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Unit 10
Holly Clark
I n i t i a l I d e a s
Key ideas
 Pollution in york
 Homelessness
 Youth parliament
 Mental health
 take over festival
 Diversity
 History
 Ghost stories
 Video
 leaflet
 Podcast
 documentary
C h o s e n I d e a
The idea I have chosen to develop is ‘pollution in york ’ as it’s a current issue that is
causing a stir amongst people living in York. As well as this, it links massively to the
youth strike for climate movement. Climate change is a global issue that is making
headlines across the media all over the world, and is something that im really interested
in. As I live in York, I make efforts to do what I can for the environment and this includes
skipping college to join the hundreds of other students and activists in the center of town
to march and protest in hope of getting the attention of the government to make them
reinforce crucial changes to environmental laws to protect the future of our planet . I feel
like many young people are much more interested in climate change and the effects that
pollution and global warming have on our future and this is why I have chosen this
particular topic.
My aim is to educate and inform but in a fun way. Global warming is effecting everyone
and those effects are becoming more severe from extreme weather that decimates entire
countries and leaves thousands homeless and injured, deforestation and wild fires
releasing huge masses of c02 are destroying our trees which are vital for producing
oxygen and providing homes for our ecosystems and plastic polluting our oceans and
killing our wildlife, rising sea levels as the poles melt more and more each year leading to
hundreds of species dying out, out and before long so will we.
I hope in a way it can be something I can do for myself but also the planet, doing what I
can to educate people on the pollution problems York is facing, how it effects us, and
what can we do to stop it.
Small actions lead to big change.
What a I going to make?
• Im planning to make an educational video about pollution
and global warming globally but focusing mainly on the
issues York are facing environmentally and how we can
tackle them.
• I will do mixed media including footage from recent in
york, photos, text, stop motion using drawings and
diagrams with an over voice.
M o o d b o a r d: V i s u a l s
R e s e a r c h
Audience research
(primary, secondary)
Subject research
technical research
Visual research
Audience research: primary
For my primary research I sent out a survey about climate action in York. I wanted to find
out what people already know and weather it was an issue people of certain ages
were aware of and interested in.
Firstly I gathered some basic information to work out who out of my target audience
lived in york etc. about 90%of people who did my survey were between 11-22 and
almost all live or live near, study or work in york.
• I was trying to find out
how much people
already know about
climate change
specifically in york.
• I also wanted to find out
if people were actually
interested in pollution in
• I wanted peoples
opinions on york councils
plans to tackle pollution
in and around the city.
Most people agreed that
york needs to do more to
prevent further pollution
and damage to the local
• I want to know if people
are happy with the
current situation or if it
makes them angry or if
they aren't even
bothered to I know how
to tone my video so I
appeal to them correctly.
• I wanted to focus
particularly on the
pollution in york so I
wanted to know how
much people already
• My results show that
majority are aware or
interested and eager
to know more.
• I also wanted to focus
on the youth strike for
climate events in york.
I want to know if my
target demographic is
interested In these
events, attends and
supports them.
• My final question was if people wanted to learn more, and
around 75% said yes which is really good as it means the
majority of young people will want to watch my video.
• Overall I gathered from my research that majority of of people
who took my survey live/study in york and are either active or
interested in being involved in climate action in york.
R e s e a r c h
PaperCut Stop Motion - Y#B5E2E6
Videos I found interesting and took inspiration from:
For my research I wanted to look at other videos/shorts that used a similar paper cut
animation style to what I plan to use. Its not a technique I have tried before so its
important I research so I can learn what to do and why. Its also good to look at other
work as it fuels my ideas and I can get inspiration from their styles or narratives. Its
helpful as I gain more knowledge of this particular style but I can also see what is less
effective and wont work for me.
I n s p i r a t i o n
Maddie drury is the creator of the dreamonmaddie YouTube channel. I'm really
inspired by her unique presentation techniques and it had hugely influenced my
ideas for my advert. Maddie cleverly uses a variety of objects, metaphors and
cut outs of words, pictures and sketches to bring to life her ideas an help us
visualise what she is telling us about. I love how aesthetically pleasing this idea
is, the use of paper and fairy lights make it very simple and clear. Her videos are
almost like a scrap book come to life and I love how it reflects her themes and
positive energy. I think its also quite unique and authentic.
I think this style would work well with my video idea because it means I can
have mixture styles and mediums in my video. It will be a good way to use
visuals to demonstrate facts and figures using hand drawn diagrams and stop
motion. I think this will make it more engaging for my viewers.
I found this 3d paper cut out animation on YouTube on
the theme of protecting trees. I really like the style they
have used to create these visuals. I like how its really
clear and simple and use both 2d and 3d shapes.
