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Kim Rottet
Assistant Director, Recreational Sports
What You Will Get Out Of This
 Information on the Mast of a Resume
 Information on the Formatting of a Resume
 Information on the “Letter of Application” (Cover
   Content of your resume – listing your experience
   How to detail your educational listings
   Tips on how to make your resume stand out in a stack of
   Interview Tips

    **Information applicable for even those not necessarily in the
            recreation field – but geared towards recreation
This Resume “Stuff” – What’s It All About??
“Finding a job is actually tougher than the job itself?” (CareerBuilder – 12.06)
  “Purpose” of a resume – It is a blueprint of you (past and present). It’s
   also a roadmap to who you are and where you want to go!
  Adds better professionals and “polished” individuals to any field.
  How do I keep my resume up do date?
       Regular Updates - Pick a day weekly or monthly to spend time on your
          resume. You lose too much if you don’t keep it updated regularly!
  A resume tells who you are. It can portray you as being
   professional/unprofessional, happy or sad, polite, your work ethic,
   and more…Your resume is the only voice you have when you are
   not there in person!
  Save to multiple sources (posting to a website)
       Be wary of scam artists because of the information they can get about
       Posting on NRPA or Bluefish (NIRSA) can be successful
Relevant Research in Recreation
(Where I Base my information from)
1. What are Recreational Sports Directors looking for from
   a candidate? (Dr. Craig Ross, Indiana University, 1997)
2. Jim Jamriska examined resume preferences for Graduate
   Assistants (Ball State University, 2004)
3. My own personal experience in the field, development I
   received as a student, presentations I’ve done, books,
   Internet, and resumes I’ve examined for others.
4. Fellow professionals

 **Like I mentioned, much of this information is applicable to
       other professions outside of recreation; however, this
      presentation is geared towards recreation professionals.
Overall Resume Components
What EACH Resume Should Include:
  The Mast or HEADING of your resume (name, address, email,
     website, etc – HOW DO WE CONTACT YOU!)
    Career Objectives (my own personal rules about objectives, but you
     may choose to use them.)
    Educational Record (high school listing not always needed)
    Professional/Related Work Experience (W, W, W, W, W and H)
    Non-Related work experience (waiter, cashier, laborer) – Show good
     work ethic, dedication, skills not seen in other areas! (Is this good? –
     Yes…Transferable Skills.
    Personal Information – How much is too much?
    Professional Development – YES! Listing of conferences attended –
    References - Many rules here
    Style, font, pages, and how your resume looks
    The cover letter (“Letter of Application”)
From the Professional:
Kimberly Duncan, Student Activity Coordinator, University Center & Student Activities

                         Resume Formatting
  Formatting is a big deal to me. I don’t want to see wasted
   space. If it isn’t formatted properly the first impression I
   have is that you are either a) lazy and are using a template
   or b) not experienced.
     ie. When typing a description if the sentence only has
      one word that goes into the next line-pick a word to
      delete to make if fit on one line.
  Also, if you can provide quantifiable examples that helps.
     ie. Increased recruitment by 50% or managed a budget
      of $30,000
“Relevant” Personal Information –
in the Mast
What is the Mast of a Resume? – HINT: It makes your resume “Pop!”
  Current Campus Address
  Current Permanent Address – Suggested for students who may
   still be in school or moving!
  Telephone Numbers
  Email Address (Be Careful!)
     bigsexy@yahoo.con; (ones or L’s??;
  Date Current information is no longer valid
  Don’t tell too much! – being a minister, ordained, political
   preferences, sexual orientation, etc. People do have
  Don’t forget the voicemail messages either. If you list a phone,
   make sure it has voicemail only YOU have access to.
Mast Example
                            Kim N. Candidate

Permanent Address                                                   School Address
600 West Market Street                                           6300 Ocean Drive
Logansport, Indiana 46947                      Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
(574) 555.5555                                         Corpus Christi, Texas 78412
                                                              Cell: (361) 555.5555
                                                     (Valid Through May 15, 2011)

   Name should be very bold and STAND OUT – drawing attention
    (32-36 pt)
   Two address if in school/or you are moving are recommended –
    don’t forget to tell when school address is no longer relevant –
    Just one address if you aren’t currently in school or moving
   Essentials are name, email, correct telephone numbers, and
Educational Record
What I DO suggest!         What I DON’T suggest
 All institutions          High School Info
  attended                      Unless it’s the applicant’s only
                                 educational experience or
 Field(s) of Study              internship
 Major/Minors              GPA – consider the
 Degree(s) Earned           rules (unless 3.7 or
 Thesis Information (if     higher or looking at
  relevant)                  graduate school)
 Certificates earned       “Bragging” about your
  (related to the job)       school
Educational Record - Example

