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the way we see it

Inside the
A Qualitative Study Examining the Shift of
Power and the Influence of the Internet on
the Vehicle Buying Process in Dealerships

Introduction                                                                    1

Executive Summary                                                               3

The Initial Search for Information                                              7

Key Dimensions of the Buying Process                                           11

What Happens Inside the Dealership                                             14

Conclusion: Rethinking the Customer/Dealer Relationship                        27


The survey data used in producing this document was collected by the
Car Internet Research Program (CIRP). All analysis and interpretation of the
research and data has been made by CIRP in collaboration with Capgemini.
The research and writing of this study was led by Magdalena Jarvin and was
completed as a post-doctoral research project financed by CIRP. Translated
from the original French by Karen Twidle.

The Car Internet Research Program is sponsored by: Capgemini, Ontario
Research Network for E-Commerce (ORNEC), PSA Peugeot Citroën,
Renault SA and The University of Ottawa.

© 2006 Car Internet Research Program
Reproduction in part or in whole is strictly prohibited.
Automotive                the way we see it


               “The web is making the consumer much                              Furthermore, during final negotiations,
               more aware of how the motor industry                              a well-informed customer is likely to
               works and all the tricks of the trade,                            be more demanding and less flexible.
               so companies have to clean up their act                           Indeed, using the Internet reduces the
               and become more transparent, more                                 customer’s list of car choices and
               accountable.”                                                     increases their chances of obtaining
                                                                                 a better price than if they did not
               “You can access incredibly specific                               use the Internet.1
               information in a [web] forum. For
               example, I was able to find out, in the                           It has been established that the
               case of car electronics, which systems to                         process of buying a new car lasts,
               avoid because of the bugs they contain.”                          on average, six months.2 During this
                                                                                 time, customers do their homework,
               As these comments from consumers                                  narrow down their choices to a small
               confirm, the vehicle buying process                               selection of potential purchases, based
               has changed considerably over the last                            on information from word-of-mouth,
               few years. The increasingly pervasive                             traditional media sources (specialized
               presence of the Internet in people’s                              written press, television, advertising)
               daily lives has allowed consumers to                              and the Internet. However, it is usually
               obtain more information on products                               only during the last few weeks of the
               before choosing which one to buy and                              buying process that customers actually
               therefore become less dependent on                                visit a dealership to see the final two
               the car salesperson. In the case of a                             models (on average) that have remained
               car purchase, the Internet has had an                             in their consideration set.
               impact on a number of levels.
                                                                                 Thus by the time many customers
               For one thing, using the Internet                                 walk into a dealership, they will
               delays the moment when a customer                                 have decided on the price bracket
               actually visits the dealership. Many                              within which they are willing to
               customers today prefer to acquire                                 negotiate, selected their preferred
               initial information on their own.                                 options, determined the trade-in
               When those customers visit the                                    price they want for their old vehicle,
               dealership, they have a tendency                                  as well as the terms of payment and
               to refuse the dealer’s help. This                                 the acceptable delivery date for the
               puts salespeople at a disadvantage,                               new vehicle. In other words, the
               since the faster direct contact can                               dealer is faced with customers who,
               be established with the customer,                                 to a large extent, already know what
               the better the chance of influencing                              they want.3
               the customer’s final decision.

                 For a detailed analysis of the gains to be made through prior consultation of the web, see “Consumer Information and
               Discrimination: Does the Internet Affect the Pricing of New Cars to Women and Minorities?” Fiona Scott Morton, Florian
               Zettelmeyer and Jorge Silva-Risso, 2003.
                 CNW Marketing Research, Inc. and Capgemini’s Cars Online 05/06.
                 Clearly, there are also customers who visit a dealership during the initial stages of the decision-making process. One of
               the issues for the dealer is to distinguish between those who are at the beginning of the process and those who, in
               contrast, visit the dealership at the end of the process, and who are essentially hunting for the best deal. The former need
               to be addressed according to their needs, the brand they are looking for, and so on.

Clearly, the traditional asymmetrical      This study provides a close-up look        fact adjusting their practices accordingly,
relationship between the dealer and        at this relationship, examines the shift   there remains significant work to be
the customer has been reversed.            of power, and aims to help dealers and     done. During the course of this study,
Customers are now capable of               vehicle manufacturers better respond       we observed numerous examples of
acquiring the knowledge that can           to the changing market dynamics.           negative interactions between customers
give them the upper hand in the            The study was conducted by the Car         and dealers, reinforcing traditional
power struggle that is played out          Internet Research Program (CIRP)           stereotypes. “There’s a breed of car
in the dealer showroom. Dealers can        and sponsored by Capgemini, Ontario        salesmen who you just don’t feel terribly
react to this change of circumstances      Research Network for E-Commerce            comfortable doing business with, and this
in two ways. They can increase and         (ORNEC), PSA Peugeot Citroën,              is an almost universal experience. The
refine their own knowledge base, thus      Renault SA and The University of           research that has been done says that
upping the stakes; or they can adopt a     Ottawa. The qualitative research,          many people hate going to dealerships;
different tack and provide added value     consisting of observations and             it can be one of the worst buying
to the customer rather than added          interviews with consumers and              experiences anyone ever has,” said
information. Key to this is establishing   dealers, was undertaken in both            one buyer, who was not alone in
a relationship based on trust, thereby     North America (U.S., Canada)               expressing this type of sentiment.
improving sales and building customer      and Europe (France, UK) at car
loyalty—perhaps the most important         dealerships representing 12 North          It’s clear that many dealers have not
key to success in today’s highly           American, European and Asian               kept up with the pace of consumer
competitive automotive industry.           mid-market brands.                         change, which has accelerated rapidly
                                                                                      due to consumers’ increasingly
                                           The research demonstrates that while       sophisticated buying behavior and
                                           the industry acknowledges this shift       the availability of information on
                                           of power and recognizes the need to        the Internet, which is helping to
                                           change, and while many dealers are in      delay their moment of entry into
                                                                                      the dealership. It’s critical that the
                                                                                      dealer role changes to adapt to
                                                                                      this new world.

                                                                                      We hope the findings of our research
                                                                                      will provide dealers and manufacturers
                                                                                      with insight into these changing
                                                                                      consumer dynamics and will lead them
                                                                                      to gain a better understanding of how
                                                                                      to improve the customer/dealer
                                                                                      relationship and in the process drive
                                                                                      increased sales and strengthen brand
                                                                                      and dealer loyalty.

Automotive         the way we see it

Executive Summary
Examining the customer/dealer relationship in a new light.

It is essential that dealers   Market relations between buyers and         model between dealer and customer.
and manufacturers learn to     sellers have often been analyzed by         It’s a risk behavior in the sense that
understand the consumer’s      academics through the prism of game         there exists an imbalance or asymmetry
universe, the tools at their   theory. This approach looks at the          of information. In other words, all the
disposal, and the state of     strategic rationale of players whose        information resides with the dealer.
mind they are in when          aim is to maximize their own
deciding to buy a car          satisfaction by anticipating their          Building a
in a dealership.               opponent’s possible choices, as             Symmetrical Relationship
                               well as anticipating the anticipations      The new customer/dealer relationship
                               (the famous “prisoner’s dilemma”).          model can be conceptualized as the
                               However, in a lengthy and complex           result of an interaction between two
                               decision-making process such as the         equal parties. In this case, there is
                               purchase of a new vehicle, what             transparency of information, with the
                               factors ultimately affect the               same or similar information residing
                               customer’s actions?                         with both players. Trust is granted
                                                                           after an exchange, comments, words
                               Reducing this process to simple             and gestures, in some contexts and
                               arithmetic seems incomplete, and            not others, to some people more than
                               that is why, in this context, the “human”   others. Trust is viewed as the result of
                               aspect needs to be highlighted. This is     a construction, a dynamic process, in
                               particularly true given the fact that the   which both parties feel confident of
                               Internet has taken much of the control      the other’s intentions. By identifying
                               away from the dealer and put it into the    those intentions, and ensuring that
                               consumer’s hands, resulting in new          they do not go against self-interest,
                               power dynamics. In addition to factors      this attitude encourages power
                               such as financial calculations, brand       sharing and the establishment
                               perception, discounts and vehicle           of an egalitarian relationship.
                               availability, companies must also
                               consider the nature of the relationship     Approaching the relationship between
                               between customer and dealer. The focus      customer and dealer in this way makes
                               here is on the notion of trust: In which    it possible to go beyond traditional
                               context and in relation to whom does        stereotypes. Furthermore, this approach
                               it appear?                                  widens the scope of possibilities for
                                                                           the dealer, by encouraging the use
                               On the one hand, trust can be               of personality and human qualities
                               construed as compensation for lack          to win the customer’s trust.
                               of information. In this sense, “giving
                               trust” stems from recognizing one’s         The final purchase decision will only
                               own lack of information and a               be made when both customer and
                               willingness to leave a matter in the        dealer consider they have established
                               hands of someone who is seen as             a relationship based on trust; when
                               possessing that information. This           both feel they are in a sufficiently
                               represents the traditional relationship     balanced or symmetrical relationship.

To achieve a balanced               This does not imply that a situation            relationship with customers in order
relationship, the dealer must not   of absolute transparency is always              to build this more symmetrical
sell; he must instead enable the    possible; rather, this is the ideal             relationship. While in some cases
consumer to buy. It’s a subtle      situation for which to aim.                     these changes are being made, they
but critical difference.                                                            are not keeping up with the pace
                                    To achieve this balanced relationship,          of consumer change.
                                    the dealer must not sell; he must
                                    instead enable the consumer to buy.             Understanding
                                    It’s a subtle but critical difference as        the New Dynamics
                                    reinforced by our research. As one              Our research identified a number of
                                    customer commented, “I felt no pressure         key findings that can be instrumental
                                    at all. The sales rep would say ‘We believe     in helping automotive companies
                                    this is a good car’ but he didn’t try to sell   better understand and respond
                                    it. And he wouldn’t say ‘These cars are         to the shifting dynamics of the
                                    going away fast, you better buy it today.’”     customer/dealer relationship:
                                                                                    ■ Greater transparency is essential

                                    Of course, the approach to the                    to improving the customer/dealer
                                    relationship will vary depending on               relationship. The Internet, as a kind
                                    whether the buyer is a new customer,              of bottomless well of information, has
                                    where the aim must be to build trust              encouraged consumers to demand
                                    from scratch and enable the purchase,             higher levels of transparency. And this
                                    or an existing customer, where the aim            trend shows no sign of dissipating.
                                    is to strengthen brand and dealer loyalty         In this new era, where customers
                                    in order to enable a re-purchase. In              can get nearly all the information
                                    either case, however, the goal should             they need without even having to
                                    be a more balanced interaction.                   visit a dealership, dealer salespeople
                                                                                      must view customers as partners on
                                    In response to changes in the                     an equal footing. Their collaboration
                                    automotive industry, including                    should be based on a transparent
                                    heightened competition, declining                 attitude and information sharing—in
                                    loyalty, more sophisticated consumers             other words, a relationship based on
                                    and the importance of the Internet                trust. Their interaction should turn
                                    in the buying process, dealers must               into a co-production, where both can
                                    make corresponding changes in their               obtain satisfaction.

