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Urban Schools Vs Chicago Essay
In studying the different concepts of urban development, both the Chicago and the LA Schools have
make distinctive but yet contrasting impacts on the fields of New Urban Sociology and Socio–
spatial approaches to urbanism. The ways that these two schools make their respective contributions
but yet with opposing ideals are as follows: The Chicago School 1). focuses on connecting social
phenomenon with spatial patterns and the linkages between the central business districts (CBD),
spatial distribution, and social life; 2). the Chicago School takes into account an interactionist
perspective where individuals were studied in interaction with others, and the emergent forms of
socialization that came out of that interaction. This school of thought focused on the individual in
urban socio–spatial locations and tried to show patterns of human adjustment to socio–spatial
location (environment). This approach developed along the biological laws of survival of the ...
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This example can be seen in the growth models of many scholars of this school of thought, such as
Burgess's co–centric zone model and the theory of how human (biological) competition allows for
certain assembling of people/organizations in specific space(s) with distinct patterns of spatial
growth. In addition, the Chicago School concentrated on connecting social phenomenon with spatial
patterns and the linkages between the central business districts (CBD), spatial distribution, and
social life. This school of thought focused on the individual in urban socio–spatial locations and
tried to show patterns of human adjustment to socio–spatial location
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Urban Sociology: The Chicago School Of Sociology
As a first year sociology student the 'Chicago School of Sociology' has contributed greatly to my
understanding of urban sociology. In this essay I will introduce 'the Chicago School of Sociology'
and explain the role it has played in urban sociology. I will outline the theories associated with the
'Chicago School' that have played a part in helping me understand cities and urban life. Finally I will
conclude with my opinion of 'the Chicago School of Sociology'.
'The Chicago School of Sociology' has played an extremely important roll in the formation of urban
sociology. According to http://www.merriam– urban sociology can be defined as, "a
branch of sociology dealing with the development of urban communities and their effect upon
society". The University of Chicago's Department of Sociology was founded in 1892. Albion Small
was appointed as Head of the department, he was a researcher and he set up the 'American Journal
of Sociology' which he edited for thirty years. This journal allowed the Department of Sociology to
have a "commanding influence in the USA" (Ward, K., Savage, M. and Warde, A. (2003) Urban
Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity: Second ... Show more content on ...
I believe that the University of Chicago's department of sociology and the sociologist associated
with it have a very accurate understanding of urban sociology. This can be seen from the two
theories I have outlined above from Ernest Burgess and Louis Wirth. These theories have helped me
to understand, the formation of cites and the relationships that exist in urban areas. In my opinion
the 'Chicago School of Sociology' has made it easier to understand the concepts of urban sociology.
I have found the topic for this essay very interesting to research and would like to do further
research on the 'Chicago School of Sociology' and the sociologists associated with it in the
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Chicago School Of Thought
STUDENT ID: 70700586
EXAM NUMBER: 40609400
1. How does the Chicago School of thought explain the causes of crime by making an analogy to
In the 1920s, members of the Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago tried to identify
environmental factors associated with crime. Specifically, they attempted to uncover the relationship
between a neighborhood's crime rate and the characteristics of the neighborhood. The research of
the Chicago School was based on a model taken from ecology. Robert Park was the first of the
Chicago theorists to purpose the organic or biological analogy–that is, the similarity between the
organization of
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Essay On The Chicago School Of Criminology
If I were a Criminal Justice Professor giving a lecture on the Theory of the Chicago School, I would
explain to my listeners the theorists beliefs and the two derivatives of it. I would explain that The
Chicago School of Criminology refers to the work of the University of Chicago faculty and students
studying the macro–sociological theory called social disorganization, used to understand crime rates
in different neighborhoods (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). The Chicago School of Criminology laid the
foundation for modern criminological research, and its influence continues to pervade sociological
research and methodologies. The university's work utilized a number of concepts and methods that
are often referenced as the Chicago school of thought. The work itself involved crime and
delinquency studies of neighborhoods ... Show more content on ...
Other theories based on the Theory of the Chicago School come from Shaw and McKay as well as
Sampson and Groves. Shaw and McKay utilized the Theory of the Chicago School to conduct a
study of juvenile delinquency in Chicago. Shaw believed a person's environment, particularly
neighborhoods, to be the cause of their delinquent behavior. With his assumption, he analyzed the
characteristics of neighborhoods in Chicago to see which one had the highest delinquency rate
(Bohm & Vogel, 2011). His results revealed zone 2 to have the highest rate of delinquency
regardless of the ethnic composition. His results also revealed that delinquents were not much
different from nondelinquents and as that delinquent activities began as play activities at an early
age. Using multiple levels of analysis Shaw and his colleagues concluded delinquency to be the
product of detachment from conventional groups (Bohm & Vogel,
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The Chicago School Of Professional Psychology Essay
CC505 Midterm
Noopur Shah
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
1. What are some strengths and weakness of Freud's ideas?
Freud introduced us to unconscious motivations and how they determine our behavior. The study of
the unconscious mind became a base and paved the way for other therapists. Also, the psychosexual
stages were introduced which explain the biological and instinctual drive of children. The structure
of personality is the foundation of our impulses, behaviors, and our interactions in our mental life.
These include the id, ego, and superego. The superego prevents actions the id wants to accomplish;
which is important because we all have irrational impulses and the superego saves us from those. It
is important to look at the weaknesses of psychoanalysis and Freud's ideas. The psychosexual stages
stop at the age of six when development happens throughout someone's lifetime. These
psychosexual stages are his main focus and there is not much of a focus on how important social
factors are on our mental health and development. Psychoanalytical therapists can sometimes be
seen as subjective. The therapist analyzes the dreams and that is subjective. There is no empirical
research to support his psychodynamic model, although the theory does explain reasons for
irregularities in development. A common criticism is he blamed for inadequate parenting on mothers
while the father was not in the equation. The time
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The Chicago School Professional Psychology
Written Assignment – Sexual Misconduct The Chicago School Professional Psychology Aysen
Lengerli Topcu Sexual Misconduct Sexual misconduct, as a sub type of sexual violence, refers to the
wide range of sexual act. As a general definition, according to World Health Organization (WHO)
(2012) sexual violence is defined as: "any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted
sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person's sexuality
using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including
but not limited to home and work." On the other hand, this is quite broad definition and more
detailed description is needed especially for the school, or institutional policies. For example,
according to Yale University policies (2014) the sexual misconduct definition is: "a range of
behaviors including sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, stalking,
voyeurism, and any other conduct of a sexual nature that is nonconsensual, or has the purpose or
effect of threatening, intimidating, or coercing a person." In fact, sexual misconduct and harassment
include variety of unsolicited behaviors, it could be difficult to display all related sexual harassment
behaviors in any policies, the ethical codes or even legal statute. For example, along with the
development of technology, new types of sexually violent behavior have arisen. Without a mutual
agreement, taking
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The Importance Of Public Schools In Chicago
Chicago Public Schools, let's just take a few minutes and really think about what it would be like to
go to one. One thing that I know is that I wouldn't be where I am now. When I think of the words
Chicago public schools I have three words that rush through my brain. Poorly funded, Low
graduation rates, and really unfair to the kids. The public schools in Chicago are so poorly funded
that the outsides of the buildings are falling apart. They have no air conditioning system they have to
use fans. If you compare Glenbrook south to a Public school in Chicago you're basically comparing
something nice to something not so nice. The public schools have a very low statistic of people who
have gone to college. I would feel that these people would
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During The Last Couple Of Years, Chicago Public Schools
During the last couple of years, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) have gone through many difficulties;
ranging from teacher strikes to low funding, which has tremendously taken a toll on the students
attending these schools. The Illinois Policy Institute, which writes to inform the public of issues
affecting Illinois states, "Seventy–five percent of students at the lowest–performing elementary
schools failed to meet standards on state exams. More than 20 percent of these students scored in the
lowest category in reading, meaning they have a difficult time determining the main idea of a
persuasive essay or the plot of a short story...Students at Chicago's lowest–performing high schools
drop out at nearly 12 times the rate of average Illinois ... Show more content on ...
That's according to a Fordham University marketing professor who has made an estimate...80
million: The number of homes that carry her new network, OWN... 300,000: Average number of
prime–time viewers who watch OWN at night..." (1). Oprah's Empire can draw in the attention
needed to help CPS become successful. By attracting the attention of the nation, the Illinois
government will try harder to fix the problem, and more funding can be put in the school from
private philanthropists around the nation (even from Winfrey herself). Oprah Winfrey is the best
known icon of philanthropy. She has given away more than three hundred and fifty million dollars
towards charity organizations also known as The Angel Network, which provides charity grants to
various countries for poverty, disease, education, homelessness, and child neglect. The funding's
have helped changed the lives of many, as Ryan Haggerty from the Chicago Tribune states, "Years
removed from high school and busy raising her family, Bertha Medrano figured she 'd never realize
her dream of becoming a teacher. But thanks in large part to a $25,000 grant from Oprah Winfrey 's
Angel Network to the Logan Square Neighborhood Association, the Chicago resident is just months
from earning a college degree and likely teaching for Chicago Public Schools...Harpo doesn 't track
how much of Winfrey 's overall giving goes to Chicago–based organizations, and it 's
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The Chicago School Of Economics : The Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act. Healthcare represents an important share of the American economy.
According to the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), the US healthcare spending
will reach 20% of the gross domestic product by 2025. It is safe to affirm that healthcare policies
have huge impacts on the economy. During the presidency of president Obama, the patient
protection and affordable care act commonly known as Obamacare has been one for the major point
of contention between democrats and republicans. This year alone, the Obamacare subsidies will
cost taxpayers $10 billion dollars more than the 32.8 is cost in 2016. In fact, the topics fueled the
2016 presidential debate. President Donald trump; presidential candidate ... Show more content on ...
He is widely recognized for his key role in developing the field of human capital, the paradigm of
rational choice is sociology and the application of economics modeling to key questions in political
science. Milton Friedman and Garry Becker opposed the predominance of Keynesian economics.
Contrarily to Keynes, the Chicago school argued against government intervention. According Garry
Becker, "Chicago economists always had a strong tradition of a belief in the power of markets".
They believe in the market and the effectiveness of competition to reach equilibrium. The Austrians
also believe in a free market, but opposes the approach of the School of Chicago. It's no secret that
both Milton Friedman and Gary Becker worked with conservative administrations through Their
career. Friedman served as an advisor for Ronald Regan and Margaret Thatcher. Becker was an
adviser to republican Presidential candidate Robert Dole in 1996. However, it would be too easy to
draw conclusion without digging further into details. To make accurate speculation of what Becker,
Friedman or other leading figures of the Chicago school opinion would have been about the
affordable care Act, we must first examine few provisions of this policy; the impact of each of them
can potentially have on our economy and lastly, we must compare those impacts with the
expectations of Becker and Friedman. One provision of the
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Essay On Chicago School
In this essay I will critically assess the contribution of the Chicago school. I will open this essay by
briefly describing the Chicago school and the conditions in which it arose. I will then look at the
context within criminology in witch the Chicago School emerged; I will do this by looking at the
dominating criminological theories that existed before the Chicago school. Furthermore I will
discuss the influence Emile Durkheim and Ernest Simmel made to the Chicago school theories. I
will follow by describing and critically assessing the contributions made by some of the key
Chicago School thinkers, Robert Park, Ernest Burgess, Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay, Edwin
Sutherland and Robert Merton. This essay will be concluded by assessing the ... Show more content
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The dominant theories in Criminology preceding the Chicago school were classical criminological
and positivist theories of crime.
