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Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript
Saturday, November 21

Audio starts at [0:19:15]

Karen Wilson:        Good morning. How is everybody on this beautiful day in Ravinia?


Karen Wilson:        We'd like to welcome back those who were here last night and
                     those who are joining us today. Welcome. We have a wonderful
                     day. We had a beautiful night last night and lots to look forward to
                     today and Tom's going to give you a briefing on our day.

Tom Terry:           Thank you, Karen. Let me just start with this. So Karen and I are
                     sitting down here and I'm going oops, I pulled out my phone and I
                     put the darn thing on a silent and she says yes, you know, when my
                     ring – my ring just goes into a Calypso dance. She says, “I better
                     shut this off now or if it goes off when we're up there, they're going
                     to think it's part of the program.”

Karen Wilson:        Then we'll have to dance.

Tom Terry:           So just a reminder for everybody. Well listen, good morning. I echo
                     Karen's welcoming remarks, glad to have you all here. You know,
                     how many of you has been to a Ravinia Festival event in a
                     summertime? Isn't it cool to come back here at this time of year?
                     It's just awesome. I walked through this morning, I walked across in
                     a parking lot and I thought, oh here's where we are. Wasn't last
                     night magical? It was really terrific walking through all the candles
                     and the music coming out. I thought where are we? It's just like
                     we're in another beautiful place. So it transformed this morning into
                     something that we were much – obviously much more familiar with
                     for those of you who had been here before but this is a wonderful
                     venue and a wonderful setting. Wasn't breakfast terrific as well?


Tom Terry:           Well some of you probably missed last night so I'm just going to
                     give you a 10-second overview of what you missed and we're glad
                     you're here today. We obviously have a full house and we have a
                     full day ahead of us. I'm going to give you a little bit of an overview
                     but let me just touch very quickly in last night. We had two speakers

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last night. Judith Wright framed for us I think very beautifully the
                  context of the times that we're in which are fast moving, fast
                  changing and indicative of that which we can all expect going
                  forward and so a beautiful states there in terms of why it is any of
                  us would think about transformation. And then we had a keynote
                  address last night by Brad Anderson, CEO of – a former CEO of
                  Best Buy who I think blew a lot of us away and was able to convey
                  to us what transformation and action really looks like and told some
                  very compelling stories about in the phase of dire circumstances
                  doing something that was just unthinkable and it was – I think it
                  touched a lot of us. I know that it conveyed and infused
                  conversations at our dinner table last night in a significant way.

                  So that was very, very cool. Well but the best is yet to come
                  because today – let me just give you a quick overview. We're going
                  to go from now until noon and we're going to hear this morning from
                  Ron Riggio who's going to be – who has written the book in
                  transformational leadership and Ron is going to sort of share with
                  us the dimensions, the many dimensions of transformational
                  leadership. Judith and Bob Wright are going to come on back up
                  and they're going to talk about personal transformation and how
                  that can infuse organizational society transformation but that it
                  starts with the individual. We're going to have lunch.

                  We're going to break for lunch right at noon and then right after
                  lunch, we're going to go right into a presentation by Don Beck
                  who's going to really convey to us a sense of organizational or
                  almost systemic transformation and share with us his change
                  theory and how organizations and systems in societies can be
                  identified and how change manifests in them. And then we're going
                  to wrap up with Brad Anderson yet again and Brad is going to go
                  through a question and answer process. We'll talk more about that
                  a little bit later and we'll wrap up by 5. So that's our day. So is
                  everybody ready for a good day? All right.


Tom Terry:        So let me turn it over now to Bob. Bob Wright is going to come back
                  up and get us kicked off. Bob.


Bob Wright:       Good morning transformers! Give yourselves a hand.


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Bob Wright:       You know, whether you know it or not, you are transforming.
                  Humanity is transforming. We only have one choice to make. Will
                  we do it consciously and responsibly or will it be forced on us? Will
                  we be run over by it like a steam roller or will we be able to stay
                  ahead of this steam roller and creatively find new ways to become
                  who we could become. And how many of you are willing to engage
                  in that adventure today? Good. Give yourselves a hand. Thank you.


Bob Wright:       You know, I think we're going to develop momentum through the
                  day. So I'd like to acknowledge some of the people that have put
                  this event on in addition to the ones that I acknowledged last night.
                  At the Wright Leadership Institute, one of the things that our groups
                  do is they're charged with putting on an event like this once a year.
                  So they work on their own personal transformation and then they
                  work on their team building and they have something like this to do
                  where they're giving each other feedback like very few corporations
                  or organizations in our country give each other feedback. They do
                  that in a safe environment because nobody can fire them.

                  So when you don't risk your pay, you don't risk your bonus, people
                  will tell you things that they would never think of telling you
                  elsewhere. So they do this to help themselves learn and develop.
                  So I'm not going to actually call them up but you've seen all these
                  people walking around, they're all on various teams. They're here
                  as part of their leadership training which begins at being an
                  engaged team member and empowering team member and an
                  empowering team lead. Those are the first three levels of our
                  leadership development. So if you could just give them a hand and
                  even if they don't hear it, we'd like to have them get it.


Bob Wright:       And I talked about MedEd Architects who had been putting this
                  altogether for us. They helped Jon Fieldman find the location –
                  negotiate with a location but I didn't have Randy stand up. Randy is
                  the man with the yellow tie back there. Give him a hand please.
                  Thank you.


Bob Wright:       And we've had huge contributions from designers and people who
                  have just cared about what we're doing. One among them is
                  Flutterby Design. Where are you? Would you stand up from the
                  back there? Just give her a hand.

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Bob Wright:       This is over and above and Ken Wright Communications. Where
                  are you folks? They've done tons of design. Give them a hand.
                  Thank you.


Bob Wright:       So in order to have a transformational day, we need to do a few
                  transformational things and we use a methodology called
                  accelerated learning. You’re going to be doing a lot of listening
                  today. If you don’t digest what we talk about, it’s not going to go
                  very far. The truth of the matter is in an event like this, if you leave
                  with one good idea, that’s a pretty successful even but what we
                  want you to be doing is making the material yours during the day.
                  So at times, we’re going to do something we called the paired
                  sharing. This is part of our accelerated learning methodology. You
                  have to step out of social politeness. We’re going to ask you to turn
                  and face somebody.

                  You can introduce yourselves to each but that's it. The rest of it is
                  we want you to talk because a lot of times you don’t know what
                  you’re really thinking until you start talking. How many of you are
                  like me? I don’t know – yes. Okay good. So we’re going to give you
                  a chance to find out what you’re thinking, what the so what of what
                  we’re talking about is and how you’d apply it for yourself because
                  we’re going to ask you over and over again today to think about
                  how you’d apply if for yourself. So we’re going to ask you to do this
                  paired sharing. You’re going to make eye contact with somebody. If
                  you don’t have somebody near you that you made eye contact with,
                  raise your hand and we’ll have an assistant come over and join
                  you. It’s really critical but you talk for yourself. You don’t need to
                  explain yourself to the other person.

                  Explaining ourselves is simply making ourselves what we have
                  always been all over again. That’s not transformation. That is an
                  attempt to stop transformation. You want to allow yourself to think
                  out loud the thoughts that you maybe haven’t thought yet and some
                  of the daring things and that person can’t fire you. You can say all
                  kinds of things that you wouldn’t have said otherwise. So we’re
                  going to do this paired sharing. It’s part of our accelerated learning.
                  And now it is, you know, this is a massive pleasure for me to
                  introduce our next speaker.

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In addition to being a consummate academic with over 100 articles
                  and books that he has written, he’s a leading thinker. He has
                  written – I was talking about the fact that there’s a real problem that
                  too often in the United States today, we’re fixated on the leader and
                  we don’t deal with good followership. So I’m talking to him and I
                  said I’ve got this idea for a book. It’s got to come out and you know
                  – and we got to have a book on how to be a good team member,
                  what’s an engaged team member because a lot of people lead
                  things but they really don’t know how to be good followers. Now I’d
                  be darn to – I didn’t say, “Would you like me to send you a copy of
                  my book on followership?” A cutting-edge thinker.

                  He has also written a book on multiple intelligences in leadership.
                  One of the beautiful things about our speaker today is that he is a
                  very humble man. He embraces other thought which is a sign of a
                  transformational leader. He is truly a transformational leader as an
                  academic. I have never heard him need to put any other idea down.
                  For him it's all pulling them together, what's the best of it. We are
                  going to be very, very blessed today to be with him as he talks to us
                  about one of the things he knows more about than most anybody in
                  the country of the world about transformational leadership. Would
                  you help me welcome Dr. Ron Riggio.


Ron Riggio:       Thank you, Bob. That was a terrific introduction. Thank you.


Ron Riggio:       Thank you. Well I want to thank Bob and Judith Wright for inviting
                  me here for the organizing committee and I thank all of you for
                  being here. I'm going to talk to you about something that I'm very
                  passionate about and that's transformational leadership but first,
                  what I want to do is I want to briefly go over the history. Bob and I
                  were talking about this, a little bit of history of research on
                  leadership and just sort of give you the Leadership 101. So if we
                  kind of move to the next slide here and we'll talk about the search
                  for leadership.

                  If we go back to the early days of leadership research, there was
                  what we call the great man theory but the burning question of the
                  great man theory is, are leaders born or made? And I'm sure that
                  lots of you have probably wondered about that or thought about
                  that and you may have your own opinions. Well through – I was
                  going to say through the miracle of research – through research,
                  we actually know something about the answer to that.

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So – but I'm not going to have you do that. I was going to say how
                  many people – about two-thirds of leadership is made. About one-
                  third is inborn, okay? We know that pretty well because in the last
                  several years in the methodology, I will just really quickly go
                  through this but if you want to catch me after and discuss the
                  methodology but basically there are studies of identical twins who
                  share genetic material and so the studies are of twins read together
                  and twins read apart. So you control for the genetic material, you
                  control for the environmental effects and then you look at
                  leadership and that was just done recently and the best estimate is
                  about one-third inborn and about two-thirds learnt.

                  It then moved into a discussion of traits. What are the specific
                  qualities and that dovetails very closely with this idea about the
                  inborn qualities and there are a number of traits that are actually
                  related to leadership. One is extroversion. So generally, leaders
                  tend to be extroverts but not always and so again, we get this idea
                  that we can't completely predict these things. We move then into
                  the concept of behavior.

                  So those of you who had – think back to your organizational
                  behavior courses and talk about the history of leadership, we're
                  really talking about 100 years here in very quick time. But some of
                  the behaviors that were focused on would be task-oriented versus
                  relationship-oriented behaviors, right? So we all know leaders who
                  are very task-focused. My leader, the president of my college is one
                  of the most task-focused people I know. She gets lots of things
                  done and she'll tell you that relationships are something that she
                  has to work on, the relationship behaviors. Other leaders, they're
                  relationship-focused and they need to work a little bit more on the

                  The management perspective comes into play and starts to talk
                  about – well we know that there are task-oriented and there are
                  relationship-oriented leaders but what's the real situation? So in
                  what kinds of situations do task-oriented leaders lead better and in
                  which kinds of situations do relationship-oriented leaders do better?
                  My early research was on charisma and that's how I came to
                  transformational leadership and one of the issues around charisma
                  is if we talk about charismatic leaders and we're going to see lots of
                  charismatic leaders because I'm going to talk shortly about the
                  overlap between charisma and transformational leadership.

                  But those of us who worked in the study of charisma and
                  charismatic leadership, we got stopped with what we commonly

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called the Hitler question, all right? So we talk about charismatic
                  leaders, we have the positive charismatic leaders and many of
                  them also transformational but then we get to the charismatic
                  leaders who are the negative side of things, right? The Hitlers,
                  right? The Solons, those folks. And that was always the problem
                  and so when I began my work in transformation leadership with
                  really the founders and I've had the good fortune of working with
                  the people who came up with the construct and develop the
                  construct, it was like my eyes were opened because I thought we
                  had moved to the next level and that's why I've embraced
                  transformational leadership because I see transformational
                  leadership as charisma plus, charisma plus the rest and so we are
                  kind of dealing with the Hitler problem.

                  So what we know from this 100 years of research is we do know
                  which characteristics are most important and I'm going to talk about
                  this characteristics and most of the characteristics that are
                  important for leaders are components of transformational
                  leadership. Just so you know and if you want to sort of follow along
                  with me, about 8 months ago, I started – I was asked by
                  Psychology Today Magazine to do a blog on leadership and so it's
                  called Cutting-Edge Leadership and if you just want to go to
                  Psychology Today, you can find it. But what I'm trying to do and in
                  fact yesterday, I posted – my post was 100 Years of Research. So
                  it was basically sort of setting the stage for this. So if you want to
                  find out more about sort of the history of leadership research, you
                  can go there but feel free to follow me along there and discuss
                  because what I'm trying to do is kind of put up a little course up
                  there, so the little mini-course and little 400-word bytes. So I
                  welcome you to that.

                  Okay. So what is transformational leadership? Well it occurs when
                  one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders
                  and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and
                  morality and the morality issue is important and we'll get to that a
                  little bit later but those are the words of James MacGregor Burns
                  who in 1978 wrote a book and James MacGregor Burns is a
                  presidential scholar of political sciences, a biographer. His primary
                  work has been on the Roosevelts on FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt
                  and won the Pulitzer Price for one of those books.

                  But in 1978, he wrote a book that really did launched a lot of work
                  in leadership generally but it was really the beginning of this
                  construct as we now know it today, what he called transforming
                  leadership with leader transformational leadership. And Jim Burns
                  was a friend to JFK so he was able to study transformational leader

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and just what you know about my intersection with Jim, there was a
                  group of leadership scholars across a variety of disciplines who met
                  for many years and I was asked in the later days to join that group.
                  It was called the General Theory of Leadership group, GTOL group.
                  We met about twice a year and we discussed this. Is there a
                  general theory of leadership?

                  Now Jim Burns had the answer. He knew what the answer he
                  wanted to come to that the answer was transformational leadership
                  but when you put a lot of scholars together, you get very little
                  agreement and so many of them stopped and said, “Well we just
                  got to stop this whole process because we're never going to really
                  agree.” I mean the idea of one overarching general theory and as
                  all this was going on, I said I think I found my overarching theory
                  and I'm in agreement with Jim Burns. I had the fortune at that time.
                  I was working with Bernie Bass and Bernie took in the 80s – he
                  read leadership and he took Jim Burns' ideas and was able to get it
                  down to something that's measurable and so I had the good fortune
                  of working with Bernie and with Jim Burns.