I like how they have created depth by layering 2d cut outs
at different distances from the camera and used
perspective to their advantage. This sets out the video
really nicely as its not all just flat. Giving the scene a floor
works really well for the story animator is trying to tell. Its
nice to see a mix of both 2d and 3d like the little origami
rabbits. This makes the video seem playful and simple
whilst also addressing an issue. It makes the video on a
whole, light hearted and nice to watch. Despite being very
short, the creator has managed to make us emotionally
invest in the little creatures so we feel sympathy when the
trees are cut down. It uses our human nature to be
empathetic to its advantage which is clever. This also
keeps the watcher engaged because we want to know if
in the end it will all be okay.
I think its quite aesthetically pleasing in how its very
stylized and consistent throughout and uses appropriate
colour schemes that match the mood as well as the
environment its portraying.
Subject research
Information and facts to include:
• The concentration of c02 is the highest
its been in the last 3 million years
• 11% of emissions are caused by
• 800 million people are vulnerable to the
impacts of climate change causing
(extreme weather, rising sea levels,
• Wildlife populations have dropped by
an average of 60% over the last 40 yrs.
• to make every one-liter single-use
plastic bottle of water, one-sixth of its
capacity of oil is used.
• 1 in 7 species were threatened by
extinction and 41% of species have
experienced a decline since the 1970
(7000 species studied)
• 26% of mammal species were at risk of
disappearing altogether
• ‘the great thinning’ 60% of priority
species having declined over the last
York specific
• York climate emergency announced
but no changes seen from the council
• Young campaigners trying to find ways
to make york a carbon neutral city.
• Several locations in york breach the air
pollution laws
• York releases 4.04 tones of c02 each
• Drivers will now be fined £20 when
leaving their engine running when
• The river foss is covered with a thick
green blanket of duck weed and is
causing problems with the rivers eco
system due to the unbalanced oxygen
and light levels
E x p e r i m e n t s
• Stop motion practice using app
• Plane animation on premier
Stop motion experiment using a stop motion app
I played around with movement of shapes to get use to
using the app and the controls
Plane animation
I experimented with animating in
Photoshop. I did a line drawing of a plane
and made it travel across the screen.
Although I like this technique, I didn’t feel it
was the right style for my video. It looked to
digital and I want my video to look natural
and home made.
P l a n n i n g
To plan:
• Contingency planning
• Location & Equipment
• Time management
• Interview
• Plan designs for animation
including interview?
If so choose subject and write questions.
(how will I present this information?)
c o n t i n g e n c y p l a n n i n g
Problems it causes How to avoid
Loosing memo stick • Lose work
• Sets you behind
• May have to re-do most if not
all of your project
• Back up work on more than one device (i.e..
Computer/ one drive).
• Keep in a safe place with name on so if lost and
found it can be returned to you.
Time off due to
• Sets you behind
• Work handed in late or
• Have all your work backed up on a external
memory device so you can work from home and
catch up
Computer crashing • May lose any unsaved work
• Loose time if computer breaks
• Save your work regularly (every half hour)
• Keep everything backed up on an external
memory device
Bad weather when
filming cant film in
chosen location
• No other time to film
• No other alternative filming
• Have back up locations in case you cant film in
a specific location
• Try to film in doors
• Check weather forecasts in advance and try to
plan to film on days where weather is suitable
Problems with booking
• Run out of time
• Not have equipment when
needed for filming
• No equipment left when you go
to book
• Book far in advance and double check booking
forms so there is less likely to be mistakes or
double bookings
• Book equipment/ studio for more than one day
incase of double booking
Other people involved
are sick or unavailable
• If they play a key role in your
project it could put you behind
or even leave your project
• Make sure you choose someone reliable and
have several opportunities/days you car record/
• Have a back up person in case it falls through
with your current person
l o c a t i o n & e q u i p m e n t
How do I get
Camera Book
Art supplies sorted
computer sorted
Sound recorder Book
studio Book
tripod book
I have planned to film during the
protests in town, artistic pans of York,
maybe an interview (most likely indoors)
and in the studio at college for my stop
motion although this may be possible to
do at home.
T i m e m a n a g m e n t
Week 1 Pre-production
Week 2 Pre-production
Week 5 E v a l u a t i o n
i n t e r v i e w p l a n n i n g
Maisie outheart
She's a member of youth council and heavily
involved in york council and organises events related
to strike for climate
When & where?
Monday 14th October at my house
What will I ask?
Her roles in the youth council
Her opinions on yorks climate crisis etc
d e s i g n p l a n s f o r a n i m a t i o n
•For my writing I chose a font from online and printed it out. I think
this is better as my handwriting isn't very neat or presentable and I
want my video to be really clear and I feel this is the best way to get
my point across.
p r e – p r o d u c t i o n
What I need to prepare:
• Script
• Screen play
• Conduct interview
• Prepare and find potential music/sound effects
• Begin production diary
• Double check all equipment bookings
• Create final drawings ready to be animated.
