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Tuition Reimbursement
Employee Benefits:
Tuition Reimbursement Program
Benefits department
(Axia College XCOM–285 wk 7)
This past year here at company X we have had a very profitable year; and it's important that we do
everything that we can to make sure that we maintain this strong progression forward. Now, of
course we have made strong financial strides; and we will continue to improve on the external
factors that have gotten us to this point. However, I feel that it is imperative that we also pay close
attention to the internal factors that will pay dividends for this company in the long run. As many of
you know, it was approved in the budget some time ago to add the employee tuition reimbursement
program. This option would be specifically ... Show more content on ...
In today's ever changing job market, having a degree in business or communications will allow our
employees to compete in a market that is as tough ever. It will give them the ability to think outside
the box, and help keep our company on the cutting edge of thought and financial comparisons to the
other top companies in our field. People with these degrees will be able to work in all types of
fields; from financial analysts, marketing, human resources, CPA's, and accountants. All of which
are available and expanding positions within our company. I can't reiterate enough how important it
is to hire from within. We would no longer have to hire an outside talent that has no idea what we
are trying to achieve and the type of environment we are looking to cultivate. We need to hire an
employee from within who can hit the ground running. We need to be known as a place that treats
its employees like family, where everyone has a name and is not just a number. Finally, it's
important to see the affect this will have on the bottom line of employee salaries. For, when you
bring in new talent, you have to pay them hire salaries on average. As opposed to hiring from within
where promoting someone with little experience in that position will be willing to start off at a lesser
salary, and will be willing to prove their worth over time given the opportunity. This as a whole goes
back to my point of employee appreciation. After all who would want
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Nursing As A Graduate Degree Program
Introduction Nursing as a profession has been one with vast growth in the world. Gone are the days
whereby nurses are not allowed to obtain a doctoral degree in their field (Reid–Pointe & Nicholas,
2015). Per Reid–Pointe & Nicholas (2015), about70–years ago, nurses could only obtain a doctoral
degree in non–nursing field. However, today, nurses have the choice to obtain a doctoral degree with
research focus or practice centered doctoral degree (Reid–Pointe & Nicholas, 2015). The idea that
nurses now have different doctoral options to concentrate on has aid in the assuring adequate
amount of nursing facilities. In addition, the vast doctoral degree programs as caused advancement
in nursing research and leadership in healthcare administration, policy, and practice (Reid–Pointe &
Nicholas, 2015). Theoretical Influences – Significant integration of nursing, and other theoretical
perspectives to guide philosophy According to (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2003), there has been a
large growing agreement with the poor quality of care patients get in the United States (Burman,
Hart, Conley, Brown, Sherard, & Clarke, 2009). In attempt to bridge that gap, the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) responded to IOM by mainly paying closer attention
and addressing the problems with advanced practice nursing (Burman et al., 2009). This was done
by the AANC addressing the current health problems that advanced nurse practitioners deal with on
daily basis (Burman et al.,
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Aptitudes In Agricultural Business
The Agricultural Business major shows understudies the working methods and business aptitudes
utilized as a part of the advanced nourishment and fiber industry. This program assembles
understudy learning and aptitudes expected to oversee little and medium estimated business in
farming and associated enterprises. This is genuine whether the business is straightforwardly
engaged with generation, esteem adds to crude agrarian items, or offers help administrations
including the dissemination, handling, bundling, and advertising of farming items. Earning a
bachelors degree can give enhanced vocation openings in rural business. Many partner's degree
programs are intended to enable understudies to move into a four year college education program. ...
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Second, the major underlines the significance of understanding the hidden specialized procedures
that drive business choices through formal course necessities in the horticultural sciences. The
interface between specialized preparing in rural sciences, financial aspects, and administration
separates this degree. Finishing this program improves understudies' proficient advancement,
specialized ability, critical thinking aptitudes and relational abilities. The program works in the
nexus of business administration, open arrangement, and agribusiness. Solid interdisciplinary
coordination in the office enables majors in rural business to fortify their specialized preparing by at
the same time finishing a moment major in partnered fields including creature science, equine
science, soil and harvest science, horticultural training, specialized news coverage, and different
fields of intrigue. Agribusiness alludes to the matter of cultivating, albeit, strangely, the term isn't
regularly utilized as a part of connection with genuine homesteads. Rather, the term agribusiness
most normally implies an agronomical related business that provisions cultivate inputs, for example,
cultivate hardware and seed
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Dr. Bernadette Melnyk 's ' One Of The Bigger Dreamer Nurse...
One of the bigger dreamer nurse leader is Dr. Bernadette Melnyk who has a dream to improve
people's lives and make a change (Alumni WVU). She has understood that all painful experiences
make her more stronger and well prepared to face any issue ( Mattson, James). According to James
Mattson who is an editor of Reflections on Nursing Leadership that Dr. Bernadette Melnyk prefers
to be called as Bern. Bern is born in1958 and grew up in a Republic small town in Fayette county,
Pennsylvania. She came from a poor lovely family and have one sister and one brother. Her mother
died in front of her when she was 15 years old. At that time, she has suffered a lot. She believed that
the right diagnosed for that difficult event that prevented her form sleeping was the post–traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). Because of that, Valium was prescribed for her by her family primary
physician. However, she took the medication for a one night and decided to not take it again because
she was feeling dizziness during the day. Her father and close friends were good supporter for her
during that painful period. Few years later, she decided to be a nurses in the future because she
volunteered at a hospital as a candy striper during high school. After that experience, she discovered
that she has a passion to care for patients and help them to get better, but her father wouldn 't be able
to pay the tuition for a bachelor's degree. Her father has assured her that he is willing to work extra
hours to pay
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Ernest Just Biography
Ernest Just is one of the most significant biologists in History. Many challenges were thrown at
Ernest throughout his whole life, but he overcame the odds and became one of the most important
biologists to this day. Just pioneered studies in egg fertilization and other zoology studies and
overcame many hardships throughout his life. Ernest Just was born on August 14, 1883, in
Charleston, South Carolina. Just four years later his father, Charles Just, died. In debt, Just's mother
moved to James Island to work in its phosphate mines. Ernest Just left the house at age 17 to find
better educational opportunities in the north. He was inspired to pursue a science education by an
esteemed scientist, Pattern, who specialized in evolution. Just received ... Show more content on ...
Ernest investigated different variables in environmental factors of development. He tested different
variables such as concentrated seawater, temperature, hydration, dehydration, ect. He strove to make
the laboratory as accurate as possible to the original developmental conditions in its natural settings.
What he did in the past is closely related to what we call today, ecological development biology. Just
played a huge role in the studies of fast and slow blocks to polyspermy. He was able to observe
detailed structural changes in an egg's surface during fertilization with just a light microscope. He
proved that it was the "wave of negativity" that prevented fertilization and not envelope separation.
Ernest also studied the "slow block to polyspermy", a mechanical block located in the fertilization
envelope. Just is most famous for his studies and documentation in these two subjects. While at
Woods Hole, Just studied experimental pathogens within eggs. Just's work led a public disagreement
he had with biologist Jacques Loeb. Jacques insisted that humans could tamper with parthenogenesis
and engineer nature to our benefit. The thing Just disagreed the most with about Loeb's stated that an
egg's activation resulted in something happening to the egg. Just
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The Importance Of A Clinical Emphasis Position As An...
I am writing to formally apply for a clinical emphasis position as an advanced practicum student at
DePaul University Counseling Services for the 2016–2017 academic year. Currently, I am
completing my third year of training in the APA–accredited clinical psychology doctoral program at
the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.
I have a strong interest in completing my advanced training at DePaul University's Counseling
Services as it offers intensive training that is unparalleled in the Chicagoland area. In particular, the
student–focused, team–oriented environment is one in which I know I would thrive. I am
particularly excited about the multiple clinical opportunities offered at your site such as individual,
couples, and group psychotherapy. I am additionally interested in the prospect of collaborating with
other departments in the university such as Student Services through outreach and consultation. As a
clinician in training, I am also impressed by your comprehensive and collaborative approach to
supervision. Finally, I am authentically excited about your emphasis on professional development. I
believe being an effective psychologist entails more than just the acquisition of skills and knowledge
– it requires an ongoing integration of foundational knowledge, self–reflection and an integration of
personal and professional identities.
Prior to beginning my current program and clinical training, I worked in the mental health field for
six years. My roles
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Who Is An Education?
Committed to an Education
One of the proudest accomplishments of my life was earning my college degree, the first to do so in
my family, despite the fact that my early adulthood pointed in the opposite direction. Beginning with
my marriage at the age of 19, I lived as one of the "working poor," someone who slipped through
the cracks of supposedly historic prosperity working out a lifelong passion for psychology as a
houseparent in homes for abused children. A few years later, I was a divorced and frustrated single
mother with menial, low–paying jobs: clerk, receptionist, and day–care worker, unable to even
collect child support from my ex–husband, who was still a citizen of India. There is nothing like
wondering if your child's next meal will be there to inspire one with determination toward obtaining
an education. Because of my absolute commitment toward earning my degree, I obtained flexible
shifts at the college and a local day care which enabled me to acquire my degree full–time while
supporting myself and my son financially.
Enrolled at the local community college, I experienced a different world opening up to me; excited
by a new encouraging environment, I excelled academically. I learned that if I tried hard, I could
succeed; if I wanted something badly enough, I possessed the ability to take advantage of these
opportunities. I worked a minimum 35–hour workweek for five years to successfully put myself
through first my A.A. and then my B.A. at Washington University,
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Mary Whiton Calkins Essay
Mary Whiton Calkins
Mary Whiton Calkins, is best known for two things: becoming the first woman president of The
American Psychological Association and being denied her doctorate from Harvard. However, these
two aspects only make up a small portion of what she accomplished in her life. Her entire life was
dedicated to her work, especially the development of her Psychology of selves. She founded an
early psychology laboratory and invented the paired–associate technique. She passionately dove into
the new field of Psychology but also was highly active in the field of Philosophy. She was not
deterred by being a woman and used her struggles to gain a voice to speak out against women's
oppression. (5)
Mary Whiton Calkins ... Show more content on ...
However, she faced two problems meeting this condition. The first, being that there were few
psychology departments in 1890. Secondly, getting admitted to these places that did offer the
program was highly unlikely since she was a woman. Her first consideration was to study abroad.
An instructor at Smith told her that her best chance was to try obtaining "private instruction in
psychology and philosophy at any of the German universities outside of Zurich" (6).
However, another instructor told her that would be a good idea "if ladies had been allowed the same
privileges as men" (6). Calkins formally dismissed going to Germany when she received a letter
from a woman student attending the University of Gottingen which stated, "I wish I might
encourage you; but past experience has proved to me the utter uselessness of trying to enlighten the
authorities, at least, in our generation."
Once Calkins started looking at the United States, she discovered that the University of Michigan,
where she would be studying under John Dewey, and Yale, where she would be studying under G.T.
Ladd, were promising. However, she received a letter from another woman student that dissuaded
her. The letter stated, "Personally, I should be immensely glad if you would come. We might be able
to get some delightful work together...By the way Prof. Ladd thinks you ought to have some lady
with you at the lectures. If there were only one or two other girls who would come to join us, we
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Reasons For Motivation
Prompt: The Doctoral Program is interested in your reasons for pursuing doctoral studies. Please
describe them in an essay ranging from 500–700 words. Include the major field area to which you
are applying (Accounting; Decision, Risk and Operations; Finance and Economics; Management; or
My journey pursuing a PhD in finance and economics has hardly been straightforward: Although I
started my undergraduate education as a film major, I quickly came to appreciate the analytical rigor
found within the discipline. While a film major focuses on artistic storytelling, I developed a
preference for the stories you can tell through a study of economics. While both are undoubtedly
creative, my interest pivoted to this education in ... Show more content on ...
My curiosity drives me in the classroom as well. Not only have I demonstrated success by
graduating with both departmental and school–wide honors studying economics, but I also
supplemented this education with substantive mathematical coursework through Real Analysis and
Differential Equations. Despite the obvious dichotomy between math and the original film major, I
have been most successful in my math classes, exhibiting a perfect record despite the rigor.
However, the real rewards from these courses are illustrated by my comfort and mastery economic
topics that four years ago would have challenged me.
