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To Be Thankful
Be thankful My family did not have that much money when I was growing up. My family still doesn't have a lot of money currently, but we are in
a better position than before still. When I was little there were always things that other people had that I didn't have. I wasn't really jealous like lots
of other kids would be, but like everyone of course I would want to have some nice things of my own too. I grew up with a really slow and old
computer, which I just recently replaced this summer after I built my own computer. The event that helped me learn to always be thankful is actually
two years long: middle school. I did not have a phone when most of the other kids did in middle school. All the kids would be using their phones
chatting or playing
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What Is Gratitude Essay
How much time does it takes to say "Thank you! You have done wonderful job." Not even 30 seconds right? But imagine the happiness that less than
30 seconds can bring on the faces of your employee or co–worker. It is nothing but just showing gratitude. We all talk about differences between boss
and leader. One of the major factor which differentiate boss from leader is showing gratitude.
How Gratitude works?
According to research of UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, the author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier,
showing gratitude in regular basis and writing about it in a journal and reflecting upon it later can increase your well–being and satisfaction in life. It
shows they are 25% happier and satisfied than usual people. Gratitude is one of the fastest tool for personal development and transformation. No
matter how bad your mood is or how worse your life is going on writing about more content...
Gaining employees' loyalty is the most difficult job for many companies. The major reason behind it is lack of gratitude in workplace, because loyalty
is always followed by gratitude. Expecting excellence is human nature. There is nothing wrong in that. The thing is we forget to acknowledge and
appreciate when perfect result is obtained. Due to which people start to feel they and not valued in the company and stop giving full input to obtain
100% result in their work which results low productivity in long run. Along with that it will help you maintain charm in the office with great bonding
among employees, employer and co–workers. Which will make you a true leader no matter if you are an employee, a team leader, department head or
a boss. It will help you to maintain your and your office positive environment which will make you mentally fit and healthy. It will prevent you from
losing best
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Gratitude And Gratitude
In this essay will highlight all the areas of study and practice learned in the topics; gratitude, forgiveness, laughter, humor, guided imagery, meditation
music with and without lyrics, rhythm, tone, color, chakras, synchronicity, integrative health and integrative healing group sessions. Gratitude can be
defined as being grateful about an aspect or several aspects of life. Gratitude is a character that should rather be practiced on a daily routine. It can be
very easy to request gratitude theoretically as it is tough for human due to divided inner drive which in return bring conflicts from within. However, it
is. Theoretically, we should be grateful. With an intention to be better, human find it difficult to show gratitude due to more content...
In return improved affect, lower psychological stress, reduced rates of illnesses, e.g., psychiatric, and physical closeness are achieved. Laughter is a
signal that plays a critical role in interactions and interpersonal relationships. It is believed to have evolved more than seven million years ago which is
certainly before the speech was conceived. There are many theories to explain laughter. However, it has been concluded that it was a form of
communication. Its importance as a social signal is certainly universally accepted. Laughing styles, however, vary with individual's sex and nationality.
It is used to fill conversational pauses and ultimately regulates flow. It has health benefits to the person producing it. Increased laughter increases heart
rate, oxygen consumption and respiratory rate which lead to muscle relaxation. It also reduces glucose levels and increases pain tolerance in children.
There are many classifications of laughter which include voiced, unvoiced chuckle, breathy nasal, etc. classified by different scientists depending on
functions which relate to each. Humor can be defined as ubiquitous activity by the human that show in all social interactions. It is a common
phenomenon that human laugh at anything funny, however, humor serves several serious cognitive and emotional events. Humour is brought about
by actions that defy expectation majorly jokes. Humor differs from laughter in that it
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What It Means To Be Grateful
What does it mean to be grateful? Why do we need to be grateful? As a Christian why is it important to be grateful? Based on what we have done for
the past week, which is writing down what we were grateful each day, I have learned to look at life a little differently. Gratitude is not just an
expression. It is not temporary feeling. I have learned that gratitude is something much more permanent and everlasting. Gratitude is a genuine
feeling that can help you look at the world in a whole new beautiful world. Gratitude can make this ugly world beautiful. In the week where I was
inputting into a journal what I am grateful for, has been a week of pure joy and amazement. I was able to look at my day and really reflect on what
effect of what people have on me and what effect I have on them. For example, on Saturday I wrote that someone held my door without me realizing
it. I was just really grateful that someone took their time out of their day just to provide that act of service in my life. It makes me look at the little
things and appreciate people in a different way. I was able to stop looking at the big picture but look for little more content...
I was able to really reflect on my day and made me realise that I have a lot to be grateful for. Knowing the good people has done for me throughout
my day has made going to sleep a little easier and it made getting out of bed easier to. I was able to really enjoy thinking back and reflecting on all
people has done. My mood has changed and my thought process has dramatically changed too. This activity has also made me live in the moments
more before I would not pay attention to my surrounding but I was able to after I became more aware of my
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Being Thankful For My Family
I think being thankful is very important. I believe gratitude turns what we have into enough. If you are thankful for things it makes you appreciate them
more that way. It's good to be thankful so that you know how lucky you are. There is always something to be thankful for. I'm thankful for my
grandparents, my family and my dog. I am so thankful for my grandparents. They love and care for me so much in their own ways. My grandma
Bev plays Gin Rummy with me whenever she visits. Usually, she comes down during Thanksgiving, and we make Thanksgiving dinner together
with my mom, and my dad just eats the food while we make it. My grandma makes great gravy and cranberry sauce. My grandma Frieda and grandpa
Larry like to watch golf and the cooking show with me. My grandma Frieda cooks and bakes with me and always gives me baking supplies. My
grandpa Larry, when I was little, used to give me Piggy–Back rides but I'm too big now. My grandparents never forget any of my birthdays, ever. My
grandma Bev has given me a silver dollar every birthday that I've had. I love my grandparents so much, and I am very thankful for them. My family
is the most important thing to me in the whole world. I would be nothing without them. Every one of my family members play a special role in my
life. My dad makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. We watch funny shows and my dad tells me so many stories about his life in collage and all
the funny/stupid stuff they did. My dad cares about me so much,
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Gratitude In The Book Thank ! By Robert Emmons
Gratitude doesn't always come naturally. In our day to day lives, it's easy to get caught up in the things that go wrong and feel like we're living
under our own private rain cloud: at the same time, we tend to adapt to good things and people in our lives. Taking them for granted. As a result. We
often overlook everyday beauty and goodness a kind gesture from a stranger, say hi or hello. In Thanks! Robert Emmons teaches us about the power of
showing gratitude, of exposing our many blessing. He also shares the challenges that we can face in being able to show gratitude, especially in times of
suffering and hardship. However, showing gratitude benefit us in many ways: we become healthier and happier, have better relationship, treat other
Learning to verbally thanking people can help a deeper understanding of gratitude true wealth. By taking the time to give verbal thank you for those
are grateful for the verbal thank you about how grateful they are for them. You create a community of love and excitement, which will lead to you to
be more grateful person . In the book Thank!, Robert Emmons writes, "It is impossible to imagine a world where individuals don't receive and give
gratitude to one another on a regular basis". Giving verbal gratitude is the Most important experience to have as a human being, these expressive
emotions give people a deeper level of having to receive gratitude fully to be grateful for, . Emmons stated, "To do thanks. To give thanks.
