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Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadership
Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadership ON Assignment: Time
management is an essential part of leadershipSummarize, in 3-4 pages, this assignment that
provides information from Weeks 1 to 4.In addition to the work you completed in the last
four weeks, your assignment should also:Include an introduction and a
conclusion.Implement the recommendations from the instructor.Describe the role of
nursing informatics.Explain how nursing informatics or technology in health care will help
or hinder your leadership. your responses with examples.On a separate references page,
cite all sources using APA format.Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for
properly citing resources.This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay
using APA style.You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.Submission
DetailsName your document SU_NSG4029_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc. Assignment:
Time management is an essential part of leadershipSubmit your document to the W5
Assignment 2 Dropbox by Saturday, July 29, 2017.Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum
PointsCompiled white papers from Weeks 1 to 4.20Included an introduction and a
conclusion.40Implemented the recommendations from the instructor.20Described the role
of nursing informatics.40Explained how nursing informatics or technology in health care
will help or hinder your leadership.40Written
components.40Total:200 attachment_1attachment_2attachment_3attachment_4Unformatte
d Attachment PreviewRunning Head: TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 1 Time
Management and Leadership Devan Frison NSG4029 Instructor: Daniel Lane South
University July 1, 2017 TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 2 Time management is an
essential part of leadership and management since a leader must be able to manage time
more efficiently within his leadership and management context. It is often said that “time is
money” and a minute lost can never be recovered (Bass & Bass, 2009). As a leader, it is
critical to plan how to manage your time more efficiently within the leadership
environment. Time management is, therefore, an essential component of leadership that
every leader should be able to integrate within the context of his or her leadership. A leader
must be time conscious in the sense that every minute counts. Since a time lost is a wasted
time, a leader must account for every minute or second of his leadership so as to be able to
lead more effectively (Bass & Bass, 2009). This paper, therefore, focuses on assessing time
management and leadership by focusing the various leadership theories that describe how
to be an effective leader that is time sensitive. In an organization, time is constant and
irreversible, and nothing whatsoever can be alternated for the time within an organization.
In this regard, organizational leaders must be able to come up with effective time
management strategies that center on how to manage time more efficiently. It should be
noted that leaders have numerous demands on their limited time and time keeps on getting
away. Time is beyond manager’s control, but an effective leader can only develop strategies
aimed and prioritizing activities so as to manage time in the organization. A leader can
become time fanatic by building time management schedule such as time management
spreadsheet, color coding tasks, prioritizing activities by creating priority folders and above
all by separating paperwork from priority piles (McCartney & Campbell, 2006). However,
time management can become a complicated process for leaders that they soon give up on
managing their time. TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 3 Focusing on my time
management techniques, I tend to be time conscious in every activity that I do. I appreciate
the fact time is a precious resource within an organization and once wasted can never be
regained. Although sometimes I tend to have numerous demands in my limited time, I often
prioritize tasks within my to-do activity list. I focus on the most important activities on my
to-do list before venturing into doing the least productive activities. Assignment: Time
management is an essential part of leadershipIt is imperative to state that prioritizing
activities is part of effective leadership since as a leader; an individual must be ready and
willing to sacrifice some activities to fulfill other activities. It is part of leadership
organization to prioritize activities by developing effective to-do list that centers on critical
activities to carry out from the to-do list (McCartney & Campbell, 2006). My leadership
technique focuses on effective management of time in every activity being undertaken
within my leadership context. It imperative for leaders like me to realize that
procrastination is a thief of time and therefore a leadership should refrain from
procrastination and make realistic time estimates. A leader should not micro-manage time
but rather provide an opportunity for other to grow and develop within the limited time
assigned. The most useful part of my leadership is time management that centers on
planning, priorities, standards, policies, and procedures. Through this, I can establish a
personal deadline and that of the organization at the same time ensuring that all my
activities have a purpose, period and incorporate only essential tasks that are of value to the