By maturing as both an academic and researcher, I am now able to tackle more intricate topics and
teach them to others. While at Claremont McKenna College, I wrote an honors economics thesis
using Regression Discontinuity Design to analyze incumbency advantage in State Legislatures
around the United States. Additionally, I taught fellow student both at the beginning of their
economic careers as a recitation lecturer at in a 50–person economics lecture, and at the end, by
tutoring seniors in STATA and Econometrics during their theses. Ultimately, I am interested in the
finance and economics because I am primarily interested in the relationship between an economy
and its people. The advantage of this program against that of a purely traditional economics degree
is that it incorporates the financial sector that pervades through every industry. I learned this first
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My Vision As A Psychology Practitioner Scholar
Practitioner–scholar is erudite at the master's level MBA, MS, MA, and certificate level, will
develop theoretical and research strategies to test, analyze resolutions to problems. These scholars
use theoretic and research applications by acquiring information, processing the information, assess
the information and apply and monitor new strategies, or approach to a practical solutions and
determine how to effectively measure the approach. The scholar–practitioner theoretical knowledge
includes the activities of both erudite and Facilitators. My vision as a forensic psychology–scholar
will enable me to use all the required and glean information gain from Capella Universities greatest
facilitators in our specialized field in clinical psychology. My goal is to achieve knowledge needed
to effectively use in my future profession as a family counselor in clinical forensic psychology.
My Vision as a Psychology Practitioner–Scholar
Psychology has always fascinated me, learning about classical conditioning (Ivan Pavlov),
personality the id, ego, and superego (Sigmund Freud), were all interesting subjects in my high
school introduction to psychology class. This subject was very interesting that it planted a desire that
I had never forgotten, the desire of wanting to be a psychologist. The dysfunctional home
environment in which I grew up also played a role in my decision. Although, I presently I hold a BA
in Information Systems, I decided to return to school for my
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The Pros And Cons Of Psychologists Important In Society
1 Psychologists are important in society because they can delve into the human psyche to better
understand why an individual may behave the way they do. People tend to turn to psychologists
when they are having trouble and just want advice and help. I am interested in this career because I
take satisfaction in helping people out and would like to be a positive influence in people's lives.
?? 2 Psychologists observe a patient's behavior in order to comprehend their feelings and emotions
so they can find the proper treatment for them. They do this through analyzing a patient's thoughts
and actions and running tests such as personality tests and intelligence tests (Bureau). 9
Psychologists tend to be people who, of course, have exceptional active listening and counseling
skills. People are going to them in favor of getting help and to talking about what it is that is
bothering them and know how ... Show more content on ...
13 The salary for psychologists in general is not bad at all; the 10th percentile makes about $42k, the
25th makes about $65k, the median pay is $92k, 75th makes $106k, and the 90th percentile makes
approximately 120k nationwide (Occupation). In certain states, such as California where I may or
may not be headed, you can make even more than that. I would stay in Oklahoma but I don't enjoy
living here and the pay isn't as good.*? 14 As for the projected job outlook, there will be a 19.7%
increase in the national outlook with over 63k job openings in the years 2014–2024 (Occupation).
15 A professional organization associated with this occupation is the American Psychological
Association. "APA is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in
the United States, with more than 115,700 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and
students as its members."
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Mary Whiton Calkins : An American Philosopher And...
Mary Whiton Calkins (1863–1930), an American philosopher and psychologist, was a pioneer in the
growing field of psychology. In a time when women were excluded from her profession, and limited
their in education options, she made significant contributions to psychology, especially in the study
of memory, dreams, color–number Association, and the self. Calkins was one of the first women to
receive a Harvard education and qualify for a Ph.D (Women In Psychology). However, Harvard
denied her a Ph.D. because of her gender. Calkins did not let the injustice of society hinder her. She
had a fruitful career and was famous for being the first woman to become president of the APA. This
article will discuss Whiton's humble family beginnings, the ... Show more content on ...
Her father knew that higher education options for women were limited, yet was determined to plan
and supervise Mary 's education. She entered Smith College at 19 with advanced standing as a
sophomore. In 1883, the tragic illness and death of her sister Maude (who was a few months
younger than her) was an experience that permanently influenced her thinking and character.
Calkins spent the following academic year off at home and tutored two of her younger brothers. In
the fall of 1884, she returned Smith College as a senior and graduated with a concentration in
classics and philosophy.
In 1886, her family embarked a sojourn to Europe for over a year. Mary was able to explore Leipzig,
Italy and Greece where she expanded her knowledge of languages and the classics. When they
returned, her father arranged a job interview with the President of Wellesley College for women
close to home. There She became a tutor in the Greek department and began teaching in September
of 1887. Mary taught Greek at Wellesley for three years. When Mary was in her late twenties, a
professor in the Philosophy Department noticed her excellent teaching skills. He conversed with
Mary the need for a teacher in the developing field of Psychology and offered her the job as long as
she studied psychology for a year.
Calkins faced obstacles in meeting the requirement. Firstly, there were few psychology departments
at that time. Secondly, getting admitted to a college that did have a program
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Psychology, The Scientific Study Of The Mind
Psychology, defined as the scientific study of the mind, is a very broad field with many career
opportunities. Psychology is a fairly new field and has many job opportunities available for anyone
wanting to make a career with a degree. There are therapy related jobs along with jobs that are not
therapy related. Most psychologists wanting a job that is therapy related need a master's degree or
doctoral, however ones who do not pursue a job with therapy obtain a bachelor's or master's. The
average pay for psychologists ranges from around $70,000 to $100,000 annually. The amount of pay
results from the location and the education one has acquired. Psychologists also have a range of
tasks depending on the type of psychology one pursues. Throughout this research, a few careers in
psychology will be explored and information will be provided about each of these careers. Sports
psychology is a relatively new field of study in which a sports psychologist helps professional and
amateur athletes. Sports psychologists are people who help amateur and professional athletes
heighten performance, attain their goals and overcome their problems. An athlete who becomes
anxious or loses focus during competition would consult a sports psychologist to conquer these
issues. Athletes who also have trouble communicating with their teammates, finding motivation and
controlling their anger could seek the help they need from this type of psychologist. Not only can
they help athletes with these issues,
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Student And Graduate Level Writing
Scholarly Writing One of the major distinctions between student and graduate–level writing is the
targeted audience. This not only includes a difference in the number of intended recipients but also
involves an increasing level of intercepting personalities, an assortment of personalities whom can
all offer a plethora of varying opinions, ideas, or concerns. Likewise, the student's responsibility is
amplified when writing at the graduate level, since he or she must contribute originality while
continuing to bring forth meaningful and engaging work. Academic writing is often embedded with
the expectations and goals of developing the skills and confidence of students working towards
achieving graduate–level writing. Essentially, this could ... Show more content on ...
This word, important, almost sounds like an understatement, but it truly is important since citing and
crediting are morally and ethically required. "According to the Merriam–Webster online dictionary,
to "Plagiarize" means: To steal and pass off (the ideas of words of another) as one's own To use
(another production) without crediting the source To commit literary theft To present as new and
original an idea or product derived from an existing source In other words, plagiarism is an act of
fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward." (WriteCheck,
2014) One reason for using APA style in research papers is that it allows readers to understand the
context of the reference, since APA is more than a style of writing but rather a standard type of guide
by the American Psychological Association (APA). By keeping to this standard format, writers and
readers can more easily refer to a specific document, sentence, or even an idea, with little to no
room for miscommunication, misunderstandings, or errors. A key reason for using an APA style of
writing is two–fold, in that, it can help to determine the originality or plagiaristic nature of a person's
work, as well as, provide you/your audience with the information necessary to find the source and
acknowledges that certain material has been borrowed – thus, avoiding plagiarism. References
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My Interest In My Life
Over the course of my life, there has been a diverse multitude of work areas that have sparked my
interest. Between military based careers to more technical and business related workplaces, it's
rather difficult to narrow a broad interest. College is a go to of course for a degree, with it being
public relations, it would make sense that I may be interested in a career involving this. I still am
troubled regarding exactly what I might be interested in regarding the future.
Growing up I was raised in a military family, I was exposed to quite a bit of things, subjective and
educational. Throughout that time, my parents were deployed at certain points and this taught me
how to better take care of myself mentally and physically. While I never had permanent friends, it
never stopped me from forming new relationships with new people all the time. Living in areas from
throughout the world was a nice perk that I have been able to experience, witnessing different
culture and the way things are just kept completely original in every single place i've visited and
At times, there were hardships that had lasting effects on myself and my family, but I view them as
learning experiences, I feel like I may have learned a bit more about the world and people in general
than the average person who might be raised in the same spot all their life. I feel like I may have
become quite a bit more accepting of others and for that reason exactly, I have become much more
interested in a career
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Professional Psychology
In professional psychology, training models have defined doctoral training with the aim of providing
identity for professional psychology field since 1949. The scientist practitioner model is examined
as it incorporates both practice and science. The elements of science, applied scholarship, and
science in the practitioner scholar model described are portrayed, though the accentuation on
training in scientific clinical psychology and evidence based practice are distinguish element for the
clinical–scientist model. For the graduate programs, training models provides an identity, however
in a few ways they have with divisions by model have cracked the field of psychology. The
professional psychology can although contribute to the benefits that the models offer but in order to
provide primary basis for defining identity, must also move beyond models. Further the models
should be properly integrated so as to gain the maximum benefit and in order to overcome the
challenges faced in professional psychology along with remaining focused on integrating science
and practice. ... Show more content on ...
This approach proposes that the psychologists would be trained in manner that includes both
practice and science with each informing the other and each with focal activity. For instance,
students would find out about practice techniques and skills and about scientific methods and
findings. At the same time they would have chances to carry out clinical practice and conduct
research under the supervision of faculty. The faculty themselves are effectively engaged with both
sorts of activities. Training programs would keep up clinical facilities as well as would maintain
research and whenever possible these two activities would be integrated with the research based
practice that also forms the part of subject of
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Structural Strain Theory And Social Order
Deviance, behavior that is outside of what is deemed socially acceptable, is necessary for stability
and social order in society–this according to functionalist theorist Emile Durkheim (MindEdge, Inc.,
2016). Historically, society has generally been successful in providing motivation for individuals to
aspire to goals of some sort, whether through wealth, prestige or, perceived power (Henslin, 2011).
However, from a functionalist perspective, theories have been developed by identifying when lawful
and equal access is not afforded to certain individuals in the process of obtaining such goals. This
restriction and inequality to opportunity for access in the quest to achieve success is what is now
referred to as structural strain theory, which was developed by sociologist Robert Merton (Henslin,
2011). According to Merton, structural strain theory describes the resulting outcome or motivations
demonstrated through deviant behaviors, that arise when individuals are unable to reach these goals
through lawfully acceptable means (Alsamaloty & El Bouayadi–van de Wetering, 2012). Over the
past year, I have been working to obtain a college degree, specifically in the disciplines of
psychology and sociology. It is my intention to utilize the acquired knowledge–specific to such
disciplines– to benefit those who seek assistance through the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs
("VA") for treatment of combat related post traumatic stress disorder ("PTSD"). Although I am an
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A Comparison OfThe Consolation Of Philosophy And Doctor...
Happiness is often thought to be something of relativity. What makes one person happy does not
necessarily bring happiness to another. Nevertheless, how happiness is defined, by no doubt, has
something to do with the characteristics of a culture and time. For example, the beginning of the
sixth century was characterized by many controversies in the newly officialized religion of
Christianity – Arianism, to name one. Religion, at the time, became a big factor in defining true
happiness. As controversies got resolved, the use of religion as a means to defining happiness
remained a constant through the sixteenth century, but the influence became more on the need for
reformation in the Church. One author in the sixth century, Boethius, writes vividly on the idea of
happiness in his The Consolation of Philosophy. Similar points that Boethius makes about happiness
can be found between the lines of a sixteenth century writer, Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus.
