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Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Micaela J. Buttiglieri
Sala: Sala de 5 años
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes
Cantidad de alumnos: 15
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: Juguetes (Toys everywhere!)
Semana Nº: 2 (dos)
Teaching points: Toys: a car, a teddy bear, a rope, a kite, a doll, a plane, a ball
Learning Aims
During this lesson, learners will be able to…
 Be able to identify several toys in English.
 Be able to interact with the teacher and their classmates online by developing individual work, pair
work and collaborative work.
 Incorporate new vocabulary about toys and new sentence structures.
 Develop their listening ability by listening to the teacher.
 Develop their speaking ability by saying the toys’ names in English.
 Deepen their understanding of commands/ instructions in L2 while developing their social skills.
Language Focus
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Colours: red, blue, yellow,
green, orange, purple, brown,
- Saying the names of
- Identifying colours.
- WH- questions and answers:
“What colour is it/this?”
It’s + (colour’s name).
- A car
- A Teddy bear
- A rope
- A kite
- A doll
- A plane
- A ball
- Following commands
and/or instructions.
- Saying the names of toys
- Identifying toys.
- Sentence structure:
“It is a…” / “It’s a…”
- WH- questions and answers:
“What is it?”
It’s/ It is a….. + (name of the
- WH- questions and answers:
“What colour is it (toy’s
It’s/ It is a + (colour’s name) +
(toy’s name).
* In the previous meeting, I asked children (in the closure stage) to draw and paint their toys showed during
the development of our meeting. So, I will send a text message to the Whatsapp’s group, asking parents to
upload the children’ drawings to the Padlet I created to work collaboratively. Last time, they had to upload
the photos of the toys they have found at home, now they have to share the drawings they did of their toys.
There, they will watch the drawings of my toys that I uploaded to the Padlet we share.
- This is the text message I will send to parents:
“¡Hola familias! ¿Cómo están? Luego de pedirles a los estudiantes al final de nuestra clase que dibujen sus
juguetes y los pinten, les voy a pedir que les saquen fotos a sus dibujos y los suban al Padlet, así podremos
ver las producciones artísticas de cada niño/niña. Cuando ingresen al Padlet se van a encontrar con las
fotos de mis dibujos, las cuales subí luego de haber subido las fotos de mis juguetes previamente a nuestro
encuentro pasado. ¡Espero que les gusten mis dibujos, y espero con ansias ver todos los dibujitos que los
alumnos realizaron! (Recuerden tener a mano los dibujitos de cada alumno para compartirlos en nuestro
próximo encuentro. ¡Estamos en contacto! Saludos.
Teacher Mica”.
* Then, I will send to parents’ e-mails (as I have their e-mail addresses when I asked them previously to give
me their e-mail addresses in order to invite them to join the Padlet), a worksheet for students to work on
toys (which they can print at home or develop the activity in the students’ exercise book).
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
In this worksheet, students will have to pay attention to my toys shared in the Padlet, and identify which toy
is missing in exercise nº 1 (which has a box containing 5 of my 6 toys). Once they identify the missing toy,
they will have to draw it in the left side of the blank box given below the box with toys in exercise nº 1.
Students will also be asked to draw (in the right side of the blank box) a new toy which appears in the box of
toys from exercise nº 1 (which is not part of the toys I showed on our previous meeting and it is not present
in the drawings of my toys on Padlet). Students will be asked to paint both toys.
After that, in exercise nº 2 of the worksheet, students will be asked to draw and paint a classmate’s toy they
like from the ones they shared in Padlet. At last, they will be advised to have this activities prepared to work
in our next meeting.
- This is the worksheet I will send to parents’ e-mail addresses:
- This is the text message I will send to parents explaining the development of the activities provided in the
“¡Hola familias! ¿Cómo están? Quiero comentarles que les envié una hoja de trabajo que contiene dos
actividades sobre juguetes para que los alumnos desarrollen antes de nuestro próximo encuentro. En la
actividad nº 1 pueden visualizar un recuadro con 6 juguetes (Toys) dentro del mismo, y aquí los alumnos
tienen que identificar (luego de visualizar las fotos de mis juguetes que compartí en Padlet) ¿cuál es el
juguete que falta en el recuadro? de los 6 juguetes míos. Una vez que los alumnos identifiquen el juguete
mío que no se encuentra entre los juguetes del recuadro dado, lo van a dibujar sobre la izquierda del
recuadro en blanco que se encuentra debajo. A su vez, los alumnos van a identificar el nuevo juguete que
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
se encuentra en el recuadro con juguetes en el ejercicio nº1 y lo van a dibujar en el recuadro en blanco
dado (sobre el margen derecho). Luego, los alumnos van a pintar ambos dibujos.
