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Unit 10 Assignment
Genre 1 Action
Terminator 2 is a movie which is between Sci Fi and action this is simply because the in The
Terminator both the terminator and the terminator villain are time travers. This is an
example of a genre hybrid, where codes and conventions of two genres are combined. This
could be seen as an example of how critic Steve Neale suggests genres are constantly
Coming from different time to protect or kill Sarah Connor which the mother of John Connor
Some of the conventions that make it as a recognizable as a science fiction filmare the use
of cyborgs/robots and scenes and timelines which are set in the future.
The very popular quote from the terminator ‘I’ll be back.’ Shows that the terminator is a
monster that will not die and it doesn’t feel pain cold heard if so no heard still not sure what
you mean here Dan at all. This also can show Horror conventions because the terminator is
shown as a monster that doesn’t care about pain or anyone he is there to complete his
The way the scientific is shown in the Terminator is because the villain
are time travellers from the future. The audience know this by the dialog and the way the
scenes is shown that the terminators are cyborg.
In the terminator time traveling is significant to the plot as the protagonist and the
antagonist do travel back and forth they stay in that time line until they completed the
mission which is again saving or killing Sarah Connor. I would say time travel is still pretty
significant to the plot though, given the whole filmcentres around characters travelling
Terminator uses a non-liner narrative because the movies start as the future where the
metal bodies of the robots are crushing the human skulls which again could mean that the
judgment day has already happened and that Skynet is self-aware however then it flashes
back to the present time where the first terminator arrives.
This differs from other Science fiction films that do use time traveling but they overused it in
one movie. Others have the characters going to the future past and present. The
terminators differ from that because in one filmthey only travel ones. For example, Back to
the future trilogy where the protagonist travels from 1985 to 1955 to 2015 to 1855. This is
only possible in science fiction movies as it allows the characters have adventures in
different timelines.
Cyborgs are science fiction convention which do not exist in the present They are robots
that appear human. But under their skin they have a metal endoskeleton. This metal
endoskeleton helps the film conform to genre expectations of the horror and action film.
The filmshows the mise en scene is shown trough the way props are used in the movie itself
such as guns and makeup the fake blood and scars and the use if special effects showing the
metal skeleton of the robots and that the way that they are looking they are playing very
Sirius and that they aren’t really smiling.
audience link the weaponry and killing and murdering and swearing car chases all this
mover are associated with action genre. The way the actions act surprise the audience with
their performance
The terminator however is also invincible because it can survive gun scenes. It also means
that the villain keeps rising after it appears to have been killed. This makes it similar to the
slasher films the endoskeleton signifies how hard if for humans to resist against the
machines. And the red eyes behind the skin of terminator and the gritted teeth makes It
look angry and determined. This is achieved with SfX which is a further characteristic of both
action and sci-fi as they try to make the films spectacular and different to what we expect in
a ‘normal’ world
The editing also helps the audience to understand the genre. For the action moments such
as car chases and fights the music speeds up . The synth of sounds futuristic and a high-
pitched string. The way the terminator is represented makes the audience think of what
would happened to Sarah Connor as she is his prey the audience are forced to worry about
Sarah’s safety. Also the terminator is shot from low angle to show that he is dominant. This
is common used in movies because it represents heroes and Villains.
The Terminator fancies are structured so we see the hero and the villain at first so we create
a image of who is bad and who is good as they are introduced differently from each other
and also it makes sure that they set them up binary opposite. The conflict between the two
terminators is that the T800 Is trying to protect John Connor from the opposite T1000 It
might look human, but it’s made from metal therefore it’s hard to kill it has no feelings and
his programing is to destroy humans. The action films are often structured around a series
of confrontations and set-pieces. The audience want to see stunts action and fighting and so
conversation’s and dialog are scattered through the film between big action moments.
In the Terminator 2 Arnold Schwarzenegger is shown as the good one where the T1000 is
shown as the evil as he is trying to hunt down John Connor but the show of oppositions is
that the T800 is there to protect from the bad which is the T1000 this is how’s the
oppositions in the terminator are shown.
Todorovs says that the stories ? with an equilibrium in Terminator everything is equilibrium
because everything is balanced and normal until we see the very first terminator this is
when the movie and the hole equilibrium part changes which is the disrupted event with
the terminators arriving the two machines fight each other one to protect one to kill
everything is restored towards the end as the terminator kills the other terminator which is
the T1000 and he sacrifices himself which restores the balance in humanity and at the
certain moment.
The cyborg body is created to shown and represent a cold and no fillings body a body which
operates under a systemno feelings no fear nothing just a machine. It Also raises a lot of
questions about our technology today. It makes us try to explore the technology we have
our days the relationship between humanity and the technology this makes the film to have
a sort of philosophical take on the science fiction trappings. In the terminator the view point
of the movie is that the machines are dangerous and they do make a stand out of the
normal day in and out the cyborgs are shown as strong and powerful than any man in the
The filmdoes set up a action convention right from the start we have the hero Kyle Reese
and he’ll be battling against the terminator itself. As these two clash it’s action packed
sequence after action packed.
We have a shoot-out in a police station a final chase through a factory and the flashbacks to
operations in a future war.
The terminator subverts the expectations of the rime and crime and action in the film itself.
The terminator drives a police car in one car chase. These means that the opposite
terminator is driving a symbol of law and order. Usually the police is symbol for good in a
action films and the way the police car is being use suggests that the T-100 is the new
symbol of order. This is taken further in the sequel as the T-1000 villain morphs into a figure
of a cop throughout the film. Terminator also subverts expectations and adapts to reflect
more modern representations of women than were present in many of the scientific movies
during 1950s.
