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MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
What is your time personality?
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
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from thenounproject. All clipart is from free sources. The MTL Professional Development Programme is copyright of Manage Train
Introduction: Our personalities are the key to finding out what kind of time manager we
are. Whether we tend to do too much or too little, overwork or underwork, buzz around
like a bee or freeze through procrastination, all comes down to one thing: which of these
9 Time Travellers are you?
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Time Tendencies
None of us can ever fully master time, just as
none of us can ever fully master our lives. We are
subject to the imperfections of being human and
in particular, the constraining personality traits
which we both inherit and acquire as we grow
Our individual personalities colour our attitude
towards time in one of two directions: doing too
much or doing too little.
· the tendency to do too much: ie, those who
over-focus and overwork and create imbalance in
their lives. An example is the workaholic who
lives for nothing but his or her career or the
hyperactive who is never still.
· the tendency to do too little: ie, the lazy, the
fearful and the melancholic. An example is the
procrastinator who fears making a mistake and
the risk-taker who loves the thrill of leaving
things to the last minute.
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
1. THE
The Perfectionist is one of the worst examples of
a workaholic. They fill up their days with work
activities in the belief that everything they do
has to be as perfect as possible. George Bernard
Shaw was a typical workaholic. He wrote
mechanically every day of his career. Looking
back on his life, he said,
"When I was a young man, I observed that nine
out of ten things I did were failures. I didn't want
to be a failure, so I did ten times more work."
The Perfectionist temperament is to work hard
Flickr attribution: /135647521@N02/22706072775/
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Are You a Perfectionist?
The Perfectionist is typically a workaholic who
spends time working hard to achieve what he or
she regards as the perfect piece of work.
Features of the Perfectionist Time
Characteristics conscientious; sets large challenges;
high standards; works to a set
routine; pleased with praise; upset by
Good at... planning each day; self-development;
finding solutions.
Poor at... making decisions; knowing when
enough's enough; relaxing by doing
the 3 o'clock clock. Jean-Paul Sartre
described the 3 o'clock clock as "too
early or too late" for anything you
want to start or finish.
Henry Fonda, John Cleese; Glenda
Jackson;The Lone Ranger; Melinda
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
2. THE
The Socialiser is not a good time manager. If you
are in conversation with a Socialiser, you’ll know
this for they are the hardest people to break
away from. Socialisers simply love to be with
people, talk about people, and be of service to
people. This invariably means putting time and
other duties into second place.
The Socialiser temperament is to hang out with others
Flickr attribution: /garryknight/2287933883/
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Are You a Socialiser?
The Socialiser likes to spend their time in contact
with others. This can work in their favour as time
managers because they can build valuable
relationships that help get things done. It can
also work against them if they overdevelop the
purely social side of their working life at the
expense of achieving useful work.
Features of the Socialiser Time
Characteristics friendly; sociable; talkative; gossipy;
warm; caring; excitable; nurturing;
Good at... creating positive ambiences in which
others work; persuading others to do
things with or for them; working for
others selflessly.
Poor at... planning their own lives; making
personal changes; sticking to
the phone, which is the umbilical cord
for the Socialiser to the world outside.
Diana, Princess ofWales; Doris Day;
Madonna; Bill Cosby; Jesus
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
3. THE
Achievers have mastered the art of looking like
perfect time managers. They seem to be good at
everything they take on, seem to manage things
with effortless ease, and seem to enjoy
themselves in the process. But, beware, a lot of
the impression may be false. Achievers are good
at show and not so good at substance. When you
are dealing with an Achiever, always look under
the surface at what they’ve actually achieved.
The Achiever temperament is to shine in front of others
Flickr attribution: /77474698@N07/18210637134/
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Are You anAchiever?
The Achiever is a highly ambitious person who
prizes work for the success it brings. Achievers
want to impress others and see work as a way of
doing this. They will therefore volunteer to do
any job and take any task if it promises a reward.
Features of the Achiever Time
Characteristics ambitious; popular; attractive; sexy;
good-looking; successful; smart;
confident; fit; energetic.
Good at... making jobs look easy;
accommodating themselves to
others; juggling high levels of work.
