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Facilitators: Akash Dutta and
Chandrasekhar Thakar
Contents    Program names                                Duration Page
1       High impact presentations                    2 days   3
2       Team building                                2 days   4-5
3       Leadership Back to Basics for first time     2 days   6-10
4       Connect workshop on Interpersonal skills     1 day    11-12
5       Hospitality and customer focus workshop      2 days   13-15
6       Email netiquettes                            1 day    16-17
7       Me to we Program on Basics of Team           1 day    18-19
8       Stress and Time Management                   1 day    20-22
9       Adapt -survival skills for Freshers in any   2 days   23-25
10      Customer Management Workshop for             2 days   26-29
11      Facilitator Profile: Akash Dutta                      30
12      Facilitator Profile: Chandrashekhar Thakar            31

       2 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Module 1 High Impact Presentations workshop                          Duration 2 days

Business professionals today must move their audiences to take action by creating and
delivering high impact and effective presentations. Whether in sales, marketing, operations, or
R & D, presenters need to be engaging, persuasive, and focused in their presentation delivery.

As a result of this learning experience the participants will be able to:

   •   Project energy and confidence throughout their presentation
   •   Build rapport from the start of their delivery

   •   Deliver persuasive presentations that move audiences to take action

   •   Use stories to better engage audiences

   •   With their audiences’ needs in mind, systematically prepare for presentations

   •   Use a presentation template when developing a presentation
       to deliver to senior executives

   •   Successfully manage a Q & A session

   •   Utilize PowerPoint effectively as a presentation support

Duration: This 2 days high energy, fun filled, result focused workshop is meant for all students
who have to communicate and make High impact presentations

       3 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Module 2 Team Building                                      Duration 2 days

In this 2 day workshop the program objectives are:

   •   Build a team that lasts

   •   Create positive energy on the team

   •   Harness a team’s creativity

   •   Identify weak players who negatively impact a team

   •   Judge if the team can accomplish the dream


   1. Two days from your busy schedule!

   2. Enthusiasm and a learning attitude!

       4 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Program synopsis:

Day 1: The Power of teamwork
  1. Teamwork --Why is it so important?

  2. Good Teamwork –What is its impact?

  3. Team dream--- How to accomplish it?

  4. Team bonding –How to ensure that the team lasts?

Day 2: The dynamics of Teamwork
  1. What are the characteristics of a good Team?

  2. Team player—what does it take to be a good one?

  3. Building a winning team—how do you do it?

  4. Weak player and the impact on the team.

     5 Lead author : Akash Dutta
5. Positive energy within the team –How to create it?

   6. Team’s creativity—How to harness it?

Module 3       Leadership Back to the basics                   Duration 2 days

A two day program for: Managers / Sr. executives who are transforming into Leaders

The Need:

If you want committed, energized, loyal employees, you must have emotionally intelligent
leaders. This Back to the basics Leadership Program develops the skills your leaders need both to
manage themselves and bring out the best in their people.

      6 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Module 3 Section A. The Program Objectives

Program Objectives                        Competency To be built

   A. Leader as Chief Retention Officer   The power of example

   B. Leader as Team Builder              Recognizing Your Own Talents and Strengths

   C. Leader as Communicator              Courtesy and Respect

   D. Leader as Problem solver            Conflict Management

   E. Leader as Coach                     Coaching skills

   F. Leader as an Evaluator              Managing Your Time and Your Life

   G. Leader as Customer Champion         Exceeding Expectations

   H. Leader as Change agent              Dealing with Things You Can’t Control

   I.   Leader as Motivator               Goals with vision with mission

   J.   Leader as Synergizer              Team Harmony

        7 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Module 3     Section B. The Program Benefits:

  Improve your executive career potential.

  Move beyond the either/or limits of a management versus leadership mindset.

  Upgrade to a unified, holistic view of the organization

  Build a total-team organization for sustainable competitive advantage

  Address personal, team and organizational change from a flexible response-readiness-
   fitness framework.

  Understand your workplace personality, leadership, emotional intelligence, creative style,
   motivation, stress, and competency potential strengths and weakness and develop
   Action-Plans to address career success competencies, roadblocks and derailment issues.

  Update, broaden and optimize you executive management style for continued career

  Upgrade your executive decision-making capabilities.

  Acquire executive sustainable leadership skills aimed at maximum managerial impact,
   personal and team confidence building, and better bottom-line performance.

