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Automotive   the way we see it

Cars Online 09/10
Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior
in a Volatile Market

 Introduction                                                   2

 Executive Summary                                              3

 Developing Markets: Buying Trends Evolve Rapidly               5

 How Consumers Buy: Target Your Marketing Mix                   8

 Green Vehicles: A Force for the Future                         11

 The Role of the Web: Consumer Usage Pattern Emerges            14

 Online Buying: ‘No Hassles, No Negotiations’                   17

 Customer Interaction: Loyalty and Satisfaction Rates Improve   20

 Aftersales/Servicing: Focusing on the Post-Sale Experience     24

 Conclusion and Recommendations                                 27
Automotive        the way we see it


                             Mergers and acquisitions. Bankruptcy       This year’s report focuses on both
                             filings. Government intervention.          mature and developing markets. The
                             Vehicle scrapping and rebate               research involved more than 3,000
                             programs. The past 12 months have          consumers in Brazil, China, France,
                             brought fundamental changes to the         Germany, India, Russia, the United
                             automotive industry around the globe.      Kingdom and the United Sates.

                             Last year ushered in an unprecedented      In this edition we take a deeper look
                             global downturn that originated in         at top-of-mind issues such as online
                             2007. What started as a financial          buying of vehicles and
                             crisis soon expanded into the larger       parts/accessories, alternative-fuel
                             economy, affecting mature and              vehicles and aftersales/servicing. In
                             developing markets alike. The              addition, we asked consumers to
                             automotive industry has been one of        think about the biggest changes they
                             the hardest-hit sectors. The downturn      expect to make in how they shop for
                             has led most automotive businesses to      and buy vehicles in the coming years.
                             put in place initiatives aimed at short-   Their responses provide valuable
                             term survival and mid-term stability       insight into consumer expectations
                             with the focus largely on cost cutting     about the future of the vehicle buying
                             and cash preservation. Tomorrow’s          process. Look for their direct quotes
                             winners, however, will shift their         throughout the report.
                             focus to longer-term prosperity with
                             the emphasis on future differentiation     We hope that the findings of Cars
                             and competitive advantage.                 Online 09/10 will provide automotive
                                                                        manufacturers and dealers with
                             To achieve this objective and regain       insights into changing consumer
                             their footing, automotive companies        dynamics in both mature and
                             must have a deep understanding of          developing markets, and will help the
                             consumer buying behavior. Cars             industry gain a better understanding
                             Online 09/10 – Capgemini’s 11th            of consumer buying behavior in
                             annual global automotive study –           today’s turbulent climate.
                             aims to provide insight into how
                             consumers shop for vehicles, what
                             leads them to buy and what they are
                             really looking for from the full vehicle
                             lifecycle experience.

“   I believe the whole car industry will soon look very
different. Those companies owned by the government and
unions will be bust. Those that listen to the public and
offer value, fair prices and the right features will
prosper.       U.S. consumer

Cars Online 09/10                                                                                             2
Executive Summary

With vehicle sales suffering in most       experts or other consumers in-market          environment as the primary reason:
markets today and automotive               is an important trend, which grew             26%, up from 19% the previous year.
companies focused on cost cutting          strongly this year. Traditional               This trend was particularly evident in
and cash preservation, it’s easy to take   information sources such as TV                the U.S.
your eye off the consumer. But, in a       advertising remain important in
climate characterized by volatility,       developing countries, however, and                 Improvements in brand and
consumer insight is more important
than ever as buying behavior patterns
                                           should be part of the marketing mix.          4    dealer loyalty and overall
                                                                                         satisfaction with the buying process
evolve rapidly. How do car buyers                Consumers want to buy vehicles          bode well for the industry. With
research vehicles? What types of cars
are they looking for? What triggers
                                           2     and parts and accessories
                                           online as they look for lower prices
                                                                                         plenty of bad news for automotive
                                                                                         companies these days, our research
them to buy? Where – and how – do          and an alternative to the traditional         uncovered a bit of good news. More
they want to buy? How do they want         dealer model. Nearly 40% of                   than two-thirds of respondents said
to communicate with manufacturers          respondents said they would like to           they were likely to purchase the same
and dealers?                               buy a car over the Internet (the              make/brand as their current vehicle,
                                           complete end-to-end process) and half         up from 61% last year. Similarly,
Capgemini’s Cars Online research aims      would buy parts and accessories.              dealer loyalty also rose, with 63% of
to answer these questions and more to      While lower price is the leading              consumers saying they were likely to
provide insight that can help              reason, many respondents said they            purchase from the same dealer where
automotive companies respond faster        simply did not want to negotiate price        they bought their current car, up from
and more effectively to changing           or interact with the dealer in person.        59% the year before.
consumer needs and demands.                Consumers seem to be polarized in
                                           their desire to negotiate: about one-         Satisfaction with the overall buying
Key Findings                               quarter wanted the ability to negotiate       process was also up somewhat.
The research uncovered a number of         a better deal, but another one-quarter        However, consumer approval was
key findings:                              felt this was something they preferred        more muted in the mature markets,
                                           to avoid.                                     demonstrating that there is still work
     Usage of the web as a key                                                           to be done to improve the customer
1    information source during the
vehicle buying process has become          3    Green vehicle ownership
                                                continues to rise as
                                                                                         experience in the U.S. and Western
pervasive across most markets.             environmental concerns grow.
Almost 90% of consumers today use          Consumers indicate a growing                       Developing markets show early
the Internet to research vehicles, up
from 61% in 2005. A clear online
                                           confidence in their understanding of
                                           so-called “green” vehicles. This
                                                                                         5    signs of trending toward mature
                                                                                         markets, as consumers in the BRIC
usage pattern has emerged, with            increased knowledge is influencing            countries become more familiar
consumers turning initially to search      buying decisions. In this year’s study,       with buying cars. For example, this
engines, which jumped up the list of       41% of consumers said they currently          year the gap between the factors that
information sources this year; then to     own a fuel-efficient or alternative-fuel      impact vehicle decisions in mature vs.
manufacturer and dealer sites for          vehicle, up from 36% the year before.         developing markets was much
factual information about vehicles,        Another 30% said they plan to buy a           smaller. Greater convergence will
prices and availability; and finally to    fuel-efficient or alternative-fuel vehicle.   likely still take a number of years, and
consumer-to-consumer tools like                                                          market differences will remain for
discussion sites for qualitative           Interestingly, the reasons behind these       some time. For instance, mature
information and opinions.                  buying decisions are evolving. While          markets increasingly look for
                                           fuel economy remains the leading              information online, whereas
The ability to interact online and hold    driver, a growing number of                   developing markets are still keen to
real-time discussions with automotive      respondents named impact on the               get information from more traditional

Automotive          the way we see it

‘‘  Many of the formalities of car purchases will soon be a
thing of the past. The selection and purchase process will
be faster, easier and nicer.
Russian consumer
sources such as TV advertising and           manufacturer to respond to an online
trade shows. And mature markets              inquiry within four hours. In China,
focus on permanent value when                consumers are even more demanding,
choosing a vehicle, whereas                  with more than half expecting a
developing markets show greater              response within an hour. In addition,
interest in more transactional               almost one-quarter of respondents
marketing such as cash-back bonuses.         point to ease and speed of transaction
                                             as the key reason for buying a vehicle
Now is the time for automotive               online, and 30% say it is the driving
companies to focus attention on              factor behind their desire to purchase
providing a positive customer                parts and accessories over the web. It
experience in developing countries           is important to note that most of these
                                                                                       About the Study
while loyalty and satisfaction levels        factors leading to consumer
remain higher than in mature                 frustration seem to be down to poor
markets.                                     basic management and are in the           Capgemini worked with SmartRevenue,
                                             industry’s own hands to resolve.          a Ridgefield, Connecticut-based
     As the duration of the vehicle
6    buying cycle contracts,
automotive companies have less               8    Less than half of consumers
                                                  with cars still in-warranty have
                                                                                       research firm, to conduct the survey for
                                                                                       Cars Online 09/10. All analysis and
                                                                                       interpretation of the data has been
time to influence purchases.                 their vehicles serviced at the            made by Capgemini in collaboration
Consumers today can quickly and              purchasing dealership. This               with the Car Internet Research Program
easily get vast amounts of information       represents a significant missed           (CIRP) of the University of Ottawa,
about the vehicles they are interested       aftersales opportunity for dealers.       Canada. In total, more than 3,000
                                                                                       consumers were surveyed in eight
in, resulting in a shrinking buying          And it may also impact repurchase
                                                                                       countries: Brazil, China, France,
cycle. What used to take six months is       decisions, as consumers tend to be
                                                                                       Germany, India, Russia, the United
now likely to take only four, with           more likely to buy their next vehicle     Kingdom and the United States.
showroom visits coming ever closer to        from the servicing dealer rather than
the point of purchase. More than two-        the prior purchasing dealer.              The composition of the consumer
thirds of respondents begin the                                                        sample in each country was based on
research process two to four months          While this topline review provides a      projectable national samples
before they plan to buy and 60% visit        summary of key findings from this         representative of the population in terms
the showroom for the first time within       year’s Cars Online study, the sections    of region, age and gender. All
two months of purchase.                      that follow offer more in-depth data      consumers surveyed were in-market
                                             and analysis focused on key topics        (24% plan to buy or lease a vehicle
                                                                                       within three months; 29% in four to six
Connecting with shoppers during the          such as buying behavior patterns, web
                                                                                       months; 11% in seven to nine months;
research period and providing them           usage, online buying, customer
                                                                                       and 36% in 10 to 12 months).
with the right tools and information is      interaction and aftersales/servicing
critical in influencing buying               expectations.
decisions. By the time they visit the
showroom it is often too late.

    Consumers want the car buying
7   process to be easier and faster.
A number of indicators point to a
growing desire for improved ease and
speed of transaction. For example,
more consumers expect a dealer or

Cars Online 09/10                                                                                                                  4
Developing Markets: Buying Trends
Evolve Rapidly
Developing markets are not alike in every respect, as our research identifies
variances in buying behavior from one country to another.

                            Don’t Call Them “Emerging”                The developing markets have seen
                            On a recent visit to a large Chinese      strong vehicle sales growth in recent
                            automotive manufacturer, we               years. However, just like the mature
                            discussed the market and its potential.   markets, they have suffered somewhat
                            During the conversation, a company        in the past 12 months. For example,
                            executive took issue with the term        according to the Association of
                            “emerging,” often used to describe the    European Businesses, Russian car
                            Chinese market. He noted that given       sales fell by 49% in the first half of
                            the size and growth of the automotive     2009, and a similar drop is projected
                            business in his country, “emerging”       for the second half of the year. In
                            hardly seemed accurate anymore.           Brazil, ANFAVEA (the Brazilian
                                                                      National Association of Motor Vehicle
                            We took his point. This year we refer     Manufacturers) expects car sales to fall
                            to the BRIC countries as “developing”     this year for the first time since 2003.1
                            markets, because as the Chinese           The picture is brighter in China and
                            executive pointed out, these markets      India. Nevertheless, the potential for
                            have already emerged.                     significant long-term growth remains
                                                                      strong in all four markets.
                            In this year’s study we again track
                            consumer buying behavior in the           Following are some of the key trends
                            developing markets of Brazil, Russia,     noted in the developing regions.
                            India and China. The findings from        Additional variances by market are
                            the four BRIC countries offer a glimpse   discussed throughout the full report.
                            of how these dynamic and growing
                            automotive markets are evolving.          Signs of Convergence Appear
                                                                      This year we found early signs of
                                                                      convergence in Russia, Brazil and
                                                                      India as consumers in these markets
                                                                      become more familiar with buying
                                                                      cars. As a result, some of the trends
                                                                      are beginning to move closer toward
                                                                      those in the mature markets. We have
                                                                      seen a similar rationalization in China
                                                                      in recent years too.

