kiosk.proto 
-I api-common-protos 
-I . 
Describing the Service
type: google.api.Service
config_version: 3
title: Kiosk gRPC API
- name: kiosk.Display
Starting Endpoints Proxy in Front of Application
gcloud endpoints services deploy service.yaml kiosk_descriptor.pb
./endpoints/ my-gcp-project my-api <keyfile>
$ export KIOSK_PORT=8083
$ k list kiosks
FROM localhost:8083 LIST KIOSKS
rpc error: code = Unauthenticated
desc = Method doesn't allow
unregistered callers (callers
without established identity).
Please use API Key or other form of
API consumer identity to call this
Starting Endpoints Proxy in Front of Application
$ export KIOSK_APIKEY=AIzaSy[...]bBo
$ k list kiosks
FROM localhost:8083 2018/09/21 19:08:25 Using API key: AIzaSy[...]bBo
id:1 name:"HTTP Kiosk" size:<width:1080 height:720 >
id:2 name:"HTTP Kiosk" size:<width:1080 height:720 >
Getting an API Key
Build a gRPC service, get a free REST API!
service Display {
rpc CreateKiosk(Kiosk) returns (Kiosk) {
option (google.api.http) = {post:"/v1/kiosks"};
rpc GetKiosk(GetKioskRequest) returns (Kiosk) {
option (google.api.http) =
{get: "/v1/kiosks/{id}" };
rpc DeleteKiosk(DeleteKioskRequest)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
option (google.api.http) =
{ delete: "/v1/signs/{id}" };
Add REST annotations to your service
gRPC definitions with HTTP annotations
service Display {
rpc CreateKiosk(Kiosk) returns (Kiosk) {
rpc GetKiosk(GetKioskRequest) returns(Kiosk) {
rpc DeleteKiosk(DeleteKioskRequest)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {
gRPC definitions
# Add a kiosk
$ curl -d '{"name":"HTTP Kiosk", "size": { width: 1080, height: 720 } }' 
# Get kiosk
$ curl localhost:8082/v1/kiosks/1?key=AIzaSy[...]bBo
Now you can use HTTP+JSON!
Use Endpoints, get a free developer portal!

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Tim Burks

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Usable APIs at Scale

  • 1. Welcome to Usable APIs at Scale! We'll use a Google Compute Engine Virtual Machine in our examples. Get a free Google Cloud account at Install the Google Cloud SDK. Clone the Kiosk API repository. % git clone
  • 2. Usable APIs at Scale With Protocol Buffers and gRPC Tim Burks, Joe Bolinger, Andrew Gunsch Google APIStrat 2018
  • 3. We’re talking about Networked APIs From the Google Cloud APIs Design Guide: Networked APIs Application Programming Interfaces that operate across a network of computers. They communicate using network protocols including HTTP, and are frequently produced by different organizations than the ones that consume them.
  • 4. We’re (mostly) talking about RPC APIs.
  • 5.
  • 7.
  • 8. October 4, 2000 CL 23852 by jeff ProtocolBuffer, a class for encoding hierarchical data in a compact binary form. Initially to be used for sending raw posting list data out from the qserver to clients that want to do their own scoring. Co-designed and Rev. by Sanjay
  • 9. Protocol Buffers is a language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data.
  • 10. “Protocol Buffers” means several things 1. A serialization mechanism 2. An interface description language 3. A methodology
  • 11. Protocol Buffer Serialization A message is just a stream of bytes [field_number<<3 + wire_type] [length if necessary][data]... $ hexdump /tmp/request.bin 0000000 0a 05 68 65 6c 6c 6f 0a is “0000 1010”, so field_number = 1 and wire_type = 2
  • 12. Protocol Buffer IDL message EchoMessage { string text = 1; // other fields... }
  • 13. Protocol Buffer Methodology % protoc echo.proto --go_out=. # This runs the Protocol Buffer Compiler # ( # # with a plugin called protoc-gen-go # # The plugin generates a Go source file that implements # the data structures defined in echo.proto and code # for reading and writing them as serialized bytes.