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Importance Of Gratitude Research Paper
I make it a personal necessity to incorporate gratitude into my life every morning the minute after I wake up. I realize the importance of gratitude
and how much it can influence me to live a positive life. I was taught by my aftercare counselor to create a gratitude list every morning that is made
up of five different things that I am grateful for that day. After I make my gratitude list, I then send it to my counselor and my dad. This is an
excellent way to help me remind myself that I always have something to be grateful for and that without help from different people, I would not be in
the amazing spot in recovery that I am in today. Gratitude has become a significant aspect of my life in the last year, helping to reshape my mind by more content...
I was taught that for me to be able to respect others, I have to respect myself. I see this to be true for me because I used to constantly beat myself
up mistakes that I made in my past. If I am too busy worrying about my past, I find that it makes it even harder for me to focus on the present
moment and give the person I am speaking with the respect he deserves. Respect played a big part in my early days of recovery because it was a
principle that I did not emulate very well when I was in the midst of my addiction. I had lost all respect for myself, my friends, my family, and
really anyone else that I came in contact with because of my own selfishness. When I first arrived in treatment, I had forgotten the concept of
respect for myself and for others, but treatment helped me regain the ability to respect myself. After I learned how to respect and love myself, I was
able to show respect the to everyone that they deserved. It is now a personal goal of mine to show respect to everyone that I meet because it is a great
way to build a good first impression and rapport with
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Gratitude has become defined as deeply appreciative attitude for kindnesses or benefits acquired. Several parts of gratitude have been identified.
First, a person experiences a warm sense of appreciation toward an individual who performs a generous or desired kind act. Second, appreciation and
kindness are expressed toward the person who completed the desired act. Finally, the person to whom appreciation is expressed, sensing the goodwill,
is inclined to act positively and/or appreciatively toward the individual expressing gratitude. Gratitude is often interactive and also seems to have the
capacity to enhance the sense of well–being and goodwill among individuals and groups throughout an institution. Grateful individuals show higher more content...
In this research, Danner, Snowden, and Friesen (Danner, DEBBIE. D., D. Snowden, and W. V.
Friesen) discovered a significant inverse relationship between your positive emotional content in handwritten autobiographies of 180 Catholic
nuns (at the average age of 22) and the risk of death later through life (ages 75 to 95). Having a grateful attitude is a lot more than just saying
"thank you" on occasion. Grateful people show far more intensity around some positive event than do less appreciative folks. Over time, individuals
with a higher outlook for gratitude oftener express grateful behavior than individuals inclined to be less thankful. Grateful people have a broader
span of life events, or more life circumstances, for which they are thankful, such as spouse and children, job, health, and even life itself. Dr. Robert
Emmons on the University of California at Davis has been studying gratitude for nearly ten years and is considered by many to be this world's
leading authority on gratitude. He's the author of all the book, The information in this book is based on research involving thousands of people
conducted by several unique researchers around the world. One of the things these reports show is that practicing gratitude can increase happiness
levels as a result of around 25%. This is significant, among other things, because as there's a certain weight that feels natural to our body and which our
system strives to maintain, our basic level of
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Gratitude Persuasive Essay
This month we have launched #Gratitude, a campaign where Dr. Bhrett McCabe guides you through a 30–day audio series on being thankful for the
people around you and for exactly where you're at in life in and the times that you might be now living in with the people who you really love and like
to be around, sometimes we don't really acknowledge their
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Essay on Nature, Beauty, Gratitude
Louie Schwartzberg, an award–winning cinematographer, director and producer who captures magnificent images that divulge the exquisite beauty of
nature, gratitude, and the universe. In Louie's Ted talk show, he clearly delineates his ideas of preserving the nature, appreciating the nature, and be
grateful of the nature. Louie want to inspire others to do the same thing as him, to see the beauty of nature, to appreciate then, and to thank the nature
for what they did for us, instead of taking the nature for granted. These ideas and principles that Louie illustrated in the video can be applied to our
own life. Louie's idea of preserving the nature is a very important issue of the human world. Humans thought that nature is just a tool more
In the video, Louie showed a series of gorgeous time–lapse nature photograph that he shot including flowers, insect, and clouds. He showed all these
photographs to show the delicacy of nature in order to substantiate his point that the beauty of the nature is impressive enough to make the humans
fall in love with them, and therefore appreciate them. Louie's principle of appreciating the nature can also be applied to my life. My family bought
flowers in the spring so that they can see them bloom, and appreciate their beauty. At first, I do not see their point at buying these flowers, and think
that it is a waste of money. However, my perspective changed when I saw the first flower blossoms. It was a beauty that I can not describe with
words. Only then did I know my parents's point of buying the flowers, to appreciate them. Louie's idea of be grateful of nature is another important
issue in the human mind. Humans are arrogant creatures for their abilities to alter and dominate other creature's life, and to create new technology that
will help them. Humans take nature for granted, and use them in many things we use in the modern world. Humans do not know how to thank the
nature for its vast resources, therefore they have flaws. Only when humans expresses their gratitude of nature and anything other things that others have
done for them will they have other virtues, for that gratitude is not only the greatest virtues that humans can
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Speech On Gratitude In Gratitude
The Prosperity In Gratitude
By Lori Hamann
Dec 20, 2007
The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every
hour, some heavenly blessings!
