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Unshackle Upstate 2011-12
Mid-Term Progress Report
  A Review of Progress on
Budget and Legislative Issues
       NEW YORK’S
      WANT A 2%
  Property T
            AX CAP

                     November 2011

In recent years, businesses and families have left          to meet the economic challenges we face. In
Upstate New York in record numbers. Private                 many cases, Albany hasn’t just failed to act – state
sector job losses have devastated our communities.          government has actually adopted policies that have
New York State’s leaders have not shown a                   made our economic situation even worse.
commitment to job creation and economic
development. In fact, our image over the last               This report takes a hard look at what New York
decade has been quite the opposite – we have one            State has done right since the beginning of 2011,
of the worst business climates in the nation.               and what additional steps will address the high cost
                                                            of doing business in the state.
It is beyond dispute that the state’s policies have
contributed to our economic problems by failing


Overall, 2011 has been a good year for taxpayers
and employers – perhaps the best year in recent

New Year’s Day 2011 began with the inauguration
of a new governor and the promise of changing
Albany’s dysfunctional ways. Immediately upon
taking office, Gov. Andrew Cuomo spoke of the
many challenges facing New York State – including

                                                            Unshackle Upstate Executive Director Brian Sampson
                                                            spoke alongside legislative leaders during a pro-property
                                                            tax cap event in April 2011.
                                                            majority in the State Senate, and Senator Dean
                                                            Skelos (R-Rockville Centre) was elected Senate
                                                            Majority Leader. This new leadership brought
                                                            with it stability and predictability – representing a
                                                            welcome change from the chaos and dysfunction
                                                            that characterized the Senate in 2009 and 2010.

                                                            Much remains to be done. Upstate New York’s
Gov. Andrew Cuomo delivered his State of the State          economy did not crumble overnight, nor can it
address across New York in January 2011.                    be revitalized immediately. Restoring the Upstate
a $10 billion state budget deficit. The governor also       economy will require a long-term, sustained effort
made it clear that he intended to follow through on         by state government to understand and address
his campaign promise to cap the growth of local             the needs of the business community – and of the
property taxes.                                             taxpayers – who help make our communities thrive
                                                            and prosper.
New Yorkers also returned the Republicans to the


Unshackle Upstate continues to focus its work on the following principles:

  Reducing State and Local Spending

   Government spending continues to be a major issue for New York State. While the 2011-12 state
   budget reduced spending by 2 percent, the downward trend must continue in order to “right size”
   state spending. Additional savings must continue to be explored by consolidating and streamlining
   services. Spending on education and Medicaid - which make up a significant majority of the state
   budget - were capped in this year’s budget, but additional recurring savings must be found for the

  Reducing Taxes, Fees and Assessments

   The 2009-10 and 2010-11 state budgets included $9.2 billion in new taxes and fees. This year’s
   state budget did not include any new taxes or fees. This action was a significant first step toward
   improving the state’s economic climate, and the 2012-13 state budget should continue reducing the
   tax burden on New Yorkers.

  Reducing State Borrowing

   Also included in this year’s state budget were significant corrections to the state’s future debt and
   borrowing policies. For example, the governor and Legislature reduced the 2012-13 projected
   budget deficit from $15 billion to approximately $2 billion. As it continues to reduce its spending,
   the state should avoid relying on irresponsible borrowing and long-term debt.

  Reducing Mandates

   The tangle of laws and regulations that makes New York notoriously unfriendly to business and job
   creation also saddles local governments with expensive requirements, typically without funding to
   pay for them. The result: a tax shift to local governments to cover the cost of paying for a range of
   services – all at the expense of the taxpaying public.


How did Albany lawmakers do in 2011? When                 than $125 million annually, according to the
compared to recent years, they did extraordinarily        Division of Budget – included in the property tax
well.                                                     cap law were woefully inadequate.