S c r i p t
‘Ahh York, such a beautiful city, full of history and home to the famous minster…-’
[interrupted by music and extinction rebellion logo]
*as footage is shown*
‘our planet is dying, and no one is doing anything about it. Now we have to’
‘young people all over the world have begun taking a stand to the current climate crisis we are facing. But why is it the young peoples responsibility? What can they do?’
‘well, it all started with a young girl called greta thunberg who ditched school and sat outside of sweedish parliament demanding stronger action against climate change. Since then, her story has gone viral and
others all around the globe have joined her in the ‘school strike for climate’
‘recently greta spoke in parliament calling out the guilty politicians and powerful people for not making efforts to change..’
[greta clip]
‘Since then 100s of students around the world are striking to save our planet, but York is facing a climate crisis of its own, and we aren't happy about it’
[York s4c footage]
‘I spoke to Maisie, a member of yorks youth council who has previously helped organise the yorks youth strike for climate events’
‘so, how can we help?’
‘there is lots of small changes you can make in your day to day life that if we all do it will make a big impact.
Firstly, go plastic free! We are constantly surrounded by single use plastics many of which can not be recycled! So invest in a reusable alternative! carrier bags, are terrible for the environment
and contribute hugely to the oceans plastic pollution doing severe damage to our marine ecosystems. You will notice at supermarkets, everything from pasta to fruit and veg are covered in unnecessary plastic
packaging but now theres no excuse.
On bishophorpe road theres a shop called the bishy weigh that is completely waste free, you can pick up your ingredients like grains or herbs and spices and take in your own containers like
jars and weigh out what you need. See! No excuses!’
‘now, we hate planes! Planes contribute massively to air pollution and c02 emissions , most people assume that because they didn’t fly off to Spain on holiday this year it doesn’t apply to them but, actually
when you look into it, most of the food you will have in your cupboards at home will be imported from another country. this is the same with anything you buy from the shop or online. You will find many are
manufactured in big factories abroad. So try to reduce your carbon footprint and look into locally sourced goods as an alternative, you might find that these are more affordable too as they haven’t
travelled from the other side of the world! Another positive to this is your supporting local people and businesses and allowing the community to grow!
Many people think that cutting out all animal products is the best way to help our planet but if your swapping some British eggs for peanut butter full of parmoil or eating lots of exotic fruits that cant be grown
in the uk then those things are just as damaging for our planet as a burger!’
But don’t get me wrong eating less meat and cutting down on your animal products is a great way to start, meats and animal products are widely overproduced and are critically damaging to our environment,
we all know veganism is on the rise for many reasons whether that’s religious, ethical, health or environmental, and studies have shown its better for the environment. But you don have to go vegan, that’s
every individuals choice, but what you can do is try to cut down, choose locally sourced and organic meat and dairy products. These are often more ethical and don’t have the food miles cheaper mass produced
meats do.’
‘as spoken about before, air pollution in York in particular is really worrying. York is a small but busy city with lots of heavily used main road through and around the city centre. These roads often lead to
congestion due to the large volumes of traffic trying to pass through. So not only is there lots of vehicles in the city but they are often sat in traffic with engines running releasing toxic fumes into the air. York
station is a busy area with people coming and going all day every day, it is on the route of most York busses, and has a taxi rank outside which has recently been found to be juts one of the multiple York areas to
of breached air pollution laws by emitting 58.6ug which is over the recommended limit of 40 micrograms per cubic meter (ug) . Every year, York produces 4.04 tonnes of c02 and it was announced York is in a
climate crisis but since then the local people have seen very little if any change from the council. Groups of young people are now making efforts push York to be a carbon neutral city. How can we help with
yorks air pollution?
Well York is a small city, most things are within cycling distance. One thing we could all do is try our best to not use our cars when we don’t need to, get a bus to reduce traffic congestion, York has a park and
ride service so if you are visiting from somewhere outside of York, you can park up and hop and on a bus, it’s a small and simple change that makes a big difference. But better than that further still!, don't use
any busses or cars at all! ‘if you can walk or cycle! Its better for you, better for the city and better for the planet’
And finally, GET INVOLVED! There is a York youth strike for climate around about once a month in the city centre, why not come and join us?
Lets strike for the climate to save OUR future.
Special thank you to all those that helped me In the making of this video: maisie outheart, oliver nicholson and the bishy weigh for letting us film.
Here are the official social medias for York youth council, maisie and the strike for climate
Thank you for watching
The next strike is the 15th of November at st helens square york.
See you there!’
i n t e r v i e w
• What is the youth council? How does it work?
• What links do you have with big decision makers?
• Is climate change something that is discussed a lot at youth parliament
• How are the youth council and york city council making changes to
improve the cities carbon footprint? - If not what do you think would be a
good way to do this?
• Do you think the local council invest enough time and money into making
York a greener city.