~Henry Ward Beecher
This is the time of year when we give thanks. It's the time when we look around our lives and feel grateful for all that we have. Our families,
friends, and all of the love in our lives. We are grateful for the work that we do. We look to see the silver lining in all of our difficult situations, and
feel grateful for the opportunity to learn so much from. Did you notice how abundant you felt when you were standing the in place of all of that
Gratitude is a powerful thing to exercise when we are looking to create more abundance in our lives. Why? Because as we focus on all that we are
grateful for, we begin to feel more abundant, and when we begin to feel more abundant we then begin to attract flow of abundance in our lives. What
you focus on grows. Like attracts like. That's why you won't increase the abundance in your life by focusing on all that you don't have.
There is a blessing for us in the loving expression of gratitude. As we focus on what we have, we create more of it. As we focus on on our joy, we
create more of that. As we focus on love, we indeed create more of that, and love is core and central to all manifestation in our lives. When you create
from a place of love and intention your
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What is gratitude? Gratitude is the quality being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and return of kindness. When I start writing the
Gratitude Journal in my psych class. I came realize a lot of good things are happening my life because I was able to list and reflect what I was really
thankful for. I wasn't' the sad, lonely, and depress person I was back inhigh school. I had no friends, I was loser, bully, and. I was full of range,
loneliness, and depression, writing this Gratitude show me I was really loved even in high school and throughout my life. I appreciate: my parents, my
best friend Kenneth Toldeo, and my coworkers.
First mostly I extremely grateful is my parent because they always believe and supported me and more content...
I'm fully in debt too him because I was able to land a job and choose the right career path to become an x–ray tech.
Lastly the group of people I'm grateful is my coworkers because they are the group of people wanted to see me succeed in life. I would to shout out
to my Rich Chu. Rich was the one who 1st train to how to be a transporter and he moved on to become a CT/MRI tech. He wants to be successful to
become an x–ray tech and motivates me to do well in school. We also shared the love of collecting shoes and he invites me to his cookouts at his pad.
Another person is my boss Sly LY. He is the chief technologist at Insight Imaging. He always been there for me when I need him the most with
giving me advice about girls and asking me how I'm doing with school. Another person I also like to shout is Duan Nguyen. He is the tough love
older bro. Even though we get into verbal altercation at work the most. He always tell me to do good in school and tough attitude mentally of
telling me to not slack off and be discipline in the classroom. He was also gives me good finical advice how to deal with money. The final person I
would give a big shootout to is my coworker Thomas Nguyen. Thomas is the master motivator because he always inspire through his motivational
speech me how to be great and I will succeed to become an x–ray. I appreciate him for inspiring to go above and beyond to reach my full potential. He
help me grade my papers
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Gratitude Essay
"Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other." Randy Rausch was an American professor of
computer science, human–computer interaction, and design at Carnegie Mellon University. He believed that showing appreciation for others was the
strongest yet simplest act someone could do for anyone. Over the past generations, philosophers and professors from around the world have come up
with different assumptions about the term gratitude. Behavioral and psychological research has shown the surprising life improvements that can stem
from the practice of gratitude. A conclusion that can drawn from this research is that giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient,
strengthens relationships, more content...
Falling in love with Jenny was something Forest was grateful for. He felt praised for knowing such a woman as Jenny. Life changed for Forest when
he met Jenny. She brought a sense of relief to his life, which awoke him to the idea of recognition. Recognizing the beauty in Jenny's personality
made him feel gratified to know her as a human. Also, Forest gave back to Jenny by giving her flowers and chocolates to show his appreciation for her.
Forever thanking Jenny for her compassion is all Forest wanted to do. Thus, Forest Gump is an excellent example for the idea of giving thanks and
broadcasting appreciative thoughts.
Gratitude is used either as referring to the wellness in one's self and the wellness outside one's self. First, the acknowledgment of goodness can be in
one's life. In a state of gratitude, we affirm that all in all, life is good, and has elements that make it not just worth living, but rich detail. When we
show gratitude from in our lives, we are presenting a wise, beautiful idea that makes mankind realize that giving thanks should not be a choice; it
should be a priority. No matter who we are, expressing acknowledgement is contagious. We see others accomplish goals and show appreciation for
their hard work, and that makes us feel that we need to bring ourselves accountable for our efforts and appreciate ourselves for our own
accomplishments. Consequently, the acknowledgment that we have received something gratifies us, both by its presence
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Reflection Of My Gratitude Diary
The gratitude journal process really got me thinking of many things I am grateful for. I felt good journaling because I usually journal about ideas
and plans I want to achieve, but never have written about the stuff I am grateful for in life. I noticed that I was only taking pictures of material
possessions rather than looking at other important things like being able to hear. Being able to see. Being able to have feet to walk, and hands to
be able to help others. It might have been because I don't like to show a lot of my emotions and or feelings to others. Although, it was rewarding
because there are other people who would love to be in my position by being able to have a home, a family, and all the other things people need in life. I more content...
Another one is journaling my mother's recipes for different types of food and desserts to keep her Mexican tradition, so that I can be a good
cooking mother in the future. Nature was also a trend in the 3 weeks of being grateful I was planting flowers and getting more to plant and decorate
my porch with flowers. It was relieving and stress free especially with Essay #3 trying to fix it and make it the best piece because it is worth 25% of
my grade. Looking through my gratitude journal I noticed that in general all of them were important to me.
Analysis on the highlight I discovered on the 3 weeks of gratitude were the significant people in my life. The people say alot about me because
they are the ones that impact my everyday life. My family and I have always been a united family. Some families are with us to support and guide
us through the good and rough times. I am thankful for them because they have made me the person I am today. Friends are people who make me
smile. There friends who are caring and loving. For some people family and friends in someone's life because they guide her/him through a good path
or bad one and she/he needs to choose what she/he wants to do. People usually tend to be ungrateful at some point in their lives and don't want to see
the positive things in life they have. I believe I am sometimes that maybe because I am going through a rough time, but eventually people are going to
have ups and
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"It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all
things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude." –Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich or
Financial Success Through Creative Thought "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into
acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and
mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." –Melodie Beattie Why more content...