                  Jim Burns is with us today. He's 91 years old. Is that right, Sean,
                  91? And still producing books and still working in the area of
                  leadership. My good friend, Bernie passed away about 2 years ago
                  and so really what I feel like I'm doing is I'm carrying on the work of
                  Bernie and also Jim and that was really funny because I was sort of
                  the intermediary. I was going to the General Theory group and
                  meeting with Jim Burns and reporting back as Bernie and I wrote
                  the Transformational Leadership book.

                  So let me get right down to the specifics and talk about what is
                  transformational leader. So transformational leaders are
                  charismatic. It's charisma plus, they're visionary, they're able to
                  transform organizations but they do it through followers and so they
                  are the interest in followership. What do transformational leaders
                  do? Well they bring out the best in the followers and part of the
                  transformation is this idea of developing followers into leaders and
                  you'll see this when we get into the components. But they're not –
                  it's not just that. These are not just relationship-oriented leaders.
                  These are leaders who are able to motivate and to challenge teams
                  and I'm here rephrasing the title of Bernie's book, they're able to get
                  groups to perform at levels beyond expectations. So they’re truly
                  transformational and they're very performance-focused. So
                  transformational leaders are not easy leaders to work for
                  sometimes. They're very satisfying leaders to work for but they're
                  always pushing. They're always challenging.

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Okay so this is Bernie's model. These are the components of
                  transformational leadership and we're going to see this and we're
                  going to spend some time with each of these and I'm going to right
                  now spend some time going through each of them to help you
                  better understand them. And you have to realize something about
                  academics. We are masters of jargon. So you will see there these
                  are not easy terms. I've sort of renamed them before our eyes but
                  these are the components. And the first is idealized influence, a
                  little difficult to try to figure out what that is but idealized influence is
                  the part of the transformational leader, that behavior, that element
                  where the leader is a positive role model.

                  Transformational leaders are leaders that we look up to. We admire
                  them and we admire them because they're consistent.
                  Transformational leaders with true idealized influence as we say
                  they walk the talk. They're not the people – they're not the kinds of
                  leaders who are going to ask people to do things that they
                  themselves wouldn't do. These are leaders that are willing to roll up
                  their sleeves and get their hands dirty and pitch right in.

                  The second element of transformational leadership – oops, where
                  did we go here? We got to go back a little bit, sorry. The second
                  level of transformational leadership is inspirational motivation and
                  this is the ability to inspire people, to provide meetings, to provide
                  challenge, to establish a vision and those two elements, the
                  idealized influence, being able to walk the talk and being able to
                  inspire and motivate people, those are the elements of charisma.
                  This is the part of transformational leadership that is very similar to
                  charismatic leadership.

                  The third component is intellectual stimulation and intellectual
                  stimulation is the transformational leader's ability to push followers,
                  to stimulate followers, to be creative, to be innovative, to question
                  assumptions, to think outside of the box and like I said,
                  transformational leaders push people. They push people in a very
                  positive way and try to get them to be creative and innovative.

                  And then finally, the individualized consideration and I think Bob
                  mentioned this last night and this is really the transformational
                  leader's ability to pay attention, to be in tuned with followers to truly
                  understand their needs, understand their feelings, their orientations,
                  and there's a genuine concern in the transformational leader in
                  terms of developing individual followers. So think of it this way. The
                  transformational leadership is about leading change and leading
                  transformation in groups, in organizations, in collectives and
                  nations but it's also transforming individual followers and helping

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                             9
them reach their highest capacity. And so when we take a very
                  broad view of leadership and we talk about leadership in broad
                  terms, essentially they're transforming followers into leaders.

                  Okay. Let me go into each of these and so idealized influence
                  being a positive role model and we've got some examples here.
                  Okay. So now one of the things and Bob and I were – as we were
                  discussing, Bob is always saying okay, who is a truly
                  transformational leader and I think we've seen one, we've seen
                  Brad Anderson, those of us who were here last evening and I think
                  Brad is a very good prototype of the transformational leader but we
                  all have transformational qualities and sometimes we have
                  strengths in one area or strengths in another area and so the idea
                  of idealized influence being able to walk the talk. And so here are
                  some leaders and some quotes that typify this dimension of
                  transformational leadership.

                  So we have Jeffrey Himmel from GE and he talks about you know,
                  I'm always talking about this company. I'm always concerned about
                  this and we're transparent. You know, we have nothing to hide. It's
                  right out there. We put it right out there. The issue of
                  transformational leaders being willing to work hard not asking
                  followers to do anything that they wouldn't do. It typifies here with
                  Vince Lombardi and I love this quote because he says, you know,
                  leaders are made, you know. They're not born and they're made
                  through hard efforts. So transformational leadership is not easy

                  I discussed with Bernie. I said one of the things – years ago I said
                  to really be a transformational leader, you've got to work very hard.
                  You've got to connect with individual followers. You've got to be this
                  role model. You've always got to be thinking about the impact that
                  your behaviors having on followers and I said, “Isn't this really hard
                  work?” You know, the transformational leaders work harder than
                  other people and so I came up with a hypothesis. I said let's test
                  this. My wife actually is working for a work family institute and I was
                  looking at the balance between work and family and so I came up
                  with a hypothesis and I said, “Bernie, I think the problem might be
                  the transformational leadership is such hard work that maybe your
                  home life suffers.”

                  And so my hypothesis is that transformational leaders put all of
                  their energy in the work and then their home life suffers. And Bernie
                  said, “Well that's not the case because if you have transformational
                  qualities, you would be able to transform those relationships in
                  much the same way.” And so he had this sort of counter-

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hypothesis. Unfortunately, we never got to test that but so idealized
                  influence, being authentic in a sense.

                  Okay inspirational motivation is ability to inspire, this ability to
                  energize people and Murthy, the founder of Infosys and he's
                  actually an amazing philanthropist. His wife – we have a Kravis
                  Prize that we created the methodology for Kravis Prize that we give
                  every year in non-profit leadership through the Kravis Leadership
                  Institute that I'm associated with and the Murthys have been very
                  involved in this through their philanthropy. But here's a quote from
                  him, “Great leaders raise the aspirations of their followers. They
                  make people more confident, energetic, and enthusiastic. So this
                  really embodies that idea of energizing people.

                  I think Judith spoke last night about the emotional contagion, being
                  able to infect people and that's a big part of inspirational motivation.
                  For Howard Schultz, we want passion for our business, workers
                  who can interpret and execute our mission. So another part of this
                  is it's not just generating enthusiasm. It's not just getting the energy
                  level up but it's directing that energy level, directing it towards
                  commitments to the organization, toward values, toward an
                  alignment of values, alignment with the organization's goal. So
                  through inspirational motivation, this is the alignment process of the
                  leader and the followers.

                  Intellectual stimulation, the ability to challenge people, to innovate,
                  to get people to think outside of the box in your task. Don't limit
                  yourself. You can go as far as your mind lets you, what you believe,
                  remember you can achieve. So you can achieve anything. So
                  pushing followers again to be their best, to be innovative, to be
                  creative. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or a skill. It
                  demands a broader vision, capabilities in creating, thinking, and
                  logical deduction without which we cannot have constructive
                  progress. The wealthiest man in the world.

                  Individualized consideration. Our recent research is showing us that
                  this is probably the biggest driver of transformational leadership.
                  What we're doing is we're looking at literally tens of thousands of
                  people who have been assessed on transformational leadership
                  and looking at how each of these components contribute to the
                  overall outcome and what we're finding is the one that really seems
                  to be the driver is this individualized consideration and this is where
                  the leader pays specific attention to individual followers, develops
                  relationships with followers, empathizes with them, and when we
                  talk about coaching and mentoring, we're really talking about this

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                       11
If there's one secret in success, it lies in the ability to get the other
                  person's point of view, to see things from other people's
                  perspectives. Now I put Henry Ford up there because Henry Ford
                  was transformational in that he transformed an industry,
                  transformed the auto industry. Henry Ford though I would think
                  would fall short of a truly transformational leader, right? But this is
                  the point. The point is that we have transformational qualities, right,
                  that people have transformational qualities in specific areas, right?

                  So everybody can demonstrate elements of this and someone who
                  I think is on the transformational side, Muhammad Yunus says,
                  “Each individual person is very important. Each person has
                  tremendous potential.” So it's this idea of realizing the potential
                  individuals. Okay. So does this matter, all right, to the research and
                  just really briefly I put up some correlation coefficient here from –
                  and those of you who have seen the book. This is not light reading
                  or our book is not light reading. Just to give you a sense, to give
                  you a sense of the size of the effects, so these are summaries, this
                  is all in the book but clearly the biggest effect of transformational
                  leadership is on followers.

                  Followers of transformational leaders report much greater levels of
                  satisfaction with their organizations, with their jobs, and with their
                  leaders and those effect sizes are pretty large. Transformational
                  leaders lead more effective work groups and we looked at that in
                  two ways. We had looked at rated performance. One of the
                  problems with rated performance is who's great in the performance
                  of the leader whilst the people around the leader and so that's
                  going to be a little bit inflated. If this is a person who has a lot of
                  charisma, you're going to inflate those ratings a little bit and so we
                  get larger relationships when we have rated performance but we
                  also looked at objective performance measures at bottom line
                  outcomes and found that transformational leaders actually lead
                  groups that are more productive in a very, very sort of hard
                  numerical sense not just in a feel-good sense.

                  The other element that's important and I'm just going to touch on
                  this briefly is that transformational leaders seem to be able to
                  inoculate in a sense their followers. So the followers of
                  transformational leaders will report if they have less stress and less
                  burnout and those effects are pretty large effects. So we're not just
                  seeing leaders pushing followers to do more, to be innovative, to
                  perform at levels beyond expectations but these people are for
                  greater well-being. The followers of transformational leaders report
                  greater well-being. So that's important.

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Now the question is how does transformational leadership work and
                  what's the process? Well through research, we know a lot about the
                  process, about what's really going on. First, transformational
                  leaders enhance the followers' self-esteem and I think we heard a
                  little bit about this, the concept of self-efficacy. So transformational
                  leaders are able to persuade, convince, inspire followers in a way
                  that makes them feel like they can do it, that they have a sense of
                  self-efficacy that they can get the job done.

                  Transformational leaders are empowering leaders. They allow their
                  followers to take on responsibility but it's guided empowerment,
                  right? The hardest thing I think that leaders do is delegate, right?
                  Delegating, deciding exactly how much, deciding how much people
                  can take and so what we're finding is if you develop a relationship
                  with a follower, if you're truly in-tuned with that follower with their
                  abilities, their desires, their needs, you're going to be much better
                  able to determine exactly what they can handle. So there's the
                  empowering element.

                  Transformational leaders also align leaders, values and align, use
                  their vision to get people on board. And so there's an increase in
                  the followers' identification with the leader, there's an increase in
                  the followers' identification with the organization and the alignment
                  of goals and values. Now Bob had asked me to just talk briefly
                  about authenticity and this is work that we're doing in a very serious
                  way but let me just talk a little bit about the adding ethics to the mix
                  here in transformational leadership.

                  For James MacGregor Burns, the moral element, the ethical
                  element was critical for transformational leaders. So Jim Burns said
                  that this is critically important. We need to – a leader cannot be
                  truly transformational if that person is not a good leader, is not an
                  authentic person. Bernie came at that and I have – I can relate to
                  this being a psychologist. Psychologists don't deal well with issues
                  like morality. You know, there had been very few psychologists who
                  have tackled that. That has been the realm of philosophers, right?
                  So we have Cole Bergen, some of these – a few psychologists who
                  have studied the ethical dimensions of human behavior but pretty
                  much throughout most of the history of psychology, psychology is
                  the sidestep, the moral issue.

                  One other reason psychologists have sidestepped it is because
                  psychologists focus often on behavior or the outcomes of cognitive
                  processes in terms of behaviors. And when we talk about ethical
                  behavior, you get into some very difficult terrain when you're trying

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                       13
to measure that. So there's a couple of reasons. First, we sort of
                  sidestepped ethics as psychologists because we believe it's the
                  realm of philosophers but it's very hard to measure too. So when
                  Bernie Bass went forward and developed this model that you saw
                  of the four I's, he left out the ethical component of Jim Burns' model
                  and said, “Well that really doesn't matter because what we're really
                  talking about is the pattern of behavior.”

                  But of course he ran into the Hitler problem which you know,
                  charismatic leadership knew about this and Bernie butted up
                  against this. And so he talked about well transformational leaders
                  who are not truly transformational, there's something missing what
                  he called pseudo-transformational. And so in the book that we did
                  together and essentially the revision of one of his earlier books, I
                  persuaded Bernie to put some of these back, to start putting in the
                  authentic elements and so one of the things that we were working
                  on was okay, if we're going to put this back in, if we're going to put
                  in authenticity or we're going to put ethical leadership back into the
                  mix, we have to be able to measure it.

                  So our latest project and a little bit later we'll give you an
                  opportunity to maybe just get a taste of that but what we've been
                  working on for the last couple of years is developing a measure of
                  ethical leadership, a measure of authentic leadership. There are
                  some other ones that have come out. So it's finally psychologists
                  and measurement specialists have crossed over into that territory
                  but what happened too was as the intermediary between Jim Burns
                  and Bernie Bass, between these two great thinkers, I was carrying
                  that message back and forth. I was conflicted by this. I agreed with
                  Jim Burns that ethics is critical, I felt very much that we had to solve
                  the Hitler question and eventually was able to persuade Bernie to
                  move over to that side and so there was a reconciliation.

                  So now when we talk about transformational leadership, we talk
                  about authentic transformational leadership incorporating the
                  ethical component. And so as I said, that's our new step is we're
                  moving that in. Let me stop because I've gone through this all very
                  quickly. This is an awful lot. As I said, 100 years of research but let
                  me take some questions and discussion for just a minute or two. I
                  think we have time for that. Don't we, Bob? Just some reactions.

P:                Going back to the why this transformational leadership
                  [Indiscernible] [0:58:32], could you explain what those – I'm sorry.

Ron Riggio:       Oh okay. What the R's mean?

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                       14
P:                What the R's mean, yes.

Ron Riggio:       Okay. So R's, those are representatives – I should have done it.
                  Those are representative's correlation coefficient. So actually if you
                  square those – so we saw a lot of 0.6's which are very large effects.
                  If you square it, you get 0.36 and so that represents the amount of
                  variance that can be accounted for by that predictor. So in other
                  words, transformational leadership in terms of how much of follower
                  satisfaction and satisfaction is measured often very much in a
                  broad way as organizational satisfaction, how happy are you with
                  your job and your organization and your leader, the whole thing.
                  Thirty six percent of all that variance can be attributed to the leader.
                  So that's what that means which is huge because we never predict
                  100%, right? So with about the most we can ever really measure is
                  about 70% of the variance.