     8 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Module 3   Section C. The Program Flow Day 1

    9 Lead author : Akash Dutta          Topic                                Sub Topic              Duration

1              Introduction Self and participants                          30 minutes
               Activity based

2              Program Orientation                  Basic Lecturrette on   30 minutes
               Examples used to match the mixed     Leadership and
               profile of the participants          Management
               Tea                                                         15 minutes
3              Activity                             Create a product       20minutes

4              Debrief                                                     30minutes
               Activity                             Who am I               10minutes

5              7 habits session                     Habit 1
               ppt+ video before lunch              Habit 2
               Activity                             Habit 3
                                                    Habit 4                45 minutes
               Lunch                                                       45 minutes
6              7 habits session                     Habit 5
7              PODSCORB Acronym                     Habit 6
                                                    Habit 7                95 minutes
8              Video clip Fish

               Tea                                                         15 minutes
9              PPt on Fish                                                 30 minutes
10             Management Kundali Questionnaire                            30 minutes

11             Summary of learning                                         15 minutes

Module 3        Section C. The Program Flow Day 2

        10 Lead author : Akash Dutta         Topic                             Sub Topic                      Duration
1             Recap for day 1                                                  30 mins
2             Situational Leadership            Introduction to SL             30mins
              Tea                                                              15 minutes

3             Situational Leadership            Why SL?

4             Situational Leadership            Detailed facilitation+ video   105 minutes
                                                on SL
              Lunch                                                            45 minutes
5             Situational Leadership            Activity                       30mins

6             Situational Leadership            Debrief                        60mins

7             Video on geese                                                   5minutes
8             PPT on Geese                                                     15 minutes
              Tea                                                              15 minutes
9             Video on Coaching after Tea                                      10 minutes

10            Debrief +Discussion on Coaching   Grow model+SL                  30minutes

11            Motivational Capsule              Activity Lemon race            30 minutes

12            Wrap up of day 2

Module 4 Connect:                                                Duration 1 day

        11 Lead author : Akash Dutta
People apply interpersonal skills to a wide variety of interactions, from talking to coworkers
about a project to selling a plan to clients. People with good interpersonal skills tend to be more
successful in business. They can interact more effectively with coworkers, management and
subordinates, in addition to establishing business networking connections more efficiently,
landing clients, and retaining existing clients.

Taking an interpersonal skills training course allows people to develop stronger and more
consistent interpersonal skills.

Welcome to CONNECT; a one day workshop on Interpersonal skills!

     12 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Connect: The Program Objectives

After completing the Course, the learners would be able to:

                                                     Duratio Objectives                                     n         Methodology
       Explain and Demonstrate the Fundamental
    1 Techniques in Handling People                  8 hours   CBT
       Identify the Six Ways to Make People Like
    2 You                                                      Video Clips
      Identify and explain the Twelve Ways to Win
    3 People to Your Way of Thinking                           Activity
      Demonstrate How to Change People Without
    4 Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment                    Lecturrette

     13 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Module 5 Hospitality and Customer Management                    Duration 2 days

Welcome to two days of exciting learning and development!

We empower your human capital to soar above the rest .We groom them towards creating fans
for your Brand and mot merely customers.

In this 2 day program, we empower your human capital to soar above the rest .We groom them
towards creating fans for your Brand and mot merely customers

     14 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Module 5 Hospitality and Customer Management Program Description Document:

                                                                               Duratio Topics                         Sub topics                                n            Methodology
   1 Positive attitude               Removing your mental baggage              half a day   CBT
                                     The Power of Positive thinking
                                     How to stop worrying and start living
                                     How to enjoy your life and your Job
                                     Action Plan Habits for personal and
                                     professional effectiveness

   2 Interpersonal Effectiveness     People management                         half a day   CBT
                                     Team spirit
                                     How to win friends and influence people

   3 Superior customer service       Scoring with your customers               full day     CBT
                                     Serving customers at a Higher Level                    lecturette
                                     Decide what you want your customer
                                     experience to be                                       Activities
                                     Discover what your customers want                      Role plays
                                     Deliver your ideal customer service
                                     Permitting people to soar
                                     Going above and beyond customer
                                     Making customers the first priority
                                     Making it all happen

Target participants:

Front desk, reception and all customer facing staff

     15 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Module 5 Hospitality and Customer Management                           Program Benefits:

 Your take aways from this program

    •   Self Confidence and sense of direction

    •   Communication Skills

    •   Motivational Skills

    •   People management Skills

    •   Accountability

    •   Flexibility

    •   Customer centricity as a culture for your people

Our Esteemed Clientele in the retail sector:

          •   Air Hostess Academy

          •   Brand Promotions (Retail Marketing)

          •   Reliance Retail( Lifestyle, Fresh, Hyper, CDIT, Luxury Verticals)

          •   Jawed Habib (Salon and Spa Retail )

          •   Levi Strauss(Apparel retail)

Module 6          Email etiquettes workshop                                       Duration 1 day

    16 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Efficiency is the essence of modern communication. A poorly worded email will simply render
the message ineffective. It can be observed that all emails are not to the point. While some
writers could be too terse and communicate too little too quickly, there are others who wander
at random never understanding that this is instant messaging and being more specific helps the
information dissemination faster.

