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a proposal for a graphic novel
by Jamaul B. Phillips
After nearly three millenia, God has decided to exercise his own belief of forgiveness and
let his youngest son, Lucifer back home. He has longed to see his family re-united. He wishes
that the past can be put behind everyone and his family can finally heal. But is their an ulterior
motive that God has in store?
Michael is not opposed to the idea, he has always regretted what went down between him
and Lucifer. He just doesn’t believe it will be so easy to put the past behind him. Michael is task
with making sure all the other angels fall in line with Lucifer’s return. He enlist’s the help of
Gabriel, Raphael, Charlotte, and others that fall under the most elite angels.
Lucifer finally makes his way home. God welcomes him with open arms. but his arrival
awakens dark secrets and resentments that has laid dormant within the family. Whether
purposefully or not, the family is more at odds than ever. It is revealed that Raphael has had
deep rooted animosity towards Michael. Gabriel has always hated the fact his sole role was to
play messenger for everyone else. And Charlotte has been mysteriously removing artifacts from
God’s vault.
In this world, God is not all and be all. He himself can be defeated, and if desired from
an enemy, be killed. He is a master manipulator, no one has ever stood up to him before Lucifer.
He never expected that, so in his mind, Lucifer had to be dealt with. Bringing Lucifer back was
too show that he was still powerful and not afraid of anything, or anyone. God also enlists his
imprisoned sister Gaia to help him. Jesus will also play a role in this family dynamic.
Lucifer realizes that God is growing weaker, that the only way to over throw him is to
first convince his brother Michael that what happened between them was all on father. He
doesn’t blame him, but he does ask to consider the possibility that maybe after everything that
has happened on earth, their father was wrong. He needs to be removed.
Eventually another war will break out, this time God will have to be on the front lines to
defend what is his.
This will be a modern day style of what Heaven will look like. Jeans, suits, couture, but I
do believe some characters will be strong believers of old traditions and styles. Its Spartan meets
Cast of Characters
Lucifer - He’s cool and as suave as they come. He puts Politicians to shame. He actually
believes in right over wrong. He’s loyal to a fault, and he never lies. He often times may omit
things, but he never lies. He loves his family, even his father, but he is not one that practices
forgiveness. Wronging him, will be the last thing you ever do.
Michael - Always doing the right thing. He’s a goody good. Always so obedient to his father,
but tries to be fair. Fighting is his last resort, if he’s on the battle field, there is no going back.
For him to turn on his father, it must have been some real act of evil on the humans part. And
let’s be honest, that’s never to much of a far stretched.
God - Possibly the worst father ever. He is always right, he could do no wrong, his word his law.
No wonder why republicans think he’s all for them. He wants his family whole, but he wants his
family whole under his ideology. He’s blind to his own ignorance. He loves all his children the
same, but anyone can clearly see that Lucifer is his favorite.
Gabriel - The middle son. He has always been stuck between Michael and Lucifer. He has
never chosen a side, his brothers have never involved him. This time it’s different, they are now
on the same side, he’s more confused than ever on what to do. God offers him a chance to step
up, how can he against two giants like the other two.
Raphael - He is actually older than Michael, but has never gotten the same recognition as him.
He just got lost in the shuffle. He resents Michael, Michael’s betrayal makes him happy, a
chance to get back in God’s good graces.
Charlotte - She was actually one of the few that joined Lucifer in the last war, but she saw it
wasn’t going their way, so she renounced her love for her brother Lucifer and joined Michael to
stop him. She is always weary of Lucifer, waiting for the moment he would strike.
Gaia - Gaia is God’s sister, has been imprisoned since the dinosaurs were wiped out. Her plan
is to use Gabriel to escape and kill her brother for what he has done to her. Her plans for the
humans is to enslave them as well as the Angels.
Jesus - Jesus and Lucifer will probably have a lot to catch up on. Lucifer sees Jesus as a threat,
the once favorite son meeting the other, bound to make for some good conflict. Jesus will of
course want to keep peace, he’s like Gabriel in many ways, but he lacks that aggressiveness to
play in this game of lies and deceit. I see him as being a casualty.
Issue Breakdown
The story is broken into four to five major acts - and therefore four to five issues. It can
be reworked into another structure, if need be. The idea is that this is a slow burn that builds in
intensity with each passing issue.
Issue One: (The Setup)
A massive gathering is held, everyone comes together, all waiting to hear the big news.
God allows Lucifer back home. He informs everyone it is time for new beginnings. Lucifer
makes rounds to size up everyone.
God and Michael disagree on how he went about doing this, God doesn’t care. We see
God and Gaia talk, it’s there we discover God’s true intentions for bringing Lucifer back.
Issue Two: (Introductions)
This issue will be one of the most important, because it will set Lucifer and Jesus on a
collision course of ideologies coming to blows. God will demand Gaia give him her powers, and
of course she refuses.
Gaia manipulates Gabriel into doing her bitting. Charlotte makes good use of all the
items she has taken out of the vault. At the end of this issue, Lucifer will agree to serve the
humans, but still refuses to actually bow down to them.
Issue Three: (Beginning of the End)
God is not pleased by Lucifer’s actions, for Lucifer this is an opportunity to see where
God’s power is. God plays it smart and let’s this one goes. Jesus re-assures his father that he did
the right thing.
Charlotte discovers Gabriel and Gaia’s secret. She decides to align herself with Gaia.
Michael and Raphael confront Lucifer. He tells them that he will “Bow down to the humans
when father brings the rest of their brother and sisters home”.
Issue Four: (The War)
After the 9/11 attack, Lucifer points out to Michael that is the human race. Are you
prepared to bow down to them once again? Michael officially joins his brother. Charlotte sets
Gaia free, Gaia goes straight for her brother.
Unaware of this third party, Lucifer and Michael both set their sights Gaia. Jesus trying
to keep the peace gets caught in the cross fire and dies, by God’s hands. God takes what power
he gave Jesus for himself.
Raphael, Gabriel, and Charlotte see their father for the evil he is, they go after him. It’s
one generation taking on another now.
Issue Five: (The End)
All the children discover that their parents cannot be killed, but imprisoned. They
manage to imprison God. Gaia escapes to the human world, keeping herself hidden. But
someone still needs to serve as God?
Using all the artifacts that she has gathered, Charlotte sends all her brothers to Hell,
except Gabriel, but she does strip him of his wings. Charlotte is now God.
Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home”
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Page 1
A huge CASTLE hovers in the sky above the clouds. It’s white
with slight shades of blue. It is as if the clouds and blue
skies color the castle itself. Stairs are pearly white that
lead to a gate. The gate is Gold, there is only one crack the
gate, it’s visible for all to see.
The sun shines bright, with ANGELS soaring through the skies.
1 CAPTION/locator: HEAVEN. The near future/2001.
2 LUCIFER/off panel: You look tired old man.
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Page 2
Very different from our first page. Black and crimson red, as
if death follows closely behind with every moment. A DOOR
creaks open with a dark shadowy FIGURE standing by. A HAND
reaches out to this figure.
1 GOD/tailless: Welcome home son.
The shadowy figure smiles.
GOD, brown eyes, ambiguous skin tone, holds up 1940’s pin stripe
suit to PRESENT to his son.
2 GOD: I picked this out for you son.
Perfect for the occasion.
3 LUCIFER/off panel: With all due respect father, I
have my own style.
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Page 3
A huge Banquet floor, holds 300 strong. Everyone, from the most
named ANGELS dressed in black tie attire. MICHAEL, GABRIEL,
RAPHAEL, CHARLOTTE. Chandeliers hang from the ceilings, fire
burns bright from a cauldron.
MICHAEL, dressed in a white suit, with white tie, talks to
RAPHAEL, dressed in a black suit with red shirt and black tie.
1 RAPHAEL: Tell me Michael, has father
informed you of what this is all
2 MICHAEL: No brother he has not.
3 RAPHAEL: What’s the matter, losing father’s
RAPHAEL has the biggest grin on his face. MICHAEL forces a
smile, with the clear “FUCK YOU” stare.
4 GABRIEL/off panel: So how do I look, you two?
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Page 4
MICHAEL and RAPHAEL turn to see GABRIEL. He’s innocent in every
sense of the word. All smiles, traditional black suit, white
shirt, black tie. The tie is crooked.
MICHAEL fixes GABRIEL’S tie. RAPHAEL scoffs.
1 MICHAEL: You look good little brother, like
an elite.
2 GABRIEL: Thanks Mike.
GABRIEL’s TIE is now fixed. Gabriel stares at RAPHAEL’s RED
3 RAPHEL: Something wrong with your eyes,
4 GABRIEL: Raphael, that red shirt reminds me
5 MICHAEL: Don’t speak his name.
6 RAPHAEL: Still plagued by guilt after all
these millenniums, Michael.
7 CHARLOTTE/off panel: Well, well…
MICHAEL, RAPHAEL, and GABRIEL turn to see Charlotte.
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CHARLOTTE, crimson red hair, long gorgeous black dress, cleavage
showing. Sinister smile on her face.
8 CHARLOTTE: …don’t you boys look as dashing as
MICHAEL, GABRIEL, RAPHAEL, and CHARLOTTE, all face one another.
9 MICHAEL: Sister, wearing close to nothing as
10 CHARLOTTE: Father said dress to impress Michael, I
didn’t know he was talking about you?
11 RAPHAEL: He wasn’t.
12 GABRIEL: You look nice sis.
13 CHARLOTTE: Well thank you, that’s all I wanted to
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Page 5
Small Panel, an Angel, URIEL, blows the horn to silence
URIEL lowers the horn to her side.
1 URIEL: Brothers and sisters, father will speak now.
Big Panel, GOD with arms spread as to embrace talks to his
children. Almost resembling that of a cult, a leader demanding
the attention of his flock.
2 GOD: My children, sons and daughters, today
marks an important day for all of us.
3 GOD/linked: For today is a day we mark the true
meaning of forgiveness.
4 GOD/linked: To forgive means to restore a bond of
love and communion when there has been
a rupture. And this rupture has lasted
far too long.
5 GOD/linked: Even to rebel against me, I am still
merciful and forgiving, at least I
thought I was.
6 GOD/linked: I must prove even to myself that I
truly can be forgiving, and that my
children is why I have invited your
brother back home.
7 GOD/linked: LUCIFER, come from within the dark into
the light, my son.
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Page 6
CHARLOTTE, scared to her very core can’t believe her eyes.
GABRIEL, doesn’t know what to think, not scared, not happy, not
mad, just in shock.
RAPHAEL, a slight grin on his face. He looks at MICHAEL for his
2 RAPHAEL/small: Looks like the real favorite is back.
What now Michael?
MICHAEL can’t believe his eyes. He’s seen a ghost. He clenches
his fist.
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Page 7
LUCIFER, dressed in jeans, dress shirt, long leather jacket, and
red tie hanging from his neck stretches his arms to the sky.
GOD stands closely by.
1 LUCIFER: Daddy’s home.
2 GOD: Lucifer?
3 LUCIFER: Kidding old man. As I stand here
before all of you now, I am reminded of
the past. No family should ever have
to fight…
MICHAEL’s eyes haven’t left Lucifer. He’s focused, ready for
4 LUCIFER/off panel: …like we fought.
LUCIFER now has a glass in hand of RED wine.
5 LUCIFER: Brothers and sisters should never raise
arms to one another.
6 LUCIFER/linked: A father should never have to choose
between his children.
7 LUCIFER/linked: And the meek, should never have to
LUCIFER RAISES his glass. EVERYONE also raised their glass.
8 LUCIFER: As father said, to forgiveness and a
new beginnings.
9 EVERYONE: New beginnings.
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Page 8
GABRIEL and LUCIFER hug, all smiles on both of their faces.
1 GABRIEL: I can’t believe you’re back!
2 LUCIFER: You can’t? Imagine how I felt when
father opened those doors to let me in.
3 GABRIEL: Finally the three of us are back
together again. It will be just like
old times.
4 RAPHAEL/off panel: I hope not, we all know what happened
last time.
RAPHAEL interrupts this warm embrace. LUCIFER still all smiles,
GABRIEL now annoyed.
4 LUCIFER: Raphael, still the cynic I see.
5 RAPHAEL: The prodigal son has returned.
6 LUCIFER: Please brother, don’t spoil this. I
know you’ve always hated that aching
feeling of being left out, but that’s
not on me.
7 LUCIFER/linked: You should never fear voicing your
frustrations at the responsible
GABRIEL’s annoyance turns to frustration. RAPAHEL and him have
a stare down. LUCIFER maintains his cool.
7 GABRIEL: Yea Raph, what he said.
8 RAPHAEL: Did someone grow a set in the last five
9 LUCIFER: Boys, boys, this is a celebration, not
a showdown for the biggest bad ass. Of
course, we all know, that title belongs
to me. HAHAHA.
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GOD and MICHAEL stand on the BALCONY that overlooks EARTH.
Their presence lit by the aura of the moon.
1 GOD: You seem agitated son.
2 MICHAEL: It would have been nice to have gotten
a heads up.
GOD looks at Michael with a “HOW DARE YOU LOOK”.
3 GOD: I’m going to dismiss any connotations
that somehow I owe you, or anyone else
for that matter any explanations of my
actions just because tonight is a big
MICHAEL, apologetic look, still needing answers.
4 MICHAEL: I’m just wondering why now? For
centuries I have asked you to invite
Lucifer and the others back home and
you’ve never even considered it.
5 MICHAEL/linked: And why only Lucifer? Why not Caysha,
Fallon, Barilo, and countless others
that betrayed you?
GOD places his hands on MICHAEL’s shoulders. Not to scold him,
but to help him see the light.
6 GOD: US, that betrayed us Michael.
8 GOD: Your brother is the one that needs to
be tamed.
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Page 10
CHARLOTTE watches intensely the conversation between GOD and
MICHAEL from behind a curtain.
1 GOD/off panel: They followed him, I need to see
how much he’s changed if he has,
before I invite the others home.
2 LUCIFER/off panel: Sister, are you eavesdropping?
CHARLOTTE turns around, still afraid of her brother.
3 LUCIFER/off panel: You don’t seem very pleased that I
am back. One could take that the
wrong way.
CHARLOTTE forces a smile.
4 CHARLOTTE: No, that’s not it, it’s just…
LUCIFER isn’t smiling anymore, he almost seems enraged. He
steps to her.
4 LUCIFER: It’s just you betrayed me and
thought you’d never have to see
me again?
CHARLOTTE is terrified now, “COULD THIS BE IT?”
5 CHARLOTTE: Lucifer, no, please.
Lucifer hugs CHARLOTTE. We’re looking at Charlotte’s shocked
face and Lucifer’s back.
6 LUCIFER: I forgive you sister.
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LUCIFER still hugs Charlotte. We’re looking at Lucifer’s face
with a grin and Charlotte’s back. Through Lucifer’s eyes, we
see GOD and MICHAEL.
8 LUCIFER: The war wasn’t going our way, so
you jumped ship.
9 LUCIFER/linked: I think I’m actually proud of you,
showing me how much of a
survivalist you are.
10 LUCIFER/linked: You had done right by you, I don’t
see how I could fault you for
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Page 11
GOD has his back to MICHAEL. Both filled with contempt.
1 GOD: Go and enjoy the party son. Say
hello to your brother.
2 MICHAEL: I am not done talking to you!
THAT?” expression on his face.
4 MICHAEL: Is this what Ollis had to deal