                  So from that, you can sort of extrapolate and say about half of a
                  person's satisfaction can be directly attributed to the fact that, that
                  person works for a transformational leadership which is huge. That
                  was a high estimate, right? You saw that they got down to 0.2, 0.2
                  is 4% of the variance which doesn't sound like much but when we
                  get 0.3's, 0.25's, 0.3's; psychologists get very excited in the
                  measurement. People get very excited because it means we're
                  having a significant impact. Yes.

P:                Some of the adjectives you used inspire, stimulate, and challenge
                  people to think and innovate, a lot of times the discussion you need
                  to have with people in order to inspire them forward is actually a
                  little bit negative. It's a discussion about the limitations of the
                  organization right now and some of its weaknesses but all these
                  quotes are so positive and happy about moving forward. Can you
                  say a little bit about how you talk when – a transformational leader
                  would talk about challenges?

Ron Riggio:       Talking about challenges? Well in a lot of ways and this may relate
                  to the fact that followers of transformational leadership report less
                  stress is that transformational leaders tend to do exactly what you
                  suggested. They tend to take what people considered to be a
                  negative thing. So this is the stress. We're in an economic
                  downturn, right? And then focus on the challenges associated with
                  that. So focus on the positives, right? So you know, how can we
                  overcome this whether you know, this is one of the opportunities,
                  that sort of thing.

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                       15
So I think a lot of probably what's going on with transformational
                  leaders is how you frame it. It is you know – and so yes, this is a
                  setback but what can we learn from this and how can we move
                  forward and how can we even be better than we were before? So
                  it's clear that a lot of this is changing followers' perceptions. Where
                  else the effects would be so high? I mean you know, it really is – I
                  think what – and Bernie called his 1985 book where he laid all this
                  out, he called it Performance Beyond Expectations because when
                  he found truly transformational leaders, they were leading groups
                  that performed well beyond what people had expected of them to

                  A colleague of mine, Marty Chammers [Phonetic] [1:01:57] did a
                  study and it's an interesting study just very quickly. He studied –
                  we're in division three in the NCAA. So he studied basketball teams
                  and volleyball teams and he went to the players and he said,
                  “Who's your leader?” Right and very often it was the coach but
                  sometimes it would be the team captain or whatever. And then he
                  got their ratings, the precedes in ratings of where these teams
                  should finish at the end of the season, okay? So the coaches do
                  these polls and by measuring the transformational qualities of that
                  leader, he was able to predict the outcomes of the ends of seasons,
                  okay? So you know, I mean that's really the kind of amazing. I
                  remember Marty presenting this in a room full of CEOs and it just
                  sort of stopped the conversation and probably because CEOs, lots
                  of them were in the sports but also this idea that you could actually
                  have that kind of effect, right? Yes.

P:                I think transformational leadership is obviously very important but it
                  runs the risk of becoming jargoning because suddenly any change
                  that is not transformational doesn't really count and everything that
                  anybody claims things are transformational. The thing that I'm
                  hearing about what you're saying is that what's transformational is
                  really transforming the nature of followership in a way.

Ron Riggio:       Exactly.

P:                So I'm wondering if that's the definitive piece and also if there is – it
                  might be also a piece where transformational leadership might
                  [Indiscernible] [1:03:30] dimension where you're really raising the
                  ethical level of an organization. If you could speak to those two

Ron Riggio:       Yes. Well now the reason Bernie sidestepped the ethical issue is
                  he thought that idealized influence had that. So in other words, if
                  you're authentic, if you're a positive role model then he just sort of

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                        16
assumed that, that carried over into the ethical arena, right? The
                  problem is that we can have these sort of pseudo role models,
                  right? So people who you know, in their public lives and when
                  they're in front of their followers, they're displaying ethical behavior
                  but in their private lives they're not, right? So these inconsistencies.
                  So it was there in the original work but now we're sort of putting that
                  element back. Okay. Now your other concern is – yes.

P:                Speaking to that one point because Brad Anderson used the word
                  integrity about a leader. I think the word authentic also has a sort of
                  ambiguous terminology ...

Ron Riggio:       Right.

P:                … because it can sort of be an ethical term or maybe not.

Ron Riggio:       Right.

P:                So why not just go with include integrity as part of the model?

Ron Riggio:       Well and I think when we use the term ethical, we are using that
                  idea of integrity.

P:                Am I correct also that the idea of transformational really is about the
                  transformation of the followership and relationship? Is that what
                  you're defining as transformational?

Ron Riggio:       Yes, absolutely. Absolutely and that was why we started looking at
                  followership, right? So – I'm getting a signal from Bob. So we stop
                  this quick Q and A and start going to our group exercise. Okay. All
                  right, good. Thanks a lot. Okay. So what we're going to have you to
                  do, Bob is going to come up here and help me and we're going to
                  have you and if you turn to your workbooks and if you get to the
                  end of the slide show here, there's a couple of pages and we're
                  actually going to – the first one says small group task, discussing
                  the components of transformational leadership, we're going to
                  change that. We're going to let you take that part home and deal
                  with that and then there's a quick test leadership assessment.
                          Let's set those aside for now. Are we all kind of on the same
                  page here?

P:                Oh yes.

Ron Riggio:       Okay. So at the end of under my tab here, at the end of the
                  PowerPoint, there should be a small group task. We're hoping
                  these are all core, so just set that aside and set aside the quick test

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                       17
leadership assessment. You can do that later and then you'll get to
                  the transformational leadership dimensions and that's the
                  worksheet we're going to work on now. Okay. We got a signal
                  [Indiscernible] [1:06:10]? Okay good. Okay so Bob is going to come
                  up here and what we're going to do is we're going to have you
                  break up into groups.

                  So you're going to break up into groups of about five or six people.
                  Those you know and we can move the chairs around. We'll put the
                  chairs back. You're going to choose a spokesperson for the group
                  eventually because we're going to have your report out and we're
                  going to be recording some of your output and we're going to have
                  you get into the discussions and so some summarization but we're
                  going to do it this way. We're going to have each of you take one of
                  the components. So we've got the next four sheets here, idealized
                  influence, inspirational motivation, so we got the four I's and I think
                  we're going to do it this way.

                  We're going to have – we're going to sort of cut the room into
                  quarters but we're going to do it lengthwise. And so we're going to
                  have – well let's just do it right now. So idealized influence will be
                  this quarter of the room. So from about here down, so go ahead
                  and we can start forming into five or six-person groups. Those
                  students and the folks on the side will help us. Idealized influence
                  and if we take the sort of the midpoint from this sort of three
                  quarters to the midpoint, inspirational motivation. We're going to
                  have these groups discuss inspirational motivation. So you can go
                  ahead and turn to that page and this third quadrant, intellectual
                  stimulation, so to this quadrant and over here on the end,
                  individualized consideration. Okay. So it turns to the fourth page
                  and we hope they're in that order of this but you'll find the right

Bob Wright:       Yes. So turn your chairs and form groups so that you can
                  communicate together.

Ron Riggio:       I thought the Q and A – I mean there were lots of – I can see lots of

Bob Wright:       Okay. See if you can get this done pretty quickly because we want
                  to get the most out of this time.

P:                How much time do we owe?

Bob Wright:       Well we'll give you directions in just a sec, so you just get your
                  groups. Okay you should be lighting in the group. As

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                      18
transformational leaders, you're going to make sure everyone gets
                  included. Okay quickly – okay, would you raise your hands? Let's
                  start a normal – we raise our hands to trying to get attention back
                  again. So okay. I'm going to give you about 60 seconds to introduce
                  yourselves to each other. Would you please do that? Okay you
                  should be finishing up. Take the next 30 seconds to finish
                  introducing yourselves to everybody. Okay so let's pull it back
                  together. Hands up please. Help us out. By the way, are we
                  honored to have Ron with us? It's pretty good.


Bob Wright:       I don't know whether you know – I think a good sense how lucky we
                  are. The treasured probe of data and his ability to be a friend and
                  be respected by experts who were generally seen as polarized on
                  an issue and to be the primary person tying it altogether and
                  helping bring them to resolution. That is a mighty man of extreme
                  decency. So give him another hand.


Bob Wright:       Okay. Well so now we're going into the applied part. We're going to
                  want you to go into your data banks. We're going to want you to
                  think about leaders you know and what they did. How did they act
                  because you know, this morning is about how do leaders act? The
                  next part of the morning is going to be about what goes on inside of
                  leaders and then the afternoon is what happens in organizations.
                  So this is what’s unique about what we're doing here is we're trying
                  to give you a broad perspective of what's going on.

                  And so what we want you to do is to go in your data bank. By the
                  way, how many of you are humbled by this and we're doing an
                  inventory of all the ways you fall short? Every time I go, you know,
                  we're discussing an ideal against which we measure ourselves for it
                  which we want to grow. So I think we need to have a little self
                  acceptance and forgiveness. At least I do or I wouldn't be up here.
                  So what we want you to do is you're going to take the one that you
                  have. Now how many of you have idealized influence that you're
                  doing? Okay raise your hands. Thank you. That's exactly what we
                  wanted. What was our second one?

Ron Riggio:       Inspirational motivation.

Bob Wright:       Inspiration motivation – oh you folks are good.

Ron Riggio:       Okay.

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                   19
Bob Wright:       And that's by the way …

Ron Riggio:       Intellectual stimulation and …

Bob Wright:       Yes.

Ron Riggio:       … individualized consideration. We got them into perfect.

Bob Wright:       Oh perfect. Okay good. So now what we want you to do just so you
                  have an overview of what's happening, you are holding your area
                  for the room. You're going to be putting together, you know,
                  characteristics and what a leader does. What we want you doing is
                  imagining, you know, how you do what we're talking about and how
                  you could do it better and – but you'll be talking about
                  characteristics, you're going to put together the behaviors,
                  characteristics, habits, anything that you could put onto a video
                  tape. This is about the transaction between the leader and the

                  So what is it that they do and then we're going to go on what goes
                  inside of the leader later on and then the leader in the organization.
                  So you're going to be doing it for everybody then what we're going
                  to do is we're going to come back together. You're going to – so a
                  few of the groups in each area are going to report the
                  characteristics they come up with and we're going to ask you to
                  listen to that personally for what you would want to do and we want
                  to finish this segment with you having one area that you're going to
                  focus on and one behavior. Too often we come up with huge
                  grandiose plans and none of it happens because speaking of
                  integrity, there's no way we could do it. So we're going to ask you to
                  boil it down to one area, one behavior you're going to focus on
                  coming out of here. So we're giving them how much time, Ron?

Ron Riggio:       About 10 minutes actually.

Bob Wright:       So you're going to have 10 minutes. Pick a spokesperson who is
                  going to record for your group and report for your group. Okay
                  you've got 10 minutes.

[Music playing]

Bob Wright:       Okay. Sorry to pull you back. This is like stopping a speeding
                  freight train.

Ron Riggio:       You're just getting started, right? So they're …

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                     20
Bob Wright:       Yes.

Ron Riggio:       … yes.

Bob Wright:       Another part of accelerated learning is the 80-20 rule. We tried to
                  get 80% of the results and 20% of the time. The truth of the matter
                  is, is you can only get so much. We're trying to actually plant into
                  your unconscious mind expectations that will help guide you
                  forward in your life and remember, we're going to boil this section
                  down to just one area that you're going to focus on as a leader and
                  one behavior that you're going to focus on implementing.
                  Otherwise, you'll say things that will destroy your integrity and your
                  authenticity will suffer or you'll end up apologizing all the time falling

                  Okay. So we're going to get to groups to report in. We're not going
                  to try and get everybody in. We're going to actually – we may be
                  asking them for clarification so that each one of us can be really
                  grasping what they're talking about and we have our wonderful –
                  Vanna White is insulting. Who are you? You are our scribes. Let's
                  give them a hand and thank them.


Bob Wright:       They're going to be scribing for us. So we want to go to …

Ron Riggio:       Yes. Let's start with idealized influence that's over here. There, over
                  here on the …

Bob Wright:       Okay.

Ron Riggio:       What are some of the …

Bob Wright:       In the backyard? Take the mike.

P:                So for the behaviors that manifest as dimensions, we had roll up
                  sleeves, that's one of the things they do, jump in and get involved
                  and not afraid to be vulnerable to make mistakes. Demo weight,
                  demonstration is a big aspect of a force. They demo it live not just
                  to tell you how to do it. One of the characteristics our team talked
                  about was lack of victimhood that they take it on. It's not – that it's
                  not a sense of victimhood around it.

Ron Riggio:       Actually, how did they have this lack of – instead of a lack of
                  victimhood, what did they have?

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                         21
P:                Well they take responsibility …

Bob Wright:       Because there's no such thing as a lack, right? So we know there
                  isn't victimhood in there as …

P:                A little. We talked about responsibility and probably the ownership
                  as they took ownership with the whole group and the results that
                  they wanted. So that's how they tackled it. They helped analyze
                  their own mistakes and they teach other people about their
                  mistakes so that other people can learn from theirs. The one
                  characteristic that we felt strong about is that they tend to work
                  harder than other folks around them and that's how they influence
                  them to work hard. They not only do the very minimum but they do
                  also with optional.

Ron Riggio:       Very good.

Bob Wright:       Oh, it's wonderful. Wow. Give them a hand. Thank you.

Ron Riggio:       Yes.


P:                Okay.

Bob Wright:       By the way, clapping is another part of accelerated learning and
                  keeps you physically involved. Judith may actually tell you a little bit
                  later about the neuropsychology of learning but you don't learn if
                  your emotions are cut off from you. Your emotions are essential for
                  learning and your body is where your emotions come from so we
                  try to keep you physically involved. It was a group in the back.

P:                Some other behaviors we had are they ask a lot of questions.

Ron Riggio:       Okay.

P:                They're curious.

Bob Wright:       And what is it about questions that make this idealized influence?

P:                Well we also had that they engage their team and listen to them
                  and that's part of the asking questions just taking their input. It's not
                  I've got all the answers. It's engaging the team and the mutuality
                  with the team.

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                        22
Bob Wright:       Okay great.

Ron Riggio:       Okay.

P:                They also have knowledge and expertise so they know – they're not
                  asking people – their team to do something they went through
                  themselves. So they're knowledgeable and they know what they're
                  asking them to do. They lead with vision, principles and values and
                  they consistently communicate from that. So any plan they derive
                  or anything they do is based and stem from that.

Ron Riggio:       Now what about that – it facilitates idealized influence?

P:                Well because idealized influence is to me that was – that whatever
                  vision they created, that's their ideal that they're working towards.
                  So that's the kind of influence that they're leading their team with.

Ron Riggio:       And if there was a gap between those two things, we wouldn't
                  idealize them.

