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To visit Crotone

  This beautiful corner of          ancient civilization that has     between day and night, has a
  Calabria lapped by crystal        contributed to laying the         thriving development of
  clear waters of the Ionian        foundation's cultural, artistic   agriculture and especially the
  Sea, with its territory rich in   and philosophical. The mild       cultivation of vines that
  harmonious hills and vast         climate, due to the happy         represents one of the greatest
  stretches of green, was one       geographical location, a short    riches of the area.
  of the main centers of Magna      distance from the sea and the
  Grecia.                           mountains of Sila, ensures an
  The city still has the glorious   excellent thermal gap
  tradition of this

IL-GONFALONE- Drappo red richly decorated with gold embroidery and loaded the municipal
coat of arms with the inscription centered in gold: "City of Crotone. The cords and the shaft are

                Coat of Arms
In the background the blue silver tripod with two snakes outgoing and taken over by the cup, the
language of red, red glue campaign charging symbol "QDO" (KRO in archaic Greek characters),
with band of gold, crossing the divide. Ornaments outward from the Municipality.

Crotone, perla of the Magna Grecia, revived in its chimneys, the fertility of his land, in the beauty
of its coastline, the ancient splendor, combining the ancient with the modern replugging the
sportiness of its citizens to the success of athletes crotonate in Olympia, the beauty of its women to
the myth of Zeus, the culture of its people to Pythagoras and Alcmeone. And 'This is the climate
that we live in Crotone, where every stone draws a cultural heritage among the richest of humanity
and where el'industriosità the industriousness of its citizens have sustained a flourishing economy.
Visiting Crotone, therefore, becomes obligatory stop in a region like ours, where untouched natural
beauty is still to be discovered and where the hospitality of the people goes to the tastes of authentic
dishes from the traditional flavors.

The name derives from Crotone Kroton, the name of the colony to which the Achaean city today
follows. The assumptions about the origins of the name are many: in ancient times it was derived
from an eponymous hero, accidentally killed by Heracles, who, after having built a magnificent
tomb to his, puritanic birth in that place of a powerful city of the same name. The most reliable
hypothesis derive from the greek word that means the castor plant, or the reverse of a stilts that
nests in the area and that appears in some ancient coins next to the tripod, or from the Greek word
that means the clay, for the nature of its terrain. Still others argue Pelasgia the origin of the name
(from qortos, enclosed space) shows that the seniority of the city to the Greek colonization. In the
Middle Ages the name was corrupted in Cotrone metathesis for the letter "r"; today's diction was
restored, at the request of the Municipality, in 1928.

 The emblem of the town house, which is recognized by Royal Decree of 30 April 1903, reports the
   tripod Delfico already emblem of the first coins of the sixth century crotonate. BC, as the Greek
  colony founded dell'oracolo running Pizia of the temple of Apollo in Delphi. It is blue with silver
 tripod with two snakes outgoing and taken over by the cup, the language of red, red glue campaign
  charging symbol QDO (KRO in archaic Greek characters), with band of gold, crossing the divide.
 Until the unification of Italy, the seal of the University of Cotrone bore the image of S. Dionysius,
      in Episcopal vestments, in the act of holding the city in hand. This iconography in turn was
     succeeded in the course of the fifteenth such a dress depicting Hercules in lion skin and with
                                     Phrygian cap, the same attitude.
In recent years the city to work for modernization and expansion, has undergone many sbancamento
which brought to light various archaeological finds (the remains of buildings, including buildings,
remains of villas, spas, various architectural relics, sculptures, tesoretto monetali, foils registered
epigraphs in Latin and Greek marble, terracotta figures, vascular ceramics etc.). Were, for this
reason, we increased the archaeological excavations which have uncovered sections of the city wall,
dating from the fourth century a. C., made of large blocks of sandstone and has been setting the
plant of the city divided into regular meshes, oriented north-south roads with about five meters
wide. The area is situated where the Castle is the Acropolis.


(Located on the promontory Lacinio or Column Head or Cape Nao). It 'the most revered temple of
Magna Grecia, full of statues, columns of gold, the paintings of Zeus, of priceless treasures. The
imposing temple of worship, Doric, hexastyle, peripteral, old classic (VI-V cent. BC), protected by
sturdy fence fortified; Ruins of basement of the building, scrap-stylobates stereo, monumental
vestiges of entry and the massive walls Greek dangerous, rebuilt <<ad opus reticulatum>> in the
Roman period, Relic of the building thermal old Roman Column of Great Sanctuary (alt. M. 8.29,
diam. M. 1.77; circumference at the base, 5.60 m., with 20 slots), limestone conchiglifero, the only
survivor of the 48 columns of the peristyle Doric temple and the most conspicuous relic of Kroton,
very spectacular in its solemn solitude and position. Some archaeological finds from different areas,
and especially, from the sanctuary of Hera Lacinia (golden crown in the picture) are kept in the
National Archaeological Museum in the city.

Promontory Capocolonna. Oratory Foundation medieval recently remodeled;
Madonna di Capo Colonna, twentieth century icon painted in oils on canvas, made by De
Falco (1913).

Coastal fort, a square, based on slope, built in sec. XVI. Scale with external input tray in the tower.
The complex was part of the lookout and coastal defense, as implemented by the Viceroy Don
Pedro de Toledo.


Vast cultural edifice founded in sec. VII and rebuilt in the period 1508-21 (perhaps with building
materials taken from the sanctuary of Hera Lacinia), remodeled and restored in 1628-35 and
1883-99 and also recently. Interior with three naves, with vessels divided by pillars, marble Altar
Maggiore, surmounted by a wooden bust seventeenth century, flanked on the right, from rich
nineteenth Chapel, decorated with paintings, stucco, bronze statues, paintings (Arch. Farinelli,

painters Napolitain De Falco , Severini, and Grove), with an icon of Our Lady of Capocolonna,
altarpiece painted in oils on canvas, to mold the Byzantine, with remakes, covered with silver foil
and an oratory from the Cape Lacinio, where age protocristiana, was imported from the
Mediterranean (piece of art at issue date: VII-VIII century? sec. XI-XII? Sec XIII-XIV); to the left
of the main altar, the Chapel of St. Dionysius the Areopagite (first bishop of Crotone and patron of
the city), with marble altar, decorated medieval water policy on grounds zoomorphic. Beside the

Formidable military fortress ramparts, a polygonal plant (one of the most important and massive
construction of Southern military), founded in the early Middle Ages (sec. IX) in place of
<<Akropolis>> of Kroton, strengthened in 1059 by Robert Guiscard, altered age Angevin-
Aragonese made to reconstruct, in the current forms, with archaeological magnogreci, from the
Spanish Viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo in 1541, on a substrate of the medieval stronghold. Scrap the
fortified complex: powerful cylindrical corner towers, some equipped with trapdoors, crowned by
the magnificent order of shelves and connected by arches and walls block megalithic monuments
from the classical age. Arch and gates of the castle date back to centuries. XVII.


The church of Santa Chiara, with the adjoining monastery of Poor Clares, was built in 1500 and
restored at the end of the eighteenth century. The front, which opens a nice portal and 'decorated
with graffito decoration features, the interior is decorated with precious baroque stucco, has a
beautiful tiled floor of the Neapolitan. The church retains several canvases eighteenth, two of which
the painter crotonese Vitaliano Alfi, a wooden pipe organ, built in 1753 by the Neapolitan Thomas
De Martino, galleries wood used by the sisters, a choir and several interesting vestments, which are
characteristic of the goldsmith Neapolitan eighteenth century, is Finally, in the sacristy, a beautiful
eighteenth century furniture. Of the monastic complex was a monastery of which are still visible on
the bell tower, the cells, the brick and pavement in the arcade of the cloister, built in sandstone, and
'also found a tank with puteale, of 1616. The monastery, partly used by Stigmatines fathers and
sisters of the Sacred Heart, is home to a home office of Cultural Heritage.


Crossing the narrow streets of the old town of Crotone can see the myriad of noble palaces, whose
portals with badges, which take us back to ancient splendor, overlooking the narrow, winding
Barracco Palace (Piazza Castello). Massive, elegant eighteenth century building, of historical
importance because, in 1799, hosted the Cardinal Ruffo and then King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon.
Casa Zurlo (Via Suriano 36). Sixteenth-century dwelling surrounded by stone emblem of the Prince
Olivieri Palace (Via Montalcino) - With beautiful old stone portal Renaissance (a. 1526) with badge
and registration gentilizio truncated.
Building joints. Building civil eighteenth limestone facade with Syracuse.

The city

    Crotone is an important centre of
   commerce and industry. Its name
   derives from the greek Kroton,
   mythological hero mistakenly killed
   by Hercules, which je to diagnostics,
   promised that there would be a city
   that sort would bring the name
    Fourth largest city in the region,
   today Crotone is an important centre
   for Calabria both economically and


 Crotone is situated on an area of 179.79 sq km
and has a population of about 60,000
inhabitants. It faces the Ionian with
approximately 50 km of coastline protected          A panoramic view
where they live in an unpolluted habitat, rare
specimens of flora and fauna. To the south of
Crotone was founded in 1991 Nature Reserve
Capo Rizzuto, in order to protect those coasts of
the Mediterranean still intact.
 The town of Crotone is divided into two parts:
the old, which sits on a hill, surrounded by
medieval walls and modern, composed of

districts dating back to 1870.
 Among the rivers that cross the Marquis of
Crotone include Neto, and Tacina Esaro.


The old city, surrounded by medieval
walls, is home to several churches and many
noble palaces.
 The Cathedral, which dates to the ninth century.
Lies on a plant with three naves. Inside you can
admire the ceiling barrel and numerous church
ornaments, decorations Baroque paintings
dating back to the'600, a baptismal font twelfth
century. A wooden body of the'700 and an icon
of the fifteenth century. Representing the Virgin
and Child, called Capocolonna, very dear to the
 Among the buildings noble note Zurlo House
that has a beautiful stone portal and style Ionic
capitals.                                           Aerial view of Crotone
 Palazzo Olivieri - Susanna was built in 1526.
The coat of arms shows a dove with an olive
branch, probably a symbol of peace reached
with the marriage between families Olivieri and
 Sculco Palace and Casa Turano both dated to
the seventeenth century.: Architectural aspects
of the'600 linked to the Spanish domination
and'700, such as balconies arc.
 The Castle is located in the old town of
Crotone. Built nell'840 AD to defend the city
dall'incursione of Saracens, was amended in
1541 by King Charles V. Presents a plant and
two polygonal towers: one, more massive, called
Tower and another dell'Aiutante Torre said the
 To visit the Villa Comunale, a park of 2
hectares rich in trees. Inside the house,
connected to the Old Town from 4 inputs, there
is a staircase paved, lighted by beautiful lamps.
 Because of the danger of attacks by the Turks,
were strengthened coastal defenses through the
construction of numerous towers. A Crotone          Crotone
you can see the Tower of Nao, used today in
museum exhibits divers, and the Tower of
Tonda, the Martello Tower, the Tower of Scifo
and the Tower of Capocolonna.


 A Crotone take place during the year, many
cultural and religious events.
 During the months of April and May Crotone
houses the National Motocross Championship
on sand that attracts hundreds of fans from the
province and the whole region.
 Dell'Aurora The Festival is held in May. It 'a

festival of music and culture that testifies to the
importance of light for Crotonesi: the procession
of Our Lady fact ends at dawn, cosà マ as the
temple of Hera was once addressed to the east.
The festival concludes with a concert organized
in the early morning hours.
 In August the municipality of Crotone
organizes Kroton Jazz Festival, known musical
event. Inside the Villa Comunale are organized
concerts and exhibitions of the most famous
artists of the genre.
 Other festivals have to remember that of Saint
Dionysius (October) and that of Saint Lucia
 Among the Fairs not forget your antiques, the
first Sunday of every month and the Festival of
the Kitchen Calabrese in September.


 The craft crotonese is known for art goldsmith.       The Castle of Crotone
Handicapped goldsmiths create magnificent
jewels often inspired style greek and Byzantine
treated in detail and finish.
 Important including woodworking, ceramics,
wood, of silver and production of sacred objects.


 The kitchen of Crotone makes the most
products of the earth, as cereals, citrus fruits,
olives, vegetables and fruit. Widespread use of
chili pepper, which adds a strong flavor to
foods. Among the appetizers to try the sausages
and dairy products, including the provola, fresh
ricotta salata, and the many butirro preserves,
such as that of pummadori sicchi, pipi salted,
funci all'ogghio, alivi driven, sasizze, in addition
to pilchard and soppressata. Among the dishes,
include homemade pasta sauce seasoned with
pork or how cavateddri maccarruni and fish
soup. Among the main courses, the culinary
tradition of Crotone offers second fish and meat,
especially pork, accompanied by delicious              Beach Crotone
contours of vegetables.
 Among the desserts include the typical Pitta
from Madonna and sanguinazzu. A Christmas
to prepare the Easter crustuli while you can
enjoy cuzzupa.
 The dishes must be accompanied by absolutely
delicious wines: Cirò, Melissa, Hippolytus,
The Valley Neto, the Sant'Anna.


 We must visit the museums of Crotone to
admire the many testimonies of the period greek
various dominations and that the city had to

 The State Archaeological Museum was
established in 1910 and already hosted
numerous findings came to light during finds
not only sporadic, but even during regular
excavation campaigns. The exhibition is
divided into two sections: the ground floor there
are artefacts that testify to the history of the city,
from prehistory to the Middle Ages, the first
floor houses the main findings from the Greek
sanctuaries of Crotone. In Museo Civico are
preserved all the testimonies of the period of the
modern and medieval. The exhibition is divided
into several parts: the section of heraldry,
ceramic, armory, vintage photos and a section
dedicated to ancient artefacts found in the
houses of the city.


 A Crotone you can enjoy all kinds of sports,
especially those related to the sea, such as
sailing and fishing. Good sports facilities.
 Do not miss the National Motocross
Championship to April-May.


 Crotone is well connected with the rest of the
region and with other Italian cities.
 The SS. 106 is the main artery that runs along
the entire coast ion, while the SS. 107 Crotone -        The Castelle
Cosenza connecting the city with the various
locations of Silas.
 As for the links to small distance, the rail
network is not well equipped, but on the other
an excellent bus service ensures links with other
cities and towns in the province. The rail links
to long-distance services are more efficient.
 Crotone also has a good airport in the area of S.
 Anna, a few kilometres from the city, in the
town of Isola Capo Rizzuto.
 To reach Crotone you can also take the A3,
with exit Cosenza. It then continues on SS. 107.

Crotone, one of the five provinces of Calabria, stands at 8 meters above sea level on the Ionian
coast of Calabria, is the gravitational center of a thirty municipalities since the fifteenth century
took the title of Marquis of Crotone. Bordered to the north by the town of Strongoli, south with
Isola Capo Rizzuto, west with Rocca di Neto, Scandale and Cutro, east to the Ionian Sea. The city
stands between marine terraces, floodplains, and sandstone fortifications of tabular findings in front
of a choppy sea of clay. It has a land area equivalent to 179.79 square kilometers. Its coastline

stretches for 25 km and is characterized by particular morphological diversity: a city north of the
         beaches are composed of siliceous sand white and the seafront and the city continue south coast
         beaches composed of sand from the red sandstone '. Inwards, a promontory overlooking the sea,
         surrounded by flat land, which then becomes hilly.

Crotone is one of the Calabrian province of
more recent establishment, is a modern city
but not forgotten, and indeed tends to exploit
its glorious past, inextricably linked to the
Magna Graecia, as demonstrated by the
findings kept in the Archeological Museum,
also to pay homage to one of most illustrious
crotonese the airport is called "Pythagoras".
The entire area that overlooks the Ionian Sea,
is rich in many places a large tourist able to
meet every need of tourists with modern
facilities capable of turning a week's holiday in
an unforgettable dream.
Island locations such as Capo Rizzuto, Ciro
'Marina, Le Castella and Capo Colonna,
offering a delightful blend of past and present,
it is impossible not to think that those same
places were the scene of historical events, and
players were the men who created the Magna

                                                                        In an atmosphere where you can feel the
                                                                        dizziness of a dip in a mythological past, it can
                                                                        be seen at Cape Colonna, the column solitary
                                                                        witness of the temple that once stood near the
                                                                        sea, as if to remind the visitor the sacredness
                                                                        of that place , was alive when the cult of Hera
                                                                        Lacinia, mythical wife of Zeus.
                                                                        Ciro 'Marina, besides being known for its fine
                                                                        wine, it reveals the remains of a temple
                                                                        dedicated to Apollo, the god of the Sun, this
                                                                        valuable source of energy and vitality, which
                                                                        makes the fruits ripen and turn color a region
                                                                        where the sun never fails, even in winter.

Le Castella takes its name from the beautiful
building that stretches into the sea, back to the
Aragonese. This wonderful area from the point
of view of tourism in the past was scenario
battles against the Turkish invasions of the
pirates. A sea so beautiful embellished by such
a high historical value is for the tourist the
opportunity to enrich their culture.
Inland crotonese are not rare villages clinging
on the hills that still preserve intact medieval
villages, particularly worth visiting the castle
of Robert Guiscard in Santa Severina that
Strongoli of Caccuri and the two castles of
Cirò. The local cuisine offers the best in dairy
products in the hinterland, like the famous
pecorino crotonese.


         The old part of town, surrounded by medieval walls, is home to many different churches and noble
         The Cathedral, which dates to the ninth century. Stands on a plan with three naves. Inside you can
         admire the vaulted ceiling and numerous sacred baroque decorations, paintings dating back to'600, a
         baptismal font of the twelfth century., A timber of 700 and an icon of the fifteenth century.
         representing the Madonna and Child, known as Capocolonna, very dear to the city.
         The Church of Santa Chiara has a plaster facade of marble. It stands on a plant to a single aisle and
         houses in many baroque decorations and objects d'art. Note the tiled floor in the women's gallery
         and the choir.
         In 1738 was built the Church of the Immaculate, a single nave and Baroque. Inside, the paintings
         are stored 700 and dell'800 depicting the Virgin and a crucifix of wood dating back to'600.
         The Church of St. Joseph was built in 1719. Presents a single nave and Baroque decorations. Note
         the portal on the facade and the floor mosaic inside.
         Other highlights include the Monument to the Fallen of the War of 1915-18, the Monument to

Lucifer Armando (archaeologist crotonese) and the Monument to Raffaele Lucente (surgeon

The castle stands in the old part of Crotone. Built nell'840 D.C. to defend the city dall'incursione of
the Saracens, was amended in 1541 by Charles V. Presents a plant and two polygonal towers: one,
more massive, Torre said dell'Aiutante and another called Torre del Comandante.
To visit the Villa Comunale, a park of 2 hectares rich in trees. Inside the villa, which is linked to the
historical center of 4 inputs, there is a paved staircase, lit by beautiful lanterns.
Because of the danger of attacks by the Turks, were strengthened coastal defenses through the
construction of several towers. A Crotone you can see the Tower of Nao, now used as a museum for
underwater objects, and the Round Tower, the Martello Tower, the Tower of Scifo and the Tower
of Capocolonna.
National Archaeological Museum reopened in 2000 after years of closure to the public, the Museum
is the home of the treasures of Kroton. Located in the historical city center, in Via Risorgimento, is
a must to get to know the city and civilization magnogreca. The exhibition was divided into two
sections: the ground floor, the city, on the first floor of the territory. In the first section an apparatus
documentary depicting the history of the city from its origins to the Middle Ages, with an emphasis
on characters who have made great and famous Crotone, in two large display windows are the main
findings. Worthy to be remembered are received from the pottery district of potters. Excavations
have established that there was a Kroton in the neighborhood consists of homes with quadrangular
courtyard, where potters opened their laboratories. Other windows display the tomb trousseaux
contrada from Carrara, the largest ancient necropolis of the city so far investigated. On the first
floor there are several windows displaying materials come from various parts of the Marquis and
exhibits related to the main Greek temples identified in Crotone and in surrounding areas. But the
jewel of the museum is certainly a treasure to Hera, found around all'horos, inside the sacred in July
of 1987. It consists of a tiara of gold certainly adorned the statue of the goddess, with a braid in
relief and a double wreath of outside plant with leaves and berries of the myrtle and maple leaves.
In addition to the crown are in the Treasury a gold ring with diamond collets, a bronze mermaid, a
boat nuragica, a "Gorgon" alata. Noteworthy is also the medals with Greek and Roman coins, and
the findings of Caulonia, among which are to be collected, the plan of the Doric temple and a few
architectural terracottas of the temple of Passoliera. Opening hours: daily, except Mondays, from 9
to 19.30.