Genre 1 movie 2
Characters Bruce Willis is strong brave protective he looks hard and brave which makes
likable to look like the hero also the film doesn’t have to start serious straight away as a
serious peace the character can make funny or witty comments to give the filmsome
Mise-en-scene Costumes in action films usually the damsel in distress can fairy wear nice
and good looking clothing such as suit or good lucking shoes trying to look stylish
In most action movies heroes have selection of suits and costumes to wear the wiredraw is
very expanded when it comes to action movies. In action movies the character can wear on
time a very expensive looking suit and the next moment they wear rough looking clothes
perhaps after a fight. The villain usually wears similar the same clothes but a bit darker
perfect example from the DIE HARD when the terrorist Hans Grubber (Alan Rickman)
shows up we can straight away notice the similar clothes but they are more dim and dark
which is a way of showing the villain. Hans Grubber is also a very successful with what he is
doing which is robbing and terrorism and that is protected trough his costume and the way
he speaks.
Science fiction is a very big genre. In the Terminator 2 the filmhas many sub-genres to fall
back on because the filmis difficult to categorize within the same generic conventions. The
sub-genres that are usually emerged are, dystopia, invasion and visitation opera time travel
fantastic worlds science out of control comedy war action and romance. The sub-genre
dystopia is a society vision of the world in the future where is it very bleak and dismal. The
World is out of control and has no law. The protagonist is seen as unwilling anti heroes
Makeup The here will have quite natural makeup as a part of a movie the character should
have the make up so it looks like everything is in order but however when the scenes
change the makeup also changes depending on the scene the props in action movies both
die hard and terminator use the guns knives, fast cars blingy, jewellery.
Car chasing and Is usually made in busy streets in big cities depending on the chase there
might be a boat chasing
In a action film the lighting is very important lighting in the moat action movies is natural as
the setting is mostly outside but if the movies decides to show the audience the villains his
or her house in the movie could be the low key lighting this suggests the sinister feeling
about the certain situation linking back to the terminator where the stunt?
This particular images uses a high key lighting also a natural light as well because they want
you to see what’s happening in this particular scene and for the Die Hard when the
characters switch between Bruce and Alan the lighting switches because the characters
switch and for the Terrorist part it shows the character in darker and more dim lighting so it
creates the atmosphere. It’s often conventional for action genre to have special effect so
the audience to be interested making sure that people can see the characters because it
wouldn’t make sense to make all these special effects and for the audience not to being
able to make it out.
The actor in Die Hard Bruce Willis has quite domination language which makes him more
confident to talk to others as the movie goes he can be sometimes calm and quiet but from
time to times he could be very aggressive especially when he speaks to Hans Gruber for the
first time and it was aggressive conversation between them two. In Die-hard the beginning
Bruce looks all alright with some natural makeup and toward the end of the movie he looks
all bloody this shows that the makeup changes depending on the situation the use of blood
is a convention especially if it’s an action film because action films use blood. Also the type
of actors they cast Bruce Willis is in the movie because he is suitable for an action movie.
In Die Hard there is use of weapons money and wealth shows that Hans Gruber is
professional at what he is doing. This shows that Hans Grubber knows at how he is capable
of doing his work Bruce Willis is one of the many characters which save the day by doing
good this filmis a perfect example of good vs evil just like the terminator T-800 vs T-1000
the way good and the bad are shown john McLane is shown as the good character and Hans
is shown as the bad character in the film. The main villain Hans grubber also follows typical
convention. His choice in expensive suits and extensive education make him appear smarter
and more powerful than McLane, making it seempossible it seems possible that he could in
fact mastermind such as the that unfolds in the film. He is also of a German nationality
which, in recent history has always been the archetypal race for villains perhaps with the
Russians both of which have been in wars with American in the last 70 yeas.
The cinematography is also typical of the action/adventure genre. Shots are assembled
using quick jump cuts to give a sense of pace and action. helps improve the quick action
moves and also is making sure that the audience appreciate the fast moving pace. The way
the editing is used to switch between scenes to show pace and action. Close ups are also
used to not only to show emotions on the faces but also to pinpoint specific pieces of action
or to highlight details the viewer needs to remember.
The mise-en-scene is also typical of the genre. The antagonist wears an expensive suit and
the villains all carry guns and devices intended to harm. Low-key lighting Is used in the
action scenes to ass a sense of dramatic tension and atmosphere and it used often on the
villains to represent the dark/bad side of the film.
According to Vladimir Propp there are only eight broad characters types within a narrative
structure the here who reacts to the donor and there is the villain who struggles against the
hero the helper who directs and assists the here, the princess who often needs saving her
father the dispatcher who sends the hero on their quest and the false hero who takes
Within Die Hard the heroes John McLane the trusted with overpowering the robbers and
saving the hostages and his wife.
Villains Hans Grubber and his gang entering the building and trying to take control of the
building and holding the Nakatomi Building hostage while robbing the vault.
Helpers Argyle and sgtai powell help McLane’s throughout the film with Powell offering
advice over advice/help over the radio communicator.
Holly McLane which is held by hostage which makes John McLane try to safe his wife and
also he is trying to save the people in the building and his wife.
False Heroes In die-hard the false hero Harry Ellis is trying to make a deal with the German
terrorist Hans Grubber he is trying to get McLane to surrender in offer everyone to be safe.
While the building is on a lock down and the police is outside.
Die hard is an example of liner cause effect film as it centres on how McLane react to the
events created by Grubber. Evidence is when Grubber realizes that McLane doesn’t have
shoes and he takes advance of the fact that there is windows around so he shoots the glass
which makes it shatter to pieces making McLane to go through the glass on bear feet. This
makes it near impossible for McClane near impossible to move. When McClane kills the first
terrorist and sends the body to Hans Grubber he quickly realizes that there is a hero which is
capable of killing and ruing his future moves. Another example is when McClane and
Grubber meet for the first time on the roof and Grubber thinks fasts to pretend that he is
one of the hostages he quickly gains McLane’s trust he then is given a gun by McClane.
Grubber attempts to shoot McClane in the back but then he quickly to find out that the clip
is empty and McClane has tricked him. The narrative is driven by the constant gunmanship
until McClane gets the definitive upper hand at the end of the film. By finally eliminating the
Hans Grubber by dropping him out of the building.
Genre 2
Science Fiction
Back to the future
Back to the future Includes Advanced technology time travel
Time travel is the main theme for Sci fi movies
On the first viewing the audience may not recognize the significance of the element but as
the movies goes further we start to recognize the clever links between thru past and the
future used through the film. They set the theme during the opening scene and help the
viewer appreciate the varied settings as well as understand how the story can change from
1985to 1955.