P:                Right.

Ron Riggio:       We would look – we would have seen them as extreme hypocrites.

P:                Right. And so they're – and then consistently communicating.
                  That's their team at a higher frequency and engagement of having
                  rapport with their team. That also gives them credibility with their

Bob Wright:       Give them a hand. Thank you.

Ron Riggio:       Very good.


Bob Wright:       Shall we get one more?

Ron Riggio:       Okay. We do got some more.

P:                We augmented what we just heard by saying a couple of other
                  things. One was that influence derives from the consistent
                  application of principles to new situations and the leader has to live
                  large meaning that to live in an obvious way so that people can see
                  that they're painting a picture for how they will react in the future
                  and others should follow.

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                     23
Ron Riggio:             And that's very important, the issue of visibility, right? We talked
                        about you know, management by walking around, making yourself
                        visible and that's really what you're getting, yes. That's great.

Bob Wright:             Okay give them a hand. Thank you.


Bob Wright:             It's exactly what we want to do when you've got one to add
                        otherwise we'll move onto the next group.

P:                      A couple of other ones is walking the walk is that we get to see and
                        sharing who they are. They're honest, their humility, they admit the
                        things that they might need to improve so the other people and their
                        followers can approve as well.

Ron Riggio:             That's good. That's the – and I know we had some conversations
                        last night about level five and the humility and so this is really
                        where the humility comes into play, right? I mean because it's
                        authentic, right? Good.

[Crosstalk] [1:31:14]

Ron Riggio:             Okay perfect.

Bob Wright:             Okay. Let's move to inspirational motivation. That's this group.

P:                      Okay. Our group, we looked at the behaviors and then some
                        examples of what we thought the ideals would be and some other
                        behaviors and looking at challenging ourselves with. The first piece
                        is just meaning and challenge, these people who are involved in
                        motivating and inspiring are willing to question more in terms of
                        looking at how we typically do business kind of like Brad Anderson
                        talked about yesterday of looking at what's impossible to do and
                        thinking outside the box. Also they talked about the vision
                        repeatedly that referenced to the GE person who's constantly out
                        there saying this is what we're about, this is what we care about. I
                        just keep putting that kind of message out to people, the dedication
                        to the cause.

                        I believe that there are people that are capable of more than they
                        think they are. Constantly, the good leaders that we saw had really
                        brought up the best in us and made us think about something
                        beyond what we had thought about we could do previously. And
                        also they are less invested in ego and more into results. So it's not
                        who did it or whether I did it or what but did the results get

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                           24
accomplished and you know, what are the examples of that? So we
                  asked, what are some of the leaders that we have that we admire?
                  Gandhi was one example that kind of embodied all of that totally
                  transformational and also able to kind of use his motivations to be
                  able to change the whole nation.

                  Brad Anderson is a good example. It's exactly what we saw. Martin
                  Luther King, Herb Brooks from the 1989 hockey team that the US
                  beat the Russians was an example we came. Wilbur Forrest who –
                  in his help in the slavery in England were all examples that we
                  came up with. And then in terms of our own personal steps that we
                  need to take, one of them was getting beyond our feeling that we
                  can do it better than our followers and being able to say you know,
                  let's look to what they're capable of and kind of getting our egos out
                  of the way. Also, having the courage to put out our own vision. We
                  talked about how scary it is to be out there as the leader and how
                  you're subjected to – you become a target when you become a
                  leader. So there's a lot of risks involved and I think there was also
                  for at least for me personally the idea of taking fear and comfort
                  and being able to transform fear into the excitement of leading as
                  opposed to hiding and what's comfortable. So …

Ron Riggio:       All right, another way of looking at transformation, right?

P:                Yes.

Ron Riggio:       So that's good.

Bob Wright:       That was great.

P:                Okay.

Bob Wright:       Terrific.


P:                A couple of things to ask from our group is good communicators,
                  inspiration and motivation leaders who are terrific communicators.
                  We got Churchill in a motivation to victory and then a sense that
                  each person matters and being able to instill that sense of
                  individual capability and mattering and then we did – we run up
                  against the Hitler problems if you're certainly inspired and motivated
                  but we didn't exactly want to put them on our list. So …

Ron Riggio:       That's the problem.

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                     25

P:                We just said a couple of other things. One thing in our group that
                  was very important was truth. So there was a starting with, you
                  know, the inspiration starts with the truth about the situation. So
                  actually putting that out there right away. Another thing was
                  intention. There is an intention that was very important and
                  intention in why we're doing these things which help keep the focus
                  on a purpose and keep people's eyes on the purpose and directing
                  that anarchy in the right way with that strong intention.

                  And then we also – and just to underline ahead a lot of the
                  questions around why and the so whats and then you know, why
                  are we doing it? So keeping with that clarity of the task, keeping it
                  focused on where we're going. So and then we had some other
                  personal traits just you know, being attractive, having energy, being
                  inclusive. We had a conversation about being emotional, you know,
                  really getting people behind you and inspiring them.

Ron Riggio:       Right and you've touched on the critical elements about inspiration
                  and motivation. It's not just the energizing, getting people up and
                  getting them, you know, round them up and head them out, it's
                  where we're going and why, you know, why should we be
                  motivated? Then you ask you, double that question.

P:                Okay..

Ron Riggio:       Good.


P:                Hi. Just to add to a few things that the other people said, we also
                  said that we were thinking about people that actually have these
                  qualities. So this individual really speaks in plain language and
                  translates that vision to something that people can relate to very
                  directly. So language is very important. Also really as a basis, you
                  have to be really good at connecting with people. So this is critically
                  important to you know, everybody said really seeing you as a
                  person, being able to pull you out from the crowd and inspire. We
                  also talked about not being afraid to talk about the realities of the
                  business. Being challenging yet also seeing that as an opportunity.

                  Also interestingly enough, we were comparing two people that are
                  – actually I'm from Best Buy so it's our past and current CEO that
                  both have this quality but they do it in very different ways. They

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                      26
actually have very different styles so I thought that was really an
                  interesting point to pull out.

Ron Riggio:       And you're bringing in the point that we think about inspiration and
                  we think it's all emotion and so both, the last two groups here
                  brought out the sort of cognitive aspects of it. You have to, you
                  know, you have to be for the vision, you know. It's not just ra-ra
                  here's the vision, it's articulating it for the audience so that they can
                  understand it in their own terms, right? And so that's very important.
                  So good, very good.


Ron Riggio:       Okay. Let's move on to our next group which is intellectual
                  stimulation, right? Okay.

P:                So when we look at the behaviors that manifest intellectual
                  stimulation, we talked about inspiring creativity in your followers
                  and empowering them when they're curious. The word trust came
                  up for us a lot because if you're inspiring intellectual stimulation,
                  people are going to think differently. They're going to come back to
                  you with ideas and answers that may be different from yours and
                  you have to be open to letting those ideas come forth. There was
                  also a sense of feedback, being open to a rigorous evaluation. We
                  had the example of the leader who said, “Tell me, this is what I
                  think and tell me where you think I'm wrong. What am I missing
                  here?” So that was that kind of tough evaluation.

                  Humility was the word that came up a lot, a commitment to a
                  continuous learning, education, and training. Knowing about
                  resources either providing them or being mindful of where they are
                  and encouraging people to go find out. So when we thought about
                  behaviors, you could add you know, personally one of them was
                  not rescuing, not directing that, not wanting to lead and then solve
                  things for people but saying what do you think? How would you go
                  solve this? Being vulnerable and asking for the feedback.

                  Also there was an element of training your staff how to present
                  problems to you like okay, come in and teaching them how to talk
                  about things so that you really could have a good inquiry about
                  what was going on not just your problem. Don't just come in and
                  throw the problem on my desk but come and tell me about it and
                  tell me how you might go about solving it. What do you think the
                  aspects of it are? And really training and encouraging people to
                  think for themselves, use their own minds.

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                        27
Ron Riggio:       Great. That's very good, very good. One of the things – and you
                  mentioned to that idea of the sort of getting the feedback and
                  getting the criticism and so we're often afraid of upward feedback.
                  I'm planting a seed here because we're – one of our assessments
                  will involve your direct reports as Bob told you yesterday. And so
                  you know, it takes courage to do that but you know, you want to
                  encourage that and particularly with today's workers, I mean as
                  we're going into this kind of you know, technology age where the
                  younger workers probably know more than the leaders, you've got
                  to be able to you know, deal with that – to that you know,
                  vulnerability and say, okay tell me you know, what you think you'd
                  do, you know, which may be very different than what I would do.
                  Very good.


P:                Hi. This is – yes. A couple other things we mentioned were to be a
                  good listener and accepting as new ideas and the importance of
                  including diverse voices that so often it was the solution that came
                  from bringing in people who were thinking differently than
                  yourselves from a different department or a different perspective
                  and encouraging people to make mistakes by also making mistakes
                  yourself and being accepting of that. Some of the behaviors that we
                  are committing to, listening more, being open-minded, creating
                  teams, reframing, restrained tongue, that discipline about what you
                  say and letting people make mistakes.

Ron Riggio:       Good.


Ron Riggio:       That our scribes working over time there and keep up.

P:                Yes, we just stay at that. Listening came up a lot in our
                  conversation as well and it's a critical behavior and challenging as
                  well to make people think. I had a leader that always asked – he
                  always – when he presented something to me he said, “So I'm
                  confused and you really thought this through?” You know, which
                  meant go back and think about it. Come back with a – you know,
                  you haven't – come back with a great new idea and they think out
                  of the box. They force other people; look they've got out of the box
                  and challenges their ideas.

                  People we talked about that had this or see jobs and really trains
                  forming his company, getting people, his employees to think out of

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                   28
the box and one I really like was Phil Jackson with his team and
                  Zen. I mean getting basketball players …

Ron Riggio:       Right.

P:                … to read Zen.

Ron Riggio:       Yes.

P:                … and get them into a different place intellectually.

Ron Riggio:       Right, very much challenging. That's definitely outside of the box,

P:                Exactly.

Ron Riggio:       Good. Great.


P:                Okay. So a couple of things to add to that list. I think carrying a new
                  touchdown is a little bit too but just a restless curiosity to continue
                  to never settle for you know, the way things are just because
                  something has been done a certain way doesn't mean it's right. You
                  can continue to look for what other ways to do things. This ties into
                  the fourth area a little bit but define what excites people. I found
                  recently talking about a lot of the Wright Institute where you know,
                  you talk to the guys about emotions and they're oh emotions, you
                  know, but you mentioned neuroscience that you know there's a
                  benefit of oh neuroscience, oh yes.

                  Yes and just to kind of put the hooks into them in a way that gets
                  them engaged and excited. So you know, I think he was talking
                  about you know, how you frame it or Bob have mentioned that and
                  there's a lot of potential there. You know, looking to and listening
                  and you incorporate other people's ideas to play devil's advocate,
                  you know, to take a contrarian point of view to just sort of see what
                  happens. We were thinking of the guys at Google, Sergey Brin and
                  Larry Page in that idea. You spend 20% of your time on innovation
                  to feel like that's part of the culture that you can take risks and see
                  what happens and to have more of sort of an open source
                  perspective that the ideas – the decisions don't necessarily come.
                  The ideas don't come from the top down of that, you know, each
                  person has an opportunity to say something that will contribute and
                  potentially change the company.

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                      29
Ron Riggio:       Yes, that's great. The Google example of actually setting aside time
                  to be creative, to be innovative. That's a terrific example. Great.
                  Very good.


P:                These are great. We just have a couple of things. One is vision.
                  You know, when everybody is aligned on a vision, that stimulates a
                  lot of creativity and the other thing is accountability. Accountability
                  is usually thought of as results but what we talk about is when you
                  have a goal and you're not making that goal, the creativity that
                  comes out of okay, what do we do now and everybody wrapping
                  their minds around that can create a lot of intellectual stimulation.

Ron Riggio:       Okay, very good. Okay.


Ron Riggio:       Let's move onto the individualized consideration.

P:                We had three or four themes that emerged from our conversation.
                  One of them was you know, to be individualized, you need to have
                  a relationship. So you need to build your relationships with people
                  by listening to them, by building trust by asking them a lot of
                  questions and getting to know them well. So that was kind of like
                  the foundation. Second is support, this overlap with some of the
                  other groups; support, feedback, giving people things – challenging
                  things to do. Another part of support is vision. Now we just heard
                  vision, you know, building people into an overall vision but also their
                  individual visions and how it relates to a broader vision. And always
                  particularizing what is going on in the organization and how it
                  relates to them and what their opportunity is.

Ron Riggio:       That's a good idea. One of the ways of individualizing the vision is
                  to say well, you know, here's my vision. What is yours? What's your
                  interpretation of that, right?


P:                Great [Indiscernible] [1:45:37] themes across all four which is
                  interesting. In addition to that, I think a major one is not assuming
                  your answer is the right answer. Big part of it is not over-assuming
                  and investing in the followers' development rather than your own
                  desire to get a task done and open to getting to a desired outcome
                  in different ways. So we thought President Obama is actually a very
                  good example of this type of leader as well as Warren Buffett

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                      30
1.46.11 and Animo Keehie [Phonetic] [1:46:12] and Mr. Kelleher.
                  We're calling him Mr. Kelleher because no one could remember his
                  first name.

Ron Riggio:       Sure.

P:                There we go. Okay. Thanks.


Ron Riggio:       Okay, one more.

P:                A couple other ideas. We have included that – those included, the
                  ability to assess individuals what their skill levels are, what areas
                  within themselves that they want to develop and what it is that
                  they're capable of. And also being someone who really fosters an
                  environment where people seek feedback or they provide feedback
                  and that you know, you yourself go to them and solicit their ideas
                  and then one other that we had really strongly is that the leader is
                  someone who holds the vision for you and has your clear that they
                  have your – she has your best interest in mind and they want you to
                  grow and develop.

Ron Riggio:       Very good.


Ron Riggio:       One of the things that we're seeing is that these are – it's very clear
                  that these are interconnected, that there's overlap, there's pieces
                  where the themes of these four components come together, right?
                  And we've seen that across the same themes. Okay.

Bob Wright:       By the way, give yourselves a hand. That was great.

Ron Riggio:       Yes.


Bob Wright:       I'm asking you to spend 60 seconds in silence reviewing the areas
                  picking the one that you'd like to focus on. You can do whatever
                  else you want. I'm suggesting one and then thinking about the one
                  behavior that you want to increase and also think about the results
                  that you want in your organization. Area, behavior, and the results
                  you want with 60 seconds of silence to think about that.

