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Towards a healthy world?
Public Private Partnership in sustainable
foodchains: Brussels, April 14, 2011
1. We face growing food problems              p. 4    Towards a healthy world?
                                                      Public Private Partnership in
2. Changing people: a little theory           p. 11   sustainable foodchains:
                                                      Brussels, April 14, 2011
3. The 4 phases translated to your industry   p. 21
4. Conclusions and discussion                 p. 39
                                                      TNS NIPO, Amsterdam
                                                      Sibolt Mulder

                                                      TNS NIPO

                                                       | © TNS

Drs. Sibolt Mulder

Senior consultant: on building public support for
governmental policies

Relevant projects:

Dutch ministery of environment and housing: public
support for various types of sustainability measures
for CO2-reduction and nature in Holland

Dutch Environmental Agency: Future projections
towards 2040 of the consumption of food, travel
and housing with climate consequences

Marketing opportunities for biological food

Dutch Butchers Union: The sustainable butcher

The Greenery: branding fresh vegetables?

We face growing food problems

Towards a healthy world?
Growing health problems

55% of the Dutch men and 45% of the women between 20-
70 years are overweight
In the last 25 years the percentage of serious obese adults
has grown to 10%. Children show the same growth pattern
in problems
In the coming 20 years the obesity problem will rise to 15%
of the population
Lower educated people and ethnic minorities are much more
at risk for obesity and it’s problems
Overweight causes 40.000 weight related patients each
year. 5% of all deaths are weight related
Eldery people are increasing in numbers and have dieet-
problems: malnutrition, diabetes
Costs for the Dutch economy are about € 2 billion each year

Growing environmental problems with food-production
(Note: Holland is big: the worlds second exporter of agricultural products, after the USA)
Worldwide demand for meat will double to about 450 billion kilo’s a year in 2050
Mineral problems: a shortage of phosphates in countries producing animal food / soil
contamination with phosphates in the Nord-West Europe
Agriculture uses about 70% of the worlds fresh water supply
Waste of food in the total chain of production varies between 30-50% (excluding
consumption spillage, which adds about 10%). Food waste is not enough being reused or
Urban people don’t understand the food production process. Sensitive for hypes

Damage to biodiversity 1700 - 2050

                              Source: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving 2008
Food industry is under fire. How to react?

 1962                     1965                 2004                  2011 ?

Other industries have learnt to deal with it:
1. Stakeholder monitoring on the corporate image of your industry and company
2. Develop active Public Affairs policies aimed at a constructive stakeholders dialog
3. Help inventing solutions before other do that for you….

Dutch governmental food production policy priorities

  In 15 years the food patterns of the current ‘innovators’ among the consumers should
  become the average pattern of consumption
  Influencing consumers: educating them combined with a growing supply of sustainable
  products and diminishing supply of wrong foods
  Stimulation of innovation ( = money) in Dutch sustainable food production chains
  Reduction of waste of food
  Before 2010 about 15% of meat products must be produced in sustainable chains.
  Animal welfare levels must be socially acceptable
  Transparancy in production and retail chains
  Promoting European food regulation

Dutch governmental food consumption policy priorities
  Create an environment reducing the development of obesity
  Promote a better balance between nutrition and physical activity
  Early identifying and treating obesity
  Prevention as a part of general healthcare provision
  Improve parenting to protect young people
  Counteract malnutrition among the elderly
  Improve composition of food products
  Improve product information for the consumer
  Develop guidelines for good nutrition
  Improve animal welfare and sustainable practises in the food chain production
  (Source: Memorandum on Obesity, Ministerie of VWS, 2009)

Changing people: a little theory

Towards a healthy world?
Behaviour is mainly determined by our environment


               Technology                   Economy



                            Social trends

Prochaska: psychological model of phases in change

Six stages of change                                                   Change Strategy