Due to the difference in the eras of which The Consolation of Philosophy and Doctor Faustus were
written, the authors present happiness in a manner relative to their time, while ultimately both
agreeing that true happiness is rooted in God. Both authors present their own understanding of what
happiness is not in order to better proclaim what it is. Boethius makes a point that happiness cannot
be found in temporary things. He writes, "Do you really hold dear that kind of happiness which is
destined to pass away"
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Annotated Bibliography: Conducting Educational Research
Stanley, R. B. (2002) 'Relationships between gender and teachers' perceptions of Principal
effectiveness in Georgia schools', Ed.D., Georgia Southern University.
Steers, R. M. (1977) 'Antecedents and outcomes of organizational commitment. Administrative
Science Quarterly', 22 (1), 46–56.
Stemple, J. D. (2004) 'Job satisfaction of high school Principals in Virginia', Unpublished PhD
dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University, Blacksburg, Virginia. Available at: available/etd–
Stevens (1999) 'Post hoc tests in ANOVA', Retrieved on 3/09/13 from http://pages.uoregon.
Strang, R. (1965) 'An introduction to child study', New York, ... Show more content on ...
"Conducting Educational Research", Harcourt Brace Javanovich York.
Turk, C. P III. (2001) 'A study of the leadership qualities, behaviours, and characteristics of
Principals from California's distinguished and underperforming high schools', Ed.D., University of
La Verne.
Tuttle, A. C. (2006) 'Humour and leadership: Subordinate perceptions of Principal effectiveness as
influenced by humour', Unpublished PhD thesis Ed.D, Central Michigan University.
Usmani, S. (1988) 'A study of Principal effectiveness in relation to professional attainment, socio–
economic background, values of life and attitude towards teaching', Unpublished PhD thesis
Education. AMU, cited in MB. Buch Fifth Survey of Educational Research (Vol. II) NCERT, New
Vaidya, F. K. (2010). A Study of Relationship Between Empowerment of Secondary School
Teachers and Their Perception about Leadership Qualities of School Principals. Unpublished
Doctoral Thesis, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. Retrieved from Sodhganga:
Vasile, C. R. (2004) 'Teachers' perceptions of Principals as instructional leaders in Alabama reading
initiative schools', Ed.D., The University of
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Graduate Degree At The University Of Waterloo
The overarching goal I have for pursuing a degree in Industrial/Organizational psychology is to gain
experience from specific areas of research in the I/O psychology field. I have had the opportunity to
take part in the research of this field throughout my undergraduate degree but have not been able to
explore it as in depth as I could through a graduate degree. Completing a Master 's of Applied
Science in I/O psychology at the University of Waterloo will allow me to reach this goal as I know
that research is an integral part of the program. As such, my current interest in career choices are
focused on the teaching and research aspects of being a professor. My recent experience as an
Honours Thesis student has demonstrated my passion for research and teaching as I have had the
opportunity to conduct my own research and present it in order to teach my classmates about my
thesis topic. My previous experience in research has demonstrated that I have the ambition to pursue
graduate studies in order to reach my career aspiration. I know that a Master 's of Applied Science in
I/O psychology at the University of Waterloo will guide and challenge me to achieve my long–term
goal. Throughout my Master 's degree my objective is to work with people and conduct impactful
research. I enjoy collaborating and learning from others which will allow for personal development
and well–rounded learning. I also aspire to work with people who share the same passion as I do in
I/O psychology.
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Analysis Of The Oil And Gas Management
Hassan Achour GSM LONDON 11 March 2015 An Analysis of Skills and Knowledge Required to
Undertake Degree Studies in Oil and Gas Management and Follow a Career Path in Engineering 1.0
Oil and Gas Management Degree With the fast advancement and development of the vitality area, a
vocation in the oil and gas industry has unquestionably turned into a standout amongst the most
imminent in the business sector today. In UK, for instance, the industry has seen a colossal venture
running regarding billions of pounds in the most recent quite a while. This implies that there is a
normal high rate of making of new employments and opportunities in this field. Then again, of
course, the essential aptitudes and learning advancement will be ... Show more content on ...
For the most part, understudies seeking after a degree course in the Oil and Gas Management will
take more or less 3–4 years of study time when going to on a full–time premise. Through this
course, the understudies are required to get to know the business angles and administration issues
identified with the business of oil and gas (Education Portal 2015). Contingent upon the
organization and the nation where the understudies get their chances after studies, understudies are
interested in seeking after professions in positions, for example, contract chiefs, business
advancement supervisors, deals administrators, venture directors, development administrators and
ecological pros among others. 3.0 Required Skills and Knowledge in Various Career Options in the
Oil and Gas Field As prior highlighted, there are different profession choices accessible for the
understudies seeking after the Oil and Gas Management degree on the planet today. These
opportunities all require certain abilities and learning keeping in mind the end goal to be performed
suitably and as per the business models. In this part, the paper will concentrate on three arbitrary and
likely profession ways that understudies can seek endless supply of their studies. 3.1
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Role Of Clinical Nurses With Research
In general we found that clinical nurses with research–active characteristics become research–active
in response to a clinical trigger and they were successful because they were in an environment that
was supportive of clinical nursing research. Unlike the findings reported by Woodward et al. (2007),
our nurses did not think research was a hard or daunting undertaking. However, our sample differed
significantly as nurses in our study were not conducting research as an educational exercise to meet
a course or degree requirement. It may be that the nurses in the Woodward et al. study lacked
research–active nurse characteristics and/or were attempting to complete their research in an
environment that was not supportive of research by nurses. Their only motivation was that the
project was required, and since this was a school project, lack of organizational support might not be
Similar to the findings by Tanner and Hale (2002) the nurses in this study became research–active in
response to a need or desire to solve a clinical problem (trigger). In addition, like Tanner and Hale
our nurses did not identify barriers to the conduct of research; rather they talked about things that
supported their research. Similarities between this study and the study by Tanner and Hale may be
related to sampling. Neither of these two studies included nurses who completed a study as part of a
degree or course requirement.
Our model may explain findings of Syme and Stiles
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What Motivates Me Most For Pursue A College Degree
What motivates me most to pursue a college degree is opening new doors for career options and
inspiring my daughter through my own actions to pursue lifelong learning. I have waited until this
point in my life to take this first step for many reasons. I feel that I had a lot of fear of failure that
kept me from pursuing this higher learning. I am in the right place mentally at this stage in my life
and feel like I can fully invest in this experience and make it truly a success and representation of
what I can do. I am also highly motivated by the fact that my career is truly stalled because I am not
competition for someone that has equal experience and a degree. I plan to conquer that competition
through this process.
My main purpose in seeking a college degree is to develop a new skill set and to become more
marketable to potential employers and my current employer. I have worked for a huge corporation
for over 13 years and only feel confident at the level I have been at over the last 7 years. I genuinely
need to redefine for myself what the rest of my life is going to consist of. This is the perfect way to
gain that perspective. I am also wanting to financially gain more stability and with a degree I will be
eligible to post and be considered for positions that earn higher wages. I want to stake my claim in
my own self worth as well and truly prove to myself that this is something I am capable of.
I am demonstrating my ability to see something
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Personal Essay On Technology And Technology
Technology has played a significant role within my academic and professional achievements. At a
very young age, I was introduced to programming by a math teacher in the seventh grade. After
being sentenced to twenty–four hours of detention for making jokes during class, I learned my first
programming language, GW BASIC from that same math teacher. One evening, during detention,
this instructor saw that I had idle time on my hands and decided to make me a deal. The instructor
made a deal that, once I finished all my homework; if I could write a computer program that made a
ball bounce across the screen, for every trick that the ball does, he would subtract one hour of
detention off my time. This seemed like something I could not refuse and I promptly accepted the
However, I did not know I would spend many hours learning BASIC and days coding the program. I
quickly came to understand that, this really was not a good deal at all. Nonetheless, I stuck with the
agreement. By the end of the semester, not only did I write my first computer program, but also I
had somehow managed to become a member of the Gilmore Jr. High School Math & Science Team.
Eventually, I moved on to more advanced systems and technology. The point I want to make is that,
this experience became the basis of how I would approach learning technology in the future.
I view learning new technology as fun, something that one learns on their own or as a hobby. The
way I learn technology is through
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The Importance Of Academics
Academics 3.1 Importance of Academics Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use
to change the world. It is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for
it. Academics are important because it is strongly linked to the positive outcomes we value. Adults
who are academically successful and with high levels of education are more likely to be employed,
have stable employment, have more employment opportunities than those with less education and
earn higher salaries, are more likely to have health insurance, are less dependent on social
assistance, are less likely to engage in criminal activity, are more active as citizens and charitable
volunteers and are healthier and happier. Academics are important because working people will need
higher levels of education to tackle the technologically demanding occupations of the future. 3.2
Various disciplines offered at BITS Goa 1) For B.E. we have the following courses offered:– B.E.
Computer Science Engineering B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering B.E. Electronics &
Instrumentation Engineering B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering B.E. Mechanical
Engineering B.E. Chemical Engineering 2) For M.Sc we have the following courses offered:–
Biological Sciences Chemistry Economics Mathematics Physics 3) For PhD we have the following
courses offered:– Full Time PhD Part Time PhD Faculty development scheme Ph D aspirant scheme
3.3 Other Opportunity Current
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A Career in Medical Psychology
Psychology is usually a really enormous subject matter. They are a lot of numerous career fields of
therapy. Therapy being a scholarly analyze with the brain as well as actions goes towards Historic
Greeks. There is also proof of subconscious believed within ancient Egypt. Psychology seemed to
be the branch of philosophy until the 1870s, whenever the idea created just as one separate medical
discipline. Psychology edges with a few other career fields as well as physiology, neuroscience,
artificial intelligence, sociology, anthropology, along with philosophy as well as other pieces of the
humanities. I'm going to offer you look at this medical therapy. I am going to going to allow take on
the specific with ... Show more content on ...
Clinicians usually are been trained in a variety of strategies as well as theoretical strategies. A
number of focus on the treatment of specific mental issues, although some help clientele affected by
numerous complications. Specialized medical psychologists deal with one of the most critical
psychiatric issues such as schizophrenia as well as depression.
As well as utilizing clientele, specialized medical psychologists have to keep precise information
regarding client assessment, analysis, restorative ambitions as well as treatment method information.
These types of information help clinicians as well as clientele monitor improvement and so are
generally needed for accounts receivable as well as insurance coverage purposes. Using the APA
Research Business office, within 2001 the typical salary for any accredited clinical psychologist
seemed to be $72, 000. From the psychologists surveyed, 65% labored within exclusive training,
19% labored within health care options as well as 2% labored in some different human being
services location. Find out more about the typical wages intended for clinical psychologists. The pay
scale could change for the different state that you may live in.
The actual Ough. S. Section associated with Labor's Work Outlook Handbook stories of which
career within
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Benefits Of A Unified Salary Schedule
There are many advantages and disadvantages to a single, unified salary schedule. These types of
salary schedules only recognize years of service and amount of education to determine salary
amounts for all certified staff. Each salary schedule has strengths and areas of improvement, and
analysis of the salary schedule will highlight these areas. Salary schedules, including Hollister RV
School District's, only require teachers to remain employed thorough the school year to earn a raise
in pay for the next year, automatically moving to the next step on the salary schedule. Pay increases
also are earned by moving to the next lane or column based on the hours of graduate credit
completed toward an advanced degree, such as a Masters, Specialist, or Doctoral degree. Hollister
RV School District's certified staff's salary schedule discloses several areas of exceptionality,
highlighting what is important to the District. However, there are also areas to be improved,
including recruitment and retention (Hollister RV School District, 2016). One exceptional
characteristic of the salary schedule is that the vertical steps carry the same monetary value as the
horizontal columns with the exception of completing a Master's degree or a Specialist degree. This
salary schedule indicates an equal value is placed on service and completed education. Upon
completing a degree, staff salaries increase $960 instead of the $480 earned by simply accumulating
additional hours of education.
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Description Of A Teacher Of The Doctor Of Philosophy Degree
1. Dissertation; noun; a long essay on a particular subject, especially one written as a requirement
for the Doctor of Philosophy degree; long and formal essay written for a Ph.D.; Janice need to write
her dissertation to complete her Ph.D. program. She realized that this required a lot of independence.