MICHAEL is down on his knees in pain holding his head. GOD
towers over him.
5 GOD: You dare mention my father’s name?
CHARLOTTE stands before her father and brother dismayed.
GOD looks up shocked. MICHAEL is no longer in pain. He pants.
7 GOD: Charlotte?
MICHAEL and GOD face one another.
8 GOD: I’ll deal with you later boy.
MICHAEL watches as GOD and CHARLOTTE walk off.
9 GOD: Come daughter, assist me.
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Page 12
GOD and CHARLOTTE stop in front of a VAULT underneath the ball
room. An IRON PLATED sealed door that requires two hand prints.
GOD and CHARLOTTE place their hands on a PANEL.
The VAULT opens.
GOD and CHARLOTTE are inside. Relics of the past reside in
here. Weapons, a bottle of the Spanish flu, apple bitten by
Eve, the cross Jesus was nailed to, an orb. The list goes on
and on.
1 CHARLOTTE: What exactly are we looking for
2 GOD: WE are not looking for anything.
GOD picks up a sword. CHARLOTTE is in disbelief.
3 CHARLOTTE: Isn’t that the sword Lucifer used…
4 GOD: Against me?
5 GOD/linked: Yes, yes it is my dear.
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Page 13
GOD points the sword to CHARLOTTE’S throat. She is frightened.
1 CHARLOTTE: What are you doing?
2 GOD: You also betrayed me?
3 CHARLOTTE: You said I was forgiven?
GOD lowers the sword to his side. CHARLOTTE is relieved.
4 GOD: Hmmm, you are. Your brother was
the only one to ever stand against
me. Like I did with my father.
5 GOD/linked: The rest of you just followed like
sheep to the herd.
GOD has his back to CHARLOTTE. He still observes the sword, she
picks up an ORB.
1 CHARLOTTE: Are you going to give it back to
CHARLOTTE hides the Orb as best as she can. GOD smirks.
2 GOD: Don’t be foolish. Can’t an old
man indulge in nostalgia?
3 GOD/linked: This needs to stay here.
GOD and CHARLOTTE are outside the now closed VAULT. God leaves.
4 GOD: Thank you for entertaining an old
5 CHARLOTTE: Of course Daddy.
CHARLOTTE pulls out the Orb and observes it. She smiles.
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Page 14
GOD, in his bedroom, looks behind him to make sure no one is
GOD locks his bedroom doors.
GOD shuts his blinds.
GOD places his hand on another scanner by his BOOKSHELF.
The BOOKSHELF opens into two parts separating.
GOD looks behind him one last time, just to make sure he isn’t
being watched.
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Page 15
GOD goes down a long stairway. It almost seems endless.
GOD arrives at a re-enforced glass penetrated cell.
1 GOD: Hello sister.
GAIA, a haunting beauty, sits in a meditation posture.
Extreme close up on Gaia’s EYES.
2 GAIA: This is quite the surprise. Seven
times in as many has two days.
GOD and GAIA now face to face, only thing separating them is the
3 GOD: What can I say Gaia, changes are
4 GAIA: Bullshit!
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Page 16
GAIA stares into her brother’s eyes.
1 GAIA: You’ve done something haven’t you?
GOD holds confidence, but it is just a facade. GAIA sees right
through it.
2 GOD: I don’t know what you’re talking
3 GAIA: Still a COWARDICE little shit I
GOD clenches his fist. GAIA grins, she knows how to push her
brother’s buttons.
4 GOD: Do not talk down to me Gaia, I am
still KING.
5 GAIA: Only by accident, don’t forget
that tidbit.
6 GAIA/linked: What did you do?
GOD’s hands dropped to his side. GAIA still focused on him.
7 GOD: I brought him back.
8 GOD/linked: LUCIFER.
GAIA laughs hysterically on the floor.
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Page 17
GAIA has a grin on her face. GOD is in no joking matter.
1 GOD: Stop LAUGHING at me!
2 GAIA: How do you expect me not to? You
actually think this plan of yours
is going to work?
GAIA back on her feet. GOD still trying to maintain face.
3 GAIA You gave him the power of light,
one that once belonged to father.
4 GAIA/linked: You are certainly a BAFOON.
5 GOD: If I am such a BAFOON sister, why
are YOU in the cage?
6 GAIA: Even a broken clock is right twice
a day brother.
GAIA sits back on her bed. GOD stares at her with contempt.
7 GOD: I am getting weaker, I need it
back. I can’t do it alone.
8 GAIA: You actually believed I would help
you, after all of this?
9 GOD: When the time is right sister, you
had better if you know what’s good
for you.
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Page 18
We are in GABRIEL’s bedroom. Posters of movies everywhere, from
Casino, Godfather, The Untouchables, Casablanca. He looks at a
hovering chess board. He’s all smiles.
1 LUCIFER/off panel: Don’t tell me that’s our same
LUCIFER grinning at a now frightened GABRIEL.
2 GABRIEL: Jesus Christ Luci, don’t do
LUCIFER gives GABRIEL an unpleasant look.
3 GABRIEL: Sorry, I forgot you hate being
called that.
LUCIFER grins. GABRIEL smiles.
4 LUCIFER: Don’t worry about it, I’ve
actually missed it.
5 GABRIEL: Really?
6 LUCIFER: You’re allowed one a week.
7 GABRIEL: HMMMM. I always feel like Tony
and Fredo with you.
LUCIFER looks pass GABRIEL to see The GODFATHER poster.
8 LUCIFER: You love your HUMAN movies don’t
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Page 18
LUCIFER eyes the chess board. GABRIEL takes it all in, his
brother Lucifer is home.
9 LUCIFER/tailless: Speaking of love and humans, where
is Christ?
10 GABRIEL: You’ll have to ask father.
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Page 19
LUCIFER and GABRIEL sit across from each other, separated by the
chess board.
1 GABRIEL: You remember everything I taught
LUCIFER picks up the KING piece. GABRIEL, proud to know that he
at least taught his younger sibling a thing or two.
2 LUCIFER: You taught me that the KING was
the most important piece in the
3 GABRIEL: That’s right.
LUCIFER puts the King piece down.
4 LUCIFER: You were wrong.
5 GABRIEL/off panel: Let me guess, you think it’s the
Queen, she could do what ever.
LUCIFER picks up a PAWN piece. GABRIEL, anxious to see what he
does next.
6 LUCIFER: Not whatever, but I do believe the
most important pieces are the
7 GABRIEL: They are the weakest pieces.
Lucifer holds the pawn piece up, lining it up with GABRIEL’S
8 LUCIFER: You see Fredo, with enough PAWNS
you can overtake the KING.
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Page 20
MICHAEL trains in a gym. He trains with double swords taking on
MICHAEL trains with a battling axe. He swings it at wood.
Testing his strength.
Michael trains with a Spear, that is his true weapon. Focusing
on the smooth motion of his attacks. Several Robotic Dummies
surround him.
MICHAEL stands dead center of the now fallen headless dummies.
Spear in hand.
MICHAEL’s looks off panel in the direction of the clapping.
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Page 21
LUCIFER waltzes in, smug and cocky.
1 LUCIFER: You haven’t lost a step, dear
brother. Are you preparing for
another war?
MICHAEL, spear in hand, ready for anything.
2 MICHAEL: I don’t know, should I be?
LUCIFER and MICHAEL are now face to face. Lucifer smiles, while
Michael is always on his guard. His grip on the spear tight as
3 MICHAEL: It’s strange, I wanted you back
for so long, but now that you are
4 LUCIFER: Let me guess, your spidey senses
are tingling.
LUCIFER is now near a weapons rack. His hand on the handle of a
LUCIFER with sword in hand faces MICHAEL. They’re both smiling,
boys will be boys.
5 LUCIFER: What do you say Michael, a
friendly little sparring match?
6 MICHAEL: Friendly?
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Page 22
MICHAEL and LUCIFER now stand on a mountain top, overlooking all
of Heaven.
1 LUCIFER: I have missed this site. I bet
you’ve taken it for granted.
2 MICHAEL: That’s not…
MICHAEL is forced into a defensive position by LUCIFER.
Michael’s spear blocks Lucifer’s over hand slash down attack.
4 MICHAEL: Lucifer, what is it you are doing?
5 LUCIFER: Oh I’m sorry brother, did I forget
to say begin?
LUCIFER has a big smile on his face, TEETH showing and all.
Breakdown of next Issue
PAGE 23: This entire page is to show all the others watching Michael and Lucifer fighting from
their respected spaces.
PAGE 24: Lucifer is winning the fight.
PAGE 25: Michael is winning the fight.
PAGE 26: Just when we are about to get a victor, Jesus intervenes and stops the fight.
PAGE 27: Jesus and Lucifer have a heart to heart.
PAGE 28: Jesus takes Lucifer to his cross.
PAGE 29: Lucifer tries to destroy, but God intervenes. Lucifer asks’, “How could you still love
them after what they did to you?”
PAGE 30: Charlotte talks to Raphael, to get a sense where he is on Lucifer being back.
PAGE 31: Michael informs God Lucifer is a lot more powerful since the last time they fought.
PAGE 32: Gabriel sneaks down to talk to Gaia.
PAGE 33: Gaia tries to manipulate Gabriel into getting an artifact she needs to escape.
PAGE 34: Gabriel talks to Charlotte about getting into the vault.
PAGE 35: God demands Gaia give him some of her power. Gaia refuses.
PAGE 36: Michael tries to make peace with Raphael, it doesn’t go well.
PAGE 37: Lucifer sees to free some of his siblings from Hell on his own.
PAGE 38: Jesus tries to convince Lucifer that God will bring back everyone else, once he bows
to the humans.
PAGE 39: God holds a meeting for all his children.
PAGE 40: One by one, the elite Angels bows down to the human race.
PAGE 41: God asks’ once more of Lucifer to do the same.
PAGE 42: Lucifer has a flashback of when the last time this went down.
PAGE 43: Lucifer with a grin, says, “Yes!”
Genre: Action/Drama Comparison: Game of Thrones meets (input other)
Logline: With Earth just waiting to be ruled, rival’s in Heaven wait their chance to take over.
Synopsis: We all come from somewhere, us, our parents, grandparents, and yes, even God
himself must come from somewhere. This is the story of God before he ruled Heaven. We come
to learn just who this all consuming entity is. His parents, his sister, other family members. God
rises to power, but how did he get there? What happened to his family?
STYLE: 7-8 minute webisodes, 6 episodes a season.
Demographic: Men and Women 18-40
GOD: 20s, ambitious, egotistical, self-righteous, wants to be taken seriously by his father. He
has all these ideas that he wants his father to approve off, for example, Angels. But his father
loves his dinosaurs. God’s journey is one of empowerment. His need to be taken seriously and
being dismissed slowly builds up in him resentment. We see at first that he’s just someone
wanting to do things with his ideas in mind, but over time we see the lengths he’s willing to go
through to get his way.
GAIA: 20s, she is as confident as they come. She doesn’t tolerate bull-shit. You try to beat
around the bush, she just say exactly what you mean for you. Her journey is one of
understanding. She won’t get it immediately why God grows to be the way he is, but watching
her brother suffer over times eventually leads her to join him.
OLLIS: God’s father. He is stern, can’t be bothered with silly projects of his son. Most of his
time is spent dealing with the dinosaurs. Creating new ones with the passing of time. He isn’t
cruel, that’s never his character, but he can never seem to acknowledge his children as a parent
should. His journey will of course be one of failure, he will fall to his children.
HEAVENIA: God’s mother. The most loving of mother’s. Always there to console her
children, especially God when Ollis rejects him once again. She mostly handles Heaven, Ollis
did name the place after her. She especially watches over the vault in heaven. There lies some
of Ollis’ more precious ideas, concerning dinosaurs, but yet the idea of evil also rest in there.
VALDIS: Valdis is Death. Ollis created him to handle the demise of the dinosaurs he didn’t
particular care for. Death will want more power as time progresses. He will be a great obstacle
for the family when he discovers he has the power to end even his creator’s life.
We open on Ollis and his family observing his dinosaurs. God of course is annoyed. Everyone
else knows there’s no getting out of this. This last’s for a good 30 minutes or so. Once Ollis is
amused with his creations, everyone is than allowed to leave, but God takes the time to talk to his
father about the angels he wishes to create.
He storms off enraged, only later to be consoled by his mother. She tells him there’s a time and
place for everything, he’s too pissed to give it real thought. He and Gaia go off on a scavenger
hunt for artifacts that their mother created to give them something to do. It is the first time they
witness Valdis' power.
God is intrigued by Valdis and what he can do. Gaia sees something in God’s eyes that concern
her. Gaia tries to talk to her mother about it, but she tells her there’s no need for concern.
Heavenia tells Ollis that Valdis has gotten sloppy with his power, revealing it to the children. He
tells her he’ll take care of it.
God and Gaia train under Valdis. They learn what he is allowed to teach them, which isn’t much.
Ollis doesn’t take too kindly to this and embarrasses Valdis in front of everyone. It is the first
time God gets a sense of true power, from seeing what his father can do. This is different from
all the other times, this was a testament of “know your place”. But it is still within this moment,
resentment is born within Valdis.
God goes behind his father’s back and creates a dinosaur. The dinosaur is known as a
Pterodactyl. This dinosaur can fly and stand on two legs as opposed to four. Everyone is
impressed of God’s creation, except for his father of course. Ollis can’t let it on how infuriated
he is, but he scolds God for doing this without his blessing. He strips him of his power.
Heavenia and Ollis have at it. This is the first time that these two have ever fought. It rattles all
of Heaven. Gaia tries to intervene, but her power is of no use to match her parents. God hopes
his mom takes him down.
God and Gaia tries to convince Valdis to stop Ollis. Use his power to kill Ollis, but there too
much uncertainty with what happens if Ollis dies. Can Heavenia hold off Ollis until help arrives.
Written by
Jamaul B. Phillips
GOD, (20)s, hard headed, prone to lash out, dressed in a suit
is chained to a chair. GAIA, (20)s, playful but fierce,
stares at her brother.
Well sister, are you going to
release me or just glare at me all
You have any idea what you’ve done?
You might as well attacked father
with a full frontal assault. You
started a war today.
God smirks.
It is father who started a war with
You think I will take part in any
of this?
If you don’t choose a side, it will
be chosen for you.
You forced us into a fight you can-
not possibly win. What could have
compelled you to make such a
miscalculated decision?
I did the only thing I knew that
could get his attention.
You brought about the promise of
What did you think I was going to
do when he chose those fucking
mindless beast over us?
Damn it God, he gave us life.
And I shall remove his.
You boy.
God lashes back, but his restraints hold him.
What did you call me?!
Right now, that’s all any of this
is, the foolish attempts of a boy
trying to prove himself a man.
God clenches his fist.
Mother and I are trying to smooth
things over for you, to ensure your
I will not be pitied. I don’t need
If you weren’t so blind brother,
you would see this isn’t pity, but
the actions of those who love you.
These are the actions of those who
fear him.
Why wouldn’t I fear the man with
such absolute power. He tames even
Death himself.
Release me from these chains and I
shall show you absolute.
On whom? On me? Mother?
Father is my only target Gaia, you
are just going to have to trust me.
I don’t know if that’s possible.
Think about it, we’re young. And
the young should never have to fear
the old, the strong the weak, the
living the dead.
Yes, you are young, but weak.
Indeed living, but if you continue
these transgressions against the
old and strong, you will surely
find yourself amongst the dead.
Allow me a fighting chance. If you
don’t want any part in this war
between father and I, then release
me and step aside.
Mother and I need assurance you
will stay in line. She’s working
on calming father from doing
something of regret.
I’m on the front lines sister, I’m
not going anywhere. You and I both
know there is only one way this
ends, either mother a widow, or you
an only child.
Gaia takes a deep breath.
Do you promise to leave mother and
I out of this.
You have my word.
God has his fingers cross.
How To Play