  • 14. Try it! package main import ( "fmt" "" echo "./generated" ) func main() { document := echo.EchoMessage{Text:"hello"} bytes, _ := proto.Marshal(&document) fmt.Printf("%+vn", bytes) }
  • 15. gRPC Open-Source messaging system based on Google’s internal API architecture. Used for code and documentation generation, API management, and support services for APIs and microservices running at very large scale.
  • 16. gRPC is owned by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation
  • 17. gRPC Adoption Microservices: in data centres Streaming telemetry from network devices Client Server communication/Internal APIs Mobile Apps
  • 18. gRPC Transport Mechanism Client → Server Server → Client Initial Metadata MsgMsg End of Stream Status & Trailing Metadata Initial Metadata MsgMsg Msg HTTP/2
  • 19.
  • 21. A sample application: the Kiosk API
  • 22. Describing the API Kiosks // Describes a hardware device that can display signs. message Kiosk { string id = 1; // unique id string device_name = 2; // name of device hardware ScreenSize size = 3; // screen size LatLng location = 4; // kiosk location Timestamp create_time = 5; }
  • 23. Describing the API ScreenSizes // Represents the size of a screen in pixels. message ScreenSize { int32 width = 1; // screen width int32 height = 2; // screen height }
  • 24. Describing the API Signs // Describes a digital sign. // Signs can include text, images, or both. message Sign { string id = 1; // unique id string text = 2; // text to display bytes image = 3; // image to display Timestamp create_time = 4; }
  • 25. Describing the API: RPCs Operation ● GetSignForKiosk ● GetSignsForKiosk Kiosks ● Create ● List ● Get ● Delete Control ● SetSignForKiosks Signs ● Create ● List ● Get ● Delete called from controllers called from kiosks hardware devices displayed on kiosks
  • 26. Describing the API: RPCs service Display { rpc CreateKiosk(Kiosk) returns (Kiosk) {} rpc ListKiosks(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ListKiosksResponse) {} rpc GetKiosk(GetKioskRequest) returns (Kiosk) {} rpc DeleteKiosk(DeleteKioskRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc CreateSign(Sign) returns (Sign) {} rpc ListSigns(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (ListSignsResponse) {} rpc GetSign(GetSignRequest) returns (Sign) {} rpc DeleteSign(DeleteSignRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc SetSignIdForKioskIds(SetSignIdForKioskIdsRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {} rpc GetSignIdForKioskId(GetSignIdForKioskIdRequest) returns (GetSignIdResponse) {} rpc GetSignIdsForKioskId(GetSignIdForKioskIdRequest) returns (stream GetSignIdResponse) {} }
  • 28. API Design Guide • Resource oriented design • Resources are named entities • Methods attached to resources • Standard: List, Get, Create, Update, Delete • Custom: async, batch, media, streaming
  • 29. API Standardization • Types: google.protobuf, google.type • Interfaces: google.longrunning, google.watcher • Fields: region_code, display_name, labels • Naming: create_time, node_count • Repo: file and directory structure
  • 30. Generate Kiosk Glue Code git clone go get go get mkdir -p generated protoc kiosk.proto -I api-common-protos -I . --go_out=plugins=grpc:generated
  • 31. Implement Kiosk Server Interface type DisplayClient interface { CreateKiosk(ctx context.Context, in *Kiosk, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Kiosk, error) ListKiosks(ctx context.Context, in *google_protobuf.Empty, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*ListKiosksResponse, error) GetKiosk(ctx context.Context, in *GetKioskRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*Kiosk, error) DeleteKiosk(ctx context.Context, in *DeleteKioskRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*google_protobuf.Empty, error) ... GetSignIdsForKioskId(ctx context.Context, in *GetSignIdForKioskIdRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (Display_GetSignIdsForKioskIdClient, error) }
  • 32. Try the API with a CLI $ k Usage: k create kiosk <name> k list kiosks k get kiosk <kiosk_id> k delete kiosk <kiosk_id> k create sign <name> [--text=<text>] [--image=<image>] k list signs k get sign <sign_id> k delete sign <sign_id> k set sign <sign_id> for kiosk <kiosk_id> k set sign <sign_id> for all kiosks k get sign for kiosk <kiosk_id> k get signs for kiosk <kiosk_id>
  • 33. Let’s try it. Be sure that you have the Google Cloud SDK. % git clone % cd kiosk/gce % ./ <project-id> <instance-name>
  • 34. Generate and Publish API Client Libraries “Make it easier to use Google APIs” 1. Hide implementation details from API consumers. 2. Develop API clients faster. 3. Improve API client quality (better performance, fewer bugs).