This workshop is directed towards developing effective email etiquettes.

Duration: 8 hours

Module 6        Email etiquettes workshop Program objectives:

At the program's conclusion, participants should be able to:

     17 Lead author : Akash Dutta      Program Objectives                              Methodology
1          Explain instances when sending email is         CBT with hands on practice led
           necessary and appropriate.                      sessions
2          Identify occasions when sending or retrieving   Review of existing mail culture
           email is unacceptable.
3          Understand items they should never send         Drafting and creating professional
           electronically from their workplace.            mails
4          Create an email subject line that accurately
           describes the content of the message.
5          State and avoid 12 of the most common
           mistakes people make in business writing.
6          Consider the visual components that
           enhance an email message and make for
           easy reading.
7          Determine who should and should not
           receive copies of emails.
8          Know what to do when emails misfire and
           reach the wrong people.
9          Develop a personal action plan to improve
           their email skills at work.

Module 7          Transition from ME to WE                       Duration 1 day

        18 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Program objectives:

By the end of this module, participants will be able to:     Objectives                                            Methodology
a        Identify the traits of an effective team player       CBT, audio video inputs,
                                                               activities, games and
b        Discuss various stages of team formation
c        Discuss the causes and consequences of conflict and
         be able to apply techniques in solving it
d        Explore personal conflict resolution style

Duration: 8 hours

Target: Junior management and Freshers

Module 7         Transition from ME to WE             Program Contents:

       19 Lead author : Akash Dutta
•    Understanding team basics

  •    Stages of team development

  •    The team player survey

  •    Understanding team commitment

  •    Understanding team communication

  •    Working in a team

  •    Developing team collaboration

Module 8      Stress and Time Management   Duration 1 day

      20 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Section A: Stress Management Program

Changing life-styles, technological advances, and a very intensely competitive business environment,
have created tremendous tension for all of us. With the fast pace of life in the modern world, we are all
feeling burnt out as stress is slowly, but surely, taking its toll.

No executive or company can afford to ignore the effects of stress. Stress affects decision making,
interpersonal relations, the quality of work, and the level of productivity.

Program Objectives:

To enable the participants to: -         Objectives

1            Dissolve Stress

 2           Improve Concentration

 3           Develop Creativity

 4           Support Problem Solving and Decision Making

 5            Improve Productivity

       21 Lead author : Akash Dutta       Program Contents                                         Methodology
           Assess stress                                            CBT
           Develop a deeper understanding of stress
           Be aware of internal and external sources of stress
           Understand the positive and negative effects of stress
           Determine early warning signs
           Understand the interplay of body and mind
           Deal with stressful behaviors, thoughts and attitudes
           Gain practical tips on stress busters

Module 8             Section B: Time management Program

       22 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Time management is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems working together to
help you get more value out of your time with the aim of improving the quality of your life.

The important point is that time management is not necessarily about getting lots of stuff done,
because much more important than that is making sure that you are working on the right things,
the things that truly need to be done.

Smart time managers know that there is much more to do than anyone could possibly
accomplish. So instead of trying to do it all, smart time managers are very picky about how they
spend their time.

They choose to focus and spend their time doing a few vital projects that will really make a
difference, rather than spending all their time doing many trivial things that don't really matter all
that much.

If you become a good time manager, you’ll not only get a lot more done in less time, but you’ll
feel more relaxed, focused and in control of your life

Module 8 Time Management                         Program Objectives

S.NO        Objectives                                                       Methodology
        1   The nature and value of productivity
        2   Valuing your time
        3   Assessing your time management strengths & weaknesses
        4   Removing the barriers to your productivity
        5   Overcoming the procrastination habit
        6   Focusing and staying in the zone
        7   Learning to be present: the power of now
        8   Managing tasks, projects, goals and ideas
        9   Determining and managing priorities
       10   Negotiating your priorities
       11   Resolving conflicts with multiple bosses & priorities
       12   Deadlines, time pressures and heavy workloads
       13   Mastering the art of delegation

       23 Lead author : Akash Dutta
14   Inspect what you expect: the power of "The Stream"
    15   The power of personal decision management
    16   Negotiating your time & commitments
    17   Understanding what you can control and what you can’t
    18   Managing interruptions & distractions
    19   How and when to say “no”
    20   How and when to say “yes”
    21   People vs. tasks: your personal style
    22   Time management and effective communication
    23   Dealing with the things you hate to do
    24   Understanding and escaping your comfort zones
    25   Starting and completing large projects
    26   Managing multiple projects
    27   Procrastination and perfectionism
    28   Overhauling your task list system
    29   Overhauling your planning and scheduling system
    30   Getting and staying organized
    31   Overcoming the force of habit
    32   Setting & achieving personal time management goals
    33   Developing new habits for managing your time
    34   Achieving the productivity balance

Module 9 ADAPT                                                   Duration 2 days

   24 Lead author : Akash Dutta
A workshop dedicated to the communicative
fresher in any Industry in this dynamic, warm
and flat world!