Your first move should be heading towards the
prison, to gain more Angels or Demons. How many
you’re allowed to take is dependent upon the flip
of the card deck containing Angels and Demons.
You can pick either or end up with none, all best
on the luck of the draw. Build your army so
great, that they serve as a battlefront for you to
take on god or gaia. You’ll have to cross other
people territories and battle them as well. There
can only be one.
The Hook

Become the all
superior being
that controls
Heaven, Earth,
and Hell!

The Premise

The purpose of the
game is to build a
big enough army
to challenge God
or Gaia. 

Defeating one of
the other Angel’s
is Pivotal, because
you can gain
their army.

Joining forces is
also a great deal
of importance,
you have twice the
army. But
remember, that’s
two leaders as
opposed to one,
and in the end,
you have to turn
on one another.

The Components

✦ Board

✦ 2 Dice

✦ Character Cards

✦ Angels and Demon


Mult-Game Functions: Single player,
multi-player, fighting game combat
mode, online.

7 Playable Characters: Play as your
favorite characters: God, Gaia, Michael,
Lucifer, Gabriel, Charlotte, Raphael.

Unique Modes: Story mode, fighting
mode, Multi-Universe world.

Drop-in and Drop-out Multiplayer: If
you wish to make the challenge for the
Throne even more of an adventure, join
players from all over as different
characters to fight for the Throne.

Create new and Exciting Memories:
Tell the tale on how you became the
new King or Queen of Heaven.