• How do you organise events like the climate strike?
• Why is climate change important to you?
• How would you advise a young person to get involved with ‘environmental
(strikes? joining yp? School/col/uni,enviromental clubs)
s o u n d & m u s i c
• Over voice done by me recorded on phone
• Background music -find on YouTube
• Sound effects? Find on youtube or make
myself and record on phone
s t o r y b o a r d
d r a w i n g s f o r a n i m a t i o n
filming interview and bishy weigh
editing what I filmed
• The first day of production I filmed my interview with maisie. I tried to ask as
many broad questions as possible. I wanted to provide myself with as much
footage and information as possible so I had lots of options when editing. I
chose to record in my kitchen at home as it was hard to find time me and my
subject were both free. This meant that the lighting an sound were not the best
quality which is frustrating. I recorded the sound separately on my iphone and
found the quality was much better than the audio on the video. However, when
recording I made the mistake of not considering the complications of pairing up
audio and video perfectly when editing so later on it was very time consuming to
edit and means im more limited with how I edit. im hoping to do some colour
correction to the visuals as the lighting is pore and artificial but I will only
manage this if I have spare time at the end of production.
• my friend helped me film at the bishy weigh, we got some nice shots from inside
and outside the shop but I did have to use the stabilizer tool on some of the
pans as they were done free hand and quickly so they were a bit shaky. I think
we rushed these shots a little and if we took more time they may have been
higher quality. After editing and ordering the shots they came together nicely
and im happy with the result.
adding other footage and clips
• I wanted to include lots of footage from interviews and
strikes that I couldn’t get myself so I looked online and
found clips from the bbc I could use in my video and edited
them to fit in with my video.
• My video is now beginning to show some structure, I have a
opening and put together some sections so all I need now
is my animation and over voice. Unfortunately I need to do
my over voice last to make sure it fits in time with what is
shown on the screen and other audio in the video. I plan to
record my over voice on my phone as the quality is good
and I can be more flexible without the stress if booking kit. I
also plan to do the over voice myself as I don’t know
anyone else available or appropriate.
preparing props for animation
• Today I found all the recourses I would need to animate and
printed out all the writing and pictures. Originally I wanted to
do my own drawings and writing but I didn’t have the time
and felt it would look neater and more professional this way. I
think I should of prepared this stuff before production as its
time consuming and has held me back on animating.
• I tried to find a font and images that matched the style and
aesthetic I had originally planned and looked for black and
white line drawings so that hopefully it still works with my
• Today I began animating. First of all ii had to
set up, I used a ‘’ and attached a phone
clamp to it. Next I had to position my camera
on the clamp at the correct height and angle
to film. I wanted it to appear flat so I tried to
get a birds eye view but struggled with
getting my lighting in the right place and
evenly across my background. We tried
different lights and lots of different angles
until eventually we found one that looked
alright. As the light had to be to one side of
my phone it meant the lighting was always
brighter on one side. To try and help spread
the light, we used clean whiteboards to help
bounce the light across the space. Once I
was happy with the set up, I began filming.
When I started, I played around with
animating styles, weather I wanted it
to be neat and smooth or scruffy and
always moving and then I tried having
my hands in the animation as well. I
found this looked cool ad I felt like it
fitted well with my video.
Overvoice and final edits
e v a l u a t i o n
To evaluate:
• Research
• audience
• Planning
• Product
• Technical
• Aesthetic
• I think overall my research was good and helpful although I could of done a lot more. I
think my subject research was strong and lots of the information I found contributed a
lot to my final product and gave me a better understanding of the problems I was going
to address in my video. I also thing my primary audience research was thorough and
gave me a clear pcture of who my target audience was however I struggled with my
secondary audience research but I felt as myself and my friends are my target audience
I had enough knowlage from my primary research alone. I feel like my research to
existing products really interesting and it opend me up to lots of new ideas and
perspectives. It was helpful for my development and defiantly contributed to my final
product. After doing this research I found clips on youtube going over basic animation
planing techniques and styles so I then began a couple of experiments to give me an
idea of time management, style and if it would work for my video and I feel after my
experiments I felt positive as stop animation is a new area for me to learning how to
use the app to record was really helpful in developing key technichal skills and
preparing me for production.
• If I had more time I would of liked to do more in depth research so I was better
prepared for production.
a u d i e n c e
p l a n n i n g
p r o d u c t
t e c h n i c a l
a e s t h e t i c
B i b l i o g r a p h y
- For information on air pollution in York 22/9/2019 (slide 8)
- air quality
forecast in York 22/9/2019 15:21 (slide 8)
-the guardian- 3/10/2019
York press- 3/10/2019

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Production diary
Production diaryProduction diary
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Evaluation 2
Evaluation 2Evaluation 2
Evaluation 2
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5. production reflection 5. production reflection
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Aesthetica film festival 2019
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Aesthetica film festival 2019
Production diary
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Unit 10 4..