                                                                      For example, this year the gap
                                                                      between the factors that impact
                                                                      vehicle decisions in mature vs.
                                                                      developing markets was much
                                                                      smaller. Last year, consumers in the
                                                                      BRIC countries tended to rate all of
                                                                      the factors as more important than
                                                                      did respondents in mature markets.
                                                                      This year, the numbers were much

                                                                      1 “April car sales in Brazil fall 13.7% from the previous
                                                                      May 8, 2009

Automotive         the way we see it

closer to those in the mature markets,
with the exception of short-term            Consumers in Developing Markets Consider More Vehicles (% consumers saying)
factors such as low financing and
cash-back incentives, which are still                           How many different makes/models of vehicles
more important in developing                                    are you currently considering?
countries than in mature markets.                                      2                        1
                                                   100%                1                        4
Customer loyalty and online buying                                     14
trends also show signs of convergence,
with slight declines in some of the                                                             27
developing markets as they begin to                                                                              More than 7
move closer to the levels typically
seen in the mature markets.
                                                     60%                                                         4-5
The shift toward convergence is                                                                                  2-3
particularly pronounced in Russia,                                                                               1
where many vehicle buying patterns
resemble those in western markets, a                 40%
trend that was apparent last year as
well. For example, Russian consumers
are more likely than those in the other
developing markets to rely on web-
based information sources and less so
on traditional sources such as TV                                      16
advertising and auto shows. This pattern               0%
mirrors consumer behavior in the                                Mature Markets         Developing Markets
mature markets, particularly the U.S.
                                            Source: Capgemini

A similar trend is apparent in the type
of vehicle consumers plan to buy.
Russian respondents are more likely        Differences Between Developing
than their counterparts in the other       and Mature Markets Remain
BRIC countries to want to buy a used
vehicle, no doubt helped by recent
government tax changes. About one-
quarter said they plan to buy a used
                                           Despite the trend toward convergence,
                                           significant differences between
                                           developing markets and mature
                                           markets remain. For example,
                                                                                        “  I have confidence that
                                                                                        we will see big changes in
                                                                                        the kinds of cars we buy;
car, which is about the same as the        consumers in most of the developing          they will be friendly to the
number in the U.S. The stronger used       countries are more likely to rely on         environment and to my
car market in both the U.S. and            traditional information sources such
                                                                                        pocket.     Brazilian consumer
Russia likely accounts for the fact that
consumers in those countries are
more inclined to use service stations
and auto repair shops for servicing. In
                                           as TV advertising when researching
                                           vehicles. Respondents from mature
                                           markets primarily use web-based
                                           sources. This is likely due to the fact
addition, Russian consumers show           that consumers in the developing
strong interest in buying a sports         markets are still new to the car buying
utility vehicle, again similar to          process and want as much
consumers in the U.S.                      information as possible from a wide
                                           range of sources.

Cars Online 09/10                                                                                                              6
Dealer Visits Vary in Developing Markets (% consumers saying)

                        How many dealerships will you visit before purchasing/leasing your next vehicle?



                                                                                                                      Don’t know
               40%                                                                                                    More than 5


               30%                                                                                                    3-4



                          Total         U.S.        Western       Russia        Brazil        India        China

    Source: Capgemini

Interestingly, however, respondents in             Variances in Buying Behavior                Differences were also apparent in
developing countries who do use the                Among BRIC Markets                          terms of the types of vehicles
Internet are more likely than their                It is important to note that all            consumers plan to buy. Brazilian
counterparts in mature markets to                  developing markets are not alike in         respondents show a much greater
turn to new tools such as blogs, video             every respect and that we see               tendency toward buying smaller cars
sites and RSS feeds. They may be new               variances in buying behavior from one       and place greater emphasis on hybrid
to the vehicle buying process, but not             country to another.                         or other alternative-fuel cars.
to technology.
                                                   Brazil stands out in a number of
Consumers in developing markets are                respects. For example, Brazilian
also more likely than those in mature              consumers are more likely than their
markets to consider a greater number               counterparts in the other developing
of makes and models before buying.                 countries to look at a greater number
One-third of respondents from the
BRIC countries look at four or more
makes/models, compared with only
17% in the mature markets.
                                                   of vehicles. More than half said they
                                                   will consider four or more
                                                                                               “  I would like to see a
                                                                                               point system for providing
                                                                                               feedback on a blog or
                                                   Russian consumers tend to visit more        forum site, which would
In addition, consumers in developing               dealers than do shoppers in the other       enable you to get some
markets are prepared to spend a                    developing markets. Almost one-third
                                                                                               kind of discount from the
significantly higher proportion of their           of respondents in Russia said they will
                                                                                               dealer or manufacturer.

income on a vehicle. In the U.S., for              visit four or more dealers before
example, the majority of respondents               buying, compared with only 7% in            Indian consumer
expect to spend less than 25% of their             Brazil, 13% in India and 4% in China.
annual income on their next vehicle,               This may be due to the fact that there
compared with the developing                       are more dealerships in Russia to
markets where the majority of                      choose from than in countries such as
consumers will spend up to 50% of                  India and China.
their income. In Russia, one-third are
prepared to spend more than 50%.

Automotive             the way we see it

How Consumers Buy: Target Your
Marketing Mix
Vehicle buyers are taking less time to research and visit showrooms and are
increasingly turning to web-based information sources.

                                                           Vehicle Buying Cycle Shrinks                      Understanding the shifting timeframe
                                                           Traditionally, the vehicle buying cycle           is vital, as the research period is the
                                                           has been shown to last about six                  critical time to reach in-market
                                                           months. Our research indicates that               consumers with the right information
                                                           this period is compressing as consumers           and the right response mechanisms.
                                                           are able to gather significant                    By the time a consumer visits the
                                                           information about vehicles quickly                showroom, it is often too late to
                                                           and easily over the web. More than                influence the vehicle decision.
                                                           two-thirds of respondents begin the
                                                           research process two to four months               What triggers a consumer to move
                                                           before they plan to buy and 60% visit             from the research stage into the
                                                           the showroom for the first time within            showroom? It is not so much a
                                                           two months of purchase. This pattern              particular point in time but rather a
                                                           is fairly consistent across markets.              shift in mindset.

 The Shrinking Vehicle Buying Cycle (% consumers saying)

            How long before your planned vehicle purchase/lease                  How long before your planned vehicle purchase/lease
            did/will you begin to research vehicles?                             will/did you visit a dealership showroom?

                     <2 weeks           2 weeks-1 month        1-2 months           <2 weeks           2 weeks-1 month          1-2 months
                     2-4 months         4-6 months             6-8 months           2-4 months         4-6 months               6-8 months
                     8-10 months        10-12 months           >12 months           8-10 months        10-12 months             >12 months

              30%                                                                 30%

              25%                                                                 25%

              20%                                                                 20%

                                        23                                                              27
              15%                                                                 15%
                                                  17                                                          23
              10%                  14                                             10%

                5%                                     7                            5%       11
                                                           3   3                                                        3   1     1   1
                0%                                                                  0%
                                             Total                                                             Total
 Source: Capgemini

Cars Online 09/10                                                                                                                                    8
In earlier consumer research conducted          Ensuring that your showroom is
by the Car Internet Research Program            among those visited by consumers is a
(CIRP) and Capgemini, we found that             challenge as consumers visit fewer
the switch from researching to dealer           dealerships today than in past years.
visits typically occurs when “enough”           About one-quarter of respondents said
information has been gathered and a
consumer feels ready to negotiate. Of
course, what constitutes enough
                                                they visit only one or two dealerships
                                                before buying a vehicle.                 “   There should be a real
                                                                                         price for a vehicle and a
                                                                                         real warranty with no fine
information will vary from one buyer            The Search for Information
                                                                                         print.     U.S. consumer
to another. However, from a power-
struggle perspective, it typically means
that the customer knows what he
wants and how much he is ready to
                                                Where do consumers go for their
                                                information during the research stage?
                                                Most turn to the web. Almost 90% of
                                                consumers say they use the Internet to
pay. When that state of mind is                 research vehicles.                       This year, the use of search engines
reached, the buyer is ready to enter                                                     jumped considerably, moving up to
the showroom.                                                                            the third spot from seventh position
                                                                                         last year. Search engines are
                                                                                         increasingly becoming a key starting
 Expected Use of Information Sources (% consumers saying)
                                                                                         point for consumers as they search for
                                                                                         new models and brands, as well as
               Dealer websites
                                                                                         information about automotive-related
                                                                                         blogs, reviews and other types of
                  Internet sites                                                         resources that might help them during
                                                                                         the research process.
                Search engine

             Family and friends                                                          Usage of manufacturer websites as
                                                                                         well as automotive blogs, forums and
          Information websites
                                                                                         discussion groups also increased.
              Independent car                                                            While most web-based sources show
             valuation services
                                                                                         gains in mature markets this year, the
             franchise dealer                                                            use of more traditional sources such
               Used car dealer
                                                                                         as TV advertising and auto shows,
                                                                                         continues to decline among Western
           Specialist motoring/
             automotive press                                                            car buyers. In contrast, while
            Internet news sites
                                                                                         consumers in developing markets use
                                                                                         the web to research vehicles, they still
               Print advertising                                                         rely on traditional sources too. This is
                                                           Mature Markets
                  Independent                                                            particularly true in Brazil, India and
                                                           Developing Markets
                   e-tailer sites                                                        China, though less so in Russia. For
                   Auto shows                                                            example, 30% of consumers in the
                                                                                         BRIC regions use and value TV
                 TV advertising
                                                                                         advertising, compared with only 16%
          Web forums, blogs or                                                           of respondents in the mature markets.
     Internet discussion groups
                               0%   10%   20%      30%      40%      50%        60%
                                                                                         These trends point to the importance
                                                                                         of targeting your marketing mix to the
 Source: Capgemini                                                                       specific market. This approach has

Automotive   the way we see it

 Importance of Factors in Consumers’ Choice of Vehicle
 (% consumers saying “important/very important”)

                        Reliability of brand
                                                                                                            “   Petrol vehicles will
                                                                                                            become a thing of the past
                                                                                                            and more emphasis will be
                                     Safety                                                                 placed on safety, the
                           Price of vehicle                                                                 environment and
                             Fuel economy                                                                   economical vehicles. I will
      Vehicle availability and/or reliability
               of sales and delivery date
                                                                                                            concentrate more on
                 Quality of interior styling                                                                manufacturer and
                         Aftersales service                                                                 government websites for
                 Brand name of vehicles,                                                                    information.     UK consumer
                   products and services

                  Extra options at no cost
         Treatment by the manufacturer
    during my previous ownership cycle
          Treatment by the dealer during
            my previous ownership cycle                                                Mature Markets
           Ability to research information                                             Developing Markets
                            on the Internet
                            Low emissions
                 Product features/options
                           to fit my needs
                      0% or low financing

                     Cash-back incentive
           Option for additional warranty
              coverage or service credit
                    Coupons/options for
                    third-party providers
                          Hybrid or other
                     alternative-fuel cars

                                            0%    20%         40%          60%   80%       100%

 Source: Capgemini

already resulted in some significant                          vehicle that a consumer chooses? As
shifts in spending. For example, in the                       in prior years, the top four factors
U.S. local broadcast TV spending in                           across the board are reliability, safety,
the automotive category fell more                             price and fuel economy. In a
than 50% in the first quarter of 2009,                        continuation of our findings from
according to the Television Bureau of                         last year, consumers in developing
Advertising.2                                                 markets are more likely than their
                                                              counterparts in mature markets to
Reliability and Safety                                        emphasize transitory factors, such as
Matter Most                                                   cash-back incentives and coupons/
Once the research process is complete,                        options for third-party providers.
what factors ultimately determine the

2 “A World Without Local Car Dealer Ads?” Advertising Age, June 12, 2009

Cars Online 09/10                                                                                                                       10
Green Vehicles: A Force for the Future
Growing interest in fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles will lead to
fundamental shifts in consumer buying behavior over the coming years.