As a result of writing such a long formal paper, Janice had a lot of stress. Although writing her
dissertation was stressful and long, she learned many important skills. One of the most important of
these skills was time management. 2. Divert; verb; cause (someone or something) to change course
or turn from one direction to another; to distract; Sarah was extremely bored in night class, and was
looking out the window. All of a sudden something diverted her attention. There was a loud noise,
and a sound of a crash. After her attention was diverted, everyone else paid attention to the loud
noise as well. It turned out that what distracted her was a drunk driver crashing into a pole outside
her class. 3. Dote; verb; to be extremely fond of someone or something and to spoil and show great
affection; to spoil someone because you adore them; My grandma dotes my little sister all the time.
She spoils her by buying her many toys. She also pays attention to her every want. My mom's friend
spoils my little brother because she notices the unequal treatment from my grandma between my
siblings. She dotes him by buying him clothes, food, and toys. 4. Elicit; verb; evoke or draw out (a
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Understanding Burnout Of The Pastors
In the previous two chapters, some theories of stress and burnout, pastoral ministry, and especially
the context of African–American churches and pastors were discussed. With this background of the
research literature, this chapter will discuss the experiential research used in this study with selected
–African– American pastors. It will also analyze burnout of pastors in Northeast Florida African
American by analyzing the results of the survey and burnout focus group.
Description of Sample and Procedure
Participants in the survey were Northeast Florida clergy who work in church districts of various
The sample was obtained by asking permission from individual to conduct this research. After
obtaining his approval, the survey packets that included a cover letter, demographic questionnaire
and burnout inventory were distributed to the participants who in early April 2016. Although
approximately 50 survey packets were sent to pastors in the area. Only 26 participants (52%)
completed the survey with usable data for the research. Some of the pastors have of a traditional,
conservative character, some declined to answer the questionnaire by saying that the subject does
not apply to them. Moreover, five were not in a paid pastoral position, six were not pastors, and two
were incomplete.
The other participants were sent by mail the same survey packet. A total of 50 survey
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The Success Of A Department 's Doctoral Program
Literature Review
The dissertation is "the most powerful, objective measure of the success of a department's doctoral
program" (Lovitts, 2007). Nevertheless, the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) (2016a, 2016b) has
reported that institutions of higher education face critical challenges regarding attrition and students'
timely completion of quality dissertations. With doctoral student attrition ranging from 40% to 60%,
pressure from regulators and governing bodies has institutions scrambling to find sustainable
solutions, while yet maintaining dissertation quality and rigor (Brill, Balcanoff, Land, Gogarty, &
Turner, 2014; CGS, 2016b; Harris, Birk, & Sherman, 2016; Kelley & Salisbury–Glennon, 2016;
Kezar, 2014; Locke & Boyle, 2016; ... Show more content on ...
One means to enhance this relationship is through the development of institutional assessment
standards, where administrators can hold faculty accountable for consistent delivery of rigorous
educational best practices. Although theorists have proposed changes in higher education to replace
traditional with formative assessment, few administrators have implemented these changes within
their institutions (Fook & Sidhu, 2010). Unlike traditional assessment, the purpose of formative
assessment is not merely to prove student learning, but to guide and develop it, where what is
learned is dependent upon how it is learned (Fook & Sidhu, 2010; Resnick, 1989; Walters et al.,
2015). Such feedback, contingent upon the complex interrelationships of cognitive, affective, socio–
cultural, and contextual factors, can increase a student's ability to grasp the processes underlying
scholarly writing and research, which are essential to successful completion of a quality dissertation
(Resnick, 1989; Walters et al., 2015).
One such theoretical model that addresses these complex interrelationships, where its application
can enhance the quality of
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Program Structure And Resources For Business Administration
Program Structure and Resources There are some general facts that are good to know when it comes
achieving "the highest academic degree one can earn in the business administration field within the
United States and several other countries." (Schweitzer, 2016) As we dive into the discussions of
program structure and resources, allow me to share several insights personally obtained throughout
this week's Case Assignment.
What Is A Ph.D. Degree in Business Administration?
First, it might be helpful to know that the formal title, Doctor of Philosophy, is often presented in the
abbreviated forms of, Ph.D. or PhD. To hold such a title, regardless of the condensed or full–length
reference, is an indicator that one has contributed towards and ... Show more content on ...
D. Dissertation Handbook, 2015–2016)
How is a Ph. D. Different from a Doctor of Business Administration?
One way to comprehensively evaluate the differences of a Doctor of Philosophy from a Doctor of
Business of Philosophy is to understand some overlapping facts of their backgrounds. Therefore, let
us briefly compare a few of the basics, starting with the titles. Just as the Doctor of Philosophy can
be abbreviated, the Doctor of Business of Philosophy is also often seen abbreviated, but instead, as
DBA, D.B.A., DrBA, or Dr.B.A.. The PhD and DBA embrace programs which support and direct
intellectuals to develop creatively–advanced research, leading to a defensive dissertation. Or, in
other words, they are "generally designed to prepare students for academic careers, either in
teaching or research or both." (DBA vs. PhD in Business Administrations Programs, n.d.) One major
difference between PhD and DBA is that a DBA "is a research doctorate awarded on the basis of
advanced study and research in the field of business administration. (Research of Doctorate
Degrees, 2012) In addition, the Ph.D "is highly focused on developing theoretical knowledge",
while the D.B.A. "emphasizes applied research" (Research of Doctorate Degrees, 2012) More
specifically, as Dr. Sherrie Lewis stated (and is cited in reference (Erskine, 2013)) a
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The Journal Of Bone & Joint Surgery
Study Design: Review Objective: To conduct a scoping review, and to determine trends and
characteristics of spine research published by The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (JBJS) from
2005 to 2015. Method: A PubMed search of all studies published in JBJS from 2005 to 2015 was
performed using the keyword "spine". A similar search was conducted on the JBJS website from
2005 to 2015 using the keyword "spine". The study by Gartsman et al (2005) was used as the main
reference for this study. Results: Studies were more likely to be of a higher level of evidence (Level
I or II) (53.57%) than of a lower level of evidence (Level III or IV). Level–I, II, and III studies
(21.43%) had a higher likelihood of having an author with an advanced degree in addition to a
medical degree than Level–IV studies (2.86%). Studies with three or more authors (97.14%) were
more common than studies with only one or two authors (2.86%). There were more positive studies
(53.93%) than non–positive studies (negative studies= 16.85%; neutral studies= 29.22%).
Conclusion: The study shows improvement in trends of spine research published by JBJS over the
past decade, which suggests an acknowledgement in the development of research techniques and
methods. INTRODUCTION The quality of research performance has improved over the past few
decades. Improvements in research have helped to significantly impact our understanding,
treatment, and management of diseases. As research performance
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Embedded Written Feedback Essay
The purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative exploration of fac– ulty feedback on
benchmark written assignments in an online doctoral pro– gram. The researchers examined
instructor feedback provided to online doc– toral students on scholarly writing assignments across
multiple programs. The Corpus for this analysis included 236 doctoral level written assign– ments
that had written, embedded feedback from 51 faculty members. Re– searchers identi ed types and
themes of embedded written feedback. Using a method of move structure analysis, embedded
feedback was reviewed and coded to determine the occurring themes. A discussion and analysis
follows covering the speci c types and themes uncovered in the embedded feedback within these
written assignments.
The Genre of Instrcutor Feedback in Doctoral Programs 527
Despite attention given to doctoral education, there is still a ... Show more content on ...
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The Disloyal King: Counterfeit Work
The Disloyal King: The Hardly Known Story of the Counterfeit Work of Martin Luther King Jr.
No doubt the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the American history in the mid–1950s.' A human
rights icon, fitting injustice suffered against black people. After researching his life and work, a
revealing scandal of plagiarism surfaced, damaging his personal image and work.
Accomplishment and Profile. Dr. Martin Luther King was an illustrious man, known to his Civil
Rights Movement leadership. The first only African American man who has a federal holiday
observed in his name. He fought for the black people, leading him to win a Nobel Peace prize in
1964. A Baptist minister, a man of God, his Christian preaching was almost never mentioned by
media. ... Show more content on ...
There are so many questions in why Dr. Martin Luther King copied various writings and ideas from
others. Some believe that he was under an extreme stress because of his position as a leader for the
Civil Rights, others judged him as a counterfeit person, doubting his personal moral and intellectual
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A Plan For A Done Dissertation
A Plan for a DONE dissertation The following paper will discuss possible obstacles to completing a
dissertation; strategies used to avoid or overcome them; and generally, how to take care of ones–self
throughout the career as a doctoral student.
Personal family issues occur throughout life and unexpected. No one can predict the outcomes for
what tomorrow will bring. A personal obstacle encountered through this current dissertation process
will be given as an example and how to overcome. During the fourth week into a course, my son
was at a pool party with his cousin. He drank a few beers; he is only seventeen. We don't know if he
was pushed or if he jumped into the pool. Thankfully, a friend seen him when he was in the water,
noticed he was not coming up, jumped in and pulled him out and began CPR. How long was he
under? The brain can only handle 3 to 6–minutes without oxygen before brain damage occurs. He
had to be hospitalized for a near death drowning incident; he had to be airlifted to a nearby
children's hospital where he was put on a ventilator for a week, and kept in the hospital for two
weeks for kidney failure. Your world comes to a stop. Your heart is at your feet; you're helpless.
What do you do? What about school work or work in general?
All things in life are set aside. Have faith and believe! All you want is to see your son wake up, talk
to you, and you know that he has not suffered any brain damage. Your first priority to your
dissertation and school is to
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How Do People Learn Their Workplace?
How do people learn in their workplaces? That was a question in my mind while driving to the
Jeddah Refinery where I had my first exposure to a workplace as an intern in 1998. I realized
through that experience the difference between classroom learning and workplace learning. Since
then, I have been interested in workplace learning as a lively topic throughout various stages in my
career. I am currently work as a learning and staff development specialist. This job requires a set of
roles and responsibilities like identifying the development needs of the staff of IDB, as well
planning and managing training programs and workplace learning activities.
Moreover, I would like to highlight that one of the interesting roles assigned to me was managing
the internship program open to students and fresh graduates to get exposure to organizational work
and activities and get some practical experience related to their academic fields of study.
My interest in the area of workplace learning and workforce development as a chosen career path is
increasing, and I am encouraged to pursue an opportunity for professional development and growth.
By joining a graduate program at a reputable university to learn more about the concepts and
principles of this field of study, I truly agree with how you described as an applied discipline that
requires combination between academic research and insights coming from hands–on experience
and practical application in actual work environments. Therefore,
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Choosing A Career Choices For Their Adult Life Essay
As human beings we are raised in a society to start preparing for our future as children. Parent place
us in extracurricular activities such as karate, soccer, football, music, dance, and many more
activities available to children. This is an opportunity given to children to experience what they like
or dislike, in order to make a career choices for their adult life. When it came to growing up as a
child I enjoyed every second of it, as a kid everything that interest me or I enjoyed doing was what I
wanted to be. I remember having a few dogs that I adored so much and because of that I wanted to
be a Veterinarian. Now, as a kid not once did I ever think about the things I had to do to head toward
that career. I didn't know how long I had to go to college, the amount of salary for each profession,
and the requirements of the job and the different job positions. I also would love to dance and
wanted to be a choreographer. As we continue to grow older and understand the different
circumstances, our job choice will constantly change, until you have reached a decision making
point. Even then sometimes it will not stick and we will continue to change our mind. I finally
decided what it was I wanted to do as my career choice about a year ago. I want to be in the field of
Sociology. What is Sociology? It is the study of human behavior. Now, I could have decided to
choose Psychology but the mind of an individual does not interest me but, if I look from a
standpoint of a whole group,
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Hollywood Design Engineer Cover Letter
Dear Sherwood Design Engineers Intern Hiring Team,
I'm a First–Year in Barnard College at Columbia University and I would love to be considered for an
internship position this summer at Sherwood Design Engineers.
