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To What Extent Did Church Influence Medieval Society
To what extent did the role of the Church influence medieval society?
Religion was far more important in almost every aspect of Medieval life than it is in most modern
societies. The majority of people in Europe followed the Christian religion under authorizing of the
Roman Catholic Church. The Church in the Medieval Era possessed great wealth, political power
and influence over art, architecture, community life and education. It's religious acknowledgments
gave shape to the calendar and its spiritual rituals marked important moments in an individual's life
(such as baptism, acceptance, marriage, forgiveness, holy orders and the last rites). Its teachings
depend upon dominant beliefs about ethics, the meaning of life, and the afterlife and Churches
where ultimately the only connection that the peasants and nobles shared.
The Middle Ages are sometimes referred to as the 'Age of Faith' because religion was so important
in past European societies. Medieval villages were structured ... Show more content on ...
This was a result of the power and wealth (from tithes) that the Church had acquired. The Church
had complete authority over the people. When the Church educated people, they directed their
stories and superstitions on Hell which feared the people. Peasants and serfs were forced to maintain
Church grounds and were often mistreated. People had many other reasons to fear the Church.
Another reason that the medieval Church was so influential in Medieval times was because it made
laws and set up courts to uphold them. The Catholic Church used torture and imprisonment to obtain
confessions from people regardless of whether they were guilty. They would severely punish people
if they fell asleep in Church or if they did not attend at all. They also used methods of torture to
convert people from one religion to another, (such as Baptism/Christianity). The Church would also
deal with the victims in court if held
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Analysis Of Glittering Vices By Rebecca Konyndyk Deyoung
In this week's reading of Glittering Vices, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung discusses some possible
solutions to get rid of greed from one's life. Some ways to avoid greed, according to DeYoung,
include keeping a list of all expenses, avoiding going to the mall and advertising, and tithing.
However, I disagree with DeYoung. I do not think all of these solutions to greed are actually
possible and thus other options should be considered. First, I agree that keeping some kind of list of
expenditures is a good way to first track what one spends money on. This can help determine if
greed is a problem to begin with, but I do not think it will necessarily help in eliminating greed.
DeYoung adds that one should "mark the items we could have gone without" ... Show more content
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Today's society is centered around consumerism and has become increasingly materialistic.
Therefore, if an individual reduced consumption of some goods, they might fall behind other people
in technology or style. DeYoung explains the importance of this solution, "Taking a break from
constant exposure to this relentless assault on our desire to acquire and possess may feel like a
welcome relief, rather than a burden" (DeYoung, 113). However, this "break" may not be possible
for everyone's lifestyle. Many people need to stay up–to–date with the latest technology or fashion
to remain competitive in their industry. The only way to fix this would be to change a whole
society's view on what is important. The solution that DeYoung claimed to be the most crucial to
eliminate greed is tithing. This may be a good idea in theory, as DeYoung says, "The point of tithing
is not to rigidly conform to a code of behavior, but to re–form our hearts so that we learn to give, not
because we ought, but from gratitude and joy and love" (DeYoung, 114). However, in reality, most
Christians do not actually tithe (see blog post for source). Churches could require members to tithe,
but that would just seem forced and not actually come from the
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How Did The Roman Catholic Church Influence Medieval Society
For most civilizations, religious figures have had a large influence over the lives of the common
people. The Roman Catholic Church was a very influential figure in many civilizations. It can trace
its origins to over 2000 years ago. One of the Church's most influential periods of this time was the
Middle Ages. The Roman Catholic Church played a very big role in the lives of the people during
that period. For many, it was the center of their life. The three most important impacts of the Church
on medieval life were their secular roles concerning laws and their position over the state, the way
that the Church unified Europe, and their power over the common people. In medieval life, the
Roman Catholic Church had a large amount of secular power. ... Show more content on ...
All Catholics were terrified of going to Hell after they died. They were told that the only way to go
to Heaven was if the Catholic Church let them in. This led to total control over the actions of the
people. "Man's life on earth was merely a period of transition on the way to eternal joy in Heaven or
eternal damnation in Hell. It was, therefore, of great importance how he lived his life." (Heinonen)
Thus it was extremely important for citizens to appease the Church with donations or taxes. Some
peasants would work for free on Church land. Every person was required to give the church 10% of
their income in a tax called a tithe. The people were told that a failure to pay tithes would result in
an eternity spent in hell. The Church gained wealth because everyone was afraid of what would
happen if they did not pay the Church. Also, the only source for religious information was from the
Church. If a peasant wanted to hear a Bible passage, they would go to their local church and ask a
priest to read them something. Since religious texts were written in languages not spoken by the
common people, the peasant would not be able to actually confirm what they were being told was
actually in the Bible. This monopoly on religious knowledge was frequently abused in the Middle
Ages. Furthermore, there were pardoners who would pardon sins for a price. They would then take
this money to the Bishop. This was just another way
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Wednesday Bible Study
On March 30th, Brother Merlin, Tracy and sister Lanita joined the Wednesday Bible study. The
minister delivered the message on Romans 2:17–29 with title 'the true Jew and true circumcision'
to exalt the congregants to be an inward believer and have a right relationship with God, a
relationship of faith and love.
Romans 2:17–29
17 Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and boast in God;
18 if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law;
19 if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark,
20 an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of little children, because you have in the law the
embodiment of knowledge and truth–
21 you, then, who ... Show more content on ...
How important it is that we do not fall into this hypocrisy. Outwardly we look religious and godly
but inside be full of corruption. How much effort do we make to be close to God and live by his
grace and love only? How much man made work have we done in order to be righteous in our own
eyes but never be called righteous in the eyes of God? Our hearts should be circumcised, not our
flesh. In this way, we will truly be real believers. All of us should be warned and wake up so our
lives can be transformed. The praise that comes to those who do this is not from men but from God.
If we only seek praise from men we are seeking praise that is
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Analysis Of 'Plastic Donuts' By Jeff Anderson
Plastic Donuts by Jeff Anderson, is about giving, and Gods delight when we give. Anderson wrote
this, to make people aware of how important our gifts are to God. There is a connection between our
gifts and Gods heart. Anderson says "the power of gift, the way we give, and who we give to." All of
these have power to please God. If we give with our heart and give to those we love, and give all we
cherish, we will please the Lord. I love the analogy of the plastic donut, how it was such a random
gift but his daughter gave it with her whole heart, and that is why something so small meant so
much. Anderson says, "the plastic donut is a metaphor for giving that cuts through the noise and
offers clarity," Giving, can help us connect with people
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Money Pawns And Eternity By Randy Alcorn Essay
I recently finished a book by Randy Alcorn called Money, Possessions and Eternity. It. is. incredible.
Rarely have I been so challenged. As I'm getting older and facing more financial issues and
decisions, this book has played a huge role in giving me wisdom and a Biblical, and eternal,
perspective on the whole money thing. It's a big book, but I would SO encourage you to go check it
out. Even reading just a few chapters would be hugely beneficial.
Probably the biggest thing I was challenged about is giving. It is something that is almost totally
neglected by the modern church, and I think very few teens would have a good grasp on the 'why' of
giving. And there is one part of giving that I think gets even less attention than any other aspect. It's
something Randy Alcorn likes to call the ... Show more content on ...
So far I have said tithing is giving a tenth 'back to God.' What exactly do I mean by that? Where
should the tithe go? Well, it's probably easiest to quote a passage in Money, Possessions and
Eternity, that says just what I think:
"Normally, I think firstfruits, or the tithe, should go to the local church. But I don't believe in
"storehouse tithing" if it means that a church hoards funds or spends them on frills or monuments to
ego and prosperity. Freewill giving beyond the tithe also can go to worthy parachurch ministries.
For fourteen years I was a local church pastor, and for twelve years I've directed a parachurch
ministry. I believe that both types of ministry deserve support, but the church should always come
first. That's why we give more to our church than to our ministry.
Our giving should go first to the local church because it's our primary spiritual community. No
mission boards, youth organizations, or Bible colleges are mentioned in the New Testament. There's
only the local church, which filled all these roles."
~Randy Alcorn
(Read more:
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Josesph A. Fitzmyer's Analysis
Josesph A. Fitzmyer speculates that Melchizedek was a Canaanite King who met Abram on his
return. Fitzmyer argues that Salem references the city of Jerusalem where Melchizedek was a king,
or a Canaanite chief, of pre–Israelite Jerusalem. Later in the Epistle to the Hebrews, he becomes a
type of Christ. The reference to having no mother or father in Hebrews 7:3 is because the
appointment of a priest depended on genealogy or its ability to trace a linage from Levi through
Aaron and Zadok. This absence gave rise to Jewish speculation because priestly family depended on
its ability to trace its genealogy. Fitzmyer believes that Genesis 14 may not have even been part of
the original text and was inserted for a separate manuscript or story, possibly
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90 Day Tithing
Pastor Perry Noble of NewSpring Church in South Carolina has promised to refund every single
dime tithers have given if they are not blessed within a given 90–day period.
For NewSpring Church's Pastor Perry Noble, God's promise in Malachi 3:10 is worth claiming. The
megachurch has challenged members and others willing to sign up to tithe for 90 days, and the
pastor has promised to return everything given within 90 days if no blessing comes back to them,
the Examiner reports.
In NewSpring Church's website, the church has announced its 90–Day Tithing Challenge and has
posted testimonies along with the instructions. The activity is geared towards encouraging people to
trust God with their finances. The megachurch promises to send encouragement and resources to
those who sign up for the challenge, the report details. ... Show more content on ...
If that does not happen in 90 days, then God is a liar, Christian Today (CT) reports.
"If we will put God first with the tithe, He will bless us, in fact, He will open up the flood gates of
Heaven and pour out so much blessing on us that we won't have room enough for it," said Noble.
"In 90 days, if you don't feel like God has blessed you ... We'll refund every dime you gave during
that 90–day period."
While the 90–Day Challenge seems like a good way to teach people to develop the habit of tithing,
CT has spoken out against the practice. For the publication, the practice teaches people that God is a
slot machine who gives out something when a person gives him his tithes.
The publication says a person should not expect something in return when he gives. Tithing should
be voluntary and wholehearted, and not made out to be something like a contract, CT says.
Other churches that also encourage its members to participate in the 90–Day Tithing Challenge are
the Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas and the Laurel Ridge Community Church in Oakley,
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Catholic Church Tithe
The Catholic Church was the only church around during the Middle Ages. Due to this, the catholic
church had a vice like grip on medieval society, politics, and culture. People were terrified of the
church. Everyone was, especially since they believed that the church got to decide whether they
went to heaven or hell after dying. Many peasants had to work the church's land, which did not ease
their desolation. Church buildings and properties were to be kept immaculate, which meant tedious
and strenuous labor for the peasants. Their services were unpaid, which did not ease the tension
between the church and the people. Additionally, the church charged tithes. The tithe was a ten
percent tax on everybody. People paid tithes because they believed ... Show more content on ...
Although it may not rule the world as it ruled the middle ages, it still has many followers. There is
still a pope and hierarchal authority within the church. Most of the rituals are still the same but it is
less rigorous. Even though it has been hundreds of years since the middle ages, events and people
that involve the church are still being disputed. For example, Joan of Arc was a hero in medieval
Europe. Even though her acts were seen as heroic and supported just a short time after her death, she
was not declared a saint until 1920. This shows how deeply rooted the church is in its
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Thomas Beck Research Paper
Thomas Beck and all of Long Beach had been plagued by a local nuisance known as Lew–Is–the–
Light for several years. When Tarrytown on the Pike burned, Lew–Is was on the street early the next
morning peddling his little letters saying the fire was a judgment from the Lord because Lew–Is had
not been paid his rightful tithes. Daily this self–styled Jesus sent newspapers mental wanderings
boasting of his supernatural powers. But things got out of hand when Thomas Beck had an epileptic
seizure following receipt of a tithe demand from Lew–Is. Beck had received several letters from
Lew–Is suggesting Beck pay him tithes in order to improve his health. Beck ignored the letters until
he received the following:
You seem to be a good natured man. I am going to twist your body out of shape and your mind with
it, so that you shall not be able to think right or be any wiser than the heathen idolaters around you.
Thus I shall be able to drag you down to death. If you pay up you will understand and the evil spirit
will depart. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. It is as easy to pay the tithe to Lew–Is The Lord of
the life of your body and soul, as it is to pay the gardener. Faithfully and financially yours. LEW–IS.
(Long Beach Press1/2/1908) ... Show more content on ...