Provincial Museum of Contemporary Art
  Housed in the palace halls dell'ottocentesco Source, viale Regina Margherita, was opened in 1998
by the will dell'assessorato ai Beni Culturali della Provincia di Crotone. Among the works that it
owns are: "Palmina," an oil on paper by Bruno Ceccobelli of 1984, "Untitled", oil on canvas by
Nino Longobardi 1997, "Visions of John", an iron , copper, brass, paper and ink artist Hidetoshi
Nagasawa (1996); "aluminum scrap" iron and aluminum Joseph Pulvirenti (1994). It also exposed a
décollage of calabrese Mimmo Rotella titled "Crazy for women." The program includes two
museum exhibitions each year: "Kroton, annual acquisition of works by Italian artists from the
fifties actors until the nineties, former official from institutions such as the Venice Biennale, or in
manuals of history 'Art, "Contemporary", a project which intends to convey to Crotone works of
avant-garde artists. Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 20. Sunday
from 17 to 20. Free admission.

  Pinacoteca Bastione Toledo
  Housed within one of the seats in the sixteenth century ramparts to defend the city, the art gallery
houses works by artists from Calabria and national representatives of Futurism and
dell'avanguardia. The exhibition was created in the nineties of the twentieth century with a
collection of Gael Covelli, artist-school style of late nineteenth century Neapolitan native of
Crotone. This has added other donations, including a series of works by Salvatore Ferragina.
Worthy of note, finally, the gifts left by the heirs Turano (bronzetto and a few paintings dell'800)
and by Luigi Tallarico, art critic and scholar, who has donated hundreds of works. Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Saturday from 16 to 20.
  Library A. Lucifer "
It is located in Piazza Castello, in the Aragonese castle. Founded in 1978, houses a large library
consisting of over 18,000 volumes including the works of general culture, texts and documents on
the history of Crotone, books and manuscripts on the history of Calabria. Many magazines also of
culture, art, science, politics, psychology, religion, philosophy, theosophy, topical medicine, general
and local history. Several local newspapers also consulted. There are also 235 editions and
historical and legal policies dating back the nineteenth. Inside the facility is located, also, the
multimedia room dedicated to "Carlo Turano (35 seats), in which videos are projected, with a giant
screen, computer, projector and give language laboratory. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday from
9 to 13 and from 15 to 19. Summer second and third week of August.

Diocesan Library
  In this library are collections of theological, pastoral and history, ancient and funding. It is divided
into two sections: that of Crotone and Santa Severina. In both you can apply for reproduction of
documents and consult the Internet. The section of Crotone is located in Piazza Duomo, and has
supplied about 8000 books and 48 periodicals. Opening Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
from 9 to 13 and from 15 to 18.

The archaeological site Archaeological Park of Capo Colonna

A few kilometers from town on the promontory, this is now the area of the archaeological park of
Capo Colonna. The temple of Hera, one of the greatest antiquity, was built towards the sea and
placed on a large rectangular base that served as a pedestal. It was 150 meters long and 50 wide,
supported by 13 or 15 Doric-style columns on the longer side and 6 on the shorter side, these will
now only one remains, a memory of a past glory, but ruin. The temple was full of arcades and altars
and also had small houses for the priests and the attendant shopping and religious objects. From the
excavations carried out so far has been able to establish that the sanctuary was formed by several
monuments: the Temenos, which is a sort of boundary of the sacred, the Katagonium
el'Hestiatorion. The first was a square-shaped hotel for guests to respect the building to a second
peristyle almost square in shape, perhaps for the banquet, the sacred way, a great and solemn in the
vicinity of Propylaia access was limited to the margins by a bile curb the original construction dates
and then around the sixth century BC, was a big environment of elongated rectangular shape, with a
very simple and very similar to another temple of Crotone, to "Vigna Nuova." The building was
adorned with sculptural decoration and marble tiles of the censor Q. Fulvio Flacco plunder for
building, in Rome, the temple of fortune equestrian. The temple dell'Heraion was very popular and,
at festivals in honor of Juno, attracted merchants and faithful as well as from all parts of Italy
including Greece, Sicily and Carthage. In the same area, north-east, near the shrine of the Virgin of
Capo Colonna, were found a Roman balneum Late Republican with mosaics, the remains of some
buildings with peristyle, decorated with mosaic floors and the remains of a kiln dating to the third
century AD Opening hours: from 8 up to one hour before sunset. •

Areas of archaeological interest areas Vrica and Stun are two areas that bear testimony of
the oldest events of glacial cycles and; interglacial. Important areas of reference for the climate,
they were recognized as "stratotipo limit plio-Pleistocene", that limit goes back to 1,600,000 years
ago. In the two areas crotonese through accurate studies, it was possible to identify different types
of fossils and thus better understand how there were the ice ages. Vrica is located south of Crotone
and in this area that scholars refer to indicate the limit of the conventional "PlioPleistocene". The
"stratotipo" identified at the base of the Stun represents the beginning of the first ice age, at the top
of Stun This is what scholars call a "terrace milazziana, rich in fossils. • Nature Nature Nature
Reserve of Capo Rizzuto Marine The protected area includes 42 kilometers of coastline, 36 of
which fall within the territory of the municipality of Isola Capo Rizzuto (from Meolo Praialonga

localities) and 6 km in the municipality of Crotone from Cape to finish a column Barco Vercillo.
The nature reserve was established in 1991, encompasses 13,500 hectares of water, and is the
largest marine reserve of the peninsula. Its depths have dried slightly deep which are also two miles
from the coast, on average, and often rocky, sandy, covered with glaring grasslands of Posidonia
Oceanica, a plant highly evolved, with flowers and fruit, similar to terrestrial plants. Whether from
the shore and from dried furthest you can enjoy endless submerged reefs, forms that seem strange
residue of massive landslides. The sea is home of many species of green algae, brown, red and blue
and many fish species including: spreading, Wrasses, Crenilabridi. The marine reserve covers two
different areas to protect (area A, the full reserve, and zone B, the general reserve) which are
generally prohibited all activities that may in any way jeopardize the environmental balance and the
same institutional purpose of 'marine protected area. Among the prohibited activities, variously
regulated in the two different areas, scuba diving, fishing and hunting, removal, and damage to
archaeological and geological formations of minerals, discharge of waste, manipulation of the fascia
coast, the destruction of the bush. The reserve also hides important archaeological evidence, the
memory of a distant past. Its beautiful colors, its treasures, its fascinating secrets make this corner
of the Calabrian coast flagship not only the region but of the entire peninsula. (R.P.C.)


Need to visit the museums of Crotone to admire the many testimonies of the greek and the different
dominations that the city had to suffer.

The Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna was inaugurated in 2002 in a new building
constructed at the entrance to the archaeological park namesake. The structure plan is fully

embedded in the soil and surrounded by meadows and trees still green, has a stone exterior coatings,
all in order to reduce their environmental impact. Inside, divided into three sections, are the
archaeological finds excavated in the surrounding and adjacent and contiguous Archaeological Park
of Capo Colonna.
The first section introduces the discovery of a Roman colony that was developed in the sanctuary
between 194 BC and the second century D.C. displaying coins, amphorae, vases and furnishings of
everyday life organized by class of ceramic used. The second section houses instead of the greek
exhibits including several fragments of marble sculptures dating back to all the fifth century BC and
certainly belonging to the pediment of the Temple of the famous sanctuary of Hera Lacinia. But
votive statuettes in bronze, gold and silver vases and terracotta production Corinthian, Attic,
EOLIA and from every part of ancient Greece to witness the magnificient of what the Greeks called
the Heraion Lakinion. The last section is devoted to the underwater finds over the successive
decades of marine research. Bases are exposed and marble stones for a total of over 300 tons of
processed marble, the marble group of Love and Psyche and a bronzetto depicting Herakles and
In the Museo Archeologico di Capo Colonna are also devices that guide teaching visitors to the
perfect reconstruction of the interiors and exteriors of the sanctuary dedicated to Hera Lacinia.
Among the most valuable exhibits include a magnificent bronze Corinthian helmet on the fifth
century BC from underwater, exposed in the entrance hall of the museum along with a 'Ara marble
dedicated to the goddess lacinia for the health of Marciana, Trajan's sister and a terracotta bust of
female divinities of the second century BC


The State Archaeological Museum was established in 1910 and already home to numerous
artefacts came to light not only during sporadic findings, but also during regular excavation
It should be remembered Armando Lucifer, the great archaeologist crotonese kept in the house that
the material of the Museum, to preserve it from damage caused by World War lI.
What is striking just entered the museum is the elegant point of reception provides bookshop. The
exhibition is divided into two sections: the ground floor there are exhibits that testify to the city's

history, from prehistory to the Middle Ages, the first floor houses the finds from the principal Greek
sanctuaries of Crotone.
A room has been a part dedicated to the Treasury of Hera, a collection of objects in gold, bronze

and silver found in the sanctuary that was once a Capocolonna.

Sant'Elena are preserved all the evidence of the Middle Ages and of modern times.
The exhibition is divided into several parts: the section of heraldry, of pottery, armor and period
photos and a section dedicated to artefacts found in the ancient houses in the city.
Do not miss the Galleria Comunale collecting 107 paintings by artists of the'900.

To visit Crotone

In the historic centre of Crotone can be important evidence of the glorious history of this
wonderful city.

 Piazza Pythagoras, is the most important of Crotone, and a meeting center for citizens.
Surrounded by porches built in the second half 800's, stands on the hill Knight.

 Continuing Via Vittoria arrive in Piazza Duomo where we can admire the magnificent
cathedral dating from the ninth century. It was built on several occasions using materials
from the Temple of Hera Lacinia.

 This implied a eclecticism of styles that can be seen today in the unique architecture of this
church. Sormontata by dome and bell shaped Oriental, maintains a predominantly Baroque

Inside you may notice some masonry blocks relating to the original construction, and some
chapels as the main dedicated to Our Lady of black Capocolonna, erected nell'800.

 Next to the cathedral is the Episcopal Palace, built in the sixteenth century. In which are
preserved some of the main badges crotonesi bishops. Continuing the Corsican Vittorio
Emanuele we come across in the building where he established the old Town Hall.

Is the front of the church, whose construction took place in 1554 and later enlarged in 1738.
Inside of a single nave and is decorated with a portal with friezes of the Baroque period.

 Not far from the church is the Church of the Convent of St. and Clare, with plant'400 end
but rebuilt in'700. Places within the beautiful pavement majolica Neapolitan, and the
precious body wooden 1753.

 Continuing Via Risorgimento Gallucci is the Palazzo, built at the end of'800. Not far there is
the eighteenth century Church of St. Joseph enriched by baroque stucco.

One of the most important buildings of Crotone is the Castle, a fortress polygonal plant,
which still keeps intact all the charm of the Middle Ages. Built for the will of the noble family
Ruffo was five towers with a circular plan.

 Under the domain of Charles V, the castle took on the forms and in 1541 the new defensive
structure inglobava old. Were added new ramparts and zoomed l 'architectural trim.

 During the Second World War was used as an antiaircraft and was partially damaged
because of the numerous earthquakes.

 Of Sanctuary of Hera Lacinia today is not that a column of the temple built in about 470
BC. However, you can find the essential elements that reveal the presence of what was
considered the most important sanctuary of Magna Greece.

Many of the items found during the excavations are today preserved in the Archaeological
Museum in the city.

 To complete the visit of Crotone we can bear at the Museum or visit the Galleria Comunale,
rich in historical from the Castle.


The art orafa

The art orafa calabra has endured remarkable conditionings in the course of the centuries as
a result of succeeding itself of various populations and cultures in this region. However, the
element that characterizes and distinguishes from that one of the other regions, sure is
represented from the approach to the gold of materials that go from the wood to the red coral,
from the stone to pearls, the amethyst to silver, nacre, copper to the enamel, the onyx or the
vitrea paste. One perfect fusion, than in its harmonious beauty incarnates the essence of the
spirit of this earth, with its amazing games of light and colors. The jewels of popular tradition
and peasant more diffuse is the necklaces, the rings, orecchini and the spille that they acted as
also from ciondoli.
Expression of the tradition medieval late-Roman and they are some orecchini in gold sheet,
while those decorate to you with perline reveal their derivation from the late-rinascimentale
and baroque period.
The necklaces are introduced in a refined alternation of gold, of pearls and of corals, with
spille, circles, plate center decorated them, or with pendants to ribbon, with applications of
leaves and flowers it decorates to you with stones, or still “to festoni” that they finish to star
shape, with to the center two hearts draws near to you. The spille they are manifactured with
stoffa and they introduce various reasons decorated to you, with stone they incastonata with
rumble centers and perline. Sometimes the spille they come forged in shapes of animals
(snake, butterflies, fish, etc) with I interlace of delicate floreali decorations.
Appreciated all over the world, the tradition of the Magna Greece, therefore comes defined
the pregevole production orafa of the Calabria, above all takes to life in the crotonese, fusing
the traditions of the Greek, Arabic style, bizantino and baroque.

Valter Contarino, a greatly talented artist, is a young Crotone master goldsmith, whose work perfectly
embodies the deeply-rooted, millenary craft tradition of the town. Solidly steeped in classical culture, trained
under the greatest Crotone craftsmen, Valter Contarino has created his own unique style, remarkable for its
attention to detail and the meticulous care given to the selection of the raw materials used, above all, the
gold. Gold, the symbol, as ever, of sunshine, wealth and prosperity, that becomes a kind of living creature at
the hands of this artist, shaped to become something eternal. His great practical skill and surprising creative
eclecticism allow Contarino to vary his range, producing absolutely refined and elegant creations, admirable
for the beauty of their composition and exceptional quality. Gold, pearls and precious stones are blended to
become masterpieces of the goldsmith's art, many inspired by the iconographic tradition of the Magna
Graecia, such as the beautiful gold silver and lapis lazuli necklaces, reproducing an ancient sixth-century BC
coin, with the Delphic tripod and the inscription Kroton.

Gerardo Sacco

Born in Crotone, Gerardo Sacco doing since the age old craft of jewelry, traveling, starting from
1966, all the more significant steps to acceptance and success both nationally and internationally.
Carries on business in Crotone where he established what he likes to define his "shop", to detect the
craft and creative permanently processing of gold, of silver and precious stones. In fact, the
"workshop" of Gerardo Sacco is

Today a modern company known by the brand worldwide, with a qualified production structure and
efficient organization of trade. The productions signed Gerardo Sacco constitute an absolutely
original and unusual, difficult to label them by critics and experts within a single category. Gerardo
Sacco sweeps continuously, with almost scientific rigor, the

  Research and the rediscovery of fascinating traces of the past, drawing inspiration from art
continues "Great - Greek and Byzantine, Renaissance, Baroque" and "Deco". His works, over time,
have made a real archaeologist who brings back to light and retrieves a full working life,
techniques, forms and materials specific to that crossroads of cultures that Magna has represented
Greece in the history of the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean .
The creations of goldsmith Gerardo Sacco for cinema and the theater are precious objects for
artistic achievement, beauty of stone, historical research and development and therefore represent a
unique, as a result of genuine art, fine and rare.

The creations of goldsmith Corrado and Mongiardo



Crotone and its territory have a cuisine of the poor, but robust in flavor, with the frequent use of hot
pepper and products spontaneous as asparagus, chicory, wild onions, fennel aromatico etc. .. Its
peculiarity is the "provision" that is, the use of housewives to prepare homemade preserves details
then be used as starters or to enrich local dishes

The province of Crotone, as the whole of Calabria, offers a varied and original cuisine. A simple
way of cooking only with regard to the ingredients, recently re-evaluated with the appreciation of
the Mediterranean diet.
Prevail here the products of the earth: mushrooms, eggplant and tomatoes are the base of each dish,
but also fennel, asparagus and chicory are essential components of processed food crotonese.
Very good is the bread of wheat, mainly Verzino and Savelli.
The strong flavor of meats: sausage, soppressata, and capocollo n'dugghia. Among the cheeses
report provole silane, ricotta salata, the butter (with internal caciocavallo butter), the pecorino.
Among the dishes to the covatelli pork sauce and anchovies in cake or arriganate.
 Triumphs over all the chili, produced in different varieties for flavor and most of the local dishes.
Sea bass, groupers, lobsters, moray eels, snappers and Sarago are members of the rank of
imaginative cuisine coast, which, in homage to an ancient tradition, is inspired by the simple recipes
of a popular cuisine which offers authentic specialties.
One example is "u quadaru, delicious fish soup that fishermen sometimes on the shore preparing to
return from sea.
Traditional also is "u nunnatu", ie small fish fritters have just emerged from the larval state (hence
the name which means baby), the same is prepared piccantissima a sauce called a pilchard ",
wherever that color the stalls of the market towns of the province and that flavor to many of the
dishes of traditional cuisine crotonese.
Equally simple derivation and Eastern Europe are the desserts, such as "pitta 'nchiusa", a pink
sheets enriched with raisins and spices, the puccidrati the mostaccioli, cakes of flour and honey
molded in the forms most' diverse and decorated with small inlays of colored paper and black

Crotone is a city where the sea generous offers fresh and different, and the earth, vegetables, meat
and tastes delicious. Among the main courses leads the homemade pasta: the "Cavatelli" small
dumplings served with meat sauce and ricotta, the "maccarruni" seasoned with pork sauce. Among
these delicacies are not neglected the second unmatched dishes including fish include: soups
prepared with aromatic seaweed, garlic, parsley, tomatoes and eaten on slices of bread and roasted
"pilchard". Each dish is flavored by the chef with skill, using the excellent extra virgin olive oil and
hot pepper. Excellent sausages, sweet and spicy, and delicious cheeses, such as fresh ricotta or
smoked, from grate on pasta dishes, and the famous pecorino, even with black pepper, with its
characteristic strong flavor. Vera delight are the sweet tastes from many different: the "crustuli"
consisting of wheat flour, sugar, oil, liquor, cloves, cinnamon and honey, fried and honey in the
past, the "pitta 'nhiusa" puff pastry filled with raisins and candied walnuts, and the exquisite
"sanguinazzu" blood boil pork made with sugar, dark chocolate, almonds and walnuts. All these
delicious dishes are accompanied by fine wines doc the "Ciro" and "Melissa".


This is a hard textured cheese, semi-cooked and produced from whole fat sheep’s milk (the
addition of up to 20 per cent of goats’ milk is permitted). It can boast the denomination of
controlled origin guarantee. The area of production includes all the comuni (municipalities) in
the province of Crotone, and part of the provinces of Catanzaro and Cosenza. The animals
from which the milk is taken must be nourished for at least 60 per cent in pastureland or with
fresh products.
Kids’ rennet is added to the milk heated to a temperature of 36-38°C (96-100°F); the time
Curdling takes from forty to fifty minutes. After breaking, the curd is in large lumps like grains
of rice: the cheesemaker cooks the cheese at 40-45°C (104-113°F) for about five minutes,
then, when it been left to stand and has settled, the cheese is transferred to the special
wicker-basket moulds and pressed down to expel any excess whey.
The salting may be carried out dry or in brine, and the maturation lasts from three months to
one year. The cheese’s straw-yellow rind with characteristic marks from the wicker-basket
moulds is easily recognisable; the colour darkens with time. The texture of the cheese is
compact and sometimes with a slight holing effect. The colour of the fresh cheese is white
which becomes slightly straw-yellow after maturation: the cheeses normally weigh about two
kilograms (two and a half pounds). The flavour is harmonious and delicate: over time it
becomes more flavoursome and spicy.