Following Todorov’s theory
Marty is in 1985, he spends to long getting ready and he is late for school. In the film he is
shown as a typical school boy. When Marty goes to the wrong time zone which is 1955 his
parents are still at school, which would have been equilibrium for them.
When Marty realizes he has changed history because his mother falls in love with himself
instead of his dad this creates the mystery and makes him solve it so he is able to go back to
the future.
Doc brown discovers that the thunderstorms lightening will generate enough power to get
Marty and his time machine back to the future
Back to the future doesn’t really support the props theory because the reason for it there is
a very small amount of character’s
Hero-Marty also known as the main character also makes the parents fall in love.
Dispatcher, donor and father Doc brown gives the hero Marty a quest/mission to complete
as. He realizes that Marty must go back to the future he is much cleverer and older than
Marty making him father like figure he also helps Marty with the time machine which makes
him the donor.
Princess Marty’s mother
Helper- Marty’s mam and dad which are technically the only two character’s which save his
existence back in the future.
The Villain Biff who is a bully toward Marty’s father in 1955 and 1985 he chases them trout
the different time zones.
It also could be turned and links up with the Terminator very good in a way Humanity Vs
Technology in the Back to the future Doc and Marty rely on the time machine
Terminator its Cyborg killer vs Humanity which is quite the same because both of the film
props because one is killing and the other is helping to go back in time.
There is also a bit of false defeat They know the exact time the lightings going to come,
they’ve won. It’s not really a victory after all, Marty’s messed up his relationships and if he
doesn’t fix it he would never exist
The turning point in back to the future is when Marty realizes that he needs to do more
than just get back to the future he needs to make sure his parents fall in love again and if he
doesn’t his brother and sister will never be born. And neither will he.
There is already clicking clocks but now there is 2 of them. He has to make it to the town
square before the lighting strikes so he can get back but the good thing about it this time is
that he knows what he is doing. The setting changes we go from trying to get the time
machine to work to the dance.
The fact that Marty is back in the past and actually makes his mum fall in love with him but
he needs to fix this because otherwise he wouldn’t exist.
The theme is that Marty learns the importance of family. And help his father learns to stick
for himself.
The week part is that Marty doesn’t really change over the course of the filmhe doesn’t
really develop of a character.
In back to the future the DeLorean is a prop which play a very important job in the cycle it’s
the main prop that they use to go back in time. One of the iconic scene from the ending of
the Back to the future is when Doc Brown says one of the best lines in my opinion Where
are we going we don’t need the roads. Specifically, when taken apart a particular frame
showing all three characters Doc Brown, Marty McFly and Jenifer parker squeezed together
into the DeLorean just before being propelled to the future and prepare the audience for
the next set of series.
The DeLorean is a soupier car for back in the day it also stands out of other cars s
All of these elements serve two purpose within the film. First they create a well composed
image that is pleasant to look at. Second, they reinforce characterization and plot motivates
subtly directing the audience to the desired interpretation of events whether they know it
or not. The Denouement is that Marty’s life has changed and now he lives happier with his
loved one they all fly to the new adventure in the future.
Another turning point is where Marty is trying to flee the terrorists by jumping in the car
and takes off. This is a very strong turning point soon as he hits the 88miles per hour he
disappears he is just a regular kid throughout the first act right up until he jumps in the car.
ET: The Extra-Terrestrial
In the movie Et is a sci fi movie which doesn’t include time travel the Mise en scene the way
mankind is introduced is loud such as disruptive and disrespectful to the nature itself.
ET is drawn to the town to humanity the aliens heard glow when they hear an Owls hoot to
warn/check that the group is okay, it is clear that they are family.
The design of ET is similar to that of a toddler, the waddle the small round body and large
emotive blue eyes this promotes a material response in the audience.
ET also delicately digs up a plant while being watched by a bunny showing us that he is not a
threat and respects our world, the bunny isn’t afraid of the alien so why should we be. It is
only interested in the plant and how to bring it back to life as he has the capability of doing
At the start of the narrative the family is broken Elliot wants to btw with his father and Mary
his mother is struggling to cope with her three children, the mise en scene of the house is
chaotic and cramped but loving and full of toys and trappings of 80s consumerism. In the
movie Elliot’s adventure brings the family together and makes him look more mature as he
has to look after his own pet/child.
The role of women within this film is that of side lined minority men boys drive the action
and female characters there is only two seen as an annoyance or an obstacle to be
The movie can perhaps show positive feedback on the future as there is an example that if
an alien lands on earth people wouldn’t try to kill it instead in the film they show that
people will try to become friends with the alien perhaps doing the opposite of killing it. This
is a very good comparison with Paul which is another friendly alien which doesn’t get hunt
and killed instead he meets these 2 people in a camper van and thy become close him and
trust it even though its not from our world.
Cross dissolves are used to imply the passing of time as the aliens gather samples of plant
The part of the final scene there is a part of rapid editing as ET dies connotes the sadness
and confusion of a child confronting death for the first time. Spielberg uses a series of closer
and closer shots of Elliot’s panic and fear
Sound the sound in the opening scene
The music starts with a clear flute a curios innocent sound against the backdrop of stars as
seen from Earth. It connotes hope purity and wonder.
The sound of the forests such as crickets and owls are enhanced to demonstrate the
connection with the nature. the movie begins with a strong sense of fear and dread Steven
Spielberg uses horror in all of his films surprisingly in every film he has made so far. This is
an extended length of darkens as a alien ship lands on earth. The alien then finds himself in
a backyard in the Californian household where a middle child of a broken home notices the
alien and this how Ed was discovered.
Film Theory Lighting scoring sound and set design use of color shot composition and editing.
Also, the lighting and the back also showing shadowing and the silhouette. Also use of
technology at the end where the alien ship lands to collect ET showing that if the aliens
wanted to invade humanity, they wouldn’t of being as friendly as they are.
