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Third-Party Software Library Reuse :
From Adoption to Migration
1 ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Montreal, QC, Canada
2 Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA
3 Microsoft Corporation, WA, USA
International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR), 1-4 December 2020
Ali Ouni 1 Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer 2 Hussein AlRubaye 2,3
● Associate Professor, ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, QC, Canada
● He received his PhD degree from the University of Montreal in 2015
● Software Technology and Intelligence (STI) Research Group:
● Research interests
○ Software Re-engineering and modernization
○ Software Maintenance and Evolution
○ Software Quality
○ Empirical Software Engineering
○ Search-based Software Engineering
○ Application of AI to Software Engineering
Who is Ali Ouni?
● Assistant Professor in the Software Engineering Department, Rochester Institute of
Technology, NY, USA.
● He received his PhD in 2016 from the University of Michigan-Dearborn.
● His research interests include
○ software quality
○ systems refactoring
○ model-driven engineering
○ software testing
○ Use computational search and evolutionary algorithms to address several software
engineering problems
Who is Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer?
● Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft Corporation.
● PhD from Rochester Institute of Technology, 2020
● He has 8 successful apps in Google and iOS stores with millions of users who
are using his apps.
● He is working as software developer for 9 years with .NET, C++, and web security
● He have a successfully paid tutorial in Udemy.
● He got Microsoft Most Valuable Professional.
● He is working on research to build tools and algorithms that automate the
process of API Migration.
Who is Hussein AlRubaye?
● What is third party software library?
● Software library adoption
● Software library update
● Software library migration
● Demonstration: Recommending library migration
● Summary and challenges
In 1995, . . ., 2018, 2019, 2020, somewhere out there …
A developer is in need of a function, feature ...
My code
My code without
[Credit to @Raula Gaikovina Kula]
Why write code when you can use a library?
Source Code
[Credit to @Raula Gaikovina Kula]
What is a library API?
Application Program Interface (API) : a set of commands, functions, and
protocols, offered by third-party libraries, which programmers can (re)use
when building software
Libraries are…
● Useful
○ provide useful services
● Open
○ intended for open-ended set of diverse projects
● Stable
○ provide stability across multiple releases
● Growing
○ evolve from release to release to better meet client needs
Characteristics of libraries
Slide reference:
● The Java standard class library is part of any Java development environment
● Its classes are not part of the Java language per se, but we rely on them heavily
● Various classes we've already used (System , Scanner, String) are part of the Java standard class library
● Other class libraries can be obtained through third party vendors, or you can create them yourself
Example: J2SE
General support
Creating applets for the web
Graphics and graphical user interfaces
Additional graphics capabilities
Network communication
XML document processing
Slide reference:
● Consider L the set of libraries, each library 𝑙 ∈ 𝐿 is a standalone library with multiple versions, each version is
implemented and made available for use through function(s). These functions are publicly available in the form
of an API. Let F be the set of functions provided by the interface. i.e., for each 𝑙 ∈ 𝐿, there exist a set of functions
𝑓 ∈ 𝐹 such that 𝑎𝑝𝑖 𝑙 = 𝑓.
Slide reference:
● It serves the purpose of providing unique identifiers to libraries. In this
chapter, we study the evolution of libraries that are managed by Apache
Maven, so we adopt its naming scheme:
< 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝𝐼𝐷 >. < 𝐴𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝐼𝐷 >. < 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 >
● e.g., org.apache.maven.1.0.1
● Versioning varies from one organization to another, for instance, Maven uses
the following strategy:
< 𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟 >. < 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑟 >. < 𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ > −< 𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒 >−< 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡 >
Naming Scheme
● Let D be the set of dependencies and calls of all functions belonging to F and linking L to the software S. Formally,
for 𝑙 ∈ 𝐿, we define a set of functions 𝑓 ∈ 𝐹 such that, if 𝑙 𝑝 is used by 𝑠 𝑞 (p and q are arbitrary numbers
representing respectively the library and software versions) then we define a set of dependencies 𝑑 ∈ 𝐷 | 𝐷 ⊆
𝐹 | 𝑑𝑒𝑝 𝑙 𝑝, 𝑠 𝑞 = 𝑑 where dep(𝑙 𝑝, 𝑠 𝑞) returns the set of dependencies of 𝑙 𝑝 in 𝑠 𝑞. Note that we assume that a
software 𝑠 𝑞 depends on a library 𝑙 𝑝 if there exists at least one function, offered by 𝑙 𝑝, which is called by 𝑠 𝑞.