New Yorkers saw an on-time state                                           And while it is too early to say
budget that not only reduced                                               whether the Regional Economic
spending, but successfully                                                 Development Councils will
addressed a $10 billion budget                                             succeed in promoting private-
gap. The governor signed                                                   sector job creation, we are
into law an historic 2-percent                                             pleased that the effort is a
property tax cap which also                                                regionally-based one that will
established a Mandate Relief                                               take advantage of the unique
Council that can address and                                               attributes and strengths that each
provide relief from costly and                                             part of New York State has to
burdensome regulations that                                                offer.
                                 Unshackle Upstate Executive Director
the state has imposed on local
                                 Brian Sampson discussed the
governments.                     organization’s advocacy efforts with       The remainder of this report looks
                                      members of the Capitol press corps.   at what Gov. Cuomo and the
But by virtually every measure,                                             Legislature accomplished during
the Upstate economy is still struggling. There is still the 2011 legislative session, and also discusses what
much more that needs to be done. The mandate               remains to be accomplished during 2012.
relief provisions – which will save taxpayers more

                                         2011 BUDGET REVIEW

                                 WHAT HAPPENED                                  UU OPINION

  Overall 2011-         Lawmakers enacted an on-time                 This year’s state budget represents
  2012 State            state budget that cut spending by 2          a huge improvement over the 2009-
  Budget                percent and closed a $10 billion deficit     10 and 2010-11 state budgets, both
                        without increasing taxes or state debt.      of which increased taxes and state

  State Agency          The governor advanced and                    These state agency consolidations
  Consolidation         achieved a number of state agency            that were achieved represent an
                        consolidations through the state             excellent first step toward “right-
                        budget, saving over $50 million              sizing” state government.
                        during the current fiscal year. The
                        governor also achieved passage of the        The Executive Reorganization Act can
                        Executive Reorganization Act of 2011,        be an important tool in achieving
                        which allows him to submit an agency         additional agency consolidation and
                        reorganization plan to the Legislature       savings for state taxpayers.
                        that must be voted on.

                                                                                          (cont. on next page)

WHAT HAPPENED                                 UU OPINION

Spending and        The governor launched the                 The SAGE Commission is the means
Government          SAGE Commission in mid-April              through which the governor will
Efficiency (SAGE)   “to undertake a comprehensive             propose an agency reorganization
Commission          review of every state agency of           plan to the Legislature. Unfortunately,
                    state government and recommend            while the SAGE Commission began
                    structural and operational changes        its work, it did not present an agency
                    to it.” The group held two meetings,      re-organization plan by the statutory
                    but did not advance an agency             deadline.
                    reorganization plan for consideration
                    by the Legislature.                       The governor should direct the SAGE
                                                              Commission to begin working again
                                                              to ensure that it is able to present an
                                                              agency reorganization plan to the
                                                              Legislature in 2012.

Recharge NY         The state budget included the             Making this program permanent
                    Recharge New York, which made the         – which was long overdue – will
                    Power for Jobs Program permanent.         provide low-cost energy to job-
                                                              creating businesses and not-for-profit
                                                              organizations across New York State.

Sales Tax           The enacted state budget renews the       This is an example of a tax reduction
Exemption           state sales tax exemption for clothing    that will immediately benefit families,
                    purchases under $55. Next year, the       and it will also benefit businesses
                    state sales tax exemption will apply to   close to the state’s borders by keeping
                    all clothing purchases under $110.        shoppers in-state.

Reducing            Governor Cuomo’s Medicaid Redesign        This represents a huge step forward
Medicaid            Team (MRT) recommended some               – reductions in Medicaid spending
Spending            $5 billion worth of cuts to the           were long overdue.
                    program, and to cap the state’s share
                    of Medicaid spending. Most of the         However, the failure of the governor
                    MRT’s proposals became law.               and Legislature to reach agreement
                                                              on medical malpractice reform –
                    The enacted budget provides for a         which was recommended by the MRT
                    two-year Medicaid appropriation,          – represents a missed opportunity.
                    providing for a fixed rate of growth
                    for the 2012-13 budget.