Become the new ruler of all of heaven

From the creator of the best
selling Graphic Novel Throne and Web
Series God, the man that brought you
the board game with the same title;
brings you a 3D fantasy adventure
where you pick your hero or anti-hero
to take over Heaven. You choose from
any of the seven characters, and
start your journey to take over
territories to eventually claim the
throne for yourself.
Depending on the character you
choose, you can unlock new and
interesting characters for fighting
contest mode.
You can join a multi universe
with other players from around the
world, each playing as their favorite
character vying for the throne.
JUNE 13, 2017	 FANTASY/ADVENTURE 	 12 AND UP	 	 1-4 on PS4, XBox One PS3: 7-52919-992655-4

	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 MULTI-PLAYER UP TO 100 XBOX: 7-52919-55275-9

Design by Jamaul Phillips
For XBOX Live Arcade, PS4 and Mac
Rating: E12+
Ship Date: TBD
Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
Game story:
For over a Millenia, God has ruled over Heaven, Hell, and even
Earth. He has decided each and everyones fate, who should live
and who should die. But no more, it is time for a new ruler to
take the Throne for him or herself. God has become old and
feeble, he is no longer the God he once was, the time to strike
is now. You must battle other top ranking Angels and Devils to
reach the Throne, even once you get pass them, God still has the
advantage of Age old wisdom. Can you rise to the occasion and
become new supreme ruler?
Game play:
In Throne, you will have your choice of which Angel, Arch-Angel,
and or even Devil himself to choose from in this epic fantasy
adventure. The game play is a continuous adventure, each level
bringing you into contact with a boss of a level. Build your
power with each boss you defeat, as well as your army. You must
battle your way through each boss to eventually face the residing
King, God. Play online, you could join forces with other gamers,
but in the end you will have to turn on one another for their
could be only one on the Throne.
Elevator pitch:
Final Fantasy meets Injustice: Gods Among Us meets Warcraft.
Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
Game Flow:
With every passing moment, the world that is presented to you is
to introduce you to an idea what the after life could be. Not
only that, but this is the story of God, his family, parents,
sister, children.
Every new boss you meet, is one of his children, when you face
them, you get their backstory. You hear them tell the tale of
the first war in Heaven from their perspective.
As you play, their story will coincide with the Graphic Novel as
well as the Bible itself, you get both stories. You know what
they say about the truth, “There’s your version, the other
person’s version, than the actual truth itself.”
This is a fantasy game, based on the idea of powers and
mythology. New weapons such as Hand of God, the Voice of Gaia,
mystical Orb can all be at your disposal once you make it pass
certain enemies.
Build your army, beat your enemies and take their army, defeating
God will not be an easy task, you will want all the help you can
have. Join forces, but remember, in the end their can only be
one ruler, you will have to fight your coalition at some point.
Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
Player Characters:
You have an opportunity to play up to any of the characters
provided. Once you defeat God in your game, who you defeated him
with will be the new King or Queen. You will have an opportunity
to play as God from that point on.
Lucifer - He’s cool and as suave as they come. He puts
Politicians to shame. He actually believes in right over wrong.
He’s loyal to a fault, and he never lies. He often times may
omit things, but he never lies. He loves his family, even his
father, but he is not one that practices forgiveness. Wronging
him, will be the last thing you ever do.
Michael - Always doing the right thing, he’s a goody goody.
Always so obedient to his father, but tries to be fair. Fighting
is his last resort, if he’s on the battle field, there is no
going back. For him to turn on his father, it must have been
some real act of evil on the humans part. And let’s be honest,
that’s never to much of a far stretched.
God - Possibly the worst father ever. He is always right, he
could do no wrong, his word his law. No wonder why republicans
think he’s all for them. He wants his family whole, but he wants
his family whole under his ideology. He’s blind to his own
ignorance. He loves all his children the same, but anyone can
clearly see that Lucifer is his favorite.
Gabriel - The middle son, has always been stuck between Michael
and Lucifer. He has never chosen a side, his brothers have never
involved him. This time it’s different, they are now on the same
side, he’s more confused than ever on what to do. God offers him
a chance to step up, how can he against two giants like the other
Raphael - He is actually older than Michael, but has never gotten
the same recognition as him. He just got lost in the shuffle.
He resents Michael, Michael’s betrayal makes him happy, a chance
to get back in God’s good graces.
Charlotte - She was actually one of the few that joined Lucifer
in the last war, but she saw it wasn’t going their way, so she
renounced her love for her brother Lucifer and joined Michael to
stop him. She is always weary of Lucifer, waiting for the moment
he would strike.
Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
Gaia - Gaia is God’s sister, has been imprisoned since the
dinosaurs were wiped out. Her plan is to use Gabriel to escape
and kill her brother for what he has done to her. Her plans for
the humans are to enslave them as well as the Angels.
If you like, you can customize your very own character. Face,
hair, clothes and sex. You will be able to choose what position
you would like to be in the war, climb your way through the ranks
to the point of even being leader. As you progress throughout
the game, you can upgrade your gear, clothing, armor, tools,
weapons, and mecha.
Remember, each advancement you happen to make, comes with its own
advantages and disadvantages. More armor means more protection,
but at the same time it will slow you down.
Player controls (XBOX ONE):
Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
Game World:
The world of Throne is inspired by the graphic novel Throne and
web series God. It is an adventure exploring the return of
Lucifer and the rise to God’s supreme being of all life.
Levels are created to be extremely customizable to different
ideas and cultures to get a feeling that anyone and everyone
could be a part of this world. Players can customize domains to
there liking to enrich their experience.
Since a portion of this takes place on Earth, I felt it was
important to be able to experience Summer, Winter, Spring, and
Fall. For Heaven and Hell, you will experience the lightness
that come from Heaven and the depth of despair yet imagined for

Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
Game Experience:
A “Round” of game play is you as the player choosing your own
path on how you wish to take the Throne. You could be good or
bad, cunning or honorable. As the old saying goes, “There’s no
such thing as a fair fight, a win is a win.”
How to Win - Survive and defeat all of your enemies that stand in
your way of your Throne.
How to Lose - Become careless and to trusting, allow yourself to
be taken advantage of and watch all you have built be taken by
your enemies. Perish before your enemies as if you were nothing
more than cannon fodder.
Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
Game Mechanics:
Play in Single Player in an isometric view of 3D characters,
elements and terrain. The camera can be zoomed and rotated 360
degrees to allow for either a close or far view of the
battlefield. The player runs over the map in real time, knowing
how far to advance or push forward when encountering the enemy.
Single Player mode allows players to perform simple actions.
Build defenses, plan ambushes, and wield weapons. Over the
course of the game, controls remain the same, weapon and armor
upgrades utilize the same basic control mechanics. After each
battle is won, you have the option to finish off the rest of the
enemies army or have them join you.
There is also Multi-Player Online Mode. Imagine a fantasy sports
league, you could only have one character per league. In this
game, you could pick up to 100 characters. You choose what side
you’re on in this all out war for the Throne.
Fighting Game Combat Mode, where you can challenge others to one
on one duals. This is also a great way to test your skills and
discover new ways to take down your enemies.
Power Ups:
With each defeat of an enemy, you will be able to boost your own
energy level. If you happen to defeat your enemy, you may strip
them of their weapons and armor.
Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
Each Boss not only has their own devastating attacks, but as I
stated before, each their very own unique back story. Below is a
small sample of the characters attacks and special abilities.
Special Ability: Black Lightning and Flames
Weapon: Twin Blades
Strength: 23 Speed: 24
Special Ability: Wind
Weapon: Spear and Sword
Strength: 24 Speed: 23
Special Ability: Fire
Weapon: Dagger
Strength: 22 Speed: 25
Special Ability: Manipulates Sound
Weapon: Indestructible Shield
Strength: 20 Speed: 21
Special Ability: Control Any Liquid Form
Weapon: Hammer
Strength: 25 Speed: 20
Special Ability: Controls Everything
Weapon: None
Strength: 30 Speed: 30
Special Ability: Controls Day and Night
Weapon: None
Strength: 29 Speed: 29
Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
Narrative cutscenes will use in-game assets to create short
interludes of each characters back story. Through the game you
should always feel there is a bigger picture going on that
relates to the larger world outside of gaming. You could easily
play out story arcs from the comics and web series.
Bonus Materials:
Some key characters that could also be explored will be God and
Gaia’s parents, Ollis and Heavenia. If you beat the game with
God, you get Ollis the father. You beat it with Gaia, you get
Heavenia the mother.
Special Orb
Gabriel’s Horn
Noah’s Arc
Cross of Jesus

Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016

Mult-Game Functions: Single player,
multi-player, training mode, one on one
mode, online.

Playable Characters: Play as your
favorite characters: God, Gaia, Michael,
Lucifer, Gabriel, Charlotte, Raphael. Or
you could build your own Avatar.

Drop-in and Drop-out Multiplayer: If
you wish to make the challenge for the
Finish line even more of an adventure,
join players from all over as different
characters to race for the Title.

Create new and Exciting Memories:
Tell the tale on how you became the
new CHAMPION of Heaven. Even the
Devil can become the champion of

Become the Champion of Heaven

From the creator of the best
selling Graphic Novel THRONE and
Web Series GOD, the man that
brought you the board game with
the same title THRONE; brings you
a whole new adventure called
FINISH is a whole new idea
based in the world of Angels and
Demons, It’s a world based on a
family of racers that takes place
amongst the Heavens. You don’t
race with cars or bike, but with
Wings. Just like in THRONE, it’s
a fantasy adventure where you pick
your hero or anti-hero to take race
all of Heaven. You choose from any
of the seven characters, and start
your journey to race for your chance
to be the new champion of Heaven.
Build your very own avatar and
race as him or her. Design your
Wings to your liking, color, style,
metal, you name it.
This game is more than just a
race, you will encounter many
obstacles, from boulders, to arrows,
to even spears, your wings are your
own defenses.


Using your touch screen,
control how you use your
weapons to take on whatever
obstacles that stand before you.
It is a tilting game as well, how
you maneuver your device, is
how your character reacts.
With every victory, you gain
fortunes to contribute to
your avatar and wing gear.