● Changing the library version, with another, typically more recent, one of the same library. Typically, a newer version of a library
maintains its core functionality while extending it by either updating its existing functions or/and by adding new functions. For a
given software S, let 𝑙 𝑝 ∈ 𝐿 be a library belonging to the version 𝑠 𝑞, the upgrade, denoted 𝑙 𝑝 → 𝑙 𝑝+1 requires that all functions of
𝑙 𝑝 are located 𝑙 𝑝+1 unless deprecated. Formally: if 𝑓𝑝 (respectively 𝑓𝑝+1) the functions offered by 𝑙 𝑝 (respectively 𝑙 𝑝+1) then 𝑓𝑝 ,
𝑓𝑝+1 ∈ 𝐹 | 𝑓𝑝 ⊆ 𝑓𝑝+1, expect for when some functions from 𝑓𝑝 might be deprecated or merged.
● 2 Methods:
○ Incremental. The library’s upgrade is reflected by incrementing its version.
○ Repackaging. Just like any regular Java project, libraries are subject to design improvement. This process includes
restructuring class files into multiple packages based on various criteria including their coupling and cohesion, semantic
similarity, collaboration in the functionality.
Library Upgrade
Incremental. Upgrading log4j from 1.2.13 to 1.2.15 in the docx4j project [1].
[1] 15
Upgrading jetty-all library in the Apache hive project[1].
● Defines the act of replacing one existing library with another newly introduced one(s). During the
migration, all the functions of the retired library are removed or replaced. For a given software S,
let 𝑙 𝑝 ∈ 𝐿 be a library belonging to the software version 𝑠 𝑞 to be replaced by another library 𝑙′ 𝑟 ∈
𝐿 in the next version 𝑠 𝑞+1. The migration process, denoted 𝑙 𝑝 → 𝑙′ 𝑟, is defined by the following
𝑑𝑒𝑝 𝑙 𝑝, 𝑠 𝑞 ≠ ∅ ∧ 𝑑𝑒𝑝 𝑙′ 𝑟, 𝑠 𝑞 = ∅ ∧ 𝑑𝑒𝑝 𝑙 𝑝, 𝑠 𝑞 ≠ ∅ ∧ 𝑑𝑒𝑝 𝑙′ 𝑟, 𝑠 𝑞 = ∅.
● 2 Methods:
○ Instant. The migration process is considered instant if the replacing library is added and
replaced library is removed simultaneously.
○ Delayed. The migration is considered delayed if, in contrast with the instant migration, the
retired library remains in the project POM file even if it no longer contributes to the
Library Migration
Migrating from junit to testng and fest-assert-core in the ps2-parser project[1].
Replacing junit functions by fest-assert-core functions in the ps2-parser project.
Replacing junit functions by to testng functions in the ps2-parser project.
Replacing org.redmine.ta.internal.json functions by to org.jason:jason functions in the redmine-java-api project. 20
• Evolving with frameworks is costly
– Struts 2.0.9 and
• Upgrading an authentication framework
• A whole week of work
– Linux Debian Distribution
• Upgrading Perl from 5.10 to 5.12 took
• Seven weeks to complete
API Evolution Challenges
Raemaekers et al. (ICSM 2012)
● Once API is released there’s no going back
● Breaking changes are bad news
● Either extend API in next release
● Or provide improved API alongside old API
Framework API
API Evolution challenges: Platform API
Wu et al. (SCAM 2014)
default Query<R> setHibernateFlushMode(FlushMode flushMode) {
setFlushMode( flushMode );
return this;
default org.hibernate.query.Query<R> setHibernateFlushMode(FlushMode
flushMode) {
setFlushMode( flushMode );
return (org.hibernate.query.Query) this;
Version 5.2.0
API Evolution challenges: Platform API
Wu et al. (SCAM 2014)
default org.hibernate.query.Query<R> setHibernateFlushMode(FlushMode
flushMode) {
setFlushMode( flushMode );
return (org.hibernate.query.Query) this;
Version 5.2.0
API Evolution challenges: Platform API
Elements removal
Method signature changes
Changes in deprecated elements
Elements addition
Elements deprecationField changes
(Dig and Johnson, ICSM, 2006)
Non Breaking
API Evolution challenges: Platform API
25(Dig and Johnson, ICSM, 2006)
Third-party Software Library reuse life-cycle
How to find a useful
library to your
current software
Libraries are in
constant evolution.