Automotive         the way we see it

The move toward greater                            ■ The more knowledgeable consumers
personalization and customization                    become about the vehicle buying
is an increasingly important                         process, the more the balance of
element in the entire vehicle                        power shifts in their favor. Although
buying process.                                      the Internet does not exclude
                                                     traditional dealership visits, the
                                                     salesperson is justified in evaluating
                                                     the growing use of this tool in the
                                                     information-gathering process. Our
                                                     research made it clear that the Internet
                                                     has an impact on the overall approach        manufacturer and dealer websites,
                                                     of the consumer. During individual           to advertising and promotional
                                                     research, customers can build up             programs, to the approach taken by
                                                     sound background knowledge,                  a salesperson inside the showroom.
                                                     which can make them more nimble              While the industry acknowledges
                                                     and strategic in their interaction           the need for this kind of approach,
                                                     with salespeople. This ultimately            our research makes it clear that
                                                     reduces the latter’s influence.              practical application is lacking
                                                   ■ Consumers increasingly demand                in many dealerships today.
                                                     a personalized and customized              ■ The customer/dealer relationship is

                                                     approach during the vehicle buying           not a one-size-fits-all formula. During
                                                     process. In today’s world, customers         our research, several typical scenarios
                                                     want to be seen as individuals, as           inside the dealership emerged, ranging
                                                     people in their own right who                from one in which both parties bring
                                                     cannot be reduced to a box in                strong negative preconceptions, to a
                                                     a grid. Success inside the dealer            scenario in which the interaction is
                                                     showroom rests in the salesperson’s          more open and collaborative. These
                                                     ability to deploy a formal sales             differences demonstrate that the
                                                     method in a personalized fashion.            customer/dealer relationship can
                                                     Certainly no easy task. However,             vary considerably depending on
                                                     it is essential that the salesperson         a consumer’s degree of advance
                                                     make an effort to learn about the            knowledge as well as existing
                                                     individual customer’s vehicle                stereotypes on the part of both
                                                     wants and needs and factor that              the customer and dealer. In each
                                                     information into their approach.             scenario, there were critical points
                                                     The move toward greater                      where the potential for a breakdown
                                                     personalization and customization            in the relationship was particularly
                                                     is an increasingly important element         high. Understanding how each of
                                                     in the entire vehicle buying process,        these scenarios can play out is
                                                     from the features offered on                 essential to a positive outcome.

Inside the Customer/Dealer Relationship   | Executive Summary                                                                          5
■   Improved customer intelligence is a                  the consumer’s universe, the tools
    critical success factor in responding                at their disposal, and the state of
    to the changing dynamics of the                      mind they are in when deciding
    customer/dealer relationship. The use                to buy a car in a dealership.
    of the Internet by customers increases
    the diversity and complexity of their              On the pages that follow we take a
    search for information, making it more             look inside the vehicle buying process,
    difficult for automotive companies                 from the initial search for information
    to predict their behavior. It is                   through the final negotiation that takes
    therefore essential that dealers and               place in the dealership.
    manufacturers learn to understand

    About the Study and Methodology

    Qualitative research by the Car Internet Research Program (CIRP) into the changing dynamics
    of the consumer/dealer relationship has been ongoing for several years. This research method
    draws on ethnological practice, which involves spending prolonged periods of time in the
    field alongside the individuals under study. In contrast, a quantitative research approach
    is based on statistics. A qualitative study provides the additional dimension of viewing
    actual behavior.

    Approximately 150 hours were spent at a dozen dealers in Canada, France, the United
    Kingdom and the United States, representing brands such as Ford, GM/Chevrolet, Honda,
    Hyundai, Mazda, Nissan, Renault, Subaru, Volvo and VW. Research was conducted using a
    mixture of direct intervention and mystery shopper techniques. Direct intervention was with
    the agreement of dealership owners. The research included observations of the exchanges
    between customers and dealers and their behavior in the showroom. Furthermore, interviews
    were conducted with customers and dealers, without a predefined structure being imposed
    upon them. An additional element of the research was a staff training course on sales
    techniques in a Canadian dealership, which provided a greater understanding of the
    role of a dealer salesperson.

    The advantage of this kind of approach is that it enables the reality of different practices
    and behavior to be observed in greater detail than is possible with a quantitative survey.
    Observing consumer and dealer behavior, which can be both consciously and unconsciously
    played out, reveals attitudes and representations that are difficult, sometimes even impossible,
    to put into survey responses.

    The combination of observation and interviews takes into account both what was said
    and what was done, thus revealing any discrepancies or contradictions, which are in
    themselves rich in meaning. Being immersed in the field also makes it possible to decode
    and understand non-verbal communication. The analysis contained in this report focuses
    on these “human” elements more than the influence of macro sociological factors like
    age, gender or employment. The aim was not to determine consumer profiles, but rather
    to outline behavioral trends and types of practices. From a methodology standpoint, the
    objective was not to quantify these practices, but to spot their possible range, from the
    most ordinary to the most unusual, without taking into account the number of times they
    occurred. Information obtained in this manner is of a different nature than that which a
    statistical survey can provide.

Automotive          the way we see it

The Initial Search for Information
In this new era, where customers can get nearly all the information they
need without even having to visit a dealership, dealer salespeople must
view customers as partners on an equal footing.
                            How does the decision-making process             perceived as more tiring for the
                            unfold, from the initial idea of buying          eyes, and a magazine is easier
                            a car to going to visit a dealership?            to carry around and therefore
                            Three primary sources of information             to dip into more frequently for
                            come into play: word-of-mouth, written           information. Lastly, because buying
                            and visual marketing material, and               a vehicle can sometimes involve more
                            the Internet. Customers either focus             than one person, an Internet-based
                            on one particular source or use them             approach can be seen as limiting in
                            in conjunction.                                  the sense that it does not allow for
                                                                             simultaneous shared access for all
                            These sources allow customers to                 those involved.
                            obtain a wide variety of information,
                            including “official” data (for example,          Said one vehicle customer, “A lot
                            options or technical specifications)             of big purchases are made with a wider
                            and “alternative” data, including the            decision-making unit, such as children
                            real prices that car dealers charge or           and partners, who are interested and
                            technical problems that can arise with           who take part in various stages of the
                            a particular vehicle. Since traditional          buyingbox is for the the Net that’s very
                                                                                      process. With
                            media sources and car manufacturers’             difficult to replicate, because if there are
                                                                                  placement of a
                            websites provide only official                   twoperson’s sitting it doesn’t quite work;
                                                                                  people photo.
                            information, customers who wish to               what would they do, bring up a chair,
                                                                                 on this box and
                            obtain different types of information            and then content to all go pointing at
                                                                                change they will
                                                                              picture and place the
                            will turn to alternative sources, like           the screen ‘Oh, look at that.’”
                                                                               appropriate image.
                            word-of-mouth and third-party websites
                            (for example, a discussion forum).               Others point to the amount of
                                                                             information available on the Internet
                            Paper-Based vs.                                  as outweighing any disadvantages. The
                            Internet-Based Approach                          Internet has encouraged consumers to
                            Although websites offer a variety                demand—and automotive companies
                            of three-dimensional animation and               to provide—higher levels of
                            means of visualizing cars, paper-based           transparency. Furthermore, the
                            brochures and magazines are “more                possibility that the Internet offers of
                            focused on the object itself,” noted             accessing third-party information is
                            one consumer. “Sometimes, websites               particularly useful to those who might
                            are not very well designed, you can’t            be at a disadvantage in the negotiating
                            find all the information. Whereas in             process,4 for example women, who
                            a 20-page brochure, you can be sure              may feel less empowered in this
                            to have everything. I’m always worried           traditionally male-dominated arena.
                            I’ll miss a page on the Internet, because
                            sometimes websites are very nice to look         Consider this comment by one
                            at, but very impractical.”                       web forum manager: “A few possible
                                                                             reasons why 65% of our visitors are female
                            Additional reasons were given for                could include our commitment to being
                            preferring a paper-based approach.               exclusively third party. In addition, we
                            For example, reading on screen is                offer a lot of resources that allow you

                                Scott Morton, Zettelmeyer and Silva-Risso.

“Sometimes, websites are not        to take more control in automotive              version of the car to come out,
very well designed, you can’t       matters such as knowing the ins and             because the engine seemed to be
find all the information. Whereas   outs of buying a vehicle without getting        better,” commented one consumer.
in a 20-page brochure, you can      potentially cheated from a salesperson,       ■ How much a vehicle price might be

be sure to have everything.”        and maintenance articles that allow the         reduced, and by which dealership.
                                    individual to take a more active role in      ■ “Tips and tricks” used by salespeople
– Vehicle customer                  the life of their vehicle. A lot of what
                                                                                    to try to “catch” the customer. Noted
                                    we focus on is empowerment within
                                                                                    one customer, “The web is making the
                                    the automotive world, which I believe
                                                                                    consumer much more aware of how the
                                    most women appreciate.”
                                                                                    motor industry works and all the tricks
                                                                                    of the trade, so companies have to clean
                                    Furthermore, the Internet enables
                                                                                    up their act and become more
                                    customers to make the most of other
                                                                                    transparent, more accountable.”
                                    people’s experiences through the use
                                    of tools such as web forums and
                                                                                  Stereotypes Prevail Among
                                    discussion groups. These forums
                                                                                  Consumers and Dealers
                                    encourage sharing of many kinds
                                                                                  Doing research entirely online can
                                    of information, including highly
                                                                                  help consumers secure the lowest
                                    technical data, since the participants
                                                                                  price on a vehicle and save time.
                                    are often passionate about cars and
                                                                                  Not surprisingly, dealers would
                                    might also be employees of vehicle
                                                                                  rather establish face-to-face contact
                                    manufacturers. The types of themes
                                                                                  with customers rather than
                                    covered include:
                                                                                  communicating electronically.
                                    ■ Technical problems that are rarely
                                                                                  Said one dealer salesperson:
                                      dealt with in car magazines. Said           “As the product is expensive, we’re
                                      one car buyer, “You can access              there to reassure the customer, who in
                                      incredibly specific information in          any case is anxious by nature. You’ve
                                      a forum. For example, I was able to         got to pamper and mollycoddle them.”
                                      find out, in the case of car electronics,
                                      which systems to avoid because of the       A web forum leader had a different
                                      bugs they contain.”                         perspective: “I strongly believe that
                                    ■ Specifications for new car models           consumers prefer the Internet with
                                      before they are actually out on the         regards to the car market due to the
                                      market. “I was able to decide that it       non-pressurized environment. There
                                      would be better to wait for the next        are no salespeople hassling you and
                                                                                  you have the freedom of making a
                                                                                  more independent decision.”

                                                                                  For many customers, the golden rule
                                                                                  is that the price that is advertised is
                                                                                  not the price you end up paying, and
                                                                                  some even develop an analysis grid
                                                                                  by which to test a given salesperson
                                                                                  and measure his flexibility before
                                                                                  negotiation. For their part, some
                                                                                  salespeople express annoyance
                                                                                  regarding customers’ use of the
                                                                                  Internet and the new knowledge
                                                                                  buyers possess. They now have to
                                                                                  deal with customers who sometimes
                                                                                  actually have a better technical
                                                                                  knowledge of a particular feature
                                                                                  or model than that of the dealers.