This movie doesn’t really follow the typical convention which is other species or form of life
coming to earth and trying to invade it this is simply an alien landing in the wrong place at
the wrong time but meeting the right people and Halloween is exactly the only opportunity
to look around as every one would think it’s a kid in a mask/costume.
Heavy use if enigma codes in the opening scenes of the film Hollywood Narrative is what
people are calling them sometimes they say that Hollywood narrative conventions are used
especially in these kind of film. There are clear Binary Opposites Youth Vs Authority for
The use of special effects making it stand out and unique from others the edits used to show
and describe the edits and introduce the alien to the viewers. This is shown in the Sci Fi
films as they are the films with /time traveling or anything to with time.
How does this film link to the genre? The way the codes and conventions are used to link
with the genre is to impart lessons about empathy and alienation as on the movie the first
movie to meet the alien is Elliot then after him there’s everyone else who eventually get to
meet the alien. Sometimes the scif fi films to hint the unfamiliar or unknown presents of
creature not from earth but from elsewhere they’d very well focus on how to show trout
the movie.
The way they introduce the alien trout the lighting shows that it’s not very common thing to
do in films and the alienation is shown trout the boy and the alien they are both shown as
the Protagonist in this film.
ET appeals to a wide range of viewers because of its story and themes especially its
celebration of youth. Younger viewers identify with Eliot their fellow kid while older
generation viewers what it was like to be a kid way back.
The special effects in die hard are realistic to the one in terminator because the terminator
special effects aren’t as realistic as die hard because there is lasers in the terminator which
doesn’t show as much realismin the film itself however die hard come in with more realistic
style of editing. In die hard the use of customs and dressing isn’t however similar to the
terminator but its not far off either.
Terminator is a SCI FI/ Action film which unfolds in a way that one expects a robot trying to
kill a human showing the good vs evil straight away. Terminator goes for the murder straight
away as his mission is to end John Connors life which makes him the main Protagonist at the
same time.
This is similar to die hard when John McClane shows his weapon to the person in the plane
and saying don’t worry I’m a cop showing instantly that he works for the authority’s and
that he is immediately shown as the good person.
Hybrid is prone to human frailties when it comes to trauma as Marcus capable of being
knocked unconscious and suffered the psychological effect of damage as well as pain. A
Hybrid also possessed a pulse that can be felt and read in the dam manner as a human.
Die hard is realistic because it shot in more realistic because it has more realistic features it
doesn’t have cyborgs walking around and killing people where die hard is more within
realismbecause it has a real shooting with guns and the structure of die-hard is just more
realistic than the terminator there isn’t any teleporting or changing the time line in any sort
of way. This impacts on the audience as both movies are different but the same in a way
dies hard doesn’t have the special effects the terminator does but the fact that die hard is
missing those special effects fit the genre perfectly because it isn’t the same as terminator
die hard isn’t trying to change everyone’s time line like the terminator does. Both films use
similar dressing but they aren’t exactly the same in die-hard the terrorists are dressed with
expensive clothing where the terminator the terminator is the only person with different
clothes everyone else who isn’t in the main frame all the times wares something else.
Terminator also differs from die hard in a big way like I said there isn’t cyborgs robots
attacking the whole world and there isn’t a resistance in die hard well there is in a way but it
isn’t as big as the one on the terminator the resistance in die hard is the fact that people are
trying to resist the terrorists and one of the main protagonist John McClane is one of the
people who manages to resist the terrorist attack by getting polices attention from isolated
building. He manages to outsmart the terrorists this is kind of similar to Die hard as humans
outsmart the robots and destroy Skynet. This is good vs bad narrative which backs up the
similarity between the 2 movies.
Terminator uses time travel and back to the future does as well both films use the time
travel to changed humanity in terminator the terminator is trying to erase the humanity
where back to the future is trying to change one timeline and that’s martyrs where the
terminator travels time to perhaps finish something unfinished or something that no one
has ever attempted to and that’s to destroy humanity. In the terminator the protagonist are
struggling to prevent a nuclear holocaust before it happens on the basis there is no fate but
what we make.
Doc Brown states that The future has not been written so make it a good one at the end of
part 3
The mission of the terminator is to murder a young woman in order to stop her from having
a baby boy who will grow up and be the leader of the resistance and hep destroy Skynet.
The mission of Mart McFly is to ensure his parents fall in love in order to get married and
have issue that will ensure his own birth. This supports Vladimir prop suggests that every
narrative has eight different character types these character types are The villain fights the
hero in some way. Her father gives the task to the hero identifies the false hero and marries
the hero often south for during the narrative. Both stories have quest narrative for example,
the terminator takes place in a ravaged darkness. Abandoned buildings crumble from across
the horizon and childless playgrounds rust from neglect. Death runs rampant here and the
skull of human victims litter the streetways like cobblestones.
Both films involve attack in them and in both films life’s of civilians are in danger as in Die-
hard the fact that there is a terrorist attack which have resulted life’s to be taken out in the
scenes as the people don’t listen to the terrorists and for them to stand their territory they
shoot a civilian which causes people to think twice to what they are doing and also proves
that the terrorists aren’t joking around.
In the terminator this is similar as the terminator kills anyone who is on his way or trying to
stop him from finishing his mission. This is similar to die hard as the terrorists have solid
plan of how they will enter the building and exit it with enough time and organization.
This could impact on audience because in die hard people will realize what a solid plan is
and what can the outcome be from that solid plan the fact that they were almost
And for the terminator people could perhaps understand the perks of been a robot and that
you can’t die no matter how many times you get shot.
The part where the resistance outsmarts the robots and defeats Skynet for the good of
humanity. This is similar for when Hands Groober shoots the glass because he knows that
McLane has no shoes and he shoots the glass which limits his actions on how to escape but
McClane is harder then we think he goes through the glass either way.
