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Top 10 Things to Tell Yourself
to Boost Your Confidence
Top 10 Things to Tell Yourself to Boost Your Confidence
There will likely come a time when you feel confused, unsure, and lacking in
self-confidence. It could happen at work, at home with family, or even when you’re
with friends or neighbors. Luckily, you can send yourself some messages that will put
you back on track.
Say these statements to yourself when your confidence is drooping:
1. I’m allowed to feel however I feel. You’re a human being. Therefore, your
thoughts or emotions will get the better of you from time to time. So, give
yourself a break.
2. I can take some time to figure this out. You have a right to have some moments
away from the confidence-reducing situation to think it through.
3. Because my life is full, I’m bound to experience lagging self-confidence. The
more enriched your life is, the more likely it is that low confidence will occur. It’s
impossible to be on top of your game one hundred percent of the time.
4. I have a lot of positives in my life. It’s helpful to reflect on the high points of your
existence. You may have a partner, kids, a job you love, and a home that’s
comforting. Tell yourself that the positives may largely exist because of you,
your choices and actions. Connecting with that thought will build up your
5. My confidence has been strong during many important life events. Remind
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yourself that your confidence has been there for you whenever you needed it.
Maybe it was when you were giving speeches in college, discussing marriage
with your partner, or preparing for a major project at work.
6. My self-confidence will bounce back like it usually does. Sure, you may have
hit a bump along your journey, but it’s happened before and you recovered.
7. I have what it takes to live a productive life. You know you possess the very
essence of inner strength, courage, and confidence to think and create.
8. I am successful. Think positively. If you adopt this statement as your personal
mantra, you’ll be surprised at the things you can accomplish. What a way to
boost your confidence!
Think of some famous catch phrases like, “Just do it” or “Image is
everything.” Then, make up a phrase that inspires you. Some examples are,
“I’m hard-working” and “I can do anything I set my mind to.”
9. I will re-discover my personal strength. It takes courage to admit to being
unsure about what to do in a tough situation. But acknowledging your low
confidence can lead you to having the strength to move forward one step at a time.
10. I can seek out guidance if I wish. If your confidence reaches such a low that
you’re struggling to go forward, talk with your partner, a friend, or even a life
coach if you like.
It’s helpful to receive some pointers from those familiar with fluctuating
confidence levels.
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Refuse to allow a momentary lag in confidence to bring you down. You’re in control of
your feelings and choices. Decide to say these statements to yourself to boost your
confidence when needed. You’ll be on top of your game once again.
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3 Quick Ways to Boost
Your Self Esteem
3 Quick Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is basically about having a positive and realistic sense of who you are.
You like yourself and understand your strengths. You believe in your abilities and
recognize the areas where you could use a little more work.
While your childhood experiences influence your level of self-esteem, there’s a lot
you can do as an adult to boost your confidence. Study these tips for building up your
sense of self-worth, and apply them to your own circumstances.
Practice Your Faith
For many of us, our spiritual faith defines who we are and our purpose in life. Let your
faith show you how valuable you are, and how precious your life is.
1. Meditate and pray.Set aside time each day to connect with the divine. Create a
quiet space where you can sit down and still your mind.
2. Read inspirational messages.Pick up a few books by a spiritual leader you
admire. If you’re looking for new ideas, browse online and ask your friends what
they’re reading.
3. Discuss your beliefs.Clarify your thinking and challenge your assumptions by
talking with others. You’ll deepen your understanding of your faith and
discover how to put your beliefs into action.
4. Embrace your individuality.Your faith will help you to respect your unique gifts
and give you the courage to be yourself. Authenticity is the basis of true
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Appreciate Your Accomplishments
Each action we take reinforces our self-esteem or tears it down. Learn to make choices
that will help you to take care of yourself.
1. Make a list.Think about your past victories and the patterns that they suggest.
Maybe you perform well when you collaborate with others or narrow your
focus to a few top priorities.
2. Align your actions with your values.Think about what you value and how your
actions support your core beliefs. Examine which choices cause stress or create
peace of mind for you.
3. Take risks.Feeling confident and capable allows you to reach beyond your
comfort zone. Audition for a part in the next production at your local
community theater or volunteer for a tough assignment at work.