    25 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Module 9 ADAPT                                             Duration 2 days

Section A:

   •    Welcome

   •    Workshop expectations

Section B:        The Positive Mental Framework

   1. Effective Interpersonal Communication: How to Demonstrate respect at work?

   2. Play Well With Others: Develop Effective Work Relationships

   3. The Five (Difficult) People You Meet at Work ... and How to Get Along With Them

   4. How to Get Along With Your Colleagues :Resources to Help Improve Your Relationships
      With Colleagues

   5. Ways to Be Happy at Work

Section C:       The Negative Attitude and How to tackle it

   6. Top 10 Ways to Annoy Your Coworkers

   7. How to Get Fired: Advice You Can Live Without

   8. Avoid Doing These Things After Work or You Could Lose Your Job

   9. Workplace Bullies: What To Do About Workplace Bullies

   10. Workplace Etiquette: How to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace
       26 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Section D:      The WIN- WIN Approach

    11. Mistakes at Work---What to Do If You Make a Mistake at Work

    12. How To Receive Feedback With Grace and Dignity

    13. Listen With Your Eyes: Tips for Understanding Nonverbal Communication

    14. Toward a More Civil Work Place: Avoiding Offensive Behavior on the Job

    15. 9 Ways to Make a Good Impression at Work

Module 9 ADAPT                                                Duration 2 days

Section E:     The Technical Advantage

    16. Business Email Etiquette: Maintaining a Professional Image

    17. Top 6 Rules for Using Cell Phones at Work

    18. Top 10 Ways in Which Social Media Can Get You Fired

Section F:    Reference

    19. Top 10 Career Books

     27 Lead author : Akash Dutta
20. Laughter : the best medicine

Module 10      Luxury Retail Customer Management Duration 2 days

    28 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Module 10       Luxury Retail Customer Management               Duration 2 days

We empower your human capital to soar above the rest .We groom them towards creating fans
for your Brand and mot merely customers.

In this 2 day program, we empower your human capital to soar above the rest .We groom them
towards creating fans for your Brand and mot merely customers.

 Your take aways from this program

     29 Lead author : Akash Dutta
•   Self Confidence and sense of direction

     •   Communication Skills

     •   Motivational Skills

     •   People management Skills

     •   Accountability

     •   Flexibility

     •   Customer centricity as a culture for your organization

At the Luxury retailing level, we know your aspirations. So the objectives are
well set: Program Objective                              Target participant     Methodology

1    Scoring with your customers                    Customer service       CBT + activity
                                                    executives , Shop
                                                    Floor assistants,
                                                    Freshers in retail ,

2    Serving customers at a Higher Level                                   Lecturrette +
                                                                           Video + skits

3    Decide what you want your customer

     30 Lead author : Akash Dutta
experience to be

4    Discover what your customers want

5    Deliver your ideal customer service

6    Permitting people to soar

7    Going above and beyond customer service

8    Making customers the first priority

9    Making it all happen

Module 10       Luxury Retail Customer Management

Our Esteemed Clientele in the retail sector:

          •   Air Hostess Academy

          •   Brand Promotions (Retail Marketing)

          •   Reliance Retail( Lifestyle, Fresh, Hyper, CDIT, Luxury Verticals)

    31 Lead author : Akash Dutta
•   Jawed Habib (Salon and Spa Retail )

          •   Levi Strauss(Apparel retail)

Coach Profile: Mr. Akash Dutta

      Mr. Akash Dutta’s corporate background includes a wide variety. He has been into the training
      and development function for more than 8 years and was associated with Levi Strauss, Reliance
      Retail Ltd, Airhostess Academy and Wadhawan Retail. Mr. Dutta’s batches included
      professionals from the BPO, Retail and Aviation and Hospitality industries.

      Mr. Dutta holds an Executive Coaching Certification from Reliance Industries. He is a certified
      trainer from K10, Mumbai, India and a certified trainer from Reliance Retail Ltd.