Chief of Police Williams said that unless Lew–Is the Light made a solemn vow to stop his letter
writing campaigns he would try to have him declared legally insane. If the sanity commission didn't
put him away, the chief said he would keep him locked up permanently on a charge of being a
public nuisance. On January 29, 1908, Lew–Is the Light saw the light. After a severe talking to by
local police, he agreed to stop his letter writing and claiming he was Jesus. Fortunately Lew–Is did
not return after the Empire Day tragedy to request more "tithes." Thomas' wife of 14 years, Elsie
Beck (1855–1925) is buried next to him in Myrtle lot
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'It's Time To TIME TO ISE Adolphe Monod'
TIME TO TITHE Adolphe Monod (1880) recognized that "There is no portion of our time that is
our time, and the rest God's; there is no portion of money that is our money, and the rest God's
money. It is all His; He made it all, gives it all, and He has simply trusted it to us for his service." He
wants us to learn to be grateful and share what He has given us for His glory! "From the fullness of
His grace, we have all received one blessing after another" (John 1:16). Reflect on the many
blessings that you have received and are enjoying that were given to you without asking Him. How
do we show gratitude to our Heavenly Father for all of the blessings that He has bestowed upon us?
Leviticus 27:30 states, "'A tithe of everything
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Exegesis Of A Law Paper
Exegesis of a Law Paper Rebecca Jackson Southern Nazarene University Contexts: A. Historical:
Leviticus became part of the English translation because of the Greek Septuagint around the time of
the third century (Peisker, 1969). The translation of the Hebrew name is "And He called" (Peisker,
1969). This translated name of Leviticus is important since it shows believers how to follow and
keep a relationship with God. Location of where the law was discussed is unclear. The chapter
before Leviticus 27:30–34 discusses about blessings and being cursed. In the Pentateuch it notes that
the Leviticus law was commanded to Moses near Sinai. This is the structure that the form was
recorded in. According to Wenham (336), the passage is associated to the previous scripture in
Leviticus 26 which Jesus promised to bless or condemn which is determined by how they answered
an order given to them. B. Literary context According to Wenham the placement of this law should
be reevaluated and maybe put in another place. Although, the law being positioned prior to Leviticus
Chapter 25 would have not been a good place since in 17–24 verses are about what the law entails in
the time of year for Jubilee. The person responsible of constructing it believed it was important to
put the law of blessings and damning not before Deuteronomy chapter 25, but wished to put the law
ordered after the year of Jubilee. In Leviticus the placement constructs a steady variation of
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Mitzvot Analysis
In the previous parshah, Moses told the people of Israel that keeping to the Torah and mitzvot is the
key to conquering the Holy Land and living the good life there. In this week's parshah, re'eh, Moses
teaches about fifty–five mitzvot. Let's explore one of them here: The mitzvah of aser te'aser, literally
translated as "Tithe you shall tithe," referring to the obligation to set aside a tenth of our earnings for
charity. Since the word for "tithing," aser, has the same root as "wealthy," ashir, the Talmud
interprets this verse as "Tithe in order that you shall become wealthy." Now, that sure defies all the
laws of calculus and economics! If I give up a tenth of my earnings to charity, then obviously there
is a tenth less for me–a tenth less for me to invest, or to spend on any of my needs. But the true
value of money depends on so many variables that we can neither predict nor ... Show more content
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Giving up our money is the closest we can come to giving up ourselves. So, what is the maximum
amount of money I should give up for What I receive in return has no minimum or maximum
charity, and what do I get in return? Jewish law is clear on the minimum and maximum
recommended amounts to give to charity: not less than a tenth and not more than a fifth of your
income. (In some situations, it may be appropriate to give more or less than these amounts; a rav
should be consulted.) But what I receive in return has no minimum or maximum. It is truly infinite.
It is a divine promise for success in our endeavors, success that will give us the ability to truly enjoy
and make use of the bounty we are given. G d even invites us to challenge Him with the mitzvah of
charity, to see if the money we tithe is repaid. "Please, test me with this," says G
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Argumentative Essay On Destiny Vs Religion
The main controversy around Destiny Church is to do with money. While there are many cultish
traits linked to Destiny, the church is renowned for its tithe, and Brian Tamaki's lavish lifestyle. Both
of these relating to the traits six and seventeen: "Is exploitative of others by asking for their money
or that of relatives putting others at financial risk" and "Has insisted in always having the best of
anything (house, car, jewellery, clothes) even when others are relegated to lesser facilities,
amenities, or clothing". Destiny Church expects a tithe of 10% from its members. A tithe originates
from a long time ago, when a nation was divided into twelve tribes. Eleven were rich with goods,
but the twelth, the priests, had nothing. All other tribes ... Show more content on ...
Yet as Destiny follows the bible literally, the tithe is 10% of their total income that they should give
to the church. Brian claims this is to help the church support itself with all its programmes,
buildings, events as well as salaries. "I don't care what the media say, I don't care what your relatives
say, I don't care what the world says, nobody should be not tithing." (Sunday, 'City of God' dream
becomes Destiny, 2012). Destiny also considers this fair as this helps with responsibility by helping
people to manage their finances, as well as it gives them blessings from God. Destiny also has
contradicted itself multiple times by saying members do not have to tithe, and "What members
decide to contribute towards this goal and how they wish to contribute is purely their choice."
(McCracken, 2010). Former members of the Church however say they have felt they "wouldn't have
allowed her to go to church if she didn't pay up" (Sunday, Is Destiny destined to rule?, 2004). One,
Kerry Petera, contributed $28 a week until she realised how much she was giving up to pay for it.
Pastor Stock and many members of the Brisbane Destiny Church also left as they believed the tithe
went against the
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Lev Is A Tithe
Lev is a tithe which is a person who is a sacrifice to the gods by being unwound. Lev knows that he
is going to be unwound but he believes that it is a good thing. Levs pasture named Dan told him his
entire life that he is ''special''. His own family told him ''your life will be to serve God, and mankind
and kids at school called him things like ''dirty unwind'' but he never believed he was as low as an
unwind. Connor pulls Lev out of the car, but instead of running Lev tells Connor ''please–you don't
understand–you can't take me now I'm a tithe. I'll miss the harvest you'll ruin everything'' Lev really
wanted to get back in the car to go to the harvest camp on time. After some time they end up with a
baby and are trapped in the girls bathroom. lev plans to figure a way to get all three of them safely to
the harvest camp to get unwound. Lev tells a lady in the main office that he has been kidnapped by
two, runs away unwinds and she calls the police to arrest Connor and Rissa but doesn't want them
killed because they did not hurt him.
Lev calls pastor Dan and tells him to talk to his parents about calling off the police. Pastor Dan tells
him ''I don't know what you're talking about. We never told the police.'' lev ... Show more content on ...
Lev takes a fake job that turns his blood into an unstable substance that blows up when hit hard, also
known as a clapper. Lev gets caught by the juvie cops to be taken to the havest camp with 2 other
people on the mission to blow up the place. Lev is looking up at rissa on top of the chop shop on the
red carpet one of levs partners clapps and it ripps through the north wing of the chop shop. Lev
stand there as glass blows past him he thinks ''his world has truly ended''. He is about to clap '' he
holds his hands up before him. And he cannot bring them together. He wants to. He needs to. but he
cant. Lev cant clap his hands and ignite the bomb in his
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Lifestyle Of Peasants In Medieval Europe
Lifestyle of peasants in medieval Europe was tremendously challenging. Seeing that, they were at
the bottom of the European feudal system that foresaw peasants as the main working force. During
the Middle Ages the concrete structure of the society classified individuals from the moment they
were born. Which resulted in, no significant changes attributed to the work one was able to endure.
Meanwhile; homes, clothing, food and marriage were the prominent contributors that determined
your status/class. For means of survival peasants worked extremely long hours each day to obtain
the basic necessities of; food, shelter and clothing. Most peasants were farmers however, a select
few were Tradesmen who work as Miller's or in the tavern establishment. Peasants obeyed their
local Lord swearing an "oath of obedience" on the Bible. This ensured to peasants loyalty and
commitment to a Lord, in aspirations of producing goods and other fineries. Medieval peasants
performed hard labor on the Lord's land for approximately two to three days. However those days
were susceptible to change during the seasons of harvesting and ploughing. Peasants work for the
church free of charge, in connection to the extreme power of the church. This meant that, peasants
would lose precious time that would be used for the needed production of home Goods. As a form of
coercion it left peasants and other individuals in fear of Godly consequences like, sins that would
lead to hell. Upholding such standards saw
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How Does Chaucer Present The Parson In The Canterbury Tales
Sofia Altamura 4/7/17 Ms. Grene British Writers Set 6 Chaucer Character Essay In almost any story,
there is a lesson. In The Canterbury Tales, the reader is given more than just one. However, one of
the most important lessons comes from the Parson. He serves an important purpose as the example
for what the corrupt English church should be. Chaucer presents the Parson in a Godly and selfless
light, which contrasts the evil and selfish practices of the church in medieval English society. People
that work in a Christian church are thought to be Godly examples. However, that wasn't the case in
Chaucer's time. People in the church broke rules, craved money, and
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John D Rockefeller Wealth
John D. Rockefeller was arguably one of the richest people in modern history and the richest man in
american in history with a net worth of 336 billion dollars. At one time, his company, standard oil,
controlled 90% of U.S refineries, and pipelines. Although many rich men and women let their
wealth come before faith, this was not the case for rockefeller. All through his life Rockefeller was a
man of faith, and enjoyed serving God. Before becoming the wealthiest man in the world, John D
rockefeller was just a little boy in a poor upbringing in Cleveland, Ohio. His faith was evident, as
early as his business mind. His mom led him to accept Jesus in his life. He was also raised in a strict
baptist home. This helps shape his faith and his
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Tithe Music Concert
On Friday, February 23rd 2018, I attended a music concert at Chabot college at building 1300. The
concert was tithe "wind symphony". The name of the performers was Chamber Ensemble, The
Orchestra, The Wind Band and Jazz Ensembles. During the concert Timothy Harris was the
conductor, Gray Hill the guest conductor while Joe Bonfiglio, the soloist. The instrument of the
ensembles were Horns, Trumpet, Trombones, bass trombone, Harp, percussion, Clarinets and Bass
Clarinet, Bassoons and contrabassoon, 1st violins, 2nd violins , flutes and piccolo, Oboe and English
Horn, viola, Bass, cello, double bass, wind, saxophone, tuba, marimba , Xylophone, timpani, Piano,
Bass Drum, cymbals and Snare Drum. Violin is the four strings that are set in vibration, usually one
at a time; it is extremely wide range of ... Show more content on ...
Viola is larger than violin, lower range "deeper" sound. Often fills in the harmony.
Cello is lower in sound range often played the melody and enriches sound. Harp is one of the oldest
music instruments; it is played by plucking the strings whose pitch is change with foot pedals.
Guitar is made of wood with hallow resonating body and a fritted finger board. Flute soprano with
range woodwind instrument, similar to the flute but sounding an octave higher. Oboe soprano range
of double reed woodwind instrument. English horn double reed woodwind instrument larger and
lower in range. Clarinet is a single reed wood instrument with a wide range of sizes. Bass clarinet
also a woodwind instrument with the lowest range of the clarinet family. Bassoon, a double reed
woodwind instrument with a low range. Contrabassoons are double reed woodwind instrument with
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Disadvantages Of Medieval Peasants
Medieval Peasants
There was a definite structure to society in the Middle Ages. In Medieval Europe, the life of a
peasant was very difficult and grueling due to the Feudal system. Medieval peasants were forced to
work a certain job due to this system. Peasants were also frowned upon by commoners and forced to
serve under nobles or their lords. On top of the extremely hard working conditions, peasants lived in
poverty. Since they were uneducated and unsophisticated, peasants were stuck doing farm labor and
working other jobs. Even though it seems peasants had it the worst during the Middle Ages, they
were a necessity for society. Without peasants, there would be no food, resources, or workers to
keep up the economy. Medieval peasants were ... Show more content on ...
Freemen were not required to stay or work on manors, so they could choose where they wanted to
live or work. A few freemen even set up their own stores and became business owners over time.
Since serfs were required to stay on their land, they tried many different ways leave or run away. If a
serf went into hiding and ran away from his lord's land for over a year, he would become a freeman.
There were risks to this though. If they were found they would be severely punished by their lord or
whomever was their master. Since the feudal system existed, most peasants were forced to be either
farmers or craftspeople. Farming in Medieval Europe was a long and strenuous task. A peasant who
farmed had to follow the farming seasons and was forced to work fields owned by their lords. Rent
had to be paid to the lord the peasant was using land from as well (Kagan, 206). It was also required
of a peasant to pay a tax or tithe to their church. Giving ten percent to the church was quite a bit for
some families, which led to the tithe being extremely unpopular during the Middle Ages. A tithe
could be paid in either crops, equipment, or cash. The church collected an abundant amount of seeds
and equipment, that had to be stored in a "tithe barn". Many of these barns can even be seen today,
like the giant one in Maidstone, Kent. After paying their taxes and tithes, peasants were able to keep
the little money and resources left over.