organization. One effective leadership theory that best describes my leadership style is
behavioral theories that focus on how leaders behave. The way a leader behaves is critical
in shaping his or her style within an environment. Leaders should recognize the fact that
leadership is all about behavior and how such behavior can shape the actions of their
followers (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). In this regard, Kurt Lewin developed a framework based
on leadership practices that center on TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 4 three
types of leaders namely autocratic leaders that make decisions without any form of
consultation with their team or followers (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Democratic leadership
allows the team to contribute their ideas to make a decision within the organization, and
finally, laissezfair focuses on allowing the members to make many the decisions within the
organization. This theory, therefore, best describes the ideal character of a leader in regards
to time management within the organization. Leadership and management are often used
together since there is a correlation between leadership and management. To analyze the
relationship between leadership and management, it is important to evaluate whether a
leader must have management skills. Assignment: Time management is an essential part of
leadershipIn this case, it should be noted that leadership is about doing the right things
while management is all about doing things right (Thomas, 2004). One overarching
difference between leadership and management is that leadership is the ability of an
individual to influence, motivate and enable other people to contribute towards the
realization of goals and objectives of the organization. On the other hand, management is all
about the act of directing as well as controlling a group or entity with the primary purpose
of coordinating and harmonizing the entity towards the realization of the goals and
objectives of the company. Leadership is often people oriented while management is
centered on tasks within the organization. Within an organization, leadership is focused on
leading people by motivating them to be more efficient while management is focused on
managing work (Thomas, 2004). In conclusion, leadership and management are vital
concepts that have a lot of relevance within the workplace. As an individual, the concepts
that we learnt this week including the idea of leadership and management will help me
become more active leader in the organization. The success of any organization is centered
on effective leadership and management; in this regard, I TIME MANAGEMENT AND
LEADERSHIP 5 will be able to contribute more efficiently towards the success of my
organization through integrating the concept of leadership and management that we have
learned this week. TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 6 Reference Bass, B. M., & Bass,
R. (2009). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications.
Simon and Schuster. Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2014). Quality management for
organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. McCartney, W. W., & Campbell,
C. R. (2006). Leadership, management, and derailment: A model of individual success and
failure. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27(3), 190-202. Thomas, N.
(2004). The John Adair handbook of management and leadership. Thorogood Publishing
Ltd.. Running Head: PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT Personality Assessment in Public Health
Leadership Devan Frison Instructor: Daniel Lane South University July 8, 2017 1
PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT 2 According to the Human metric Jung Typology Test the
following are my personality test results: Extravert – 44% Intuitive – 59% Feeling – 12%
Judging – 62% Healthcare environment requires effective leadership that can foster better
health care outcomes among patients. To realize better healthcare outcomes, public health
leaders must play a fundamental role in shaping the healthcare environment in a manner
that can enhance efficient medical outcome (Vernon, 2014). Healthcare is one of the most
important sectors in any given economy since the productivity of any nation is highly
dependent on how healthy its population is. In the changing healthcare environment,
effective leadership is required of healthcare leaders so as to foster better health care
outcomes within communities. It is imperative to note that leaders acquire different
leadership traits some of which are necessary for ensuring effective and efficient public
health leadership (Vernon, 2014). My leadership assessment in Jung Typology indicates that
I possess judging personality in my leadership style. Focusing on the judging personality,
this approach of leadership entails organizing and prior planning to achieve the
organizational goals and objectives. Individuals with judging personality tend to get their
sense of control through taking charge of their environment and making first choices. It is
one of the most important leadership traits that foster effective leadership outcome within
any healthcare setting. Leaders are required to be self-disciplined and PERSONALITY
ASSESSMENT 3 decisive (Hautala, 2006). Leaders with judging leadership traits are often
self-discipline and seek closure in all decisions that they make about the organization.