      He is a certified professional in world class customer service and a master in public speaking
      from the Dale Carnegie Inc. He is a graduate from Calcutta University. He is certified in advanced
      counseling skills.

      Contact Information:

     He can be contacted at +91 7303533725


      LinkedIn public profile

      Please check for references at Linked in.

    32 Lead author : Akash Dutta
Coach Profile: Mr. Chandrashekhar Thakar

    •     Ex AVP-H.R., Reliance Infrastructure Ltd.

    •    H. R. Professional with a background of Commerce & an approach of law with a rich track record
         of 35 years

    •    Worked in maximum Domains and premium Companies of Mumbai under the work culture of
         TQM/ ISO & ERP

    •    Worked with TCS, Blue Star, Shapoorji Pallonji, Ichbaan Honda, Patni, Reliance etc.


- Executive Coach

- Group Trainer

- H.R. Consultant

- Visiting Faculty for HR/ Law/ Marketing & Finance

Contact details:

Cell: +91 9987682497
        33 Lead author : Akash Dutta  

     34 Lead author : Akash Dutta

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Training Program Description Catalog

  • 2. Contents Program names Duration Page no. 1 High impact presentations 2 days 3 2 Team building 2 days 4-5 3 Leadership Back to Basics for first time 2 days 6-10 Managers 4 Connect workshop on Interpersonal skills 1 day 11-12 5 Hospitality and customer focus workshop 2 days 13-15 6 Email netiquettes 1 day 16-17 7 Me to we Program on Basics of Team 1 day 18-19 formation 8 Stress and Time Management 1 day 20-22 9 Adapt -survival skills for Freshers in any 2 days 23-25 industry 10 Customer Management Workshop for 2 days 26-29 Retailers 11 Facilitator Profile: Akash Dutta 30 12 Facilitator Profile: Chandrashekhar Thakar 31 2 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 3. Module 1 High Impact Presentations workshop Duration 2 days Business professionals today must move their audiences to take action by creating and delivering high impact and effective presentations. Whether in sales, marketing, operations, or R & D, presenters need to be engaging, persuasive, and focused in their presentation delivery. As a result of this learning experience the participants will be able to: • Project energy and confidence throughout their presentation • Build rapport from the start of their delivery • Deliver persuasive presentations that move audiences to take action • Use stories to better engage audiences • With their audiences’ needs in mind, systematically prepare for presentations • Use a presentation template when developing a presentation to deliver to senior executives • Successfully manage a Q & A session • Utilize PowerPoint effectively as a presentation support Duration: This 2 days high energy, fun filled, result focused workshop is meant for all students who have to communicate and make High impact presentations 3 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 4. Module 2 Team Building Duration 2 days In this 2 day workshop the program objectives are: • Build a team that lasts • Create positive energy on the team • Harness a team’s creativity • Identify weak players who negatively impact a team • Judge if the team can accomplish the dream Investments: 1. Two days from your busy schedule! 2. Enthusiasm and a learning attitude! 4 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 5. Program synopsis: Day 1: The Power of teamwork 1. Teamwork --Why is it so important? 2. Good Teamwork –What is its impact? 3. Team dream--- How to accomplish it? 4. Team bonding –How to ensure that the team lasts? Day 2: The dynamics of Teamwork 1. What are the characteristics of a good Team? 2. Team player—what does it take to be a good one? 3. Building a winning team—how do you do it? 4. Weak player and the impact on the team. 5 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 6. 5. Positive energy within the team –How to create it? 6. Team’s creativity—How to harness it? Module 3 Leadership Back to the basics Duration 2 days A two day program for: Managers / Sr. executives who are transforming into Leaders The Need: If you want committed, energized, loyal employees, you must have emotionally intelligent leaders. This Back to the basics Leadership Program develops the skills your leaders need both to manage themselves and bring out the best in their people. 6 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 7. Module 3 Section A. The Program Objectives Program Objectives Competency To be built A. Leader as Chief Retention Officer The power of example B. Leader as Team Builder Recognizing Your Own Talents and Strengths C. Leader as Communicator Courtesy and Respect D. Leader as Problem solver Conflict Management E. Leader as Coach Coaching skills F. Leader as an Evaluator Managing Your Time and Your Life G. Leader as Customer Champion Exceeding Expectations H. Leader as Change agent Dealing with Things You Can’t Control I. Leader as Motivator Goals with vision with mission J. Leader as Synergizer Team Harmony 7 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 8. Module 3 Section B. The Program Benefits:  Improve your executive career potential.  Move beyond the either/or limits of a management versus leadership mindset.  Upgrade to a unified, holistic view of the organization  Build a total-team organization for sustainable competitive advantage  Address personal, team and organizational change from a flexible response-readiness- fitness framework.  