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Transmedia Bible

  • 1. THRONE a proposal for a graphic novel by Jamaul B. Phillips After nearly three millenia, God has decided to exercise his own belief of forgiveness and let his youngest son, Lucifer back home. He has longed to see his family re-united. He wishes that the past can be put behind everyone and his family can finally heal. But is their an ulterior motive that God has in store? Michael is not opposed to the idea, he has always regretted what went down between him and Lucifer. He just doesn’t believe it will be so easy to put the past behind him. Michael is task with making sure all the other angels fall in line with Lucifer’s return. He enlist’s the help of Gabriel, Raphael, Charlotte, and others that fall under the most elite angels. Lucifer finally makes his way home. God welcomes him with open arms. but his arrival awakens dark secrets and resentments that has laid dormant within the family. Whether purposefully or not, the family is more at odds than ever. It is revealed that Raphael has had deep rooted animosity towards Michael. Gabriel has always hated the fact his sole role was to play messenger for everyone else. And Charlotte has been mysteriously removing artifacts from God’s vault. In this world, God is not all and be all. He himself can be defeated, and if desired from an enemy, be killed. He is a master manipulator, no one has ever stood up to him before Lucifer. He never expected that, so in his mind, Lucifer had to be dealt with. Bringing Lucifer back was too show that he was still powerful and not afraid of anything, or anyone. God also enlists his imprisoned sister Gaia to help him. Jesus will also play a role in this family dynamic. Lucifer realizes that God is growing weaker, that the only way to over throw him is to first convince his brother Michael that what happened between them was all on father. He doesn’t blame him, but he does ask to consider the possibility that maybe after everything that has happened on earth, their father was wrong. He needs to be removed. Eventually another war will break out, this time God will have to be on the front lines to defend what is his. This will be a modern day style of what Heaven will look like. Jeans, suits, couture, but I do believe some characters will be strong believers of old traditions and styles. Its Spartan meets Empire.
  • 2. Cast of Characters Lucifer - He’s cool and as suave as they come. He puts Politicians to shame. He actually believes in right over wrong. He’s loyal to a fault, and he never lies. He often times may omit things, but he never lies. He loves his family, even his father, but he is not one that practices forgiveness. Wronging him, will be the last thing you ever do. Michael - Always doing the right thing. He’s a goody good. Always so obedient to his father, but tries to be fair. Fighting is his last resort, if he’s on the battle field, there is no going back. For him to turn on his father, it must have been some real act of evil on the humans part. And let’s be honest, that’s never to much of a far stretched. God - Possibly the worst father ever. He is always right, he could do no wrong, his word his law. No wonder why republicans think he’s all for them. He wants his family whole, but he wants his family whole under his ideology. He’s blind to his own ignorance. He loves all his children the same, but anyone can clearly see that Lucifer is his favorite. Gabriel - The middle son. He has always been stuck between Michael and Lucifer. He has never chosen a side, his brothers have never involved him. This time it’s different, they are now on the same side, he’s more confused than ever on what to do. God offers him a chance to step up, how can he against two giants like the other two. Raphael - He is actually older than Michael, but has never gotten the same recognition as him. He just got lost in the shuffle. He resents Michael, Michael’s betrayal makes him happy, a chance to get back in God’s good graces. Charlotte - She was actually one of the few that joined Lucifer in the last war, but she saw it wasn’t going their way, so she renounced her love for her brother Lucifer and joined Michael to stop him. She is always weary of Lucifer, waiting for the moment he would strike. Gaia - Gaia is God’s sister, has been imprisoned since the dinosaurs were wiped out. Her plan is to use Gabriel to escape and kill her brother for what he has done to her. Her plans for the humans is to enslave them as well as the Angels. Jesus - Jesus and Lucifer will probably have a lot to catch up on. Lucifer sees Jesus as a threat, the once favorite son meeting the other, bound to make for some good conflict. Jesus will of course want to keep peace, he’s like Gabriel in many ways, but he lacks that aggressiveness to play in this game of lies and deceit. I see him as being a casualty.
  • 3. Issue Breakdown The story is broken into four to five major acts - and therefore four to five issues. It can be reworked into another structure, if need be. The idea is that this is a slow burn that builds in intensity with each passing issue. Issue One: (The Setup) A massive gathering is held, everyone comes together, all waiting to hear the big news. God allows Lucifer back home. He informs everyone it is time for new beginnings. Lucifer makes rounds to size up everyone. God and Michael disagree on how he went about doing this, God doesn’t care. We see God and Gaia talk, it’s there we discover God’s true intentions for bringing Lucifer back. Issue Two: (Introductions) This issue will be one of the most important, because it will set Lucifer and Jesus on a collision course of ideologies coming to blows. God will demand Gaia give him her powers, and of course she refuses. Gaia manipulates Gabriel into doing her bitting. Charlotte makes good use of all the items she has taken out of the vault. At the end of this issue, Lucifer will agree to serve the humans, but still refuses to actually bow down to them. Issue Three: (Beginning of the End) God is not pleased by Lucifer’s actions, for Lucifer this is an opportunity to see where God’s power is. God plays it smart and let’s this one goes. Jesus re-assures his father that he did the right thing. Charlotte discovers Gabriel and Gaia’s secret. She decides to align herself with Gaia. Michael and Raphael confront Lucifer. He tells them that he will “Bow down to the humans when father brings the rest of their brother and sisters home”. Issue Four: (The War) After the 9/11 attack, Lucifer points out to Michael that is the human race. Are you prepared to bow down to them once again? Michael officially joins his brother. Charlotte sets Gaia free, Gaia goes straight for her brother. Unaware of this third party, Lucifer and Michael both set their sights Gaia. Jesus trying to keep the peace gets caught in the cross fire and dies, by God’s hands. God takes what power he gave Jesus for himself. Raphael, Gabriel, and Charlotte see their father for the evil he is, they go after him. It’s one generation taking on another now.
  • 4. Issue Five: (The End) All the children discover that their parents cannot be killed, but imprisoned. They manage to imprison God. Gaia escapes to the human world, keeping herself hidden. But someone still needs to serve as God? Using all the artifacts that she has gathered, Charlotte sends all her brothers to Hell, except Gabriel, but she does strip him of his wings. Charlotte is now God.
  • 5. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 1 of 120 Page 1 SPLASH PAGE. A huge CASTLE hovers in the sky above the clouds. It’s white with slight shades of blue. It is as if the clouds and blue skies color the castle itself. Stairs are pearly white that lead to a gate. The gate is Gold, there is only one crack the gate, it’s visible for all to see. The sun shines bright, with ANGELS soaring through the skies. 1 CAPTION/locator: HEAVEN. The near future/2001. 2 LUCIFER/off panel: You look tired old man. NO COPY.
  • 6. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 2 of 120 Page 2 ONE: Very different from our first page. Black and crimson red, as if death follows closely behind with every moment. A DOOR creaks open with a dark shadowy FIGURE standing by. A HAND reaches out to this figure. 1 GOD/tailless: Welcome home son. TWO: The shadowy figure smiles. NO COPY. THREE: GOD, brown eyes, ambiguous skin tone, holds up 1940’s pin stripe suit to PRESENT to his son. 2 GOD: I picked this out for you son. Perfect for the occasion. 3 LUCIFER/off panel: With all due respect father, I have my own style. NO COPY.
  • 7. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 3 of 120 Page 3 ONE: A huge Banquet floor, holds 300 strong. Everyone, from the most named ANGELS dressed in black tie attire. MICHAEL, GABRIEL, RAPHAEL, CHARLOTTE. Chandeliers hang from the ceilings, fire burns bright from a cauldron. NO COPY. TWO: MICHAEL, dressed in a white suit, with white tie, talks to RAPHAEL, dressed in a black suit with red shirt and black tie. 1 RAPHAEL: Tell me Michael, has father informed you of what this is all about? 2 MICHAEL: No brother he has not. 3 RAPHAEL: What’s the matter, losing father’s favoritism? THREE: RAPHAEL has the biggest grin on his face. MICHAEL forces a smile, with the clear “FUCK YOU” stare. 4 GABRIEL/off panel: So how do I look, you two? NO COPY.
  • 8. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 4 of 120 Page 4 ONE: MICHAEL and RAPHAEL turn to see GABRIEL. He’s innocent in every sense of the word. All smiles, traditional black suit, white shirt, black tie. The tie is crooked. NO COPY. TWO: MICHAEL fixes GABRIEL’S tie. RAPHAEL scoffs. 1 MICHAEL: You look good little brother, like an elite. 2 GABRIEL: Thanks Mike. THREE: GABRIEL’s TIE is now fixed. Gabriel stares at RAPHAEL’s RED shirt. 3 RAPHEL: Something wrong with your eyes, Gabriel? 4 GABRIEL: Raphael, that red shirt reminds me of… 5 MICHAEL: Don’t speak his name. 6 RAPHAEL: Still plagued by guilt after all these millenniums, Michael. 7 CHARLOTTE/off panel: Well, well… FOUR: MICHAEL, RAPHAEL, and GABRIEL turn to see Charlotte. NO COPY.
  • 9. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 4 of 120 FIVE: CHARLOTTE, crimson red hair, long gorgeous black dress, cleavage showing. Sinister smile on her face. 8 CHARLOTTE: …don’t you boys look as dashing as ever? SIX: MICHAEL, GABRIEL, RAPHAEL, and CHARLOTTE, all face one another. 9 MICHAEL: Sister, wearing close to nothing as ever. 10 CHARLOTTE: Father said dress to impress Michael, I didn’t know he was talking about you? 11 RAPHAEL: He wasn’t. 12 GABRIEL: You look nice sis. 13 CHARLOTTE: Well thank you, that’s all I wanted to hear.
  • 10. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 5 of 120 Page 5 ONE: Small Panel, an Angel, URIEL, blows the horn to silence everyone. NO COPY. TWO: URIEL lowers the horn to her side. 1 URIEL: Brothers and sisters, father will speak now. THREE: Big Panel, GOD with arms spread as to embrace talks to his children. Almost resembling that of a cult, a leader demanding the attention of his flock. 2 GOD: My children, sons and daughters, today marks an important day for all of us. 3 GOD/linked: For today is a day we mark the true meaning of forgiveness. 4 GOD/linked: To forgive means to restore a bond of love and communion when there has been a rupture. And this rupture has lasted far too long. 5 GOD/linked: Even to rebel against me, I am still merciful and forgiving, at least I thought I was. 6 GOD/linked: I must prove even to myself that I truly can be forgiving, and that my children is why I have invited your brother back home. 7 GOD/linked: LUCIFER, come from within the dark into the light, my son.
  • 11. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 6 of 120 Page 6 ONE: CHARLOTTE, scared to her very core can’t believe her eyes. 1 CHARLOTTE: No. TW0: GABRIEL, doesn’t know what to think, not scared, not happy, not mad, just in shock. NO COPY. THREE: RAPHAEL, a slight grin on his face. He looks at MICHAEL for his reaction. 2 RAPHAEL/small: Looks like the real favorite is back. What now Michael? FOUR: MICHAEL can’t believe his eyes. He’s seen a ghost. He clenches his fist. NO COPY.