  • 2. I n i t i a l I d e a s Key ideas  Pollution in york  Homelessness  Youth parliament  Mental health  NHS  take over festival  Diversity  History  Ghost stories Medium?  Video  leaflet  Podcast  documentary
  • 3. C h o s e n I d e a The idea I have chosen to develop is ‘pollution in york ’ as it’s a current issue that is causing a stir amongst people living in York. As well as this, it links massively to the youth strike for climate movement. Climate change is a global issue that is making headlines across the media all over the world, and is something that im really interested in. As I live in York, I make efforts to do what I can for the environment and this includes skipping college to join the hundreds of other students and activists in the center of town to march and protest in hope of getting the attention of the government to make them reinforce crucial changes to environmental laws to protect the future of our planet . I feel like many young people are much more interested in climate change and the effects that pollution and global warming have on our future and this is why I have chosen this particular topic. My aim is to educate and inform but in a fun way. Global warming is effecting everyone and those effects are becoming more severe from extreme weather that decimates entire countries and leaves thousands homeless and injured, deforestation and wild fires releasing huge masses of c02 are destroying our trees which are vital for producing oxygen and providing homes for our ecosystems and plastic polluting our oceans and killing our wildlife, rising sea levels as the poles melt more and more each year leading to hundreds of species dying out, out and before long so will we. I hope in a way it can be something I can do for myself but also the planet, doing what I can to educate people on the pollution problems York is facing, how it effects us, and what can we do to stop it. Small actions lead to big change.
  • 4. What a I going to make? • Im planning to make an educational video about pollution and global warming globally but focusing mainly on the issues York are facing environmentally and how we can tackle them. • I will do mixed media including footage from recent in york, photos, text, stop motion using drawings and diagrams with an over voice.
  • 5.
  • 6. M o o d b o a r d: V i s u a l s
  • 7. R e s e a r c h Audience research (primary, secondary) Subject research technical research Visual research
  • 8. Audience research: primary For my primary research I sent out a survey about climate action in York. I wanted to find out what people already know and weather it was an issue people of certain ages were aware of and interested in. Firstly I gathered some basic information to work out who out of my target audience lived in york etc. about 90%of people who did my survey were between 11-22 and almost all live or live near, study or work in york.
  • 9. • I was trying to find out how much people already know about climate change specifically in york. • I also wanted to find out if people were actually interested in pollution in york • I wanted peoples opinions on york councils plans to tackle pollution in and around the city. Most people agreed that york needs to do more to prevent further pollution and damage to the local environment • I want to know if people are happy with the current situation or if it makes them angry or if they aren't even bothered to I know how to tone my video so I appeal to them correctly.
  • 10. • I wanted to focus particularly on the pollution in york so I wanted to know how much people already know. • My results show that majority are aware or interested and eager to know more. • I also wanted to focus on the youth strike for climate events in york. I want to know if my target demographic is interested In these events, attends and supports them.
  • 11. • My final question was if people wanted to learn more, and around 75% said yes which is really good as it means the majority of young people will want to watch my video. • Overall I gathered from my research that majority of of people who took my survey live/study in york and are either active or interested in being involved in climate action in york.
  • 12. R e s e a r c h PaperCut Stop Motion - Y#B5E2E6 Videos I found interesting and took inspiration from: For my research I wanted to look at other videos/shorts that used a similar paper cut animation style to what I plan to use. Its not a technique I have tried before so its important I research so I can learn what to do and why. Its also good to look at other work as it fuels my ideas and I can get inspiration from their styles or narratives. Its helpful as I gain more knowledge of this particular style but I can also see what is less effective and wont work for me.
  • 13. I n s p i r a t i o n Maddie drury is the creator of the dreamonmaddie YouTube channel. I'm really inspired by her unique presentation techniques and it had hugely influenced my ideas for my advert. Maddie cleverly uses a variety of objects, metaphors and cut outs of words, pictures and sketches to bring to life her ideas an help us visualise what she is telling us about. I love how aesthetically pleasing this idea is, the use of paper and fairy lights make it very simple and clear. Her videos are almost like a scrap book come to life and I love how it reflects her themes and positive energy. I think its also quite unique and authentic. I think this style would work well with my video idea because it means I can have mixture styles and mediums in my video. It will be a good way to use visuals to demonstrate facts and figures using hand drawn diagrams and stop motion. I think this will make it more engaging for my viewers.