                              “Time We Got Off the Oil                       Brazil, which is not surprising given
                              Wagon”                                         that ethanol-based and flex-fuel
                              When consumers were asked                      vehicles have been sold in that country
                              about the changes they expect to see           for a number of years. Almost 90% of
                              in the way they buy vehicles over              Brazilian respondents say they have a
                              the next decade, mentions of more              strong understanding of green vehicles.
                              environmentally friendly cars vied
                              with online buying as the major                Evidence of rationalization between
                              change. “I am hoping that soon my              developing and mature markets is
                              choices for alternative-fuel/green vehicles    apparent in this area. Confidence in
                              will be much larger. It’s time we got off      green knowledge was up in the U.S.
                              the oil wagon,” said one respondent            and level in Western Europe, but down
                              from the U.S.                                  somewhat in developing markets.

                              That sentiment was echoed
                              throughout the eight markets studied.
                              Even in Germany, where vehicle
                              performance was a key factor for
                              many consumers, one respondent
                              noted that “A fast car is not exciting if it
                              consumes a lot of fuel.”

                              Considerable focus today is being put
                                                                             “   I think the auto industry
                                                                             is going to make a
                                                                             complete change within 10
                              on developing more fuel-efficient and
                              alternative-fuel vehicles by most major        to 15 years. I hope there
                              car manufacturers, as well as                  will be no emissions, 100%
                              governments, energy companies and
                                                                             clean fuel.     U.S. consumer
                              other industries. This growing focus
                              on “green” is being strongly fueled by
                              consumer demand stemming from
                              economic and environmental factors.
                              In our research, 41% of consumers
                              said they currently own a fuel-efficient
                              or alternative-fuel vehicle, up from
                              36% the year before. And another
                              30% said they plan to buy a fuel-
                              efficient or alternative-fuel vehicle.

                              Consumer Confidence About
                              Green Knowledge Is High
                              Consumers in most markets today are
                              gaining a better understanding of
                              what green really means. Three-
                              quarters of all respondents say they
                              are confident or very confident in
                              their knowledge of green vehicles.
                              The degree of confidence is highest in

Automotive          the way we see it

                                                                                             Brazil, ethanol or gasoline/ethanol
 Ownership of Green Vehicles Increases (% consumers saying)                                  flex-fuel cars are popular.

              Own a fuel-efficient/
                                                                        41                   It is not surprising that electric vehicles,
           alternative-fuel vehicle                                36
                                                                                             particularly hybrid gas/electric cars,
                                                                                             would be at the top of consumers’
                                                                                             list of alternative-fuel choices. They
     Plan to buy a fuel-efficient/                          30                               are the most commercially mature
         alternative-fuel vehicle                           30                               and viable of the various kinds of
                                                                                             alternative vehicles and have
        Thinking seriously about
                                                                                             demonstrated the potential to
                                             16                                2009
          buying a fuel-efficient/                                                           reduce fuel consumption and
         alternative-fuel vehicle                                              2008
                                                  19                                         exhaust emission.

      Do not own/not interested         13
                                                                                             “I think we will start seeing an awful lot
       in buying a fuel-efficient/                                                           more cars available in electric form,”
          alternative-fuel vehicle         15
                                                                                             said a consumer from the UK. “And
                                  0%   10%         20%       30%         40%    50%          greater pressure will be put on drivers to
                                                                                             be more green aware.”
 Source: Capgemini

                                                                                             Although sales of hybrid electric
                                                                                             vehicles still represent only a small
Why Consumers Buy Green                           Most of the developing markets also        share of overall car sales and despite
While fuel economy remains the                    saw an increase in the focus on the        slower sales this year, future demand
number one reason that consumers                  environment. In India, for example,        is expected to grow. This is
own or plan to buy a fuel-efficient or            32% of respondents pointed to the          particularly true in markets like the
alternative-fuel vehicle, environmental           environmental impact, up 10 percentage     U.S. and Japan as prices of hybrid and
impact is a growing factor. An                    points from the prior year. Similarly in   other types of electric vehicles begin
increasing focus on environmental                 China, 32% identified environmental        to drop. By some estimates, global
issues overall, combined with lower               impact as the primary reason behind        sales of hybrid electric vehicles may
fuel prices during the past year are the          green vehicle decisions, an increase       surge at a compound annual growth
likely drivers. The trend was                     from 20% in 2008.                          rate as high as 12% over the next few
particularly apparent in the U.S.                                                            years. Developing markets like Brazil,
where 20% of respondents said the                 Hybrids Lead the Way                       India and China are also expected to
environment was their primary reason              According to our research, gas/electric    contribute to this growth as they put
for choosing a fuel-efficient or                  hybrids are the primary type of            more focus on environmental issues
alternative-fuel car, up from just 9%             alternative-fuel vehicle that consumers    such as CO2 reduction.
the previous year.                                currently own or plan to buy. This is
                                                  particularly true in the Western
Consumers in Western Europe                       markets. In the U.S., for example,
remain the most focused on the                    60% say they own or plan to buy a
environment, with 31% indicating                  gas/electric hybrid car, up from 52%
that environmental impact is the                  in 2008. Gas/electric hybrids are less
primary reason for owning or                      dominant in the developing markets,
planning to buy a fuel-efficient or               where consumer interest is also
alternative-fuel car. This number is              focused on natural gas or natural gas
up from 22% the year before.                      hybrids and all-electric vehicles. In

Cars Online 09/10                                                                                                                     12
Why Consumers Buy Green Vehicles (% consumers saying)

                         100%          2            1           3            1      2
                                                   1                                                  4
                                       11                                    9      11      11        6
                                                   13                        2
                                                               17                           3         6
                                       4            2                               6
                           80%                                  3           19
                                                   20                                                             Other
                                       26                                           22      32       32
                                                                31                                                Preserve residual value of vehicle
                                                                                                                  Tax credit
                           40%                                                                                    Impact on the environment
                                                                                    59                            Fuel economy
                                       57                       46                         54        52

                                    Total         U.S. Western Russia Brazil               India    China

 Source: Capgemini
 Base: Consumers who own/plan to buy a fuel-efficient or alternative-fuel vehicle

                                                                    Will Consumers Pay for Green?                   “But I hope that prices will come down as
                                                                    While consumer interest in green                it will encourage others to purchase this
                                                                    vehicles is strong and growing, cost            type of vehicle as well.”
                                                                    remains an issue. Our research found

“   I would consider a
hydrogen-powered sedan.
The maintenance is
                                                                    that consumers show some
                                                                    willingness to pay for improved fuel
                                                                    efficiency, although about 70% of
                                                                    respondents said they would pay no
                                                                                                                    Prices are expected to drop over the
                                                                                                                    coming years, but it is still early in the
                                                                                                                    cost-reduction curve. Government-
                                                                                                                    sponsored programs in the form of
affordable and it’s good for                                        more than 10% extra for a fuel-                 both consumer credits/rebates and
                                                                    efficient or alternative-fuel vehicle.          battery development incentives in the
the environment too.
German consumer
                                            ”                       And in the mature markets, close to
                                                                    20% said they were not prepared to
                                                                    pay any premium at all.
                                                                                                                    electric vehicle business provide some
                                                                                                                    cost relief. However, the price gap
                                                                                                                    between gas-powered and alternative-
                                                                                                                    fuel vehicles will need to shrink
                                                                    “I will purchase an alternative-fuel car as     considerably if the mass market is to
                                                                    I am very concerned about the                   accept green cars.
                                                                    environment,” said a U.S. consumer.

Automotive         the way we see it

The Role of the Web: Consumer Usage
Pattern Emerges
As Internet sophistication grows, consumers look to different kinds of sites for
targeted information.

                                                                    Use of the web during the vehicle       The importance of features such as
                                                                    buying process is now at nearly full    comparators and configurators was
                                                                    saturation in most markets. The         down somewhat this year. Least
                                                                    exception is China, where Internet      important to consumers are features
                                                                    penetration remains low in some         such as dynamic graphics, the ability
                                                                    regions. A clear pattern has emerged,   to check dealer inventory, availability
                                                                    with many consumers starting their      of a website in their native language,
                                                                    research with search engines, then      and online information about the
                                                                    moving to manufacturer and dealer       latest ads and promotions.
                                                                    sites, and finally to consumer-to-
                                                                    consumer tools like blogs and           Some differences were apparent by
                                                                    discussion sites.                       market. For example, comparators
                                                                                                            and cost calculators were somewhat
                                                                    What Consumers Want                     more important to consumers in the
                                                                    from the Web                            mature markets, especially the U.S.
                                                                    As Internet sophistication grows,       Respondents in the developing
                                                                    consumers look to different kinds of    markets, particularly those from India,
                                                                    sites for targeted information. From    were interested in the ability to get
                                                                    manufacturer and dealer sites,          guidance and advice over the web and
                                                                    respondents say they want to find a     to communicate with their dealer or
                                                                    full range of product information and   car company online to solve
                                                                    base pricing above everything else.     problems, buy accessories, etc.
                                                                    This has been the case now for a
                                                                    number of years.

 Wide Use of the Internet to Research Vehicles (% consumers saying)

                                                                                                            “   I want to look for a
                                                                                                            vehicle that is more fuel
                                                                                                            efficient and will be
                                                                                                            researching at green
                                                                                                            websites and different
              60%                                                                              2009         car blogs because
                                                                                               2008         consumer opinions
                                                                                                            really matter to me.