  • 12. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 7 of 120 Page 7 ONE: LUCIFER, dressed in jeans, dress shirt, long leather jacket, and red tie hanging from his neck stretches his arms to the sky. GOD stands closely by. 1 LUCIFER: Daddy’s home. 2 GOD: Lucifer? 3 LUCIFER: Kidding old man. As I stand here before all of you now, I am reminded of the past. No family should ever have to fight… TWO: MICHAEL’s eyes haven’t left Lucifer. He’s focused, ready for anything. 4 LUCIFER/off panel: …like we fought. THREE: LUCIFER now has a glass in hand of RED wine. 5 LUCIFER: Brothers and sisters should never raise arms to one another. 6 LUCIFER/linked: A father should never have to choose between his children. 7 LUCIFER/linked: And the meek, should never have to endure. FOUR: LUCIFER RAISES his glass. EVERYONE also raised their glass. 8 LUCIFER: As father said, to forgiveness and a new beginnings. 9 EVERYONE: New beginnings.
  • 13. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 8 of 120 Page 8 ONE: GABRIEL and LUCIFER hug, all smiles on both of their faces. 1 GABRIEL: I can’t believe you’re back! 2 LUCIFER: You can’t? Imagine how I felt when father opened those doors to let me in. 3 GABRIEL: Finally the three of us are back together again. It will be just like old times. 4 RAPHAEL/off panel: I hope not, we all know what happened last time. TWO: RAPHAEL interrupts this warm embrace. LUCIFER still all smiles, GABRIEL now annoyed. 4 LUCIFER: Raphael, still the cynic I see. 5 RAPHAEL: The prodigal son has returned. 6 LUCIFER: Please brother, don’t spoil this. I know you’ve always hated that aching feeling of being left out, but that’s not on me. 7 LUCIFER/linked: You should never fear voicing your frustrations at the responsible parties. THREE: GABRIEL’s annoyance turns to frustration. RAPAHEL and him have a stare down. LUCIFER maintains his cool. 7 GABRIEL: Yea Raph, what he said. 8 RAPHAEL: Did someone grow a set in the last five minutes? 9 LUCIFER: Boys, boys, this is a celebration, not a showdown for the biggest bad ass. Of course, we all know, that title belongs to me. HAHAHA.
  • 14. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 9 of 120 PAGE 9 ONE: GOD and MICHAEL stand on the BALCONY that overlooks EARTH. Their presence lit by the aura of the moon. 1 GOD: You seem agitated son. 2 MICHAEL: It would have been nice to have gotten a heads up. TWO: GOD looks at Michael with a “HOW DARE YOU LOOK”. 3 GOD: I’m going to dismiss any connotations that somehow I owe you, or anyone else for that matter any explanations of my actions just because tonight is a big night. THREE: MICHAEL, apologetic look, still needing answers. 4 MICHAEL: I’m just wondering why now? For centuries I have asked you to invite Lucifer and the others back home and you’ve never even considered it. 5 MICHAEL/linked: And why only Lucifer? Why not Caysha, Fallon, Barilo, and countless others that betrayed you? FOUR: GOD places his hands on MICHAEL’s shoulders. Not to scold him, but to help him see the light. 6 GOD: US, that betrayed us Michael. 7 MICHAEL: Why? 8 GOD: Your brother is the one that needs to be tamed.
  • 15. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 10 of 120 Page 10 ONE: CHARLOTTE watches intensely the conversation between GOD and MICHAEL from behind a curtain. 1 GOD/off panel: They followed him, I need to see how much he’s changed if he has, before I invite the others home. 2 LUCIFER/off panel: Sister, are you eavesdropping? TWO: CHARLOTTE turns around, still afraid of her brother. 3 LUCIFER/off panel: You don’t seem very pleased that I am back. One could take that the wrong way. THREE: CHARLOTTE forces a smile. 4 CHARLOTTE: No, that’s not it, it’s just… FOUR: LUCIFER isn’t smiling anymore, he almost seems enraged. He steps to her. 4 LUCIFER: It’s just you betrayed me and thought you’d never have to see me again? FIVE: CHARLOTTE is terrified now, “COULD THIS BE IT?” 5 CHARLOTTE: Lucifer, no, please. SIX: Lucifer hugs CHARLOTTE. We’re looking at Charlotte’s shocked face and Lucifer’s back. 6 LUCIFER: I forgive you sister. 7 CHARLOTTE: What?
  • 16. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 10 of 120 SEVEN: LUCIFER still hugs Charlotte. We’re looking at Lucifer’s face with a grin and Charlotte’s back. Through Lucifer’s eyes, we see GOD and MICHAEL. 8 LUCIFER: The war wasn’t going our way, so you jumped ship. 9 LUCIFER/linked: I think I’m actually proud of you, showing me how much of a survivalist you are. 10 LUCIFER/linked: You had done right by you, I don’t see how I could fault you for that.
  • 17. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 11 of 120 Page 11 ONE: GOD has his back to MICHAEL. Both filled with contempt. 1 GOD: Go and enjoy the party son. Say hello to your brother. 2 MICHAEL: I am not done talking to you! TWO: GOD turns to face MICHAEL with a “HOW DARE HE TALKS TO ME LIKE THAT?” expression on his face. 3 GOD: WATCH YOUR TONE, BOY! 4 MICHAEL: Is this what Ollis had to deal with? THREE: MICHAEL is down on his knees in pain holding his head. GOD towers over him. 5 GOD: You dare mention my father’s name? 6 MICHAEL: AHHHHHHHHHHH! FOUR: CHARLOTTE stands before her father and brother dismayed. 6 CHARLOTTE: Daddy? FIVE: GOD looks up shocked. MICHAEL is no longer in pain. He pants. 7 GOD: Charlotte? SIX: MICHAEL and GOD face one another. 8 GOD: I’ll deal with you later boy. SEVEN: MICHAEL watches as GOD and CHARLOTTE walk off. 9 GOD: Come daughter, assist me.
  • 18. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 12 of 120 Page 12 ONE: GOD and CHARLOTTE stop in front of a VAULT underneath the ball room. An IRON PLATED sealed door that requires two hand prints. NO COPY. TWO: GOD and CHARLOTTE place their hands on a PANEL. NO COPY. THREE: The VAULT opens. NO COPY. FOUR: GOD and CHARLOTTE are inside. Relics of the past reside in here. Weapons, a bottle of the Spanish flu, apple bitten by Eve, the cross Jesus was nailed to, an orb. The list goes on and on. 1 CHARLOTTE: What exactly are we looking for Dad? 2 GOD: WE are not looking for anything. FIVE: GOD picks up a sword. CHARLOTTE is in disbelief. 3 CHARLOTTE: Isn’t that the sword Lucifer used… 4 GOD: Against me? 5 GOD/linked: Yes, yes it is my dear.
  • 19. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 13 of 120 Page 13 ONE: GOD points the sword to CHARLOTTE’S throat. She is frightened. 1 CHARLOTTE: What are you doing? 2 GOD: You also betrayed me? 3 CHARLOTTE: You said I was forgiven? TWO: GOD lowers the sword to his side. CHARLOTTE is relieved. 4 GOD: Hmmm, you are. Your brother was the only one to ever stand against me. Like I did with my father. 5 GOD/linked: The rest of you just followed like sheep to the herd. THREE: GOD has his back to CHARLOTTE. He still observes the sword, she picks up an ORB. 1 CHARLOTTE: Are you going to give it back to him? FOUR: CHARLOTTE hides the Orb as best as she can. GOD smirks. 2 GOD: Don’t be foolish. Can’t an old man indulge in nostalgia? 3 GOD/linked: This needs to stay here. FIVE: GOD and CHARLOTTE are outside the now closed VAULT. God leaves. 4 GOD: Thank you for entertaining an old man. 5 CHARLOTTE: Of course Daddy. SIX: CHARLOTTE pulls out the Orb and observes it. She smiles. NO COPY.
  • 20. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 14 of 120 Page 14 ONE: GOD, in his bedroom, looks behind him to make sure no one is around. NO COPY. TWO: GOD locks his bedroom doors. NO COPY. THREE: GOD shuts his blinds. NO COPY. FOUR: GOD places his hand on another scanner by his BOOKSHELF. NO COPY. FIVE: The BOOKSHELF opens into two parts separating. NO COPY. SIX: GOD looks behind him one last time, just to make sure he isn’t being watched. NO COPY.
  • 21. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 15 of 120 Page 15 ONE: GOD goes down a long stairway. It almost seems endless. NO COPY. TWO: GOD arrives at a re-enforced glass penetrated cell. 1 GOD: Hello sister. THREE: GAIA, a haunting beauty, sits in a meditation posture. NO COPY. FOUR: Extreme close up on Gaia’s EYES. 2 GAIA: This is quite the surprise. Seven times in as many has two days. FIVE: GOD and GAIA now face to face, only thing separating them is the glass. 3 GOD: What can I say Gaia, changes are happening. 4 GAIA: Bullshit!
  • 22. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 16 of 120 Page 16 ONE: GAIA stares into her brother’s eyes. 1 GAIA: You’ve done something haven’t you? TWO: GOD holds confidence, but it is just a facade. GAIA sees right through it. 2 GOD: I don’t know what you’re talking about. 3 GAIA: Still a COWARDICE little shit I see. THREE: GOD clenches his fist. GAIA grins, she knows how to push her brother’s buttons. 4 GOD: Do not talk down to me Gaia, I am still KING. 5 GAIA: Only by accident, don’t forget that tidbit. 6 GAIA/linked: What did you do? FOUR: GOD’s hands dropped to his side. GAIA still focused on him. 7 GOD: I brought him back. 8 GOD/linked: LUCIFER. FIVE: GAIA laughs hysterically on the floor. 8 GAIA: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  • 23. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 17 of 120 Page 17 ONE: GAIA has a grin on her face. GOD is in no joking matter. 1 GOD: Stop LAUGHING at me! 2 GAIA: How do you expect me not to? You actually think this plan of yours is going to work? TWO: GAIA back on her feet. GOD still trying to maintain face. 3 GAIA You gave him the power of light, one that once belonged to father. 4 GAIA/linked: You are certainly a BAFOON. 5 GOD: If I am such a BAFOON sister, why are YOU in the cage? 6 GAIA: Even a broken clock is right twice a day brother. THREE: GAIA sits back on her bed. GOD stares at her with contempt. 7 GOD: I am getting weaker, I need it back. I can’t do it alone. 8 GAIA: You actually believed I would help you, after all of this? 9 GOD: When the time is right sister, you had better if you know what’s good for you.
  • 24. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 18 of 120 Page 18 ONE: We are in GABRIEL’s bedroom. Posters of movies everywhere, from Casino, Godfather, The Untouchables, Casablanca. He looks at a hovering chess board. He’s all smiles. 1 LUCIFER/off panel: Don’t tell me that’s our same game? TWO: LUCIFER grinning at a now frightened GABRIEL. 2 GABRIEL: Jesus Christ Luci, don’t do that! THREE: LUCIFER gives GABRIEL an unpleasant look. 3 GABRIEL: Sorry, I forgot you hate being called that. FOUR: LUCIFER grins. GABRIEL smiles. 4 LUCIFER: Don’t worry about it, I’ve actually missed it. 5 GABRIEL: Really? 6 LUCIFER: You’re allowed one a week. 7 GABRIEL: HMMMM. I always feel like Tony and Fredo with you. FIVE: LUCIFER looks pass GABRIEL to see The GODFATHER poster. 8 LUCIFER: You love your HUMAN movies don’t you?
  • 25. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 18 of 120 Page 18 SIX: LUCIFER eyes the chess board. GABRIEL takes it all in, his brother Lucifer is home. 9 LUCIFER/tailless: Speaking of love and humans, where is Christ? 10 GABRIEL: You’ll have to ask father.
  • 26. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 19 of 120 Page 19 ONE: LUCIFER and GABRIEL sit across from each other, separated by the chess board. 1 GABRIEL: You remember everything I taught you? TWO: LUCIFER picks up the KING piece. GABRIEL, proud to know that he at least taught his younger sibling a thing or two. 2 LUCIFER: You taught me that the KING was the most important piece in the game. 3 GABRIEL: That’s right. THREE: LUCIFER puts the King piece down. 4 LUCIFER: You were wrong. 5 GABRIEL/off panel: Let me guess, you think it’s the Queen, she could do what ever. FOUR: LUCIFER picks up a PAWN piece. GABRIEL, anxious to see what he does next. 6 LUCIFER: Not whatever, but I do believe the most important pieces are the pawns. 7 GABRIEL: They are the weakest pieces. FIVE: Lucifer holds the pawn piece up, lining it up with GABRIEL’S nose. 8 LUCIFER: You see Fredo, with enough PAWNS you can overtake the KING.
  • 27. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 20 of 120 Page 20 ONE: MICHAEL trains in a gym. He trains with double swords taking on a ROBOTIC DUMMY. NO COPY. TWO: MICHAEL trains with a battling axe. He swings it at wood. Testing his strength. NO COPY. THREE: Michael trains with a Spear, that is his true weapon. Focusing on the smooth motion of his attacks. Several Robotic Dummies surround him. NO COPY. FOUR: MICHAEL stands dead center of the now fallen headless dummies. Spear in hand. 1 SFX: CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! FIVE: MICHAEL’s looks off panel in the direction of the clapping. NO COPY.