1. Precontemplation - "people are not intending to take action in
   the foreseeable future, usually measured as the next 6 months"
2. Contemplation - "people are intending to change in the next 6             raising
3. Preparation - "people are intending to take action in the            self-reevaluation
   immediate future, usually measured as the next month"
4. Action - "people have made specific overt modifications in their
   life styles within the past 6 months"
5. Maintenance - "people are working to prevent relapse," a
   stage which is estimated to last "from 6 months to about 5 years"      Reinforcement
6. Termination - "individuals have zero temptation and 100%               management
   self-efficacy... they are sure they will not return to their old
   unhealthy habit as a way of coping"

                 NOTE: People differ in their pace of adopting change
E. Rogers: sociological model of segments in adopting change

 % of population

    Innovators           Early Adopters            Early Majority        Late Majority             Laggards

    Specialists/           Ambassadors              Convincable             Sceptics              Opponents?
     idealists          Trendsetting in opinions   Can be made aware   Do not see an issue as Resistance against the
 First to define a trend and behaviour. Select      of the problem.        their problem.     analyses of the problem
and problem. Must fight the issues, often ahead    Open to change in   Opportunistic. Look to and to the solutions.
   for agendasetting        of policymakers           attitude and     what happens to other     Will try to avoid
                                                       behaviour       people who do and do        compliance to
                                                                       not change. Calculate         regulation
                                                                          price of change

Our various sustainability surveys show that a minority
wants a choice but the majority prefers convenience
% of population

                                The majority expect industries and governments
                                together provides them with “good” products
                                without responsibility to choose themselves

                                To change average to low motivated groups the
                                desired behaviour must be made very easy

 Idealists &                                Convenience
                  Convincable                 seekers
ambassadors            `                                              Opponents

   3-5%              30%                                               3 - 5%
                                              60- 70%

Building change, step by step, segment by segment

% of population

 1. Public and political 2. Introducing behaviour-options 3. Facilitating 4. Regulation &
 agendasetting           Industry: ‘green’ innovations    behaviour       reinforcement
                         Government: social marketing - remove hurdles Soft & hard

 Idealists &                                     Convenience
                  Convincable                      seekers
ambassadors            `                                                        Opponents

   3-5%              30%                                                          3 - 5%
                                                   60- 70%

Working together in a public/private partnership?

% of population

 1. Public and political 2. Introducing behaviour-options 3. Facilitating   4. Regulation &
 agendasetting           Industry: ‘green’ innovations    behaviour &       reinforcement
                         Government: social marketing remove hurdles        Soft & hard

                            Industry &             Industry &                     Goverment
     NGO’s &                government             Government
    scientists,                                   Convenience                     (Industry,
 Idealists &      Convincable
    politicians                                     seekers                       NGO’s)
ambassadors            `

   3-5%              30%                                                             3 - 5%
                                                     60- 70%

During the phases of change-strategy the focus changes,
based on the curves of attitude and behaviour
                                  Phase 1: low knowledge and sense of                                                  Phase 2. high initial resistance ->
                                                urgency                                                              offer tempting behaviour-alternatives
                                      -> agendasetting is needed
                      10                                                                                         6

                                                                                            pct. of population
 pct of population

                          8                                                                                      5

                          6                                                                                      4
                                                                                                                     1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9    10    11
                              1     2   3   4   5   6   7   8    9   10   11

                               Phase 3: a large part of the population                                               Phase 4: resistance by a small group ->
                                            has changed                                                              regulation and reinforcement is needed
                              -> lower hurdles for change for the next

                                                                               pct of population
                      6                                                                                5
 pct. of population

                      5                                                                                4
                      4                                                                                3
                      3                                                                                2
                      2                                                                                1
                      1                                                                                0
                          1        2    3   4   5   6   7   8    9   10   11                                     1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9       10    11

Food = Culture = Politics
  Segmentations with socio-demographic and value axes improve our insight
  in peoples openess for types of change