Back to the future also supports Todorovs theory as it’s a sci fi movie for example Marty is in
1985, he spends to long getting ready and is late for school. He is presented as a typical
school boy Also when he goes into the wrong time 1955 his parents are at school, which
would have been equilibrium for them
In Die-hard The main villain, Hans grubber also follows typical conventions. His choice in
expensive suits and extensive education make him appear smarter and more powerful than
McLane, making it seem possible that he could in fact mastermind such a scheme as the one
that unfolds in the film. He is also of German nationality which in recent history, has always
been the archetypal race for villains perhaps also with the Russians both of which have been
in wars with American in the last 70 years.

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  • 1. Unit 10 Assignment Genre 1 Action Terminator Terminator 2 is a movie which is between Sci Fi and action this is simply because the in The Terminator both the terminator and the terminator villain are time travers. This is an example of a genre hybrid, where codes and conventions of two genres are combined. This could be seen as an example of how critic Steve Neale suggests genres are constantly evolving. Coming from different time to protect or kill Sarah Connor which the mother of John Connor Some of the conventions that make it as a recognizable as a science fiction filmare the use of cyborgs/robots and scenes and timelines which are set in the future. The very popular quote from the terminator ‘I’ll be back.’ Shows that the terminator is a monster that will not die and it doesn’t feel pain cold heard if so no heard still not sure what you mean here Dan at all. This also can show Horror conventions because the terminator is shown as a monster that doesn’t care about pain or anyone he is there to complete his mission. The way the scientific is shown in the Terminator is because the villain are time travellers from the future. The audience know this by the dialog and the way the scenes is shown that the terminators are cyborg. In the terminator time traveling is significant to the plot as the protagonist and the antagonist do travel back and forth they stay in that time line until they completed the mission which is again saving or killing Sarah Connor. I would say time travel is still pretty significant to the plot though, given the whole filmcentres around characters travelling
  • 2. Terminator uses a non-liner narrative because the movies start as the future where the metal bodies of the robots are crushing the human skulls which again could mean that the judgment day has already happened and that Skynet is self-aware however then it flashes back to the present time where the first terminator arrives. This differs from other Science fiction films that do use time traveling but they overused it in one movie. Others have the characters going to the future past and present. The terminators differ from that because in one filmthey only travel ones. For example, Back to the future trilogy where the protagonist travels from 1985 to 1955 to 2015 to 1855. This is only possible in science fiction movies as it allows the characters have adventures in different timelines. Cyborgs are science fiction convention which do not exist in the present They are robots that appear human. But under their skin they have a metal endoskeleton. This metal endoskeleton helps the film conform to genre expectations of the horror and action film. The filmshows the mise en scene is shown trough the way props are used in the movie itself such as guns and makeup the fake blood and scars and the use if special effects showing the metal skeleton of the robots and that the way that they are looking they are playing very Sirius and that they aren’t really smiling. The audience link the weaponry and killing and murdering and swearing car chases all this mover are associated with action genre. The way the actions act surprise the audience with their performance The terminator however is also invincible because it can survive gun scenes. It also means that the villain keeps rising after it appears to have been killed. This makes it similar to the slasher films the endoskeleton signifies how hard if for humans to resist against the machines. And the red eyes behind the skin of terminator and the gritted teeth makes It look angry and determined. This is achieved with SfX which is a further characteristic of both action and sci-fi as they try to make the films spectacular and different to what we expect in a ‘normal’ world
  • 3. The editing also helps the audience to understand the genre. For the action moments such as car chases and fights the music speeds up . The synth of sounds futuristic and a high- pitched string. The way the terminator is represented makes the audience think of what would happened to Sarah Connor as she is his prey the audience are forced to worry about
  • 4. Sarah’s safety. Also the terminator is shot from low angle to show that he is dominant. This is common used in movies because it represents heroes and Villains. The Terminator fancies are structured so we see the hero and the villain at first so we create a image of who is bad and who is good as they are introduced differently from each other and also it makes sure that they set them up binary opposite. The conflict between the two terminators is that the T800 Is trying to protect John Connor from the opposite T1000 It might look human, but it’s made from metal therefore it’s hard to kill it has no feelings and his programing is to destroy humans. The action films are often structured around a series of confrontations and set-pieces. The audience want to see stunts action and fighting and so conversation’s and dialog are scattered through the film between big action moments. In the Terminator 2 Arnold Schwarzenegger is shown as the good one where the T1000 is shown as the evil as he is trying to hunt down John Connor but the show of oppositions is that the T800 is there to protect from the bad which is the T1000 this is how’s the oppositions in the terminator are shown. Todorovs says that the stories ? with an equilibrium in Terminator everything is equilibrium because everything is balanced and normal until we see the very first terminator this is when the movie and the hole equilibrium part changes which is the disrupted event with the terminators arriving the two machines fight each other one to protect one to kill everything is restored towards the end as the terminator kills the other terminator which is the T1000 and he sacrifices himself which restores the balance in humanity and at the certain moment. The cyborg body is created to shown and represent a cold and no fillings body a body which operates under a systemno feelings no fear nothing just a machine. It Also raises a lot of questions about our technology today. It makes us try to explore the technology we have our days the relationship between humanity and the technology this makes the film to have a sort of philosophical take on the science fiction trappings. In the terminator the view point of the movie is that the machines are dangerous and they do make a stand out of the normal day in and out the cyborgs are shown as strong and powerful than any man in the world. The filmdoes set up a action convention right from the start we have the hero Kyle Reese and he’ll be battling against the terminator itself. As these two clash it’s action packed sequence after action packed. We have a shoot-out in a police station a final chase through a factory and the flashbacks to operations in a future war. The terminator subverts the expectations of the rime and crime and action in the film itself. The terminator drives a police car in one car chase. These means that the opposite terminator is driving a symbol of law and order. Usually the police is symbol for good in a action films and the way the police car is being use suggests that the T-100 is the new
  • 5. symbol of order. This is taken further in the sequel as the T-1000 villain morphs into a figure of a cop throughout the film. Terminator also subverts expectations and adapts to reflect more modern representations of women than were present in many of the scientific movies during 1950s. Genre 1 movie 2 DIE HARD Characters Bruce Willis is strong brave protective he looks hard and brave which makes likable to look like the hero also the film doesn’t have to start serious straight away as a serious peace the character can make funny or witty comments to give the filmsome humour. Mise-en-scene Costumes in action films usually the damsel in distress can fairy wear nice and good looking clothing such as suit or good lucking shoes trying to look stylish In most action movies heroes have selection of suits and costumes to wear the wiredraw is very expanded when it comes to action movies. In action movies the character can wear on time a very expensive looking suit and the next moment they wear rough looking clothes perhaps after a fight. The villain usually wears similar the same clothes but a bit darker perfect example from the DIE HARD when the terrorist Hans Grubber (Alan Rickman) shows up we can straight away notice the similar clothes but they are more dim and dark which is a way of showing the villain. Hans Grubber is also a very successful with what he is doing which is robbing and terrorism and that is protected trough his costume and the way he speaks. Science fiction is a very big genre. In the Terminator 2 the filmhas many sub-genres to fall back on because the filmis difficult to categorize within the same generic conventions. The sub-genres that are usually emerged are, dystopia, invasion and visitation opera time travel fantastic worlds science out of control comedy war action and romance. The sub-genre dystopia is a society vision of the world in the future where is it very bleak and dismal. The World is out of control and has no law. The protagonist is seen as unwilling anti heroes Makeup The here will have quite natural makeup as a part of a movie the character should have the make up so it looks like everything is in order but however when the scenes change the makeup also changes depending on the scene the props in action movies both die hard and terminator use the guns knives, fast cars blingy, jewellery. Car chasing and Is usually made in busy streets in big cities depending on the chase there might be a boat chasing In a action film the lighting is very important lighting in the moat action movies is natural as the setting is mostly outside but if the movies decides to show the audience the villains his or her house in the movie could be the low key lighting this suggests the sinister feeling about the certain situation linking back to the terminator where the stunt?