  • 28. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 21 of 120 Page 21 ONE: LUCIFER waltzes in, smug and cocky. 1 LUCIFER: You haven’t lost a step, dear brother. Are you preparing for another war? TWO: MICHAEL, spear in hand, ready for anything. 2 MICHAEL: I don’t know, should I be? THREE: LUCIFER and MICHAEL are now face to face. Lucifer smiles, while Michael is always on his guard. His grip on the spear tight as ever. 3 MICHAEL: It’s strange, I wanted you back for so long, but now that you are back… 4 LUCIFER: Let me guess, your spidey senses are tingling. FOUR: LUCIFER is now near a weapons rack. His hand on the handle of a sword. NO COPY. FIVE: LUCIFER with sword in hand faces MICHAEL. They’re both smiling, boys will be boys. 5 LUCIFER: What do you say Michael, a friendly little sparring match? 6 MICHAEL: Friendly?
  • 29. Jamaul Phillips Throne, Graphic Novel: “Welcome Home” Page 22 of 120 Page 22 ONE: MICHAEL and LUCIFER now stand on a mountain top, overlooking all of Heaven. 1 LUCIFER: I have missed this site. I bet you’ve taken it for granted. 2 MICHAEL: That’s not… TWO: MICHAEL is forced into a defensive position by LUCIFER. Michael’s spear blocks Lucifer’s over hand slash down attack. 3 SFX: CLING! SKEECH! 4 MICHAEL: Lucifer, what is it you are doing? 5 LUCIFER: Oh I’m sorry brother, did I forget to say begin? THREE: LUCIFER has a big smile on his face, TEETH showing and all. 6 LUCIFER: Well, BEGIN.
  • 30. THRONE Breakdown of next Issue PAGE 23: This entire page is to show all the others watching Michael and Lucifer fighting from their respected spaces. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 24: Lucifer is winning the fight. PAGE 25: Michael is winning the fight. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 26: Just when we are about to get a victor, Jesus intervenes and stops the fight. PAGE 27: Jesus and Lucifer have a heart to heart. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 28: Jesus takes Lucifer to his cross. PAGE 29: Lucifer tries to destroy, but God intervenes. Lucifer asks’, “How could you still love them after what they did to you?” ………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 30: Charlotte talks to Raphael, to get a sense where he is on Lucifer being back. PAGE 31: Michael informs God Lucifer is a lot more powerful since the last time they fought. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 32: Gabriel sneaks down to talk to Gaia. PAGE 33: Gaia tries to manipulate Gabriel into getting an artifact she needs to escape. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 34: Gabriel talks to Charlotte about getting into the vault. PAGE 35: God demands Gaia give him some of her power. Gaia refuses. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 36: Michael tries to make peace with Raphael, it doesn’t go well. PAGE 37: Lucifer sees to free some of his siblings from Hell on his own. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 38: Jesus tries to convince Lucifer that God will bring back everyone else, once he bows to the humans. PAGE 39: God holds a meeting for all his children. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 40: One by one, the elite Angels bows down to the human race. PAGE 41: God asks’ once more of Lucifer to do the same. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… PAGE 42: Lucifer has a flashback of when the last time this went down. PAGE 43: Lucifer with a grin, says, “Yes!” …………………………………………………………………………………………………
  • 31. GOD OVERVIEW Genre: Action/Drama Comparison: Game of Thrones meets (input other) Logline: With Earth just waiting to be ruled, rival’s in Heaven wait their chance to take over. Synopsis: We all come from somewhere, us, our parents, grandparents, and yes, even God himself must come from somewhere. This is the story of God before he ruled Heaven. We come to learn just who this all consuming entity is. His parents, his sister, other family members. God rises to power, but how did he get there? What happened to his family? STYLE: 7-8 minute webisodes, 6 episodes a season. Demographic: Men and Women 18-40 CHARACTERS GOD: 20s, ambitious, egotistical, self-righteous, wants to be taken seriously by his father. He has all these ideas that he wants his father to approve off, for example, Angels. But his father loves his dinosaurs. God’s journey is one of empowerment. His need to be taken seriously and being dismissed slowly builds up in him resentment. We see at first that he’s just someone wanting to do things with his ideas in mind, but over time we see the lengths he’s willing to go through to get his way. GAIA: 20s, she is as confident as they come. She doesn’t tolerate bull-shit. You try to beat around the bush, she just say exactly what you mean for you. Her journey is one of understanding. She won’t get it immediately why God grows to be the way he is, but watching her brother suffer over times eventually leads her to join him. OLLIS: God’s father. He is stern, can’t be bothered with silly projects of his son. Most of his time is spent dealing with the dinosaurs. Creating new ones with the passing of time. He isn’t cruel, that’s never his character, but he can never seem to acknowledge his children as a parent should. His journey will of course be one of failure, he will fall to his children. HEAVENIA: God’s mother. The most loving of mother’s. Always there to console her children, especially God when Ollis rejects him once again. She mostly handles Heaven, Ollis did name the place after her. She especially watches over the vault in heaven. There lies some of Ollis’ more precious ideas, concerning dinosaurs, but yet the idea of evil also rest in there.
  • 32. VALDIS: Valdis is Death. Ollis created him to handle the demise of the dinosaurs he didn’t particular care for. Death will want more power as time progresses. He will be a great obstacle for the family when he discovers he has the power to end even his creator’s life. EPISODE 1: We open on Ollis and his family observing his dinosaurs. God of course is annoyed. Everyone else knows there’s no getting out of this. This last’s for a good 30 minutes or so. Once Ollis is amused with his creations, everyone is than allowed to leave, but God takes the time to talk to his father about the angels he wishes to create. He storms off enraged, only later to be consoled by his mother. She tells him there’s a time and place for everything, he’s too pissed to give it real thought. He and Gaia go off on a scavenger hunt for artifacts that their mother created to give them something to do. It is the first time they witness Valdis' power. EPISODE 2: God is intrigued by Valdis and what he can do. Gaia sees something in God’s eyes that concern her. Gaia tries to talk to her mother about it, but she tells her there’s no need for concern. Heavenia tells Ollis that Valdis has gotten sloppy with his power, revealing it to the children. He tells her he’ll take care of it. EPISODE 3: God and Gaia train under Valdis. They learn what he is allowed to teach them, which isn’t much. Ollis doesn’t take too kindly to this and embarrasses Valdis in front of everyone. It is the first time God gets a sense of true power, from seeing what his father can do. This is different from all the other times, this was a testament of “know your place”. But it is still within this moment, resentment is born within Valdis. EPISODE 4: God goes behind his father’s back and creates a dinosaur. The dinosaur is known as a Pterodactyl. This dinosaur can fly and stand on two legs as opposed to four. Everyone is impressed of God’s creation, except for his father of course. Ollis can’t let it on how infuriated he is, but he scolds God for doing this without his blessing. He strips him of his power. EPISODE 5: Heavenia and Ollis have at it. This is the first time that these two have ever fought. It rattles all of Heaven. Gaia tries to intervene, but her power is of no use to match her parents. God hopes his mom takes him down.
  • 33. EPISODE 6: God and Gaia tries to convince Valdis to stop Ollis. Use his power to kill Ollis, but there too much uncertainty with what happens if Ollis dies. Can Heavenia hold off Ollis until help arrives.
  • 34. GOD Written by Jamaul B. Phillips
  • 35. INT. PRISON - HEAVEN - DAY GOD, (20)s, hard headed, prone to lash out, dressed in a suit is chained to a chair. GAIA, (20)s, playful but fierce, stares at her brother. GOD Well sister, are you going to release me or just glare at me all day? GAIA You have any idea what you’ve done? You might as well attacked father with a full frontal assault. You started a war today. God smirks. God It is father who started a war with us. GAIA You think I will take part in any of this? GOD If you don’t choose a side, it will be chosen for you. GAIA You forced us into a fight you can- not possibly win. What could have compelled you to make such a miscalculated decision? GOD I did the only thing I knew that could get his attention. GAIA You brought about the promise of death. GOD What did you think I was going to do when he chose those fucking mindless beast over us? GAIA Damn it God, he gave us life.
  • 36. GOD And I shall remove his. GAIA You boy. God lashes back, but his restraints hold him. GOD What did you call me?! GAIA Right now, that’s all any of this is, the foolish attempts of a boy trying to prove himself a man. God clenches his fist. GAIA (CONT’D) Mother and I are trying to smooth things over for you, to ensure your survival. GOD I will not be pitied. I don’t need help. GAIA If you weren’t so blind brother, you would see this isn’t pity, but the actions of those who love you. GOD These are the actions of those who fear him. GAIA Why wouldn’t I fear the man with such absolute power. He tames even Death himself. GOD Release me from these chains and I shall show you absolute. GAIA On whom? On me? Mother? GOD Father is my only target Gaia, you are just going to have to trust me. GAIA I don’t know if that’s possible. 2.
  • 37. GOD Think about it, we’re young. And the young should never have to fear the old, the strong the weak, the living the dead. GAIA Yes, you are young, but weak. Indeed living, but if you continue these transgressions against the old and strong, you will surely find yourself amongst the dead. GOD Allow me a fighting chance. If you don’t want any part in this war between father and I, then release me and step aside. GAIA Mother and I need assurance you will stay in line. She’s working on calming father from doing something of regret. GOD I’m on the front lines sister, I’m not going anywhere. You and I both know there is only one way this ends, either mother a widow, or you an only child. Gaia takes a deep breath. GAIA Do you promise to leave mother and I out of this. GOD You have my word. REVEAL God has his fingers cross. SMASH CUT TO BLACK THE END 3.
  • 38. How To Play Your first move should be heading towards the prison, to gain more Angels or Demons. How many you’re allowed to take is dependent upon the flip of the card deck containing Angels and Demons. You can pick either or end up with none, all best on the luck of the draw. Build your army so great, that they serve as a battlefront for you to take on god or gaia. You’ll have to cross other people territories and battle them as well. There can only be one. Jamaul B PHILLIPS The Hook Become the all consuming, superior being that controls Heaven, Earth, and Hell! The Premise The purpose of the game is to build a big enough army to challenge God or Gaia. 
 Defeating one of the other Angel’s is Pivotal, because you can gain their army.
 Joining forces is also a great deal of importance, you have twice the army. But remember, that’s two leaders as opposed to one, and in the end, you have to turn on one another.
 The Components ✦ Board ✦ 2 Dice ✦ Character Cards ✦ Angels and Demon pieces THRONE BOARD GAME | BY JAMAUL B PHILLIPS | NYFA
  • 39. KEY GAME FEATURES ( XBOX ONE, PS4, PC, MAC) Mult-Game Functions: Single player, multi-player, fighting game combat mode, online. 7 Playable Characters: Play as your favorite characters: God, Gaia, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, Charlotte, Raphael. Unique Modes: Story mode, fighting mode, Multi-Universe world. Drop-in and Drop-out Multiplayer: If you wish to make the challenge for the Throne even more of an adventure, join players from all over as different characters to fight for the Throne. Create new and Exciting Memories: Tell the tale on how you became the new King or Queen of Heaven. KEY GAME POINTS iMAGINE A FANTASY SPORTS LEAGUE,YOU COULD ONLY HAVE ONE CHARACTER PER LEAGUE. IN THIS GAME,YOU COULD PICK UP TO ABOUT 100 CHARACTERS. yOU CHOOSE WHAT SIDE THEY’RE ON IN THIS ALL OUT WAR. Become the new ruler of all of heaven From the creator of the best selling Graphic Novel Throne and Web Series God, the man that brought you the board game with the same title; brings you a 3D fantasy adventure where you pick your hero or anti-hero to take over Heaven. You choose from any of the seven characters, and start your journey to take over territories to eventually claim the throne for yourself. Depending on the character you choose, you can unlock new and interesting characters for fighting contest mode. You can join a multi universe with other players from around the world, each playing as their favorite character vying for the throne. THRONE STREET DATE GENRE TARGET AUDIENCE PLAYERS UPC JUNE 13, 2017 FANTASY/ADVENTURE 12 AND UP 1-4 on PS4, XBox One PS3: 7-52919-992655-4 MULTI-PLAYER UP TO 100 XBOX: 7-52919-55275-9