Además, pueden visualizar el ejercicio nº 2 en el cual los alumnos tienen que dibujar y pintar el juguete de
algún compañero que hayan visto en las imágenes que todos subieron al Padlet y les haya gustado.
En nuestro próximo encuentro, espero ver estas actividades de los niños desarrolladas para que las
trabajemos juntos durante la clase. Ante cualquier duda que tengan sobre el desarrollo de estas 2
actividades dadas, no duden en consultarme.
¡Recuerden estar atentos al Padlet que compartimos, para poder desarrollar ambas actividades!
¡Nos vemos en la próxima clase! 
Teacher Mica”.
 A worksheet about toys.
 A Teddy bear puppet.
 A toy car.
 A toy doll.
 A toy plane.
 A rope.
 A kite.
 Photos of the 6 different toys.
 Big drawings of the 6 different toys.
 Big drawing of a ball.
 Flashcards of colours: red, blue, yellow, green, brown, orange, purple and pink.
WARM- UP (5’)
Aim: To get students’ attention and arrange them to start the lesson. To establish rapport.
I will start our meeting with a warm “Hello”:
Transition: Teacher: Hello children!
Students: Hello! / Hello teacher!
Teacher: How are you today? Good? Okay? (while I put my two thumbs up and smile)
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Students: Good! / Fine! / Okay/ Thumbs up.
Teacher: That’s nice! Good to see you today! (while I smile and I point at my eyes and then at them
all on the screen).
Chicos es momento de saludarnos cantando la canción con la que ya aprendimos a saludarnos en
el encuentro anterior, y que les había enviado el video para que la practiquen y la canten en casa.
Let’s sing the song “Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands?” together! Come on! Listen and watch! (While I
point at students and myself, then I point at my ear and my eye, and I play the song on the TV behind me).
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “Hello?”
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, “Hello?”
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Transition: Teacher: Very well! Good job! (While I put my thumbs up).
Oh look what I have here! Let’s see! (While I pick up the 6 drawings of my toys and face the
drawings to them).
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Teacher: Can you watch them? (while I point at students, then at my eyes and at the drawings
Students: Yes! / Thumbs up/ Smiles.
Teacher: Okay! Se acuerdan que tenían que dibujar sus juguetes y subirlos al Padlet donde yo
subí los dibujos de mis juguetes. Ahora, ¡quiero ver los suyos! ¿Me los muestran?
Come on! Show me!
Students: Yes! (Students pick up their drawings and show them through the screen)
Teacher: Wow! Beautiful drawings children! (while I show a surprising expression on my face and
Aim: To introduce the drawings of my toys.
To establish a relationship between colours (revision) and toys (new).
In the presentation stage I will be working with the drawings of my toys and flashcards of colours, which I will
be showing simultaneously while I show each of the drawings of toys I did. Each toy’s drawing will be showed
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
with the flashcards of the colour/s it is painted. First, I will introduce my drawings to students, and then I will
encourage students to show their drawing in order to work with theirs.
- Flashcards of colours:
Transition: Teacher: Now, pay attention! Look at this! (while I have the teddy bear drawing in one hand and
the flashcard of colour ‘brown’ in my other hand, as I point at the teddy bear).
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
It’s a brown teddy bear! Repeat together! (while I point at them and at me)
Teacher and students: It’s a brown teddy bear!
Teacher: Good! Now, you repeat! (while I point at students)
Students: It’s a brown teddy bear! / brown teddy bear!
Teacher: Great job! Oh, look at this drawing! (while I point at the next drawing and I pick up the flashcards
of colours ‘green’ and ‘yellow’)
Students: Wow! / A doll/ Doll (some students may say the toy’s name when they watch the drawing, as
they previously learnt the toys’ names).