How do developers
update their library
Other competing
libraries can take
the place of a given
At a given point in time,
some libraries are no
longer maintained and
evolved by its original
26 monitors 5.5 millionopen source packages
across 37 different package managers (Dec. 2020)
Finding a library for my project can be so …
Need for efficient library recommendation tools!
3.04 million Android apps available on
Google Play store
>1k apps published everyday
>1.5 billion apps downloaded every
month [Malavolta et al.]
Android apps are eating the world!
Android Arsenal : 7026 free libraries for Android
Android apps development!
60% of code in Android apps constitutes sub-
packages from external libraries
90% of Android apps use 5 libraries or more
Android Arsonal
[Q. He et al., TSE 2020]
High user expectations
New feature requests
Rapid technology changes
Continuous feedback
Why finding efficient Android libraries is so important?
● LibRec (Thung et al., 2013)
○ Association rule mining and collaborative filtering
○ Historic software artifacts usage to determine commonly used libraries
● LibFinder (Ouni et al., 2017)
○ Search-based approach by leverage libraries usage and source code semantic similarity
● LibCUP (Saied et al., 2018)
○ Clustering technique to mine and recommend library co-usage patterns
● CrossRec (Nguyen et al., 2020)
○ Collaborative filtering by relying on the set of dependenciesincluded in the project being developed
● LibSeek (He et al., 2020)
○ Collaborative filtering based on adaptive weighting mechanism to predict Android libraries by
leveraging information about similar third-party libraries and systems.
How researchers tackled this?
Limitations – problem statement
Not customized
for Android
Despite being good in finding
libraries in desktop software
systems, existing techniques
are not adapted to mobile apps
The main limitation
of these existing
approaches resides in the
fact that libraries are
recommended individually
Library poularity
A small fraction of popular
libraries dominates the market while
most other libraries are ill-served. No
chance for new emerging libraries to
be recommended!
How would you address this problem?
? ? ?
? ? ??
OSS Android Apps
& Third-Party Libraries
Data Encoding
Module Library Recommendation Module Libraries Ranking
Android developer
Multi-objective Search-based
Library Recommendation
AndroLib: proposed approach
Search algorithm: NSGA-II adaptation
• Encoding of candidate solutions
• Definition of fitness function
• Definition of genetic operators
• Generate initial population
• NSGA-II: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (K. Deb et al., 2002)
Lib 1 Lib 2 Lib 3 Lib 4 Lib 5
App 1 1 0 0 0 0
App 2 1 1 0 0 0
App 3 0 0 0 1 1
App 4 0 1 0 1 1
App 5 1 0 1 0 0
App 6 1 1 1 0 1
…. …
App 1
App 2
App 5
App 3
App 4
App 6
Lib 1
Lib 2
Lib 3
Lib 5
Lib 4
Graph encoding
Data and solution encoding
MPAndroidChart Picasso Facebook CAMView Dagger
Dataset encoding
NSGA-II solution encoding
0 1 2 3 4
Three objective functions
1. Maximize Recommended Library Co-Usage (RLC)
○ Discover third-party libraries that are commonly used together by other Android apps
2. Maximize Library Functional Diversity (LFD)
○ Diversify the recommended libraries in terms of their functionality based on the library
categories, e.g., image loader, animation, graphics, advertisement, camera, etc.
3. Maximize Reuse from Successful Apps (RSA)
○ Increase the chance of recommending commonly used libraries in apps having high user
rating, while decreasing the chance to recommend those from low rated apps.
Fitness function
RQ1 (State-of-the-art comparison) How does AndroLib compare with the
state-of-the-art approaches in terms of recommendation accuracy?
Experimental dataset :
State-of-the-art comparison
● CrossRec (Nguyen et al., 2020): Collaborative filtering and relying on library dependencies
● LibCUP (Saied et al., 2018) : Clustering technique to mine and recommend library co-usage
● LibRec (Thung et al., 2013) : Association rule mining and collaborative filtering
Statistics Value
# of Android apps 2,752
# of third-party libraries 979
# of library categories 76
Average number of libraries per app 4.62
● Ground truth: the experimental dataset
○ 10 fold cross-validation
○ for each testing app, a half of its libraries are randomly taken out and saved as
ground truth data.