  • 35. Recent API Client Work 2010 Google API Discovery Format, Automatically-generated clients 2014 Veneer (handwritten clients, measurably improved usability) 2015 Scalable Veneer/Veneer Toolkit Centralized and monolithic code generation 7 languages 21 Cloud APIs by March 2018 2018 API Client Tools Decentralized and standardized code generation More languages More APIs
  • 37. Customers Google Cloud APIs Google Ads APIs … other Google teams … external API producers?
  • 38. GAPIC Features and Benefits ● Usability: ○ Trivial getting-started experience ○ Flattening ○ Natural paging ○ Long-running operations ○ Sample code for every method ○ Resource name types (e.g. for /projects/{project}/topics/{topic}) ● Performance: ○ Batching ● Reliability: ○ Automatic retries
  • 39. Trivial Getting-Started Experience GAPIC client: Channel channel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress(API_ENTRY, API_PORT).build(); List<ClientInterceptor> interceptors = new ArrayList<>(); GoogleCredentials credentials = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault(); interceptors.add( ChannelFactory.credentialInterceptor(credentials)); LoggingService stub = LoggingServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel, interceptors); gRPC: LoggingClient client = LoggingClient.create();
  • 40. Automatic Retry and Flattening GAPIC client: LoggingService stub = ...; // Note: this only does a simple retry, exponential backoff // is more complex DeleteLogRequest request = DeleteLogRequest.newBuilder() .setLogName(LOG_NAME) .build(); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RETRY; i++) { try { stub.deleteLog(request); } catch (RpcException e) { if (i == MAX_RETRY) throw e; } } gRPC: LoggingClient client = LoggingClient.create(); client.deleteLog(LOG_NAME);
  • 41. Natural Pagination GAPIC client: LoggingService stub = ...; ListLogsRequest request = ListLogsRequest.newBuilder() .setParentName("projects/" + PROJECT_ID) .build(); while (true) { ListLogsResponse response = stub.listLogs(request); for (Log log : response.getLogsList()) { System.out.printf("Log: %s%n", log.getDisplayName()); } String nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken(); if (nextPageToken != null) { request = ListLogsRequest.newBuilder() .setPageToken(nextPageToken).build(); } else { break; } } gRPC: LoggingClient client = LoggingClient.create(); ParentNameOneOf parent = ParentNameOneOf.from(ProjectName.create(PROJECT_ID)); for (Log log : client.listLogs(PARENT).iterateAll()) { System.out.printf("Log: %s%n", log.getDisplayName()); }
  • 42. Long-Running Operations SpeechClient speechClient = SpeechClient.create(); OperationFuture<LongRunningRecognizeResponse> recognizeOperation = speechClient.longRunningRecognizeAsync(config, audio); … LongRunningRecognizeResponse response = recognizeOperation.get(); ● Java: OperationFuture ○ Polls the service until the LRO is done ○ Provides metadata as the LRO is in progress ○ Provides the final result
  • 43. Resource Name Types GAPIC client: PublisherService stub = ...; CreateTopicRequest request = CreateTopicRequest.newBuilder() .setTopic("projects/my-project/topics/my-topic") .build(); Topic response = stub.createTopic(request); gRPC: TopicAdminClient topicAdminClient = TopicAdminClient.create(); TopicName name = TopicName.create("my-project", "my-topic"); Topic response = topicAdminClient.createTopic(name);
  • 45. GAPIC Project Architecture (hosted at gapic-generator-python WANTED: ruby, swift, rust, elixir... gapic-generator (java, php, python, go, csharp, node, ruby) gapic-generator-kotlin gapic-generator-go gapic-generator-csharp gapic-generator-typescript One API description (Annotated .proto files) Many language- specific client libraries
  • 47. Kotlin Kiosk (Android Things)
  • 48. Generate Kotlin Client $ mkdir kotlin $ docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/protos,target=/proto --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/kotlin,target=/generated
  • 49.