Texas A & M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Texas
Currently taking courses towards a doctorate of education in Higher Educational Leadership

United States Sports Academy, Daphne, Alabama
Master of Sport Science-Sport Management
Awarded Fall 2007

Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana
Bachelor of Science-General Studies English Concentration/Including 17 credit hours in education
Awarded Spring 2004

    You must list ALL universities or colleges attended
    Only list GPA if over 3.7 or if you are trying to get into graduate school and your GPA is over the
     graduate school requirement for admittance
    In some cases, particularly if you work in higher education, a transcript will be required as well
    You can also list these side by side – just like you may have listed out your addresses
Professional/Related Work
 Job Function – What IS the job you performed?
     Be descriptive (DESCRIPTORS!) and tell what you did, how many, what types, what
       it involved, and more! WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY AND HOW YOU did
       what you did or are doing now
 Achievements and accomplishments
 Positions/Exact Titles (don’t make it up)
     If you received a promotion during your tenure, list it out separately.
 Actual dates of employment (don’t guess)
 Name and Address of Employer and Supervisor
     This may be listed on the application – may not always need it on a resume.
 Location of Employer (street, city, state)
 Concerns/Red Flags: “Gaps in dates”
     If you have a gap in your employment, you should list that on the application with
       specific dates that you were looking for employment. Your application may not
       make it through screening if you don’t.
 Some key phrases hiring managers pick up on - Experience in Diversity; Collaboration,
  Budget/Money Management; Customer Service; Team Player; Risk Management, and
     Can you name some others?
What Your Recreation Experience
Says About YOU! (and how to say it)
   Consider EACH Aspect of your Position for your resume
       How To List This - Order
   What do you do?
     Programming
     Leadership Development
     Counseling/Coaching
     Communication
     Marketing/Promotional Development
     Trusted with keys (particularly for students)
     Processing paperwork
     Diversity
     Size of your facility
     Conflict resolution skills (Something I encourage our Intramural Sports student
      employees to showcase. Transferable to Athletics positions in PARDs.)
     Risk Management
     Cash Handling (particularly for students)
     Collaboration (Encouraged for all student /professional positions, as we frequently
      collaborate with other departments within Division of Student Affairs at TAMUCC.
      Transferable to working with PD or Parks Board for a special event in PARD setting.)
Position “Descriptors” - Example
  Assistant Director, Recreational Sports
  6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412
  Immediate Supervisor –Dr. Jacqueline Hamilton, Director of Recreational Sports
  March 2008 - Present

Responsibility for the administration and supervision of the Programs Division within the Department of
Recreational Sports to include: Aquatics, Extramural Sports, Fitness/Wellness, Intramural Sports, Marketing and
Promotions, Outdoor Adventure, Special Events, Sport Clubs and Youth and Family Programs. This includes the
supervision, direction, evaluation, training and development of multiple full time program specific Coordinators and
over 100 student/part time employees, as well as financial accountability for the Programs Division.

     Provide leadership and administrative support to the Programs Division
     Develop and assess programming areas through learning outcomes
     Directly administer and manage all Outdoor Adventure programs and operations
        (trips, workshops, rentals and Islander Challenge Program)
       Oversee all departmental marketing including website maintenance, flyer
        production, and signage creation and information table staffing
       Implement and facilitate Islander Challenge (team building) program for University
       Implement the Islander Rec Camp summer camp program
       Oversee Special Events programming, specifically the Paws for a Cause breast cancer
        fundraiser event
Non-Related Work Experience
Why this is so important to add!

  Job Function – What did you do?
  Positions/Exact Titles Held
  Dates of Employment
  Name of Employer
  Name of Immediate Supervisor
  Volunteer Information
  Hint…Tell us about experiences handling money,
   leadership skills, labor, etc…
  Perhaps title this area “related experiences”
Professional Skills and
 Certifications earned (also list in descriptors)
 Professional Organization Memberships (as related to the
 Professional Conferences/Workshops Attended
     Sometimes good and bad…just attending doesn’t work for everyone!