The proposal of the fresh-matured alternative. This is frequently used as an ingredient for
various culinary dishes and is often used as a grating cheese. It is also enjoyed in certain types
of salads.

Pig-breeding farms in the region of Calabria are numerous and, consequently, there is a large
and varied selection of preserved meat in the form of capocolli and other hams, and a whole
family of sausages and salamis which make up a point of pride. Amongst the spices and the
aromas which contribute to completing the flavour of these products, there are many
fragrances which are typical of the region, from the seeds of wild fennel to the ever-present
chilli pepper.


The processing of the Calabrian capocollo follows the same methodologies as those used in
other regions of Southern Italy. This product is obtained from the upper part of the previously
boned pork loin. The selected parts undergo a salting process which lasts from four to eight
days. The addition of the necessary aromas precedes the wrapping and the tying up of this
type of ham in a ‘natural skin’. The period of maturation is of at least one hundred days.

CALABRIAN PANCETTA (a kind of bacon)

This pancetta is worth a mention, taken from the lower part of the pig’s ribs. The main aspect
is the thin streaks on the surface of the product, visible traces of the lean parts and the fatty
parts: there is a rule which states that the lean meat must not exceed 40-50% of the total
weight. The pancetta must be packed in rectangular pieces which should be between three and
four centimetres (1 ¼ - 1 ½ inches) and which should not weigh less than three kilograms (6
¾ lbs) and not more than four (9 lbs).


Many of the characteristics required for the Calabrian sausage repeat those which the law
requires for the soppressata, starting from the weight of the pigs. This product is made from

meat taken from the shoulder or from the lower part of the ribs. The sausage mixture, spiced
with black or red pepper, is packed into skins made from pigs’ intestines, and is left to mature
for at least one month. The sausages are plaited together by hand to take on the well known
"a catenella" (chainlink) aspect.


This product enjoys a great reputation even outside the region, above all for the good level of
quality for which it is recognised. The ‘denomination of controlled origin’ guarantee is conceded
to all the products which possess the characteristics required by the law.
The mixture must include the meat taken from the thigh or from the shoulder of pigs weighing
more than one hundred and thirty kilograms. The meat must be minced not too finely (at
“knife point”) and mixed together with 12 –15 per cent of selected quality fat before being
packed into the natural skin made from intestines. If possible, the fat should be taken from the
lard of the anterior part of the loin. Cooled and finely chopped, the complete mixture is
seasoned with salt, chilli pepper (or pepper) and red wine. Some also add pigs’ blood or
powdered sweet red peppers to make the colour more intense. In fact, it is the tone of the
colour which is one of the characteristics for which Calabrian salamis and sausages are most
appreciated. The last phase of the processing is the smoking, which takes a couple of months
in the smoke of the fireplace. It is cylindrical in shape, and slightly flattened: the usual length
is about fifteen centimetres (six inches), and with a diameter of six centimetres (2 ½ inches)
or little more.

Conserve Typical

Sarzi: tomato sauce flavored with basil and stored in sterilized glass for boiling

Preserve 'paste tomatoes and spicy red peppers, boiled together and stored as above.

So tomatoes: tomatoes cut in half, salted and dried in the sun, stored in jars with olive oil, basil,
garlic, chilli, capers and anchovies.

                                                    Pipi salted: round green peppers, cut in half and
                                                    preserved in salt and pepper together in a few
                                                    slices of green tomatoes and eggplant.

. Pipi arrustuti: round peppers, roasted red and stored in sterilized glass jars to

Mulinciane all'ogghio: eggplant cut into strips, salted, and left to marinate 24
hours in white vinegar and garlic preserved in oil with red pepper and bay.

Fillet: tomatoes cut into pieces and stored in sterilized glass to boil.

Func all'ogghio: Mushrooms of Sila (vavusi, porcini, gallinedde, fedduriti,
ROSITI, pinnedde) boiled in pots and kept in oil with garlic, chilli, bay leaves.

Alive driven: olive green crushed and left to soften in water and salt, then flavored with fennel
seeds, garlic and chilli, preserved in oil and under weight.

Alive to cavucia: olive green sweeten made with lime and water and preserved with salt.

Sardeddra: light blue fry fish with salt and pepper powder, red chilli spicy, achieve a kind of rustic

Salted anchovies: anchovies preserved in oil.

Salted sardines: sardines preserved in salt and pepper powder and red pepper with spicy red.

Gnelatina: COTICH, head and feet of boiled pork, cut into strips with bay leaves, vinegar, paprika
and let solidify.

Sazizze: sausage made with pork, cut with a knife, fennel seeds, red chilli.

Suppress: kind of sausage made with the same mixture of sausage, but retained after aging in oil

Capiccoddru: kind of cup with spicy red chili.

Frisulimiti: residues COTICH pork fat and consume facts long on the fire, which is preparing a
pizza rustica

Nduggh'a: sausage made with pig offal

Dairy tipici
Provola, various types of mozzarella, fresh ricotta, ricotta salata, pecorino, which depending on the
seasoning you use to grate at the table, butter (especially small caciocavallo in which butter is

Homemade pasta

Cavateddri: species cavati dumplings on a special wicker basket (cernigghia).
Maccarruni: species Maccheroncelli shorts parading the resulting mixture with a wire.
Both pasta made with durum wheat flour, water and salt are usually seasoned with pork ragu.


Vine cultivation in Calabria dates back to ancient times. It is the work of two civilisations that
are tied to the Italic populations, with their very rudimentary vine cultivation techniques, in the
internal parts of the region and to the Greek populations, which gave impetus to the sector, in
the coastal parts of the region.
By 744 BC, the date of the foundation of Reggio by the Greeks, vine cultivation was already
flourishing, and Sibari was an active wine market. Soon other markets, such as Crotone and

Locri, were added.
The fact that rents for land used to cultivate grapevines were six times higher than rents for
land used for other types of cultivation, as reported in the Tavole di Eraclea, gives testimony to
the importance given to grapevines as an economic investment.
Almost nothing is known of the wines produced in that era. According to Theocritus, Biblia or
Biblina wines were produced. This wine was considered and appreciated as an excellent wine
obtained from vines originating in Thrace.
With the Roman conquest, the cultivation of grapevines was almost completely abandoned,
substituted with the cultivation of grains (wheat) and the raising of cattle. Biblia wines
disappeared, but other wines slowly flourished, such as those of Cosenza, Tempsa and Turi.
These wines were mentioned by Pliny the Elder (24 AD).
In the Middle Ages, Calabrian vine cultivation began to flourish again and, according to studies
conducted by Federico Melis, the wines produced, along with the wines of Puglia, fostered a
stream of exportation beyond Northern Italy, even to other European nations such as Spain
and France.
There are some more clues after 1500. Sante Lancerio, who lived in the 16th century, in his
famous letter to Cardinal Guido Ascanio Sforza about the nature and quality of wines points
out his appreciation of “La Centula,” “Ciragio wine,” “Pesciotta wine,” and above all “Chiarello
wine,” for which his praise is excessive. “It comes from a land called Chiarella (Cirella, in the
province of Cosenza), in the province of Calabria, at three miles distance from the sea. This
wine is very good and was appreciated by His Holiness and all the prelates of the court. There
are many wines sold as Chiarello, but to really be from Chiarella, and to have its perfect
excellence, it must have a colour brighter than gold and a strong aroma. If it does not have
this aroma it is from Grisolia or Orsomazzo, places nearby, which at Ripa are sold as Chiarello
wines. His Holiness drank this kind of wine from the beginning of March and for all of the
autumn. There is no beverage equal to it. But in order to save it for the autumn season, it
must be taken in the spring and kept in a cool place where it will not be upset, and it must be
taken before it has matured, with its aroma and strong alcohol content, so as to be matured
by the heat.”
These wines are later mentioned by the naturalist and physician Andrea Bacci in his De naturali
vinorum historia, which is rich in warnings and advice. He writes, “Strabone (a Greek historian
and geographer of the 1st century BC) – book VI, remembers the town of Cirella, not far from
the Lao river, in whose countryside two qualities of wine are produced, both the light and the
red famous, bearing the name of the town. The first, called Cirella wine, has conveniently
taken the name Chiaretto for its splendour and its body and because, in its clarity, it could
compete with gold. […] As opposed to other wines, it has the quality of being able to be
preserved for two or three years and it is worth calling it a singular example of the most
distinguished wine. It is also considered a familiar wine in the town refectories and cafes. It is
pleasing to the palate and to the stomach, it goes down easily from the first vein until the
kidneys, is very nutritious, generates good, thin blood, carries the residue of the humours
along their proper paths, promotes perspiration and urine and crushes gravel. It does not go to
the head, rather it makes the senses come alive and marvellously pushes the minds of both
the old and those with a dulled mind toward profound speculation. It cheers the heart and the
mind. As a result of this exceptional praise, it should be pointed out that many wines are
brought to Cirella from San Marco, Scalea, Castelnuovo, Bonifazio and other towns, and these
wines are given the name Chiaretto, but rarely do they match all of its characteristics. They
are not recognised by the merchants who know those places.”
Later, however, both due to a change in consumer tastes and the spread of wines from other
regions, this agricultural product of Calabria lost its market both abroad and in Northern Italy.
It remained enclosed within the borders of the region.
The wines produced are primarily mixing wines, since they have an intense colour and body, a
high minimum alcohol content and a rich flavour and are free from the distinctive earthy
flavour often present in wines produced in other regions of Southern Italy. These wines are still
very much in demand. The most famous centres of production are Nicastro, Sambiase,
Gizzeria, Ciro’, Francavilla, Pizzo, Nicotera and Palmi.
Aside from the types of wine for mixing, there is no lack of prized wines for table consumption,
such as Sabuto from the Rogliano area, Provitaro white, with its pleasing aroma, and Ciro’
(Catanzaro) in the red, white and rosato varieties.

Wine cultivation, reborn after the scourge of the leaf lice, was transformed, qualifying some
types of highly prized wines which were finally entered on the list of DOC wines.
CIRO’ WHITE has a straw yellow colour, distinctive aroma and dry flavour. It has a minimum
alcohol content of between 12 and 13 percent. It is served at 8-10 degrees Celsius as an
aperitif or with shellfish or sliced fish. It has been classified as DOC since 4 June 1969.
CIRO’ ROSATO has a clear colour, a pleasing aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum
alcohol content of between 13 and 13.5 percent. It should be served at 16-18 degrees Celsius
with meals or with fish and giblet soup. It has been classified as DOC since 4 June 1969.
CIRO’ RED has an intense ruby red colour, a delicate aroma and a dry flavour. It has a
minimum alcohol content of between 13.5 and 14.5 percent. When aged for three years it is
Riserva. It should be served at 20-22 degrees Celsius, with meats. It has been classified as
DOC since 4 June 1969.
DONNICI has a ruby red or cherry red colour, a vinous aroma and a dry flavour. It has a
minimum alcohol content of between 12 and 13.5 degrees. It should be served at 18 degrees
Celsius with meals, or, aged, with roasted meats or game. It has been classified as DOC since
25 August 1975.
GRECO DI BIANCO has a golden yellow colour, an etheric aroma and a sweet flavour. It has a
minimum alcohol content of 17 percent. It should be served at 8 degrees Celsius, not with a
meal but with dessert, with dry pastries, fruit salad or ice cream. It has been classified as DOC
since 12 December 1980.
LAMEZIA has a strong cherry red colour, a delicate, vinous aroma and a dry flavour. It has a
minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. It should be served at 18 degrees Celsius with meals,
or with white meats, rabbit and pork. It has been classified as DOC since 5 April 1979.
MELISSA WHITE has a straw yellow colour, a distinctive aroma and a dry flavour. It has a
minimum alcohol content of 11.5 percent. It should be served at 8 degrees Celsius with hors-
d’oeuvres, fish or eggs. It has been classified as DOC since 29 November 1979.
MELISSA RED has a strong rose or ruby red colour, a distinctive aroma and a dry flavour. It
has a minimum alcohol content of 12.5 percent. Aged for one year and with a minimum alcohol
content of 13 percent, it becomes Superiore. It should be served at 18 degrees Celsius with
meats and stews. It has been classified as DOC since 29 November 1979.
POLLINO has a ruby or cherry red colour, a distinctive aroma and a dry flavour. It has a
minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. Aged for two years and with a minimum alcohol
content of 12.5 percent it becomes Superiore. It should be served at 18 degrees with meals. It
has been classified as DOC since 3 November 1975.
SANT’ANNA DI ISOLA CAPO RIZZUTO ROSATO has a clear colour, a vinous aroma and a dry
flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. It should be served at 15 degrees
with meals or with lamb. It has been classified as DOC since 11 June 1979.
SANT’ANNA DI ISOLA CAPO RIZZUTO RED has a rosy ruby red colour, an intense aroma and a
dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. It should be served at 16 degrees
Celsius with meals or roasted white meats. It has been classified as DOC since 11 June 1979.
SAVUTO ROSATO has a light colour, a distinctive aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum
alcohol content of 12 percent. It should be served at 15 degrees Celsius with meals or with
white meats, cheeses or eggs. It has been classified as DOC since 3 November 1975.
SAVUTO ROSSO has a strong ruby red colour, a vinous aroma and a dry flavour. It has a
minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. It should be served at 18 degrees Celsius with meals
or with red meats, game or cheeses. It has classified as DOC since 3 November 1975.


In Calabria, the panorama of preserved seafood includes the usual production of salted
anchovies and, in some cases, tuna fish in oil; recently, there has also been the addition of a
sizeable production of both smoked tuna and sword fish.
A unique regional characteristic is, however, mustica, a special way of preserving anchovy fry,
the whitebait of Liguria. This is a speciality which is typical of the Ionian coast. The base is
made up of the whitebait, the newly born anchovies which appear in the gastronomic repertory
of many of the regions of Italy. The Calabrians process them using a special kind of procedure:
first they are laid out on wooden tables in the sun, covered with chilli pepper, and then, when
they have dried out well, they are put into glass jars filled with oil for their preservation.
Mustica is also known as rosamarina, and can usually be found for sale in delicatessens and
grocery shops in the whole region.
Mustica is a spicy-hot hors d’oeuvres which is eaten spread onto slices of toasted bread.


These are one of the main protagonists of Calabrian gastronomy, prepared in all kinds of way
and, above all, for preserving. Sliced and first left under salt to drain, they are washed, dried
and then kept in a marinade of vinegar until they are then put in glass jars containing oil, chilli
pepper, garlic and aromatic herbs.
The aubergine has its moment of glory in the annual Sagra della Melanzana Ripiena (the
festival of the stuffed aubergine). This takes place at Castrovillari on the day of San Rocco,
that is on 16th August, around the church of San Rocco on the banks of the river Cosciale. It is
a picnic for which all the families prepare the tasty local aubergines stuffed with fresh white
breadcrumbs, tomatoes, pecorino cheese, garlic and basil, and baked in the oven. The recipe is
always the same, but there are infinite ways of interpreting it. The exchanges and tastings are
the dominating theme of the festival.


Calabria is one of the more qualified centres for the preparation of these tomatoes, which are
common in the whole of the South of Italy and also along the Adriatic and Tyrrheanian coasts.
The tomatoes used are the bunches of small tomatoes which are usually used for making
tomato sauces. They are cut in half, the seeds are removed and then they are left to dry in the
sun. Once they are well dried out, they are put into glass or terracotta jars with garlic, basil,
oregano, chilli pepper and covered with oil.
They are served at table along with the hors d’oeuvres, but, put into a blender, without
draining them of their oil, and blended into a paste, they become an extraordinary dressing for
a plate of spaghetti which then only requires the further addition of some grated pecorino


More than any other region of Italy, Calabria boasts an ancient and wide spread tradition for
preserving olives.
Today, in the grocery shops of the region, at least ten different kinds can be found: salted
olives from the October harvest; carolei or galatresi from the plains and tamborelli from
Rosarno preserved in brine; ripe olives heated up, salted and dressed with oil, oregano, sweet
peppers and fennel; baked olives; crushed olives, harvested in September and left for a few
days in water to lose their bitterness; cumbité olives from Grotteria preserved in vinegar;
'mpassuluti olives, that is, withered in the sun; zunzifarichi olives from the area of the Ionian;
black olives, crushed heated up and left for a few days to lose their bitterness and then
dressed with salt, oregano and parsley.


The abundance of the production of figs throughout the whole of Calabria, over the centuries,
has favoured the transformation of the fresh fruit into preserved products of the highest
quality. Fig croquettes are especially famous, being stuffed with almonds and baked in the
oven; as are the ciuffi, also similarly stuffed but coated with white or dark chocolate; finally,
the ficarielli themselves, flavoursome and highly fragrant, packed together in the special
packaging and covered with syrup and aromatic myrtle leaves. Other types of preparations
include dried figs, arranged in a ring on small branches of myrtle, or, alternatively, arranged in
a plait. Amongst the places which adhere the most to this tradition are Amantea anf Belmonte
Calabro, in the province of Cosenza.

CÙZZUPA (a traditional kind of Easter cake)

Also known as cuzzuolu (in the Casentino area) or cudduraci (at Reggio), it is reminiscent of
the tradition for the 'nzuddi of Seminara. It is an Easter cake of century old origin: it is made
from a dough made with flour, eggs, lard and sugar. The shapes (heart, horse or doll) vary
according to the whim of the moment and to the customs; the boiled egg in its shell placed in
the centre is a symbol of the Resurrection.


It is cylindrical or stick-shaped and made up of the following ingredients: the candied peel of
citron, orange and mandarin, almonds, bound together with melted sugar in various colours
then the whole thing is covered with a coat of chocolate.
It is quite soft in texture and is easily cut into slices.

Crustoli: Christmas cake made with durum wheat flour, sugar, oil, red wine, cinnamon, cloves and

Tardiddri Christmas cake made with wheat flour, eggs, sugar, liquor and honey.
Pitta or pitta from Madonna nchiusa: sweet dough made with equal to that of crustoli, but flattened
and cut into strips which you put: almonds, chopped walnuts, and raisins. It rolled in the shape of a
rosette and are on a basis of that dough to form a pie.

Festa della Madonna di Capocolonna
The Feast of Our Lady of Capocolonna is a Catholic patron party in honor of the Byzantine Empire
in which depicts the Virgin Mary with the baby in her arms Jesus, found at the promontory of
Capocolonna after he was thrown into the sea by the Turks during one of their raids, not being able
to fire him, but with this act have blackened the image. From the point of finding the Virgin is
venerated with the title of Our Lady of Capocolonna.