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                      31
Okay. So now we're going to give you 3 minutes to share it around
                  your group. By the way, people who succeed at what they want to
                  implement, tell other people what it is then set measures up for it.
                  One of the measures you can use is to take Ron's transformational
                  leadership self-assessment and then have your direct reports
                  assess you and you could do it now and then later on as a post-test
                  6 months or a year to give yourself some feedback about how
                  you're doing and you don't have to let anyone know what the rating
                  was but you. However, you may want to and I've seen CEOs do
                  that very successfully. Three minutes to share with this group and
                  then think about sharing it with others.

                  You're getting done in the next 30 seconds or so. Make sure
                  everybody has the chance to report. Okay. That's it. Come on back.
                  By the way, we're going to have these transcribed and put on the
                  website if you want to go back and use it as a resource, you know,
                  please do that. If you want your workbook, please put your name
                  on it because Ron's going to do a summary and then we're going to
                  ask you to actually take your personal effects and put them over on
                  the side because the assistants are going to rearrange the room
                  back the way it was. We're going to have a 15-minute break after
                  Ron gets done.

Ron Riggio:       Okay. All right just very quickly, okay? So what we're talking about,
                  the transformational leadership is really the very best qualities. We
                  really do know what will work, okay? So I think a lot of times my
                  colleagues – well there's all these theories of leadership but we
                  actually do know what works. The other thing and I think is we're
                  sort of getting into; this represents a model for leadership
                  development. So you can work on your own personal leader
                  development and so understanding a little bit more about the four
                  I's is going to help you in that regard and you've written down
                  something to work on.

                  And as Bob mentioned, the next step is this online assessment of
                  your transformational leadership profile. Now what we've done is
                  it's actually sort of three steps. There's a very green version of one
                  of our instruments in there, that one page. So you can do that and
                  they were in order. They're in the same order so you could score
                  the four items. So they're individualized influence, inspirational
                  motivation in that order. But if you want a more detailed
                  assessment and a much longer instrument, it takes you only about
                  10, 15 minutes to do is online and it's actually multiple instruments
                  online so that you can go on and take it. Then the third level is to
                  get your direct reports or those around you. We could use sort of a
                  360. Have them go online and assess you.

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                     32
The bonus there is that we're going to roll out our ethical leadership
                  scale and that's always another reported measure. So your direct
                  reports will also complete that and we'll give you some brief
                  feedback on that too. So those are the last steps and thank you so
                  much for your participation and for all of these terrific ideas. I think
                  and as Bob said, this is going to be a terrific resource on writing
                  and to do websites. So thank you very much for your time,
                  attention, input.


Bob Wright:       That's Ron Riggio.


Tom Terry:        Thank you, Ron and thank you, Bob and now we're going to get
                  going again at 10:00 but we're going to take a brief break. We've
                  got coffee and refreshments right over to this side of the room and
                  as Bob said, please take all your personal effects with you because
                  we're going to reset the room as it was when we came in this
                  morning and just as you know, this facility's – the restroom facilities
                  outside in the quarter around up here as well. So we'll be back at

[Music playing]

Tom Terry:        Okay. Welcome back from our break. Well that first segment this
                  morning was terrific. Wasn't it?


Tom Terry:        Thanks to Ron for that. Thank you very much. You know for me, it
                  just dawns on me you know, what am I going to do next? What is
                  the one thing I'm going to focus on? It really is about me and like it's
                  about all of us and some of the chatter I had about the morning
                  session and the break absolutely brought that home. And the next
                  two speakers are folks who've been talking about leadership for a
                  long, long time and their particular entry point into leadership is
                  personal transformation and Bob and Judith Wright, many of you
                  know, many of you don't know them, Bob and Judith Wright who we
                  introduced last night and you became acquainted with last night are
                  going to connect the dots here. They're going to talk to us about
                  leadership from the inside out and so with no further adieu, let me
                  just introduce Bob and Judith Wright.

Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript                                       33
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
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Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
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Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
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Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
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Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
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Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
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Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
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Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
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Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript, Saturday
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  • 1. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript Saturday, November 21 Audio starts at [0:19:15] Karen Wilson: Good morning. How is everybody on this beautiful day in Ravinia? [Applause] Karen Wilson: We'd like to welcome back those who were here last night and those who are joining us today. Welcome. We have a wonderful day. We had a beautiful night last night and lots to look forward to today and Tom's going to give you a briefing on our day. Tom Terry: Thank you, Karen. Let me just start with this. So Karen and I are sitting down here and I'm going oops, I pulled out my phone and I put the darn thing on a silent and she says yes, you know, when my ring – my ring just goes into a Calypso dance. She says, “I better shut this off now or if it goes off when we're up there, they're going to think it's part of the program.” Karen Wilson: Then we'll have to dance. Tom Terry: So just a reminder for everybody. Well listen, good morning. I echo Karen's welcoming remarks, glad to have you all here. You know, how many of you has been to a Ravinia Festival event in a summertime? Isn't it cool to come back here at this time of year? It's just awesome. I walked through this morning, I walked across in a parking lot and I thought, oh here's where we are. Wasn't last night magical? It was really terrific walking through all the candles and the music coming out. I thought where are we? It's just like we're in another beautiful place. So it transformed this morning into something that we were much – obviously much more familiar with for those of you who had been here before but this is a wonderful venue and a wonderful setting. Wasn't breakfast terrific as well? Excellent. [Applause] Tom Terry: Well some of you probably missed last night so I'm just going to give you a 10-second overview of what you missed and we're glad you're here today. We obviously have a full house and we have a full day ahead of us. I'm going to give you a little bit of an overview but let me just touch very quickly in last night. We had two speakers Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 1
  • 2. last night. Judith Wright framed for us I think very beautifully the context of the times that we're in which are fast moving, fast changing and indicative of that which we can all expect going forward and so a beautiful states there in terms of why it is any of us would think about transformation. And then we had a keynote address last night by Brad Anderson, CEO of – a former CEO of Best Buy who I think blew a lot of us away and was able to convey to us what transformation and action really looks like and told some very compelling stories about in the phase of dire circumstances doing something that was just unthinkable and it was – I think it touched a lot of us. I know that it conveyed and infused conversations at our dinner table last night in a significant way. So that was very, very cool. Well but the best is yet to come because today – let me just give you a quick overview. We're going to go from now until noon and we're going to hear this morning from Ron Riggio who's going to be – who has written the book in transformational leadership and Ron is going to sort of share with us the dimensions, the many dimensions of transformational leadership. Judith and Bob Wright are going to come on back up and they're going to talk about personal transformation and how that can infuse organizational society transformation but that it starts with the individual. We're going to have lunch. We're going to break for lunch right at noon and then right after lunch, we're going to go right into a presentation by Don Beck who's going to really convey to us a sense of organizational or almost systemic transformation and share with us his change theory and how organizations and systems in societies can be identified and how change manifests in them. And then we're going to wrap up with Brad Anderson yet again and Brad is going to go through a question and answer process. We'll talk more about that a little bit later and we'll wrap up by 5. So that's our day. So is everybody ready for a good day? All right. [Applause] Tom Terry: So let me turn it over now to Bob. Bob Wright is going to come back up and get us kicked off. Bob. [Applause] Bob Wright: Good morning transformers! Give yourselves a hand. [Applause] Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 2
  • 3. Bob Wright: You know, whether you know it or not, you are transforming. Humanity is transforming. We only have one choice to make. Will we do it consciously and responsibly or will it be forced on us? Will we be run over by it like a steam roller or will we be able to stay ahead of this steam roller and creatively find new ways to become who we could become. And how many of you are willing to engage in that adventure today? Good. Give yourselves a hand. Thank you. [Applause] Bob Wright: You know, I think we're going to develop momentum through the day. So I'd like to acknowledge some of the people that have put this event on in addition to the ones that I acknowledged last night. At the Wright Leadership Institute, one of the things that our groups do is they're charged with putting on an event like this once a year. So they work on their own personal transformation and then they work on their team building and they have something like this to do where they're giving each other feedback like very few corporations or organizations in our country give each other feedback. They do that in a safe environment because nobody can fire them. So when you don't risk your pay, you don't risk your bonus, people will tell you things that they would never think of telling you elsewhere. So they do this to help themselves learn and develop. So I'm not going to actually call them up but you've seen all these people walking around, they're all on various teams. They're here as part of their leadership training which begins at being an engaged team member and empowering team member and an empowering team lead. Those are the first three levels of our leadership development. So if you could just give them a hand and even if they don't hear it, we'd like to have them get it. [Applause] Bob Wright: And I talked about MedEd Architects who had been putting this altogether for us. They helped Jon Fieldman find the location – negotiate with a location but I didn't have Randy stand up. Randy is the man with the yellow tie back there. Give him a hand please. Thank you. [Applause] Bob Wright: And we've had huge contributions from designers and people who have just cared about what we're doing. One among them is Flutterby Design. Where are you? Would you stand up from the back there? Just give her a hand. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 3
  • 4. [Applause] Bob Wright: This is over and above and Ken Wright Communications. Where are you folks? They've done tons of design. Give them a hand. Thank you. [Applause] Bob Wright: So in order to have a transformational day, we need to do a few transformational things and we use a methodology called accelerated learning. You’re going to be doing a lot of listening today. If you don’t digest what we talk about, it’s not going to go very far. The truth of the matter is in an event like this, if you leave with one good idea, that’s a pretty successful even but what we want you to be doing is making the material yours during the day. So at times, we’re going to do something we called the paired sharing. This is part of our accelerated learning methodology. You have to step out of social politeness. We’re going to ask you to turn and face somebody. You can introduce yourselves to each but that's it. The rest of it is we want you to talk because a lot of times you don’t know what you’re really thinking until you start talking. How many of you are like me? I don’t know – yes. Okay good. So we’re going to give you a chance to find out what you’re thinking, what the so what of what we’re talking about is and how you’d apply it for yourself because we’re going to ask you over and over again today to think about how you’d apply if for yourself. So we’re going to ask you to do this paired sharing. You’re going to make eye contact with somebody. If you don’t have somebody near you that you made eye contact with, raise your hand and we’ll have an assistant come over and join you. It’s really critical but you talk for yourself. You don’t need to explain yourself to the other person. Explaining ourselves is simply making ourselves what we have always been all over again. That’s not transformation. That is an attempt to stop transformation. You want to allow yourself to think out loud the thoughts that you maybe haven’t thought yet and some of the daring things and that person can’t fire you. You can say all kinds of things that you wouldn’t have said otherwise. So we’re going to do this paired sharing. It’s part of our accelerated learning. And now it is, you know, this is a massive pleasure for me to introduce our next speaker. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 4
  • 5. In addition to being a consummate academic with over 100 articles and books that he has written, he’s a leading thinker. He has written – I was talking about the fact that there’s a real problem that too often in the United States today, we’re fixated on the leader and we don’t deal with good followership. So I’m talking to him and I said I’ve got this idea for a book. It’s got to come out and you know – and we got to have a book on how to be a good team member, what’s an engaged team member because a lot of people lead things but they really don’t know how to be good followers. Now I’d be darn to – I didn’t say, “Would you like me to send you a copy of my book on followership?” A cutting-edge thinker. He has also written a book on multiple intelligences in leadership. One of the beautiful things about our speaker today is that he is a very humble man. He embraces other thought which is a sign of a transformational leader. He is truly a transformational leader as an academic. I have never heard him need to put any other idea down. For him it's all pulling them together, what's the best of it. We are going to be very, very blessed today to be with him as he talks to us about one of the things he knows more about than most anybody in the country of the world about transformational leadership. Would you help me welcome Dr. Ron Riggio. [Applause] Ron Riggio: Thank you, Bob. That was a terrific introduction. Thank you. [Applause] Ron Riggio: Thank you. Well I want to thank Bob and Judith Wright for inviting me here for the organizing committee and I thank all of you for being here. I'm going to talk to you about something that I'm very passionate about and that's transformational leadership but first, what I want to do is I want to briefly go over the history. Bob and I were talking about this, a little bit of history of research on leadership and just sort of give you the Leadership 101. So if we kind of move to the next slide here and we'll talk about the search for leadership. If we go back to the early days of leadership research, there was what we call the great man theory but the burning question of the great man theory is, are leaders born or made? And I'm sure that lots of you have probably wondered about that or thought about that and you may have your own opinions. Well through – I was going to say through the miracle of research – through research, we actually know something about the answer to that. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 5
  • 6. So – but I'm not going to have you do that. I was going to say how many people – about two-thirds of leadership is made. About one- third is inborn, okay? We know that pretty well because in the last several years in the methodology, I will just really quickly go through this but if you want to catch me after and discuss the methodology but basically there are studies of identical twins who share genetic material and so the studies are of twins read together and twins read apart. So you control for the genetic material, you control for the environmental effects and then you look at leadership and that was just done recently and the best estimate is about one-third inborn and about two-thirds learnt. It then moved into a discussion of traits. What are the specific qualities and that dovetails very closely with this idea about the inborn qualities and there are a number of traits that are actually related to leadership. One is extroversion. So generally, leaders tend to be extroverts but not always and so again, we get this idea that we can't completely predict these things. We move then into the concept of behavior. So those of you who had – think back to your organizational behavior courses and talk about the history of leadership, we're really talking about 100 years here in very quick time. But some of the behaviors that were focused on would be task-oriented versus relationship-oriented behaviors, right? So we all know leaders who are very task-focused. My leader, the president of my college is one of the most task-focused people I know. She gets lots of things done and she'll tell you that relationships are something that she has to work on, the relationship behaviors. Other leaders, they're relationship-focused and they need to work a little bit more on the tasks. The management perspective comes into play and starts to talk about – well we know that there are task-oriented and there are relationship-oriented leaders but what's the real situation? So in what kinds of situations do task-oriented leaders lead better and in which kinds of situations do relationship-oriented leaders do better? My early research was on charisma and that's how I came to transformational leadership and one of the issues around charisma is if we talk about charismatic leaders and we're going to see lots of charismatic leaders because I'm going to talk shortly about the overlap between charisma and transformational leadership. But those of us who worked in the study of charisma and charismatic leadership, we got stopped with what we commonly Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 6
  • 7. called the Hitler question, all right? So we talk about charismatic leaders, we have the positive charismatic leaders and many of them also transformational but then we get to the charismatic leaders who are the negative side of things, right? The Hitlers, right? The Solons, those folks. And that was always the problem and so when I began my work in transformation leadership with really the founders and I've had the good fortune of working with the people who came up with the construct and develop the construct, it was like my eyes were opened because I thought we had moved to the next level and that's why I've embraced transformational leadership because I see transformational leadership as charisma plus, charisma plus the rest and so we are kind of dealing with the Hitler problem. So what we know from this 100 years of research is we do know which characteristics are most important and I'm going to talk about this characteristics and most of the characteristics that are important for leaders are components of transformational leadership. Just so you know and if you want to sort of follow along with me, about 8 months ago, I started – I was asked by Psychology Today Magazine to do a blog on leadership and so it's called Cutting-Edge Leadership and if you just want to go to Psychology Today, you can find it. But what I'm trying to do and in fact yesterday, I posted – my post was 100 Years of Research. So it was basically sort of setting the stage for this. So if you want to find out more about sort of the history of leadership research, you can go there but feel free to follow me along there and discuss because what I'm trying to do is kind of put up a little course up there, so the little mini-course and little 400-word bytes. So I welcome you to that. Okay. So what is transformational leadership? Well it occurs when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels of motivation and morality and the morality issue is important and we'll get to that a little bit later but those are the words of James MacGregor Burns who in 1978 wrote a book and James MacGregor Burns is a presidential scholar of political sciences, a biographer. His primary work has been on the Roosevelts on FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt and won the Pulitzer Price for one of those books. But in 1978, he wrote a book that really did launched a lot of work in leadership generally but it was really the beginning of this construct as we now know it today, what he called transforming leadership with leader transformational leadership. And Jim Burns was a friend to JFK so he was able to study transformational leader Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 7
  • 8. and just what you know about my intersection with Jim, there was a group of leadership scholars across a variety of disciplines who met for many years and I was asked in the later days to join that group. It was called the General Theory of Leadership group, GTOL group. We met about twice a year and we discussed this. Is there a general theory of leadership? Now Jim Burns had the answer. He knew what the answer he wanted to come to that the answer was transformational leadership but when you put a lot of scholars together, you get very little agreement and so many of them stopped and said, “Well we just got to stop this whole process because we're never going to really agree.” I mean the idea of one overarching general theory and as all this was going on, I said I think I found my overarching theory and I'm in agreement with Jim Burns. I had the fortune at that time. I was working with Bernie Bass and Bernie took in the 80s – he read leadership and he took Jim Burns' ideas and was able to get it down to something that's measurable and so I had the good fortune of working with Bernie and with Jim Burns. Jim Burns is with us today. He's 91 years old. Is that right, Sean, 91? And still producing books and still working in the area of leadership. My good friend, Bernie passed away about 2 years ago and so really what I feel like I'm doing is I'm carrying on the work of Bernie and also Jim and that was really funny because I was sort of the intermediary. I was going to the General Theory group and meeting with Jim Burns and reporting back as Bernie and I wrote the Transformational Leadership book. So let me get right down to the specifics and talk about what is transformational leader. So transformational leaders are charismatic. It's charisma plus, they're visionary, they're able to transform organizations but they do it through followers and so they are the interest in followership. What do transformational leaders do? Well they bring out the best in the followers and part of the transformation is this idea of developing followers into leaders and you'll see this when we get into the components. But they're not – it's not just that. These are not just relationship-oriented leaders. These are leaders who are able to motivate and to challenge teams and I'm here rephrasing the title of Bernie's book, they're able to get groups to perform at levels beyond expectations. So they’re truly transformational and they're very performance-focused. So transformational leaders are not easy leaders to work for sometimes. They're very satisfying leaders to work for but they're always pushing. They're always challenging. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 8
  • 9. Okay so this is Bernie's model. These are the components of transformational leadership and we're going to see this and we're going to spend some time with each of these and I'm going to right now spend some time going through each of them to help you better understand them. And you have to realize something about academics. We are masters of jargon. So you will see there these are not easy terms. I've sort of renamed them before our eyes but these are the components. And the first is idealized influence, a little difficult to try to figure out what that is but idealized influence is the part of the transformational leader, that behavior, that element where the leader is a positive role model. Transformational leaders are leaders that we look up to. We admire them and we admire them because they're consistent. Transformational leaders with true idealized influence as we say they walk the talk. They're not the people – they're not the kinds of leaders who are going to ask people to do things that they themselves wouldn't do. These are leaders that are willing to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty and pitch right in. The second element of transformational leadership – oops, where did we go here? We got to go back a little bit, sorry. The second level of transformational leadership is inspirational motivation and this is the ability to inspire people, to provide meetings, to provide challenge, to establish a vision and those two elements, the idealized influence, being able to walk the talk and being able to inspire and motivate people, those are the elements of charisma. This is the part of transformational leadership that is very similar to charismatic leadership. The third component is intellectual stimulation and intellectual stimulation is the transformational leader's ability to push followers, to stimulate followers, to be creative, to be innovative, to question assumptions, to think outside of the box and like I said, transformational leaders push people. They push people in a very positive way and try to get them to be creative and innovative. And then finally, the individualized consideration and I think Bob mentioned this last night and this is really the transformational leader's ability to pay attention, to be in tuned with followers to truly understand their needs, understand their feelings, their orientations, and there's a genuine concern in the transformational leader in terms of developing individual followers. So think of it this way. The transformational leadership is about leading change and leading transformation in groups, in organizations, in collectives and nations but it's also transforming individual followers and helping Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 9
  • 10. them reach their highest capacity. And so when we take a very broad view of leadership and we talk about leadership in broad terms, essentially they're transforming followers into leaders. Okay. Let me go into each of these and so idealized influence being a positive role model and we've got some examples here. Okay. So now one of the things and Bob and I were – as we were discussing, Bob is always saying okay, who is a truly transformational leader and I think we've seen one, we've seen Brad Anderson, those of us who were here last evening and I think Brad is a very good prototype of the transformational leader but we all have transformational qualities and sometimes we have strengths in one area or strengths in another area and so the idea of idealized influence being able to walk the talk. And so here are some leaders and some quotes that typify this dimension of transformational leadership. So we have Jeffrey Himmel from GE and he talks about you know, I'm always talking about this company. I'm always concerned about this and we're transparent. You know, we have nothing to hide. It's right out there. We put it right out there. The issue of transformational leaders being willing to work hard not asking followers to do anything that they wouldn't do. It typifies here with Vince Lombardi and I love this quote because he says, you know, leaders are made, you know. They're not born and they're made through hard efforts. So transformational leadership is not easy leadership. I discussed with Bernie. I said one of the things – years ago I said to really be a transformational leader, you've got to work very hard. You've got to connect with individual followers. You've got to be this role model. You've always got to be thinking about the impact that your behaviors having on followers and I said, “Isn't this really hard work?” You know, the transformational leaders work harder than other people and so I came up with a hypothesis. I said let's test this. My wife actually is working for a work family institute and I was looking at the balance between work and family and so I came up with a hypothesis and I said, “Bernie, I think the problem might be the transformational leadership is such hard work that maybe your home life suffers.” And so my hypothesis is that transformational leaders put all of their energy in the work and then their home life suffers. And Bernie said, “Well that's not the case because if you have transformational qualities, you would be able to transform those relationships in much the same way.” And so he had this sort of counter- Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 10