Education           The governor proposed a $1.5 billion      Ending the practice of increasing
Spending            cut in education spending, and the        state aid each year – regardless of
                    Legislature restored about $230           the state’s ability to support such
                    million.                                  spending – is critical to restoring the
                                                              state‘s long-term economic well-
                    The enacted budget provides for a         being.
                    two-year appropriation for education,
                    providing for a fixed rate of growth
                    for the 2012-13 budget.

                            WHAT HAPPENED                                 UU OPINION

Property Tax       The governor signed into law a 2-          This historic law, while not perfect,
Cap                percent property tax cap (Chapter 97       should provide most Upstate
                   of 2011) that exempts some pension         New Yorkers with relief from ever-
                   costs and tort costs. The cap allows       increasing property taxes.
                   for growth, and includes an override
                   option that would allow for the tax        The sunset date built into the law
                   levy to exceed the cap when 60             means that it will have to be approved
                   percent of voters (for school districts)   again in the coming years.
                   or 60 percent of the total voting
                   power of the governing body (for           But the failure to achieve real
                   local governments) approve such an         mandate relief this session (discussed
                   increase.                                  below) will put a great deal of
                                                              pressure on local government officials
                                                              to live within the property tax cap.

SUNY               The governor signed into law the           This will strengthen SUNY’s ability to
                   NYSUNY 2020 bill, which includes           provide quality affordable education,
                   a Challenge Grant Program to               enable students and parents ensure
                   encourage economic development             that they can afford their education,
                   plans on SUNY campuses and                 and will enable SUNY campuses
                   the surrounding communities                across the state to become engines
                   and a rational tuition program of          for economic development.
                   predictable tuition increases which
                   will benefit the SUNY campuses

Health Insurance   Two proposals would have increased         As the cost of health insurance
                   health insurance premiums – the            coverage continues to rise, the
                   Health Care Reform Act (HCRA)              Legislature should not approve any
                   surcharge and a bill that would have       legislation that will increase costs for
                   allowed for collective negotiations        those with private health insurance.
                   by health care providers (S.3186-A/
                   A.2474-A) – were not approved.             We note again that the Health Care
                                                              Quality and Cost Containment
                                                              Commission does not appear to
                                                              have met since it was enacted into
                                                              law in 2007. We urge the governor
                                                              to appoint the members of this
                                                              Commission to analyze the costs and
                                                              quality of proposed health insurance
                                                              mandates as soon as possible.

                                                                                     (cont. on next page)

WHAT HAPPENED                              UU OPINION

Article X Siting   The Power NY Act included a new         The new power plant siting law will
                   power plant siting law to streamline    encourage the construction of new
                   the decision-making process with        electric generation and help reduce
                   respect to the construction and         rising energy costs incurred by
                   operation of new major electric         Upstate’s manufacturing industries
                   generating facilities, or the re-       and other large energy users,
                   powering of existing facilities.        providing a much needed boost to
                                                           the Upstate economy.

Workers’           The Legislature introduced several      It is critical that the 2007 reform
Compensation       bills that would erode cost reduction   law be implemented as intended to
                   components in the 2007 Workers’         ensure that it provides the savings to
                   Compensation reform package,            businesses while ensuring access to
                   including S.3741/A.6294 (which          medical care and benefits for injured
                   passed the Assembly, but did not pass   workers. Bills that undermine the
                   the Senate).                            historic 2007 reforms – such as S.3741/
                                                           A.6294 – must be rejected.

Project Labor      During the final negotiations on        Mandating or encouraging the use
Agreements         the property tax cap/mandate relief     of PLAs arbitrarily increases public
                   legislation, attempts were made to      construction costs since bids must
                   encourage the use of Project Labor      include antiquated and costly
                   Agreements (“PLAs”) by enabling         union rules that increase labor costs
                   project owners to require them          and render the majority of local
                   instead of going through the separate   construction workers ineligible to
                   bidding process otherwise required      work on the project in favor of hiring
                   by the Wicks Law.                       only union construction workers.
                                                           Proponents argue that PLAs ensure
                                                           the speed and quality of construction
                                                           plans. But PLA projects cost taxpayers,
                                                           on average, 12-18 percent more
                                                           than projects awarded by open,
                                                           competitive bidding.