The classical school of criminology dates back to the enlightenment in the early 18th century.
Philosopher's Jeremy Bentham and Cesare Beccaria, focused their interest on the system of criminal
justice and penology, they suggested that crime is a product of human nature and rational humans
possess free will, therefore have the ability to control their actions. (Carrabine et al, 2004, chap. 3)
This perspective emerged as an alternative to the old barbaric system of capital punishment and was
concerned with generating a criminal justice system which was more reasonable. This theory was
not concerned with the individual causes of crime but instead focused on the law enforcement and
legal procedure. Classical criminologists believe that laws are constructed to demonstrate that non–
criminal behaviour is in peoples self interests because, according to Jeremy Bentham, it corresponds
to his hedonistic utilitarian principle, 'the greatest good for the greatest number'
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The History Of The Chicago School Of Architecture In Chicago
Chicago School of Architecture The origin of Chicago's extensive area of modern buildings was due
to a terrible accident (Sayre 1076). On October 18, 1871, Chicago's business district was in flames
due to a fire that started in a cow barn. This fire helped to provide an economic boost in the city. As
the city looked for architectural innovation, there were several factors that contributed to what is
known as the Chicago School of Architecture. First, there was a growing belief that since land was
expensive in the downtown area, buildings should be constructed higher (Sayre 1076). Thanks to the
invention of metal frame construction, buildings were able to achieve new heights that many
thought were necessary. Many people thought the low
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Descriptive Essay: Chicago School Architecture
I love the ornate. So, when I walked into the lobby of the Rookery, I was taken aback. What I
enjoyed most about this building is the oriel staircase that winds up from the second floor, the
natural light showing through the glass ceiling was also a beautiful sight. While I love the old–time
feel the copper iron work gives to the room, I felt that the white marble and geometric gold leaf
pattern brightened up what must have been a very dark and dreary looking space. As much as I
enjoyed the interior, I also loved the massive arched doorway and large brick facades on the outside.
I learned that the building had a Chicago School architectural style. One of the distinguishing
feature of this style is a steel–framed structure with masonry cladding.
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Social Disorganization In The 1920's
Background on the Chicago Theory
In the 1920's, a group of sociologist known as the Chicago School tried to expose the relationship
between a neighborhood's levels of crime and the characteristics. Many researchers tried to
understand why certain population moved to certain parts of that city. Some say that the structure of
the community shapes the routine of its inhabitants which will affect the crime rates. Studies show
that neighborhoods with high criminal behavior also have high levels of social disorganization.
Social disorganization, according to, is a disruption or breakdown of the
structure of social relations. Social disorganization also refers to the failure of social institutions or
the social organizations in certain communities.
Back in the late 1950s, around WW1 and the Great Depression, there were times of growth and
change. A trend in that time period was that many cities were experiencing huge growth population,
especially in Chicago. The original city of Chicago was a small ... Show more content on ...
This zone is often called Zone II and the 'zone in transition'. It was called that because it was
transitioning from a residential to an industrial area. Park noted where all of the businesses and the
factories were, affected the stability in that area and created major chaos. Criminal rates decline
once you pass the transitional zone, into the working class zone and to the other outer rings of the
centric graph.
Ernest W. Burgess had a theory where the city was not growing from the outside in, but from and
inner part towards the outer suburban areas. He said that cities that grow and develop have an effect
on the cities next to them. Becuase of that, the city next to the thriving one begins to grow, then the
one next to that one and onwards. That type of growth is referred to as radial growth because it goes
from the inside
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The Influx of Changes in Chicago During the Late...
In the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Century, America was dominated by change. Expansion,
urbanization, immigration, and capitalism swept the nation from coast to coast affecting every class,
race and religion. The United States economy changed dramatically, as the country transformed
from a rural agricultural nation to an urban industrial giant, the leading manufacturing country in the
world. As this economic growth proliferated, Chicago was the epicenter in America. Travelers from
Europe flocked to Chicago in search of opportunity. Meatpacking and steel were especially
attractive for unskilled laborers from Europe. The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries,
known as the Industrial Revolution, were periods of tremedous urban growth that radically changed
the country. Much of the growth in urban areas came from rural populations who saw they could
make more money in the cities than farming their lands. Millions more were immigrants, known as
the "New" immigrants. They came primarity from northern and western Europe – England, Ireland,
Germany, and Scandinavian. Many of them settled in the cities of the Northeast and Midwest, where
they took jobs as unskilled factory workers and at the same time dramatically changed the ethnic
makeup of urban America. These new immigrants, many of whom were Catholic or Jewish, were
viewed by many native–born Americans as being racially and culturally inferior. American society,
culture, politics, economic were changed during
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The Chicago Public School System
The Chicago Public School system was slow to integrate even after the Brown v. Board of
Education ruling of 1954. It took much protesting, federal involvement and public outrage to finally
bring about more racial equality for the students of Chicago. While the Brown v. Board of Education
ruling is thought of as being the reason any racial equality was brought to schools after such long
hardships for the African American students, Chicago had a difficult time bringing the ruling to
fruition and federal involvement was needed. The Chicago Public School's Desegregation Consent
Decree of 1980 was the order that changed the public schools for the good. Chicago's story of
integration is different than those of other big cities in the U.S, due to the federal government 's
large involvement. Through the years after the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling, the School
Superintendents changed and school desegregation was faced in different ways. This essay examines
what led to the federal government 's involvement with the Chicago Public School system's
desegregation plan. As well as the effects of desegregation on all students in Chicago. The Plessy vs.
Ferguson case of 1892 was the case that was overturned by the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling
of 1984. This case was trying to challenge the Louisiana 's Separate Car Act, a law that made
railroads in Louisiana provide "equal but separate accommodations" for patrons of different races. A
multiracial man name named Homer Plessy
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The Chicago School Applied For Terrorism
Unit 3 DB 2
The Chicago School Applied to Terrorism
As we all know, our vision and our hearts were imprinted by the heinous acts of violence on 9/11.
The USA was assaulted by terrorist, and these acts of violence's have continued ever since. It is like
cancer, once you think you have parts of it under control it rears its ugly head and sprouts up
somewhere else. The USA and other Nations like England fight against terrorism is always an
overriding priority for the Department of Justice. They spend every waking hour, devoting all their
resources to weaken, try to eliminate, and weaken their infrastructure, but just like a mythological
creature, we cut off their heads and another one just grows back. The main issue that cause the
terrorists attack was "our failure to talk about the possibility of such an event before it occurred, and
it was identified by many professionals as creating a climate which made us more vulnerable"
("Schools & Terrorism", n.d.). The next thing on our list is trying to develop a strategy to combat
this, and in my conclusion I am going to explain why this is an impossible idea, based on my train of
Strategic plan Before any type of plan can be developed we need to make sure we have enough
funding. The DOJ and DHS receive their funds from Congress and the Administration who work
together to provide the funding for their programs, because "without adequate resources to meet the
challenges before us, our ability to achieve our
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The Importance Of Education In Chicago Public Schools
Growing up in the Chicagoland area you quickly realize the importance of education. From
watching so many of your peers drop out of school, getting pregnant or even fall victim to senseless
homicide. As a student of Chicago Public School (CPS) I noticed how little value is placed into the
education system and also how teachers seemingly forget how a student's background affect how
well they are able to learn in such difficult situations. I can remember having different classes each
period in high school and all of my teachers instructing their class with their own style of teaching
and although this is respected in the profession, they were still required to shape their pupils so that
we can excel on standardized exams. They were unable to ... Show more content on
Was it because no one cared enough to push them or was it that no one took the time out to listen
and help? Throughout my life I have had many classmates who were very intelligent drop out of
school. I quickly learned after talking to them that the reason they dropped out was because school
and their personal life was too hard to balance. They could not manage to work a job and supply
their basic human needs and perform well at school because they were tired. According to Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs that was outlined in "The Call to Teach" by Matthew Lynch, In order for a
person to reach their full potential they must fulfill the basic human needs. Therefore as educators
we must understand that some issues, especially in impoverished areas causes a student to become
less focused on school work and more on trying to fulfill those needs. Every child dreams to be
someone great and as educators it is our job to build their potential and push them towards their
goals. We should be advocates for individualism. My goal as a teacher is to learn where my students
come from and how I can work against any negative force in their lives so that they can continue to
achieve their goals. Also, to find ways to get parents more involved in their child's educational
journey. For the students' ability to master a subject or standard does not yield at school, it must
continue with positive reinforcement at
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Narrative Essay On Chicago High School
One day in Pasadena High School, a–nerd–girl with her glasses and pony tail walked slowly while
she was wondering the retro architecture combine with the high technology in this school. Her name
is Hannah who had moved to this school because the principal of this school as Hannah's father
friend wanted her to study in this school. Hannah is brilliant and kind person so she is chosen to
attend the Science Competition this year. Her parents and Hannah moved to this crowded city.
She wanted to find her new class. She met Sarah a popular girl who has many fans in this school
with the group. Hannah asked to Sarah for her new class but Sarah didn't say the right direction to
the class instead of storage room.Actually Sarah and friends were stalking ... Show more content on ...
But she still looks nerd and sometimes getting along with her new friends. On a bright day when the
ceremony is held, the principal announced there are two students who attend the SC this year. They
are Hannah and Sarah. Most of the students were staring Hannah with the big question on their
heads. Sarah is well–known as a best student but little bit overbearing with her intelligent. Sarah and
Hannah have to work together to make science project. Sarah refused to make project with Hannah.
Hannah had to follow what Sarah's order even she had to make the project alone.Sarah is helped by
her group beside Hannah is sometimes helped by Juan and the other friends. Sarah and her friends
made a big mistake and they had to make a new one. She cried her eyes out in the storage room
alone. Hannah went to storage to bring some tools for her project. When she opened the door, she
shocked and asked what's happening to her. Sarah told what makes her depressed with tears out.
"With my pleasure if you can help me to finish our project" Hannah said. Sarah was so touching by
Hannah kindness and asked apology for everything. Hannah agreed and finally they finished their
project together. When the announcement of the winner began, Pasadena becomes the winner of this
competition. Sarah and Hannah hug together. When Sarah and Hannah get a trophy, Sarah said
"Always be positive, don't judge by the appearance, and big thanks to my best
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Chicago School Theory: Social Disorganization Theory
The Chicago School theory, also known as the social disorganization theory, was first developed in
1920 at the University of Chicago (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). This theory wa developed in an attempt to
identify environmental factors as they related to crime, comparing neighborhoods as well as crime
statistics to determine their influence upon one another. The focus is centered on reducing
opportunities for crime to take place.
Following this study, there were two derivatives of the Chicago School theory (Bohm & Vogel,
2011). The first is the situational crime prevention theory, this theory examines the opportunities to
commit a crime which is attributed to Robert Clarke. The theory placed an emphasis on poorly
designed structures, moreover, the
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Comparison Of The Chicago School And Merton Deviance Theory
There are, however, limitations to the Chicago School and Merton Deviance theory. Merton
Deviance theory assumed that everyone shared similar goals regardless of cultures, which however
is not always the case. Chicago School fails to adapt to cities where no visible housing category
were designed such as country in Singapore where the housing design are strict due to space
limitation. As for the housing structure, the Housing Development board (HDB), where majority of
the citizen live in, were built side by side or near to the private categories housing such as
condominium and private land, terraces and bungalow. Even though physically, the structure and
aesthetics between each category differs, they are still situated nearby and are not majorly ... Show
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Contemporarily, there are crime such as illegal downloading of copyrighted items which has no
boundary, thus proven the school are insufficient to explain why crime occurred (Heathcote, 1981).