Poor at... knowing their limits; saying "No";
delivering their promises; depth to
their work.
the promotion ladder: Achievers rate
work as the highest priority closely
followed by organisational success.
Tom Cruise, Lance Armstrong; Demi
Moore; Sharon Stone; NatalieWoods;
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
When you are dealing with an Artist time
personality, you’ll know it. They look different,
dress different, and behave different from
others. They also have a cavalier attitude to time
which they regard as a constraint and restriction.
They thus arrive late or early, ignore rotas, and
frequently miss deadlines. But the work they
produce is invariably one of a kind and in their
eyes makes up for their lax attitude to time.
The Artist temperament is to be different
Flickr attribution: /marinadelcastell/13822588063/
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Are You anArtist?
The Artist is a figure who doesn't quite fit into
organisational life. He or she may be a loner, may
not dress, speak or act like others in the
workplace and is likely not to want to conform to
the rules, standards and norms that everyone
else has to follow.
Features of the Artist Time Traveller
Characteristics different; special; sensitive; feels
deeply; sympathetic; thoughtful;
appreciative; empathetic; creative.
Good at... unique insights; working beyond the
call of duty at something they believe
in; innovative work.
Poor at... being on time; following procedures;
routine work.
the colour purple: Artist personality
types share AliceWalker's comment in
the film "The Color Purple": "I think it
pisses God off if you walk by the
colour purple in a field somewhere
and don't notice it.“
Bjork, Kate Bush; Judy Garland;
James Dean; Kurt Cobain; Michael
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
5. THE
The Analyser has a touch of the absent-minded
professor about them. They can easily get so
wrapped up in their thoughts and ideas or in
conversation with others that they can forget the
routine details of daily life - such as preparing a
meal, going to bed on time, keeping
appointments. But while their outer life may be
muddled, their inner world of thoughts is
invariably rich and gifted.
The Analyser temperament is to gather information
Flickr attribution: /usarmyafrica/17229512956/
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Are You anAnalyser?
The Analyser is a great student of work rather
than a great participant in it. They are gifted at
reading, understanding and interpreting
situations; and can cast light on complex
problems and relationships for others. They make
good agony aunts, counsellors and listeners.
Features of the Analyser Time
Characteristics thoughtful; inquisitive; curious; well-
read; analytical; amusing;
uninvolved; hate the spotlight;
deflect attention; bookish.
Good at... working things out in their heads;
standing back from problems; putting
concepts into words.
Poor at... acting on their own advice; getting
involved; self-development.
the monastic ivory tower where time
stands still.
Osama bin Laden, Daniel Day Lewis;
Rene Descartes; Paul Gauguin; Marie
Curie; Phil Spector
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
6. THE
The Doubter is a person who hesitates to act
because he or she is unsure whether they
should. It may be because something hasn't
been decided, or information isn't yet available
or because a higher authority hasn't sanctioned
it. Doubters are the great procrastinators,
questioners and hesitators. In workplaces, they
prefer to let others own their time rather than
own it themselves. They will therefore drop
anything at any time if asked to, no matter what
the cost in piled-up work or stress.
The Doubter temperament is to be careful
Flickr attribution: /pabak/14188977646/
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Are You a Doubter?
The Doubter is a person who hesitates to act
because he or she is unsure whether they should.
It may be because something hasn't been
decided, or information isn't yet available or
because a higher authority hasn't sanctioned it.
Doubters are the great procrastinators,
questioners and hesitators.
Features of the Doubter Time
Characteristics loyal to others; good in teams; likes
leadership; seeks protection; wants
certainty; unsure.
Good at... following instructions to the letter,
Doubters will arrive not just on time
but very early; handling responsibility
to others; working in a team.
Poor at... taking his or her own decisions; risk
and change; self-belief.
the question mark: Doubters always
need to know a bit more before they
will act.
Ellen DeGeneres, Mel Gibson; Jane
Fonda; Marilyn Monroe; Bruce
Springsteen; Carly Simon
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
7. THE
The Hurrier is a person who manages to combine
a wide range of activities in a short space of
time. Everything they do is done at a quick pace:
they move quickly, talk quickly, think quickly.