This isn't something that should be expressed only on Thanksgiving or as a weekly Sunday prayer, but needs to be integrated into your daily lives,
permeating all of our interactions. Expressing our gratitude to loved ones and friends need not be limited to receiving gifts or favors, but taking
deep looks at our lives and realizing how truly lucky we are. I think on this every night and every day. I have a huge list of things to be grateful for,
as do all of us: family, friends, colleagues, students, employees, health, financial success, future successes and advancements. I am grateful when it
rains (and here in the Pacific Northwest it rains a lot) because I know that's part of why the area is so lush and fruitful. I am grateful when the sun
comes out (because, as I mentioned above, here in the Pacific Northwest it rains A LOT). My gratitude extends to simple things as well as complex.
As I go throughout the day, I stop to consider the struggles I've endured, challenges I've overcome and lessons that have made me who I am today and
I am grateful for the things I've accomplished because they have brought me to where I am in
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Gratitude Imagine finally going to your warm cozy bedroom after a long day in school and finding it infested with mosquitoes. Yes! A colony of
uninvited guests had the guts to completely overtake your room. You feel like screaming at them "pick on someone your own size!" You take a
fly swatter and by some miracle you are able to kill all but one lone pesky mosquito. According to Ken Keyes Jr.'s "Mosquito Principal" chances are
you will still be bothered by that one mosquito. The "Mosquito Principal" states: If there are 30 mosquitoes, and you exterminate 29 of them, you will
not be happy or grateful that you were able to get rid of almost all of them rather you will on edge until you see that one mosquito squished under the
insole more content...
Can we take a moment to step back and reflect on all the good that was given? The possibilities are endless. Take a look at the bright red trees in the
fall with their leaves shedding leaving a scarlet carpet on the green grass below. Discover the cold white snowflakes each with a pattern of its own
together creating a fantastic winter wonderland experience, you can feel it. Sense the spring. Hear the birds chirp. Smell the morning dew. See the
flowers beginning to bud. We don't have to work for these blessings and yet they surround us. Don't just walk around like a robot, live life. Open your
eyes. Open your ears. Open your hearts and minds to appreciate the gifts that are in your world– our world and show gratitude to the One who gave it to
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The Effects Of Gratitude
Gratitude also reduces feelings of jealosy, makes our memories happier, lets us experience good feelings, and helps come out of stress. Materialism is
strongly related with reduced well–being and increased rates of mental disorder. There's nothing bad in hoping for more. The problem with
materialism is that it makes people feel less capable, reduces feelings of gratitude, reduces one's ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life,
generates negative emotions, and makes them more self–centered.
Gratitude also increases your self–respect. Imagine a world where no one helps you. Despite your asking and requesting, no one helps you.
On the contrary imagine a world where many people help you all the time for no other reason than that they like you. In which world do you think you
would have more content...
Gratitude is not just a fugitive emotion, but it is also a excellence. Grateful people are more tending to the emotion, are prone to respond with gratitude
to a wider range of beneп¬Ѓcent actions, and are more likely to notice beneп¬Ѓcence on the part of others–in particular, they are more likely to respond
to it with the emotion of gratitude rather than with alternative emotions like agony, shame, or guilt. Grateful people are likely to agree with
statements such as "It's important to respect each day that you are alive", "I often feel how easier my life is because of the efforts of others," and
"For me, life is much like a wonderful gift than it is a burden." Phrases such as these come from personality questionnaires designed to express levels
of gratitude–in other words, to identify people who have by nature grateful souls.Research has revealed that dispositionally grateful people enjoy many
of the same beneпЃts that increases gradually from cultivating grateful thinking, namely, enhanced psychological, physical, spiritual, and relational
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Gratitude Intervention Psychology
To increase subjective well–being and overall happiness, there are gratitude interventions which help us understand why it is vital to our mental,
physical, and social health. The following review of literature confirms that forms of interventions, such as simple gratitude surveys, physical exercise,
and displaying kindness provides a solution which plays a vital role in improving personal well–being, which also improves our psychological
thinking, physical health, and welfare of others. Psychology research indicates that by receiving positive gratitude interventions, it can result in people
becoming optimistic, and grateful of others which in turn increases personal happiness levels.
The effectuality of how gratitude engagement enhances health outcomes in life
The very simple things in your life can go unnoticed, we live in a day and age where we take many aspects in life for granted. By acknowledging and
appreciating the large or minor things in your life, it can more content...
To take a step forward into increasing general well–being the very idea of cultivating and practicing gratitude can lead to a person reacting to the
benevolent deeds from others more receptively and reciprocating kindness in more opportunities (Emmons, Mishra, 2011). The benefits from gratitude
can motivate moral behaviour, the motivation for prosocial behaviour is reflective on the gratitude received from the recipient. The kindness received
from the gratitude can affect future actions on the recipient, when kindness is passed down from person to person the positive consequences serves as
a dynamic link to, the more gratitude you receive, the more you are benevolent to others (Emmons, Mishra,
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Gratitude and Relationship Satisfaction Essay
Gratitude is omnipresent in society. People express gratitude in the form of gifts, favors, support and assistance. Empirical literature on the emotion has
shown gratitude to promote feelings of contentment (Walker & Pitts, 1998) hope, happiness, and pride (Overwalle, Mervielde, & De Schuyter, 1995).
However, what about relationship satisfaction? Specifically, can expressing gratitude verbally enhance perceived relationship satisfaction in close
relationships? Gratitude has been referred to as "the moral memory of mankind," and if suddenly eliminated, "society would break apart" (Simmel,
1950, p. 388). Vast literature on gratitude has defined and explored its contours, and extensive research documents main effects. Majority
more content...