                                                                                (cont. on next page)

WHAT HAPPENED                                  UU OPINION

Union Contracts    Governor Cuomo reached agreement            The 2011-12 state budget reflects
                   with the leadership of the state’s          savings that are to be achieved
                   two largest unions (CSEA and PEF)           through a reduction in labor costs,
                   on contracts that included pay and          and the governor negotiated fair
                   health care concessions in exchange         contracts with CSEA and PEF given
                   for avoiding layoffs.                       the state’s financial situation. The
                                                               governor’s determination that the
                   CSEA and PEF members have                   state government must tighten its
                   approved their respective contracts.        belt will help put New York State on a
                                                               stable financial footing in future years.

Mandate            Governor Cuomo started well on this,        The state must provide for real
Relief for Local   issuing Executive Order #6 appointing       mandate if local governments and
Governments        a Mandate Relief Redesign Team              school districts are going to be able to
                   (MRRT) in early January to “look for        live within the state’s newly-enacted
                   ways to reduce the costs of mandated        property tax cap.
                   programs on schools and local
                   governments.”                               But the mandate relief measures that
                                                               were ultimately adopted as part of
                   The MRRT held 6 meetings                    the property tax cap legislation are
                   throughout the legislative session and      woefully inadequate.
                   issued a preliminary report on March
                   1st. But the MRRT failed to issue a final   The new 11-member Mandate Relief
                   report, and did not reach agreement         Council, tasked with identifying and
                   on mandate relief measures.                 reviewing mandates that can be
                                                               eliminated or reformed, may provide
                   The property tax cap law (Chapter           some relief in the future. But that is
                   97) included some mandate relief            uncertain.
                   provisions that will save over $100
                   million, but much more must be              Achieving real, sustainable mandate
                   done.                                       relief for local governments and
                                                               school districts will be a major 2012
                   Under Executive Order No. 6, the            priority for Unshackle Upstate.
                   MRRT must issue a final report to the
                   governor by March 31, 2012.

                                                                                     (cont. on next page)

WHAT HAPPENED                                UU OPINION

Economic      In late July, Governor Cuomo              While it is too early to gauge whether
Development   launched the Regional Economic            the Regional Economic Development
              Development Council initiative, which     Council approach will be successful,
              he says will “redesign the relationship   it is important that the state has
              between the state government              established a process by which those
              and businesses to stimulate               closest to the communities in need
              regional economic development             can work together in setting priorities
              and create jobs statewide.” Ten           for the allocation of limited state
              Regional Councils throughout the          resources.
              state are developing a plan for the
              development of their respective
              regions, and the state has committed
              to work with each one to help them
              carry out their plans for development
              and to distribute state economic
              development funding.

Natural Gas   There were a number of bills that         Unshackle Upstate believes that
Development   would have banned or limited the          hydraulic fracturing can be done
              practice of using hydraulic fracturing    safely, and that New York State must
              to drill for natural gas. Most were       be prepared to take full advantage
              based on fear and misinformation,         of this tremendous economic
              rather than on science and a clear        opportunity.
              understanding of the practice and
              its risks and benefits. None of these     DEC should continue its science-
              bills were enacted into law this          based, comprehensive review
              session.                                  of the potential environmental
                                                        impacts of natural gas development,
              The Department of Environmental           and determine whether its draft
              Conservation (DEC) recently issued        regulations strike an appropriate
              its draft regulations for high-volume     balance between economic
              hydraulic fracturing, and is now          development and environmental
              accepting public comments on them         protection.
              before any drilling permits can be


Unshackle Upstate believes that Gov. Cuomo is                We look forward to continuing to help move New
committed to improving the environment for                   York State government in the right direction to
families and businesses throughout Upstate New               create an economic environment that permits
York, and we are committed to support those                  private sector job creation and offers relief to
efforts.                                                     taxpayers.

We recognize that the problems facing Upstate                Unshackle Upstate is looking for the following from
New York did not occur over night, and that they             Albany:
cannot be solved in a single legislative session.