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Teacher: Yes! It is a green and yellow doll! Repeat!
Students: It’s a green and yellow doll! / green and yellow doll!
Teacher : Well done children! Let’s watch at my following drawing!
It’s a red car! (while I have the drawing of my car in one hand, and the flashcard of colour ‘red’ in
my other hand, pointing at the car). Come on, repeat!
Students: Excellent job students! (while I put down the flashcards and the drawing, put my thumbs
up, and then look for the next drawing)
I will do the same procedure with the other 3 (three) drawings of my toys and the belonging flashcards to
each drawing.
 I prepared a video presentation of the drawings of my coloured toys on “”:
- Here is the link of the video presentation:
As I showed in the video presentation in “”, after showing my toys’ drawings, I encourage
students to show theirs and to take into account the sentence structure I used in my examples : “It’s a +
(colour’s name) + (toy’s name), in order to describe their coloured toys’ drawings.
Transition: Teacher: ¡Chicos, es su turno ahora de mostrar esos dibujos que hicieron sobre sus juguetes!
Veamos juntos de qué colores son los diferentes dibujos que hicieron.
Show me one of your drawings Student 1 (I will say the name of the student). (While I show the
students one of my fingers and I pick up only one drawing, to let them understand that they have to choose
one of their drawings to describe. Anyway, they were asked to upload all their drawings to the Padlet, in
order to visualize all the drawings we did).
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Student 1: Una pelota. Orange!
Teacher: Oh great! A ball! / An orange ball! Repeat!
Student 1: An orange ball!
Teacher: Very good Student 1 (I say his/her name).
Ok, Student 2 (I will say his/her name) is your turn! Show me one of your drawings (while I point to
student 2 in order to follow the same procedure as I followed with student 1).
Student 2: It`s a green ball! / A green ball! (While the student shows one of his/her drawings).
Teacher: Wow! Other ball! Very good student 2 (I will say his/her name).
Come on student 3(I will say the student’s name)! Show me your drawing!
Student 3: It’s a purple kite. / Purple kite. (while he/she shows his/her drawing)
Teacher: Beautiful drawing student 3 (I will say his/her name)!
- I will follow the same procedure till the last student shows one of his/her drawings and describes it.
Once they finish, I will congratulate them for their works, and I will invite them to look for the worksheet I
previously sent to them and have it at hand in order to work with it.
Aim: To allow students to identify toys.
To teach the structure: It’s a + colour’s name + toy name.
To practice on short dialogues: “What colour is + toy’s name ?”
It’s/ It is a + colour’s name + toy’s name.
Activity 1
I will ask students to look for the worksheet of toys’ activities I sent to them previously in order to develop
those 2 activities in an interactive way. Firstly, as I explained children’ parents, they had to identify the
missing toy in exercise 1 (which refers to the toy of the ones I have introduced in our previous meeting,
which I also uploaded to the Padlet I share with children). Once they identify the missing toy they had to
draw and paint it on the left side of the blank box given in the exercise. They also had to identify the new toy
given in exercise 1 (which refers to a new toy which I didn’t introduce in the previous class). When they
identify this toy, they had to draw and paint it on the right side of the blank box given in this exercise.
After that, in exercise 2, students had to choose one of their classmates’ drawings from the Padlet, in order
to draw and paint the toy chosen.
In this exercise, students will be developing Individual work in exercise 1, and Pair work in exercise 2 (as they
will be choosing one classmate’s work and they will show it in our lesson).
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Transition: Teacher: Chicos! Les voy a pedir que tengan junto a ustedes la hojita de actividades sobre
juguetes que les envíe antes de nuestro encuentro.
Come on! Show me your worksheet of toys’ activities (while I hold a copy of this worksheet in my hand,
showing it to them).
Students: Yes! (While they hold the worksheet in their hands showing it to me).
Teacher: Great! Recuerden que tenían que ayudarme a encontrar a mi juguete perdido, que no se
encuentra entre los juguetes que aparecen en la hoja. Si no se acordaban, podían mirar en Padlet todos los
juguetes que subí. ¿Pueden ayudarme?