  • 14. I found this 3d paper cut out animation on YouTube on the theme of protecting trees. I really like the style they have used to create these visuals. I like how its really clear and simple and use both 2d and 3d shapes. I like how they have created depth by layering 2d cut outs at different distances from the camera and used perspective to their advantage. This sets out the video really nicely as its not all just flat. Giving the scene a floor works really well for the story animator is trying to tell. Its nice to see a mix of both 2d and 3d like the little origami rabbits. This makes the video seem playful and simple whilst also addressing an issue. It makes the video on a whole, light hearted and nice to watch. Despite being very short, the creator has managed to make us emotionally invest in the little creatures so we feel sympathy when the trees are cut down. It uses our human nature to be empathetic to its advantage which is clever. This also keeps the watcher engaged because we want to know if in the end it will all be okay. I think its quite aesthetically pleasing in how its very stylized and consistent throughout and uses appropriate colour schemes that match the mood as well as the environment its portraying.
  • 16.
  • 17. Subject research Information and facts to include: • The concentration of c02 is the highest its been in the last 3 million years • 11% of emissions are caused by deforestation • 800 million people are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change causing (extreme weather, rising sea levels, heatwaves) • Wildlife populations have dropped by an average of 60% over the last 40 yrs. • to make every one-liter single-use plastic bottle of water, one-sixth of its capacity of oil is used. • 1 in 7 species were threatened by extinction and 41% of species have experienced a decline since the 1970 (7000 species studied) • 26% of mammal species were at risk of disappearing altogether • ‘the great thinning’ 60% of priority species having declined over the last 50% York specific • York climate emergency announced but no changes seen from the council • Young campaigners trying to find ways to make york a carbon neutral city. • Several locations in york breach the air pollution laws • York releases 4.04 tones of c02 each year • Drivers will now be fined £20 when leaving their engine running when stationary • The river foss is covered with a thick green blanket of duck weed and is causing problems with the rivers eco system due to the unbalanced oxygen and light levels
  • 18.
  • 19. E x p e r i m e n t s • Stop motion practice using app • Plane animation on premier
  • 20. Stop motion experiment using a stop motion app I played around with movement of shapes to get use to using the app and the controls
  • 21. Plane animation I experimented with animating in Photoshop. I did a line drawing of a plane and made it travel across the screen. Although I like this technique, I didn’t feel it was the right style for my video. It looked to digital and I want my video to look natural and home made.
  • 22. P l a n n i n g To plan: • Contingency planning • Location & Equipment • Time management • Interview • Plan designs for animation including interview? If so choose subject and write questions. (how will I present this information?)
  • 23. c o n t i n g e n c y p l a n n i n g Potential issue Problems it causes How to avoid Loosing memo stick • Lose work • Sets you behind • May have to re-do most if not all of your project • Back up work on more than one device (i.e.. Computer/ one drive). • Keep in a safe place with name on so if lost and found it can be returned to you. Time off due to illness/injury • Sets you behind • Work handed in late or incomplete • Have all your work backed up on a external memory device so you can work from home and catch up Computer crashing • May lose any unsaved work • Loose time if computer breaks • Save your work regularly (every half hour) • Keep everything backed up on an external memory device Bad weather when filming cant film in chosen location • No other time to film • No other alternative filming locations • Have back up locations in case you cant film in a specific location • Try to film in doors • Check weather forecasts in advance and try to plan to film on days where weather is suitable Problems with booking equipment/studio • Run out of time • Not have equipment when needed for filming • No equipment left when you go to book • Book far in advance and double check booking forms so there is less likely to be mistakes or double bookings • Book equipment/ studio for more than one day incase of double booking Other people involved are sick or unavailable • If they play a key role in your project it could put you behind or even leave your project incomplete • Make sure you choose someone reliable and have several opportunities/days you car record/ work • Have a back up person in case it falls through with your current person
  • 24. l o c a t i o n & e q u i p m e n t Equipment needed How do I get it Camera Book Art supplies sorted computer sorted Sound recorder Book studio Book tripod book I have planned to film during the protests in town, artistic pans of York, maybe an interview (most likely indoors) and in the studio at college for my stop motion although this may be possible to do at home.
  • 25. T i m e m a n a g m e n t DUE NOVEMBER 15TH W E E K S E C T I O N T A S K S Week 1 Pre-production Week 2 Pre-production Week 3 PRODUCTION Week 4 PRODUCTION Week 5 E v a l u a t i o n
  • 26. i n t e r v i e w p l a n n i n g Who? Maisie outheart Why? She's a member of youth council and heavily involved in york council and organises events related to strike for climate When & where? Monday 14th October at my house What will I ask? Her roles in the youth council Her opinions on yorks climate crisis etc
  • 27. d e s i g n p l a n s f o r a n i m a t i o n •For my writing I chose a font from online and printed it out. I think this is better as my handwriting isn't very neat or presentable and I want my video to be really clear and I feel this is the best way to get my point across.
  • 28. p r e – p r o d u c t i o n What I need to prepare: • Script • Screen play • Conduct interview • Prepare and find potential music/sound effects • Begin production diary • Double check all equipment bookings arrangements • Create final drawings ready to be animated.