Another fiscally responsible budget                          Action from the SAGE Commission
We look forward to a state budget that is enacted            We look forward to the SAGE Commission
on-time, that does not increase state spending, and          submitting a wide-ranging and comprehensive
includes no new taxes, fees or borrowing.                    plan to consolidate state agencies, authorities and
                                                             commissions that have overlapping functions, and
Real mandate relief for local governments                    to provide a road map to ensure that the remaining
                                                             ones provide better services to the taxpayers.
Now that the property tax cap has passed, it is
essential to work with local governments and
                                                             Economic development plans from the Regional
schools on efforts to reduce costly state mandates.
                                                             Economic Development Councils
Relief from business mandates                                We have high expectations for what the Governor
                                                             has promised will be “a new operating model for
It is long overdue for the state to provide relief for
                                                             New York State government” that is intended to
business from unnecessary, burdensome and anti-
                                                             “stimulate economic development throughout the
competitive business mandates.
                                                             entire state, while improving the business climate

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    Unshackle Upstate
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                           Unshackle Upstate
             150 State Street • Rochester, New York 14614
                        Phone: (585) 256-4625

                      Proudly Produced in Upstate New York

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Unshackle Upstate 2011-12 Mid-Term Progress Report

  • 1. Unshackle Upstate 2011-12 Mid-Term Progress Report A Review of Progress on Budget and Legislative Issues NEW YORK’S TAXPAYERS AN JOB CREATO D RS WANT A 2% Property T AX CAP November 2011
  • 2.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION In recent years, businesses and families have left to meet the economic challenges we face. In Upstate New York in record numbers. Private many cases, Albany hasn’t just failed to act – state sector job losses have devastated our communities. government has actually adopted policies that have New York State’s leaders have not shown a made our economic situation even worse. commitment to job creation and economic development. In fact, our image over the last This report takes a hard look at what New York decade has been quite the opposite – we have one State has done right since the beginning of 2011, of the worst business climates in the nation. and what additional steps will address the high cost of doing business in the state. It is beyond dispute that the state’s policies have contributed to our economic problems by failing A NEW DAY AT THE CAPITOL Overall, 2011 has been a good year for taxpayers and employers – perhaps the best year in recent history. New Year’s Day 2011 began with the inauguration of a new governor and the promise of changing Albany’s dysfunctional ways. Immediately upon taking office, Gov. Andrew Cuomo spoke of the many challenges facing New York State – including Unshackle Upstate Executive Director Brian Sampson spoke alongside legislative leaders during a pro-property tax cap event in April 2011. majority in the State Senate, and Senator Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Centre) was elected Senate Majority Leader. This new leadership brought with it stability and predictability – representing a welcome change from the chaos and dysfunction that characterized the Senate in 2009 and 2010. Much remains to be done. Upstate New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo delivered his State of the State economy did not crumble overnight, nor can it address across New York in January 2011. be revitalized immediately. Restoring the Upstate a $10 billion state budget deficit. The governor also economy will require a long-term, sustained effort made it clear that he intended to follow through on by state government to understand and address his campaign promise to cap the growth of local the needs of the business community – and of the property taxes. taxpayers – who help make our communities thrive and prosper. New Yorkers also returned the Republicans to the 1