Although my major is currently undeclared, I have a strong interest in engineering and
environmental sciences and will definitely be pursuing a degree in a physical science. Barnard
currently doesn't offer any engineering major, and the only way to pursue it at Columbia is to be
enrolled in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS); I'm at Barnard, however,
because a liberal arts education is important to me, in addition to engineering. Since the schools are
all under Columbia, there are various ways to still pursue engineering as a Barnard student, and I am
on a current track to do any of them. Of the two I am considering, the first is a 3–2 dual degree
program, which requires that you complete a major in three years, and during that time you take all
required prerequisites to apply to a two–year SEAS program. At the end of the first three years,
assuming you have completed prerequisites and credits for a liberal arts degree, you are
automatically admitted to complete an undergraduate engineering major in the next two years if
your GPA is 3.3 or higher. The second program I am considering is an express masters program at
SEAS, which Columbia students can gain entry to if we have a degree at the end of four years which
... Show more content on ...
I am passionate about spaces and design, as well as the environmental implications of design. My
brain works in both a very mathematical way, but also very visual and artistic way, which is
precisely why engineering and design are so intriguing to me. I believe that working at Sherwood
would make engineering as a profession something tangible which I can work towards as a career
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Tuition Reimbursement

  • 1. Tuition Reimbursement Employee Benefits: Tuition Reimbursement Program Benefits department (Axia College XCOM–285 wk 7) This past year here at company X we have had a very profitable year; and it's important that we do everything that we can to make sure that we maintain this strong progression forward. Now, of course we have made strong financial strides; and we will continue to improve on the external factors that have gotten us to this point. However, I feel that it is imperative that we also pay close attention to the internal factors that will pay dividends for this company in the long run. As many of you know, it was approved in the budget some time ago to add the employee tuition reimbursement program. This option would be specifically ... Show more content on ... In today's ever changing job market, having a degree in business or communications will allow our employees to compete in a market that is as tough ever. It will give them the ability to think outside the box, and help keep our company on the cutting edge of thought and financial comparisons to the other top companies in our field. People with these degrees will be able to work in all types of fields; from financial analysts, marketing, human resources, CPA's, and accountants. All of which are available and expanding positions within our company. I can't reiterate enough how important it is to hire from within. We would no longer have to hire an outside talent that has no idea what we are trying to achieve and the type of environment we are looking to cultivate. We need to hire an employee from within who can hit the ground running. We need to be known as a place that treats its employees like family, where everyone has a name and is not just a number. Finally, it's important to see the affect this will have on the bottom line of employee salaries. For, when you bring in new talent, you have to pay them hire salaries on average. As opposed to hiring from within where promoting someone with little experience in that position will be willing to start off at a lesser salary, and will be willing to prove their worth over time given the opportunity. This as a whole goes back to my point of employee appreciation. After all who would want ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Nursing As A Graduate Degree Program Introduction Nursing as a profession has been one with vast growth in the world. Gone are the days whereby nurses are not allowed to obtain a doctoral degree in their field (Reid–Pointe & Nicholas, 2015). Per Reid–Pointe & Nicholas (2015), about70–years ago, nurses could only obtain a doctoral degree in non–nursing field. However, today, nurses have the choice to obtain a doctoral degree with research focus or practice centered doctoral degree (Reid–Pointe & Nicholas, 2015). The idea that nurses now have different doctoral options to concentrate on has aid in the assuring adequate amount of nursing facilities. In addition, the vast doctoral degree programs as caused advancement in nursing research and leadership in healthcare administration, policy, and practice (Reid–Pointe & Nicholas, 2015). Theoretical Influences – Significant integration of nursing, and other theoretical perspectives to guide philosophy According to (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2003), there has been a large growing agreement with the poor quality of care patients get in the United States (Burman, Hart, Conley, Brown, Sherard, & Clarke, 2009). In attempt to bridge that gap, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) responded to IOM by mainly paying closer attention and addressing the problems with advanced practice nursing (Burman et al., 2009). This was done by the AANC addressing the current health problems that advanced nurse practitioners deal with on daily basis (Burman et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Aptitudes In Agricultural Business The Agricultural Business major shows understudies the working methods and business aptitudes utilized as a part of the advanced nourishment and fiber industry. This program assembles understudy learning and aptitudes expected to oversee little and medium estimated business in farming and associated enterprises. This is genuine whether the business is straightforwardly engaged with generation, esteem adds to crude agrarian items, or offers help administrations including the dissemination, handling, bundling, and advertising of farming items. Earning a bachelors degree can give enhanced vocation openings in rural business. Many partner's degree programs are intended to enable understudies to move into a four year college education program. ... Show more content on ... Second, the major underlines the significance of understanding the hidden specialized procedures that drive business choices through formal course necessities in the horticultural sciences. The interface between specialized preparing in rural sciences, financial aspects, and administration separates this degree. Finishing this program improves understudies' proficient advancement, specialized ability, critical thinking aptitudes and relational abilities. The program works in the nexus of business administration, open arrangement, and agribusiness. Solid interdisciplinary coordination in the office enables majors in rural business to fortify their specialized preparing by at the same time finishing a moment major in partnered fields including creature science, equine science, soil and harvest science, horticultural training, specialized news coverage, and different fields of intrigue. Agribusiness alludes to the matter of cultivating, albeit, strangely, the term isn't regularly utilized as a part of connection with genuine homesteads. Rather, the term agribusiness most normally implies an agronomical related business that provisions cultivate inputs, for example, cultivate hardware and seed ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Dr. Bernadette Melnyk 's ' One Of The Bigger Dreamer Nurse... One of the bigger dreamer nurse leader is Dr. Bernadette Melnyk who has a dream to improve people's lives and make a change (Alumni WVU). She has understood that all painful experiences make her more stronger and well prepared to face any issue ( Mattson, James). According to James Mattson who is an editor of Reflections on Nursing Leadership that Dr. Bernadette Melnyk prefers to be called as Bern. Bern is born in1958 and grew up in a Republic small town in Fayette county, Pennsylvania. She came from a poor lovely family and have one sister and one brother. Her mother died in front of her when she was 15 years old. At that time, she has suffered a lot. She believed that the right diagnosed for that difficult event that prevented her form sleeping was the post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Because of that, Valium was prescribed for her by her family primary physician. However, she took the medication for a one night and decided to not take it again because she was feeling dizziness during the day. Her father and close friends were good supporter for her during that painful period. Few years later, she decided to be a nurses in the future because she volunteered at a hospital as a candy striper during high school. After that experience, she discovered that she has a passion to care for patients and help them to get better, but her father wouldn 't be able to pay the tuition for a bachelor's degree. Her father has assured her that he is willing to work extra hours to pay ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Ernest Just Biography Ernest Just is one of the most significant biologists in History. Many challenges were thrown at Ernest throughout his whole life, but he overcame the odds and became one of the most important biologists to this day. Just pioneered studies in egg fertilization and other zoology studies and overcame many hardships throughout his life. Ernest Just was born on August 14, 1883, in Charleston, South Carolina. Just four years later his father, Charles Just, died. In debt, Just's mother moved to James Island to work in its phosphate mines. Ernest Just left the house at age 17 to find better educational opportunities in the north. He was inspired to pursue a science education by an esteemed scientist, Pattern, who specialized in evolution. Just received ... Show more content on ... Ernest investigated different variables in environmental factors of development. He tested different variables such as concentrated seawater, temperature, hydration, dehydration, ect. He strove to make the laboratory as accurate as possible to the original developmental conditions in its natural settings. What he did in the past is closely related to what we call today, ecological development biology. Just played a huge role in the studies of fast and slow blocks to polyspermy. He was able to observe detailed structural changes in an egg's surface during fertilization with just a light microscope. He proved that it was the "wave of negativity" that prevented fertilization and not envelope separation. Ernest also studied the "slow block to polyspermy", a mechanical block located in the fertilization envelope. Just is most famous for his studies and documentation in these two subjects. While at Woods Hole, Just studied experimental pathogens within eggs. Just's work led a public disagreement he had with biologist Jacques Loeb. Jacques insisted that humans could tamper with parthenogenesis and engineer nature to our benefit. The thing Just disagreed the most with about Loeb's stated that an egg's activation resulted in something happening to the egg. Just ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Importance Of A Clinical Emphasis Position As An... I am writing to formally apply for a clinical emphasis position as an advanced practicum student at DePaul University Counseling Services for the 2016–2017 academic year. Currently, I am completing my third year of training in the APA–accredited clinical psychology doctoral program at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. I have a strong interest in completing my advanced training at DePaul University's Counseling Services as it offers intensive training that is unparalleled in the Chicagoland area. In particular, the student–focused, team–oriented environment is one in which I know I would thrive. I am particularly excited about the multiple clinical opportunities offered at your site such as individual, couples, and group psychotherapy. I am additionally interested in the prospect of collaborating with other departments in the university such as Student Services through outreach and consultation. As a clinician in training, I am also impressed by your comprehensive and collaborative approach to supervision. Finally, I am authentically excited about your emphasis on professional development. I believe being an effective psychologist entails more than just the acquisition of skills and knowledge – it requires an ongoing integration of foundational knowledge, self–reflection and an integration of personal and professional identities. Prior to beginning my current program and clinical training, I worked in the mental health field for six years. My roles ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Who Is An Education? Committed to an Education One of the proudest accomplishments of my life was earning my college degree, the first to do so in my family, despite the fact that my early adulthood pointed in the opposite direction. Beginning with my marriage at the age of 19, I lived as one of the "working poor," someone who slipped through the cracks of supposedly historic prosperity working out a lifelong passion for psychology as a houseparent in homes for abused children. A few years later, I was a divorced and frustrated single mother with menial, low–paying jobs: clerk, receptionist, and day–care worker, unable to even collect child support from my ex–husband, who was still a citizen of India. There is nothing like wondering if your child's next meal will be there to inspire one with determination toward obtaining an education. Because of my absolute commitment toward earning my degree, I obtained flexible shifts at the college and a local day care which enabled me to acquire my degree full–time while supporting myself and my son financially. Enrolled at the local community college, I experienced a different world opening up to me; excited by a new encouraging environment, I excelled academically. I learned that if I tried hard, I could succeed; if I wanted something badly enough, I possessed the ability to take advantage of these opportunities. I worked a minimum 35–hour workweek for five years to successfully put myself through first my A.A. and then my B.A. at Washington University, ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Mary Whiton Calkins Essay Mary Whiton Calkins Mary Whiton Calkins, is best known for two things: becoming the first woman president of The American Psychological Association and being denied her doctorate from Harvard. However, these two aspects only make up a small portion of what she accomplished in her life. Her entire life was dedicated to her work, especially the development of her Psychology of selves. She founded an early psychology laboratory and invented the paired–associate technique. She passionately dove into the new field of Psychology but also was highly active in the field of Philosophy. She was not deterred by being a woman and used her struggles to gain a voice to speak out against women's oppression. (5) EARLY LIFE Mary Whiton Calkins ... Show more content on ... However, she faced two problems meeting this condition. The first, being that there were few psychology departments in 1890. Secondly, getting admitted to these places that did offer the program was highly unlikely since she was a woman. Her first consideration was to study abroad. An instructor at Smith told her that her best chance was to try obtaining "private instruction in psychology and philosophy at any of the German universities outside of Zurich" (6). However, another instructor told her that would be a good idea "if ladies had been allowed the same privileges as men" (6). Calkins formally dismissed going to Germany when she received a letter from a woman student attending the University of Gottingen which stated, "I wish I might encourage you; but past experience has proved to me the utter uselessness of trying to enlighten the authorities, at least, in our generation." Once Calkins started looking at the United States, she discovered that the University of Michigan, where she would be studying under John Dewey, and Yale, where she would be studying under G.T. Ladd, were promising. However, she received a letter from another woman student that dissuaded her. The letter stated, "Personally, I should be immensely glad if you would come. We might be able to get some delightful work together...By the way Prof. Ladd thinks you ought to have some lady with you at the lectures. If there were only one or two other girls who would come to join us, we ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Reasons For Motivation Prompt: The Doctoral Program is interested in your reasons for pursuing doctoral studies. Please describe them in an essay ranging from 500–700 words. Include the major field area to which you are applying (Accounting; Decision, Risk and Operations; Finance and Economics; Management; or