                                                                                               2006         U.S. consumer

                       Total         U.S.      Western Russia Brazil India          China

 Source: Capgemini
 Note: Russia, Brazil and India were not included in the research until 2008

Cars Online 09/10                                                                                                                                 14
New Tools Provide New
 Reasons for Using Consumer-to-Consumer Online Tools (% consumers saying)                           Information
                                                                                                    After doing research via manufacturer
                                                                                                    and dealer websites, an increasing
                 Opinions/reviews about
               specific car brands/makes                                                            number of consumers are turning to
                                                                                                    online consumer-to-consumer tools
       Discussions with other consumers
                                                                                                    such as automotive blogs, forums,
                News about new vehicles                                                             discussion groups, video sites and RSS
                                                                                                    feeds. The use of these tools during
                             Helpful hints
                                                                                                    the research process has grown in
     Discussions with automotive experts
                                                                                                    recent years and is particularly high in
                                                                                                    the developing markets.
         Information about vehicle recalls

                  Opinions/reviews about
                                                                                                    Indian consumers are among the most
                      specific car dealers                                                          likely to use automotive blogs (46% of
                                                                                                    Indian respondents vs. an average of
                          Personal stories
                                                                                          2009      40%), online video sites (50%, compared
                    Discussions about a
                specific automotive topic
                                                                                                    with the average of 32%); and RSS
            Information about automotive
                                                                                                    feeds (28% vs. 12% overall). Respondents
                      events/auto shows                                                   2007      from Brazil are the most likely to use
                 Other car images/videos                                                            social messaging/micro-blog sites like
                                                                                                    Twitter (30% vs. the average of 13%)
                       Spy photos/videos
                                                                                                    and mobile phone applications (27%,
                                         0%       10%       20%       30%         40%   50%   60%   compared with 10% overall).

 Source: Capgemini                                                                                  Consumers rely on these sites
 Note: Multiple responses allowed
 Base: Consumers who use consumer-to-consumer online tools to research vehicles                     primarily to gain more qualitative,
                                                                                                    objective information about vehicles
                                                                                                    and dealers. This year respondents
                                                                                                    placed growing emphasis on
                                                                                                    interactive discussion sites, rather
                                                                                                    than static information such as vehicle
                                                                                                    news. For example, 29% said they
                                                                                                    look for discussions with other
                                                                                                    consumers, up from 21% in 2007;
                                                                                                    and 28% participate in discussions

“  I would like to see one centralized website where it
would be possible to find information on all offers for all
brands. It would be a more flexible and simple way to
                                                                                                    with automotive experts, an increase
                                                                                                    from 20% two years ago.

                                                                                                    Not only do these kinds of tools
choose a car.     Russian consumer                                                                  provide consumers with additional

                          ”                                                                         information as part of the research

Automotive   the way we see it

process, they can influence buying
decisions. More than two-thirds of
consumers said they would be more
likely to purchase a particular vehicle
or buy from a certain dealer if they
found positive comments posted on
blogs, forums and the like. The
numbers were even higher in Brazil
and India.

Conversely, 57% of respondents said
they would be less likely to buy a
particular make or from a specific
dealer if they found negative
comments on these kinds of sites.

 Building Relationships Via the Web

 What if consumers had the chance to speak to a vehicle manufacturer adviser as they
 narrowed down their vehicle selections? Someone who could help them by answering
 technical questions, or identifying resolutions to their specific needs (as a hotline would);
 or by being reassuring – offering an ear, a human voice and advice (like a coach).

 In research conducted by the Car Internet Research Program (CIRP) and Capgemini, we
 found that consumers saw value in pioneering flexible web services, such as virtual
 assistance, particularly during the critical time period during the research process before
 they enter the dealer showroom.3

 Our research made it clear that implementing a service like a “Virtual Adviser” into a
 manufacturer’s web model can engage early-phase shoppers interactively and set the
 stage for building a superior customer relationship experience. This can provide the
 following benefits:
 • Enhance the probability of a shopper choosing your brand as one of the two models
   they will closely examine.
 • Increase the likelihood that your dealership will be the one they visit.
 • Improve the chances that the shopper will arrive at the dealership feeling more
   comfortable, with a greater level of trust.
 • Complement the dealership distribution model by providing broader consumer
   coverage, particularly in new or expanding markets.

 Most importantly, we found that a Virtual Adviser program has the potential to drive an
 enhanced prospect funnel with improved conversion rates.

3 “Before the Door,” Car Internet Research Program (CIRP) and Capgemini, 2009

Cars Online 09/10                                                                                                           16
Online Buying: ‘No Hassles,
No Negotiations’
Consumers want a cheaper, faster, easier way to buy cars.
Their answer: the Internet.

“In 10 years, I expect buying a car online                    cars and parts/accessories, a trend we                         Western Europe and Russia, the
will be more like buying a replacement                        began tracking in our Cars Online                              results were consistent with last year.
mirror on eBay. Choose which one you                          research two years ago after not
want, pay for it and have it shipped to                       having focused on it for a number of                           Consumers are more likely to want to
your front door. No hassles and no                            years. This year, we explored the topic                        buy a new rather than a used car over
salesman negotiations.” – U.S. consumer                       more deeply.                                                   the Internet. This is no doubt due to
                                                                                                                             the fact that new cars are presumed to
“It will be possible to order a car and all                   Nearly 40% of consumers said they                              be of a high quality and in good working
the necessary features online – pay, get a                    would buy a vehicle online (the                                condition. Consumers are less willing
loan, insure and arrange a pick-up                            complete end-to-end transaction) if                            to buy a used car sight unseen.
location (delivery to home or a sales                         that capability existed. This was down
center). All this without leaving your                        a few percentage points from last year,                        Why Buy Online?
house.” – Russian consumer                                    reflecting a rationalization in the                            While price discount is the leading
                                                              developing markets. Brazil, India and                          reason consumers are interested in
There is no question that consumers                           China all experienced a drop in the                            buying a car over the Internet, more
expect to buy their vehicles over the                         number of respondents saying they                              than one-quarter said they wanted to
Internet in 10 years’ time. But many                          were likely to buy a vehicle online,                           avoid interaction or price negotiation
are not willing to wait that long.                            although the rates are still far higher                        with the dealer in person. Consumers
                                                              than those in the mature markets. The                          also expect an online transaction to be
Consumers today have demonstrated                             number increased to 21% in the U.S.,                           easier and faster.
a clear interest in online buying of                          from 17% the previous year. And in
                                                                                                                             In India and China, respondents were
                                                                                                                             particularly inclined to prefer the
 Likelihood to Purchase Vehicle Over the Internet (% consumers saying)                                                       Internet in order to avoid interacting
                                                                                                                             with the dealer. In those markets, a
                          12                      14                       8                                                 price discount was a secondary reason
                                                                                                                             for buying a car online.
                          25                      27                                                                         It is important to point out that while
                                                                                                                             many consumers dislike the price
                                                                                             5 (Very likely)
                                                                          25                                                 negotiation that typically goes on
         60%                                                                                 4
                                                                                                                             inside the dealership, others actually
                          23                                                                 3
                                                  21                                                                         enjoy bargaining over price and say
                                                                                                                             that the inability to negotiate price
         40%                                                              22                 1 (Not at all likely)           would be a barrier to buying online.
                          18                      17
                                                                                                                             This dichotomy in negotiation
         20%                                                                                                                 preferences was apparent in earlier
                          22                      21                                                                         research published by the Car Internet
                                                                                                                             Research Program (CIRP) and
           0%                                                                                                                Capgemini.4 In that study, we found
                       Total                Consumers              Consumers
                                                                   intending to
                                                                                                                             that the process of negotiating the
                                            intending to
                                               acquire                acquire                                                purchase or lease of a vehicle arouses
                                            NEW vehicle            USED vehicle                                              strong emotions and corresponding
 Source: Capgemini                                                                                                           reactions. Different consumers adopt

4 “‘Am I Being Taken?’ Inside the Dealership: The Impact of Consumer Negotiation Preferences and Strategy,” Car Internet Research Program (CIRP) and Capgemini, 2008

Automotive    the way we see it

                                                                                              “   I would like to buy a car
                                                                                              totally on the Internet and
                                                                                              have it delivered to my
 Primary Reason to Purchase Vehicle Over the Internet (% consumers saying)                    home. Perhaps there
                                                                                              would be only one
                      Price discount                        36                                dealership in town with
                    Do not want to                                                            one of each model for test
           interact/negotiate price                    28
              in person with dealer                                                           drives and to look over.
                     Ease and speed               22                                          Then you would go home
                       of transaction
                Ability to purchase
                                                                                              and order over the Internet
                 vehicle that is not         8                                                the car you want with the
                   available locally
                                                                                              options you want.

                Do not want to be
    talked into buying something
                    I do not want
                                                                                              U.S. consumer
                                        0%       10%             20%   30%        40%

 Source: Capgemini

different types of negotiation strategies;         For example, a car could easily be
in some cases they are more opaque                 brought to a consumer’s home for a
and in others they are fairly transparent.         test drive. Some consumers even
                                                   suggested using virtual reality tools to
Transparent shoppers are at ease with              make online test drives possible.
the salesperson and are open about
their interest in the vehicle as well as           Some differences by market were
why they like it. They are more likely             apparent, with test drives being more
to enjoy the negotiation process.                  of a concern in mature markets and
Opaque consumers, on the other                     the lack of information about a
hand, are less confident in their ability          vehicle’s history a greater concern in
to get a good price, and so do not                 developing regions.
enjoy the bargaining process. This
second group of car buyers represents              Many respondents do not rule out a
a potential market for online vehicle              role for the dealer in online vehicle
buying.                                            buying. Close to one-third said price
                                                   negotiation would be the primary role
Barriers to Online Buying                          of the dealership, while 28% pointed
Again this year, we asked respondents              to test drives and 17% said providing
to identify the barriers they see to               service packages. Additional functions
online vehicle buying. And again, we               included serving as a location to pick
were struck by the fact that the                   up a vehicle after buying it online, as
primary hurdles – such as the                      well as a place to view the vehicle in
inability to test drive a vehicle, see             person and to acquire additional
photos/video of the vehicle or receive             information before buying online.
full product and price information –
are clearly surmountable.

Cars Online 09/10                                                                                                           18
“  It will soon be possible to order everything online,
                                                           starting from the build and color and finishing with
                                                           accessories.     Russian consumer