Help me! What is the missing toy? (while I point at the toys in the worksheet and I put a
worried face)
Students: It’s a car! (as they show their drawings of the car)
Teacher: Very good! Thank you! (while I put thumbs up and smile)
¡Esperen, hay un juguete nuevo! (while I put a surprising face and point at the toys in the box)
Look! What is the new toy?
Students: It’s a ball! / Una pelota (while they show their drawings of the ball)
Teacher: Yes! Well done! It’s a ball! (I congratulate them for identifying the new toy)
Wait a minute! Recuerden que luego tenían que mirar en Padlet los dibujos de los juguetes que los
compañeros compartieron ahí, y elegir uno para dibujarlo. Quiero mostrarles el juguete que elegí yo, que
varios de ustedes compartieron.
Watch! I drew a ball! It’s a green ball! (while I show them the toy I chose from Padlet to draw,
according to the toys they shared there).
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
¡Quiero que me muestren qué juguete eligieron para dibujar y de cuál compañero! It’s your
turn! Come on! Let’s show me your drawings of your classmates’ toys (while I point at all of them)
Student 9: A doll. Student 2 (here student 9 says the name of his/her classmate who is represented
by student 2).
Teacher: Excellent student 9! (I will say his/her name).
Who’s next? (while I watch at all students and encourage the rest to participate)
Student 3: A plane. Student 4 (student 3 says the name of his/her classmate who is represented by
student 4).
Teacher: Good job!
I will follow the same procedure till all the students participate telling the classmate’s toy they chose from
Padlet to draw.
Transition: Teacher: Nice drawings of toys children!
Can you share your new drawings in Padlet?
Students: Yes! / Thumbs up.
Teacher: Ok! Thank you! (Smiling)
Let’s play a game together! (while I pick up a worksheet and show to them).
Activity 2
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
I will encourage students to participate in a group activity, in which I will show them
different toys and I will ask them: “What colour is + toy’s name?”.
This is a group activity, as they will have to be on the ball to my questions.
Here, there is a video I recorded and shared in You Tube, showing the development of this activity.
Transition: Teacher: Excellent work children! I’m very happy!
You identify toys’ colours!
I will say to students that we have to finish our meeting, but before leaving I am going to
show them a worksheet with different pictures which I will send them to work at home
identifying the pictures with toys to elaborate a poster. I will explain them, the way they
will have to develop this creative activity. They will be asked to do this activity before
our next meeting. This is the worksheet I will be sending to parents’ e-mail addresses:
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Teacher: Chicos, es hora de despedirnos. It’s time to say goodbye!
Pero antes, quiero que vean esta hoja que les muestro aquí, donde pueden ver muchos
recuadros con diferentes objetos. Ustedes van a tener que identificar todos los recuadros donde vean “toys”
(juguetes). Los van a recortar y los van a pegar sobre una lámina.
Look! There are a lot of objects! (while I point at all of the objects in the sheet of paper). But, look up the
toys! (while I mimic a sign of caution and then I point at a toy in the picture as giving an example).
You can paint toys! (While I make a movement with my hand as if I were painting).
Okay? (While I put my thumbs up)
Students: Okay! / Yes!/ Thumbs up.
Teacher: Good! It’s time to say good-bye! (while I wave my hand)
Let’s listen and sing this good-bye song together! (while I point at my ear,
then I point at them and at me)
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit
Now it's time to say good-bye
say good-bye
say good-bye
Now it's time to say good-bye
Good-bye, everyone.
Now it's time to say good-bye
say good-bye
say good-bye
Now it's time to say good-bye
Good-bye, everyone.
Transition: Teacher: Well children! Let’s do this homework at home identify toys! (while I show them
the activity homework). I want to watch your posters! (while I mime an anxious expression with my face).
See you in our next meeting! Bye bye! (waving my hand).