  • 6. This particular images uses a high key lighting also a natural light as well because they want you to see what’s happening in this particular scene and for the Die Hard when the characters switch between Bruce and Alan the lighting switches because the characters switch and for the Terrorist part it shows the character in darker and more dim lighting so it creates the atmosphere. It’s often conventional for action genre to have special effect so the audience to be interested making sure that people can see the characters because it wouldn’t make sense to make all these special effects and for the audience not to being able to make it out. The actor in Die Hard Bruce Willis has quite domination language which makes him more confident to talk to others as the movie goes he can be sometimes calm and quiet but from time to times he could be very aggressive especially when he speaks to Hans Gruber for the first time and it was aggressive conversation between them two. In Die-hard the beginning Bruce looks all alright with some natural makeup and toward the end of the movie he looks all bloody this shows that the makeup changes depending on the situation the use of blood is a convention especially if it’s an action film because action films use blood. Also the type of actors they cast Bruce Willis is in the movie because he is suitable for an action movie. In Die Hard there is use of weapons money and wealth shows that Hans Gruber is professional at what he is doing. This shows that Hans Grubber knows at how he is capable of doing his work Bruce Willis is one of the many characters which save the day by doing good this filmis a perfect example of good vs evil just like the terminator T-800 vs T-1000 the way good and the bad are shown john McLane is shown as the good character and Hans is shown as the bad character in the film. The main villain Hans grubber also follows typical convention. His choice in expensive suits and extensive education make him appear smarter and more powerful than McLane, making it seempossible it seems possible that he could in fact mastermind such as the that unfolds in the film. He is also of a German nationality which, in recent history has always been the archetypal race for villains perhaps with the Russians both of which have been in wars with American in the last 70 yeas. The cinematography is also typical of the action/adventure genre. Shots are assembled using quick jump cuts to give a sense of pace and action. helps improve the quick action moves and also is making sure that the audience appreciate the fast moving pace. The way the editing is used to switch between scenes to show pace and action. Close ups are also used to not only to show emotions on the faces but also to pinpoint specific pieces of action or to highlight details the viewer needs to remember. The mise-en-scene is also typical of the genre. The antagonist wears an expensive suit and the villains all carry guns and devices intended to harm. Low-key lighting Is used in the action scenes to ass a sense of dramatic tension and atmosphere and it used often on the villains to represent the dark/bad side of the film. According to Vladimir Propp there are only eight broad characters types within a narrative structure the here who reacts to the donor and there is the villain who struggles against the hero the helper who directs and assists the here, the princess who often needs saving her
  • 7. father the dispatcher who sends the hero on their quest and the false hero who takes credit. Within Die Hard the heroes John McLane the trusted with overpowering the robbers and saving the hostages and his wife. Villains Hans Grubber and his gang entering the building and trying to take control of the building and holding the Nakatomi Building hostage while robbing the vault. Helpers Argyle and sgtai powell help McLane’s throughout the film with Powell offering advice over advice/help over the radio communicator. Holly McLane which is held by hostage which makes John McLane try to safe his wife and also he is trying to save the people in the building and his wife. False Heroes In die-hard the false hero Harry Ellis is trying to make a deal with the German terrorist Hans Grubber he is trying to get McLane to surrender in offer everyone to be safe. While the building is on a lock down and the police is outside. Die hard is an example of liner cause effect film as it centres on how McLane react to the events created by Grubber. Evidence is when Grubber realizes that McLane doesn’t have shoes and he takes advance of the fact that there is windows around so he shoots the glass which makes it shatter to pieces making McLane to go through the glass on bear feet. This makes it near impossible for McClane near impossible to move. When McClane kills the first terrorist and sends the body to Hans Grubber he quickly realizes that there is a hero which is capable of killing and ruing his future moves. Another example is when McClane and Grubber meet for the first time on the roof and Grubber thinks fasts to pretend that he is one of the hostages he quickly gains McLane’s trust he then is given a gun by McClane. Grubber attempts to shoot McClane in the back but then he quickly to find out that the clip is empty and McClane has tricked him. The narrative is driven by the constant gunmanship until McClane gets the definitive upper hand at the end of the film. By finally eliminating the Hans Grubber by dropping him out of the building. Genre 2 Science Fiction Back to the future Back to the future Includes Advanced technology time travel Time travel is the main theme for Sci fi movies On the first viewing the audience may not recognize the significance of the element but as the movies goes further we start to recognize the clever links between thru past and the future used through the film. They set the theme during the opening scene and help the viewer appreciate the varied settings as well as understand how the story can change from 1985to 1955. Following Todorov’s theory
  • 8. Marty is in 1985, he spends to long getting ready and he is late for school. In the film he is shown as a typical school boy. When Marty goes to the wrong time zone which is 1955 his parents are still at school, which would have been equilibrium for them. When Marty realizes he has changed history because his mother falls in love with himself instead of his dad this creates the mystery and makes him solve it so he is able to go back to the future. Doc brown discovers that the thunderstorms lightening will generate enough power to get Marty and his time machine back to the future Back to the future doesn’t really support the props theory because the reason for it there is a very small amount of character’s Hero-Marty also known as the main character also makes the parents fall in love. Dispatcher, donor and father Doc brown gives the hero Marty a quest/mission to complete as. He realizes that Marty must go back to the future he is much cleverer and older than Marty making him father like figure he also helps Marty with the time machine which makes him the donor. Princess Marty’s mother Helper- Marty’s mam and dad which are technically the only two character’s which save his existence back in the future. The Villain Biff who is a bully toward Marty’s father in 1955 and 1985 he chases them trout the different time zones. It also could be turned and links up with the Terminator very good in a way Humanity Vs Technology in the Back to the future Doc and Marty rely on the time machine Terminator its Cyborg killer vs Humanity which is quite the same because both of the film props because one is killing and the other is helping to go back in time. There is also a bit of false defeat They know the exact time the lightings going to come, they’ve won. It’s not really a victory after all, Marty’s messed up his relationships and if he doesn’t fix it he would never exist The turning point in back to the future is when Marty realizes that he needs to do more than just get back to the future he needs to make sure his parents fall in love again and if he doesn’t his brother and sister will never be born. And neither will he. There is already clicking clocks but now there is 2 of them. He has to make it to the town square before the lighting strikes so he can get back but the good thing about it this time is that he knows what he is doing. The setting changes we go from trying to get the time machine to work to the dance.