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The Roman Catholic Church During The Medieval Era
During the Medieval period the Roman Catholic Church was one of the most vital institutions in
people's everyday life and held influence over the affairs of everyone from peasants to monarchs.
The Church played a central role in society with Bishops and Archbishops playing a major role in
governments and the belief among citizens that the only way they could attain salvation was through
the Roman Catholic Church. The Church's religious ideals permeated society influencing the
calendar, daily activities, monumental occasions in people's life, and the teachings of the Church
underpinned mainstream ethics and beliefs of people. The Church operated under a highly
developed and sophisticated system of governance, law and economy that allowed it
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Literature Circle Essay
How do you think it would feel to be raised knowing that your body was going to be harvested, even
if it was for a God? In the novel Unwind by Neal Shusterman, one of the characters changes
drastically throughout the book. The book takes place in a future dystopian society where
unwinding, a process where children between the ages of 13 and 18 have their body parts are
harvested and sold as replacement body parts to other humans, is now a normal part of society.
Three runaway unwinds go on a journey to fight for their lives. One of the main characters, Lev,
develops greatly throughout the novel by firstly being a holy tithe, then questioning his faith, and
eventually realizing that his purpose in life is not to be a tithe.
At the beginning of the novel, Lev is a tithe and believes that it is his destiny to let himself be
unwound. He doesn't believe in doing the wrong thing and tries his best to be honest. He is
infuriated when Connor and Risa save him because he still believes that it is his destiny to be tithed
and that they are holding him back. Lev says, "It's no use trying to explain to this godless pair what
tithing is all about. How giving one's self is the ultimate blessing ( Unwind 42)." This quote shows
how narrow–minded he is when it comes to seeing what unwinding truly is about. He doesn't see
unwinding as a bad thing, but as a blessing and an honor that he must complete in order to please
God. Unlike the other characters who tried to escape their fate, Lev was
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William The Conqueror: How Feudalism Divided Society
How feudalism divided society to a large extent William the Conqueror, who was also the Duke of
Normandy, brought feudalism into England when he forced his way to the throne. Feudalism was a
hierarchy, where the King owned all the land, divided it between the lords, who then divided it for
knights. They then allowed peasants to work on their land. It was a political, economic and social
structure. In my essay, I will explain how feudalism divided England to a large extent. One way that
feudalism divided society, was that it wasn't equal in a way that peasants grew all the crops and did
all the work, but they still got the least. For instance, most peasants were underfed, so they died at
30. However, nobility had longer lives, William the
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Religious Tithe In Unwind By Neal Shusterman
Many people experience the feeling of change. Whether for better or worse, most people grow to
find their true selves. Lev is a religious tithe who is devoted to the idea of sacrificing himself to God
until his mentor, Pastor Dan, comes to realize the better choice for him. The novel Unwind, by Neal
Shusterman, emphasizes the drastic change Levi Calder, experiences throughout the novel to come
to know who he is called to be. In the beginning, Lev is a devoted tithe. He then soon becomes a
very distinct person once he meets Connor and Risa. From the moment he was born he was to be the
family's sacrificed gift to God. His pastor, Pastor Dan, has always strongly expressed that he is a
very special child. Lev believes this, never questioning
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My Favorite Sermon
It is fair enough to say that I got an early Christmas present this year as my favorite preacher, Tim
Delina, came to church to minister this past Sunday. I found it funny because just this past week, I
was asking myself where he has been. I've listened to so many preachers preach, and no one comes
close to Pastor Tim in the way he explains his messages. His sermons, inspired by God, is able to
change the hardened of hearts. Never have I seen a preacher use humor to connect with his audience
as Pastor Tim does. Look up his sermons on YouTube, you won't be disappointed. I'll attach my
favorite sermon of his (JONAH HAS TOO MANY CHAPTERS) at the end of this post. I blogged
about this sermon some weeks back, but it's worth listening to. When God wants to speak to you, He
uses different means to do so. In my case, He used Tim Delina to minister to me. Two weeks ago, an
elder at church ministered on tithing, but I didn't feel the sermon was meant for me. Pastor Tim then
came last week and ministered on that same subject...again! I believe God said to Himself "Joseph if
you didn't think that last sermon was meant for you, maybe if I send you your favorite preacher,
you'll then believe it is for you." As he spoke on this topic, I began to think about my level of tithing
or the lack of it. (I'll post a link to Pastor Tim's sermon on tithing at the end of this post) For some of
us, we think we are entitled to everything we own, but we need to stop and ask ourselves who gives
us the
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Essay On Funding
Creative Ways Churches Can Gain Funding for Projects (working title) Felicia Jordan INTRO
Allocating funding and obtaining the cash flow necessary to keep up with the changing and growing
demands of running a church can be difficult. It's not easy gathering the funding necessary to swap
your church van out for a much safer bus, repairing the roof on the chapel, or upgrading the audio–
visual equipment to help enhance services and attract new membership. That money has to come
from somewhere. And while grants can help provide some of it, there's no guarantee you can rely on
that as a source of funding for your big projects. Sometimes getting creative and thinking outside the
box about funding issues can help you come up with new ways ... Show more content on ...
Themed Youth Group Party A themed youth group party can be a great way for the young people in
your church to get to know each other a little better while raising money for your church. Charge a
few dollars at the door. People that show up in a themed costume can pay $3 while those in
"normal" clothes can pay $5. You can also sell concessions during the event to raise extra money.
Just don't forget to promote your themed youth group party during Sunday services or Sunday
school. You want the members of your youth group to invite as many people as they can to help you
raise more money! Crowd Source! SHARE VISUALS Upload multiple photos and videos of your
church, youth group, or religious organization to show donors exactly where their contributions are
going. Including media on your church's crowdfunding page will help people connect to your
fundraising efforts. TELL YOUR STORY Your church's crowdfunding campaign should also tell
your organization's story. This is a crucial component of any fundraising campaign because it helps
supporters connect more closely to your cause and makes them more likely to donate! GET
SOCIAL The best way to raise money and awareness for your church's crowdfunding campaign is to
share it on social media and via email. Obviously, you don't want to overwhelm your followers, but
you should share your campaign's URL often to reach more people and start receiving more
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How Does Lev Change Throughout The Book Unwind
There are three main changes that occurred to Lev throughout the book Unwind. These changes
have made Lev into what he is at the end of the book. In the beginning of Unwind Lev is being
taken as a tithe to be unwound. Lev's parents had ten children and in that culture, if there was a tenth
child then they were considered a tithe were to be unwound as a way of an offering to god. The first
of the three changes started when Lev pulled the fire alarm at the school that they were hiding in so
that Risa and Connor wouldn't be caught. Lev started to learn that he is able to break rules. Lev grew
up his whole life as a tithe and was the perfect son and didn't do a single thing wrong because his
parents raised him to believe that he was holy. He felt a bit guilty after he told the school's principal
that Connor and Risa where hiding in the school bathroom so he pulled the ... Show more content on ...
Lev meets a teenage kid named Cyrus Finch who is nicknamed CyFi. Lev and CyFi travel together
for a little while before they start going into a Christmas store.while they are in the Christmas store
CyFi goes up to a Christmas tree and he takes one of the golden baubles and stuffs it into his pocket
then sneaks out of the store and starts running. Lev follows him and learned that CyFi has a part of
his brain from a unwind and the unwind liked to steal things giving CyFi the impulses to steal shiny
things. Lev could have ditched CyFi to deal with this problem on his own but Lev stayed and helped
him through it. Also when Lev went with CyFi to the town of Joplin and Tyler who is the unwind
who CyFi got the part of the brain from takes over CyFi and digs up the treasure Lev helps by
telling CyFis parents what to say and in the end freeing CyFi from the dead unwind.(Pg 191) This is
showing loyalty and selflessness that Lev never had coming from a rich privileged
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Comparison Of Exodus 16: 15 And When The Children Of Israel
I. Exodus 16:15–16, "15 And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is
manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the LORD
hath given you to eat. 16 This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it every
man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons; take
ye every man for them which are in his tents." A. The manna that God gave to the children of Israel
to eat was the first time God was teaching His people that God's tithe was given to all Israel to eat.
1. Exodus 16:36, "36 Now an omer is the tenth part of an ephah."
2. An omer or a tithe was for every man, according to the number of persons in every tent.
3. God provided bread or meat for His people to eat of the tithe that came from heaven until they
came into the promise land flowing with milk and honey. ... Show more content on
Deuteronomy 12:17–19, "17 Thou mayest not eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corn, or of thy
wine, or of thy oil, or the firstlings of thy herds or of thy flock, nor any of thy vows which thou
vowest, nor thy freewill offerings, or heave offering of thine hand: 18 But thou must eat them before
the LORD thy God in the place which the LORD thy God shall choose, thou, and thy son, and thy
daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates: and thou
shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God in all that thou puttest thine hands unto. 19 Take heed to
thyself that thou forsake not the Levite as long as thou livest upon the
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Is Tithing for New Testament Christians? Essays
Is Tithing for New Testament Christians?
Daniel S. Steffen, PhD.
SEMI 500 B02
Introduction to Seminary Studies
David Boston
February 08, 2014
I. Introduction: Are New Testament believers required to pay tithes according to Jesus' statement in
Matthews 23 vs. 23.
II. Who was Jesus talking to when he said, "this you should have done; without leaving the other
undone." A. The purpose for tithing under the Law. 1. The reason why God gave the Children of
Israel the Law. 2. Christ redeems us from the Curse of the Law. 3. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law
and the prophets. B. New Testament ... Show more content on ...
You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things."4 There has been strong
theological argument whether this Scripture is indicating that New Testament believers are required
to pay tithes. This paper will attempt to explain that New Testament believers are not under any
command to tithe, but the spiritual principle of tithing is vital to the believer and still can be
practiced. Christians who argue against tithing contend that Jesus words in Mathew 23: 23 do not
to us today, because Jesus was under the law and speaking to the Pharisees who were under the
Law. There premise is that Jesus was giving instructions to the Jews; so his words do not bind
New Testament believers to a legalized system of tithing. According to Tom Brown this
interpretation is flawed because modern day teachers are bringing Christ down to the level of a
prophet or teacher of the law. Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, so this means every word
that comes out of his mouth is eternal. He cannot say anything without it being spiritual law.5
Another point of view defending this premise states the Word of God is not confined to time and
is always profitable for instruction and teaching in life. The application that says that Jesus is
not speaking to modern day Christians is to hold Jesus' words hostage to the culture of its time
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Theme Of Identity In Unwind
In the novel Unwind, the author uses the character Lev to develop a possible theme about identity:
in all the problems life gives you are able to find who you truly are. In the novel, Lev was
challenged on finding himself throughout the book after realizing he didn't believe in unwinding. At
the beginning of the book, Lev's identity is formed by his pastor and religion. "Lev rolls down the
window to feel the wind on his face, and closes his eyes to prepare himself. This is what I was born
for. It's what I've lived my life for. I am chosen. I am blessed. And I am happy" (Shusterman 34). All
Lev knows and believes in is being a tithe. Lev lived his life knowing he was born to be sacrificed,
he knew nothing different. He formed his identity around this belief, ... Show more content on ...
After turning in Connor and Risa Lev decides to call Pastor Dan: "'Lev, listen to me. Listen to me
carefully. No one else knows that you're gone. As far as anyone knows, you've been tithed, and
people don't ask questions about children who are tithed. Do you understand what I'm telling you?'
'But... I want to be tithed. I need to be. You have to call my parents and tell them. You have to get
me to harvest camp." (Shusterman 79). This was a major turning point in Lev's identity because his
identity was based on his religion. This was the first time ever that he questioned his religion and
identity. Now that the man who told him that it was his honorable fate to be a tithe, doesn't believe
in tithing, causes Lev to rethink his value and his existence. Now Lev has a bigger problem trying to
find his new identity. As a result of this dishonesty, Lev begins to get enraged at Pastor Dan, his
parents, and his religion. He begins to start going down a very dark path that will lead to killing
people and himself. "He holds his hands up before him. He holds his hands up before him. He holds
his hands up before
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Comparing Chaucer's Friar And The Parson
Today, I will be comparing and contrasting Chaucer's Friar and Parson. More so, show how they
have the same kind of job yet be far different in their personalities and be perceived differently by
Chaucer. The parson, as proof will show, is a kind hearted and devout follower of his religion.