4. Persevere through obstacles.It’s easy to say you have a goal, but tougher to see
it through to completion. High self-esteem helps you to overcome setbacks
because you know that you’re worth the effort.
Cultivate Social Support
While we’re ultimately responsible for developing our own self-esteem, our
interactions with others play a powerful role. Use your relationships to strengthen
your belief in yourself.
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1. Turn to your family.Rely on family rituals that contribute to your sense of
self-worth, and work on changing the dynamics that seem counterproductive.
You may decide to hold family meetings so you can agree on house rules and cut
down on bickering.
2. Deepen your friendships.Are your daily interactions mostly about work?
Disclose your inner thoughts to let others know you and communicate on a
more profound level.
3. Evaluate your romantic life. How you perceive yourself has a powerful impact on
how you handle dating and marriage. Talk with your partner about what you can
do to respect each other’s feelings.
4. Play with your dog.For a quick fix, look at yourself through your dog’s eyes.
Your dog thinks you’re great, so let them teach you to have more compassion
for yourself. Many studies show that pet owners tend to have higher
Love and accept yourself for who you are. As you build your self-esteem, you’ll be more
likely to make sound decisions and fulfill your goals. You’ll know that you are worthy
of respect and dignity.
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8 Tips for Building a Healthy Self-Image
Reaching your full potential is dependent on the creation and maintenance of a
healthy self-image. It’s not possible to be highly successful if you don’t believe in
yourself. The way you view yourself is either uplifting or a hindrance. Regardless of
your childhood experiences, past failings, or current level of self-esteem, you can
possess a healthy self-image.
Avoid underestimating the impact of your self-image on other areas of your life. To
reach your full potential, you must respect yourself and believe you can do great
Add value to yourself, and your self-image will flourish:
1. Overcome any limiting beliefs. Think about something you’d like to accomplish,
but are unable to do because of a limiting belief. Make a list of how that belief is
negatively impacting your life. Now, focus on how much your life would be
enhanced if you were able to remove this belief from your life.
Create five affirmations you can repeat to yourself throughout the day.
The affirmations should be stated in the positive and address the new
belief you’d like to install.
2. Recognize the small victories. It’s not necessary to earn a million dollars or lose
50 pounds before you have the right to feel proud and excited. Any progress is
worthy of recognizing. Large successes are the culmination of many smaller
3. Take full responsibility for your current situation. Is it your fault that your
parents mistreated you or that your boss is a jerk? Of course not, but no one
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else is going to fix the situation. It’s all on you. When you take responsibility, you
have control. Self-esteem is elusive when you believe you don’t have control
over your life.
4. Do something for others. It’s easy to feel selfish when all of your thoughts and
activities are centered on yourself. Spend part of your time enhancing the lives
of others. Demonstrate to yourself that you’re a good person.
5. Take a step each day toward your ideal self. We all have a vision of the person
we’d like to be. That ideal version of ourselves might seem too far away to even
consider, but take a small step each day. Each small improvement will raise your
self-image. Start today by listing all the qualities you’d like to have.
6. Manage your self-talk. We all talk to ourselves. You’re not the only one! The
greatest thing about this is that we can control what we say to ourselves. Is your
self-talk positive or negative? Negative self-talk chips away at your feelings of
self-worth. Be kind to yourself. Be encouraging, positive, and patient.
7. Get started on the bigger projects in your life. Your self-image is damaged
when you fail to control yourself. Big projects are intimidating. Focus on getting
started. Take at least a few minutes each day to tackle the bigger goals in your
life. Sustained progress is the key.
8. Avoid comparing yourself to others. We all have different skills and talents. It’s
unfair to compare yourself to other people. You’re doomed to be either too
hard or too easy on yourself.
Compare yourself to your past. Are you doing better than you were last
month? When you can consistently answer “yes,” you’ll be well on your
way to maximizing your self-image.
Begin to build a healthy self-image today. Regardless of your past or current
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impressions of yourself, you can learn to view yourself in a more positive light. A healthy
self-image is the springboard to happiness and success. Focus on the small victories
in your life and be proud of your progress. You deserve to be successful and happy.