Automotive          the way we see it

                                                     The Internet’s Limitations and
                                                     the Role of the Salesperson
                                                     If consumers can become highly
                                                     knowledgeable through word-of-mouth,
                                                     traditional media and the Internet, and
                                                     if on top of that they prefer avoiding
                                                     a potentially unpleasant meeting with
                                                     a salesperson, what could motivate
                                                     them—during the process of information
                                                     seeking—to take the next step to visit
                                                     a dealership?                               Engaging directly with a person
                                                                                                 is seen in principle as allowing for
                                                     Two sets of explanatory factors emerged     more flexibility of interaction than
                                                     during our research. The first involves     with a machine such as the Internet.
                                                     customers who go because they do            For example, if a customer wishes
                                                     want to interact with a salesperson.        to change an order after it has been
                                                     For those who do not know how               transferred to a manufacturer, this
                                                     to go about obtaining alternative           could be accomplished more readily
                                                     information, meeting a dealer becomes       by dealing with a person.
                                                     a critical stage in the research process.
                                                     Said one buyer: “You can’t really get a     The second set of explanatory
                                                     good idea of the prices by visiting a car   factors for visiting a dealership is
                                                     dealer’s or manufacturer’s website. Also,   linked directly to the vehicle itself.
                                                     I wanted to be able to draw up a payment    One of the obvious limitations of the
                                                     plan and I couldn’t take that any further   Internet is that you cannot physically
                                                     without a sales rep’s help.”                appraise a car, let alone try it out.

                                                     Those consumers who get information         During the information-gathering
                                                     from alternative sources sometimes          stage, some consumers have already
                                                     wish to cross-cut their data with           developed a “salesperson avoidance
                                                     information provided by a dealer,           strategy.” These buyers typically gather
                                                     since they are not able to objectively      a significant amount of information
                                                     assess the reliability of their sources.    online and limit their choice to a
                                                                                                 pre-selection of vehicles to try out
                                                     Some buyers prefer interacting              at the dealership, even though their
                                                     with another human being. The               intention may be to buy from another
                                                     salesperson may be perceived as             dealer. Noted an employee of a sales
                                                     having the capacity for empathizing         website: “I think that people are quite
                                                     with a customer’s needs and being           sly. I don’t think anybody would ever say
                                                     able to answer questions. At best,          to a dealer ‘I’m not going to buy it through
                                                     some customers believe a salesperson        you.’ I think if the dealers realize quite how
                                                     may provide personalized advice             many people did it, they wouldn’t be so
                                                     to buyers that they can’t get on            happy. But you can go into a dealership
                                                     the Internet.                               and say ‘I’m really interested in this car’

Inside the Customer/Dealer Relationship   | The Initial Search for Information                                                               9
and they will court you. They are                                               Indeed, this observation is crucial to       salespeople. This ultimately reduces
salespeople so they will try to sell the                                        this report: The more knowledgeable          the latter’s influence. Often the dealer’s
cars to you. They will give you a lot of                                        consumers become about the vehicle           response is to develop counter strategies,
information—‘This is how much money                                             buying process, the more the balance         thus maintaining the power struggle
you will save if you buy it here’— but                                          of power shifts in their favor.              between the two parties.
obviously the customers have researched
it thoroughly and they know that they can                                       Although the Internet does not               However, not all salespeople react
buy it cheaper online or at another dealer.”                                    exclude traditional dealership visits,       in this way. We found that in some
                                                                                the salesperson is justified in evaluating   cases, the customer’s higher degree of
Moving the Relationship                                                         the growing use of this tool in the          self-reliance is seen as being beneficial
to a Higher Plane                                                               information-gathering process. Our           to both parties, moving their interaction
Many dealer salespeople are wary of                                             research made it clear that the Internet     to a higher plane. This requires that dealer
customers’ increasing independence.                                             has an impact on the overall approach        salespeople hone new interpersonal
Rather than viewing this form of                                                of the consumer. During individual           skills to improve their relationship
empowerment as a positive                                                       research, customers can build up             with customers.
development that might enable                                                   sound background knowledge,
them to cut down on their work,                                                 which can make them more nimble              In this new era, where customers
salespeople feel put to the test.                                               and strategic in their interaction with      can get nearly all the information
                                                                                                                             they need without even having to
                                                                                                                             visit a dealership, dealer salespeople
                                                                                                                             must view customers as partners on
Figure 1.     Rethinking the Customer/Dealer Relationship
                                                                                                                             an equal footing. Their collaboration
                                                                                                                             should be based on a transparent
                                                                                                                             attitude and information sharing—in
                                                                                                       New model =           other words, a relationship based on
                 Rich                                                                                  Transparency
                                                                                                       of information        trust. Their interaction should turn
                                                                                                                             into a co-production, where both
                                                                  rs                                                         can obtain satisfaction.
                           Level of Information

       Old model=                                                 s   um
     Asymmetry of                                          C   on

                 Poor                                      Time

                                                  1960                                     2006

Source: CIRP, Capgemini
Thanks to the Internet, some customers today may have greater technical knowledge than the dealer about the
car they’re interested in buying. This has led to a shift in the balance of power, with customers demanding higher
levels of transparency. Thus, the new customer/dealer relationship model should be viewed as the result of an
interaction between two equal parties. In this case, there is transparency of information, with the same or similar
information residing with both players.

Automotive                the way we see it

Key Dimensions of the Buying Process
Each prospective customer who enters the showroom is the “product” of a long
history that must be understood.

                           Why and how do consumers                                         process, prospects engage in many
                           decide to buy a certain car of a                                 activities (gathering information,
                           certain brand at a certain dealer?                               choosing, negotiating, establishing
                           Which steps, which buying process                                the resale value of and reselling the
                           does the prospect follow? What is                                used vehicle if necessary, financing,
                           the length of this process? At which                             insurance, delivery, etc.) to choose,
                           moment do they choose to eliminate                               by successive eliminations, among the
                           one model of a given brand? Using                                subset of vehicles potentially satisfying
                           what criteria? Which of its product                              their expectations and needs, the
                           attributes can an automotive company                             vehicle that best suits them.
                           use to influence the decision-making
                           process in its favor? These questions                            Figure 2 on page 13 (from CNW
                           are at the heart of every marketing                              Marketing Research, Inc.) shows five
                           decision made by automotive dealers                              variables essential to understanding
                           and manufacturers. They are also at                              the buying process. The table is
                           the heart of many research projects.5                            constructed as follows:
                                                                                            Line 1. The sequence, in months and
                           The qualitative research data                                    weeks, of the purchasing period of
                           presented in this report were obtained                           a vehicle (in this case, in Canada
                           in the dealer showroom. However, the                             and the U.S.), of all brands and
                           majority of visits to the showroom                               all models. CNW established that
                           occur during the final two weeks                                 the buying process lasts an average
                           of a six-month purchasing process.                               of six months. The Internet acts as
                           In short, by the time prospective                                an accelerator, and intensive Internet
                           customers enter the showroom,                                    users sweep through this process
                           their mood, intention, willingness                               in three to four months.
                           to negotiate and feelings for a vehicle
                           have largely been determined already,                            Line 2. The number of models
                           outside the showroom. Each prospective                           considered by a prospective buyer
                           customer who enters the showroom is                              at different points in the buying
                           thus the “product” of a long history                             sequence (shopping list). It is well
                           that must be understood.                                         confirmed that this shopping list is
                                                                                            reduced throughout the six-month
                           Research has found that the vehicle                              process. The profile of this funnel will
                           purchasing process progresses over                               vary by brand. For example, Mercedes
                           a period of approximately six months.                            has a flat funnel: Six months before
                           Even compared with the purchase                                  purchasing a Mercedes (2003, U.S.), the
                           of expensive equipment such as a                                 customer only considers approximately
                           TV (about two weeks), it is one of                               two vehicles in their shopping list,
                           the longest, most stressful and riskiest                         whereas a Nissan buyer considers
                           purchasing processes. Throughout the                             slightly over four.

                              In North America (U.S. and Canada), the automotive buying process was the object of a major research study by CNW
                           Marketing Research, Inc. ( The collected data, gathered from customers who had actually
                           purchased a vehicle of a given brand, make it possible to determine, for each brand and type of vehicle, the number of
                           vehicles taken into account at various points in the purchase process over a six-month period. Since the summer of 2003,
                           these data are available for Canada. The data are regularly updated. CIRP ( has also carried out
                           numerous surveys of consumers and dealers (in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France and Spain), which
                           supplement the results of CNW.

Line 3. The proportion of prospective                            On the whole, today the actual
     customers who visit the showroom.                                function of the showroom is to be
     It is observed that the trip to the dealer                       visited during the last two to three
     generally occurs very late in the buying                         weeks of the purchasing process for
     process, most often during the last two                          negotiating the price of the almost-
     weeks. It has also been established that                         chosen vehicle and for putting into
     Internet users, at least in North America,                       competition dealers of the same
     are willing to travel up to 100 km/62                            brand. The showroom is thus a
     miles (in Canada, see CIRP study) to                             battlefield for price.
     buy the car that exactly corresponds
     to their expectations, with the                                  A prospective customer at the end
     consequence of transforming the                                  of the buying process is already well
     limits of exclusive dealer territories.                          equipped to negotiate, probably better
                                                                      than many sales representatives.6 Faced
     Lines 4 to 9. The focus of the                                   with such a prospective customer,
     consumer at various points of                                    salespeople (often inadequately
     the buying process is described.                                 compensated with commission)
     It is observed that, during the first                            have to:
     three months, consumers clarify their                            1. Sort through the customers in
     needs and choose the type and style                                 the showroom—those who are
     of the vehicle. They then reduce the                                in the beginning of the process
     size of the shopping list to examine                                and to whom, in principle, they
     a small number of vehicles in detail,                               would have to deliver a speech
     studying their features. During the last                            centered on their needs, the brand,
     month and especially during the final                               etc., an exercise often perceived as
     weeks, consumers concentrate on the                                 a waste of time—from those who
     prices of the vehicles that remain on                               are at the end of the process and
     the shopping list, which has now                                    are essentially seeking the best
     become very short, not even two                                     price and, overall, the best deal.
     vehicles long on average.
                                                                      2. Lead the negotiation to its
                                                                         conclusion, according to a
     Lines 10 to end. The primary sources
                                                                         script narrowly controlled by the
     of information used by the prospective
                                                                         supervisor. However, two times out
     customer are described. Word-of-mouth
                                                                         of three, this negotiation will fail
     is observed to be a permanent source
                                                                         (calculation is based on the average
     of information present throughout the
                                                                         closing ratio calculated by CNW
     process. Prospective customers view
                                                                         for the United States). Moreover,
     advertising (from six months to two
                                                                         negotiating through the Internet
     months prior to purchase) to choose
                                                                         gives significant power to the
     and configure their vehicle, read
                                                                         consumer, as we’ll see in the
     specialized magazines, talk to their
                                                                         next section of this report.
     friends from the very beginning to the
     end, consult the Internet, and read ads
     in local newspapers to negotiate prices
     during the final two weeks. In short,
     for four to five months the sale of
     a car progresses mainly outside the
     showroom, and to some extent in the
     realm of advertising, representations and
     word-of-mouth—essentially, in a virtual
     space as opposed to the very real world
     of the showroom.