                                        •Higher education
                                        •Higher incomes
    Social / cultural elite             •High abstract thinking-levels   Liberal / business elite

• moralists / socialistic thinking                                        • Individualists / liberal thinking
• seek political & legal solutions                                        • seek economic & technical solutions
• want to see development of morality                                     • want to see effectivity & efficiency

                                        • Lower education
                                                                           Right wing populists
        Social populists                •Lower incomes
                                        •Low abstract thinking-levels

Various strategies for sustainable food can co-exist

                                                                          Liberal / business elite
    Social / cultural elite
                                         •Higher education and incomes
                                         •High abstract thinking-levels
                                         •Open to change

 • moralists / socialistic thinking                                        • Individualists / liberal thinking
 • seek political & legal solutions                                        • seek economic & technical solutions
 • want to see development of morality                                     • want to see effectivity & efficiency

      Social populists                                                      Right wing populists

                                         • Lower education and incomes
                                         •Low abstract thinking-levels

The 4 phases translated to your industry

Towards a healthy world?
Phase 1. Agendasetting: quarrel and/or co-operate with NGO’s?

The drama behind
   cheap meat

     Friends of the Earth

       NGO’s vary in strategy. Some are radical, other are co-operative
       Agendasetting is their mission, so expect that from them
       Most value it if you even start looking for solutions with them
Phase 2: Marketing desired behaviour: governments actions

1. Research shows: a healthy diet also helps global sustainable food production-goals
2. Educate the population: make them conscious of the problems and the solutions
3. Promote physical exercise (1 hour a day)
4. Promote consumption of fruit, corn and vegetables
5. Organize early medical detection of obesity
6. Covenant with the Dutch food industry on healthy products and regulated advertising
7. Reduce the availability of unhealthy food for the consumers (= reduce the exposure of
   people to these products). Food with high fat content and high energy type of food like
   soft drinks might be discouraged
8. Reduce advertising for unhealthy food for children

Phase 2. UK-example: Change4life Social Marketing Plan

    Pre-stage         Phase 1           Phase 2          Phase 3          Phase 4           Phase 5

  Mobilising the    Reframing the    Personalising       Rooting          Inspiring      Supporting as
    network of        issue of         the issue        behaviours        people to       they change
  profit and non       obesity                                             change
  profit partners

  Change4life is      This isn’t     This isn’t about   I know what     I know people    I can see the
   coming. We       about how my     bad parents or        to do to       like me are    difference this
  should be part    children look.        very fat       reduce my      changing their      is making
       of it          It’s about         children.      family’s risk       lives so I
                      diabetes,       It’s about my                       believe it’s
                     cancer and           children                          possible
                    heart disease

Phase 2. examples of public/private partnership in
Change4life-strategie in de UK

Phase 2. Governmental accredited labeling;
helping or confusing consumers?

Consumers may be helped by using labeling

Currently, there is still no strict regulation on

It is left to the consumer responsability to check
it’s credibility

Greenwashing and consumers loosing
confidence are dangerous trends

Official educational organisations like the
“Voedingscentrum” (= Foodcentre) give
information on accredited labels.
Others are not supported

The gap between the citizen and the consumer
           Who do you feel is responsible for preventing unhealthy food? (2010)

       Russia               25                           28           2 2 2                                      40                               1

         Italy               28                         20                21                           11              5        10            5

      France                      33                           31                       4          12                  6             12           2
        Spain                          39                       21                  9              8             3         15                 5            Consumers NGO's
Great Brittain                               58                                             18                   4     3   5          7       4

    Germany                                        69                                                       16             3    3 2       6       1

      Holland                                      70                                                       15             3    3 2       5       2

                 0%   10%              20%   30%         40%    50%           60%            70%                 80%            90%               100% %

      Source: TNS, sept. 2010
The gap between the citizen and the consumer
                                      % less use of   Support (%)     Support with
 Public support for high foodprices       land          without      explanation (%)
 (for less usage of land)                             explanation