Marketing). My journey pursuing a PhD in finance and economics has hardly been straightforward: Although I started my undergraduate education as a film major, I quickly came to appreciate the analytical rigor found within the discipline. While a film major focuses on artistic storytelling, I developed a preference for the stories you can tell through a study of economics. While both are undoubtedly creative, my interest pivoted to this education in ... Show more content on ... My curiosity drives me in the classroom as well. Not only have I demonstrated success by graduating with both departmental and school–wide honors studying economics, but I also supplemented this education with substantive mathematical coursework through Real Analysis and Differential Equations. Despite the obvious dichotomy between math and the original film major, I have been most successful in my math classes, exhibiting a perfect record despite the rigor. However, the real rewards from these courses are illustrated by my comfort and mastery economic topics that four years ago would have challenged me. By maturing as both an academic and researcher, I am now able to tackle more intricate topics and teach them to others. While at Claremont McKenna College, I wrote an honors economics thesis using Regression Discontinuity Design to analyze incumbency advantage in State Legislatures around the United States. Additionally, I taught fellow student both at the beginning of their economic careers as a recitation lecturer at in a 50–person economics lecture, and at the end, by tutoring seniors in STATA and Econometrics during their theses. Ultimately, I am interested in the finance and economics because I am primarily interested in the relationship between an economy and its people. The advantage of this program against that of a purely traditional economics degree is that it incorporates the financial sector that pervades through every industry. I learned this first ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. My Vision As A Psychology Practitioner Scholar Practitioner–scholar is erudite at the master's level MBA, MS, MA, and certificate level, will develop theoretical and research strategies to test, analyze resolutions to problems. These scholars use theoretic and research applications by acquiring information, processing the information, assess the information and apply and monitor new strategies, or approach to a practical solutions and determine how to effectively measure the approach. The scholar–practitioner theoretical knowledge includes the activities of both erudite and Facilitators. My vision as a forensic psychology–scholar will enable me to use all the required and glean information gain from Capella Universities greatest facilitators in our specialized field in clinical psychology. My goal is to achieve knowledge needed to effectively use in my future profession as a family counselor in clinical forensic psychology. My Vision as a Psychology Practitioner–Scholar Introduction Psychology has always fascinated me, learning about classical conditioning (Ivan Pavlov), personality the id, ego, and superego (Sigmund Freud), were all interesting subjects in my high school introduction to psychology class. This subject was very interesting that it planted a desire that I had never forgotten, the desire of wanting to be a psychologist. The dysfunctional home environment in which I grew up also played a role in my decision. Although, I presently I hold a BA in Information Systems, I decided to return to school for my ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Pros And Cons Of Psychologists Important In Society 1 Psychologists are important in society because they can delve into the human psyche to better understand why an individual may behave the way they do. People tend to turn to psychologists when they are having trouble and just want advice and help. I am interested in this career because I take satisfaction in helping people out and would like to be a positive influence in people's lives. ?? 2 Psychologists observe a patient's behavior in order to comprehend their feelings and emotions so they can find the proper treatment for them. They do this through analyzing a patient's thoughts and actions and running tests such as personality tests and intelligence tests (Bureau). 9 Psychologists tend to be people who, of course, have exceptional active listening and counseling skills. People are going to them in favor of getting help and to talking about what it is that is bothering them and know how ... Show more content on ... 13 The salary for psychologists in general is not bad at all; the 10th percentile makes about $42k, the 25th makes about $65k, the median pay is $92k, 75th makes $106k, and the 90th percentile makes approximately 120k nationwide (Occupation). In certain states, such as California where I may or may not be headed, you can make even more than that. I would stay in Oklahoma but I don't enjoy living here and the pay isn't as good.*? 14 As for the projected job outlook, there will be a 19.7% increase in the national outlook with over 63k job openings in the years 2014–2024 (Occupation). 15 A professional organization associated with this occupation is the American Psychological Association. "APA is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with more than 115,700 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members." ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Mary Whiton Calkins : An American Philosopher And... Mary Whiton Calkins (1863–1930), an American philosopher and psychologist, was a pioneer in the growing field of psychology. In a time when women were excluded from her profession, and limited their in education options, she made significant contributions to psychology, especially in the study of memory, dreams, color–number Association, and the self. Calkins was one of the first women to receive a Harvard education and qualify for a Ph.D (Women In Psychology). However, Harvard denied her a Ph.D. because of her gender. Calkins did not let the injustice of society hinder her. She had a fruitful career and was famous for being the first woman to become president of the APA. This article will discuss Whiton's humble family beginnings, the ... Show more content on ... Her father knew that higher education options for women were limited, yet was determined to plan and supervise Mary 's education. She entered Smith College at 19 with advanced standing as a sophomore. In 1883, the tragic illness and death of her sister Maude (who was a few months younger than her) was an experience that permanently influenced her thinking and character. Calkins spent the following academic year off at home and tutored two of her younger brothers. In the fall of 1884, she returned Smith College as a senior and graduated with a concentration in classics and philosophy. In 1886, her family embarked a sojourn to Europe for over a year. Mary was able to explore Leipzig, Italy and Greece where she expanded her knowledge of languages and the classics. When they returned, her father arranged a job interview with the President of Wellesley College for women close to home. There She became a tutor in the Greek department and began teaching in September of 1887. Mary taught Greek at Wellesley for three years. When Mary was in her late twenties, a professor in the Philosophy Department noticed her excellent teaching skills. He conversed with Mary the need for a teacher in the developing field of Psychology and offered her the job as long as she studied psychology for a year. Calkins faced obstacles in meeting the requirement. Firstly, there were few psychology departments at that time. Secondly, getting admitted to a college that did have a program ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Psychology, The Scientific Study Of The Mind Psychology, defined as the scientific study of the mind, is a very broad field with many career opportunities. Psychology is a fairly new field and has many job opportunities available for anyone wanting to make a career with a degree. There are therapy related jobs along with jobs that are not therapy related. Most psychologists wanting a job that is therapy related need a master's degree or doctoral, however ones who do not pursue a job with therapy obtain a bachelor's or master's. The average pay for psychologists ranges from around $70,000 to $100,000 annually. The amount of pay results from the location and the education one has acquired. Psychologists also have a range of tasks depending on the type of psychology one pursues. Throughout this research, a few careers in psychology will be explored and information will be provided about each of these careers. Sports psychology is a relatively new field of study in which a sports psychologist helps professional and amateur athletes. Sports psychologists are people who help amateur and professional athletes heighten performance, attain their goals and overcome their problems. An athlete who becomes anxious or loses focus during competition would consult a sports psychologist to conquer these issues. Athletes who also have trouble communicating with their teammates, finding motivation and controlling their anger could seek the help they need from this type of psychologist. Not only can they help athletes with these issues, ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Student And Graduate Level Writing Scholarly Writing One of the major distinctions between student and graduate–level writing is the targeted audience. This not only includes a difference in the number of intended recipients but also involves an increasing level of intercepting personalities, an assortment of personalities whom can all offer a plethora of varying opinions, ideas, or concerns. Likewise, the student's responsibility is amplified when writing at the graduate level, since he or she must contribute originality while continuing to bring forth meaningful and engaging work. Academic writing is often embedded with the expectations and goals of developing the skills and confidence of students working towards achieving graduate–level writing. Essentially, this could ... Show more content on ... This word, important, almost sounds like an understatement, but it truly is important since citing and crediting are morally and ethically required. "According to the Merriam–Webster online dictionary, to "Plagiarize" means: To steal and pass off (the ideas of words of another) as one's own To use (another production) without crediting the source To commit literary theft To present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward." (WriteCheck, 2014) One reason for using APA style in research papers is that it allows readers to understand the context of the reference, since APA is more than a style of writing but rather a standard type of guide by the American Psychological Association (APA). By keeping to this standard format, writers and readers can more easily refer to a specific document, sentence, or even an idea, with little to no room for miscommunication, misunderstandings, or errors. A key reason for using an APA style of writing is two–fold, in that, it can help to determine the originality or plagiaristic nature of a person's work, as well as, provide you/your audience with the information necessary to find the source and acknowledges that certain material has been borrowed – thus, avoiding plagiarism. References ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. My Interest In My Life Over the course of my life, there has been a diverse multitude of work areas that have sparked my interest. Between military based careers to more technical and business related workplaces, it's rather difficult to narrow a broad interest. College is a go to of course for a degree, with it being public relations, it would make sense that I may be interested in a career involving this. I still am troubled regarding exactly what I might be interested in regarding the future. Growing up I was raised in a military family, I was exposed to quite a bit of things, subjective and educational. Throughout that time, my parents were deployed at certain points and this taught me how to better take care of myself mentally and physically. While I never had permanent friends, it never stopped me from forming new relationships with new people all the time. Living in areas from throughout the world was a nice perk that I have been able to experience, witnessing different culture and the way things are just kept completely original in every single place i've visited and lived. At times, there were hardships that had lasting effects on myself and my family, but I view them as learning experiences, I feel like I may have learned a bit more about the world and people in general than the average person who might be raised in the same spot all their life. I feel like I may have become quite a bit more accepting of others and for that reason exactly, I have become much more interested in a career ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Professional Psychology In professional psychology, training models have defined doctoral training with the aim of providing identity for professional psychology field since 1949. The scientist practitioner model is examined as it incorporates both practice and science. The elements of science, applied scholarship, and science in the practitioner scholar model described are portrayed, though the accentuation on training in scientific clinical psychology and evidence based practice are distinguish element for the clinical–scientist model. For the graduate programs, training models provides an identity, however in a few ways they have with divisions by model have cracked the field of psychology. The professional psychology can although contribute to the benefits that the models offer but in order to provide primary basis for defining identity, must also move beyond models. Further the models should be properly integrated so as to gain the maximum benefit and in order to overcome the challenges faced in professional psychology along with remaining focused on integrating science and practice. ... Show more content on ... This approach proposes that the psychologists would be trained in manner that includes both practice and science with each informing the other and each with focal activity. For instance, students would find out about practice techniques and skills and about scientific methods and findings. At the same time they would have chances to carry out clinical practice and conduct research under the supervision of faculty. The faculty themselves are effectively engaged with both sorts of activities. Training programs would keep up clinical facilities as well as would maintain research and whenever possible these two activities would be integrated with the research based practice that also forms the part of subject of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Structural Strain Theory And Social Order Deviance, behavior that is outside of what is deemed socially acceptable, is necessary for stability and social order in society–this according to functionalist theorist Emile Durkheim (MindEdge, Inc., 2016). Historically, society has generally been successful in providing motivation for individuals to aspire to goals of some sort, whether through wealth, prestige or, perceived power (Henslin, 2011). However, from a functionalist perspective, theories have been developed by identifying when lawful and equal access is not afforded to certain individuals in the process of obtaining such goals. This restriction and inequality to opportunity for access in the quest to achieve success is what is now referred to as structural strain theory, which was developed by sociologist Robert Merton (Henslin, 2011). According to Merton, structural strain theory describes the resulting outcome or motivations demonstrated through deviant behaviors, that arise when individuals are unable to reach these goals through lawfully acceptable means (Alsamaloty & El Bouayadi–van de Wetering, 2012). Over the past year, I have been working to obtain a college degree, specifically in the disciplines of psychology and sociology. It is my intention to utilize the acquired knowledge–specific to such disciplines– to benefit those who seek assistance through the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs ("VA") for treatment of combat related post traumatic stress disorder ("PTSD"). Although I am an active ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. A Comparison OfThe Consolation Of Philosophy And Doctor... Happiness is often thought to be something of relativity. What makes one person happy does not necessarily bring happiness to another. Nevertheless, how happiness is defined, by no doubt, has something to do with the characteristics of a culture and time. For example, the beginning of the sixth century was characterized by many controversies in the newly officialized religion of Christianity – Arianism, to name one. Religion, at the time, became a big factor in defining true happiness. As controversies got resolved, the use of religion as a means to