To be completed by your tutor:
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
Stages and
Taller Práctica Docente
Kindergarten - Didactic Unit

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TPD - Kindergarten Level - Week 2 - Buttiglieri Micaela

  • 1. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 1 I.S.F.D LENGUAS VIVAS BARILOCHE – TALLER PRÁCTICA DOCENTE ENTREGA DE PLANIFICACIÓN DE UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Micaela J. Buttiglieri Sala: Sala de 5 años Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Cantidad de alumnos: 15 Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Juguetes (Toys everywhere!) Semana Nº: 2 (dos) Teaching points: Toys: a car, a teddy bear, a rope, a kite, a doll, a plane, a ball Learning Aims During this lesson, learners will be able to…  Be able to identify several toys in English.  Be able to interact with the teacher and their classmates online by developing individual work, pair work and collaborative work.  Incorporate new vocabulary about toys and new sentence structures.  Develop their listening ability by listening to the teacher.  Develop their speaking ability by saying the toys’ names in English.  Deepen their understanding of commands/ instructions in L2 while developing their social skills. Language Focus LEXIS FUNCTIONS STRUCTURE
  • 2. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 2 R E V Colours: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, brown, pink. - Saying the names of colours. - Identifying colours. - WH- questions and answers: “What colour is it/this?” It’s + (colour’s name). N E W Toys: - A car - A Teddy bear - A rope - A kite - A doll - A plane - A ball - Following commands and/or instructions. - Saying the names of toys - Identifying toys. - Sentence structure: “It is a…” / “It’s a…” - WH- questions and answers: “What is it?” It’s/ It is a….. + (name of the toy). - WH- questions and answers: “What colour is it (toy’s name)?” It’s/ It is a + (colour’s name) + (toy’s name). * In the previous meeting, I asked children (in the closure stage) to draw and paint their toys showed during the development of our meeting. So, I will send a text message to the Whatsapp’s group, asking parents to upload the children’ drawings to the Padlet I created to work collaboratively. Last time, they had to upload the photos of the toys they have found at home, now they have to share the drawings they did of their toys. There, they will watch the drawings of my toys that I uploaded to the Padlet we share. LINK OF THE PADLET: - This is the text message I will send to parents: “¡Hola familias! ¿Cómo están? Luego de pedirles a los estudiantes al final de nuestra clase que dibujen sus juguetes y los pinten, les voy a pedir que les saquen fotos a sus dibujos y los suban al Padlet, así podremos ver las producciones artísticas de cada niño/niña. Cuando ingresen al Padlet se van a encontrar con las fotos de mis dibujos, las cuales subí luego de haber subido las fotos de mis juguetes previamente a nuestro encuentro pasado. ¡Espero que les gusten mis dibujos, y espero con ansias ver todos los dibujitos que los alumnos realizaron! (Recuerden tener a mano los dibujitos de cada alumno para compartirlos en nuestro próximo encuentro. ¡Estamos en contacto! Saludos. Teacher Mica”. * Then, I will send to parents’ e-mails (as I have their e-mail addresses when I asked them previously to give me their e-mail addresses in order to invite them to join the Padlet), a worksheet for students to work on toys (which they can print at home or develop the activity in the students’ exercise book).
  • 3. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 3 In this worksheet, students will have to pay attention to my toys shared in the Padlet, and identify which toy is missing in exercise nº 1 (which has a box containing 5 of my 6 toys). Once they identify the missing toy, they will have to draw it in the left side of the blank box given below the box with toys in exercise nº 1. Students will also be asked to draw (in the right side of the blank box) a new toy which appears in the box of toys from exercise nº 1 (which is not part of the toys I showed on our previous meeting and it is not present in the drawings of my toys on Padlet). Students will be asked to paint both toys. After that, in exercise nº 2 of the worksheet, students will be asked to draw and paint a classmate’s toy they like from the ones they shared in Padlet. At last, they will be advised to have this activities prepared to work in our next meeting. - This is the worksheet I will send to parents’ e-mail addresses: - This is the text message I will send to parents explaining the development of the activities provided in the worksheet: “¡Hola familias! ¿Cómo están? Quiero comentarles que les envié una hoja de trabajo que contiene dos actividades sobre juguetes para que los alumnos desarrollen antes de nuestro próximo encuentro. En la actividad nº 1 pueden visualizar un recuadro con 6 juguetes (Toys) dentro del mismo, y aquí los alumnos tienen que identificar (luego de visualizar las fotos de mis juguetes que compartí en Padlet) ¿cuál es el juguete que falta en el recuadro? de los 6 juguetes míos. Una vez que los alumnos identifiquen el juguete mío que no se encuentra entre los juguetes del recuadro dado, lo van a dibujar sobre la izquierda del recuadro en blanco que se encuentra debajo. A su vez, los alumnos van a identificar el nuevo juguete que