 •Tax on meat: € 1,25 per pound            2,1            38                 44
 •Tax on meat: € 2,50 per pound            4,1            28                 36
 •Tax on meat: € 5,00 per pound            6,2            21                 27

 •Milk + € 0,75 / litre                    0,6            35                 37
 •Milk + € 1,50 / litre                    0,9            24                 26
 •Milke + € 3,00 / litre                   1,1            18                 19

 •GMO in animal feed                       2,8            42                 47
 •GMO in animal and peoples food           4,1            32                 38

 The difference shows which % of the people are high or average to low motivated

                                                               Bron: Veldkamp 2007
Phase 2: Commercial marketing: for popularisation the
branding has to improve and the prices have to go down

     In Holland the biological segment has grown about 20% in 2010
     However: biological products are often 200-300% more expensive than regular products
     However: Biological is technically not always optimal for the environment
     For popularization prices for more sustainable products should go and can down
     Intermediate products may be the way to popularization with a reasonable price

 Semi-biological                                                                 Consumers can
 brand                                                                           trace the Dutch

Phase 2. Industry: retailer positioning as a responsible
brand using the accredited labels

Phase 2: industry: improve your production chain
Can you help preventing wasting 30-50% of the food in the total chain?

Can you help making reuse and recycling easy? Adapt your packaging?

          General principles of gaining sustainability in production

                                                                         Lack of
                                                                         in total

Warning: “greenwashing” is dangerous
     Case: test of a press campaign exposing green claims on customer loyalty

                                   Loyalty before                                                                                                         Loyalty after

33                          24                        43                 30         3               Eneco          (n=178)   91                 3 6           34                 57

     43                           19                   38                     41            2       Essent         (n=160)   94                 06            33                 61

          48                           16                  36                  43               5   Nuon           (n=160)   94                     34       32                  62

                                 20                    39                     38        3                                    93                 25            33                 60
     41                                                                                             Totaal (gem)

               Entrenched        Average    Shallow        Convertible                                                       Entrenched   Average        Shallow   Convertible

                                                  Clean Label congres
                                                  november 2010, Madrid

                Naturally and ethically improve your NPD
                Naturally and ethically improve your NPD
                Learn new ways to source natural ingredients
                Learn new ways to source natural ingredients
                ethically and be seen as ‘a moral champion’
                ethically and be seen as ‘a moral champion’
                above your competitors
                above your competitors

  Health benefits: Looking at the next big functional foods
  • Utilising vitamins and minerals to make substantial health claims which align to
    consumer priorities
  • The demand for simplicity and natural for big business wins
  • Demonstrating the impact on sales from buzzwords such as ‘natural’, ‘clean label’,
    ‘authentic’ and ‘homemade’

Phase 3. Facilitating: organizing stimuli for desired behaviour

  The average to low motivated consumer needs very convenient ways to be seduced

  Nudge = creating stimuli for desired behaviour

                                                                           frying oil

Phase 3. Facilitating: remove barriers for behaviour

Phase 4. regulation & reinforcement: if marketing fails


                       Braithwaite: Pyramid of responsive regulation

Phase 4. Self regulation: convenant “healthy weight” 2010

Phase 4. Reinforcement: where soft regulation fails

    Inspections are
    often forgotten in
    the stakeholder

                                                                         A trade union could
                                                                         try to involve them
                                                                         too in policy making
                                                                         for an industry

                         Braithwaite: Pyramid of responsive regulation

Conclusions and discussion

Towards a healthy world?