       In the U.S., prospective customers may even obtain the knowledge, if they want, of the price paid by the dealer to the
     producer, including hold-backs.

Automotive          the way we see it

Figure 2.      Key Dimensions of the Buying Process

                                                                  6                5                4                3                 2                1                  2
                           Steps of the buying process
                                                                months           months           months           months            months           month              weeks

    Number of models considered in the shopping list
                                      Canada (2002)               3.8              3.6              3.1               3.4              2.5                1.3              1.2
                                         U.S. (2003)              4.1              3.8              3.5               3.3              2.9                2.3              1.9

            Dealer visits by planned time of acquisition
             (visited a dealership within past 2 weeks)
                                          Canada (2002)          6.1%             6.5%             7.2%             11.1%            18.3%            29.8%      32.9% (93.5%, last week)
                                             U.S. (2003)         1.9%             4.2%             4.8%              6.8%            14.3%            19.7%      19.6% (85.4%, last week)

                           Question: At this time, what is most important to you when deciding to purchase/lease a new vehicle? (scale: 1-5, 1=lowest, 5=highest)

                                              My needs
                                          Canada (2002)           4.6              4.5              3.9               3.1              2.5                1.9              1.7
                                             U.S. (2003)          4.3              4.2              3.7               3.2              2.6                2.0              1.6

                                       Models available
                                         Canada (2002)            3.2              3.5              3.8               3.7              3.3                2.4              1.5
                                            U.S. (2003)           3.7              4.0              4.3               3.9              3.3                2.5              1.9

                                          Canada (2002)           3.1              3.3              3.5               3.2              3.1                1.9              1.3
                                             U.S. (2003)          3.6              3.3              3.5               3.1              2.3                1.9              1.4

                                          Canada (2002)           2.1              2.2              3.1               3.6              4.0                4.1              3.5
                                             U.S. (2003)          1.9              2.4              3.0               3.8              4.2                4.0              3.2

                                          Canada (2002)           2.4              2.6              3.1               3.2              3.2                4.5              4.8
                                             U.S. (2003)          2.6              2.9              3.2               3.4              2.8                4.3              4.5

                                  Primary Source of Auto Information by Intended Purchase Date Sources of Information All Intenders—Canada and U.S. (%)

                                                  TV ad
                                          Canada (2002)          16.6              17.1             18.2             14.6             10.4                8.4              6.9
                                             U.S. (2003)         16.7              17.2             17.9             13.1              8.9                7.6              6.1

                                Consumer magazine ad
                                       Canada (2002)             15.0              19.0             19.2             18.6             15.7                10.7             8.6
                                          U.S. (2003)            13.8              18.7             18.4             17.7             12.4                 8.4             5.9

                                          Canada (2002)          14.5              10.8             8.3               8.2             10.0                12.9             6.9
                                              U.S. (2003)        13.6              11.9             8.4               5.5             10.3                13.8             4.2

                                     Business associate
                                          Canada (2002)          10.0              9.2              7.6               7.0              7.5                8.4              8.3
                                             U.S. (2003)         11.7              8.8              6.5               6.4              5.7                6.5              8.2

                                        Dealer brochure
                                         Canada (2002)            7.8              7.4              7.6               7.6              7.7                7.3              6.6
                                             U.S. (2003)          7.1              6.7              7.2               7.1              7.4                6.4              6.2

                             Consumer Rpt/lemon aide
                                       Canada (2002)              6.0              6.3              6.9               8.3              9.2                 8.7             6.7
                                           U.S. (2003)            6.9              6.8              7.4              11.1             11.4                10.3             8.3

                                   Newspaper ad (local)
                                        Canada (2002)             4.5              4.8              5.3               5.9              7.3                8.7             19.0
                                           U.S. (2003)            3.9              4.1              4.9               6.6              6.9                8.8             18.4

                               Auto article (any source)
                                          Canada (2002)           3.4              3.4              3.3               3.9              4.5                5.6              6.0
                                              U.S. (2003)         4.1              3.7              4.2               5.5              4.9                7.6              7.9

                                               Radio ad
                                           Canada (2002           1.6              1.8              2.0               2.2              2.5                2.6              3.5
                                             U.S. (2003)          1.1              1.5              1.7               1.8              2.1                2.1              3.4

                                          Canada (2002)           8.9              9.2              1.1              11.2             12.0                13.0            13.5
                                             U.S. (2003)          8.5              8.9              9.1               9.6             10.9                10.2            12.3

                                      Auto magazine ad
                                         Canada (2002)            1.4              1.5              1.5               1.7              1.8                1.7              1.7
                                            U.S. (2003)           1.7              1.5              1.7               2.5              2.4                2.1              1.8

                                     Auto buyers’ guide
                                         Canada (2002)            4.4              4.4              4.3               4.4              4.5                4.8              5.3
                                            U.S. (2003)           4.9              5.1              5.8               5.1              6.2                6.1              7.3

                           Company store/mall display
                                       Canada (2002)              0.1              0.1              0.2               0.1              0.1                0.1              0.2
                                          U.S. (2003)             0.2              0.2              0.4               0.3              0.2                0.3              0.2

                                             Auto show
                                          Canada (2002)           2.0              2.1              2.0               2.4              2.7                2.7              2.6

                                   National newspapers
                                             U.S. (2003)          2.6              2.8              3.5               3.7              4.4                4.9              4.8

                                          Canada (2002)           3.6              2.9              3.4               4.1              4.3                4.3              4.3
                                             U.S. (2003)          2.6              1.6              2.3               3.2              4.7                3.7              4.1

Source: Adapted from CNW Marketing Research, Inc. ( (1) Purchase Path Wave VIII—U.S. 2003 and (2) Purchase Path Study—Canada 2002

Inside the Customer/Dealer Relationship               | Key Dimensions of the Buying Process                                                                                            13
What Happens Inside the Dealership
The customer/dealer relationship varies considerably depending on a consumer’s
degree of advance knowledge as well as existing preconceptions on the part of
both the customer and dealer.
                           The more dealers can demonstrate                                    ■   Stage 3: negotiation in the
                           that they are trying to build a                                         salesperson’s office (vehicle
                           relationship based on trust, the better                                 availability, extra options,
                           their chances of staying in the                                         delivery, terms of payment)
                           consideration set as customers narrow
                           down their vehicle choices. What                                    Throughout these stages, the
                           happens once the customer is inside                                 customer/salesperson relationship
                           the dealer showroom is critical to                                  is put to the test, with the possibility
                           ensuring a positive outcome.                                        that it could break down completely
                                                                                               at any time. All it takes is the wrong
                           We identified three key stages                                      move or a clumsy word, and the fragile
                           of a customer’s visit:                                              edifice of trust, which has been slowly
                           ■ Stage 1: entering the dealership                                  built, can collapse entirely. A substantial
                             and initial interaction with on-site                              challenge for those who wish to see a
                             personnel (receptionist, salespeople)                             sale through to the end.
                           ■ Stage 2: interaction with a
                                                                                               In general, certain practices should be
                             salesperson over a particular
                                                                                               maintained regardless of the customer’s
                             vehicle (request for information,
                                                                                               stage during the showroom visit. For
                             examining the car, potential
                                                                                               example, we found that customers
                             test drive)

                           Figure 3.      Do’s and Don’ts in the Showroom

                                                                        Bad Practices                                        Best Practices

                           Stage 1: entering the      ■   Walk up to customers as soon as they           ■   Let the customer walk around on their
                           dealership and initial         enter the showroom.                                own for five to 10 minutes.
                           interaction                ■   Use standard tricks such as “happening         ■   Then walk straight up to welcome the
                                                          to walk by” just as the customer enters.           customer—possibly introduce oneself by
                                                      ■   Ask too quickly how to help the customer.          name (but not necessarily)—and simply
                                                                                                             say “If you need me/if I can do anything
                                                      ■   Insist, even when the customer answers
                                                                                                             for you I’m over there at my desk”
                                                          “No thank you, just browsing.”
                                                                                                             (indicating where that is).
                                                                                                         ■   Unless they have questions, leave
                                                                                                             customers alone.

                           Stage 2: interaction       ■   If the customer expresses the desire           ■   If the customer expresses the desire
                           with a salesperson over        to be left alone: Stick to them and keep           to be left alone: Walk away after having
                           a particular vehicle           asking questions; follow them around               reminded them that you are available to
                                                          the showroom; don’t respect the personal           help if needed. Come back 10 to 15 minutes
                                                          “bubble” they might try to establish inside        later (at least) to ask if everything is all right.
                                                          a vehicle.                                     ■   If the customer accepts the presence
                                                      ■   If the customer accepts the presence of            of the salesperson: Open up the space
                                                          the salesperson: Block the space between           between the customer and the vehicle,
                                                          the customer and the vehicle by standing           respect the customer’s attempts to
                                                          in between, by showing the vehicle off, by         examine the vehicle. Maintain an attitude
                                                          encouraging the customer to have a seat.           of politeness, allowing the customer to
                                                                                                             go first.

                           Stage 3 : negotiation in   ■   If the situation is tense: Show that one is    ■   If the situation is tense: Do “the little things”
                           the salesperson’s office       suspicious, in a defensive mode, answer            that reassure the customer (suggest a cup
                                                          the customer’s attacks. Use sales tricks           of coffee, adapt a soothing tone, in some
                                                          such as pretending to make very special            cases take a seat next to the customer).
                                                          offers.                                            Establish transparency, lay cards on the
                                                      ■   If the situation is easy-going: Adopt a cool       table when the negotiation starts.
                                                          attitude and behave as if customer and         ■   If the situation is easy-going: Keep some
                                                          seller were “pals.”                                distance without becoming formal; do not
                                                                                                             mix up statuses.

Automotive               the way we see it

                                                     Figure 4.       Scenarios Inside the Showroom

                                                                                                                     Scenario 3: Open to Buy/Dealer as Partner
                                                                                                                 Consumer has no negative stereotypes about dealer
                                                                                                                 and is looking for knowledge. Dealer has no negative
                                                                                                                   stereotypes about customer, builds trust-based
                                                                                                                      relationship, resulting in positive outcome.

                                                                                              Scenario 2: Open to Buy/Wary of Dealer
                                                                                           Consumer has fewer negative stereotypes about
                                                         Customer                          dealer, brings some knowledge, is open to buy.
                                                        Stereotypes                         Dealer needs to adapt to customer’s behavior
                                                                                                     to ensure positive outcome.

                                                                         Scenario 1: Internet Savvy/Dealer Averse
                                                                        Consumer has negative preconceptions about
                                                                        dealer, expects unpleasant experience, brings
                                                                          wealth of knowledge. Dealer has negative
                                                                          preconceptions about consumer, expects
                                                                                    difficult negotiations.

                                                          Negative                                                                                        Positive

                                                     Source: CIRP, Capgemini
                                                     During our research, several typical showroom scenarios emerged, demonstrating that the customer/dealer
                                                     relationship varies considerably depending on a consumer’s degree of advance knowledge as well as existing
                                                     preconceptions on the part of both the customer and dealer. We found that these scenarios can exist on their
                                                     own or as phases in a continuum, moving ultimately toward the third scenario.