   Professional presentations delivered
   Professional publications authored
   Computer proficiencies (very important today)
   Community/Volunteer involvement
   Campus/City Committee involvement/chair
From the Professional:
Patsy Kott, Director of Outdoor Adventures Texas A&M College Station
                  Professional Skills & Development
 Certifications should not outweigh experiences. As hiring
  managers we have had applicants with a full page of
  certifications, but no experience actually using them.
 Hiring managers also want to see that you have not only been a
  member of your student/professional organization(s), but an
  active participant in it.
    ie. Instead of just listing - Member of TOADs (Texas Outdoor
     Adventure Directors), I might also need to note “Served as a
     member of the planning and host committee for the Texas
     Outdoor Leadership Conference (2010)
Professional References:
What I DO Suggest
  Ask your references if you can list them.
  Only ask those who can give OUTSTANDING comments
    Why get “average” comments from someone?
  Give references a copy of your updated resume and keep them aware
    of jobs you are interested in
     As someone who has served as a reference for several former
       employees, it isn’t fun to be caught off guard with a phone call from
       your potential employer without a head’s up
  List previous professional references that you are comfortable with
  Include reference list with complete citations (name, title, phone,
   address, email)
  4-7 Balanced (men/women)
  How to list these “power references”
  May also need to list job titles of references that may have changed
   since you worked for them.
Professional References:
What I DON’T suggest
  “References Available Upon Request”
  Family or Friends as references (what if you worked in a family owned
  Listing “power” people (Producers or “name people” you met once, people
    that cannot comment on your actual work experience)
  All of one gender listed (remember “balanced”)
  “Character” references – let the employer be the judge of
   your character
  Three or more references from the same location or
  References without email addresses listed (Trend today to
    contact references with an email/online form)
Reference Page - Example
 Display these – stacked – left/right – 1st location is
     your POWER reference….

Jim Jamriska                                 Dr. Jacqueline Hamilton
Assistant Director, Facility Operations      Director, Recreational Sports
University of Cincinnati Campus Recreation   Texas A & M University Corpus Christi
2820 Bearcat Way                             6300 Ocean Drive, Unit 5713
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221                       Corpus Christi, Texas 78412
(513) 556-0708                               (361) 825-3397              

Troy Vaughn                                  Elisa Angeles
Director of Recreational Sports              Assistant Director, Strength and Conditioning
Southeast Missouri State University          University of Notre Dame
One University Plaza                         F21 Joyce Center
Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701               South Bend, Indiana 46556
(573) 651-2105                               (574) 631-7784                   
Additional Helpful Information
 Resume paper color and weight
 Designs/Artwork on the resume – No, unless perhaps you are applying
   for a marketing position.
 Length of resume (myths) – Athletic Administration vs. Business vs.
 Resume format – How to list information
     Paragraph vs. paragraph style – Suggested Chronological with the use of bullets
 How to stand out – hints: colored paper clip, personal business cards, follow
  up with an emailed resume, telephone calls to the person you apply to, etc
 Using Email – be careful! Never write what you can say
 Abbreviations in a resume? NEVER (Including states) Only permitted in
  titles (Mr. Mrs. Dr.)
 Spelling or grammar – the “mortal” errors
 Do NOT use resume template or a “canned resume”
Additional Helpful Information II
 Common Mistakes made (which can kill you): Wrong information
    listed – telephone, email, addresses, reference information changed,
    etc), misspellings, bad grammar, gaps, flow problems, following
    directions (i.e. applying on line when it is stated in the listing NOT to
    apply on line)
   New technology is adding to our field (Facebook/Myspace) BE
    CAREFUL what you post. Employers will check these sites. Works in
    reverse for you too!
   How to address people – Mrs. Miss, Ms. Those with Doctoral degrees,
    make sure you add Dr.
   Make regular updates/edits to your resume
   Practice makes perfect – although you are NEVER done with your
    resume. It is always a work in progress.
   Am I qualified for each job – Shot gunning your resume out.
Resume “Action” Words
                Thanks to for this partial listing

 achieved           acquired                  adapted           addressed
 administered       analyzed                  anticipated       assembled
 assisted           audited                   budgeted          calculated
 centralized        changed                   collaborated      composed
 condensed          conducted                 constructed       contracted
 converted          coordinated               created           cultivated
 demonstrated       designed                  developed         devised
 discovered         doubled                   drafted           edited
 enforced           established               evaluated         expanded
 explained          forecasted                formed            founded
 generated          guided                    hired             implemented
 improved           informed                  insured           interpreted
 interviewed        launched                  maintained        managed
 marketed           minimized                 motivated         negotiated
 obtained           operated                  organized         originated
 performed          planned                   prevented         produced
 programmed         promoted                  provided          publicized
 published          posted                    recruited         reorganized
 reported           researched                resolved          reviewed
 selected           separated                 set up            simplified
 solved             surveyed                  supervise(d)      taught
 tested             trained                   used              instructed