Judging leaders are particular, and when they ask for something, they often mean it and
require their followers to cooperate. Judgers approach life in a more structured way than
perceivers. In their leadership style, they often need people to cooperate and work towards
the realization of the organizational goals and objectives. Within the healthcare setting, the
primary goals and objectives of the corporate leaders are to foster efficient health care
outcome among the diverse population. Patients expect their organizational leaders to work
towards satisfying their health care needs and this is what judgers do within any healthcare
setting (Hautala, 2006). From the Jung Typology leadership personality assessment, it is
evident that I have moderate preference of extraversion over introversion. Assignment:
Time management is an essential part of leadershipIt was also clear that I have distinct
preference of intuition over sensing, at the same time, I have slight preference of feeling
over thinking and distinct preference of judging over perceiving. Below is an in depth
discussion of the four aspects of my personality as revealed from the assessment. Extravert
This is the first psychological preference of Jung typology personality types. According to
Jung, extraversion and introversion refer to the attitudes people use to direct their energy.
An extravert source and directs his or her energy mainly in the external world. Extraverts
will tend to be more into associating with people in the outer world and in this case these
people will always be outgoing and relate more effectively with groups (Hautala, 2006).
These people feel more comfortable working in groups and have a broad range of friends.
The assessment revealed that I have 44% extraversion which is a moderate preference of
extraversion over introversion. In PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT 4 this case, this personality
trait will help a great deal in improving population health as they foster productive
relationship necessary for improving healthcare outcome among the population. Intuitive
Intuition and sensing are the second criteria on the Jung typology personality assessment,
and they represent the techniques by people perceive information. My assessment revealed
that I have 59% intuition I tend to believe on information received through assessment and
evaluation in making decisions and not direct information from the external world. It is
important to undertake a thorough examination of the information received from the
external so as make rational and well-informed decisions (Hautala, 2006). Feeling Feeling
versus thinking is the third criterion in the Jung typology and represents how an individual
processes information. Thinking, in a nutshell, means that a person makes decision through
the use of logic and not a mere sense of feeling. On the other hand, the feeling is where by an
individual makes decisions based on his or her feelings and emotions. From my assessment,
I possess 12% feeling meaning that I rely mostly on logical thinking when making decisions
(Hautala, 2006). It is important to think logically in regards to the underlying scenario when
making any decision within the organization. Building on feeling may result from making
irrational decisions that may impact negatively on the organization. Judging This is the last
criterion in Jung typology, and it represents how an individual implements the information
that has been processed within the external environment. As noted above, PERSONALITY
ASSESSMENT 5 judging is all about how an individual organizes himself including his life
events and sticks to his or her plans for making decisions within the organization (Hautala,
2006). 6 PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT Reference Hautala, T. M. (2006). The relationship
between personality and transformational leadership. Journal of Management
Development, 25(8), 777-794. Vernon, P. E. (2014). Personality Tests and Assessments
(Psychology Revivals). Routledge. NSG4029 W2A2 Rubric APA references not formatted
correctly -2 Rubric asked for 2 JOURNAL ARTICLES -10 Unsatis factory 1 Em erg ing 2 Pr ofi
cie nt Exe mpl ary 4 3 S c o r e Assignment Components How a specific personality type can
enhance or hinder effective Integrated how leadership in the your specific health care
personality type environment can enhance or was not hinder effective reflected in the
leadership in the assignment. health care environment. Explained all four aspects of your
personality gleaned from the assessment. Assignment identified one aspect from
assessment. Identified but not described how a specific personality type can enhance or
hinder effective leadership in the health care environment . Identification of two or three
aspects from assessment. Identified and briefly described with missing elements of how a
specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care
environment. Identified correctly and thoroughly described how a specific personality type
can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment. [Score x 10 = 40
pts] Identification of four aspects from assessment but missed some elements. Identified
and thoroughly explained four aspects from assessment. [Score x 5 = 20 pts] 7
PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT Assignment Included at least included one 2 journal article
journal article reference references. Included two references but were not credible or peer
reviewed. Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadershipIncluded two
journal article references from a peer-reviewed article. Included two or more journal article
reference from a peerreviewed article. [Score x 5 = 20 pts] Introduction has a clear opening,
provides background information, and states the topic. Introduction catches the reader’s
attention, provides compelling and appropriate background info, and clearly states the
topic. [Score x 2 = 8 pts] Written Components Organi zation Introdu ction Thesis Transiti
ons Conclu sion Introduction is limited or missing entirely. The paper lacks a thesis
statement. Transitions are infrequent, illogical, or missing entirely. Conclusion is limited or
missing entirely. Usa ge and Mec hani cs Gra mma r Spell ing Sentence structure APA
Element s Attributio n Paraphra sing Quotatio ns Introduction is present but incomplete or
underdeveloped. The paper is loosely organized around a thesis that may have to be
inferred. Transiti ons are sporadic . Conclusion is present, but incomplete or underdevel
oped. Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure
that severely interferes with readability and comprehension. Errors in spelling and
grammar exist that somewhat interfere with readability and/or comprehension. No attempt
at APA format. APA format is attempted to paraphrase, quote, and cite, but errors are
significant. The paper is organized around an arguable, clearly stated thesis statement.