  • 9. The fact that Marty is back in the past and actually makes his mum fall in love with him but he needs to fix this because otherwise he wouldn’t exist. The theme is that Marty learns the importance of family. And help his father learns to stick for himself. The week part is that Marty doesn’t really change over the course of the filmhe doesn’t really develop of a character. In back to the future the DeLorean is a prop which play a very important job in the cycle it’s the main prop that they use to go back in time. One of the iconic scene from the ending of the Back to the future is when Doc Brown says one of the best lines in my opinion Where are we going we don’t need the roads. Specifically, when taken apart a particular frame showing all three characters Doc Brown, Marty McFly and Jenifer parker squeezed together into the DeLorean just before being propelled to the future and prepare the audience for the next set of series. The DeLorean is a soupier car for back in the day it also stands out of other cars s All of these elements serve two purpose within the film. First they create a well composed image that is pleasant to look at. Second, they reinforce characterization and plot motivates subtly directing the audience to the desired interpretation of events whether they know it or not. The Denouement is that Marty’s life has changed and now he lives happier with his loved one they all fly to the new adventure in the future. Another turning point is where Marty is trying to flee the terrorists by jumping in the car and takes off. This is a very strong turning point soon as he hits the 88miles per hour he disappears he is just a regular kid throughout the first act right up until he jumps in the car.
  • 10. ET: The Extra-Terrestrial In the movie Et is a sci fi movie which doesn’t include time travel the Mise en scene the way mankind is introduced is loud such as disruptive and disrespectful to the nature itself. ET is drawn to the town to humanity the aliens heard glow when they hear an Owls hoot to warn/check that the group is okay, it is clear that they are family. The design of ET is similar to that of a toddler, the waddle the small round body and large emotive blue eyes this promotes a material response in the audience. ET also delicately digs up a plant while being watched by a bunny showing us that he is not a threat and respects our world, the bunny isn’t afraid of the alien so why should we be. It is only interested in the plant and how to bring it back to life as he has the capability of doing so. At the start of the narrative the family is broken Elliot wants to btw with his father and Mary his mother is struggling to cope with her three children, the mise en scene of the house is chaotic and cramped but loving and full of toys and trappings of 80s consumerism. In the movie Elliot’s adventure brings the family together and makes him look more mature as he has to look after his own pet/child. Women The role of women within this film is that of side lined minority men boys drive the action and female characters there is only two seen as an annoyance or an obstacle to be overcome.
  • 11. The movie can perhaps show positive feedback on the future as there is an example that if an alien lands on earth people wouldn’t try to kill it instead in the film they show that people will try to become friends with the alien perhaps doing the opposite of killing it. This is a very good comparison with Paul which is another friendly alien which doesn’t get hunt and killed instead he meets these 2 people in a camper van and thy become close him and trust it even though its not from our world. Cross dissolves are used to imply the passing of time as the aliens gather samples of plant life. The part of the final scene there is a part of rapid editing as ET dies connotes the sadness and confusion of a child confronting death for the first time. Spielberg uses a series of closer and closer shots of Elliot’s panic and fear Sound the sound in the opening scene The music starts with a clear flute a curios innocent sound against the backdrop of stars as seen from Earth. It connotes hope purity and wonder. The sound of the forests such as crickets and owls are enhanced to demonstrate the connection with the nature. the movie begins with a strong sense of fear and dread Steven Spielberg uses horror in all of his films surprisingly in every film he has made so far. This is an extended length of darkens as a alien ship lands on earth. The alien then finds himself in a backyard in the Californian household where a middle child of a broken home notices the alien and this how Ed was discovered. Film Theory Lighting scoring sound and set design use of color shot composition and editing. Also, the lighting and the back also showing shadowing and the silhouette. Also use of technology at the end where the alien ship lands to collect ET showing that if the aliens wanted to invade humanity, they wouldn’t of being as friendly as they are. This movie doesn’t really follow the typical convention which is other species or form of life coming to earth and trying to invade it this is simply an alien landing in the wrong place at the wrong time but meeting the right people and Halloween is exactly the only opportunity to look around as every one would think it’s a kid in a mask/costume. Heavy use if enigma codes in the opening scenes of the film Hollywood Narrative is what people are calling them sometimes they say that Hollywood narrative conventions are used especially in these kind of film. There are clear Binary Opposites Youth Vs Authority for example. The use of special effects making it stand out and unique from others the edits used to show and describe the edits and introduce the alien to the viewers. This is shown in the Sci Fi films as they are the films with /time traveling or anything to with time. How does this film link to the genre? The way the codes and conventions are used to link with the genre is to impart lessons about empathy and alienation as on the movie the first movie to meet the alien is Elliot then after him there’s everyone else who eventually get to meet the alien. Sometimes the scif fi films to hint the unfamiliar or unknown presents of creature not from earth but from elsewhere they’d very well focus on how to show trout the movie.