Understand your workplace personality, leadership, emotional intelligence, creative style, motivation, stress, and competency potential strengths and weakness and develop Action-Plans to address career success competencies, roadblocks and derailment issues.  Update, broaden and optimize you executive management style for continued career advancement.  Upgrade your executive decision-making capabilities.  Acquire executive sustainable leadership skills aimed at maximum managerial impact, personal and team confidence building, and better bottom-line performance. 8 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 9. Module 3 Section C. The Program Flow Day 1 9 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 10. Topic Sub Topic Duration 1 Introduction Self and participants 30 minutes Activity based 2 Program Orientation Basic Lecturrette on 30 minutes Examples used to match the mixed Leadership and profile of the participants Management Tea 15 minutes 3 Activity Create a product 20minutes 4 Debrief 30minutes Activity Who am I 10minutes 5 7 habits session Habit 1 ppt+ video before lunch Habit 2 Activity Habit 3 Habit 4 45 minutes Lunch 45 minutes 6 7 habits session Habit 5 7 PODSCORB Acronym Habit 6 Habit 7 95 minutes 8 Video clip Fish Tea 15 minutes 9 PPt on Fish 30 minutes 10 Management Kundali Questionnaire 30 minutes 11 Summary of learning 15 minutes Module 3 Section C. The Program Flow Day 2 10 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 11. Topic Sub Topic Duration 1 Recap for day 1 30 mins 2 Situational Leadership Introduction to SL 30mins Tea 15 minutes 3 Situational Leadership Why SL? 4 Situational Leadership Detailed facilitation+ video 105 minutes on SL Lunch 45 minutes 5 Situational Leadership Activity 30mins 6 Situational Leadership Debrief 60mins 7 Video on geese 5minutes 8 PPT on Geese 15 minutes Tea 15 minutes 9 Video on Coaching after Tea 10 minutes 10 Debrief +Discussion on Coaching Grow model+SL 30minutes 11 Motivational Capsule Activity Lemon race 30 minutes 12 Wrap up of day 2 Module 4 Connect: Duration 1 day 11 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 12. People apply interpersonal skills to a wide variety of interactions, from talking to coworkers about a project to selling a plan to clients. People with good interpersonal skills tend to be more successful in business. They can interact more effectively with coworkers, management and subordinates, in addition to establishing business networking connections more efficiently, landing clients, and retaining existing clients. Taking an interpersonal skills training course allows people to develop stronger and more consistent interpersonal skills. Welcome to CONNECT; a one day workshop on Interpersonal skills! 12 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 13. Connect: The Program Objectives After completing the Course, the learners would be able to: Duratio Objectives n Methodology Explain and Demonstrate the Fundamental 1 Techniques in Handling People 8 hours CBT Identify the Six Ways to Make People Like 2 You Video Clips Identify and explain the Twelve Ways to Win 3 People to Your Way of Thinking Activity Demonstrate How to Change People Without 4 Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment Lecturrette 13 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 14. Module 5 Hospitality and Customer Management Duration 2 days Welcome to two days of exciting learning and development! We empower your human capital to soar above the rest .We groom them towards creating fans for your Brand and mot merely customers. In this 2 day program, we empower your human capital to soar above the rest .We groom them towards creating fans for your Brand and mot merely customers 14 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 15. Module 5 Hospitality and Customer Management Program Description Document: Duratio Topics Sub topics n Methodology 1 Positive attitude Removing your mental baggage half a day CBT The Power of Positive thinking How to stop worrying and start living How to enjoy your life and your Job Action Plan Habits for personal and professional effectiveness 2 Interpersonal Effectiveness People management half a day CBT Team spirit How to win friends and influence people 3 Superior customer service Scoring with your customers full day CBT Serving customers at a Higher Level lecturette Decide what you want your customer experience to be Activities Discover what your customers want Role plays Deliver your ideal customer service experience Permitting people to soar Going above and beyond customer service Making customers the first priority Making it all happen Target participants: Front desk, reception and all customer facing staff 15 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 16. Module 5 Hospitality and Customer Management Program Benefits: Your take aways from this program • Self Confidence and sense of direction • Communication Skills • Motivational Skills • People management Skills • Accountability • Flexibility • Customer centricity as a culture for your people Our Esteemed Clientele in the retail sector: • Air Hostess Academy • Brand Promotions (Retail Marketing) • Reliance Retail( Lifestyle, Fresh, Hyper, CDIT, Luxury Verticals) • Jawed Habib (Salon and Spa Retail ) • Levi Strauss(Apparel retail) Module 6 Email etiquettes workshop Duration 1 day 16 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 17. Efficiency is the essence of modern communication. A poorly worded email will simply render the message ineffective. It can be observed that all emails are not to the point. While some writers could be too terse and communicate too little too quickly, there are others who wander at random never understanding that this is instant messaging and being more specific helps the information dissemination faster. This workshop is directed towards developing effective email etiquettes. Duration: 8 hours Module 6 Email etiquettes workshop Program objectives: At the program's conclusion, participants should be able to: 17 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 18. Program Objectives Methodology 1 Explain instances when sending email is CBT with hands on practice led necessary and appropriate. sessions 2 Identify occasions when sending or retrieving Review of existing mail culture email is unacceptable. 