Specifically, researchers selected distinct variables, and investigated how perceptions of that variable changed in donors and recipients, after gratitude
expression. In a 2010 investigation, Lambert et al. concentrated on the variable of communal strength. After expressing gratitude to a partner, donors'
perceptions of communal strength in the relationship was reported higher than prior to expression. Studies also examined perceptions on physical
health (Emmons & McCullough, 2003), and life satisfaction after gratitude expression (Lambert, Fincham, Stillman, & Dean, 2009). Although
gratitude is commonly expressed in society, the degree of achievement of appreciation is often mistaken or overlooked. Research reports the act of
gratitude to have worked successfully when an "interpersonal interaction" forms between the donor and recipient (Lazarus & Lazarus, 1994). This
occurs when recipients sense positive intentions from donors, and donors sense the needs of recipients. It is only after recipients truly appreciate the
efforts made by donors, that the interpersonal interaction is strengthened, and a change in behavior is possible in both partners. If recipients are
indifferent or not powerfully moved by the displayed acts of appreciation, the interpersonal interaction fails to form, or is weakened, and each partner
remains fixed in his or her current psychological state. At this point, behavior
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To Be Thankful

  • 1. To Be Thankful Be thankful My family did not have that much money when I was growing up. My family still doesn't have a lot of money currently, but we are in a better position than before still. When I was little there were always things that other people had that I didn't have. I wasn't really jealous like lots of other kids would be, but like everyone of course I would want to have some nice things of my own too. I grew up with a really slow and old computer, which I just recently replaced this summer after I built my own computer. The event that helped me learn to always be thankful is actually two years long: middle school. I did not have a phone when most of the other kids did in middle school. All the kids would be using their phones chatting or playing Get more content on
  • 2. What Is Gratitude Essay How much time does it takes to say "Thank you! You have done wonderful job." Not even 30 seconds right? But imagine the happiness that less than 30 seconds can bring on the faces of your employee or co–worker. It is nothing but just showing gratitude. We all talk about differences between boss and leader. One of the major factor which differentiate boss from leader is showing gratitude. How Gratitude works? According to research of UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, the author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, showing gratitude in regular basis and writing about it in a journal and reflecting upon it later can increase your well–being and satisfaction in life. It shows they are 25% happier and satisfied than usual people. Gratitude is one of the fastest tool for personal development and transformation. No matter how bad your mood is or how worse your life is going on writing about more content... Gaining employees' loyalty is the most difficult job for many companies. The major reason behind it is lack of gratitude in workplace, because loyalty is always followed by gratitude. Expecting excellence is human nature. There is nothing wrong in that. The thing is we forget to acknowledge and appreciate when perfect result is obtained. Due to which people start to feel they and not valued in the company and stop giving full input to obtain 100% result in their work which results low productivity in long run. Along with that it will help you maintain charm in the office with great bonding among employees, employer and co–workers. Which will make you a true leader no matter if you are an employee, a team leader, department head or a boss. It will help you to maintain your and your office positive environment which will make you mentally fit and healthy. It will prevent you from losing best Get more content on
  • 3. Gratitude And Gratitude In this essay will highlight all the areas of study and practice learned in the topics; gratitude, forgiveness, laughter, humor, guided imagery, meditation music with and without lyrics, rhythm, tone, color, chakras, synchronicity, integrative health and integrative healing group sessions. Gratitude can be defined as being grateful about an aspect or several aspects of life. Gratitude is a character that should rather be practiced on a daily routine. It can be very easy to request gratitude theoretically as it is tough for human due to divided inner drive which in return bring conflicts from within. However, it is. Theoretically, we should be grateful. With an intention to be better, human find it difficult to show gratitude due to more content... In return improved affect, lower psychological stress, reduced rates of illnesses, e.g., psychiatric, and physical closeness are achieved. Laughter is a signal that plays a critical role in interactions and interpersonal relationships. It is believed to have evolved more than seven million years ago which is certainly before the speech was conceived. There are many theories to explain laughter. However, it has been concluded that it was a form of communication. Its importance as a social signal is certainly universally accepted. Laughing styles, however, vary with individual's sex and nationality. It is used to fill conversational pauses and ultimately regulates flow. It has health benefits to the person producing it. Increased laughter increases heart rate, oxygen consumption and respiratory rate which lead to muscle relaxation. It also reduces glucose levels and increases pain tolerance in children. There are many classifications of laughter which include voiced, unvoiced chuckle, breathy nasal, etc. classified by different scientists depending on functions which relate to each. Humor can be defined as ubiquitous activity by the human that show in all social interactions. It is a common phenomenon that human laugh at anything funny, however, humor serves several serious cognitive and emotional events. Humour is brought about by actions that defy expectation majorly jokes. Humor differs from laughter in that it Get more content on
  • 4. What It Means To Be Grateful What does it mean to be grateful? Why do we need to be grateful? As a Christian why is it important to be grateful? Based on what we have done for the past week, which is writing down what we were grateful each day, I have learned to look at life a little differently. Gratitude is not just an expression. It is not temporary feeling. I have learned that gratitude is something much more permanent and everlasting. Gratitude is a genuine feeling that can help you look at the world in a whole new beautiful world. Gratitude can make this ugly world beautiful. In the week where I was inputting into a journal what I am grateful for, has been a week of pure joy and amazement. I was able to look at my day and really reflect on what effect of what people have on me and what effect I have on them. For example, on Saturday I wrote that someone held my door without me realizing it. I was just really grateful that someone took their time out of their day just to provide that act of service in my life. It makes me look at the little things and appreciate people in a different way. I was able to stop looking at the big picture but look for little more content... I was able to really reflect on my day and made me realise that I have a lot to be grateful for. Knowing the good people has done for me throughout my day has made going to sleep a little easier and it made getting out of bed easier to. I was able to really enjoy thinking back and reflecting on all people has done. My mood has changed and my thought process has dramatically changed too. This activity has also made me live in the moments more before I would not pay attention to my surrounding but I was able to after I became more aware of my Get more content on