Transitions are appropriate and help the flow of ideas. The paper is well organized around
an arguable, focused thesis. Thoughtful transitions clearly show how ideas relate.
Conclusion summarizes main Conclusion argument and has leaves the reader with a a clear
ending. sense of closure and provides concluding insights. Writing follows The paper is
conventions of basically error spelling and free in terms of grammar mechanics. throughout.
Errors Grammar and are infrequent and mechanics help do not interfere establish a with
readability or clear idea and comprehension. aid the reader in following the writer’s logic.
Using APA format, accurately paraphrased, quoted, and cited in many spots throughout
when appropriate or called for. Errors present are somewhat minor. Using APA format,
accurately paraphrased, quoted, and cited throughout the presentation when appropriate
or called for. Only a few minor errors present. [Score x 2 =8 pts] [Score x 1 = 4 pts] 8
PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT Subtotal Timeliness Late Work pena lty: Total Score / 100
Running head: CONFLICT THEORY 1 Conflict Theory Devan Frison NSG4029 Instructor:
Daniel Lane South University July 15, 2017 CONFLICT THEORY 2 Conflict Introduction The
term conflict refers to some kind of disagreement or friction that emanates within a group
of people due to differences in personal opinions. There are five major beliefs that propel
groups towards conflicts. Individual superiority has a significant role in escalating conflicts
within a group. In the event that a person develops a negative sense of superiority towards
others, issues will automatically emanate in society (Coser, 1964). Mistreatment of people
(injustices) compels victims to resort to retaliatory acts with the intention of seeking
justice. Vulnerability is another concrete contribution to occurrence of conflicts in society.
Any individual or a group which believes to be living in compromised situations will resort
to conflicting deeds in order to attain economic and social stability. Distrust is a
psychological point of perceiving other people in a malicious way. Distrust causes conflicts
by humiliating, hurting, abusing and cheating others; with the sole purpose of achieving
personal material gains at the expense of other community members (Eidelson & Eidelson,
2003). Evidently, the state of being helpless provokes people to engage in conflicting acts in
order to achieve desired goals. For example, an individual who has realized that he/she is
unable to handle certain task; there are higher chances of engaging in conflicts with other
community members. It is a candid observation to appreciate the fact that indeed conflicts
occurs at individual, group or organizational level. Change Theories Theory of change refers
to specified method of planning, participation and assessment for the sole purpose of
attaining change in the social sector. Long term goals are identified and CONFLICT THEORY
3 identification of necessary preconditions is also considered (Brest, 2010). Mapped
changes are considered to be outcomes of the suggested pathway of attaining a unique state
of stability. The discovery of theory of change is based upon two concrete considerations i.e.
differentiating between desired and actual outcomes; and compelling stakeholders to model
their desired outcomes before resorting to means of intervention meant to achieve
suggested set objectives (Brest, 2010). We all attest to the fact that change is inevitable. You
cannot avoid change but individuals are supposed to embrace change in order for success to
be realized. There are various theories which explain the logic behind occurrence of change
in society. Such theories are Lewin’s change theory, Lippitt change theory and Rogers
change theory. Below is a brief discussion of Lewin’s change theory as applied in nursing.