  • 4. UNSHACKLE UPSTATE’S CORE PRINCIPLES Unshackle Upstate continues to focus its work on the following principles: Reducing State and Local Spending Government spending continues to be a major issue for New York State. While the 2011-12 state budget reduced spending by 2 percent, the downward trend must continue in order to “right size” state spending. Additional savings must continue to be explored by consolidating and streamlining services. Spending on education and Medicaid - which make up a significant majority of the state budget - were capped in this year’s budget, but additional recurring savings must be found for the future. Reducing Taxes, Fees and Assessments The 2009-10 and 2010-11 state budgets included $9.2 billion in new taxes and fees. This year’s state budget did not include any new taxes or fees. This action was a significant first step toward improving the state’s economic climate, and the 2012-13 state budget should continue reducing the tax burden on New Yorkers. Reducing State Borrowing Also included in this year’s state budget were significant corrections to the state’s future debt and borrowing policies. For example, the governor and Legislature reduced the 2012-13 projected budget deficit from $15 billion to approximately $2 billion. As it continues to reduce its spending, the state should avoid relying on irresponsible borrowing and long-term debt. Reducing Mandates The tangle of laws and regulations that makes New York notoriously unfriendly to business and job creation also saddles local governments with expensive requirements, typically without funding to pay for them. The result: a tax shift to local governments to cover the cost of paying for a range of services – all at the expense of the taxpaying public. 2
  • 5. REVIEW OF THE 2011 LEGISLATIVE SESSION How did Albany lawmakers do in 2011? When than $125 million annually, according to the compared to recent years, they did extraordinarily Division of Budget – included in the property tax well. cap law were woefully inadequate. New Yorkers saw an on-time state And while it is too early to say budget that not only reduced whether the Regional Economic spending, but successfully Development Councils will addressed a $10 billion budget succeed in promoting private- gap. The governor signed sector job creation, we are into law an historic 2-percent pleased that the effort is a property tax cap which also regionally-based one that will established a Mandate Relief take advantage of the unique Council that can address and attributes and strengths that each provide relief from costly and part of New York State has to burdensome regulations that offer. Unshackle Upstate Executive Director the state has imposed on local Brian Sampson discussed the governments. organization’s advocacy efforts with The remainder of this report looks members of the Capitol press corps. at what Gov. Cuomo and the But by virtually every measure, Legislature accomplished during the Upstate economy is still struggling. There is still the 2011 legislative session, and also discusses what much more that needs to be done. The mandate remains to be accomplished during 2012. relief provisions – which will save taxpayers more 2011 BUDGET REVIEW WHAT HAPPENED UU OPINION Overall 2011- Lawmakers enacted an on-time This year’s state budget represents 2012 State state budget that cut spending by 2 a huge improvement over the 2009- Budget percent and closed a $10 billion deficit 10 and 2010-11 state budgets, both without increasing taxes or state debt. of which increased taxes and state spending. State Agency The governor advanced and These state agency consolidations Consolidation achieved a number of state agency that were achieved represent an consolidations through the state excellent first step toward “right- budget, saving over $50 million sizing” state government. during the current fiscal year. The governor also achieved passage of the The Executive Reorganization Act can Executive Reorganization Act of 2011, be an important tool in achieving which allows him to submit an agency additional agency consolidation and reorganization plan to the Legislature savings for state taxpayers. that must be voted on. (cont. on next page) 3
  • 6. WHAT HAPPENED UU OPINION Spending and The governor launched the The SAGE Commission is the means Government SAGE Commission in mid-April through which the governor will Efficiency (SAGE) “to undertake a comprehensive propose an agency reorganization Commission review of every state agency of plan to the Legislature. Unfortunately, state government and recommend while the SAGE Commission began structural and operational changes its work, it did not present an agency to it.” The group held two meetings, re-organization plan by the statutory but did not advance an agency deadline. reorganization plan for consideration by the Legislature. The governor should direct the SAGE Commission to begin working again to ensure that it is able to present an agency reorganization plan to the Legislature in 2012. Recharge NY The state budget included the Making this program permanent Recharge New York, which made the – which was long overdue – will Power for Jobs Program permanent. provide low-cost energy to job- creating businesses and not-for-profit organizations across New York State. Sales Tax The enacted state budget renews the This is an example of a tax reduction Exemption state sales tax exemption for clothing that will immediately benefit families, purchases under $55. Next year, the and it will also benefit businesses state sales tax exemption will apply to close to the state’s borders by keeping all clothing purchases under $110. shoppers in-state. Reducing Governor Cuomo’s Medicaid Redesign This represents a huge step forward Medicaid Team (MRT) recommended some – reductions in Medicaid spending Spending $5 billion worth of cuts to the were long overdue. program, and to cap the state’s share of Medicaid spending. Most of the However, the failure of the governor MRT’s proposals became law. and Legislature to reach agreement on medical malpractice reform – The enacted budget provides for a which was recommended by the MRT two-year Medicaid appropriation, – represents a missed opportunity. providing for a fixed rate of growth for the 2012-13 budget. Education The governor proposed a $1.5 billion Ending the practice of increasing Spending cut in education spending, and the state aid each year – regardless of Legislature restored about $230 the state’s ability to support such million. spending – is critical to restoring the state‘s long-term economic well- The enacted budget provides for a being. two-year appropriation for education, providing for a fixed rate of growth for the 2012-13 budget. 4