  • 11. hypothesis. Unfortunately, we never got to test that but so idealized influence, being authentic in a sense. Okay inspirational motivation is ability to inspire, this ability to energize people and Murthy, the founder of Infosys and he's actually an amazing philanthropist. His wife – we have a Kravis Prize that we created the methodology for Kravis Prize that we give every year in non-profit leadership through the Kravis Leadership Institute that I'm associated with and the Murthys have been very involved in this through their philanthropy. But here's a quote from him, “Great leaders raise the aspirations of their followers. They make people more confident, energetic, and enthusiastic. So this really embodies that idea of energizing people. I think Judith spoke last night about the emotional contagion, being able to infect people and that's a big part of inspirational motivation. For Howard Schultz, we want passion for our business, workers who can interpret and execute our mission. So another part of this is it's not just generating enthusiasm. It's not just getting the energy level up but it's directing that energy level, directing it towards commitments to the organization, toward values, toward an alignment of values, alignment with the organization's goal. So through inspirational motivation, this is the alignment process of the leader and the followers. Intellectual stimulation, the ability to challenge people, to innovate, to get people to think outside of the box in your task. Don't limit yourself. You can go as far as your mind lets you, what you believe, remember you can achieve. So you can achieve anything. So pushing followers again to be their best, to be innovative, to be creative. Knowledge cannot be merely a degree or a skill. It demands a broader vision, capabilities in creating, thinking, and logical deduction without which we cannot have constructive progress. The wealthiest man in the world. Individualized consideration. Our recent research is showing us that this is probably the biggest driver of transformational leadership. What we're doing is we're looking at literally tens of thousands of people who have been assessed on transformational leadership and looking at how each of these components contribute to the overall outcome and what we're finding is the one that really seems to be the driver is this individualized consideration and this is where the leader pays specific attention to individual followers, develops relationships with followers, empathizes with them, and when we talk about coaching and mentoring, we're really talking about this element. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 11
  • 12. If there's one secret in success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view, to see things from other people's perspectives. Now I put Henry Ford up there because Henry Ford was transformational in that he transformed an industry, transformed the auto industry. Henry Ford though I would think would fall short of a truly transformational leader, right? But this is the point. The point is that we have transformational qualities, right, that people have transformational qualities in specific areas, right? So everybody can demonstrate elements of this and someone who I think is on the transformational side, Muhammad Yunus says, “Each individual person is very important. Each person has tremendous potential.” So it's this idea of realizing the potential individuals. Okay. So does this matter, all right, to the research and just really briefly I put up some correlation coefficient here from – and those of you who have seen the book. This is not light reading or our book is not light reading. Just to give you a sense, to give you a sense of the size of the effects, so these are summaries, this is all in the book but clearly the biggest effect of transformational leadership is on followers. Followers of transformational leaders report much greater levels of satisfaction with their organizations, with their jobs, and with their leaders and those effect sizes are pretty large. Transformational leaders lead more effective work groups and we looked at that in two ways. We had looked at rated performance. One of the problems with rated performance is who's great in the performance of the leader whilst the people around the leader and so that's going to be a little bit inflated. If this is a person who has a lot of charisma, you're going to inflate those ratings a little bit and so we get larger relationships when we have rated performance but we also looked at objective performance measures at bottom line outcomes and found that transformational leaders actually lead groups that are more productive in a very, very sort of hard numerical sense not just in a feel-good sense. The other element that's important and I'm just going to touch on this briefly is that transformational leaders seem to be able to inoculate in a sense their followers. So the followers of transformational leaders will report if they have less stress and less burnout and those effects are pretty large effects. So we're not just seeing leaders pushing followers to do more, to be innovative, to perform at levels beyond expectations but these people are for greater well-being. The followers of transformational leaders report greater well-being. So that's important. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 12
  • 13. Now the question is how does transformational leadership work and what's the process? Well through research, we know a lot about the process, about what's really going on. First, transformational leaders enhance the followers' self-esteem and I think we heard a little bit about this, the concept of self-efficacy. So transformational leaders are able to persuade, convince, inspire followers in a way that makes them feel like they can do it, that they have a sense of self-efficacy that they can get the job done. Transformational leaders are empowering leaders. They allow their followers to take on responsibility but it's guided empowerment, right? The hardest thing I think that leaders do is delegate, right? Delegating, deciding exactly how much, deciding how much people can take and so what we're finding is if you develop a relationship with a follower, if you're truly in-tuned with that follower with their abilities, their desires, their needs, you're going to be much better able to determine exactly what they can handle. So there's the empowering element. Transformational leaders also align leaders, values and align, use their vision to get people on board. And so there's an increase in the followers' identification with the leader, there's an increase in the followers' identification with the organization and the alignment of goals and values. Now Bob had asked me to just talk briefly about authenticity and this is work that we're doing in a very serious way but let me just talk a little bit about the adding ethics to the mix here in transformational leadership. For James MacGregor Burns, the moral element, the ethical element was critical for transformational leaders. So Jim Burns said that this is critically important. We need to – a leader cannot be truly transformational if that person is not a good leader, is not an authentic person. Bernie came at that and I have – I can relate to this being a psychologist. Psychologists don't deal well with issues like morality. You know, there had been very few psychologists who have tackled that. That has been the realm of philosophers, right? So we have Cole Bergen, some of these – a few psychologists who have studied the ethical dimensions of human behavior but pretty much throughout most of the history of psychology, psychology is the sidestep, the moral issue. One other reason psychologists have sidestepped it is because psychologists focus often on behavior or the outcomes of cognitive processes in terms of behaviors. And when we talk about ethical behavior, you get into some very difficult terrain when you're trying Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 13
  • 14. to measure that. So there's a couple of reasons. First, we sort of sidestepped ethics as psychologists because we believe it's the realm of philosophers but it's very hard to measure too. So when Bernie Bass went forward and developed this model that you saw of the four I's, he left out the ethical component of Jim Burns' model and said, “Well that really doesn't matter because what we're really talking about is the pattern of behavior.” But of course he ran into the Hitler problem which you know, charismatic leadership knew about this and Bernie butted up against this. And so he talked about well transformational leaders who are not truly transformational, there's something missing what he called pseudo-transformational. And so in the book that we did together and essentially the revision of one of his earlier books, I persuaded Bernie to put some of these back, to start putting in the authentic elements and so one of the things that we were working on was okay, if we're going to put this back in, if we're going to put in authenticity or we're going to put ethical leadership back into the mix, we have to be able to measure it. So our latest project and a little bit later we'll give you an opportunity to maybe just get a taste of that but what we've been working on for the last couple of years is developing a measure of ethical leadership, a measure of authentic leadership. There are some other ones that have come out. So it's finally psychologists and measurement specialists have crossed over into that territory but what happened too was as the intermediary between Jim Burns and Bernie Bass, between these two great thinkers, I was carrying that message back and forth. I was conflicted by this. I agreed with Jim Burns that ethics is critical, I felt very much that we had to solve the Hitler question and eventually was able to persuade Bernie to move over to that side and so there was a reconciliation. So now when we talk about transformational leadership, we talk about authentic transformational leadership incorporating the ethical component. And so as I said, that's our new step is we're moving that in. Let me stop because I've gone through this all very quickly. This is an awful lot. As I said, 100 years of research but let me take some questions and discussion for just a minute or two. I think we have time for that. Don't we, Bob? Just some reactions. Yes? P: Going back to the why this transformational leadership [Indiscernible] [0:58:32], could you explain what those – I'm sorry. Ron Riggio: Oh okay. What the R's mean? Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 14
  • 15. P: What the R's mean, yes. Ron Riggio: Okay. So R's, those are representatives – I should have done it. Those are representative's correlation coefficient. So actually if you square those – so we saw a lot of 0.6's which are very large effects. If you square it, you get 0.36 and so that represents the amount of variance that can be accounted for by that predictor. So in other words, transformational leadership in terms of how much of follower satisfaction and satisfaction is measured often very much in a broad way as organizational satisfaction, how happy are you with your job and your organization and your leader, the whole thing. Thirty six percent of all that variance can be attributed to the leader. So that's what that means which is huge because we never predict 100%, right? So with about the most we can ever really measure is about 70% of the variance. So from that, you can sort of extrapolate and say about half of a person's satisfaction can be directly attributed to the fact that, that person works for a transformational leadership which is huge. That was a high estimate, right? You saw that they got down to 0.2, 0.2 is 4% of the variance which doesn't sound like much but when we get 0.3's, 0.25's, 0.3's; psychologists get very excited in the measurement. People get very excited because it means we're having a significant impact. Yes. P: Some of the adjectives you used inspire, stimulate, and challenge people to think and innovate, a lot of times the discussion you need to have with people in order to inspire them forward is actually a little bit negative. It's a discussion about the limitations of the organization right now and some of its weaknesses but all these quotes are so positive and happy about moving forward. Can you say a little bit about how you talk when – a transformational leader would talk about challenges? Ron Riggio: Talking about challenges? Well in a lot of ways and this may relate to the fact that followers of transformational leadership report less stress is that transformational leaders tend to do exactly what you suggested. They tend to take what people considered to be a negative thing. So this is the stress. We're in an economic downturn, right? And then focus on the challenges associated with that. So focus on the positives, right? So you know, how can we overcome this whether you know, this is one of the opportunities, that sort of thing. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 15
  • 16. So I think a lot of probably what's going on with transformational leaders is how you frame it. It is you know – and so yes, this is a setback but what can we learn from this and how can we move forward and how can we even be better than we were before? So it's clear that a lot of this is changing followers' perceptions. Where else the effects would be so high? I mean you know, it really is – I think what – and Bernie called his 1985 book where he laid all this out, he called it Performance Beyond Expectations because when he found truly transformational leaders, they were leading groups that performed well beyond what people had expected of them to do. A colleague of mine, Marty Chammers [Phonetic] [1:01:57] did a study and it's an interesting study just very quickly. He studied – we're in division three in the NCAA. So he studied basketball teams and volleyball teams and he went to the players and he said, “Who's your leader?” Right and very often it was the coach but sometimes it would be the team captain or whatever. And then he got their ratings, the precedes in ratings of where these teams should finish at the end of the season, okay? So the coaches do these polls and by measuring the transformational qualities of that leader, he was able to predict the outcomes of the ends of seasons, okay? So you know, I mean that's really the kind of amazing. I remember Marty presenting this in a room full of CEOs and it just sort of stopped the conversation and probably because CEOs, lots of them were in the sports but also this idea that you could actually have that kind of effect, right? Yes. P: I think transformational leadership is obviously very important but it runs the risk of becoming jargoning because suddenly any change that is not transformational doesn't really count and everything that anybody claims things are transformational. The thing that I'm hearing about what you're saying is that what's transformational is really transforming the nature of followership in a way. Ron Riggio: Exactly. P: So I'm wondering if that's the definitive piece and also if there is – it might be also a piece where transformational leadership might [Indiscernible] [1:03:30] dimension where you're really raising the ethical level of an organization. If you could speak to those two issues. Ron Riggio: Yes. Well now the reason Bernie sidestepped the ethical issue is he thought that idealized influence had that. So in other words, if you're authentic, if you're a positive role model then he just sort of Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 16
  • 17. assumed that, that carried over into the ethical arena, right? The problem is that we can have these sort of pseudo role models, right? So people who you know, in their public lives and when they're in front of their followers, they're displaying ethical behavior but in their private lives they're not, right? So these inconsistencies. So it was there in the original work but now we're sort of putting that element back. Okay. Now your other concern is – yes. P: Speaking to that one point because Brad Anderson used the word integrity about a leader. I think the word authentic also has a sort of ambiguous terminology ... Ron Riggio: Right. P: … because it can sort of be an ethical term or maybe not. Ron Riggio: Right. P: So why not just go with include integrity as part of the model? Ron Riggio: Well and I think when we use the term ethical, we are using that idea of integrity. P: Am I correct also that the idea of transformational really is about the transformation of the followership and relationship? Is that what you're defining as transformational? Ron Riggio: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely and that was why we started looking at followership, right? So – I'm getting a signal from Bob. So we stop this quick Q and A and start going to our group exercise. Okay. All right, good. Thanks a lot. Okay. So what we're going to have you to do, Bob is going to come up here and help me and we're going to have you and if you turn to your workbooks and if you get to the end of the slide show here, there's a couple of pages and we're actually going to – the first one says small group task, discussing the components of transformational leadership, we're going to change that. We're going to let you take that part home and deal with that and then there's a quick test leadership assessment. Let's set those aside for now. Are we all kind of on the same page here? P: Oh yes. Ron Riggio: Okay. So at the end of under my tab here, at the end of the PowerPoint, there should be a small group task. We're hoping these are all core, so just set that aside and set aside the quick test Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 17
  • 18. leadership assessment. You can do that later and then you'll get to the transformational leadership dimensions and that's the worksheet we're going to work on now. Okay. We got a signal [Indiscernible] [1:06:10]? Okay good. Okay so Bob is going to come up here and what we're going to do is we're going to have you break up into groups. So you're going to break up into groups of about five or six people. Those you know and we can move the chairs around. We'll put the chairs back. You're going to choose a spokesperson for the group eventually because we're going to have your report out and we're going to be recording some of your output and we're going to have you get into the discussions and so some summarization but we're going to do it this way. We're going to have each of you take one of the components. So we've got the next four sheets here, idealized influence, inspirational motivation, so we got the four I's and I think we're going to do it this way. We're going to have – we're going to sort of cut the room into quarters but we're going to do it lengthwise. And so we're going to have – well let's just do it right now. So idealized influence will be this quarter of the room. So from about here down, so go ahead and we can start forming into five or six-person groups. Those students and the folks on the side will help us. Idealized influence and if we take the sort of the midpoint from this sort of three quarters to the midpoint, inspirational motivation. We're going to have these groups discuss inspirational motivation. So you can go ahead and turn to that page and this third quadrant, intellectual stimulation, so to this quadrant and over here on the end, individualized consideration. Okay. So it turns to the fourth page and we hope they're in that order of this but you'll find the right page. Bob Wright: Yes. So turn your chairs and form groups so that you can communicate together. Ron Riggio: I thought the Q and A – I mean there were lots of – I can see lots of questions. Bob Wright: Okay. See if you can get this done pretty quickly because we want to get the most out of this time. P: How much time do we owe? Bob Wright: Well we'll give you directions in just a sec, so you just get your groups. Okay you should be lighting in the group. As Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 18
  • 19. transformational leaders, you're going to make sure everyone gets included. Okay quickly – okay, would you raise your hands? Let's start a normal – we raise our hands to trying to get attention back again. So okay. I'm going to give you about 60 seconds to introduce yourselves to each other. Would you please do that? Okay you should be finishing up. Take the next 30 seconds to finish introducing yourselves to everybody. Okay so let's pull it back together. Hands up please. Help us out. By the way, are we honored to have Ron with us? It's pretty good. [Applause] Bob Wright: I don't know whether you know – I think a good sense how lucky we are. The treasured probe of data and his ability to be a friend and be respected by experts who were generally seen as polarized on an issue and to be the primary person tying it altogether and helping bring them to resolution. That is a mighty man of extreme decency. So give him another hand. [Applause] Bob Wright: Okay. Well so now we're going into the applied part. We're going to want you to go into your data banks. We're going to want you to think about leaders you know and what they did. How did they act because you know, this morning is about how do leaders act? The next part of the morning is going to be about what goes on inside of leaders and then the afternoon is what happens in organizations. So this is what’s unique about what we're doing here is we're trying to give you a broad perspective of what's going on. And so what we want you to do is to go in your data bank. By the way, how many of you are humbled by this and we're doing an inventory of all the ways you fall short? Every time I go, you know, we're discussing an ideal against which we measure ourselves for it which we want to grow. So I think we need to have a little self acceptance and forgiveness. At least I do or I wouldn't be up here. So what we want you to do is you're going to take the one that you have. Now how many of you have idealized influence that you're doing? Okay raise your hands. Thank you. That's exactly what we wanted. What was our second one? Ron Riggio: Inspirational motivation. Bob Wright: Inspiration motivation – oh you folks are good. Ron Riggio: Okay. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 19
  • 20. Bob Wright: And that's by the way … Ron Riggio: Intellectual stimulation and … Bob Wright: Yes. Ron Riggio: … individualized consideration. We got them into perfect. Bob Wright: Oh perfect. Okay good. So now what we want you to do just so you have an overview of what's happening, you are holding your area for the room. You're going to be putting together, you know, characteristics and what a leader does. What we want you doing is imagining, you know, how you do what we're talking about and how you could do it better and – but you'll be talking about characteristics, you're going to put together the behaviors, characteristics, habits, anything that you could put onto a video tape. This is about the transaction between the leader and the follower. So what is it that they do and then we're going to go on what goes inside of the leader later on and then the leader in the organization. So you're going to be doing it for everybody then what we're going to do is we're going to come back together. You're going to – so a few of the groups in each area are going to report the characteristics they come up with and we're going to ask you to listen to that personally for what you would want to do and we want to finish this segment with you having one area that you're going to focus on and one behavior. Too often we come up with huge grandiose plans and none of it happens because speaking of integrity, there's no way we could do it. So we're going to ask you to boil it down to one area, one behavior you're going to focus on coming out of here. So we're giving them how much time, Ron? Ron Riggio: About 10 minutes actually. Bob Wright: So you're going to have 10 minutes. Pick a spokesperson who is going to record for your group and report for your group. Okay you've got 10 minutes. [Music playing] Bob Wright: Okay. Sorry to pull you back. This is like stopping a speeding freight train. Ron Riggio: You're just getting started, right? So they're … Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 20
  • 21. Bob Wright: Yes. Ron Riggio: … yes. Bob Wright: Another part of accelerated learning is the 80-20 rule. We tried to get 80% of the results and 20% of the time. The truth of the matter is, is you can only get so much. We're trying to actually plant into your unconscious mind expectations that will help guide you forward in your life and remember, we're going to boil this section down to just one area that you're going to focus on as a leader and one behavior that you're going to focus on implementing. Otherwise, you'll say things that will destroy your integrity and your authenticity will suffer or you'll end up apologizing all the time falling short. Okay. So we're going to get to groups to report in. We're not going to try and get everybody in. We're going to actually – we may be asking them for clarification so that each one of us can be really grasping what they're talking about and we have our wonderful – Vanna White is insulting. Who are you? You are our scribes. Let's give them a hand and thank them. [Applause] Bob Wright: They're going to be scribing for us. So we want to go to … Ron Riggio: Yes. Let's start with idealized influence that's over here. There, over here on the … Bob Wright: Okay. Ron Riggio: What are some of the … Bob Wright: In the backyard? Take the mike. P: So for the behaviors that manifest as dimensions, we had roll up sleeves, that's one of the things they do, jump in and get involved and not afraid to be vulnerable to make mistakes. Demo weight, demonstration is a big aspect of a force. They demo it live not just to tell you how to do it. One of the characteristics our team talked about was lack of victimhood that they take it on. It's not – that it's not a sense of victimhood around it. Ron Riggio: Actually, how did they have this lack of – instead of a lack of victimhood, what did they have? Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 21