  • 40. 
 THRONE Design by Jamaul Phillips For XBOX Live Arcade, PS4 and Mac Rating: E12+ Ship Date: TBD THRONE Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
  • 41. Game story: For over a Millenia, God has ruled over Heaven, Hell, and even Earth. He has decided each and everyones fate, who should live and who should die. But no more, it is time for a new ruler to take the Throne for him or herself. God has become old and feeble, he is no longer the God he once was, the time to strike is now. You must battle other top ranking Angels and Devils to reach the Throne, even once you get pass them, God still has the advantage of Age old wisdom. Can you rise to the occasion and become new supreme ruler? Game play: In Throne, you will have your choice of which Angel, Arch-Angel, and or even Devil himself to choose from in this epic fantasy adventure. The game play is a continuous adventure, each level bringing you into contact with a boss of a level. Build your power with each boss you defeat, as well as your army. You must battle your way through each boss to eventually face the residing King, God. Play online, you could join forces with other gamers, but in the end you will have to turn on one another for their could be only one on the Throne. Elevator pitch: Final Fantasy meets Injustice: Gods Among Us meets Warcraft. THRONE Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
  • 42. Game Flow: With every passing moment, the world that is presented to you is to introduce you to an idea what the after life could be. Not only that, but this is the story of God, his family, parents, sister, children. Every new boss you meet, is one of his children, when you face them, you get their backstory. You hear them tell the tale of the first war in Heaven from their perspective. As you play, their story will coincide with the Graphic Novel as well as the Bible itself, you get both stories. You know what they say about the truth, “There’s your version, the other person’s version, than the actual truth itself.” This is a fantasy game, based on the idea of powers and mythology. New weapons such as Hand of God, the Voice of Gaia, mystical Orb can all be at your disposal once you make it pass certain enemies. Build your army, beat your enemies and take their army, defeating God will not be an easy task, you will want all the help you can have. Join forces, but remember, in the end their can only be one ruler, you will have to fight your coalition at some point. THRONE Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
  • 43. Player Characters: You have an opportunity to play up to any of the characters provided. Once you defeat God in your game, who you defeated him with will be the new King or Queen. You will have an opportunity to play as God from that point on. Lucifer - He’s cool and as suave as they come. He puts Politicians to shame. He actually believes in right over wrong. He’s loyal to a fault, and he never lies. He often times may omit things, but he never lies. He loves his family, even his father, but he is not one that practices forgiveness. Wronging him, will be the last thing you ever do. Michael - Always doing the right thing, he’s a goody goody. Always so obedient to his father, but tries to be fair. Fighting is his last resort, if he’s on the battle field, there is no going back. For him to turn on his father, it must have been some real act of evil on the humans part. And let’s be honest, that’s never to much of a far stretched. God - Possibly the worst father ever. He is always right, he could do no wrong, his word his law. No wonder why republicans think he’s all for them. He wants his family whole, but he wants his family whole under his ideology. He’s blind to his own ignorance. He loves all his children the same, but anyone can clearly see that Lucifer is his favorite. Gabriel - The middle son, has always been stuck between Michael and Lucifer. He has never chosen a side, his brothers have never involved him. This time it’s different, they are now on the same side, he’s more confused than ever on what to do. God offers him a chance to step up, how can he against two giants like the other two. Raphael - He is actually older than Michael, but has never gotten the same recognition as him. He just got lost in the shuffle. He resents Michael, Michael’s betrayal makes him happy, a chance to get back in God’s good graces. Charlotte - She was actually one of the few that joined Lucifer in the last war, but she saw it wasn’t going their way, so she renounced her love for her brother Lucifer and joined Michael to stop him. She is always weary of Lucifer, waiting for the moment he would strike. THRONE Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
  • 44. Gaia - Gaia is God’s sister, has been imprisoned since the dinosaurs were wiped out. Her plan is to use Gabriel to escape and kill her brother for what he has done to her. Her plans for the humans are to enslave them as well as the Angels. Customization: If you like, you can customize your very own character. Face, hair, clothes and sex. You will be able to choose what position you would like to be in the war, climb your way through the ranks to the point of even being leader. As you progress throughout the game, you can upgrade your gear, clothing, armor, tools, weapons, and mecha. Remember, each advancement you happen to make, comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. More armor means more protection, but at the same time it will slow you down. Player controls (XBOX ONE): THRONE Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
  • 45. Game World: The world of Throne is inspired by the graphic novel Throne and web series God. It is an adventure exploring the return of Lucifer and the rise to God’s supreme being of all life. Levels are created to be extremely customizable to different ideas and cultures to get a feeling that anyone and everyone could be a part of this world. Players can customize domains to there liking to enrich their experience. Since a portion of this takes place on Earth, I felt it was important to be able to experience Summer, Winter, Spring, and Fall. For Heaven and Hell, you will experience the lightness that come from Heaven and the depth of despair yet imagined for Hell. 
 THRONE Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
  • 46. Game Experience: A “Round” of game play is you as the player choosing your own path on how you wish to take the Throne. You could be good or bad, cunning or honorable. As the old saying goes, “There’s no such thing as a fair fight, a win is a win.” How to Win - Survive and defeat all of your enemies that stand in your way of your Throne. How to Lose - Become careless and to trusting, allow yourself to be taken advantage of and watch all you have built be taken by your enemies. Perish before your enemies as if you were nothing more than cannon fodder. THRONE Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
  • 47. Game Mechanics: Play in Single Player in an isometric view of 3D characters, elements and terrain. The camera can be zoomed and rotated 360 degrees to allow for either a close or far view of the battlefield. The player runs over the map in real time, knowing how far to advance or push forward when encountering the enemy. Single Player mode allows players to perform simple actions. Build defenses, plan ambushes, and wield weapons. Over the course of the game, controls remain the same, weapon and armor upgrades utilize the same basic control mechanics. After each battle is won, you have the option to finish off the rest of the enemies army or have them join you. There is also Multi-Player Online Mode. Imagine a fantasy sports league, you could only have one character per league. In this game, you could pick up to 100 characters. You choose what side you’re on in this all out war for the Throne. Fighting Game Combat Mode, where you can challenge others to one on one duals. This is also a great way to test your skills and discover new ways to take down your enemies. Power Ups: With each defeat of an enemy, you will be able to boost your own energy level. If you happen to defeat your enemy, you may strip them of their weapons and armor. THRONE Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
  • 48. Enemies: Each Boss not only has their own devastating attacks, but as I stated before, each their very own unique back story. Below is a small sample of the characters attacks and special abilities. LUCIFER Special Ability: Black Lightning and Flames Weapon: Twin Blades Strength: 23 Speed: 24 MICHAEL Special Ability: Wind Weapon: Spear and Sword Strength: 24 Speed: 23 CHARLOTTE Special Ability: Fire Weapon: Dagger Strength: 22 Speed: 25 GABRIEL Special Ability: Manipulates Sound Weapon: Indestructible Shield Strength: 20 Speed: 21 RAPAHEL Special Ability: Control Any Liquid Form Weapon: Hammer Strength: 25 Speed: 20 GOD Special Ability: Controls Everything Weapon: None Strength: 30 Speed: 30 GAIA Special Ability: Controls Day and Night Weapon: None Strength: 29 Speed: 29 THRONE Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
  • 49. Cutscenes: Narrative cutscenes will use in-game assets to create short interludes of each characters back story. Through the game you should always feel there is a bigger picture going on that relates to the larger world outside of gaming. You could easily play out story arcs from the comics and web series. Bonus Materials: Some key characters that could also be explored will be God and Gaia’s parents, Ollis and Heavenia. If you beat the game with God, you get Ollis the father. You beat it with Gaia, you get Heavenia the mother. UNLOCKABLES: Purgatory Special Orb Gabriel’s Horn Noah’s Arc Cross of Jesus Weapons 
 THRONE Jamaul Phillips April 10, 2016
  • 50. KEY GAME FEATURES ( IPHONE, IPAD, ANDROID, ANY TOUCH SCREEN DEVICES) Mult-Game Functions: Single player, multi-player, training mode, one on one mode, online. Playable Characters: Play as your favorite characters: God, Gaia, Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel, Charlotte, Raphael. Or you could build your own Avatar. Drop-in and Drop-out Multiplayer: If you wish to make the challenge for the Finish line even more of an adventure, join players from all over as different characters to race for the Title. Create new and Exciting Memories: Tell the tale on how you became the new CHAMPION of Heaven. Even the Devil can become the champion of Heaven. Become the Champion of Heaven From the creator of the best selling Graphic Novel THRONE and Web Series GOD, the man that brought you the board game with the same title THRONE; brings you a whole new adventure called FINISH. FINISH is a whole new idea based in the world of Angels and Demons, It’s a world based on a family of racers that takes place amongst the Heavens. You don’t race with cars or bike, but with Wings. Just like in THRONE, it’s a fantasy adventure where you pick your hero or anti-hero to take race all of Heaven. You choose from any of the seven characters, and start your journey to race for your chance to be the new champion of Heaven. Build your very own avatar and race as him or her. Design your Wings to your liking, color, style, metal, you name it. This game is more than just a race, you will encounter many obstacles, from boulders, to arrows, to even spears, your wings are your own defenses. FINISH STREET DATE GENRE TARGET AUDIENCE PLAYERS PRICE JUNE 13, 2017 FANTASY/ADVENTURE 10 AND UP 1 PLAYER 2.99 KEY GAME POINTS Using your touch screen, control how you use your weapons to take on whatever obstacles that stand before you. It is a tilting game as well, how you maneuver your device, is how your character reacts. With every victory, you gain fortunes to contribute to your avatar and wing gear.