Worldwide food demand is exploding due to growth of the population and incomes

The food industry should react to growing public opposition to health an sustainability

Knowledge and attitude changes are not enough; the environment around the consumer
must be changed; he expects it from his governments and industries

Changing behaviour in whole societies requires a step-by-step segmented strategy with
public/private partnerships between governments and industries

Industries in the food chain must take up the leadership in their whole chain if they want to
position themselves as a sustainable brand on planet and people issues

Governments, industries, NGO’s and knowledge institutes must improve their strategic
dialog to lower behaviour-barriers for consumers for the average to low motivated

Discussion: for a popular positioning of sustainable food it’s
best to combine personal health with global sustainable
production: “a healthy world”
                        High education/income

                        Low education/income

Discussion: stakeholders cooperation should improve

              Can we raise the level of working together?
                           Level 0 = stakeholder do not know their      Multinationals
                           Level 1 = sharing information and policies

  EU and                   Level 2 = voluntary deals
governments                Level 3 = shared strategies

                           Level 4 = contracts
                                                                        Trade unions
   Local                   Level 5 = central steering                     for small
governments                                                               business

However: changing our own behaviour is difficult

More information:
    tel: +31 20 522 54 02

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TnsNipo Mulder_sustainable food_Brussels_14-4-2011

  • 1. Towards a healthy world? Public Private Partnership in sustainable foodchains: Brussels, April 14, 2011
  • 2. Index 1. We face growing food problems p. 4 Towards a healthy world? Public Private Partnership in 2. Changing people: a little theory p. 11 sustainable foodchains: Brussels, April 14, 2011 3. The 4 phases translated to your industry p. 21 4. Conclusions and discussion p. 39 TNS NIPO, Amsterdam Auteur Sibolt Mulder TNS NIPO | © TNS
  • 3. Introduction Drs. Sibolt Mulder Senior consultant: on building public support for governmental policies Relevant projects: Dutch ministery of environment and housing: public support for various types of sustainability measures for CO2-reduction and nature in Holland Dutch Environmental Agency: Future projections towards 2040 of the consumption of food, travel and housing with climate consequences Marketing opportunities for biological food Dutch Butchers Union: The sustainable butcher The Greenery: branding fresh vegetables? 3
  • 4. We face growing food problems Towards a healthy world?
  • 5. Growing health problems 55% of the Dutch men and 45% of the women between 20- 70 years are overweight In the last 25 years the percentage of serious obese adults has grown to 10%. Children show the same growth pattern in problems In the coming 20 years the obesity problem will rise to 15% of the population Lower educated people and ethnic minorities are much more at risk for obesity and it’s problems Overweight causes 40.000 weight related patients each year. 5% of all deaths are weight related Eldery people are increasing in numbers and have dieet- problems: malnutrition, diabetes Costs for the Dutch economy are about € 2 billion each year 5
  • 6. Growing environmental problems with food-production (Note: Holland is big: the worlds second exporter of agricultural products, after the USA) Worldwide demand for meat will double to about 450 billion kilo’s a year in 2050 Mineral problems: a shortage of phosphates in countries producing animal food / soil contamination with phosphates in the Nord-West Europe Agriculture uses about 70% of the worlds fresh water supply Waste of food in the total chain of production varies between 30-50% (excluding consumption spillage, which adds about 10%). Food waste is not enough being reused or recycled Urban people don’t understand the food production process. Sensitive for hypes 6
  • 7. Damage to biodiversity 1700 - 2050 7 Source: Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving 2008
  • 8. Food industry is under fire. How to react? 1962 1965 2004 2011 ? Other industries have learnt to deal with it: 1. Stakeholder monitoring on the corporate image of your industry and company 2. Develop active Public Affairs policies aimed at a constructive stakeholders dialog 3. Help inventing solutions before other do that for you…. 8