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What the Addams Family Taught Me about Confidence
The Addams Family are famous for being creepy and kooky, but they’re also great
role models for building self-confidence. Look to Gomez, Morticia, and the rest of the
clan for inspiration to believe in yourself.
Confidence Lessons from Gomez and Morticia
1. Play with trains.Gomez understood that play time is important for both children
and adults. It’s cool to hold onto your train set or work on your yo-yo tricks even
when you’re grown up.
2. Pursue your own interests.Both Gomez and Morticia used their free time to
become more accomplished. You may want to raise roses instead of
carnivorous plants.
3. Study languages.Morticia was best known for speaking French, but the happy
couple could express themselves in many languages. Sometimes they’d
converse in Yiddish, Spanish, or Italian. Expand your vocabulary so you’ll have
the right word for any occasion.
4. Keep romance alive.The chemistry between Gomez and Morticia was a big part
of the appeal. A loving family provides a strong foundation for happiness and
Confidence Lessons from the Other Characters
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1. Bond with your siblings.Wednesday and Pugsley could always count on each
other. They kept each other safe even when they were playing with dynamite
and spiders.
2. Feel comfortable with your size.People sometimes worry about being smaller
or bigger than average. Lurch the butler was one of the family despite being
almost seven feet tall. He also excelled at his job by instantly producing
whatever the family needed.
3. Enjoy your life.Cousin Itt was covered with hair and had a squeaky voice, but
that didn’t stop him from being a charmer. Real beauty comes from within.
4. Recognize that you are complete.For a creature who was a disembodied hand,
Thing led a remarkably full life. He could walk on his fingers or communicate in
Morse code. Remember that when you feel limited.
5. Stay young at heart.Grandmama and Uncle Fester were two feisty seniors. You
may want to take a pass on wresting alligators, but you can still enjoy outdoor
sports and time with your friends.
6. Light up a room.Speaking of Uncle Fester, who could forget his light bulb trick?
Generate your own energy by tackling challenging projects and teaming up
with others.
Confidence Lessons from the Whole Family
1. Follow your own fashion sense.Develop your personal style. Wear clothes and
accessories that you like.
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2. Make your house a home.Create an environment that is comfortable and
enjoyable for you and your family. Consult others for ideas but adapt them to
your own lifestyle and preferences.
3. Welcome guests.People were always dropping in on the Addams Family and
often trying to rush away just as quickly. At the same time, the family always
managed to remain hospitable. Treat your guests warmly even if they’re
beatniks or truant officers. If you feel sure of yourself, you can be tolerant of any
opposition and open to different points of view.
4. Know your own worth. Today, the Addams Family is more beloved than ever as
an example of a healthy and happy family. Assess whether the criticism you
receive is valid. If you sincerely believe you’re on the right course, you may still
be headed for success.
Let Addams Family values into your heart. Have the confidence to be true to yourself
even if you have the only house on the block with a bed of nails and a two-headed sea
turtle. You’ll get more out of life and your increased confidence will lead the way to
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Embrace Your Quirky Side and Thrive
We all have quirks. Maybe you collect vegetables shaped like movie stars or love to
recite Old Norse poetry. Discover more freedom by learning to accept yourself and the
idiosyncrasies that make you special.
Benefits of Embracing Your Quirky Side
1. Live authentically.You can make your own decisions instead of going along
with the crowd. Spend time on activities that are meaningful for you, regardless
if they’re viewed as quirky. Let your genuine nature shine through. You’ll attract
friends who appreciate your true personality.
2. Boost your confidence.Feel comfortable with yourself. Take pleasure in who
you are and what you do. Be driven by your passions regardless of whether they
match the current trends.
3. Develop your skills.Your quirks may be trying to tell you something. Use them
to identify your natural talents. Maybe you have a flair for needle work or
4. Become more tolerant. Coming to terms with your own peculiarities can help you
to be more open-minded about those around you. Show your support for a
coworker who is learning to play the harpsichord or training for a hula hoop
5. Enjoy free entertainment.Your quirks can provide more amusement than cable
TV. Feel free to laugh at yourself. Invite your friends to join you.