● Evaluation method for RQ1: state-of-the art comparison
Success rate
○ SuccessRate@k: at least one of recommended library is part of the ground truth
○ Precision@k
○ Recall@k
Evaluation method and metrics (RQ1)
Results for RQ1: Success rate and Accuracy
AndroLib correctly recommends Android
libraries with an average of 78%
of precision and 81% of recall
[Credit to @Raula Gaikovina Kula]
Third-party Software Library reuse life-cycle
How to find a useful
library to your
current software
Libraries are in
constant evolution.
How do developers
update their library
Other competing
libraries can take
the place of a given
At a given point in time,
some libraries are no
longer maintained and
evolved by its original
● Large dataset
○ 4,600 software projects from Github (Java)
○ 2,700 library dependencies from Maven Central Repository
Empirical study on Maven Central Repository
Library migration in practice
RQ1: To what extent are developers updating their library dependencies?
“Systems are less likely to upgrade
their library dependencies, with 81.5%
of systems remaining with a popular
older version”.
“Although system heavily depend
on libraries, most systems rarely
update their libraries”
Effectiveness of Awarness Mechanisms
RQ2: What is the Response to Important Awareness Mechanisms such as a New
Release Announcement and a Security Advisory on Library Updates?
★ 3 new releases of popular libraries
★ 5 security vulnerabilities
“New release of a popular library there
exist :
(i) patterns of consistent migration, and
(ii) patterns where an older popular
library version is still preferred.”
“For a security advisory disclosure we find
cases of developer non responsiveness to
security advisory disclosure, which is
sometimes due to an incomplete patch or a
latent security advisory.”
Library tracking model
Simple example of the LU-based
We show the Peak LU at time t1,
current LU at time t2 and library
residue (Peak LU / Current LU).
Visualization of Library Usage
A Library Migration Plot. In this example, the
release of a related security advisory CVE-2014-
0114 (black dashed line) that affects beanutils
versions 1.9.1 (marked with crossbones).
Effectiveness of Awarness Mechanisms
RQ3: Why are developers non responsive to a security advisory?
★ Vulnerable projects contacted for feedback
★ Understand feedback
“69% of developers were unaware of
their vulnerable dependencies and
proceeded to immediately migrate to
a safer dependency.”
★ Developers evaluate based on project
specific priorities.
★ Developers cite migration as a practice
that requires extra effort and added
Awareness and Motivation is needed for Updates
But ..
R. G. Kula et al, 2018]
New mechanisms for library dependency security
R. G. Kula et al, 2018]
Third-party Software Library reuse life-cycle
How to find a useful
library to your
current software
Libraries are in
constant evolution.
How do developers
update their library
Other competing
libraries can take
the place of a given
At a given point in time,
some libraries are no
longer maintained and
evolved by its original
● Migrate to new library offer better services and price?
● Need to replace old library with new library “API Migration”
● Ex, json -> gson, testing->junit.
● Developer face problems .
● Ex, how this process could be done manually.
Library API Migration
json gson
Methods Of Library A Function Mapping
- String toJSONString()
+ String toString()
- void add( String)
+ void add(String, JsonElement)
- String get(int)
+ long getAsLong()
- String getString(String)
+ String getAsString()
- String toJSONString()
- String getString(String)
- void add( String)
- String get(int)
+ String toString()
+ String getAsString()
+ void add(String, JsonElement)
+ long getAsLong()
Methods Of Library B
Solution White
Dataset available for the community:
Third-party Software Library reuse life-cycle
How to find a useful
library to your
current software
Libraries are in
constant evolution.
How do developers
update their library
Other competing
libraries can take
the place of a given
At a given point in time,
some libraries are no
longer maintained and
evolved by its original
Third-Party Software Library Reuse : From Adoption to Migration
Ali Ouni 1 Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer 2 Hussein AlRubaye 2,3
Thank you!
Question? Discussion? Suggestions?
1 ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Montreal, QC, Canada
2 Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA
3 Microsoft Corporation, WA, USA

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Third-Party Software Library Reuse : From Adoption to Migration

  • 1. Third-Party Software Library Reuse : From Adoption to Migration 1 ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Montreal, QC, Canada 2 Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA 3 Microsoft Corporation, WA, USA International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR), 1-4 December 2020 Ali Ouni 1 Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer 2 Hussein AlRubaye 2,3
  • 2. ● Associate Professor, ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, QC, Canada ● He received his PhD degree from the University of Montreal in 2015 ● Software Technology and Intelligence (STI) Research Group: ● Research interests ○ Software Re-engineering and modernization ○ Software Maintenance and Evolution ○ Software Quality ○ Empirical Software Engineering ○ Search-based Software Engineering ○ Application of AI to Software Engineering Who is Ali Ouni?