  • 4. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 4 se encuentra en el recuadro con juguetes en el ejercicio nº1 y lo van a dibujar en el recuadro en blanco dado (sobre el margen derecho). Luego, los alumnos van a pintar ambos dibujos. Además, pueden visualizar el ejercicio nº 2 en el cual los alumnos tienen que dibujar y pintar el juguete de algún compañero que hayan visto en las imágenes que todos subieron al Padlet y les haya gustado. En nuestro próximo encuentro, espero ver estas actividades de los niños desarrolladas para que las trabajemos juntos durante la clase. Ante cualquier duda que tengan sobre el desarrollo de estas 2 actividades dadas, no duden en consultarme. ¡Recuerden estar atentos al Padlet que compartimos, para poder desarrollar ambas actividades! ¡Nos vemos en la próxima clase!  Teacher Mica”. Materials:  A worksheet about toys.  A Teddy bear puppet.  A toy car.  A toy doll.  A toy plane.  A rope.  A kite.  Photos of the 6 different toys.  Big drawings of the 6 different toys.  Big drawing of a ball.  Flashcards of colours: red, blue, yellow, green, brown, orange, purple and pink. Procedures ROUTINE WARM- UP (5’) Aim: To get students’ attention and arrange them to start the lesson. To establish rapport. I will start our meeting with a warm “Hello”: Transition: Teacher: Hello children! Students: Hello! / Hello teacher! Teacher: How are you today? Good? Okay? (while I put my two thumbs up and smile)
  • 5. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 5 Students: Good! / Fine! / Okay/ Thumbs up. Teacher: That’s nice! Good to see you today! (while I smile and I point at my eyes and then at them all on the screen). Chicos es momento de saludarnos cantando la canción con la que ya aprendimos a saludarnos en el encuentro anterior, y que les había enviado el video para que la practiquen y la canten en casa. Let’s sing the song “Hello, hello! Can you clap your hands?” together! Come on! Listen and watch! (While I point at students and myself, then I point at my ear and my eye, and I play the song on the TV behind me). Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Can you stretch up high? Can you touch your toes? Can you turn around? Can you say, “Hello?” Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? Can you stretch up high? Can you touch your toes? Can you turn around? Can you say, “Hello?” Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? - LINK DEL VIDEO DE LA CANCIÓN: Transition: Teacher: Very well! Good job! (While I put my thumbs up). Oh look what I have here! Let’s see! (While I pick up the 6 drawings of my toys and face the drawings to them).
  • 6. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 6 Teacher: Can you watch them? (while I point at students, then at my eyes and at the drawings lastly). Students: Yes! / Thumbs up/ Smiles. Teacher: Okay! Se acuerdan que tenían que dibujar sus juguetes y subirlos al Padlet donde yo subí los dibujos de mis juguetes. Ahora, ¡quiero ver los suyos! ¿Me los muestran? Come on! Show me! Students: Yes! (Students pick up their drawings and show them through the screen) Teacher: Wow! Beautiful drawings children! (while I show a surprising expression on my face and smile) PRESENTATION (8’) Aim: To introduce the drawings of my toys. To establish a relationship between colours (revision) and toys (new). In the presentation stage I will be working with the drawings of my toys and flashcards of colours, which I will be showing simultaneously while I show each of the drawings of toys I did. Each toy’s drawing will be showed
  • 7. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 7 with the flashcards of the colour/s it is painted. First, I will introduce my drawings to students, and then I will encourage students to show their drawing in order to work with theirs. - Flashcards of colours: Transition: Teacher: Now, pay attention! Look at this! (while I have the teddy bear drawing in one hand and the flashcard of colour ‘brown’ in my other hand, as I point at the teddy bear).
  • 8. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 8 It’s a brown teddy bear! Repeat together! (while I point at them and at me) Teacher and students: It’s a brown teddy bear! Teacher: Good! Now, you repeat! (while I point at students) Students: It’s a brown teddy bear! / brown teddy bear! Teacher: Great job! Oh, look at this drawing! (while I point at the next drawing and I pick up the flashcards of colours ‘green’ and ‘yellow’) Students: Wow! / A doll/ Doll (some students may say the toy’s name when they watch the drawing, as they previously learnt the toys’ names).