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6. Manage stress.Your odd habits may also offer clues about constructive ways
for you to relieve the stresses of daily life. Do you find yourself turning to music
or cooking when you feel anxious?
How to Embrace Your Quirky Side
1. Examine your eccentricities. Distinguish between strange habits that are
harmless and those that may be creating difficulties for yourself and others. For
example, binge drinking may require professional intervention. On the other
hand, repairing clocks is a rewarding hobby.
2. Accommodate others.Even if your quirks are innocent in themselves, you may
need to limit the exposure for others. Your spouse will thank you for whistling
in the shower instead of at the dinner table.
3. Turn down the volume.Quiet time and solitude will help you get in touch with
your quirky side. Find out what you like to do when no one is watching. Observe
how you tackle challenges or organize a complex task.
4. Look back in time.Thinking back to your childhood can also be revealing. You
may find that you have hidden interests that go beyond your professional or
family life. Have you always loved cats or been fascinated by machinery?
5. Question conventional wisdom. Independent thinking triggers all kinds of
breakthroughs. Your innovative approach to a project at work could create a
better customer experience or reduce processing time. Your friends may be
inspired by the novel way you tie a scarf or how you clean your bathroom.
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6. Broaden your experiences.Having the courage to be original can lead to
adventures. As you try new things, you’ll increase your knowledge about yourself
and your surroundings. Your personality will grow richer.
7. Develop informed opinions.Keep in mind that some opinions are more valuable
than others. Elaborate reasons for why you prefer red cabbage over green is
probably unnecessary. On the other hand, be prepared with facts if you want to
persuade your boss to try your unusual filing system for monthly invoices.
8. Lighten up.Most of all, relax and let go of rigid expectations. There are many
ways to be an outstanding parent, friend, or neighbor. Follow your quirks to
design the path that best suits your unique abilities.
Quirks make you more interesting and accomplished. Celebrate them! Independent
thinking opens up more opportunities for you. Use your quirks to expand your future.
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Tips for Building Your Self-Confidence

  • 1. Top 10 Things to Tell Yourself to Boost Your Confidence Top 10 Things to Tell Yourself to Boost Your Confidence There will likely come a time when you feel confused, unsure, and lacking in self-confidence. It could happen at work, at home with family, or even when you’re with friends or neighbors. Luckily, you can send yourself some messages that will put you back on track. Say these statements to yourself when your confidence is drooping: 1. I’m allowed to feel however I feel. You’re a human being. Therefore, your thoughts or emotions will get the better of you from time to time. So, give yourself a break. 2. I can take some time to figure this out. You have a right to have some moments away from the confidence-reducing situation to think it through. 3. Because my life is full, I’m bound to experience lagging self-confidence. The more enriched your life is, the more likely it is that low confidence will occur. It’s impossible to be on top of your game one hundred percent of the time. 4. I have a lot of positives in my life. It’s helpful to reflect on the high points of your existence. You may have a partner, kids, a job you love, and a home that’s comforting. Tell yourself that the positives may largely exist because of you, your choices and actions. Connecting with that thought will build up your confidence. 5. My confidence has been strong during many important life events. Remind Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 2. yourself that your confidence has been there for you whenever you needed it. Maybe it was when you were giving speeches in college, discussing marriage with your partner, or preparing for a major project at work. 6. My self-confidence will bounce back like it usually does. Sure, you may have hit a bump along your journey, but it’s happened before and you recovered. 7. I have what it takes to live a productive life. You know you possess the very essence of inner strength, courage, and confidence to think and create. 8. I am successful. Think positively. If you adopt this statement as your personal mantra, you’ll be surprised at the things you can accomplish. What a way to boost your confidence! Think of some famous catch phrases like, “Just do it” or “Image is everything.” Then, make up a phrase that inspires you. Some examples are, “I’m hard-working” and “I can do anything I set my mind to.” 9. I will re-discover my personal strength. It takes courage to admit to being unsure about what to do in a tough situation. But acknowledging your low confidence can lead you to having the strength to move forward one step at a time. 10. I can seek out guidance if I wish. If your confidence reaches such a low that you’re struggling to go forward, talk with your partner, a friend, or even a life coach if you like. It’s helpful to receive some pointers from those familiar with fluctuating confidence levels. 