  • 9. Dutch governmental food production policy priorities In 15 years the food patterns of the current ‘innovators’ among the consumers should become the average pattern of consumption Influencing consumers: educating them combined with a growing supply of sustainable products and diminishing supply of wrong foods Stimulation of innovation ( = money) in Dutch sustainable food production chains Reduction of waste of food Before 2010 about 15% of meat products must be produced in sustainable chains. Animal welfare levels must be socially acceptable Transparancy in production and retail chains Promoting European food regulation 9
  • 10. Dutch governmental food consumption policy priorities Create an environment reducing the development of obesity Promote a better balance between nutrition and physical activity Early identifying and treating obesity Prevention as a part of general healthcare provision Improve parenting to protect young people Counteract malnutrition among the elderly Improve composition of food products Improve product information for the consumer Develop guidelines for good nutrition Improve animal welfare and sustainable practises in the food chain production (Source: Memorandum on Obesity, Ministerie of VWS, 2009) 10
  • 11. Changing people: a little theory Towards a healthy world?
  • 12. Behaviour is mainly determined by our environment Demografy Technology Economy Politics Geografy Ecology Infrastructure Social trends 12
  • 13. Prochaska: psychological model of phases in change Six stages of change Change Strategy 1. Precontemplation - "people are not intending to take action in the foreseeable future, usually measured as the next 6 months" consciousness 2. Contemplation - "people are intending to change in the next 6 raising months" 3. Preparation - "people are intending to take action in the self-reevaluation immediate future, usually measured as the next month" 4. Action - "people have made specific overt modifications in their self-liberation life styles within the past 6 months" 5. Maintenance - "people are working to prevent relapse," a stage which is estimated to last "from 6 months to about 5 years" Reinforcement 6. Termination - "individuals have zero temptation and 100% management self-efficacy... they are sure they will not return to their old unhealthy habit as a way of coping" NOTE: People differ in their pace of adopting change
  • 14. E. Rogers: sociological model of segments in adopting change % of population Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Specialists/ Ambassadors Convincable Sceptics Opponents? idealists Trendsetting in opinions Can be made aware Do not see an issue as Resistance against the First to define a trend and behaviour. Select of the problem. their problem. analyses of the problem and problem. Must fight the issues, often ahead Open to change in Opportunistic. Look to and to the solutions. for agendasetting of policymakers attitude and what happens to other Will try to avoid behaviour people who do and do compliance to not change. Calculate regulation price of change 14
  • 15. Our various sustainability surveys show that a minority wants a choice but the majority prefers convenience % of population The majority expect industries and governments together provides them with “good” products without responsibility to choose themselves To change average to low motivated groups the desired behaviour must be made very easy Idealists & Convenience Convincable seekers ambassadors ` Opponents 3-5% 30% 3 - 5% 60- 70% 15
  • 16. Building change, step by step, segment by segment % of population 1. Public and political 2. Introducing behaviour-options 3. Facilitating 4. Regulation & agendasetting Industry: ‘green’ innovations behaviour reinforcement Government: social marketing - remove hurdles Soft & hard Idealists & Convenience Convincable seekers ambassadors ` Opponents 3-5% 30% 3 - 5% 60- 70% 16
  • 17. Working together in a public/private partnership? % of population 1. Public and political 2. Introducing behaviour-options 3. Facilitating 4. Regulation & agendasetting Industry: ‘green’ innovations behaviour & reinforcement Government: social marketing remove hurdles Soft & hard Industry & Industry & Goverment NGO’s & government Government scientists, Convenience (Industry, Idealists & Convincable politicians seekers NGO’s) Opponents ambassadors ` 3-5% 30% 3 - 5% 60- 70% 17