The feast in his honor was held in May: Apr. 30 the picture is taken down from high particular of
the Cathedral of Crotone and placed alongside dell'altare at the central nave, the second Thursday of
the month, the faithful are found for the rite of "Kiss", in which, after the Mass, the image is kissed;
the second Saturday of the month is carried in procession in the streets of the city up to the Civil
Hospital, where the Archbishop of Crotone or the pastor of the chapel 'hospital held a brief prayer
of thanksgiving, and then back in the Cathedral, which for the opportunity remains open until late
hours. The third Wednesday of the month will open the exhibition which runs along Viale Regina
Margherita, near the castle of Charles V, along the commercial port, and at the municipal stadium
Scid. The third Saturday of the month occurs the great pilgrimage to Cape Colonna, promontory
about 15 km from the city, which takes place during the night, after the picture comes from the
basilica toward a night, greeted by the faithful. The painting arrives in procession, the first at the
cemetery, during which un'omelia is recited by the Bishop of the diocese, then resumed the journey
and arrives in Cape Colonna at the first light of dawn, and therein lies all day on Sunday . On the
evening it is loaded and taken away to sea tourist port of Crotone, greeted on his return from
The festivities continue throughout the month with elementary school children take turns visiting
the cathedral and the holding of the Festival of Aurora. The festival closes on 31 this month, with
the repositioning of the high priority of the Basilica.
Every seven years, the festival is bigger, the picture carried in procession is not the miniature
modern, but the original framework: the celebrations are long and framework, in return, is not
loaded and carried by sea but placed on a cart pulled by oxen and along the way to reverse that
made the night before, the pilgrims in this case follow the framework also to return. On days set at
dawn, concerts are held at the promontory of Capo Colonna.



GETTING THERE: Strada Statale 106 TA-RC - from Crotone (30 km) - for Isola di Capo Rizzuto -
Capo Rizzuto for Bivio

The colors of the sea to the sky fade dall'azzurro emerald green and the coast is truly spectacular, so
rich in history and nature as to merit, December 27 1991, the establishment of marine protected
area. Area Marina "Capo Rizzuto" covers an area of about 15 thousand hectares of sea, making it
the largest in Italy in size. Extends the coast south of Crotone for 36 km, between Cape Donato and
Barco Vercillo, and to a depth of 100 meters towards the sea. Eight promontories define the
protected area the first of which is to Capocolonna, real archaeological deposit, symbol of the
glorious splendor of Magna Graecia. Here stands the only column of Doric style of the famous
temple dedicated to the goddess Hera Lacinia. Continuing along the protected area, you reach Punta
Le Castella, the last bastion of the reserve, with the Byzantine fortress of post sull'isolotto who gave
birth to Ugurk-ali, commander of the imperial fleet to Constantinople.

The protected marine area "Capo Rizzuto" is fascinating and is suggestive because it accepts and
skillfully blends history and nature: And 'in fact a glimpse of the sea in the Mediterranean is
characterized by the variety of natural environments and the particular geomorphology of the coast.
Inside were three areas identified Integral Reserve, classified as A and corresponding to the sea area
around Capo Colonna and Capo Cimiti, and the stretch of sea in front of Cape Blanc, where there is
a system of protection more rigid than the remaining General Reserve area, classified as B.
In zone A, Reserve Integrale, are prohibited bathing, scuba diving with and without self, sailing

with boats and vessels, anchoring, mooring and fishing. As far as the area A of Chapter Cimiti
guided tours are permitted even underwater, without self-governed by the body. It is allowed access
and stop the service unit responsible for surveillance and rescue, and those supported by scientific
research programs
In zone B, the General Reserve, the surrounding areas A, are allowed to bathe, diving tours with the
support of the local dive centers, scuba diving with and without self-governed by the body; Sailing
and rowing, sailing motor at speeds of up to 5 knots, anchoring in specially identified areas,
mooring areas identified and equipped with mooring buoy and affixed. The small fishing activities
and fishing are allowed but only to resident fishermen and sport fishing, with rod and line firm,
requires a permit.

There is, finally, an area C, Partial Reserve, including the remaining stretch of the sea within the
perimeter of the marine protected area. Within this area is also prohibited fishing, anchoring is
permitted only in areas specifically identified, the sailing and rowing is permitted freely while the
motor is allowed only to vessels and boats to speeds of up to 10 nodes. Swimming and diving are
allowed, mooring, but only in areas equipped with appropriate buoy. For the professional and sport
fishing shall be subject to the same provisions in the area B.


Underwater Archaeological Itinerary

The unique underwater archaeological trail in the marine protected area "Capo Rizzuto" covers in
the sea area south of the Aragonese castle of Le Castella, to a maximum distance of 200 meters
from the coast. The route, approximately 400 meters long, spread among the rocks that surrounded
the castle, with an average depth of 5 meters and connects 15 key points that bear witness in the
past as this stretch of sea was found and occupied by a quarry for the extraction blocks. The route
points are connected by a heaving line that forms a closed ring and marked by a plaque with a brief
description of what can be seen around or in the immediate vicinity. Of course, depending on the
season where you make the journey, the visibility of the points may be somewhat 'conditioned by
the development of the marine vegetation, which camouflages the contours of objects. The course
takes place in an average time of 30 'and the low depth and clarity of the water is particular possible
to follow the path also swimming on the surface.

The Aquarium is located in the Capo Rizzuto, the square of the Shrine of Our Lady Greek. The
structure is composed of 22 tanks from the total capacity of approximately 20,000 lt; inside, you
can admire the flora and fauna of the protected area, as it is a small reserve which have been
recreated in full compliance with the organisms, marine habitats is a really strong emotion admire
the Posidonia oceanica, the Echinaster Sepositus better known as red star, the Sarago wrapped, sea
urchins, the looks, the octopus, the colorful Donzelli, the mythical grouper, the sympathetic Pagura,
threatening the moray eels, the jellyfish.
Into the, there is also an educational workshop for children, to spread the knowledge of the biology
and ecology of the sea. The facility is also equipped with a multimedia room with a giant screen for
watching movies about the sea and the various aspects dell'Aquarium, and, to be collected, yet the
presence of a touch tank, which can "touch" with the hand the inhabitants of the sea. The Aquarium
is a Center for Environment Education CEAM-Marino-designed to be the focus of an intense
educational program directed especially to young people.
Loc. Capo Rizzuto
P.zza Santuario, 88841
Isola Capo Rizzuto (KR)
Tel. 0962.796019
Fax 0962.796029


E 'can admire the splendid backdrops widespread aboard a ship from the bottom transparent;
excursions have become one of the main attractions of the area.
A unique experience to let the waves lull and observe the immense grasslands of Posidonia
Oceanica, inhabited by friendly fish, glimpsed by the rebels and green tufts. The trip takes about 1
hour, and if it wanted, it also provided a stop bath and dive in the pristine waters of the place. The
brief but exciting journey into the underwater world is also at night.

Escursioni su battello a fondo trasparente "Eranusa"
tel/fax 0962.795353 - 339.3920514

Getting to Crotone
By Air: The city of Crotone is served by 'Sant'Anna Airport. E 'can reach the city with a shuttle bus,
which supports only the most flights, or drive along the SS 106 10km north.
By car: Take the 'Motorway Salerno-Reggio Calabria, Cosenza Nord exit and follow the
superstrarda Sila.
By train: The railway network, especially a small distance is inadequate, being deprived of
electricity and a single track. Better rail connections with long distance direct departure from Milan
and Rome.
By Bus:
There are regular services from Crotone Line, Rome, Naples, Salerno, Bologna, Florence, Venice
and vice versa.

Getting Around in Crotone
Public transport in Crotone is discreet and connects all parts of the city. City buses provide links
point in the municipal area of Crotone. Each bus is indicated by the number of lines on which
service. Buses that offer links with the city buses are the suburban. Much of the cars is accessible to
disabled people and is recognized by the international symbol of accessibility located on the front
and side of the half.


                                      Itinerary 1 - Crotone

Time indicated: ½ day

The town of Crotone, with its Ionian coastline, offers visitors a variety of choices: history, culture,
gastronomy, shopping and beautiful scenery. A walk down the main street, Via Vittorio Veneto, where you
can enjoy the shopping, takes you to the town square, heart of the town, dedicated to the mathematician,
Pythagoras and the crossroads for the main streets; Via Regina Margherita, with its arcades, Via
Poggioreale, the long avenue which leads down to the sea and beaches, Via Vittorio Emanuele, where you
can find the local market and Piazza Duomo, home to the cathedral and starting point for a visit to the old
town centre. It is also worth visiting the nearby local market, where you can find typical food products; and to
note: the first Sunday of each month, an antique market.

The seafront in Crotone starts from Piazza Rino Gaetano, where you can visit the tourist wharf, home to the
lega navale, continuing along, you arrive in Via Cristoforo Colombo, a popular part of the seafront, busy night
and day. And finally, Viale Gramisci, where you can admire the natural piscine, which characterize this part
of the seafront.

• Corso Vittorio Veneto
• Town centre
• Old town centre
• Market
• Seafront

You can also visit:
• Chiesa Immacolata
• Chiesa di San Giuseppe
• Castle of Carlo V
• Municipal Museum
• Archaeological Museum

Route type: Walking
Difficulty: Easy
Advice: None

                                              Itinerary 2

                      Old Town Centre: Nobility and Religion

Time needed: 3 hours

First stop is the Museo Archeologico Nazionale (National Archaeological Museum), where you can admire
the findings of ancient Kroton; further along you can find the Castle of Carlo V, a spectacular Medieval
fortress, one of the best examples in the south of Italy. From Piazza Castello, you can follow the narrow
streets of the old centre. Completely surrounded by its sixteenth century walls, the old town centre

represents Crotone’s historic memory, local culture and a profound religious faith; there are numerous
churches to visit, dating back to the 1500 and 1700s. During your walk, it is difficult to not to notice the
palazzos (palaces) of ancient noble families.

• National Archaeological Museum
• Palazzo Lucifero
• Palazzo Morelli
• Castle of Carlo V and Municipal Museum
• Palazzo Barracco
• Palazzo Sculco
• Casa Turano
• Palazzo Albani
• Church and convent of Santa Chiara
• Chiesa di San Giuseppe
• Chiesa dell’Immacolata
• Basilica Cattedrale
• Piazza Pitagora

You can also visit:
• Mack Museum
• Chiesa di San Pietro
• Palazzo Vescovile
• Market
• Municipal art gallery

Tour type: Walking
Difficulty: Easy

                            Itinerary 3 - Castles of Crotone

Route 1

Time needed: 1 day
Starting from the Castle of Carlo V, Crotone, built in the Middle Ages as a military fort and reinforced in 1500,
today it has a polygonal base and two towers: the “Adjutant” and the “Comandant”. From Crotone, you
continue to Santa Severina, where in the heart of the town, stands the imposing Carafa Castle, transformed
over the years from fort to noble residence. Once you have visited the castle, it is worth seeing the nearby
cathedral and baptistery, and why not, even stopping in one of the many farmhouses, open to the public, to
try the local specialties. The trip continues to Caccuri, where it is worth visiting the Barracco Castle. Built with
Byzantine architecture, it later became a noble residence for the Barracco family, from whom it takes its
present name. There is also a charming little church “gentilizia”, to be found in the middle of the castle.

• Castle of Carlo V
• Carafa Castle
• Barracco Castle

You can also visit:
• Crotone
Old town centre
Municipal Museum
Archaeological Museum
Duomo (cathedral)
Chiesa dell’Immacolata
Chiesa di Santa Chiara
• Santa Severina
Diocesan Museum
Old town centre
Cathedral and baptistery
• Caccuri
Old town centre
Palummaro cave
• Cerenzia
Acherentia archaeological site

Tour type: By car
Difficulty: Average

                            Itinerary 3 - Castles of Crotone
Route 2

Time needed: 1 day

Starting from the Castle of Carlo V, Crotone, built in the Middle Ages as a military fort and reinforced in 1500,
today it has a polygonal base and two towers: the “Adjutant” and the “Comandant”. From Crotone, following
the statale 106 road, you arrive in the town of Le Castella, where you can admire the enchanting Aragonese
Castle, linked to the coast by a narrow strip of land, this fifteenth century work of art is surrounded by the
sea. There are excellent restaurants which serve fresh fish. Following the statale 106 road, in a northern
direction, you arrive in Cirò, where you can admire a beautiful feudal castle – Carafa Castle – trapezoidal in
form and dating back to the fourteenth century.

• Castle of Carlo V
• Aragonese Castle
• Carafa Castle
 You can also visit:
• Crotone
Archaeological Museum
Municipal Museum
Old town centre
Duomo (cathedral)
• Isola Capo Rizzuto – Le Castella
Chiesa della Visitazione BVM
• Cirò
Old town centre
Chiesa Santa Maria Plateis

Tour type: By car
Difficulty: Average

                      Itinerary 4 – Santuaries and Spirituality

Time needed: 1 day

The profound religious faith of the local community is expressed through pilgrimages, rites and places of
worship. Apart from the numerous churches, one can also find sanctuaries in the area, which are testimony
to the faith and devotion of the people of Crotone. Starting from the sanctuary dedicated to the Madonna of
Capocolonna, Crotone, in which the Sacred Image of the Madonna, found at sea, is venerated, you can
continue to the Duomo of Cutro, where every year numerous devotees pay homage to the Sacred Crucifix, a
wooden sculpture of great value; the third stop in the religious itinerary is the sanctuary of Ecce Homo,
Mesoraca, originally built as a vote to the Madonna of Misericordia, today it houses a sculpture of great
value, the Ecce Homo, which represents Jesus beaten and crowned with thorns. The last stop is the
Santuario della Santa Spina (the Sanctuary of the Holy Thorn), Petilia Policastro, immersed in the green
countryside, a little outside the town. Inside the sacred building, there is a shrine in which a thorn is
scrupulously kept, it is said to have come from the Crown of Christ. The religious tour ends here, but only as
far as this itinerary is concerned, there are numerous other places of worship scattered throughout the
province of Crotone.

• Sanctuary of Madonna of Capocolonna
• Santo Crocifisso
• Sanctuary Ecce Homo
• Sanctuary of the Holy Thorn

You can also visit:
• Crotone
Archaeological Park of Capo Colonna
• Cutro
Convent of the Frati Minori
Chiesa delle Monachelle
Chiesa dell’Annunciazione
• Mesoraca
Chiesa del Ritiro
• Petilia Policastro
Chiesa Matrice
Chiesa dell’Annunziata

Tour type: By car
Difficulty: Average
Advice: Road with bends

                                              Itinerary 5

               At the Marine Reserve – History and Nature

Time needed: ½ day

A spectacular stretch of the Mediterranean, where the colours of the sea and the countryside complement
each other. The marine reserve, with its 34 km of coast, making it one of the largest in Europe, as well as
being host to uncontaminated nature, rocky coastline and fine sand, has the special privilege of being
situated between two strategic points, the beautiful Aragonese Castle and an archaeological area.
At Capocolnna you can admire the Archaeological Park or the remains of the temple dedicated to Hera
Lacinia; in Le Castella you can find the stunning Aragonese castle, surrounded by the beautiful Ionian Sea.

• Capo Colonna – Archaeological Park –Marine Reserve – Capo Cimiti – Capo Bianco
• Le Castella and Aragonese Castle
• Trip on glass-bottomed boat

You can also visit:
• Crotone
Sanctuary of the Madonna of Capocolonna
Archaeological Museum of Capocolonna
• Isola Capo Rizzuto

Tour type: By car
Difficulty: Easy
Advice: None

                   Itinerary 6 - Towers, Castles and Vineyards
Time needed: ½ day

This itinerary could also be called the road of wine; travelling along the statale 106 road, from Melissa to
Cirò, you can admire the numerous vineyards which make the province of Crotone famous throughout the
world of Bacchus! Connoisseurs will certainly be familiar with the excellent wine produced in the wine cellars
of Cirò and Melissa, long-time producers of excellent doc wines.
In this itinerary we can also find the Torre Merlata (Battlemented Tower) of Melissa, home to the Museum of
Peasant Culture, the Feudal Castle of Cirò, dating back to 1300 and the fascinating Saracen Markets of Cirò

 • Wine cellars and vineyards
• Battlemented Tower and Museum of Peasant Culture
• Saracen Markets
• Carafa Castle

You can also visit:
• Cirò Marina
Chiesa della Madonna D’Itria
Sabatini Castle
Ruins of the Temple of Apollo Aleo
• Cirò
Old town centre

Tour type: By car
Difficulty: Easy
Advice: None

                   Itinerary 7 – Arberesh Culture and Nature

Time needed: 1 day

This unusual itinerary, takes in both Italian and Arberesh cultures and is particularly suggestive. Starting from
the smallest of the three towns, Carfizzi, which can be defined as a “bomboniera” of Arbëresh culture, you
continue to Pallagorio and its old town centre, finishing this unique itinerary in San Nicola dell’Alto. Not to be
forgotten, the Montagnella Park of Carfizzi, breathtaking countryside, where you can find the Cascata del
Figlioletto (Waterfall of Figlioletto); you may even decide to have a picnic in the special picnic area.

• Old town centre of Carfizzi
• La Montagnella
• Old town centre Pallagorio
• Old town centre San Nicola dell’Alto

You can also visit:
• Carfizzi
Chiesa di Santa Veneranda
• Pallagorio
Bell tower and Church of Carmine

Tour type: By car
Difficulty: Average
Advice: Roads with bends

                                               Itinerary 8

                        Out and about in the rocky settlements

Time needed: ½ day for each tour
Tour type: By car
Difficulty: Difficult
Advice: Tour entails steep roads/paths unsuitable for children

You can decide whether to visit the rocky settlements, outlined in the tours, in two half days or combine them
into a full day excursion.

The area of Crotone, rich in rocky settlements, above all in the Marquisate, is a fascinating itinerary for
enthusiasts of this unique phenomenon. The caves often have typical characteristics of past habitations, they
are rare and precious testimony to an ancient civilisation. In Petilia Policastro you can admire the “Colle della
Chiesa” of Neolithic origin; you can also admire “La timpa dei Santi”, Caccuri, ancient monastic site; in
Casabona, you can find hundreds of ancient caves, in line or scattered; in the surrounding area of Verzino
there are two rocky sites in the same valley. A breathtaking view of the rocky settlements. Belvedere Spinello
offers enthusiasts a monastic retreat derived from the eighth century, a cave excavated from limestone, with
a tiny sepulchral church situated next to it.

Percorso 1
• Rocky settlement of Casabona
• Rocky settlement of Verzino


Costa Tiziana Resort is composed of a main building facing the sea, where the main services -
Restaurant, Reception, Biberoneria, Conference rooms, Pizzeria, TV room - with 112 comfortable
rooms with bathroom with shower or bathtub, hairdryer , air conditioning, color TV, minibar,
telephone, safe, Wi-Fi. The particular shape of the property, Horseshoe, ensures a broad view over
the sea or the green of the park. The complex offers double, triple and quadruple, the latter with a
bunk bed.

The buildings in the park consisting of two structures adjacent to the main body, inserted in the
greenery of Mediterranean gardens, comfortable rooms with park view or swimming pool. Double,
triple and quadruple rooms, with bunk beds.
The complex is open all year, and is equipped with everything you need to spend a holiday or a

business trip, unforgettable to its guests: a regional cuisine restaurant and pizzeria, conference
services, fitness center , gym, sporting club with tennis courts and football courts, two swimming
pools, 4 bars, one on the beach and one in the garden of one of the pools, TV room, biberoneria,
play, playground Chicco, baby sitter, dog sitter, dog playground, assistance

Equipped with 112 comfortable rooms that overlook the blue sea all on the Ionian coast Crotonese,
all air conditioned, equipped with direct dial telephone, Wi-Fi, Sky TV pay-per-view staff in each
room, minibar and hairdryer.

An elegant building in Horseshoe sull'incontaminato that overlooks the Ionian Sea, a five-star hotel
that knows how to combine the needs of every type of customer.

In Costa Tiziana you can book a room for one night during the high season, with no obligation to
stay weekly or full board.

The private beach of fine sand tiziano red, over the road, is equipped with cabins, beach umbrellas
and chairs, and is 300 meters away on foot or using a nice train that made the shuttle between the
beach and the hotel.