  • 9. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 9 Teacher: Yes! It is a green and yellow doll! Repeat! Students: It’s a green and yellow doll! / green and yellow doll! Teacher : Well done children! Let’s watch at my following drawing! It’s a red car! (while I have the drawing of my car in one hand, and the flashcard of colour ‘red’ in my other hand, pointing at the car). Come on, repeat! Students: Excellent job students! (while I put down the flashcards and the drawing, put my thumbs up, and then look for the next drawing) I will do the same procedure with the other 3 (three) drawings of my toys and the belonging flashcards to each drawing.  I prepared a video presentation of the drawings of my coloured toys on “”: - Here is the link of the video presentation: As I showed in the video presentation in “”, after showing my toys’ drawings, I encourage students to show theirs and to take into account the sentence structure I used in my examples : “It’s a + (colour’s name) + (toy’s name), in order to describe their coloured toys’ drawings. Transition: Teacher: ¡Chicos, es su turno ahora de mostrar esos dibujos que hicieron sobre sus juguetes! Veamos juntos de qué colores son los diferentes dibujos que hicieron. Show me one of your drawings Student 1 (I will say the name of the student). (While I show the students one of my fingers and I pick up only one drawing, to let them understand that they have to choose one of their drawings to describe. Anyway, they were asked to upload all their drawings to the Padlet, in order to visualize all the drawings we did).
  • 10. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 10 Student 1: Una pelota. Orange! Teacher: Oh great! A ball! / An orange ball! Repeat! Student 1: An orange ball! Teacher: Very good Student 1 (I say his/her name). Ok, Student 2 (I will say his/her name) is your turn! Show me one of your drawings (while I point to student 2 in order to follow the same procedure as I followed with student 1). Student 2: It`s a green ball! / A green ball! (While the student shows one of his/her drawings). Teacher: Wow! Other ball! Very good student 2 (I will say his/her name). Come on student 3(I will say the student’s name)! Show me your drawing! Student 3: It’s a purple kite. / Purple kite. (while he/she shows his/her drawing) Teacher: Beautiful drawing student 3 (I will say his/her name)! - I will follow the same procedure till the last student shows one of his/her drawings and describes it. Once they finish, I will congratulate them for their works, and I will invite them to look for the worksheet I previously sent to them and have it at hand in order to work with it. DEVELOPMENT (PRACTICE and PRODUCTION) (12’) Aim: To allow students to identify toys. To teach the structure: It’s a + colour’s name + toy name. To practice on short dialogues: “What colour is + toy’s name ?” It’s/ It is a + colour’s name + toy’s name. Activity 1 I will ask students to look for the worksheet of toys’ activities I sent to them previously in order to develop those 2 activities in an interactive way. Firstly, as I explained children’ parents, they had to identify the missing toy in exercise 1 (which refers to the toy of the ones I have introduced in our previous meeting, which I also uploaded to the Padlet I share with children). Once they identify the missing toy they had to draw and paint it on the left side of the blank box given in the exercise. They also had to identify the new toy given in exercise 1 (which refers to a new toy which I didn’t introduce in the previous class). When they identify this toy, they had to draw and paint it on the right side of the blank box given in this exercise. After that, in exercise 2, students had to choose one of their classmates’ drawings from the Padlet, in order to draw and paint the toy chosen. In this exercise, students will be developing Individual work in exercise 1, and Pair work in exercise 2 (as they will be choosing one classmate’s work and they will show it in our lesson).