  • 18. During the phases of change-strategy the focus changes, based on the curves of attitude and behaviour Phase 1: low knowledge and sense of Phase 2. high initial resistance -> urgency offer tempting behaviour-alternatives -> agendasetting is needed 10 6 pct. of population pct of population 8 5 6 4 3 4 2 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Phase 3: a large part of the population Phase 4: resistance by a small group -> has changed regulation and reinforcement is needed -> lower hurdles for change for the next 6 segments pct of population 6 5 pct. of population 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18
  • 19. Food = Culture = Politics Segmentations with socio-demographic and value axes improve our insight in peoples openess for types of change •Higher education •Higher incomes Social / cultural elite •High abstract thinking-levels Liberal / business elite • moralists / socialistic thinking • Individualists / liberal thinking • seek political & legal solutions • seek economic & technical solutions • want to see development of morality • want to see effectivity & efficiency • Lower education Right wing populists Social populists •Lower incomes •Low abstract thinking-levels 19
  • 20. Various strategies for sustainable food can co-exist Liberal / business elite Social / cultural elite •Higher education and incomes •High abstract thinking-levels •Open to change • moralists / socialistic thinking • Individualists / liberal thinking • seek political & legal solutions • seek economic & technical solutions • want to see development of morality • want to see effectivity & efficiency Social populists Right wing populists • Lower education and incomes •Conservative •Low abstract thinking-levels 20
  • 21. The 4 phases translated to your industry Towards a healthy world?
  • 22. Phase 1. Agendasetting: quarrel and/or co-operate with NGO’s? The drama behind cheap meat Friends of the Earth NGO’s vary in strategy. Some are radical, other are co-operative Agendasetting is their mission, so expect that from them Most value it if you even start looking for solutions with them 22
  • 23. Phase 2: Marketing desired behaviour: governments actions 1. Research shows: a healthy diet also helps global sustainable food production-goals 2. Educate the population: make them conscious of the problems and the solutions 3. Promote physical exercise (1 hour a day) 4. Promote consumption of fruit, corn and vegetables 5. Organize early medical detection of obesity 6. Covenant with the Dutch food industry on healthy products and regulated advertising 7. Reduce the availability of unhealthy food for the consumers (= reduce the exposure of people to these products). Food with high fat content and high energy type of food like soft drinks might be discouraged 8. Reduce advertising for unhealthy food for children 23
  • 24. Phase 2. UK-example: Change4life Social Marketing Plan Pre-stage Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Mobilising the Reframing the Personalising Rooting Inspiring Supporting as network of issue of the issue behaviours people to they change profit and non obesity change profit partners Change4life is This isn’t This isn’t about I know what I know people I can see the coming. We about how my bad parents or to do to like me are difference this should be part children look. very fat reduce my changing their is making of it It’s about children. family’s risk lives so I diabetes, It’s about my believe it’s cancer and children possible heart disease 24
  • 25. Phase 2. examples of public/private partnership in Change4life-strategie in de UK 25
  • 26. Phase 2. Governmental accredited labeling; helping or confusing consumers? Consumers may be helped by using labeling Currently, there is still no strict regulation on labeling It is left to the consumer responsability to check it’s credibility Greenwashing and consumers loosing confidence are dangerous trends Official educational organisations like the “Voedingscentrum” (= Foodcentre) give information on accredited labels. Others are not supported 26
  • 27. The gap between the citizen and the consumer Who do you feel is responsible for preventing unhealthy food? (2010) Russia 25 28 2 2 2 40 1 Italy 28 20 21 11 5 10 5 France 33 31 4 12 6 12 2 Consumers Producers Media Spain 39 21 9 8 3 15 5 Consumers NGO's Retailers Government Others Great Brittain 58 18 4 3 5 7 4 Germany 69 16 3 3 2 6 1 Holland 70 15 3 3 2 5 2 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% % Source: TNS, sept. 2010 27