Conversely, the Friar, despite having the same type of job, has a far different demeanor. Firstly
comes the similarity of their jobs. The Friar and the Parson are both characters of similar social
stature and are both "committed" to the church, one more so than the other. "In all Four Orders there
was none so mellow" (Line 214). This quote shows that he is part of one of the four orders whom
are allowed to beg for money. "There was a Friar" (Line 212). Here Chaucer very clearly states what
his profession is. "He was a noble pillar to his Order" (Line 213). Once ... Show more content on ...
"Sweetly he heard his penitents at shrift with pleasant absolution, for a gift" (Line 225–226). The
Friar, a greedy swindler, will absolve people of their sins if they pay him. That shows that he is
really only doing his job for personal gain. "He was an easy man in penance–giving" (Line 227). A
truly religious Friar would give the penance one deserves, but instead he will take bribes for lesser
penances. "One should give silver for a poor Friar's care" (Line 236). Quite clearly, the Friar has
started charging people for things that should cost them nothing. Following the bible, the Parson is
quite the opposite of the Friar. "A holy–minded man of good renown" (Line 487). Chaucer describes
the Parson as a man whose mind follows only the teachings of Christ. "He much disliked extorting
tithe" (Line 496). Contrary to the Friar, the Parson has no goal of making money. "First following
the word before he taught it" (Line 507). The Parson makes sure he is following the word of God
before he teaches other people about it, something the Friar does not
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How Budgeting Is A Important Aspect Of Being A Productive...
Budgeting is a very important aspect of being a productive member of society and as well as
productive member of the Kingdom of heaven. I will elaborate on this statement at the end of my
narrative; for now, I am going to go into detail about my personal budget and why I chose to allocate
my funds the way I did. The budget that I have laid out is based on an estimated income that I will
receive after I have graduated from an occupational therapy graduate program and have been
certified to practice in the state of Florida. An entry–level occupational therapist 's salary is
approximately $60,985. At this point in my life, I will be 25 years old and single with no children of
my own at this point. Even though I cannot exactly predict my personal situation, I plan on being
very focused on my career and working to build a good reputation in my field as an occupational
therapist for children with special needs. In order to flourish financially I need a budget, not only to
control my spending, so that I can work on paying off my student loans and begin a savings for
future goal. My housing situation is very simple because I am only accommodating for myself. I
plan on living and working in Lakeland for at least the first year after I graduate from college, this
will allow me to decide if I want to live permanently in Lakeland or move to a different city.
Therefore, I will be renting a two bedroom apartment; with two bedroom I can either have guests or
I can later decided to get a
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Unwind Research Paper
Without any rules or laws in a society, humans cannot be controlled or changed, similar to cavemen
in a caveman's world. "You can't change human nature without first changing laws"–Nurse Greta.
Once people in the society change a law, the human nature will emerge and change to meet that
law's requirements. Most people in a society will follow a law that has been set into place, therefore
possibly change their human nature in a positive way. Similarly, in the novel, Unwind, by Neal
Shusterman, the society created new laws about pro–life and pro–choice for the people, in which,
abortion becomes abolished and unwinding came in pursuit. Neal Shusterman introduces unwinds,
Connor, Risa and a tithe, Lev, that face obstacles and challenges through ... Show more content on ...
Unwinding and Tithing support people with financial problems by having jobs within the industry or
within the process of unwinding and tithing. For example, in the novel on page 288, it states, "It
takes twelve surgeons, in teams of two, rotating in and out as their medical specialty is needed. It
takes nine surgical assistants and four nurses." Unwinding helps people to earn jobs in a doctor field
to do surgeries on teens. They are able to support their families and themselves by earning money
from the government when they complete surgeries. Furthermore, abortion was a very cruel act in
which it allowed mothers to end their pregnancy and the child's life as well by taking a pill or
medicine. However, now the mother's can unwind their child, where the child has at least 13 years to
prove themselves and if not, they are later sent to harvest camps that are a safe and well–organized
area for the unwinds to have fun in their last days in their body. In the novel, on page 263, it states,
"Regardless of the site you choose, you can feel confident that your Unwind will receive the finest
possible care from our board–certified staff as they make their transition to a divided state."All
harvest camps are well organized and safely constructed to give every child a place where they
receive full care. It is done to help the teens with their days within them and is a refined way for
parents to send their teens or after they abort
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Society Moral in Tithe by Holly Black Essay
In the world where both fairies and humans live together as one, but still not knowing one another
exist, both society follow the same moral. Tithe a modern faire tale by Holly Black suggest that no
matter who you are you should have loyalty in friendship though the faithfulness between the
characters , trust and scarifies that have been made for each other.
Loyalty in friendship is shown through the faithfulness of the characters. Robien, a faire had stayed
faithful to Kaye after the day he met her. When the Unseelie court faire had come back and wanted
Robien back he said, " I am home, lady. Now tell your men to put down his weapon and I will allow
you to leave Unseelie court unharmed." (Black 325) Robien was very actuated to the ... Show more
content on ...
Also, fairies do not trust anyone with their names but while Kaye is helping Roiben at a stage of
death, he told Kaye his name. Kaye thought to herself, "Faires didn't give their names easily even
apart of their names, although she had no idea why." (Black 27) Robien knew she could control him
if she found out his full name but still decided to trust her, because of her noble deed. In friendship
trust is the most important part of loyalty.
Moreover, the scarifies one makes for their friends also show the loyalty in the friendship. As Kaye
saved Roiben from dying, sacrificing her own life shows the kind of friendship they have. While
laying on the ground under a tree Roiben says, "I am in your debt. I mislike not knowing how I must
repay it." (Black 42) He is thankful to Kaye from saving her and now believes he has to give her life
to her. This sacrifice shows how loyal friends would do anything for one another. Along with that
Roiben ends up saving Kaye from begin sacrificed for the Tithe. When he saves Kaye, she says,"
Roiben had known all along what he was offering her his life," (227) During the sacrifice when the
Unseelie court Queen began the ceremony he whispered to Kaye " What is your but they use it more
than you," telling Kaye she had to command him with his full name. Here he scarified himself to her
even if it meant to
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Book Review on the French Revolution and the People Essay
For my report I read The French Revolution and the People by David Andress to learn what were the
reasons causing the French Revolutionary War. The main thesis of the book is the known problems
and reactions which affected the events and outcomes of the revolution in every stage, now
everyone in France was affected by the revolution. I agree with the author's thesis on many different
levels. Since the multiple troubles the people had at that time did not originate just then but decades
before. As well with constant economic pressure of all the upper classes upon them only worsened
the situation. Since all the troubles and problems of the poor were never looked after, now everyone
in France gets a taste of the revolution. First, ... Show more content on ...
The churches collect tithes and since the right to collect tithes was owned by both the lay
landowners and seigneurs (similar to mayors) the tithes were mostly mandatory. Although the tithe
was to pay for the church's services you still would be charged for weddings, baptisms, and funerals.
In some cases the clerics and the religious instructions to be both landowners and seigneurs, in turn
being able to claim rents and feudal dues from large numbers of peasants. Second, how
seigneurialism did not get rid of feudalism but only changed it for the seigneurs to get more power.
Over time it shifted from feudalism to more of a financial relationship since the lords wanted more
money and they couldn't tax serfs who didn't get paid. The seigneurs had many rights such over
extensive land, an annual rent, a share of harvest; fee if land has changed hands or inherited would
be paid by past serfs. They also had rights over the game in their land forbidding peasants from
killing anything without privilege, as well as the right to ride over peasant's crops during the pursuit
of the game. Also more rights are honorary pews in the front of the church and the weathercock on
top of manor house. The seigneurs also had the right to dispense justice so many tens of thousands
of seigneurial courts were apart of villages. Also, another problem that occurred during that time
was a drought. France ran into a few climatic problems in 1785 which lead a drought a major
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Change In Unwind By Neal Shusterman
Unwind, by Neal Shusterman, expresses change in many ways and forms. The book is about three
main characters that are trying not to be unwound and eventually are safe. One of the main
characters, Lev, starts out by being an innocent thirteen year old tithe, and by the end of the book, he
is threatening and fearless. Lev experienced many problems and came out of his shell of a very
religious tithe to stand up for what he believes in. Lev changed from a very obedient boy to a risky
teenager throughout the book. At the beginning, he was very timid and careful of his thoughts and
actions. Lev knew all his life that his purpose was to serve God and be unwound. As the book
progressed, Lev found himself becoming careless and dangerous. Lev was on his own after he fled
from the school, and that made him look at himself in a different way. At first, Lev's beliefs on
unwinding were that he should be unwound so he could sacrifice himself to God. Lev then started to
realize how awful unwinding is and he changed his mind. In the text the author wrote, "Lev recites
prayers, trying to let them transform him and lift him up like they used to, but his heart has
hardened." He has changed from being a giving tithe to a ... Show more content on
In the beginning, Lev wanted to be a tithe and wanted to sacrifice himself to the church. His goal
was to be a sacrifice and worship God as much as he could. Near the end, Lev wanted to survive and
save his friends. Lev no longer wanted to be unwound and wanted his friends to be safe. In the
beginning of the book, the author wrote, "Lev has always felt closer to God than his friends, or even
his family." Those opinions have changed very much throughout the book. Lev's goals were based
on what his parents and Pastor Dan said. After he had to live on his own and survive for a while, he
realized that he should control his goals and listen to what he is saying to
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Women In Medieval Times
Living the life of a female in the medieval times was difficult and women had no right and no say in
their future because it was already planned out for them. For women who were born poor, they had
to start working as soon as they were physically able to. They would keep on working till there
twenties till they would finally get married and start a family. This is because there family needed
them to keep on working for as long as possible before they started their own new family. For the
women born into wealth they were married off at the age of 14 and would be forced into any
relationship (preferably to a rich man). They were intended to have kids but having kids in the
medieval times was dangerous and women would die from labor. ... Show more content on ...
The church
The church in the medieval times had a large part in its society. It affected everybody's life– that
including every peasant and high class member to the town. Everyone had to believe in God, hell
and heaven. Ever since the early ages the Church taught that if you wanted to go to heaven the only
way was if the roman catholic church gave you permission. They would make the member to the
town fear hell so that everyone followed the church.
Every one had to pay 10% of their earnings to the church (tax was called tithes in those days) tithes
would be paid in either money or produce, because the peasants were so poor they could only give
the church seeds, animals etc. If you could not pay tithes, the church sentenced you to hell after you
The church was the roots to the middle ages because without the church, the wars would of kept on
going and people would be coincidently fighting for land. The church established the land and
brought faith, love and hope to its society.
Health and
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Neal Shusterman's Unwind: Chapter Analysis
Neal Shusterman's novel Unwind is a dystopian writing and follows the story of three young
teenagers; Connor, Risa, and Levi. The story tells of them running away from constant threats of
"unwinding." It is classified as a way to purify unwanted or trouble teens between the ages of
thirteen to eighteen.
This essay with address how is euthanasia used and explored within the novel Unwind by Neal
Shusterman through the comparison between the two types of unwinds. It will touch on two
different point of views that are seen throughout the novel in which all give a different tone to the
work. It will examine the language and attitude of individual characters and their thoughts and
development throughout the novel. There will be two main contrasting ... Show more content on ...
Neal Shusterman had said that his inspiration for the novel was an article he saw about how
technology is advancing and they would be able to preserve one–hundred percent of the body for
donations. It is also apparent that he was able to take into considerations of the ethical implications.
Is it really okay that the society is comforted with the idea of unwinding children because their lives
technically do not end? As mentioned before, there is a part within the novel where it is described a
story of a boy who has a part of an unwind. In which is told that there is a part of the boy within
Cyrus who has no knowledge of being in a different body. This is only a case of within the novel
which clearly talks of this happening. There is a statement said during that conversation in which
deals with the unwound. Cyrus talks Near the end of the book, there is a gathering of people who
got parts from one unwound kid. In which, as time goes on, each all start recalling certain memories
of the kids, even muscle memory.
Taking those two indications into consideration, would having parts of an unwound being really be
ethical? As they are still alive, yet they do not know that they are not in their own body or react rash
on their own
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Definition Essay: The Importance Of Sweating To The Church
Sweating to the Gospel Have you noticed there are almost as many exercise joints as there are
churches? While church attendance declines, attendance at exercise gyms is booming! Not only are
these gyms/clubs opening on corners across the South once reserved for churches, these places are
keeping their doors open twenty–four hours a day, seven days a week. They now compete with
churches for time once held sacred for Sunday morning and evening worship as well as Wednesday
evening prayer meeting. On any given Sunday or Wednesday you are likely to find as many people,
if not more, sweating their buns off in the gym as you find sweating their sins off under a barrage of
"hell fire and brimstone" from the pulpit. The perfect sculpted body has ... Show more content on ...