  • 12. The way they introduce the alien trout the lighting shows that it’s not very common thing to do in films and the alienation is shown trout the boy and the alien they are both shown as the Protagonist in this film. ET appeals to a wide range of viewers because of its story and themes especially its celebration of youth. Younger viewers identify with Eliot their fellow kid while older generation viewers what it was like to be a kid way back. The special effects in die hard are realistic to the one in terminator because the terminator special effects aren’t as realistic as die hard because there is lasers in the terminator which doesn’t show as much realismin the film itself however die hard come in with more realistic style of editing. In die hard the use of customs and dressing isn’t however similar to the terminator but its not far off either. Terminator is a SCI FI/ Action film which unfolds in a way that one expects a robot trying to kill a human showing the good vs evil straight away. Terminator goes for the murder straight away as his mission is to end John Connors life which makes him the main Protagonist at the same time. This is similar to die hard when John McClane shows his weapon to the person in the plane and saying don’t worry I’m a cop showing instantly that he works for the authority’s and that he is immediately shown as the good person. Hybrid is prone to human frailties when it comes to trauma as Marcus capable of being knocked unconscious and suffered the psychological effect of damage as well as pain. A Hybrid also possessed a pulse that can be felt and read in the dam manner as a human. Die hard is realistic because it shot in more realistic because it has more realistic features it doesn’t have cyborgs walking around and killing people where die hard is more within realismbecause it has a real shooting with guns and the structure of die-hard is just more realistic than the terminator there isn’t any teleporting or changing the time line in any sort of way. This impacts on the audience as both movies are different but the same in a way dies hard doesn’t have the special effects the terminator does but the fact that die hard is missing those special effects fit the genre perfectly because it isn’t the same as terminator die hard isn’t trying to change everyone’s time line like the terminator does. Both films use similar dressing but they aren’t exactly the same in die-hard the terrorists are dressed with expensive clothing where the terminator the terminator is the only person with different clothes everyone else who isn’t in the main frame all the times wares something else. Terminator also differs from die hard in a big way like I said there isn’t cyborgs robots attacking the whole world and there isn’t a resistance in die hard well there is in a way but it isn’t as big as the one on the terminator the resistance in die hard is the fact that people are trying to resist the terrorists and one of the main protagonist John McClane is one of the
  • 13. people who manages to resist the terrorist attack by getting polices attention from isolated building. He manages to outsmart the terrorists this is kind of similar to Die hard as humans outsmart the robots and destroy Skynet. This is good vs bad narrative which backs up the similarity between the 2 movies. Terminator uses time travel and back to the future does as well both films use the time travel to changed humanity in terminator the terminator is trying to erase the humanity where back to the future is trying to change one timeline and that’s martyrs where the terminator travels time to perhaps finish something unfinished or something that no one has ever attempted to and that’s to destroy humanity. In the terminator the protagonist are struggling to prevent a nuclear holocaust before it happens on the basis there is no fate but what we make. Doc Brown states that The future has not been written so make it a good one at the end of part 3 The mission of the terminator is to murder a young woman in order to stop her from having a baby boy who will grow up and be the leader of the resistance and hep destroy Skynet. The mission of Mart McFly is to ensure his parents fall in love in order to get married and have issue that will ensure his own birth. This supports Vladimir prop suggests that every narrative has eight different character types these character types are The villain fights the hero in some way. Her father gives the task to the hero identifies the false hero and marries the hero often south for during the narrative. Both stories have quest narrative for example, the terminator takes place in a ravaged darkness. Abandoned buildings crumble from across the horizon and childless playgrounds rust from neglect. Death runs rampant here and the skull of human victims litter the streetways like cobblestones. Both films involve attack in them and in both films life’s of civilians are in danger as in Die- hard the fact that there is a terrorist attack which have resulted life’s to be taken out in the scenes as the people don’t listen to the terrorists and for them to stand their territory they shoot a civilian which causes people to think twice to what they are doing and also proves that the terrorists aren’t joking around. In the terminator this is similar as the terminator kills anyone who is on his way or trying to stop him from finishing his mission. This is similar to die hard as the terrorists have solid plan of how they will enter the building and exit it with enough time and organization. This could impact on audience because in die hard people will realize what a solid plan is and what can the outcome be from that solid plan the fact that they were almost unstoppable. And for the terminator people could perhaps understand the perks of been a robot and that you can’t die no matter how many times you get shot.
  • 14. The part where the resistance outsmarts the robots and defeats Skynet for the good of humanity. This is similar for when Hands Groober shoots the glass because he knows that McLane has no shoes and he shoots the glass which limits his actions on how to escape but McClane is harder then we think he goes through the glass either way. Back to the future also supports Todorovs theory as it’s a sci fi movie for example Marty is in 1985, he spends to long getting ready and is late for school. He is presented as a typical school boy Also when he goes into the wrong time 1955 his parents are at school, which would have been equilibrium for them In Die-hard The main villain, Hans grubber also follows typical conventions. His choice in expensive suits and extensive education make him appear smarter and more powerful than McLane, making it seem possible that he could in fact mastermind such a scheme as the one that unfolds in the film. He is also of German nationality which in recent history, has always been the archetypal race for villains perhaps also with the Russians both of which have been in wars with American in the last 70 years.