defining happiness remained a constant through the sixteenth century, but the influence became more on the need for reformation in the Church. One author in the sixth century, Boethius, writes vividly on the idea of happiness in his The Consolation of Philosophy. Similar points that Boethius makes about happiness can be found between the lines of a sixteenth century writer, Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus. Due to the difference in the eras of which The Consolation of Philosophy and Doctor Faustus were written, the authors present happiness in a manner relative to their time, while ultimately both agreeing that true happiness is rooted in God. Both authors present their own understanding of what happiness is not in order to better proclaim what it is. Boethius makes a point that happiness cannot be found in temporary things. He writes, "Do you really hold dear that kind of happiness which is destined to pass away" ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Annotated Bibliography: Conducting Educational Research Stanley, R. B. (2002) 'Relationships between gender and teachers' perceptions of Principal effectiveness in Georgia schools', Ed.D., Georgia Southern University. Steers, R. M. (1977) 'Antecedents and outcomes of organizational commitment. Administrative Science Quarterly', 22 (1), 46–56. Stemple, J. D. (2004) 'Job satisfaction of high school Principals in Virginia', Unpublished PhD dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia. Available at: available/etd– 04252004–104719 Stevens (1999) 'Post hoc tests in ANOVA', Retrieved on 3/09/13 from http://pages.uoregon. edu/stevensj/posthoc.pdf Strang, R. (1965) 'An introduction to child study', New York, ... Show more content on ... "Conducting Educational Research", Harcourt Brace Javanovich York. Turk, C. P III. (2001) 'A study of the leadership qualities, behaviours, and characteristics of Principals from California's distinguished and underperforming high schools', Ed.D., University of La Verne. Tuttle, A. C. (2006) 'Humour and leadership: Subordinate perceptions of Principal effectiveness as influenced by humour', Unpublished PhD thesis Ed.D, Central Michigan University. Usmani, S. (1988) 'A study of Principal effectiveness in relation to professional attainment, socio– economic background, values of life and attitude towards teaching', Unpublished PhD thesis Education. AMU, cited in MB. Buch Fifth Survey of Educational Research (Vol. II) NCERT, New Delhi.p.1855. Vaidya, F. K. (2010). A Study of Relationship Between Empowerment of Secondary School Teachers and Their Perception about Leadership Qualities of School Principals. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. Retrieved from Sodhganga: Vasile, C. R. (2004) 'Teachers' perceptions of Principals as instructional leaders in Alabama reading initiative schools', Ed.D., The University of ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Graduate Degree At The University Of Waterloo The overarching goal I have for pursuing a degree in Industrial/Organizational psychology is to gain experience from specific areas of research in the I/O psychology field. I have had the opportunity to take part in the research of this field throughout my undergraduate degree but have not been able to explore it as in depth as I could through a graduate degree. Completing a Master 's of Applied Science in I/O psychology at the University of Waterloo will allow me to reach this goal as I know that research is an integral part of the program. As such, my current interest in career choices are focused on the teaching and research aspects of being a professor. My recent experience as an Honours Thesis student has demonstrated my passion for research and teaching as I have had the opportunity to conduct my own research and present it in order to teach my classmates about my thesis topic. My previous experience in research has demonstrated that I have the ambition to pursue graduate studies in order to reach my career aspiration. I know that a Master 's of Applied Science in I/O psychology at the University of Waterloo will guide and challenge me to achieve my long–term goal. Throughout my Master 's degree my objective is to work with people and conduct impactful research. I enjoy collaborating and learning from others which will allow for personal development and well–rounded learning. I also aspire to work with people who share the same passion as I do in I/O psychology. ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Analysis Of The Oil And Gas Management Hassan Achour GSM LONDON 11 March 2015 An Analysis of Skills and Knowledge Required to Undertake Degree Studies in Oil and Gas Management and Follow a Career Path in Engineering 1.0 Oil and Gas Management Degree With the fast advancement and development of the vitality area, a vocation in the oil and gas industry has unquestionably turned into a standout amongst the most imminent in the business sector today. In UK, for instance, the industry has seen a colossal venture running regarding billions of pounds in the most recent quite a while. This implies that there is a normal high rate of making of new employments and opportunities in this field. Then again, of course, the essential aptitudes and learning advancement will be ... Show more content on ... For the most part, understudies seeking after a degree course in the Oil and Gas Management will take more or less 3–4 years of study time when going to on a full–time premise. Through this course, the understudies are required to get to know the business angles and administration issues identified with the business of oil and gas (Education Portal 2015). Contingent upon the organization and the nation where the understudies get their chances after studies, understudies are interested in seeking after professions in positions, for example, contract chiefs, business advancement supervisors, deals administrators, venture directors, development administrators and ecological pros among others. 3.0 Required Skills and Knowledge in Various Career Options in the Oil and Gas Field As prior highlighted, there are different profession choices accessible for the understudies seeking after the Oil and Gas Management degree on the planet today. These opportunities all require certain abilities and learning keeping in mind the end goal to be performed suitably and as per the business models. In this part, the paper will concentrate on three arbitrary and likely profession ways that understudies can seek endless supply of their studies. 3.1 ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Role Of Clinical Nurses With Research Discussion In general we found that clinical nurses with research–active characteristics become research–active in response to a clinical trigger and they were successful because they were in an environment that was supportive of clinical nursing research. Unlike the findings reported by Woodward et al. (2007), our nurses did not think research was a hard or daunting undertaking. However, our sample differed significantly as nurses in our study were not conducting research as an educational exercise to meet a course or degree requirement. It may be that the nurses in the Woodward et al. study lacked research–active nurse characteristics and/or were attempting to complete their research in an environment that was not supportive of research by nurses. Their only motivation was that the project was required, and since this was a school project, lack of organizational support might not be surprising. Similar to the findings by Tanner and Hale (2002) the nurses in this study became research–active in response to a need or desire to solve a clinical problem (trigger). In addition, like Tanner and Hale our nurses did not identify barriers to the conduct of research; rather they talked about things that supported their research. Similarities between this study and the study by Tanner and Hale may be related to sampling. Neither of these two studies included nurses who completed a study as part of a degree or course requirement. Our model may explain findings of Syme and Stiles ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. What Motivates Me Most For Pursue A College Degree What motivates me most to pursue a college degree is opening new doors for career options and inspiring my daughter through my own actions to pursue lifelong learning. I have waited until this point in my life to take this first step for many reasons. I feel that I had a lot of fear of failure that kept me from pursuing this higher learning. I am in the right place mentally at this stage in my life and feel like I can fully invest in this experience and make it truly a success and representation of what I can do. I am also highly motivated by the fact that my career is truly stalled because I am not competition for someone that has equal experience and a degree. I plan to conquer that competition through this process. Purpose My main purpose in seeking a college degree is to develop a new skill set and to become more marketable to potential employers and my current employer. I have worked for a huge corporation for over 13 years and only feel confident at the level I have been at over the last 7 years. I genuinely need to redefine for myself what the rest of my life is going to consist of. This is the perfect way to gain that perspective. I am also wanting to financially gain more stability and with a degree I will be eligible to post and be considered for positions that earn higher wages. I want to stake my claim in my own self worth as well and truly prove to myself that this is something I am capable of. Values I am demonstrating my ability to see something ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Personal Essay On Technology And Technology Technology has played a significant role within my academic and professional achievements. At a very young age, I was introduced to programming by a math teacher in the seventh grade. After being sentenced to twenty–four hours of detention for making jokes during class, I learned my first programming language, GW BASIC from that same math teacher. One evening, during detention, this instructor saw that I had idle time on my hands and decided to make me a deal. The instructor made a deal that, once I finished all my homework; if I could write a computer program that made a ball bounce across the screen, for every trick that the ball does, he would subtract one hour of detention off my time. This seemed like something I could not refuse and I promptly accepted the offer. However, I did not know I would spend many hours learning BASIC and days coding the program. I quickly came to understand that, this really was not a good deal at all. Nonetheless, I stuck with the agreement. By the end of the semester, not only did I write my first computer program, but also I had somehow managed to become a member of the Gilmore Jr. High School Math & Science Team. Eventually, I moved on to more advanced systems and technology. The point I want to make is that, this experience became the basis of how I would approach learning technology in the future. I view learning new technology as fun, something that one learns on their own or as a hobby. The way I learn technology is through ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. The Importance Of Academics Academics 3.1 Importance of Academics Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. It is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it. Academics are important because it is strongly linked to the positive outcomes we value. Adults who are academically successful and with high levels of education are more likely to be employed, have stable employment, have more employment opportunities than those with less education and earn higher salaries, are more likely to have health insurance, are less dependent on social assistance, are less likely to engage in criminal activity, are more active as citizens and charitable volunteers and are healthier and happier. Academics are important because working people will need higher levels of education to tackle the technologically demanding occupations of the future. 3.2 Various disciplines offered at BITS Goa 1) For B.E. we have the following courses offered:– B.E. Computer Science Engineering B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering B.E. Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.E. Chemical Engineering 2) For M.Sc we have the following courses offered:– Biological Sciences Chemistry Economics Mathematics Physics 3) For PhD we have the following courses offered:– Full Time PhD Part Time PhD Faculty development scheme Ph D aspirant scheme 3.3 Other Opportunity Current ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. A Career in Medical Psychology Psychology is usually a really enormous subject matter. They are a lot of numerous career fields of therapy. Therapy being a scholarly analyze with the brain as well as actions goes towards Historic Greeks. There is also proof of subconscious believed within ancient Egypt. Psychology seemed to be the branch of philosophy until the 1870s, whenever the idea created just as one separate medical discipline. Psychology edges with a few other career fields as well as physiology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, sociology, anthropology, along with philosophy as well as other pieces of the humanities. I'm going to offer you look at this medical therapy. I am going to going to allow take on the specific with ... Show more content on ... Clinicians usually are been trained in a variety of strategies as well as theoretical strategies. A number of focus on the treatment of specific mental issues, although some help clientele affected by numerous complications. Specialized medical psychologists deal with one of the most critical psychiatric issues such as schizophrenia as well as depression. As well as utilizing clientele, specialized medical psychologists have to keep precise information regarding client assessment, analysis, restorative ambitions as well as treatment method information. These types of information help clinicians as well as clientele monitor improvement and so are generally needed for accounts receivable as well as insurance coverage purposes. Using the APA Research Business office, within 2001 the typical salary for any accredited clinical psychologist seemed to be $72, 000. From the psychologists surveyed, 65% labored within exclusive training, 19% labored within health care options as well as 2% labored in some different human being services location. Find out more about the typical wages intended for clinical psychologists. The pay scale could change for the different state that you may live in. The actual Ough. S. Section associated with Labor's Work Outlook Handbook stories of which career within ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Benefits Of A Unified Salary Schedule There are many advantages and disadvantages to a single, unified salary schedule. These types of salary schedules only recognize years of service and amount of education to determine salary amounts for all certified staff. Each salary schedule has strengths and areas of improvement, and analysis of the salary schedule will highlight these areas. Salary schedules, including Hollister RV School District's, only require teachers to remain employed thorough the school year to earn a raise in pay for the next year, automatically moving to the next step on the salary schedule. Pay increases also are earned by moving to the next lane or column based on the hours of graduate credit completed toward an advanced degree, such as a Masters, Specialist, or Doctoral degree. Hollister RV School District's certified staff's salary schedule discloses several areas of exceptionality, highlighting what is important to the District. However, there are also areas to be improved, including recruitment and retention (Hollister RV School District, 2016). One exceptional characteristic of the salary schedule is that the vertical steps carry the same monetary value as the horizontal columns with the exception of completing a Master's degree or a Specialist degree. This salary schedule indicates an equal value is placed on service and completed education. Upon completing a degree, staff salaries increase $960 instead of the $480 earned by simply accumulating additional hours of education. ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Description Of A Teacher Of The Doctor Of Philosophy Degree 1. Dissertation; noun; a long essay on a particular subject, especially one written as a requirement for the Doctor of Philosophy degree; long and formal essay written for a Ph.D.; Janice need to write her dissertation to complete her Ph.D. program. She realized that this required a lot of independence. As a result of writing such a long formal paper, Janice had a lot of stress. Although writing her dissertation was stressful and long, she learned many important skills. One of the most important of these skills was time management. 