  • 11. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 11 Transition: Teacher: Chicos! Les voy a pedir que tengan junto a ustedes la hojita de actividades sobre juguetes que les envíe antes de nuestro encuentro. Come on! Show me your worksheet of toys’ activities (while I hold a copy of this worksheet in my hand, showing it to them). Students: Yes! (While they hold the worksheet in their hands showing it to me). Teacher: Great! Recuerden que tenían que ayudarme a encontrar a mi juguete perdido, que no se encuentra entre los juguetes que aparecen en la hoja. Si no se acordaban, podían mirar en Padlet todos los juguetes que subí. ¿Pueden ayudarme? Help me! What is the missing toy? (while I point at the toys in the worksheet and I put a worried face) Students: It’s a car! (as they show their drawings of the car) Teacher: Very good! Thank you! (while I put thumbs up and smile) ¡Esperen, hay un juguete nuevo! (while I put a surprising face and point at the toys in the box) Look! What is the new toy? Students: It’s a ball! / Una pelota (while they show their drawings of the ball) Teacher: Yes! Well done! It’s a ball! (I congratulate them for identifying the new toy) Wait a minute! Recuerden que luego tenían que mirar en Padlet los dibujos de los juguetes que los compañeros compartieron ahí, y elegir uno para dibujarlo. Quiero mostrarles el juguete que elegí yo, que varios de ustedes compartieron. Watch! I drew a ball! It’s a green ball! (while I show them the toy I chose from Padlet to draw, according to the toys they shared there).
  • 12. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 12 ¡Quiero que me muestren qué juguete eligieron para dibujar y de cuál compañero! It’s your turn! Come on! Let’s show me your drawings of your classmates’ toys (while I point at all of them) Student 9: A doll. Student 2 (here student 9 says the name of his/her classmate who is represented by student 2). Teacher: Excellent student 9! (I will say his/her name). Who’s next? (while I watch at all students and encourage the rest to participate) Student 3: A plane. Student 4 (student 3 says the name of his/her classmate who is represented by student 4). Teacher: Good job! I will follow the same procedure till all the students participate telling the classmate’s toy they chose from Padlet to draw. Transition: Teacher: Nice drawings of toys children! Can you share your new drawings in Padlet? Students: Yes! / Thumbs up. Teacher: Ok! Thank you! (Smiling) Let’s play a game together! (while I pick up a worksheet and show to them). Activity 2
  • 13. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 13 I will encourage students to participate in a group activity, in which I will show them different toys and I will ask them: “What colour is + toy’s name?”. This is a group activity, as they will have to be on the ball to my questions. Here, there is a video I recorded and shared in You Tube, showing the development of this activity. - LINK OF THE VIDEO SHARED IN “YOU TUBE”: Transition: Teacher: Excellent work children! I’m very happy! You identify toys’ colours! CLOSURE (5’) I will say to students that we have to finish our meeting, but before leaving I am going to show them a worksheet with different pictures which I will send them to work at home identifying the pictures with toys to elaborate a poster. I will explain them, the way they will have to develop this creative activity. They will be asked to do this activity before our next meeting. This is the worksheet I will be sending to parents’ e-mail addresses:
  • 14. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 14 Teacher: Chicos, es hora de despedirnos. It’s time to say goodbye! Pero antes, quiero que vean esta hoja que les muestro aquí, donde pueden ver muchos recuadros con diferentes objetos. Ustedes van a tener que identificar todos los recuadros donde vean “toys” (juguetes). Los van a recortar y los van a pegar sobre una lámina. Look! There are a lot of objects! (while I point at all of the objects in the sheet of paper). But, look up the toys! (while I mimic a sign of caution and then I point at a toy in the picture as giving an example). You can paint toys! (While I make a movement with my hand as if I were painting). Okay? (While I put my thumbs up) Students: Okay! / Yes!/ Thumbs up. Teacher: Good! It’s time to say good-bye! (while I wave my hand) Let’s listen and sing this good-bye song together! (while I point at my ear, then I point at them and at me) - LINK OF THE SONG:
  • 15. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 15 Lyrics: Now it's time to say good-bye say good-bye say good-bye Now it's time to say good-bye Good-bye, everyone. Now it's time to say good-bye say good-bye say good-bye Now it's time to say good-bye Good-bye, everyone. Transition: Teacher: Well children! Let’s do this homework at home identify toys! (while I show them the activity homework). I want to watch your posters! (while I mime an anxious expression with my face). See you in our next meeting! Bye bye! (waving my hand). To be completed by your tutor: Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Needs improvement 1 Visual organization Coherence and sequencing Variety of resources Stages and activities Scaffolding strategies
  • 16. Taller Práctica Docente Kindergarten - Didactic Unit 16 Language accuracy Observations