                   What other “action” words can you add?
Letter of Application
(Cover Letter Information)
 3-4 paragraphs in length (MAX) stating your interest in the position
    and just a bit of an overview of why you are qualified for the position.
   Average view for a cover letter is only a few seconds when a
    committee/individual to look at it. Be brief but efficient.
   Use “power” words in your letter – same as your resume (see small
    listing of helpful words)
   Dear…Mr., Dr., Mrs., Ms., Professor, Committee Chair - Use proper
    titles, but DO YOUR RESEARCH – don’t settle for anything less than a
    name! (what if they don’t give you a name when you call?)
   (See next page) – Paragraph #1 – stating your intention (you may also
    list where you saw the ad); Paragraph #2 – a short synopsis of your
    experience as related to the position description; Paragraph #3
    Reaffirming the skills you bring to the position, a thank you and how
    to contact.
Letter of Application Example
March 25, 2010

Ms. Kim Rottet
Assistant Director, Recreational Sports
Texas A & M University Corpus Christi
6300 Ocean Drive, Unit 5713
Corpus Christi, Texas 78412

Dear Ms. Rottet:

      Please accept this letter of application and attached resume as formal application for the position of Coordinator, Intramural
      Sports with the Department of Recreational Sports at Texas A & M University Corpus Christi.

      As you can see by my resume, I have serves as both a Graduate Assistant and Intramural Sports Supervisor at Ball State University. I
      have been responsible for league, tournament, and dual and individual sports and events for over 30 events annually. Additionally, I
      have worked as a sports official for basketball and flag football and recently was certified as a basketball official in the State of

      Your position description indicates you need someone with supervisory experience and the ability to train officials and peers. With
      my experiences, I feel that I can assist in your program and fit the needs you require. I am available for an on campus interview at
      your convenience. I will be at stated school address through May 12, 2010 and at my listed home address after that date. Thank you
      for any consideration given!


Jamie Rogers
attachment: Resume
The Interview…
 “Networking gets you the interview, you get the job.”
 Arrive Early (15 Minutes)
    “Early is on time, on time is late, late is unacceptable.” If you are
      late, you shouldn’t even bother to show up.
    Do your homework!
    Relax
 Attire
    Suit/Business Attire
       Ladies – Suit (solid color) with coordinated blouse. Limited
         jewelry. Sparse make-up/perfume and manicured nails.
       Men – Suit (solid color) with long sleeve shirt (white) and tie.
        Very limited jewelry and trimmed nails. Go easy of aftershave.
     Shoes (But be prepared to walk)
     Bag (Snacks, Water, Pens, Supplies)
       Supplies - Extra Resume Copies, Notebook Paper, Job
        Description, Research, Prepared Questions
Interview Tips
   Sit on the Edge of Your Seat
   Write Down the Names of the Interviewers
   Make Good Eye Contact
   Never Lie
   Listen as Well as Talk
   Use Specific Examples from Your Life
   Be Proud of Your Accomplishments.
   Be Open About Your Background or Experience
   Don’t Give One Word Answers. Employers want to
    know what you think.
   Don’t Chew Your Fingernails, Smoke, Drink, or Eat
   Turn off your cell phone!
   Do Not use Profanity or Slang
   Bring Extra Copies of Your Resume, References, or
    other pertinent information
   Ask Appropriate Questions
   ALWAYS Thank the Interviewer
Common & Tricky Questions
              Common                               Tricky
 Why did you choose the              What is Your Greatest
    recreation field?                    Weakness?
   What will this job do for you?      Where Do You Want to be in 10
   Give an example of a time            Years?
    when you took initiative.
   What qualities do you look for      How Would You Evaluate Your
    in a boss?                           Last Boss?
   Why do you want to work for         What is Your Greatest
    (insert City name)?                  Strength?
 Tell me what your boss will say       Why Do You Want This Job?
  about you.                            What are your salary
 What is your greatest                  expectations?
  accomplishment?                       Tell Me About Yourself…
 Why should I hire you for this
Questions To Ask (and DO ask questions!)
 *Remember you are interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you.