  • 5. Being Thankful For My Family I think being thankful is very important. I believe gratitude turns what we have into enough. If you are thankful for things it makes you appreciate them more that way. It's good to be thankful so that you know how lucky you are. There is always something to be thankful for. I'm thankful for my grandparents, my family and my dog. I am so thankful for my grandparents. They love and care for me so much in their own ways. My grandma Bev plays Gin Rummy with me whenever she visits. Usually, she comes down during Thanksgiving, and we make Thanksgiving dinner together with my mom, and my dad just eats the food while we make it. My grandma makes great gravy and cranberry sauce. My grandma Frieda and grandpa Larry like to watch golf and the cooking show with me. My grandma Frieda cooks and bakes with me and always gives me baking supplies. My grandpa Larry, when I was little, used to give me Piggy–Back rides but I'm too big now. My grandparents never forget any of my birthdays, ever. My grandma Bev has given me a silver dollar every birthday that I've had. I love my grandparents so much, and I am very thankful for them. My family is the most important thing to me in the whole world. I would be nothing without them. Every one of my family members play a special role in my life. My dad makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. We watch funny shows and my dad tells me so many stories about his life in collage and all the funny/stupid stuff they did. My dad cares about me so much, Get more content on
  • 6. Gratitude In The Book Thank ! By Robert Emmons Gratitude doesn't always come naturally. In our day to day lives, it's easy to get caught up in the things that go wrong and feel like we're living under our own private rain cloud: at the same time, we tend to adapt to good things and people in our lives. Taking them for granted. As a result. We often overlook everyday beauty and goodness a kind gesture from a stranger, say hi or hello. In Thanks! Robert Emmons teaches us about the power of showing gratitude, of exposing our many blessing. He also shares the challenges that we can face in being able to show gratitude, especially in times of suffering and hardship. However, showing gratitude benefit us in many ways: we become healthier and happier, have better relationship, treat other better. Learning to verbally thanking people can help a deeper understanding of gratitude true wealth. By taking the time to give verbal thank you for those are grateful for the verbal thank you about how grateful they are for them. You create a community of love and excitement, which will lead to you to be more grateful person . In the book Thank!, Robert Emmons writes, "It is impossible to imagine a world where individuals don't receive and give gratitude to one another on a regular basis". Giving verbal gratitude is the Most important experience to have as a human being, these expressive emotions give people a deeper level of having to receive gratitude fully to be grateful for, . Emmons stated, "To do thanks. To give thanks. Get more content on
  • 7. Importance Of Gratitude Research Paper I make it a personal necessity to incorporate gratitude into my life every morning the minute after I wake up. I realize the importance of gratitude and how much it can influence me to live a positive life. I was taught by my aftercare counselor to create a gratitude list every morning that is made up of five different things that I am grateful for that day. After I make my gratitude list, I then send it to my counselor and my dad. This is an excellent way to help me remind myself that I always have something to be grateful for and that without help from different people, I would not be in the amazing spot in recovery that I am in today. Gratitude has become a significant aspect of my life in the last year, helping to reshape my mind by more content... I was taught that for me to be able to respect others, I have to respect myself. I see this to be true for me because I used to constantly beat myself up mistakes that I made in my past. If I am too busy worrying about my past, I find that it makes it even harder for me to focus on the present moment and give the person I am speaking with the respect he deserves. Respect played a big part in my early days of recovery because it was a principle that I did not emulate very well when I was in the midst of my addiction. I had lost all respect for myself, my friends, my family, and really anyone else that I came in contact with because of my own selfishness. When I first arrived in treatment, I had forgotten the concept of respect for myself and for others, but treatment helped me regain the ability to respect myself. After I learned how to respect and love myself, I was able to show respect the to everyone that they deserved. It is now a personal goal of mine to show respect to everyone that I meet because it is a great way to build a good first impression and rapport with Get more content on
  • 8. Gratitude has become defined as deeply appreciative attitude for kindnesses or benefits acquired. Several parts of gratitude have been identified. First, a person experiences a warm sense of appreciation toward an individual who performs a generous or desired kind act. Second, appreciation and kindness are expressed toward the person who completed the desired act. Finally, the person to whom appreciation is expressed, sensing the goodwill, is inclined to act positively and/or appreciatively toward the individual expressing gratitude. Gratitude is often interactive and also seems to have the capacity to enhance the sense of well–being and goodwill among individuals and groups throughout an institution. Grateful individuals show higher more content... In this research, Danner, Snowden, and Friesen (Danner, DEBBIE. D., D. Snowden, and W. V. Friesen) discovered a significant inverse relationship between your positive emotional content in handwritten autobiographies of 180 Catholic nuns (at the average age of 22) and the risk of death later through life (ages 75 to 95). Having a grateful attitude is a lot more than just saying "thank you" on occasion. Grateful people show far more intensity around some positive event than do less appreciative folks. Over time, individuals with a higher outlook for gratitude oftener express grateful behavior than individuals inclined to be less thankful. Grateful people have a broader span of life events, or more life circumstances, for which they are thankful, such as spouse and children, job, health, and even life itself. Dr. Robert Emmons on the University of California at Davis has been studying gratitude for nearly ten years and is considered by many to be this world's leading authority on gratitude. He's the author of all the book, The information in this book is based on research involving thousands of people conducted by several unique researchers around the world. One of the things these reports show is that practicing gratitude can increase happiness levels as a result of around 25%. This is significant, among other things, because as there's a certain weight that feels natural to our body and which our system strives to maintain, our basic level of Get more content on
  • 9. Gratitude Persuasive Essay This month we have launched #Gratitude, a campaign where Dr. Bhrett McCabe guides you through a 30–day audio series on being thankful for the people around you and for exactly where you're at in life in and the times that you might be now living in with the people who you really love and like to be around, sometimes we don't really acknowledge their Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Nature, Beauty, Gratitude Louie Schwartzberg, an award–winning cinematographer, director and producer who captures magnificent images that divulge the exquisite beauty of nature, gratitude, and the universe. In Louie's Ted talk show, he clearly delineates his ideas of preserving the nature, appreciating the nature, and be grateful of the nature. Louie want to inspire others to do the same thing as him, to see the beauty of nature, to appreciate then, and to thank the nature for what they did for us, instead of taking the nature for granted. These ideas and principles that Louie illustrated in the video can be applied to our own life. Louie's idea of preserving the nature is a very important issue of the human world. Humans thought that nature is just a tool more content... In the video, Louie showed a series of gorgeous time–lapse nature photograph that he shot including flowers, insect, and clouds. He showed all these photographs to show the delicacy of nature in order to substantiate his point that the beauty of the nature is impressive enough to make the humans fall in love with them, and therefore appreciate them. Louie's principle of appreciating the nature can also be applied to my life. My family bought flowers in the spring so that they can see them bloom, and appreciate their beauty. At first, I do not see their point at buying these flowers, and think that it is a waste of money. However, my perspective changed when I saw the first flower blossoms. It was a beauty that I can not describe with words. Only then did I know my parents's point of buying the flowers, to appreciate them. Louie's idea of be grateful of nature is another important issue in the human mind. Humans are arrogant creatures for their abilities to alter and dominate other creature's life, and to create new technology that will help them. Humans take nature for granted, and use them in many things we use in the modern world. Humans do not know how to thank the nature for its vast resources, therefore they have flaws. Only when humans expresses their gratitude of nature and anything other things that others have done for them will they have other virtues, for that gratitude is not only the greatest virtues that humans can Get more content on