  • 3. ● Assistant Professor in the Software Engineering Department, Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, USA. ● He received his PhD in 2016 from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. ● His research interests include ○ software quality ○ systems refactoring ○ model-driven engineering ○ software testing ○ Use computational search and evolutionary algorithms to address several software engineering problems Who is Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer?
  • 4. ● Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft Corporation. ● PhD from Rochester Institute of Technology, 2020 ● He has 8 successful apps in Google and iOS stores with millions of users who are using his apps. ● He is working as software developer for 9 years with .NET, C++, and web security ● He have a successfully paid tutorial in Udemy. ● He got Microsoft Most Valuable Professional. ● He is working on research to build tools and algorithms that automate the process of API Migration. Who is Hussein AlRubaye?
  • 5. ● What is third party software library? ● Software library adoption ● Software library update ● Software library migration ● Demonstration: Recommending library migration ● Summary and challenges Outline 5
  • 6. In 1995, . . ., 2018, 2019, 2020, somewhere out there … A developer is in need of a function, feature ... My code My code without Third-party libraries [Credit to @Raula Gaikovina Kula] 6
  • 7. Why write code when you can use a library? Library Dependencies Source Code Library/package manager 7 [Credit to @Raula Gaikovina Kula]
  • 8. What is a library API? Application Program Interface (API) : a set of commands, functions, and protocols, offered by third-party libraries, which programmers can (re)use when building software 8
  • 9. Libraries are… ● Useful ○ provide useful services ● Open ○ intended for open-ended set of diverse projects ● Stable ○ provide stability across multiple releases ● Growing ○ evolve from release to release to better meet client needs Characteristics of libraries 9 Slide reference:
  • 10. ● The Java standard class library is part of any Java development environment ● Its classes are not part of the Java language per se, but we rely on them heavily ● Various classes we've already used (System , Scanner, String) are part of the Java standard class library ● Other class libraries can be obtained through third party vendors, or you can create them yourself Example: J2SE Package java.lang java.applet java.awt javax.swing java.util javax.xml.parsers Purpose General support Creating applets for the web Graphics and graphical user interfaces Additional graphics capabilities Network communication Utilities XML document processing 10 Slide reference:
  • 11. ● Consider L the set of libraries, each library 𝑙 ∈ 𝐿 is a standalone library with multiple versions, each version is implemented and made available for use through function(s). These functions are publicly available in the form of an API. Let F be the set of functions provided by the interface. i.e., for each 𝑙 ∈ 𝐿, there exist a set of functions 𝑓 ∈ 𝐹 such that 𝑎𝑝𝑖 𝑙 = 𝑓. Library 11 Slide reference:
  • 12. ● It serves the purpose of providing unique identifiers to libraries. In this chapter, we study the evolution of libraries that are managed by Apache Maven, so we adopt its naming scheme: < 𝐺𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝𝐼𝐷 >. < 𝐴𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝐼𝐷 >. < 𝑉𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 > ● e.g., org.apache.maven.1.0.1 ● Versioning varies from one organization to another, for instance, Maven uses the following strategy: < 𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟 >. < 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑟 >. < 𝑝𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ > −< 𝑡𝑦𝑝𝑒 >−< 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡 > Naming Scheme 12
  • 13. ● Let D be the set of dependencies and calls of all functions belonging to F and linking L to the software S. Formally, for 𝑙 ∈ 𝐿, we define a set of functions 𝑓 ∈ 𝐹 such that, if 𝑙 𝑝 is used by 𝑠 𝑞 (p and q are arbitrary numbers representing respectively the library and software versions) then we define a set of dependencies 𝑑 ∈ 𝐷 | 𝐷 ⊆ 𝐹 | 𝑑𝑒𝑝 𝑙 𝑝, 𝑠 𝑞 = 𝑑 where dep(𝑙 𝑝, 𝑠 𝑞) returns the set of dependencies of 𝑙 𝑝 in 𝑠 𝑞. Note that we assume that a software 𝑠 𝑞 depends on a library 𝑙 𝑝 if there exists at least one function, offered by 𝑙 𝑝, which is called by 𝑠 𝑞. Dependency 13