 Barriers to Online Buying (% consumers saying)
                                                                                                        Price discounts and dissatisfaction
                                                                                                        with the dealer/retailer process are the
                                                                                                        key reasons consumers want to buy
                 Inability to test drive vehicle
                before making final decision                                                            parts and accessories over the web.
                Inability to see photos/video                                                           Overall, 35% of consumers expect a
                of the vehicle inside and out
                        Inability to receive full                                                       price discount when they buy vehicle
                   product/price information
                                                                                                        parts and accessories online; 30%
         Inability to negotiate pricing online
                                                                                                        point to ease and speed of transaction
                  Inability to receive a report
               detailing the vehicle’s history                                                          as the key reason; 21% look for wider
       Inability to contact and interact with
        a representative online or by phone
                                                                                                        selection and availability; and 10% do
                  Inability to match a vehicle                                                          not want to interact in person with a
                   to my exact specifications                                                           dealer or parts retailer.
Inability to conduct final negotiation online
              Inability to negotiate trade-in                                      Mature Markets       These reasons are fairly consistent
                         of old vehicle online
        Inability to apply for financing and                                       Developing Markets   across markets, with a few exceptions.
conduct financing approval process online
                    Inability to have vehicle
                                                                                                        In Russia, the wider selection and
                     delivered to your home                                                             availability of parts and accessories
                                          Other                                                         resonated most strongly with car
                                                0%   10%      20%     30%     40%      50%      60%     buyers. In India, ease and speed of
                                                                                                        transaction was somewhat more
 Source: Capgemini
 Note: Multiple responses allowed                                                                       important than price discount. And in
                                                                                                        China, 31% of respondents said they
                                                                                                        did not want to interact in person
However, many consumers do not                             A similar sentiment was echoed by a          with a dealer or parts retailer.
expect to see dealer lots full of cars if                  respondent from the U.S., who said,
online buying takes off. “There will be                    “Talking one-on-one with a real person to    Practical Items Lead the List
only test cars,” said a U.S. respondent.                   finalize a purchase is invaluable. I doubt   Overall, respondents want to buy
“Cars will be made to your specifications,                 that I would ever purchase a vehicle from    practical items such as seat covers,
thus eliminating dealer inventory on the                   the Internet, no matter how easy it is to    floor mats and tires online rather than
sales floor.”                                              research makes, models, pricing, extras.”    custom accessories like spoilers,
                                                                                                        specialty headlights/taillights and
Some respondents see a grim future                         Significant Interest in Buying               custom wheels. There were some
for dealers. “Dealerships will become                      Parts/Accessories Online                     notable market differences, however.
history,” said a consumer in India.                        This year we took a closer look at the
“Everyone will buy their cars online and                   business of selling parts and accessories    For example, in-car entertainment
have them delivered at their doorsteps.”                   over the Internet, an area of considerable   devices and systems lead the list in
                                                           interest to consumers. Half of               Russia, named by about half of
Not everyone is sold on online                             respondents said they would like to          respondents, compared with an
buying, however. “I hope that we’ll still                  buy parts and accessories online. As         average of 34%. Consumers in India
have our local dealers because of their                    with online vehicle buying, the trend        were also more likely than average to
proximity and their knowledge of their                     is growing in the U.S., is consistent in     consider buying in-car entertainment
customers,” said a consumer from                           Western Europe and Russia, and is            systems over the web, while these
France. “I think that most of the research                 down somewhat in the other                   items were at the bottom of the list for
will be done on the Internet but finalizing                developing markets.                          Chinese respondents.
the deal will be face-to-face with the
salesman. It’s too important a purchase
for everything to be done virtually.”

Automotive         the way we see it

Customer Interaction: Loyalty and
Satisfaction Rates Improve
In a year full of bad news for the automotive industry, our research found bright
spots in brand and dealer loyalty and customer satisfaction with the vehicle
buying process.
                            Automotive companies could use a bit        of consumers are likely to return to
                            of good news and our research               the same dealer, and where, in fact,
                            provides it in the form of improved         one-quarter of consumers would
                            customer loyalty. This year we saw a        actively search out a new dealer for
                            spike in brand loyalty in most              their next vehicle purchase.
                            countries, perhaps a reflection of the
                            ever-increasing reliability of most         Building Loyalty Through
                            vehicles on the market today as well        Communication
                            as improved lead management and             So what can dealers and manufacturers
                            customer communication programs.            do to maintain customer loyalty?
                                                                        Communication is key. Consumers
                            Overall, 68% of respondents said they       show a strong receptivity to a wide
                            were likely to purchase the same            range of communications, such as
                            make/brand as their current vehicle,        brochures about the vehicle
                            up from 61% last year. Improvements         bought/leased, service reminders,
                            were seen in the mature markets as          post-test drive surveys, welcome
                            well as most of the developing              packs, satisfaction surveys and
                            countries, with the exception of India.     personalized repurchase offers.

                            Similarly, dealer loyalty also rose,        However, those items that are
                            with 63% of consumers saying they           intrinsically most useful, such as
                            were likely to purchase from the            service reminders and personalized
                            same dealer where they bought their         repurchase offers near the end of a
                            current car, up from 59% the year           lease or warranty period, are more
                            before. This may be due to the              likely to influence future buying
                            contraction in the dealer business as       decisions. For example, 30% of
                            well as improvements in quality and         consumers said these two items would
                            service resulting from investments in       make them more likely to buy their
                            customer lifecycle management               next vehicle from the same dealer or
                            systems.                                    manufacturer, the highest rating for
                                                                        any form of communication.
                            Some variances by market are                Personalized repurchase offers are
                            apparent. The U.S., Western Europe          particularly influential in the U.S.,
                            and Russia all registered small             Western Europe and Russia, but less
                            increases in dealer loyalty, while          so in the other developing markets.
                            China saw a bigger jump. However,
                            both Brazil and India recorded small        Some consumers suggested that
                            declines, which again may be a sign of      manufacturers go even further in their
                            convergence beginning to occur in           communication initiatives and involve
                            some of the developing markets.             consumers in the development of new
                                                                        vehicles. “It would be good to use online
                            Despite this year’s gains, dealer loyalty   surveys to get views and guidance from
                            still remains lower than brand loyalty,     existing users before manufacturing new
                            indicating that consumers are more          vehicles,” said a respondent from India.
                            likely to trade dealers than trade
                            brands. This is particularly true in
                            mature markets, where less than half