  • 11. Speech On Gratitude In Gratitude The Prosperity In Gratitude By Lori Hamann Dec 20, 2007 The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings! ~Henry Ward Beecher This is the time of year when we give thanks. It's the time when we look around our lives and feel grateful for all that we have. Our families, friends, and all of the love in our lives. We are grateful for the work that we do. We look to see the silver lining in all of our difficult situations, and feel grateful for the opportunity to learn so much from. Did you notice how abundant you felt when you were standing the in place of all of that gratitude? Gratitude is a powerful thing to exercise when we are looking to create more abundance in our lives. Why? Because as we focus on all that we are grateful for, we begin to feel more abundant, and when we begin to feel more abundant we then begin to attract flow of abundance in our lives. What you focus on grows. Like attracts like. That's why you won't increase the abundance in your life by focusing on all that you don't have. There is a blessing for us in the loving expression of gratitude. As we focus on what we have, we create more of it. As we focus on on our joy, we create more of that. As we focus on love, we indeed create more of that, and love is core and central to all manifestation in our lives. When you create from a place of love and intention your Get more content on
  • 12. What is gratitude? Gratitude is the quality being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and return of kindness. When I start writing the Gratitude Journal in my psych class. I came realize a lot of good things are happening my life because I was able to list and reflect what I was really thankful for. I wasn't' the sad, lonely, and depress person I was back inhigh school. I had no friends, I was loser, bully, and. I was full of range, loneliness, and depression, writing this Gratitude show me I was really loved even in high school and throughout my life. I appreciate: my parents, my best friend Kenneth Toldeo, and my coworkers. First mostly I extremely grateful is my parent because they always believe and supported me and more content... I'm fully in debt too him because I was able to land a job and choose the right career path to become an x–ray tech. Lastly the group of people I'm grateful is my coworkers because they are the group of people wanted to see me succeed in life. I would to shout out to my Rich Chu. Rich was the one who 1st train to how to be a transporter and he moved on to become a CT/MRI tech. He wants to be successful to become an x–ray tech and motivates me to do well in school. We also shared the love of collecting shoes and he invites me to his cookouts at his pad. Another person is my boss Sly LY. He is the chief technologist at Insight Imaging. He always been there for me when I need him the most with giving me advice about girls and asking me how I'm doing with school. Another person I also like to shout is Duan Nguyen. He is the tough love older bro. Even though we get into verbal altercation at work the most. He always tell me to do good in school and tough attitude mentally of telling me to not slack off and be discipline in the classroom. He was also gives me good finical advice how to deal with money. The final person I would give a big shootout to is my coworker Thomas Nguyen. Thomas is the master motivator because he always inspire through his motivational speech me how to be great and I will succeed to become an x–ray. I appreciate him for inspiring to go above and beyond to reach my full potential. He help me grade my papers Get more content on
  • 13. Gratitude Essay "Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other." Randy Rausch was an American professor of computer science, human–computer interaction, and design at Carnegie Mellon University. He believed that showing appreciation for others was the strongest yet simplest act someone could do for anyone. Over the past generations, philosophers and professors from around the world have come up with different assumptions about the term gratitude. Behavioral and psychological research has shown the surprising life improvements that can stem from the practice of gratitude. A conclusion that can drawn from this research is that giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, strengthens relationships, more content... Falling in love with Jenny was something Forest was grateful for. He felt praised for knowing such a woman as Jenny. Life changed for Forest when he met Jenny. She brought a sense of relief to his life, which awoke him to the idea of recognition. Recognizing the beauty in Jenny's personality made him feel gratified to know her as a human. Also, Forest gave back to Jenny by giving her flowers and chocolates to show his appreciation for her. Forever thanking Jenny for her compassion is all Forest wanted to do. Thus, Forest Gump is an excellent example for the idea of giving thanks and broadcasting appreciative thoughts. Gratitude is used either as referring to the wellness in one's self and the wellness outside one's self. First, the acknowledgment of goodness can be in one's life. In a state of gratitude, we affirm that all in all, life is good, and has elements that make it not just worth living, but rich detail. When we show gratitude from in our lives, we are presenting a wise, beautiful idea that makes mankind realize that giving thanks should not be a choice; it should be a priority. No matter who we are, expressing acknowledgement is contagious. We see others accomplish goals and show appreciation for their hard work, and that makes us feel that we need to bring ourselves accountable for our efforts and appreciate ourselves for our own accomplishments. Consequently, the acknowledgment that we have received something gratifies us, both by its presence Get more content on
  • 14. Reflection Of My Gratitude Diary The gratitude journal process really got me thinking of many things I am grateful for. I felt good journaling because I usually journal about ideas and plans I want to achieve, but never have written about the stuff I am grateful for in life. I noticed that I was only taking pictures of material possessions rather than looking at other important things like being able to hear. Being able to see. Being able to have feet to walk, and hands to be able to help others. It might have been because I don't like to show a lot of my emotions and or feelings to others. Although, it was rewarding because there are other people who would love to be in my position by being able to have a home, a family, and all the other things people need in life. I more content... Another one is journaling my mother's recipes for different types of food and desserts to keep her Mexican tradition, so that I can be a good cooking mother in the future. Nature was also a trend in the 3 weeks of being grateful I was planting flowers and getting more to plant and decorate my porch with flowers. It was relieving and stress free especially with Essay #3 trying to fix it and make it the best piece because it is worth 25% of my grade. Looking through my gratitude journal I noticed that in general all of them were important to me. Analysis on the highlight I discovered on the 3 weeks of gratitude were the significant people in my life. The people say alot about me because they are the ones that impact my everyday life. My family and I have always been a united family. Some families are with us to support and guide us through the good and rough times. I am thankful for them because they have made me the person I am today. Friends are people who make me smile. There friends who are caring and loving. For some people family and friends in someone's life because they guide her/him through a good path or bad one and she/he needs to choose what she/he wants to do. People usually tend to be ungrateful at some point in their lives and don't want to see the positive things in life they have. I believe I am sometimes that maybe because I am going through a rough time, but eventually people are going to have ups and Get more content on