The Hotel Lido of Rocks is a prestigious holiday complex called the reference point for
businessmen and not only, located on the sea, not far from St. Anne and easily accessible by train

and by car. The rooms, done with fine furnishings and technology, are under the highest quality
standards. For a more demanding clientele, the complex also has elegant conference rooms,
receptions and conference facilities for meetings and conventions, various services and disco.
Complex is attached to a restaurant where guests can taste many wines and a cuisine.

Palazzo Foti Hotel situated in the charming waterfront Crotone, converted from an old,
     enjoys an enviable location, right in the center and only 20 meters from the beach.
At guests' disposal the bar "International Marina Cafe" with outdoor terraces where you can
                                    enjoy delicious cocktails.
 Free private parking, Roof-Garden, Coffee-Break corporate, parties and events, taste and
 In front, the clear waters of the Ionian Sea and the golden sandy beach of Crotone. A short
                     walk to the port for berthing ships and the city center.

To Visit Kroton
To Visit Kroton
To Visit Kroton

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  • 2. Crotone This beautiful corner of ancient civilization that has between day and night, has a Calabria lapped by crystal contributed to laying the thriving development of clear waters of the Ionian foundation's cultural, artistic agriculture and especially the Sea, with its territory rich in and philosophical. The mild cultivation of vines that harmonious hills and vast climate, due to the happy represents one of the greatest stretches of green, was one geographical location, a short riches of the area. of the main centers of Magna distance from the sea and the Grecia. mountains of Sila, ensures an The city still has the glorious excellent thermal gap tradition of this 2
  • 3. IL-GONFALONE- Drappo red richly decorated with gold embroidery and loaded the municipal coat of arms with the inscription centered in gold: "City of Crotone. The cords and the shaft are golden Coat of Arms In the background the blue silver tripod with two snakes outgoing and taken over by the cup, the language of red, red glue campaign charging symbol "QDO" (KRO in archaic Greek characters), with band of gold, crossing the divide. Ornaments outward from the Municipality. CROTONE Crotone, perla of the Magna Grecia, revived in its chimneys, the fertility of his land, in the beauty of its coastline, the ancient splendor, combining the ancient with the modern replugging the sportiness of its citizens to the success of athletes crotonate in Olympia, the beauty of its women to the myth of Zeus, the culture of its people to Pythagoras and Alcmeone. And 'This is the climate that we live in Crotone, where every stone draws a cultural heritage among the richest of humanity and where el'industriosità the industriousness of its citizens have sustained a flourishing economy. Visiting Crotone, therefore, becomes obligatory stop in a region like ours, where untouched natural beauty is still to be discovered and where the hospitality of the people goes to the tastes of authentic dishes from the traditional flavors. 3
  • 4. The name derives from Crotone Kroton, the name of the colony to which the Achaean city today follows. The assumptions about the origins of the name are many: in ancient times it was derived from an eponymous hero, accidentally killed by Heracles, who, after having built a magnificent tomb to his, puritanic birth in that place of a powerful city of the same name. The most reliable hypothesis derive from the greek word that means the castor plant, or the reverse of a stilts that nests in the area and that appears in some ancient coins next to the tripod, or from the Greek word that means the clay, for the nature of its terrain. Still others argue Pelasgia the origin of the name (from qortos, enclosed space) shows that the seniority of the city to the Greek colonization. In the Middle Ages the name was corrupted in Cotrone metathesis for the letter "r"; today's diction was restored, at the request of the Municipality, in 1928. The emblem of the town house, which is recognized by Royal Decree of 30 April 1903, reports the tripod Delfico already emblem of the first coins of the sixth century crotonate. BC, as the Greek colony founded dell'oracolo running Pizia of the temple of Apollo in Delphi. It is blue with silver tripod with two snakes outgoing and taken over by the cup, the language of red, red glue campaign charging symbol QDO (KRO in archaic Greek characters), with band of gold, crossing the divide. Until the unification of Italy, the seal of the University of Cotrone bore the image of S. Dionysius, in Episcopal vestments, in the act of holding the city in hand. This iconography in turn was succeeded in the course of the fifteenth such a dress depicting Hercules in lion skin and with Phrygian cap, the same attitude. In recent years the city to work for modernization and expansion, has undergone many sbancamento which brought to light various archaeological finds (the remains of buildings, including buildings, remains of villas, spas, various architectural relics, sculptures, tesoretto monetali, foils registered epigraphs in Latin and Greek marble, terracotta figures, vascular ceramics etc.). Were, for this reason, we increased the archaeological excavations which have uncovered sections of the city wall, dating from the fourth century a. C., made of large blocks of sandstone and has been setting the plant of the city divided into regular meshes, oriented north-south roads with about five meters wide. The area is situated where the Castle is the Acropolis. 4
  • 5. SANCTUARY HERA LACINIA (Located on the promontory Lacinio or Column Head or Cape Nao). It 'the most revered temple of Magna Grecia, full of statues, columns of gold, the paintings of Zeus, of priceless treasures. The imposing temple of worship, Doric, hexastyle, peripteral, old classic (VI-V cent. BC), protected by sturdy fence fortified; Ruins of basement of the building, scrap-stylobates stereo, monumental vestiges of entry and the massive walls Greek dangerous, rebuilt <<ad opus reticulatum>> in the Roman period, Relic of the building thermal old Roman Column of Great Sanctuary (alt. M. 8.29, diam. M. 1.77; circumference at the base, 5.60 m., with 20 slots), limestone conchiglifero, the only survivor of the 48 columns of the peristyle Doric temple and the most conspicuous relic of Kroton, very spectacular in its solemn solitude and position. Some archaeological finds from different areas, and especially, from the sanctuary of Hera Lacinia (golden crown in the picture) are kept in the National Archaeological Museum in the city. SANCTUARY CAPOCOLONNA Promontory Capocolonna. Oratory Foundation medieval recently remodeled; Madonna di Capo Colonna, twentieth century icon painted in oils on canvas, made by De Falco (1913). TORRE NAO Coastal fort, a square, based on slope, built in sec. XVI. Scale with external input tray in the tower. The complex was part of the lookout and coastal defense, as implemented by the Viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo. THE CATHEDRAL Vast cultural edifice founded in sec. VII and rebuilt in the period 1508-21 (perhaps with building materials taken from the sanctuary of Hera Lacinia), remodeled and restored in 1628-35 and 1883-99 and also recently. Interior with three naves, with vessels divided by pillars, marble Altar Maggiore, surmounted by a wooden bust seventeenth century, flanked on the right, from rich nineteenth Chapel, decorated with paintings, stucco, bronze statues, paintings (Arch. Farinelli, 5
  • 6. painters Napolitain De Falco , Severini, and Grove), with an icon of Our Lady of Capocolonna, altarpiece painted in oils on canvas, to mold the Byzantine, with remakes, covered with silver foil and an oratory from the Cape Lacinio, where age protocristiana, was imported from the Mediterranean (piece of art at issue date: VII-VIII century? sec. XI-XII? Sec XIII-XIV); to the left of the main altar, the Chapel of St. Dionysius the Areopagite (first bishop of Crotone and patron of the city), with marble altar, decorated medieval water policy on grounds zoomorphic. Beside the THE CASTLE Formidable military fortress ramparts, a polygonal plant (one of the most important and massive construction of Southern military), founded in the early Middle Ages (sec. IX) in place of <<Akropolis>> of Kroton, strengthened in 1059 by Robert Guiscard, altered age Angevin- Aragonese made to reconstruct, in the current forms, with archaeological magnogreci, from the Spanish Viceroy Don Pedro de Toledo in 1541, on a substrate of the medieval stronghold. Scrap the fortified complex: powerful cylindrical corner towers, some equipped with trapdoors, crowned by the magnificent order of shelves and connected by arches and walls block megalithic monuments from the classical age. Arch and gates of the castle date back to centuries. XVII. THE CHURCH OF SANTA CHIARA 6
  • 7. The church of Santa Chiara, with the adjoining monastery of Poor Clares, was built in 1500 and restored at the end of the eighteenth century. The front, which opens a nice portal and 'decorated with graffito decoration features, the interior is decorated with precious baroque stucco, has a beautiful tiled floor of the Neapolitan. The church retains several canvases eighteenth, two of which the painter crotonese Vitaliano Alfi, a wooden pipe organ, built in 1753 by the Neapolitan Thomas De Martino, galleries wood used by the sisters, a choir and several interesting vestments, which are characteristic of the goldsmith Neapolitan eighteenth century, is Finally, in the sacristy, a beautiful eighteenth century furniture. Of the monastic complex was a monastery of which are still visible on the bell tower, the cells, the brick and pavement in the arcade of the cloister, built in sandstone, and 'also found a tank with puteale, of 1616. The monastery, partly used by Stigmatines fathers and sisters of the Sacred Heart, is home to a home office of Cultural Heritage. THE PALACES Crossing the narrow streets of the old town of Crotone can see the myriad of noble palaces, whose portals with badges, which take us back to ancient splendor, overlooking the narrow, winding streets. Barracco Palace (Piazza Castello). Massive, elegant eighteenth century building, of historical importance because, in 1799, hosted the Cardinal Ruffo and then King Ferdinand IV of Bourbon. Casa Zurlo (Via Suriano 36). Sixteenth-century dwelling surrounded by stone emblem of the Prince Castellucci. Olivieri Palace (Via Montalcino) - With beautiful old stone portal Renaissance (a. 1526) with badge and registration gentilizio truncated. Building joints. Building civil eighteenth limestone facade with Syracuse. 7
  • 8. The city ABOUT CROTONE Crotone is an important centre of commerce and industry. Its name derives from the greek Kroton, mythological hero mistakenly killed by Hercules, which je to diagnostics, promised that there would be a city that sort would bring the name killed. Fourth largest city in the region, today Crotone is an important centre for Calabria both economically and tourism. Physical Crotone is situated on an area of 179.79 sq km and has a population of about 60,000 inhabitants. It faces the Ionian with approximately 50 km of coastline protected A panoramic view where they live in an unpolluted habitat, rare specimens of flora and fauna. To the south of Crotone was founded in 1991 Nature Reserve Capo Rizzuto, in order to protect those coasts of the Mediterranean still intact. The town of Crotone is divided into two parts: the old, which sits on a hill, surrounded by medieval walls and modern, composed of 8
  • 9. districts dating back to 1870. Among the rivers that cross the Marquis of Crotone include Neto, and Tacina Esaro. MONUMENTS The old city, surrounded by medieval walls, is home to several churches and many noble palaces. The Cathedral, which dates to the ninth century. Lies on a plant with three naves. Inside you can admire the ceiling barrel and numerous church ornaments, decorations Baroque paintings dating back to the'600, a baptismal font twelfth century. A wooden body of the'700 and an icon of the fifteenth century. Representing the Virgin and Child, called Capocolonna, very dear to the city. Among the buildings noble note Zurlo House that has a beautiful stone portal and style Ionic capitals. Aerial view of Crotone Palazzo Olivieri - Susanna was built in 1526. The coat of arms shows a dove with an olive branch, probably a symbol of peace reached with the marriage between families Olivieri and Susanna. Sculco Palace and Casa Turano both dated to the seventeenth century.: Architectural aspects of the'600 linked to the Spanish domination and'700, such as balconies arc. The Castle is located in the old town of Crotone. Built nell'840 AD to defend the city dall'incursione of Saracens, was amended in 1541 by King Charles V. Presents a plant and two polygonal towers: one, more massive, called Tower and another dell'Aiutante Torre said the Commander. To visit the Villa Comunale, a park of 2 hectares rich in trees. Inside the house, connected to the Old Town from 4 inputs, there is a staircase paved, lighted by beautiful lamps. Because of the danger of attacks by the Turks, were strengthened coastal defenses through the construction of numerous towers. A Crotone Crotone you can see the Tower of Nao, used today in museum exhibits divers, and the Tower of Tonda, the Martello Tower, the Tower of Scifo and the Tower of Capocolonna. EVENTS A Crotone take place during the year, many cultural and religious events. During the months of April and May Crotone houses the National Motocross Championship on sand that attracts hundreds of fans from the province and the whole region. Dell'Aurora The Festival is held in May. It 'a 9
  • 10. festival of music and culture that testifies to the importance of light for Crotonesi: the procession of Our Lady fact ends at dawn, cosà マ as the temple of Hera was once addressed to the east. The festival concludes with a concert organized in the early morning hours. In August the municipality of Crotone organizes Kroton Jazz Festival, known musical event. Inside the Villa Comunale are organized concerts and exhibitions of the most famous artists of the genre. Other festivals have to remember that of Saint Dionysius (October) and that of Saint Lucia (December). Among the Fairs not forget your antiques, the first Sunday of every month and the Festival of the Kitchen Calabrese in September. CRAFT The craft crotonese is known for art goldsmith. The Castle of Crotone Handicapped goldsmiths create magnificent jewels often inspired style greek and Byzantine treated in detail and finish. Important including woodworking, ceramics, wood, of silver and production of sacred objects. GASTRONOMY The kitchen of Crotone makes the most products of the earth, as cereals, citrus fruits, olives, vegetables and fruit. Widespread use of chili pepper, which adds a strong flavor to foods. Among the appetizers to try the sausages and dairy products, including the provola, fresh ricotta salata, and the many butirro preserves, such as that of pummadori sicchi, pipi salted, funci all'ogghio, alivi driven, sasizze, in addition to pilchard and soppressata. Among the dishes, include homemade pasta sauce seasoned with pork or how cavateddri maccarruni and fish soup. Among the main courses, the culinary tradition of Crotone offers second fish and meat, especially pork, accompanied by delicious Beach Crotone contours of vegetables. Among the desserts include the typical Pitta from Madonna and sanguinazzu. A Christmas to prepare the Easter crustuli while you can enjoy cuzzupa. The dishes must be accompanied by absolutely delicious wines: Cirò, Melissa, Hippolytus, The Valley Neto, the Sant'Anna. MUSEUMS We must visit the museums of Crotone to admire the many testimonies of the period greek various dominations and that the city had to 10
  • 11. endure. The State Archaeological Museum was established in 1910 and already hosted numerous findings came to light during finds not only sporadic, but even during regular excavation campaigns. The exhibition is divided into two sections: the ground floor there are artefacts that testify to the history of the city, from prehistory to the Middle Ages, the first floor houses the main findings from the Greek sanctuaries of Crotone. In Museo Civico are preserved all the testimonies of the period of the modern and medieval. The exhibition is divided into several parts: the section of heraldry, ceramic, armory, vintage photos and a section dedicated to ancient artefacts found in the houses of the city. SPORTS A Crotone you can enjoy all kinds of sports, especially those related to the sea, such as sailing and fishing. Good sports facilities. Do not miss the National Motocross Championship to April-May. CONNECTIONS Crotone is well connected with the rest of the region and with other Italian cities. The SS. 106 is the main artery that runs along the entire coast ion, while the SS. 107 Crotone - The Castelle Cosenza connecting the city with the various locations of Silas. As for the links to small distance, the rail network is not well equipped, but on the other an excellent bus service ensures links with other cities and towns in the province. The rail links to long-distance services are more efficient. Crotone also has a good airport in the area of S. Anna, a few kilometres from the city, in the town of Isola Capo Rizzuto. To reach Crotone you can also take the A3, with exit Cosenza. It then continues on SS. 107. Geography Crotone, one of the five provinces of Calabria, stands at 8 meters above sea level on the Ionian coast of Calabria, is the gravitational center of a thirty municipalities since the fifteenth century took the title of Marquis of Crotone. Bordered to the north by the town of Strongoli, south with Isola Capo Rizzuto, west with Rocca di Neto, Scandale and Cutro, east to the Ionian Sea. The city stands between marine terraces, floodplains, and sandstone fortifications of tabular findings in front of a choppy sea of clay. It has a land area equivalent to 179.79 square kilometers. Its coastline 11
  • 12. stretches for 25 km and is characterized by particular morphological diversity: a city north of the beaches are composed of siliceous sand white and the seafront and the city continue south coast beaches composed of sand from the red sandstone '. Inwards, a promontory overlooking the sea, surrounded by flat land, which then becomes hilly. Crotone is one of the Calabrian province of more recent establishment, is a modern city but not forgotten, and indeed tends to exploit its glorious past, inextricably linked to the Magna Graecia, as demonstrated by the findings kept in the Archeological Museum, also to pay homage to one of most illustrious crotonese the airport is called "Pythagoras". The entire area that overlooks the Ionian Sea, is rich in many places a large tourist able to meet every need of tourists with modern facilities capable of turning a week's holiday in an unforgettable dream. Island locations such as Capo Rizzuto, Ciro 'Marina, Le Castella and Capo Colonna, offering a delightful blend of past and present, it is impossible not to think that those same places were the scene of historical events, and players were the men who created the Magna Greece. In an atmosphere where you can feel the dizziness of a dip in a mythological past, it can be seen at Cape Colonna, the column solitary witness of the temple that once stood near the sea, as if to remind the visitor the sacredness of that place , was alive when the cult of Hera Lacinia, mythical wife of Zeus. Ciro 'Marina, besides being known for its fine wine, it reveals the remains of a temple dedicated to Apollo, the god of the Sun, this valuable source of energy and vitality, which makes the fruits ripen and turn color a region where the sun never fails, even in winter. 12
  • 13. Le Castella takes its name from the beautiful building that stretches into the sea, back to the Aragonese. This wonderful area from the point of view of tourism in the past was scenario battles against the Turkish invasions of the pirates. A sea so beautiful embellished by such a high historical value is for the tourist the opportunity to enrich their culture. Inland crotonese are not rare villages clinging on the hills that still preserve intact medieval villages, particularly worth visiting the castle of Robert Guiscard in Santa Severina that Strongoli of Caccuri and the two castles of Cirò. The local cuisine offers the best in dairy products in the hinterland, like the famous pecorino crotonese. MONUMENTS The old part of town, surrounded by medieval walls, is home to many different churches and noble palaces. The Cathedral, which dates to the ninth century. Stands on a plan with three naves. Inside you can admire the vaulted ceiling and numerous sacred baroque decorations, paintings dating back to'600, a baptismal font of the twelfth century., A timber of 700 and an icon of the fifteenth century. representing the Madonna and Child, known as Capocolonna, very dear to the city. The Church of Santa Chiara has a plaster facade of marble. It stands on a plant to a single aisle and houses in many baroque decorations and objects d'art. Note the tiled floor in the women's gallery and the choir. In 1738 was built the Church of the Immaculate, a single nave and Baroque. Inside, the paintings are stored 700 and dell'800 depicting the Virgin and a crucifix of wood dating back to'600. The Church of St. Joseph was built in 1719. Presents a single nave and Baroque decorations. Note the portal on the facade and the floor mosaic inside. Other highlights include the Monument to the Fallen of the War of 1915-18, the Monument to 13