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  • 1. Automotive the way we see it Cars Online 09/10 Understanding Consumer Buying Behavior in a Volatile Market
  • 2. Contents Introduction 2 Executive Summary 3 Developing Markets: Buying Trends Evolve Rapidly 5 How Consumers Buy: Target Your Marketing Mix 8 Green Vehicles: A Force for the Future 11 The Role of the Web: Consumer Usage Pattern Emerges 14 Online Buying: ‘No Hassles, No Negotiations’ 17 Customer Interaction: Loyalty and Satisfaction Rates Improve 20 Aftersales/Servicing: Focusing on the Post-Sale Experience 24 Conclusion and Recommendations 27
  • 3. Automotive the way we see it Introduction Mergers and acquisitions. Bankruptcy This year’s report focuses on both filings. Government intervention. mature and developing markets. The Vehicle scrapping and rebate research involved more than 3,000 programs. The past 12 months have consumers in Brazil, China, France, brought fundamental changes to the Germany, India, Russia, the United automotive industry around the globe. Kingdom and the United Sates. Last year ushered in an unprecedented In this edition we take a deeper look global downturn that originated in at top-of-mind issues such as online 2007. What started as a financial buying of vehicles and crisis soon expanded into the larger parts/accessories, alternative-fuel economy, affecting mature and vehicles and aftersales/servicing. In developing markets alike. The addition, we asked consumers to automotive industry has been one of think about the biggest changes they the hardest-hit sectors. The downturn expect to make in how they shop for has led most automotive businesses to and buy vehicles in the coming years. put in place initiatives aimed at short- Their responses provide valuable term survival and mid-term stability insight into consumer expectations with the focus largely on cost cutting about the future of the vehicle buying and cash preservation. Tomorrow’s process. Look for their direct quotes winners, however, will shift their throughout the report. focus to longer-term prosperity with the emphasis on future differentiation We hope that the findings of Cars and competitive advantage. Online 09/10 will provide automotive manufacturers and dealers with To achieve this objective and regain insights into changing consumer their footing, automotive companies dynamics in both mature and must have a deep understanding of developing markets, and will help the consumer buying behavior. Cars industry gain a better understanding Online 09/10 – Capgemini’s 11th of consumer buying behavior in annual global automotive study – today’s turbulent climate. aims to provide insight into how consumers shop for vehicles, what leads them to buy and what they are really looking for from the full vehicle lifecycle experience. “ I believe the whole car industry will soon look very different. Those companies owned by the government and unions will be bust. Those that listen to the public and offer value, fair prices and the right features will prosper. U.S. consumer ” Cars Online 09/10 2
  • 4. Executive Summary With vehicle sales suffering in most experts or other consumers in-market environment as the primary reason: markets today and automotive is an important trend, which grew 26%, up from 19% the previous year. companies focused on cost cutting strongly this year. Traditional This trend was particularly evident in and cash preservation, it’s easy to take information sources such as TV the U.S. your eye off the consumer. But, in a advertising remain important in climate characterized by volatility, developing countries, however, and Improvements in brand and consumer insight is more important than ever as buying behavior patterns should be part of the marketing mix. 4 dealer loyalty and overall satisfaction with the buying process evolve rapidly. How do car buyers Consumers want to buy vehicles bode well for the industry. With research vehicles? What types of cars are they looking for? What triggers 2 and parts and accessories online as they look for lower prices plenty of bad news for automotive companies these days, our research them to buy? Where – and how – do and an alternative to the traditional uncovered a bit of good news. More they want to buy? How do they want dealer model. Nearly 40% of than two-thirds of respondents said to communicate with manufacturers respondents said they would like to they were likely to purchase the same and dealers? buy a car over the Internet (the make/brand as their current vehicle, complete end-to-end process) and half up from 61% last year. Similarly, Capgemini’s Cars Online research aims would buy parts and accessories. dealer loyalty also rose, with 63% of to answer these questions and more to While lower price is the leading consumers saying they were likely to provide insight that can help reason, many respondents said they purchase from the same dealer where automotive companies respond faster simply did not want to negotiate price they bought their current car, up from and more effectively to changing or interact with the dealer in person. 59% the year before. consumer needs and demands. Consumers seem to be polarized in their desire to negotiate: about one- Satisfaction with the overall buying Key Findings quarter wanted the ability to negotiate process was also up somewhat. The research uncovered a number of a better deal, but another one-quarter However, consumer approval was key findings: felt this was something they preferred more muted in the mature markets, to avoid. demonstrating that there is still work Usage of the web as a key to be done to improve the customer 1 information source during the vehicle buying process has become 3 Green vehicle ownership continues to rise as experience in the U.S. and Western Europe. pervasive across most markets. environmental concerns grow. Almost 90% of consumers today use Consumers indicate a growing Developing markets show early the Internet to research vehicles, up from 61% in 2005. A clear online confidence in their understanding of so-called “green” vehicles. This 5 signs of trending toward mature markets, as consumers in the BRIC usage pattern has emerged, with increased knowledge is influencing countries become more familiar consumers turning initially to search buying decisions. In this year’s study, with buying cars. For example, this engines, which jumped up the list of 41% of consumers said they currently year the gap between the factors that information sources this year; then to own a fuel-efficient or alternative-fuel impact vehicle decisions in mature vs. manufacturer and dealer sites for vehicle, up from 36% the year before. developing markets was much factual information about vehicles, Another 30% said they plan to buy a smaller. Greater convergence will prices and availability; and finally to fuel-efficient or alternative-fuel vehicle. likely still take a number of years, and consumer-to-consumer tools like market differences will remain for discussion sites for qualitative Interestingly, the reasons behind these some time. For instance, mature information and opinions. buying decisions are evolving. While markets increasingly look for fuel economy remains the leading information online, whereas The ability to interact online and hold driver, a growing number of developing markets are still keen to real-time discussions with automotive respondents named impact on the get information from more traditional 3
  • 5. Automotive the way we see it ‘‘ Many of the formalities of car purchases will soon be a thing of the past. The selection and purchase process will be faster, easier and nicer. Russian consumer ’’ sources such as TV advertising and manufacturer to respond to an online trade shows. And mature markets inquiry within four hours. In China, focus on permanent value when consumers are even more demanding, choosing a vehicle, whereas with more than half expecting a developing markets show greater response within an hour. In addition, interest in more transactional almost one-quarter of respondents marketing such as cash-back bonuses. point to ease and speed of transaction as the key reason for buying a vehicle Now is the time for automotive online, and 30% say it is the driving companies to focus attention on factor behind their desire to purchase providing a positive customer parts and accessories over the web. It experience in developing countries is important to note that most of these About the Study while loyalty and satisfaction levels factors leading to consumer remain higher than in mature frustration seem to be down to poor markets. basic management and are in the Capgemini worked with SmartRevenue, industry’s own hands to resolve. a Ridgefield, Connecticut-based As the duration of the vehicle 6 buying cycle contracts, automotive companies have less 8 Less than half of consumers with cars still in-warranty have research firm, to conduct the survey for Cars Online 09/10. All analysis and interpretation of the data has been time to influence purchases. their vehicles serviced at the made by Capgemini in collaboration Consumers today can quickly and purchasing dealership. This with the Car Internet Research Program easily get vast amounts of information represents a significant missed (CIRP) of the University of Ottawa, about the vehicles they are interested aftersales opportunity for dealers. Canada. In total, more than 3,000 consumers were surveyed in eight in, resulting in a shrinking buying And it may also impact repurchase countries: Brazil, China, France, cycle. What used to take six months is decisions, as consumers tend to be Germany, India, Russia, the United now likely to take only four, with more likely to buy their next vehicle Kingdom and the United States. showroom visits coming ever closer to from the servicing dealer rather than the point of purchase. More than two- the prior purchasing dealer. The composition of the consumer thirds of respondents begin the sample in each country was based on research process two to four months While this topline review provides a projectable national samples before they plan to buy and 60% visit summary of key findings from this representative of the population in terms the showroom for the first time within year’s Cars Online study, the sections of region, age and gender. All two months of purchase. that follow offer more in-depth data consumers surveyed were in-market and analysis focused on key topics (24% plan to buy or lease a vehicle within three months; 29% in four to six Connecting with shoppers during the such as buying behavior patterns, web months; 11% in seven to nine months; research period and providing them usage, online buying, customer and 36% in 10 to 12 months). with the right tools and information is interaction and aftersales/servicing critical in influencing buying expectations. decisions. By the time they visit the showroom it is often too late. Consumers want the car buying 7 process to be easier and faster. A number of indicators point to a growing desire for improved ease and speed of transaction. For example, more consumers expect a dealer or Cars Online 09/10 4
  • 6. Developing Markets: Buying Trends Evolve Rapidly Developing markets are not alike in every respect, as our research identifies variances in buying behavior from one country to another. Don’t Call Them “Emerging” The developing markets have seen On a recent visit to a large Chinese strong vehicle sales growth in recent automotive manufacturer, we years. However, just like the mature discussed the market and its potential. markets, they have suffered somewhat During the conversation, a company in the past 12 months. For example, executive took issue with the term according to the Association of “emerging,” often used to describe the European Businesses, Russian car Chinese market. He noted that given sales fell by 49% in the first half of the size and growth of the automotive 2009, and a similar drop is projected business in his country, “emerging” for the second half of the year. In hardly seemed accurate anymore. Brazil, ANFAVEA (the Brazilian National Association of Motor Vehicle We took his point. This year we refer Manufacturers) expects car sales to fall to the BRIC countries as “developing” this year for the first time since 2003.1 markets, because as the Chinese The picture is brighter in China and executive pointed out, these markets India. Nevertheless, the potential for have already emerged. significant long-term growth remains strong in all four markets. In this year’s study we again track consumer buying behavior in the Following are some of the key trends developing markets of Brazil, Russia, noted in the developing regions. India and China. The findings from Additional variances by market are the four BRIC countries offer a glimpse discussed throughout the full report. of how these dynamic and growing automotive markets are evolving. Signs of Convergence Appear This year we found early signs of convergence in Russia, Brazil and India as consumers in these markets become more familiar with buying cars. As a result, some of the trends are beginning to move closer toward those in the mature markets. We have seen a similar rationalization in China in recent years too. For example, this year the gap between the factors that impact vehicle decisions in mature vs. developing markets was much smaller. Last year, consumers in the BRIC countries tended to rate all of the factors as more important than did respondents in mature markets. This year, the numbers were much 1 “April car sales in Brazil fall 13.7% from the previous month,” sales-in-brazil-fall-13.7-from-the-previous-month, May 8, 2009 5
  • 7. Automotive the way we see it closer to those in the mature markets, with the exception of short-term Consumers in Developing Markets Consider More Vehicles (% consumers saying) factors such as low financing and cash-back incentives, which are still How many different makes/models of vehicles more important in developing are you currently considering? countries than in mature markets. 2 1 100% 1 4 Customer loyalty and online buying 14 trends also show signs of convergence, with slight declines in some of the 27 80% developing markets as they begin to More than 7 move closer to the levels typically 6-7 seen in the mature markets. 60% 4-5 The shift toward convergence is 2-3 67 particularly pronounced in Russia, 1 where many vehicle buying patterns resemble those in western markets, a 40% 60 trend that was apparent last year as well. For example, Russian consumers are more likely than those in the other 20% developing markets to rely on web- based information sources and less so on traditional sources such as TV 16 8 advertising and auto shows. This pattern 0% mirrors consumer behavior in the Mature Markets Developing Markets mature markets, particularly the U.S. Source: Capgemini A similar trend is apparent in the type of vehicle consumers plan to buy. Russian respondents are more likely Differences Between Developing than their counterparts in the other and Mature Markets Remain BRIC countries to want to buy a used vehicle, no doubt helped by recent government tax changes. About one- quarter said they plan to buy a used Despite the trend toward convergence, significant differences between developing markets and mature markets remain. For example, “ I have confidence that we will see big changes in the kinds of cars we buy; car, which is about the same as the consumers in most of the developing they will be friendly to the number in the U.S. The stronger used countries are more likely to rely on environment and to my car market in both the U.S. and traditional information sources such pocket. Brazilian consumer Russia likely accounts for the fact that consumers in those countries are more inclined to use service stations and auto repair shops for servicing. In as TV advertising when researching vehicles. Respondents from mature markets primarily use web-based sources. This is likely due to the fact ” addition, Russian consumers show that consumers in the developing strong interest in buying a sports markets are still new to the car buying utility vehicle, again similar to process and want as much consumers in the U.S. information as possible from a wide range of sources. Cars Online 09/10 6