They are multi-talented and never say No to any
job that comes their way even if they move on to
something more interesting before they finish it.
They are the human equivalent of the Hare in
Aesop’s fable.
The Hurrier temperament is to be on the go
Flickr attribution: /rocketheo/11256060936/
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Are You a Hurrier?
The Hurrier is a person who manages to combine
a wide range of activities in a short space of time.
Everything they do is done at a quick pace: they
move quickly, talk quickly, think quickly. In an age
of short attention spans and busy living, Hurriers
appear dynamic time managers.
Features of the Hurrier Time
Characteristics cheerful; busy; active; versatile; never
short of something to do; smiling;
quick-paced; frenetic.
Good at... any kind of activity; energy to do
many things; organising.
Poor at... prioritising workloads; being easily
distracted; sticking to one thing for
The hare, as in the fable of the
tortoise and the hare; or the
indigestion tablet: Hurriers rarely
have time to eat a full meal or not be
doing something else while they're
Richard Branson; Leonardo DiCaprio;
Tom Hanks; Whoopie Goldberg; Elton
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Rebels are life’s fighters. They believe that time is
something to be challenged and beaten. They
thus like to run late for deadlines, coming to life
in the tension this creates and knowing that they
will beat it in the end. They push time to the
limit. They embody the sentiments of Edna St
Vincent Millay who wrote:
"My candle burns at both ends; it will not last
the night.
But, ah, my foes and oh, my friends: it gives a
lovely light."
The Rebel temperament is to create tension
Flickr attribution: /jamesblack/160136970/
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Are You a Rebel?
The Rebel is one of life's fighters whose passion is
the heat of battle. They are defenders of the
weak; impassioned challengers to anything
unfair; chargers on white horses. Rebels are
reactive to the moment: they come to life by
living to the full in the moment, whether in an
argument, a piece of work or a party with friends.
Features of the Rebel Time Traveller
Characteristics loud; confident; dynamic; leaders;
outgoing; extrovert; battling;
argumentative; entrepreneurial;
Good at... squeezing every last minute out of
time; living life on the edge; defying
deadlines; acting spontaneously and
Poor at... learning from the past; planning for
the future; suiting other people's
plans; going at other people's pace.
the candle that burns at both ends.
James Cagney; Danny DeVito; Johnny
Cash; Indira Gandhi; John McEnroe;
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
9. THE
Wanderers are people who enjoy the freedom to
do what they like. In organizational settings, this
can cause a problem. They may not be totally
committed to the work ethic and may go at their
own speed which makes them appear lazy. On
the other hand, Wanderers are far more in tune
with the pace of the world and may achieve a far
higher level of contentment than the rest of us.
TheWanderer temperament is to be free
Flickr attribution: /alicepopkorn/2830301866/
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
Are You a Wanderer?
The Wanderer is a person who loves the freedom
to go where they want. He or she believes life
should be simple and without commitment. They
are thus frequently absent - both in body and
spirit. They are usually elsewhere when you want
them and, if you can tie them down, they find it
hard to concentrate for long on one thing.
Features of the Wanderer Time
Characteristics relaxed; easy-going; peacemakers; no
problem; at ease with the world;
unambitious; content; likeable.
Good at... enjoying what life brings; going with
the flow; keeping things simple;
avoiding confrontation.
Poor at... committing themselves to time and
place; staying around for long;
exerting themselves.
the empty desk and chair - where the
Wanderer was until they took off.
Gary Cooper; Grace Kelly;Woody
Harrelson; Renee Zelleweger; James
Stewart; Ronald Reagan
MTL: The Professional Development Programme
Time Travellers
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn
When you know the kind of Time Traveller you are, you can make adjustments in your plans
to iron out the features that don’t serve you well and enhance the ones that do. That’s the
secret of successful Time Travel!