 Structure, History, Department Structure
 Pro’s and Con’s of working here?
 Whom would I report to?
 What are you looking for in ideal candidate?
 What concerns if any do you have about hiring
 What’s the next step from here?
 What is the turnover ratio?
 I am available for resume assistance, LOA or
  interview tips, comments and suggestions (It’s what
  I do – almost daily with my students – I can be
  available to help you too)
 Stay in touch with me – Send me a resume draft and
  I can provide feedback.
   Remember – my OPINION only based on my
     research. Other comments will vary.
 For additional help (Students) Career Center, other
  staff professionals, Internet
 The role of the professional in your setting (mock
  interviews and career preparation – utilize your
Contact Information:

Kim Rottet, Assistant Director
Recreational Sports
Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi, Texas 78412

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Traps 2011

  • 1. Kim Rottet Assistant Director, Recreational Sports
  • 2. What You Will Get Out Of This Presentation!  Information on the Mast of a Resume  Information on the Formatting of a Resume  Information on the “Letter of Application” (Cover Letter)  Content of your resume – listing your experience  How to detail your educational listings  Tips on how to make your resume stand out in a stack of applicants  Interview Tips **Information applicable for even those not necessarily in the recreation field – but geared towards recreation professionals.**
  • 3. This Resume “Stuff” – What’s It All About?? “Finding a job is actually tougher than the job itself?” (CareerBuilder – 12.06)  “Purpose” of a resume – It is a blueprint of you (past and present). It’s also a roadmap to who you are and where you want to go!  Adds better professionals and “polished” individuals to any field.  How do I keep my resume up do date?  Regular Updates - Pick a day weekly or monthly to spend time on your resume. You lose too much if you don’t keep it updated regularly!  A resume tells who you are. It can portray you as being professional/unprofessional, happy or sad, polite, your work ethic, and more…Your resume is the only voice you have when you are not there in person!  Save to multiple sources (posting to a website)   Be wary of scam artists because of the information they can get about you.  Posting on NRPA or Bluefish (NIRSA) can be successful
  • 4. Relevant Research in Recreation (Where I Base my information from) 1. What are Recreational Sports Directors looking for from a candidate? (Dr. Craig Ross, Indiana University, 1997) 2. Jim Jamriska examined resume preferences for Graduate Assistants (Ball State University, 2004) 3. My own personal experience in the field, development I received as a student, presentations I’ve done, books, Internet, and resumes I’ve examined for others. 4. Fellow professionals **Like I mentioned, much of this information is applicable to other professions outside of recreation; however, this presentation is geared towards recreation professionals.
  • 5. Overall Resume Components What EACH Resume Should Include:  The Mast or HEADING of your resume (name, address, email, website, etc – HOW DO WE CONTACT YOU!)  Career Objectives (my own personal rules about objectives, but you may choose to use them.)  Educational Record (high school listing not always needed)  Professional/Related Work Experience (W, W, W, W, W and H)  Non-Related work experience (waiter, cashier, laborer) – Show good work ethic, dedication, skills not seen in other areas! (Is this good? – Yes…Transferable Skills.  Personal Information – How much is too much?  Professional Development – YES! Listing of conferences attended – NO!  References - Many rules here  Style, font, pages, and how your resume looks  The cover letter (“Letter of Application”)
  • 6. From the Professional: Kimberly Duncan, Student Activity Coordinator, University Center & Student Activities Resume Formatting  Formatting is a big deal to me. I don’t want to see wasted space. If it isn’t formatted properly the first impression I have is that you are either a) lazy and are using a template or b) not experienced.  ie. When typing a description if the sentence only has one word that goes into the next line-pick a word to delete to make if fit on one line.  Also, if you can provide quantifiable examples that helps.  ie. Increased recruitment by 50% or managed a budget of $30,000
  • 7. “Relevant” Personal Information – in the Mast What is the Mast of a Resume? – HINT: It makes your resume “Pop!”  Current Campus Address  Current Permanent Address – Suggested for students who may still be in school or moving!  Telephone Numbers  Email Address (Be Careful!) bigsexy@yahoo.con; (ones or L’s??; Bloodandguts@netzero.coml (underscores???)  Date Current information is no longer valid  Don’t tell too much! – being a minister, ordained, political preferences, sexual orientation, etc. People do have stereotypes!  Don’t forget the voicemail messages either. If you list a phone, make sure it has voicemail only YOU have access to.