  • 7. 2011 LEGISLATIVE REVIEW WHAT HAPPENED UU OPINION Property Tax The governor signed into law a 2- This historic law, while not perfect, Cap percent property tax cap (Chapter 97 should provide most Upstate of 2011) that exempts some pension New Yorkers with relief from ever- costs and tort costs. The cap allows increasing property taxes. for growth, and includes an override option that would allow for the tax The sunset date built into the law levy to exceed the cap when 60 means that it will have to be approved percent of voters (for school districts) again in the coming years. or 60 percent of the total voting power of the governing body (for But the failure to achieve real local governments) approve such an mandate relief this session (discussed increase. below) will put a great deal of pressure on local government officials to live within the property tax cap. SUNY The governor signed into law the This will strengthen SUNY’s ability to NYSUNY 2020 bill, which includes provide quality affordable education, a Challenge Grant Program to enable students and parents ensure encourage economic development that they can afford their education, plans on SUNY campuses and and will enable SUNY campuses the surrounding communities across the state to become engines and a rational tuition program of for economic development. predictable tuition increases which will benefit the SUNY campuses themselves. Health Insurance Two proposals would have increased As the cost of health insurance health insurance premiums – the coverage continues to rise, the Health Care Reform Act (HCRA) Legislature should not approve any surcharge and a bill that would have legislation that will increase costs for allowed for collective negotiations those with private health insurance. by health care providers (S.3186-A/ A.2474-A) – were not approved. We note again that the Health Care Quality and Cost Containment Commission does not appear to have met since it was enacted into law in 2007. We urge the governor to appoint the members of this Commission to analyze the costs and quality of proposed health insurance mandates as soon as possible. (cont. on next page) 5
  • 8. WHAT HAPPENED UU OPINION Article X Siting The Power NY Act included a new The new power plant siting law will power plant siting law to streamline encourage the construction of new the decision-making process with electric generation and help reduce respect to the construction and rising energy costs incurred by operation of new major electric Upstate’s manufacturing industries generating facilities, or the re- and other large energy users, powering of existing facilities. providing a much needed boost to the Upstate economy. Workers’ The Legislature introduced several It is critical that the 2007 reform Compensation bills that would erode cost reduction law be implemented as intended to components in the 2007 Workers’ ensure that it provides the savings to Compensation reform package, businesses while ensuring access to including S.3741/A.6294 (which medical care and benefits for injured passed the Assembly, but did not pass workers. Bills that undermine the the Senate). historic 2007 reforms – such as S.3741/ A.6294 – must be rejected. Project Labor During the final negotiations on Mandating or encouraging the use Agreements the property tax cap/mandate relief of PLAs arbitrarily increases public legislation, attempts were made to construction costs since bids must encourage the use of Project Labor include antiquated and costly Agreements (“PLAs”) by enabling union rules that increase labor costs project owners to require them and render the majority of local instead of going through the separate construction workers ineligible to bidding process otherwise required work on the project in favor of hiring by the Wicks Law. only union construction workers. Proponents argue that PLAs ensure the speed and quality of construction plans. But PLA projects cost taxpayers, on average, 12-18 percent more than projects awarded by open, competitive bidding. (cont. on next page) 6