2 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 3. Refuse to allow a momentary lag in confidence to bring you down. You’re in control of your feelings and choices. Decide to say these statements to yourself to boost your confidence when needed. You’ll be on top of your game once again. Powered by TCPDF ( 3 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 4. 3 Quick Ways to Boost Your Self Esteem 3 Quick Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem Self-esteem is basically about having a positive and realistic sense of who you are. You like yourself and understand your strengths. You believe in your abilities and recognize the areas where you could use a little more work. While your childhood experiences influence your level of self-esteem, there’s a lot you can do as an adult to boost your confidence. Study these tips for building up your sense of self-worth, and apply them to your own circumstances. Practice Your Faith For many of us, our spiritual faith defines who we are and our purpose in life. Let your faith show you how valuable you are, and how precious your life is. 1. Meditate and pray.Set aside time each day to connect with the divine. Create a quiet space where you can sit down and still your mind. 2. Read inspirational messages.Pick up a few books by a spiritual leader you admire. If you’re looking for new ideas, browse online and ask your friends what they’re reading. 3. Discuss your beliefs.Clarify your thinking and challenge your assumptions by talking with others. You’ll deepen your understanding of your faith and discover how to put your beliefs into action. 4. Embrace your individuality.Your faith will help you to respect your unique gifts and give you the courage to be yourself. Authenticity is the basis of true 4 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 5. confidence. Appreciate Your Accomplishments Each action we take reinforces our self-esteem or tears it down. Learn to make choices that will help you to take care of yourself. 1. Make a list.Think about your past victories and the patterns that they suggest. Maybe you perform well when you collaborate with others or narrow your focus to a few top priorities. 2. Align your actions with your values.Think about what you value and how your actions support your core beliefs. Examine which choices cause stress or create peace of mind for you. 3. Take risks.Feeling confident and capable allows you to reach beyond your comfort zone. Audition for a part in the next production at your local community theater or volunteer for a tough assignment at work. 4. Persevere through obstacles.It’s easy to say you have a goal, but tougher to see it through to completion. High self-esteem helps you to overcome setbacks because you know that you’re worth the effort. Cultivate Social Support While we’re ultimately responsible for developing our own self-esteem, our interactions with others play a powerful role. Use your relationships to strengthen your belief in yourself. 5 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 6. 1. Turn to your family.Rely on family rituals that contribute to your sense of self-worth, and work on changing the dynamics that seem counterproductive. You may decide to hold family meetings so you can agree on house rules and cut down on bickering. 2. Deepen your friendships.Are your daily interactions mostly about work? Disclose your inner thoughts to let others know you and communicate on a more profound level. 3. Evaluate your romantic life. How you perceive yourself has a powerful impact on how you handle dating and marriage. Talk with your partner about what you can do to respect each other’s feelings. 4. Play with your dog.For a quick fix, look at yourself through your dog’s eyes. Your dog thinks you’re great, so let them teach you to have more compassion for yourself. Many studies show that pet owners tend to have higher self-esteem. Love and accept yourself for who you are. As you build your self-esteem, you’ll be more likely to make sound decisions and fulfill your goals. You’ll know that you are worthy of respect and dignity. Powered by TCPDF ( 6 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 7. 8 TIPS FOR BUILDING A HEALTHY SELF-IMAGE 8 Tips for Building a Healthy Self-Image Reaching your full potential is dependent on the creation and maintenance of a healthy self-image. It’s not possible to be highly successful if you don’t believe in yourself. The way you view yourself is either uplifting or a hindrance. Regardless of your childhood experiences, past failings, or current level of self-esteem, you can possess a healthy self-image. Avoid underestimating the impact of your self-image on other areas of your life. To reach your full potential, you must respect yourself and believe you can do great things. Add value to yourself, and your self-image will flourish: 1. Overcome any limiting beliefs. Think about something you’d like to accomplish, but are unable to do because of a limiting belief. Make a list of how that belief is negatively impacting your life. Now, focus on how much your life would be enhanced if you were able to remove this belief from your life. Create five affirmations you can repeat to yourself throughout the day. The affirmations should be stated in the positive and address the new belief you’d like to install. 