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Time Travellers

  • 1. 1 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers TIME TRAVELLERS What is your time personality? MTL: The Professional Development Programme
  • 2. 2 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Attribution: All images are from sources where a Creative Commons license exists for commercial use. All icons are on subscription from thenounproject. All clipart is from free sources. The MTL Professional Development Programme is copyright of Manage Train Learn. Time Travellers Introduction: Our personalities are the key to finding out what kind of time manager we are. Whether we tend to do too much or too little, overwork or underwork, buzz around like a bee or freeze through procrastination, all comes down to one thing: which of these 9 Time Travellers are you?
  • 3. 3 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Time Tendencies None of us can ever fully master time, just as none of us can ever fully master our lives. We are subject to the imperfections of being human and in particular, the constraining personality traits which we both inherit and acquire as we grow up. Our individual personalities colour our attitude towards time in one of two directions: doing too much or doing too little. · the tendency to do too much: ie, those who over-focus and overwork and create imbalance in their lives. An example is the workaholic who lives for nothing but his or her career or the hyperactive who is never still. · the tendency to do too little: ie, the lazy, the fearful and the melancholic. An example is the procrastinator who fears making a mistake and the risk-taker who loves the thrill of leaving things to the last minute.
  • 4. 4 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers 1. THE PERFECTIONIST The Perfectionist is one of the worst examples of a workaholic. They fill up their days with work activities in the belief that everything they do has to be as perfect as possible. George Bernard Shaw was a typical workaholic. He wrote mechanically every day of his career. Looking back on his life, he said, "When I was a young man, I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. I didn't want to be a failure, so I did ten times more work." The Perfectionist temperament is to work hard Flickr attribution: /135647521@N02/22706072775/
  • 5. 5 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Are You a Perfectionist? The Perfectionist is typically a workaholic who spends time working hard to achieve what he or she regards as the perfect piece of work. Features of the Perfectionist Time Traveller Characteristics conscientious; sets large challenges; high standards; works to a set routine; pleased with praise; upset by criticism. Good at... planning each day; self-development; finding solutions. Poor at... making decisions; knowing when enough's enough; relaxing by doing nothing. Time management symbol the 3 o'clock clock. Jean-Paul Sartre described the 3 o'clock clock as "too early or too late" for anything you want to start or finish. Celebrity examples: Henry Fonda, John Cleese; Glenda Jackson;The Lone Ranger; Melinda Gates
  • 6. 6 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers 2. THE SOCIALISER The Socialiser is not a good time manager. If you are in conversation with a Socialiser, you’ll know this for they are the hardest people to break away from. Socialisers simply love to be with people, talk about people, and be of service to people. This invariably means putting time and other duties into second place. The Socialiser temperament is to hang out with others Flickr attribution: /garryknight/2287933883/
  • 7. 7 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Are You a Socialiser? The Socialiser likes to spend their time in contact with others. This can work in their favour as time managers because they can build valuable relationships that help get things done. It can also work against them if they overdevelop the purely social side of their working life at the expense of achieving useful work. Features of the Socialiser Time Traveller Characteristics friendly; sociable; talkative; gossipy; warm; caring; excitable; nurturing; nervous. Good at... creating positive ambiences in which others work; persuading others to do things with or for them; working for others selflessly. Poor at... planning their own lives; making personal changes; sticking to routines. Time management symbol the phone, which is the umbilical cord for the Socialiser to the world outside. Celebrity examples: Diana, Princess ofWales; Doris Day; Madonna; Bill Cosby; Jesus
  • 8. 8 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers 3. THE ACHIEVER Achievers have mastered the art of looking like perfect time managers. They seem to be good at everything they take on, seem to manage things with effortless ease, and seem to enjoy themselves in the process. But, beware, a lot of the impression may be false. Achievers are good at show and not so good at substance. When you are dealing with an Achiever, always look under the surface at what they’ve actually achieved. The Achiever temperament is to shine in front of others Flickr attribution: /77474698@N07/18210637134/