2. Divert; verb; cause (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to another; to distract; Sarah was extremely bored in night class, and was looking out the window. All of a sudden something diverted her attention. There was a loud noise, and a sound of a crash. After her attention was diverted, everyone else paid attention to the loud noise as well. It turned out that what distracted her was a drunk driver crashing into a pole outside her class. 3. Dote; verb; to be extremely fond of someone or something and to spoil and show great affection; to spoil someone because you adore them; My grandma dotes my little sister all the time. She spoils her by buying her many toys. She also pays attention to her every want. My mom's friend spoils my little brother because she notices the unequal treatment from my grandma between my siblings. She dotes him by buying him clothes, food, and toys. 4. Elicit; verb; evoke or draw out (a ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Understanding Burnout Of The Pastors CHAPTER FOUR UNDERSTANDING BURNOUT OF THE PASTORS IN NORTHEAST FLORIDA In the previous two chapters, some theories of stress and burnout, pastoral ministry, and especially the context of African–American churches and pastors were discussed. With this background of the research literature, this chapter will discuss the experiential research used in this study with selected –African– American pastors. It will also analyze burnout of pastors in Northeast Florida African American by analyzing the results of the survey and burnout focus group. Description of Sample and Procedure Sample Participants in the survey were Northeast Florida clergy who work in church districts of various denominations. Procedures The sample was obtained by asking permission from individual to conduct this research. After obtaining his approval, the survey packets that included a cover letter, demographic questionnaire and burnout inventory were distributed to the participants who in early April 2016. Although approximately 50 survey packets were sent to pastors in the area. Only 26 participants (52%) completed the survey with usable data for the research. Some of the pastors have of a traditional, conservative character, some declined to answer the questionnaire by saying that the subject does not apply to them. Moreover, five were not in a paid pastoral position, six were not pastors, and two were incomplete. The other participants were sent by mail the same survey packet. A total of 50 survey ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. The Success Of A Department 's Doctoral Program Literature Review The dissertation is "the most powerful, objective measure of the success of a department's doctoral program" (Lovitts, 2007). Nevertheless, the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) (2016a, 2016b) has reported that institutions of higher education face critical challenges regarding attrition and students' timely completion of quality dissertations. With doctoral student attrition ranging from 40% to 60%, pressure from regulators and governing bodies has institutions scrambling to find sustainable solutions, while yet maintaining dissertation quality and rigor (Brill, Balcanoff, Land, Gogarty, & Turner, 2014; CGS, 2016b; Harris, Birk, & Sherman, 2016; Kelley & Salisbury–Glennon, 2016; Kezar, 2014; Locke & Boyle, 2016; ... Show more content on ... One means to enhance this relationship is through the development of institutional assessment standards, where administrators can hold faculty accountable for consistent delivery of rigorous educational best practices. Although theorists have proposed changes in higher education to replace traditional with formative assessment, few administrators have implemented these changes within their institutions (Fook & Sidhu, 2010). Unlike traditional assessment, the purpose of formative assessment is not merely to prove student learning, but to guide and develop it, where what is learned is dependent upon how it is learned (Fook & Sidhu, 2010; Resnick, 1989; Walters et al., 2015). Such feedback, contingent upon the complex interrelationships of cognitive, affective, socio– cultural, and contextual factors, can increase a student's ability to grasp the processes underlying scholarly writing and research, which are essential to successful completion of a quality dissertation (Resnick, 1989; Walters et al., 2015). One such theoretical model that addresses these complex interrelationships, where its application can enhance the quality of ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Program Structure And Resources For Business Administration Program Structure and Resources There are some general facts that are good to know when it comes achieving "the highest academic degree one can earn in the business administration field within the United States and several other countries." (Schweitzer, 2016) As we dive into the discussions of program structure and resources, allow me to share several insights personally obtained throughout this week's Case Assignment. What Is A Ph.D. Degree in Business Administration? First, it might be helpful to know that the formal title, Doctor of Philosophy, is often presented in the abbreviated forms of, Ph.D. or PhD. To hold such a title, regardless of the condensed or full–length reference, is an indicator that one has contributed towards and ... Show more content on ... D. Dissertation Handbook, 2015–2016) How is a Ph. D. Different from a Doctor of Business Administration? One way to comprehensively evaluate the differences of a Doctor of Philosophy from a Doctor of Business of Philosophy is to understand some overlapping facts of their backgrounds. Therefore, let us briefly compare a few of the basics, starting with the titles. Just as the Doctor of Philosophy can be abbreviated, the Doctor of Business of Philosophy is also often seen abbreviated, but instead, as DBA, D.B.A., DrBA, or Dr.B.A.. The PhD and DBA embrace programs which support and direct intellectuals to develop creatively–advanced research, leading to a defensive dissertation. Or, in other words, they are "generally designed to prepare students for academic careers, either in teaching or research or both." (DBA vs. PhD in Business Administrations Programs, n.d.) One major difference between PhD and DBA is that a DBA "is a research doctorate awarded on the basis of advanced study and research in the field of business administration. (Research of Doctorate Degrees, 2012) In addition, the Ph.D "is highly focused on developing theoretical knowledge", while the D.B.A. "emphasizes applied research" (Research of Doctorate Degrees, 2012) More specifically, as Dr. Sherrie Lewis stated (and is cited in reference (Erskine, 2013)) a ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Journal Of Bone & Joint Surgery Study Design: Review Objective: To conduct a scoping review, and to determine trends and characteristics of spine research published by The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery (JBJS) from 2005 to 2015. Method: A PubMed search of all studies published in JBJS from 2005 to 2015 was performed using the keyword "spine". A similar search was conducted on the JBJS website from 2005 to 2015 using the keyword "spine". The study by Gartsman et al (2005) was used as the main reference for this study. Results: Studies were more likely to be of a higher level of evidence (Level I or II) (53.57%) than of a lower level of evidence (Level III or IV). Level–I, II, and III studies (21.43%) had a higher likelihood of having an author with an advanced degree in addition to a medical degree than Level–IV studies (2.86%). Studies with three or more authors (97.14%) were more common than studies with only one or two authors (2.86%). There were more positive studies (53.93%) than non–positive studies (negative studies= 16.85%; neutral studies= 29.22%). Conclusion: The study shows improvement in trends of spine research published by JBJS over the past decade, which suggests an acknowledgement in the development of research techniques and methods. INTRODUCTION The quality of research performance has improved over the past few decades. Improvements in research have helped to significantly impact our understanding, treatment, and management of diseases. As research performance ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Embedded Written Feedback Essay The purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative exploration of fac– ulty feedback on benchmark written assignments in an online doctoral pro– gram. The researchers examined instructor feedback provided to online doc– toral students on scholarly writing assignments across multiple programs. The Corpus for this analysis included 236 doctoral level written assign– ments that had written, embedded feedback from 51 faculty members. Re– searchers identi ed types and themes of embedded written feedback. Using a method of move structure analysis, embedded feedback was reviewed and coded to determine the occurring themes. A discussion and analysis follows covering the speci c types and themes uncovered in the embedded feedback within these written assignments. The Genre of Instrcutor Feedback in Doctoral Programs 527 Background Despite attention given to doctoral education, there is still a ... Show more content on ... 456). ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. The Disloyal King: Counterfeit Work The Disloyal King: The Hardly Known Story of the Counterfeit Work of Martin Luther King Jr. No doubt the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the American history in the mid–1950s.' A human rights icon, fitting injustice suffered against black people. After researching his life and work, a revealing scandal of plagiarism surfaced, damaging his personal image and work. Accomplishment and Profile. Dr. Martin Luther King was an illustrious man, known to his Civil Rights Movement leadership. The first only African American man who has a federal holiday observed in his name. He fought for the black people, leading him to win a Nobel Peace prize in 1964. A Baptist minister, a man of God, his Christian preaching was almost never mentioned by media. ... Show more content on ... There are so many questions in why Dr. Martin Luther King copied various writings and ideas from others. Some believe that he was under an extreme stress because of his position as a leader for the Civil Rights, others judged him as a counterfeit person, doubting his personal moral and intellectual ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. A Plan For A Done Dissertation A Plan for a DONE dissertation The following paper will discuss possible obstacles to completing a dissertation; strategies used to avoid or overcome them; and generally, how to take care of ones–self throughout the career as a doctoral student. Personal family issues occur throughout life and unexpected. No one can predict the outcomes for what tomorrow will bring. A personal obstacle encountered through this current dissertation process will be given as an example and how to overcome. During the fourth week into a course, my son was at a pool party with his cousin. He drank a few beers; he is only seventeen. We don't know if he was pushed or if he jumped into the pool. Thankfully, a friend seen him when he was in the water, noticed he was not coming up, jumped in and pulled him out and began CPR. How long was he under? The brain can only handle 3 to 6–minutes without oxygen before brain damage occurs. He had to be hospitalized for a near death drowning incident; he had to be airlifted to a nearby children's hospital where he was put on a ventilator for a week, and kept in the hospital for two weeks for kidney failure. Your world comes to a stop. Your heart is at your feet; you're helpless. What do you do? What about school work or work in general? All things in life are set aside. Have faith and believe! All you want is to see your son wake up, talk to you, and you know that he has not suffered any brain damage. Your first priority to your dissertation and school is to ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. How Do People Learn Their Workplace? How do people learn in their workplaces? That was a question in my mind while driving to the Jeddah Refinery where I had my first exposure to a workplace as an intern in 1998. I realized through that experience the difference between classroom learning and workplace learning. Since then, I have been interested in workplace learning as a lively topic throughout various stages in my career. I am currently work as a learning and staff development specialist. This job requires a set of roles and responsibilities like identifying the development needs of the staff of IDB, as well planning and managing training programs and workplace learning activities. Moreover, I would like to highlight that one of the interesting roles assigned to me was managing the internship program open to students and fresh graduates to get exposure to organizational work and activities and get some practical experience related to their academic fields of study. My interest in the area of workplace learning and workforce development as a chosen career path is increasing, and I am encouraged to pursue an opportunity for professional development and growth. By joining a graduate program at a reputable university to learn more about the concepts and principles of this field of study, I truly agree with how you described as an applied discipline that requires combination between academic research and insights coming from hands–on experience and practical application in actual work environments. Therefore, ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Choosing A Career Choices For Their Adult Life Essay As human beings we are raised in a society to start preparing for our future as children. Parent place us in extracurricular activities such as karate, soccer, football, music, dance, and many more activities available to children. This is an opportunity given to children to experience what they like or dislike, in order to make a career choices for their adult life. When it came to growing up as a child I enjoyed every second of it, as a kid everything that interest me or I enjoyed doing was what I wanted to be. I remember having a few dogs that I adored so much and because of that I wanted to be a Veterinarian. Now, as a kid not once did I ever think about the things I had to do to head toward that career. I didn't know how long I had to go to college, the amount of salary for each profession, and the requirements of the job and the different job positions. I also would love to dance and wanted to be a choreographer. As we continue to grow older and understand the different circumstances, our job choice will constantly change, until you have reached a decision making point. Even then sometimes it will not stick and we will continue to change our mind. I finally decided what it was I wanted to do as my career choice about a year ago. I want to be in the field of Sociology. What is Sociology? It is the study of human behavior. Now, I could have decided to choose Psychology but the mind of an individual does not interest me but, if I look from a standpoint of a whole group, ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Hollywood Design Engineer Cover Letter Dear Sherwood Design Engineers Intern Hiring Team, I'm a First–Year in Barnard College at Columbia University and I would love to be considered for an internship position this summer at Sherwood Design Engineers. Although my major is currently undeclared, I have a strong interest in engineering and environmental sciences and will definitely be pursuing a degree in a physical science. Barnard currently doesn't offer any engineering major, and the only way to pursue it at Columbia is to be enrolled in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS); I'm at Barnard, however, because a liberal arts education is important to me, in addition to engineering. Since the schools are all under Columbia, there are various ways to still pursue engineering as a Barnard student, and I am on a current track to do any of them. Of the two I am considering, the first is a 3–2 dual degree program, which requires that you complete a major in three years, and during that time you take all required prerequisites to apply to a two–year SEAS program. At the end of the first three years, assuming you have completed prerequisites and credits for a liberal arts degree, you are automatically admitted to complete an undergraduate engineering major in the next two years if your GPA is 3.3 or higher. The second program I am considering is an express masters program at SEAS, which Columbia students can gain entry to if we have a degree at the end of four years which ... Show more content on ... I am passionate about spaces and design, as well as the environmental implications of design. My brain works in both a very mathematical way, but also very visual and artistic way, which is precisely why engineering and design are so intriguing to me. I believe that working at Sherwood would make engineering as a profession something tangible which I can work towards as a career later ... Get more on ...