With the incomplete explanation provided by the Chicago school, we can rely on theory such as
biological positivism to explain how crime can also be the cause of genetics and scientific.
Biological positivism was formed by Cesare Lombroso which he believed criminal are genetically
gifted leading to irrational decision. He believed that "...criminals are born, not made,...inherited
and/or physiologically determined" (Sapsford, 1981, p.262). The reason why this theory were being
used and compared was because it uses scientific measures comparing to Chicago school which uses
qualitative measures as to why people committed crime. Lombroso noticed that criminal tend to
share similar genetic traits such as structures of bones and missing or additional of chromosome.
Twins study has shown result that fraternal twins have lower probability of both siblings being a
criminal comparing to identical twins, higher chance of both
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Compare and Contrast the Chicago and Los Angeles Schools...
Essay: Compare and Contrast the Chicago and Los Angeles Schools of Urbanism.
Urban studies aims to develop an understanding the modern city metropolis. As Savage et al. have
pointed out, the urban encompasses far more than just the physical city itself; understanding the city
help us to understand many aspects of modern life (2003, pp.4). Many of its features, such as mass
media and public transport systems have spread throughout society over the past century.
Sociological studies of urban life began with the landmark publication of 'The City' in 1925 by
sociologists Robert Park, Ernest Burgess and Louis Wirth from the University of Chicago, students
of Georg Simmel who shared his belief that the urban environment changed man's ... Show more
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113). In addition Knox and Pinch suggest empirical evidence supporting Wirth's theory to be lacking
(pp. 152).
The Los Angeles school begins with quite different precepts, disputing the hypotheses of the
Chicago School. They contend its orientation towards individuals as explaining the environment (for
example the genius/criminal type creating vice and disorder (Park 1925, pp. 41)), its historical
determinism and its view of the city as a cohesive, stable unit (Dear 2008, pp. 109). Its theoretical
bases, rather than the structural, modernist paradigms of the Chicago School are postmodern, 21st
century ones. For example Mike Davis, one of the leading thinkers of the LA school, cites Fredric
Jameson's conception of postmodernity, with globalised, temporary forces producing uncertain
outcomes (Davis 1998, pp. 84). Edward Soja, another sociologist of the LA school, has employed
Foucault's post–structuralist paradigm to explain some aspects of the postmodern city, for example
he has likened the central 'downtown' district of the city to a new 'panopticon', Foucault's conception
of a form of total surveillance and control for the centre over the periphery. He suggests as a
headquarters of space, knowledge and power with universal visibility throughout the city, it can
supervise economic and social activity, and is able to surveil the surrounding city (Soja 1989, pp.
234–6). Another highly influential postmodern theorist in the LA School has been Henri Lefevbre
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The South Side Chicago Public Schools
One of the quotes that stood out to me in my section was "First, there are many persons, within and
without the Government, who do not feel the problem exists, at least in any serious degree. These
persons feel that, with the lawful hindrances to osmosis off the beaten path, matters will deal with
themselves in the ordinary course of occasions. This quote fundamentally says "African Americans
have all the assets to do anything; they 're just lethargic and feel that everything ought to be given to
them rather than really meeting expectations for it. Take a gander at President Obama, he made it."
That is in reality genuine, however quite a few people think along these lines. Take a gander at the
south–side Chicago Public Schools for ... Show more content on ...
Youngsters and young people notice and after that subsequently get disheartened and start not to
think about instruction any longer.
Another point in the article that I want to discuss is when E. Franklin Frazier was quoted saying that
what happens in the African American's household and the disorganization of it brings to the issues
in society. I whole agree with that statement. Nonetheless, it is then the administration commitment
to verify that when the tyke ventures out of the house, that they would be sheltered and dealt with.
What I mean by that is give the tyke a place of refuge to go to. At the point when the youngster is at
school, give them educators who are there on the grounds that they need to be there to help the
understudies learn. Issue them advocates and give coaches to help get the understudies get on the
right tract to auxiliary and post–optional instruction. Understudies need and need to see somebody
who thinks about them and need them to succeed. On the off chance that it is not happening at home
for reasons unknown, it ought to be occurring at school or other open organizations that the
administration as put aside for kids. Don 't half do something on the grounds that you expect that a
race or a gathering of individuals are an acts of futility in view of something that is going on at
home. Numerous Children face things like that in the
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Chicago School Accreditation
The Early Days
The school's road to accreditation began during its first academic year. In 1980, The Commission on
Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA)
awarded candidate–for–accreditation–status to The Chicago School, with accreditation first awarded
in 1984. The Clinical Psy.D. Department in Chicago was awarded Provisional Accreditation by APA
in 1987, and Full Accreditation in 1992, a status that it retains. During the summer of 1979, the
school became an affiliate member of the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional
Psychology (NCSPP). In 1980, the school's status was raised to associate membership; in 1985, The
Chicago School was made a Full Member of NCSPP.
A Dream Becomes Reality
The Chicago School began its first classes at ... Show more content on ...
The East Coast side of the initiative was realized in fall 2010 with the opening of a campus in the
nation's capital.
Paving the Way Towards Positive Change
For six consecutive years, The Chicago School has held a place on the President's Honor Roll for
Higher Education Community Service; a distinction it earned in part due to the more than 800,000
hours of low cost and pro bono service students and faculty perform each year in the community.
"The Engaged Professional Model of Education" is the name given to this approach to training and
service that was formally articulated by the Chicago School community in the late 2000s. In 2009,
The Chicago School made The Chronicle of Higher Education's annual list of "great colleges to
work for."
Today, the school has more than 4,300 students studying in one of more than 20 degree programs
making it the largest nonprofit professional psychology school in the
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My Moment Of Failure In High School At Chicago Military...
When I got to this part of the admission application, I was a little nervous and confused on which
prompt to answer between #2 and #5. My moment of failure help me grow and achieve a goal that I
set out to accomplish. For me, I have to answer both to truly tell my story.
It was was a warm April day, year 2012 as I sat down in my living room chair very upset. I was
taking my placement test for Christian Liberty Academy a homeschool system. My mom and
grandmother had pulled me out of my third year of high school at Chicago Military Academy–
Bronzeville. That definitely wasn't my school of choice. I was one out of the 25% at my elementary
school to be placed on selective enrollment. My school of choice was Whitney Young and Morgan
Park, but my grandmother told me "you need more discipline so I think the Military Academy would
be good for you." Attending there was a epic fail, I had consistently failed my classes in math,
english, and I was being a rebellious teen. My grandmother told me when my junior year started " if
you don't get yourself together and put in some effort you will be homeschooled." I for sure must've
took what she was saying as a joke, because I definitely didn't listen and here it is April me starting
my whole high school year over. I didn't like the fact that I was starting high school completely over,
that means I wasn't going to graduate until I was 21 years old. I had finished up my placement test
and we mailed it off.
A week later my books came
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The Development of the Chicago Schools
This essay will attempt to trace the development of the ecological studies of crime found by the
Chicago School and how the findings have shaped our understanding of crime in the 21st century.
Firstly by introducing the Chicago School theory, also known as the, Theory of Social
Disorganisation and the Ecological School Theory. The University of Chicago formed a department
of Sociology in 1892 it's focus related to issues in Criminology and Sociology, with interests in and
towards Social Psychology along with Urban Sociology. The main focus of the Chicago school was
that human behaviour was both formed and shaped by the environment. T he social and the physical
environment, that an individual resides in and that it was environment over genes that was the
primary determinant to behaviour among humans. It was a man by name of Robert E. Park coined
the term Human Ecology, a form of social Darwinism, a requirement of which is a need to observe
and examine people in their own environment. Ecological Studies take the natural science concepts
used in biology and anthropology, their community studies. These topics cover dominance, invasion,
succession among plant and animal ecology, the dominant uses of land within the observed area, the
shifting movements and forces that shape them with regard to society, the altered environment and
any impact it has towards the chances of crime. In the decades preceding the Chicago School
between 1830–1860, the studies of crime in America were
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Chicago School Of Nursing Case Study
Academically unmatched and with a pledge to serving the global community, The University of
Illinois at Chicago School of Nursing is at the forefront of nursing education. First, I chose The
University of Illinois at Chicago because they are consistently ranked among the top graduate
nursing programs in the nation and in the world, which is crucial to me because I believe in striving
for excellence and challenging myself. Moreover, The University of Illinois at Chicago's graduate
nursing program is aimed at producing well–rounded clinicians who not only utilize evidence–based
practice but also are aware of health disparities and are global movers in healthcare. Such training
will allow me to have a broad impact on the people I serve and be self–sufficient.
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Social Disorganization Theory By The Chicago School
The theory that I found most illuminating in sociology is the social disorganization theory because is
amongst the most imperative theories developed by the Chicago School, identified with ecological
theories. The theory straightforwardly connects crime rates to neighbourhood ecological
characteristics which a center standard of social disorganization theory is that place matters. In
different words, an individual 's private area is a significant component shaping the probability that
that individual will get to be included in illegal activities. The theory proposes that, among
determinants of an individual's later illegal movement, private area is as significant as or even more
significant than a person 's own characteristics for example gender, race or age. Case in point, the
theory proposes that young people from bad neighbourhoods take part in a subculture which
supports on doing deviant activities and that these young people in this way gain criminality in this
cultural and social setting. Criminologists, and in addition to other social researchers, take a gander
at numerous things when attempting to refute what causes individuals to deviate from social and
group norms with respect to their criminal actions. Therefore, It takes after that sociologists have
created social structure speculations with an end goal to link behaviour examples to social–
economic control and other social variables. Emerging from the social structure theories is social
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Personal Narrative: My 8th School Band Trip To Chicago
Not even a year ago I had one of the best experiences of my life. It was our 8th grade band trip to
Chicago, and it was amazing. Not only did I become more independent, but I learned a lot as well.
All kinds of things happened; we argued, went to concerts and museums, and most importantly; had
a blast. I had been looking forward to this since 6th grade, and now the trip has been reduced to
memories that I wouldn't give up for the world. I'll be honest here when I say that the trip was in no
way perfect. There just had to be some drama mixed in, not unusual in my life. As for what
happened, my friend and I got into an argument that made it super awkward for us almost all day.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, I was completely right. Another thing was the group in the
room next to us blaming us for being super loud and disrespectful when it actually was them. We
ended up getting in slight trouble, because no one would believe us. ... Show more content on ...
So I'll have to just name a few. To start us off, the museums we went to were incredible. Especially
getting to play a concert at the Field Museum. Going to Shedd Aquarium was great, but it wasn't
really all too interesting to me. The best part of it was when we ate lunch outside. The view of the
city was amazing, which we actually got to walk around later on and explore. But I have to say, the
two concerts that we went to were the most fun. The first was Blue Man Group, and I've never
laughed harder in my life. The second one was seeing the Chicago Symphony. I have no words for
this. It's just one of those things you just can't explain. Yet still not enough to top my most favorite
part of trip. Driving throughout the city at night. I'd always been told how magical it was, but the
stories I have heard and the pictures I have seen do the real thing no justice. It made me realize how
much I really do love big cities, and it is something I will never
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Chicago Public School Vs Misericordia
What's unique about Misericordia is the fact that it isn't a Chicago Public School (CPS). In other
words, it doesn't need to follow the same guidelines for instruction that a public school might have
to follow. An example would be that CPS has to abide by Common Core while Misericordia doesn't.
In addition, at CPS schools all of the teachers have certification and are all licensed teachers.
However, at Misericordia, the instructors do not necessarily have to be certified or licensed teachers.