  • 9. WHAT HAPPENED UU OPINION Union Contracts Governor Cuomo reached agreement The 2011-12 state budget reflects with the leadership of the state’s savings that are to be achieved two largest unions (CSEA and PEF) through a reduction in labor costs, on contracts that included pay and and the governor negotiated fair health care concessions in exchange contracts with CSEA and PEF given for avoiding layoffs. the state’s financial situation. The governor’s determination that the CSEA and PEF members have state government must tighten its approved their respective contracts. belt will help put New York State on a stable financial footing in future years. Mandate Governor Cuomo started well on this, The state must provide for real Relief for Local issuing Executive Order #6 appointing mandate if local governments and Governments a Mandate Relief Redesign Team school districts are going to be able to (MRRT) in early January to “look for live within the state’s newly-enacted ways to reduce the costs of mandated property tax cap. programs on schools and local governments.” But the mandate relief measures that were ultimately adopted as part of The MRRT held 6 meetings the property tax cap legislation are throughout the legislative session and woefully inadequate. issued a preliminary report on March 1st. But the MRRT failed to issue a final The new 11-member Mandate Relief report, and did not reach agreement Council, tasked with identifying and on mandate relief measures. reviewing mandates that can be eliminated or reformed, may provide The property tax cap law (Chapter some relief in the future. But that is 97) included some mandate relief uncertain. provisions that will save over $100 million, but much more must be Achieving real, sustainable mandate done. relief for local governments and school districts will be a major 2012 Under Executive Order No. 6, the priority for Unshackle Upstate. MRRT must issue a final report to the governor by March 31, 2012. (cont. on next page) 7
  • 10. WHAT HAPPENED UU OPINION Economic In late July, Governor Cuomo While it is too early to gauge whether Development launched the Regional Economic the Regional Economic Development Development Council initiative, which Council approach will be successful, he says will “redesign the relationship it is important that the state has between the state government established a process by which those and businesses to stimulate closest to the communities in need regional economic development can work together in setting priorities and create jobs statewide.” Ten for the allocation of limited state Regional Councils throughout the resources. state are developing a plan for the development of their respective regions, and the state has committed to work with each one to help them carry out their plans for development and to distribute state economic development funding. Natural Gas There were a number of bills that Unshackle Upstate believes that Development would have banned or limited the hydraulic fracturing can be done practice of using hydraulic fracturing safely, and that New York State must to drill for natural gas. Most were be prepared to take full advantage based on fear and misinformation, of this tremendous economic rather than on science and a clear opportunity. understanding of the practice and its risks and benefits. None of these DEC should continue its science- bills were enacted into law this based, comprehensive review session. of the potential environmental impacts of natural gas development, The Department of Environmental and determine whether its draft Conservation (DEC) recently issued regulations strike an appropriate its draft regulations for high-volume balance between economic hydraulic fracturing, and is now development and environmental accepting public comments on them protection. before any drilling permits can be issued. 8
  • 11. LOOKING AHEAD Unshackle Upstate believes that Gov. Cuomo is We look forward to continuing to help move New committed to improving the environment for York State government in the right direction to families and businesses throughout Upstate New create an economic environment that permits York, and we are committed to support those private sector job creation and offers relief to efforts. taxpayers. We recognize that the problems facing Upstate Unshackle Upstate is looking for the following from New York did not occur over night, and that they Albany: cannot be solved in a single legislative session. Another fiscally responsible budget Action from the SAGE Commission We look forward to a state budget that is enacted We look forward to the SAGE Commission on-time, that does not increase state spending, and submitting a wide-ranging and comprehensive includes no new taxes, fees or borrowing. plan to consolidate state agencies, authorities and commissions that have overlapping functions, and Real mandate relief for local governments to provide a road map to ensure that the remaining ones provide better services to the taxpayers. Now that the property tax cap has passed, it is essential to work with local governments and Economic development plans from the Regional schools on efforts to reduce costly state mandates. Economic Development Councils Relief from business mandates We have high expectations for what the Governor has promised will be “a new operating model for It is long overdue for the state to provide relief for New York State government” that is intended to business from unnecessary, burdensome and anti- “stimulate economic development throughout the competitive business mandates. entire state, while improving the business climate statewide.” 9
  • 12. Connect with Unshackle Upstate Visit our Website: Join the Unshackle Army: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Watch our Videos on YouTube: Unshackle Upstate 150 State Street • Rochester, New York 14614 Phone: (585) 256-4625 Proudly Produced in Upstate New York