                                                     responded better to less aggressive                              Customers who realize they are
                                                     behavior on the part of salespeople                              being subjected to standardized
                                                     whether they had just entered the                                treatment, that they are perceived
                                                     showroom or had been inside for a                                by the salesperson as “the average
                                                     period of time. However, some practices                          customer,” are often put off. Success
                                                     were more critical to maintaining the                            inside the dealer showroom rests on
                                                     relationship during a specific stage                             the salesperson’s ability to deploy a
                                                     (see Figure 3).                                                  formal sales method in a personalized
                                                                                                                      fashion. However, it is essential that
                                                     Personalized Approach                                            the salesperson make an effort to
                                                     is Critical to Success                                           learn about the individual customer’s
                                                     In our research, a variety of behaviors                          vehicle wants and needs and factor that
                                                     were observed. Salespeople tend to use                           information into their approach. The
                                                     certain tried-and-true sales techniques                          move toward greater personalization
                                                     in their approach to dealing with                                and customization is an increasingly
                                                     customers. Although these methods                                important element in the entire
                                                     are empirically developed and produce                            vehicle buying process, from the
                                                     a degree of success, they are more often                         features offered on manufacturer
                                                     than not insufficient to satisfy today’s                         and dealer websites, to advertising
                                                     demanding customers and do not                                   and promotional programs,7 to the
                                                     always lead to the desired outcome.                              approach taken by a salesperson
                                                                                                                      inside the showroom.

                                                       Capgemini’s Cars Online 05/06 research found that targeted, relevant, personalized direct-mail offers from manufacturers
                                                     and dealers were influential in the vehicle selection process. Nearly 80% of consumers said they would respond immediately
                                                     or consider the offer for the future.

Inside the Customer/Dealer Relationship   |   What Happens Inside the Dealership                                                                                            15
“We’re real human beings.           During our research, several typical          “There’s a breed of car salesmen who you
You have to remain polite,          scenarios emerged, demonstrating that         just don’t feel terribly comfortable doing
you never insult. But we’re         the customer/dealer relationship varies       business with, and this is an almost
not prostitutes either.”            considerably depending on a consumer’s        universal experience. The research that
                                    degree of advance knowledge as well           has been done says that most people hate
– Dealer salesperson                as existing preconceptions on the part        going to dealerships, it’s one of the worst
                                    of both the customer and dealer (see          buying experiences anyone ever has,”
                                    Figure 4). We found that these scenarios      said one buyer who fits this scenario.
                                    can exist on their own or as phases in
                                    a continuum, moving ultimately toward         In this situation, the customer prepares
                                    the third scenario. However, in each          for the fight ahead by developing a
                                    scenario, there were critical points where    two-fold arsenal made up of relatively
                                    the potential for a breakdown in the          precise technical information on the
                                    relationship was particularly high.           chosen model and a firm decision on
                                                                                  the maximum price they are prepared
                       Scenario 1   Internet Savvy/Dealer Averse                  to pay and choice of options. Armor
                                    This scenario typically features              polished and arrows sharpened, the
                                    customers who have an extremely               customer feels able to counter any
                                    negative preconception about car              potential attacks by the salesperson
                                    dealers. Their expectation is that the        and has also prepared a number of
                                    experience will be unpleasant, during         strategies to avoid being “duped.”
                                    which they will be accosted by an
                                    overbearing, potentially arrogant             Meanwhile, in the dealership,
                                    salesperson who won’t listen to what          the salesperson eagerly awaits a
                                    they want. This type of customer is           customer—but often with mixed
                                    likely to avoid the visit to the dealership   feelings. On the one hand, a dealer
                                    as long as possible and will arrive           needs customers in order to make
                                    with a wealth of knowledge, knowing           a living. However, customers also
                                    exactly what they want in order to            represent potential “nightmares” in
                                    limit any significant interaction with        the words of some dealers and can
                                    the salesperson.                              turn out to be a waste of their time.
                                                                                  With the aim of maximizing efficiency
                                                                                  and turnover, salespeople will try to
                                                                                  determine as quickly as possible
                                                                                  whether they are dealing with a “hot
                                                                                  dog” customer, a “window-shopper,”
                                                                                  “a tire kicker” or, in contrast, a “lead”
                                                                                  or “prospect.”

                                                                                  The Cat-and-Mouse Game Begins
                                                                                  Inside the dealership salespeople are
                                                                                  standing watch, closely monitoring
                                                                                  from their office the comings and
                                                                                  goings of customers. The receptionist
                                                                                  is on the frontline, welcoming
                                                                                  visitors as they step over the
                                                                                  threshold, immediately asking how
                                                                                  she may be of service to them. The
                                                                                  customer is also on the lookout as
                                                                                  he walks into the battlefield, wary
                                                                                  and ready to counter an attack. The
                                                                                  cat-and-mouse game has begun.

Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship
Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship

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Tl Inside The Customer Dealer Relationship