With that being stated, that doesn't mean that Misericordia instructors do not share many of the same
responsibilities or roles that a traditional teacher may also perform. In many ways, Misericordia
instructors meet many of the quality indicators in instruction ... Show more content on ...
In a public school, there is more pressure to correlate activities to specific Common Core standard
or set of standards. However, Tina mentioned one of the struggles at Misericordia is creating a
curriculum that engages and challenges the residents because there are no state standards after the
age of 21 (high school). This is what makes my experience very unique from my other colleagues is
because I get to see and work with special needs residents that are out of high school all the way to
residents in their later years of life. What surprised me and makes me upset is the lack of attention,
funding, and care for students with special needs beyond the age of 21. Something that I hope to do
in my future as an educational lawyer would be to help advocate for these students and try to get a
law passed that would give help and attention to people with special needs when they age out of the
school system. My goal would be to help these students with special needs not only find jobs, but
also to ensure that they get services and education that helps keep up their skills which might digress
once they are no longer in school. My hope would be to create a law that helps support facilities like
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The Chicago School Of Professional Psychology Essay
Written Assignment 4.1: Annotated Bibliography Luis A. Santiago–Gaetan The Chicago School of
Professional Psychology Brief Introduction This paper contains a brief annotated bibliography of
research articles selected on the specific research topic of the perceived institutional ethical behavior
of US–based multinational corporations and its relationship with organizational longevity.
Following the five peer–reviewed qualitative research articles. APAAnnotation Aleksic, A. (2013).
How Organizations Achieve Longevity: The Role of Change Management in Building Their
Sustainability. International journal of the academy of Organizational behavior management. Issue 4
(January–March 2013) (65 – 78). The primary purpose of this study according to Aleksic (2013) was
to assess the role of organizational change and change management in building long–term
organizational sustainability" (p. 65). For this purpose, the author reviewed existing literature related
to change management and organizational sustainability of studies performed among long–lived
organizations in the United States and Europe (Aleksic, 2013). The author's intention behind this
research study was to find which elements could be determined to be indispensable for achieving
sustainability and organizational longevity (Aleksic, 2013). In addition, Aleksic (2013) sought to
how important is change management for creating a sustainable competitive advantage and overall
organizational behavior (p.6). The findings in
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The Chicago School Of Architecture
The Chicago School of Architecture was developed by William Le Baron Jenney between the years
of 1879–1910. It is usually known as the term "Chicago School" for its skyscraper architecture
(Chicago School of Architecture 2). Not only did Jenney help develop the school, but other
American architects as well like William Holabird, Louis Sullivan, Martin Roche, and others as
well. There were two schools made during this period The First Chicago School of Architecture and
The Second Chicago School of Architecture. The second school centered around the European
Modernism. Three factors that contributed to the Chicago School of Architecture where the rapid
need to build buildings to serve the industrial society, the development of construction using steel,
and the strong desire to create a modern style. To begin with, after the fire of 1871, Chicago became
a dense population, area and the value of the state lived up. By 1890, Chicago had more than one
million people and had surpassed Philadelphia population and became second–biggest city in the
United States (Lowe 1). People started to travel over to Chicago and started to settle there. The more
people traveling to Chicago meant that they would have to build more buildings both commercial
and property. The problem was that Chicago stood in a deluge, and then it was hard to build homes
using the techniques they knew. They knew how to build structures using the traditional walls of
brick and stone, but was not capable to stay up
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The Chicago School Of Professional Psychology Essay
Final Research Proposal
Luis A. Santiago–Gaetan
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
Introduction to the Study
For several decades, literature has suggested that multinational corporations (MCNs), transnational
corporations (TNCs), and or international business companies (IBCs), are among the most powerful
and wealthiest organizations in the history of the world (Tirimba & Macharia, 2014; Bouquet &
Birkinshaw, 2008; Fuchs, 2007; Cohen, 2007; Stopford, 1998; Meleka, 1985; Hawkins, 1979).
These business organizations conduct operations in many countries around the world, employing
millions, and directly or indirectly impacting the lives, cultures, economies, and many times the
environments of many millions more. Social justice theory of ethics suggests that who is benefited is
as important as how many are benefited (IIT, 2016). In the article "The Need for Ethical
Leadership," Butcher (1997) stated that "things that affect free enterprise affect the whole society"
(p. 86). Additionally, Aleksic (2013) wrote the article "How Organizations Achieve Longevity" and
suggested that "change management can be considered as an important determinant of
organizational longevity" (p. 65).
Moreover, Khan (2014) stated in the article "The Longevity of Large Enterprises: A Study of the
Factors that Sustain Enterprises over an Extended Period of Time," that "the findings indicate that
many factors are indeed linked to organizational longevity, although five main factors are an
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Chicago School Of Sociology Essay
The scholars of the Chicago School of Sociology have presented a theory of assimilation that
generally states that people of different cultures and ethnicities that come into the United States (also
applies to other countries as well) will have contact with American culture which will generate
conflict. These people of a different culture or ethnicity will eventually acculturate and integrate into
a so called "Melting Pot" of culture in which they will give off their own unique flavor but will
eventually blend into mainstream society. I feel that this theory is quite eloquently constructed, but
is rather limiting and not necessarily representative of every ethnic group that assimilated in the
United States and should be broadened to ... Show more content on ...
The Chicago School of Sociology's theory of assimilation describes the way in which foreign
cultures interact with American culture. From my understanding, the described initial reaction is
unpleasant and conflictual. I generally agree with this statement. It is true that when new cultures are
introduced, people are a bit wary of their practices or appearances. To put it quite simply, people are
uncomfortable with other people that act or look differently than they do. But with time people
adjust and are able to become more comfortable over time as subtle changes are made in both
parties. Since the abolition of slavery in 1865 with the passing of the Thirteenth Amendment
African–Americans have been striving to be accepted as part of American culture. A main period of
focus for African American assimilation and acculturation is from around 1955 to 1968 and is better
known as the Civil Rights Movement. African American culture had already been defined very well
by the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s and 1930s. The Civil Rights Movement led to a better
integration of African Americans into society. Most of the progress was made through nonviolent
protests and civil disobedience. There were setbacks to the progress that was often frowned upon by
African Americans that desired progress. "I see negroes like him everyday, breaking into a goddamn
buck–a–wing every time a white man come by. I can't stand to see a Negro act like that." (Porter pg.
75) These setbacks led to a
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The Chicago Teachers Union And Chicago Public Schools
Georgis, Donnell, Mike, Moose
For the second time in almost 4 years, over 350,000 Chicago Public School Students may not be
able to go to school because of the CTU Strike that is currently in progress today (The Washington
Post). The issue between the Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools has not been
solved yet due to disagreements about the income received. The Chicago Teachers Union has made
offers to school administrations; however, the responses were not in their favor. The union has been
in progress of agreeing on a contract "since November 2011, [and the strike that occurred at the
time] was the first to hit the Windy City in 25 years" (Liebelson). The issue must have erupted due
to a misconception or a realization of problems occurring. Chicago Teachers Union choosing to
strike does not affect charter schools since they are not a part of Chicago Public Schools. The issue
of school strikes can be fixed by increasing the budgets and providing useful resources to teachers in
order to improve the level of education.
The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) Strike in 2012 affected every single Chicago Public School and
their Students in 2012. The strike affected about 600 public schools which is over 350, 000 students.
The CTU began negotiating their contract with CPS in November of 2011, but their demands were
not met. Since the negotiating did not solve the issue, the Chicago Teachers Union chose to organize
a strike for the first time in Chicago in 25 years.
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The Effect Of The Great Depression On Chicago Public Schools
The Great Depression, left the country in the worst economic crisis that any countries had seen,
leaving a scar on the American society and culture. The Great Depression had also affect the public
schools especially Chicago Public School, causing problems that even today we are still
experiencing. The primary document I have choose is Chicago Public School and the Depression
Years of 1928–1937 by Lyman B. Burbank. This primary document is interesting as I, myself went
to a Chicago public school, both elementary and high school, and to see how the system has fail and
how different mayors throughout the great depression tried to fix the problems.
Lyman B. Burbank's purpose of writing this document is to show how the financial difficulties took
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Chicago Public School Graduation Analysis
As of late, the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has shown great improvements in its high school s.
Over the past 16 years the high school graduation rates has steadily increase. Students were more
likely to drop of school as they were to graduate; now students are three times likely to graduate as
to dropping out. For the CPS high scholars, graduation is a strong indicator of a host of very
important life outcomes, including post–secondary and employment outcomes, health, incarceration,
and life expectancy. These outlooks trends potentially suggest a much brighter outlook for the
thousands of Chicago enrolled students today, when we compare it to the students in previous years.
According to the article; Graduation rates have increased by 22
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The Chicago School Of Professional Psychology
CENTENE CORPORATION Hyunwoo Eddie Yi The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
PB535 In year 2011, the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) sent a letter to
Medi–Cal beneficiaries particularly to those who are participating in Adult Day Health Care
(ADHC) centers, informing their plan to end the coverage for ADHC. ADHC is a community–based
healthcare program for elderlies with chronic conditions including medical, behavioral, mental and
cognitive ailments that need continuous monitoring. ADHC's primary focus is to reduce the risk of
being institutionalized and assist elderlies maintain their ability to live independently at home. The
DHCS's reasoning for the termination of ADHCs was fairly basic: saving money for the state of
California. The DHCS sought ADHC participants who were mostly both Medicare and Medi–Cal
beneficiaries to transition out of the program to enroll in managed care. Many ADHC advocates
have stand against the decision and argued that elimination of ADHC will only cost the state more
for putting at–risk elderly and disabled patients out of their regular monitoring facility. Following a
federal lawsuit filed by Disability Rights California and other plaintiffs, a new settlement was
proposed to the parties. The state announced to use the savings to fund the program called
Community Based Adult Services (CBAS) instead. CBAS is designed very similarly to ADHC in
order to replace the gap left by the elimination of
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Chicago School Of Social Ecology Theory
Chicago School of Social Ecology has played its vital role in the development of urban ecology
theory as the sociologists and ecologists from aforementioned school such as Robert Park and
Earnest Burgess propagated that Central Business District (CBD) impacts urban and downtown
planning, urban renewal, urban expansions, housing projects, commercial activities,
industrialization, community development and urban ecological system. Next, the Berlin School of
Urban Ecology also extended the aforementioned theoretical argument when the theorist Herbert
Sukopp elaborated on studying the importance of biodiversity patterns, environmental
transformations and natural changes in the global ecological system, processes and structures.