  • 8. Mast Example Kim N. Candidate Permanent Address School Address 600 West Market Street 6300 Ocean Drive Logansport, Indiana 46947 Texas A&M University Corpus Christi (574) 555.5555 Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 Cell: (361) 555.5555 (Valid Through May 15, 2011) ____________________________________________________________________________  Name should be very bold and STAND OUT – drawing attention (32-36 pt)  Two address if in school/or you are moving are recommended – don’t forget to tell when school address is no longer relevant – Just one address if you aren’t currently in school or moving  Essentials are name, email, correct telephone numbers, and alignment
  • 9. Educational Record What I DO suggest! What I DON’T suggest  All institutions  High School Info attended  Unless it’s the applicant’s only educational experience or  Field(s) of Study internship  Major/Minors  GPA – consider the  Degree(s) Earned rules (unless 3.7 or  Thesis Information (if higher or looking at relevant) graduate school)  Certificates earned  “Bragging” about your (related to the job) school
  • 10. Educational Record - Example EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Texas A & M University Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, Texas Currently taking courses towards a doctorate of education in Higher Educational Leadership United States Sports Academy, Daphne, Alabama Master of Sport Science-Sport Management Awarded Fall 2007 Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana Bachelor of Science-General Studies English Concentration/Including 17 credit hours in education Awarded Spring 2004  You must list ALL universities or colleges attended  Only list GPA if over 3.7 or if you are trying to get into graduate school and your GPA is over the graduate school requirement for admittance  In some cases, particularly if you work in higher education, a transcript will be required as well  You can also list these side by side – just like you may have listed out your addresses
  • 11. Professional/Related Work Experience  Job Function – What IS the job you performed?  Be descriptive (DESCRIPTORS!) and tell what you did, how many, what types, what it involved, and more! WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY AND HOW YOU did what you did or are doing now  Achievements and accomplishments  Positions/Exact Titles (don’t make it up)  If you received a promotion during your tenure, list it out separately.  Actual dates of employment (don’t guess)  Name and Address of Employer and Supervisor  This may be listed on the application – may not always need it on a resume.  Location of Employer (street, city, state)  Concerns/Red Flags: “Gaps in dates”  If you have a gap in your employment, you should list that on the application with specific dates that you were looking for employment. Your application may not make it through screening if you don’t.  Some key phrases hiring managers pick up on - Experience in Diversity; Collaboration, Budget/Money Management; Customer Service; Team Player; Risk Management, and Assessment.  Can you name some others?
  • 12. What Your Recreation Experience Says About YOU! (and how to say it)  Consider EACH Aspect of your Position for your resume  How To List This - Order  What do you do?  Programming  Leadership Development  Counseling/Coaching  Communication  Marketing/Promotional Development  Trusted with keys (particularly for students)  Processing paperwork  Diversity  Size of your facility  Conflict resolution skills (Something I encourage our Intramural Sports student employees to showcase. Transferable to Athletics positions in PARDs.)  Risk Management  Cash Handling (particularly for students)  Collaboration (Encouraged for all student /professional positions, as we frequently collaborate with other departments within Division of Student Affairs at TAMUCC. Transferable to working with PD or Parks Board for a special event in PARD setting.)
  • 13. Position “Descriptors” - Example Assistant Director, Recreational Sports 6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 Immediate Supervisor –Dr. Jacqueline Hamilton, Director of Recreational Sports March 2008 - Present Responsibility for the administration and supervision of the Programs Division within the Department of Recreational Sports to include: Aquatics, Extramural Sports, Fitness/Wellness, Intramural Sports, Marketing and Promotions, Outdoor Adventure, Special Events, Sport Clubs and Youth and Family Programs. This includes the supervision, direction, evaluation, training and development of multiple full time program specific Coordinators and over 100 student/part time employees, as well as financial accountability for the Programs Division.  Provide leadership and administrative support to the Programs Division  Develop and assess programming areas through learning outcomes  Directly administer and manage all Outdoor Adventure programs and operations (trips, workshops, rentals and Islander Challenge Program)  Oversee all departmental marketing including website maintenance, flyer production, and signage creation and information table staffing  Implement and facilitate Islander Challenge (team building) program for University community  Implement the Islander Rec Camp summer camp program  Oversee Special Events programming, specifically the Paws for a Cause breast cancer fundraiser event
  • 14. Non-Related Work Experience Why this is so important to add!  Job Function – What did you do?  Positions/Exact Titles Held  Dates of Employment  Name of Employer  Name of Immediate Supervisor  Volunteer Information  Hint…Tell us about experiences handling money, leadership skills, labor, etc…  Perhaps title this area “related experiences”