Churches have embraced scare tactics, revolution, generational music, youth indoctrination, and
social media to draw numbers through their doors, so why wouldn't the next logical step be to
embrace fitness as a part of worship. Visualize churchgoers seated between lines of treadmills and
exercise bikes while gospel rock explodes from a glitzy flashing stage where the pastor dances and
calls from the pulpit for sinners to repent. Rolling across the giant video screens to the left and right
of the stage, imagine scrolling script urging people to join the church fitness club and become a
member of Antifat Believers, Fluffy Angels, Disciples of Bulge, and Sweating to the Gospel. Is that
much different than what is already happening in many churches? In today's world, to boost church
attendance, churches need to be willing to do whatever it takes to get people in the door, including
sweating to the gospel. They just need to make sure there are plenty of deodorant dispensers
throughout the
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To What Extent Did Church Influence Medieval Society

  • 1. To What Extent Did Church Influence Medieval Society To what extent did the role of the Church influence medieval society? Religion was far more important in almost every aspect of Medieval life than it is in most modern societies. The majority of people in Europe followed the Christian religion under authorizing of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church in the Medieval Era possessed great wealth, political power and influence over art, architecture, community life and education. It's religious acknowledgments gave shape to the calendar and its spiritual rituals marked important moments in an individual's life (such as baptism, acceptance, marriage, forgiveness, holy orders and the last rites). Its teachings depend upon dominant beliefs about ethics, the meaning of life, and the afterlife and Churches where ultimately the only connection that the peasants and nobles shared. The Middle Ages are sometimes referred to as the 'Age of Faith' because religion was so important in past European societies. Medieval villages were structured ... Show more content on ... This was a result of the power and wealth (from tithes) that the Church had acquired. The Church had complete authority over the people. When the Church educated people, they directed their stories and superstitions on Hell which feared the people. Peasants and serfs were forced to maintain Church grounds and were often mistreated. People had many other reasons to fear the Church. Another reason that the medieval Church was so influential in Medieval times was because it made laws and set up courts to uphold them. The Catholic Church used torture and imprisonment to obtain confessions from people regardless of whether they were guilty. They would severely punish people if they fell asleep in Church or if they did not attend at all. They also used methods of torture to convert people from one religion to another, (such as Baptism/Christianity). The Church would also deal with the victims in court if held ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Analysis Of Glittering Vices By Rebecca Konyndyk Deyoung In this week's reading of Glittering Vices, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung discusses some possible solutions to get rid of greed from one's life. Some ways to avoid greed, according to DeYoung, include keeping a list of all expenses, avoiding going to the mall and advertising, and tithing. However, I disagree with DeYoung. I do not think all of these solutions to greed are actually possible and thus other options should be considered. First, I agree that keeping some kind of list of expenditures is a good way to first track what one spends money on. This can help determine if greed is a problem to begin with, but I do not think it will necessarily help in eliminating greed. DeYoung adds that one should "mark the items we could have gone without" ... Show more content on ... Today's society is centered around consumerism and has become increasingly materialistic. Therefore, if an individual reduced consumption of some goods, they might fall behind other people in technology or style. DeYoung explains the importance of this solution, "Taking a break from constant exposure to this relentless assault on our desire to acquire and possess may feel like a welcome relief, rather than a burden" (DeYoung, 113). However, this "break" may not be possible for everyone's lifestyle. Many people need to stay up–to–date with the latest technology or fashion to remain competitive in their industry. The only way to fix this would be to change a whole society's view on what is important. The solution that DeYoung claimed to be the most crucial to eliminate greed is tithing. This may be a good idea in theory, as DeYoung says, "The point of tithing is not to rigidly conform to a code of behavior, but to re–form our hearts so that we learn to give, not because we ought, but from gratitude and joy and love" (DeYoung, 114). However, in reality, most Christians do not actually tithe (see blog post for source). Churches could require members to tithe, but that would just seem forced and not actually come from the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. How Did The Roman Catholic Church Influence Medieval Society For most civilizations, religious figures have had a large influence over the lives of the common people. The Roman Catholic Church was a very influential figure in many civilizations. It can trace its origins to over 2000 years ago. One of the Church's most influential periods of this time was the Middle Ages. The Roman Catholic Church played a very big role in the lives of the people during that period. For many, it was the center of their life. The three most important impacts of the Church on medieval life were their secular roles concerning laws and their position over the state, the way that the Church unified Europe, and their power over the common people. In medieval life, the Roman Catholic Church had a large amount of secular power. ... Show more content on ... All Catholics were terrified of going to Hell after they died. They were told that the only way to go to Heaven was if the Catholic Church let them in. This led to total control over the actions of the people. "Man's life on earth was merely a period of transition on the way to eternal joy in Heaven or eternal damnation in Hell. It was, therefore, of great importance how he lived his life." (Heinonen) Thus it was extremely important for citizens to appease the Church with donations or taxes. Some peasants would work for free on Church land. Every person was required to give the church 10% of their income in a tax called a tithe. The people were told that a failure to pay tithes would result in an eternity spent in hell. The Church gained wealth because everyone was afraid of what would happen if they did not pay the Church. Also, the only source for religious information was from the Church. If a peasant wanted to hear a Bible passage, they would go to their local church and ask a priest to read them something. Since religious texts were written in languages not spoken by the common people, the peasant would not be able to actually confirm what they were being told was actually in the Bible. This monopoly on religious knowledge was frequently abused in the Middle Ages. Furthermore, there were pardoners who would pardon sins for a price. They would then take this money to the Bishop. This was just another way ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Wednesday Bible Study On March 30th, Brother Merlin, Tracy and sister Lanita joined the Wednesday Bible study. The minister delivered the message on Romans 2:17–29 with title 'the true Jew and true circumcision' to exalt the congregants to be an inward believer and have a right relationship with God, a relationship of faith and love. Romans 2:17–29 17 Now you, if you call yourself a Jew; if you rely on the law and boast in God; 18 if you know his will and approve of what is superior because you are instructed by the law; 19 if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark, 20 an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of little children, because you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth– 21 you, then, who ... Show more content on ... How important it is that we do not fall into this hypocrisy. Outwardly we look religious and godly but inside be full of corruption. How much effort do we make to be close to God and live by his grace and love only? How much man made work have we done in order to be righteous in our own eyes but never be called righteous in the eyes of God? Our hearts should be circumcised, not our flesh. In this way, we will truly be real believers. All of us should be warned and wake up so our lives can be transformed. The praise that comes to those who do this is not from men but from God. If we only seek praise from men we are seeking praise that is ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Analysis Of 'Plastic Donuts' By Jeff Anderson Plastic Donuts by Jeff Anderson, is about giving, and Gods delight when we give. Anderson wrote this, to make people aware of how important our gifts are to God. There is a connection between our gifts and Gods heart. Anderson says "the power of gift, the way we give, and who we give to." All of these have power to please God. If we give with our heart and give to those we love, and give all we cherish, we will please the Lord. I love the analogy of the plastic donut, how it was such a random gift but his daughter gave it with her whole heart, and that is why something so small meant so much. Anderson says, "the plastic donut is a metaphor for giving that cuts through the noise and offers clarity," Giving, can help us connect with people ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Money Pawns And Eternity By Randy Alcorn Essay I recently finished a book by Randy Alcorn called Money, Possessions and Eternity. It. is. incredible. Rarely have I been so challenged. As I'm getting older and facing more financial issues and decisions, this book has played a huge role in giving me wisdom and a Biblical, and eternal, perspective on the whole money thing. It's a big book, but I would SO encourage you to go check it out. Even reading just a few chapters would be hugely beneficial. Probably the biggest thing I was challenged about is giving. It is something that is almost totally neglected by the modern church, and I think very few teens would have a good grasp on the 'why' of giving. And there is one part of giving that I think gets even less attention than any other aspect. It's something Randy Alcorn likes to call the ... Show more content on ... So far I have said tithing is giving a tenth 'back to God.' What exactly do I mean by that? Where should the tithe go? Well, it's probably easiest to quote a passage in Money, Possessions and Eternity, that says just what I think: "Normally, I think firstfruits, or the tithe, should go to the local church. But I don't believe in "storehouse tithing" if it means that a church hoards funds or spends them on frills or monuments to ego and prosperity. Freewill giving beyond the tithe also can go to worthy parachurch ministries. For fourteen years I was a local church pastor, and for twelve years I've directed a parachurch ministry. I believe that both types of ministry deserve support, but the church should always come first. That's why we give more to our church than to our ministry. Our giving should go first to the local church because it's our primary spiritual community. No mission boards, youth organizations, or Bible colleges are mentioned in the New Testament. There's only the local church, which filled all these roles." ~Randy Alcorn (Read more: ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Josesph A. Fitzmyer's Analysis Josesph A. Fitzmyer speculates that Melchizedek was a Canaanite King who met Abram on his return. Fitzmyer argues that Salem references the city of Jerusalem where Melchizedek was a king, or a Canaanite chief, of pre–Israelite Jerusalem. Later in the Epistle to the Hebrews, he becomes a type of Christ. The reference to having no mother or father in Hebrews 7:3 is because the appointment of a priest depended on genealogy or its ability to trace a linage from Levi through Aaron and Zadok. This absence gave rise to Jewish speculation because priestly family depended on its ability to trace its genealogy. Fitzmyer believes that Genesis 14 may not have even been part of the original text and was inserted for a separate manuscript or story, possibly ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. 90 Day Tithing Pastor Perry Noble of NewSpring Church in South Carolina has promised to refund every single dime tithers have given if they are not blessed within a given 90–day period. For NewSpring Church's Pastor Perry Noble, God's promise in Malachi 3:10 is worth claiming. The megachurch has challenged members and others willing to sign up to tithe for 90 days, and the pastor has promised to return everything given within 90 days if no blessing comes back to them, the Examiner reports. In NewSpring Church's website, the church has announced its 90–Day Tithing Challenge and has posted testimonies along with the instructions. The activity is geared towards encouraging people to trust God with their finances. The megachurch promises to send encouragement and resources to those who sign up for the challenge, the report details. ... Show more content on ... If that does not happen in 90 days, then God is a liar, Christian Today (CT) reports. "If we will put God first with the tithe, He will bless us, in fact, He will open up the flood gates of Heaven and pour out so much blessing on us that we won't have room enough for it," said Noble. "In 90 days, if you don't feel like God has blessed you ... We'll refund every dime you gave during that 90–day period." While the 90–Day Challenge seems like a good way to teach people to develop the habit of tithing, CT has spoken out against the practice. For the publication, the practice teaches people that God is a slot machine who gives out something when a person gives him his tithes. The publication says a person should not expect something in return when he gives. Tithing should be voluntary and wholehearted, and not made out to be something like a contract, CT says. Other churches that also encourage its members to participate in the 90–Day Tithing Challenge are the Fellowship Church in Grapevine, Texas and the Laurel Ridge Community Church in Oakley, ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Catholic Church Tithe The Catholic Church was the only church around during the Middle Ages. Due to this, the catholic church had a vice like grip on medieval society, politics, and culture. People were terrified of the church. Everyone was, especially since they believed that the church got to decide whether they went to heaven or hell after dying. Many peasants had to work the church's land, which did not ease their desolation. Church buildings and properties were to be kept immaculate, which meant tedious and strenuous labor for the peasants. Their services were unpaid, which did not ease the tension between the church and the people. Additionally, the church charged tithes. The tithe was a ten percent tax on everybody. People paid tithes because they believed ... Show more content on ... Although it may not rule the world as it ruled the middle ages, it still has many followers. There is still a pope and hierarchal authority within the church. Most of the rituals are still the same but it is less rigorous. Even though it has been hundreds of years since the middle ages, events and people that involve the church are still being disputed. For example, Joan of Arc was a hero in medieval Europe. Even though her acts were seen as heroic and supported just a short time after her death, she was not declared a saint until 1920. This shows how deeply rooted the church is in its ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Thomas Beck Research Paper Thomas Beck and all of Long Beach had been plagued by a local nuisance known as Lew–Is–the– Light for several years. When Tarrytown on the Pike burned, Lew–Is was on the street early the next morning peddling his little letters saying the fire was a judgment from the Lord because Lew–Is had not been paid his rightful tithes. Daily this self–styled Jesus sent newspapers mental wanderings boasting of his supernatural powers. But things got out of hand when Thomas Beck had an epileptic seizure following receipt of a tithe demand from Lew–Is. Beck had received several letters from Lew–Is suggesting Beck pay him tithes in order to improve his health. Beck ignored the letters until he received the following: You seem to be a good natured man. I am going to twist your body out of shape and your mind with it, so that you shall not be able to think right or be any wiser than the heathen idolaters around you. Thus I shall be able to drag you down to death. If you pay up you will understand and the evil spirit will depart. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. It is as easy to pay the tithe to Lew–Is The Lord of the life of your body and soul, as it is to pay the gardener. Faithfully and financially yours. LEW–IS. (Long Beach Press1/2/1908) ... Show more content on ... Chief of Police Williams said that unless Lew–Is the Light made a solemn vow to stop his letter writing campaigns he would try to have him declared legally insane. If the sanity commission didn't put him away, the chief said he would keep him locked up permanently on a charge of being a public nuisance. On January 29, 1908, Lew–Is the Light saw the light. After a severe talking to by local police, he agreed to stop his letter writing and claiming he was Jesus. Fortunately Lew–Is did not return after the Empire Day tragedy to request more "tithes." Thomas' wife of 14 years, Elsie Beck (1855–1925) is buried next to him in Myrtle lot ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. 'It's Time To TIME TO ISE Adolphe Monod' TIME TO TITHE Adolphe Monod (1880) recognized that "There is no portion of our time that is our time, and the rest God's; there is no portion of money that is our money, and the rest God's money. It is all His; He made it all, gives it all, and He has simply trusted it to us for his service." He wants us to learn to be grateful and share what He has given us for His glory! "From the fullness of His grace, we have all received one blessing after another" (John 1:16). Reflect on the many blessings that you have received and are enjoying that were given to you without asking Him. How do we show gratitude to our Heavenly Father for all of the blessings that He has bestowed upon us? Leviticus 27:30 states, "'A tithe of everything ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Exegesis Of A Law Paper Exegesis of a Law Paper Rebecca Jackson Southern Nazarene University Contexts: A. Historical: Leviticus became part of the English translation because of the Greek Septuagint around the time of the third century (Peisker, 1969). The translation of the Hebrew name is "And He called" (Peisker, 1969). This translated name of Leviticus is important since it shows believers how to follow and keep a relationship with God. Location of where the law was discussed is unclear. The chapter before Leviticus 27:30–34 discusses about blessings and being cursed. In the Pentateuch it notes that the Leviticus law was commanded to Moses near Sinai. This is the structure that the form was recorded in. According to Wenham (336), the passage is associated to the previous scripture in Leviticus 26 which Jesus promised to bless or condemn which is determined by how they answered an order given to them. B. Literary context According to Wenham the placement of this law should be reevaluated and maybe put in another place. Although, the law being positioned prior to Leviticus Chapter 25 would have not been a good place since in 17–24 verses are about what the law entails in the time of year for Jubilee. The person responsible of constructing it believed it was important to put the law of blessings and damning not before Deuteronomy chapter 25, but wished to put the law ordered after the year of Jubilee. In Leviticus the placement constructs a steady variation of regulations ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Mitzvot Analysis In the previous parshah, Moses told the people of Israel that keeping to the Torah and mitzvot is the key to conquering the Holy Land and living the good life there. In this week's parshah, re'eh, Moses teaches about fifty–five mitzvot. Let's explore one of them here: The mitzvah of aser te'aser, literally translated as "Tithe you shall tithe," referring to the obligation to set aside a tenth of our earnings for charity. Since the word for "tithing," aser, has the same root as "wealthy," ashir, the Talmud interprets this verse as "Tithe in order that you shall become wealthy." Now, that sure defies all the laws of calculus and economics! If I give up a tenth of my earnings to charity, then obviously there is a tenth less for me–a tenth less for me to invest, or to spend on any of my needs. But the true value of money depends on so many variables that we can neither predict nor ... Show more content on ... Giving up our money is the closest we can come to giving up ourselves. So, what is the maximum amount of money I should give up for What I receive in return has no minimum or maximum charity, and what do I get in return? Jewish law is clear on the minimum and maximum recommended amounts to give to charity: not less than a tenth and not more than a fifth of your income. (In some situations, it may be appropriate to give more or less than these amounts; a rav should be consulted.) But what I receive in return has no minimum or maximum. It is truly infinite. It is a divine promise for success in our endeavors, success that will give us the ability to truly enjoy and make use of the bounty we are given. G d even invites us to challenge Him with the mitzvah of charity, to see if the money we tithe is repaid. "Please, test me with this," says G ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Argumentative Essay On Destiny Vs Religion The main controversy around Destiny Church is to do with money. While there are many cultish traits linked to Destiny, the church is renowned for its tithe, and Brian Tamaki's lavish lifestyle. Both of these relating to the traits six and seventeen: "Is exploitative of others by asking for their money or that of relatives putting others at financial risk" and "Has insisted in always having the best of anything (house, car, jewellery, clothes) even when others are relegated to lesser facilities, amenities, or clothing". Destiny Church expects a tithe of 10% from its members. A tithe originates from a long time ago, when a nation was divided into twelve tribes. Eleven were rich with goods, but the twelth, the priests, had nothing. All other tribes ... Show more content on ... Yet as Destiny follows the bible literally, the tithe is 10% of their total income that they should give to the church. Brian claims this is to help the church support itself with all its programmes, buildings, events as well as salaries. "I don't care what the media say, I don't care what your relatives say, I don't care what the world says, nobody should be not tithing." (Sunday, 'City of God' dream becomes Destiny, 2012). Destiny also considers this fair as this helps with responsibility by helping people to manage their finances, as well as it gives them blessings from God. Destiny also has contradicted itself multiple times by saying members do not have to tithe, and "What members decide to contribute towards this goal and how they wish to contribute is purely their choice." (McCracken, 2010). Former members of the Church however say they have felt they "wouldn't have allowed her to go to church if she didn't pay up" (Sunday, Is Destiny destined to rule?, 2004). One, Kerry Petera, contributed $28 a week until she realised how much she was giving up to pay for it. Pastor Stock and many members of the Brisbane Destiny Church also left as they believed the tithe went against the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Lev Is A Tithe Lev is a tithe which is a person who is a sacrifice to the gods by being unwound. Lev knows that he is going to be unwound but he believes that it is a good thing. Levs pasture named Dan told him his entire life that he is ''special''. His own family told him ''your life will be to serve God, and mankind and kids at school called him things like ''dirty unwind'' but he never believed he was as low as an unwind. Connor pulls Lev out of the car, but instead of running Lev tells Connor ''please–you don't understand–you can't take me now I'm a tithe. I'll miss the harvest you'll ruin everything'' Lev really wanted to get back in the car to go to the harvest camp on time. After some time they end up with a baby and are trapped in the girls bathroom. lev plans to figure a way to get all three of them safely to the harvest camp to get unwound. Lev tells a lady in the main office that he has been kidnapped by two, runs away unwinds and she calls the police to arrest Connor and Rissa but doesn't want them killed because they did not hurt him. Lev calls pastor Dan and tells him to talk to his parents about calling off the police. Pastor Dan tells him ''I don't know what you're talking about. We never told the police.'' lev ... Show more content on ... Lev takes a fake job that turns his blood into an unstable substance that blows up when hit hard, also known as a clapper. Lev gets caught by the juvie cops to be taken to the havest camp with 2 other people on the mission to blow up the place. Lev is looking up at rissa on top of the chop shop on the red carpet one of levs partners clapps and it ripps through the north wing of the chop shop. Lev stand there as glass blows past him he thinks ''his world has truly ended''. He is about to clap '' he holds his hands up before him. And he cannot bring them together. He wants to. He needs to. but he cant. Lev cant clap his hands and ignite the bomb in his ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Lifestyle Of Peasants In Medieval Europe Lifestyle of peasants in medieval Europe was tremendously challenging. Seeing that, they were at the bottom of the European feudal system that foresaw peasants as the main working force. During the Middle Ages the concrete structure of the society classified individuals from the moment they were born. Which resulted in, no significant changes attributed to the work one was able to endure. Meanwhile; homes, clothing, food and marriage were the prominent contributors that determined your status/class. For means of survival peasants worked extremely long hours each day to obtain the basic necessities of; food, shelter and clothing. Most peasants were farmers however, a select few were Tradesmen who work as Miller's or in the tavern establishment. Peasants obeyed their local Lord swearing an "oath of obedience" on the Bible. This ensured to peasants loyalty and commitment to a Lord, in aspirations of producing goods and other fineries. Medieval peasants performed hard labor on the Lord's land for approximately two to three days. However those days were susceptible to change during the seasons of harvesting and ploughing. Peasants work for the church free of charge, in connection to the extreme power of the church. This meant that, peasants would lose precious time that would be used for the needed production of home Goods. As a form of coercion it left peasants and other individuals in fear of Godly consequences like, sins that would lead to hell. Upholding such standards saw ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. How Does Chaucer Present The Parson In The Canterbury Tales Sofia Altamura 4/7/17 Ms. Grene British Writers Set 6 Chaucer Character Essay In almost any story, there is a lesson. In The Canterbury Tales, the reader is given more than just one. However, one of the most important lessons comes from the Parson. He serves an important purpose as the example for what the corrupt English church should be. Chaucer presents the Parson in a Godly and selfless light, which contrasts the evil and selfish practices of the church in medieval English society. People that work in a Christian church are thought to be Godly examples. However, that wasn't the case in Chaucer's time. People in the church broke rules, craved money, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. John D Rockefeller Wealth John D. Rockefeller was arguably one of the richest people in modern history and the richest man in american in history with a net worth of 336 billion dollars. At one time, his company, standard oil, controlled 90% of U.S refineries, and pipelines. Although many rich men and women let their wealth come before faith, this was not the case for rockefeller. All through his life Rockefeller was a man of faith, and enjoyed serving God. Before becoming the wealthiest man in the world, John D rockefeller was just a little boy in a poor upbringing in Cleveland, Ohio. His faith was evident, as early as his business mind. His mom led him to accept Jesus in his life. He was also raised in a strict baptist home. This helps shape his faith and his ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Tithe Music Concert On Friday, February 23rd 2018, I attended a music concert at Chabot college at building 1300. The concert was tithe "wind symphony". The name of the performers was Chamber Ensemble, The Orchestra, The Wind Band and Jazz Ensembles. During the concert Timothy Harris was the conductor, Gray Hill the guest conductor while Joe Bonfiglio, the soloist. The instrument of the ensembles were Horns, Trumpet, Trombones, bass trombone, Harp, percussion, Clarinets and Bass Clarinet, Bassoons and contrabassoon, 1st violins, 2nd violins , flutes and piccolo, Oboe and English Horn, viola, Bass, cello, double bass, wind, saxophone, tuba, marimba , Xylophone, timpani, Piano, Bass Drum, cymbals and Snare Drum. Violin is the four strings that are set in vibration, usually one at a time; it is extremely wide range of ... Show more content on ... Viola is larger than violin, lower range "deeper" sound. Often fills in the harmony. Cello is lower in sound range often played the melody and enriches sound. Harp is one of the oldest music instruments; it is played by plucking the strings whose pitch is change with foot pedals. Guitar is made of wood with hallow resonating body and a fritted finger board. Flute soprano with range woodwind instrument, similar to the flute but sounding an octave higher. Oboe soprano range of double reed woodwind instrument. English horn double reed woodwind instrument larger and lower in range. Clarinet is a single reed wood instrument with a wide range of sizes. Bass clarinet also a woodwind instrument with the lowest range of the clarinet family. Bassoon, a double reed woodwind instrument with a low range. Contrabassoons are double reed woodwind instrument with ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Disadvantages Of Medieval Peasants Medieval Peasants There was a definite structure to society in the Middle Ages. In Medieval Europe, the life of a peasant was very difficult and grueling due to the Feudal system. Medieval peasants were forced to work a certain job due to this system. Peasants were also frowned upon by commoners and forced to serve under nobles or their lords. On top of the extremely hard working conditions, peasants lived in poverty. Since they were uneducated and unsophisticated, peasants were stuck doing farm labor and working other jobs. Even though it seems peasants had it the worst during the Middle Ages, they were a necessity for society. Without peasants, there would be no food, resources, or workers to keep up the economy. Medieval peasants were ... Show more content on ... Freemen were not required to stay or work on manors, so they could choose where they wanted to live or work. A few freemen even set up their own stores and became business owners over time. Since serfs were required to stay on their land, they tried many different ways leave or run away. If a serf went into hiding and ran away from his lord's land for over a year, he would become a freeman. There were risks to this though. If they were found they would be severely punished by their lord or whomever was their master. Since the feudal system existed, most peasants were forced to be either farmers or craftspeople. Farming in Medieval Europe was a long and strenuous task. A peasant who farmed had to follow the farming seasons and was forced to work fields owned by their lords. Rent had to be paid to the lord the peasant was using land from as well (Kagan, 206). It was also required of a peasant to pay a tax or tithe to their church. Giving ten percent to the church was quite a bit for some families, which led to the tithe being extremely unpopular during the Middle Ages. A tithe could be paid in either crops, equipment, or cash. The church collected an abundant amount of seeds and equipment, that had to be stored in a "tithe barn". Many of these barns can even be seen today, like the giant one in Maidstone, Kent. After paying their taxes and tithes, peasants were able to keep the little money and resources left over. ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Roman Catholic Church During The Medieval Era During the Medieval period the Roman Catholic Church was one of the most vital institutions in people's everyday life and held influence over the affairs of everyone from peasants to monarchs. The Church played a central role in society with Bishops and Archbishops playing a major role in governments and the belief among citizens that the only way they could attain salvation was through the Roman Catholic Church. The Church's religious ideals permeated society influencing the calendar, daily activities, monumental occasions in people's life, and the teachings of the Church underpinned mainstream ethics and beliefs of people. The Church operated under a highly developed and sophisticated system of governance, law and economy that allowed it ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Literature Circle Essay How do you think it would feel to be raised knowing that your body was going to be harvested, even if it was for a God? In the novel Unwind by Neal Shusterman, one of the characters changes drastically throughout the book. The book takes place in a future dystopian society where unwinding, a process where children between the ages of 13 and 18 have their body parts are harvested and sold as replacement body parts to other humans, is now a normal part of society. Three runaway unwinds go on a journey to fight for their lives. One of the main characters, Lev, develops greatly throughout the novel by firstly being a holy tithe, then questioning his faith, and eventually realizing that his purpose in life is not to be a tithe. At the beginning of the novel, Lev is a tithe and believes that it is his destiny to let himself be unwound. He doesn't believe in doing the wrong thing and tries his best to be honest. He is infuriated when Connor and Risa save him because he still believes that it is his destiny to be tithed and that they are holding him back. Lev says, "It's no use trying to explain to this godless pair what tithing is all about. How giving one's self is the ultimate blessing ( Unwind 42)." This quote shows how narrow–minded he is when it comes to seeing what unwinding truly is about. He doesn't see unwinding as a bad thing, but as a blessing and an honor that he must complete in order to please God. Unlike the other characters who tried to escape their fate, Lev was ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. William The Conqueror: How Feudalism Divided Society How feudalism divided society to a large extent William the Conqueror, who was also the Duke of Normandy, brought feudalism into England when he forced his way to the throne. Feudalism was a hierarchy, where the King owned all the land, divided it between the lords, who then divided it for knights. They then allowed peasants to work on their land. It was a political, economic and social structure. In my essay, I will explain how feudalism divided England to a large extent. One way that feudalism divided society, was that it wasn't equal in a way that peasants grew all the crops and did all the work, but they still got the least. For instance, most peasants were underfed, so they died at 30. However, nobility had longer lives, William the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Religious Tithe In Unwind By Neal Shusterman Many people experience the feeling of change. Whether for better or worse, most people grow to find their true selves. Lev is a religious tithe who is devoted to the idea of sacrificing himself to God until his mentor, Pastor Dan, comes to realize the better choice for him. The novel Unwind, by Neal Shusterman, emphasizes the drastic change Levi Calder, experiences throughout the novel to come to know who he is called to be. In the beginning, Lev is a devoted tithe. He then soon becomes a very distinct person once he meets Connor and Risa. From the moment he was born he was to be the family's sacrificed gift to God. His pastor, Pastor Dan, has always strongly expressed that he is a very special child. Lev believes this, never questioning ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. My Favorite Sermon It is fair enough to say that I got an early Christmas present this year as my favorite preacher, Tim Delina, came to church to minister this past Sunday. I found it funny because just this past week, I was asking myself where he has been. I've listened to so many preachers preach, and no one comes close to Pastor Tim in the way he explains his messages. His sermons, inspired by God, is able to change the hardened of hearts. Never have I seen a preacher use humor to connect with his audience as Pastor Tim does. Look up his sermons on YouTube, you won't be disappointed. I'll attach my favorite sermon of his (JONAH HAS TOO MANY CHAPTERS) at the end of this post. I blogged about this sermon some weeks back, but it's worth listening to. When God wants to speak to you, He uses different means to do so. In my case, He used Tim Delina to minister to me. Two weeks ago, an elder at church ministered on tithing, but I didn't feel the sermon was meant for me. Pastor Tim then came last week and ministered on that same subject...again! I believe God said to Himself "Joseph if you didn't think that last sermon was meant for you, maybe if I send you your favorite preacher, you'll then believe it is for you." As he spoke on this topic, I began to think about my level of tithing or the lack of it. (I'll post a link to Pastor Tim's sermon on tithing at the end of this post) For some of us, we think we are entitled to everything we own, but we need to stop and ask ourselves who gives us the ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Essay On Funding Creative Ways Churches Can Gain Funding for Projects (working title) Felicia Jordan INTRO Allocating funding and obtaining the cash flow necessary to keep up with the changing and growing demands of running a church can be difficult. It's not easy gathering the funding necessary to swap your church van out for a much safer bus, repairing the roof on the chapel, or upgrading the audio– visual equipment to help enhance services and attract new membership. That money has to come from somewhere. And while grants can help provide some of it, there's no guarantee you can rely on that as a source of funding for your big projects. Sometimes getting creative and thinking outside the box about funding issues can help you come up with new ways ... Show more content on ... Themed Youth Group Party A themed youth group party can be a great way for the young people in your church to get to know each other a little better while raising money for your church. Charge a few dollars at the door. People that show up in a themed costume can pay $3 while those in "normal" clothes can pay $5. You can also sell concessions during the event to raise extra money. Just don't forget to promote your themed youth group party during Sunday services or Sunday school. You want the members of your youth group to invite as many people as they can to help you raise more money! Crowd Source! SHARE VISUALS Upload multiple photos and videos of your church, youth group, or religious organization to show donors exactly where their contributions are going. Including media on your church's crowdfunding page will help people connect to your fundraising efforts. TELL YOUR STORY Your church's crowdfunding campaign should also tell your organization's story. This is a crucial component of any fundraising campaign because it helps supporters connect more closely to your cause and makes them more likely to donate! GET SOCIAL The best way to raise money and awareness for your church's crowdfunding campaign is to share it on social media and via email. Obviously, you don't want to overwhelm your followers, but you should share your campaign's URL often to reach more people and start receiving more donations. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. How Does Lev Change Throughout The Book Unwind There are three main changes that occurred to Lev throughout the book Unwind. These changes have made Lev into what he is at the end of the book. In the beginning of Unwind Lev is being taken as a tithe to be unwound. Lev's parents had ten children and in that culture, if there was a tenth child then they were considered a tithe were to be unwound as a way of an offering to god. The first of the three changes started when Lev pulled the fire alarm at the school that they were hiding in so that Risa and Connor wouldn't be caught. Lev started to learn that he is able to break rules. Lev grew up his whole life as a tithe and was the perfect son and didn't do a single thing wrong because his parents raised him to believe that he was holy. He felt a bit guilty after he told the school's principal that Connor and Risa where hiding in the school bathroom so he pulled the ... Show more content on ... Lev meets a teenage kid named Cyrus Finch who is nicknamed CyFi. Lev and CyFi travel together for a little while before they start going into a Christmas store.while they are in the Christmas store CyFi goes up to a Christmas tree and he takes one of the golden baubles and stuffs it into his pocket then sneaks out of the store and starts running. Lev follows him and learned that CyFi has a part of his brain from a unwind and the unwind liked to steal things giving CyFi the impulses to steal shiny things. Lev could have ditched CyFi to deal with this problem on his own but Lev stayed and helped him through it. Also when Lev went with CyFi to the town of Joplin and Tyler who is the unwind who CyFi got the part of the brain from takes over CyFi and digs up the treasure Lev helps by telling CyFis parents what to say and in the end freeing CyFi from the dead unwind.(Pg 191) This is showing loyalty and selflessness that Lev never had coming from a rich privileged ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Comparison Of Exodus 16: 15 And When The Children Of Israel I. Exodus 16:15–16, "15 And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna: for they wist not what it was. And Moses said unto them, This is the bread which the LORD hath given you to eat. 16 This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded, Gather of it every man according to his eating, an omer for every man, according to the number of your persons; take ye every man for them which are in his tents." A. The manna that God gave to the children of Israel to eat was the first time God was teaching His people that God's tithe was given to all Israel to eat. 1. Exodus 16:36, "36 Now an omer is the tenth part of an ephah." 2. An omer or a tithe was for every man, according to the number of persons in every tent. 3. God provided bread or meat for His people to eat of the tithe that came from heaven until they came into the promise land flowing with milk and honey. ... Show more content on ... Deuteronomy 12:17–19, "17 Thou mayest not eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corn, or of thy wine, or of thy oil, or the firstlings of thy herds or of thy flock, nor any of thy vows which thou vowest, nor thy freewill offerings, or heave offering of thine hand: 18 But thou must eat them before the LORD thy God in the place which the LORD thy God shall choose, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy manservant, and thy maidservant, and the Levite that is within thy gates: and thou shalt rejoice before the LORD thy God in all that thou puttest thine hands unto. 19 Take heed to thyself that thou forsake not the Levite as long as thou livest upon the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Is Tithing for New Testament Christians? Essays LIBERTY UNIVERSITY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Is Tithing for New Testament Christians? Daniel S. Steffen, PhD. SEMI 500 B02 Introduction to Seminary Studies by David Boston February 08, 2014 I. Introduction: Are New Testament believers required to pay tithes according to Jesus' statement in Matthews 23 vs. 23. II. Who was Jesus talking to when he said, "this you should have done; without leaving the other undone." A. The purpose for tithing under the Law. 1. The reason why God gave the Children of Israel the Law. 2. Christ redeems us from the Curse of the Law. 3. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and the prophets. B. New Testament ... Show more content on ... You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things."4 There has been strong theological argument whether this Scripture is indicating that New Testament believers are required to pay tithes. This paper will attempt to explain that New Testament believers are not under any command to tithe, but the spiritual principle of tithing is vital to the believer and still can be practiced. Christians who argue against tithing contend that Jesus words in Mathew 23: 23 do not apply to us today, because Jesus was under the law and speaking to the Pharisees who were under the Law. There premise is that Jesus was giving instructions to the Jews; so his words do not bind New Testament believers to a legalized system of tithing. According to Tom Brown this interpretation is flawed because modern day teachers are bringing Christ down to the level of a
  • 58. prophet or teacher of the law. Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, so this means every word that comes out of his mouth is eternal. He cannot say anything without it being spiritual law.5 Another point of view defending this premise states the Word of God is not confined to time and is always profitable for instruction and teaching in life. The application that says that Jesus is not speaking to modern day Christians is to hold Jesus' words hostage to the culture of its time ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Theme Of Identity In Unwind In the novel Unwind, the author uses the character Lev to develop a possible theme about identity: in all the problems life gives you are able to find who you truly are. In the novel, Lev was challenged on finding himself throughout the book after realizing he didn't believe in unwinding. At the beginning of the book, Lev's identity is formed by his pastor and religion. "Lev rolls down the window to feel the wind on his face, and closes his eyes to prepare himself. This is what I was born for. It's what I've lived my life for. I am chosen. I am blessed. And I am happy" (Shusterman 34). All Lev knows and believes in is being a tithe. Lev lived his life knowing he was born to be sacrificed, he knew nothing different. He formed his identity around this belief, ... Show more content on ... After turning in Connor and Risa Lev decides to call Pastor Dan: "'Lev, listen to me. Listen to me carefully. No one else knows that you're gone. As far as anyone knows, you've been tithed, and people don't ask questions about children who are tithed. Do you understand what I'm telling you?' 