  • 28. The gap between the citizen and the consumer % less use of Support (%) Support with Public support for high foodprices land without explanation (%) (for less usage of land) explanation •Tax on meat: € 1,25 per pound 2,1 38 44 •Tax on meat: € 2,50 per pound 4,1 28 36 •Tax on meat: € 5,00 per pound 6,2 21 27 •Milk + € 0,75 / litre 0,6 35 37 •Milk + € 1,50 / litre 0,9 24 26 •Milke + € 3,00 / litre 1,1 18 19 •GMO in animal feed 2,8 42 47 •GMO in animal and peoples food 4,1 32 38 The difference shows which % of the people are high or average to low motivated Bron: Veldkamp 2007 28
  • 29. Phase 2: Commercial marketing: for popularisation the branding has to improve and the prices have to go down In Holland the biological segment has grown about 20% in 2010 However: biological products are often 200-300% more expensive than regular products However: Biological is technically not always optimal for the environment For popularization prices for more sustainable products should go and can down Intermediate products may be the way to popularization with a reasonable price Semi-biological Consumers can brand trace the Dutch origins 29
  • 30. Phase 2. Industry: retailer positioning as a responsible brand using the accredited labels 30
  • 31. Phase 2: industry: improve your production chain Can you help preventing wasting 30-50% of the food in the total chain? Can you help making reuse and recycling easy? Adapt your packaging? General principles of gaining sustainability in production Lack of discussion in total production chain 31
  • 32. Warning: “greenwashing” is dangerous Case: test of a press campaign exposing green claims on customer loyalty Loyalty before Loyalty after 33 24 43 30 3 Eneco (n=178) 91 3 6 34 57 43 19 38 41 2 Essent (n=160) 94 06 33 61 Press campaign 48 16 36 43 5 Nuon (n=160) 94 34 32 62 20 39 38 3 93 25 33 60 41 Totaal (gem) Entrenched Average Shallow Convertible Entrenched Average Shallow Convertible 32
  • 33. Greenwashing? Clean Label congres november 2010, Madrid Naturally and ethically improve your NPD Naturally and ethically improve your NPD Learn new ways to source natural ingredients Learn new ways to source natural ingredients ethically and be seen as ‘a moral champion’ ethically and be seen as ‘a moral champion’ above your competitors above your competitors Health benefits: Looking at the next big functional foods • Utilising vitamins and minerals to make substantial health claims which align to consumer priorities • The demand for simplicity and natural for big business wins • Demonstrating the impact on sales from buzzwords such as ‘natural’, ‘clean label’, ‘authentic’ and ‘homemade’ 33
  • 34. Phase 3. Facilitating: organizing stimuli for desired behaviour The average to low motivated consumer needs very convenient ways to be seduced Nudge = creating stimuli for desired behaviour Healthier frying oil 34
  • 35. Phase 3. Facilitating: remove barriers for behaviour 35
  • 36. Phase 4. regulation & reinforcement: if marketing fails ” ed ed ne e er wh rd ha e, ibl ss po e er wh oft “S Braithwaite: Pyramid of responsive regulation 36
  • 37. Phase 4. Self regulation: convenant “healthy weight” 2010 37
  • 38. Phase 4. Reinforcement: where soft regulation fails Inspections are often forgotten in the stakeholder discussions A trade union could try to involve them too in policy making for an industry Braithwaite: Pyramid of responsive regulation 38
  • 40. Conclusions Worldwide food demand is exploding due to growth of the population and incomes The food industry should react to growing public opposition to health an sustainability problems Knowledge and attitude changes are not enough; the environment around the consumer must be changed; he expects it from his governments and industries Changing behaviour in whole societies requires a step-by-step segmented strategy with public/private partnerships between governments and industries Industries in the food chain must take up the leadership in their whole chain if they want to position themselves as a sustainable brand on planet and people issues Governments, industries, NGO’s and knowledge institutes must improve their strategic dialog to lower behaviour-barriers for consumers for the average to low motivated segments 40
  • 41. Discussion: for a popular positioning of sustainable food it’s best to combine personal health with global sustainable production: “a healthy world” High education/income Low education/income 41
  • 42. Discussion: stakeholders cooperation should improve Can we raise the level of working together? NGO’s Level 0 = stakeholder do not know their Multinationals counterparts Level 1 = sharing information and policies EU and Level 2 = voluntary deals national governments Level 3 = shared strategies Level 4 = contracts Trade unions Local Level 5 = central steering for small governments business Inspections 42
  • 43. However: changing our own behaviour is difficult 43