3 Understand items they should never send Drafting and creating professional electronically from their workplace. mails 4 Create an email subject line that accurately describes the content of the message. 5 State and avoid 12 of the most common mistakes people make in business writing. 6 Consider the visual components that enhance an email message and make for easy reading. 7 Determine who should and should not receive copies of emails. 8 Know what to do when emails misfire and reach the wrong people. 9 Develop a personal action plan to improve their email skills at work. Module 7 Transition from ME to WE Duration 1 day 18 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 19. Program objectives: By the end of this module, participants will be able to: Objectives Methodology a Identify the traits of an effective team player CBT, audio video inputs, activities, games and Lecturrette b Discuss various stages of team formation c Discuss the causes and consequences of conflict and be able to apply techniques in solving it d Explore personal conflict resolution style Duration: 8 hours Target: Junior management and Freshers Module 7 Transition from ME to WE Program Contents: 19 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 20. Understanding team basics • Stages of team development • The team player survey • Understanding team commitment • Understanding team communication • Working in a team • Developing team collaboration Module 8 Stress and Time Management Duration 1 day 20 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 21. Section A: Stress Management Program Changing life-styles, technological advances, and a very intensely competitive business environment, have created tremendous tension for all of us. With the fast pace of life in the modern world, we are all feeling burnt out as stress is slowly, but surely, taking its toll. No executive or company can afford to ignore the effects of stress. Stress affects decision making, interpersonal relations, the quality of work, and the level of productivity. Program Objectives: To enable the participants to: - Objectives 1 Dissolve Stress 2 Improve Concentration 3 Develop Creativity 4 Support Problem Solving and Decision Making 5 Improve Productivity 21 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 22. Program Contents Methodology Assess stress CBT Develop a deeper understanding of stress Be aware of internal and external sources of stress Understand the positive and negative effects of stress Determine early warning signs Understand the interplay of body and mind Deal with stressful behaviors, thoughts and attitudes Gain practical tips on stress busters Module 8 Section B: Time management Program 22 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 23. Time management is a set of principles, practices, skills, tools, and systems working together to help you get more value out of your time with the aim of improving the quality of your life. The important point is that time management is not necessarily about getting lots of stuff done, because much more important than that is making sure that you are working on the right things, the things that truly need to be done. Smart time managers know that there is much more to do than anyone could possibly accomplish. So instead of trying to do it all, smart time managers are very picky about how they spend their time. They choose to focus and spend their time doing a few vital projects that will really make a difference, rather than spending all their time doing many trivial things that don't really matter all that much. If you become a good time manager, you’ll not only get a lot more done in less time, but you’ll feel more relaxed, focused and in control of your life Module 8 Time Management Program Objectives S.NO Objectives Methodology 1 The nature and value of productivity 2 Valuing your time 3 Assessing your time management strengths & weaknesses 4 Removing the barriers to your productivity 5 Overcoming the procrastination habit 6 Focusing and staying in the zone 7 Learning to be present: the power of now 8 Managing tasks, projects, goals and ideas 9 Determining and managing priorities 10 Negotiating your priorities 11 Resolving conflicts with multiple bosses & priorities 12 Deadlines, time pressures and heavy workloads 13 Mastering the art of delegation 23 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 24. 