Lewin’s Change Theory The father of social psychology (Kurt Lewin) was behind brain child
idea of the nursing theory of change. Lewin was able to theorize three models of change stag
…Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadership

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Time management is an essential part of leadership.pdf

  • 1. Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadership Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadership ON Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadershipSummarize, in 3-4 pages, this assignment that provides information from Weeks 1 to 4.In addition to the work you completed in the last four weeks, your assignment should also:Include an introduction and a conclusion.Implement the recommendations from the instructor.Describe the role of nursing informatics.Explain how nursing informatics or technology in health care will help or hinder your leadership. your responses with examples.On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format.Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources.This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style.You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.Submission DetailsName your document SU_NSG4029_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc. Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadershipSubmit your document to the W5 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Saturday, July 29, 2017.Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsCompiled white papers from Weeks 1 to 4.20Included an introduction and a conclusion.40Implemented the recommendations from the instructor.20Described the role of nursing informatics.40Explained how nursing informatics or technology in health care will help or hinder your leadership.40Written components.40Total:200 attachment_1attachment_2attachment_3attachment_4Unformatte d Attachment PreviewRunning Head: TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 1 Time Management and Leadership Devan Frison NSG4029 Instructor: Daniel Lane South University July 1, 2017 TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 2 Time management is an essential part of leadership and management since a leader must be able to manage time more efficiently within his leadership and management context. It is often said that “time is money” and a minute lost can never be recovered (Bass & Bass, 2009). As a leader, it is critical to plan how to manage your time more efficiently within the leadership environment. Time management is, therefore, an essential component of leadership that every leader should be able to integrate within the context of his or her leadership. A leader must be time conscious in the sense that every minute counts. Since a time lost is a wasted time, a leader must account for every minute or second of his leadership so as to be able to lead more effectively (Bass & Bass, 2009). This paper, therefore, focuses on assessing time management and leadership by focusing the various leadership theories that describe how to be an effective leader that is time sensitive. In an organization, time is constant and irreversible, and nothing whatsoever can be alternated for the time within an organization.
  • 2. In this regard, organizational leaders must be able to come up with effective time management strategies that center on how to manage time more efficiently. It should be noted that leaders have numerous demands on their limited time and time keeps on getting away. Time is beyond manager’s control, but an effective leader can only develop strategies aimed and prioritizing activities so as to manage time in the organization. A leader can become time fanatic by building time management schedule such as time management spreadsheet, color coding tasks, prioritizing activities by creating priority folders and above all by separating paperwork from priority piles (McCartney & Campbell, 2006). However, time management can become a complicated process for leaders that they soon give up on managing their time. TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 3 Focusing on my time management techniques, I tend to be time conscious in every activity that I do. I appreciate the fact time is a precious resource within an organization and once wasted can never be regained. Although sometimes I tend to have numerous demands in my limited time, I often prioritize tasks within my to-do activity list. I focus on the most important activities on my to-do list before venturing into doing the least productive activities. Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadershipIt is imperative to state that prioritizing activities is part of effective leadership since as a leader; an individual must be ready and willing to sacrifice some activities to fulfill other activities. It is part of leadership organization to prioritize activities by developing effective to-do list that centers on critical activities to carry out from the to-do list (McCartney & Campbell, 2006). My leadership technique focuses on effective management of time in every activity being undertaken within my leadership context. It imperative for leaders like me to realize that procrastination is a thief of time and therefore a leadership should refrain from procrastination and make realistic time estimates. A leader should not micro-manage time but rather provide an opportunity for other to grow and develop within the limited time assigned. The most useful part of my leadership is time management that centers on