2. Recognize the small victories. It’s not necessary to earn a million dollars or lose 50 pounds before you have the right to feel proud and excited. Any progress is worthy of recognizing. Large successes are the culmination of many smaller successes. 3. Take full responsibility for your current situation. Is it your fault that your parents mistreated you or that your boss is a jerk? Of course not, but no one 7 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 8. else is going to fix the situation. It’s all on you. When you take responsibility, you have control. Self-esteem is elusive when you believe you don’t have control over your life. 4. Do something for others. It’s easy to feel selfish when all of your thoughts and activities are centered on yourself. Spend part of your time enhancing the lives of others. Demonstrate to yourself that you’re a good person. 5. Take a step each day toward your ideal self. We all have a vision of the person we’d like to be. That ideal version of ourselves might seem too far away to even consider, but take a small step each day. Each small improvement will raise your self-image. Start today by listing all the qualities you’d like to have. 6. Manage your self-talk. We all talk to ourselves. You’re not the only one! The greatest thing about this is that we can control what we say to ourselves. Is your self-talk positive or negative? Negative self-talk chips away at your feelings of self-worth. Be kind to yourself. Be encouraging, positive, and patient. 7. Get started on the bigger projects in your life. Your self-image is damaged when you fail to control yourself. Big projects are intimidating. Focus on getting started. Take at least a few minutes each day to tackle the bigger goals in your life. Sustained progress is the key. 8. Avoid comparing yourself to others. We all have different skills and talents. It’s unfair to compare yourself to other people. You’re doomed to be either too hard or too easy on yourself. Compare yourself to your past. Are you doing better than you were last month? When you can consistently answer “yes,” you’ll be well on your way to maximizing your self-image. Begin to build a healthy self-image today. Regardless of your past or current 8 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 9. impressions of yourself, you can learn to view yourself in a more positive light. A healthy self-image is the springboard to happiness and success. Focus on the small victories in your life and be proud of your progress. You deserve to be successful and happy. Powered by TCPDF ( 9 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 10. WHAT THE ADDAMS FAMILY TAUGHT ME ABOUT CONFIDENCE What the Addams Family Taught Me about Confidence The Addams Family are famous for being creepy and kooky, but they’re also great role models for building self-confidence. Look to Gomez, Morticia, and the rest of the clan for inspiration to believe in yourself. Confidence Lessons from Gomez and Morticia 1. Play with trains.Gomez understood that play time is important for both children and adults. It’s cool to hold onto your train set or work on your yo-yo tricks even when you’re grown up. 2. Pursue your own interests.Both Gomez and Morticia used their free time to become more accomplished. You may want to raise roses instead of carnivorous plants. 3. Study languages.Morticia was best known for speaking French, but the happy couple could express themselves in many languages. Sometimes they’d converse in Yiddish, Spanish, or Italian. Expand your vocabulary so you’ll have the right word for any occasion. 4. Keep romance alive.The chemistry between Gomez and Morticia was a big part of the appeal. A loving family provides a strong foundation for happiness and success. Confidence Lessons from the Other Characters 10 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 11. 1. Bond with your siblings.Wednesday and Pugsley could always count on each other. They kept each other safe even when they were playing with dynamite and spiders. 2. Feel comfortable with your size.People sometimes worry about being smaller or bigger than average. Lurch the butler was one of the family despite being almost seven feet tall. He also excelled at his job by instantly producing whatever the family needed. 3. Enjoy your life.Cousin Itt was covered with hair and had a squeaky voice, but that didn’t stop him from being a charmer. Real beauty comes from within. 4. Recognize that you are complete.For a creature who was a disembodied hand, Thing led a remarkably full life. He could walk on his fingers or communicate in Morse code. Remember that when you feel limited. 5. Stay young at heart.Grandmama and Uncle Fester were two feisty seniors. You may want to take a pass on wresting alligators, but you can still enjoy outdoor sports and time with your friends. 