14 Inspect what you expect: the power of "The Stream" 15 The power of personal decision management 16 Negotiating your time & commitments 17 Understanding what you can control and what you can’t 18 Managing interruptions & distractions 19 How and when to say “no” 20 How and when to say “yes” 21 People vs. tasks: your personal style 22 Time management and effective communication 23 Dealing with the things you hate to do 24 Understanding and escaping your comfort zones 25 Starting and completing large projects 26 Managing multiple projects 27 Procrastination and perfectionism 28 Overhauling your task list system 29 Overhauling your planning and scheduling system 30 Getting and staying organized 31 Overcoming the force of habit 32 Setting & achieving personal time management goals 33 Developing new habits for managing your time 34 Achieving the productivity balance Module 9 ADAPT Duration 2 days 24 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 25. ADAPT A workshop dedicated to the communicative fresher in any Industry in this dynamic, warm and flat world! 25 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 26. Module 9 ADAPT Duration 2 days Section A: • Welcome • Workshop expectations Section B: The Positive Mental Framework 1. Effective Interpersonal Communication: How to Demonstrate respect at work? 2. Play Well With Others: Develop Effective Work Relationships 3. The Five (Difficult) People You Meet at Work ... and How to Get Along With Them 4. How to Get Along With Your Colleagues :Resources to Help Improve Your Relationships With Colleagues 5. Ways to Be Happy at Work Section C: The Negative Attitude and How to tackle it 6. Top 10 Ways to Annoy Your Coworkers 7. How to Get Fired: Advice You Can Live Without 8. Avoid Doing These Things After Work or You Could Lose Your Job 9. Workplace Bullies: What To Do About Workplace Bullies 10. Workplace Etiquette: How to Avoid Conflict in the Workplace 26 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 27. Section D: The WIN- WIN Approach 11. Mistakes at Work---What to Do If You Make a Mistake at Work 12. How To Receive Feedback With Grace and Dignity 13. Listen With Your Eyes: Tips for Understanding Nonverbal Communication 14. Toward a More Civil Work Place: Avoiding Offensive Behavior on the Job 15. 9 Ways to Make a Good Impression at Work Module 9 ADAPT Duration 2 days Section E: The Technical Advantage 16. Business Email Etiquette: Maintaining a Professional Image 17. Top 6 Rules for Using Cell Phones at Work 18. Top 10 Ways in Which Social Media Can Get You Fired Section F: Reference 19. Top 10 Career Books 27 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 28. 20. Laughter : the best medicine Module 10 Luxury Retail Customer Management Duration 2 days 28 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 29. Module 10 Luxury Retail Customer Management Duration 2 days We empower your human capital to soar above the rest .We groom them towards creating fans for your Brand and mot merely customers. In this 2 day program, we empower your human capital to soar above the rest .We groom them towards creating fans for your Brand and mot merely customers. Your take aways from this program 29 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 30. Self Confidence and sense of direction • Communication Skills • Motivational Skills • People management Skills • Accountability • Flexibility • Customer centricity as a culture for your organization At the Luxury retailing level, we know your aspirations. So the objectives are well set: Program Objective Target participant Methodology groups 1 Scoring with your customers Customer service CBT + activity executives , Shop Floor assistants, Freshers in retail , cashiers 2 Serving customers at a Higher Level Lecturrette + Video + skits 3 Decide what you want your customer 30 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 31. experience to be 4 Discover what your customers want 5 Deliver your ideal customer service experience 6 Permitting people to soar 7 Going above and beyond customer service 8 Making customers the first priority 9 Making it all happen Module 10 Luxury Retail Customer Management Our Esteemed Clientele in the retail sector: • Air Hostess Academy • Brand Promotions (Retail Marketing) • Reliance Retail( Lifestyle, Fresh, Hyper, CDIT, Luxury Verticals) 31 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 32. Jawed Habib (Salon and Spa Retail ) • Levi Strauss(Apparel retail) Coach Profile: Mr. Akash Dutta Mr. Akash Dutta’s corporate background includes a wide variety. He has been into the training and development function for more than 8 years and was associated with Levi Strauss, Reliance Retail Ltd, Airhostess Academy and Wadhawan Retail. Mr. Dutta’s batches included professionals from the BPO, Retail and Aviation and Hospitality industries. Mr. Dutta holds an Executive Coaching Certification from Reliance Industries. He is a certified trainer from K10, Mumbai, India and a certified trainer from Reliance Retail Ltd. He is a certified professional in world class customer service and a master in public speaking from the Dale Carnegie Inc. He is a graduate from Calcutta University. He is certified in advanced counseling skills. Contact Information: He can be contacted at +91 7303533725 Email: LinkedIn public profile Please check for references at Linked in. 32 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 33. Coach Profile: Mr. Chandrashekhar Thakar • Ex AVP-H.R., Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. • H. R. Professional with a background of Commerce & an approach of law with a rich track record of 35 years • Worked in maximum Domains and premium Companies of Mumbai under the work culture of TQM/ ISO & ERP • Worked with TCS, Blue Star, Shapoorji Pallonji, Ichbaan Honda, Patni, Reliance etc. Specialties - Executive Coach - Group Trainer - H.R. Consultant - Visiting Faculty for HR/ Law/ Marketing & Finance Contact details: Cell: +91 9987682497 33 Lead author : Akash Dutta
  • 34. 34 Lead author : Akash Dutta