  • 14. Lucifer Armando (archaeologist crotonese) and the Monument to Raffaele Lucente (surgeon Crotone).. The castle stands in the old part of Crotone. Built nell'840 D.C. to defend the city dall'incursione of the Saracens, was amended in 1541 by Charles V. Presents a plant and two polygonal towers: one, more massive, Torre said dell'Aiutante and another called Torre del Comandante. To visit the Villa Comunale, a park of 2 hectares rich in trees. Inside the villa, which is linked to the historical center of 4 inputs, there is a paved staircase, lit by beautiful lanterns. Because of the danger of attacks by the Turks, were strengthened coastal defenses through the construction of several towers. A Crotone you can see the Tower of Nao, now used as a museum for underwater objects, and the Round Tower, the Martello Tower, the Tower of Scifo and the Tower of Capocolonna. National Archaeological Museum reopened in 2000 after years of closure to the public, the Museum is the home of the treasures of Kroton. Located in the historical city center, in Via Risorgimento, is a must to get to know the city and civilization magnogreca. The exhibition was divided into two sections: the ground floor, the city, on the first floor of the territory. In the first section an apparatus documentary depicting the history of the city from its origins to the Middle Ages, with an emphasis on characters who have made great and famous Crotone, in two large display windows are the main findings. Worthy to be remembered are received from the pottery district of potters. Excavations have established that there was a Kroton in the neighborhood consists of homes with quadrangular courtyard, where potters opened their laboratories. Other windows display the tomb trousseaux contrada from Carrara, the largest ancient necropolis of the city so far investigated. On the first floor there are several windows displaying materials come from various parts of the Marquis and exhibits related to the main Greek temples identified in Crotone and in surrounding areas. But the jewel of the museum is certainly a treasure to Hera, found around all'horos, inside the sacred in July of 1987. It consists of a tiara of gold certainly adorned the statue of the goddess, with a braid in relief and a double wreath of outside plant with leaves and berries of the myrtle and maple leaves. In addition to the crown are in the Treasury a gold ring with diamond collets, a bronze mermaid, a boat nuragica, a "Gorgon" alata. Noteworthy is also the medals with Greek and Roman coins, and the findings of Caulonia, among which are to be collected, the plan of the Doric temple and a few architectural terracottas of the temple of Passoliera. Opening hours: daily, except Mondays, from 9 to 19.30. 14
  • 15. MUSEUMS Provincial Museum of Contemporary Art Housed in the palace halls dell'ottocentesco Source, viale Regina Margherita, was opened in 1998 by the will dell'assessorato ai Beni Culturali della Provincia di Crotone. Among the works that it owns are: "Palmina," an oil on paper by Bruno Ceccobelli of 1984, "Untitled", oil on canvas by Nino Longobardi 1997, "Visions of John", an iron , copper, brass, paper and ink artist Hidetoshi Nagasawa (1996); "aluminum scrap" iron and aluminum Joseph Pulvirenti (1994). It also exposed a décollage of calabrese Mimmo Rotella titled "Crazy for women." The program includes two museum exhibitions each year: "Kroton, annual acquisition of works by Italian artists from the fifties actors until the nineties, former official from institutions such as the Venice Biennale, or in manuals of history 'Art, "Contemporary", a project which intends to convey to Crotone works of avant-garde artists. Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 20. Sunday from 17 to 20. Free admission. Pinacoteca Bastione Toledo Housed within one of the seats in the sixteenth century ramparts to defend the city, the art gallery houses works by artists from Calabria and national representatives of Futurism and dell'avanguardia. The exhibition was created in the nineties of the twentieth century with a collection of Gael Covelli, artist-school style of late nineteenth century Neapolitan native of Crotone. This has added other donations, including a series of works by Salvatore Ferragina. Worthy of note, finally, the gifts left by the heirs Turano (bronzetto and a few paintings dell'800) and by Luigi Tallarico, art critic and scholar, who has donated hundreds of works. Opening Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 16 to 20. Library A. Lucifer " It is located in Piazza Castello, in the Aragonese castle. Founded in 1978, houses a large library consisting of over 18,000 volumes including the works of general culture, texts and documents on the history of Crotone, books and manuscripts on the history of Calabria. Many magazines also of culture, art, science, politics, psychology, religion, philosophy, theosophy, topical medicine, general and local history. Several local newspapers also consulted. There are also 235 editions and historical and legal policies dating back the nineteenth. Inside the facility is located, also, the multimedia room dedicated to "Carlo Turano (35 seats), in which videos are projected, with a giant screen, computer, projector and give language laboratory. Opening Hours: Monday to Friday from 9 to 13 and from 15 to 19. Summer second and third week of August. 15
  • 16. Diocesan Library In this library are collections of theological, pastoral and history, ancient and funding. It is divided into two sections: that of Crotone and Santa Severina. In both you can apply for reproduction of documents and consult the Internet. The section of Crotone is located in Piazza Duomo, and has supplied about 8000 books and 48 periodicals. Opening Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 9 to 13 and from 15 to 18. The archaeological site Archaeological Park of Capo Colonna A few kilometers from town on the promontory, this is now the area of the archaeological park of Capo Colonna. The temple of Hera, one of the greatest antiquity, was built towards the sea and placed on a large rectangular base that served as a pedestal. It was 150 meters long and 50 wide, supported by 13 or 15 Doric-style columns on the longer side and 6 on the shorter side, these will now only one remains, a memory of a past glory, but ruin. The temple was full of arcades and altars and also had small houses for the priests and the attendant shopping and religious objects. From the excavations carried out so far has been able to establish that the sanctuary was formed by several monuments: the Temenos, which is a sort of boundary of the sacred, the Katagonium el'Hestiatorion. The first was a square-shaped hotel for guests to respect the building to a second peristyle almost square in shape, perhaps for the banquet, the sacred way, a great and solemn in the vicinity of Propylaia access was limited to the margins by a bile curb the original construction dates and then around the sixth century BC, was a big environment of elongated rectangular shape, with a very simple and very similar to another temple of Crotone, to "Vigna Nuova." The building was adorned with sculptural decoration and marble tiles of the censor Q. Fulvio Flacco plunder for building, in Rome, the temple of fortune equestrian. The temple dell'Heraion was very popular and, at festivals in honor of Juno, attracted merchants and faithful as well as from all parts of Italy including Greece, Sicily and Carthage. In the same area, north-east, near the shrine of the Virgin of Capo Colonna, were found a Roman balneum Late Republican with mosaics, the remains of some buildings with peristyle, decorated with mosaic floors and the remains of a kiln dating to the third century AD Opening hours: from 8 up to one hour before sunset. • 16
  • 17. Areas of archaeological interest areas Vrica and Stun are two areas that bear testimony of the oldest events of glacial cycles and; interglacial. Important areas of reference for the climate, they were recognized as "stratotipo limit plio-Pleistocene", that limit goes back to 1,600,000 years ago. In the two areas crotonese through accurate studies, it was possible to identify different types of fossils and thus better understand how there were the ice ages. Vrica is located south of Crotone and in this area that scholars refer to indicate the limit of the conventional "PlioPleistocene". The "stratotipo" identified at the base of the Stun represents the beginning of the first ice age, at the top of Stun This is what scholars call a "terrace milazziana, rich in fossils. • Nature Nature Nature Reserve of Capo Rizzuto Marine The protected area includes 42 kilometers of coastline, 36 of which fall within the territory of the municipality of Isola Capo Rizzuto (from Meolo Praialonga 17
  • 18. localities) and 6 km in the municipality of Crotone from Cape to finish a column Barco Vercillo. The nature reserve was established in 1991, encompasses 13,500 hectares of water, and is the largest marine reserve of the peninsula. Its depths have dried slightly deep which are also two miles from the coast, on average, and often rocky, sandy, covered with glaring grasslands of Posidonia Oceanica, a plant highly evolved, with flowers and fruit, similar to terrestrial plants. Whether from the shore and from dried furthest you can enjoy endless submerged reefs, forms that seem strange residue of massive landslides. The sea is home of many species of green algae, brown, red and blue and many fish species including: spreading, Wrasses, Crenilabridi. The marine reserve covers two different areas to protect (area A, the full reserve, and zone B, the general reserve) which are generally prohibited all activities that may in any way jeopardize the environmental balance and the same institutional purpose of 'marine protected area. Among the prohibited activities, variously regulated in the two different areas, scuba diving, fishing and hunting, removal, and damage to archaeological and geological formations of minerals, discharge of waste, manipulation of the fascia coast, the destruction of the bush. The reserve also hides important archaeological evidence, the memory of a distant past. Its beautiful colors, its treasures, its fascinating secrets make this corner of the Calabrian coast flagship not only the region but of the entire peninsula. (R.P.C.) MUSEUMS Need to visit the museums of Crotone to admire the many testimonies of the greek and the different dominations that the city had to suffer. The Archaeological Museum of Capo Colonna was inaugurated in 2002 in a new building constructed at the entrance to the archaeological park namesake. The structure plan is fully 18
  • 19. embedded in the soil and surrounded by meadows and trees still green, has a stone exterior coatings, all in order to reduce their environmental impact. Inside, divided into three sections, are the archaeological finds excavated in the surrounding and adjacent and contiguous Archaeological Park of Capo Colonna. The first section introduces the discovery of a Roman colony that was developed in the sanctuary between 194 BC and the second century D.C. displaying coins, amphorae, vases and furnishings of everyday life organized by class of ceramic used. The second section houses instead of the greek exhibits including several fragments of marble sculptures dating back to all the fifth century BC and certainly belonging to the pediment of the Temple of the famous sanctuary of Hera Lacinia. But votive statuettes in bronze, gold and silver vases and terracotta production Corinthian, Attic, EOLIA and from every part of ancient Greece to witness the magnificient of what the Greeks called the Heraion Lakinion. The last section is devoted to the underwater finds over the successive decades of marine research. Bases are exposed and marble stones for a total of over 300 tons of processed marble, the marble group of Love and Psyche and a bronzetto depicting Herakles and Cerva. In the Museo Archeologico di Capo Colonna are also devices that guide teaching visitors to the perfect reconstruction of the interiors and exteriors of the sanctuary dedicated to Hera Lacinia. Among the most valuable exhibits include a magnificent bronze Corinthian helmet on the fifth century BC from underwater, exposed in the entrance hall of the museum along with a 'Ara marble dedicated to the goddess lacinia for the health of Marciana, Trajan's sister and a terracotta bust of female divinities of the second century BC . The State Archaeological Museum was established in 1910 and already home to numerous artefacts came to light not only during sporadic findings, but also during regular excavation campaigns. It should be remembered Armando Lucifer, the great archaeologist crotonese kept in the house that the material of the Museum, to preserve it from damage caused by World War lI. What is striking just entered the museum is the elegant point of reception provides bookshop. The exhibition is divided into two sections: the ground floor there are exhibits that testify to the city's 19
  • 20. history, from prehistory to the Middle Ages, the first floor houses the finds from the principal Greek sanctuaries of Crotone. A room has been a part dedicated to the Treasury of Hera, a collection of objects in gold, bronze and silver found in the sanctuary that was once a Capocolonna. Sant'Elena are preserved all the evidence of the Middle Ages and of modern times. The exhibition is divided into several parts: the section of heraldry, of pottery, armor and period photos and a section dedicated to artefacts found in the ancient houses in the city. Do not miss the Galleria Comunale collecting 107 paintings by artists of the'900. To visit Crotone In the historic centre of Crotone can be important evidence of the glorious history of this wonderful city. Piazza Pythagoras, is the most important of Crotone, and a meeting center for citizens. Surrounded by porches built in the second half 800's, stands on the hill Knight. Continuing Via Vittoria arrive in Piazza Duomo where we can admire the magnificent cathedral dating from the ninth century. It was built on several occasions using materials from the Temple of Hera Lacinia. This implied a eclecticism of styles that can be seen today in the unique architecture of this church. Sormontata by dome and bell shaped Oriental, maintains a predominantly Baroque facade. 20
  • 21. Inside you may notice some masonry blocks relating to the original construction, and some chapels as the main dedicated to Our Lady of black Capocolonna, erected nell'800. Next to the cathedral is the Episcopal Palace, built in the sixteenth century. In which are preserved some of the main badges crotonesi bishops. Continuing the Corsican Vittorio Emanuele we come across in the building where he established the old Town Hall. Is the front of the church, whose construction took place in 1554 and later enlarged in 1738. Inside of a single nave and is decorated with a portal with friezes of the Baroque period. Not far from the church is the Church of the Convent of St. and Clare, with plant'400 end but rebuilt in'700. Places within the beautiful pavement majolica Neapolitan, and the precious body wooden 1753. Continuing Via Risorgimento Gallucci is the Palazzo, built at the end of'800. Not far there is the eighteenth century Church of St. Joseph enriched by baroque stucco. One of the most important buildings of Crotone is the Castle, a fortress polygonal plant, which still keeps intact all the charm of the Middle Ages. Built for the will of the noble family Ruffo was five towers with a circular plan. Under the domain of Charles V, the castle took on the forms and in 1541 the new defensive structure inglobava old. Were added new ramparts and zoomed l 'architectural trim. During the Second World War was used as an antiaircraft and was partially damaged because of the numerous earthquakes. Of Sanctuary of Hera Lacinia today is not that a column of the temple built in about 470 BC. However, you can find the essential elements that reveal the presence of what was considered the most important sanctuary of Magna Greece. Many of the items found during the excavations are today preserved in the Archaeological Museum in the city. To complete the visit of Crotone we can bear at the Museum or visit the Galleria Comunale, rich in historical from the Castle. handicraft The art orafa 21
  • 22. The art orafa calabra has endured remarkable conditionings in the course of the centuries as a result of succeeding itself of various populations and cultures in this region. However, the element that characterizes and distinguishes from that one of the other regions, sure is represented from the approach to the gold of materials that go from the wood to the red coral, from the stone to pearls, the amethyst to silver, nacre, copper to the enamel, the onyx or the vitrea paste. One perfect fusion, than in its harmonious beauty incarnates the essence of the spirit of this earth, with its amazing games of light and colors. The jewels of popular tradition and peasant more diffuse is the necklaces, the rings, orecchini and the spille that they acted as also from ciondoli. Expression of the tradition medieval late-Roman and they are some orecchini in gold sheet, while those decorate to you with perline reveal their derivation from the late-rinascimentale and baroque period. The necklaces are introduced in a refined alternation of gold, of pearls and of corals, with spille, circles, plate center decorated them, or with pendants to ribbon, with applications of leaves and flowers it decorates to you with stones, or still “to festoni” that they finish to star shape, with to the center two hearts draws near to you. The spille they are manifactured with stoffa and they introduce various reasons decorated to you, with stone they incastonata with rumble centers and perline. Sometimes the spille they come forged in shapes of animals (snake, butterflies, fish, etc) with I interlace of delicate floreali decorations. Appreciated all over the world, the tradition of the Magna Greece, therefore comes defined the pregevole production orafa of the Calabria, above all takes to life in the crotonese, fusing the traditions of the Greek, Arabic style, bizantino and baroque. Valter Contarino, a greatly talented artist, is a young Crotone master goldsmith, whose work perfectly embodies the deeply-rooted, millenary craft tradition of the town. Solidly steeped in classical culture, trained under the greatest Crotone craftsmen, Valter Contarino has created his own unique style, remarkable for its attention to detail and the meticulous care given to the selection of the raw materials used, above all, the gold. Gold, the symbol, as ever, of sunshine, wealth and prosperity, that becomes a kind of living creature at the hands of this artist, shaped to become something eternal. His great practical skill and surprising creative eclecticism allow Contarino to vary his range, producing absolutely refined and elegant creations, admirable for the beauty of their composition and exceptional quality. Gold, pearls and precious stones are blended to become masterpieces of the goldsmith's art, many inspired by the iconographic tradition of the Magna Graecia, such as the beautiful gold silver and lapis lazuli necklaces, reproducing an ancient sixth-century BC coin, with the Delphic tripod and the inscription Kroton. 22
  • 23. Gerardo Sacco Born in Crotone, Gerardo Sacco doing since the age old craft of jewelry, traveling, starting from 1966, all the more significant steps to acceptance and success both nationally and internationally. Carries on business in Crotone where he established what he likes to define his "shop", to detect the craft and creative permanently processing of gold, of silver and precious stones. In fact, the "workshop" of Gerardo Sacco is Today a modern company known by the brand worldwide, with a qualified production structure and efficient organization of trade. The productions signed Gerardo Sacco constitute an absolutely original and unusual, difficult to label them by critics and experts within a single category. Gerardo Sacco sweeps continuously, with almost scientific rigor, the Research and the rediscovery of fascinating traces of the past, drawing inspiration from art continues "Great - Greek and Byzantine, Renaissance, Baroque" and "Deco". His works, over time, have made a real archaeologist who brings back to light and retrieves a full working life, techniques, forms and materials specific to that crossroads of cultures that Magna has represented Greece in the history of the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean . The creations of goldsmith Gerardo Sacco for cinema and the theater are precious objects for artistic achievement, beauty of stone, historical research and development and therefore represent a unique, as a result of genuine art, fine and rare. The creations of goldsmith Corrado and Mongiardo 23
  • 24. . Cooking Crotone and its territory have a cuisine of the poor, but robust in flavor, with the frequent use of hot pepper and products spontaneous as asparagus, chicory, wild onions, fennel aromatico etc. .. Its peculiarity is the "provision" that is, the use of housewives to prepare homemade preserves details then be used as starters or to enrich local dishes The province of Crotone, as the whole of Calabria, offers a varied and original cuisine. A simple way of cooking only with regard to the ingredients, recently re-evaluated with the appreciation of the Mediterranean diet. Prevail here the products of the earth: mushrooms, eggplant and tomatoes are the base of each dish, but also fennel, asparagus and chicory are essential components of processed food crotonese. Very good is the bread of wheat, mainly Verzino and Savelli. The strong flavor of meats: sausage, soppressata, and capocollo n'dugghia. Among the cheeses report provole silane, ricotta salata, the butter (with internal caciocavallo butter), the pecorino. Among the dishes to the covatelli pork sauce and anchovies in cake or arriganate. Triumphs over all the chili, produced in different varieties for flavor and most of the local dishes. Sea bass, groupers, lobsters, moray eels, snappers and Sarago are members of the rank of imaginative cuisine coast, which, in homage to an ancient tradition, is inspired by the simple recipes of a popular cuisine which offers authentic specialties. One example is "u quadaru, delicious fish soup that fishermen sometimes on the shore preparing to return from sea. Traditional also is "u nunnatu", ie small fish fritters have just emerged from the larval state (hence the name which means baby), the same is prepared piccantissima a sauce called a pilchard ", wherever that color the stalls of the market towns of the province and that flavor to many of the dishes of traditional cuisine crotonese. Equally simple derivation and Eastern Europe are the desserts, such as "pitta 'nchiusa", a pink sheets enriched with raisins and spices, the puccidrati the mostaccioli, cakes of flour and honey molded in the forms most' diverse and decorated with small inlays of colored paper and black pudding. 24