  • 15. Professional Skills and Development  Certifications earned (also list in descriptors)  Professional Organization Memberships (as related to the position)  Professional Conferences/Workshops Attended  Sometimes good and bad…just attending doesn’t work for everyone!  Professional presentations delivered  Professional publications authored  Computer proficiencies (very important today)  Community/Volunteer involvement  Campus/City Committee involvement/chair
  • 16. From the Professional: Patsy Kott, Director of Outdoor Adventures Texas A&M College Station Professional Skills & Development  Certifications should not outweigh experiences. As hiring managers we have had applicants with a full page of certifications, but no experience actually using them.  Hiring managers also want to see that you have not only been a member of your student/professional organization(s), but an active participant in it.  ie. Instead of just listing - Member of TOADs (Texas Outdoor Adventure Directors), I might also need to note “Served as a member of the planning and host committee for the Texas Outdoor Leadership Conference (2010)
  • 17. Professional References: What I DO Suggest  Ask your references if you can list them.  Only ask those who can give OUTSTANDING comments  Why get “average” comments from someone?  Give references a copy of your updated resume and keep them aware of jobs you are interested in  As someone who has served as a reference for several former employees, it isn’t fun to be caught off guard with a phone call from your potential employer without a head’s up  List previous professional references that you are comfortable with  Include reference list with complete citations (name, title, phone, address, email)  4-7 Balanced (men/women)  How to list these “power references”  May also need to list job titles of references that may have changed since you worked for them.
  • 18. Professional References: What I DON’T suggest  “References Available Upon Request”  Family or Friends as references (what if you worked in a family owned business?)  Listing “power” people (Producers or “name people” you met once, people that cannot comment on your actual work experience)  All of one gender listed (remember “balanced”)  “Character” references – let the employer be the judge of your character  Three or more references from the same location or setting  References without email addresses listed (Trend today to contact references with an email/online form)
  • 19. Reference Page - Example  Display these – stacked – left/right – 1st location is your POWER reference…. Jim Jamriska Dr. Jacqueline Hamilton Assistant Director, Facility Operations Director, Recreational Sports University of Cincinnati Campus Recreation Texas A & M University Corpus Christi 2820 Bearcat Way 6300 Ocean Drive, Unit 5713 Cincinnati, Ohio 45221 Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 (513) 556-0708 (361) 825-3397 Troy Vaughn Elisa Angeles Director of Recreational Sports Assistant Director, Strength and Conditioning Southeast Missouri State University University of Notre Dame One University Plaza F21 Joyce Center Cape Girardeau, Missouri 63701 South Bend, Indiana 46556 (573) 651-2105 (574) 631-7784
  • 20. Additional Helpful Information  Resume paper color and weight  Designs/Artwork on the resume – No, unless perhaps you are applying for a marketing position.  Length of resume (myths) – Athletic Administration vs. Business vs. Education  Resume format – How to list information  Paragraph vs. paragraph style – Suggested Chronological with the use of bullets  How to stand out – hints: colored paper clip, personal business cards, follow up with an emailed resume, telephone calls to the person you apply to, etc  Using Email – be careful! Never write what you can say  Abbreviations in a resume? NEVER (Including states) Only permitted in titles (Mr. Mrs. Dr.)  Spelling or grammar – the “mortal” errors  Do NOT use resume template or a “canned resume”
  • 21. Additional Helpful Information II  Common Mistakes made (which can kill you): Wrong information listed – telephone, email, addresses, reference information changed, etc), misspellings, bad grammar, gaps, flow problems, following directions (i.e. applying on line when it is stated in the listing NOT to apply on line)  New technology is adding to our field (Facebook/Myspace) BE CAREFUL what you post. Employers will check these sites. Works in reverse for you too!  How to address people – Mrs. Miss, Ms. Those with Doctoral degrees, make sure you add Dr.  Make regular updates/edits to your resume  Practice makes perfect – although you are NEVER done with your resume. It is always a work in progress.  Am I qualified for each job – Shot gunning your resume out.
  • 22. Resume “Action” Words Thanks to for this partial listing achieved acquired adapted addressed administered analyzed anticipated assembled assisted audited budgeted calculated centralized changed collaborated composed condensed conducted constructed contracted converted coordinated created cultivated demonstrated designed developed devised discovered doubled drafted edited enforced established evaluated expanded explained forecasted formed founded generated guided hired implemented improved informed insured interpreted interviewed launched maintained managed marketed minimized motivated negotiated obtained operated organized originated performed planned prevented produced programmed promoted provided publicized published posted recruited reorganized reported researched resolved reviewed selected separated set up simplified solved surveyed supervise(d) taught tested trained used instructed What other “action” words can you add?