  • 9. 9 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Are You anAchiever? The Achiever is a highly ambitious person who prizes work for the success it brings. Achievers want to impress others and see work as a way of doing this. They will therefore volunteer to do any job and take any task if it promises a reward. Features of the Achiever Time Traveller Characteristics ambitious; popular; attractive; sexy; good-looking; successful; smart; confident; fit; energetic. Good at... making jobs look easy; accommodating themselves to others; juggling high levels of work. Poor at... knowing their limits; saying "No"; delivering their promises; depth to their work. Time management symbol the promotion ladder: Achievers rate work as the highest priority closely followed by organisational success. Celebrity examples: Tom Cruise, Lance Armstrong; Demi Moore; Sharon Stone; NatalieWoods; OprahWinfrey
  • 10. 10 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers 4. THE ARTIST When you are dealing with an Artist time personality, you’ll know it. They look different, dress different, and behave different from others. They also have a cavalier attitude to time which they regard as a constraint and restriction. They thus arrive late or early, ignore rotas, and frequently miss deadlines. But the work they produce is invariably one of a kind and in their eyes makes up for their lax attitude to time. The Artist temperament is to be different Flickr attribution: /marinadelcastell/13822588063/
  • 11. 11 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Are You anArtist? The Artist is a figure who doesn't quite fit into organisational life. He or she may be a loner, may not dress, speak or act like others in the workplace and is likely not to want to conform to the rules, standards and norms that everyone else has to follow. Features of the Artist Time Traveller Characteristics different; special; sensitive; feels deeply; sympathetic; thoughtful; appreciative; empathetic; creative. Good at... unique insights; working beyond the call of duty at something they believe in; innovative work. Poor at... being on time; following procedures; routine work. Time management symbol the colour purple: Artist personality types share AliceWalker's comment in the film "The Color Purple": "I think it pisses God off if you walk by the colour purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it.“ Celebrity examples: Bjork, Kate Bush; Judy Garland; James Dean; Kurt Cobain; Michael Jackson
  • 12. 12 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers 5. THE ANALYSER The Analyser has a touch of the absent-minded professor about them. They can easily get so wrapped up in their thoughts and ideas or in conversation with others that they can forget the routine details of daily life - such as preparing a meal, going to bed on time, keeping appointments. But while their outer life may be muddled, their inner world of thoughts is invariably rich and gifted. The Analyser temperament is to gather information Flickr attribution: /usarmyafrica/17229512956/
  • 13. 13 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Are You anAnalyser? The Analyser is a great student of work rather than a great participant in it. They are gifted at reading, understanding and interpreting situations; and can cast light on complex problems and relationships for others. They make good agony aunts, counsellors and listeners. Features of the Analyser Time Traveller Characteristics thoughtful; inquisitive; curious; well- read; analytical; amusing; uninvolved; hate the spotlight; deflect attention; bookish. Good at... working things out in their heads; standing back from problems; putting concepts into words. Poor at... acting on their own advice; getting involved; self-development. Time management symbol the monastic ivory tower where time stands still. Celebrity examples: Osama bin Laden, Daniel Day Lewis; Rene Descartes; Paul Gauguin; Marie Curie; Phil Spector
  • 14. 14 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers 6. THE DOUBTER The Doubter is a person who hesitates to act because he or she is unsure whether they should. It may be because something hasn't been decided, or information isn't yet available or because a higher authority hasn't sanctioned it. Doubters are the great procrastinators, questioners and hesitators. In workplaces, they prefer to let others own their time rather than own it themselves. They will therefore drop anything at any time if asked to, no matter what the cost in piled-up work or stress. The Doubter temperament is to be careful Flickr attribution: /pabak/14188977646/
  • 15. 15 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Are You a Doubter? The Doubter is a person who hesitates to act because he or she is unsure whether they should. It may be because something hasn't been decided, or information isn't yet available or because a higher authority hasn't sanctioned it. Doubters are the great procrastinators, questioners and hesitators. Features of the Doubter Time Traveller Characteristics loyal to others; good in teams; likes leadership; seeks protection; wants certainty; unsure. Good at... following instructions to the letter, Doubters will arrive not just on time but very early; handling responsibility to others; working in a team. Poor at... taking his or her own decisions; risk and change; self-belief. Time management symbol the question mark: Doubters always need to know a bit more before they will act. Celebrity examples: Ellen DeGeneres, Mel Gibson; Jane Fonda; Marilyn Monroe; Bruce Springsteen; Carly Simon