  • 25. TYPICAL DISHES Crotone is a city where the sea generous offers fresh and different, and the earth, vegetables, meat and tastes delicious. Among the main courses leads the homemade pasta: the "Cavatelli" small dumplings served with meat sauce and ricotta, the "maccarruni" seasoned with pork sauce. Among these delicacies are not neglected the second unmatched dishes including fish include: soups prepared with aromatic seaweed, garlic, parsley, tomatoes and eaten on slices of bread and roasted "pilchard". Each dish is flavored by the chef with skill, using the excellent extra virgin olive oil and hot pepper. Excellent sausages, sweet and spicy, and delicious cheeses, such as fresh ricotta or smoked, from grate on pasta dishes, and the famous pecorino, even with black pepper, with its characteristic strong flavor. Vera delight are the sweet tastes from many different: the "crustuli" consisting of wheat flour, sugar, oil, liquor, cloves, cinnamon and honey, fried and honey in the past, the "pitta 'nhiusa" puff pastry filled with raisins and candied walnuts, and the exquisite "sanguinazzu" blood boil pork made with sugar, dark chocolate, almonds and walnuts. All these delicious dishes are accompanied by fine wines doc the "Ciro" and "Melissa". PECORINO CROTONESE (from Crotone) This is a hard textured cheese, semi-cooked and produced from whole fat sheep’s milk (the addition of up to 20 per cent of goats’ milk is permitted). It can boast the denomination of controlled origin guarantee. The area of production includes all the comuni (municipalities) in the province of Crotone, and part of the provinces of Catanzaro and Cosenza. The animals from which the milk is taken must be nourished for at least 60 per cent in pastureland or with fresh products. Kids’ rennet is added to the milk heated to a temperature of 36-38°C (96-100°F); the time Curdling takes from forty to fifty minutes. After breaking, the curd is in large lumps like grains of rice: the cheesemaker cooks the cheese at 40-45°C (104-113°F) for about five minutes, then, when it been left to stand and has settled, the cheese is transferred to the special wicker-basket moulds and pressed down to expel any excess whey. The salting may be carried out dry or in brine, and the maturation lasts from three months to one year. The cheese’s straw-yellow rind with characteristic marks from the wicker-basket moulds is easily recognisable; the colour darkens with time. The texture of the cheese is compact and sometimes with a slight holing effect. The colour of the fresh cheese is white which becomes slightly straw-yellow after maturation: the cheeses normally weigh about two kilograms (two and a half pounds). The flavour is harmonious and delicate: over time it becomes more flavoursome and spicy. 25
  • 26. The proposal of the fresh-matured alternative. This is frequently used as an ingredient for various culinary dishes and is often used as a grating cheese. It is also enjoyed in certain types of salads. Pig-breeding farms in the region of Calabria are numerous and, consequently, there is a large and varied selection of preserved meat in the form of capocolli and other hams, and a whole family of sausages and salamis which make up a point of pride. Amongst the spices and the aromas which contribute to completing the flavour of these products, there are many fragrances which are typical of the region, from the seeds of wild fennel to the ever-present chilli pepper. CALABRIAN CAPOCOLLO The processing of the Calabrian capocollo follows the same methodologies as those used in other regions of Southern Italy. This product is obtained from the upper part of the previously boned pork loin. The selected parts undergo a salting process which lasts from four to eight days. The addition of the necessary aromas precedes the wrapping and the tying up of this type of ham in a ‘natural skin’. The period of maturation is of at least one hundred days. CALABRIAN PANCETTA (a kind of bacon) This pancetta is worth a mention, taken from the lower part of the pig’s ribs. The main aspect is the thin streaks on the surface of the product, visible traces of the lean parts and the fatty parts: there is a rule which states that the lean meat must not exceed 40-50% of the total weight. The pancetta must be packed in rectangular pieces which should be between three and four centimetres (1 ¼ - 1 ½ inches) and which should not weigh less than three kilograms (6 ¾ lbs) and not more than four (9 lbs). THE CALABRIAN SAUSAGE Many of the characteristics required for the Calabrian sausage repeat those which the law requires for the soppressata, starting from the weight of the pigs. This product is made from 26
  • 27. meat taken from the shoulder or from the lower part of the ribs. The sausage mixture, spiced with black or red pepper, is packed into skins made from pigs’ intestines, and is left to mature for at least one month. The sausages are plaited together by hand to take on the well known "a catenella" (chainlink) aspect. CALABRIAN SOPPPRESSATA This product enjoys a great reputation even outside the region, above all for the good level of quality for which it is recognised. The ‘denomination of controlled origin’ guarantee is conceded to all the products which possess the characteristics required by the law. The mixture must include the meat taken from the thigh or from the shoulder of pigs weighing more than one hundred and thirty kilograms. The meat must be minced not too finely (at “knife point”) and mixed together with 12 –15 per cent of selected quality fat before being packed into the natural skin made from intestines. If possible, the fat should be taken from the lard of the anterior part of the loin. Cooled and finely chopped, the complete mixture is seasoned with salt, chilli pepper (or pepper) and red wine. Some also add pigs’ blood or powdered sweet red peppers to make the colour more intense. In fact, it is the tone of the colour which is one of the characteristics for which Calabrian salamis and sausages are most appreciated. The last phase of the processing is the smoking, which takes a couple of months in the smoke of the fireplace. It is cylindrical in shape, and slightly flattened: the usual length is about fifteen centimetres (six inches), and with a diameter of six centimetres (2 ½ inches) or little more. Conserve Typical Sarzi: tomato sauce flavored with basil and stored in sterilized glass for boiling Preserve 'paste tomatoes and spicy red peppers, boiled together and stored as above. So tomatoes: tomatoes cut in half, salted and dried in the sun, stored in jars with olive oil, basil, garlic, chilli, capers and anchovies. Pipi salted: round green peppers, cut in half and preserved in salt and pepper together in a few slices of green tomatoes and eggplant. 27
  • 28. . Pipi arrustuti: round peppers, roasted red and stored in sterilized glass jars to boiling. Mulinciane all'ogghio: eggplant cut into strips, salted, and left to marinate 24 hours in white vinegar and garlic preserved in oil with red pepper and bay. Fillet: tomatoes cut into pieces and stored in sterilized glass to boil. Func all'ogghio: Mushrooms of Sila (vavusi, porcini, gallinedde, fedduriti, ROSITI, pinnedde) boiled in pots and kept in oil with garlic, chilli, bay leaves. Alive driven: olive green crushed and left to soften in water and salt, then flavored with fennel seeds, garlic and chilli, preserved in oil and under weight. Alive to cavucia: olive green sweeten made with lime and water and preserved with salt. Sardeddra: light blue fry fish with salt and pepper powder, red chilli spicy, achieve a kind of rustic caviar. Salted anchovies: anchovies preserved in oil. Salted sardines: sardines preserved in salt and pepper powder and red pepper with spicy red. Gnelatina: COTICH, head and feet of boiled pork, cut into strips with bay leaves, vinegar, paprika and let solidify. Sazizze: sausage made with pork, cut with a knife, fennel seeds, red chilli. Suppress: kind of sausage made with the same mixture of sausage, but retained after aging in oil weight. Capiccoddru: kind of cup with spicy red chili. Frisulimiti: residues COTICH pork fat and consume facts long on the fire, which is preparing a pizza rustica Nduggh'a: sausage made with pig offal 28
  • 29. Dairy tipici Provola, various types of mozzarella, fresh ricotta, ricotta salata, pecorino, which depending on the seasoning you use to grate at the table, butter (especially small caciocavallo in which butter is enclosed). Homemade pasta Cavateddri: species cavati dumplings on a special wicker basket (cernigghia). Maccarruni: species Maccheroncelli shorts parading the resulting mixture with a wire. Both pasta made with durum wheat flour, water and salt are usually seasoned with pork ragu. Wine Vine cultivation in Calabria dates back to ancient times. It is the work of two civilisations that are tied to the Italic populations, with their very rudimentary vine cultivation techniques, in the internal parts of the region and to the Greek populations, which gave impetus to the sector, in the coastal parts of the region. By 744 BC, the date of the foundation of Reggio by the Greeks, vine cultivation was already flourishing, and Sibari was an active wine market. Soon other markets, such as Crotone and 29
  • 30. Locri, were added. The fact that rents for land used to cultivate grapevines were six times higher than rents for land used for other types of cultivation, as reported in the Tavole di Eraclea, gives testimony to the importance given to grapevines as an economic investment. Almost nothing is known of the wines produced in that era. According to Theocritus, Biblia or Biblina wines were produced. This wine was considered and appreciated as an excellent wine obtained from vines originating in Thrace. With the Roman conquest, the cultivation of grapevines was almost completely abandoned, substituted with the cultivation of grains (wheat) and the raising of cattle. Biblia wines disappeared, but other wines slowly flourished, such as those of Cosenza, Tempsa and Turi. These wines were mentioned by Pliny the Elder (24 AD). In the Middle Ages, Calabrian vine cultivation began to flourish again and, according to studies conducted by Federico Melis, the wines produced, along with the wines of Puglia, fostered a stream of exportation beyond Northern Italy, even to other European nations such as Spain and France. There are some more clues after 1500. Sante Lancerio, who lived in the 16th century, in his famous letter to Cardinal Guido Ascanio Sforza about the nature and quality of wines points out his appreciation of “La Centula,” “Ciragio wine,” “Pesciotta wine,” and above all “Chiarello wine,” for which his praise is excessive. “It comes from a land called Chiarella (Cirella, in the province of Cosenza), in the province of Calabria, at three miles distance from the sea. This wine is very good and was appreciated by His Holiness and all the prelates of the court. There are many wines sold as Chiarello, but to really be from Chiarella, and to have its perfect excellence, it must have a colour brighter than gold and a strong aroma. If it does not have this aroma it is from Grisolia or Orsomazzo, places nearby, which at Ripa are sold as Chiarello wines. His Holiness drank this kind of wine from the beginning of March and for all of the autumn. There is no beverage equal to it. But in order to save it for the autumn season, it must be taken in the spring and kept in a cool place where it will not be upset, and it must be taken before it has matured, with its aroma and strong alcohol content, so as to be matured by the heat.” These wines are later mentioned by the naturalist and physician Andrea Bacci in his De naturali vinorum historia, which is rich in warnings and advice. He writes, “Strabone (a Greek historian and geographer of the 1st century BC) – book VI, remembers the town of Cirella, not far from the Lao river, in whose countryside two qualities of wine are produced, both the light and the red famous, bearing the name of the town. The first, called Cirella wine, has conveniently taken the name Chiaretto for its splendour and its body and because, in its clarity, it could compete with gold. […] As opposed to other wines, it has the quality of being able to be preserved for two or three years and it is worth calling it a singular example of the most distinguished wine. It is also considered a familiar wine in the town refectories and cafes. It is pleasing to the palate and to the stomach, it goes down easily from the first vein until the kidneys, is very nutritious, generates good, thin blood, carries the residue of the humours along their proper paths, promotes perspiration and urine and crushes gravel. It does not go to the head, rather it makes the senses come alive and marvellously pushes the minds of both the old and those with a dulled mind toward profound speculation. It cheers the heart and the mind. As a result of this exceptional praise, it should be pointed out that many wines are brought to Cirella from San Marco, Scalea, Castelnuovo, Bonifazio and other towns, and these wines are given the name Chiaretto, but rarely do they match all of its characteristics. They are not recognised by the merchants who know those places.” Later, however, both due to a change in consumer tastes and the spread of wines from other regions, this agricultural product of Calabria lost its market both abroad and in Northern Italy. It remained enclosed within the borders of the region. The wines produced are primarily mixing wines, since they have an intense colour and body, a high minimum alcohol content and a rich flavour and are free from the distinctive earthy flavour often present in wines produced in other regions of Southern Italy. These wines are still very much in demand. The most famous centres of production are Nicastro, Sambiase, Gizzeria, Ciro’, Francavilla, Pizzo, Nicotera and Palmi. Aside from the types of wine for mixing, there is no lack of prized wines for table consumption, such as Sabuto from the Rogliano area, Provitaro white, with its pleasing aroma, and Ciro’ (Catanzaro) in the red, white and rosato varieties. 30
  • 31. Wine cultivation, reborn after the scourge of the leaf lice, was transformed, qualifying some types of highly prized wines which were finally entered on the list of DOC wines. CIRO’ WHITE has a straw yellow colour, distinctive aroma and dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of between 12 and 13 percent. It is served at 8-10 degrees Celsius as an aperitif or with shellfish or sliced fish. It has been classified as DOC since 4 June 1969. CIRO’ ROSATO has a clear colour, a pleasing aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of between 13 and 13.5 percent. It should be served at 16-18 degrees Celsius with meals or with fish and giblet soup. It has been classified as DOC since 4 June 1969. CIRO’ RED has an intense ruby red colour, a delicate aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of between 13.5 and 14.5 percent. When aged for three years it is Riserva. It should be served at 20-22 degrees Celsius, with meats. It has been classified as DOC since 4 June 1969. DONNICI has a ruby red or cherry red colour, a vinous aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of between 12 and 13.5 degrees. It should be served at 18 degrees Celsius with meals, or, aged, with roasted meats or game. It has been classified as DOC since 25 August 1975. GRECO DI BIANCO has a golden yellow colour, an etheric aroma and a sweet flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 17 percent. It should be served at 8 degrees Celsius, not with a meal but with dessert, with dry pastries, fruit salad or ice cream. It has been classified as DOC since 12 December 1980. LAMEZIA has a strong cherry red colour, a delicate, vinous aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. It should be served at 18 degrees Celsius with meals, or with white meats, rabbit and pork. It has been classified as DOC since 5 April 1979. MELISSA WHITE has a straw yellow colour, a distinctive aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 11.5 percent. It should be served at 8 degrees Celsius with hors- d’oeuvres, fish or eggs. It has been classified as DOC since 29 November 1979. MELISSA RED has a strong rose or ruby red colour, a distinctive aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 12.5 percent. Aged for one year and with a minimum alcohol content of 13 percent, it becomes Superiore. It should be served at 18 degrees Celsius with meats and stews. It has been classified as DOC since 29 November 1979. POLLINO has a ruby or cherry red colour, a distinctive aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. Aged for two years and with a minimum alcohol content of 12.5 percent it becomes Superiore. It should be served at 18 degrees with meals. It has been classified as DOC since 3 November 1975. SANT’ANNA DI ISOLA CAPO RIZZUTO ROSATO has a clear colour, a vinous aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. It should be served at 15 degrees with meals or with lamb. It has been classified as DOC since 11 June 1979. SANT’ANNA DI ISOLA CAPO RIZZUTO RED has a rosy ruby red colour, an intense aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. It should be served at 16 degrees Celsius with meals or roasted white meats. It has been classified as DOC since 11 June 1979. SAVUTO ROSATO has a light colour, a distinctive aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. It should be served at 15 degrees Celsius with meals or with white meats, cheeses or eggs. It has been classified as DOC since 3 November 1975. SAVUTO ROSSO has a strong ruby red colour, a vinous aroma and a dry flavour. It has a minimum alcohol content of 12 percent. It should be served at 18 degrees Celsius with meals or with red meats, game or cheeses. It has classified as DOC since 3 November 1975. 31
  • 32. FISH In Calabria, the panorama of preserved seafood includes the usual production of salted anchovies and, in some cases, tuna fish in oil; recently, there has also been the addition of a sizeable production of both smoked tuna and sword fish. A unique regional characteristic is, however, mustica, a special way of preserving anchovy fry, the whitebait of Liguria. This is a speciality which is typical of the Ionian coast. The base is made up of the whitebait, the newly born anchovies which appear in the gastronomic repertory of many of the regions of Italy. The Calabrians process them using a special kind of procedure: first they are laid out on wooden tables in the sun, covered with chilli pepper, and then, when they have dried out well, they are put into glass jars filled with oil for their preservation. Mustica is also known as rosamarina, and can usually be found for sale in delicatessens and grocery shops in the whole region. Mustica is a spicy-hot hors d’oeuvres which is eaten spread onto slices of toasted bread. AUBERGINES These are one of the main protagonists of Calabrian gastronomy, prepared in all kinds of way and, above all, for preserving. Sliced and first left under salt to drain, they are washed, dried and then kept in a marinade of vinegar until they are then put in glass jars containing oil, chilli pepper, garlic and aromatic herbs. The aubergine has its moment of glory in the annual Sagra della Melanzana Ripiena (the festival of the stuffed aubergine). This takes place at Castrovillari on the day of San Rocco, that is on 16th August, around the church of San Rocco on the banks of the river Cosciale. It is a picnic for which all the families prepare the tasty local aubergines stuffed with fresh white breadcrumbs, tomatoes, pecorino cheese, garlic and basil, and baked in the oven. The recipe is always the same, but there are infinite ways of interpreting it. The exchanges and tastings are the dominating theme of the festival. DRIED TOMATOES Calabria is one of the more qualified centres for the preparation of these tomatoes, which are common in the whole of the South of Italy and also along the Adriatic and Tyrrheanian coasts. The tomatoes used are the bunches of small tomatoes which are usually used for making tomato sauces. They are cut in half, the seeds are removed and then they are left to dry in the sun. Once they are well dried out, they are put into glass or terracotta jars with garlic, basil, oregano, chilli pepper and covered with oil. They are served at table along with the hors d’oeuvres, but, put into a blender, without draining them of their oil, and blended into a paste, they become an extraordinary dressing for a plate of spaghetti which then only requires the further addition of some grated pecorino cheese. 32
  • 33. OLIVES More than any other region of Italy, Calabria boasts an ancient and wide spread tradition for preserving olives. Today, in the grocery shops of the region, at least ten different kinds can be found: salted olives from the October harvest; carolei or galatresi from the plains and tamborelli from Rosarno preserved in brine; ripe olives heated up, salted and dressed with oil, oregano, sweet peppers and fennel; baked olives; crushed olives, harvested in September and left for a few days in water to lose their bitterness; cumbité olives from Grotteria preserved in vinegar; 'mpassuluti olives, that is, withered in the sun; zunzifarichi olives from the area of the Ionian; black olives, crushed heated up and left for a few days to lose their bitterness and then dressed with salt, oregano and parsley. FIG CROQUETTES The abundance of the production of figs throughout the whole of Calabria, over the centuries, has favoured the transformation of the fresh fruit into preserved products of the highest quality. Fig croquettes are especially famous, being stuffed with almonds and baked in the oven; as are the ciuffi, also similarly stuffed but coated with white or dark chocolate; finally, the ficarielli themselves, flavoursome and highly fragrant, packed together in the special packaging and covered with syrup and aromatic myrtle leaves. Other types of preparations include dried figs, arranged in a ring on small branches of myrtle, or, alternatively, arranged in a plait. Amongst the places which adhere the most to this tradition are Amantea anf Belmonte Calabro, in the province of Cosenza. CÙZZUPA (a traditional kind of Easter cake) Also known as cuzzuolu (in the Casentino area) or cudduraci (at Reggio), it is reminiscent of the tradition for the 'nzuddi of Seminara. It is an Easter cake of century old origin: it is made from a dough made with flour, eggs, lard and sugar. The shapes (heart, horse or doll) vary according to the whim of the moment and to the customs; the boiled egg in its shell placed in the centre is a symbol of the Resurrection. TORRONE ICE CREAM It is cylindrical or stick-shaped and made up of the following ingredients: the candied peel of citron, orange and mandarin, almonds, bound together with melted sugar in various colours then the whole thing is covered with a coat of chocolate. It is quite soft in texture and is easily cut into slices. Crustoli: Christmas cake made with durum wheat flour, sugar, oil, red wine, cinnamon, cloves and honey. Tardiddri Christmas cake made with wheat flour, eggs, sugar, liquor and honey. Pitta or pitta from Madonna nchiusa: sweet dough made with equal to that of crustoli, but flattened and cut into strips which you put: almonds, chopped walnuts, and raisins. It rolled in the shape of a rosette and are on a basis of that dough to form a pie. 33