  • 50. Manage Your Service With Endpoints Develop, deploy and manage APIs on any Google Cloud Platform backend. ● User Authentication via JSON Web Token validation ● Logging and Monitoring ● API Keys ● Easy integration + deployment
  • 51. Endpoints Architecture GCE, GKE, Kubernetes or App Engine Flexible Environment Instance GCE, GKE, Kubernetes or App Engine Flexible Environment Instance (or off-GCP) Extensible Service Proxy Container API Container Google Service Management API User Code api calls gcloud Config deployment Google Cloud Console Google Service Control API config Runtime check & report Load balanci ng Stackdriver Metrics & logs Metrics & logs visualized
  • 52. Generate FileDescriptorSet protoc kiosk.proto -I api-common-protos -I . --include_imports --include_source_info --descriptor_set_out=generated/kiosk_descriptor.pb --go_out=plugins=grpc:generated
  • 53. Describing the Service type: google.api.Service config_version: 3 name: title: Kiosk gRPC API apis: - name: kiosk.Display
  • 54. Starting Endpoints Proxy in Front of Application gcloud endpoints services deploy service.yaml kiosk_descriptor.pb ./endpoints/ my-gcp-project my-api <keyfile>
  • 55. $ export KIOSK_PORT=8083 $ k list kiosks FROM localhost:8083 LIST KIOSKS rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = Method doesn't allow unregistered callers (callers without established identity). Please use API Key or other form of API consumer identity to call this API. Starting Endpoints Proxy in Front of Application
  • 56. $ export KIOSK_APIKEY=AIzaSy[...]bBo $ k list kiosks FROM localhost:8083 2018/09/21 19:08:25 Using API key: AIzaSy[...]bBo LIST KIOSKS id:1 name:"HTTP Kiosk" size:<width:1080 height:720 > id:2 name:"HTTP Kiosk" size:<width:1080 height:720 > Getting an API Key
  • 57. Build a gRPC service, get a free REST API!
  • 58. service Display { rpc CreateKiosk(Kiosk) returns (Kiosk) { option (google.api.http) = {post:"/v1/kiosks"}; } rpc GetKiosk(GetKioskRequest) returns (Kiosk) { option (google.api.http) = {get: "/v1/kiosks/{id}" }; } rpc DeleteKiosk(DeleteKioskRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { option (google.api.http) = { delete: "/v1/signs/{id}" }; } [...] } Add REST annotations to your service gRPC definitions with HTTP annotations service Display { rpc CreateKiosk(Kiosk) returns (Kiosk) { } rpc GetKiosk(GetKioskRequest) returns(Kiosk) { } rpc DeleteKiosk(DeleteKioskRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) { } [...] } gRPC definitions
  • 59. # Add a kiosk $ curl -d '{"name":"HTTP Kiosk", "size": { width: 1080, height: 720 } }' localhost:8082/v1/kiosks?key=AIzaSy[...]bBo # Get kiosk $ curl localhost:8082/v1/kiosks/1?key=AIzaSy[...]bBo Now you can use HTTP+JSON!
  • 60. Use Endpoints, get a free developer portal!