Therefore, the theorists, academicians, researchers, sociologists and environmentalists argue that the
theory of urban ecology broadly incorporates the facets of other crucial disciplines related to
education, health, economy, psychology, social sciences, sociology, anthropology, history,
environment, biosciences, economy, politics, international relations, geography, urban architecture
and technology. One of the major developments pertaining to urban ecology theory is the
comprehensiveness of modern urban system by incorporating social consciousness, social structures,
social and government institutions, community relationships, migration, public infrastructure,
governmental revenue streams, unemployment and underemployment problems. In other words, the
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Chicago Public Schools Are The Fourth Largest District
Chicago Public Schools are the fourth largest district in the U.S and one of the lowest performing in
the U.S. The school system in Chicago is struggling not only with student performance, but also
with the large amount of debt the school has and the fight to come to an agreement with the Chicago
Teachers Union. In earlier years of 2008 through 2013, student performance was below national
average. Noreen S. Ahmed–Ullah author of "CPS test scores show gains in the grades 2 through 8"
explains that student performance was measured with the Illinois Standard Achievement Test
(ISAT); although, the school district has recently adapted a new management by objective of
Northwest Evaluation Association NWEA. Ahmed writes that after transferring to this new
assessment there have been improvements in the test score. For the school year of 2013–2014 51.5
percent of students were above the national average compared to a year before where only 45.8 were
in reading. In math the students improved by 3.3 percent at 48.6 percent. The problem is not every
one is showing improvement. After the closing of dozens of underperforming schools in order to cut
back costs in 2008, students who were placed into new schools actually tested 3.3 percent less in
math according to Ahmed. The ISAT assessment which is mandated by state and federal law showed
CPS test scores had dropped. School officials said the ISAT scored could not be compared to the
NWEA assessment because it would be "comparing apples
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Urban Schools Vs Chicago Essay

  • 1. Urban Schools Vs Chicago Essay In studying the different concepts of urban development, both the Chicago and the LA Schools have make distinctive but yet contrasting impacts on the fields of New Urban Sociology and Socio– spatial approaches to urbanism. The ways that these two schools make their respective contributions but yet with opposing ideals are as follows: The Chicago School 1). focuses on connecting social phenomenon with spatial patterns and the linkages between the central business districts (CBD), spatial distribution, and social life; 2). the Chicago School takes into account an interactionist perspective where individuals were studied in interaction with others, and the emergent forms of socialization that came out of that interaction. This school of thought focused on the individual in urban socio–spatial locations and tried to show patterns of human adjustment to socio–spatial location (environment). This approach developed along the biological laws of survival of the ... Show more content on ... This example can be seen in the growth models of many scholars of this school of thought, such as Burgess's co–centric zone model and the theory of how human (biological) competition allows for certain assembling of people/organizations in specific space(s) with distinct patterns of spatial growth. In addition, the Chicago School concentrated on connecting social phenomenon with spatial patterns and the linkages between the central business districts (CBD), spatial distribution, and social life. This school of thought focused on the individual in urban socio–spatial locations and tried to show patterns of human adjustment to socio–spatial location ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Urban Sociology: The Chicago School Of Sociology As a first year sociology student the 'Chicago School of Sociology' has contributed greatly to my understanding of urban sociology. In this essay I will introduce 'the Chicago School of Sociology' and explain the role it has played in urban sociology. I will outline the theories associated with the 'Chicago School' that have played a part in helping me understand cities and urban life. Finally I will conclude with my opinion of 'the Chicago School of Sociology'. 'The Chicago School of Sociology' has played an extremely important roll in the formation of urban sociology. According to http://www.merriam– urban sociology can be defined as, "a branch of sociology dealing with the development of urban communities and their effect upon society". The University of Chicago's Department of Sociology was founded in 1892. Albion Small was appointed as Head of the department, he was a researcher and he set up the 'American Journal of Sociology' which he edited for thirty years. This journal allowed the Department of Sociology to have a "commanding influence in the USA" (Ward, K., Savage, M. and Warde, A. (2003) Urban Sociology, Capitalism and Modernity: Second ... Show more content on ... I believe that the University of Chicago's department of sociology and the sociologist associated with it have a very accurate understanding of urban sociology. This can be seen from the two theories I have outlined above from Ernest Burgess and Louis Wirth. These theories have helped me to understand, the formation of cites and the relationships that exist in urban areas. In my opinion the 'Chicago School of Sociology' has made it easier to understand the concepts of urban sociology. I have found the topic for this essay very interesting to research and would like to do further research on the 'Chicago School of Sociology' and the sociologists associated with it in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Chicago School Of Thought STUDENT ID: 70700586 EXAM NUMBER: 40609400 1. How does the Chicago School of thought explain the causes of crime by making an analogy to ecology? Answer: In the 1920s, members of the Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago tried to identify environmental factors associated with crime. Specifically, they attempted to uncover the relationship between a neighborhood's crime rate and the characteristics of the neighborhood. The research of the Chicago School was based on a model taken from ecology. Robert Park was the first of the Chicago theorists to purpose the organic or biological analogy–that is, the similarity between the organization of ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Essay On The Chicago School Of Criminology If I were a Criminal Justice Professor giving a lecture on the Theory of the Chicago School, I would explain to my listeners the theorists beliefs and the two derivatives of it. I would explain that The Chicago School of Criminology refers to the work of the University of Chicago faculty and students studying the macro–sociological theory called social disorganization, used to understand crime rates in different neighborhoods (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). The Chicago School of Criminology laid the foundation for modern criminological research, and its influence continues to pervade sociological research and methodologies. The university's work utilized a number of concepts and methods that are often referenced as the Chicago school of thought. The work itself involved crime and delinquency studies of neighborhoods ... Show more content on ... Other theories based on the Theory of the Chicago School come from Shaw and McKay as well as Sampson and Groves. Shaw and McKay utilized the Theory of the Chicago School to conduct a study of juvenile delinquency in Chicago. Shaw believed a person's environment, particularly neighborhoods, to be the cause of their delinquent behavior. With his assumption, he analyzed the characteristics of neighborhoods in Chicago to see which one had the highest delinquency rate (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). His results revealed zone 2 to have the highest rate of delinquency regardless of the ethnic composition. His results also revealed that delinquents were not much different from nondelinquents and as that delinquent activities began as play activities at an early age. Using multiple levels of analysis Shaw and his colleagues concluded delinquency to be the product of detachment from conventional groups (Bohm & Vogel, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Chicago School Of Professional Psychology Essay CC505 Midterm Noopur Shah The Chicago School of Professional Psychology 1. What are some strengths and weakness of Freud's ideas? Strengths: Freud introduced us to unconscious motivations and how they determine our behavior. The study of the unconscious mind became a base and paved the way for other therapists. Also, the psychosexual stages were introduced which explain the biological and instinctual drive of children. The structure of personality is the foundation of our impulses, behaviors, and our interactions in our mental life. These include the id, ego, and superego. The superego prevents actions the id wants to accomplish; which is important because we all have irrational impulses and the superego saves us from those. It is important to look at the weaknesses of psychoanalysis and Freud's ideas. The psychosexual stages stop at the age of six when development happens throughout someone's lifetime. These psychosexual stages are his main focus and there is not much of a focus on how important social factors are on our mental health and development. Psychoanalytical therapists can sometimes be seen as subjective. The therapist analyzes the dreams and that is subjective. There is no empirical research to support his psychodynamic model, although the theory does explain reasons for irregularities in development. A common criticism is he blamed for inadequate parenting on mothers while the father was not in the equation. The time ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. The Chicago School Professional Psychology Written Assignment – Sexual Misconduct The Chicago School Professional Psychology Aysen Lengerli Topcu Sexual Misconduct Sexual misconduct, as a sub type of sexual violence, refers to the wide range of sexual act. As a general definition, according to World Health Organization (WHO) (2012) sexual violence is defined as: "any sexual act, attempt to obtain a sexual act, unwanted sexual comments or advances, or acts to traffic, or otherwise directed, against a person's sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim, in any setting, including but not limited to home and work." On the other hand, this is quite broad definition and more detailed description is needed especially for the school, or institutional policies. For example, according to Yale University policies (2014) the sexual misconduct definition is: "a range of behaviors including sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, stalking, voyeurism, and any other conduct of a sexual nature that is nonconsensual, or has the purpose or effect of threatening, intimidating, or coercing a person." In fact, sexual misconduct and harassment include variety of unsolicited behaviors, it could be difficult to display all related sexual harassment behaviors in any policies, the ethical codes or even legal statute. For example, along with the development of technology, new types of sexually violent behavior have arisen. Without a mutual agreement, taking ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Importance Of Public Schools In Chicago Chicago Public Schools, let's just take a few minutes and really think about what it would be like to go to one. One thing that I know is that I wouldn't be where I am now. When I think of the words Chicago public schools I have three words that rush through my brain. Poorly funded, Low graduation rates, and really unfair to the kids. The public schools in Chicago are so poorly funded that the outsides of the buildings are falling apart. They have no air conditioning system they have to use fans. If you compare Glenbrook south to a Public school in Chicago you're basically comparing something nice to something not so nice. The public schools have a very low statistic of people who have gone to college. I would feel that these people would ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. During The Last Couple Of Years, Chicago Public Schools During the last couple of years, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) have gone through many difficulties; ranging from teacher strikes to low funding, which has tremendously taken a toll on the students attending these schools. The Illinois Policy Institute, which writes to inform the public of issues affecting Illinois states, "Seventy–five percent of students at the lowest–performing elementary schools failed to meet standards on state exams. More than 20 percent of these students scored in the lowest category in reading, meaning they have a difficult time determining the main idea of a persuasive essay or the plot of a short story...Students at Chicago's lowest–performing high schools drop out at nearly 12 times the rate of average Illinois ... Show more content on ... That's according to a Fordham University marketing professor who has made an estimate...80 million: The number of homes that carry her new network, OWN... 300,000: Average number of prime–time viewers who watch OWN at night..." (1). Oprah's Empire can draw in the attention needed to help CPS become successful. By attracting the attention of the nation, the Illinois government will try harder to fix the problem, and more funding can be put in the school from private philanthropists around the nation (even from Winfrey herself). Oprah Winfrey is the best known icon of philanthropy. She has given away more than three hundred and fifty million dollars towards charity organizations also known as The Angel Network, which provides charity grants to various countries for poverty, disease, education, homelessness, and child neglect. The funding's have helped changed the lives of many, as Ryan Haggerty from the Chicago Tribune states, "Years removed from high school and busy raising her family, Bertha Medrano figured she 'd never realize her dream of becoming a teacher. But thanks in large part to a $25,000 grant from Oprah Winfrey 's Angel Network to the Logan Square Neighborhood Association, the Chicago resident is just months from earning a college degree and likely teaching for Chicago Public Schools...Harpo doesn 't track how much of Winfrey 's overall giving goes to Chicago–based organizations, and it 's ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Chicago School Of Economics : The Affordable Care Act The Affordable Care Act. Healthcare represents an important share of the American economy. According to the CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), the US healthcare spending will reach 20% of the gross domestic product by 2025. It is safe to affirm that healthcare policies have huge impacts on the economy. During the presidency of president Obama, the patient protection and affordable care act commonly known as Obamacare has been one for the major point of contention between democrats and republicans. This year alone, the Obamacare subsidies will cost taxpayers $10 billion dollars more than the 32.8 is cost in 2016. In fact, the topics fueled the 2016 presidential debate. President Donald trump; presidential candidate ... Show more content on ... He is widely recognized for his key role in developing the field of human capital, the paradigm of rational choice is sociology and the application of economics modeling to key questions in political science. Milton Friedman and Garry Becker opposed the predominance of Keynesian economics. Contrarily to Keynes, the Chicago school argued against government intervention. According Garry Becker, "Chicago economists always had a strong tradition of a belief in the power of markets". They believe in the market and the effectiveness of competition to reach equilibrium. The Austrians also believe in a free market, but opposes the approach of the School of Chicago. It's no secret that both Milton Friedman and Gary Becker worked with conservative administrations