  • 8. Dealer Visits Vary in Developing Markets (% consumers saying) How many dealerships will you visit before purchasing/leasing your next vehicle? 60% 50% Don’t know 40% More than 5 4-5 30% 3-4 2-3 1-2 20% 1 10% 0% Total U.S. Western Russia Brazil India China Europe Source: Capgemini Interestingly, however, respondents in Variances in Buying Behavior Differences were also apparent in developing countries who do use the Among BRIC Markets terms of the types of vehicles Internet are more likely than their It is important to note that all consumers plan to buy. Brazilian counterparts in mature markets to developing markets are not alike in respondents show a much greater turn to new tools such as blogs, video every respect and that we see tendency toward buying smaller cars sites and RSS feeds. They may be new variances in buying behavior from one and place greater emphasis on hybrid to the vehicle buying process, but not country to another. or other alternative-fuel cars. to technology. Brazil stands out in a number of Consumers in developing markets are respects. For example, Brazilian also more likely than those in mature consumers are more likely than their markets to consider a greater number counterparts in the other developing of makes and models before buying. countries to look at a greater number One-third of respondents from the BRIC countries look at four or more makes/models, compared with only 17% in the mature markets. of vehicles. More than half said they will consider four or more makes/models. “ I would like to see a point system for providing feedback on a blog or Russian consumers tend to visit more forum site, which would In addition, consumers in developing dealers than do shoppers in the other enable you to get some markets are prepared to spend a developing markets. Almost one-third kind of discount from the significantly higher proportion of their of respondents in Russia said they will dealer or manufacturer. ” income on a vehicle. In the U.S., for visit four or more dealers before example, the majority of respondents buying, compared with only 7% in Indian consumer expect to spend less than 25% of their Brazil, 13% in India and 4% in China. annual income on their next vehicle, This may be due to the fact that there compared with the developing are more dealerships in Russia to markets where the majority of choose from than in countries such as consumers will spend up to 50% of India and China. their income. In Russia, one-third are prepared to spend more than 50%. 7
  • 9. Automotive the way we see it How Consumers Buy: Target Your Marketing Mix Vehicle buyers are taking less time to research and visit showrooms and are increasingly turning to web-based information sources. Vehicle Buying Cycle Shrinks Understanding the shifting timeframe Traditionally, the vehicle buying cycle is vital, as the research period is the has been shown to last about six critical time to reach in-market months. Our research indicates that consumers with the right information this period is compressing as consumers and the right response mechanisms. are able to gather significant By the time a consumer visits the information about vehicles quickly showroom, it is often too late to and easily over the web. More than influence the vehicle decision. two-thirds of respondents begin the research process two to four months What triggers a consumer to move before they plan to buy and 60% visit from the research stage into the the showroom for the first time within showroom? It is not so much a two months of purchase. This pattern particular point in time but rather a is fairly consistent across markets. shift in mindset. The Shrinking Vehicle Buying Cycle (% consumers saying) How long before your planned vehicle purchase/lease How long before your planned vehicle purchase/lease did/will you begin to research vehicles? will/did you visit a dealership showroom? <2 weeks 2 weeks-1 month 1-2 months <2 weeks 2 weeks-1 month 1-2 months 2-4 months 4-6 months 6-8 months 2-4 months 4-6 months 6-8 months 8-10 months 10-12 months >12 months 8-10 months 10-12 months >12 months 30% 30% 25% 25% 20% 20% 25 23 27 15% 15% 17 23 22 10% 14 10% 11 5% 7 5% 11 6 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 0% 0% Total Total Source: Capgemini Cars Online 09/10 8
  • 10. In earlier consumer research conducted Ensuring that your showroom is by the Car Internet Research Program among those visited by consumers is a (CIRP) and Capgemini, we found that challenge as consumers visit fewer the switch from researching to dealer dealerships today than in past years. visits typically occurs when “enough” About one-quarter of respondents said information has been gathered and a consumer feels ready to negotiate. Of course, what constitutes enough they visit only one or two dealerships before buying a vehicle. “ There should be a real price for a vehicle and a real warranty with no fine information will vary from one buyer The Search for Information print. U.S. consumer to another. However, from a power- struggle perspective, it typically means that the customer knows what he wants and how much he is ready to Where do consumers go for their information during the research stage? Most turn to the web. Almost 90% of consumers say they use the Internet to ” pay. When that state of mind is research vehicles. This year, the use of search engines reached, the buyer is ready to enter jumped considerably, moving up to the showroom. the third spot from seventh position last year. Search engines are increasingly becoming a key starting Expected Use of Information Sources (% consumers saying) point for consumers as they search for new models and brands, as well as Dealer websites information about automotive-related blogs, reviews and other types of Manufacturer Internet sites resources that might help them during the research process. Search engine Family and friends Usage of manufacturer websites as well as automotive blogs, forums and Information websites discussion groups also increased. Independent car While most web-based sources show valuation services gains in mature markets this year, the Manufacturer-specific franchise dealer use of more traditional sources such Used car dealer as TV advertising and auto shows, continues to decline among Western Specialist motoring/ automotive press car buyers. In contrast, while Internet news sites consumers in developing markets use the web to research vehicles, they still Print advertising rely on traditional sources too. This is Mature Markets Independent particularly true in Brazil, India and Developing Markets e-tailer sites China, though less so in Russia. For Auto shows example, 30% of consumers in the BRIC regions use and value TV TV advertising advertising, compared with only 16% Web forums, blogs or of respondents in the mature markets. Internet discussion groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% These trends point to the importance of targeting your marketing mix to the Source: Capgemini specific market. This approach has 9
  • 11. Automotive the way we see it Importance of Factors in Consumers’ Choice of Vehicle (% consumers saying “important/very important”) Reliability of brand “ Petrol vehicles will become a thing of the past and more emphasis will be Safety placed on safety, the Price of vehicle environment and Fuel economy economical vehicles. I will Vehicle availability and/or reliability of sales and delivery date concentrate more on Quality of interior styling manufacturer and Aftersales service government websites for Brand name of vehicles, information. UK consumer products and services Extra options at no cost Treatment by the manufacturer during my previous ownership cycle Treatment by the dealer during ” my previous ownership cycle Mature Markets Ability to research information Developing Markets on the Internet Low emissions Product features/options to fit my needs 0% or low financing Cash-back incentive Option for additional warranty coverage or service credit Coupons/options for third-party providers Hybrid or other alternative-fuel cars 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Source: Capgemini already resulted in some significant vehicle that a consumer chooses? As shifts in spending. For example, in the in prior years, the top four factors U.S. local broadcast TV spending in across the board are reliability, safety, the automotive category fell more price and fuel economy. In a than 50% in the first quarter of 2009, continuation of our findings from according to the Television Bureau of last year, consumers in developing Advertising.2 markets are more likely than their counterparts in mature markets to Reliability and Safety emphasize transitory factors, such as Matter Most cash-back incentives and coupons/ Once the research process is complete, options for third-party providers. what factors ultimately determine the 2 “A World Without Local Car Dealer Ads?” Advertising Age, June 12, 2009 Cars Online 09/10 10
  • 12. Green Vehicles: A Force for the Future Growing interest in fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles will lead to fundamental shifts in consumer buying behavior over the coming years. “Time We Got Off the Oil Brazil, which is not surprising given Wagon” that ethanol-based and flex-fuel When consumers were asked vehicles have been sold in that country about the changes they expect to see for a number of years. Almost 90% of in the way they buy vehicles over Brazilian respondents say they have a the next decade, mentions of more strong understanding of green vehicles. environmentally friendly cars vied with online buying as the major Evidence of rationalization between change. “I am hoping that soon my developing and mature markets is choices for alternative-fuel/green vehicles apparent in this area. Confidence in will be much larger. It’s time we got off green knowledge was up in the U.S. the oil wagon,” said one respondent and level in Western Europe, but down from the U.S. somewhat in developing markets. That sentiment was echoed throughout the eight markets studied. Even in Germany, where vehicle performance was a key factor for many consumers, one respondent noted that “A fast car is not exciting if it consumes a lot of fuel.” Considerable focus today is being put “ I think the auto industry is going to make a complete change within 10 on developing more fuel-efficient and alternative-fuel vehicles by most major to 15 years. I hope there car manufacturers, as well as will be no emissions, 100% governments, energy companies and clean fuel. U.S. consumer other industries. This growing focus on “green” is being strongly fueled by consumer demand stemming from economic and environmental factors. ” In our research, 41% of consumers said they currently own a fuel-efficient or alternative-fuel vehicle, up from 36% the year before. And another 30% said they plan to buy a fuel- efficient or alternative-fuel vehicle. Consumer Confidence About Green Knowledge Is High Consumers in most markets today are gaining a better understanding of what green really means. Three- quarters of all respondents say they are confident or very confident in their knowledge of green vehicles. The degree of confidence is highest in 11
  • 13. Automotive the way we see it Brazil, ethanol or gasoline/ethanol Ownership of Green Vehicles Increases (% consumers saying) flex-fuel cars are popular. Own a fuel-efficient/ 41 It is not surprising that electric vehicles, alternative-fuel vehicle 36 particularly hybrid gas/electric cars, would be at the top of consumers’ list of alternative-fuel choices. They Plan to buy a fuel-efficient/ 30 are the most commercially mature alternative-fuel vehicle 30 and viable of the various kinds of alternative vehicles and have Thinking seriously about demonstrated the potential to 16 2009 buying a fuel-efficient/ reduce fuel consumption and alternative-fuel vehicle 2008 19 exhaust emission. Do not own/not interested 13 “I think we will start seeing an awful lot in buying a fuel-efficient/ more cars available in electric form,” alternative-fuel vehicle 15 said a consumer from the UK. “And 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% greater pressure will be put on drivers to be more green aware.” Source: Capgemini Although sales of hybrid electric vehicles still represent only a small Why Consumers Buy Green Most of the developing markets also share of overall car sales and despite While fuel economy remains the saw an increase in the focus on the slower sales this year, future demand number one reason that consumers environment. In India, for example, is expected to grow. This is own or plan to buy a fuel-efficient or 32% of respondents pointed to the particularly true in markets like the alternative-fuel vehicle, environmental environmental impact, up 10 percentage U.S. and Japan as prices of hybrid and impact is a growing factor. An points from the prior year. Similarly in other types of electric vehicles begin increasing focus on environmental China, 32% identified environmental to drop. By some estimates, global issues overall, combined with lower impact as the primary reason behind sales of hybrid electric vehicles may fuel prices during the past year are the green vehicle decisions, an increase surge at a compound annual growth likely drivers. The trend was from 20% in 2008. rate as high as 12% over the next few particularly apparent in the U.S. years. Developing markets like Brazil, where 20% of respondents said the Hybrids Lead the Way India and China are also expected to environment was their primary reason According to our research, gas/electric contribute to this growth as they put for choosing a fuel-efficient or hybrids are the primary type of more focus on environmental issues alternative-fuel car, up from just 9% alternative-fuel vehicle that consumers such as CO2 reduction. the previous year. currently own or plan to buy. This is particularly true in the Western Consumers in Western Europe markets. In the U.S., for example, remain the most focused on the 60% say they own or plan to buy a environment, with 31% indicating gas/electric hybrid car, up from 52% that environmental impact is the in 2008. Gas/electric hybrids are less primary reason for owning or dominant in the developing markets, planning to buy a fuel-efficient or where consumer interest is also alternative-fuel car. This number is focused on natural gas or natural gas up from 22% the year before. hybrids and all-electric vehicles. In Cars Online 09/10 12
  • 14. Why Consumers Buy Green Vehicles (% consumers saying) 100% 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 11 9 11 11 6 13 2 17 3 6 4 2 6 80% 3 19 20 Other 26 22 32 32 31 Preserve residual value of vehicle 60% Cost Tax credit 69 40% Impact on the environment 63 59 Fuel economy 57 46 54 52 20% 0% Total U.S. Western Russia Brazil India China Europe Source: Capgemini Base: Consumers who own/plan to buy a fuel-efficient or alternative-fuel vehicle Will Consumers Pay for Green? “But I hope that prices will come down as While consumer interest in green it will encourage others to purchase this vehicles is strong and growing, cost type of vehicle as well.” remains an issue. Our research found “ I would consider a hydrogen-powered sedan. The maintenance is that consumers show some willingness to pay for improved fuel efficiency, although about 70% of respondents said they would pay no Prices are expected to drop over the coming years, but it is still early in the cost-reduction curve. Government- sponsored programs in the form of affordable and it’s good for more than 10% extra for a fuel- both consumer credits/rebates and efficient or alternative-fuel vehicle. battery development incentives in the the environment too. German consumer ” And in the mature markets, close to 20% said they were not prepared to pay any premium at all. electric vehicle business provide some cost relief. However, the price gap between gas-powered and alternative- fuel vehicles will need to shrink “I will purchase an alternative-fuel car as considerably if the mass market is to I am very concerned about the accept green cars. environment,” said a U.S. consumer. 13
  • 15. Automotive the way we see it The Role of the Web: Consumer Usage Pattern Emerges As Internet sophistication grows, consumers look to different kinds of sites for targeted information. Use of the web during the vehicle The importance of features such as buying process is now at nearly full comparators and configurators was saturation in most markets. The down somewhat this year. Least exception is China, where Internet important to consumers are features penetration remains low in some such as dynamic graphics, the ability regions. A clear pattern has emerged, to check dealer inventory, availability with many consumers starting their of a website in their native language, research with search engines, then and online information about the moving to manufacturer and dealer latest ads and promotions. sites, and finally to consumer-to- consumer tools like blogs and Some differences were apparent by discussion sites. market. For example, comparators and cost calculators were somewhat What Consumers Want more important to consumers in the from the Web mature markets, especially the U.S. As Internet sophistication grows, Respondents in the developing consumers look to different kinds of markets, particularly those from India, sites for targeted information. From were interested in the ability to get manufacturer and dealer sites, guidance and advice over the web and respondents say they want to find a to communicate with their dealer or full range of product information and car company online to solve base pricing above everything else. problems, buy accessories, etc. This has been the case now for a number of years. Wide Use of the Internet to Research Vehicles (% consumers saying) 100% “ I want to look for a vehicle that is more fuel efficient and will be 80% researching at green websites and different 60% 2009 car blogs because 2008 consumer opinions really matter to me. ” 2007 40% 2006 U.S. consumer 2005 20% 0% Total U.S. Western Russia Brazil India China Europe Source: Capgemini Note: Russia, Brazil and India were not included in the research until 2008 Cars Online 09/10 14