  • 29. S c r i p t ‘Ahh York, such a beautiful city, full of history and home to the famous minster…-’ [interrupted by music and extinction rebellion logo] *as footage is shown* ‘our planet is dying, and no one is doing anything about it. Now we have to’ ‘young people all over the world have begun taking a stand to the current climate crisis we are facing. But why is it the young peoples responsibility? What can they do?’ ‘well, it all started with a young girl called greta thunberg who ditched school and sat outside of sweedish parliament demanding stronger action against climate change. Since then, her story has gone viral and others all around the globe have joined her in the ‘school strike for climate’ ‘recently greta spoke in parliament calling out the guilty politicians and powerful people for not making efforts to change..’ [greta clip] ‘Since then 100s of students around the world are striking to save our planet, but York is facing a climate crisis of its own, and we aren't happy about it’ [York s4c footage] ‘I spoke to Maisie, a member of yorks youth council who has previously helped organise the yorks youth strike for climate events’ [-interview-] ‘so, how can we help?’ ‘there is lots of small changes you can make in your day to day life that if we all do it will make a big impact. Firstly, go plastic free! We are constantly surrounded by single use plastics many of which can not be recycled! So invest in a reusable alternative! carrier bags, are terrible for the environment and contribute hugely to the oceans plastic pollution doing severe damage to our marine ecosystems. You will notice at supermarkets, everything from pasta to fruit and veg are covered in unnecessary plastic packaging but now theres no excuse. On bishophorpe road theres a shop called the bishy weigh that is completely waste free, you can pick up your ingredients like grains or herbs and spices and take in your own containers like jars and weigh out what you need. See! No excuses!’ ‘now, we hate planes! Planes contribute massively to air pollution and c02 emissions , most people assume that because they didn’t fly off to Spain on holiday this year it doesn’t apply to them but, actually when you look into it, most of the food you will have in your cupboards at home will be imported from another country. this is the same with anything you buy from the shop or online. You will find many are manufactured in big factories abroad. So try to reduce your carbon footprint and look into locally sourced goods as an alternative, you might find that these are more affordable too as they haven’t travelled from the other side of the world! Another positive to this is your supporting local people and businesses and allowing the community to grow! Many people think that cutting out all animal products is the best way to help our planet but if your swapping some British eggs for peanut butter full of parmoil or eating lots of exotic fruits that cant be grown in the uk then those things are just as damaging for our planet as a burger!’ But don’t get me wrong eating less meat and cutting down on your animal products is a great way to start, meats and animal products are widely overproduced and are critically damaging to our environment, we all know veganism is on the rise for many reasons whether that’s religious, ethical, health or environmental, and studies have shown its better for the environment. But you don have to go vegan, that’s every individuals choice, but what you can do is try to cut down, choose locally sourced and organic meat and dairy products. These are often more ethical and don’t have the food miles cheaper mass produced meats do.’ ‘as spoken about before, air pollution in York in particular is really worrying. York is a small but busy city with lots of heavily used main road through and around the city centre. These roads often lead to congestion due to the large volumes of traffic trying to pass through. So not only is there lots of vehicles in the city but they are often sat in traffic with engines running releasing toxic fumes into the air. York station is a busy area with people coming and going all day every day, it is on the route of most York busses, and has a taxi rank outside which has recently been found to be juts one of the multiple York areas to of breached air pollution laws by emitting 58.6ug which is over the recommended limit of 40 micrograms per cubic meter (ug) . Every year, York produces 4.04 tonnes of c02 and it was announced York is in a climate crisis but since then the local people have seen very little if any change from the council. Groups of young people are now making efforts push York to be a carbon neutral city. How can we help with yorks air pollution? Well York is a small city, most things are within cycling distance. One thing we could all do is try our best to not use our cars when we don’t need to, get a bus to reduce traffic congestion, York has a park and ride service so if you are visiting from somewhere outside of York, you can park up and hop and on a bus, it’s a small and simple change that makes a big difference. But better than that further still!, don't use any busses or cars at all! ‘if you can walk or cycle! Its better for you, better for the city and better for the planet’ And finally, GET INVOLVED! There is a York youth strike for climate around about once a month in the city centre, why not come and join us? Lets strike for the climate to save OUR future. Special thank you to all those that helped me In the making of this video: maisie outheart, oliver nicholson and the bishy weigh for letting us film. Here are the official social medias for York youth council, maisie and the strike for climate Thank you for watching The next strike is the 15th of November at st helens square york. See you there!’