through Their career. Friedman served as an advisor for Ronald Regan and Margaret Thatcher. Becker was an adviser to republican Presidential candidate Robert Dole in 1996. However, it would be too easy to draw conclusion without digging further into details. To make accurate speculation of what Becker, Friedman or other leading figures of the Chicago school opinion would have been about the affordable care Act, we must first examine few provisions of this policy; the impact of each of them can potentially have on our economy and lastly, we must compare those impacts with the expectations of Becker and Friedman. One provision of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Essay On Chicago School In this essay I will critically assess the contribution of the Chicago school. I will open this essay by briefly describing the Chicago school and the conditions in which it arose. I will then look at the context within criminology in witch the Chicago School emerged; I will do this by looking at the dominating criminological theories that existed before the Chicago school. Furthermore I will discuss the influence Emile Durkheim and Ernest Simmel made to the Chicago school theories. I will follow by describing and critically assessing the contributions made by some of the key Chicago School thinkers, Robert Park, Ernest Burgess, Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay, Edwin Sutherland and Robert Merton. This essay will be concluded by assessing the ... Show more content on ... The dominant theories in Criminology preceding the Chicago school were classical criminological and positivist theories of crime. The classical school of criminology dates back to the enlightenment in the early 18th century. Philosopher's Jeremy Bentham and Cesare Beccaria, focused their interest on the system of criminal justice and penology, they suggested that crime is a product of human nature and rational humans possess free will, therefore have the ability to control their actions. (Carrabine et al, 2004, chap. 3) This perspective emerged as an alternative to the old barbaric system of capital punishment and was concerned with generating a criminal justice system which was more reasonable. This theory was not concerned with the individual causes of crime but instead focused on the law enforcement and legal procedure. Classical criminologists believe that laws are constructed to demonstrate that non– criminal behaviour is in peoples self interests because, according to Jeremy Bentham, it corresponds to his hedonistic utilitarian principle, 'the greatest good for the greatest number' ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The History Of The Chicago School Of Architecture In Chicago Chicago School of Architecture The origin of Chicago's extensive area of modern buildings was due to a terrible accident (Sayre 1076). On October 18, 1871, Chicago's business district was in flames due to a fire that started in a cow barn. This fire helped to provide an economic boost in the city. As the city looked for architectural innovation, there were several factors that contributed to what is known as the Chicago School of Architecture. First, there was a growing belief that since land was expensive in the downtown area, buildings should be constructed higher (Sayre 1076). Thanks to the invention of metal frame construction, buildings were able to achieve new heights that many thought were necessary. Many people thought the low ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Descriptive Essay: Chicago School Architecture I love the ornate. So, when I walked into the lobby of the Rookery, I was taken aback. What I enjoyed most about this building is the oriel staircase that winds up from the second floor, the natural light showing through the glass ceiling was also a beautiful sight. While I love the old–time feel the copper iron work gives to the room, I felt that the white marble and geometric gold leaf pattern brightened up what must have been a very dark and dreary looking space. As much as I enjoyed the interior, I also loved the massive arched doorway and large brick facades on the outside. I learned that the building had a Chicago School architectural style. One of the distinguishing feature of this style is a steel–framed structure with masonry cladding. ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Social Disorganization In The 1920's Background on the Chicago Theory In the 1920's, a group of sociologist known as the Chicago School tried to expose the relationship between a neighborhood's levels of crime and the characteristics. Many researchers tried to understand why certain population moved to certain parts of that city. Some say that the structure of the community shapes the routine of its inhabitants which will affect the crime rates. Studies show that neighborhoods with high criminal behavior also have high levels of social disorganization. Social disorganization, according to, is a disruption or breakdown of the structure of social relations. Social disorganization also refers to the failure of social institutions or the social organizations in certain communities. Back in the late 1950s, around WW1 and the Great Depression, there were times of growth and change. A trend in that time period was that many cities were experiencing huge growth population, especially in Chicago. The original city of Chicago was a small ... Show more content on ... This zone is often called Zone II and the 'zone in transition'. It was called that because it was transitioning from a residential to an industrial area. Park noted where all of the businesses and the factories were, affected the stability in that area and created major chaos. Criminal rates decline once you pass the transitional zone, into the working class zone and to the other outer rings of the centric graph. Ernest W. Burgess had a theory where the city was not growing from the outside in, but from and inner part towards the outer suburban areas. He said that cities that grow and develop have an effect on the cities next to them. Becuase of that, the city next to the thriving one begins to grow, then the one next to that one and onwards. That type of growth is referred to as radial growth because it goes from the inside ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Influx of Changes in Chicago During the Late... In the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Century, America was dominated by change. Expansion, urbanization, immigration, and capitalism swept the nation from coast to coast affecting every class, race and religion. The United States economy changed dramatically, as the country transformed from a rural agricultural nation to an urban industrial giant, the leading manufacturing country in the world. As this economic growth proliferated, Chicago was the epicenter in America. Travelers from Europe flocked to Chicago in search of opportunity. Meatpacking and steel were especially attractive for unskilled laborers from Europe. The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, known as the Industrial Revolution, were periods of tremedous urban growth that radically changed the country. Much of the growth in urban areas came from rural populations who saw they could make more money in the cities than farming their lands. Millions more were immigrants, known as the "New" immigrants. They came primarity from northern and western Europe – England, Ireland, Germany, and Scandinavian. Many of them settled in the cities of the Northeast and Midwest, where they took jobs as unskilled factory workers and at the same time dramatically changed the ethnic makeup of urban America. These new immigrants, many of whom were Catholic or Jewish, were viewed by many native–born Americans as being racially and culturally inferior. American society, culture, politics, economic were changed during ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Chicago Public School System The Chicago Public School system was slow to integrate even after the Brown v. Board of Education ruling of 1954. It took much protesting, federal involvement and public outrage to finally bring about more racial equality for the students of Chicago. While the Brown v. Board of Education ruling is thought of as being the reason any racial equality was brought to schools after such long hardships for the African American students, Chicago had a difficult time bringing the ruling to fruition and federal involvement was needed. The Chicago Public School's Desegregation Consent Decree of 1980 was the order that changed the public schools for the good. Chicago's story of integration is different than those of other big cities in the U.S, due to the federal government 's large involvement. Through the years after the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling, the School Superintendents changed and school desegregation was faced in different ways. This essay examines what led to the federal government 's involvement with the Chicago Public School system's desegregation plan. As well as the effects of desegregation on all students in Chicago. The Plessy vs. Ferguson case of 1892 was the case that was overturned by the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling of 1984. This case was trying to challenge the Louisiana 's Separate Car Act, a law that made railroads in Louisiana provide "equal but separate accommodations" for patrons of different races. A multiracial man name named Homer Plessy ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Chicago School Applied For Terrorism Unit 3 DB 2 The Chicago School Applied to Terrorism Introduction As we all know, our vision and our hearts were imprinted by the heinous acts of violence on 9/11. The USA was assaulted by terrorist, and these acts of violence's have continued ever since. It is like cancer, once you think you have parts of it under control it rears its ugly head and sprouts up somewhere else. The USA and other Nations like England fight against terrorism is always an overriding priority for the Department of Justice. They spend every waking hour, devoting all their resources to weaken, try to eliminate, and weaken their infrastructure, but just like a mythological creature, we cut off their heads and another one just grows back. The main issue that cause the terrorists attack was "our failure to talk about the possibility of such an event before it occurred, and it was identified by many professionals as creating a climate which made us more vulnerable" ("Schools & Terrorism", n.d.). The next thing on our list is trying to develop a strategy to combat this, and in my conclusion I am going to explain why this is an impossible idea, based on my train of thought. Strategic plan Before any type of plan can be developed we need to make sure we have enough funding. The DOJ and DHS receive their funds from Congress and the Administration who work together to provide the funding for their programs, because "without adequate resources to meet the challenges before us, our ability to achieve our ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Importance Of Education In Chicago Public Schools Growing up in the Chicagoland area you quickly realize the importance of education. From watching so many of your peers drop out of school, getting pregnant or even fall victim to senseless homicide. As a student of Chicago Public School (CPS) I noticed how little value is placed into the education system and also how teachers seemingly forget how a student's background affect how well they are able to learn in such difficult situations. I can remember having different classes each period in high school and all of my teachers instructing their class with their own style of teaching and although this is respected in the profession, they were still required to shape their pupils so that we can excel on standardized exams. They were unable to ... Show more content on ... Was it because no one cared enough to push them or was it that no one took the time out to listen and help? Throughout my life I have had many classmates who were very intelligent drop out of school. I quickly learned after talking to them that the reason they dropped out was because school and their personal life was too hard to balance. They could not manage to work a job and supply their basic human needs and perform well at school because they were tired. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs that was outlined in "The Call to Teach" by Matthew Lynch, In order for a person to reach their full potential they must fulfill the basic human needs. Therefore as educators we must understand that some issues, especially in impoverished areas causes a student to become less focused on school work and more on trying to fulfill those needs. Every child dreams to be someone great and as educators it is our job to build their potential and push them towards their goals. We should be advocates for individualism. My goal as a teacher is to learn where my students come from and how I can work against any negative force in their lives so that they can continue to achieve their goals. Also, to find ways to get parents more involved in their child's educational journey. For the students' ability to master a subject or standard does not yield at school, it must continue with positive reinforcement at ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Narrative Essay On Chicago High School One day in Pasadena High School, a–nerd–girl with her glasses and pony tail walked slowly while she was wondering the retro architecture combine with the high technology in this school. Her name is Hannah who had moved to this school because the principal of this school as Hannah's father friend wanted her to study in this school. Hannah is brilliant and kind person so she is chosen to attend the Science Competition this year. Her parents and Hannah moved to this crowded city. She wanted to find her new class. She met Sarah a popular girl who has many fans in this school with the group. Hannah asked to Sarah for her new class but Sarah didn't say the right direction to the class instead of storage room.Actually Sarah and friends were stalking ... Show more content on ... But she still looks nerd and sometimes getting along with her new friends. On a bright day when the ceremony is held, the principal announced there are two students who attend the SC this year. They are Hannah and Sarah. Most of the students were staring Hannah with the big question on their heads. Sarah is well–known as a best student but little bit overbearing with her intelligent. Sarah and Hannah have to work together to make science project. Sarah refused to make project with Hannah. Hannah had to follow what Sarah's order even she had to make the project alone.Sarah is helped by her group beside Hannah is sometimes helped by Juan and the other friends. Sarah and her friends made a big mistake and they had to make a new one. She cried her eyes out in the storage room alone. Hannah went to storage to bring some tools for her project. When she opened the door, she shocked and asked what's happening to her. Sarah told what makes her depressed with tears out. "With my pleasure if you can help me to finish our project" Hannah said. Sarah was so touching by Hannah kindness and asked apology for everything. Hannah agreed and finally they finished their project together. When the announcement of the winner began, Pasadena becomes the winner of this competition. Sarah and Hannah hug together. When Sarah and Hannah get a trophy, Sarah said "Always be positive, don't judge by the appearance, and big thanks to my best ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Chicago School Theory: Social Disorganization Theory The Chicago School theory, also known as the social disorganization theory, was first developed in 1920 at the University of Chicago (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). This theory wa developed in an attempt to identify environmental factors as they related to crime, comparing neighborhoods as well as crime statistics to determine their influence upon one another. The focus is centered on reducing opportunities for crime to take place. Following this study, there were two derivatives of the Chicago School theory (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). The first is the situational crime prevention theory, this theory examines the opportunities to commit a crime which is attributed to Robert Clarke. The theory placed an emphasis on poorly designed structures, moreover, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Comparison