  • 14. ● Changing the library version, with another, typically more recent, one of the same library. Typically, a newer version of a library maintains its core functionality while extending it by either updating its existing functions or/and by adding new functions. For a given software S, let 𝑙 𝑝 ∈ 𝐿 be a library belonging to the version 𝑠 𝑞, the upgrade, denoted 𝑙 𝑝 → 𝑙 𝑝+1 requires that all functions of 𝑙 𝑝 are located 𝑙 𝑝+1 unless deprecated. Formally: if 𝑓𝑝 (respectively 𝑓𝑝+1) the functions offered by 𝑙 𝑝 (respectively 𝑙 𝑝+1) then 𝑓𝑝 , 𝑓𝑝+1 ∈ 𝐹 | 𝑓𝑝 ⊆ 𝑓𝑝+1, expect for when some functions from 𝑓𝑝 might be deprecated or merged. ● 2 Methods: ○ Incremental. The library’s upgrade is reflected by incrementing its version. ○ Repackaging. Just like any regular Java project, libraries are subject to design improvement. This process includes restructuring class files into multiple packages based on various criteria including their coupling and cohesion, semantic similarity, collaboration in the functionality. Library Upgrade 14
  • 15. Incremental Incremental. Upgrading log4j from 1.2.13 to 1.2.15 in the docx4j project [1]. [1] 15
  • 16. Repackaging Upgrading jetty-all library in the Apache hive project[1]. [1] 16
  • 17. ● Defines the act of replacing one existing library with another newly introduced one(s). During the migration, all the functions of the retired library are removed or replaced. For a given software S, let 𝑙 𝑝 ∈ 𝐿 be a library belonging to the software version 𝑠 𝑞 to be replaced by another library 𝑙′ 𝑟 ∈ 𝐿 in the next version 𝑠 𝑞+1. The migration process, denoted 𝑙 𝑝 → 𝑙′ 𝑟, is defined by the following condition: 𝑑𝑒𝑝 𝑙 𝑝, 𝑠 𝑞 ≠ ∅ ∧ 𝑑𝑒𝑝 𝑙′ 𝑟, 𝑠 𝑞 = ∅ ∧ 𝑑𝑒𝑝 𝑙 𝑝, 𝑠 𝑞 ≠ ∅ ∧ 𝑑𝑒𝑝 𝑙′ 𝑟, 𝑠 𝑞 = ∅. ● 2 Methods: ○ Instant. The migration process is considered instant if the replacing library is added and replaced library is removed simultaneously. ○ Delayed. The migration is considered delayed if, in contrast with the instant migration, the retired library remains in the project POM file even if it no longer contributes to the project. Library Migration 17
  • 18. Instant Migrating from junit to testng and fest-assert-core in the ps2-parser project[1]. [1] 18
  • 19. Instant Replacing junit functions by fest-assert-core functions in the ps2-parser project. Replacing junit functions by to testng functions in the ps2-parser project. [1] 19
  • 20. Delayed Replacing org.redmine.ta.internal.json functions by to org.jason:jason functions in the redmine-java-api project. 20
  • 21. • Evolving with frameworks is costly – Struts 2.0.9 and • Upgrading an authentication framework • A whole week of work – Linux Debian Distribution • Upgrading Perl from 5.10 to 5.12 took • Seven weeks to complete API Evolution Challenges Raemaekers et al. (ICSM 2012) ● Once API is released there’s no going back ● Breaking changes are bad news ● Either extend API in next release ● Or provide improved API alongside old API 21
  • 22. Framework API API Evolution challenges: Platform API 22 Wu et al. (SCAM 2014)
  • 23. default Query<R> setHibernateFlushMode(FlushMode flushMode) { setFlushMode( flushMode ); return this; } default org.hibernate.query.Query<R> setHibernateFlushMode(FlushMode flushMode) { setFlushMode( flushMode ); return (org.hibernate.query.Query) this; } hibernate/hibernate-orm Version 5.2.0 API Evolution challenges: Platform API 23 Wu et al. (SCAM 2014)
  • 24. default org.hibernate.query.Query<R> setHibernateFlushMode(FlushMode flushMode) { setFlushMode( flushMode ); return (org.hibernate.query.Query) this; } Version 5.2.0 API Evolution challenges: Platform API 24
  • 25. Breaking Changes Elements removal Method signature changes Changes in deprecated elements Elements addition Elements deprecationField changes (Dig and Johnson, ICSM, 2006) Non Breaking Changes API Evolution challenges: Platform API 25(Dig and Johnson, ICSM, 2006)
  • 26. Third-party Software Library reuse life-cycle Adoption How to find a useful library to your current software system? Update Libraries are in constant evolution. How do developers update their library dependencies? Migration Other competing libraries can take the place of a given library Retirement At a given point in time, some libraries are no longer maintained and evolved by its original devlopers 26
  • 27. monitors 5.5 millionopen source packages across 37 different package managers (Dec. 2020)
  • 28. Finding a library for my project can be so … 28
  • 29. Need for efficient library recommendation tools!