planning, priorities, standards, policies, and procedures. Through this, I can establish a personal deadline and that of the organization at the same time ensuring that all my activities have a purpose, period and incorporate only essential tasks that are of value to the organization. One effective leadership theory that best describes my leadership style is behavioral theories that focus on how leaders behave. The way a leader behaves is critical in shaping his or her style within an environment. Leaders should recognize the fact that leadership is all about behavior and how such behavior can shape the actions of their followers (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). In this regard, Kurt Lewin developed a framework based on leadership practices that center on TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 4 three types of leaders namely autocratic leaders that make decisions without any form of consultation with their team or followers (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). Democratic leadership allows the team to contribute their ideas to make a decision within the organization, and finally, laissezfair focuses on allowing the members to make many the decisions within the organization. This theory, therefore, best describes the ideal character of a leader in regards to time management within the organization. Leadership and management are often used together since there is a correlation between leadership and management. To analyze the relationship between leadership and management, it is important to evaluate whether a
  • 3. leader must have management skills. Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadershipIn this case, it should be noted that leadership is about doing the right things while management is all about doing things right (Thomas, 2004). One overarching difference between leadership and management is that leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and enable other people to contribute towards the realization of goals and objectives of the organization. On the other hand, management is all about the act of directing as well as controlling a group or entity with the primary purpose of coordinating and harmonizing the entity towards the realization of the goals and objectives of the company. Leadership is often people oriented while management is centered on tasks within the organization. Within an organization, leadership is focused on leading people by motivating them to be more efficient while management is focused on managing work (Thomas, 2004). In conclusion, leadership and management are vital concepts that have a lot of relevance within the workplace. As an individual, the concepts that we learnt this week including the idea of leadership and management will help me become more active leader in the organization. The success of any organization is centered on effective leadership and management; in this regard, I TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 5 will be able to contribute more efficiently towards the success of my organization through integrating the concept of leadership and management that we have learned this week. TIME MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP 6 Reference Bass, B. M., & Bass, R. (2009). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications. Simon and Schuster. Goetsch, D. L., & Davis, S. B. (2014). Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. McCartney, W. W., & Campbell, C. R. (2006). Leadership, management, and derailment: A model of individual success and failure. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 27(3), 190-202. Thomas, N. (2004). The John Adair handbook of management and leadership. Thorogood Publishing Ltd.. Running Head: PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT Personality Assessment in Public Health Leadership Devan Frison Instructor: Daniel Lane South University July 8, 2017 1 PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT 2 According to the Human metric Jung Typology Test the following are my personality test results: Extravert – 44% Intuitive – 59% Feeling – 12% Judging – 62% Healthcare environment requires effective leadership that can foster better health care outcomes among patients. To realize better healthcare outcomes, public health leaders must play a fundamental role in shaping the healthcare environment in a manner that can enhance efficient medical outcome (Vernon, 2014). Healthcare is one of the most important sectors in any given economy since the productivity of any nation is highly dependent on how healthy its population is. In the changing healthcare environment, effective leadership is required of healthcare leaders so as to foster better health care outcomes within communities. It is imperative to note that leaders acquire different leadership traits some of which are necessary for ensuring effective and efficient public health leadership (Vernon, 2014). My leadership assessment in Jung Typology indicates that I possess judging personality in my leadership style. Focusing on the judging personality, this approach of leadership entails organizing and prior planning to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Individuals with judging personality tend to get their sense of control through taking charge of their environment and making first choices. It is