  • 16. New Tools Provide New Reasons for Using Consumer-to-Consumer Online Tools (% consumers saying) Information After doing research via manufacturer and dealer websites, an increasing Opinions/reviews about specific car brands/makes number of consumers are turning to online consumer-to-consumer tools Discussions with other consumers such as automotive blogs, forums, News about new vehicles discussion groups, video sites and RSS feeds. The use of these tools during Helpful hints the research process has grown in Discussions with automotive experts recent years and is particularly high in the developing markets. Information about vehicle recalls Opinions/reviews about Indian consumers are among the most specific car dealers likely to use automotive blogs (46% of Indian respondents vs. an average of Personal stories 2009 40%), online video sites (50%, compared Discussions about a specific automotive topic with the average of 32%); and RSS 2008 Information about automotive feeds (28% vs. 12% overall). Respondents events/auto shows 2007 from Brazil are the most likely to use Other car images/videos social messaging/micro-blog sites like Twitter (30% vs. the average of 13%) Spy photos/videos and mobile phone applications (27%, 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% compared with 10% overall). Source: Capgemini Consumers rely on these sites Note: Multiple responses allowed Base: Consumers who use consumer-to-consumer online tools to research vehicles primarily to gain more qualitative, objective information about vehicles and dealers. This year respondents placed growing emphasis on interactive discussion sites, rather than static information such as vehicle news. For example, 29% said they look for discussions with other consumers, up from 21% in 2007; and 28% participate in discussions “ I would like to see one centralized website where it would be possible to find information on all offers for all brands. It would be a more flexible and simple way to with automotive experts, an increase from 20% two years ago. Not only do these kinds of tools choose a car. Russian consumer provide consumers with additional ” information as part of the research 15
  • 17. Automotive the way we see it process, they can influence buying decisions. More than two-thirds of consumers said they would be more likely to purchase a particular vehicle or buy from a certain dealer if they found positive comments posted on blogs, forums and the like. The numbers were even higher in Brazil and India. Conversely, 57% of respondents said they would be less likely to buy a particular make or from a specific dealer if they found negative comments on these kinds of sites. Building Relationships Via the Web What if consumers had the chance to speak to a vehicle manufacturer adviser as they narrowed down their vehicle selections? Someone who could help them by answering technical questions, or identifying resolutions to their specific needs (as a hotline would); or by being reassuring – offering an ear, a human voice and advice (like a coach). In research conducted by the Car Internet Research Program (CIRP) and Capgemini, we found that consumers saw value in pioneering flexible web services, such as virtual assistance, particularly during the critical time period during the research process before they enter the dealer showroom.3 Our research made it clear that implementing a service like a “Virtual Adviser” into a manufacturer’s web model can engage early-phase shoppers interactively and set the stage for building a superior customer relationship experience. This can provide the following benefits: • Enhance the probability of a shopper choosing your brand as one of the two models they will closely examine. • Increase the likelihood that your dealership will be the one they visit. • Improve the chances that the shopper will arrive at the dealership feeling more comfortable, with a greater level of trust. • Complement the dealership distribution model by providing broader consumer coverage, particularly in new or expanding markets. Most importantly, we found that a Virtual Adviser program has the potential to drive an enhanced prospect funnel with improved conversion rates. 3 “Before the Door,” Car Internet Research Program (CIRP) and Capgemini, 2009 Cars Online 09/10 16
  • 18. Online Buying: ‘No Hassles, No Negotiations’ Consumers want a cheaper, faster, easier way to buy cars. Their answer: the Internet. “In 10 years, I expect buying a car online cars and parts/accessories, a trend we Western Europe and Russia, the will be more like buying a replacement began tracking in our Cars Online results were consistent with last year. mirror on eBay. Choose which one you research two years ago after not want, pay for it and have it shipped to having focused on it for a number of Consumers are more likely to want to your front door. No hassles and no years. This year, we explored the topic buy a new rather than a used car over salesman negotiations.” – U.S. consumer more deeply. the Internet. This is no doubt due to the fact that new cars are presumed to “It will be possible to order a car and all Nearly 40% of consumers said they be of a high quality and in good working the necessary features online – pay, get a would buy a vehicle online (the condition. Consumers are less willing loan, insure and arrange a pick-up complete end-to-end transaction) if to buy a used car sight unseen. location (delivery to home or a sales that capability existed. This was down center). All this without leaving your a few percentage points from last year, Why Buy Online? house.” – Russian consumer reflecting a rationalization in the While price discount is the leading developing markets. Brazil, India and reason consumers are interested in There is no question that consumers China all experienced a drop in the buying a car over the Internet, more expect to buy their vehicles over the number of respondents saying they than one-quarter said they wanted to Internet in 10 years’ time. But many were likely to buy a vehicle online, avoid interaction or price negotiation are not willing to wait that long. although the rates are still far higher with the dealer in person. Consumers than those in the mature markets. The also expect an online transaction to be Consumers today have demonstrated number increased to 21% in the U.S., easier and faster. a clear interest in online buying of from 17% the previous year. And in In India and China, respondents were particularly inclined to prefer the Likelihood to Purchase Vehicle Over the Internet (% consumers saying) Internet in order to avoid interacting with the dealer. In those markets, a 100% 12 14 8 price discount was a secondary reason for buying a car online. 17 80% 25 27 It is important to point out that while many consumers dislike the price 5 (Very likely) 25 negotiation that typically goes on 60% 4 inside the dealership, others actually 23 3 21 enjoy bargaining over price and say 2 that the inability to negotiate price 40% 22 1 (Not at all likely) would be a barrier to buying online. 18 17 This dichotomy in negotiation 20% preferences was apparent in earlier 28 22 21 research published by the Car Internet Research Program (CIRP) and 0% Capgemini.4 In that study, we found Total Consumers Consumers intending to that the process of negotiating the intending to acquire acquire purchase or lease of a vehicle arouses NEW vehicle USED vehicle strong emotions and corresponding Source: Capgemini reactions. Different consumers adopt 4 “‘Am I Being Taken?’ Inside the Dealership: The Impact of Consumer Negotiation Preferences and Strategy,” Car Internet Research Program (CIRP) and Capgemini, 2008 17
  • 19. Automotive the way we see it “ I would like to buy a car totally on the Internet and have it delivered to my Primary Reason to Purchase Vehicle Over the Internet (% consumers saying) home. Perhaps there would be only one Price discount 36 dealership in town with Do not want to one of each model for test interact/negotiate price 28 in person with dealer drives and to look over. Ease and speed 22 Then you would go home of transaction Ability to purchase and order over the Internet vehicle that is not 8 the car you want with the available locally options you want. ” Do not want to be talked into buying something 6 I do not want U.S. consumer 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Source: Capgemini different types of negotiation strategies; For example, a car could easily be in some cases they are more opaque brought to a consumer’s home for a and in others they are fairly transparent. test drive. Some consumers even suggested using virtual reality tools to Transparent shoppers are at ease with make online test drives possible. the salesperson and are open about their interest in the vehicle as well as Some differences by market were why they like it. They are more likely apparent, with test drives being more to enjoy the negotiation process. of a concern in mature markets and Opaque consumers, on the other the lack of information about a hand, are less confident in their ability vehicle’s history a greater concern in to get a good price, and so do not developing regions. enjoy the bargaining process. This second group of car buyers represents Many respondents do not rule out a a potential market for online vehicle role for the dealer in online vehicle buying. buying. Close to one-third said price negotiation would be the primary role Barriers to Online Buying of the dealership, while 28% pointed Again this year, we asked respondents to test drives and 17% said providing to identify the barriers they see to service packages. Additional functions online vehicle buying. And again, we included serving as a location to pick were struck by the fact that the up a vehicle after buying it online, as primary hurdles – such as the well as a place to view the vehicle in inability to test drive a vehicle, see person and to acquire additional photos/video of the vehicle or receive information before buying online. full product and price information – are clearly surmountable. Cars Online 09/10 18
  • 20. “ It will soon be possible to order everything online, starting from the build and color and finishing with accessories. Russian consumer ” Barriers to Online Buying (% consumers saying) Price discounts and dissatisfaction with the dealer/retailer process are the key reasons consumers want to buy Inability to test drive vehicle before making final decision parts and accessories over the web. Inability to see photos/video Overall, 35% of consumers expect a of the vehicle inside and out Inability to receive full price discount when they buy vehicle product/price information parts and accessories online; 30% Inability to negotiate pricing online point to ease and speed of transaction Inability to receive a report detailing the vehicle’s history as the key reason; 21% look for wider Inability to contact and interact with a representative online or by phone selection and availability; and 10% do Inability to match a vehicle not want to interact in person with a to my exact specifications dealer or parts retailer. Inability to conduct final negotiation online Inability to negotiate trade-in Mature Markets These reasons are fairly consistent of old vehicle online Inability to apply for financing and Developing Markets across markets, with a few exceptions. conduct financing approval process online Inability to have vehicle In Russia, the wider selection and delivered to your home availability of parts and accessories Other resonated most strongly with car 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% buyers. In India, ease and speed of transaction was somewhat more Source: Capgemini Note: Multiple responses allowed important than price discount. And in China, 31% of respondents said they did not want to interact in person However, many consumers do not A similar sentiment was echoed by a with a dealer or parts retailer. expect to see dealer lots full of cars if respondent from the U.S., who said, online buying takes off. “There will be “Talking one-on-one with a real person to Practical Items Lead the List only test cars,” said a U.S. respondent. finalize a purchase is invaluable. I doubt Overall, respondents want to buy “Cars will be made to your specifications, that I would ever purchase a vehicle from practical items such as seat covers, thus eliminating dealer inventory on the the Internet, no matter how easy it is to floor mats and tires online rather than sales floor.” research makes, models, pricing, extras.” custom accessories like spoilers, specialty headlights/taillights and Some respondents see a grim future Significant Interest in Buying custom wheels. There were some for dealers. “Dealerships will become Parts/Accessories Online notable market differences, however. history,” said a consumer in India. This year we took a closer look at the “Everyone will buy their cars online and business of selling parts and accessories For example, in-car entertainment have them delivered at their doorsteps.” over the Internet, an area of considerable devices and systems lead the list in interest to consumers. Half of Russia, named by about half of Not everyone is sold on online respondents said they would like to respondents, compared with an buying, however. “I hope that we’ll still buy parts and accessories online. As average of 34%. Consumers in India have our local dealers because of their with online vehicle buying, the trend were also more likely than average to proximity and their knowledge of their is growing in the U.S., is consistent in consider buying in-car entertainment customers,” said a consumer from Western Europe and Russia, and is systems over the web, while these France. “I think that most of the research down somewhat in the other items were at the bottom of the list for will be done on the Internet but finalizing developing markets. Chinese respondents. the deal will be face-to-face with the salesman. It’s too important a purchase for everything to be done virtually.” 19
  • 21. Automotive the way we see it Customer Interaction: Loyalty and Satisfaction Rates Improve In a year full of bad news for the automotive industry, our research found bright spots in brand and dealer loyalty and customer satisfaction with the vehicle buying process. Automotive companies could use a bit of consumers are likely to return to of good news and our research the same dealer, and where, in fact, provides it in the form of improved one-quarter of consumers would customer loyalty. This year we saw a actively search out a new dealer for spike in brand loyalty in most their next vehicle purchase. countries, perhaps a reflection of the ever-increasing reliability of most Building Loyalty Through vehicles on the market today as well Communication as improved lead management and So what can dealers and manufacturers customer communication programs. do to maintain customer loyalty? Communication is key. Consumers Overall, 68% of respondents said they show a strong receptivity to a wide were likely to purchase the same range of communications, such as make/brand as their current vehicle, brochures about the vehicle up from 61% last year. Improvements bought/leased, service reminders, were seen in the mature markets as post-test drive surveys, welcome well as most of the developing packs, satisfaction surveys and countries, with the exception of India. personalized repurchase offers. Similarly, dealer loyalty also rose, However, those items that are with 63% of consumers saying they intrinsically most useful, such as were likely to purchase from the service reminders and personalized same dealer where they bought their repurchase offers near the end of a current car, up from 59% the year lease or warranty period, are more before. This may be due to the likely to influence future buying contraction in the dealer business as decisions. For example, 30% of well as improvements in quality and consumers said these two items would service resulting from investments in make them more likely to buy their customer lifecycle management next vehicle from the same dealer or systems. manufacturer, the highest rating for any form of communication. Some variances by market are Personalized repurchase offers are apparent. The U.S., Western Europe particularly influential in the U.S., and Russia all registered small Western Europe and Russia, but less increases in dealer loyalty, while so in the other developing markets. China saw a bigger jump. However, both Brazil and India recorded small Some consumers suggested that declines, which again may be a sign of manufacturers go even further in their convergence beginning to occur in communication initiatives and involve some of the developing markets. consumers in the development of new vehicles. “It would be good to use online Despite this year’s gains, dealer loyalty surveys to get views and guidance from still remains lower than brand loyalty, existing users before manufacturing new indicating that consumers are more vehicles,” said a respondent from India. likely to trade dealers than trade brands. This is particularly true in mature markets, where less than half Cars Online 09/10 20