  • 30. i n t e r v i e w • What is the youth council? How does it work? • What links do you have with big decision makers? • Is climate change something that is discussed a lot at youth parliament meetings? • How are the youth council and york city council making changes to improve the cities carbon footprint? - If not what do you think would be a good way to do this? • Do you think the local council invest enough time and money into making York a greener city. • How do you organise events like the climate strike? • Why is climate change important to you? • How would you advise a young person to get involved with ‘environmental justice’ (strikes? joining yp? School/col/uni,enviromental clubs) 11671617-bc88
  • 31. s o u n d & m u s i c • Over voice done by me recorded on phone • Background music -find on YouTube • Sound effects? Find on youtube or make myself and record on phone
  • 32. s t o r y b o a r d
  • 33. d r a w i n g s f o r a n i m a t i o n
  • 34. P R O D U C T I O N D I A R Y
  • 35. filming interview and bishy weigh editing what I filmed • The first day of production I filmed my interview with maisie. I tried to ask as many broad questions as possible. I wanted to provide myself with as much footage and information as possible so I had lots of options when editing. I chose to record in my kitchen at home as it was hard to find time me and my subject were both free. This meant that the lighting an sound were not the best quality which is frustrating. I recorded the sound separately on my iphone and found the quality was much better than the audio on the video. However, when recording I made the mistake of not considering the complications of pairing up audio and video perfectly when editing so later on it was very time consuming to edit and means im more limited with how I edit. im hoping to do some colour correction to the visuals as the lighting is pore and artificial but I will only manage this if I have spare time at the end of production. • my friend helped me film at the bishy weigh, we got some nice shots from inside and outside the shop but I did have to use the stabilizer tool on some of the pans as they were done free hand and quickly so they were a bit shaky. I think we rushed these shots a little and if we took more time they may have been higher quality. After editing and ordering the shots they came together nicely and im happy with the result.
  • 36. adding other footage and clips • I wanted to include lots of footage from interviews and strikes that I couldn’t get myself so I looked online and found clips from the bbc I could use in my video and edited them to fit in with my video. • My video is now beginning to show some structure, I have a opening and put together some sections so all I need now is my animation and over voice. Unfortunately I need to do my over voice last to make sure it fits in time with what is shown on the screen and other audio in the video. I plan to record my over voice on my phone as the quality is good and I can be more flexible without the stress if booking kit. I also plan to do the over voice myself as I don’t know anyone else available or appropriate.
  • 37. preparing props for animation • Today I found all the recourses I would need to animate and printed out all the writing and pictures. Originally I wanted to do my own drawings and writing but I didn’t have the time and felt it would look neater and more professional this way. I think I should of prepared this stuff before production as its time consuming and has held me back on animating. • I tried to find a font and images that matched the style and aesthetic I had originally planned and looked for black and white line drawings so that hopefully it still works with my video.
  • 38. animation • Today I began animating. First of all ii had to set up, I used a ‘’ and attached a phone clamp to it. Next I had to position my camera on the clamp at the correct height and angle to film. I wanted it to appear flat so I tried to get a birds eye view but struggled with getting my lighting in the right place and evenly across my background. We tried different lights and lots of different angles until eventually we found one that looked alright. As the light had to be to one side of my phone it meant the lighting was always brighter on one side. To try and help spread the light, we used clean whiteboards to help bounce the light across the space. Once I was happy with the set up, I began filming.
  • 39. animating When I started, I played around with animating styles, weather I wanted it to be neat and smooth or scruffy and always moving and then I tried having my hands in the animation as well. I found this looked cool ad I felt like it fitted well with my video.
  • 41. e v a l u a t i o n To evaluate: • Research • audience • Planning • Product • Technical • Aesthetic
  • 42. research • I think overall my research was good and helpful although I could of done a lot more. I think my subject research was strong and lots of the information I found contributed a lot to my final product and gave me a better understanding of the problems I was going to address in my video. I also thing my primary audience research was thorough and gave me a clear pcture of who my target audience was however I struggled with my secondary audience research but I felt as myself and my friends are my target audience I had enough knowlage from my primary research alone. I feel like my research to existing products really interesting and it opend me up to lots of new ideas and perspectives. It was helpful for my development and defiantly contributed to my final product. After doing this research I found clips on youtube going over basic animation planing techniques and styles so I then began a couple of experiments to give me an idea of time management, style and if it would work for my video and I feel after my experiments I felt positive as stop animation is a new area for me to learning how to use the app to record was really helpful in developing key technichal skills and preparing me for production. • If I had more time I would of liked to do more in depth research so I was better prepared for production.
  • 43. a u d i e n c e
  • 44. p l a n n i n g
  • 45. p r o d u c t
  • 46. t e c h n i c a l
  • 47. a e s t h e t i c
  • 48. B i b l i o g r a p h y - guidelines/ - For information on air pollution in York 22/9/2019 (slide 8) - - air quality forecast in York 22/9/2019 15:21 (slide 8) young-climate-activists-around-world -the guardian- 3/10/2019 morrisons-in-york-on-national-refill-day/ York press- 3/10/2019 items-that-take-the-longest-to-decompose/ time-for-a-clean-up/