  • 34. Festa della Madonna di Capocolonna The Feast of Our Lady of Capocolonna is a Catholic patron party in honor of the Byzantine Empire in which depicts the Virgin Mary with the baby in her arms Jesus, found at the promontory of Capocolonna after he was thrown into the sea by the Turks during one of their raids, not being able to fire him, but with this act have blackened the image. From the point of finding the Virgin is venerated with the title of Our Lady of Capocolonna. Celebrations The feast in his honor was held in May: Apr. 30 the picture is taken down from high particular of the Cathedral of Crotone and placed alongside dell'altare at the central nave, the second Thursday of the month, the faithful are found for the rite of "Kiss", in which, after the Mass, the image is kissed; the second Saturday of the month is carried in procession in the streets of the city up to the Civil Hospital, where the Archbishop of Crotone or the pastor of the chapel 'hospital held a brief prayer of thanksgiving, and then back in the Cathedral, which for the opportunity remains open until late hours. The third Wednesday of the month will open the exhibition which runs along Viale Regina Margherita, near the castle of Charles V, along the commercial port, and at the municipal stadium Scid. The third Saturday of the month occurs the great pilgrimage to Cape Colonna, promontory about 15 km from the city, which takes place during the night, after the picture comes from the basilica toward a night, greeted by the faithful. The painting arrives in procession, the first at the cemetery, during which un'omelia is recited by the Bishop of the diocese, then resumed the journey and arrives in Cape Colonna at the first light of dawn, and therein lies all day on Sunday . On the evening it is loaded and taken away to sea tourist port of Crotone, greeted on his return from fireworks. The festivities continue throughout the month with elementary school children take turns visiting the cathedral and the holding of the Festival of Aurora. The festival closes on 31 this month, with the repositioning of the high priority of the Basilica. Every seven years, the festival is bigger, the picture carried in procession is not the miniature modern, but the original framework: the celebrations are long and framework, in return, is not loaded and carried by sea but placed on a cart pulled by oxen and along the way to reverse that made the night before, the pilgrims in this case follow the framework also to return. On days set at dawn, concerts are held at the promontory of Capo Colonna. . 34
  • 35. MARINE PROTECTED AREA CAPO RIZZUTO GETTING THERE: Strada Statale 106 TA-RC - from Crotone (30 km) - for Isola di Capo Rizzuto - Capo Rizzuto for Bivio The colors of the sea to the sky fade dall'azzurro emerald green and the coast is truly spectacular, so rich in history and nature as to merit, December 27 1991, the establishment of marine protected area. Area Marina "Capo Rizzuto" covers an area of about 15 thousand hectares of sea, making it the largest in Italy in size. Extends the coast south of Crotone for 36 km, between Cape Donato and Barco Vercillo, and to a depth of 100 meters towards the sea. Eight promontories define the protected area the first of which is to Capocolonna, real archaeological deposit, symbol of the glorious splendor of Magna Graecia. Here stands the only column of Doric style of the famous temple dedicated to the goddess Hera Lacinia. Continuing along the protected area, you reach Punta Le Castella, the last bastion of the reserve, with the Byzantine fortress of post sull'isolotto who gave birth to Ugurk-ali, commander of the imperial fleet to Constantinople. The protected marine area "Capo Rizzuto" is fascinating and is suggestive because it accepts and skillfully blends history and nature: And 'in fact a glimpse of the sea in the Mediterranean is characterized by the variety of natural environments and the particular geomorphology of the coast. Inside were three areas identified Integral Reserve, classified as A and corresponding to the sea area around Capo Colonna and Capo Cimiti, and the stretch of sea in front of Cape Blanc, where there is a system of protection more rigid than the remaining General Reserve area, classified as B. In zone A, Reserve Integrale, are prohibited bathing, scuba diving with and without self, sailing 35
  • 36. with boats and vessels, anchoring, mooring and fishing. As far as the area A of Chapter Cimiti guided tours are permitted even underwater, without self-governed by the body. It is allowed access and stop the service unit responsible for surveillance and rescue, and those supported by scientific research programs In zone B, the General Reserve, the surrounding areas A, are allowed to bathe, diving tours with the support of the local dive centers, scuba diving with and without self-governed by the body; Sailing and rowing, sailing motor at speeds of up to 5 knots, anchoring in specially identified areas, mooring areas identified and equipped with mooring buoy and affixed. The small fishing activities and fishing are allowed but only to resident fishermen and sport fishing, with rod and line firm, requires a permit. There is, finally, an area C, Partial Reserve, including the remaining stretch of the sea within the perimeter of the marine protected area. Within this area is also prohibited fishing, anchoring is permitted only in areas specifically identified, the sailing and rowing is permitted freely while the motor is allowed only to vessels and boats to speeds of up to 10 nodes. Swimming and diving are allowed, mooring, but only in areas equipped with appropriate buoy. For the professional and sport fishing shall be subject to the same provisions in the area B. SERVICES - MARINE PROTECTED AREA Underwater Archaeological Itinerary The unique underwater archaeological trail in the marine protected area "Capo Rizzuto" covers in the sea area south of the Aragonese castle of Le Castella, to a maximum distance of 200 meters from the coast. The route, approximately 400 meters long, spread among the rocks that surrounded the castle, with an average depth of 5 meters and connects 15 key points that bear witness in the past as this stretch of sea was found and occupied by a quarry for the extraction blocks. The route points are connected by a heaving line that forms a closed ring and marked by a plaque with a brief description of what can be seen around or in the immediate vicinity. Of course, depending on the season where you make the journey, the visibility of the points may be somewhat 'conditioned by the development of the marine vegetation, which camouflages the contours of objects. The course takes place in an average time of 30 'and the low depth and clarity of the water is particular possible to follow the path also swimming on the surface. 36
  • 37. The Aquarium is located in the Capo Rizzuto, the square of the Shrine of Our Lady Greek. The structure is composed of 22 tanks from the total capacity of approximately 20,000 lt; inside, you can admire the flora and fauna of the protected area, as it is a small reserve which have been recreated in full compliance with the organisms, marine habitats is a really strong emotion admire the Posidonia oceanica, the Echinaster Sepositus better known as red star, the Sarago wrapped, sea urchins, the looks, the octopus, the colorful Donzelli, the mythical grouper, the sympathetic Pagura, threatening the moray eels, the jellyfish. Into the, there is also an educational workshop for children, to spread the knowledge of the biology and ecology of the sea. The facility is also equipped with a multimedia room with a giant screen for watching movies about the sea and the various aspects dell'Aquarium, and, to be collected, yet the presence of a touch tank, which can "touch" with the hand the inhabitants of the sea. The Aquarium is a Center for Environment Education CEAM-Marino-designed to be the focus of an intense educational program directed especially to young people. Loc. Capo Rizzuto P.zza Santuario, 88841 Isola Capo Rizzuto (KR) Tel. 0962.796019 Fax 0962.796029 "A BOAT FUND TRANSPARENT" E 'can admire the splendid backdrops widespread aboard a ship from the bottom transparent; excursions have become one of the main attractions of the area. A unique experience to let the waves lull and observe the immense grasslands of Posidonia Oceanica, inhabited by friendly fish, glimpsed by the rebels and green tufts. The trip takes about 1 hour, and if it wanted, it also provided a stop bath and dive in the pristine waters of the place. The brief but exciting journey into the underwater world is also at night. 37
  • 38. Escursioni su battello a fondo trasparente "Eranusa" tel/fax 0962.795353 - 339.3920514 Getting to Crotone By Air: The city of Crotone is served by 'Sant'Anna Airport. E 'can reach the city with a shuttle bus, which supports only the most flights, or drive along the SS 106 10km north. By car: Take the 'Motorway Salerno-Reggio Calabria, Cosenza Nord exit and follow the superstrarda Sila. By train: The railway network, especially a small distance is inadequate, being deprived of electricity and a single track. Better rail connections with long distance direct departure from Milan and Rome. By Bus: There are regular services from Crotone Line, Rome, Naples, Salerno, Bologna, Florence, Venice and vice versa. Getting Around in Crotone Public transport in Crotone is discreet and connects all parts of the city. City buses provide links point in the municipal area of Crotone. Each bus is indicated by the number of lines on which service. Buses that offer links with the city buses are the suburban. Much of the cars is accessible to disabled people and is recognized by the international symbol of accessibility located on the front and side of the half. Itineraries Itinerary 1 - Crotone Time indicated: ½ day The town of Crotone, with its Ionian coastline, offers visitors a variety of choices: history, culture, gastronomy, shopping and beautiful scenery. A walk down the main street, Via Vittorio Veneto, where you can enjoy the shopping, takes you to the town square, heart of the town, dedicated to the mathematician, Pythagoras and the crossroads for the main streets; Via Regina Margherita, with its arcades, Via Poggioreale, the long avenue which leads down to the sea and beaches, Via Vittorio Emanuele, where you can find the local market and Piazza Duomo, home to the cathedral and starting point for a visit to the old town centre. It is also worth visiting the nearby local market, where you can find typical food products; and to note: the first Sunday of each month, an antique market. 38
  • 39. The seafront in Crotone starts from Piazza Rino Gaetano, where you can visit the tourist wharf, home to the lega navale, continuing along, you arrive in Via Cristoforo Colombo, a popular part of the seafront, busy night and day. And finally, Viale Gramisci, where you can admire the natural piscine, which characterize this part of the seafront. • Corso Vittorio Veneto • Town centre • Old town centre • Market • Seafront You can also visit: • Chiesa Immacolata • Chiesa di San Giuseppe • Castle of Carlo V • Municipal Museum • Archaeological Museum Route type: Walking Difficulty: Easy Advice: None Itinerary 2 Old Town Centre: Nobility and Religion Time needed: 3 hours First stop is the Museo Archeologico Nazionale (National Archaeological Museum), where you can admire the findings of ancient Kroton; further along you can find the Castle of Carlo V, a spectacular Medieval fortress, one of the best examples in the south of Italy. From Piazza Castello, you can follow the narrow streets of the old centre. Completely surrounded by its sixteenth century walls, the old town centre 39
  • 40. represents Crotone’s historic memory, local culture and a profound religious faith; there are numerous churches to visit, dating back to the 1500 and 1700s. During your walk, it is difficult to not to notice the palazzos (palaces) of ancient noble families. • National Archaeological Museum • Palazzo Lucifero • Palazzo Morelli • Castle of Carlo V and Municipal Museum • Palazzo Barracco • Palazzo Sculco • Casa Turano • Palazzo Albani • Church and convent of Santa Chiara • Chiesa di San Giuseppe • Chiesa dell’Immacolata • Basilica Cattedrale • Piazza Pitagora You can also visit: • Mack Museum • Chiesa di San Pietro • Palazzo Vescovile • Market • Municipal art gallery Tour type: Walking Difficulty: Easy Itinerary 3 - Castles of Crotone Route 1 40
  • 41. Time needed: 1 day Starting from the Castle of Carlo V, Crotone, built in the Middle Ages as a military fort and reinforced in 1500, today it has a polygonal base and two towers: the “Adjutant” and the “Comandant”. From Crotone, you continue to Santa Severina, where in the heart of the town, stands the imposing Carafa Castle, transformed over the years from fort to noble residence. Once you have visited the castle, it is worth seeing the nearby cathedral and baptistery, and why not, even stopping in one of the many farmhouses, open to the public, to try the local specialties. The trip continues to Caccuri, where it is worth visiting the Barracco Castle. Built with Byzantine architecture, it later became a noble residence for the Barracco family, from whom it takes its present name. There is also a charming little church “gentilizia”, to be found in the middle of the castle. • Castle of Carlo V • Carafa Castle • Barracco Castle You can also visit: • Crotone Old town centre Municipal Museum Archaeological Museum Duomo (cathedral) Chiesa dell’Immacolata Chiesa di Santa Chiara • Santa Severina Diocesan Museum Old town centre Cathedral and baptistery • Caccuri Old town centre Palummaro cave • Cerenzia Acherentia archaeological site Tour type: By car Difficulty: Average Itinerary 3 - Castles of Crotone 41
  • 42. Route 2 Time needed: 1 day Starting from the Castle of Carlo V, Crotone, built in the Middle Ages as a military fort and reinforced in 1500, today it has a polygonal base and two towers: the “Adjutant” and the “Comandant”. From Crotone, following the statale 106 road, you arrive in the town of Le Castella, where you can admire the enchanting Aragonese Castle, linked to the coast by a narrow strip of land, this fifteenth century work of art is surrounded by the sea. There are excellent restaurants which serve fresh fish. Following the statale 106 road, in a northern direction, you arrive in Cirò, where you can admire a beautiful feudal castle – Carafa Castle – trapezoidal in form and dating back to the fourteenth century. • Castle of Carlo V • Aragonese Castle • Carafa Castle You can also visit: • Crotone Archaeological Museum Municipal Museum Old town centre Duomo (cathedral) • Isola Capo Rizzuto – Le Castella Chiesa della Visitazione BVM • Cirò Old town centre Chiesa Santa Maria Plateis Tour type: By car Difficulty: Average Itinerary 4 – Santuaries and Spirituality 42
  • 43. Time needed: 1 day The profound religious faith of the local community is expressed through pilgrimages, rites and places of worship. Apart from the numerous churches, one can also find sanctuaries in the area, which are testimony to the faith and devotion of the people of Crotone. Starting from the sanctuary dedicated to the Madonna of Capocolonna, Crotone, in which the Sacred Image of the Madonna, found at sea, is venerated, you can continue to the Duomo of Cutro, where every year numerous devotees pay homage to the Sacred Crucifix, a wooden sculpture of great value; the third stop in the religious itinerary is the sanctuary of Ecce Homo, Mesoraca, originally built as a vote to the Madonna of Misericordia, today it houses a sculpture of great value, the Ecce Homo, which represents Jesus beaten and crowned with thorns. The last stop is the Santuario della Santa Spina (the Sanctuary of the Holy Thorn), Petilia Policastro, immersed in the green countryside, a little outside the town. Inside the sacred building, there is a shrine in which a thorn is scrupulously kept, it is said to have come from the Crown of Christ. The religious tour ends here, but only as far as this itinerary is concerned, there are numerous other places of worship scattered throughout the province of Crotone. • Sanctuary of Madonna of Capocolonna • Santo Crocifisso • Sanctuary Ecce Homo • Sanctuary of the Holy Thorn You can also visit: • Crotone Archaeological Park of Capo Colonna • Cutro Convent of the Frati Minori Chiesa delle Monachelle Chiesa dell’Annunciazione • Mesoraca Chiesa del Ritiro • Petilia Policastro Chiesa Matrice Chiesa dell’Annunziata 43
  • 44. Tour type: By car Difficulty: Average Advice: Road with bends Itinerary 5 At the Marine Reserve – History and Nature Time needed: ½ day A spectacular stretch of the Mediterranean, where the colours of the sea and the countryside complement each other. The marine reserve, with its 34 km of coast, making it one of the largest in Europe, as well as being host to uncontaminated nature, rocky coastline and fine sand, has the special privilege of being situated between two strategic points, the beautiful Aragonese Castle and an archaeological area. At Capocolnna you can admire the Archaeological Park or the remains of the temple dedicated to Hera Lacinia; in Le Castella you can find the stunning Aragonese castle, surrounded by the beautiful Ionian Sea. • Capo Colonna – Archaeological Park –Marine Reserve – Capo Cimiti – Capo Bianco • Le Castella and Aragonese Castle • Trip on glass-bottomed boat You can also visit: • Crotone Sanctuary of the Madonna of Capocolonna Archaeological Museum of Capocolonna • Isola Capo Rizzuto Aquarium Tour type: By car Difficulty: Easy Advice: None Itinerary 6 - Towers, Castles and Vineyards 44
  • 45. Time needed: ½ day This itinerary could also be called the road of wine; travelling along the statale 106 road, from Melissa to Cirò, you can admire the numerous vineyards which make the province of Crotone famous throughout the world of Bacchus! Connoisseurs will certainly be familiar with the excellent wine produced in the wine cellars of Cirò and Melissa, long-time producers of excellent doc wines. In this itinerary we can also find the Torre Merlata (Battlemented Tower) of Melissa, home to the Museum of Peasant Culture, the Feudal Castle of Cirò, dating back to 1300 and the fascinating Saracen Markets of Cirò Marina. • Wine cellars and vineyards • Battlemented Tower and Museum of Peasant Culture • Saracen Markets • Carafa Castle You can also visit: • Cirò Marina Chiesa della Madonna D’Itria Sabatini Castle Ruins of the Temple of Apollo Aleo • Cirò Old town centre Tour type: By car Difficulty: Easy Advice: None Itinerary 7 – Arberesh Culture and Nature Time needed: 1 day 45
  • 46. This unusual itinerary, takes in both Italian and Arberesh cultures and is particularly suggestive. Starting from the smallest of the three towns, Carfizzi, which can be defined as a “bomboniera” of Arbëresh culture, you continue to Pallagorio and its old town centre, finishing this unique itinerary in San Nicola dell’Alto. Not to be forgotten, the Montagnella Park of Carfizzi, breathtaking countryside, where you can find the Cascata del Figlioletto (Waterfall of Figlioletto); you may even decide to have a picnic in the special picnic area. • Old town centre of Carfizzi • La Montagnella • Old town centre Pallagorio • Old town centre San Nicola dell’Alto You can also visit: • Carfizzi Chiesa di Santa Veneranda • Pallagorio Bell tower and Church of Carmine Tour type: By car Difficulty: Average Advice: Roads with bends Itinerary 8 Out and about in the rocky settlements Time needed: ½ day for each tour Tour type: By car Difficulty: Difficult Advice: Tour entails steep roads/paths unsuitable for children You can decide whether to visit the rocky settlements, outlined in the tours, in two half days or combine them into a full day excursion. 46
  • 47. The area of Crotone, rich in rocky settlements, above all in the Marquisate, is a fascinating itinerary for enthusiasts of this unique phenomenon. The caves often have typical characteristics of past habitations, they are rare and precious testimony to an ancient civilisation. In Petilia Policastro you can admire the “Colle della Chiesa” of Neolithic origin; you can also admire “La timpa dei Santi”, Caccuri, ancient monastic site; in Casabona, you can find hundreds of ancient caves, in line or scattered; in the surrounding area of Verzino there are two rocky sites in the same valley. A breathtaking view of the rocky settlements. Belvedere Spinello offers enthusiasts a monastic retreat derived from the eighth century, a cave excavated from limestone, with a tiny sepulchral church situated next to it. Percorso 1 • Rocky settlement of Casabona • Rocky settlement of Verzino Hotel Costa Tiziana Resort is composed of a main building facing the sea, where the main services - Restaurant, Reception, Biberoneria, Conference rooms, Pizzeria, TV room - with 112 comfortable rooms with bathroom with shower or bathtub, hairdryer , air conditioning, color TV, minibar, telephone, safe, Wi-Fi. The particular shape of the property, Horseshoe, ensures a broad view over the sea or the green of the park. The complex offers double, triple and quadruple, the latter with a bunk bed. The buildings in the park consisting of two structures adjacent to the main body, inserted in the greenery of Mediterranean gardens, comfortable rooms with park view or swimming pool. Double, triple and quadruple rooms, with bunk beds. The complex is open all year, and is equipped with everything you need to spend a holiday or a 47
  • 48. business trip, unforgettable to its guests: a regional cuisine restaurant and pizzeria, conference services, fitness center , gym, sporting club with tennis courts and football courts, two swimming pools, 4 bars, one on the beach and one in the garden of one of the pools, TV room, biberoneria, play, playground Chicco, baby sitter, dog sitter, dog playground, assistance Equipped with 112 comfortable rooms that overlook the blue sea all on the Ionian coast Crotonese, all air conditioned, equipped with direct dial telephone, Wi-Fi, Sky TV pay-per-view staff in each room, minibar and hairdryer. An elegant building in Horseshoe sull'incontaminato that overlooks the Ionian Sea, a five-star hotel that knows how to combine the needs of every type of customer. In Costa Tiziana you can book a room for one night during the high season, with no obligation to stay weekly or full board. The private beach of fine sand tiziano red, over the road, is equipped with cabins, beach umbrellas and chairs, and is 300 meters away on foot or using a nice train that made the shuttle between the beach and the hotel. The Hotel Lido of Rocks is a prestigious holiday complex called the reference point for businessmen and not only, located on the sea, not far from St. Anne and easily accessible by train 48
  • 49. and by car. The rooms, done with fine furnishings and technology, are under the highest quality standards. For a more demanding clientele, the complex also has elegant conference rooms, receptions and conference facilities for meetings and conventions, various services and disco. Complex is attached to a restaurant where guests can taste many wines and a cuisine. Palazzo Foti Hotel situated in the charming waterfront Crotone, converted from an old, enjoys an enviable location, right in the center and only 20 meters from the beach. At guests' disposal the bar "International Marina Cafe" with outdoor terraces where you can enjoy delicious cocktails. Free private parking, Roof-Garden, Coffee-Break corporate, parties and events, taste and atmosphere. In front, the clear waters of the Ionian Sea and the golden sandy beach of Crotone. A short walk to the port for berthing ships and the city center. 49