  • 1. the way we see it Inside the Customer/Dealer Relationship A Qualitative Study Examining the Shift of Power and the Influence of the Internet on the Vehicle Buying Process in Dealerships
  • 2. Contents Introduction 1 Executive Summary 3 The Initial Search for Information 7 Key Dimensions of the Buying Process 11 What Happens Inside the Dealership 14 Conclusion: Rethinking the Customer/Dealer Relationship 27 Acknowledgments The survey data used in producing this document was collected by the Car Internet Research Program (CIRP). All analysis and interpretation of the research and data has been made by CIRP in collaboration with Capgemini. The research and writing of this study was led by Magdalena Jarvin and was completed as a post-doctoral research project financed by CIRP. Translated from the original French by Karen Twidle. The Car Internet Research Program is sponsored by: Capgemini, Ontario Research Network for E-Commerce (ORNEC), PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault SA and The University of Ottawa. © 2006 Car Internet Research Program Reproduction in part or in whole is strictly prohibited.
  • 3. Automotive the way we see it Introduction “The web is making the consumer much Furthermore, during final negotiations, more aware of how the motor industry a well-informed customer is likely to works and all the tricks of the trade, be more demanding and less flexible. so companies have to clean up their act Indeed, using the Internet reduces the and become more transparent, more customer’s list of car choices and accountable.” increases their chances of obtaining a better price than if they did not “You can access incredibly specific use the Internet.1 information in a [web] forum. For example, I was able to find out, in the It has been established that the case of car electronics, which systems to process of buying a new car lasts, avoid because of the bugs they contain.” on average, six months.2 During this time, customers do their homework, As these comments from consumers narrow down their choices to a small confirm, the vehicle buying process selection of potential purchases, based has changed considerably over the last on information from word-of-mouth, few years. The increasingly pervasive traditional media sources (specialized presence of the Internet in people’s written press, television, advertising) daily lives has allowed consumers to and the Internet. However, it is usually obtain more information on products only during the last few weeks of the before choosing which one to buy and buying process that customers actually therefore become less dependent on visit a dealership to see the final two the car salesperson. In the case of a models (on average) that have remained car purchase, the Internet has had an in their consideration set. impact on a number of levels. Thus by the time many customers For one thing, using the Internet walk into a dealership, they will delays the moment when a customer have decided on the price bracket actually visits the dealership. Many within which they are willing to customers today prefer to acquire negotiate, selected their preferred initial information on their own. options, determined the trade-in When those customers visit the price they want for their old vehicle, dealership, they have a tendency as well as the terms of payment and to refuse the dealer’s help. This the acceptable delivery date for the puts salespeople at a disadvantage, new vehicle. In other words, the since the faster direct contact can dealer is faced with customers who, be established with the customer, to a large extent, already know what the better the chance of influencing they want.3 the customer’s final decision. 1 For a detailed analysis of the gains to be made through prior consultation of the web, see “Consumer Information and Discrimination: Does the Internet Affect the Pricing of New Cars to Women and Minorities?” Fiona Scott Morton, Florian Zettelmeyer and Jorge Silva-Risso, 2003. 2 CNW Marketing Research, Inc. and Capgemini’s Cars Online 05/06. 3 Clearly, there are also customers who visit a dealership during the initial stages of the decision-making process. One of the issues for the dealer is to distinguish between those who are at the beginning of the process and those who, in contrast, visit the dealership at the end of the process, and who are essentially hunting for the best deal. The former need to be addressed according to their needs, the brand they are looking for, and so on. 1
  • 4. Clearly, the traditional asymmetrical This study provides a close-up look fact adjusting their practices accordingly, relationship between the dealer and at this relationship, examines the shift there remains significant work to be the customer has been reversed. of power, and aims to help dealers and done. During the course of this study, Customers are now capable of vehicle manufacturers better respond we observed numerous examples of acquiring the knowledge that can to the changing market dynamics. negative interactions between customers give them the upper hand in the The study was conducted by the Car and dealers, reinforcing traditional power struggle that is played out Internet Research Program (CIRP) stereotypes. “There’s a breed of car in the dealer showroom. Dealers can and sponsored by Capgemini, Ontario salesmen who you just don’t feel terribly react to this change of circumstances Research Network for E-Commerce comfortable doing business with, and this in two ways. They can increase and (ORNEC), PSA Peugeot Citroën, is an almost universal experience. The refine their own knowledge base, thus Renault SA and The University of research that has been done says that upping the stakes; or they can adopt a Ottawa. The qualitative research, many people hate going to dealerships; different tack and provide added value consisting of observations and it can be one of the worst buying to the customer rather than added interviews with consumers and experiences anyone ever has,” said information. Key to this is establishing dealers, was undertaken in both one buyer, who was not alone in a relationship based on trust, thereby North America (U.S., Canada) expressing this type of sentiment. improving sales and building customer and Europe (France, UK) at car loyalty—perhaps the most important dealerships representing 12 North It’s clear that many dealers have not key to success in today’s highly American, European and Asian kept up with the pace of consumer competitive automotive industry. mid-market brands. change, which has accelerated rapidly due to consumers’ increasingly The research demonstrates that while sophisticated buying behavior and the industry acknowledges this shift the availability of information on of power and recognizes the need to the Internet, which is helping to change, and while many dealers are in delay their moment of entry into the dealership. It’s critical that the dealer role changes to adapt to this new world. We hope the findings of our research will provide dealers and manufacturers with insight into these changing consumer dynamics and will lead them to gain a better understanding of how to improve the customer/dealer relationship and in the process drive increased sales and strengthen brand and dealer loyalty. 2
  • 5. Automotive the way we see it Executive Summary Examining the customer/dealer relationship in a new light. It is essential that dealers Market relations between buyers and model between dealer and customer. and manufacturers learn to sellers have often been analyzed by It’s a risk behavior in the sense that understand the consumer’s academics through the prism of game there exists an imbalance or asymmetry universe, the tools at their theory. This approach looks at the of information. In other words, all the disposal, and the state of strategic rationale of players whose information resides with the dealer. mind they are in when aim is to maximize their own deciding to buy a car satisfaction by anticipating their Building a in a dealership. opponent’s possible choices, as Symmetrical Relationship well as anticipating the anticipations The new customer/dealer relationship (the famous “prisoner’s dilemma”). model can be conceptualized as the However, in a lengthy and complex result of an interaction between two decision-making process such as the equal parties. In this case, there is purchase of a new vehicle, what transparency of information, with the factors ultimately affect the same or similar information residing customer’s actions? with both players. Trust is granted after an exchange, comments, words Reducing this process to simple and gestures, in some contexts and arithmetic seems incomplete, and not others, to some people more than that is why, in this context, the “human” others. Trust is viewed as the result of aspect needs to be highlighted. This is a construction, a dynamic process, in particularly true given the fact that the which both parties feel confident of Internet has taken much of the control the other’s intentions. By identifying away from the dealer and put it into the those intentions, and ensuring that consumer’s hands, resulting in new they do not go against self-interest, power dynamics. In addition to factors this attitude encourages power such as financial calculations, brand sharing and the establishment perception, discounts and vehicle of an egalitarian relationship. availability, companies must also consider the nature of the relationship Approaching the relationship between between customer and dealer. The focus customer and dealer in this way makes here is on the notion of trust: In which it possible to go beyond traditional context and in relation to whom does stereotypes. Furthermore, this approach it appear? widens the scope of possibilities for the dealer, by encouraging the use On the one hand, trust can be of personality and human qualities construed as compensation for lack to win the customer’s trust. of information. In this sense, “giving trust” stems from recognizing one’s The final purchase decision will only own lack of information and a be made when both customer and willingness to leave a matter in the dealer consider they have established hands of someone who is seen as a relationship based on trust; when possessing that information. This both feel they are in a sufficiently represents the traditional relationship balanced or symmetrical relationship. 3
  • 6. To achieve a balanced This does not imply that a situation relationship with customers in order relationship, the dealer must not of absolute transparency is always to build this more symmetrical sell; he must instead enable the possible; rather, this is the ideal relationship. While in some cases consumer to buy. It’s a subtle situation for which to aim. these changes are being made, they but critical difference. are not keeping up with the pace To achieve this balanced relationship, of consumer change. the dealer must not sell; he must instead enable the consumer to buy. Understanding It’s a subtle but critical difference as the New Dynamics reinforced by our research. As one Our research identified a number of customer commented, “I felt no pressure key findings that can be instrumental at all. The sales rep would say ‘We believe in helping automotive companies this is a good car’ but he didn’t try to sell better understand and respond it. And he wouldn’t say ‘These cars are to the shifting dynamics of the going away fast, you better buy it today.’” customer/dealer relationship: ■ Greater transparency is essential Of course, the approach to the to improving the customer/dealer relationship will vary depending on relationship. The Internet, as a kind whether the buyer is a new customer, of bottomless well of information, has where the aim must be to build trust encouraged consumers to demand from scratch and enable the purchase, higher levels of transparency. And this or an existing customer, where the aim trend shows no sign of dissipating. is to strengthen brand and dealer loyalty In this new era, where customers in order to enable a re-purchase. In can get nearly all the information either case, however, the goal should they need without even having to be a more balanced interaction. visit a dealership, dealer salespeople must view customers as partners on In response to changes in the an equal footing. Their collaboration automotive industry, including should be based on a transparent heightened competition, declining attitude and information sharing—in loyalty, more sophisticated consumers other words, a relationship based on and the importance of the Internet trust. Their interaction should turn in the buying process, dealers must into a co-production, where both can make corresponding changes in their obtain satisfaction. 4
  • 7. Automotive the way we see it The move toward greater ■ The more knowledgeable consumers personalization and customization become about the vehicle buying is an increasingly important process, the more the balance of element in the entire vehicle power shifts in their favor. Although buying process. the Internet does not exclude traditional dealership visits, the salesperson is justified in evaluating the growing use of this tool in the information-gathering process. Our research made it clear that the Internet has an impact on the overall approach manufacturer and dealer websites, of the consumer. During individual to advertising and promotional research, customers can build up programs, to the approach taken by sound background knowledge, a salesperson inside the showroom. which can make them more nimble While the industry acknowledges and strategic in their interaction the need for this kind of approach, with salespeople. This ultimately our research makes it clear that reduces the latter’s influence. practical application is lacking ■ Consumers increasingly demand in many dealerships today. a personalized and customized ■ The customer/dealer relationship is approach during the vehicle buying not a one-size-fits-all formula. During process. In today’s world, customers our research, several typical scenarios want to be seen as individuals, as inside the dealership emerged, ranging people in their own right who from one in which both parties bring cannot be reduced to a box in strong negative preconceptions, to a a grid. Success inside the dealer scenario in which the interaction is showroom rests in the salesperson’s more open and collaborative. These ability to deploy a formal sales differences demonstrate that the method in a personalized fashion. customer/dealer relationship can Certainly no easy task. However, vary considerably depending on it is essential that the salesperson a consumer’s degree of advance make an effort to learn about the knowledge as well as existing individual customer’s vehicle stereotypes on the part of both wants and needs and factor that the customer and dealer. In each information into their approach. scenario, there were critical points The move toward greater where the potential for a breakdown personalization and customization in the relationship was particularly is an increasingly important element high. Understanding how each of in the entire vehicle buying process, these scenarios can play out is from the features offered on essential to a positive outcome. Inside the Customer/Dealer Relationship | Executive Summary 5