  • 22. P: Well they take responsibility … Bob Wright: Because there's no such thing as a lack, right? So we know there isn't victimhood in there as … P: A little. We talked about responsibility and probably the ownership as they took ownership with the whole group and the results that they wanted. So that's how they tackled it. They helped analyze their own mistakes and they teach other people about their mistakes so that other people can learn from theirs. The one characteristic that we felt strong about is that they tend to work harder than other folks around them and that's how they influence them to work hard. They not only do the very minimum but they do also with optional. Ron Riggio: Very good. Bob Wright: Oh, it's wonderful. Wow. Give them a hand. Thank you. Ron Riggio: Yes. [Applause] P: Okay. Bob Wright: By the way, clapping is another part of accelerated learning and keeps you physically involved. Judith may actually tell you a little bit later about the neuropsychology of learning but you don't learn if your emotions are cut off from you. Your emotions are essential for learning and your body is where your emotions come from so we try to keep you physically involved. It was a group in the back. P: Some other behaviors we had are they ask a lot of questions. Ron Riggio: Okay. P: They're curious. Bob Wright: And what is it about questions that make this idealized influence? P: Well we also had that they engage their team and listen to them and that's part of the asking questions just taking their input. It's not I've got all the answers. It's engaging the team and the mutuality with the team. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 22
  • 23. Bob Wright: Okay great. Ron Riggio: Okay. P: They also have knowledge and expertise so they know – they're not asking people – their team to do something they went through themselves. So they're knowledgeable and they know what they're asking them to do. They lead with vision, principles and values and they consistently communicate from that. So any plan they derive or anything they do is based and stem from that. Ron Riggio: Now what about that – it facilitates idealized influence? P: Well because idealized influence is to me that was – that whatever vision they created, that's their ideal that they're working towards. So that's the kind of influence that they're leading their team with. Ron Riggio: And if there was a gap between those two things, we wouldn't idealize them. P: Right. Ron Riggio: We would look – we would have seen them as extreme hypocrites. P: Right. And so they're – and then consistently communicating. That's their team at a higher frequency and engagement of having rapport with their team. That also gives them credibility with their team. Bob Wright: Give them a hand. Thank you. Ron Riggio: Very good. [Applause] Bob Wright: Shall we get one more? Ron Riggio: Okay. We do got some more. P: We augmented what we just heard by saying a couple of other things. One was that influence derives from the consistent application of principles to new situations and the leader has to live large meaning that to live in an obvious way so that people can see that they're painting a picture for how they will react in the future and others should follow. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 23
  • 24. Ron Riggio: And that's very important, the issue of visibility, right? We talked about you know, management by walking around, making yourself visible and that's really what you're getting, yes. That's great. Bob Wright: Okay give them a hand. Thank you. [Applause] Bob Wright: It's exactly what we want to do when you've got one to add otherwise we'll move onto the next group. P: A couple of other ones is walking the walk is that we get to see and sharing who they are. They're honest, their humility, they admit the things that they might need to improve so the other people and their followers can approve as well. Ron Riggio: That's good. That's the – and I know we had some conversations last night about level five and the humility and so this is really where the humility comes into play, right? I mean because it's authentic, right? Good. [Crosstalk] [1:31:14] Ron Riggio: Okay perfect. Bob Wright: Okay. Let's move to inspirational motivation. That's this group. P: Okay. Our group, we looked at the behaviors and then some examples of what we thought the ideals would be and some other behaviors and looking at challenging ourselves with. The first piece is just meaning and challenge, these people who are involved in motivating and inspiring are willing to question more in terms of looking at how we typically do business kind of like Brad Anderson talked about yesterday of looking at what's impossible to do and thinking outside the box. Also they talked about the vision repeatedly that referenced to the GE person who's constantly out there saying this is what we're about, this is what we care about. I just keep putting that kind of message out to people, the dedication to the cause. I believe that there are people that are capable of more than they think they are. Constantly, the good leaders that we saw had really brought up the best in us and made us think about something beyond what we had thought about we could do previously. And also they are less invested in ego and more into results. So it's not who did it or whether I did it or what but did the results get Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 24
  • 25. accomplished and you know, what are the examples of that? So we asked, what are some of the leaders that we have that we admire? Gandhi was one example that kind of embodied all of that totally transformational and also able to kind of use his motivations to be able to change the whole nation. Brad Anderson is a good example. It's exactly what we saw. Martin Luther King, Herb Brooks from the 1989 hockey team that the US beat the Russians was an example we came. Wilbur Forrest who – in his help in the slavery in England were all examples that we came up with. And then in terms of our own personal steps that we need to take, one of them was getting beyond our feeling that we can do it better than our followers and being able to say you know, let's look to what they're capable of and kind of getting our egos out of the way. Also, having the courage to put out our own vision. We talked about how scary it is to be out there as the leader and how you're subjected to – you become a target when you become a leader. So there's a lot of risks involved and I think there was also for at least for me personally the idea of taking fear and comfort and being able to transform fear into the excitement of leading as opposed to hiding and what's comfortable. So … Ron Riggio: All right, another way of looking at transformation, right? P: Yes. Ron Riggio: So that's good. Bob Wright: That was great. P: Okay. Bob Wright: Terrific. [Applause] P: A couple of things to ask from our group is good communicators, inspiration and motivation leaders who are terrific communicators. We got Churchill in a motivation to victory and then a sense that each person matters and being able to instill that sense of individual capability and mattering and then we did – we run up against the Hitler problems if you're certainly inspired and motivated but we didn't exactly want to put them on our list. So … Ron Riggio: That's the problem. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 25
  • 26. [Applause] P: We just said a couple of other things. One thing in our group that was very important was truth. So there was a starting with, you know, the inspiration starts with the truth about the situation. So actually putting that out there right away. Another thing was intention. There is an intention that was very important and intention in why we're doing these things which help keep the focus on a purpose and keep people's eyes on the purpose and directing that anarchy in the right way with that strong intention. And then we also – and just to underline ahead a lot of the questions around why and the so whats and then you know, why are we doing it? So keeping with that clarity of the task, keeping it focused on where we're going. So and then we had some other personal traits just you know, being attractive, having energy, being inclusive. We had a conversation about being emotional, you know, really getting people behind you and inspiring them. Ron Riggio: Right and you've touched on the critical elements about inspiration and motivation. It's not just the energizing, getting people up and getting them, you know, round them up and head them out, it's where we're going and why, you know, why should we be motivated? Then you ask you, double that question. P: Okay.. Ron Riggio: Good. [Applause] P: Hi. Just to add to a few things that the other people said, we also said that we were thinking about people that actually have these qualities. So this individual really speaks in plain language and translates that vision to something that people can relate to very directly. So language is very important. Also really as a basis, you have to be really good at connecting with people. So this is critically important to you know, everybody said really seeing you as a person, being able to pull you out from the crowd and inspire. We also talked about not being afraid to talk about the realities of the business. Being challenging yet also seeing that as an opportunity. Also interestingly enough, we were comparing two people that are – actually I'm from Best Buy so it's our past and current CEO that both have this quality but they do it in very different ways. They Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 26
  • 27. actually have very different styles so I thought that was really an interesting point to pull out. Ron Riggio: And you're bringing in the point that we think about inspiration and we think it's all emotion and so both, the last two groups here brought out the sort of cognitive aspects of it. You have to, you know, you have to be for the vision, you know. It's not just ra-ra here's the vision, it's articulating it for the audience so that they can understand it in their own terms, right? And so that's very important. So good, very good. [Applause] Ron Riggio: Okay. Let's move on to our next group which is intellectual stimulation, right? Okay. P: So when we look at the behaviors that manifest intellectual stimulation, we talked about inspiring creativity in your followers and empowering them when they're curious. The word trust came up for us a lot because if you're inspiring intellectual stimulation, people are going to think differently. They're going to come back to you with ideas and answers that may be different from yours and you have to be open to letting those ideas come forth. There was also a sense of feedback, being open to a rigorous evaluation. We had the example of the leader who said, “Tell me, this is what I think and tell me where you think I'm wrong. What am I missing here?” So that was that kind of tough evaluation. Humility was the word that came up a lot, a commitment to a continuous learning, education, and training. Knowing about resources either providing them or being mindful of where they are and encouraging people to go find out. So when we thought about behaviors, you could add you know, personally one of them was not rescuing, not directing that, not wanting to lead and then solve things for people but saying what do you think? How would you go solve this? Being vulnerable and asking for the feedback. Also there was an element of training your staff how to present problems to you like okay, come in and teaching them how to talk about things so that you really could have a good inquiry about what was going on not just your problem. Don't just come in and throw the problem on my desk but come and tell me about it and tell me how you might go about solving it. What do you think the aspects of it are? And really training and encouraging people to think for themselves, use their own minds. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 27
  • 28. Ron Riggio: Great. That's very good, very good. One of the things – and you mentioned to that idea of the sort of getting the feedback and getting the criticism and so we're often afraid of upward feedback. I'm planting a seed here because we're – one of our assessments will involve your direct reports as Bob told you yesterday. And so you know, it takes courage to do that but you know, you want to encourage that and particularly with today's workers, I mean as we're going into this kind of you know, technology age where the younger workers probably know more than the leaders, you've got to be able to you know, deal with that – to that you know, vulnerability and say, okay tell me you know, what you think you'd do, you know, which may be very different than what I would do. Very good. [Applause] P: Hi. This is – yes. A couple other things we mentioned were to be a good listener and accepting as new ideas and the importance of including diverse voices that so often it was the solution that came from bringing in people who were thinking differently than yourselves from a different department or a different perspective and encouraging people to make mistakes by also making mistakes yourself and being accepting of that. Some of the behaviors that we are committing to, listening more, being open-minded, creating teams, reframing, restrained tongue, that discipline about what you say and letting people make mistakes. Ron Riggio: Good. [Applause] Ron Riggio: That our scribes working over time there and keep up. P: Yes, we just stay at that. Listening came up a lot in our conversation as well and it's a critical behavior and challenging as well to make people think. I had a leader that always asked – he always – when he presented something to me he said, “So I'm confused and you really thought this through?” You know, which meant go back and think about it. Come back with a – you know, you haven't – come back with a great new idea and they think out of the box. They force other people; look they've got out of the box and challenges their ideas. People we talked about that had this or see jobs and really trains forming his company, getting people, his employees to think out of Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 28
  • 29. the box and one I really like was Phil Jackson with his team and Zen. I mean getting basketball players … Ron Riggio: Right. P: … to read Zen. Ron Riggio: Yes. P: … and get them into a different place intellectually. Ron Riggio: Right, very much challenging. That's definitely outside of the box, yes. P: Exactly. Ron Riggio: Good. Great. [Applause] P: Okay. So a couple of things to add to that list. I think carrying a new touchdown is a little bit too but just a restless curiosity to continue to never settle for you know, the way things are just because something has been done a certain way doesn't mean it's right. You can continue to look for what other ways to do things. This ties into the fourth area a little bit but define what excites people. I found recently talking about a lot of the Wright Institute where you know, you talk to the guys about emotions and they're oh emotions, you know, but you mentioned neuroscience that you know there's a benefit of oh neuroscience, oh yes. Yes and just to kind of put the hooks into them in a way that gets them engaged and excited. So you know, I think he was talking about you know, how you frame it or Bob have mentioned that and there's a lot of potential there. You know, looking to and listening and you incorporate other people's ideas to play devil's advocate, you know, to take a contrarian point of view to just sort of see what happens. We were thinking of the guys at Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page in that idea. You spend 20% of your time on innovation to feel like that's part of the culture that you can take risks and see what happens and to have more of sort of an open source perspective that the ideas – the decisions don't necessarily come. The ideas don't come from the top down of that, you know, each person has an opportunity to say something that will contribute and potentially change the company. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 29
  • 30. Ron Riggio: Yes, that's great. The Google example of actually setting aside time to be creative, to be innovative. That's a terrific example. Great. Very good. [Applause] P: These are great. We just have a couple of things. One is vision. You know, when everybody is aligned on a vision, that stimulates a lot of creativity and the other thing is accountability. Accountability is usually thought of as results but what we talk about is when you have a goal and you're not making that goal, the creativity that comes out of okay, what do we do now and everybody wrapping their minds around that can create a lot of intellectual stimulation. Ron Riggio: Okay, very good. Okay. [Applause] Ron Riggio: Let's move onto the individualized consideration. P: We had three or four themes that emerged from our conversation. One of them was you know, to be individualized, you need to have a relationship. So you need to build your relationships with people by listening to them, by building trust by asking them a lot of questions and getting to know them well. So that was kind of like the foundation. Second is support, this overlap with some of the other groups; support, feedback, giving people things – challenging things to do. Another part of support is vision. Now we just heard vision, you know, building people into an overall vision but also their individual visions and how it relates to a broader vision. And always particularizing what is going on in the organization and how it relates to them and what their opportunity is. Ron Riggio: That's a good idea. One of the ways of individualizing the vision is to say well, you know, here's my vision. What is yours? What's your interpretation of that, right? [Applause] P: Great [Indiscernible] [1:45:37] themes across all four which is interesting. In addition to that, I think a major one is not assuming your answer is the right answer. Big part of it is not over-assuming and investing in the followers' development rather than your own desire to get a task done and open to getting to a desired outcome in different ways. So we thought President Obama is actually a very good example of this type of leader as well as Warren Buffett Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 30
  • 31. 1.46.11 and Animo Keehie [Phonetic] [1:46:12] and Mr. Kelleher. We're calling him Mr. Kelleher because no one could remember his first name. Ron Riggio: Sure. P: There we go. Okay. Thanks. [Applause] Ron Riggio: Okay, one more. P: A couple other ideas. We have included that – those included, the ability to assess individuals what their skill levels are, what areas within themselves that they want to develop and what it is that they're capable of. And also being someone who really fosters an environment where people seek feedback or they provide feedback and that you know, you yourself go to them and solicit their ideas and then one other that we had really strongly is that the leader is someone who holds the vision for you and has your clear that they have your – she has your best interest in mind and they want you to grow and develop. Ron Riggio: Very good. [Applause] Ron Riggio: One of the things that we're seeing is that these are – it's very clear that these are interconnected, that there's overlap, there's pieces where the themes of these four components come together, right? And we've seen that across the same themes. Okay. Bob Wright: By the way, give yourselves a hand. That was great. Ron Riggio: Yes. [Applause] Bob Wright: I'm asking you to spend 60 seconds in silence reviewing the areas picking the one that you'd like to focus on. You can do whatever else you want. I'm suggesting one and then thinking about the one behavior that you want to increase and also think about the results that you want in your organization. Area, behavior, and the results you want with 60 seconds of silence to think about that. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 31
  • 32. Okay. So now we're going to give you 3 minutes to share it around your group. By the way, people who succeed at what they want to implement, tell other people what it is then set measures up for it. One of the measures you can use is to take Ron's transformational leadership self-assessment and then have your direct reports assess you and you could do it now and then later on as a post-test 6 months or a year to give yourself some feedback about how you're doing and you don't have to let anyone know what the rating was but you. However, you may want to and I've seen CEOs do that very successfully. Three minutes to share with this group and then think about sharing it with others. You're getting done in the next 30 seconds or so. Make sure everybody has the chance to report. Okay. That's it. Come on back. By the way, we're going to have these transcribed and put on the website if you want to go back and use it as a resource, you know, please do that. If you want your workbook, please put your name on it because Ron's going to do a summary and then we're going to ask you to actually take your personal effects and put them over on the side because the assistants are going to rearrange the room back the way it was. We're going to have a 15-minute break after Ron gets done. Ron Riggio: Okay. All right just very quickly, okay? So what we're talking about, the transformational leadership is really the very best qualities. We really do know what will work, okay? So I think a lot of times my colleagues – well there's all these theories of leadership but we actually do know what works. The other thing and I think is we're sort of getting into; this represents a model for leadership development. So you can work on your own personal leader development and so understanding a little bit more about the four I's is going to help you in that regard and you've written down something to work on. And as Bob mentioned, the next step is this online assessment of your transformational leadership profile. Now what we've done is it's actually sort of three steps. There's a very green version of one of our instruments in there, that one page. So you can do that and they were in order. They're in the same order so you could score the four items. So they're individualized influence, inspirational motivation in that order. But if you want a more detailed assessment and a much longer instrument, it takes you only about 10, 15 minutes to do is online and it's actually multiple instruments online so that you can go on and take it. Then the third level is to get your direct reports or those around you. We could use sort of a 360. Have them go online and assess you. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 32
  • 33. The bonus there is that we're going to roll out our ethical leadership scale and that's always another reported measure. So your direct reports will also complete that and we'll give you some brief feedback on that too. So those are the last steps and thank you so much for your participation and for all of these terrific ideas. I think and as Bob said, this is going to be a terrific resource on writing and to do websites. So thank you very much for your time, attention, input. [Applause] Bob Wright: That's Ron Riggio. [Applause] Tom Terry: Thank you, Ron and thank you, Bob and now we're going to get going again at 10:00 but we're going to take a brief break. We've got coffee and refreshments right over to this side of the room and as Bob said, please take all your personal effects with you because we're going to reset the room as it was when we came in this morning and just as you know, this facility's – the restroom facilities outside in the quarter around up here as well. So we'll be back at 10:00. [Music playing] Tom Terry: Okay. Welcome back from our break. Well that first segment this morning was terrific. Wasn't it? [Applause] Tom Terry: Thanks to Ron for that. Thank you very much. You know for me, it just dawns on me you know, what am I going to do next? What is the one thing I'm going to focus on? It really is about me and like it's about all of us and some of the chatter I had about the morning session and the break absolutely brought that home. And the next two speakers are folks who've been talking about leadership for a long, long time and their particular entry point into leadership is personal transformation and Bob and Judith Wright, many of you know, many of you don't know them, Bob and Judith Wright who we introduced last night and you became acquainted with last night are going to connect the dots here. They're going to talk to us about leadership from the inside out and so with no further adieu, let me just introduce Bob and Judith Wright. Transformational Leadership Symposium Transcript 33