  • 23. Letter of Application (Cover Letter Information)  3-4 paragraphs in length (MAX) stating your interest in the position and just a bit of an overview of why you are qualified for the position.  Average view for a cover letter is only a few seconds when a committee/individual to look at it. Be brief but efficient.  Use “power” words in your letter – same as your resume (see small listing of helpful words)  Dear…Mr., Dr., Mrs., Ms., Professor, Committee Chair - Use proper titles, but DO YOUR RESEARCH – don’t settle for anything less than a name! (what if they don’t give you a name when you call?)  (See next page) – Paragraph #1 – stating your intention (you may also list where you saw the ad); Paragraph #2 – a short synopsis of your experience as related to the position description; Paragraph #3 Reaffirming the skills you bring to the position, a thank you and how to contact.
  • 24. Letter of Application Example March 25, 2010 Ms. Kim Rottet Assistant Director, Recreational Sports Texas A & M University Corpus Christi 6300 Ocean Drive, Unit 5713 Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 Dear Ms. Rottet: Please accept this letter of application and attached resume as formal application for the position of Coordinator, Intramural Sports with the Department of Recreational Sports at Texas A & M University Corpus Christi. As you can see by my resume, I have serves as both a Graduate Assistant and Intramural Sports Supervisor at Ball State University. I have been responsible for league, tournament, and dual and individual sports and events for over 30 events annually. Additionally, I have worked as a sports official for basketball and flag football and recently was certified as a basketball official in the State of Indiana. Your position description indicates you need someone with supervisory experience and the ability to train officials and peers. With my experiences, I feel that I can assist in your program and fit the needs you require. I am available for an on campus interview at your convenience. I will be at stated school address through May 12, 2010 and at my listed home address after that date. Thank you for any consideration given! Sincerely, Jamie Rogers attachment: Resume
  • 25. The Interview…  “Networking gets you the interview, you get the job.”  Arrive Early (15 Minutes)  “Early is on time, on time is late, late is unacceptable.” If you are late, you shouldn’t even bother to show up.  Do your homework!  Relax  Attire  Suit/Business Attire  Ladies – Suit (solid color) with coordinated blouse. Limited jewelry. Sparse make-up/perfume and manicured nails. Men – Suit (solid color) with long sleeve shirt (white) and tie. Very limited jewelry and trimmed nails. Go easy of aftershave.  Shoes (But be prepared to walk)  Bag (Snacks, Water, Pens, Supplies)  Supplies - Extra Resume Copies, Notebook Paper, Job Description, Research, Prepared Questions
  • 26. Interview Tips  Sit on the Edge of Your Seat  Write Down the Names of the Interviewers  Make Good Eye Contact  Never Lie  Listen as Well as Talk  Use Specific Examples from Your Life  Be Proud of Your Accomplishments.  Be Open About Your Background or Experience  Don’t Give One Word Answers. Employers want to know what you think.  Don’t Chew Your Fingernails, Smoke, Drink, or Eat  Turn off your cell phone!  Do Not use Profanity or Slang  Bring Extra Copies of Your Resume, References, or other pertinent information  Ask Appropriate Questions  ALWAYS Thank the Interviewer
  • 27. Common & Tricky Questions Common Tricky  Why did you choose the  What is Your Greatest recreation field? Weakness?  What will this job do for you?  Where Do You Want to be in 10  Give an example of a time Years? when you took initiative.  What qualities do you look for  How Would You Evaluate Your in a boss? Last Boss?  Why do you want to work for  What is Your Greatest (insert City name)? Strength?  Tell me what your boss will say  Why Do You Want This Job? about you.  What are your salary  What is your greatest expectations? accomplishment?  Tell Me About Yourself…  Why should I hire you for this job?
  • 28. Questions To Ask (and DO ask questions!) *Remember you are interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you.  Structure, History, Department Structure  Pro’s and Con’s of working here?  Whom would I report to?  What are you looking for in ideal candidate?  What concerns if any do you have about hiring me?  What’s the next step from here?  What is the turnover ratio?
  • 29. Conclusion  I am available for resume assistance, LOA or interview tips, comments and suggestions (It’s what I do – almost daily with my students – I can be available to help you too)  Stay in touch with me – Send me a resume draft and I can provide feedback.  Remember – my OPINION only based on my research. Other comments will vary.  For additional help (Students) Career Center, other staff professionals, Internet  The role of the professional in your setting (mock interviews and career preparation – utilize your resources)
  • 30. Questions? Contact Information: Kim Rottet, Assistant Director Recreational Sports Texas A&M University Corpus Christi Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 361-825-2976