  • 30. Android 3.04 million Android apps available on Google Play store >1k apps published everyday >1.5 billion apps downloaded every month [Malavolta et al.]
  • 31. 31 Android apps are eating the world! 31
  • 32. Android Arsenal : 7026 free libraries for Android Android apps development! 32 60% of code in Android apps constitutes sub- packages from external libraries 90% of Android apps use 5 libraries or more Android Arsonal [Q. He et al., TSE 2020]
  • 33. High user expectations New feature requests Rapid technology changes Continuous feedback Why finding efficient Android libraries is so important? 33
  • 34. ● LibRec (Thung et al., 2013) ○ Association rule mining and collaborative filtering ○ Historic software artifacts usage to determine commonly used libraries ● LibFinder (Ouni et al., 2017) ○ Search-based approach by leverage libraries usage and source code semantic similarity ● LibCUP (Saied et al., 2018) ○ Clustering technique to mine and recommend library co-usage patterns ● CrossRec (Nguyen et al., 2020) ○ Collaborative filtering by relying on the set of dependenciesincluded in the project being developed ● LibSeek (He et al., 2020) ○ Collaborative filtering based on adaptive weighting mechanism to predict Android libraries by leveraging information about similar third-party libraries and systems. How researchers tackled this? 34
  • 35. Limitations – problem statement Not customized for Android Despite being good in finding libraries in desktop software systems, existing techniques are not adapted to mobile apps Individual recommendations The main limitation of these existing approaches resides in the fact that libraries are recommended individually Library poularity dilema! A small fraction of popular libraries dominates the market while most other libraries are ill-served. No chance for new emerging libraries to be recommended! ✗ 35
  • 36. How would you address this problem? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?
  • 37. OSS Android Apps & Third-Party Libraries AndroLib Data Encoding Module Library Recommendation Module Libraries Ranking Module Android developer Multi-objective Search-based Library Recommendation (NSGA-II) A B C AndroLib: proposed approach 37
  • 38. Search algorithm: NSGA-II adaptation • Encoding of candidate solutions • Definition of fitness function • Definition of genetic operators • Generate initial population • NSGA-II: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (K. Deb et al., 2002) 38
  • 39. Lib 1 Lib 2 Lib 3 Lib 4 Lib 5 App 1 1 0 0 0 0 App 2 1 1 0 0 0 App 3 0 0 0 1 1 App 4 0 1 0 1 1 App 5 1 0 1 0 0 App 6 1 1 1 0 1 …. … App 1 App 2 App 5 App 3 App 4 App 6 Lib 1 Lib 2 Lib 3 Lib 5 Lib 4 Graph encoding Data and solution encoding MPAndroidChart Picasso Facebook CAMView Dagger Dataset encoding NSGA-II solution encoding 0 1 2 3 4 39
  • 40. Three objective functions 1. Maximize Recommended Library Co-Usage (RLC) ○ Discover third-party libraries that are commonly used together by other Android apps 2. Maximize Library Functional Diversity (LFD) ○ Diversify the recommended libraries in terms of their functionality based on the library categories, e.g., image loader, animation, graphics, advertisement, camera, etc. 3. Maximize Reuse from Successful Apps (RSA) ○ Increase the chance of recommending commonly used libraries in apps having high user rating, while decreasing the chance to recommend those from low rated apps. Fitness function 40
  • 41. RQ1 (State-of-the-art comparison) How does AndroLib compare with the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of recommendation accuracy? Experimental dataset : State-of-the-art comparison ● CrossRec (Nguyen et al., 2020): Collaborative filtering and relying on library dependencies ● LibCUP (Saied et al., 2018) : Clustering technique to mine and recommend library co-usage patterns ● LibRec (Thung et al., 2013) : Association rule mining and collaborative filtering Evaluation Statistics Value # of Android apps 2,752 # of third-party libraries 979 # of library categories 76 Average number of libraries per app 4.62 41
  • 42. ● Ground truth: the experimental dataset ○ 10 fold cross-validation ○ for each testing app, a half of its libraries are randomly taken out and saved as ground truth data. ● Evaluation method for RQ1: state-of-the art comparison Success rate ○ SuccessRate@k: at least one of recommended library is part of the ground truth Accuracy ○ Precision@k ○ Recall@k Evaluation method and metrics (RQ1) 42
  • 43. Results for RQ1: Success rate and Accuracy 43 AndroLib correctly recommends Android libraries with an average of 78% of precision and 81% of recall
  • 44. 44 [Credit to @Raula Gaikovina Kula]
  • 45. Third-party Software Library reuse life-cycle Adoption How to find a useful library to your current software system? Update Libraries are in constant evolution. How do developers update their library dependencies? Migration Other competing libraries can take the place of a given library Retirement At a given point in time, some libraries are no longer maintained and evolved by its original devlopers
  • 46.