  • 15. "It is necessary, then, to cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude." –Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich or Financial Success Through Creative Thought "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." –Melodie Beattie Why more content... This isn't something that should be expressed only on Thanksgiving or as a weekly Sunday prayer, but needs to be integrated into your daily lives, permeating all of our interactions. Expressing our gratitude to loved ones and friends need not be limited to receiving gifts or favors, but taking deep looks at our lives and realizing how truly lucky we are. I think on this every night and every day. I have a huge list of things to be grateful for, as do all of us: family, friends, colleagues, students, employees, health, financial success, future successes and advancements. I am grateful when it rains (and here in the Pacific Northwest it rains a lot) because I know that's part of why the area is so lush and fruitful. I am grateful when the sun comes out (because, as I mentioned above, here in the Pacific Northwest it rains A LOT). My gratitude extends to simple things as well as complex. As I go throughout the day, I stop to consider the struggles I've endured, challenges I've overcome and lessons that have made me who I am today and I am grateful for the things I've accomplished because they have brought me to where I am in Get more content on
  • 16. Gratitude Gratitude Imagine finally going to your warm cozy bedroom after a long day in school and finding it infested with mosquitoes. Yes! A colony of uninvited guests had the guts to completely overtake your room. You feel like screaming at them "pick on someone your own size!" You take a fly swatter and by some miracle you are able to kill all but one lone pesky mosquito. According to Ken Keyes Jr.'s "Mosquito Principal" chances are you will still be bothered by that one mosquito. The "Mosquito Principal" states: If there are 30 mosquitoes, and you exterminate 29 of them, you will not be happy or grateful that you were able to get rid of almost all of them rather you will on edge until you see that one mosquito squished under the insole more content... Can we take a moment to step back and reflect on all the good that was given? The possibilities are endless. Take a look at the bright red trees in the fall with their leaves shedding leaving a scarlet carpet on the green grass below. Discover the cold white snowflakes each with a pattern of its own together creating a fantastic winter wonderland experience, you can feel it. Sense the spring. Hear the birds chirp. Smell the morning dew. See the flowers beginning to bud. We don't have to work for these blessings and yet they surround us. Don't just walk around like a robot, live life. Open your eyes. Open your ears. Open your hearts and minds to appreciate the gifts that are in your world– our world and show gratitude to the One who gave it to Get more content on
  • 17. The Effects Of Gratitude Gratitude also reduces feelings of jealosy, makes our memories happier, lets us experience good feelings, and helps come out of stress. Materialism is strongly related with reduced well–being and increased rates of mental disorder. There's nothing bad in hoping for more. The problem with materialism is that it makes people feel less capable, reduces feelings of gratitude, reduces one's ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life, generates negative emotions, and makes them more self–centered. Gratitude also increases your self–respect. Imagine a world where no one helps you. Despite your asking and requesting, no one helps you. On the contrary imagine a world where many people help you all the time for no other reason than that they like you. In which world do you think you would have more content... Gratitude is not just a fugitive emotion, but it is also a excellence. Grateful people are more tending to the emotion, are prone to respond with gratitude to a wider range of beneпЃcent actions, and are more likely to notice beneпЃcence on the part of others–in particular, they are more likely to respond to it with the emotion of gratitude rather than with alternative emotions like agony, shame, or guilt. Grateful people are likely to agree with statements such as "It's important to respect each day that you are alive", "I often feel how easier my life is because of the efforts of others," and "For me, life is much like a wonderful gift than it is a burden." Phrases such as these come from personality questionnaires designed to express levels of gratitude–in other words, to identify people who have by nature grateful souls.Research has revealed that dispositionally grateful people enjoy many of the same beneпЃts that increases gradually from cultivating grateful thinking, namely, enhanced psychological, physical, spiritual, and relational Get more content on
  • 18. Gratitude Intervention Psychology To increase subjective well–being and overall happiness, there are gratitude interventions which help us understand why it is vital to our mental, physical, and social health. The following review of literature confirms that forms of interventions, such as simple gratitude surveys, physical exercise, and displaying kindness provides a solution which plays a vital role in improving personal well–being, which also improves our psychological thinking, physical health, and welfare of others. Psychology research indicates that by receiving positive gratitude interventions, it can result in people becoming optimistic, and grateful of others which in turn increases personal happiness levels. The effectuality of how gratitude engagement enhances health outcomes in life The very simple things in your life can go unnoticed, we live in a day and age where we take many aspects in life for granted. By acknowledging and appreciating the large or minor things in your life, it can more content... To take a step forward into increasing general well–being the very idea of cultivating and practicing gratitude can lead to a person reacting to the benevolent deeds from others more receptively and reciprocating kindness in more opportunities (Emmons, Mishra, 2011). The benefits from gratitude can motivate moral behaviour, the motivation for prosocial behaviour is reflective on the gratitude received from the recipient. The kindness received from the gratitude can affect future actions on the recipient, when kindness is passed down from person to person the positive consequences serves as a dynamic link to, the more gratitude you receive, the more you are benevolent to others (Emmons, Mishra, Get more content on
  • 19. Gratitude and Relationship Satisfaction Essay Gratitude is omnipresent in society. People express gratitude in the form of gifts, favors, support and assistance. Empirical literature on the emotion has shown gratitude to promote feelings of contentment (Walker & Pitts, 1998) hope, happiness, and pride (Overwalle, Mervielde, & De Schuyter, 1995). However, what about relationship satisfaction? Specifically, can expressing gratitude verbally enhance perceived relationship satisfaction in close relationships? Gratitude has been referred to as "the moral memory of mankind," and if suddenly eliminated, "society would break apart" (Simmel, 1950, p. 388). Vast literature on gratitude has defined and explored its contours, and extensive research documents main effects. Majority more content... Specifically, researchers selected distinct variables, and investigated how perceptions of that variable changed in donors and recipients, after gratitude expression. In a 2010 investigation, Lambert et al. concentrated on the variable of communal strength. After expressing gratitude to a partner, donors' perceptions of communal strength in the relationship was reported higher than prior to expression. Studies also examined perceptions on physical health (Emmons & McCullough, 2003), and life satisfaction after gratitude expression (Lambert, Fincham, Stillman, & Dean, 2009). Although gratitude is commonly expressed in society, the degree of achievement of appreciation is often mistaken or overlooked. Research reports the act of gratitude to have worked successfully when an "interpersonal interaction" forms between the donor and recipient (Lazarus & Lazarus, 1994). This occurs when recipients sense positive intentions from donors, and donors sense the needs of recipients. It is only after recipients truly appreciate the efforts made by donors, that the interpersonal interaction is strengthened, and a change in behavior is possible in both partners. If recipients are indifferent or not powerfully moved by the displayed acts of appreciation, the interpersonal interaction fails to form, or is weakened, and each partner remains fixed in his or her current psychological state. At this point, behavior Get more content on