Of The Chicago School And Merton Deviance Theory There are, however, limitations to the Chicago School and Merton Deviance theory. Merton Deviance theory assumed that everyone shared similar goals regardless of cultures, which however is not always the case. Chicago School fails to adapt to cities where no visible housing category were designed such as country in Singapore where the housing design are strict due to space limitation. As for the housing structure, the Housing Development board (HDB), where majority of the citizen live in, were built side by side or near to the private categories housing such as condominium and private land, terraces and bungalow. Even though physically, the structure and aesthetics between each category differs, they are still situated nearby and are not majorly ... Show more content on ... Contemporarily, there are crime such as illegal downloading of copyrighted items which has no boundary, thus proven the school are insufficient to explain why crime occurred (Heathcote, 1981). With the incomplete explanation provided by the Chicago school, we can rely on theory such as biological positivism to explain how crime can also be the cause of genetics and scientific. Biological positivism was formed by Cesare Lombroso which he believed criminal are genetically gifted leading to irrational decision. He believed that "...criminals are born, not made,...inherited and/or physiologically determined" (Sapsford, 1981, p.262). The reason why this theory were being used and compared was because it uses scientific measures comparing to Chicago school which uses qualitative measures as to why people committed crime. Lombroso noticed that criminal tend to share similar genetic traits such as structures of bones and missing or additional of chromosome. Twins study has shown result that fraternal twins have lower probability of both siblings being a criminal comparing to identical twins, higher chance of both ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Compare and Contrast the Chicago and Los Angeles Schools... Essay: Compare and Contrast the Chicago and Los Angeles Schools of Urbanism. Urban studies aims to develop an understanding the modern city metropolis. As Savage et al. have pointed out, the urban encompasses far more than just the physical city itself; understanding the city help us to understand many aspects of modern life (2003, pp.4). Many of its features, such as mass media and public transport systems have spread throughout society over the past century. Sociological studies of urban life began with the landmark publication of 'The City' in 1925 by sociologists Robert Park, Ernest Burgess and Louis Wirth from the University of Chicago, students of Georg Simmel who shared his belief that the urban environment changed man's ... Show more content on ... 113). In addition Knox and Pinch suggest empirical evidence supporting Wirth's theory to be lacking (pp. 152). The Los Angeles school begins with quite different precepts, disputing the hypotheses of the Chicago School. They contend its orientation towards individuals as explaining the environment (for example the genius/criminal type creating vice and disorder (Park 1925, pp. 41)), its historical determinism and its view of the city as a cohesive, stable unit (Dear 2008, pp. 109). Its theoretical bases, rather than the structural, modernist paradigms of the Chicago School are postmodern, 21st century ones. For example Mike Davis, one of the leading thinkers of the LA school, cites Fredric Jameson's conception of postmodernity, with globalised, temporary forces producing uncertain outcomes (Davis 1998, pp. 84). Edward Soja, another sociologist of the LA school, has employed Foucault's post–structuralist paradigm to explain some aspects of the postmodern city, for example he has likened the central 'downtown' district of the city to a new 'panopticon', Foucault's conception of a form of total surveillance and control for the centre over the periphery. He suggests as a headquarters of space, knowledge and power with universal visibility throughout the city, it can supervise economic and social activity, and is able to surveil the surrounding city (Soja 1989, pp. 234–6). Another highly influential postmodern theorist in the LA School has been Henri Lefevbre ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The South Side Chicago Public Schools One of the quotes that stood out to me in my section was "First, there are many persons, within and without the Government, who do not feel the problem exists, at least in any serious degree. These persons feel that, with the lawful hindrances to osmosis off the beaten path, matters will deal with themselves in the ordinary course of occasions. This quote fundamentally says "African Americans have all the assets to do anything; they 're just lethargic and feel that everything ought to be given to them rather than really meeting expectations for it. Take a gander at President Obama, he made it." That is in reality genuine, however quite a few people think along these lines. Take a gander at the south–side Chicago Public Schools for ... Show more content on ... Youngsters and young people notice and after that subsequently get disheartened and start not to think about instruction any longer. Another point in the article that I want to discuss is when E. Franklin Frazier was quoted saying that what happens in the African American's household and the disorganization of it brings to the issues in society. I whole agree with that statement. Nonetheless, it is then the administration commitment to verify that when the tyke ventures out of the house, that they would be sheltered and dealt with. What I mean by that is give the tyke a place of refuge to go to. At the point when the youngster is at school, give them educators who are there on the grounds that they need to be there to help the understudies learn. Issue them advocates and give coaches to help get the understudies get on the right tract to auxiliary and post–optional instruction. Understudies need and need to see somebody who thinks about them and need them to succeed. On the off chance that it is not happening at home for reasons unknown, it ought to be occurring at school or other open organizations that the administration as put aside for kids. Don 't half do something on the grounds that you expect that a race or a gathering of individuals are an acts of futility in view of something that is going on at home. Numerous Children face things like that in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Chicago School Accreditation The Early Days The school's road to accreditation began during its first academic year. In 1980, The Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA) awarded candidate–for–accreditation–status to The Chicago School, with accreditation first awarded in 1984. The Clinical Psy.D. Department in Chicago was awarded Provisional Accreditation by APA in 1987, and Full Accreditation in 1992, a status that it retains. During the summer of 1979, the school became an affiliate member of the National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology (NCSPP). In 1980, the school's status was raised to associate membership; in 1985, The Chicago School was made a Full Member of NCSPP. A Dream Becomes Reality The Chicago School began its first classes at ... Show more content on ... The East Coast side of the initiative was realized in fall 2010 with the opening of a campus in the nation's capital. Paving the Way Towards Positive Change For six consecutive years, The Chicago School has held a place on the President's Honor Roll for Higher Education Community Service; a distinction it earned in part due to the more than 800,000 hours of low cost and pro bono service students and faculty perform each year in the community. "The Engaged Professional Model of Education" is the name given to this approach to training and service that was formally articulated by the Chicago School community in the late 2000s. In 2009, The Chicago School made The Chronicle of Higher Education's annual list of "great colleges to work for." Today, the school has more than 4,300 students studying in one of more than 20 degree programs making it the largest nonprofit professional psychology school in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. My Moment Of Failure In High School At Chicago Military... When I got to this part of the admission application, I was a little nervous and confused on which prompt to answer between #2 and #5. My moment of failure help me grow and achieve a goal that I set out to accomplish. For me, I have to answer both to truly tell my story. It was was a warm April day, year 2012 as I sat down in my living room chair very upset. I was taking my placement test for Christian Liberty Academy a homeschool system. My mom and grandmother had pulled me out of my third year of high school at Chicago Military Academy– Bronzeville. That definitely wasn't my school of choice. I was one out of the 25% at my elementary school to be placed on selective enrollment. My school of choice was Whitney Young and Morgan Park, but my grandmother told me "you need more discipline so I think the Military Academy would be good for you." Attending there was a epic fail, I had consistently failed my classes in math, english, and I was being a rebellious teen. My grandmother told me when my junior year started " if you don't get yourself together and put in some effort you will be homeschooled." I for sure must've took what she was saying as a joke, because I definitely didn't listen and here it is April me starting my whole high school year over. I didn't like the fact that I was starting high school completely over, that means I wasn't going to graduate until I was 21 years old. I had finished up my placement test and we mailed it off. A week later my books came ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Development of the Chicago Schools This essay will attempt to trace the development of the ecological studies of crime found by the Chicago School and how the findings have shaped our understanding of crime in the 21st century. Firstly by introducing the Chicago School theory, also known as the, Theory of Social Disorganisation and the Ecological School Theory. The University of Chicago formed a department of Sociology in 1892 it's focus related to issues in Criminology and Sociology, with interests in and towards Social Psychology along with Urban Sociology. The main focus of the Chicago school was that human behaviour was both formed and shaped by the environment. T he social and the physical environment, that an individual resides in and that it was environment over genes that was the primary determinant to behaviour among humans. It was a man by name of Robert E. Park coined the term Human Ecology, a form of social Darwinism, a requirement of which is a need to observe and examine people in their own environment. Ecological Studies take the natural science concepts used in biology and anthropology, their community studies. These topics cover dominance, invasion, succession among plant and animal ecology, the dominant uses of land within the observed area, the shifting movements and forces that shape them with regard to society, the altered environment and any impact it has towards the chances of crime. In the decades preceding the Chicago School between 1830–1860, the studies of crime in America were ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Chicago School Of Nursing Case Study Academically unmatched and with a pledge to serving the global community, The University of Illinois at Chicago School of Nursing is at the forefront of nursing education. First, I chose The University of Illinois at Chicago because they are consistently ranked among the top graduate nursing programs in the nation and in the world, which is crucial to me because I believe in striving for excellence and challenging myself. Moreover, The University of Illinois at Chicago's graduate nursing program is aimed at producing well–rounded clinicians who not only utilize evidence–based practice but also are aware of health disparities and are global movers in healthcare. Such training will allow me to have a broad impact on the people I serve and be self–sufficient. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Social Disorganization Theory By The Chicago School The theory that I found most illuminating in sociology is the social disorganization theory because is amongst the most imperative theories developed by the Chicago School, identified with ecological theories. The theory straightforwardly connects crime rates to neighbourhood ecological characteristics which a center standard of social disorganization theory is that place matters. In different words, an individual 's private area is a significant component shaping the probability that that individual will get to be included in illegal activities. The theory proposes that, among determinants of an individual's later illegal movement, private area is as significant as or even more significant than a person 's own characteristics for example gender, race or age. Case in point, the theory proposes that young people from bad neighbourhoods take part in a subculture which supports on doing deviant activities and that these young people in this way gain criminality in this cultural and social setting. Criminologists, and in addition to other social researchers, take a gander at numerous things when attempting to refute what causes individuals to deviate from social and group norms with respect to their criminal actions. Therefore, It takes after that sociologists have created social structure speculations with an end goal to link behaviour examples to social– economic control and other social variables. Emerging from the social structure theories is social disorganization ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Personal Narrative: My 8th School Band Trip To Chicago Not even a year ago I had one of the best experiences of my life. It was our 8th grade band trip to Chicago, and it was amazing. Not only did I become more independent, but I learned a lot as well. All kinds of things happened; we argued, went to concerts and museums, and most importantly; had a blast. I had been looking forward to this since 6th grade, and now the trip has been reduced to memories that I wouldn't give up for the world. I'll be honest here when I say that the trip was in no way perfect. There just had to be some drama mixed in, not unusual in my life. As for what happened, my friend and I got into an argument that made it super awkward for us almost all day. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I was completely right. Another thing was the group in the room next to us blaming us for being super loud and disrespectful when it actually was them. We ended up getting in slight trouble, because no one would believe us. ... Show more content on ... So I'll have to just name a few. To start us off, the museums we went to were incredible. Especially getting to play a concert at the Field Museum. Going to Shedd Aquarium was great, but it wasn't really all too interesting to me. The best part of it was when we ate lunch outside. The view of the city was amazing, which we actually got to walk around later on and explore. But I have to say, the two concerts that we went to were the most fun. The first was Blue Man Group, and I've never laughed harder in my life. The second one was seeing the Chicago Symphony. I have no words for this. It's just one of those things you just can't explain. Yet still not enough to top my most favorite part of trip. Driving throughout the city at night. I'd always been told how magical it was, but the stories I have heard and the pictures I have seen do the real thing no justice. It made me realize how much I really do love big cities, and it is something I will never ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Chicago Public School Vs Misericordia What's unique about Misericordia is the fact that it isn't a Chicago Public School (CPS). In other words, it doesn't need to follow the same guidelines for instruction that a public school might have to follow. An example would be that CPS has to abide by Common Core while Misericordia doesn't. In addition, at CPS schools all of the teachers have certification and are all licensed teachers. However, at Misericordia, the instructors do not necessarily have to be certified or licensed teachers. With that being stated, that doesn't mean that Misericordia instructors do not share many of the same responsibilities or roles that a traditional teacher may also perform. In many ways, Misericordia instructors meet many of the quality indicators in instruction ... Show more content on ... In a public school, there is more pressure to correlate activities to specific Common Core standard or set of standards. However, Tina mentioned one of the struggles at Misericordia is creating a curriculum that engages and challenges the residents because there are no state standards after the age of 21 (high school). This is what makes my experience very unique from my other colleagues is because I get to see and work with special needs residents that are out of high school all the way to residents in their later years of life. What surprised me and makes me upset is the lack of attention, funding, and care for students with special needs beyond the age of 21. Something that I hope to do in my future as an educational lawyer would be to help advocate for these students and try to get a law passed that would give help and attention to people with special needs when they age out of the school system. My goal would be to help these students with special needs not only find jobs, but also to ensure that they get services and education that helps keep up their skills which might digress once they are no longer in school. My hope would be to create a law that helps support facilities like ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Chicago School Of Professional Psychology Essay Written Assignment 4.1: Annotated Bibliography Luis A. Santiago–Gaetan The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Brief Introduction This paper contains a brief annotated bibliography of research articles selected on the specific research topic of the perceived institutional ethical behavior of US–based multinational corporations and its relationship with organizational longevity. Following the five peer–reviewed qualitative research articles. APAAnnotation Aleksic, A. (2013). How Organizations Achieve Longevity: The Role of Change Management in Building Their Sustainability. International journal of the academy of Organizational behavior management. Issue 4 (January–March 2013) (65 – 78). The primary purpose of this study according to Aleksic (2013) was to assess the role of organizational change and change management in building long–term organizational sustainability" (p. 65). For this purpose, the author reviewed existing literature related to change management and organizational sustainability of studies performed among long–lived organizations in the United States and Europe (Aleksic, 2013). The author's intention behind this research study was to find which elements could be determined to be indispensable for achieving sustainability and organizational longevity (Aleksic, 2013). In addition, Aleksic (2013) sought to how important is change management for creating a sustainable competitive advantage and overall organizational behavior (p.6). The findings in ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Chicago School Of Architecture The Chicago School of Architecture was developed by William Le Baron Jenney between the years of 1879–1910. It is usually known as the term "Chicago School" for its skyscraper architecture (Chicago School of Architecture 2). Not only did Jenney help develop the school, but other American architects as well like William Holabird, Louis Sullivan, Martin Roche, and others as well. There were two schools made during this period The First Chicago School of Architecture and The Second Chicago School of Architecture. The second school centered around the European Modernism. Three factors that contributed to the Chicago School of Architecture where the rapid need to build buildings to serve the industrial society, the development of construction using steel, and the strong desire to create a modern style. To begin with, after the fire of 1871, Chicago became a dense population, area and the value of the state lived up. By 1890, Chicago had more than one million people and had surpassed Philadelphia population and became second–biggest city in the United States (Lowe 1). People started to travel over to Chicago and started to settle there. The more people traveling to Chicago meant that they would have to build more buildings both commercial and property. The problem was that Chicago stood in a deluge, and then it was hard to build homes using the techniques they knew. They knew how to build structures using the traditional walls of brick and stone, but was not capable to stay up ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Chicago School Of Professional Psychology Essay Final Research Proposal Luis A. Santiago–Gaetan The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Introduction to the Study For several decades, literature has suggested that multinational corporations (MCNs), transnational corporations (TNCs), and or international business companies (IBCs), are among the most powerful and wealthiest organizations in the history of the world (Tirimba & Macharia, 2014; Bouquet & Birkinshaw, 2008; Fuchs, 2007; Cohen, 2007; Stopford, 1998; Meleka, 1985; Hawkins, 1979). These business organizations conduct operations in many countries around the world, employing millions, and directly or indirectly impacting the lives, cultures, economies, and many times the environments of many millions more. Social justice theory of ethics suggests that who is benefited is as important as how many are benefited (IIT, 2016). In the article "The Need for Ethical Leadership," Butcher (1997) stated that "things that affect free enterprise affect the whole society" (p. 86). Additionally, Aleksic (2013) wrote the article "How Organizations Achieve Longevity" and suggested that "change management can be considered as an important determinant of organizational longevity" (p. 65). Moreover, Khan (2014) stated in the article "The Longevity of Large Enterprises: A Study of the Factors that Sustain Enterprises over an Extended Period of Time," that "the findings indicate that many factors are indeed linked to organizational longevity, although five main factors are an ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Chicago School Of Sociology Essay The scholars of the Chicago School of Sociology have presented a theory of assimilation that generally states that people of different cultures and ethnicities that come into the United States (also applies to other countries as well) will have contact with American culture which will generate conflict. These people of a different culture or ethnicity will eventually acculturate and integrate into a so called "Melting Pot" of culture in which they will give off their own unique flavor but will eventually blend into mainstream society. I feel that this theory is quite eloquently constructed, but is rather limiting and not necessarily representative of every ethnic group that assimilated in the United States and should be broadened to ... Show more content on ... The Chicago School of Sociology's theory of assimilation describes the way in which foreign cultures interact with American culture. From my understanding, the described initial reaction is unpleasant and conflictual. I generally agree with this statement. It is true that when new cultures are introduced, people are a bit wary of their practices or appearances. To put it quite simply, people are uncomfortable with other people that act or look differently than they do. But with time people adjust and are able to become more comfortable over time as subtle changes are made in both parties. Since the abolition of slavery in 1865 with the passing of the Thirteenth Amendment African–Americans have been striving to be accepted as part of American culture. A main period of focus for African American assimilation and acculturation is from around 1955 to 1968 and is better known as the Civil Rights Movement. African American culture had already been defined very well by the Harlem Renaissance in the 1920s and 1930s. The Civil Rights Movement led to a better integration of African Americans into society. Most of the progress was made through nonviolent protests and civil disobedience. There were setbacks to the progress that was often frowned upon by African Americans that desired progress. "I see negroes like him everyday, breaking into a goddamn buck–a–wing every time a white man come by. I can't stand to see a Negro act like that." (Porter pg. 75) These setbacks led to a ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Chicago Teachers Union And Chicago Public Schools Georgis, Donnell, Mike, Moose For the second time in almost 4 years, over 350,000 Chicago Public School Students may not be able to go to school because of the CTU Strike that is currently in progress today (The Washington Post). The issue between the Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools has not been solved yet due to disagreements about the income received. The Chicago Teachers Union has made offers to school administrations; however, the responses were not in their favor. The union has been in progress of agreeing on a contract "since November 2011, [and the strike that occurred at the time] was the first to hit the Windy City in 25 years" (Liebelson). The issue must have erupted due to a misconception or a realization of problems occurring. Chicago Teachers Union choosing to strike does not affect charter schools since they are not a part of Chicago Public Schools. The issue of school strikes can be fixed by increasing the budgets and providing useful resources to teachers in order to improve the level of education. The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) Strike in 2012 affected every single Chicago Public School and their Students in 2012. The strike affected about 600 public schools which is over 350, 000 students. The CTU began negotiating their contract with CPS in November of 2011, but their demands were not met. Since the negotiating did not solve the issue, the Chicago Teachers Union chose to organize a strike for the first time in Chicago in 25 years. ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Effect Of The Great Depression On Chicago Public Schools The Great Depression, left the country in the worst economic crisis that any countries had seen, leaving a scar on the American society and culture. The Great Depression had also affect the public schools especially Chicago Public School, causing problems that even today we are still experiencing. The primary document I have choose is Chicago Public School and the Depression Years of 1928–1937 by Lyman B. Burbank. This primary document is interesting as I, myself went to a Chicago public school, both elementary and high school, and to see how the system has fail and how different mayors throughout the great depression tried to fix the problems. Lyman B. Burbank's purpose of writing this document is to show how the financial difficulties took ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Chicago Public School Graduation Analysis As of late, the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) has shown great improvements in its high school s. Over the past 16 years the high school graduation rates has steadily increase. Students were more likely to drop of school as they were to graduate; now students are three times likely to graduate as to dropping out. For the CPS high scholars, graduation is a strong indicator of a host of very important life outcomes, including post–secondary and employment outcomes, health, incarceration, and life expectancy. These outlooks trends potentially suggest a much brighter outlook for the thousands of Chicago enrolled students today, when we compare it to the students in previous years. According to the article; Graduation rates have increased by 22 ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Chicago School Of Professional Psychology CENTENE CORPORATION Hyunwoo Eddie Yi The Chicago School of Professional Psychology PB535 In year 2011, the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) sent a letter to Medi–Cal beneficiaries particularly to those who are participating in Adult Day Health Care (ADHC) centers, informing their plan to end the coverage for ADHC. ADHC is a community–based healthcare program for elderlies with chronic conditions including medical, behavioral, mental and cognitive ailments that need continuous monitoring. ADHC's primary focus is to reduce the risk of being institutionalized and assist elderlies maintain their ability to live independently at home. The DHCS's reasoning for the termination of ADHCs was fairly basic: saving money for the state of California. The DHCS sought ADHC participants who were mostly both Medicare and Medi–Cal beneficiaries to transition out of the program to enroll in managed care. Many ADHC advocates have stand against the decision and argued that elimination of ADHC will only cost the state more for putting at–risk elderly and disabled patients out of their regular monitoring facility. Following a federal lawsuit filed by Disability Rights California and other plaintiffs, a new settlement was proposed to the parties. The state announced to use the savings to fund the program called Community Based Adult Services (CBAS) instead. CBAS is designed very similarly to ADHC in order to replace the gap left by the elimination of ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Chicago School Of Social Ecology Theory Chicago School of Social Ecology has played its vital role in the development of urban ecology theory as the sociologists and ecologists from aforementioned school such as Robert Park and Earnest Burgess propagated that Central Business District (CBD) impacts urban and downtown planning, urban renewal, urban expansions, housing projects, commercial activities, industrialization, community development and urban ecological system. Next, the Berlin School of Urban Ecology also extended the aforementioned theoretical argument when the theorist Herbert Sukopp elaborated on studying the importance of biodiversity patterns, environmental transformations and natural changes in the global ecological system, processes and structures. Therefore, the theorists, academicians, researchers, sociologists and environmentalists argue that the theory of urban ecology broadly incorporates the facets of other crucial disciplines related to education, health, economy, psychology, social sciences, sociology, anthropology, history, environment, biosciences, economy, politics, international relations, geography, urban architecture and technology. One of the major developments pertaining to urban ecology theory is the comprehensiveness of modern urban system by incorporating social consciousness, social structures, social and government institutions, community relationships, migration, public infrastructure, governmental revenue streams, unemployment and underemployment problems. In other words, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Chicago Public Schools Are The Fourth Largest District Chicago Public Schools are the fourth largest district in the U.S and one of the lowest performing in the U.S. The school system in Chicago is struggling not only with student performance, but also with the large amount of debt the school has and the fight to come to an agreement with the Chicago Teachers Union. In earlier years of 2008 through 2013, student performance was below national average. Noreen S. Ahmed–Ullah author of "CPS test scores show gains in the grades 2 through 8" explains that student performance was measured with the Illinois Standard Achievement Test (ISAT); although, the school district has recently adapted a new management by objective of Northwest Evaluation Association NWEA. Ahmed writes that after transferring to this new assessment there have been improvements in the test score. For the school year of 2013–2014 51.5 percent of students were above the national average compared to a year before where only 45.8 were in reading. In math the students improved by 3.3 percent at 48.6 percent. The problem is not every one is showing improvement. After the closing of dozens of underperforming schools in order to cut back costs in 2008, students who were placed into new schools actually tested 3.3 percent less in math according to Ahmed. The ISAT assessment which is mandated by state and federal law showed CPS test scores had dropped. School officials said the ISAT scored could not be compared to the NWEA assessment because it would be "comparing apples ... Get more on ...