  • 8. Improved customer intelligence is a the consumer’s universe, the tools critical success factor in responding at their disposal, and the state of to the changing dynamics of the mind they are in when deciding customer/dealer relationship. The use to buy a car in a dealership. of the Internet by customers increases the diversity and complexity of their On the pages that follow we take a search for information, making it more look inside the vehicle buying process, difficult for automotive companies from the initial search for information to predict their behavior. It is through the final negotiation that takes therefore essential that dealers and place in the dealership. manufacturers learn to understand About the Study and Methodology Qualitative research by the Car Internet Research Program (CIRP) into the changing dynamics of the consumer/dealer relationship has been ongoing for several years. This research method draws on ethnological practice, which involves spending prolonged periods of time in the field alongside the individuals under study. In contrast, a quantitative research approach is based on statistics. A qualitative study provides the additional dimension of viewing actual behavior. Approximately 150 hours were spent at a dozen dealers in Canada, France, the United Kingdom and the United States, representing brands such as Ford, GM/Chevrolet, Honda, Hyundai, Mazda, Nissan, Renault, Subaru, Volvo and VW. Research was conducted using a mixture of direct intervention and mystery shopper techniques. Direct intervention was with the agreement of dealership owners. The research included observations of the exchanges between customers and dealers and their behavior in the showroom. Furthermore, interviews were conducted with customers and dealers, without a predefined structure being imposed upon them. An additional element of the research was a staff training course on sales techniques in a Canadian dealership, which provided a greater understanding of the role of a dealer salesperson. The advantage of this kind of approach is that it enables the reality of different practices and behavior to be observed in greater detail than is possible with a quantitative survey. Observing consumer and dealer behavior, which can be both consciously and unconsciously played out, reveals attitudes and representations that are difficult, sometimes even impossible, to put into survey responses. The combination of observation and interviews takes into account both what was said and what was done, thus revealing any discrepancies or contradictions, which are in themselves rich in meaning. Being immersed in the field also makes it possible to decode and understand non-verbal communication. The analysis contained in this report focuses on these “human” elements more than the influence of macro sociological factors like age, gender or employment. The aim was not to determine consumer profiles, but rather to outline behavioral trends and types of practices. From a methodology standpoint, the objective was not to quantify these practices, but to spot their possible range, from the most ordinary to the most unusual, without taking into account the number of times they occurred. Information obtained in this manner is of a different nature than that which a statistical survey can provide. 6
  • 9. Automotive the way we see it The Initial Search for Information In this new era, where customers can get nearly all the information they need without even having to visit a dealership, dealer salespeople must view customers as partners on an equal footing. How does the decision-making process perceived as more tiring for the unfold, from the initial idea of buying eyes, and a magazine is easier a car to going to visit a dealership? to carry around and therefore Three primary sources of information to dip into more frequently for come into play: word-of-mouth, written information. Lastly, because buying and visual marketing material, and a vehicle can sometimes involve more the Internet. Customers either focus than one person, an Internet-based on one particular source or use them approach can be seen as limiting in in conjunction. the sense that it does not allow for simultaneous shared access for all These sources allow customers to those involved. obtain a wide variety of information, including “official” data (for example, Said one vehicle customer, “A lot options or technical specifications) of big purchases are made with a wider and “alternative” data, including the decision-making unit, such as children real prices that car dealers charge or and partners, who are interested and technical problems that can arise with who take part in various stages of the a particular vehicle. Since traditional buyingbox is for the the Net that’s very This process. With media sources and car manufacturers’ difficult to replicate, because if there are placement of a websites provide only official twoperson’s sitting it doesn’t quite work; people photo. Right-click information, customers who wish to what would they do, bring up a chair, on this box and obtain different types of information and then content to all go pointing at change they will picture and place the will turn to alternative sources, like the screen ‘Oh, look at that.’” appropriate image. word-of-mouth and third-party websites (for example, a discussion forum). Others point to the amount of information available on the Internet Paper-Based vs. as outweighing any disadvantages. The Internet-Based Approach Internet has encouraged consumers to Although websites offer a variety demand—and automotive companies of three-dimensional animation and to provide—higher levels of means of visualizing cars, paper-based transparency. Furthermore, the brochures and magazines are “more possibility that the Internet offers of focused on the object itself,” noted accessing third-party information is one consumer. “Sometimes, websites particularly useful to those who might are not very well designed, you can’t be at a disadvantage in the negotiating find all the information. Whereas in process,4 for example women, who a 20-page brochure, you can be sure may feel less empowered in this to have everything. I’m always worried traditionally male-dominated arena. I’ll miss a page on the Internet, because sometimes websites are very nice to look Consider this comment by one at, but very impractical.” web forum manager: “A few possible reasons why 65% of our visitors are female Additional reasons were given for could include our commitment to being preferring a paper-based approach. exclusively third party. In addition, we For example, reading on screen is offer a lot of resources that allow you 4 Scott Morton, Zettelmeyer and Silva-Risso. 7
  • 10. “Sometimes, websites are not to take more control in automotive version of the car to come out, very well designed, you can’t matters such as knowing the ins and because the engine seemed to be find all the information. Whereas outs of buying a vehicle without getting better,” commented one consumer. in a 20-page brochure, you can potentially cheated from a salesperson, ■ How much a vehicle price might be be sure to have everything.” and maintenance articles that allow the reduced, and by which dealership. individual to take a more active role in ■ “Tips and tricks” used by salespeople – Vehicle customer the life of their vehicle. A lot of what to try to “catch” the customer. Noted we focus on is empowerment within one customer, “The web is making the the automotive world, which I believe consumer much more aware of how the most women appreciate.” motor industry works and all the tricks of the trade, so companies have to clean Furthermore, the Internet enables up their act and become more customers to make the most of other transparent, more accountable.” people’s experiences through the use of tools such as web forums and Stereotypes Prevail Among discussion groups. These forums Consumers and Dealers encourage sharing of many kinds Doing research entirely online can of information, including highly help consumers secure the lowest technical data, since the participants price on a vehicle and save time. are often passionate about cars and Not surprisingly, dealers would might also be employees of vehicle rather establish face-to-face contact manufacturers. The types of themes with customers rather than covered include: communicating electronically. ■ Technical problems that are rarely Said one dealer salesperson: dealt with in car magazines. Said “As the product is expensive, we’re one car buyer, “You can access there to reassure the customer, who in incredibly specific information in any case is anxious by nature. You’ve a forum. For example, I was able to got to pamper and mollycoddle them.” find out, in the case of car electronics, which systems to avoid because of the A web forum leader had a different bugs they contain.” perspective: “I strongly believe that ■ Specifications for new car models consumers prefer the Internet with before they are actually out on the regards to the car market due to the market. “I was able to decide that it non-pressurized environment. There would be better to wait for the next are no salespeople hassling you and you have the freedom of making a more independent decision.” For many customers, the golden rule is that the price that is advertised is not the price you end up paying, and some even develop an analysis grid by which to test a given salesperson and measure his flexibility before negotiation. For their part, some salespeople express annoyance regarding customers’ use of the Internet and the new knowledge buyers possess. They now have to deal with customers who sometimes actually have a better technical knowledge of a particular feature or model than that of the dealers. 8
  • 11. Automotive the way we see it The Internet’s Limitations and the Role of the Salesperson If consumers can become highly knowledgeable through word-of-mouth, traditional media and the Internet, and if on top of that they prefer avoiding a potentially unpleasant meeting with a salesperson, what could motivate them—during the process of information seeking—to take the next step to visit a dealership? Engaging directly with a person is seen in principle as allowing for Two sets of explanatory factors emerged more flexibility of interaction than during our research. The first involves with a machine such as the Internet. customers who go because they do For example, if a customer wishes want to interact with a salesperson. to change an order after it has been For those who do not know how transferred to a manufacturer, this to go about obtaining alternative could be accomplished more readily information, meeting a dealer becomes by dealing with a person. a critical stage in the research process. Said one buyer: “You can’t really get a The second set of explanatory good idea of the prices by visiting a car factors for visiting a dealership is dealer’s or manufacturer’s website. Also, linked directly to the vehicle itself. I wanted to be able to draw up a payment One of the obvious limitations of the plan and I couldn’t take that any further Internet is that you cannot physically without a sales rep’s help.” appraise a car, let alone try it out. Those consumers who get information During the information-gathering from alternative sources sometimes stage, some consumers have already wish to cross-cut their data with developed a “salesperson avoidance information provided by a dealer, strategy.” These buyers typically gather since they are not able to objectively a significant amount of information assess the reliability of their sources. online and limit their choice to a pre-selection of vehicles to try out Some buyers prefer interacting at the dealership, even though their with another human being. The intention may be to buy from another salesperson may be perceived as dealer. Noted an employee of a sales having the capacity for empathizing website: “I think that people are quite with a customer’s needs and being sly. I don’t think anybody would ever say able to answer questions. At best, to a dealer ‘I’m not going to buy it through some customers believe a salesperson you.’ I think if the dealers realize quite how may provide personalized advice many people did it, they wouldn’t be so to buyers that they can’t get on happy. But you can go into a dealership the Internet. and say ‘I’m really interested in this car’ Inside the Customer/Dealer Relationship | The Initial Search for Information 9
  • 12. and they will court you. They are Indeed, this observation is crucial to salespeople. This ultimately reduces salespeople so they will try to sell the this report: The more knowledgeable the latter’s influence. Often the dealer’s cars to you. They will give you a lot of consumers become about the vehicle response is to develop counter strategies, information—‘This is how much money buying process, the more the balance thus maintaining the power struggle you will save if you buy it here’— but of power shifts in their favor. between the two parties. obviously the customers have researched it thoroughly and they know that they can Although the Internet does not However, not all salespeople react buy it cheaper online or at another dealer.” exclude traditional dealership visits, in this way. We found that in some the salesperson is justified in evaluating cases, the customer’s higher degree of Moving the Relationship the growing use of this tool in the self-reliance is seen as being beneficial to a Higher Plane information-gathering process. Our to both parties, moving their interaction Many dealer salespeople are wary of research made it clear that the Internet to a higher plane. This requires that dealer customers’ increasing independence. has an impact on the overall approach salespeople hone new interpersonal Rather than viewing this form of of the consumer. During individual skills to improve their relationship empowerment as a positive research, customers can build up with customers. development that might enable sound background knowledge, them to cut down on their work, which can make them more nimble In this new era, where customers salespeople feel put to the test. and strategic in their interaction with can get nearly all the information they need without even having to visit a dealership, dealer salespeople must view customers as partners on Figure 1. Rethinking the Customer/Dealer Relationship an equal footing. Their collaboration should be based on a transparent attitude and information sharing—in New model = other words, a relationship based on Rich Transparency of information trust. Their interaction should turn into a co-production, where both Deale rs can obtain satisfaction. Level of Information s er Old model= s um Asymmetry of C on information Poor Time 1960 2006 Source: CIRP, Capgemini Thanks to the Internet, some customers today may have greater technical knowledge than the dealer about the car they’re interested in buying. This has led to a shift in the balance of power, with customers demanding higher levels of transparency. Thus, the new customer/dealer relationship model should be viewed as the result of an interaction between two equal parties. In this case, there is transparency of information, with the same or similar information residing with both players. 10
  • 13. Automotive the way we see it Key Dimensions of the Buying Process Each prospective customer who enters the showroom is the “product” of a long history that must be understood. Why and how do consumers process, prospects engage in many decide to buy a certain car of a activities (gathering information, certain brand at a certain dealer? choosing, negotiating, establishing Which steps, which buying process the resale value of and reselling the does the prospect follow? What is used vehicle if necessary, financing, the length of this process? At which insurance, delivery, etc.) to choose, moment do they choose to eliminate by successive eliminations, among the one model of a given brand? Using subset of vehicles potentially satisfying what criteria? Which of its product their expectations and needs, the attributes can an automotive company vehicle that best suits them. use to influence the decision-making process in its favor? These questions Figure 2 on page 13 (from CNW are at the heart of every marketing Marketing Research, Inc.) shows five decision made by automotive dealers variables essential to understanding and manufacturers. They are also at the buying process. The table is the heart of many research projects.5 constructed as follows: Line 1. The sequence, in months and The qualitative research data weeks, of the purchasing period of presented in this report were obtained a vehicle (in this case, in Canada in the dealer showroom. However, the and the U.S.), of all brands and majority of visits to the showroom all models. CNW established that occur during the final two weeks the buying process lasts an average of a six-month purchasing process. of six months. The Internet acts as In short, by the time prospective an accelerator, and intensive Internet customers enter the showroom, users sweep through this process their mood, intention, willingness in three to four months. to negotiate and feelings for a vehicle have largely been determined already, Line 2. The number of models outside the showroom. Each prospective considered by a prospective buyer customer who enters the showroom is at different points in the buying thus the “product” of a long history sequence (shopping list). It is well that must be understood. confirmed that this shopping list is reduced throughout the six-month Research has found that the vehicle process. The profile of this funnel will purchasing process progresses over vary by brand. For example, Mercedes a period of approximately six months. has a flat funnel: Six months before Even compared with the purchase purchasing a Mercedes (2003, U.S.), the of expensive equipment such as a customer only considers approximately TV (about two weeks), it is one of two vehicles in their shopping list, the longest, most stressful and riskiest whereas a Nissan buyer considers purchasing processes. Throughout the slightly over four. 5 In North America (U.S. and Canada), the automotive buying process was the object of a major research study by CNW Marketing Research, Inc. ( The collected data, gathered from customers who had actually purchased a vehicle of a given brand, make it possible to determine, for each brand and type of vehicle, the number of vehicles taken into account at various points in the purchase process over a six-month period. Since the summer of 2003, these data are available for Canada. The data are regularly updated. CIRP ( has also carried out numerous surveys of consumers and dealers (in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France and Spain), which supplement the results of CNW. 11