'But... I want to be tithed. I need to be. You have to call my parents and tell them. You have to get me to harvest camp." (Shusterman 79). This was a major turning point in Lev's identity because his identity was based on his religion. This was the first time ever that he questioned his religion and identity. Now that the man who told him that it was his honorable fate to be a tithe, doesn't believe in tithing, causes Lev to rethink his value and his existence. Now Lev has a bigger problem trying to find his new identity. As a result of this dishonesty, Lev begins to get enraged at Pastor Dan, his parents, and his religion. He begins to start going down a very dark path that will lead to killing people and himself. "He holds his hands up before him. He holds his hands up before him. He holds his hands up before ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Comparing Chaucer's Friar And The Parson Today, I will be comparing and contrasting Chaucer's Friar and Parson. More so, show how they have the same kind of job yet be far different in their personalities and be perceived differently by Chaucer. The parson, as proof will show, is a kind hearted and devout follower of his religion. Conversely, the Friar, despite having the same type of job, has a far different demeanor. Firstly comes the similarity of their jobs. The Friar and the Parson are both characters of similar social stature and are both "committed" to the church, one more so than the other. "In all Four Orders there was none so mellow" (Line 214). This quote shows that he is part of one of the four orders whom are allowed to beg for money. "There was a Friar" (Line 212). Here Chaucer very clearly states what his profession is. "He was a noble pillar to his Order" (Line 213). Once ... Show more content on ... "Sweetly he heard his penitents at shrift with pleasant absolution, for a gift" (Line 225–226). The Friar, a greedy swindler, will absolve people of their sins if they pay him. That shows that he is really only doing his job for personal gain. "He was an easy man in penance–giving" (Line 227). A truly religious Friar would give the penance one deserves, but instead he will take bribes for lesser penances. "One should give silver for a poor Friar's care" (Line 236). Quite clearly, the Friar has started charging people for things that should cost them nothing. Following the bible, the Parson is quite the opposite of the Friar. "A holy–minded man of good renown" (Line 487). Chaucer describes the Parson as a man whose mind follows only the teachings of Christ. "He much disliked extorting tithe" (Line 496). Contrary to the Friar, the Parson has no goal of making money. "First following the word before he taught it" (Line 507). The Parson makes sure he is following the word of God before he teaches other people about it, something the Friar does not ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. How Budgeting Is A Important Aspect Of Being A Productive... Budgeting is a very important aspect of being a productive member of society and as well as productive member of the Kingdom of heaven. I will elaborate on this statement at the end of my narrative; for now, I am going to go into detail about my personal budget and why I chose to allocate my funds the way I did. The budget that I have laid out is based on an estimated income that I will receive after I have graduated from an occupational therapy graduate program and have been certified to practice in the state of Florida. An entry–level occupational therapist 's salary is approximately $60,985. At this point in my life, I will be 25 years old and single with no children of my own at this point. Even though I cannot exactly predict my personal situation, I plan on being very focused on my career and working to build a good reputation in my field as an occupational therapist for children with special needs. In order to flourish financially I need a budget, not only to control my spending, so that I can work on paying off my student loans and begin a savings for future goal. My housing situation is very simple because I am only accommodating for myself. I plan on living and working in Lakeland for at least the first year after I graduate from college, this will allow me to decide if I want to live permanently in Lakeland or move to a different city. Therefore, I will be renting a two bedroom apartment; with two bedroom I can either have guests or I can later decided to get a ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Unwind Research Paper Without any rules or laws in a society, humans cannot be controlled or changed, similar to cavemen in a caveman's world. "You can't change human nature without first changing laws"–Nurse Greta. Once people in the society change a law, the human nature will emerge and change to meet that law's requirements. Most people in a society will follow a law that has been set into place, therefore possibly change their human nature in a positive way. Similarly, in the novel, Unwind, by Neal Shusterman, the society created new laws about pro–life and pro–choice for the people, in which, abortion becomes abolished and unwinding came in pursuit. Neal Shusterman introduces unwinds, Connor, Risa and a tithe, Lev, that face obstacles and challenges through ... Show more content on ... Unwinding and Tithing support people with financial problems by having jobs within the industry or within the process of unwinding and tithing. For example, in the novel on page 288, it states, "It takes twelve surgeons, in teams of two, rotating in and out as their medical specialty is needed. It takes nine surgical assistants and four nurses." Unwinding helps people to earn jobs in a doctor field to do surgeries on teens. They are able to support their families and themselves by earning money from the government when they complete surgeries. Furthermore, abortion was a very cruel act in which it allowed mothers to end their pregnancy and the child's life as well by taking a pill or medicine. However, now the mother's can unwind their child, where the child has at least 13 years to prove themselves and if not, they are later sent to harvest camps that are a safe and well–organized area for the unwinds to have fun in their last days in their body. In the novel, on page 263, it states, "Regardless of the site you choose, you can feel confident that your Unwind will receive the finest possible care from our board–certified staff as they make their transition to a divided state."All harvest camps are well organized and safely constructed to give every child a place where they receive full care. It is done to help the teens with their days within them and is a refined way for parents to send their teens or after they abort ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Society Moral in Tithe by Holly Black Essay In the world where both fairies and humans live together as one, but still not knowing one another exist, both society follow the same moral. Tithe a modern faire tale by Holly Black suggest that no matter who you are you should have loyalty in friendship though the faithfulness between the characters , trust and scarifies that have been made for each other. Loyalty in friendship is shown through the faithfulness of the characters. Robien, a faire had stayed faithful to Kaye after the day he met her. When the Unseelie court faire had come back and wanted Robien back he said, " I am home, lady. Now tell your men to put down his weapon and I will allow you to leave Unseelie court unharmed." (Black 325) Robien was very actuated to the ... Show more content on ... Also, fairies do not trust anyone with their names but while Kaye is helping Roiben at a stage of death, he told Kaye his name. Kaye thought to herself, "Faires didn't give their names easily even apart of their names, although she had no idea why." (Black 27) Robien knew she could control him if she found out his full name but still decided to trust her, because of her noble deed. In friendship trust is the most important part of loyalty. Moreover, the scarifies one makes for their friends also show the loyalty in the friendship. As Kaye saved Roiben from dying, sacrificing her own life shows the kind of friendship they have. While laying on the ground under a tree Roiben says, "I am in your debt. I mislike not knowing how I must repay it." (Black 42) He is thankful to Kaye from saving her and now believes he has to give her life to her. This sacrifice shows how loyal friends would do anything for one another. Along with that Roiben ends up saving Kaye from begin sacrificed for the Tithe. When he saves Kaye, she says," Roiben had known all along what he was offering her his life," (227) During the sacrifice when the Unseelie court Queen began the ceremony he whispered to Kaye " What is your but they use it more than you," telling Kaye she had to command him with his full name. Here he scarified himself to her even if it meant to ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Book Review on the French Revolution and the People Essay For my report I read The French Revolution and the People by David Andress to learn what were the reasons causing the French Revolutionary War. The main thesis of the book is the known problems and reactions which affected the events and outcomes of the revolution in every stage, now everyone in France was affected by the revolution. I agree with the author's thesis on many different levels. Since the multiple troubles the people had at that time did not originate just then but decades before. As well with constant economic pressure of all the upper classes upon them only worsened the situation. Since all the troubles and problems of the poor were never looked after, now everyone in France gets a taste of the revolution. First, ... Show more content on ... The churches collect tithes and since the right to collect tithes was owned by both the lay landowners and seigneurs (similar to mayors) the tithes were mostly mandatory. Although the tithe was to pay for the church's services you still would be charged for weddings, baptisms, and funerals. In some cases the clerics and the religious instructions to be both landowners and seigneurs, in turn being able to claim rents and feudal dues from large numbers of peasants. Second, how seigneurialism did not get rid of feudalism but only changed it for the seigneurs to get more power. Over time it shifted from feudalism to more of a financial relationship since the lords wanted more money and they couldn't tax serfs who didn't get paid. The seigneurs had many rights such over extensive land, an annual rent, a share of harvest; fee if land has changed hands or inherited would be paid by past serfs. They also had rights over the game in their land forbidding peasants from killing anything without privilege, as well as the right to ride over peasant's crops during the pursuit of the game. Also more rights are honorary pews in the front of the church and the weathercock on top of manor house. The seigneurs also had the right to dispense justice so many tens of thousands of seigneurial courts were apart of villages. Also, another problem that occurred during that time was a drought. France ran into a few climatic problems in 1785 which lead a drought a major ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Change In Unwind By Neal Shusterman Unwind, by Neal Shusterman, expresses change in many ways and forms. The book is about three main characters that are trying not to be unwound and eventually are safe. One of the main characters, Lev, starts out by being an innocent thirteen year old tithe, and by the end of the book, he is threatening and fearless. Lev experienced many problems and came out of his shell of a very religious tithe to stand up for what he believes in. Lev changed from a very obedient boy to a risky teenager throughout the book. At the beginning, he was very timid and careful of his thoughts and actions. Lev knew all his life that his purpose was to serve God and be unwound. As the book progressed, Lev found himself becoming careless and dangerous. Lev was on his own after he fled from the school, and that made him look at himself in a different way. At first, Lev's beliefs on unwinding were that he should be unwound so he could sacrifice himself to God. Lev then started to realize how awful unwinding is and he changed his mind. In the text the author wrote, "Lev recites prayers, trying to let them transform him and lift him up like they used to, but his heart has hardened." He has changed from being a giving tithe to a ... Show more content on ... In the beginning, Lev wanted to be a tithe and wanted to sacrifice himself to the church. His goal was to be a sacrifice and worship God as much as he could. Near the end, Lev wanted to survive and save his friends. Lev no longer wanted to be unwound and wanted his friends to be safe. In the beginning of the book, the author wrote, "Lev has always felt closer to God than his friends, or even his family." Those opinions have changed very much throughout the book. Lev's goals were based on what his parents and Pastor Dan said. After he had to live on his own and survive for a while, he realized that he should control his goals and listen to what he is saying to ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Women In Medieval Times Women Living the life of a female in the medieval times was difficult and women had no right and no say in their future because it was already planned out for them. For women who were born poor, they had to start working as soon as they were physically able to. They would keep on working till there twenties till they would finally get married and start a family. This is because there family needed them to keep on working for as long as possible before they started their own new family. For the women born into wealth they were married off at the age of 14 and would be forced into any relationship (preferably to a rich man). They were intended to have kids but having kids in the medieval times was dangerous and women would die from labor. ... Show more content on ... The church The church in the medieval times had a large part in its society. It affected everybody's life– that including every peasant and high class member to the town. Everyone had to believe in God, hell and heaven. Ever since the early ages the Church taught that if you wanted to go to heaven the only way was if the roman catholic church gave you permission. They would make the member to the town fear hell so that everyone followed the church. Every one had to pay 10% of their earnings to the church (tax was called tithes in those days) tithes would be paid in either money or produce, because the peasants were so poor they could only give the church seeds, animals etc. If you could not pay tithes, the church sentenced you to hell after you died. The church was the roots to the middle ages because without the church, the wars would of kept on going and people would be coincidently fighting for land. The church established the land and brought faith, love and hope to its society. Health and ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Neal Shusterman's Unwind: Chapter Analysis Neal Shusterman's novel Unwind is a dystopian writing and follows the story of three young teenagers; Connor, Risa, and Levi. The story tells of them running away from constant threats of "unwinding." It is classified as a way to purify unwanted or trouble teens between the ages of thirteen to eighteen. This essay with address how is euthanasia used and explored within the novel Unwind by Neal Shusterman through the comparison between the two types of unwinds. It will touch on two different point of views that are seen throughout the novel in which all give a different tone to the work. It will examine the language and attitude of individual characters and their thoughts and development throughout the novel. There will be two main contrasting ... Show more content on ... Neal Shusterman had said that his inspiration for the novel was an article he saw about how technology is advancing and they would be able to preserve one–hundred percent of the body for donations. It is also apparent that he was able to take into considerations of the ethical implications. Is it really okay that the society is comforted with the idea of unwinding children because their lives technically do not end? As mentioned before, there is a part within the novel where it is described a story of a boy who has a part of an unwind. In which is told that there is a part of the boy within Cyrus who has no knowledge of being in a different body. This is only a case of within the novel which clearly talks of this happening. There is a statement said during that conversation in which deals with the unwound. Cyrus talks Near the end of the book, there is a gathering of people who got parts from one unwound kid. In which, as time goes on, each all start recalling certain memories of the kids, even muscle memory. Taking those two indications into consideration, would having parts of an unwound being really be ethical? As they are still alive, yet they do not know that they are not in their own body or react rash on their own ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Definition Essay: The Importance Of Sweating To The Church Sweating to the Gospel Have you noticed there are almost as many exercise joints as there are churches? While church attendance declines, attendance at exercise gyms is booming! Not only are these gyms/clubs opening on corners across the South once reserved for churches, these places are keeping their doors open twenty–four hours a day, seven days a week. They now compete with churches for time once held sacred for Sunday morning and evening worship as well as Wednesday evening prayer meeting. On any given Sunday or Wednesday you are likely to find as many people, if not more, sweating their buns off in the gym as you find sweating their sins off under a barrage of "hell fire and brimstone" from the pulpit. The perfect sculpted body has ... Show more content on ... Churches have embraced scare tactics, revolution, generational music, youth indoctrination, and social media to draw numbers through their doors, so why wouldn't the next logical step be to embrace fitness as a part of worship. Visualize churchgoers seated between lines of treadmills and exercise bikes while gospel rock explodes from a glitzy flashing stage where the pastor dances and calls from the pulpit for sinners to repent. Rolling across the giant video screens to the left and right of the stage, imagine scrolling script urging people to join the church fitness club and become a member of Antifat Believers, Fluffy Angels, Disciples of Bulge, and Sweating to the Gospel. Is that much different than what is already happening in many churches? In today's world, to boost church attendance, churches need to be willing to do whatever it takes to get people in the door, including sweating to the gospel. They just need to make sure there are plenty of deodorant dispensers throughout the ... Get more on ...