6. Light up a room.Speaking of Uncle Fester, who could forget his light bulb trick? Generate your own energy by tackling challenging projects and teaming up with others. Confidence Lessons from the Whole Family 1. Follow your own fashion sense.Develop your personal style. Wear clothes and accessories that you like. 11 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 12. 2. Make your house a home.Create an environment that is comfortable and enjoyable for you and your family. Consult others for ideas but adapt them to your own lifestyle and preferences. 3. Welcome guests.People were always dropping in on the Addams Family and often trying to rush away just as quickly. At the same time, the family always managed to remain hospitable. Treat your guests warmly even if they’re beatniks or truant officers. If you feel sure of yourself, you can be tolerant of any opposition and open to different points of view. 4. Know your own worth. Today, the Addams Family is more beloved than ever as an example of a healthy and happy family. Assess whether the criticism you receive is valid. If you sincerely believe you’re on the right course, you may still be headed for success. Let Addams Family values into your heart. Have the confidence to be true to yourself even if you have the only house on the block with a bed of nails and a two-headed sea turtle. You’ll get more out of life and your increased confidence will lead the way to success. Powered by TCPDF ( 12 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 13. EMBRACE YOUR QUIRKY SIDE AND THRIVE Embrace Your Quirky Side and Thrive We all have quirks. Maybe you collect vegetables shaped like movie stars or love to recite Old Norse poetry. Discover more freedom by learning to accept yourself and the idiosyncrasies that make you special. Benefits of Embracing Your Quirky Side 1. Live authentically.You can make your own decisions instead of going along with the crowd. Spend time on activities that are meaningful for you, regardless if they’re viewed as quirky. Let your genuine nature shine through. You’ll attract friends who appreciate your true personality. 2. Boost your confidence.Feel comfortable with yourself. Take pleasure in who you are and what you do. Be driven by your passions regardless of whether they match the current trends. 3. Develop your skills.Your quirks may be trying to tell you something. Use them to identify your natural talents. Maybe you have a flair for needle work or electronics. 4. Become more tolerant. Coming to terms with your own peculiarities can help you to be more open-minded about those around you. Show your support for a coworker who is learning to play the harpsichord or training for a hula hoop competition. 5. Enjoy free entertainment.Your quirks can provide more amusement than cable TV. Feel free to laugh at yourself. Invite your friends to join you. 13 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 14. 6. Manage stress.Your odd habits may also offer clues about constructive ways for you to relieve the stresses of daily life. Do you find yourself turning to music or cooking when you feel anxious? How to Embrace Your Quirky Side 1. Examine your eccentricities. Distinguish between strange habits that are harmless and those that may be creating difficulties for yourself and others. For example, binge drinking may require professional intervention. On the other hand, repairing clocks is a rewarding hobby. 2. Accommodate others.Even if your quirks are innocent in themselves, you may need to limit the exposure for others. Your spouse will thank you for whistling in the shower instead of at the dinner table. 3. Turn down the volume.Quiet time and solitude will help you get in touch with your quirky side. Find out what you like to do when no one is watching. Observe how you tackle challenges or organize a complex task. 4. Look back in time.Thinking back to your childhood can also be revealing. You may find that you have hidden interests that go beyond your professional or family life. Have you always loved cats or been fascinated by machinery? 5. Question conventional wisdom. Independent thinking triggers all kinds of breakthroughs. Your innovative approach to a project at work could create a better customer experience or reduce processing time. Your friends may be inspired by the novel way you tie a scarf or how you clean your bathroom. 14 Discover more confidence building tools at
  • 15. 6. Broaden your experiences.Having the courage to be original can lead to adventures. As you try new things, you’ll increase your knowledge about yourself and your surroundings. Your personality will grow richer. 7. Develop informed opinions.Keep in mind that some opinions are more valuable than others. Elaborate reasons for why you prefer red cabbage over green is probably unnecessary. On the other hand, be prepared with facts if you want to persuade your boss to try your unusual filing system for monthly invoices. 8. Lighten up.Most of all, relax and let go of rigid expectations. There are many ways to be an outstanding parent, friend, or neighbor. Follow your quirks to design the path that best suits your unique abilities. Quirks make you more interesting and accomplished. Celebrate them! Independent thinking opens up more opportunities for you. Use your quirks to expand your future. Powered by TCPDF ( 15 Discover more confidence building tools at