  • 16. 16 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers 7. THE HURRIER The Hurrier is a person who manages to combine a wide range of activities in a short space of time. Everything they do is done at a quick pace: they move quickly, talk quickly, think quickly. They are multi-talented and never say No to any job that comes their way even if they move on to something more interesting before they finish it. They are the human equivalent of the Hare in Aesop’s fable. The Hurrier temperament is to be on the go Flickr attribution: /rocketheo/11256060936/
  • 17. 17 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Are You a Hurrier? The Hurrier is a person who manages to combine a wide range of activities in a short space of time. Everything they do is done at a quick pace: they move quickly, talk quickly, think quickly. In an age of short attention spans and busy living, Hurriers appear dynamic time managers. Features of the Hurrier Time Traveller Characteristics cheerful; busy; active; versatile; never short of something to do; smiling; quick-paced; frenetic. Good at... any kind of activity; energy to do many things; organising. Poor at... prioritising workloads; being easily distracted; sticking to one thing for long. Time management symbol The hare, as in the fable of the tortoise and the hare; or the indigestion tablet: Hurriers rarely have time to eat a full meal or not be doing something else while they're eating. Celebrity examples: Richard Branson; Leonardo DiCaprio; Tom Hanks; Whoopie Goldberg; Elton John
  • 18. 18 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers 8. THE REBEL Rebels are life’s fighters. They believe that time is something to be challenged and beaten. They thus like to run late for deadlines, coming to life in the tension this creates and knowing that they will beat it in the end. They push time to the limit. They embody the sentiments of Edna St Vincent Millay who wrote: "My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night. But, ah, my foes and oh, my friends: it gives a lovely light." The Rebel temperament is to create tension Flickr attribution: /jamesblack/160136970/
  • 19. 19 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Are You a Rebel? The Rebel is one of life's fighters whose passion is the heat of battle. They are defenders of the weak; impassioned challengers to anything unfair; chargers on white horses. Rebels are reactive to the moment: they come to life by living to the full in the moment, whether in an argument, a piece of work or a party with friends. Features of the Rebel Time Traveller Characteristics loud; confident; dynamic; leaders; outgoing; extrovert; battling; argumentative; entrepreneurial; strong. Good at... squeezing every last minute out of time; living life on the edge; defying deadlines; acting spontaneously and instinctively. Poor at... learning from the past; planning for the future; suiting other people's plans; going at other people's pace. Time management symbol the candle that burns at both ends. Celebrity examples: James Cagney; Danny DeVito; Johnny Cash; Indira Gandhi; John McEnroe; DonaldTrump
  • 20. 20 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers 9. THE WANDERER Wanderers are people who enjoy the freedom to do what they like. In organizational settings, this can cause a problem. They may not be totally committed to the work ethic and may go at their own speed which makes them appear lazy. On the other hand, Wanderers are far more in tune with the pace of the world and may achieve a far higher level of contentment than the rest of us. TheWanderer temperament is to be free Flickr attribution: /alicepopkorn/2830301866/
  • 21. 21 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers Are You a Wanderer? The Wanderer is a person who loves the freedom to go where they want. He or she believes life should be simple and without commitment. They are thus frequently absent - both in body and spirit. They are usually elsewhere when you want them and, if you can tie them down, they find it hard to concentrate for long on one thing. Features of the Wanderer Time Traveller Characteristics relaxed; easy-going; peacemakers; no problem; at ease with the world; unambitious; content; likeable. Good at... enjoying what life brings; going with the flow; keeping things simple; avoiding confrontation. Poor at... committing themselves to time and place; staying around for long; exerting themselves. Time management symbol the empty desk and chair - where the Wanderer was until they took off. Celebrity examples: Gary Cooper; Grace Kelly;Woody Harrelson; Renee Zelleweger; James Stewart; Ronald Reagan
  • 22. 22 | MTL: The Professional Development Programme Time Travellers This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn AFinal Word When you know the kind of Time Traveller you are, you can make adjustments in your plans to iron out the features that don’t serve you well and enhance the ones that do. That’s the secret of successful Time Travel!