  • 47. ● Large dataset ○ 4,600 software projects from Github (Java) ○ 2,700 library dependencies from Maven Central Repository Empirical study on Maven Central Repository 47
  • 48. Library migration in practice 48 RQ1: To what extent are developers updating their library dependencies? “Systems are less likely to upgrade their library dependencies, with 81.5% of systems remaining with a popular older version”. “Although system heavily depend on libraries, most systems rarely update their libraries”
  • 49. Effectiveness of Awarness Mechanisms 49 RQ2: What is the Response to Important Awareness Mechanisms such as a New Release Announcement and a Security Advisory on Library Updates? ★ 3 new releases of popular libraries ★ 5 security vulnerabilities “New release of a popular library there exist : (i) patterns of consistent migration, and (ii) patterns where an older popular library version is still preferred.” “For a security advisory disclosure we find cases of developer non responsiveness to security advisory disclosure, which is sometimes due to an incomplete patch or a latent security advisory.”
  • 50. Library tracking model Simple example of the LU-based metrics. We show the Peak LU at time t1, current LU at time t2 and library residue (Peak LU / Current LU).
  • 51. Visualization of Library Usage A Library Migration Plot. In this example, the release of a related security advisory CVE-2014- 0114 (black dashed line) that affects beanutils versions 1.9.1 (marked with crossbones).
  • 52. Effectiveness of Awarness Mechanisms 52 RQ3: Why are developers non responsive to a security advisory? ★ Vulnerable projects contacted for feedback ★ Understand feedback “69% of developers were unaware of their vulnerable dependencies and proceeded to immediately migrate to a safer dependency.” ★ Developers evaluate based on project specific priorities. ★ Developers cite migration as a practice that requires extra effort and added responsibility.
  • 53. Awareness and Motivation is needed for Updates 53 But .. Libraries Age R. G. Kula et al, 2018]
  • 54. New mechanisms for library dependency security 54 R. G. Kula et al, 2018]
  • 55. Third-party Software Library reuse life-cycle Adoption How to find a useful library to your current software system? Update Libraries are in constant evolution. How do developers update their library dependencies? Migration Other competing libraries can take the place of a given library Retirement At a given point in time, some libraries are no longer maintained and evolved by its original devlopers
  • 56. ● Migrate to new library offer better services and price? ● Need to replace old library with new library “API Migration” ● Ex, json -> gson, testing->junit. ● Developer face problems . ● Ex, how this process could be done manually. Library API Migration json gson
  • 57. Solution Methods Of Library A Function Mapping - String toJSONString() + String toString() - void add( String) + void add(String, JsonElement) - String get(int) + long getAsLong() - String getString(String) + String getAsString() - String toJSONString() - String getString(String) - void add( String) - String get(int) + String toString() + String getAsString() + void add(String, JsonElement) + long getAsLong() Solution Methods Of Library B
  • 59. MigrationMiner 59 Dataset available for the community:
  • 60. Third-party Software Library reuse life-cycle Adoption How to find a useful library to your current software system? Update Libraries are in constant evolution. How do developers update their library dependencies? Migration Other competing libraries can take the place of a given library Retirement At a given point in time, some libraries are no longer maintained and evolved by its original devlopers
  • 63. DEMO!
  • 64.
  • 65.
  • 66. Third-Party Software Library Reuse : From Adoption to Migration Ali Ouni 1 Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer 2 Hussein AlRubaye 2,3 Thank you! Question? Discussion? Suggestions? 1 ETS Montreal, University of Quebec, Montreal, QC, Canada 2 Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA 3 Microsoft Corporation, WA, USA