  • 14. Line 3. The proportion of prospective On the whole, today the actual customers who visit the showroom. function of the showroom is to be It is observed that the trip to the dealer visited during the last two to three generally occurs very late in the buying weeks of the purchasing process for process, most often during the last two negotiating the price of the almost- weeks. It has also been established that chosen vehicle and for putting into Internet users, at least in North America, competition dealers of the same are willing to travel up to 100 km/62 brand. The showroom is thus a miles (in Canada, see CIRP study) to battlefield for price. buy the car that exactly corresponds to their expectations, with the A prospective customer at the end consequence of transforming the of the buying process is already well limits of exclusive dealer territories. equipped to negotiate, probably better than many sales representatives.6 Faced Lines 4 to 9. The focus of the with such a prospective customer, consumer at various points of salespeople (often inadequately the buying process is described. compensated with commission) It is observed that, during the first have to: three months, consumers clarify their 1. Sort through the customers in needs and choose the type and style the showroom—those who are of the vehicle. They then reduce the in the beginning of the process size of the shopping list to examine and to whom, in principle, they a small number of vehicles in detail, would have to deliver a speech studying their features. During the last centered on their needs, the brand, month and especially during the final etc., an exercise often perceived as weeks, consumers concentrate on the a waste of time—from those who prices of the vehicles that remain on are at the end of the process and the shopping list, which has now are essentially seeking the best become very short, not even two price and, overall, the best deal. vehicles long on average. 2. Lead the negotiation to its conclusion, according to a Lines 10 to end. The primary sources script narrowly controlled by the of information used by the prospective supervisor. However, two times out customer are described. Word-of-mouth of three, this negotiation will fail is observed to be a permanent source (calculation is based on the average of information present throughout the closing ratio calculated by CNW process. Prospective customers view for the United States). Moreover, advertising (from six months to two negotiating through the Internet months prior to purchase) to choose gives significant power to the and configure their vehicle, read consumer, as we’ll see in the specialized magazines, talk to their next section of this report. friends from the very beginning to the end, consult the Internet, and read ads in local newspapers to negotiate prices during the final two weeks. In short, for four to five months the sale of a car progresses mainly outside the showroom, and to some extent in the realm of advertising, representations and word-of-mouth—essentially, in a virtual space as opposed to the very real world of the showroom. 6 In the U.S., prospective customers may even obtain the knowledge, if they want, of the price paid by the dealer to the producer, including hold-backs. 12
  • 15. Automotive the way we see it Figure 2. Key Dimensions of the Buying Process 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 Steps of the buying process months months months months months month weeks Number of models considered in the shopping list Canada (2002) 3.8 3.6 3.1 3.4 2.5 1.3 1.2 U.S. (2003) 4.1 3.8 3.5 3.3 2.9 2.3 1.9 Dealer visits by planned time of acquisition (visited a dealership within past 2 weeks) Canada (2002) 6.1% 6.5% 7.2% 11.1% 18.3% 29.8% 32.9% (93.5%, last week) U.S. (2003) 1.9% 4.2% 4.8% 6.8% 14.3% 19.7% 19.6% (85.4%, last week) Question: At this time, what is most important to you when deciding to purchase/lease a new vehicle? (scale: 1-5, 1=lowest, 5=highest) My needs Canada (2002) 4.6 4.5 3.9 3.1 2.5 1.9 1.7 U.S. (2003) 4.3 4.2 3.7 3.2 2.6 2.0 1.6 Models available Canada (2002) 3.2 3.5 3.8 3.7 3.3 2.4 1.5 U.S. (2003) 3.7 4.0 4.3 3.9 3.3 2.5 1.9 Styling Canada (2002) 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.2 3.1 1.9 1.3 U.S. (2003) 3.6 3.3 3.5 3.1 2.3 1.9 1.4 Features Canada (2002) 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.6 4.0 4.1 3.5 U.S. (2003) 1.9 2.4 3.0 3.8 4.2 4.0 3.2 Price Canada (2002) 2.4 2.6 3.1 3.2 3.2 4.5 4.8 U.S. (2003) 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.4 2.8 4.3 4.5 Primary Source of Auto Information by Intended Purchase Date Sources of Information All Intenders—Canada and U.S. (%) TV ad Canada (2002) 16.6 17.1 18.2 14.6 10.4 8.4 6.9 U.S. (2003) 16.7 17.2 17.9 13.1 8.9 7.6 6.1 Consumer magazine ad Canada (2002) 15.0 19.0 19.2 18.6 15.7 10.7 8.6 U.S. (2003) 13.8 18.7 18.4 17.7 12.4 8.4 5.9 Friend/relative Canada (2002) 14.5 10.8 8.3 8.2 10.0 12.9 6.9 U.S. (2003) 13.6 11.9 8.4 5.5 10.3 13.8 4.2 Business associate Canada (2002) 10.0 9.2 7.6 7.0 7.5 8.4 8.3 U.S. (2003) 11.7 8.8 6.5 6.4 5.7 6.5 8.2 Dealer brochure Canada (2002) 7.8 7.4 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.3 6.6 U.S. (2003) 7.1 6.7 7.2 7.1 7.4 6.4 6.2 Consumer Rpt/lemon aide Canada (2002) 6.0 6.3 6.9 8.3 9.2 8.7 6.7 U.S. (2003) 6.9 6.8 7.4 11.1 11.4 10.3 8.3 Newspaper ad (local) Canada (2002) 4.5 4.8 5.3 5.9 7.3 8.7 19.0 U.S. (2003) 3.9 4.1 4.9 6.6 6.9 8.8 18.4 Auto article (any source) Canada (2002) 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.9 4.5 5.6 6.0 U.S. (2003) 4.1 3.7 4.2 5.5 4.9 7.6 7.9 Radio ad Canada (2002 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.6 3.5 U.S. (2003) 1.1 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.1 2.1 3.4 Internet Canada (2002) 8.9 9.2 1.1 11.2 12.0 13.0 13.5 U.S. (2003) 8.5 8.9 9.1 9.6 10.9 10.2 12.3 Auto magazine ad Canada (2002) 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.7 U.S. (2003) 1.7 1.5 1.7 2.5 2.4 2.1 1.8 Auto buyers’ guide Canada (2002) 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.8 5.3 U.S. (2003) 4.9 5.1 5.8 5.1 6.2 6.1 7.3 Company store/mall display Canada (2002) 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 U.S. (2003) 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 Auto show Canada (2002) 2.0 2.1 2.0 2.4 2.7 2.7 2.6 National newspapers U.S. (2003) 2.6 2.8 3.5 3.7 4.4 4.9 4.8 Other Canada (2002) 3.6 2.9 3.4 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.3 U.S. (2003) 2.6 1.6 2.3 3.2 4.7 3.7 4.1 Source: Adapted from CNW Marketing Research, Inc. ( (1) Purchase Path Wave VIII—U.S. 2003 and (2) Purchase Path Study—Canada 2002 Inside the Customer/Dealer Relationship | Key Dimensions of the Buying Process 13
  • 16. What Happens Inside the Dealership The customer/dealer relationship varies considerably depending on a consumer’s degree of advance knowledge as well as existing preconceptions on the part of both the customer and dealer. The more dealers can demonstrate ■ Stage 3: negotiation in the that they are trying to build a salesperson’s office (vehicle relationship based on trust, the better availability, extra options, their chances of staying in the delivery, terms of payment) consideration set as customers narrow down their vehicle choices. What Throughout these stages, the happens once the customer is inside customer/salesperson relationship the dealer showroom is critical to is put to the test, with the possibility ensuring a positive outcome. that it could break down completely at any time. All it takes is the wrong We identified three key stages move or a clumsy word, and the fragile of a customer’s visit: edifice of trust, which has been slowly ■ Stage 1: entering the dealership built, can collapse entirely. A substantial and initial interaction with on-site challenge for those who wish to see a personnel (receptionist, salespeople) sale through to the end. ■ Stage 2: interaction with a In general, certain practices should be salesperson over a particular maintained regardless of the customer’s vehicle (request for information, stage during the showroom visit. For examining the car, potential example, we found that customers test drive) Figure 3. Do’s and Don’ts in the Showroom Bad Practices Best Practices Stage 1: entering the ■ Walk up to customers as soon as they ■ Let the customer walk around on their dealership and initial enter the showroom. own for five to 10 minutes. interaction ■ Use standard tricks such as “happening ■ Then walk straight up to welcome the to walk by” just as the customer enters. customer—possibly introduce oneself by ■ Ask too quickly how to help the customer. name (but not necessarily)—and simply say “If you need me/if I can do anything ■ Insist, even when the customer answers for you I’m over there at my desk” “No thank you, just browsing.” (indicating where that is). ■ Unless they have questions, leave customers alone. Stage 2: interaction ■ If the customer expresses the desire ■ If the customer expresses the desire with a salesperson over to be left alone: Stick to them and keep to be left alone: Walk away after having a particular vehicle asking questions; follow them around reminded them that you are available to the showroom; don’t respect the personal help if needed. Come back 10 to 15 minutes “bubble” they might try to establish inside later (at least) to ask if everything is all right. a vehicle. ■ If the customer accepts the presence ■ If the customer accepts the presence of of the salesperson: Open up the space the salesperson: Block the space between between the customer and the vehicle, the customer and the vehicle by standing respect the customer’s attempts to in between, by showing the vehicle off, by examine the vehicle. Maintain an attitude encouraging the customer to have a seat. of politeness, allowing the customer to go first. Stage 3 : negotiation in ■ If the situation is tense: Show that one is ■ If the situation is tense: Do “the little things” the salesperson’s office suspicious, in a defensive mode, answer that reassure the customer (suggest a cup the customer’s attacks. Use sales tricks of coffee, adapt a soothing tone, in some such as pretending to make very special cases take a seat next to the customer). offers. Establish transparency, lay cards on the ■ If the situation is easy-going: Adopt a cool table when the negotiation starts. attitude and behave as if customer and ■ If the situation is easy-going: Keep some seller were “pals.” distance without becoming formal; do not mix up statuses. 14
  • 17. Automotive the way we see it Figure 4. Scenarios Inside the Showroom Positive Scenario 3: Open to Buy/Dealer as Partner Consumer has no negative stereotypes about dealer and is looking for knowledge. Dealer has no negative stereotypes about customer, builds trust-based relationship, resulting in positive outcome. Scenario 2: Open to Buy/Wary of Dealer Consumer has fewer negative stereotypes about Customer dealer, brings some knowledge, is open to buy. Stereotypes Dealer needs to adapt to customer’s behavior to ensure positive outcome. Scenario 1: Internet Savvy/Dealer Averse Consumer has negative preconceptions about dealer, expects unpleasant experience, brings wealth of knowledge. Dealer has negative preconceptions about consumer, expects difficult negotiations. Dealer Negative Positive Stereotypes Source: CIRP, Capgemini During our research, several typical showroom scenarios emerged, demonstrating that the customer/dealer relationship varies considerably depending on a consumer’s degree of advance knowledge as well as existing preconceptions on the part of both the customer and dealer. We found that these scenarios can exist on their own or as phases in a continuum, moving ultimately toward the third scenario. responded better to less aggressive Customers who realize they are behavior on the part of salespeople being subjected to standardized whether they had just entered the treatment, that they are perceived showroom or had been inside for a by the salesperson as “the average period of time. However, some practices customer,” are often put off. Success were more critical to maintaining the inside the dealer showroom rests on relationship during a specific stage the salesperson’s ability to deploy a (see Figure 3). formal sales method in a personalized fashion. However, it is essential that Personalized Approach the salesperson make an effort to is Critical to Success learn about the individual customer’s In our research, a variety of behaviors vehicle wants and needs and factor that were observed. Salespeople tend to use information into their approach. The certain tried-and-true sales techniques move toward greater personalization in their approach to dealing with and customization is an increasingly customers. Although these methods important element in the entire are empirically developed and produce vehicle buying process, from the a degree of success, they are more often features offered on manufacturer than not insufficient to satisfy today’s and dealer websites, to advertising demanding customers and do not and promotional programs,7 to the always lead to the desired outcome. approach taken by a salesperson inside the showroom. 7 Capgemini’s Cars Online 05/06 research found that targeted, relevant, personalized direct-mail offers from manufacturers and dealers were influential in the vehicle selection process. Nearly 80% of consumers said they would respond immediately or consider the offer for the future. Inside the Customer/Dealer Relationship | What Happens Inside the Dealership 15
  • 18. “We’re real human beings. During our research, several typical “There’s a breed of car salesmen who you You have to remain polite, scenarios emerged, demonstrating that just don’t feel terribly comfortable doing you never insult. But we’re the customer/dealer relationship varies business with, and this is an almost not prostitutes either.” considerably depending on a consumer’s universal experience. The research that degree of advance knowledge as well has been done says that most people hate – Dealer salesperson as existing preconceptions on the part going to dealerships, it’s one of the worst of both the customer and dealer (see buying experiences anyone ever has,” Figure 4). We found that these scenarios said one buyer who fits this scenario. can exist on their own or as phases in a continuum, moving ultimately toward In this situation, the customer prepares the third scenario. However, in each for the fight ahead by developing a scenario, there were critical points where two-fold arsenal made up of relatively the potential for a breakdown in the precise technical information on the relationship was particularly high. chosen model and a firm decision on the maximum price they are prepared Scenario 1 Internet Savvy/Dealer Averse to pay and choice of options. Armor This scenario typically features polished and arrows sharpened, the customers who have an extremely customer feels able to counter any negative preconception about car potential attacks by the salesperson dealers. Their expectation is that the and has also prepared a number of experience will be unpleasant, during strategies to avoid being “duped.” which they will be accosted by an overbearing, potentially arrogant Meanwhile, in the dealership, salesperson who won’t listen to what the salesperson eagerly awaits a they want. This type of customer is customer—but often with mixed likely to avoid the visit to the dealership feelings. On the one hand, a dealer as long as possible and will arrive needs customers in order to make with a wealth of knowledge, knowing a living. However, customers also exactly what they want in order to represent potential “nightmares” in limit any significant interaction with the words of some dealers and can the salesperson. turn out to be a waste of their time. With the aim of maximizing efficiency and turnover, salespeople will try to determine as quickly as possible whether they are dealing with a “hot dog” customer, a “window-shopper,” “a tire kicker” or, in contrast, a “lead” or “prospect.” The Cat-and-Mouse Game Begins Inside the dealership salespeople are standing watch, closely monitoring from their office the comings and goings of customers. The receptionist is on the frontline, welcoming visitors as they step over the threshold, immediately asking how she may be of service to them. The customer is also on the lookout as he walks into the battlefield, wary and ready to counter an attack. The cat-and-mouse game has begun. 16