  • 4. one of the most important leadership traits that foster effective leadership outcome within any healthcare setting. Leaders are required to be self-disciplined and PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT 3 decisive (Hautala, 2006). Leaders with judging leadership traits are often self-discipline and seek closure in all decisions that they make about the organization. Judging leaders are particular, and when they ask for something, they often mean it and require their followers to cooperate. Judgers approach life in a more structured way than perceivers. In their leadership style, they often need people to cooperate and work towards the realization of the organizational goals and objectives. Within the healthcare setting, the primary goals and objectives of the corporate leaders are to foster efficient health care outcome among the diverse population. Patients expect their organizational leaders to work towards satisfying their health care needs and this is what judgers do within any healthcare setting (Hautala, 2006). From the Jung Typology leadership personality assessment, it is evident that I have moderate preference of extraversion over introversion. Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadershipIt was also clear that I have distinct preference of intuition over sensing, at the same time, I have slight preference of feeling over thinking and distinct preference of judging over perceiving. Below is an in depth discussion of the four aspects of my personality as revealed from the assessment. Extravert This is the first psychological preference of Jung typology personality types. According to Jung, extraversion and introversion refer to the attitudes people use to direct their energy. An extravert source and directs his or her energy mainly in the external world. Extraverts will tend to be more into associating with people in the outer world and in this case these people will always be outgoing and relate more effectively with groups (Hautala, 2006). These people feel more comfortable working in groups and have a broad range of friends. The assessment revealed that I have 44% extraversion which is a moderate preference of extraversion over introversion. In PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT 4 this case, this personality trait will help a great deal in improving population health as they foster productive relationship necessary for improving healthcare outcome among the population. Intuitive Intuition and sensing are the second criteria on the Jung typology personality assessment, and they represent the techniques by people perceive information. My assessment revealed that I have 59% intuition I tend to believe on information received through assessment and evaluation in making decisions and not direct information from the external world. It is important to undertake a thorough examination of the information received from the external so as make rational and well-informed decisions (Hautala, 2006). Feeling Feeling versus thinking is the third criterion in the Jung typology and represents how an individual processes information. Thinking, in a nutshell, means that a person makes decision through the use of logic and not a mere sense of feeling. On the other hand, the feeling is where by an individual makes decisions based on his or her feelings and emotions. From my assessment, I possess 12% feeling meaning that I rely mostly on logical thinking when making decisions (Hautala, 2006). It is important to think logically in regards to the underlying scenario when making any decision within the organization. Building on feeling may result from making irrational decisions that may impact negatively on the organization. Judging This is the last criterion in Jung typology, and it represents how an individual implements the information that has been processed within the external environment. As noted above, PERSONALITY
  • 5. ASSESSMENT 5 judging is all about how an individual organizes himself including his life events and sticks to his or her plans for making decisions within the organization (Hautala, 2006). 6 PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT Reference Hautala, T. M. (2006). The relationship between personality and transformational leadership. Journal of Management Development, 25(8), 777-794. Vernon, P. E. (2014). Personality Tests and Assessments (Psychology Revivals). Routledge. NSG4029 W2A2 Rubric APA references not formatted correctly -2 Rubric asked for 2 JOURNAL ARTICLES -10 Unsatis factory 1 Em erg ing 2 Pr ofi cie nt Exe mpl ary 4 3 S c o r e Assignment Components How a specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective Integrated how leadership in the your specific health care personality type environment can enhance or was not hinder effective reflected in the leadership in the assignment. health care environment. Explained all four aspects of your personality gleaned from the assessment. Assignment identified one aspect from assessment. Identified but not described how a specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment . Identification of two or three aspects from assessment. Identified and briefly described with missing elements of how a specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment. Identified correctly and thoroughly described how a specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment. [Score x 10 = 40 pts] Identification of four aspects from assessment but missed some elements. Identified and thoroughly explained four aspects from assessment. [Score x 5 = 20 pts] 7 PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT Assignment Included at least included one 2 journal article journal article reference references. Included two references but were not credible or peer reviewed. Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadershipIncluded two journal article references from a peer-reviewed article. Included two or more journal article reference from a peerreviewed article. [Score x 5 = 20 pts] Introduction has a clear opening, provides background information, and states the topic. Introduction catches the reader’s attention, provides compelling and appropriate background info, and clearly states the topic. [Score x 2 = 8 pts] Written Components Organi zation Introdu ction Thesis Transiti ons Conclu sion Introduction is limited or missing entirely. The paper lacks a thesis statement. Transitions are infrequent, illogical, or missing entirely. Conclusion is limited or missing entirely. Usa ge and Mec hani cs Gra mma r Spell ing Sentence structure APA Element s Attributio n Paraphra sing Quotatio ns Introduction is present but incomplete or underdeveloped. The paper is loosely organized around a thesis that may have to be inferred. Transiti ons are sporadic . Conclusion is present, but incomplete or underdevel oped. Writing contains numerous errors in spelling, grammar, and/or sentence structure that severely interferes with readability and comprehension. Errors in spelling and grammar exist that somewhat interfere with readability and/or comprehension. No attempt at APA format. APA format is attempted to paraphrase, quote, and cite, but errors are significant. The paper is organized around an arguable, clearly stated thesis statement. Transitions are appropriate and help the flow of ideas. The paper is well organized around an arguable, focused thesis. Thoughtful transitions clearly show how ideas relate. Conclusion summarizes main Conclusion argument and has leaves the reader with a a clear ending. sense of closure and provides concluding insights. Writing follows The paper is
  • 6. conventions of basically error spelling and free in terms of grammar mechanics. throughout. Errors Grammar and are infrequent and mechanics help do not interfere establish a with readability or clear idea and comprehension. aid the reader in following the writer’s logic. Using APA format, accurately paraphrased, quoted, and cited in many spots throughout when appropriate or called for. Errors present are somewhat minor. Using APA format, accurately paraphrased, quoted, and cited throughout the presentation when appropriate or called for. Only a few minor errors present. [Score x 2 =8 pts] [Score x 1 = 4 pts] 8 PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT Subtotal Timeliness Late Work pena lty: Total Score / 100 Running head: CONFLICT THEORY 1 Conflict Theory Devan Frison NSG4029 Instructor: Daniel Lane South University July 15, 2017 CONFLICT THEORY 2 Conflict Introduction The term conflict refers to some kind of disagreement or friction that emanates within a group of people due to differences in personal opinions. There are five major beliefs that propel groups towards conflicts. Individual superiority has a significant role in escalating conflicts within a group. In the event that a person develops a negative sense of superiority towards others, issues will automatically emanate in society (Coser, 1964). Mistreatment of people (injustices) compels victims to resort to retaliatory acts with the intention of seeking justice. Vulnerability is another concrete contribution to occurrence of conflicts in society. Any individual or a group which believes to be living in compromised situations will resort to conflicting deeds in order to attain economic and social stability. Distrust is a psychological point of perceiving other people in a malicious way. Distrust causes conflicts by humiliating, hurting, abusing and cheating others; with the sole purpose of achieving personal material gains at the expense of other community members (Eidelson & Eidelson, 2003). Evidently, the state of being helpless provokes people to engage in conflicting acts in order to achieve desired goals. For example, an individual who has realized that he/she is unable to handle certain task; there are higher chances of engaging in conflicts with other community members. It is a candid observation to appreciate the fact that indeed conflicts occurs at individual, group or organizational level. Change Theories Theory of change refers to specified method of planning, participation and assessment for the sole purpose of attaining change in the social sector. Long term goals are identified and CONFLICT THEORY 3 identification of necessary preconditions is also considered (Brest, 2010). Mapped changes are considered to be outcomes of the suggested pathway of attaining a unique state of stability. The discovery of theory of change is based upon two concrete considerations i.e. differentiating between desired and actual outcomes; and compelling stakeholders to model their desired outcomes before resorting to means of intervention meant to achieve suggested set objectives (Brest, 2010). We all attest to the fact that change is inevitable. You cannot avoid change but individuals are supposed to embrace change in order for success to be realized. There are various theories which explain the logic behind occurrence of change in society. Such theories are Lewin’s change theory, Lippitt change theory and Rogers change theory. Below is a brief discussion of Lewin’s change theory as applied in nursing. Lewin’s Change Theory The father of social psychology (Kurt Lewin) was behind brain child idea of the nursing theory of change. Lewin was able to theorize three models of change stag …Assignment: Time management is an essential part of leadership